Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 22, 1878, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid Ib vsri,or wlihla throa aoathi.,.l
11 patt nut mm aaa mi or aig,.. i
If paid aflat tbaMpirailoa of six aoaht.., S M
STMHin. 0. af. PBTriHttLL A Co- JUwr
paper Advaftieiaa; Aftati, ? Park Eow, ton
BrkMi Street, ar ear talbortaad A feat
la New i on UK.
MettiodUt KnUeopal Church ftav. J.B.
MrMianAT. Pastor. Sriet tvry Sahbeh
at H A. al., ana T r. M.
Aahbath rkhMil at t A. M.
Prarar Miiac vr Tharaday. at T ?. at
Coaia aoioa Sarvloa, Irat Sabbath af twy
. uoaih, at loft A. M.
Witt Clearfield N. E. Charcb.---l.evt
WikLUM M. Dill and W. 8. Wilsob, Pastors.
Proaohiop; vry altereatt Sunday, at o slack,
P. If. euBdajr Bebool at Si, P. M. All an la
vltod to atUod.
Preabtcerlan t hurcb Rt. B. 8. Bptlii.
Sabbath servieos aorniag and vaing 8aW
bath Sohool at I P. N. PrayrMtlBi Wtdaat-
day avtalag.
U. Kraaels' Church Catholic Rt. F.
J. Bbbbibam. Praaebf ng at li o'clock, A. M., ob
tha Irst, third aad tourtb Saadaysaf oath aonth;
Vespers aod Beadletta of lb Messed 8aeraaB.
at 7 o'clool., r", aaay taBool ovary naaoay
aftaraooa at I o'clock.
Pwood Mood ay at Jsaaary.
' Third Moaday af March.
Pint Monday of Job,
F worth Monday of Soptaabo. 1
First Monday of Joac.
Second MoBday of NovtaUr.
public osticbbb.
PwitUnt Jtdf Boa. Chariot A. Mayer, tf
Lock Hbtob.
Axt Im JmJf Boa. Joha B. Orvis, of
Attveintt Jmdj Abraai Ogdta. Cloarloldt
Vlnoaat 0. Holt. Clearfield.
Pratkomotar Bit Bloom.
Rtfiattr ana RwortUr L. 3. Morjraa. .
JMafrtet AftonMy Wai. M. MoCaUoafb.
Tmtmrtr David MeQaugbey.
Skoriff Aadrew Paula, Jr.
Dnt $ Christ. J. Keargy. Clairfleld
Cmmtp aryr aBaal F. MetJloshsy,. Oar
County Commiuiontm Clark Browa, Cloar
l1d i Thomas A. MeUoo, Cbt P. O.j Hurt
Hoorar, Claarfltld.
a,! Auditor Vtmm V. Wrirht. Claar
field ) flannel A. Caldwell, WUHaatgroTO i Joba
0. Coaner, Baraeida.
Cbaafy Coronri. B. Nen, New WaablfigtoB.
Jury CbMMttWeiim Dr. Jeaiee P. Barehlleld,
Clearfied, Joneph Aleiaaider, Madera.
ijufrinttwdnt of PWt IMioU John A-
Gregory, CorwtniTille.
Staler Weiyhtt d Mm turf JerteW . Carlila,
oftce at Trnotrillt, Pa.
tfotmrim PublcJohn W. Wriglay, Wot. lta
debaogfa, Cyra Oordoa, Clearflaldi Jowph R.
irwia.N. R. Arnold. Cnrwosavillai J. J. Llngla,
Oeoeola Mllle ; J. A. Livingitona, DuBoli City.
Oor Spatial column la decidedly Inter! I log in
a local point of view, and profitable reading to
oattider who waat to tar aiuBey.
Tbe d&yn are now longer than the
nigbtl. ,
- i L '
Carptt chain, 17 tciitB per pound, at
riecB A to i.
LaJion' tuotin gaitui-a for 75 cent.
Bt 6. J. 0Ul. Ctirwenirille.
S. J. Gules, Curwciiavillo, sella boots
and ibou ebeaper ihao any bmb tn tha eouity.
Wbooping-congh is now prevalent
aiauog the eliildreo in tbli p'ase. It it bb ngly
dieeaee for the yooogiter to wrettle with. .
mt m
H in lor, Youiiir & Hcoda machine
bopi, in thii borough, are full of work, and, for
io do tine pnet, bare be en running thirteen boon
Pr day.
8. T. Brockbank, Esq., has removed
hie law aod oolleetloa offloo to the Opera lloote,
la the room formerly occupied by tat lata Joha
II. Fulford.
m mm -
Heed & Bagerty disposed of their
hardware etara oaa day laat weeh ta ei-8briff
Puwbll, or tbli plaot, who hai ao od tht otook
to hit old aland.
The M. K. oongregation was annoyed
by an eicrodlagly mart baby lait Sunday arB
lag. Had tb church bara filled, aiora would
have njoyed the eofuihB. '
ii v mm
Fibst Katb. That "Sweet Bye and
Bye," etc., moBade, which earn oft heiweoa II
aod 11 o'clock, lett Saturday Bight, wat a good
thing. It will boar repeating.
Ker. 11 . 8. Butler, pastor of the Pre
by tartan Charon, after a vaoatlua of aome s or
lis wttki, bai retaraed keone. Be filled hit Bp
polatBsaata aa atual bat Sabbath. i
1 a mm . j
lioad 8. Guinzburg't new advertise-1
aunt is tbla paper. A aaw ateck of HaaoBoble
gooda if now beiag opeaod at thie atere oa Sec
ond it reel, oppoaiu tht Court Boaao.
It we are not mistaken, tbe Mansion
H oe baby witeeaaod tha llTttieat omaada kul
Saturday night that tter a IU tie Mortal looked
upoB. Tbe baba behaved equal to tbe aortnadtra.
Ker. B. B. Hamlin, D.D., deliveted
hia eelctrated ktturt on Learning to Read' at
Poltar'a Ball, Fhilipibarf , laat Tburtday tToalng.
Mita Fan nit, a litter af tha Doctor, gWei a lectart
at the tame piece to-morrow (Thuraday) attaint;.
mt mm . -
Win, L. Kboads, formerly Baggage
Mailer on tht Bald Bagl Valley Railroad, ia Cob
duetor of the AoeomaodBtlOB train oa oar broach
road, la plan or Soott Plummer, who la aow
Coadaetor of the Malt
Daniel Welch, Now ton Lawhand and 1
Joaeph liowbead, all tltitoaa of LawrtB Iowb
ahip, itarted for Keaaea oa Tueaday afteraooB of
laat week, aod, tfeireaiaaiaaeet prove atiafaotory,
they win make their home an.e where la that
PtaU 1b the falnr.
Thomas Anderson, of this borough,
who loet B pocket-book to Tueaday or laat week,
ouBtalalng 120, had tht hook returned to hia
toupU ol deji anerwarda, aiaua lu eoataaii. k
waa round by tome workman on tb roar ot tht
old market lot, ander a pit of hoarda.
The ciliftena ol Lulberttburg, and
vitiaty, will aot fall ta Botio th denul oard of
lit. W. O. Blahop, of ReyBoldarilla, la thla iaaao.
Thoae who may rvquiro hia profefiioaal aorvieoa
will lad hia at tht Merchtota' Btl, lather
burg, from Monday at it, May 17th, iniU Friday,
Mtylau . . - i
A little son of Joseph Lucas, who
llvct oa in fern of tho Shaw aataw, wtot of tba
huroagh, fell off a wagoa wbilo M Waa la
on day laat week, and tht wheel pataod over owe
or hie Ug, kroakiag the Waa. Tat aafurtBaat
llltlt fellow waa takea' to bit home, when tbe
limb waa properly eared for.
Coubt Aoain. Tbe Hint section f
the May uae term af ear Court opoaad ob
Moaday aftaraaoa, a) I o'olowkv with sfadgoa
Ortlt, Moll aad Ogdca aa tho honeh, who, with
aembora of the bar, have beta work rag la th
ia ertte tf tho people, af to arte. Joha Btk,
tia., of Wailacotee, Wat a p polo led rarooswa of
the Oread Jary. Tha Snt eaee bofora tht Pout
Jury wat Cheat towaehip "MM who
aahet bit baadaaartert ta tbl aad Ceahrta
QOBBty, aad oooatieaally atraoVUea both.
Tho taraoat tr a Qnarttr BWaloBJ Coast 1
very alia, and Ii tookt at though th Coaaoa
wealtb will tooa rwa oot of work aad make Iht
S abort week for juror aad witataatt.
Dkoioatiom CaMtiwomam. -Tba Fruit
BiM Proebyteriaa eongrtgaUoa oipttt la oVdiaaio
their aow boaao of wettalp, aaar AaaoavUIOf tbl
aoaaty, aa Wodaeeday, Jo ttb, ISIS, wltb the
followtag aaratooa, tommeacingat IMIA.M, via :
It M A. M., tavotatloa by Rat. J. B. tartar, af
Carwtaatllrt, Pa. Hyaa. Readlag of etolptwraa,
by Roo.B. F.FiriiaaBB.olIylettawa.Pa. Prayor
by Rot. J. 0. Orier.of UmhorClty, Pa, Byaa
Strata by Rv. Saaatl T. Wileoa, D.D,af Rlr-
alBghaaa. Pa. Prayer by Rao. I. a Belrd, of
Aaeoaein, Pa. Aa appeal will thoa bt meat to
tale tb aaeaat ro,airod to roaeve the debt
Doiology aad boaedittio.
AfloTBooa aartlto will twaoaot al I o'otook.;
Hyaa, Prayer bf Row. W. W.Doaairt.of tltoa
Hop. Pa. Add reoe bf Rot. Wa. II. larch field,
of Da Bolt City, Pop tabjfot. "Tkt Serlpiaral
Urowod for a Itwtoaary orrtat.' Addrtaa by
Rtr. J. 0. Orayayillo, Pa, twb)ot, " Th
Parpooe af tba Clhorob.' Prayor by Rtr. P. B.
berk, of Hew Millport, P. Byaa. Addrooaj
by Rer. R. M. MiUor, af Ototala, Paj tah)oet,j
' The Obarob aad tba ladlt MwaJ. Addroot by
Rtt.H. R. Rattor, af Clearfietd, Pa. -ot, Tba
Choreh tat) la Faatly." Addrtet ay Ror. Warn.
Otamllt, of ReoUh, Pt tuht, - The Ckureh
aad tb Coaaoaity." Prayer bf Rof, Mr.
Aama, of Loaahot City, Pa. Hyaa.
pray a by lb Parte.
Carpet chain, )? cents per pound, at
ruohACVo. - aaySS-At.
lira Cuff r
OK', CmiMirlll..
Carpet ohkin, 17 cent per pound, at
FlMk a C..' atl ll. .
8. J, Gates, Curwonaville, ia dolling
! -. m -
Al. H. Row, ol the Journal, i attend
lag Ik. Oru4 Lodf. f 0U F.llo.i tbi. wmi,
la muIm at Phllaaalpaia, ia lb. KrauDlitlx
f ClaartaM Lo4i, N. IM.
Tha re-opening of tbe Centennial,
ll; IMk, II)., hai aolkiaf l. to mUk ta. Iif.
took .f Cktatag tmi Oull' raraliaiaf Qouli
JuN opm at Uirllag.r A Ko.k'a atar., la Claar
aiea la.j ara atlliaf eaMpar lb., ne.
Call aad m.
Bom etui no in a Name. " The Eye"
It that lb.; call I a. mum of ta. Hirmld tmi
Star. Now, If a itraagw .III local, tltk.r, lbj
III kao Joat a.r la.j an ,uUUb. The
aM will art looau laaa. Vai It lb. uivilfi
" llraaDbaok " 4om biob tb. Hirmli took aaa
that " iurltr ti ' bia oat, or tu II a fair daalb t
"David Euson, Esq., of firookville.
a. lb. Irit aaa who f.bieribad aod p.U lir
r, Ajr. Ltiag my a. lira and pro.p.r.
KtjKatdtwillt A, David baa M futd naajr a
f.l!o'i ..." wltb ill i, jmf f..r, additloaal.
Waara II f o.i lo, at g rwaln " doi'l know. If
b. bai aaj waMloam, a a.rar iiikIm II dowa
lbli.y, i . . :
Lint of letters remaining unekimod
la tba Iortomca al Clurt.ld, for tl. mt ndlag
Haf 10, 1171 i
6lpba CooaaL Hn. Jaao GrabM. CraHaa
BulT, H. A. U.Miag, M. 0. Uoo.w, L. U.jt, Miu
Aim U.U, I t. P.rl.r, Ml.. LJi. Blr.w,
noarj .oaaor, rrilliaa. . w.irot.
- P. A. OaULia, P. bt.
Potato iittin.-r-Now, that it is fully
dcaoMtrat thai Pari! Qraas la tba only aaf.
and rallabl. altarmlDator of tb. potato bag, wo
offar for aak) a alrfoly par. artlola, aaikd t. aojr
part of tba aoaaty, for 6t Hat. pw peaad. Tb.
f aalily MS ba Mill ImM bj dilfolrlag a mail
qaastity la mqum .Mawm., A paj. artlola will
fora .kar bin. Mlatlos, wltbest aay tadlaaat.
BiaTawicK a Iawis.
Cu.arisi.e, Pi, Ur IS, 1171-it.
Htobi Entibed 150 Reward On
lioad.j sight laM, tba Cigar Factor? of Joha A.
Stock, cb Mark. I itraat, (Shaw', old BUsd),
astarcd, aod a lot of tobacco aod cigar, wa. lakB
thcrcfroa. Tha acs abowwl their faticfaetlos
asd f raat aitoaiabacBt hj learlog a aa.'l idbi of
aanaj for, lb. good., which waa Jaat lb. Barked
retail price that be a.k. froa Moh of hi. caatoa
Call at tha Faclwjr, If too Waal tha perties-
lan and tb. worth of ,cor aoa.;. Rcm.ab.r
lb. place al Shaw', old Iliad, oa Market Hint.
Cleaekield Coal Trade. .Suito-
aeat f Coal and other freight, aent over tba
Tyrone A Clearneld DlrUica, Peno.Tlvaoia Rail
road, for tb. weeh ending 11a. 1,1 1S7I, and
th. aaaa tia. lait year I
ooaa. Toae.
for tbe week !,!
Home time laat year.....
... 3,853
.... 41 1,7S
... 4n8,17l
... 61,2V
... 431,41
..H 4 86, BOO
Previoaaly during year.....
Saaa time laat year
Total ta IS79
Saae time laal yar
otbbb PBiieart.
Lna btr .. .. ...w. . .
Miaovllaneoua freight
.l 16 aart.
...HI 4
Dkatu op Mr. Una. The soiith
weetera portioo of the county baa loat one of Hi
oldeet and aoit oatotatd eittatna la tht ptraon
of John Orr, who died at New Waibiagtun, oa the
IStb in it., aged oearly 7(1 year a. Be had tailed
upon ob f hii neighbor, on tventof about a
week provlout, and, in paining down a high atair
way, hojllppod and foil aad to Injured blatelf
that death ta-atd at the tia abov tuted. Mr
Orr ba retided in talt touaty for about thirty
Ivt yetri, aoat af tht tiat rteidiag la Bell towa
ahlr, hat a few ytara tgo ht remeved to tht bor
ough of Ntw WaebloatuB. wbtrt h died. H
wat bora la Cecil toanty, Maryland, aad waa the
proprietor af tbe celebrated " White floait," oa
th river bank abov Middlttowa, fur a number
of yean before removing ta tbla toaaty.
The deeeaeod waa one of th twolvt joroia la
tht Tarter oaeo.
niasO mm ii.
A Cbanqb or Time. A now sched-
ult wtat into effect ob the Tyrone A Clearfield
Railroad laat Monday aad train aow rwa aa
fellowi i
Mall leave Tyroa.. f Ot A. M.
M arrivM at Clearfield ..1 1.19 "
" trrivM at CurtaiviK..rt ,..11.41 M
Mall leavtt CirwtBivllle 3.10 P. M.
- arrive at Clearfield 1.40
" arrivaa at Tyroa I It "
Acttaacdatioa mbvm CarweaavlllOk, I.4S A. M.
M arrival at ClearSald T-1S "
" . : - arrive at Tyrona...l 1.69
Aooomaodatlea roavtt Tyrone. 1.11 P. M.
M airirea at ClaarfioU 10
ariivea at Carwea'v'o T.B0 m
Aowaaodalloa aakta tonneotloa at Tyrone,
at 11.60 A. M-, wltk Day Ezprtti att and Way
Paiaenger wtat, Tyrona It a Bag tttltoa for
theae two traina.
Tub Drowned Found. The body
af Gilbert B. Toner, who waa drowatd ia tho river
at M Wood Rock," oo the 13th of April lait, waa
found oa Wedneiday BftarBooa, the 16th iat, by
a grand-toa af Mother Moore," to wall-known
to all p river railaata, at tba foot af " Isittle Ca
eBuher," or tho head af f Loop Bottoa," aa
othtri aay know U, about Ifteea allot below
wbtrt tho aocidBt ooearrtd. Tb bey had takea
a ikif and wat gathtrlog drift-wood whoa bo
diteovorwd the body, which had tea to the ir
faoa aad waibtd out oa a large Sat rock. Al
tbongb well acq u a In ltd with tha dtceated for
twenty ytara, bit body wai ao diatortod and die
colored that we were unable toracogaliothe aaa.
Bia faoa and haada were at black at aidalgkt.
A letter aad toae pa pen found la bia poeketi rally
tttabltekea hia ideatity. A pea-haire and apoota
lea aad octet were alto found ia tht poeketa.
The body waa brought a Clearfield oa Friday
fureaoaa, where It waa coffined, aad forwarded to
hia family at Ntwburg tht tame day.
Serious Accident. -We learn from
the Phllipihurg Journal that aa Mooday mora-
tag of laat weeh, Jaaot Palaer, (aoa of Thorn at
Palaer), a eettr" on Boater Barria A Co. 'a
taw a ill, near Phillpebnrg, met with a terrible
aealdeat Muting the Jote of bit left haad. Tba
aawyn bad left tht aaw for a abort time, and, aa
It tuiloeaary, tht tetter took bit ptaoe at the
gat. Whit the aaw la peaaiag through the laat
tat of tb log, which anally anaalatc of a aleak
Si taehoe thick, aad whoa rlppod aakaa two
botrdt, U froojuoatly roqairot apriaglng with tht
haad ta keep at hi patlttow ta a aha tba hoarda of
equal thtekntae, aad la tbla eat U aetmi Mr.
Palmer pltet kla left kaad oa the plan la, wbta a
glove wtra oa the haad wat tmagbt aad the aaw.
mveriag tba aaa aar tba wriat-Jvint. Pvttora
Pitret aad Potter ware tamaoaed to tht auferar't
rtlief, aad amputated tht Maap. Mr. Pali
It a tiagle taaa, about It yean af ago, aad govt
Bfeaiae of boooaiag a good tawy or j hot tbla mm-
fortaaatt aontdoat a net a at aaa airily thaag th
Wat of bit attupatloa.
mm aam
Tho Fourteenth Aaaual Coo ton t Lea of tb
Peaaayrvaala Slate Sabbath Rebool Atiaelatloa
will bo held ta th Plat Street M. B Chorea, la
WiniMhtpovt, Pa, oatBtBi promptly at 1:30
e'gloeh P. M., oa Taeeday, Job lltb, aad oot)'
tlaaiag tbroaghoat Wedwooiay aad Thuraday,
Jaa Uih aad Uth, 1S7I.
A worhinf prograaaatf thoroughly praatioal
q oeo lea haa beta proparwd. Tba quwetftaa will
ba opoatd by Sabbath School worker ia tba
Slate, wh oajcy well mtrUtw Nalional rep at a
woat, aTtor wbteh aapVa tirna witt bo iva for
tbeer dlMueetaa by tb Convention.
Tbtt win ba a Matt Coartatlea, aad ev.ry Sab-bath-School
ad SoAhatk-Sebool ergaaiiatita la
tb State a antitfid Oa npwaiawlow, aad U It
ardowtly bo pod tha atloadaaot and aatkntiaoa,
wbiab thall Bark tblt Ooaventioo, will graaily
revive tba good work of tba Aaeoeletioa.
Tkw toadlag ra4Jroaaw Ihrwogbowt tb State
ooaa ttt lag with aad mitring tt Willtaaeport
bar very hia 41 floated rodaood rate of faro
iMwta good) ay aart froa Jwa Ittbta lltb, aad
good ta rotate aatll Jaa 10th which will give
aH who detke, aftor tbe aoowrwaaewi af tbe Coa
voatlwa. aa) toertatttto to awtoavd aattt trip tt
Watkla'a lew, lb rtl rogloava, other aaar-by
faaowt retort.
Willlaaeport eitood a boarty wtlotae la all
friend af the Saobath Sboo4 tbroogkeat lb
wtartataatal aad raitro4 taftratllta aad
orwort will bt faratabtd all who aotlfy Roe.
TVaoaat R. Clt WlSttaitport, bafert Jaat) 6ih
Pattare aad Saporiataadwato af aH deaeataa
float wlal hit ii aak thi aaaiuaawint tt
tbotr aowoot aad twagiOoao,
Par iartber afaravattta la rogerd to lb pro
grama aatwBd. S. Wagoaor, 8tatoBarotary,
Miakaatetburfa Pa. j ; ' i
A glass jar full of collars for 2ft oenta,
at S. J. Qatat', Caaweatwillo. mil
60,000 railroad tie wanted by A. O.
Kraaer a Co. J.a. t-tf.
Carpet chain, 17 cent per pound, at
Fleck A Oa-'a. .
Wahted. 60,000 railroad ties, at A.
0, Knuew A Co,'., Clurt.ld, Pa. Jas. l-K.
A. 6. Kramer ft Co. want 60,000 rail
road tin. Jaa. I tf.
Carpet chain, 17 cents per pound, at
Fleck A Co.'i. aajll it.
Salt I Lytle baa just received an
other tot st Ino gelt, arge.1 alMd IwUled aacka,
ao tbe articl. cas be bad al two dollare agals.
Remember that Lyllo ii County
Agenl lor Lorruiara e iobmco, esa can call tnea
at factor prioce. Tbev ara th. bwt tobaeoea Is
B.rket. Trj tbea.
Wamtrd 11,000 curds of Hemlock
aad Rook Oak Bark, for which w will pay tha
hlgheat market prieo.
jylttf. A. O. Kbabbb A Co,
mm - -
During Court, call and soo the
large at itovk of lata, tngua, Bolaaeta, cotTtoa,
apieea. talt, ad all kindi of at tht low
Ht prima bad In tbla eaetloa for yetra, at Lyttt't
oppoelto tb opera boaao, la room formerly eeoe
pted by K rat tor A Lytic -
The larireiit stock of alpaca and linen
duittr ia towa Joat roaeivod at tba Philadelphia
Braaoh Clothing Store, la tb Optra Boat.
Wool aad all biadaof grain takea la eicbang
for gooda at tba PkiUdtrphia Braaeh Clothing
fltera, rio't Optra Bowaa.
Dental .Notice. Dr. A, M. Jlilla
would aay to hia frieoda and former patienta that
bt baa not retired from practice aa bat boon ao
iitduttrioBtty circulated by aome peraooi, but will
tBtiaue to gtie bia pencnai atteatioa to all who
any dotirt It, tr lo atrial Br. Bilobbold whoa
tvtryit)nircd. Nilruua Oildo Oaa glvea for tho
palultia eitrnctlen of teeth. April I4-tf.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
ia tb Rbpublicar will reach aor rradora tbaa
if pubRihed ta ail tba other ptptrt la tht ooaa'
ty, and tort tho adrertlm teat tbaa one-half
In other worda, tn advert lac neat pabliahed ia
our JcoxBal It worth double tht price of that
charged by any other pwbliaher ia tbe ttnaty.
"It ta a fact. tf.
Tbe issue of 1878 of the "Newspaper
iirootory ana Adverttiert 1J and Hook, "pabiiin-
d by tbt world-known tdrartlaing agtney of
8. M. Pettenglll A Co., ST Park Row, Hew York,
baa ccatttbaad. ForeiaplicityandeonToaioaoe
of arrangement, teapreheBilvcwet af atopo aad
gtnernl uceuracy, we bav long rgurdcd tbli at
by far tbt beat and aoat reliable Newapaper Dl-
rtetory peblirbed ta tbt L a I ted State or otaa-
wbera. It eootaiaa a complete Hat of all the
ne wept port pnbliihed ta tha tailed State and
the Brittle Profioota j a teooad lirt arranged,
for the tonrtnltnot of advartiaera, la toantiot ;
Data of tba daily, weekly, montbly,rellgioui,agrt
cultural and apeeialitt aewipapen aad period loala,
with full InforaBtioa ai to obaraeter, tlroBlatlon
and proprietor abip, and Hit of the leading new.
ptpera of Qreat Britala, Auitralatia aad tiarop.
Tb rulum If llluatrated wltb partraiu of Bayard
Taylor, Uoorgo W. Childa aad Brtlt Bart among
living, aad Samuel Bowlct, Jamea Uordoa Bea
nott, Sr., of the dead journaliata of the Catted
Sutei, while aa tiaelttnl atatl ttgraviag of Mr.
8. M. PeUeogill appeara ta the frootiipleot. Aa
iotoroetiog article an adrtrtlaing, replete with
hint drawn froa long practical tiperieaot of tho
lubjnst, ibould aaha tbli rolnmt aptclally at
tractive to raterprialng buainoia men.
Dr. Bithop, of Reynold tr tilt, will be at iht
weroa atu Hotel, ia Lutnertourg, from Monday,
May 17th, nattl Friday, May Slat, prof tti tonally.
Thoee ia aeed of Dentiitry will do well to call ob
him, at all operation! are guaranteed aatUfaotory
and charge reatoaable. all-It.
FntiiT and Vioktablb. 1). W. Jordan hat on
haada, daily, FHKS11 VBUKTABLB4 and all
kmda of FKUITS. wblok fat will deliver to on.
tomtrt in any part of tb town.
u leant ia, ra., Jaa. is, loTS-u.
It baa boea (attoatry la old com muni Ilea to
anaptnd ptoeoa of etlok talphur around tbe aecka
of ohtldroa aa a protect iob againat aontagtuw la
tpldemict. A thorough wathiag with liloan't
Huipbor Soap tat boon founa a moon better pr
v en live. Sold vervwhtr.
iiill'i Hair A W buker Dvt. Black er Browa.
aaoaata. . . . . . aay-t.
Oaa B URDUS Paa Cbnt. Bitewar oa Olb
PaiCBt-Sewiag Marhiaee aaa now bopurehaeed
at Mtrrtll'a tia and variety atoro, from SS6 wp
warda. All kiada of lowing maebinei rowaired
oa the aborttit aotioo.
CloarfioJd, Pa., July 10, 1177.
Wabtbd 1100,000 IS-iaeh tbavod hiirla---
to average item 0 ta 01 laehoe for which wo
will pay tb hlgbott market price.
A.. a bab n a m uo.,
fob.l tf.J Clearfield, Pa.
BtraaiBt Fob Balb. R. Ntwtoa Sbaw keept n
run tuppty tr jrradoaia tfuccvet wad flatforej
a agoaa lor aatt. lo be tooa at tna B&aw llouaa
yard. Call ta or addrata htm at Clearfield Penn-
jlraaia, .may lS-tf.
Wabtbo. Sobm taaily loaned pertoa or Art tat
to aaaufaataro LuTaaa'a Patbrt Bile Cahvab
Piothbh la Ihtt county, oa Royalty. Painted
froa pMrtograpba or any picture, and it tha
Fintet Oil Paiattng made. Before iht territory ta
Urea I will paint pie to roe 0x10 for SIS aad
warrant than for life. Kverr nartoa thoa I A hav
ob, at Oil Paiatingt on Can vat an tha only
p icoroa tnat nu etaoa tba laat of time, ana oaa
bo handed down to poattrity. Particulara fro.
Hoy. T, 1877-lj. Corry City. Pa.
4" att RtmnrhmbU Remit.
It aakta no diflereooc how many Phytic iani,
ar how auflh aodieio yoa have tried, It it bow
bb ealablithed fact that Gorman Syrup ia tho only
remedy whlek haa m iron complete attiifaetion ta
aeven eaaawf Lung Diaaaatt. It la trut thtrt
are yet thouaaode of pertona who an prodiapoaod
to throat and Lung Affection, Coneuuoptlon,
Hemorrbagea, Attbma, Seven Cnldi tettled oa
tha Bnaat, Pneumonia, Whooping Cosfh, Ao
who have ao peraoaa! h now ledge of Boaohoa't
ueraaa eyrnp. lo auca we would aay mat
000 doacn wen told lait year without on com
plaiat. Coatnmptivti try jaat oa bottle. Reg
ular lice, 76 aeau. For aalt by 0. D. Walton,
Clearfield, Pa. May W, U77-ow-ly.
Oon'f be Deceived
Many aertowa any "I haven't got tbo Oowaanp
t fob "whew naked to own their tough with Bat
lobe ConiBBptioa Cor. Da they aot know
that Cougba lead to Cooeuuiptloa nod a remodv
that will cen CoBtamptin will oertainly eun
a toagn er any lung or throat tnunto. wi know
It will cure wbta all othon fail aod our faith la
It If to poaitivt that wt will nfund the prtot
palottf yoa rorolrt ao benefit. It aot thla a fair
proportion, Price, 10 on 60 eta and $1,0I por
bottle. For laat Cheat, Back ar Side, ate Sbl
loh 'a Poroua Platter. Prioa, 16 eta. For tal by
all Pmggitta of Clearfield.
Why will yoa taffer with I) yep pi la and live
aomplaiat, Conttipatloa, aad genenl debility
wha yoa aaa gat at oar atott Shi Job 'a Bvaua
Vital iter which wa aell ob a poiltlvt guarantee
to tun you, rrte io eta., and 76
I ttt. Ftr talt
by all Brugglrtt af Cfoarfltld.
BACKMKTACK, a popular aad fragraat per
faao. For tale by all Braggtata af Ulaarfitld.
Pot. 1, '77-tem.
, JnAt Betelvt3d !
Jusl fUeeired by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Koa Scotia Plaster I
Car Load pare Corn, Rye and Oats
unop i
Car Load Deaken Ball t
Car Load Choice Family Flour I
Car .Load Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c!
aW-Shingles, JJurk, It R. Tics and
Grain will be tafceo irt eichango.
. Carwonsvillo, May f, 1ST3.
Oa Saaday, May 6th, 171, by J. f, Sboop,
Riq., Mr. Jaaee Holoa, of Phllipabarg, Centre
oowat. aadMlt Aaaio PeaaU, af Cheatarrillo,
Cfoaritld aaaaty.
Al th roerdewoe of Mr. Robert Mebeffey, la
BeU towatbia, aa Tbaredar. Mar Uth. IRTS. hr
Rtv. 8aaal Mlfoa, Major David W. Wit, r
Jordaa lawaahip, aad Mitt Badta Rtta, af Ball
Wt toagratalato Iba ai-Trtaaartr bb tblt atw
oatovprU la what ba bat ewgtgtd, aad with bia
a hapay aad pntpetoo fa tan.
Is Km. Waehtagtoa bmsgb, as lasdaf, Me,
lib. Ilti. d-ha Orr, awed It rwl. S aaalbi
Al Ik. raadeM. tt bl. .ew, f. A. Aaloe, la
U.rM to.e.blp, as, Maf lltb,
1 17, M dlphlbwuv. Aedrew A., aea H Prf Ad.
dkjaas, aged I (an, t eMSths aad It d.,e.
- Al MMrtaa HmIHjm, Mamb ihiI), Pa e
Meader. Ha, leih. ;(. Freak kdnr. an al
U J.aad SJ.rt . Herns, tt Ckaral, P., aged
I Mika sad II ,
Bnehwhoat Fioar, par twt...
Cora Meal, per owt...M.H.H
Chop, ro, parawt...M.M....M
Chop, wised, par lt.N.w.l
Braa, per cwt..m..H...M
Wheat, par a-jih.l..........
I a.
1 ii
10 o 100
ityo, por auiBei.t
Oata, per buehd au.
Corn, eajre, per ha.b.lH. HM.....
BookwbeW, par bubal
Potatoaa, Dor awabel.................
Applet per baahel...M
Ilaae, per peaad
flhoalder, per MBd. ........ mm
Dried bft, por peaad.
Chick we, per pair .....
Batter, par pound ...........
. Per doaea
Bait, per eack, large
Coal till, per g.lloa..H H.
Lard, per poBBd.H.m..H....H,.
lried Applee, per pound.........
bried Peaehee, per poond
Beaoa, ftr biael.....M.v.HM...
I t
Pbiladblpsu, Me. SO. Flosr qolet Bopcr.
flnM t3 60 eiireilleOfal Pcnnaylvania faa.
11,, 15 I0(.,, i Miaaercta. d.., It .( ii i pai
nt aod high grades Hi M(jS.
Kre flour. S3.
wheat .tdjl aaber, II HIS)! Ill red, 11 II
fgl Ml white, 1 0(9lll.
Cornaeal at 12 71.
Com atrong; ydlow, Stcj aiil, Hf.Uc;
Juo .llci July, al,e.
Oauj dull and eaeyj PeaBaylrMls wbiu, HQ
Mtl wters,do.,lliliei waeura Bill, 91(01
Hy. doll at ISMe.
Proviilona etruagi ace, perk, II 110) II It;
beef bnae, lit M(I7 ll lodl. aeae beef, 170
(Bill; name, TifgiDre; pickieddo., Si(a)7,e; greea
de. 0(a) tic; BBoKed ekould.ra. 4(g)o tbouldore
io enlt, Ifailte.
Urd dull city ktle,'j7,o.
Butter arons, ereaaerr, lafo)!!.: Bradford
eeunty and New York wtra., 17lt0 wcrters
rcrve, IK 19a.
Egg. eleaayi PeBBcylraala, I34(a14 w..t
rn, 13(a,lJl.
CbMM .icmly; New York fancy, llfJ10(ci
we.t.rn choice, V(i10c
Petrolena etroogt rcfloed, 11 .mde, 90ic
Wbiikyeteady weeUrn,l .7.
Haw Yoaa.tUf II. Floor 4uB aad declining;
aperlneeuw 4 lo(o,bW superlu weeUra,
14 l(l(g:4 M; eoalbers dall and Uerj. dull and h.y and l(a,H lower.
CorB Iffulc loweri new Biied weetora, 4lifd)
tie for epon 40io)iltc for foturM.
UaU atcady; auu, Mlo;jBCj weeiww,
tittt Blt and Irregular.
Pork keaTy and qaiet; new Bee., tt It.
Ir4 qolet; eteam rendered, at H($1.
BntUr Pria. Ira, .Iherwia. dull.
Whiaky qui.1; wctern,!! tie (a, I OBJ., May M- FlooratMidy and nschanged.
Wheel doll and a ehade low; No. I Cbioago
epring, II. 10, for cms and any I,
for Jane I SI 041 ler juij; na a aa, mi,i.i
rejecud, 10c.
Corn aetir. and a ehade lower; SBJe for eaeh;
mc for Mar; IVlc for Ittt) la for Jalyi it-
jected, I0i(ai37c.
Oele lleady and fair otmnno, i"o m oaeo.
Itc for May. Jane aud July.
Ityo Bra; o.o.
Berley, tljc.-
At tb. cIom Wheat dull, weak and lower;
II 00) for May; 11 0j for June; II 03, fur July.
Corn dull, week and lower; tile for Mey; 3l
3fo for Jane! lro bij for July.
u.te eaeler; ino lor aeyt au.e iur uuue.
Off and after Monday, MAY 10, 1ST7, tht
I1 alien rr Traina will run dally (except Son-
daya) botwooa Tyrone aad Claarfiald, a followa :
W. 6. Plubmbb, Conductor.
CurwmaTllle,I.IO, r. S. Tyrone,-...., I.OO.s.a.
Vanecoyo.... 1.26,
Looard,.M 149,
Barrett ..I.M,
Woodland, 4.01,
Bigltr,. 4 OH,
Wawlacotoa, 4.17,
Bnamll t ill, "
Powtos,d..10.(HI, '
Oimola,.. !l 11, "
Steinw'. ...10.21, "
Oranam, 11.18,
Blue Ball 10.17,"
Wallao.bis,...10.44, "
Blglor .....10.U,
WlMdlasd, 11.68,
Uonard, 11.13,"
Blaa Ball,. 4 15,
Graham 4.1(1,
Philkpibnrg, ...4.X6,
aoynton,....M 4.40,
Oaotoln, .........4.63,
Fowettoa.. ....
Vanacoy ot,.. 6.16,
Tyrone,, fi.M,
Wa. 1,. Rboid., Cobdaatur.
Curwesrvillo 1.4. a. s
Clearleld.... MS "
Tyrone P. n.
Fow.lion, I.2
Omole,. ....I 41
Bulaar'a, I 00
Orahaa, ......4.4.
Blue Bll,......l SI
Bigler, ...!.!,....l.4t
Barrett, ..i.t7
Clearleld 4 JO
Leoaerd,.... Ml "
Barrett, t it "
Woodland,.... 7.11 "
Blgler, I .7
WallaeM.n, 1.21 "
Bia. B.U,.., 1 14
ttrahaa 1.41
Phillpebnrg.. I M "'e,.... I.ll "
Boyatoa, I.2t "
Ueoecla,....., 1.10
fowelton I. o. -
aa, le w -
Vaaeyoe,...ll.07 p. k.
r. s. s. a. s. ,T4Trona.
1:00 Morrtedala,,
v ' 1140
1:14 7:14 Phllipeburg,
11:14 4:11
I:1V lUSt Bt.IB.ri
11 11 4:14
1:14 7:14
JI0 :ll tilt
1 44 l:lt 1:01
1:41 8:40 :
1:17 144 1:11
1:01 1:40 1:11
1:07 1:14 I tO
1:11 1:30 :34
12:14 4:10
1I:M 11:04 4:11
Moehnnnoa, 10:11 11:61 1.67
Starling, 10:11 11:46 1:40
Houtldal., 10(1 11:40 1:46
McCanley, 10:61 11:11 1:40
Kendriok'l, 10:61 11:10 1.16
Reaey. 11:191 11:16 11:10
Kl. Mali.
p. s.
P. M. A. M.
A. n.
I. .IS I.U toaea Tyran.
arrire I.ll S.4T
Bald Kul.
' 4 It
lean I.ll
1.01 ISO
1.14 1.66
I II 10.06 '
1.01 11.40
141 11.11 arrire L. Hbtob
waarwAan. a. m
Plttakwrgb Eip'aa, 1.41
Paolllc Ixpre.i, 1:11
Way Paeeengar, 1:16
Mall Trala, 4
Fa.l Lice, T:0l
I. by ail Iralne at Tyras.
Pecile Bapreee
Harrleburg Aec'a
p. w.
4 Ml
Mail Train,
Atlaatic Ripreaa,
Phila. Kapreea,
an 4 Lock Hot.b.
f. I. BLAIR,
y I T-tf. Bnnwlntmdeal.
A eteae!eer.o CBrwenevlllo dally for Rayaolde-
Tille, al 1 o'.loek, p. a., .rrlTlngat Rcynoldarllle
at I .'.look, p. St. Ratsrsiog, Hayaolda
Tille daily, al 7 o'clock, s. a., arriving at Cur
weseTille al 11 o'clock, a. Fan, wok way, 12.
A Mage leaTeo Oarwaaerlll. dally, al 1 a'ehMk,
p. a., far DuBela City, Brrl.isg al VuBoU City
al I .'eloek, p. a. Koturalag, warM IluBai. at
relMR, a. a., dallr, .rrtTtniat unrwesaTIIB al
I .'deck, a. Fare, Mak way, II.
Allegheny Valley Eallroad.
ON aad after Monday, Dee. 1Kb, 1I7T,
tbe peMCager Iralne will rue deily (eaeepl
luaday) ketweea Bed Bui and Driftwood, a.
fellow i
BAaTWAI Day Mall leeree Pltlihurg
1 11 s.a.i Red Banb 1 1:60 1 Sligc Jeoctloa I2:M;
New Botblehoa 1:07 p. a. MayerlM. 1:20 1
Troy l a. Brckrlli. 1:01 ; Faller'e 1:16 j R.y
aoldeTllle 1:61 1 D.Bole 1:11 1 Saaail Tannd
1:41 1 Peateld4:06 WeedTlll. 4:17 1 BMaaetU
4:11 1 vrltaa al DrlfrwMd at till.
UTHIIU-Du Hall Driftwood
Mt p. a. Braeaett. l:Ni Waed.llla l:4t;
Penletd l:46 SuBBll Tunnrt lt DBclel M
ReTnoldeTllletill; Faller'e 1:17; BrnkTlltol llii
Tr.y l:40 M.y.rlll. 4:16 New BetkUaea 4:21 ;
Sllgo Jecellca 1:10; Red Bank till arrlree at
BnT- Tke l.ynoldaTlll. AMoaswdatlea teaTae
EeyaeldiTllle dally si Till s. a. sad arrlTae al
Red Baak al 11:11 a. a., Pillebargk al 1:31 p. a.
LeaToe Filtaburgk al 1:11 ,. s I nWd Baak si
till p. a. arriTlag at R.yaold.lll. si 1:01 p. a.
Cieoe eeuaertloar aad. wltk trala, as P. Ji I
Railroad al DrlflwMd, aad wllk traina on tke
Allegheny ValWy Railnad at lUd Baak.
A. A. Jaohob, L. 0. Die.
Tb. naMliaal weald lafera lb. s.Ule thai
ba la ns i-zz:? , am Umt between t'MBrleld
and PeaSeld, Ihraa ubm a wart.
1 s. eteg. l.aTea ClaarBdd e. TeNUJI, Th.ra
daye and BarsrdaTa. aa S .'aleak . a.,
.1 Peloid SI II .'eeaek a. Relar.l.g MM.
daya. Lcutm Pewaold al I o'clock f. a., arle.
lag si utearsel. at s e'eloek p. a.
OnaneMlea U aa4 wltk trelae M the tow
(trade E. R. al PaaleM. Fan, each way, 11.61.
dearleM, Pa, Fak. II, 1171
atalaWftato, Pa ....S1
MlddletoWB l fit
Look Batwa.H.. I Tt
WUHaawirt,.. I fit
6 to
. Ska
Bualiagdew I fit)
aWiatOWa. aaaagaa I 94
hlarytTlllaMM.M, 4 60
AltooaaM.HHHM. 1 6
Jotjattoaiu.,,. 104)
Phllipabarg.. II
Tyna.....T I SS
P.TTSBURO.hf.m. 16
I N,, fit
AUTTIoaAU peraou ara kbj asstloaW
at tmi. m -a -r - -
f Ira DeWltL of Brad; wwa.blp, rli i Oa.
B.n, I buggr. I eel elcgl. baraMa. a lot tt eaw
log. al Ike UeWiu eaw Bill, aad oartala iatoneu
formerly owned br Dew'iU Is Matracto for etaap-
age. Maid propert; wa. parcbaaad by mt tt
Hbertfc Bale oa tb. Id dJ of Mac, 18, and la
kft Is poeeeuios of laid DeWItt eabjeet I. mj
orilcr at anjt Haa. JOHH W. JIUCK.
WUIi.a.pu't, Pa., Ma. 12, l;8 lu
Notle It hereby glvea that Utton of Ad
miniitratioa aa tbt ottatt of WM. ULBNN,
lata of Pike townibip, Clearfield oouoly,
Pa., dooeaeod, having boon duly granted to tbo
andtnigaod, all prra tadebtod to aaid etUta
will plaaa aak itumediata payment, and toojM
Baving claimt or aemanu agaiaai tne aeon win
pnaent thent properly authtntieaad for Mttit-
aeat without delay.
Ntw MUlport, May 16, 187 8-fit.
Daettl Faoat vi. J. K. A J. C. Kratitr. Ia
tbe Court of Common Pltu of Clearfield oounty .
Ft. Fa. Bo. 31 January Term, UIJ.
Tbe nndenigned Auditor, appointed by tha
Court to distribute the prooeedt artiing frea tha
Shcriff't aalt of Defendant1! pertonal property,
give aotiot that he will attend to the dull of
hia appointment at bia oOoo, la Clearfield, ob tba
Uth day of June, 1878, between tht bean of 10
clock a. a., and 6 o'tiooi p. a.
W. M. MoCULLOUai!,
Clearfltld, Pa , May S3 l87d.St. Auditor
Notice in Bankruptcy,
, Dlttrlct Court of tha Hailed SJtatea, )
roa rnt L
Weatcrn Dlttrlct of Prnatylraala. J
Tbla la to atva aot ice that oa the Uth day of
May, A. D. lo7S, a Warrant In Bankruptcy wat
iMtied againtt the eetate of Ntwtoa B. Arnold, of
Convene rill, in the oounty of Clarflld, and
(j la to of Fenneylvaaia, woo baa been adjudged a
bai. erupt upon hia own petition i that th pej
us tot oi aoy debt an delivery ai any prop
belonging to attoh bankrupt to hia or for hia
aod tbo trantfar of any property by hia an for
bidden by law : tbtt a meeting of the onditon of
aaid bankrapt to pnvt thtir debtt, and to ahooro
one or more Aatigntea of hit oalato, will b bold
at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo bo Idea at tbt ofiot
of tbo Kegiitor, Ko. !t Diamond etreet, PiUabarg,
Pa., befon namuol Harper, bsej., Kegiitor, aa the
17th day of June, A. D. H7ti, at 10 o'clock a, m.
JUllil UALla,
IT, B. Martha) aa Uetatnger.
Pltlibarg, Pa., May 14, 1678-lt.
Aurkulliiral Statistics.
To Citimmo af CtmarfirH Otuafy
The Bodenfgned having ba appointed by th
Department, at Wathlagton, principal reporter of
iho Agricultural Htatiitioa of Clearfield county,
ratpectfully requeata the oo -operation of all to
attitt, by tending th tubterihtr all tha lo forma
ttoa they caa beariag upon th following que- !
tiooe, hu to enable hia to aake aa oorroct a
itatoment to tho Department, aa poittble i Mow I
many borata bav d ed in your borough or towa-!
thip, and of what diaeat. Bow aany oowa and
ealvet, aad of what dieeaat. Bow many tboep
have yoa loat, and of what diaeant bow tnan
killed br doge. How manv boga bar vow loat.
and of what ditnn. What art vat ling ditaavaei
aaangat tb poultry. In all eaeet gira tbo rem-
edict Bted wbioh bara botn found to bo auooeaa-
ful, aod ia all eaaet ta im tbe oath ralna of all
a took aa nearly at poiiible. By the oa-oporatioa
of our eitiaent In general upon tbea important
particulara, tb Agaieultural nporta will become
an eeeyolopodiael naoful iBformatloa to tb pub
He, by enabling tb Department to publiab tb
diteaaet, th loitea, aad tbe remedie that have
boea found moat beavfiolal in certain ditaaaoe .
Any other Information that will be oonatdnd a
public benefit, will bo thankful!) received.
Addnt tht aubtcribor at Grampian If ilia,
Cleaifield Co., Pa. SAMUEL W IDEM I H K.
March 18, Wo-.!.
Sheriff's Sale. .
Br virtue of evndrv writt of Fieri Facia U-
aued out of tbt Court of Common Pleat of Clear
field county, and to a dineted, then will bt
eipotod to public aale, at the Court Boom, ia bt
bonugh of Clearfield, oa Saturday, the let day
of June, 1ST, at 1 o'clock a. a., tht fid low-
lag deacrlbed real tetate, to wltt
. n j ai
IB Knrth HnBlndria, Ckartcld uly P.. tT."
Ml .. Ib. a by lot of DanW B.nn.r, Muth by
Mai. etr b, ,tre, Berth by M ., ll
Blab nm. .Mk Ifty. ft tt M.,..r,
and fanning back one hundred and fifty feet to
lot af Jonmiea Haloes, and having treated
tbeno a two-etory dwelling hoot and other
1 dwellina hoaia and other
outbuildings. Betted, taken ta xeeutioa, and to
a told at tb property or 9. taotby uarey.
Ale, a eartaia lot or piece tf gnund situated
la tt vlller or Um Bolt in Wrady town. hip,
Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aod described at
follows i Oa tb att by Fnnklia ttnet. oa th
aorth by lot No. 08, oa tht soath by Pint alley.
and mowing to a poiat at Orange alley aa tht
weat. and being oi a triangular abapt, baving
front oa Franklin etreet of one hundred and tbir
ly-iil feet and known as lot Na. 86 la plan of
aaid village and waving tnertoa erected a mm
bouat ant aad a-half atoriet high with amall
kiubta attained. Halted, taken la ivoati in,
and to be sold as tht properly of John Scho field
Also, tbe following described nal eitatt aitua-
tod la uuton townibip, uienrneid eonnty,
hegianlog at a pott oa toathteat coraer of war
rant o. Si VI, tbenot by landt tfJoba Da Bote
north owe-half degree. aton hundred penned
to a post, tatnc oy iaaaa or utourn, nana u.,
north eigbty-nine aad one-balf degree, wett on
aaadnd ana tgbta parobes to a post, theae
by rom land Booth ona degre, wett on bun
dred and thirty-fir and on half perrhea to a
pott, ibeaotaoata eitbty-alneand owe toorth d
graas, east on hundred and eighteen porches to
piaoa oi beginning, containing on bundnd aerei
mon or iit, whb abont eeventy-av aoret ir-
d, end bearing orchard and having thereon
a log bout and log barn. Belied, takea la ex
erutlow, aad to b told aa tht pn party of Henry
Als,th following detcribed rail Uto af
jubb somen, moated in towa or Kartbaus,
uovtngtOB townibip, Clearfield oonaty, 1'sU, be
ginning at coraer on Snow Shoo turn pi ha, tbaaoa
along said pihe aloe and one-half rods la aa east
erly dineiloB to the aortheaat corner, theaee
lwnty-on rod along land of Joha V other ia
snBtbaastorly direction to th southeast corner.
tbeaoe eight aad tnv-half rod abong land of
rfOBB loiutr to to toeloeeit oorner, tbeno
Dftoea and one-half rods br the anverard nron
erty ia a north weaterly dinttloa to plan of be
ginning, containing on acn aon or lata, and
having tbenoa reeled a well-fialthtd hoai
ii it a by twtnty. four, and tthar oat-balldtnga
and tmall orchard. Seised, tihon hi execaiion.
aad to b told at tba property of Joba Yotbert
aou wunu kvbvjs.
Alto, tb fotrowlng trarti ar ple of land la
Oirard townibip, Clearfield county, Pa., th first
bounded a followa t Bariamioa at itone. a aor-
aeroflaBdof Alexander Murray, tbenoa south
obc h an dred aad thirty-eight perahet aon or
lets, by landt af Rnlot to atones, tbeno eait
idyrtf.wiiKht perubet to a poat along land af Tboe.
Uoward. theae aorth ona head rod and Iblrty-
ign. poronee, aon or mi to a pott, taB welt
oy ana oi Aitxaodar Murray forty-aight ntnh
s to stona and plac of beginning, containing
iuny EOTii as ore r iea, neiog all eiearod and
oaviog taereoa erected a jog bout,
Also, another pieoa or tract of load in taat
townibip, bounded aa follewat Beginning at
ttonoa, thtao by load of Roaelot aorth one ham
dred and tbirty-f"ar perch h to atonei, tbtnoe by
iaaaa oi Aieianaer aurray, taat a toot ont hun
dred aad thirty-eight pare bea to t tones, theno
toutb on hundna aad thirty -four perehei to
itnaei aad coraer of Thoa Leonard's land, thenne
west by same aaa boadred aad tbirtyight
penhes ta plana of bos lautng, toatalninc elxhty
acres mon or Ion, and having fity acre eiearod
and having a good anhard tboreon, and hariog
thtreoa ereotea fram boun thirty. two br forty
feet, two atoriet high well-finished, a largt baak
bara, wagoa-shed, blankimilh thop, spring-house,
and other out-buildlage, then being same tracts
of taad which J. J. PI aad wlf on veyed to
WowdelJ End ret by dod datod Uarwb 7th, 1871,
aad recorded ow deed boea no. 4, page 114
Alto tbt following lota or plot ot ground tit
Baled la th bornatrb of Clearfield. Clearfield
county, Pa., la what It called Moatop't addltiaa
ta said aoronga, ib nret aona'ied aad described
aa followa i Beginning at alley oa tx tended
roarth street, toenoe north along said strtet for
ty-nine and one-half feet to a post, tbaaoa la aa
easterly dlreottoa two hundred feet aon or leu
to a pott oon.r ob tin of Jaa. B. Grahaa, thoae
ia a soot hen y direetioa a lone; tald Urahai
land forty -a In aad one-balf feet ta aa alley,
tbeaoe ta a wetter it airectioa atoag aatd alley
two hundred loot aon or lees to tha plan of be
ginning, reserving tb water right and reeervtng
tbo right to go upon tald lot aad lay pipes froa
the spring apoa tald bt ta eoavcy water from
tha aaid spring to g wherever tbo leasor ray
set fit, tin t ga apoa aaid lot to repair said
pip and wall ia said spring, aad having tbere-
oa trvtted a frame boui forty by twenty-four
taet, wtta wtag ainoea oy ni rty-two reel, with
good cellar aador taat, then is also aa to -hoot
ta tatd lot.
Alao, two ihr Ittt la tald Mottop't addition
to tbe b-. rough of Cloarfield, howBdod and deter Ib
ed a fnllowt t Bownded oa the eaat by land of
Jw. B. Urthaa, oa the Berth by aa alley, oa tbe
eoath by aa alley and on tha weet by Fourth
at root, aad kaewa aa let Na. forty-fiv and for
ty tix ia aaid additioa to tbt borough af Cloar
field, and having tbareoa encted a frame boon
twa start blab alittoa by twenty-fowr feet with
kitchea attaawed, a large brewery with three
boor vaults, and a fraa i tab to, and ether oot
balldiags. 8eiad, takea ta exeewttoa, aad to b
sold at tbt property or Wendell Badns.
Aln.lbo fellowing dsrtbw4 property ritaaU
la Da Belt, Brady lownahip, Clearietl aoaaty,
Pa aeglBBlag at a pott in tb Da Bote road,
tboBM MBtb 1-1 1 dogneti taat by lot aold to ht'
row A they, 16 feet to a pott aad liaa af William
11 cover lot, chaaot south Aft ag net wtat Wy
ajti wVffl. Hesjfw' lot ' fe to a fet l towa
thip read, Umbo aorth 11 degreoa wett ew aaid
towa hip rwad 146 feet to a pest, theaee aarlh
46 tVgnee eaat aw tald Bu Belt road IIS reel to
poet aad alaet af begieaiag, baving tbireoa
orocted a largt fraa twairy boa Ifixfit feet
and til att ao bed SOsSI loot wad ibcwb a City
Hotel, with fraaaa ttabw, It. boasa aod tthar eat
balldiags. Belted, tote Ib txeeuUoa, aad to at
tald as tba property af Kaala.
By vlrto af taadry wrHt af a4owr. Wetot aad
HtH ratio, tb follow lg dtHrlbod nal attato
will bt MM ta Batarday, Jaa i, 7r wit i
All that ttrtalw tract tr body af bituaiacui
tool land, liieaie, lying aad belag la th towa
tbia tf Woadward, aoaaty f 0lrwid, aad State
of PoBBtyrvaaia, boaaded aad dMribd at fol
low, to alt i Br1aalag at a ample, (gtwo) aw
atoat amor, aatag a toaaoa oriAor f arigtaal
tarryt la th ataot af Wa, Wittar, Roland
gtw SrAvtrtitumrnti.
Bvant aad Baawal Ballaa j tbeaoa aorth 86 won
111 atftbat to a btalooh i tbtac aorth U tatt
H ZJ- VjrinWa
eJ-. tUV ,'dUB
104 parebM I. a
i a am all root
i rack aak I tkaaw. enetk II
oait Sfifi pert hot to a pott j tbeno eoulb 61 weet
lit pen act i a pott in eaee aorta it watt to
pcrche to atoae i tbeae toutb 6i wait 1 per.
ohea to a p-iet, thoBoe worth 64 watt II pore bet
to a aoat i tneaoo eouta ta wtat to peronaa to a
a aoat i tbeneo eooth 86 enat 12 porobee tu a poat
i a eaee tonta s went iut peronoa m a wbim pita
thcBot aorth 6a watt 114 4 6 ponhoa to a whit
oak t theae aorth it att 1 IS perch to a pott t
toon aorta tt weet at t-ie ptrooea ta a lanea
hemlock i tbaaoa la aa aatttrly direetioa up a
amaJl ttnam 4 percbe to a aemtooit t tucnoe
north Jl weet 72 percbe. to a wbito oak f.ump i
tkeBot tooth 61 wait 9 nan tat to a poatt theeot
north 16 weat fil 6-10 porobtl to a pott thence
touta at weat t04 t iv perevt to email aemiooa ;
tbtno eoath SS taat 01 6-16 pcrrhea to a fallen
bemlooB i tbeaco toutb 61 weat IS ponhea to a
foet t tbeaoe north 38 wett aeroaa Clearfield areek
20 6-10 pcrche a to a poat j tbeaoa north 61 eaat
283 ponhet to plaoe of beginning, oontaiatng nine
hundred and Bine (V09) aona, more tr leat,aad
being parU of three ttreral tract of land iur
reyed ob wamntt dated In 17VM, granted by tht
Com bob wealth of Pennsylvania, oaa to Samuel
Em It no, ont to Roland Kvana, and ona to
William Wittar, which part oi aaid tract above
dctcrlbed have, by divora good conveyance and
atiurancet In law, baooue rtated ta Darld C.
lien tal.
The aaid body of land la ooaprlaed of the fol
lowing contiguous tract or bodiea of land i .
No. 1. The Wm. B. Alexander farm, contain
ing about 286 acre, more or lett, with about 120
atret cleared, largt orchard, two elory plank
bona with kitohtn attached, large baak ban and
other oatbuildtnga aad Improvement. Cal ia
opened on tbla farm. Being th aamt premitei
wbioh U. L. Rod aod wife, by deed dated lat
Auguat, 1874, and recorded Ib the office ot tbe
Recorder of Dooda ia and for aaid county, to Deed
Book No. 9, pag 103, granted: and ooaveyod to
aaid David 0. Benaal.
No.l. Tbe John D. Alexander farm, contain
ing about 167 acrta, noit or laaa, with about 76
acre cleared, large orchard, two-story hewed log
nouat whb piana aiienon atiaeneo, rouoa log
nan, plank bora -Habit, btaoaamtta abon.and
other eotbuildlnga and improvomenta, The ooal
ia opened on thia plaea. Being tba tame prea
itea which Joha D. Alexander and wife, by deed
oaitQ i bib may, imtb, ana noordeo at alorttau
In Dd Book No 7, page 7tf, gnntod aad coa
veyed to laid David 0. UtaatL
No. I. Th D. Philip farm, containing about
iuv ao rti aon or teat, witn anout tu aerat clear
ed, email orchard, I i ttory round log hoaaa, round
log barn, and other outbutldtora and impnv
ment Coal ia opened ob thia farm. Being tbo
tarn prt mite wbioh Pnil rntitpa aad wife, by
deed dated 2Vth June. 1674, and noorded aa
aforetald ia Deed Book ho. i, pnge 77, granted
aad conveyed to the aaid David 0. Heoaal,
ISo- t. ibe ibomat Dixow farm, oontatnlnsr
a boat 111 acna, mon or I oat, with about 20 MrH
cleared, email orchard, it ttorr round ler houea
and round log atablo, and other oulbaildtnga
and Improvamanta. Coal tt opened on toil farm.
Being Ue tame anmiaca wnteh Tbomat Dixon
aad witt, ay td dated 17th June, 114, and n
eordod a aroretatd, la Dead lfook No. T, page
t B Hasll ssJaaaunul I. aa IA It O I
rio. b. i mm joba ruiiord farm. eonUininf
about 20 acre mon or tot, with about 40 acrei
feared, having tberooa erected a U ttory plank
houaa and don bit barn. Coal la opened ob thia
farm. Being the taat premliet wbioh C, How.
bio., late ner in oi aatd count v, told aa the ana
rty of 0. J. Sboff to Joba B. Fulford at appears
oy veoo, roii, aoaBowiougea u avin aay o
September. 1870. and noorded tn tba Protbono
tary'ot1toe,in Coatioaane DooketMY," page 38s
and which' John 11 rulford and wif. by deed
datod SSd June, 1874, granted and conveyed to
David 0. Menial.
No. A. The atoaa will) property, known ta the
iseiioenn farm, containing about 140 ten
ar Iota, with about 40 aent cleared, having a
small orchard thereon. Then la a coal bank
open and operated on tbli farm. Beinr the
property which Joaiah R. Bead and wife, by dd
dated Tth December. 1872, and recorded at afore1
aaid ta Dead Book No. 4, page 19, granted and
conveyed to said David C. Ilenaal, all of which
deeda of reword tee for aon particolardeaerlntloB
of boundarlea. Belted, taken in exooutlon and to
bo told aa th property of David C. Benaal, at
th auit of John F. Beta, Assignee.
By virtu of aundry writt of afitpf Fatiai,
tb following deacrlbed real ettate will b told
an batarday, Jane 1st, 1878, to wit:
All that eertala tract or body of bilnmlnoua
coal land, situate, lytng and being tn tn town
ahtp of Woodward, oounty of Clearfield, end State
of Pena'a, bounded and described aa followa, to
wit: Beginning at a maple (gone) now atone
coraer, being a tommna, corner oi anginal ur
rtva la tha aaaetof Wa. Wliur, Roland Kvana.
"4 ' " ' 1 ?T ' V
I " '" 43 " T p.rch" 10
Jh" V"
' ',P' Sit " St SI
, ' f,"'"". iT , I" ... VZ L ' ,J. .IT '
K ' '"v" "" r- -
tbeafw south 6S woat 10 prahtt to a poat ; tbeno
aorta wett x poran to a poat ; tacact touta
61 wsst CrO ptrehet to a post: uene south la eat
IS ptrebas to a post ; tbaaoa south 61 wett S04
perches to a whit plaoi thac aorth 18 wat
114 4-6 percbe to a whit aak i taeaot north 63
east IU ponhea to a pott j tbenoa aorth 16 weat
01 6-19 porches to a laJien aemiooa ( tbenot ia aa
aittrly direction up a tmall ttreatn 46 perches to
a hemlock : tbeaoa aorth SO west 7S porch to a
whit oak stomp ; thence south 68 wett 9 penhes
to a post ; tbeaoa worth 36 west 81 6-10 perches to
a peat j tnsnoe anath ol weat 13 iit perenn to
amall baa lock s tbeno south 11 aatt 81 6-10 per.
ohea to a fallea hamloek thanot tenth 61 wat IS
perch e ta a post ; tkeae aortk 18 wett aerass
Cltartleld creek 120 6-19 perch loapoit ; theno
aorta i aast zx pant) to piaoa or ncgtoniog,
containing tint fanndnd and nine (909) aoret,
aon ar loss, and being parts af thro ttreral
tract oi and tnrveytd oa warraatt oataa ia livs,
graatod by tb eeaaonwMith or fennsyiraBta
oaa to Samuel Emtio, on to Roland Evans, aad
ont to William Wittar, which pert. of satd traott
aaovo dctcrlbed bar, by diren good eonvey
anoea and atsuranoea la law, become retted In
UtvidU. Hen sal.
Tht aaid body of land tt coa prt ted of tbt fol
lowing tontlgnoat tracts or bodies of land.
Na. 1, Tha Wa. B. Alexander fara. aon tain
lag abont 836 aaraa, aon or lett, with about 120
aoret cleared, large orchard, two-itory plank
koua with kitchen attached, large bank bara
and otbr ont-buildinga and improvements. Coal
la opened oa thia fara. Beinc tb aaa anal-
re which 0. L. Reed aad wif, by deed dated lat
Augoai, in,, and record td ia tbt offloo of Re
cord er of Deeds In and for tald oounty, Deed
Book No. 9, pag IDS, granted aad bob rayed to
aaia nana v. ucoiai.
No. S. The Joha D. Alexander fara, contain
Ing about 1X7 aor, aon ar lost, with about 76
aoret cleared, large oroh ard, two-itory hewed log
aouat wita plana ktioaea attached, round log
bara, plaak horat-stablt, blank saith abnp and
otter oat-buiidtBgi and tmprareaenia J be coa
It opened aa this piaoa, Beiag tht taat pnml
tea which Joha D. Alexander and wife, by deed
dated lMh Hay, 1874, asd noorded aa afereeaid
la Ded JJeolt Ho. T, page 79, granted and con
veyed to taid David C. Menial.
No. 8. Tho D. Philip farm, containing about
it a re a, aor or iota, with about iu aorat clear
ed, amall orchard, H ttory round log houte, round
leg ban, and other outbuildingi and improvo
menta. Coal tt opened on thla farm. Being tht
lame p rem itea wbieh Daniel Philipo and wife, by
deed dated ?vtb Juno, IM, and rtmurded at
aforeaaid In Deed Book No, 7, page 77, granted
and convoyed to the taid David C Btatal.
No. 4. Tht Thoaat Dixon farm, containing
aboal 111 aorat mon ar lots, with about 20 aent
cleared, tmall anhard, 11 ttory round log bout
and round log atabit, wltbotbar outbuilding and
laproyemontt. Coal tt opened oa thla farm.
Being th tnmt premise wliioh Thomas Dixon
and wife, by deal datod ITth Jnte, 1674, tad re
tarded as aforeaaid, tn Deed Book No. T, page 7i,
granted and conveyed t aaid v. V. lleuai.
Ho. . Tbo John Folford farm, oontaiotng
shout SflO acre, mon or lett, wltk about 40 acret
slsand, having iheroon ererteil a onesnd a-balf
story plank bouse and doutrfe bara. Coal is open
ed on this farm. Being the is me prtmliti which
u. ii owe, Kiq., ate tr)tinff or said oounty, void
as th property of C. J. Hhoff to Jba II. Fulford
at appear by Deed Poll, ackaow ltd at d the Sfth
day of September.A. D. 1870, aad noorded lath
rrothoaotary aome la Uontlnuanir Docket "i,
pag 883, and which John II. Fulford and wile,
by deed dated the .Id day of June, 1874, granted
and conveyed to David C. Menial.
No, 8. The iteem all) property known aa th
Btllrena faia, ooataiaina about 140 aorta aon
or less, with anout ta acna eiearod, having a
until anhard thereoa. Then Ii a ooal bank
opoa aad operated on tbla fara. Being the eatne
mperty wntca jottaa it. Head and witt, by
etd datod 7th December. I87S, and recorded aa
aforetald ta Deed Book No. 4. par 19. rranted
and conveyed to said David 0. Ilental, all af
which deeda of rernrd te for aon particular
deter IptloB of bouBdarita. Set ted, takea ta xt
eutlon and to be sold a th proimrty of David C.
Benaal, at tba salt of O. L. Reed, to an.
Alto, by rlrtueof writs of Vtarffr'oaf Kxuonn,
oa Batarday, tb 1st day of Jaa, 1877, tb lollow-
tiig real aatato i
All that tartala trut of land altuatt In Ptn-
II eld, Boetow town thin. Clearfitld Bounty. Pa .
being part of lot Ne. 87 oa the plot of Peafield,
and part of lot donated t. B Hi" It. Th whole
has awe hundred and three feet front and oaa
haad red and alntty-foar feet deep, fronting on
south side of Woodward trL bounded aorth-
east by lead f t. B. Hewitt, soath aad wsst by
isbi i h. woodward and worth by load oft.
Woodward, tba church 1 forty-fire by sixty feet.
two atery high. Seised, lake) to exeoulloa, aal
to b told at th property af th M. I. Church at
Alt, a oartala tract f land iltuat la Kaoi
townibip, ClrarftldooBBty Pa..ooulnlng about
twenty tor tttand aad bavins retd thorooa
a two atery log boas, log Mabl aad atbor wt
bulidiagi, bouBdod at fwllowsi Oa th aast by :
Itaae ticKte't ettate. ea tbt wat by Wa. Cox. i
aorth by Joba at. Chan, south by Brttbla A Co.,
SelBod, takea la axaowtioa, tod to be told at tht t
properly of (Ilea B. UbbU aad Joha Beats,
Also, by y irt at af Write af Lmraria Pari: aa 1
Setarway, tba Irt day af Jaa. 1878, tbt fallow-1
lag nal attatt i I
A oartala two -story fraa house. 16x88 favt
with all atUehed, Sflx)6 feet. Bight rooa and
ball aw firtt floor, aad 17 rooai aad ball oa at
ad ttory, walated whit, eitaatt ia tba rfltag af
ua bow. uioarai aaaat. r., tba rwtr of :
Uag aad Plaak at net. Seised, takea la ex eaw - i
ttoa, and as a told at tba property tf Baaawal
Taaatt ar StLBTht art as ar aaa aft whtah
tbt pnporty shall bt ttrwok f aatt be paid at
Iba time af avla, trsuoh wher arraagemeau
taaa as will b appnvod, stharwtta tbt property
will ba I a aed lately put Bp aad tald agala at
tba tspejaa m4 risk af tba poreow to whoa It
wat strath at, tad wha, Ib tat af doltitaty at
neb ro-aaJ, thall aaka gawd Iba taat. aad la
aa iattaaoa will bb Deed he arttawAad la Oewrt
for twafirBBttow aalaa tht aaafy la ac taaily
paid ta tba Sharif. f
Saaairr't Orrira. f Sberif.
Vieaneia, ra., May 8, 1171. ,
I. $n tfa.'i Column.
T. A. PLECK & CO'.
Market Street,
Tnrkoy Reds, and all other kinds of TABLE MNEN,very cheap.
LADIES' COATS call and soe them-they aro nice.
Uoci ahead of anything evor bronghtjto this town.
This (took is more
a riLL. n.rE or cooLEr cork corsets.
ED AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen.
Ruchlng, Collars and Cuffs, Laoos, Now
broideries white and
Suspenders, Shirts, Nocklics, Underwear, Shirt Fronts, Silk nandkercbicta.
CMT. a good stock, cheap CU
Trimming Silks, Ornaments, Feathers, &e.
Our trimmer, MISS MRACIIEN, is with
Bonnets, jmt as
We bought our goods In
phia for CASH, and they
Spring and Summer Dress Goods.
cheaper than any other store in
WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every one of our custo
mers, without urging them to buy.
WE GUARANTEE that we have the largest and chocest as
sortment of all kinds of Dress and
and Fancy Goods in Clearfield.
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
S. 3.. tat $.'t dituka. '
Clearfield, Pa.
complete than ever.
Fringes and Trimming, New Em.
colored, (. urtain Xsets.
ns agala, ready to trim Hats and
you want Ibcm.
New York and Philadel
will be sold CHEAP.
will sell all kinds of Dry Goods
Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery
piir flUifoni.
Ins soall' inawd at tkla .Baa.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
CurwenaTllle, Pa. Jan. 9, It-It-
Arnold wants
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.
Carw.aiv UK Jaa. I), Tt it
Carw.nirlll., Pa., Jaa. I, 'Tl-tr.
Prices of Shingles,
Carw.nirlll., Jas. I, "71 tf.
1.1 very Stable.
TH I nnd.ralgn.d n.ffe lea., ta iniora tke pas.
lie that S. la new fnllT Sranar to neeoaa
date all In tne waeaf feralentag Bs-.eM, Besfl
Saddlaa aad Hemes, ea the abeiiaet saliee and
b rMaoaabl. terae. lUeldMe. .s LMset rtrwat,
bettteai Third aad Fourth.
Heuleld, Feb. d, 1174.
Th. SBd.nlrBd will Mil .1 prlenfat sal. all
that traet .r p.roel .f land eitaar. ta DeMtsf
towa. hip, CU.rt.ld, Pa., wltkla a ehort
dleune. of the Trrone A Cleulel4 . aad
adjoiais, lasde tt Robert Uadeos ssd etnere,
nnd known a. the Jak B. Oewhwt lot Ta.
aatd traet esnulnln. II mm aor. or Wm, with
tw. Tne af ralaahl. Ml thnrwa, has abMt M
aere. eleared, and Is th. key te . utra. hod. af
ooal abont kelnf deTelosed. Will be aold lew sad
apon mbj tenaa. ftr partlenlare, aeple t.
Clearleld, Ta., Julf II, 1171.
Insurance agency.
(Haeeotaort to M array A Oordoa.)
Tha followiB Irat-elaa ooapaDlat rpreatd:
North BHtlab 4 Mtreaattl Fir lat.
Co., of Koglaad H t2B,-0,tHr
Boot! tth Coaarrolal Fir las. Co., of
B o laod . ... .$ 1 6,Me,0V8
North Atoerio. of Philadelphia HH 4,700,O
Fire Aaaoolatloa, r.f Fhiladalphl 8,106,808
Waurtowa Fir, Nw York, tasorot
fara property oly H 700,608
Mobil Tiro Dtpartmtot lat. Co - 176.6C8
Ptrms la tht eooB try waa lis r lasuraoot, oB
have It promptly ttteaded to by addraaslBf as ta
per ton or by lotur. Lowtat pottlblaratMio firtt.
clast eoBpauitt. Ao etMeemeiire. O3oo ia Pit t
Opera House. ANDRE VT PKNTZ, Jr
Claarfltld, May 1, 1874-ly. Arenti.
WmcBBAt, Hoa. C. A. MAYER. Prasideat
Judfre of the Court of Coaaoa Pleas of tha twoo-
ty.flrtb Judicial l lit riot, ooaposed af the eoaa
tie of Clearfield, Ceotro aad Cliatoa, tad lioo,
Abbam Oodbm aad Uva. Vincbrt B. Holt,
Assoeiat Jadfta of Claarfield Co., bar Issued
tbtir piweept, to a directed, lb the boldiog of
aa Adjoaraed Court of Coaaoa Pleat, at the
Court Hoot, at Clearfield, la aad for the tooa.
ty of Clearfield, eonnenolus; oa the THIRD
1879, and eontioainf two weeks.
N 0TICE Is therefor hereby civen to Jarors and
wltntttet, Ib and for aaid ooaoty of Cloarftold to
bo and appear Ib tholr propor perrons, at 1 0 o'olonk
A. U. ol said day, to do tbos things which la
their behalf pertaia ta b don.
OIVEN aoder ay baod at Clearfield, thla Uth day
or April, ia tha year or oar idord oaetbou
sand tight hundred and seventy -sight.
At Shaw'a old attnd, CUarfltld, Fa, hat Jt
opened a ntw atook of
aad la aow prepared to forotah aaythlag la tha
tht liae af Drogi aod Modielaet at tht rtry low
att easb prieo. a
H hat also oa bsad a large stock of Coaba,
Hatr aad Tooth Braises, Fancy Artie), ToUt
aad Shaving Soaps, aad arythlag ataally kept
la a firrVolast Drug Star.
enmponnded with ear., day or sight. A liberal
ahara of patrosaf. raiMtfolfT eolleited.
Clearleld, Fa., Oek 14, 1177.
Cle.rfleld, Pa.
RMpeetfaltT tnroraa hie ensleaera. ssd the sen
ile tn (.neral, thai he mbIIbm. le BMafaM.r.
all hind, .f
Tin, Copper d Sheet-Iron Ware,
or lr.t-.lai, Batarlal only, and Is s wwkana
una a
doao oa short aotte aad vary roatoaahlt tcras,
kept la stock, aad for talt low.
Gas-Fitting and' Plumbing
a specialty.
Oa. Flitan. alware Mt hand. All wark fnaraa.
teed to fir. eati.fectloo.
A ehare of pnllle pntronnf. oerdl.II; MlMad.
Clearleld, Pa., Mar 1, 1177.
ht avedtataal ,umm,
Traaew, BesfwrUra, lah.ol Bmbs aad StstUa.
try, aad 1 Maw artUto. assail
feaad la a Drat Stara.
FtJIXY COMPOUNDED. H.wUa, a ara, aav
ertiaea la the haatsMe is. mt gm aaaiasas.
Owl.14, tkwmhw II, lilt.