CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY WOHNINO, MAY li. U7B. Terms of Subscription. If paid la ftdranoe.or wlthta tbroa noatbe...t.t Oft II paid fUr ibro and before ais Koniba... 2 to If paid altar tbotapLrattua of tit nun bit... I 00 Meaara. B. M. Pbttknsill A Co., Newe paper Advertising AgoaU, 7 Park Row, enrner BkBiftB Street, ar our duly anthurtaed Ageate la Naw York City. RfcMGIOim KOTICK.. MM hod let r.plMopal hurf b 1U. J. 8. MrMmKAT, Pa-tnr. Hurvlet-a ery 8abbtb ttlu. A M., and 71 P. M. Habbatb Nnhoet at V A. M. Prayr Moating ry Thursday, at 7 P. U. CoMBuaiea Arat babbalb of Try nontb, at IH A. M. Heit Olrartleld M. E. C hurrh. Rtvi Wim-iam II. Dill and W. H. Wanui, l'itor. Preaching ry altera at HuodaT, at o'clock, P. M. Nun fix j School at 2, P. M. Alt art in vited to aitertd. PrcabtrlaH Miurcl.KeT. II. H. Dutlkb. Sabbath Berrlee morning and evening Sab bath School at 'P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednoa day evening. Mt. PraucU' Cbarch athllr Re. P. J. SnBtA. Proaablag at It), o'eloeb, A. M., on tb Bret, thud aad loarth 8uadnrof ob month) VMOrrt and ..eacdiotioo of tho lileaaed aaeraaienl at 7 o'clock, P. N. fun day bchool vry Sunday aftaraooB at I v clock. OPl'ICIAL IHRfcCTOUY. t ft MB Of lOLDIBB QOABTKS BMtN. COB BT. Feoond Monday ol January. Third Monday of March. Pint Monday of J una. Voarih Monday f6pttaibar. TIMB Or BOLDIBB COM ON FLK4I. Pint Monday of Juno. Beooad Monday af Kovanhor. ' ri' orricKRa. Pmidint Jtdg lion. Cbarlei A. Mayer, of Lack liaven. AmivIomI Lmn Judo I)o, John II. Ortll, of fiellcfonle. . AiMfft'nf Judy A bran Ogdatt, ClrarfiaM Vineent It. Holt. Clearfield. prothunotarp Kit Bloom. Jitgiiitr ad H0ertUrh. i . Morgan. liitriei AUomy Wo. M- Mcl'utluugb. Trtaiur David McOaifghey, Skmritf Andrew Panto. Jr. faputy SaarijT-Cbriat. J. Kearny, Clearfield. Commlg tint $ go toatnuei t. Jaot,)oay, uur wenaTilta. Ceemry Comminiontrt Clark Brown, Clear field Thoma A. MuUe, Cheit. P. 0. JJwril Hoorar, Clearfield, Canary Auditor William V. Wright, Claar field Hamual A. Caldwell, YVtlliaUfgroT Jobs 0. Conner, Butnaid. County Cora J. B. Naff, New Washington. Jiff Uommifiontr Dr. Jamea P. Burebtield, ClearOed, Joarph Alatander, Madera, tiuptrintmdmt of Public Schottt John 4. Gregory, Curweniville. Stalir of Wjklt d' AturtJtrtoW . Car I i la, otfiea at Troatvillo, Pa. A .-... atiia-Jobn ff. Wrigley, Wm. Ha dniaugh, Cyrua Uordon, Cl-ftrfteldj Joirpb R. Irwin, N. E. Arnold, CurweDivilla j J. J. Lingtt, Oieaola Willi i J. A. LiTlngMaoa, Uulloii City. Our Sptdal column la decidedly fnUrealiDg In a local poiut of view, and jirontabla Trading to outaidars who want to aava uouty. Couil coiiimuiicMK in thiH place next Monday. Sli uw Itt rriii. ito etouin und cuke, at Ibe M. t. Cburcari-siivai urm wvea, Mary J. McCullough has recently been appointed nostoaistnss at Mndera, tbia county, The proceedings ot the School Di rtrtois' Cunrention will be found on our tlrat page this week. " Official " irt tho way they adver'.iiw things in the Brokville papers. Tbey are bee cowing a little aristocratic out that way. tm -a a' Now is tho timo to get your nice Summer sulta all yredes and all prices at Uir lingrr A Book's Clothing Store. The MUbodiat Aid Society will bo held on rnday areoing or tuts week at tna rest denoe flf Mr. Isaac Johoion, en Second street. Hev. P. L. Harrison, formerly princi pal of tbe Clearfield Academy, but now of tba Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., was la town lost week. Wo call the attention of buildem and eoarraeton tw tba advertisement of the School Director of Brady tawoibip, which can be found elsewhere in this issue. On tue Wino. County Treasurer McUaugVy 1 tltlting bi friends nod fallow citiaen in tlirarl, Karlbaui, Covington, Orabnai, Morris, and Bradford, this week. Key.W.8.WilBon,of Went Clearfield, addreaied a meeting of the Clearfield TemperaoM In ion In the M- K Church on Monday evening, There waa a good turn-out, and tbe meeting waa very pleasant and Interesting. Mrs. T. K. Watflon, the popular Clear field milliner, will return from Philadelphia on Friday next, iba ITlh Inst., with a full stock of Iodise' bats, bonnets, trimmings, and fancy goods generally, to which she Invites the attention of her lady customers. Liberal. The School Director of Ilk county addad $400 to tbe salary of their County Saporiaieadeat ab'jva that flxed by tba Legislature. The salary for looking after sixty four Mhool ii 11.200. a Wm. C. Irvin, conductor of tbe Mail train on the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad ever since tbe road was opened, resigned bis position as tuck a lew days ago, and W. 8. Pi a miner, oon daetor of the Local freight, has been promoted to the position made vacant by hi resignation, Tbe friends ot the late Gilbert S. Toter, af Cheat township, Ibis eoanty, wbo was drowned in tbe thor, at iba "Wood Kock," on Ibe Iflib of April last, offer a reward ol $b9 for tba recovery and delivery of his body at Clear field, See notiaa ia advertising euluuins. a From the PhihpBburg Journal, wo learn that a, tenant hose aw tbe farm of Jaotcfl Waple, near Salem Cfaorcb, In Bogge towaxhip, Clearfield Muoty, Was burned to tba ground an Tuesday even tag, tho Tth lost, fupposed to be tbo work of ob Incendiary, Lot fully covered by In u ranee. Mr. James G. Kreider, an empluye la tba lUrntiCAa i-ffice soma jeara ago, is now pubtlsbiag a Mat and spiey sheet at Olarkavllle, Merrick oeanty, Nebraska, colled tbe Clorkaeille Jfeseeaoer, tbe first Bomber of which U before us. "Jib" boa tba ability to make agovd otwKpoptr, and wo wish him abundant There was a rumor in our town I ant week that oil bod been found in the well at Osce ola, hut ai tba MvtiVt says nothing aboat It, wo presume It was canard, fttror-g evidence of iba Brest nee af oil has been fnnd at the teiPwell la ("" WWrMWJV'LT,vf. .nil . frw rt.. .me drtil. lag will decide whether it can be bad la p,y log OjUaatlties. A Poor JIkport. Tbo Auditors of Chat field borough publish ibelr aaoU atatesnent of tbe Poor fund. Those interested trill observe t hat the entaiaading taxes amotBt to tba sum of, while ouUtaoding Ordrf.- are only $2 M, leaviag ertr ifDfi la tfct hand af tba Treaaurer and Overseoro, which we prcsame will be enough for the Beat yea. PluU Hitchcock, a prominent citixen of Lock II area, died auddeoly ta thai oily, ol ap oplexy, an the Sd Inst., egad 74 years. He had arved ae Treasnrar of Clinton toaoty, Dvpaty Sherib, Clerk to the County Cummlskoners for a Bob bar of years, and fur sii year past as Deputy Treasurer. II formerly .resided t Farrandevilla for a number of years. Fair akpTetival.--We learn that tbo Ladies' Aid aoeiety of the Clearfield M. R. Chateh will hold a fair and Strawberry Fcetival, In tho basement of tbo Church building, ta this koroogh, oMumtBelag oa Tuesday of next week, May list, sad ooottnaing for so aval day. Tbo fair will consist of a choice variety of fancy work and plat a art Isles for ladies, gentlemoa and ehll d,ren, Tna Festival will coniiit of lot tioom, coke, ttra when las, arangos, lemonade, eoafea tietery, laaeh, tU. Person attending Court oan ho aceommodated with lanch t any hour or the day after II o'aloek A. M. Kcllt JilALiKKD. Our rtmy atnto oat leet week, abent tba hasntlet of vegetatWa la tbl lantade oa the first day of May, boa bora hailed dewa to tbe Bsuel margia. .Oa Saturday aljbt, tho 1 1 ib inat., tbt thermometer run down 44 t on Sunday tight It rested at 34, aad at o'clock oa raesday taoralng.May I4ia,l7l,tt Itood at 3J-lke reetio point. Oa Monday Morning, at I o'eleeh, the thermometer (tood at M at Clcareldf Latbtriborg, Kyleriown aad Lumbar City, ibowtng that the told ell spread or tho Uhle Uads oa well as along tit rlvtr bvtusj. Wbeu tblitkiog win move op toward ibe shade aola, we eeaoH oonjeetarw. I Down Our bean and grape 4. .a-j -Jit. KrcaPKD Pribonkrh.- Tbree ittil-bird ada Ibrlr taaapa froni tba Elk tounty diIiob o Baler do J a watk, tba 4tb intt N a aw The larjrt'ot mot It of alpaca ami linen duateri Ib town Juat rtoalrrd at tba PbllaJelubia BroBflb Ctoibing Slorr, in iba Opera llooae. biayia.4t Lint of Iclters remaining unclaimed to tba Poataffioe at Clearfield, lor tba ek audi of May ). 1871 i-t Mra Mary Barglna, George Buvgdrdser, Mr. L. Levy. Mti Kama Bcbounovtr, II, M. Wirib. P. A. llAVLI!1, P. M. A Close Kiiave. W. K. linker waa l-eld County buerlDlendtot of lluntlnd B Bounty, on Tuday, the 7th inat. Tba rote waa an tiefedinjrly olott one, Mr, Baker and J. H. Brumbaugh taob bovitig 100 votta oa tbe third ballot. Oa tba toarih ballot Baker palled through with 10), to S9 for BniBibaugb. TliK Frekzk. What damage haa be full oar wboat and rye eropa, if any. Iron the U roe daya and nigbie frreaiog, wt hare not been able to Irarn, It tbtao taplct are Btilnjured, tbe eon G eoat I wi of grapea, bum, nod early potatoes will not amount to much, providing tba tame Irene u aot repeated la June. Potato Dcua. ISow. thai it is fully oVioooairated that porta Green U tba only aala and reliable exterminator of the potato bog, we offer fur tale a trie' I j pure article, mailed to any part of the eoanty, for 80 crnta per pound. Tbe quality oud bo caiily teaied by dinolring aimal) ((uabtity In aoua anmoata. A port article will form a clear blut eolation, without any aedimeat. II art wick A Irwir. Ci kariibld, Pa., M.iy U, M7S-t. J L HYMEN, TAKE ISoTICI. Ly tie 18 roeemng tuia week, aireet rron new fork City, a large line of Teat, Sugar, Coffeel, Motaftee, Rice, Fiib, and ether grooeriea, and he lb I oka he can roll at lower prleej than have been known in tbia eouoty for ;earr. All pcricca ooming to town during Court are inrltud lo call at tba Ho re and flamine goodi and prioct. Lytle' grocery BLd proTiiion store la In Kralirr'a Lilck building, opposite tba Opera House. my 6-Jt - -9 m -- CIUKCII DEDICATION Tbe dedication or the Fruit Hill Presbyterian Church, near Antooiilfe, la Jordan township, will take place on Wcdneiday, Juno Alb, 1 7 3, if tba debt be removed. Tbe service will eom mcacoat 1 0 1 o'clock A. M. Tba friends of tba congregation and iho public generally are earn estly requested lo be present. Cotne prrparad to help tis remuta tbe debt. Tboaa eouiog from a distance will be tatertaioed. Tt larvieee and tba names of tbe speaker will be publUbcd next week. P. U. Canj'Bjcli., Pastor. CLEARKIkLB COAL ThADK. SlulU ment of Coal and other freights sent orer ibe Tyrone A Clcardeld Division, I'cuusylvauka Rail road, lor tba week ending May 4, 1873, and the oame time lust year COAL. For tbe week TOMB. ll.H'J .... ii.uw .... 4.0S8 .... .1 VI 1,5 44 ... 4.I,7M 47,207 ,, , m 411,11711 4'tt.iM aouia time last year Decree Previously during veer tlaiue time last yrnr lbcreiiM Total in , batne tiiuv lust ytar Intercast otheh rRxioura. Lumber ,. ,, Mucellunoous Ircigbts A KuNbiMU Act. A correspondent seuds the Huntingdon lotai A'etei ibe following: I On Wednesday night lair, wben Mrs. fc bin brook, wbo lives in an Isolated bouse near the summit of ishade mountain, some diflnnou from Shade Uap, was about to retire lor tie nlgbi, she thought sbe beard on unusual cry soma distanco hum bar boufc. On gMiiig out and listening fur a repeti tion of tbo cry sbv could out bt-ar any eound save the iqucaltog ol .me bogs Hi the aaigbborbood, from where sbe thought the cry bad emanated. Oa returning to tba buusa the beard ib cry again. Sbe went up to where ah had tie hogs, when the cry' was repeated fery dislinctly, and she earn upon a bntidle which sbe pickvd up, and on Investigation found It to contain an totant front two to three weeks old. Tbe infant was well wrapped up, which saved it from being de voured by the bogs,' as the clothing showed it bad got Some pretty rough rucking. The little waif was taaen to the Almshouse Ibe celt morning by Director Stair, where It t tenderly oared far and 1 doing wt.l, and may live to sport tbe romantic name of "Minnie Shade," which some philan thropic friend have named It. Decoration Day. Wo notice that our Curweasvill neighbor are making ample arrangement for celebrating Decoration Day Thursday,. Ma y SOtb, Wi, Maisn. J. P. Bard, C. A. Irvla, I. B. N orris and T. J. Fruw have been appointed a Committee to carry out tbo following programme : Tho prooeisioo will form on State street at 1 o'clock P. M., la the follow log order and march to tbe cemetery t Osceola Cornet Band. Tblrty.tlght little girl with flowers anJ wreath. Soldier end Sailor. Martial Band. Moronic, Odd Fallows and kindred Sod tie. Habbolh School. Cur wens villc Cot net Band. Normal bchool, Citiitna. At the cemetery iba following order of exercises will he observed r " " ' -, Music: ' - 1 ' ' v Prayer. ' Oratloo by Qmeral It. A Mody. Murtc. Oration by General Jamas A. Beaver. Music. Decoration af graves. Delegations will doeorate the, soldier' grave ot FheodtJeutr and McClnre'l neaieterie. ! Mlhiier at DuJtois City. Peter E. Jooe, of the firm of June Brother, coal opera tor at DuRol City, was lodge 1 In pr son at this plaee last WcdneMlHy, ibe fiib Inst., for having b t and killed R. P. Montgomery in ibe efttr noon of tbe day prevloui. It appears lhai Mont gomery, aceoiiipeiiled by tho celebrated Andy t. Itaom.and other parties, oMcujptrd to take forci ble posstision of a coal mine near DuTJois, which bsl beea opeiattd by the Jones Brothers for tbe past four y eat i, Montgomery, who was a large and powerfully built man, weighing over 2"Q pound, atlaiked Jones, knocking bim down on Iba railroad track and Juu.plng on bim, while others were kicking tbo proeiroted man. Jones, while down on hi back, discharged bi revolver, which dir petted tbe crowd, and be was enabled to get up on hi leet. II then passed down una aide of a cor standing oa the track, while Montgom ery pMred down the opposite side, and meeting at the end of tbe ear, they both commenced firing. Montgomery fell mortally wounded, and hostili ties o a ted. Oa examination. It was found four halls bad penetrated his body, from Ibe effect at which be died within an hour after war If, J oes, learning that hi antagoalsl wa dead, at onoa gova himself up ta tbo anibotilles. After ha lodged ta prison, n ball woo extracted Ikh hi lido, showing that ballets bad bsen fly ing ta both direct Ions during Iho rWt. Aa inquest was held at tbe City Hotel, ta Da Bols, and a verdict, was brought la that " R. P. Mon,ig mery came to his death horn the effect of pistol shot fired by Peter K. Jones." Tbe do coated wa aboal 27 Jrars of age, unmarried, abd for SOBI time past made hi ham at Brook flit. i m The M. K. Church Fair. Tbo fuir and festival af tba M. I. Charch. which will bo opened ia tba base moot of tho Church on Tuesday aest, tbt Slat Inst., promise to he aa unauaily brilliant affair. Tbo ladlee of tbo Chorea art working hard ta Onto to sank It a sue mi, and we have bo dotfbt they will aoooinpllsh the desired atd. Tbo Chareh will ho handsomely groooed and festooned, aad everything made to look choc r ful aad inviting. The sear will bo removed aad table arranged along two side of Iho room, lor fancy work and other article for ami. Ia on corner of iho room, aear tbo altar, will be a tab I for rk and Itmoaade, and la the opposite cor ner, oae for ooafeotloaery, ooo. Too library aad oUs rooms will bt used fur tea cream, straw berries a4 lanch. A alien a will bo ballt tot side the library room, where tho dish washing will be dona, and the lo cream manufactured. Tho arilele af fatmv work onit of a laxao aad hea-lsom variety of apron, tidies, mats, eeetaetora, basket, dolls, pia-oashtva, aerop. bags, darning-bag, toilet eats, traveling oases, aard bassets, weteh pockou, ehawl covers, pie to re frames, pen-wiper, air easilei, nod Bumoron other articles amok mast ho ee to be appreci ated. Tbo table aad stands will he presided tver by etoamltteot of ladia and geolleae Wbo will spare no paias to properly eater to tht want of visitor. r . , All the Arr0emtnl for this festival are torn leto and ret e las ia every rtrpeet, aad tbe ladia kopo to real lea hoadaomaty from their out lay of timo aad maaey. fi very body, ef eoarea, art lav lied to attend, aad lead their aid to e worthy abject f i . , ,, - 1 CLHAItPIBLU COUNTY ATLAS. I neni-teaiieuf, we ti.7Tn.imTt u mil VWj ous depart mew La of oar Clearfield Couoty Histerl oal Alias prioresses favorable. Many of our eltisea hare had skelebr taken ef ibelr reat denoes, terms, busiaaaa bouses, mill , fee lor tee, le., aa may lie ava la tba list which ocooaijia Bie this article. It ia important thai every lmprovemnt, whether public or private, should be properly represented. Our sinter counties have sbuwo to their hist ad vantage ty tbo many elegant lithocrapb which ao lull inriitei ibeir tnaUital reaouroes and tho step forward tbey have taken on tbe road to com mercial Importance. Our eitisena should see to It that Clearfield oounty la not behind lo having it tuprvveOienU property represented, lbs opportunity ol' secur ing a view ol our home, river scenes, ohurehca, Ac, will no occur again for many jeara. U it heartily desired by oil that tba work In th view dt'partoiebt may be so comprehensive that tbe i lJuslraicd portion of the Alias may fairly repre sent tbe i m rov entente of the county ( and to do tbia, our la rut era, lumbermen and were bant must not aland aloof, TbiaUalurool the All isboth emamt-ntal and uttlul, and la second tu no other section of the work. Meeira. McKiieon and Mana are now eel hug upoa tbe citisens In the various townships, and oa tbair return we hope w near a wvoraoie report oi our people a liber ality and public enterprise. Extra copies of the engravings are (Welshed those wlio have view taken, wbiub enubloa the o tiers to bare tbeoa picture ol their home encased in irame, or aend them to tbt-ir friends residing in other parts of the country. The fol lowing are the names of some ol our oitliens who have already contracted to bare view of their home and building Inserted in tbe Atloa , - Portrait of Uun. William Bigler. BirdVeye view of the (own of Curwensrille. First school bouse in Clearfield oounty. CLSUnriBLB. Hon. William Bigler Residence and lawn. Judge O. R. Barrett residence and office. O. b. Ooodlandor reeidenoe and interior view of printing office. Judge J. B. Mc En ally residence and sur round togs. S. J. how A Son front and interior view of priuting oftloe. 8. J. How rail den re. A. B. bbaw residence and surroaudlBg. Joaies B. Or eh am residence, bank block and otner building. Kiohord Kbaw residence, mill and surround ings, including tbo West Clearfield fair around. Leonard Graded School building and surround ings. (ieorge Thorn residence and surroundings. A. J. Logan residence and surrounding, Frank I leldiog reside nee and grounds. W. M. eihaw real denoe and grounds. Jauies Kerr inturaoo otlioa. Dr. J. P. Hurchiield residence and office. Capt. F. A. Uaulin residence and store. trnwaxiviLLB. . . Hon. John Pa (ton residence and farm scene. Miss Annie M. lrvln, view of tiid John irvio eitaie property, Consisting of mills, lumber aad ratting scenes on the ausqusuanna river. u. ii. uraiuaru tmerior view ot printing otlloe K. A. Irvin lw of th lrvln homestead. Ll-THKKRBtlRa. Daniel O-oodUnder hottl, itore, and form scene. r " ' Reuben II. Moore residence end surroundings. Moore A Hamilton store at Luthersburc. Dr. Keubea V.Spoekmao remdenceand office. J . it. ivdiiigerrcMuenre ana storo, Charles Mart ball residence, cabinet ahou and surroundings. Lewi ll. uarnie view or saw ml'!, ibinglo ins ana surrounding. BRADT TOWSBUIP. Urostus Latter rpideno and farm aeent. Major Martin II. Luther residence and farm tcene. David lteotDt rrrld-nre, saw mill, timber and latrounding. J. H. r-eyter roideiic end farm scene. Jisei h ijejltr, Jr buttery works, residence and surround in;. John htama rerMence and farm scene. J. W. (rp residetiec ond form scene. Klias rlitbel residence and- surroundings. O. M.Tbompeon residence and farm scene. Kesiab Pitlelbwail rcsldenoaatid farm scone. Christian Stniib rocideuoo and furm view. P. W . 1 mucker botel, surroundings and farm scene. Frederiok Kohler real denee and farm ceno T. P. liisbol residence and farm scene. -aatL TowRsHir. 11. II. McUeo A Uro. bomastead, mill, other buildings anfi aurrounding scenery. -11. L. McUee residence, saw mill, school bouse, river view aud surroundings. James MctJee residence, old Moilae homa sltad, other building and aurrounding farm view. Angus Miller residence and surrounding. J. W.McOec residence, baw Mill, surround ing scenery, and interior view of Saw Mill John F. Lee residence and surroundings. Robert Mahafiey view of residence, church, other building and surroundings. James Mabafiey resiUcuoe, river Tiew, and surrounding forest moo. bi;bidb to w.i sii ir, ITorace Patch In residence, mills, atort, other building, river view, Ae. Jackson Patohln ctora, reeidence and sur roundings, A. W. Patoh In residence, river view and sur roundings. John C. Conner residence and store. i George Patch in res! deuce and surroundings, V. Tonkin reatdeuce, river view and aur rounding. John King residence and aurrounding. J am us MvMurray view of reeidenoe and store. A. Bates res idenoa and surroundings, BBADrOBB tuwaoair. David Foroey view or homestead, with sur roundings, and farm seen. Samuel P. Wilson, Kiq residence, farm build. toga and form eceoe. jonn etewert, ur view of the Stowart home stead. Daniel Stewart reridtBee, turroun dings and form scene, A. l. Freeman residence and lurrennding. BBCCABU TOW HSU IP, 0. Copenharar residence and farm view. J. M. Smith residence and farm view. Joba Lightner residence, surroundings and farm view. b. U. Davis rsl denoe, surrounding aad farm scene. Philip Dott residence and faros. Samuel Hegarty resideooe and surroundings. loooa Towanair. John W. Kjler residence, lurranndings and farm scene. COVIKCTOI TOW5RBIP, , L. M. Coudrlet reside boo, mill, store, farm view Jo. M. B. Conway residence and farm vltw. IAITHAt'1 TOWROHIP, J. 0, McCloskey residence and firm. Dr. J, W. Potter residence nod aurrounding. ox to waa Mir. James Cat heart residence and farm Beano. Wm. M. laiboert residence and larm acaa. Conrad Bakur rraWlenoe and farm. S. C. bnydor -reaideooe and lam. Huubca Caldwell residence and larm. ROl'TIDALB. TA. R. Fleming view of resldi-ace. rraiiELD. Dr J n Kline residence and offire. F 0 Uowmaa residence and surroundings. C D Wood exterior and interior view ot drug tore. Mr Julia A. LoTotcbc residence and sur- rounding. RltOTOS T0W5Bir. W D Woodward, Jr residence, aurrouadinno. saw mill, eio. J V iyler rosidona and farm view. J B lli-wiit rcsideoec and farm view. David Horning residence and farm view, PBRBJ TOWNHHIP. Wm F Johnson residence and farm view. Juhn VVideinire -reaidanne aad farm view, fcamuel W idemire reeidenoe ot.d farm view. Joseph Davit resideooe aod larm vis. Kltalio M Davis resideooe aod larm view, tairiok Daily ea id unco aud farm view. Jason A Thomas kirk residence and farm view. lossph Kirk residence and surroundings. A 19 Moore residence and surroundings, wood w a an rowiiaaip. John M. Chat residence and farm. siaaBB vowRaair. R. 8. Stewart reeldeaoe and river view. Alexander Murray reskdeaoe, tenant house and cemetery. DRRBR WOOD TOWNSHIP. Ktab JobncoB residence and aurrounding. Dr. J. P. 11 oyt residence and aurrounding and river view. James Johnson A Bob ttsldenee, mill and surrounding. wt Boi ctrr. P. B. Weber Interior view or dry good atore. Long A Brady anterior view of hardware atore. t J. Kmerson view of Central Hotel, John DuBois Residence, mills, otbtr build ing aad aurronnding, John Rum bar gar rasidonce and ground, hi. Kunta City Hotal building, D boa tv a Towaaaip, Mose Oweaa raeldenoo and (am view, Dovid U ear hart restdeaee farm view aad ooal bank' raRoVsoa vownibip. J. B. Ferguson residence aod farm vlw, eoanax towmbbip. 0 H Wood re I donee and urroandlng. John A. U array res id enoe and larm view. foaaaa towrbbip. Maj. D.W.W ka residawea, ether buildings aad farm view, riRB TOWJSBir, Joieph U. Spencer view of mill, LawftBRca TOwaaatp, Ltvtr Flegol residence, sarrouudlngt and farm scene, A. U. Ogd to residence, form view and mill. Mro, Khaabeth Carr retideaovaad tarrennd- lage. Hamad Fullerton reeidenoe tod farm view. Clark Brown reeldeaee ond form view. Leaader Deaalng teetdoao aad farm view. Ilea A. O. Tale farm residence end aarroaad age. A or am llumphrev Reaideaee aad ihrm view, Hamoel Brown residence aad farm view. Henry J. Mead reaideaee and farm view. J. C. Forest residence, farm aod river view. AtlLICa TOWRtBIP. J a mo Fly an vew cf mldenfta and aqrrouad iaga, oaraotA aowocea. Oeorge II. Rriebia rei4da j aad lawa, D. R. Ueodrreidaet and lawa. wwiofl TowaaBir, Oee Williams real Jan ee and nrroaadioga. B. V. Harley roeideaeo and farm acaa a. Jateph Soy lor reeideooa and (oral seae. Jamea Aadereon hotel aad blaekamith ah op. WtUiaja W elty reiidamee aad (arm. L. R. Dressier residence and Cam view. Chorlet Broom residence aad aarrouadlBg J ot MORBta vowRaair. Philip Knoi reatdance and farm view. A. D. Johnson residence aud farm view. Leonard Kylor- view of the Kyler U bbo, lo KylertowB, store and urruoodioo. Adam Moy or res idea, turroundiaga and farm aoeao. Jamea L, Slewart-rlew of farm, una build ing and surruundlng. pbilipsbcro. Jamaa Passmore Hotel aad ham. Albert Owen reeidenoe aad banking-room. Robert Lloyd -view ef the Lloyd liouie. And maay other. 60,000 .railroad ties wanted by A. G. Kramer A Co. Ja. t -If. Wanted. 60,000 railroad ties, at A. Q. Kramer A Co.', Clearfield, Pa. Jan. tf. A, G. Kramer & Co. want 60,000 rail road lie. Jan. P If. Salt I Lytlo baa just received an other lot-ef fine Salt, largest ttatd twilled aoeka, to the article oan be bad at two dollar again. Wanted I 1,000 eorda of Hemlock and Hook Oak Bark, far which wt will pay the hlgbtat market price. Jylltf. A. Q. Kbomrb A Oo. Remombor that Lytle is County Agent for Lorritlard'a Tobacco, and eaa tell tbeui at factory price. They art th oett tobaooej la market. Try them. A Standing JtgWAHD. We learn from the Altoona Mirror, that the oflloeri of tho PeoBsytvaala Railroad aod lit branoba have a j ttaading reward of $1,000 for the capture aad conviction of parsons wrecking or attempting to wreck trains. Tbia offer ha been la force since last July. Dental OTicE.-Dr. A. M. Jlills would say to his friend and former patient that be baa not letjrtd from practice oa hot been to Illustriously circulated by tome person, but will ef ntlou to giro hit personal atleatioa to ail wbo moy derlr it, or ta assist Dr. Helchliold whet over reqtind. Mtrou Oxide Ou ghen tor the paintoso extractlon'of teeth, ; . April Si tf. A Fact. An advertisement inacrtedj ia the Rrfi'bMcar will reach more reader than if published in all tbo othr paper la tbo coon-1 ty,and cost tho atlvtrtlssi lest than one-half la other word, an advertisement published In , our Jcornal la worth double theories of thot charged by1 any other publisher ia th eounty. "It la a fact." If. Lost. On Tuesday morning, the 14th lost., Thomas Anderson, of thj borough, lost a morocco pocket book containing twenty dnl arar between hi residence and Sheriff Pent' stable. Mr. Anderson 1 a poor miu, and tbt UrtJer will confer a faror by returning the money to bin. Mr. Anderson offer a reward of five dollar for it return to blin Waster. Some easily learned person or Artist to manufacture- LtiTnaa' Patbnt Silk Cantab Picturrh ia tbia county, on Royalty. Painted from photograph or any picture, and I tbe Finest Oil Painting made. Before the territory It ta; en I will paint picture ox 10 for 110 aod warrant thetn lor life Every person should have one, a Oil Painting on Canvo are lb only pic'ure that will aland the toot of time, and eaa be bonded down to posterity. J'articular free. t. T. Lll Ht.H, Nov. 7, 1877-ly. Corry City, Pa. Fm it and VrnETAat.Es I). W. Jordan haa oa hands, daily, K RES 11 VKUKTAULKS and all kind of FKI ITS, which he will deliver te cua tomera in any port of the town. Ctoarfietd, 1'a., Jan. 18, 1878-tf. " To do af Folk of Fashion do," la one respect at least, you muat use tileou's Sulphur Hoap, which it immensely popular among tbe elite of tocietv. ond deaervedly so, for it ta the most salutary of neautiner and puriners. bold by all Drums to. Hill Hair A Whisker Dye. Blark or Brown. ov oenta. aprZ4-4t. Owa Ht rdrrd Pbb Cent. Duoofrt ow Olb Pricrb. Sewing Mu hlnea cob now be purchased at Merrell't tia and variety atore, from $46 up wards. All kinds of tewing machine reps i red oa the shortest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. WaktoD 1100,000 26 -inch shaved shingle to average from to fij inane tor which we will pay the highest market price. - A. tt. JtBaMRB A Co., feb. tf. Clearfield, Pa. BceetR Fob Balbv R. Newton Shaw keen a full supply of Vredoma Buggies and Platfonti Wagon for sale. To be seen at tho Shaw House yard. Call oa or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania, Joaay U-tf. in MttonUhlng Fact, A large proMrtloa of the American neonle are to day dying from the effectt of Dyspepsia or dis ordered liver Tbe resust of these diseotoa upon tbt mosses of Intelligent and valaablt people it most alarming, making life aetully a burden in stead of enjoyment and usefulness a It ought to bo. There ia no good reason for thit, If yon will only throw aid prejudice and skepticism, take tho advice of Druacista and tout friend, and In one bottle of Ureen'e August Flower, Ynwr speedy relief t certain. Million of bottle of thi medicine hare beea given away to try It virtue, with tatiBfaotory results Ib every ease. You eaa buy a cample bottle for 19 cent to try. Three doses will re here tbe wont case. For sale bv C. D. Watsoa, Clearfield, Pa. Mar 23, '77 cow-1 v. 1om JVnkI Curt thai Cough. With Shiloh'a Conaumntloa Cure vow. can euro yourself. It haa established the faot that Con sumption eon be cured, while for Coughs, Bron. abitls. Whooping Cough, Asthma;, and all diiease of Throat and Lungs, it I absolutely without an eoual. Two doeeawill relievayour child of Croup. it ts pleasant te take and perfectly harmless to the youngeat child, and ao mother eaa afford to bo without it. Yea eaaase twe-tbirda of a bottle and If what we any it aot true we refund the price fern, rrlce iu cents, be oenta and $1 par bottle, f your lung are aero, or cheat or back lama, nee Sbileh's Porotu Plaster. For sale by nil drug gist of Clear Bald. Hart you D.Tpepla,are jau Con(lpatd, have you a Yellow Sk in, Lo or A n petite, Head Ache. If ao dnn't foil ta use SHILOH'S SYSTKM VI TALIZliR. It I guaranteed o relieve you, And will you continue to sutler when Toa ean he tiured ob such terms a these. Price 10 ot'. and 76 ot. Sold by oil druggist of Clearfield. Well' Portion Perfum. HACKMETACK.'1 ia rich and fragrant. Trv ll. bold by all drug gists of Cleurfleld. . dee.6,'77 awwOm. Just Received ! Junl Received by ARNOLD, At CUKWfiiNSVILLK: Car Load Nova Sootia iMtHter I Car Load pure Corn, Rye arid Oatfl Chop 1 Car Load Deuken Suit 1 Car Load Choice Family Floor 1 Cur Loud Pry Goods, Groceries, &o.! krf-8hinKleR, Hark, R. R. Ties and Grain will bo taken in excbanifo. Corwenavillo, May 1, 1878. Ob Tbursrtav. Anrll Ifilh. lRTft. be ft.r V. Arlama. Mr Jnk A . C.urrw Ulu n...k it Moore, both of Lumber City. At tbe reeidenoe ef Ihe bride' parent, la Da B.le, ea W adaesdey, May 1. 1. 1878, by Rev. D. C. Plkntt.ii Um D I I -r u n aad Mis AgRot A Clark, of DuBola.City, Pa. On Sonde), May 6th, 1878, by Rev. F. Adams, Mr. Frank Dolt, ef (ilea Hope, and Ml as Callie ut, bi new saiupori. On Wfclnaarf U. Oik tat k. M. U are h Aii 14. Mr. Jnnk' n l'iik ui.. Clara Baker, both of DuBois Cily. At tk rttUitM m4 Ui.k..l U i. n county, on Thursday, May 9th, 1878, by Rev. . . uh'im, mm, . im. nTrtj ana miss Aim ins R. Myers, ef Cambria eounty. Cambria eouoty paper please topy I. CI.Bori Uwa.btD. l.lkrMHIt. kuun 8oDd.j, H.J ilk, H7I, Ank.r l., i.Uot ao. af u.,ia ... niu A.kaaraliar, ltmnt af Brad, towa.kip, Cl.arl.ld;, P.., .d 1 jar, t WH ... 91 UJ. Ia r.dy l.wa.blp, o. B.nd.f, Ma, 1Kb, I7I, Libba, L. 0,d, (ad U Jaart, CLEA1FIELD MAEKETS. CL.iaptlLB, P., Maj 14, IRT. riar, . ewt. - W M ri..r, r cl Cat. M,al, pr a.i H Cbop, ty ,..!., Cbo,, alil, .r awl......... lira., par l M ,..,., par ba.hal H,., pr bo.b.1 Uala, ft bwM C.ra, Mra, par ba.b.1,.., m..,,, R.ckwbaat, p.r bvibal ,., FatatM pw b.,h...niM.M,H.H,. Applafc pm ba.l..m ,. Ilaai,, par pM.d Hboaldvr, ,w p.and....(H . brlrf (Ml, par f d i i Cbtek.. pr p. lr.....M B.tur, ,ar peu.4 .....MHm. H., Kpfa, p.r dum Halt, par mi, larva CaJ Oil, ft rdlii.. ..... Urd, pw pad. Vtitt ApplM, ft pnad.. DrM FMakaa, ft fni. Smb., ft bvakal ,Mfct, 1 M I no 1 M I d I M 1 ti Ii It M Tt to dl l IM I I H I, 1, I, 1 t. t IN I II I Ml PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. to.tufcrifii Minnas "a do., $6.lo($t 26 patent nnu nign grotie, to vy. Rre flour, ft. Wheel a shade firmer at a dtclina Amber, MHl SI i Red, l.o(!ei.2u) White, 11.73. Coruiiiael at fl 76. Cora a shade firmer aad active ; Yellow, Ato i Nixed, olio I May, Hi I Jane, ft, Julv, 62,e. Out firm Pennsylvania White, Soffli3o Western do., iHM I Western Mixed, 8l(a31c, Oluverseed range between 61 end 7o accord ing to nuahtv i but It it out of season. Timothy arid Flaxaeed are without change. 693 bushel of Hungarian grass were taken at II per bushel, New York, May IS. Flour a vbade firmer for shipping grade riuperniie, bt ate aod Western, 4 td(o,4.nir i Houtnern sieauy. Wheat l(cu2c better moderately active l No I Winter Bad. May. $1 1 I do June. l Sj( I 31 Corn le betur; fair export and home trade demand j Mixed Weetorn, spot, 48620 do. fu ture, 40j(u)62o Oata needy i State, 3tn80 j Western, 34ft40 CmcAao. Mav IS. Flour iteadv and anobanaed, Wheat active and a shade higher j No I Chica go Spring, $1.1 1 for ob t $.n (,t.i 1ft for May; $l.tA(g,l.fl8i for June f $1 6fo,l P6i for July ; Ho. S do., SI uz((jUl.u rejected, ae Corn steady and firm at 40(4 4410 for cash Sttlc Tor May ; SVfio fur Juni 4tic for July ; re iected. mo. Oats steady, with a fair demand) JGjo for cash j IQKftWlQ lor May ana Junej Iftjo lor July. Rye fairly active, ah ode higher, at 68Jc. Barley quiet, bat steady, ot 4Ui(v0o. FA HE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO BeltcfonU, Pa $3 05 Look Hovea I 70 Williamsport.. I 6(J Uuntingdoa .- 1 00 Middletown $6 00 Marietta- 6 6n Lancaster . I 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 6 Lewi slown 1 10 Altoona.... 1 06 MoryarilloM 4 60 Johnstown.. 180 Cu wans villa 20 Pbtliusburg 61 Osaewla 05 Tyrone 1 23 HARH1HHUHU... 4 tklPlTTHBUlttt Ill CAUTION. All persons ire hereby cautloued against harboring or trusting Mary Connor, pauper, of Barneide borough, a we will nay no debts of hoi eontraotieg. F. Q. CROWBLL, L It. HANKY, Burr. id, May 8-fit . Overseer of tbo Poor. AlkMllMBTItATOHS NOTlCli. Notice la hereby given that Letter of Ad ministratioc on Iho estate of WM. ULKNN, late of Ptte township, Clearfield eounty, Pa deceased, having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claim or demands against the aam will present them properly authenticated lor tettle mcntwithourdelay. KLIZA OLKNN, ,' . FOREST KR BLOOM, ' t ' Admiotitrttort. New Millport, May 15, WS-fit, Hotel and Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale a good farm, eonuining about 78 acrei of land, situate aboat one-fourth of a mile south of tShewaville, Clear field eounty. Pa. There is on ibe faro a good frame building 3U3o foet, now used at a hotel for the accommodation of lumirormea, a good stable 18i3fi leet, wltb all necessary outbuilding, and a young orchard of thrifty fruit treat peaches, apples, pear and oh err y Ireee. Tbo farm and hotel is offered at private sale, oa reesonoble term. For particulars, aj'ply on tbe premises, or by letter to UlUsltiA J. IKV1N, mar. I -3 m Hbawarillc, Fa. Notice in Bankruptcy. t District Court of the Dulled BUtea,) roRTtia Weateru Dlatrlct of Priiuayhanla. ) This Is to aire aot Ire Ibot ea the 19th day of April, A. D. 1878, a Warrant to Bankruptcy waa 1 issued against tba aetata : Tooma 4. Frow, of Curwensville, In the eounty of CleerDeld, aod I btate of Pennsylvania, wbo bat beea adjudged a bai.kruot upon bis own petition t that tb pay ment of any debt and delivery ot any property belonging to suob bankrupt to bim or for his use, ami tbe transfer of any property by hlta are for- bi3ieo oy law ; that a meeting ol too erodttort oi i said bankrupt to prove their debts, aod to choose I one or more Assignee of bi estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be boldeo at tbe office j Of the Register, No. 8& Diamond street, Pittsburg, Po., before Samuel Harper, Esq., Register, en the j 2:d day or May, A. 1. 1878, at 3 o'olook p. m. JOHN HALL, V. 8. Marshal aa Messenger. Pittsburg, Pa., May , 1878-St. OAIUJ to tlao XjLX3XXX OF CLEARFIELD AND VICINITY, 0o Friday, May 17th, 1678, 1 will return from Philadelphia with the most elegant and fashion able line ot Millinery, Variety and Fanoy Goods, ever brought to tbia county. The asortmnt will contain the moat fashionable and richly trimmed imported Hats, Bonnets. c., PLUMES, RHCHR3. TRIMMINGS. VKLYRTB, KID ULUV KS, LAIK UULLAHP, TIKS, LACK A SILK HANDKKRCIUEFS, ' FRENCH FLOWERS, SILKS, , FLSUUES, Ac Ao. These fooda will be selected with areat care from Ihe best city house, with tht assistance of a Irst-elaas city milliner, and bought for cash, will be told ot eitremelr low prices, and th ttylec can ne retted oa ot being good tor oil Hammer. As May Is the month te buy reliable goods, and any goods bought before May, art old and unre liable. Ladies, pleat girt me your trade, and I will da my be, to please your taste, and at very low prices, MKn. T. K. WAifcUfl. ClearflelJ, Pa., May 16, 1878 It. Auricultiiral Statistics. fo ttt CUU ef Clwjittd Count : Tb undertlfned having been oDiiointed br the Deportment, at Washington, principal reporter of too Agricultural mat tine ot Ulnar neid eounty, resnrcifully rrquaet the oo-operation of all to assist, ay tending the tubscntier all the informa tion thay oan bearing upon tbe following on- lion, te at te enable him to make aa correct a statemeat to the Department, a possible. How many korset have i ed In yoar boroaeb or town. ship, and of what dispose. How many cows and calves, and of what disease. 11 ow many sheep have you Inat, ml what diM4f Im bomnj kflld by dog. How many boga bate jou lost, and of what disease. What prevailing di-waaes amongst ine poultry, in all ease gtee tna rem. edtea used which bare been found to he auoeet. lul, and in all casea to give the cash value ol all slock as n parly a possible. By th co-operation of our citisens In general upon these Important particular, the Agaicultural report will become ao encyclopedia el useful Information lo the pub- lie, by enabling the Department to publish tbe dlseos, the losses, and the remedies that novo beea found most benefleial ia certain diieaaos , Any other information that will becoosiiered a pebJio beaeBi, will be theukfull reeetvod, . Addre tb tubtcrlher at Urampian Hills, O i field Co., Pa. SAMUEL W1DEM1RK, March I, 187-tf. OTICKTtlTAX -PA VEltH. In aooo pl ane, with ao Ael of tba Qtaaral Ataauibt, of tht, Comnonwoaltb, approrad lha 22(1 day of March, A. D. 1870, aod tha aopplamcnt approrad tba ild day of April, A. D. 1872, "relating pi lha oollactioa of tasaa lo tha oouoty of Ol..rfl.ld," oalioa I, boraby giraa to tba tai-payara raaldiog Id tba diitriota baluw aamad, that tha Couoty Traaaurrr, ia aooordaoaa with tha aaooodaootioa of ,aid Aot, will atuod al tha plaoa, of Boldiog th. borough aod towoahip aMotloaa oa tha fwl lowing aamad daya, for tha porpoaa of raoairlog tba UoBoty aad Utata taiaa aaaMB for 1878 1 For Corlngtoa twp., WednMtlay, Hay lftlh, from lto For Graham twp., Thanday, May 11, from 10 to 4 For Horri, twp , Frid.y, May 17th. . For Bradford twp., Ralorday, May lllh. For Decatur towaahip, Wadonday, My 29, from to 4. For Woodward to.aihlp, Thanday, May lltk, from II to 4. For Hoaladala kor., Friday, May II, from T to I. Arlingto. Hoaaa.) For UmmoIs Saturday, Juaa lit, from ? to 4. For Knaa towoablp, Moaday, juaa Id, from 1 to I. For Ualtoh twp., Tundar. Juaa 4, from I to S. For BMMrla lowBahip Watlnaartay, Juua I, from Ml. ForJorda. towaahip, Tbumlay, Juaa I, from P' tat. For FrrguHia towaihip, IrUay, Jaa. 7, from I to II. For Lumb.r Oily bar , Friday, Jaa. t, from I to ?. (Uoppy'a Hotal.) For Pan. twp., Haturd.y, Juaa I, from I 4. For U.low lowaablp, Wdn..d.y, Juaa 12, from I to 4. For DaUola, Thanday, Juoa II, from ? la ll,(at Carl.y'a Hotal.) For Troatvilla, l'baraday, Juaa 13, from I to I. For Lutbor.burg, Frid.y, Juaa 14, from ? ta I. For Bloom touo.blp, baturday, Jan. iL from Id to 4. For Plko towa.kip, Friday, Jaa. il, from I ta I. For Crwoaarill. Saturday. Juaa 12, from l.tod. For Chaat ta,., Uouday, Juaa 24, from (0 to I. Far N.wourg bar., Taody, Jua, 21, from I lo II Far Naw Waahlagloa, Tuaaday, Jaa. la, tram 1 tal. For Baraaid. tw.H WaMd.y, J0. It, f,aa 9 toi. For Buraaldo borough, TbataUy, Joaa I?, from lul. For Ball Uwaialr. frid.y, Jua. II, fram t u I For UrMww twp., .awrday, Juu. 21, fram HI. . . j Up., all Uiaa paid I. tba Traaaarar tkm will b. . rrdiHHIoa of In par Cat., wbila par aoat will U M. altar tk. IrM day .f Jul) fit, lo all aapuid utiM, .ki.g . af 1 K-M par Mat. I. I.I uayara. Partlaa na, from tb. IrM at May, pay taiaa al tba Irrararar'a uuHm. N.hc. f. Maac-u.itr.. A rmr. artaalt, will ka fM t. macaaaau ta Mm. turwarw at ta. tim. aa. plarM fat fwth, aad n kkalr burwaa r.r ibtb. va.iu ateUALWUIki, CU.rl.ld, Pa., AprU 17, 1171 Iraaaunr. $fW &ttxtttmtM. ITImI, harab .Ivaa tbM wa ka,a thla dar tranafarrad aJI nr laUraM and gMd will Ik lha Fira loanraBO. baituaaa of tht, K.nay u Masara. Aadraw Panu, Jr., and 8. T- Broflkbank, wbo ba.a pur.b.Ml Ib. aooaa. Wa ba.paak for Mr UMMaera Ikat ooaldaoM knd pxlrooat wbkoh wa bava rwoirad i. ih. btuioM.. Tb.r or. qu.llfl.d and nliabla, aad tb. Cnpaai., tr. t w.n sbow. to hh MiDnaoaauaa. Tba Llfa Ioauraooo bailaaaa will oodIIbu. ad baratofara la lb. baad. of Tbumai U. Morrar. MURRAY 4 GORDON. ClaarBald, Pa., tlajt I, 1878. St. AHegheuiK Valley Ballroad. LOW 0KAU8 DIVISION. ON aod attar Moadar, Dm. 10th, IS7T, th. naaa.a,.r tralna will rua daily (aioit Bud day balwcaa Rad Bank aad Driftwood, aa rollowa t KAKTWArtD.D.T Hall iMraa Plll.bnr, I JO a. n. Rad Bank 1 1:50 8li,o Jonotloa U:,8; Naw B.tbl.haB, 1:07 p. MaraTilla Ml) Troy 1:10 Brookrlllo t:0l follar'a 1:U, Ray aoldaTllla :S1 DuBoial:IS Hunnlt Tuon.l l:(0 I l'.Bl.ld 4:0i Woadrlll. 4:1? BaoaaatU 4:10 arriroa at Driftwood at o:SS. W EHT W A R IWDay Mall laaraa Driftwood 11:16 p. a. 1:011 1 Wndrlll. 1:40 1 PaoB.ld 1:46) Hummlt Tuon.l l:0T DoBoial:!IOj K.jould,.lll.l:5J, FuM.f'aJ.bT: Urooklllol:l9g Troy l:40 May.Tllla 4. IS; Now Batblak.m 4:S Nllco JuaolioB 6:10 1 Rd Bank l:? arrltu at rittaoarf at :! p. at. Tba RoyaoldiTllla Aoeoaimodatioa laaraa RajDoldsrilla daily at ?:60 a. n., aod arrtvaa at Hen Bank at 11:00 a. m., fltuburgb at I:.1t p. a. lMtn Pituburak at 1:10 p. i Rl Baak al :sa p. u. arnriog al HayooiaaviiM at :wa p. m. Cloaa ooBBactloa, nada wltb traina on P. A I Railroad at Drtlt.ood, aod with traina oa tba Allarbaoy Vallay Railroad at Hod Bank. DAVID MrCARuO.Oas'l Sop't. A. A. Jicao, Bup't L. U. Dir. BTAOB LINE. cLkianiLD ro rRariiLo. Th. uodaraigoad woald iafom tba pitMI. that ba Ii Dow ranainK a at,a Una btwaaa VhiarDald aad Paolald, tbrM tiaiaa a waak. Tba ataa laaraa Claarflald oa Taaadaya, TUura. daya aod tiainrdaya, at I o'olook a m arririog at PcnAald at 12 o'olook m. Raturalag aaina daya. Laaraa Paatlald at 4 .'olook p. arrir. log at Claarflald at I o'olook p. aa. Oottnaolioa la nada with traiaa oa tha Low Orada H. K. at l'.nb.ld. F.r., rl way, $1.40. UKO. W. OKA RUA HI. Clutlald, Pa., Fib. 13, 1878J GEO. WEAVER & GO, SECOND STRKRT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Ilavt opened up, la tbe store room lately occupied by Wearer A Betts, oa Second afreet, a large aad wall selected stock of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, (JI'EENSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARK. ' HATS AND CAPS, F I II II R F F F H . SAlT A1 ri-UUIl f fcUUl JHJlOLl. Wbioh tbqr will dlrpora of at rraaoaaU, rat., for ea,b, or aiobaag. lor Muatry produce aitoRRR wiavf.r .;co. ClMrlald. Tt-. Jaa. 1. 1878-tf. JEW Fl.OUlt. FKEI), AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Rooaa No. 4. Ple'a Opera Howac, Cleartlrld, P.. Kaop aoaataDtly oa baad 81'OAR, COFFEI, TIA8, , 800A,I . . COAL OIL, RYRl'P, SALT, rSPICED, rJOAP, CanaJ aa4 Driwd FrulU, Tobaoeo, Clgara, C au dita, Cidar Vlaagar, BBlt.r, Bgga, Ar. ALSO, EXTRA 1IOME.MADI Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed,C4o., All of whloh will tt. toli ohaap for oaih or la lohaap for mud try produoa. A. O. KRAMER A CO. Claarl.U, Not. 1. 1874. -If HARTS WICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IM PURE DUUGS! CHKMICAL8I PAINTS, OUS, DYE STUFF VARRIHHBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY flOODP TOILET AKTICLES, OF ALL KINDS, PUSS WISES AUD LIQUORS fat Baallalaal puipotwa. TrunN, Suppwtm, Sokool Booka aa. Statu. ry, aa. all atbr arllalM aaaall foaa. I. a Drag 8t.ra. PHYHIOIARS' PRRSCRIPTIOft CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. H.rlug a bug. aa Mrtaan la tk. kail mm tb; w. gl.B Mlln aat laibatloa. J. 0 BARTIWIOE, JOHN F. IRWIN. Claarld.. tW.mtu l, tat,. t. 3k. ftos Co.'s eslamn. T. A. FLECK A CO. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. YOU CAN'T STOP US ! ARE BOUND FOR T. A. FLECK & COS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT T. A. FLECK & CO. HERE WE ARE FOR ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, HLACk CASHMERES, BLACK BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. A LAIIGE STOCK OF MUSLIMS, CALICOS, GINGHAMS, SHIRTINGS, AND TICKINGS. e-.a-rrei--. MEN'S AND HOYS' COTTONADKS, ANI A GOOD LINE OF CASSIMERS A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS Turkey Reds, antl all other kind, of TABLE LINEN,rery clieup. LADIES' COATS-call and ice them-thoy aro nice. BLACK AND FANCY SI1AWLS. ' BED SPREADS, ALL PEICE3. BEST STORE IN OTR STOCK OF Goe ahead of anything rjver brougliljlo thi. town. LADIES' LINEN SUITS-ALL PRICES. PARASOLS 1! This itook is more LADIES' AND CHILD FIENS' HOSE. LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES' TIES AND BOW8. . HLL LI.VE OF COOLEfS CORK COHSF.TS. CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. ELD AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen. inching, Collar, and Cuff., Laocs, Now Fringe, and Trimming, New Km broiderle. while and colored, Curtain Not.. Sunpomlors, Shirts, Neckties, Under Wit a goo. stool:, ckp GMT. OIL CLOTIIS AND CARPET CHAIN. MILLINERY. TRIMMED HATS AD BURETS, FLOWERS, EIBBOXS, Trimming Silks, Ornaments, Feathers, Ac. Our trimmer, MISS MEACHEN, i. with ui again, roady to trim Ilata and Bonnet., jn.t a. yon want them. We bought our goods In New York and Philadel phia for CASH, and they will be sold CHEAP. . Spring and Summer Dress Goods. WHAT WE GUARANTEE t WE GUARANTEE that we will sell all kinds of Dry Good, cheaper than any other Rtore in Clearfield. WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every one of our cunto mers, without urging thetn to buy. WE GUARANTEE that we have tho largest and choceat as sortment of all kinda of Dress and Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery and Fancy Goods in Clearfield. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. April,M7,'78. 5. Jtrrl o.'i tovm, ONE PRICE STORE. TO CLEARFIELD. SPRING & SUMMER. AND COLORED ALPACAS, & IERCALES. CLEARFIELD. PARASOLS !! oomplete than ever, near, Shirt Front., Silk Ilandkerchieis. $SisIlao(os. JOB mniajTimo OF WIRT ISO,t ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curwaaatlli., IV Jaa. I, Tl-lf. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Cura.uarlll., Jua. V, It If. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Cor warm ilia, IV, Jaa. V, '?Stf. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AXD SAWED. Oarwtoirillt. Jaa. 9, 7I tf. fjlvery Stable. THE tmdtraljMti bap lart loiormtaapilv. He that bt ia uow full prapar- to tmomm 4tu All in th way of fvraUblBg Hw.toa, Baggioa. Haddlas and UaxDoai, oa tbo ahortoit boUm mhi an rooaonablo Urnt. RoildoBOt ob LoobM Mnst, batwaoB Third aod Fourth. OBO. W. 01 AR HART Oloorflald. Fob. 4, 1ST4. pOR SALE.- Tho ndcralKDod will aaU at prlTito lala oil that trut or pareal of Itod altoolo lo Paootw toiraahip, Clearilald iBt7, Fo., wltbia a abort of Ibo Tyrouo A Cloorfloll R. R., aad adjoining laodi of Robert lladaoB aad ototra, aod known aa tb Jaoob B. tioarhart lot. Tb aald tract eoBtaloiBR AO aero aior or loaa, wltb two Tolaa of valaabla ooal tborcoo, bai aboot 10 aeroa olaarod, aad la tbo bay to a largo bud of ooal about being d4opd. Will bo void low and upon oaaj torsi. For Bartlealara, apply to DAVID L. RRKBS. CloariWd, Pa July IS, 187. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whihba. Hob. C. A. MAYER. Praaident Judge of tb Court of Coatnoa Pleaa of tb twos-tv-Afth Judieial Dlatriet, aoaipoaed of tbt eons tie of Clearfield, Centra and Clinton, aad Hob. A Bain Oodbx aad 11 oa. Viae but B. Holt, Aiaociat Judgai of Cloarfitld Go., bar laaaod their proeept, to tw directed, for tbo boldiog of aa Adjottraed Coort of Comoa Ploaa, at tb Court Iloat. at Claarflald, ia aad for tht tone, tr of Clearfield, eommenolug an th THIRD MONDAY, THE 1'TH VAX OF JUNK, IBj 5, and oonilnaing two woaba. NOTICK la therefor hereby glrea to jarora aad wltaaiaca. In and for aid oounty of Clearfield to be and appear ia tbelr proper ptrtont, at 10o'olork A. M. of aald day, to do tboa tbioga which ia their behalf pertain to be don. U1VKN under my band at Clearfield, thla ITtb day or April, ib tb year of oar Lord athoa and eight hundred and eTtntr-lght ANDREW PKMTZ, jr., Rbtrlff. aprlV-to. DEUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw'a old tand, Cloarfitld, Pa . baa Juat opened a new atoek of PCHE i.Yi FRE&O DRlVSy and la bow prepared lo furnish anything la tb th line of Druga aod Medic Ibm at th rary low tit eatb price. II ha alao on band a largo atoek of Cutab, Hair and Tooth Bra i bee, Fancy Artielei, Tollot and Hharlng 8oapa, aol tery thing Baaally ktpt lo a firit-elaaa Drug Hie re. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRnTIONS eoa pounded with ear, day or night. A liberal bare of patronage nrptetfnlfy ao lie! ted. H. B. SPACEMAN. Clearfield, Pa., Oct, U, 1977. THE TIN SHOP! ElMG M0W!( MACHI5E I FRED. SACKETT, ROOM K0. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, cu.ra.ia, p.. RaMatfully lafaraaa kla .aatautaru, aa. tk aa II. Ib fraaral, that ha uoatiaM. to Baaalaatar. all kiadi of Tin, Copper A Sheet-Iron Ware, Of fint-taat aaUrial oal, and la a workai Ilk aaanar. ROOFING and SPOUTING don ob abort aotte aad Tory raaaonablt brait COOK STOVES, HKATINd 6TOVR8 AND FURNACES tviwayi ktpt ta atoek, aad for aal low. Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specialty. Oa. FlituNa alwa.a on uaad. All work (uaraa. t. to fir. aatiifaetl... A abur of bablk palr0B.faaw.UII7 Hllottod. FRED. 8ACERTT. Claurlal., Pa., Ma; 1, 1177, REGISTER'S NOTICE. Holloa ia brrcb. airaa that th. fotlowinf ae. oounU buro baa aauaiiBl aad paaM. b, a,, aad Mnaia aim 01 raeor. ia tot. oatoa ror ta. la- f,Mti on of b.ira, l..atMa, erwlltora, and all otbera nUraatnl, and will b. prutanud to tba Bast Or. Ebana' Coart of OlMrfl.ld ooaaty, to a. h.ld at tb. ourt Houm, ia Iba borau. h of Cl.arl.ld, roai n.nrin. on tba .d Monduy (baia. tba Ivth davl of Ma;, A. O. 1171 1 Partial aoooant rtf Arauadar Parcuaoa and Joa. rauaraoa, ftKMUtorf of ta. aatata .f JOMph -MeCulir, lata af F.ruao. towaahip, Claarlald oouot, Pa., dM'd. Flaal aoooaat of Juaa. laia, Admlairtrator af Iba a.uu of Niebolaa Marpb;, lato of Morria towaabip, Claarflald want;, Pa., dw'd. . Fioal .oaooat or Samml M. Bally, Adatlalatralor at tli. .atat.of MallBdaUoarta.lata.f Brudr twp., Clturlold Co, Pa, dw'd. Fiaal aeooBnt or Sauna! C. Patsbia, (laardta. af Matilda M.Cally, (now Crojl) alaor ah lid of Jnba L. Mot'alljr, lala or Oalltk tawu.blp, Claarlald aouatr, Pa, ow'd. Flaal aoeuual of Job. MeOaa.ha, waard!. af 4aeon aiiae, atinoreaiiaot lUbMoaHliaa, tat. af Uoabo. twp, Claarlald C, Pa, dM'd. Flaal aoooaat of Joba MoOaafhaj, Oaardta. af a v. ucdM, aiiaor eati. M umM yrdau, lata of Uwrauou twp, ClMrlald Ca, Pa, dao'd. AoMaot of Job. Q. Sohryvar, awririag l(M- tor M taa aataaa ai Mania ntoaaia, or., 1.1. ( Lawrano twp, Cloarld Oo, Pa, dao'd. Final aeouuat.f Joaatbaa Wat, C aardlaa .rtha aloor balra or TBonaa llaarar, lata Vtooat townabip, ClMrftald waatv, Pa., dM'd. Aoooaat or BaBjaata Knpp, Oaardlaa .r Mary v. vupiar, atau. aaii. BaloaM unplar, uua ol Bradford twp., Cl.arl.ld Maaty, Pa., dM'd. L.J atuRUAN, Map t-M Rtuur A aaadaa. QOURT PRUCLANATION. Waaaaaa. Bo. O. A. MITBB. Jadra af Ib. Carl af PlM. bf iB.-lwaaipBltB Ja.latal Ulatrl.t, aoaaiaa. af lha oauutiaa ar Claarlald, Caatra aa. Otialaa aa. Haa. Aaa.M Oenaa aad Km. Vtaawwt'S. Uott, AUMaUto J.d.a. f ClMflald h.ra lMu.d tb.Lr pr...ul, to a. dlraalad, rat la. holdiag r a Cart r Coaao. Plau, Orpbaaa' OoarS Court af QuarUr .M.I.U., Owart .f Opar aad iMalaar, aad Crart ar liaml Jail Dull.. tt, .1 Ib. Can Una. ClaarlWd, la aad tm ta. oo.Btv.rClMr..)d,Maa.a.t( am tb. tALrd Makday. U. SOI h day ml Nay, Mm. aad to MBtlaa. tw. WMha, ROTICI IS, tbmfara. harab. .I.m. to Ih. Oaraaw, JnUM .tth. flaw, m. OntatoM a aad for a.ll maty af Ct.ura.ld. to a thali prop., poram, with Ihalr Bowrda, aUlla, ia.utatuoaa, taaiaatl.aa, aa. ataar ".aaaa. hraaaM, to da thm tbia, a wbl.h to aValr .uaM aad la vhalr hahair, pntola to a. aoM. y aa Aot af Aamihly, ,un. ta. tia day Mar. A. tt. laid. H la bmI. ta. dat. af thaJaa.- ttoaa tt tb. Pnu, af lha aurwal uaaahw. mi thla Ooaaaawaalth, to aatara to Ih. Curb af lha Carl af Quurtw Saatoaa af tha faMutia aounllM, all Ih. ftoogaiaaaaM aatotad la, hafoaa taaa ay aay aoraM ar ponoa. .aarfad with law aualwlH .1 aay ariaw, ..Mpt Rah MM a aay ho aadad hafan a Jaalha. af ih. PaMa, uuv d.r aihrtlu. hn, ml tmm tM 4am hafbra raw MaBMoaaaM af lha aaaatoa af lha OmuM to wbiah thq ar aad. NlaraaboaraupMllnlyaul la aH M whn. aay rauogalaaaaia aa. aalaril lato Km thu to. daya hwun aha waauMuW of Ih. narioa to whi.h ta.y ara aaaa ulaawa Ih. au Jaaalaao ara to ratom la. aaaa la aa. aaaaar a. If .aid at had fi hat IVtR uad.r ay Im4 al, ukU Iflh day af r!, U ua. yaar af mut Lord, aaua Uoaaaad alibi haadrod aad aanMytohi, nprir-M ANDREW PK"Tt,Jr, ibarlf.