fa f$r publican. Qioaoi B. Goodlandir, Editor. CLKARF1ELD, Pa. . WEDNKSDAT MOHNINd. MAY 15, 1878. Reader, If yon went lo know whl tl going on li tho butloeti world, Jutl rend our advertltlng tolomnt. tha .Vpeetaf column IB purtiouinr. MAXIMS FOR THE OAV. No ni.n worth, tbe offleo of PfOaldent thould ho wlll.nr to bold It If oountod la, or pieced Ibira by euy fraud. I ooald oarar kara bara reconciled lo the .tin. k iba amalleat aid of Bilna of a pereon, however' respectable la prtvute life, who mart forever carry upon bis brow tna naunp ui irwuu Brit triumphant la American hiatory. Na sub sequent action, however meritorious, eaa walk nway tna letters 01 mat mora. Ca.ni.na Pamrio Aotwa. Under Iks form of law, llntherford B. Huyet baa been declared Pretldeat of tba United Hiatal Ilia titia raata apon ditfrancblitroent of lawlal vatera, tbe false eeriiooaiea 01 me returning on flare inline eorrnotlT. aod tba daelaion of a eom mieaion wbiob baa refused to hear evldenoe of ol legod fraud, for the Ural tiui a are tba American naoDla con floated with the foot of a fraudulently- elected Preaident. Let II not ba underatood that tba fraud will ba allentlj ucquleerod la by tha country. Let na hour paaa ta wtilett taouiurpa. tlon la forgolton. Annaaaa or Dkvocbatic M. 0. a. One hundred yenra af human depravity aeon, nnlaled aad eonoeDtrated into ellmax of erlDoa. Neror again In live hundred yeurl aball they bare au opportunity to repeat tna wrong. Vauibi. W. Vooaaaaa. . I waald ralber bara tba andoraeuieat of a quar ter of a million of tba Amerieaa people than that of the Lnuttlaae Returning- Board, or of tbe Com lulaaion whiob eicluded tba faeta and daeided the queltioa as a technicality. Tbua. A. Ilaanaicaa. Jemocratic State Convention.- The Democratic Hlalo Convention of Pennsylvania, for 1878, will bo held in Library Ilall, Pittsburg, (Pcnn av enue, near Sixth atreet,) at 10 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, May 22d, to place in nomination one person for each of the following named offices: Govornor, Judgo of tbe Supreme Court, Licuten nnt (iovernor, and Secretary of Inter nal Afluira. Uy order of tbe StaCo Committee. Wn. M'C lelland, Chairman. l'lTTHiiind, May 1878. Senator Conovcr wears tho worst hat in Washington and Mm. Conovcr the finest bonnet. (ion. Sherman is noted in Washing ton for his shabby toilets and the sorry looking iiajrs ho drives. I'etcr Cooper's fortunu is estimated at 210,000,000, and his heirs aro wait ing for him to Petur out. Mayor Kly ot Xcw Vork didn't know lie was going to be married until he read it in tho newspapers. Another triumph for journalism. During this month tbe Mint in Phil ndelpbia will coin a million of tho new silver dollars. Foity thousand of them are being struck oft daily. Mrs. Thursby says it is a mistake fur lady artist to marry whilo she is engaged in her profession, fur cither tbe husband or the profession must Kuffor. The Boston Pott says : Beecher's new bouse at Peekskill will be "the grandest country scat in the possession of the A merican clergy." U o's a grand preach er, tool Dennis McLin .Those are extra ordinary names for gentlemen belong ing to tho First Families of Florida. Wonder It Dennis and McLin have been naturalized. A man writes from Oregon, telling how a recent cargo of one hundred and fifty women from Now York were gob bled up and marriod in three weeks, and thero are plenty of bachelors left yet. Tin Last Move. Tbo Jtadical pro gramme the Cameron's and the Sher mans have it all their own way. Tbe niece will see undo John and uncle Tecuinsch frequently hereafter "you bet," on businoss. C'onvent?oN8. Four Stato nomina ting conventions in Pennsylvania this year. Tbe Nationals at Philadelphia, May 8th ; the Radicals at Ilarrisburg, May 15th ; the Democrats at Pitts burg, May 22d, and tbe Prohibitionists -at'Altoona, May 29. ItiooNMiir.RED. Tbo repoal of tho Bankrupt law, which passed tho Sen ato two weeks ago, to tako eftoct on (bo 1st ot January, next, was reconsid ered by that body, on Thursday last, and so amended that tho repeal goes into effect on tho 1st of September next, - - - - . A woman, who "thinks she knows," says that aa far as the sex is concern- ed, men are indispensablo and fascina ting beings made to be petted, loved and served by women, and who in re turn give them their food, clothes and shelter, and break their hearts I Is she right f The Now,n baniing company (cap at Newton, Bucks coun ty, has closed its doors, and thero is trouble among tho thrifty tarmers of that locality. .Barclay Smith, presi dent and manager of several other lo cal organizations, is reported to have suspended. JlrMoaota. Tho Philadelphia I'rat, in alluding to the coalition, says : The Labor men and Greenback-era. have met on common ground ; both want money in as large quantities and for as little work as possiblo. Wbilo they are talk ing and voting the rest of the comma oity will be quietly earning a living, and electing cither tbo Bopublican or Democratic candidates. Those who re not afraid of hard work will preter to "bear the ills they have than fly to others that they know not of." War NOT IiKMoVXTBlOaSTBUCTION? It should be plainly visible to evory observing cilicen, that tho Bankrupt Law sits oa commercial affairs and ba- ainess transactions like a night-mare. Those in debt are dovourod in passing through Its crooked and costly mean deringa, while the enterprising business nan, a Utile abort of capital is prohibi ted from making progress because the money lender refuses to loan him bis rash, fur fear that ha will take Op bis sot by furnishing him with a card tbroajHs the United State Marshal Therefore, why not remove this embar- go on trade i commoroe ai speedily ju possible from the sUtoo book. DECUlEDLY WHOSO : Tbo LanciHtor Jntclligmerr, in it roiu'lukions tliut llio Statu Trcaanrcr condui ted as bcretoloro in ihu interest of tho Slate ring, does the party, Col. Noycs and itself grout injustice. Up here, where Col. Noyes is personally known, tho most consistent friends of reform have no such ideas as our Lnn cantnr rotnmporary advances, and par ticularly is there no ground for such suspicions, since tho appointment of Mr. Wallors as chief dork. There, is no moro consistent, straight forward, determined Democrat in the State than Col. Noycs cashier, and thero is no .one whom be could have chosen lor tho position who would try to do his duty to tho people of tho slute and the party ho is a member of moro faith fully than will J. llluke Waltuin. The writer of this is personally acquainted with both Mr. Walters and Mr. Hem ing, two of Col. Noycs' assistants in the Treasurv department, and we know tbem both to ba honorublo, com potent gentleman, qualified in overy way to fill tho positions they have been chosen to, and mcu who would scorn to do anything that would bring disgrace or suspicion upon the Demo eratio party or the Stato Treasurer. If other departments of the govern mont under Democratio control are conducted as fuithfully and well as tho State Treasury promises to be with Mr. Walters as its cashier, the party will have no cause to complain, and the Jntdligencer wo feel confident will find its suspicions both unfounded and unfair. Col. Xoyes imposes an additional duty on on Mr. Waltors. his cashier, by tho appointment of Bayard as one of bis clerks. Mr. Walters, in addi tion to watching tho money of the Commonwealth, tho corporations of tho Stale and tho old Stato ring, will havo to koep a sharp cyo on Bayard and his pals, Simonton and Olmstuad, or through the carelessness of the one and the sharp practices ot the other two, tho Treasurer's ofTico may get up a stink and a steal similar to the ono those thrco worthies have just omcrg ed from in tho Auditor General's oflko. We don't believe anything of the kind wilLhappcn, but it makes additional watchfulness, on tho part of our friend Wulters necessary to see that it don't. RMtfonte, Watchman. THE "TWO LICK" MEMBER. Tho editor of tho Ilarrisburg Patriot, in alluding to our neighbor Congress man, remarks: "It turns ont that the trno inwardness of Congressman Har ry White's effort in behalf of an ap propriation for tbo improvement of Kiskiraoneltvs creek consists in this, that White is a largo stockholder in a eci lain nationul bank in the town of ludiana, and that the national bank is the nrincinal stockholder in tho Two Lick lumber company, whose opera tions are carried on upon tho waters of tho Kiskiininclas. In other words, tho clauso which White bad inserted in the river and harbor bill was in geniously doviaod to securo an appro priation from the United States Treas ury, a considerable portion of which would in the end find its way into the pocket of the Congressman from tho Indiana district. Histrionic litera ture has been graced with tbo sketch of a charactor known aa 'Tho Member from Pike.' Here is tbe op. portunity for some mute, inglorious Shakespeare to trumpet his namo to an admiring world by giving to tho stage tbe counterfeit presentment of tbe 'Member from Two Lick.' J ho play could be made peculiarly inter- toresting by a tableau of a raft of logs on the wild waters of the Kiskimiue- tas, with tbe lion. Harry White as captain, the ofHoers of tho Indiana National Bank on board as a pleasure party, and Undo Sam as purser pay ing ofT tbo crew. All hail tho Mem ber from Two Lick! Of what good is a paternal government if it cannot alack water the noblo Kiskiminctns so as to float Harry Whito's logs to market" . .To Stop. The Senate of the United States took another step in the right direction on tho "lb insU Mr. Cockrcll (Mo.), moved to take up houso bill to forbid the future re tirement of United States legal-tender notes, which was read a first time, and said be moved to tako it up now that it might be read a second timo. The motion was agreed to yeas thirty three, nays twonty-five. Tbo vote in detail on Mr. Cockroll's motion to take up the bill to forbid the further retirement of United States legul-tonder notes was as follows: Yeae Meeere. Bailer, Barb, Booth, Butler, Coehrell, Coke, D.rii (III.), Untie (W. Va ), Iior- aer, Rnetoe, Uarlasd, Uordoa, llarria, Hereford, Hill, Ina-alll, Johnana, Jouei (Pla.),Laniar,Me. Creery, MeDonald, Maaay, Merrimon, Morgan, Oaleaby, I' lamb, Ranaon, Sauniart, Bpenoer, Ihurman, voorbaee, Wallace ana wtlboro e.l. Nara Meaara. Alliaoa, Aothony, Bayard, Cam eron (Wia.), Conkling, Hawei, Kalon, Kdmuada, ferry, Hoar, Howe, Karnan, Kirkwood, ai'Mil. Ian, tialtbewa, Mitebell, Morrill. V'.djock, Ran. dolph, Rolliai, hargent, (tsiiabury, Wadlelih, Wbytaaad tVlarfj. it .will be noticed that overy Sena tor from Now England Statue, and tbe extreme- Northwest voted in the nog ativo. How Tiiky ark Looked at. The Vow Havon, Connoctieut, Register, in alluding to ihp National organization in this Stalo, says; "The chances are that when the hour ol election ap proaches the leaders of tho National ists will, as tho Mollie Maguires and the Labor Reformers did in the past, sell out their politioal chances to tho bighost bidder, and tbo purchaser, will, aa uiual, be Simon Cameron, the great Winnebago Chief." That is tbo way they look at the arrangement away down in New England. Tut Ri-oriNiNO. Philadelphia bad "big day" on Friday last, May 10th. This was Centennial day two years ago, and was sdoctcd by the officers to open the Permanent Exhibition Buildings. On tbo same day Senators Wallace, Bayard, Blaine and Governor llartranlt wore present and did the speechifying for those present. Those, however, who visit the city In the fu ture will find it docidodjy advantageous lo visit the old Centennial grounds and tbe buildings still standing. It'i ho Wonder. We are told that tba recent Florida disclosures render "the government" nnhappy. ' We are not surprised at this. If the title to oar house and lot was no better than that of Hayoe k Wheeler, we would feel mighty blue over it. Ot'V CAPITA I. CITY REPHE SES'lATU'ES. One would mippoiio it to bo ullior- . ;r ni. i .it.-.rfi Coirrt'Mmieti in no HiforWCifiEu"l (kW i tho mombers of onr Slato Legislature, to splice the two factions tho "yrcin which the voters of tbo Qu.iker City backers," which Is a promiscuous or- send up to Ilarrisburg In proof of this fuel, wo cite as authority Iho Y ash ington correspondent of the Philadel phia Record, of tho Kill Inst., who ro tates it as follows : Congressmen Kollcy and O'Neill were the heroes of a very lively epi node during the debute on tbo larilf in tho Houso yesterday. Kollcy had vo led with tho Democrats in favor of Wood's motion to tako up tho tariff hill. O'Neill took exception to this voto, and, turning in his scat toward where Knlley sat, began to upbraid the latter fur his action. Not exactly relishing this lecture from his col league, ihe Judgo replied with more vigor than politeness. Words led to moro words, until somo vory bitter things bad been said or both sides, and fists had been mutually shaken. Their friends gathered around and In torfercd and the "impending conflict was avoided." Jungo Kollcy 's voto, of course, did not moan that ho was for tho bill, but tha fact remains that if Messrs. Kelley of Pennsylvania and Banks of Massachusetts had not been moro anxious to muko speeches than to defeat tho bill, the hill would not now I'D before the House. Tho conversation, as reported by a vivacious car witness, was somewhat outside the ordinary pale of parlia mentary intercourse, as will be seen by the following report from memory, which is assorted to bo almost verbatim et Uteratum. O'Neill, turning excitodly toward Kelley, and shaking a dexter digit at him: "You are voting against llio in torosts and wishes of your constitu onts, sir." Kelley, in a doep has key anil in tones of withering scorn : "When I gel to bo your dog, sir, put a collar round my neck, tio a string, and then, per baps, you can lead mo." O'Neill, in an excited treble tone: "You aro a puppy now, sir." Kclloy, glowing ominously, "If we woro not in this House, sir, I would thrush you for that remark, sir; and if you will repeat out of doors, sir, 1 will twipe your face, sir. And I noti fy you, hero and now, sir, that if ever you speak to mo again, sir, I will show your length by measuring It on tho ground, sir." Hore the .Speaker's hummer fell lime and again, calling his colleages lo or der, bnt the curtain dropped and all was hid from view. Thero is nothing of this to bo found in the Congressional Record, as the reporters wero told "not to tako it down Poi.iTU'AiiAND Social Trami-s. The Washington Cavitot, in alluding to a dangerous clement, says : Mcgy and other dead-beat comm u nists w ho ju mp ed Puns and their debts, spent Good Friday in New York in a suturnulia, arrayed in red shirtx, drinking brandy and absinthe, singing bawdy songs and arranging for a chango in the present form of the United States Government and an introduction of the bonnet rogue in America. These men aro tbe scum of tbe universe, and are to tbo commu nity what a festering sore is to tho hu tnun body. With all their cries ot lib erty their first doctrine is to destroy all religion altogether therein being in dead antagonism to tho first para graph of the Declaration of American Independence : the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness. Their next is to bull-dozo the press ; for tho life of tbo representative of the Il'orfii was threatened by this gang of bowlers for having published an account of a pre vious orgy. Those carpot baggere from Parisian slums should learn that be tween communism in France and the rights ol labor in tho United States there exists both a difference and a do cidod distinction. Six months per capita lo them in Blackwcll's Island would dt-awatrifloof their trans-Atlantic con ceit nut of tbem and their red shirts too, a Anotukr Dost.-IIaycs and his friends aro greatly worriod over tho confes sions of McLin and Dennis, two mom bers Of the infamous Florida Returning Board, who now confess under-oath that the Tilden Electors Jiad a majority in that State. II ow backers denounco these revolutorund scoundrels and dis honest fellow' This nearly everybody concedes, but they aro no worse now than when they counted the Florida Electors for Hayes in December, 1870. More : the following billeldonx, which has just been pulled out of a pigeon hole in the Treasury Department, would seem to indicate that Donnis wg; a firat-rato fellow up to April ',a77. Encntira Maio( rfaaaiaoros. . - "" April IS 187T. DaaJt 51a: I aa reliably aaiurad that L. O. O".'ou of riorlda, would aiabe a capital gpaeial Agent of tba Treeaary. I raipectflly deelre thai bia elaine ahaald bare your favorable attention. Sinoerely. R. R. lUvaa. Hon. Jobn Bberaian and othari. That is a first-rate "government" re commendation and makos Dennis a letter "A" numhor ono Radical. And we hope Hayes Qiid his blowers and strikers will manifest a little modesty in the future. A Tkst Case. The Philadelphia Timet says : Tbo caso of Father Stuck, lalo of Williamsport, against Bishop O'JIara, of tbo diocese of Scranton, is now before the Supreme Court, and is sot down lor argument on tbo first Monday in June. The case has been carried op by the attorneys for the Bishop, Judge Gamble, of the Lycom ing Common 1'lase, having decided in behalf of the priest, although denying him the material benefits ;f tbe deci sion. This controversy has been going on now lor somolhmg like five years, and has attracted the widest attention, but the Indications aro that It la now approaching the end. A Hard CoAp. The oditor ol the Springfiold (Mass.) Republican, in allud ing to the confessions of the Florida Board aays: As for Mr. Hayes, such disclosures must be decidedly disagree alio. Impregnable Of t his legal title, it must be very hard for an honest man to feel that there are laws in his mor al ejaim to the White Houso. But thore seems nothing for him to do ex cept cultivate a philosophical feeling aboai it, and except tba humiliating oonfewioM of the fellows who counted him in M a particularly prickly (born1 tn th rose of the PrasldriKy, THE (WEES HA t 'h'-SA T10SA I.S. This combination of political experts met at I'hlluiltlphiii on Wednesday, . . ganiEittion without any oaths, signs and pass words, while the "national" olemenl, generally, is made up of a coin, binalion of secret oath bound members Hence the labor and agony in getting tho two factions lo wear the same har ness, and help to pull tho load tlnough this campaign. It was generally sup posed that Wiight, or Armstrong would make Iho landing for (iovernor, but both failed as the ballot will show viz : CASniiUTr.R. Aruittruua;. Ljouioiue; Wright, Lueerno Maaon, Mercer Nolle!!, lira.lfi.ru" I IT. ,. 11 . M . US .. 4 Total Ill IV) Mason was thereupon declared tho nominee and the nomination was made unanimous. There was but ono ballot taken on tho Lieutenant Governorship and it re sulted as follows all tho candidates except Messrs. Shearer, Fincher and Jackson being wilhdrawu: Shearer. Derki 121 Fineber Jackron.. Tho ballot for Secretary of Internal A flairs resulted as follows: V'llgbt, riiila.Uli.hia.... Dun Caldwell The convention then took up Iho plalfoi m,w liich generally rc-enunciatis tho principles adopted in iho Nulionul convention at Toledo in February last. They dodiiro that the government should furnish aid to families desirous of settling on tho public lands. W presume that tho next demands will ho tliut tho government must also furnish Iheiu clothing and provisions during their natural lives. All tha nominees aro limliculs n good dose for Demo crats to swallow. Quekr Eijuitt. Tho Legislature, to produco equity in tho salary of County Superintendents, passed a law this ses sion regulating thai question, by adop ting a minimum Balnry for each city and county. Tho Directors can raise tho salary uhovc that fixed ly tho Act of Assembly, hut they canuot reduco it below that fixed by the act. In our judgement llio equity foaluro is as I ad ly crippled as nnilrr Iho old law. Ac cording to a circular issued by iho De partment tho salary for Clearfield coun ty is fixed ul f 1,01)0 und thnt of Sny der county, also, at 1,000. Tho form er county hits L'08 schools und 1,130 square miles lo travel over while tho Uutter lias only 101! schools and 317 square miles. The length of the school term is 0.37 in Clearfield and 5 33 in Snyder. Double the nuniherof schools and nearly four limes tho travelling to do in ono that Ihere is in the other eonnty, and yet the salary is tho sumo. Will iho Superintendent of I'ublic In struction riso and explain the circular in question ? Death or Ma. Boas. On Thursday last, Hurrisbug lost one of its most en terprising citizens, in iho person of Daniel D Boas, Esq., aged 63 years. Mr. Boas bad hitched bis horse in a carriage, and invited Mr. 8. B. Martin, one of tho county Commissioners of Dauphin county, to tuke a rido up the rivor toward Coxestown, to take a look at a farm, and on their return home in turning a corner at the trolling park, tho front wheel struck a stone and up. set tho vehicle. Mr. Boas' right tem ple striking a Jtone, causing death al most instantly. Mr. Martin lit on bis feet and was not Injured. Many of our lumbor'dealers are personally acquaint ed with Mr. Boas, and will regret to loarn of his sudden death. Miss Boas an only daughter was absent at Clove land Ohio, attending the Camoron Sher man wedding at the time of this sad occurrence. Il Should Pass. Tho bill which provides lor extending tho law which now applies only to Philadelphia and Allegheny regarding responsibility for mob damages to all tho counties of tho Stale was discussed In the IIouso at Uarrisburg on Friday, but not dis posed of. A proposed amendment to eiiompt counties from responsibility when riots woro causod by differences between employers and omployus was deleatod. Tho existing law makes tho counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny responsible lor all losses sustained at the bands of a mob, This law should bo extended to overy oounty in the State. Tax-payors and mob advocates will then comprehend llio relaltun they sustain to each other more lively. Larue Sale or Shocks. At Williams port, on C .iUay last, thero was sold at Sheriff's pule fivo hundred and seven shares of slock of the Williamsport boom, at 130 per share, a sacri fice of 135,4 !i0; two hundred shares of tho Lyrnmming gas and water com pany brought IS per share ; 81 1,000 of the first mortgage b,onds of tho same company brought 111,000; t0,Q0 ol the second mortgages bonds sold for 81,200 ; a f 1,000;hond of the Union Pa cifio railroad wa knocked down for 1500. These stocks and bonds were old as collaterals put up by Peter llordic, and wore purchased by Jacob Tome, of Port Deposit, Maryland. A Bio Weddino. Married in Clove land, Ohio, on Thursday theOlb, by the Bight Iter. Bishop Bedell, lion. James Donold Camoron, ono of the United Sfa(eB Senators from Pennsylvania, lo Miss Klizubclb ftberman, niece ol Gen. and Secretary of tho Treasury, Sher man. A thousand guests were invited, This Is certainly a vory strong family alliance and may open tho doors of the Treasury and War Departments to "Don" very nicely, but of course he will novor see it in tho liylit indicated it's a puro lovo affair. A Leoal View, The Supremo Court of Massachusetts has made a decision which will ruin tbo business of Kim ball, tbe church-debt destroyer. It de clares thit $ note given for a church subscription does not carry with it an obligation to pay, since Ills glvon with out a consideration. A Biq TjTLR.-The "N alionala" made themselvoB a namo bolero adjourning. The party title by which this new or,, ganization will be known hereafter la .''the National Greenback Labor party of Pennsylvania." if length of namo carries any virtuo with It this now par ty will hare it. .ttmi'ti:d Assassination. Tbe Emperor William, of (iermnny, while driving along tho slreels of Berlin, on Sal. joct and was promptly arrested, and will, of course, end his days in a pris on, or ul the end of a rope. Tho would-bo assassin is a tinsmith named Kinll Hoinrich Max Hoedel, said to bo from Leipsic. Ho was luken to tho nearest polico station, where a prelim inary investigation was instituted. He Died too Soon. It- Lylo While, a few years ago a prominent newspa per man, died at bis residence in l-'.rie on Thursday last. Mr. White begun his cureer as an oditor, in 1851, on llio Franklin U7i,V, of which ho was tho originator, lie subsequently was the oditor of the Conneautvillo Courier, the Muadvillo Republican, and at one time published a paper at Mc-Connelsburg, Fullon county, Ta. Ho was a man of more than usual ability nod energy in his better days. LiuisLATiyEjuuiiLXHV. The Legis lature passed an act regulating tbo salaries of County Superintendents. In lilk county the Directors raised tho salary fifty per cent., and In Snyder county they reduced il fifty per cent, bolow tho sum fixed by iho Depart ment. Behold bow easily six School Directors can ".oro two hundred and ono Representatives, fitly Senators, a Govornor and a Siierintendont of Pub lic Instruction ! Tiu Post's Tarrr. The Itcllcfunte i U'ufi'Anirtn thinks, lifter muturo consid eration, that Bluke Wallers is a proper young man to entrust with the half dozen of millions which ought to be long to tbo Stale Treasury, but that it is imposing upon good nature to ask him in addition tn watch lluyaid, an other clerk in that department. Whore docs iho t alley como in for Suyes in npiHiinlingsuch a man. Pittsburg I'ofit. A Bite. Tho republicans havo been felicitating themselves that Mr. Glovor's investigation failed tn inves tigate. They aro finding out their mistake. A pretty large Bopublican fish has boon hooked by Mr. Ulnverhi tho neighborhood of iho China sea. His namo is Seward and ho is the United Slates Minister at Iho Chinese court. There seems to bo no doubt of his ofTlciiil crookedness, KtsHiNKi). lion. Wm. P. Schell, the new Auditor Genorul, entered up on tho duties or his ofllco on May Citli, accoidinir to tho nrovisions of tho Constitution, buying resigned his seat on Friday previous, as a member of tho Lower House of tho Legislature, from Bedford county. The Nationals, etc. Il will be no ticed that thero More only 1!)8 votes polled by ihe Nationals at their recent Suite Convention. full convention consists of 201 Rcpi-cscntatives and 50 Senatorial delegates, thus showing that ,. ,.j HiivL-uiriiiLuini-iv uiirepri'iH-nteu at their lulo overture. Tiio Kadi cul Slato Cunvontiou inouta at Ilurribbur to day (,15th) to put a ticket in tha field. Urow and Wick 01 nil am dclegntoa oominoncod arriving in HarrUburg on Suturday, for the pnrnoM of talking up tbo claimt of their lavoritoH, MoRBiKHCf Dkad. -Tbo notorious prr.o fightor, gambler and politician. John MorrisRey, died at Saratoga on tho Int d.iy of May. His career has boon a wonderful ono, but no boy in the Union can afford to imitate him. TMIAL MhT. I,.t of raurw tot down for trial al May aad June Tirta, 17. ICOJID WIKK, For 1TB HDHDAT, If AT S7. t C McCloihsT Job a Helta M lunhlobr(r at tl ti. John Irwio R HarUBOm ri. Matthew liloora Hrit.H.wriAf.htmb'a rt. J M fimith, Adai'r ittl Thomaa R. UIod rt. KliUnnina; Ooal Co Samoai Warn va Si irk A KbrharrJ Mrtribrbt. LiBtfl k To va. Wm Rwa.iar.f-1 UA MorriiuB C Co . Tht M L A L Co J C ftiplth ti. David McKlnotr ltt Bap Cb Cbrrir vi. J IU J W Utnbon Aaiiia Klint m. W V Wright r par M lluWrt ti Jacob Brabakrtal llatllM A Wchitor ti, Kllii Poaro Katnutl Bod I vi. J&mtt F-irrott A Son M Htbtrt mm ti J Brabtkor t al Ljom A Lycblol ti. Hiram Woodward V U II ink lo R A Mary Ardcrj Hurnt A Btancktr t. Juba F Voong Wm Hellridgo ti. Wtib aallagbor I) Hot t ai Adia rt t. J Frank A J W Neff itiaK TKIIM flRiT WKKR, So MuSDAT, ITrB pay. O L RahoonoTr - a. J C Brpnner Tl 0Ciltt I'ark Ai'o Tt. lisrwiad, Whiba f Co ti. tt ti. A C Finnor M U Kt'iltr Abran K'hart uta M lUrttT A Or lorg W Caldwtll K Atthurt ft. King A Fuller , T. Z.biltj(irnoB ' ti. Ptttr Uyr i. Hinguld. billot) tt al Tt. iJavtd o ti. J met D Anthony ta. A H MaOlur ra. 8utal k.aCuo ti. Utanttt't Br Imp Co John C Ffrgutcn .Mtrib K t;,riTT fJ-CKSi "tli to bell Joafpb tioil Molleoilrr rt al 0 B Uood lander Tbomaa Kvam Fred Liifield Charlai K .bker John C Tlr Ta. Wa Pustltw ti. Wm f Johaton larid Pemjil va. Arnold, IUrifbora A R HI 11 i'OtitiUi t. J'fftpb al Umi.h IKOOHD WB"K. rom-IM MOIIPAT, ltrtt. ailing P Hale ti. Th M L A L Co TfatWaah'a BAL A'n ft- Ueo Hagr A trr lea " " " " " e. " " II li N U va M M M tt Frtrhold BAD Au'd ta. Mellrrgor A Pro it John F Stull t. Bnmunl Jeukina Hlgltr, Young A Roed ti. John DuBoia Wm Urrgg ti K A Irvln Kcnhtrt A BtIM J V Hitd anloM MallmaQ Tt. Tht M LA I. Cv Tt J K Horner t. aloba U Chat ti Lwnatd Kiler t. - - Young Tt. Uvor Fltgal ti. D L Ftrgnton tl. Jttmaa Ktrr A Co Tt. L lilom Tt liar A Hlioff tt tl Maitb llnutir Harrr, Oujtr A Co D i Ilnar A C E B Owni C II Otrdta A Co John U (llatogaw Ilover, ti iirer A Co ti. F Ktnttjj et al va. hbuff YL1 BLOOM, ProthoBotarT. )KPOHTf y onditiDQf the COUNTY 1 L HA TIUH AL BANK ofOiearfltM, at Clear. held, la lb atatr PenntrlrMla, At tba tlott ol buil Brtt, Mar Ut 1171. RKIOtTX'IS. Loam and dlteouaia $15 1 ,1114 9T Overdraft J.OlfO l U. 8 Uondi I ttoBr elronlatioa T.0 On U. B. Bondt oa band, Judgment! 8. OVA M Other atofika. bondt,id moiigftgna... 1,274 Tt Db fro )irord rtttrr agenU...M 12 lit 44 Hit I rum btata Bank! and banker-. l.tMft tl Real teutte, fnraiiara, and litarH,,,, 1.43X 1.1 Current tipentet and taia paid 1.471 14 Cheeka and ethtr rank Hem 1..1M t nil la of otbtr baka Ill M Fraetloaal earrMeT.laoladiag nloktla 70S II Legtil undar boIm 4tMJ 00 Htdtmptioa fund with V. B. Tie' rtr, (iroBt. of lretloB H baa from U. I. T raata rtr, other tht 6 per etat. MrninttoB fnad ,,. ,17 M 6t H 7M.6I0 02 bUBIMTItA. Oapltal fttek paid kl Harnltii fuatl Undivided proSu.. Nil tonal Bank ata oatittadiBg IndiTidnal depotlta vbitH to hk. 1O,0 0 00 i t.00 00 0.114 01 r.M0 (HI T4.M! 01 11,007 1,4.10 4t M 70 Tim MHileatt f dpoatt..H........ up w pirw national tianta .. H ia lo 0i.t pivubf nd Knart.. I, W, M. Btiw, Cathitar af lb aboTa aamtd bak, al Btatemalt ir I bat lb aboT ittvteaent It lpelo Ibt bmtt mj kaowledg and beiif. ir , m . rnan, faabiar. i Rubaerlbrd aad awura to hefer m thlt 1 ttb du of May, 1070. JOHN W. WRIOLBV. N. P. , Corrwl AUett: J, T. LKaH). T. H. FORCRT, f r.WKAVKR. I arlMITp. T Mropttr. I unlay. wliK Ma dnuchler. Princess I " CI nrS'J.1 Udge. I 0. 0 K., of an oil Miauia :ts ,r..b.a to a p..aii t" "" sussln. Tho murderer mL-sod his nb-l " "". """ "' " "" 1 ' I". : "IT... . ..,V.V. ,ih i .eat li i)tK ilmtlsfmruis. ! MKWAHO. A reward of Ml. and no II, order of tin l.o.lto. J. hi BOTTOHK, l'lee'd, Pa, May IS, IS;S-t Heorolary. TMl'OIICR rVOTK I' In Ibe Court of r.unio.ni Plvaa of Clt-arHald oounty, Penn'a, No. 371, January Term,lS7S. Catharine llellaenralher it, lleo. Iloitienrether. The underaiirned CoiatnUeioeer, appointed by Iba Curl to lake lealintonr and report Ilia aatne, will attend to tbe dutiee of bit appointment at Ihe oUtee uf Murray A Ooidon, In Clreiliold, oa Monday. June , l"lh, J87S. at III o'olcck a m , ahenaad wnera'-uf panlt-a inra.'aareU fear t'eaJ. A U WEAVKK, CleaiieM, May 111., C.muiii. Inner. C-SO HEW Altl Tbe relallrea and Irlonde of Ihe late tlilbert 8. Toiar, aoi'iieB of Cheat towolbip, who waa drowned at tbe "wood rook, In tha waat branch of the Buaquehnnoa Hear, on Fanday, Apill SStb, 1878, bare autfaoriie.1 mo to otter a reward or 1'IFTY DOLLIHJ for the rroovery of Ihe toly of raid Titer and III delivery al riearflrld Any turltier information deaired oa the lubjral, can be tied by ealliog lo notion, or by addrrarleg Iba tin.leraigoe,!. Israel tkst. CleirOeld, Pa., Mil J It, 1878 -It. t'DITDHH' RTATUMKXT. J. C. W1IITKIIII.L, Traaaurar of Ihe tiorough of Clearuet.l, In aooount with the poor fua I from April Sib, 1S77, U April 8ih, 1878. DR. To balanoa at laat aeltletnent 103 IS To am i or Duplicate for 1877 8U.1 V To onek raorired for ooal, elo 1 S4 To amount front Collector Head 07 40 li us tn CR. lly ordrra paij , Ily bal on Hup. In banda of Col. Read. lly eioneralloat lly Treaaurer'e per oefltage. lly Audilora' feea , I 1 17 418 (1 48 87 18 17 00 t sis n i , Tlatanpa In TrMai.rn,', I, .M.la O n Rlu,d . n. w. Mor. Or.r.eer.' DR. To ordert drawn by Irwin and Porter 19 AO To ordera drawn by Read and Moore S77 17 CR. t)y ani't piid for eupport of Mrt. LarnoBl.t 07 54 Br " Roat... ! 73 II. a, i .. Williams 20 12 lly " ' " Millar Ill vo Hy " " " ' Uao. Boyle.,., 4 74 Hr " " Paaetnore for lodging liauipa 10 80 lly " " heed for lodging Iratnne 40 Miaeillaueoua: KV Paaaoanre, relief..., 8 00 Kw A oa, printing , 2 40 Uartewiok A Irwin, druga for paupers.... 4 0. Ain't field loruier Oreraeer, Irwin 10 00 Ain't paid former Oreraeer, Purler 4 00 S?ll 0T Asir.Tt. Melauee In Treasurer'1 handi $198 77 Auj'i on Collector Hen't'i Duplicate 418 43 S74S SI) LIASIUTIBS. , Otttaten-iiug orders $ 28 48 We, Ihe undersigned Auditors of tke borough of ClearAeld, eerhly that we hare eiarained the rouehrrs and aecuunls of Ilia Overseers of said tarongh for tbe e urreut year, a'n.t flud them al aUra antte l. A. W. UKAJIAM, A I. IIAUEKTY, C'learfold, fa , May 14, 1)78 .It. Audilora Sheriff's Sale. II.T virtu of tun dry wrlU of FitH Farfat ! flued out of the Court of CcmmAn Ptou of Clear Hold oountT, ntl to ran dlrsntnd, Ihrre will I sjiprnfd to fiii'dlr im It, ul thf Court Houm. ill b borough of Clou Hi el J, on Pi lard.?, th lt d of Jd. IH7, tvt 1 o'eloek n. m., lb f.dlov iog drioriWd real MtaU, to wit: All Iht following deforiri-d real exfat titutted ! North float id al, ClrarVId ooui.tr I'. .bound rd on tb ert hy lot ot btnitl IteoBtr, tooth by Mm in ttrtt, wtut b tlrtct, north or -lot ol Jer mikit Uini. fronting CMr feet on Main Krett and running back ono bundrrd and flit j feet to lot f aftrrmtab I! tinea, and karln; orerted ibereoa a two aiory dwelling huu. tud olbr ouiuuuumae. ui.ev, mh, u rinatna, iM!utit-o, and tn be told aa I tie property of Iiia-.tliy larey Alto, a ecrtia Int or piece ol groun l iltualtd in tbe Till.g of Da Bolt In llradr tuwo.hip, Clttrfleld roaotji Pa., bounded and deicriln-d aa foltowa : Oa tht cat by Franklin atrct, on tb north by lot No. I'd, oa the toetb by Pin alley t aad running to a point at Oranff alley on th wtt, and bring of a triangular ah ape, baring a front oa Franklin ttreet of one bandredand thir ty ill feet and known at lot No. Si la plan of laid tlllag and baring tbrrtoa areoted a fram boar ana and a-half ttoritt high wiib amall kitehtn altehd. Baited, taken la t locution, and to b told ai tba property of John Sobofleld- Alto, tha following daaerlbod ral attat aUu ttd in Ilottoa towathip, Clearfield eonnty, Pa., brginnlog at a pott on lootkeatt eorner of war rant K. 191, tbno by landi f Joba Da Blt, north OB-half dgret. tattoo bandred ptreht't to a pott, tbtne by landi of Oabara, Btum A Co., north eighty-aine and one-half degree. wtone bandred and eighteen pmbtt to a poat. theao by iom land toath ana degrt, weat on ban dred and thirty and ona half p'rehtt to a poat, theooeaoalh tigbty-atnt and. one fearlh dt greti, eatt oa bandred and eight perrhet U plaa of beginning, onataining ona bandrd ar ret ninre or lt, with abont tettniy-ore ara tlear ed, aod hearing orchard and baring thereon a log hoot tad log bara. Helaed, taken la erotina, aad to b told at the preptrty of llenry Uttriok. r A ltd, th following deaertbd reel eittt of John Vothtra, tit oat ed la town or Kartbtut, Coving toa towntbip, Clttrftuld oonnty, Pa., bo ginning at romor on Snow Pbne tnrnpik, then along aaid pik n Ine and one-hatf roda lo an tut erly direction to tbe aotthtatt eorner, thane lwnty-on roda along tan t uf Joba Yotbert in touihatlrly direction to th mutheaat eorner, thane eight and one half rodt abong land of Joba Vot hart to tbt toathettt corner, thtno ftfteta aad one-half roda by th graveyard prop erty In Brtba.terly direetloa to pi uf bo ginning, containing on acre more or Ion, and baring tbertoa trerted a well-flulibed bonte aiiteea hy twenty lour, and oilier oot-buildlnga and tmall orchard. Kitted, tikea la KCCBtioa, tad lob mid at the property of Juba Yotbert aad lliba Kraai. Alao, th following tracta or pleoet of land In Olrard townahip, Cloarflold eonnty, !'., tbt flrtt boanded a followa i Begiamiog at tttne. a eor ner of land or Alexander Murray, thence aoutb on huodrod aad thirty-eight porch r a mora or leu, by landi of Roaelot to atouci, thenoe eaat forty-eigbt perchrt I a pott along land or Thoa. fonaral, thAc north on hundred and tbirty Igbt porcbea, more or ) to a pott, theao wett by landi of randtr Murray ferly-igbt perch et to Hon and plate of beginning, containing forty actfi mora or lev, being all cleared and oaring inereon e retted a log bout. Alio, another tiec or tract of land In tame (own 'hip, bandd at fnllnwai Beginning at tontt, tbi no by land of Kotelut north on hun dred and thirty- four pt rebel to too at, then by Itnda of Aleiaodfr Murray, aM about ono ban dred aad thirty-eight parehea to stai, theae aotb ono buodrrd afid thirty-foor perohea to itonea aad ooraerof Thoi Leonard'! land, thrnc weat by tarn on hundred and thirty-eight perebea to plana of begioalog, eaotalnine tichlv aerei more or I eta, baring Ity acre eltared and baring a good orchard thoroon, and bating thereon orocted a frtm bout thirty two by forty feL two tor It hi rb wtll Anithtd. a Itrt bank tara.wagon-thej, blacktmithahop.tpriBg boat, and other out-bnlldioga, tba pi being tam traod of land whidh J. J. 1't and wift eon ve Ted lo Hendell K rid ret by ded dated March Tth, 1170, and recorded oa deed book No. 4, page 114 Alto th following lota nt Blaeea ofaroaAd tit nated la lb borough of Clearfield, Cletrfltld county. Pa., In what le filled Moiaop'a ad it i l toa to raid borough, Ihtlrat bounded aad dr scribed M fpliowti jleginning at alley on extended 1'oBttb t(rt, tb-po nnftb along aid atrt for-tt-tine and onbalf fret to a rW. Ihtno la an eattrrly direetloa two bandred let mur or lett to pott coraoroB line J at B. (Irak am. Ihtne in a toatherly direction along tafcd Urahtm'i itna lony-ain an 4 ono-taalf tret to an alley, tbenoa la a wttrly dlreoiioa along laid alley tw bandred fet mora or leat to tba plao of b giaaing. retmng th water right and reterrlng th right to go apon aaid lot tod lay pfpa from th apring apon taid lot lo tBTy water from th aaid apring to ga wbererer th leator ray tee hi, aJto ta go upoa aait lot to repair raid pip aad wall ia taid apring. aad baring there- oa tree ted a frame boat forty by twet'ly foor fe, with wing alsleen by tkirty-tw feet, with good cellar aadar tame, Ibtr it altoaa ioe-bout oa aaid lot. Alto, two other ItU la taid Motaop'a add Ulna to tht borough of Dear ft eld. hounded and deeerib- edaa follnwa t Boanded oa lb eaat by land of Jat. B, lira bam, oa the B'rtb by aa allay, th aoara ny aa alley ana en tbe wett by Fourth llrtet, and known aa lota No. forty-lv and for Ir-rig la aaid addioB to th boroutrb of Clear It-Id, and bating tbenoa t retted a framt boat two ttorlot high illeen by twenty-fuar feel with kilcbea atlachtd, a large brewery with three neer vauiia, ana a tram atabio, aad other oat buildiBga. ft lied, Uken In eienaUoa, and to be told at tb property of Wendell Badret. Alio, tha following detcribed property aitaat la Db Bolt, Brady tewoihip, Ctoarleld eoanty, P. beginnlag at dqai in tb Da (tola rnav.1. thane ton lb l) drgreea. oaat by lot Hid to Mm roe Aakvy, 111 fact to a pott and lint ef William lleever a lot, tbenee toulh fill degreac e by Mid W at. Huoror' let 130 ftt to a poat in town tbip road, tbt no north Sl degree weat oa laid in war-hip road Iflft feot to a poet, thane nrlb 0i degree, oaat on aaid Da Bolt road III loot I poat and plao of beglaaiBg. ha-lac thtreoa erected a I or ire frame two-atry hoaea Jflrtf feet and oil at I ached IfliJl feat and kaowa at City ueioi, wita iram tlablt, lot-Boatoaad olber M buildiag. belted, lake la aieoatioa. and lo bo told a i f propnrtT ( K. ktatt. Rt rlrtae arf aanrtre mtita m.t t.-l .-J airrf 'aWat, th roltodkag dtrtbd Hal eiUl III ba aaid oa Katarday, Jaae I, 1170, to alt i All that eertalB tract or bedr of bltamlaoaa to I land, atiaato, lytag aad boiag la two iaa ibia of Woodward, oaaaty of CloarAeid, aad But of Veaaayivaata, boaaded aad deathbed at tot low ta wH t Begiaalag at a maple, (goao) now itoaa torn or, boiag a ttammaa aoroor of arigtaal tarroyt la th aamet of Wm. Wlittr, Raod J quraliona aaked, will ba paid for lh relaro HI perobia to a bamloaki theuon norlb u ea.l gtw gidvfrtlsfmfnW. Kvana and Samuel Rinllne ! Ilieneo norlb Si wnl arhea to tn,-B i Ihrsoe eoum o.i eiw p-r. obea lo a p ul: thenoe nonk Si waat Si pnrebee lo a poat t taenoe aoutk M weal ad perebca lo a a putt i Ihencoaoulh :6 oa-t M perobei toa p'.tl) ibeaoeaoulh M we.Hut perehotlo awbllopiueij Ibenoe norlb SB weal Ilea t-perrkee lo a while ,.k . fks.ni.a. Mfirlh h rt I IX titrrltea to B DOkt 1 thence north 81 weat Al M perchei to a lallm be.nl. rk i tbtoo in aa oaaterly directioa up a tmall ttrraiu 4A perebca to a hemlock i thxnee north -V witt 73 percbet lo a white otik amp ; Ibt-n.-e tonlb went V prehea to a poatj th oc north Id wiat 01 '-It percher to a pot 1 1 thacie itb fc.1 weet 1A1 l-l pi-rchet to nuftll hem lurk; ibt-pee ouih XI eatt 11 l it) pe-rbe to a Ulleo hemlock thine couth hi weat It perohe f a pnat r ibenoe aorlb 31 weal icrota Cle-irleld om k K'tl a ll) pctfhta lo a pott t theao uoitfa IS eat IMjf pereboe to plaoo of beginning, eonUining Bine hundred and nine (IHittj euret. inure or leai,an'l being patli of throe i-Toral traote of land ar reted no wtrrtntt datfd in UV.'i, granted by tli Comaionwralth of I'ennaylvanlJ, tme to Hauiuel Kmliue, on to Hnlund h'vanr, and on lo William Wtatar, whiob porta ot laid tract a abi.ve direiii'tjd hnve, by divera gnud eoiiviyancoa and aReMaiicca in law, beuotue imIu-I iu Jj-tvid C. Ilrnaal. 't he tHld body of land It enmprlted of thefl lowing eonliguout traott or bodiet of laud i Ko. t. Ibe Wm B Alexander farm, ooutaln lug about 2A& acre, more or leva, with abuut 120 aorea cl-errd, Urge orchard, two alory plank hoot with kitchen attached, larg bank bara and othtr outbuilding and iuipruvemenu. Col it opened on thla farm. Bring th tain preinia wbk'h O. L. Reed end wife, by deed dated lit Augutt, I h4, tnd ret'urded in tb offloe ol Ibe HeooiJer uf Deeda in and for aaid county, in Deed Donk No. 9, png 163, granted tnd uBv;ed to ait David 0. ilonaat. No. 2. T tie Joba D. At under farm, contain ing about 147 acrei, tnor jt leta, with about 71 aorea elard, laig orchard, two-ttry hewed log bout with plank kKchen attarbod, round log bant, pUnk ..arte liable, blaokamitb abp, aad other outbuildings and iiupruvementi. Tbt cuaJ ia npencd on (hit place, lieiug th tame prem ieet which John D. Ah'iander and wife, by deed dated lltb May, IH74, and raoorded at aforeaid in Died Iloiik No 7, pug 79, granted and coo veted lo aaid David C. llentil. .No. 1. The D. Philip farm, containing about 100 acre more r lett, with about 40 acre eltar ed, email orchard, If atory round lg h inae, round lig bara. and other outbuilding! and improve ment! Coal It opened on tbfa fur to. Urtng t!i ttanie prcuittea wbifh Daniel Pblllpa aadwiti , by dttd dated liUih June, Ia74, and recorded aa afure.aid In Dend Dook No. 7, pace 77, granted and cnuTcvcd to tbe aaid Dtrid C. llenaal. No. 4. I be Tbomaa Dixon farm, containing about 1 1 1 arret, more or let, with about 20 acre cleared, tmall orcharJ, 1 1 itorj round Ug home and round log Habit, and other oulbuildmga and fmiirovemeatt. Coal itnpenc l on thlt farm . Being tbe rams premiere which Tbomaa Dixon and wife, by deed dated 1 7 tb June, l71, and re corded aa B(uraaU, in Deed Dook No. 7, p'.ge 78, granted and conveyed to aaid D. C. Ilental. No. 5. Tbe John Fullord farm, Detaining about 2 1'1 aorea more or leaf, with a boa'- 40 aoret cleared, bating thereon erected a IJl atory plank kouaeand double btrn. Cual it opencJ on tbii farm. Being th aami prtmiiet whiob C. Howe, K) , lata iShariff of and county, t;ld aa tbe pr-ip vrty of C. J. Khotf to John II. Fultord at appeara by Deed Poll, acknowledged tb Stfth day ol 8( ptamb'r, 170, and recorded In the Protbono. tury 'a office, in l'oniiuu.n Docket "Y," page 8:1 and wbii-b Jobn II Fulford and wife, by deed dated 22d June, lb7J, granted aod on toyed to David C. Ilcnttl. No. 0. Tbe attain mill prupertr, known aa tbe Dellcena farm, cooUiaing about 14u aorea more or lett, with about 40 ai'rca cleared, having a amall orchard thereon. There ia a ooal bank 1 0 'to and operated on thlt farm. Dving tba diiub pniparty which Ji.tiah K. lteid and wilu, br doe 1 ' ilatt'd 7ib December, IS72, and renrrded at aluro aaid in Ieid Jttmk No. 4, pig 1U, granted and cmvejed to aaid David C. llvnat, a I of w)ii.-h drrdt ot tooord tee for more particular description 01 boumUrir. ttlted, Ukt-n in cxeeuti n and to .11 .... u a r I....1.1 1' tl I , atv arum bp in) 'rijpri,j ui aatm v, ajna., bi , the auit of John if. Beta, Air iguee. ALSO. By rirln of tundry wrlti nf Fieri Wat, th following deter i Ik d real aUt will be avid on Fiturtity, June lat, 187ft, ta wit: All ibat ocHain tract or body of fcitumiooua onal land, aituate, lying and being in the town ahip of Woodward, onnntv of Orar&eld, and Hut of Penn'a, bounded and dcjriied aa follow, to wit: Drglnning at a marl (gone) now atone corner, hrirg a common corner or original anr reya in tbe namee of Win. WiiUr, ttuland Krant, and Sam). Eiuline: theotr north S4 wett I SI per. to a hemlock: tbenoe nnrth 5't eatt !78 perchea to a poat; thence louthSJ d greet ca-t III perchei lo a pott ; tbenee tooth 15 wttt IM perrhet to a tmall rock oak ( thence toulh .li eaat I8M pcrchee to a pott ; thence louib A3 wett I perchee to a port j tbenee nnrth 3ft weft IA percbet to (toner ; thence touth 63 it 10 perolitttu a port; tbenee north 31 weat 32 percbet to a pott ; thence anutb Al weat M) perch a to a pott ; tbeneoathH6 eatt .12 percbet to a port ; theoc aoutb 61 weat lot percbet to a whit pine, theno north IH went 114 4ft erbea lo a wbit oak thence nnrth i& eaat 1 13 perchri to a poet t thence north wett 61 1-10 perebea to a fallen hemlock ; tbenee in an catttrly direct ten op a tmall it ream 40 perohat to a hemlock ; tbenee north 29 watt 71 perchtt to a whit oak at urn p ) thence touth 63 wert 9 percfaea lo a pott I hrac norlb Si wett dl 1-10 peroht to a poat f the bo moth 61 weat 1(13 U10 p relict to tmall hemlock : ibene tooth SI oart 01 6-10 per eltei to a fallen hemlock t theno aontb 63 wit 12 perchet lo a poat ; tbraco north 10 weet aerate Clearfield ertek 120 6-10 perch to a poet ; theno north 63 eaat I AS perobei to plae of beginning, containing bid bnn Ired and Bin (Outf) acret, more or leta, and being parti of three ttveral tracta of land tam-yed oa warraatt dated ia I Tt;, granted by the commonwealth of Pennayltania. on to Hatnuel L'mtlne. one to Roland Krant, aad on to William Wiatar, which part a of laid iraoti above deter tor it But, by divert good convey -a neea and araaraneej in law, beoom reited la David 0. Henal. Tb laid ndy of land tt compriaed of the fal lowing eontiguoue tracta or bodiet of land. No. 1. The Wm. B. Alexander farm, contain ing about 1.(6 acre, more or let, with a boat 120 acre cleared, larg orchard, two-atory plank boat with kitchen attached. Urge bank bnrn and olbr outboildingi and .mproreraenU. Coal It opened oa thit farm. Being tb tam preml ret which Q. L. Reed nod wife, by deed deted lat Auguat, 1174, and record d in tb office of Re corder f Deed it in and for aaid county, Deed Book No, 9, page l&'A, granted add eoned to laid David C. Hcnaal No. d. The John D. Alexander farm, contain ing abont 1-17 acrea, moro or leat, with abont 76 acraa cleared, larg orcb ard, two-ilory bowed log booaa with plauk kitchen attached, round log bara, plank hot t-tblt, black tmith abp and other out-butldingt and improremeat Tbe ooal la openrd on thit plac. Doing th nn preml aea which John I. Alexander and wife, by deed dated INth Nay, l74. and recorded at aforetaid ta Dead Book No. T, peg 79, granted and fron TeTtd to aaid David ti. Denial. No. S. Th D. Phillpi farm, containing about 100 aorta, more or lett, with aboal 10 arret clear ed, tmall orchard, ! ttory round log houae, roand log barn, and other ontbulldinga aad imprnv loiBti. Coal ta opened oo tbia farm, living tbo aatne pretuiura whioh Daniel Pbilipt and wilt, by deed dated lVlb June. 1174, aad rrcurded aa afureeatd In Diod book No. 7, peg 77, granted and convened to tbt taid David C l.antal- No. 4. Tbo Thtimat Diiea farm, containing about 111 acrea more or leaa. with about 20 acre cleared, tmall orchard, Ij atory roand log haute aad round log itable. with other oatbaildioca and Im prov omenta. Coal tt opened on tbia farm. UriBg th earn nrrmitee whioB 1 bomaa Dm and wife, by deed dated 17th June, 11? 4, and ra oorded at aforesaid, In Deed Rook No. 7, page To, granted and conveyed t taid D. C. Utntal. No. 6. The John Fulford farm, containing about H O acrea, more or la, etitb about 40 aoret cleared, having thereon erected a on and a half atory plank boa and do able bara. Coal ta otea ed on thit fstrm. Being I he tam prtmieea which u. now, ciej., iai rnnn of taid eonnty, old aa lb properly of 0. J. 8 bo IT to Joha 11. Kalfi.rd aa appear by Deed Poll, aekaowledgtd tb tOtb day uf ISeptemoer.A. D. IK7u,nad reeorded in the I'roihmttitary aoOsoe In Contlnuano D.cket Y," page oS-1, and which Juha 11. Fulford and wife, hy dead dat d tb 22 i day or June, 1174, graaiod and oonrered to Dtvtd O, lltatal. N. 0. Th Uam mill property kaowa at th UtllceBa faim, containing aboat 140 acrea more or imi, wim annul 49 acrea eleart'i, baring a amall orchard thtreon. Thero ltd al bank open and opeiated on tbia farm. Being tbe tame J roper l y whirb Jotteb R. Read and wife, by etd dated Ttb prerrantr. 1172, and recorded at afnreiald tn Deed Book No. 4, page It), granted and nnveyed to tnd Dtvid C, llen-al, all of which deed or record tee for more pari tea lar dricriplloo of bonadarir be i ted, taken in ex rutien and to be told aa th property of David C. Ilenaal, at lb ruit of U. L. keed, to at. Alao, b Tlrtaeof write r.aa1irtaa JCriMNfle. oaSatarda;,tba l.ld.y of Juaa, 1877, Ibe lollgw- lug real eatala t All that aortata treat of land eltaate la Pu trid, II nston lowashln. Clrerheld aountr. Pa. belo, part af lot No. 27 oa the plot of PenOeld, aod port el lot donated t I. Hoefit. Tbe hole hae ona baadred and tbrea leat froat aod ana hundred and nlnrtr-four fMt deep, freailng oa ooalb side of Woodward Mreot, boaaded aorlh eeat br land af f. u. llawilt, aoutb and weal br land ef II, Woodward aod aortb bj land of Q. Woodward, Iba ebuteh is fort-Bva by alxlj feet, two store high. Salted, leara In eaacntloa, an4 lo aa sold aa Ibe properl. ol tba M. H Cbarah at 1'enfleld. Alw, aarrtaln Iraet of Und eltaate la Kaea lowo.bin, Clrarneldeoaott la.,eoauiolK about tweat. asrae cleared aod ballot ereaiad lhareoa iwo elor. lo houeo, loj stable and atbar ol- ouiiaint:., bounded as follows I Oa Ibe eaat bj laaao MeKee't eatale, .a tba weet be Wet. Cot, aorlb bj Joba M. Cbase, sonib br Brlrbla A Oo., Srlsrd, takra In eirentloe, aad ta ba sold aa the praparte af Kllcn K. Uaali aad Joba Uaata. Also, be virtuo of wrlla of Aavarfa fmeimt. oa Salordar. Ibe let day of Jane, IKIS, Iba follow ing real eatale A eertala two elory frans honse. IAiIO foot. with ell eitaehad, it fait. Kibt roosia aod ballon Brat flaor, and 17 rooms aad halloa eee- aad slory, piloted while, slloala la tba nlleae af urn Doie. t iearoei eoaulr, ra., aa the eoiaer of Long and Plank street. Seiteit, Ukaa la eieeo). tlon, and to be told as Ibe propurtr of Kaaoael Kaala. Teaas er Bam. Tha nrie a. earn at wblab the property shall ba seraek at meal ba paid nt tba time af aaje, ar aaeb bar arrangestanta adaas will be approred, elker wise iba property will ba Immediately pal up nad sold agala nt tha aipeaaa and rt.t of tba person id whom II waa atraek af, nad who, In eaa of dalolaoey nt suoh ra sole, aball make good Ibe Same, .ad la aa laetanea will tba Dead oe praeaaud ia Ooan for eoalrmatloi aalees tha money It nelaally pio ee aa. onwrm. ANDRIW FBNTZ. Jr. Olenrfteld, Po., May g, 1171. J . T 2Wir dwt.Sfmrnts. gur tottttmtni. THE BUYPIR OF . rJtSwa.-" TiAAT Jp, OTJATJ1 O HP'TD T"7 fit JV 1 I (V, it l1 t JPi, II I t J t n . J W -- VJV S-X A V-a , - X 1 Is now in the city laying in a new stock of BOOTS. SHOES. - Gents' Furnishing Goods, Which will arrive at the store in CLEARFIELD, PA., IN A SHOET TIME. WAIT May 16, 1171, THE BEE HIVE. To the Citizen of Clearfield CmnUj : I have opened up ono of Hie largest and moBt attractive stocks of goods over offered in this county, which must be seen to beap prcciutcil. It is not necessary to go into details, but will say that tho following departments are thoroughly full in all qualities and styles. Dry Goods, Millinery Goods, j Hosiery and Gloves,! i Corsets, Ties, j Handkerchiefs,' Furnishing Goods, j Kid Gloves, j E in h r o i d e r y. i Cnssiiners Shawls, Linens. White Goods, Linen Suits, Skirts. These goods have been selected with the greatest care,' were bought for cash and will be sold for cash," and my expenses being very light they will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. AVM. REED. Clearfield, Pu , May 1, 1878. At Iho RfiPtui.KTAN oflU'0 in tho plnco tofetyourj'ibw.ifk dnn. Wear fully pr-pared to dn anyihinff in tbe (-rintitia; Imr. -rill doit well, and at the rtht kind ofnoea. tl. MOSi.Y TO 1.0N.-rh Mjtnal Life tiiMiranee Co bavin-; retiitn-d kanr, tp il.oll.na or well improved farm fropertlet, to the one-third of Itielr oaab talu-, will be oonnid ered, in lumi not leaf than S'J.nna). For oartlen lara, Ac. aftply t' HCKXTUAL W.8MI 1 11. April 17, 'JT-aui. Clearfield, Pa. okce oTicra. Caroline J. Hoover, bt her Beit Mend. Jat. H. Itile, ta. Henry Uoorer. No. 27. Mareb Trrin, lH, tubpa na aur dicoree The nndcrait;ned Cnntmlaiiooer. appointed -by tha Court to Uke teitiioony in the abuve tie ted oae, berelty ;irea ootiee thit be will attend to lh duliee of aaid appointment at tt offioe of lararl Teat, In the bnui;b nf Clearfield, on Fri day, tbe 17th day of June, 171, t 10 o'clock a. m (-KANK A. FLKM1NU, Clearfield, Apr. 34, &7Mt CuuuiaaloDer. h-4U;m;i;h notk e,-!. tb Diatrict Court ol tbe Uaited tieatei, fur the western diatrift of I'ennaylvani. la ifaohnipteT, No. In the matter of Richard D. Taylor, bankrapt. Tb nndarttjrne.1 hereby fit notic that be ana twen appntated by the Court, Aatigoea of R. It. Taylor, of tbe oonnty of i learleld. and ditto of Pennaylrania, within aaid Diitrict, who bat neta adjudged a bankrapt opca bit own patltioa by the Imlrict Coart of taid oittrict. HM ITU V. WIL80N, CltarBeld, May 1, H7t.1t. A an ij nee. OOXbSXl JLXQTJD SX3ZI TBt WW Pliiladflphiii Branrh Clothing Store, ROOM NO. i, OPERA noCi-'l. The naderaigDrd eroaM respwirullr iafara tha lllteaa af ClearfleU aad vieiaite, Ibat aa baa j ust oiea.j the laryett and beat etc k of nr.. in i i k ci.OTHi.ra, HATS, CAPS, liCHlt f'lirHfafKiir Good, TRUNKS, VALISES, Lo., crer broof ht to Cbarfiald, aad which b will aell cheaper than any other More in town. Call aad aer, and be eonrtaotd. r-lMONSULO.-'S. Clearfltld, Pa., May , IftJS im. THIS WEEK -AT- I. A. A HEW r ATT It ACTIVE STOCK Oa DRY GOODS, DllESS GOODS, C'ABFETN, BOOTS, SHOES, AC., MILL BB IIPeXEII t Ui C::ij for Cash. Ckarteld, Pa, April IT, 1171. TOWNMIIIP AliniTORtr RFPOIIT A Ptaitment of the Poor Funds of llo.ton township, for Iho year IA7S. Jacob Roaeneraaa, Illsmet Trraeorer, In aooount with the foods nf said township. DR. To tm'l ree'd (tm former Traaaurrr..... I;7t 7J To sealed UupllcaU, 1877 , IVI 4 II CR. Ry amt paid Orereaora' ardert Br Blank book bongbt lly one tblrd of hit annoal salary Ry sratid taa uttoolleeled By bnlaaoa in Trratarar'a baadt ..7l It .. 00 , ill 00 .. t 40 .. 14 M CI 1.1 W. R. Woodward and W. 1 King, Oreraoers of Iho Poor, In uoeouot wlib tho Poor funds af anid towntbip, rll: BR. To ordert drawn on DLL Treaiurer IV. 5 Of CR rr Dy am t paid for lb Nf port or Ptr, fit i I. Taraney A wlf fjj oo Lador, Train I, Kaf aa, MeDeraaott, Laff ortyiad H..bblni 3I IN Printing and ttehenery 14 49 Paid Wet to to art ah it. for Lawaoa, ..... lA ao ram uitaie m. itenay Paid aervioet of Orereeera Paid tata ... 0 III 41 bO II to asiira. . Dna hem former Collectors......... .......... g tl Duo from cooled let, Ig7l ,. ou 4, Unseated taiae. .l.lol J IJtl.Llriaa. Oatatandlng orders , $f g no 1st lewied , 1,7,. if, tha undersienaal Audilora aa.lir. tk.i tt,. foregoing slabrmeal Of the poor tnnde of Huston, township la correal. A. H. F'lRA!(S, F. B. HEWITT, N 0. D Waem, Ol.rk. 0 ROBACKER. Penleld, Hey I. '7 It. Andltort. KRATZER'S saaaaS-.-.-;jr, i -J.- HATS. CAPS, ASV - FOB THEIR NEW STOCK. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, kc. SELLER8 LIVER PILLS 77 'rm ' MM; far Ikt tha. 4 tvlt IttiilMfiu ti ( Utt. BarU 8.11-t. Ut rilU .ft M tl Ur Wt.B1 Whic-aeMMlM MU .all w-r ' .V- tat. lt br all trmi-ltt ol umattr Bun Bm a t at ro.. r r.iTiim.tt r. Michigan Lnds for Sale. SIM.IMH arret of heat farming lands, (4 la tl per arre, and Ift.tnO aeraa nf tha boat piaa land, at fram gle lo Hi per acre, oa railroad, and good nafignble streatns. Good water aad good pw.il. For foribaf lnfrmain, eall en or eddrc.s BENJAMIN HI NTKR. AgeU, 0 Pederal St., may t, '78. Ira. Allegbeay City, Pa. CAUTION All pnraansnra hereby warned egainat purehaalng or ia any way meddling with the fallowing pereonal propoHy, now lo poa. aea.lon of Wm. D. Woodward, of lloetoa town ahip, vit i Two learnt boraoaend harnoaa, koowa at Ihe Long and Sboomakar mat, I mare, I ball, 4 eowa, 4 beifera, S mlroe, 10 paira log aleda, I tleigh. 1 ret buggy harneet, a lot of band tpikae, obai na, spreads, grabs aad asea, aa tbe aame was parcheeed by me of John B. HemU and Uiram H oodwnrd, aod It allowed tn remaia in tha poe aeaalon of aaid Woodward aa hae oaly, eob)eet ta my order al any limn. JOS. WILUELM. Hny I, IS78.lt T WEST BRANCH Insurance agency. I E.NTZ A BROCKBANK, Agentt. (Suoeetaora tn U array A Oordon.) Tbe following Irst-alnaa aamnnntos roprearated: North Brititb 4 Mercantile fire Ins. Co., of England .!,, CM Sroltiah Oommereinl Firo Ina. (3o.f af Kngland ....tlO.OOO.On, North America, of Philadelphia.. d,IM,M Fire A asocial Ion, of Philadelphia I,104,0I Watertown Fire, New York, iasnrel farm property oaly m 700,090 Mobile Fin Denurtmunt Ina. Cn ... I7i,0r, Persons in tba country wealing inanrnnon, nan hare it promptly attended ta by nddrooaing na in paraon or by letter. Lowest poaiible rata, in Irrt elaea oompauiea. AV oaea.ta.aata. OlSoa ia Pia'a Opera House. ANDKKW PRNTZ, Jr, 8. T. BROCKBANK, Clonrleld, May 1, lS7My. AganU. TO CONTRACTORS 1 A School Buildii'ljto Let IN BRADY TOWNSHIP. The Board of School Director, of Brady dlttrlot giro notice lo bnildort aad oontmetora, thnt they eootnmplau tbe erection ef a school building in ibn Tillage nf Lelbrr.berg, aad knrnby ia.lu propoaaia until SATURDAY, MAT IS, 1878, for th. erastlon of tho ouata. Tha building will ba feet wid 71 foot long, aad 18 fool high. Plana nnd spooi&oatlousnen bo aeon by celling oa tbe Soorelary, aod for any other information, per lie. eon eall in person nn either tba PrMid.nt er Secretary, or nddroee thorn by mail. JONA.MlAFfKK, M. 11. LVTHRR, Sacreury. Praaidant, Luihsrsbarg, Pa., May It, 187l lt. Pl.AHTH AND ri.ttWER. Th. nnderaisrneel hereby gicoa actio, ta th. eltiaana nf ClearAeld county, thnt ho bat al his vreea houta In Cleerneld, a Inrgn annnlity of all kinds of VKUKTABLR AND FLOWER PLANTS, wblch he will aell at rreroaubla prioo. Ho has ffarly end Lnle Cebbngo Psants, Taasatcca, Celery, auhlower, Egg PlnnU, Pepper Plaute, Aa. SWKKT POTATO PLANTS, ti 00 par l.tvt or lllyaeau per hundred. All bind, of FLOWSRS for pnu nnd nodding, banging balkcU and vnaea. tucb aa Assorted Hrllolroprt, Biagla A DeaMo Petuniae, (remnlnme. Sage, Fnonrla. Pawnee, Agora tarn, Colons, Dahlia., Varb.nua, Ctphen, Cnnnet, Cenuturcn nnd Cuinrnria. llagnniaa, Brovaiia, Mignonette, Piaka, Phloi. Ac, An. ' . FUR ! DOLLAR, . 1 will tend one dooea. Mronv. .lacrcwa well branched gower plnnte f aiuy aoleetMM. Where tbe aeleelica bt left tn am I will gaaranloo satis. ladioa. RRNRST BOCK. tle.r0.ld. Pa, April ll.TI-tf. TUHT LIBT Na. ice nf Jnron drawn for V May Term, A. D. 1871. to he bald am lh. Id aad 4ih Monday. Mlh and lltb, wis l nana rtraont, law Wang. Potter Paris, V Wn-h'a f Oallaibea. Otntala wai t Hoorar, Rrady Philip Long, Pike Oliver Slovens, Chest J RCnpplet.LCIty Rose Hoover, Penn Chrlel Hawk, Ball, Ja Holt, Wellaoetoa Oeorgo Hoorar, Morrka 1 S Ph llpfc Woodwnre) Frank faraoae, Dccatai J B Uee,rhort, Uonladnlc Joba Norria, Pit n II Miiee, weodwerd R 1 MoHeadry. Brady Joha Btoaa, Bogga Henry Smeal Brndterd Wm Doiu, Uroaaria H Wo.rell. Nrwburw nenry uoorer, Morria Alloa Brown, Lawrcojea Alea, MeMarray.UulIck Jot Sh.gert, Brndf rnivnaaa Joanna, lar waan Wm Balls. Bradford Dan'l SmeaL Wendward T MePheraon, Lewreace Jaa Katie. Boooeide I, Rudolph tmA, Bradford Phia Bloom, Cor'tritio Arnold Blcoaa, Pike D T Danism, ir, Brady D F Copelaad, Dueler A Irene, Paoolor Joba Broth, Bell Jat Glean, Fcrgnaon Aualia Kllnn, Woodw'd Frank Dotla, Bacaarla A Wcede, Uaraaido Iwp Daa'l Walla, tlalteh Uco Hen.felt, Brad. Jacob Annas, Uechca r v nunner, woodward Hugh W Tueber, Clcargald W t MoCcrklo, Uw CCS Rob'l MlubelL " wm Malatoch. Brady Etra Ale. J F Hale.Oceeoaa J p Aehcroft, Donalnr Oodfry Ftiber, Knrtbaat C Hurtefall, Brady Wile. Ronoh, k.rthao. Dan'l Doberly.Cloartald Wm Chllaoo, Bloom Wm Troael, Hara.lde tn R M Uwit, Km 1 BcnJ Jury, tiirnrd . J F Rilter, Pik. 0 0 Ball, ileeearla A Waleoa. Bradford Patrick Daiier. Seen Jos Mnleoa, Ourlngtoa JrrumeWilcoa, Bradford U L rorgueon, L City Hugh Mullen, Pike W J UaCcy, Beecaria Neal Miller, Bell Joe L Date, Plka M I ttlaata. Uloarlela J 0 lead, Lawroaae ntTtmra traooe. la wan. I M Pierce, rah act Kaaaud rrwia, Bleom Jobaalea Hoklea, Piko Robert Mohafey, Ball W A Renma, Daealar D WilBaaa, Fergueea laaao Vcea, Ircaolur Untrk Ccosroel, Merru) d B Hartmaa, Oeoeol I) Searhart, LVaealur 0 H Wood, blcaacsj Ala 1 Boldaa, Pike Jabd 8UC, r Jaa Bibtmoke, Olearteld TkooYo.og. Barae'ldcld Jaba O Trier. HanVfa ' il W Qaian, Woodward Jreeo Dlggiat, H M MeObeo, Bell Wm H Root, Rich 4 Plka, HoeladaU H Woodward. li.eloa M J Owcne, Lnwrcncn Prank Wrigloy, Oh7'4 Joha MoCord, Chcnt I B Warrca, Oececla J B Oormowt, Oav'g'ca J B Moore, Morris" J Mallsra, Jordan W It Hoadctoa, Pik. T Wa.heura, Boccarta Pot or Piper, Pena T F Boalleh, Osceola L kl UPcrM, Ou.trtlJa At ajlia. . haalel A