4I 440 4f 4 J 10 15 4!7 437 104 IM 10 10 437 1 An. Ill 44 8 17 100 il 117 ot t 10 150 103 131 Saletl Treasurer's T MAT H7I IWS1 lell -op- TJnseated 'Lands I CLEAKl'lEI.Il COUHir. Kotie I hereby xireB, In Bareeeae of an Aet I Aeeembly opprored Ibo III .ley Ol J on", U. IMS, iDlllM"Aiilrl u emend en Act direct In. tho mode of eelline I'oeeeled Land, il Clear field H"v the eeeeeel tepplemeat there to, ther will tet exnooee to wit or Wfj, ow OKCOfiD MOKDAY, IKlh day of J I'M, A. D. l"l, lb. iollowiD truu or pleee of lend lo Ml torn!, for laxe dee aad oopoid, ri : Beccarla Townililp A. p. H.m.ere. Tat. II ThemBlllinto.....,.. " - 11 ,: 110 . m 100 to no 141 ri 431 180 ' 14 14t iro '- Wl JO to 101 4 433 lit 121 , 1A0 174 Jul IK 80 ,. .us . M 14 , f-14 7 130 , Joan Nerlor, to (o 20 70 Frederic! Uawmen- from P. A. Hjbb..... Jamoa ajrliurtrie........ Thomai Morjretory ...... Mnroot Miliar 20 01 31 74 17 31 17 31 t Jooo Brady... Wm.Br.dy.... .... tt .... 131 10 .... lit 4 .... 7J 01 .... t.1 ... M 14 Jemoe Main Aleiondor Blolo. Joba Whltmer Henry Wbtimer Wn. Wileon . - ' Harmon Whltmer Browa A Fellerten...... tl -Jobo Holland.. 110 PewUet 91 Jeremiah Molior ... .... OS 46 77 44 ttl oo 91 00 0 00 17 M 10 00 47 40 01 M .It 43 ol Tt 41 00 el 01 141 40 IH Derld llarteo Irederick Daemon...... Donate MeCey, r ...... Jooob Kin .., Jeoemiab Moaner. Frederick BoUa .... Tbotnee BilliBf toB..H.. John Beam. m H Martia Franta............ Fioderick JIubl.TH.H.. Ac. 431 151 74 77 171 14 t 4 75 10 4 50 i Ko. 5 3(14 4!J 4383 4370 4.171 4.180 4351 4354 5.150 S35S S35 S371 5371 1381 SMI 1014 1800 3(17 10:t 5384 4368 1889 i35l 5.151 5357 S17 1037 1029 1.10 ll 1027 1028 1887 18.19 3H8 1887 ls8 1117 3850 180 1025 101 10.11 10.15 1037 No. 5311 4.117 Mil ill 4320 5311 5321 4.128 5.1.11 4333 4.124 5314 1884 5331 532 It ( , Brtma A Fullerton...... Philip Mveeoeope ,.... Jamea Oebell HH.. J. W. Boilth ....... 4 10 II 30 1 03 to 0J 01 40 Of 433 113 William Graf, 431 .414.. J aba MUIot.-. at 10 70 lS tt 100 411 01 feuwtrt Cowaa.. II 30 Jacob Faart , Jobo Boaemoa.......... Frederick Haley.. Hall A Ma; J. B. Walter Bell Towaatilp. 44 40 4 W II It 71 41 4 7 Jfo. Aft. Tar. BVmafee. Tax. 41D1 1000 llcory Back $ 301 to 5610 4110 " " '" M bin 1000 . " " Sal 4t if 10 60 " " " l 01 4187 ' 110 1 " ..... 'I 07 Mil 101 100 " " ......... tl il 11 " 14 00 tail HO ' " l' 11 tali 007 Nieali A Griffith... lul ot iVIl 1100 " 170 4t , 100 From Rd. I 01 300 From BetU 4 tt 4180 too Haarj Bark il U tv04 100 NiekliB A Oriffith... 147 0t iyt.0 ttl " " .. II 11 41107 to " .. 7 40 jolt 031 " ... 0 30 M0 . 44 . " " ... 71 i toil f 12 ). , " 41 it HM 1000 IlaBr; Bark 01 0i 4I-0 til " " 40 t tOI 101 F.O. Millar II 00 too lol 31 NiekliB A OriSlb.... 11 77 iVIl 400 " .... 41 44 toil l't 11' IleBrjBaek. 18 71 4280 10 ..... . 40 4287 400 " tl M 4018 141 31 " 40 H 4018 W , , " II M Jl 111 ' 'HanrjBerk., . 7110 1010 111 3 " " 110 1 8"0 WlddooaoB A Bro... 44 00 437 130 i J. B. BarfooB ....... 10i4 4287 100 lira. QltBa............ t 01 Bloom Townahlp. No. t Aa. Par. N'orroanr.. Tat. 2004 10 Roharu A Foi.......t 184 00 331 J. W. Smith 12 4 4041 6 NiekliB A Oridtb.... II 44 14 II " Bijlar I 44 3811 III RobartaAFoi 4174 340 ItllJ IS II 6 111 100 Jarob Barrar 7 3 107 OtTid Irrin ail ...... 108 4l 1811 t Hobarta A Foi 10 80 330 A. L. Toli.r 44 00 88 MilloB L. MrClur...., 18 00 4il It Nieklia A UriOtb..... 18 00 3 Angelina nailar....... I 44 lno Philip Faalar ... II 40 111 Daal.l Kndcara 13 80 lit William Araold. II 40 flifirfl TooriiobiF. Ae, Tar., r f H'flrm.rro ; t Tag. " J ' " Tbomar........ .....I 4 74 eCornick.... 84 34 , 80 75 Flaary BoaaaTrTST; N. Mfltoaald Jobo Bjrera Barbara tajdor Joba MoalRomary., Oaorrc Arara Wm. TrootwiBO..... Tboatai Bmitb...... Joba Repbart.... . W'alaoai A MaBaoa., Jarih BalL. ....... Joba kaao ....... Tbomaa l'ark Albart Owea... II 00 ..... II 74 mi 100 1114 ion 1031 1021 188 04 74 . 80 7S 31 24 i .. II 00 31 74 ............. 10 .... U 71 I It ....... It 7t 4334 4351 1814 1831 4321 Bradford) Townahlp. B'ommla.. Tax. For. AlriaaderDallaa. ...I 94 04 Paaaoaa Rator 7 43 llarriaoB, Brard A Bryaaa... I 10 Andrew Brard... 10 02 if; Joaapb footU. ....., I 7 Horatio h. Hall 14 V. 1. Holt ... ........ 10 44 Jniepb Hand....... 11 48 David Meaaa. S ti Wm. Hiiehinga. T 10 Blair Met'lenahaa II 10 Jamaa Daneaa.. ., 14 18 Haald Aket..... 1174 Hall A Book .... 11 41 Joba MebolaoB........... tl It Conynxham.. 7 II Pally MeUnahao 1 14 IjJchirdMoaaop...... I 08 Brady Tawoalllp. Per. WarrmtttM. Tax. Wm. Ktrkpatritk...t 227 84 O. B. Ooodlaoder M Darid Kennody. 144 2 t Oonrad Loa... till Heaiy Wye:... TIT 41 Joba Doalap 154 3 Ca-rr Slirar It 21 487 n- Ko. 401 14M ! 5931 tool 187T t87 1881 58C Aa. lit 103 433 31 8.17 II lli 43 411 44 11 13.1 let 10001 ) 1004 111 I 348 1411 lull It 14 T tr 50l II til 1071 Mi 04 Robarta A Fox 979 18 . 141 78 " " t68 87 001 171 44 II 15 1 35 471 M 70 III I 17 10 111 11 it HI 10 10 lit 91 . 023 77 J. W. Smith........... II 13 C. II. Preoeott.... 3 43 Robarta A Fox. ........ 181 4 ' BcaJemiB Henry , t 2 Carper Stiver........ 84 15 Ceaper Stiver, tr....... 107 14 3 George Sbafrr.. il tt 30 Roberta A Fox....... 500 84 Chriatiaa Lower....... 19 HollopetorABrabakor 12 90 Chriatian Lower. 1(1 It WiUy A MeCallaagh. It 10 Jamaa A. Celhere. ...... Hat Reherl Carry I 48 H. A W. Wiogart...... 10 41 J. M.Adame St It MeClaia A Ca. M 0 W. M. MoCalloaglL.. 21 0 I. W. Smith........... 17 tJ 349 114 lit 105 200 13 11 138 181 II 118 It 451 It 17 10 RnrnaMe Townahlp. No. Ao. Ifayrwafee. . Tax. ttnl 10 Joan Iibeln........4 U 401 II It 5864 13 " ... 291 99 19 Job Neylor........ ti 14 I Maham Whitamaa.......... 11 27 II' Caapar Shatter Jr 91 IS -189 Dealel Whitmar 134 14 ' 4M Joba Hobley..... . 38 44 101 Mary Robert 4 74 ' 149 Joba Treeeler. tot TO All Caeoer Shefer....... 171 74 la Jeremiah WilliemaeB....... 101 40 .,114 Mary Crarerd. ..... Ml II ,111 Towacoad Spaekmea 10 II 301 Rebecca Srowa...i 119 71 10 LooaerdHellio.............. IS 14 IIS Frederick Eobn 171 06 04 Beery Raper it It 171 - Bailey 18 41 Cheat Towaakla, H'arvware. Wm. Haaenee Joke Berd. . Ao. Par. 151 Tax. 10 II 144 411 5 300 10 9tt 411 431 41.. 140 M . 171 411 114 111 . . 431 10 IS 21 10 la 8 I ' is It ' la t 181 II 2 41 4 M , 184 tl Jeetak llayaee.. Thianaa Bamileon4.M... 151 Char lea Gnhin Robert Fleming.. ...... ,m. leaaa Riehardaoa........... .Joaatbaa W alter...... . John Oook. Jaapor RwiBf....... ...... (a Ceok-..... MeOord trael....... Joeeph Piaee ...... Oeoraa Pena, . Heavy Pefe..... Jamoe a.'. Chriatiaa Kobr.....M From t-anh .H... Metthiea Sleogk........ Mebagey A MilahalL....... t Miller A hlirt. ' JVjba Breaoemea Joaapb McMarra.. .'v... Heaver Mille Co. tttftlag graood.......... Fn A Hp rook la. ........... Robart twinaj ; Jamaa Boa John Oeaalagbam... JokB Meaaar . " Henry Broth. Jr .. 1 41 44 II II It 41 lot 14 ' in tut 0371 eS!4 MM BM 937 tall Itl Martha Wethiagton.... John Maoaer . T. LaavVora.. Reek McOoeiaetl eatata...... LoonarJ Wlllraara forlnton Tawnahla. , oi 081 Ooaraja Mead... live lit II t UN lit , Ilea) '"" e tooT lior 5 . 171 11 tot I M. ...1TT - M jiii mi..... SA .... xi 151 f stdttrtUrmrntj. M.' 1 It 34 tut tlorrla A Bitvart...... it 10 .... il 0 Hoorta Maada .... 1 40 ai ..... I4 10 - . .. 117 00 S87I 47 1 ll 45 ""Worrli A Stfwort....... 13 40 Ac. 411 Iti 49 100 109 214 no 100 I 40 M from J. Bldar...... IXralar Townalilp. An. 141 113 41' I 151 Jill , 4 . II 10 404 400 111 101 84 Sofl41 31 4l 10 100 i of 71 100 ' , iii : . I 2 , us 100 114 . 140 Hi 1M 47 1 IS It . 0 10 ' 40 Par. 47 1.17 1.17 154 . 41 ITara.lM. TaX. Job Uripkar $149 04 Joba S. Bryeoa. ... 51 II Richard Tbomaa...... 114 8 Jaoob Domain 154 17 Hoik ll....,....... Ill II Joba Kyroo......... 19 73' Wm. MiBtgomefy...... 34 70 Tbot. Ednimwn. ...... tt 47 Jot. BamilUB....M.. 4 04 Chat. Hiak 140 10 Robart Raimcy Ill 10 Patrick Moora 10 Mary MeUsahaa..... 18 SO Jamaa Wbll.bill 7 31 Wm.Braaa 100 71 Tboa. KdmaodaoB.. 1SI ! r)aml. Hamiltoa 147 44 Cupar llatn..... 101 71 Patrick Moora... 101 00 Hand Steward. 11 1" Clariior Haloaa......... '0 91 49 154 Hi 4411 5111 44 1414 1401 nil 172 1701 5405 I08S leei 117 31 147 1451 Tnea. r, topa. Thaa. hdaaoaua..... I WW rtn 120 01 tlilbort Vane i,MT Joballolliday.Jr til It Jobo Hamaoa. Klliabatb Harrlaoa. K. Floiaber Joa. Harriaoa....... D. W. MoCardy D. W. MaCardy Albert Owe. J. D. DcaaiB.w.. 115 87 .. tl 10 78 00 . 131 ... 37 77 .. 1 05 .. 4 18 4 It Ao. 431 431 41 4.11 4.1 431 131 87 431 181 413 li 80 A. V. lloal..... 10 I Henry Po.... 9 00 Millar oauta 90 Frrfroaon Towmablp Harrwaa. 1 Tax. daorio Roaa I 0 18 Par. 151 Lewi Jordan.. 17 81 Abram 0dan....w... J. H. FerguaoB. .......... Denial Frank Joba (ire. Chaa. Lewie.... Oeorge 6traw.....m.....H WarraB Bell....... VYewren Brll....K.... .. From Wm. Datia It Irk 'a aetata - 10 23 4 78 SO 73 11 tt II 08 14 31 41 10 II 84 I 13 II 47 411 100 No. 5309 61' 6301 5.101 4301 4304 1305 illlt 5307 t.101 4309 431 4311 4101 4304 S304 4108 5201 418 till 1 005 1001 Olrard Townahlp. Aa. ' P. Wmrrmntt. lot Decree Mead........ 23 00 i 7 00 1.18 00 M , Iv8 00 " 51 90 61 M i x . .... 11 04 w 408 00 31 40 " " ......... too oo ' 171 40 1W4 10 134 00 1 ' ' 121 00 128 00 750 111' 841 1088 1100 1048 1008 lint 1100 1100 1100 1081 1100 1001 158 154 II 180 it till 130 708 not lioo 1100 41 10 134 138 il 401 187 1811 184 J 458 151 848 lot 187 III 114 . 45 4.10 120 Morrla A Itewart,... Fraooia Coadriot. M M ...... Morrla A Stewart..... Oeorge Mead...... .. Morrle A Stewart,.... George Mead. II 00 74 00 1 SO 47 10 i II II I It 441 10 880 10 838 10 (l 80 1 11 4 88 11 64 18 44 7 48 71 01 1 71 II 10 74 10 17 00 31 0 17 80 31 8 II 41 17 80 .18 1" 17 40 I It Morrla A Stewart..... 1303 510 1201 1904 1007 1011 1011 Aug. Beaueeigaear... Morrla A Stewart... lioalifn Townahlp. Per, VT.rrwalee. - George Need..... Ac. il 1151 1 1109 It'OO 1100 loot 1100 11 CO 1100 1100 800 111 00 Hot lino Tax. ..$ 161 45 41 48 117 1 117 14 lit 81 5 .... te a.. l'.t I l7 7 380 17 13 io 1.8 40 :ii to 10 05 Wm. Slanee ... Oeorge Mead.. 10 80 r-iitvet III 10 451 33 lol o 74 10 84 4 31 tt 57 4.13 lilt lei 431 6829 llUlf 53.10 I It 90 lit Morrla A Stewart-... ri lit t 411 13 822 141 771 177 n i liS j 108 n. H. Morrow Morrla A Btewart- II It 17 94 II tt SI II IS 44 IT II It 40 18 II It 44 S SO II 14 3IT 111 161 T7 Oilllngbam A Garrl- 19 91 II George Mead 309 134 C. H. Wood.... 10 Morri A Stewart.. It Cbae. T. Robert... 15 Tbompaoa Road... 51 Wm.YVobb IS J. C. Smith. Crahnni Townohlp. ITarreafc. Jaaper Mayland ....... Thoa. P. Copa Joba BhyroB George Moore......... , Charle nail . Hooter, Harrl A Co Greenwood Townahlp 13 Tax. ,.:.. tt o .... 30 40 .... 19 10 ..... I 40 .... ST 30 .... IS 21 No. 6061 6039 S9ot 6031 No. Ae. Per. narrwaree. Tav. John Herabright.. 44 90 Benj.Glbbe 344 10 ft A. Irvla I 44 Micklla A GnBtb..... 471 01 Joba Nieboleoa 169 85 Joeeph Bocae........ 14 43 " ........ 17 8 " 14 11 " ........ 19 II 403 69.U 6081 toil 4941 4S tt 151 141 111 lot 109 IS 'Per. Ill 131 161 1S3 41 7i lli 153 8 496 5951 Cnllrh Townahlp. rVarrwntce. Chriatian Starke Tax. t 88 18 ... 181 II 406 II ..... 180 41 171 94 151 30 ..... 15 95 II It .... 31 13 184 40 . 95 It .... II 41 13 ... Ill II 11 II 141 67 ... 10 74 ... II tl .... 141 68 .... II 61 ... 9 96 .... 37 19 ... 149 l .... 7 14 il tt 87 tl ... St (I Matlbiae Yoang.. j....'... tbrittiaa linger. George Mnreeremitb..... Tbomaa Yeoler Deaiel Ogley G verge Baker.. Timothy Pexkia...... Joha Barge Emaaoel Rugort. ., Wm. Gray Tbomaa Ureal. George Moor..... a a Philip GloBnioger...... Joba McCaken.. 71 49 114 17 George Raker..... Joba McCeben Lampbleok Bvajamta Wileon... w John Whinner-.... PigotSbaw B4. Hand........... ...... Pi jet Shew........ Piget Shew Beajamia Wileon . Richard ReBBel.......... Robart Headeroaa .......... Daaiel Felheraan B. Hau.r Hnalon Townahlp. 98 1 II II 10 II ,, 511 Ko. 491 4871 M74 4875 li II Ao. 176 lit 1141 1041 1041 9V 879 141 III Par. IFarraanr. Tax. Fairaaer. Wm. Willink David Caldwell.... ..J 11 10 .. II 40 Moore A Delaaej.. .. 16 17 6I 4 M H Wm. Power.. ... HI 94 lol 14 508 4087 4871 480 433 4131 43 tt ....... tit 16 Moor A Drlanoy 141 I Wm. Wllllnk ...... 05 Jemea Wileon......... 117 67 49 T4 17 I7S . 147 17 " " .. IT 14 R. Shoemaker 61 75 111 (Shoemaker........ 11 19 4311 15 Jemee Wileon. 151 10 433 So mm ........ 104 10 431 II " 135 71 tail II Woodward A Flanoy I It 4I 10 " "II 12 5678 141 II Mean A Del.aey ... 141 K 1877 147 II " " .... 77 II 8671 141 il ... 87 0 577 40 " " .... il I J 1ST " ... T JJJJ 171 aa .... 19 1511 ' is II Robert Fei... 161 41 Kt Id ' 184 8 tall 1081 - ... 147 0 5671 347 IS Moor A Deloaay lilt 3501 Roberta A Fox 5I 40 1161 431 t " " III I 4334 98 Jemet WiUno. ... 48 21 4111 IK .. 0 I 4321 lS " " . . 761 64 491 Ml Ma , It; 7, 1081 99 Wm. Power ....1190 , 4311 til Jeaaa Wileon...... 131 14 42.14 13 Jeaaee Wileea. ....... !.! Ml I 1601 101 M Robarta A Fox... 16 4 Wl Ml II ..... 9 II : 360 199 161 Ill 10 l Mil Til mm j M . 1571 19 lot .... i I . 1404 11 m m nn ?M tt 6T tt 4 , m m , 441 ,e . 140T ' 859 It ' . ai .... 114 t 1514 111 4 M a . 731 t . 1681 ltr 4 . a f 14 loo tat II a 1,4 o . letl III la Powere .... II 91 , 4101 lit N Jamaa Wileon....... Ill 4 lit I Joha DaaUm... 41 1 . f tt Reyaolde ano. dir. J. Mioklla 14 M 11 It Reyaald an. Air. J. Nieklia....... ill I II lt R.yaold nh. dir. i Rieklla..... II M I 4 Raynold oak. dir. I ! e. J. FJIokUn (I lit) lenetd aa. dir. I . Uleklt....... I T I It II tayaold a dir. 1 I 1. Blob Ha. ........ I II I III M The. Reaa let...... 3C 0l gnrtisrmnt. k waar ..I It I7 117 I A. I. Drowa lot II Mom A Delaoay... lit 40 Mooet A Daleaej... 35 li Jordan Townalilp. PerT 151 ' Warrnafee. Tax. .....I 101 00 .... tl 10 ...... T 46 37 40 ..... 91 IT 00 II 94 I 70 ..... 10 10 Tbomaa Mart!.... Robart Mania Wm. JobaetoB.. Daniel Smith Richard Patera. l H .,..,,...,,., Philip Fnati ......... Joba liraf. Bavj. Yoang........M..w.t. Kartbaaa Townahlp. lit t Ao. Per. ' Warrantee. tJeeVje 2lead........ Tai 747 1041 till 1100 1111 1100 704 IV 17 48 S50 so i 0 ; 117 70 17 4 7 no 17 100 to r. 16t 14 3 IV 30 151 14 181 12 307 46 10 90 11 fl I tl II 78 I 70 14 I 40 r ui . 10 10 ' 1 44 1 ts II 64 II T 4 4 60 Caapar Wlatar... George Mead J. R Mel'loakea Hjeri A Flabar Oliver Mnoro Hagh MeUonlglo Ktaariok A Rider..... K.lw.rd Mr Harvey.. i " .. Wlllard J W. Koack MeCloikay A Potter... Wm. V. Keating.. linos Townahlp. Warrantee. Joaapb llllll.rd. I of Robert Gray. of ....... Joba Briokbarct, J of. Sarah Ward, i af. . George Kddy, of , Moor Wbartoa, i of,M...M... Uearge Aahtoa, i of.... rleajamia PoullBO..., Ureal Morri Xartm Pe.roe....... Iiabell Jordan...... Adam Hhoad Peter Whlteeiaa ......... Saaannab Ward Wm. Hunter. Cwa Telk.. Lawrence Townehlp. Per. Wanraalee. Par 143 151 .a 151 153 143 143 111 151 153 Tax. ; 31 17 48 60 31 II ' 46 50 46 60 a 6 It 80 14 81 234 48 lot 71 91 00 81 81 It 74 II II 86 80 19 10 A a. in 1100 IIM no no no IIM 110 1100 1100 no 110 no 110 noo no 1 1 no 174 no I1U0 88 88 21 111 17 17 1030 18 10 721 not Tax. ( 473 00 II It , lli I Oeorge Mead lot 61 111 60 60 30 61 1 , 157 00 269 00 , . tt 30 103 80 , 224 00 . 80 8l .16 80 . 900 00 851 0 854 00 83 41 10 7 , 115 00 11 74 106 31 II 01 It 0 45 1 2 8 40 60 ' 1 00 , 1.17 10 61 10 69 30 81 38 . 185 9 9 40 , IT 80 4 36 i 00 Robert A Fox Hagh Jordan. Joba Rood .) Samael Clyde laaae Go n .,. Robert A Fox .. lraaeConklia. Jarael Nichole George Mead 5297 1100 5290 481 1100 74 141 37 tt Ellii Irwla A Sob... MM M MM M Heory Mead "... Morrla Townahlp. Warmefee. George Wtuol Wm. Wirt Ckrittiea Wirt Daniel Loaok Jeaae Yrnll , Joaopb Turner. .......... Per. Tax. till 31 180 III ..... 160 06 11 14 ..... 3l8 80 10 08 117 84 .... 118 88 .... 181 61 .... 98 (Kl ...... 98 96 131 41 103 84 I IS ...... 91 4 J ..... 90 6 ,,a VS 6 J. 65 101 10 flcarg Habeekor Peter Yeraelt...... Clem Stoker Joba Yaagha. Jooatban 'Nvabit Blair Mcl.eaahaa. .. Tbomaa Murrl...,.., Wm. Morria Samael Meredith Wm Miller 151 143 151 153 It 143 153 153 163 163 I '. 153 lit 161 Itl ..... 119 71 HettyMirrla...- Thomea f itarimmoBa (levrf Clymer Hubert Gray Patrick MiKiro.......... Mary Morrir Magnaa MilUr .......... N. Praaier.. PetHek II. VI Robert Ul.na.. Joba Hnetoa Freaelc JobaaleB..... Dftvid Beverage............... Walter Stewart Hyman Grata Conrad Swart......,...... Joba Graff.. N. Reedaower .... Metthiea rjloagk Robart Caraoa ......... II. Raedooar Metthiea Sloagb. llvnry Driaker. Joeeph Habley.......... Joaopb Poitor Freocia Jobaana II 71 7 16 .... 71 It 71 16 98 96 110 71 , Iti II 1.1 01 It VI , 91 19 . 179 10 , II 86 . I 6 . St 71 , tl 44 44 on 4 18 . 11 il 1 44 111 14 11 , II 11 I 91 II 66 '7 7 31 47 I 44 I MM It Wm. Blgler I 60 1 7 . It M 0 Jo.oph Raymeed.... 17 Richard Alleman Pnn Townehlp. Warrwefe. Micklin A UrifStk Ae till 171 747 111 300 133 14 to 18 460 4 10 Tax -!.16 46 369 10 17 86 . 110 48 Ill 3" I0T 40 ..... 8 14 3 30 Greenwood Bell NiekliB A Griflth.. ....... IIS 64 14 . 2 80 t 40 Pike Townahlp. No. Ac. Pel. Werroeree. Tax. S78I 75 Joba Mieholaoa. 1131 eo 1771 110 " - II 71 5774 i 481 64 i , 21 10 t77l 110 II . ' ' ...... 34 16 577 136 Jamaa WllaeB t 30 5777 109 61 Joha Kiebolaoa...... 13 42 5777 41 13 Joba Mleboleoe 84 70 402 111 Nivalin A GriBtk.... 41 M 19.11 lot . " " ... 41 On 177 17 Joha Niobolaea ....... 14 80 i779 41 ' " " ....... I 14 4777 187 " ..... IS 74 577T 3 mm 4 in 177 187 Jamaa T. Leoaard.. t 17 Pin Townahlp. No. Ae. Per. Werranree. Tax. 4154 117 11 Jama Wllaea. Til 66 426 701 lli " " 114 II 4261 '991 mm 1(lg t 5671 1141 II Moore A Deleaey... W7 41 4166 869 Jama Wileoa ...... 101 TS 67 1071 II Moore A IKI.ney... 16 St 424 0 Jam WilaeB..... 107 to 4281 900 " 14 00 419 40' " ...... I to 419 496 " ........ 19 I 426 201 mm ... le 4161 Mat mm ... 19 4261 90 a a . fV 00 6781 111 14 Joba Nbholeoa II 10 4261 161 II Jamae Wileoa II 15 674 II 41 Joha Hliholaoe II 0 4151 17 Jama Wileoa 4 M 4151 100 Jamaa Wl'eea 14 Union Townehlp, No. Ae. Per. Werramee. Tax. 3601 001 161 Roberta A Foi 1037 0 I60 " " ..... 00 151 111 " " 31 16 4151 141 ST Jama Wileon I II 4241 li! tl a , m n I lli 00. W. Araold , II 10 Woodward Townahlp. Aa. Per. Warmefee. Taf. 46 159 Joaatbaa Wall ......4814 84 411 141 Joha Roll 446 16 10 ' Wm. Wilaon..... II II 431 141 Iereel Wheeler III 18 6 BliHootmae ..... . 144 11 Mery Nell ... .... 606 to 8 Ben). Jobnttoa... 164 40 171 Hegerty............... 131 99 Metthiea Bartea 4 40 Joba Mofaken. ...,. 4SI 07 Rolaad Braaa t H..w IS 10 Pigot8haw. 101 05 Beeaatlen Oral .,., t Thee. Bdmnndaoa 171 It Jaa. Arebbndg ........ 171 14 Joha Maaeer.Jr.... lit I PbJip Poote...H.i...M. ol II J R. Howell.... ., U 10 Wm. Johaavea. 171 II Oeorge Rroeklaad- Ill 10 Bamael Kmlia.... tl II 41 Tl iti ii iti iti i lleary Kbeffer...,. tl 11 Tboe. Barbae II l Jamaa AKiandn. 47 tt Roland Bvaaa... IS It John Harrlaoa, of. ... Ill M Joe. Cluk.t at ..... tilt Bea). Johaetoa Ill 10 Reebea llaiaea, ) of 71 0 Lake Morrla, I of ....... 71 la. ' Oeerxe Aahtoa. I of .. 11 4 i a IS I.J. Prunr... .....,... Tl M John Vaagbt.................. Ill 10 Wm. Parker....... II 74 Charre ."Wear....... . I 11 Joba Caaaa IT Si 41 1M Bean Drinker. ....... 4 IS Wm. IMaker ......... Mery Baa4wlok ... .... 41 04 Mary Neil It II Wm. later. ........-. Wm. Luther . II 1 Jeaee AWaaaaer....... It J. Blake Walton.............. Tl It I let II . I Re. I and ... A. 0. rteaey......... to Wm. Wletar I II Wm. Wiatar ...... ...... I 71 0 L Lewder........ ... 14 tt . Wsx. Wileon........... be W Philip Pea 14 ............ 1 II I MeVealey A Loathe . II 10 - ' f Kaarte A Oe.. II tc ' . MeOAOOBIT, Treaearor. CUarleld, Pa. April I, U7. 3otfls, nJ- J .VS.V2H. 1 A e a aw . 'etUeaea v-r fNef r" iifit'A. Corner el Heoon aaa market Btreoia. ( l.EAKKIi:l.), PA. THU old Hd obmimIIobi floltl ku. dsrfq. th pMl jrr. - valtrirtd (JuiibU lu fwrr etpMltj for the ntruUnni of ttrta ftrt )- gntiUe Th wholt ttaiMinc litva bM rfnrBiibd, snd the ropiitor wtll ipara psini ,le r4fr hli piiit tomfort-bU whlU uyU't tl blm, tHrlh Unon Uoni" Omalbai rani l ud (rom tht Uapot Ik arrival and dpa.-tart of aaratrala. W. C. CAUUO.N, Jmif ll-IT-tf 1 ProprtttHj .HOTEL. ... Market Htrael. Clearfield, Pa. Wm. 8. Bradley, formerly proprietor of tke Leonard lloaee, having leaaed tba Allegben" llutal, aolieile a abar of pubile patroaaga, Th Hoaee kaa beaa tberoughly repaired and aewly furaiabed, and gueele will Ind it a pleaaaat atop piog plea. The table will be aupplied with the beat of everything la tba market. At tb bar will be fuand the beat wlnea and liiiuera. Good tabling attached. WM. 8. BhADLKY, May 17, 'it. Proprietor. SHAW JJOUSK, ' (Cor. of Market A Front alreou,) CLKAKP1KLD, PA. Tb andorilgned havlog takca ebarga of Ibia Uotl, would raapaotfally aolkcll pobiio patroaaga, lebll,'7l. K. KbUlOU bHAW. w ASH1XOTON HOUSE, KKW WASH1NGTOS, PA. Thi new and well laralehed bouae ha beea takea by the aojersigncd. He foeli eoafidoat of helBg able to reader aatiafaolioa to tboaa who may favor him with a eall. May I, 1171. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOVD IIOUSE, -Mala Street, PUILIPftRURG, PRNH'A. Table alwaya anpplled with the beet tba market afford. The traveling public la iavtted to call. Jan l,'7t. HOI1KKT LOYD. ?antf. . County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM Ib Maaoaic Rulldlng, one door north of C. p. Walaoo'e Dreg Store. ' Paaaage Ticket t and from Liverpool, Q & towo, tllaagow,' LoathiB, Parle and Copenhagea. Alao, Drafta for aale OB the Royal Bank of Irelaad and Imperial Bank of Loedoa. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Pree'L W. M. SBAW, Caahier. JaaJ.'fT DREXEL 4 Nn. a I South Third mreet, PhllaJelphla Wv.VCHS, And Dealers in Government Securities. AppliealioB hj mail will mcirt prompt atttm Hon, and all laformatioa obMrfBlly faraUhad Oriltr foliettrd. April 11 -tt V. 1. iiaaL. . W. AatrfOta. efe B. AVtHOL F. K. ARNOLD L CO., Banker and Itrokcrs, ReytioldiTllle, Jefleraoa Co., Pa. Hnnaj rmivtMl oo depot-It. Di?ooDta at ma- dftratti rat. KaUra and totiig Kxeban(t al aT htnd and wllttioni prumptljr madt. Jfntistrj. L. 1?. nEICIIIIOLD, RCKCEON DENTIN T, Gradual of the Pnai7.t.-l. Collejre of DaUl 6ar(trj, Offlaa io midfoot .r Dr. lliltt, oppoitta (fat (Shaw UottM. mcblS, 8-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (f'ftt.-e in B.nb Building,) Certtenarllle, t Irarllcld o.. Pa. mob II '76 If. - J. hi STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OAev la rcaideace, Beeoad etreet.) Icerlvbl, Pe. May I, U77.y. tisrdbtifous. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CASDON & BE0,, Ob Market tt, ana ttoorattt of Manaloa IIobm. . 0LIAIPIKLD. PA. Oar amajriMBaaU art rf th moat eonpMt eharaotar tor fnraiabiB tba pablit with Froab MnU of all 1 tad, and of tba fry batt qnality. Woalao dal la all kiadi of ArriBltara) Implo mtnta, whicb wo koop oo oibililtioa for too ba flt of tao pablio. Call aroand whta la towa. and uko a look at thingi, or adlrea aa - KM, CAHUOM 4 BRO. Cloarfltld, Pa.. July U, I87a-tf. FEES II MEAT-EW SHOP. The aaderaigned hereby Informa the pablie In general that they keep oa bend, regu arly, at their ehop, adjoining JUIIN OIJLIClrrJfuraitare room, ppoelt the Court Hooae, the MtST Bfltr, VtAl, MUTTON LAMB, PUHf, tTC, AT REDUCED PIiICES,FOR CASH. Markot Salardaya. inrainira Taoadav, Tbartday, and Maat doilrtjifd at rMidoooa whoa diircJ. A abara af patroaaga If rPfMfullT to I tod Marob I, la-e-lj. PTAUB A N0KKI8. T H COD K TRIT.-AII than man X P for thrir wurk bnrro It Iravoa tba akop. And aa all fleab ti aa tho Krai of tbo flcltj, and tho prumlaoa of aiea aro liko iho fowra lbronf tboj aro gitoo ono daj and forgot tea tbo nait thvtoforo it it boit B"t to truat antbodr. All kiada of work will bo dona ta tbit ibop for oaab or ready pay Itoota and ibuea of ail aiioa and ttyl-a tba b?t aal chtapeat in town. I bara roiao-fd my ahop to tho towtr and of town, la Taylor'a row, on Rood atroot, noar tho dopot. whtro I will ba foond at all timaa, waiting for ouatomon. All work warraalod good aad obmp, Alio, all klada of Loathor aad Shoo Piadlagi for Mia. Tbo a I Ulan 1 of Cloarftold and rialalty aro oapootfailf iaritod to gira mo a wall. JOS. U. 1K SKI NO, Claarfload. Pa.. Jaly 11, 187T. k. a. aaaa. a. i. aaaiarr. REED & HA6ERTY, Bacenaar to J. C. SCHRYVER. DKALIR8 III HEAVY AND SHELF IIAIlDAVAllE, "WOOD ulI mULOW-VTAZB. COOKING STOVES, HEATLNQ STOVES and KANQES Setond fit. rft-nrlrlof . Pa Tbo aodoralgnod woald aanoanoo ti tao attiaaaa of CtMriold aad ftolaity, that tboy bara par ohaaod tbo Hard war H toro of J. 0. tHohryvor, aad will oonataaUy kop a hand a fall aimtmoatof Hartiwara ta au hi true baa, lacn aa . TABLE & POCEET Cl'TLEBT! Baeh Rtopa, rTand flawa, Oreat Amarleaa Croie eal Raw, D. B. aad Peeling Alee, Hatchet, Pleae and Plane Irene, all kiada of Nalla, Hone Hhoaa aad Hone Hhee Nolle. Piaka, Hoot, Rakee.Hay Pork. Shovel aad Bpelee, BeytkecHaatkecPlowa, Orala Cradle, Caltlvelot. Doable and BlegleHbeval Plows, Coltivator Teeth, Rerela aed Try Hojaaree, Hl.oval Bladea, Mill Bow aad Taper PlUe, Cbiarla, Bitla, Aagara, Adaae, Barn Door Haagera, Batt. T aod Btrap rliage. Boaay'a Holla Aagara. all kiada of Leeht, Borawa,oah Oord end P alley a, GLASS and PUTTY, Paet and Chela Botu, Carriage, Tire aed Barrel Belt, AVd Oord, Sad Irene, Here Braahe and Carry Combe, Orlad atone litare. Oam, liema aad Haep-aloee Peeking, Coble Chain, ate. They will alee keep on heed a fell aaaovtment af Tinware, and a general aleak af Hoaee Varalen. leg Baada, waaeh Uey will eel at prieee a eall the llaaaa, Paraon adahlng anythlag hi their tea are ra veled ta ana) end examine their Mook before earahaetag, RBflD A IAU1RTT Oleeraeld, Hap N, Ittl. ?Wiv 3.arti5fmrnt5. 3 : oai.aa i anan vv r.i.-zi .'L:" ".'.i.TgTif--'' .v'. JXt W Wi. , efl 6TPUVVBROQE t CLOTHIER deiire to nuke known lo cxm arnncr ho ft"il U Incatrvenient to iit tli clljr every lime DRY QOOOS ere Mi-Jed, lii-.l our Hail Order Dcartnient It to pcrfeetej that alioij)iiig trJy be il.me while titling comfortably t home aa atit laciorily a at our cuun'.n. .A'.! C-.i i: -..-rcivryj' to at'.dreea of jot u tk-aircl, and CAMPLE ft. to aclcct from will be Immediately forwarded. Oi Ur are Clled at the iUcnlical price for which the good ere that diy oU over t!ie counter. The expenae, trouble and fatigue of goin to t'.f; city era avni-Kd end the good are eclcctcd front nx choice n . ml .i.nt a would be inspected were our ealabliahroenl viaitcd iu jkiMUU For yenn we h.ivc mule fJii peculiar branch of .the Dry Good bu. Ines n favorite ttutl, anj tli auccca of our MAIL OADEH DE PARTMENT la attested by the fact that an order 1 rarely filled with out making a iiemun. Dt cu-omcr of the peraon ordering. Fvery onler, be It fur a irJ of mti.lin or a wedding Uousieau, meeu with the moat careful and prompt attention. SAMPLES of ell Vind of DRY GOODS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, LINENS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, etc., with tewiM andjirve correctly marked, promptly forwarder! on application. STRAWBRIDGE k CLOTHIER,- N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, IT1H.AHF.1.PHIA. geKsiuine bargains at. GUINZBURG'S CLOTHING STORE, . WcNlcni Holcl Corner, Clearfield, In. We have just rrcehed an entire new stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, For Men, Yoiitli'i nnI ltoyVi. Then (rood" liftvu been aclcclrd with panio price. n aro iiicreiora prcparca io cotniciei wiiu nnti neir cheaper than any other home in tho county. Wo will toll you full mils or Spring Clothing al (torn $2 50 to flit 00. Fur fifteen dollar you can buy a good a nuit now a you could got one year ago for 8-5 00, and ull other article proportionately chenp. We linvo alo received a complcto lock of ' NECK WEAR, GENTS' FURNISHINQ HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS. Plcato call and examino our ilock 'before purchaaing. Jae H-a;,rll l.'IS SOMETHING FOR FARMERS. .mm' w'l1 W"yiTytrTa' 1 '."WW w a iTTaw v?-" 't" ,f"' -ff .-' ; 3 " ',4 E 3 i. ' ST" Sana-. F. 71. CAR DON & BRO. I1AVK JIBT RRCR1VED A CAR LOAD OF CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS, ALAHCB LOT OP . Farmers' Friend Grain Drills, Corn Planters and Threshing Machines, WHICH nlll he nold CHEAP anal KXCHAKCEU for. GOOD VOUKG IIORSE. Also. a car load of TIGER HAY RAKES. ftOLID IROM AXLE all th aray through. ClearleM, Pa., April 14, III. 5Tb tOani aSmxlj llS:-IVhMIlil,i.lll( riilhin'Hi'liUi.fliiaVJ NOTICE TO COIYSUMERS TIm Tib Tf ftaokipg Tubvart if "tMoiid to kon' ! wrona. ailduMf, parity aJ qulit'. Tht ir.t ntWhritr tf Mr Tim Tf Ttbirc th ntm'katf, w Uirrr aiitt.oB all Cbtxtrrt All dcftwri baTiof "rfl-winf otiw piny tob- WrloK ennri ot eVMlaH tftlMl, rMtlar lbtlvt I .ftb. to Iht pnsh sf ihtj lw, ti til Mrto T.oUt.ng onr aiark r psnithitM by In nd iTtiftfiaQaBiMit net aci ! conirvM "ty( 14. IH1. Tu f-oilD IrllUnl Tin Tff Tukcc iu bt diatingatvliihal tt lis T4U ob Men lamp 1IH tt wot4 LftKIII.AHU ttumfd Over 7,0 S oiu toSrtf U Im 1H77, ud wriy S.Oua Mrtoni iBtplv-fi km hetoriM. Tkim pld Outer BD-nt Is U77, nO0,-' nd durirg pHt 13 jrrt, erjr I.O.OOO.OiB. TbM kkhIi wl'l kT J. U Lllr, C)civrBld, Pt Agrat Ut ClHrtcid omtjt t .tBafMtnrm' Uu. , 7I-S-. PRIVATE SALE ar Valuable Real Estate I WL. A.I.J II. I- 1 t PLa.. M4 ot.iitT, P. ffm ittt olrOWl toUvb.i afml nntHtlr anU 446 Acre of Land, mere or leee, In Beenarta tewaehlp, lelng ea the north aide of big Clearflel arena, aail wltala eoe mile of Ike ame. Tbo abara tao I heerllj enToro with hemleeb, white oak, reek oat, an ether her wao timber, aa a aeeatMr af white aiea. eai to he half a millioa er more feet. The ane le hoarllr naterlai with bltamlnoB eoal. an dtreetlr ea tbo line of railroad leaitlag from HoaleAaloteCoalnert. Ilereloe Ueatoowa There are, alee, ether rateable mlaerel en the aame. The ahore land He ahoat two en a-half mllee halew the Tillage of Oh Hope, adjotelag Iea4e of Oeorge Oroum aad other, ea orbat I knowa ao Porter raa. Tee Imororomoate an tb aron enr aro a good geared eaw mill, ia raaalng arder, a bixb dam, etoao breaat. made la the beet man ner, l fur almoet ear meeeiaery. There It, alee, a largo (ram walliBg beaee awt frame aaaa eare thereon, and abent feite er (fir aeree, mere or lem, of the lea i eleerod. Anf nerae wiabiog lo lereat ta Bronortr of thi hied will da wall ta uamlae thia arofartj. I will eell the weele or Ik nadlrided half ialeeaal, aa mar aail the parehaaer. Tbeaa.retraetof land willmaka two or lareo rarma, Wklen win eompara larwraai with the greatar nan of ear eeeeir. Prioe Bad lone mad knowa to ear nereen wiehing t ncr- ehaea, Her rarlher noniealare naH I nerae ar eddreea the asdaratgned al ranptaa Hilla f .O, CleartaldeeoMr, Pa. (AM fc WIPHMIAB, Jan. t, let tf. 0 TOBACCO! flta giflirrlsstmnt. to n a Ir'tct r'Wiot'iruT n kit"1 prlii - ular enre, and bought lor Cath at GOODS, TRUNKS anil VALICES, A.GUINZRURG, A goat ae!f 4nmnem. th hoot rah In th werU. SEWING MACHINES AT REDUCED RATES! THE Nh'W 1MPROVEU Weed Sewing Machine, Fob tk BT 9111cm It. Jlccrn, CI.KARF.KLD, PA. (RrildrBW. Wm( CkBrfleld) Tb MEW IMPROVKD WKRD li cm of th fct Bwottia! Ib th wlitJ, bbI mt rmty lifht nd nint lu nw e-liBilsr S(el Hhattl hit nlT on lo to bv tbmded, and h(d mtm t neb tbn-Bd m noM tmy otb-r aBBffhiB. It M a sf tb bwt Nito IlMamrr ntwi. lu T twliI U Ion it and nomy, H bu b gwr aad . It rwrcwi r lt-pUt t b ra ord wbil oiling or el tailing. Tb Wfc Hit, bj.gr tba lat inprov-arat, dr a ptta at tb Pari KxpNitioa la Praoaa. ala, b award at tha CatBnial Kipotitioa, and ia alaiuat 817 8tU la tb Uala. MitebiBr -old ea Uoatblr Pa-ocntt. Pno faoald sat boy b(rt araiag tb Nw Wrd. Ut, Rraia, btaf nttla, and Kit kiad af aid Mftobittta token la part pay for Nw Uaobia. Al kind of Brwing MaebiarieUaB-d aed rtpatr d. Alto, dmlr in ail kind of Sewing Maeblaa Ndl OH, RoBtrt, Tb aiarkoT, Cater, Ilmr, HbattU, Cbk apnagt. A. Ja oririag aaytbiag by tur, b aar U gir aaia of aiaebiaa. Cah muti aoetoipitaj all ardr by Mil. Parvo) waatiag any other klad f oitfbm plaaat writ fr prioa. REMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald rofpoatfally aotify th pabll fooorally tbat b baa romortd bu Orooary Btor fro IShaw1 Row, to tb built! in forrlT ooeapiod by J. Mil Krtif( oa Hoad atroot, a at door to Big lor' bard war Mora, wbor h tatoada kpiag a ran ita r - a n o i: it iks. HAMS, DKIBD B ISP and LARD. 8CUAR8 aad 81 RttP8, of all grade. TKA8, tJroon and Blaeh. CO CP KB, Routed and Oreen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CmtjrjrcD ritriT,'.. All kind! la Ua market.' PICKLBS, la Jar aad karrela. SHCIS, la aretj laraa nad rarletj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINIM OK CRACKS). SOAPS, MATCBB8, DRIBD APPLBS, DRIBD PBACUBS, DRIBD CHBRRIta, CoI Oil (uvi Zaimp Chhajuy. And ffoed aeeertmenl af thoee thing nraall kept In a groeory etere, wkleh he will oaohaago ror maraeuag at ine ninrae pneea. Will el far one aa eboeelj a nap other enn. Plaaea aail and a hie Oteeh m ton HraAUerlRT. Ptoartald, Jan. , HI. BE ALTS HAPPIOT SS. Otatr pmor, a'atl vat lhty wtthta la nmk f arary ai't wha willaaa .triRiirs Liver nns, Tba. nly eare CURE for T.pid Liver, Dyepep. .la, lloadaeha. Boar Slomaeb, Cooatipalion, Debility, heeaea, and all Billiooa eompiaiate one Blood diaordera. Nona genuine nnlea aigned "Mm. Wright, Pkil'a." If your Dragglat will out anpply aend It eenU for oae box tv barriea. Roller A Co , Tl N. 4th Pbila. Dee. It, 77-1 J. STOVES, TIN-WARE AND GAS FIXTURES. JAMES L LEW V. Having prohd tb atook af Frad. Faakrtt, her. by gta Dotict that b la praparod to Taraik all kiada of EATING, COOK AND TAtlLOB STOVES, ' of th brat andlaUat InproTad patlraa. al rary low price. GAH FIXTUKFA II baa 'tlw hand, a lot of BRACKKTri, CUAIf.OfiLIIiRliaadt.Atr LAMPb, of all kinda, ai miubl pri. (1 flxtura or.Urnl at abort aotio. (a aai aaataajar, TIN-WARE. Atao, a eomplrt aortmeat of manafetared Tin-ware, to which he larllae tha etleotloa af parobaaera. Frr.nl part of Room Ko. I. PIE'S OPERA IIOUbE. J AH. L. LKAVY, Proprietor. PkhU. 8ACKETT, Hop'L Clnartrld, Pa., lie. II, If If. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Ua openrd. la a tulldlDg ea Slarkat trt. oa tb old M'mt-ra Hotel kit, oppoait tb Court noo ib uioaraaid.a iia ana &bt-iroa nana factory and Btor, wbr will b found at all Lin aroiiiiavor house rroinsimTQ qoobs. Stems, H&rdwm, Sto. IIoom Rpuatlng and all kiada of Job work, repair iag, Ae., doa oa abort aotiea and at reaaoaabl rate. AIm, agett for ta Singer Sewing Machine. A tapply of Maebio. with Nrodlaa, A4 al war a oa band. Trsoi( atrirtly oaab or eouatry prodaea. A narooi iatronag niicltM. O. B.MERRXIaL, 6 upri BtcBdr.it t. CUarfleld, April it, l87T-if. A NEW DEPARTURE IS LITH ERSBl EG. FWrtaiW, guuda will ba ald for CASH oaly, ur ia oschaaK fur protlaea. N book will b .('.t in th fular. All old aocoaaU Biit b ill ). Th'ft obo Dan hot oaib p, will pltaaa nabtj rar tntir not ar 4 CLOSE THE RECORD, I ia drtrain4 to Mil ay good at eaab pritsaa, sad at a ditooant far bolow tbat rr offrd ia tbif rinlaity. Tbo diwooat I allow my owitwmar, will Mktha neb ia twtaty yarU tay follow aiy adTto aad boy tboir good frot . I will pay ah for wboat, oata and etr--4. IMNIKL UOOULANDKR. Latbrbarg, Jaaaary 17, IH77. 'J'ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, BANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eOBstantlj on hand. STOVE AD EIRT.IES.WARE OP IVIRT DISCRIPTIO.1l CROCKS! POTSt CROCKS! rishar Patent Alrtlglit harlf . BealUf vrnlt a nna l BTTTRR CBOCKS. with lid. CRBAhl CROCKS, MILS CROCKS, arrLt. buttir t-nui-t, PICKLB CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, STBW POTS, Aad a front many ether thing too a am are a U meatloa, te no had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner of Cherry and Third Street, 1'LhAHrie.l.D, PA. nngl The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Pena tewaehlp, Cloarleld Co., Pa. BUIIBD O UTI et nor BURNED UPI Tb obMribr bar, at rroat oiMaaa. raballt a aiglborbood Booaaalty, ta tb orootioa af a Irtt ) WeoUa Maafatorywltlt all tba aiodrt iprovaiBt attaB, aad ar preparod lo aiaka ail kind of Clotaa. Caatatra, Satiaatti, Blaav kU, riaanal, Aa. Ploaty of f-d oa haad U apply ail oarota im a taowaaad bw saettoMara. wauw. wo a to eota aa oaaaiiBw oar tool. Tbo baia or . , CARDI! AND IP UL LIN J will rttTw oor fr4Mlal n-ation. Fropat1 airaacoaiBidi will bo aia4 ta raootr aad dtllror Wo, ta.it oaitoaior. All work warraatod and doao apoa tb shHt aotiea, and by airlot attoa tioa ta bfia w bopa to raaltaa a libaral ibaro of aabli patroaaga. IO,M)0 POUNDS WOOL WANTtDI W will nay tb kiarboit aiarkoi arte far Woo aad Mil or aiaaafatrd good! aa low a tlaiUar food eaa bo boagbt Hi th ooaaty, aad wbonovw w fall to radr raaaaaabl BaUfatiea wa aaa always b faod at bowia roady ta aiaka prapor axplajaMioa, oltbor ia portoa or by Uttor. aprillatf Bowor P. 0. GLEXX'S SULPItUR SOAP. A Sieai.iio rtKUKDY roa Diixaim ahd I.tjutiRx of iiib Skin; A Healthpvl IluvtiriAa of Tin CoMrtxjuon ; A IUUAii Meani of raivtN-nNO ahd KtLiiTido Rhkumahui aid Govt, and A!f UXXQI'AUD DuiXrtCTANT, DgODO- nut and Coumtix Ihitaxt. Glrnn't Rulrfmr Soap, beeidr eradi cating local dlwra.fi of the akin, baniahet de recti of the amplexinn, nnd impart to it Cratifyirte; dearnea and sovoothness. Sulphur llaihm ar eelebratrd far carina, cruiitkai and other dieenae of the akin, at Trell a Kheamatiaan and tioat. 3toea'i Hulphar ttonp pralacea the tame enect t ntoat Infant eipeneav line ndannrabte ipaanc ejeo epeerhly heel arm, eVnaarr, nAX tar-eu, rAmiau and mi. It remove dandruff and nreeent the hair (ram mlltnf eat aad lerninf raf. OotWn and linen naerl In the ilea raorn it dninfrrted, and diaraaea conwianicabee hr eon tact with the peraon, imaeiueit by H. The Medical Fraternltr- lanction in . Pricis!5 and 60 Cmft ptr Coki; pr box i j ram, cue. omfi.m H. Bl-B, the here eehm aod I "or Said or a Uruaxaaa. " HILIS IAIB kH WRIRKBR MB," nWTarri WW VaWWWW4 mm) XrWXMm 1 1. (llTTim!, frn'r, 7 Siitt It., if. mm 5ur 9wa ivttilimtnt. Pahllahed eeorr WedBeadaj J GOODLANDER 5t LEE, a t'l aCARFIRLO, PA.. Haa lb l.arfeet rircnlatlM of way paper a In Narthwestern Pnnlrantn. The) largo and oonaunlly locrewing oiroulntion of th Bipublicak, render it Tilnable to butine men A medium thro' which to roach tba public Traia or SunscAiPTioei : If paid in ailvanoo, . . . 12 00 If paid after thre month, . 2 60 If paid alter ilk month, . . 8 00 When paper aro aent onuide of lb county payment mutt b In advanc. ADVERTISING : Ten linoa, or leA, 8 time, . tl SO Each tubieqaent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notice, . .2 60 Kzecator' Notice, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Caution and Estraya, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notice, . . . 2 60 Professional Card, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Spocial notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two aqnare 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One-fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One hall column, .... 70 00 One column, .... . 120 00 I HLANKH. We hare alvrayi on hftnd largo stock of blanki ol all dotoription. SUMMONS, SUBP(ENAS. EXECUTION'S, ATTACHMENTS. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES. BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ac, Ac. JOB P.RINTIN6. Wa ar prepared to do all kind of PRINTING men as POSTERS, i'KOGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER nK ADS, . ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIKCULARS,. ko., ko., IX THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL a FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE t PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander & L, Cletvfleld, CtearleM Connty, Tt. pisrdlantotif. SURE TIEIVARD ! fi YEARS TO PAT FOB A FARM. ' MILLIUN ACRE UHANTofthetiread Repi'le and lediaaa Kallread lampaa. TITLE PERFECT. Strong Sell 8ure Uropa Plentf of Timber Ko llrevght NoChineh Bugs N0l,fJoppn.H RaOBiog Stream Para Meter Read; Mar lata eehflote Hailroad eemplotod throagh eeatre of the graoL r Head for pamphlet, Eoglirh or elarman. Addree, W. V. IIUUUAHT, Lead C GRAND RAPIUS, hliCIIIUAN. llaroh 11. 1171.3m. r. DLtcn. n. n conam. n. naibBaen. GILICII, UcCORKLE & C0S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Mreet, CI earl, eld. Pa. W naaufaotar all kind af Faraitar for Chavbara. Dtiiing Hootrna, Librari aad Holla. If yoa waat V ami tar of aay btad, doa't bay aatil yoa no our ttoek. I! IKlt TAKING In all U branehae, prompllr attBded to. OI'I.ICH, MrCORKLI A CO. CleertelJ, Pe., Pah. , 71. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS STATIONERY Market U, l learteld. (at (he Foot trace.) TnB aaderaigned heg leere to aannnaoo te the ertiaraa of Clearfield aad Tiriairr, that he ha fitted ap a room and be iaet rtarad from tb ettr with n lerge emuant af readiaf matter, eeoaietlng ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Booti, Dlaab, Aeeewal BBd Pane Booh of every d. Mriptioai Paper aad Bnrelepea, French preeaed aad plaia ; Pone nafl Pattella blank Legal Pepert, Deieda, Mortgagee j Jadgmewt, Kxemp ttoa aad Promiaarr notaaf White nod Perrn maat Brief, Legal Cap, Keened Cap, Bad Bill Cap, Sheet Haaia, for aimer Piaao, Flsle er Vlohe, eoBBtaatlw on hand. An? Book or elafloeery doaired that I mar not have oa bond.ertl! ea ordered by rat oxpreee, aad told at wholoeele er retail ta enit eoalomere. I wiH alee hoop periodieal lileretBie, neh aa Magaxiaee, Nwpaar, A. P. A. UaI lIS. rie.rt.ld. J4.y 7, ItU-af Why you Should Buy Tilt WAMSUTTA SHIRT, FOR SALE AT GATES', Cl RWUNa VILLI. Tb boooas li md of tbo boat Iritb Llaw. la tbro ply aBd Ifaed wltk heavy batcher liaca. A (iBuia Waaiatta tnatlia t atod for th body. w pfaet It t gaaraatood. Thi Shirt ia oatiroiy la ibod and roady fur tba lanodry. A cartful iamie!ioa i giToa to arh ihirt, and Ui Ib a lditioa ta tb ibo polat loara tb thirt wihoat aa jn'. P0R3ALKBV S. J, Gates DEALER IN CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOE AND OK NTS' P( KMr-HINU (JUODS OaruoBBTtll, Pa , April I im. H AR.D TIMES BAVB 0 BFFBCT IN FRENCH YILLE I J V ( - H I am aware that there are eeeae nereen a little hard ta ploeee. and 1 am alao aware that the eomplaiat of 'bar tia." I well aih ani.ertal. Bat I ia N eitaated new that I eaa aatiefr tha former and prove eonlolrlr thet Mhard ttmoa" wlU aot offeet the wh hay their food from me, and all mj palrone ahall ha initialed tale the re ar! of UOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bar food oaoao h to aprly all th iahabt taaU La tb lowar od of tb ooaet- which I U at tedioj low rat from mj aiaaiaioth toro la Ml'LHONLlURG, wbor I m alwar bo foaad raadj to watt apoa aallvn aad aopplj tboa with Dry Goods or ill Ilnds, flaeh u Cloth, Satiaatti, Caaaiaivr, Mwliaa, Dvlaiaa, Liaoa, Prilltaf, Caliooaa. TriaiaiiB(a, Ribboaa. L, Radj-aiad Clotblag, BooU aad Shoo. Bat aad Cap all of tho bast natartal aad auda ta ordor Ho, Sooka. UIotm, MitUaa, leoeo, Ribbeai. A GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Cuff, Too, Bntrar, Rico, Molt, Flib, M Fork, Liaaood Oil. Fitb Oil, Carboa Oil. Uardwmr, Quooatwar, Tiawara, CatlBi,Plowi ud Plow Cartiatji, IS ail, Bpikaa, Cora Caltia tor,Cidr Pro, aad ail kiada af Aaa. Parfaaiary, Palata, Varalah, Ola, aad a gaaorat af4trtaiat of oiiiary, OOOD FLOUR, Of different lamad, alwara ea haad, and will ho told at the lowt poetlhl Igarea. J. II. Medals' Mediefaoa, Jre' Medlelae BoUtter'a aa Uooaaad'a Blltera. IM noande ef Wool wanted foe nhteh th hi(beet price will ba paid. Choreed on hand aad fee aaia at the lewoat market arte. Alao, A rent for Strattoarllle aad Cnraaairill Thraahla Meet Ine. nvCell and reefer rooroolro. Ton will lad erarrthlBf nvnallr hpl In a retail etor. h. U. COCDBIBT. Prooehlllie P. O., Aafnat It, III. B1GLER, YOUNG & REED, (Sae r la BoyaUa A -Toaa,) FOUNDEESaif MACJlliNISTS MaaaibtMaiara of POETABLE STATI05ART STEAM ENGINES Horner ef Peart nad Pine gtiaet. CLEAttntrxn, r a. HAYIH9 enenrot In the maaafaetoeeof )M olea MACHIilBKT.niarpoelfenrlafera he nahlie Uat wo are now prepared te 111 all order ne aheap! nnd ae promptly na eaa he doa la aajef the oitloa. We manwAetare aad doaim Malsy ud Cironlu Saw-Milli end Bleeha, Water Whoole, Bhaftial Palle;, aitoert Inleeter, Btoom anBtaem Whittle, Oiler, Tallow Capo, Oil Oapa, aa(e Oeeha, Ab? Oeeha, Qtee Talrae, Chart Talrea, wronffht trot Plpea, ttanat Pamaa, aMler Feed Pomp. AbU frletlen Meree,Soap Been Paaak. Sam Fx . and nit hind ef Mill WOBI l tofotb' wHh Plow, Bard Bale, COOK AXD PA &LOM 8T0 TSS, ' ud Mho OASTIrtOI af aO hind. AtaT-Order aolUltod nnd I tied at attp ptvaw All letter ef laoeirr with leiorone te nuehlaerf af e tannalaetnee aeeanptl; aaeeeied. ay addm hat at Clear eld, Fa. Jaant tf 110181, T0B. A BIBB-