la T r i: t. f rgnl flrtrtlSfmfuM. Treasurer's Sale. Ml'4 lal 1 A.- - 537 T Unseated Lands IN CLBAHVIELD COVKTV. VotUe le hereby git en, lb pureaenee of on A.t of Aeeeuble ..proved tbo 12th Joy of Juo( A. D. 1441. entitled "Aa Art l .vend an Aot direct ing tbo mod. .feeding I' mooted Lnnde ia Clear Held 00001." and tbo eevoral euntiteinenu there- to, tboro Hilt bo eittoood to eale or oatery. oo tbt RECOMU MONDAY, loth day of JIM!, A. D. A:4,JU.wlnf troete or Bieeee ot Made 10 old Bounty, for laaee dao and anpaid, eli : Brccnrla Townehin Ac. Pit. Tl II no no in lot 10 o . 141 J 701 431 1H 340 34 . , 1T0 2S 30 10 Ml mi 113 04 01 413 1(3 110 114 30 174 1H IM 1X 37 3D .1.13 153 M 14 114 7 1.10 of 433 153 431 Ii3 70 103 13 1M 4S3 41 rl'.rrwarce. Ta. Ttaorae. Billmrtoa t 14 7 J.,bn Na.lor W ' Frederick llawniea !4 TO from P. A A. Flenn It 0 Juuee MeMartrlo - 21 T4 Thorn.. Murgntory IT'S M.I doi Miller 17 John Br.J;. ...........-. VII 1 Wra. Brady 1.U Jimei llloln HI Aleiendor lil.ln 79 ' Jobo Whinner - ti 4 llonrr Whinner VO 24 Wm. Wileon .. 44 40 Harmon Whinner 77 44 Drown A kollerton......... t Johl Ketlond. 4 "t I'eter Uoti Jl 4 Joremi.h Moebor It Derid Barton IT M IrodeHrb Hawraon.. 10 44 llcnnie MeCay, or 47 44 Jooob Kinf 41 3(1 Jerrnaiah Moeb.r 50 41 Frederick Bateo ol 7 Tbouioe Billiacton 4) 4 An. Jobo Bcoiu 01 "J Martin frame 144 Frederick Hubley 11 84 Hit.l A Fullerlon, 4 1 I'htlin MToeneona 18 M 431 74 77 173 144 10 61 75 1114 44 64 50 Xo.l t:l4l 5.105 530:1 5.17V 6;.7I 5360 1358 5.154 336V 6355 I 43 J. IV. 8milb 34 ' William lira J . 01 40 J.,bn tiillor 01 20 rjtewart Cowan. 13 30 Jacob Fauet 44 4o Jobo Baoetnaa 4 14 Frederick Haley,..., 12 30 Hall A Ma,. ,.. 7 41 J. B. Walton - 4 U Hell Townohlp. No. Ae. Per. H'nrritotee. Tel. 4243 1000 Henry Bock t I'.'l to 5H24 500 174 30 57H4 1 000' " " 352 45 1020 604 " " VI 05 427 110 14 ' " 32 07 4411 102 100 " " 51 II 6011 104 , w no 6411 111 ' f 37 12 toil 407 Mcblla A (irilBib... Ml 0V 6U2I 1104 " ... 170 45 104 From Roed ..... 1 01 200 From Bella 4 06 4131 104 Henry llock 12 15 6w4 1004 Nickiia A Uriflitb... 147 06 6Vli4 155 " " ... 81 II 6V07 4U4 ... 71 40 51V BJ8 ... V4 30 6O0a 4!fl " ... 71 54 611 10 324 " ' ... 40 H 6WI1 247 " " ... ! 30 t;4 1004 Henry Beck VI 05 4184 604 " -. 40 05 601V 101 VI F.U.Miller 13 60 oVOS lu2 :;! Mcklia A Uriffuh ... II 77 6VI1 400 " " .... 61 45 toil 109 Ill HeoryBeck 38 71 62S0 100 - " I 40 42S7 404 " " 51 00 4013 141 31 " " 40 01 toil tn " " 13 12 6010 121 Henry Bock 71 to 641V 141 10 n . 110 14 lit! Wiitdowooa A Bro... 45 00 42H7 3:0 J. R. Borgooa 10 it 427 IVO Mre. Ulcao..... 4 01 lllor.n Townohlp. No. Ac. Per. H'nrrattfre. Tel. 2004 30 CV R ibrr't A lot I 0 00 .122 J. W. Rmllh 11 54 5951 5 Nicklin A UriftVh.... 22 45 14 II " Bigler 1 44 .1011 111 Roberta A Toi 41 75 S6V4 1005 1S! ;o jo S4II 100 Jacob Burger 7 05 307 llaeld Irein eet. 100 4il 1011 50 Rohertu A Foi 10 40 210 ' A. L. Toller 54 00 00 Milton L. McClore... II In ZM 50 Mcklio A flriffltk 13 90 II Argclloellalley I 45 100 Pbilip Feiler II 40 111 Daniel Kodgeri- 13 10 111 William Arnold II 60 Hojrfro Townohlp. H'nrrooree. Jobo Tberooe.. Wm. MeCermirk Nancy Bogge N. McDonald.... John Berro.. Barbara Snyder Joba Montgomery.. Oeorge Ayerr Wm. Troatwin... Thoaiai Smith John Kepbart.,.. ....... Wataoa A Muaeoa. Joeeph BalL Jobo Keen Tboeooa Pork. Albert Owen Bradford Towoanlp, Warranlr. Alelandcr Dallat.. Paeans Haior Ao. It 411 441 420 410 100 130 427 427 III lot 501 100 457 14 mo Ti 4 73 4i It 00 75 ...... on ...... i oo ..... 8 to .... 11 75 Ot 7i 44 73 31 15 ..... II 00 21 75 I 10 It It ...... I 15 ...... It 75 Tai. ....I 54 V4 .... T 41 Ac. 104 For. 44 ft 174 100 it 117 Hi 44 lot 3M 103 131 I. St Ot vo 4 St Harriaofl, Byard A Vryeoa Andrew Byard Joeeph Powell , Horatio L. Hall V. B. Hell Jceeph Hand , Band Meana... Wm. Ilitcbingi Blair MeClcnaban .......... 14 14 39 0 I 70 4 84 14 44 11 43 I 34 1 10 31 10 Janet Duoean.. , 14 10 llaeidAekey. II 74 Hall A Bock 11 41 12 It 1 11 It 14 I 48 Joba Mebolooa ConTnghera Polly JlcLan.ka. Richard Mooeop..... llrhdy Townntilp. Per. Warrant. Vim. Ktrkpetritk..., O. B. Uoodlander, Darid Kennedy.... Cor rod Lone.. Henry Wyeoff.. VI Tai. 227 44 44 44 , 141 02 . VI 4i . 727 41 4V1 1434 424 387T t7t 6441 tMtS Ac. Ill 193 411 111 117 110 313 Iti loot) 13) 1V9I 1010 31"0 1413 1004 17 I5 174 VI 1JH 111 Hi 311 41 Jona Danlap Corner btlrer Roberta A Foi 154 43 24 21 474 44 141 70 t .M 47 423 77 11 12 31 43 H3 r4 43 01 14 13 147 tt 51 14 104 U tt It II 04 101 04 15 24 20 33 34 14 4 10 15 74 II 44 22 04 27 0J II J. W. Pmilh C. II. Proeeott.. ..... Roberta A Fol Benjamin Henry...... Cooper Slieer........ Carper Rtieer, er. 3 41 Ileorgo8baf-r.. TW to Roberta A' Foi. lit Chrietiaa Lower It Bollopeter A Brobakor 174 Cbrietiaa Lower....... IU0 W iley A McCollcogh. Ill Jamce A. Catbere 121 Robert Cony 54 II. A W. Wingert. Ill 41 1. M. Adama lot McClaiaACo IN W. M. Merolrongb.... 131 J. W. Srolib- Bumalda Towniblp. So. 50t ot3 5004 H'or'unree. Joba Nieboleon 4 Tel. II II IV It till 89 ti 14 II 17 91 83 124 34 343 44 4 74 181 TO l;l 14 W.i : Ml 11 10V 93 131 74 li It 171 40 14 II 18 48 Joba Kevtor Mabam Wbitemaa........... Car tier Phaser jr lianiel Whiteaor.. Hurley... ...... Mary rieberto.... Jobo Troeiler Caaper Shaffer........ ....... Jeremiah W illiamooa..mM. Mary Crawford.. Townaend Fpackman....... Reaeeea Browa..... ....... Leonard Hollie Frederick Knha Hoory Raptr....... ........ Bailoj...... . Cheat Taaraahlp. Ae. Per. n'arroolee. Wm. Baoamaa...... -. Joba BoTd-..mH. Tai. I 111 II tl 41 41 44 144 241 431 41 104 1C4 -104 ' 434 413 443 144 4 171 411 234 1VI 44 431 101 II It 114 154 Jetiab llayaeo...... ....... Thcmaa Hemiltoa-... ...... Charleo Oobia. .......... Keeert Flemicg.. ...... ....... Iraao Riehardaoa.w.m.,.. kJoMtbaa Walker............. Joba Cooh Jeeper Bwing..,m......... Wm. Cooh..... MeCord tract..... Joeeph Piper Ueorge Pago. ....... ...... Henry Page Jamea Voblo. Chrialiaa Rubor . .. From Hartth Maitbiao Plongh............ M cbarley A Milebell .. Miller A Cbrnt. 144 tl 41 41 171 41 112 40 112 4 it 15 II 11 44 18 II II 14 77 11 Tl I 41 31 60 lit 80 41 11 141 aa 41 I IV It I 16 II 81 II 10 14 47 8V 44 1.1 41 40 14 II 104 T4 14 II 4 44 II 44 14 t 1 44 I 44 II 44 John Rronnemoa - Joeeph McMarray... Prater MilleO. Rafting rroondr. Ford AHprewalt .. Robert fcwiag Jamea R eea Ill Joba Cwaalcgbam...... ...... Joba Maeaer . ileary Broth, Jr . ..... .151 Martha Wolhkngtea Joba Maeeer. I. W. Umbora.. . Rath MeOonBell eetate LeaaarJ A Williame. ....... Cebirtea Tawnaulp Ae. rTarrwwtcc, lt't Ueorge Meade ., 1144 " 1104 ' a IIH 1104 1144 - . not 11M " - .. 411 " I lit ta lal 411 431 40 IH 411 141 ' 141 Tai. .1 II 44 1141 1171 1374 444 UM If 4411 4441 Itrfl . 171 44 . lot 4t . Ill II . II 40 . tl Kl . II M . Ill N . Tl Tl Xrjal aflvrrtlstrafnis. SJi I'D la 45 40 ; 35MI IV in j 1041 Morrll A Si.warl.. 51 ooj "4 IIOO .450 Ha 14(1 ....... at oo . 1911.1 I IhVT , IrVl li-VT Morrlt A Stewart 23 40 ! 10 11 14 from . Rider Ilcralur Townohlp. Ac. 341 113 401 151 103 49 34 73 10. 404 .... . Ill 101 44 5 Oof 1(1 111 40 I'O too 1 of 74 ion III 20 lit 100 311 150 111 191 47 3 2i 11 V 104 , . 14 Per. Tai. ..II4V II .. 54 3 .. lit 18 154 17 ... lit 12 .. SV 72 47 137 137 154 41 John Drinker.... John 8. BryeoB.. Richard Tbomaa. Jacob Downing.. Hugh Kty John Kyroa. .......... Wm. Montgomery 24 70 68 47 No. Thoa. KdminetoB tin. auuimivR i Joe. Hamilton 44 14 1 ---- 5H3 lit Cbaa.Riek 144 40 5404 Robert Keimej. ........ 131 IV! 5414 Patrick . ISjajW Mary McUaabaa. 18 10(5411 Jamet Wbitebill 47 3 I J24 137 It Wm. Erane 100 ir ,' 147 Thot. KdoioodeoB.... 152 ll!' u i tl..:l.n. ur it Cper Heine 1V1 Ta Patrick Moore. 101 00 , . . llevid steward....... 12 20 1 Il Caeper Hainea. VI 70 i Thoa. V. Cope. . 150 71 Tboa. Kdmaneoa...... 109 31 . ililbert 12V 01 John Holliilay, Jr 01 30 John llarnltin 213 87 Klitabetb llarrieon.... 61 14 K. Klelcber 78 VV Joe. llarrieon.. Mi 0V D.W. McCordy 37 77 D.W.McCordy I i Albert Owen. , 4 1 8 'J. D. DenniBf....... .'418 A. V. Ho.t . 4 10 Henry Poet 4100 MUler oatate... I V0 Per git aol Townohlp . aarroatee. - - -. Tax. (leorgeRou. t VB 18 Lewie Jordan 17 82 Abeam Ugdea ' t3 J. H. Fergoeon 4t Tl Daniel Frank 7! Joka UraO 14 M Cbaa. Lewie "8 Meorge Straw 1 'I Warreo Bell.; ,. 41 8tl Warrea Bell - 21 40 From Wm. Davie V 91 Kirk'o eitete 11 37 35.'il I04i Per. 153 Cilrard Townnhip. Ac. 1004 750 I It'll 441 1081 II mi 1048 1008 1000 1 1 DO lino 1100 . imt lion 1008 358 254 It ln 60 101 124 7V8 11410 linn lino 41 44 134 118 11 409 187 101 ) 1-4) 4 . 261 344 100 187 114 114 454 430 120 Per. Horraaree. Tai. I 270 04 07 no . 134 on . Iv4 00 51 V0 52 00 . Ill 04 . 4V4 40 . 31 40 , 500 00 I7.i in George Mead... 5354 5.171 5371 5.101 1302 IV4 ISH4 3047 1Vo4 i:iOi 6300 1HS 6361 6:163 5357 6370 1V37 IV20 lv:4 lvn 1V27 1028 ls.17 IK19 3f.l0 1CS7 8 1917 .1050 I Ml J 1025 I'.HI 1011 lv:i5 IV37 No. 6.11.1 5117 3311 i.lH 5120 5311 6322 1.128 1331 5.112 6.126 5.114 1084 5321 1324 t.127 532V 63.11 1VI1 IV08 1884 IVIt 1V21 1921 1311 IS25 1 t.151 J 1885 1880 1321 1H4 10 . 284 401 121 00 i ! 128 00 j 5295 "'I Motrli A Stewart.... Francia Coodriot 11 00 "Vo id 00 528V 1 to! 5311 47 10 1 mi to 1 iwl 11 32' 1 oo' Morria A Stewart tjeerge Mead Morrli A Stewart..... Ueorge Mead. 448 20 804 20 828 10 l3 40 1 21 4 8 II CO 18 44 7 10 71 02 41 71 2001 Jturtll A Stewart 1293 5)04 52V7 12V0 ft-'UI I VOI IV07 1911 loll Aug. Beauielgnear... Morrif A Stewart..... li 00 74 00 37 00 .13 00 1.1 40!?!!; it so j si in J!: 411 440 440 340 42J 300 4.13 411 43.1 54 161 43.1 431 43.1 431 411 433 433 4.13 433 181 431 VO 171 401 41 IIU 717 III 151 II I 31 301 87 40 t II (eotlien Townthlp. Per. H'orcoalee. . Ueorge Mead..... Ac. 451 1C5V IOVV 109V lino 1008 1100 1104 not 11 JO 800 0 VI 1104 1100 111 1 110 1100 411 174 14 415 IS (21 111 771 Tai. . 108 45 41 40 . 117 20 . 117 14 . Ut 84 . lul II . 187 07 . 204 27 VI 10 MO 20 . 2V2 19 Vt 06 . II 10 . 1SI Tl . 721 10 . 464 SI . 781 04 . 704 10 84 40 . 34 44 I 17 Wm. Majiei Ueorge lleiil. .......... 11 11 ..'.J. M ....... Morrle A Stewart..... M M, J n il Morrow Morrle A Stewart.... " M - .... Oilllnghaa A Oarri- OOB w, ........ I 10 17 44 . . It) 81 11 It 41 44 IT IV 14 44 18 II 14 44 1 60 It 14 Tai. ... 77 30 .. 24 41 .. 14 10 77 177 George Moad 124 C. H. Wood lilt Morria A Stewart... lot ("bee. T. Roherte... V5 Thompeon Road. .... 61 Wm. Webb. 95 J. C. Smith. (erahBttt Townahlp. Ac. R'arranlee, .101 Jaiper Mayland 297 Tboa. P. ... 148 John SkeroB 10 J Oeorge Moore.. 100 f barloo Hall 24 44 37 24 388 lloorer, Herria A Co. 75 22 Greenwood Townehlp No. Ae. too 433 ' iO 5V12 15V tint 441 III 104 1O0 16 Per. H'orroafee. Tai. Joba Hambrtgbt... t 44 94 BenJ.OIbb 244 24 8.A. lnrln 144 Nlcklln A Griffith 47V 41 14 John Kicholeoa.. 289 35 Joeeph Boone.... ... 14 42 IT 44 14 84 19 II Couch Townehlp. H'orraalre. Tel. Chrietiaa Starke....... -I 83 II Mattbtae Young........ 8 8,1 Cbrietiaa Uager. 401 II George Muleerreaith.. 180 41 Thomal Ve.ller 171 14 Daniel OHI-y 161 .14 Ueorre Beker . ....... ....... 154 VI Timoihy Paxton Ill 81 Joba Burgo 311 13 Rraannel Rogert. 284 41 la. Urar It 14 Tbomaa Qranu It 18 George Moon. 43 13 - - 8BT 81 Philip G!oaainger. 124 II Joho McCabea. 141 17 101 74 George Baker Ill II Joba McCabea 141 8 Lampblack VI 14 BeeJamiaWileoa V4 V4 Jolm 37 II Pigol Shaw..... 144 II Kd. Hand... 74 24 Pigot chaw.. 13 62 PigotSbaw IT 14 Benjamin Wileon SI 41 Richard Runnel.. 1 12 Robert Hcndereon. II TO Deniel Folkmon II I-' K. Nailer 11 IV nation Townohlp. Por. rVWwo'ee. Tai. Wm. Wlllink I 11 TO Daeid Caldwell . II to Mooro A Delaney... . til 17 " ' .... 101 41 , " " .... 151 4 Wm. Powera. 2''7 14 " 824 15 Mooro A Drlaaey... 348 Tt Wm. WilHok ....... I It Jamea Wileoa. 1V7 IT " SIT 8T 8T 14 R. Shoemaker 0T 71 B. Shoemaker. It It Jamea Wileoa... ... 151 14 " " 204 80 Per. Ill . Ill 163 ll 48 Tl 145 111 IV 111 431 433 454 130 73 48 341 134 118 7 305 200 18 124 114 1.18 181 121 114 101 71 174 104 511 No. 4V0I 1071 1074 Ae. 171 111 1441 IIMl 1041 Ki 1141 i:: 4V0 711 871 171 Itl 111 144 1071 1004 6041 117 1 4000 4131 4221 43VI 4111 4231 4898 6041 441 1174 147 T 1474 1177 1174 1471 ttT 5074 1544 214 211 204 itl 147 1441 444 Ill Tl Woodward A Finney t, Moore A Delaaey... II 81 II 11 148 TT II 171 40 .. 11 74 I1T 171 114 1024 1084 47 04 424 KH VII 507 194 4.14 114 1024 417 1V9 T31 8V4 1014 4t Itl 1414 1410 Ml 112 I1T 104 41 ... Tl II ti Robert. A Foi . I'l 40 181 84 " I..T It tl Moore A Deleoey . It It Roberta A Foi 4it 44 tl . - a...... lit It Jamet Wileon 448 14 " 4'H 21 . 781 44 " 101 T, Wm. Powera lit 10 Jamee W,leoa..... l'l 74 Jamoe Wileo....., 10 84 44 Robert! t Foi . 714 48 21 VI 18 lei " 181 It " 1.14 14 l"4 " " ...... 411 44 44 744 44 41 4 70 44 " 144 41 44 " ...... TJt to 44 T.'4 14 144 " " ...... 114 14 Wm. Power. II 41 24 Jemee Wileoa.... 157 41 Joaa Daalep 41 II RerBolde eon. die. J. rlreali. ...... )4 4 Reenofde two. die. J. Nletlia H Reyaolao tab. die. J. Niekli. lltl 1404 1041 5471 35VI ll-l 4231 4221 4221 4231 1401 4111 42.14 3543 IIOI 1044 1678 1174 1594 I4IT I60T 1584 1581 1444 1048 4111 tit t 11 It It 141 rUyaiM J. Niaklla Remold, eab. die. . Hlo4lU...H...... , . aUrootdt lak. J. htohlla Taea. Rom M....... I4T Xfflal dmt.sfmfiits. Sit 11 17.1 '1 II K.,b.,te A Foi til V0 K. Pareone 1 VD A. r. Bmwn lot 13 11 11 ere Mtro A IM.ney...,. til 40 IWBjrnVjpreiea 'V'"? j:' w Warcaotee. Tel. Per. 163 Tbomae Martin I 101 40 Robert Mania 81 to Wm. Jobnittia Daniel Smith Hickard feler...... . M Philip Pont! John tlraff.. iter.). Young karluaita Towuihlp. ; Per. Wocraalee. T 40 IT 40 VI 80 17 on II Vt I 70 14 80 Tai. Ill 7V li'V 16 Ac. 747 1041 lint lloo ll 1100 794 lot 147 41 960 it 14 in 127 loo 17 74 700 27 200 10 411 Uaorge Mead 9 260 51 34V 20 1 '2 54 180 12 307 46 3V V0 21 ft Caeper Wletar tleorge Mead , J. B Mel loiii...... Myon A Fieber Olirer Mooro Hogb MoUonlglo F:merick A Rider Edward MctJervey.. t'lj tl 78 3 70 14 . I 40 . T VI . 14 80 1 44 I Oo 81 64 Tl T 40 4 IV Tai. It 17 48 10 14 II 44 60 44 60 ' 44 10 11 40 14 81 Willard J W. Roach McCiorkey A Poller... Wm. V. Keating.. kltol Townahlp. Ao. Per. Wnrntntee. 431 163 Joeeph Hill. era",! of..... ..I 433 153 Robert liter. ) of 414 41 J.o Hnnkaurel. I rf. ...... 411 163 Sarah Ward, 4 of. ........ 434 lleerge K ldy, i of........... 433 I..3 Moore Whitton, j of... ........ Ill 163 lleargo Ahtaa,J of 87 153 Benjamin I'uultae 4.13 11.1 Ierael Worm 282 111 Martin Fc.rce-... ............. 433 153 Ifabelln Jordan VI Adam Hhoad 21 I'eter Wbiterldet M 8tl hoiannab Ward 433 153 Wm. Hunter.. 2011 Oael Te.k.... Lawrence Towualilp. No. Ao. Per. Warroatee. 52itV 1100 Oeorge Mead..,.. I 5.1IH) llim ' " .i 5:il lift '" i.102 11(14) ' 6303 1100 5:104 lion 5.1115 una 5304 1100 - 6.107 1100 " - 1.1118 lino " 5:!0! 1100 5314 lion " 5.111 1104 " " 324 41 1 101 71 v.l on 31 11 14 74 It 14 no 80 3V 20 ' Tel. 473 mi VI SI ! I. 15 at' too 50 111 00 on an 49 so I57 00 249 00 I 30 10 80 225 Oil 84 8H 20 80 yno on 8j 00 851 00 83 41 20 7V 135 00 18 74 100 23 18 92 18 00 I 45 3 10 40 40 50 1 00 237 20 09 111 09 Ho II 38 in to I 40 27 o 4 .10 I 10 2l 1104 140 1104 1104 .174 134 1104 38 Robert! A Foi... Herb Jordan... John Reed f Brunei Clyde Iraae (Jot n Roberto A Foi... Ieaae Conklin.... Ierael Nichole Ileorgo Mead 121 113 37 17 1020 14 10 724 1104 1100 481 1100 74 241 .17 II Eili' Irwin A Boa... Henry Mead. Murrla Tovinehlp. Worroeree Ueorge Wetiet Wm. Wirt Cbritliaa Wirtl Daniel Lonoh Jeeeo Yarooll Joeeph Turner Tat. ,..$.141 32 ... 10 10 .. 184 HI .. 14 14 .. li'8 80 ... I 4 48 ... 147 84 I a. 144 8 ... 17 II ... V8 04 ... 48 tt ... I'.l It 10.1 84 ... 4 48 ... tl 12 ,.. n It ... V4 II ... lit 71 ... lit 72 ... 74 14 ... 74 14 ... 74 18 ... 04 44 ... U 72 Oeoro HaWooker. Peter 1 aro.ll....... ...... ...... IM Clem Stoker Ill Joho Vaaelia 1J1 Jonathan JNerbit Blair MrI.enahaa.. Thomae Morria.H Wm. tdnrrte HH...H.. Hamael Meredith Wm Miller HeltyMnrrle. Thomae Pitieimmooe Ueorge Cljmer... Robert tlray H Patrick Mooro Mary Mnrrie Maaoni Miliar . .... N. Fro.ler... Pelriek Hey - Robert UleooH John Hoitoa Franeia Jonaatoa...... ........ IJaTid Bverae. M Value Stewart.... .,.. Ilymaa UralaMHHM..m Conrad 8wartl,.H...... Jobo (Iraff.- N. Reednowor HM.MH Mattbial 8loB(h Robert Careoa...HM....H...... N. ReedBoqr H Matlbia. 81oagb HeBrj IlriBkw.. . Joeeph UobloyH......M.....H Joeeph Pottor . 111 11.1 111 111 111 1H IM m 111 111 IM II 81 11 81 14 IS II HI It 171 10 II 88 18 18 24 Tl tl 44 44 44 4 14 tl II I 44 111 41 It tl It 1 oo I 48 T 71 rraoeti juboeon... 21 4T II " I 44 Itl Wm. Bifler..... I It tt Jo.oph Raymond I 74 147 Riebard Alleman II It Peun Townehlp, No. Ao Woerwaree. Tai itit HVJ Meklin A Urifjth tilt 18 SU2I 871 18 it 747 " " 174 84 1U.H 212 " ' 114 14 JM1 204 121 til it:ii 122 ' " ll'7 40 i:il 141 " 81 14 11 II II " " ............ 21 It 188 Qreanwood Bell .118 44 lltl Ml Kick Ila UnBlh 14 14 4M II - " tt 80 till 101 " " 4 40 Pike Townehlp, No. Ae. Pot. Warrantee. T.I. 1781 711 Job. Nieboleon 11.18 44 1771 110 12 Tl 1774 H II " " 21 .14 1775 820 41 " . . ... 11 28 1771 128 Jemee Wileoa 124 1777 104 II John Nleboleoa 1.1 42 5777 411 It Joba Mrholeon 81 74 1121 2i4 Nieklin A UrIStk.... 41 8I 14.11 tol " .... 41 to 1771 til Jobs Nleboleoa 1114 1771 414 " II 14 I77T 117 II 71 1777 ti " " 4 II) 1774 187 Jamei T. Leonard 4 17 Pluo Townohlp. No. Ae, Per. W.rrewee. T.I. 4154 127 II J.mea Wileon.. Til 41 4214 71 111 " 114 41 4781 ttO 118 28 187t 1141 II Moor. A Delaoey.... 117 42 4741 181 Jamee Wileoa 101 Ti 187t 1071 10 Moor. A b.laaey T8I 11 4284 144 J.m.l Wileon 107 4 4241 NO ... 141 HI 4101 Itl " ' II 10 4IVI 4ti " " It 14 4214 28 - II 70 4I'. tot - " 31 00 4.'t tot " " ...... 40 1781 Ittt 14 Joh. Niraolooa...... It 80 4251 IjT 11 J.meeWlleoB 18 21 1784 III 41 etoha Mieholaoa 3100 4151 171 Jamee Wileoa 4 40 4251 lot Jamee Wi'eon 14 40 L'ulon Townohlp. T4o. Ae. Per. Wwrrwatee. T.I. .1801 oot 111 Roherte A Foi.. 17 00 lilrl 44 44 " lilt 40 1581 111 " Jl 15 4211 114 IT J.meJ Wileoa. II It tlil IIT II " " III 80 111 Oeo. W. Arnold 11 tt IToodreard Townthlp. Ae. Per. Waeeoefee. T.I. 451 lit Jonathan Well...... 40t 84 48.1 111 John Roll 448 11 104 Wm. Wileoa.......... It IS 4111 111 I .reel Wheeler .18118 84 Kh Uootmaa 14 14 lit Mary Nell ... ..... Itt 44 84 Benj. Johaetoa..., ......... 184 40 171 H. tarty jj 81 101 al.ltbiea Barton 144 41 111 Joka ..... ,r 87 lot Roland Kreao li It 1.14 41 F.oBhaw. ......... 181 41 III KeUatiao Urea 281 In 411 Tl Tboa. Bdmandena...... 171 ta 43! JecArehbridge 171 84 214 I J Jetn Maaaar, Jr. til m 431 101 Philip Foata 101 II 481 lit 1 K. How.ll............. tot go 411 HI Wm. Johoeton...... .... 171 11 lot tl lleotite HroeklaadU. Ill to ! J88. Kmlia.......... 11 02 i 141 ll.ary HOalla.. ...... 8 8 I 41 Thoa. B.rtoa 14 44 tl Jamee Alexander. ........... 47 118 ( II . Roland Rvana.. ............ is 48 , 444 Joba Hameoa, of. 181 88 , Itt Jee Clark. 4 ot. II 11 I III Benj. Johnetoa Itl to I 4:T Reobea liaieee, of... .. TT 44 I 481 Uk. Morrle, af...... 74 la , 104 tlWfe Abte., 4. ef. ....... 1145 , UT tt R J. Prwaer........ 214 48 I 111 IH Joba Vaauhl 141 It I 111 Wm. Parker..... II 74 , 17 Caarlot Lowdee I 18 I 411 41 Joka Caaea- ..... t2f 14 , 421 111 Hoar? Drinker 411 48 I let Wm. Dnaber ...... 104 to , IM M.ry Randweak- 41 48 , T4 Mary hell............ 114 11 I 40 Wm. Wieter............... I to , II Wm. L.tber II 18 Jamee Akeaadar............. T8 14 t. Blake Waller..... 71 It t lata No. It tad II...... 84 t II A. C. Plaaey...... fit I Wm. Wleur. I Tt I I Wm. Wietar 71 104 L. J.wee. ....... 11 44 , 104 Wm. WIUea.u ..... m 14 Philip ....... 14 41 14 MeCa.ley A LaalhM......... lltl t ' Hearten A O... 1114 1 D. MeOAtJOHIT, Traaaarar. 01mr.lJ, fa.. Aptil , 1TT. THE MANSION HOUSE. ! Crn-f or 4K-.ii't i M trttM 6 irMit. rrrr i tutrnm i Tl lltl WllloJIWa.tlJUB 40k...-. I.h. tb pt r. nUrjrtd to duttli. lto iurwt (tapaoitjr for lb BWrwinmuDt vt itrta (cra aiij gacaU. The mkol bu b rtfaralihtd, ai tht proprlttor will apara no iaa to rndr hit fuuiii eonforubl whIU fUrinff with bin. jSs-Th 'Mmnloi floaat" OnBlibui rani U nttd from tb Utpot on tbo nrrlTnl nn4 dornrturt of ooAb train. W. C. CAIllHiN, July U rr-lf Proprtatoi M.KOHKNY HOTEL Market Street. CUnrlteld, Pn, Wm. S. Bra J ley, forworljr t-ruyt'Mvr t tbo Loonnrd llouiui, having . I tbo AlUgheny Hotel, auliotd n ahitro uf tiun fmUoaAt Houw bao baea tliorouxlily rapiirml and nawly furoiahadt and gaaata mil Gnd it a ilaatant atop- Cing plao. Tba Ubla will ba upIiad witli tba eat of avarjrth.Dg In tba inark-t. At tho lar will ba found tba baat winaa and li'Uori. Uuod aubling nttaabad. WM. ti. llItADl.RY, May 17. '71. t lTopiiaior. SHAW HOUSK, (Cor. or Uarkat A Front itraoU,) CLEARFIELD, IA. Tha uoderilftnad having Ukca ohnrg of (bit llutal, would rtijutlfully olloit jmbna patronaga. tab2, ;t). K. NEH'lUN bUAW. WASHINGTON HOUSE. NK.V WASHINUTON, PA. Thli new ami well furnlihad butiKO baa bean tahan by tho andaraigned. Ila faall ounfldant of boing abia to raudar aatiifaatlon to tboaa wtio may favor biro with nail. May 8, 1873. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Htrtot, PHtLII'tiHURii, I'KNN'A. Tabla alwaya auppliad wiib tha baat tba mark at atTrdi. ThatrrehBg mihfie li tavltad tooall. jan.l,'7a. IIOUKKT 1.0 V U. faults. County National Bank, OF CLKARFIKLD, PA. ROOM In Maaonle riuililinfr., one door north ol 0. 1) Wataon'e l)ro( Stora. l'aaeair. Ticket, to and ImmXirerpool, Qooenj. town, tllargow, London, i'nria and Copenhaifen. Alao, Draft, for aale on the Hoyal ll.nkof Ireland and Imperial U.ntf of Loadon. JAM 1.8 T. I.K0XARD, Prea't. W. M. SHAW, Caeblor. Janl,'7T DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Koutb Third Mtreet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieation by mail will rooaivo prompt attan t'jo, and all Information ehoarfully furnished Order toileted. April 11 tt, r. k. aaaoLD. . w. a so lb. i. a. aanoLD F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hanker and Itrokrrw, ReynoldavUle, Jcirerwn Co., Pa, Money reveired ob depoelt. Dieroonte at mo derate rataa. Eaeteraand Foroira Kxcoanfra ai ware on band aod eollectiuo. promptly made. HeynoldaTlllo, Ure 14, lJN.-ly grntUtrg. J. L. J(. nEICIillOLD, HVHGEON DI.NTNT, Oraduato of the rauayUani Oll-jra of Dental Bnrffry. Offlea in roidcoee of Dr. ,lill.,irpolta the bbaw Houm. mchl.t, '18 tf. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (CS.-e In Bank Bollding,) CurwetieTillr, Clearfield Co., Pa. mch M -74 tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OBo. la rerlileaee, Peeood elroet.) Clearllrld, Pa., May 1, 187T-ly. pisrfUanfouj. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON h BRO,, 0a Uarkat PL, ana door watt of Maaatoa Ooaaa, clbabfiblDf rA. Oar arranftamaati ara rf tha moat mtnplata eharaetor tor furnlihinn tho pablio with jfroah MeaU of all kind, and of tho vary baat quality. We alao deal in all kinda of A jrrieoltaral Impla nt en tn, which wo krtp on oibibltioa for tho ben efit of tho poblio. Call aroand whoa ta town, and taka a look at tliniri, or addrrm na K. M.CAKDUN A HR0. Claarfiald, Pa., Jnly 14. lBTo-tf. FRESH MEAT-SEW SnOP. Tbo andereianed hereby Infonna lh. publi. In fen.rnt tbftt tb.y keep OB hand, rega nrly, mt their .hop, .djoioin. JOHN Ol blt'll ri noma, tho Coort Ifon.o, tb BUST MESH BfUr, Vr.AL, MUTTON LAMB, POHK, ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. Uarkat .wln Tonaday, Tboraday. and Saiordaya. Maat delivered at rratdaaan wboa daiirfd. A abara af patronan If rmipeal folly eolirited, March 1, 1876 1y. 6TAUI a NuHRIS. IN (iUl P. TK( t-T."-All atbara a.a-1 amy fur their work bcfnra It loaaea th bop. Aud aa all lloab la aa ha gntM of tha Bf 1 J, and tho pro tai tee of aan ara like tho flow era tbtroof tnay aro fivaa ona day and forguttra tho aait Ibetcfttr. Hie b4Mt m- trm4 mmjr. All kindi of work will bo dona la tbla ahon for eaab or ready pay lloota and ehtee of all atiea aod itylaa tha bait and cbenjirrt ia town. 1 bavo removed my ah op to the lower aod of towa, ia Taylor'a row, od Hood ttr-at, near tbo depot, where 1 will to foand at all timea, waiting fur auatomara. AU work warranted outi and ebeap. Alao. all aiadiof Loatacr ao4 eh'a rtndtnfi for aalo. Tbo oltiiano of Clearfield and tlolnity ara aepactfally Invited to gia a a call. JOH. H, DKKHI.SO, Cloarfield, Pa.. Jnly 11, 11T. a. J. ataaarr. REED & HAGERTY, 8atatnrt to J. G. SCHRYVER. DKALEK8 IN HEAVY AND SHELF IIAHDAVARE, WOOD mi TrnXOW-WeiBE. COOKING 8TOVE8, HEATING STOVES and BANQES Htcond HI., ClrartUtd, Pa, The aadarelamed waald aaaoanae to lb. elUien. of Claarteld aad etaiallT, thai tbey bare par- en.eM tn. uarawara ator.01 will ooaeuntiy keooj aa head a ffe.ll aaeortmaat af Iter. ware in au lie araaohM, taeh aa TABLE it POCKET CITLERY; Beneh 8 tope, Head aBWi.Oreal Amm-leaa Croaa- eet nawe, D. b and Peeliaa Alea, HatebeU, Plan., and Plan. Iroae, all kinda af Nalla, llore. Hboee aad Here. Khe. . .Malla, Pleke, Hou, Kakaa.H.y Forke, rlboeala aad HaaJea, Beytk,8aalkee,Plowa, Oral. Cradiea, , Caltlvatora, Doabla and 8iOfleBboe Plowa, Calli.ator Teeth. Reeele and Try Canarae, Hbneal Bladea, Mill Raw aad Taper Filea, ChieeK, Ultt.. A.rer.,, Uari Dot Hanrerk,, T Bad fttrap Hintaa, Boaay'e Holloer Aoiare all kiadi at Laeke, norawe, Baek Cord aad Polleya, CLASS and PUTTY, Foot and Cwala Bolu, CMTiair., Tlr. Bed Bartal Bolta, Bed Crd, Bad Ireao, Horn Brwaka. aad Carry-Oomba, arbad-ttoaa lltaraa, Uaee. Ilea, aad So.a eto.. Paoklaa. OaUe Cbaiae. eu. Tkey will .tea keap oa b foil aeeortmnt of Tl. were, and . otoek of Unoeo FarBiekv la 9ode, wbiek Vuj will e.11 at frieoa to tall Perwea. wieklaf aaylklBl In their tlaa ere la elead ta Mil aaw oiaanln. their etoek Befora Fwnhaataa. BKBD A DAUBRTT. ClosrloTd, May 14, IITT-ty. . tit '-.i rtnt ir-fiSga' ltl,t.llwaT,t i.k.,JS 9TRAVVQAOQE U CLOTHIER desire to mak known to con lu men who find U Inconvenient to visit the city every time DRY GOODS ro ucMc-l, tl. .1 our Mail Order Dctarunetit la Ml perfected that bliuppiug may te J '"e v hile tutting coiiifurtabty at home as aatia- Uctori! fci at our couuutj. All Im1 U n.'Cry u to t.Mreu to oa a letter mentioning the kind of fj.-i ,U tU-ir-il, mid C AMPLE 8 to ulcct from will b immediately fonvcr.leil, O: " ri are filled at tba identical prices for which the goods are 1Y11 thy tit,!. I mvr lite diun.ert. The excieiuftf, UouiAc and taiiW of pin to t'i? r'f nr? tvn ! ; nnd the gootU arc selected from a choke tn ft.M.iunu. at wuuld be inspected were our e.taMUhmcot vUitcd ia j' u...i. For ywt hnve mule tins peaulisr branch of the Dry Goods bui Incu a fauirite stuly, and the succcu of our MAIL ORDER DE PARTMENT U cltthtcd Ly the fact an order is rarely filled with out m&kiiii a pennnnrnt cui-'.'jm-T uf the person ordering. Every order, be It fjr tt yanlnf'triiidin or a wedding trousseau, meets with tha moat cartful and prompt mtu.Uon. 8AMPLE3 of &U kinds of DRY GOOD 8, SILKS, DRESS QOODSt PRINTS. LINENS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, etc.. with vtidth arul vricti correc! ! y marked, promptly forward! on appliutios. ' STjttWBRIDGE k CLOTHIER, N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, rniLADELTHIA.' - GENUINE BARGAINS AT GUINZBURG'S CLOTHING STORE, WcNteru Ifotcl Comer, Clenrlield, ln. We have just received an entire new stock of HEADY MADE CLOTHING, For 3Icn, Youth', and Hoy'. Tbeao goods have boon wlecled witb particular care, and bought tor oath at panio prk-ei. We are therefore prepared to compote with and aell cheaper than any olhcr houte in the county. We will aell ;-oti lull mitt of Spring Clothing at from f 2 HO to IIU 00. Viir fifteen dollurt you can buy good a nuil now am you could get one year ago for t-!i (10, and all other arti'-let proportionately cheap. We hnvo aluo received a complcto Block of NECK WIAP, DINTS' FDBNISHINQ GOObS, TRUNKS anil VALICES, HATS, CAPS AND DMBEELLAS. I'ieare call and txnmino ttr ttoek leforo purcliasinir. J.n l4-a;,ril 1.7. A.GUINZliURG,A..n. THE CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS AT GUINZBURG'S, SI.fO.1l ST., OPPOSITE COI'ItT MIOt'SK, Cl.F..tRt'IKLV, P.t. To the Citizens of Clonrfichl County: About a rear aro T cama amoac Ton witb a ad.: within tin. tim I ham aoM atunt Tea Thaoiana paira of RoMa, Khoaa.rta.. aad, with frw rxcaptinnti. thM arliclaa huva tTra twrfaet aatitlaotioa ; wliar 'xm1i AA aot tara out aiaetlr aa raprfjiatitt-ti. tbf j wart at once raplaetvl br aaw ooaa, aa tba faw wbo baj aaaaatoa ta aaak red r aaa aa tMtily. Now lat aaa inn Tua tbat tbia ii aa nera AiiaaTioa, but praeiaalj what I will rua Uona to do that ia, whea that waiaa jam bar at moaayi' worth," I will repair it at ooea, wa (air Fcalinf giatrful fur paat faiora, I aaa a To eloe. oat a bla lot, w. oR.r :'e Rnbbara at Men' Hoboero al LnmberaiM'i axtr. ba.ey, vltb heal, mt Ilea', wool'ltaad Oe.reboe. .t PRICE liar, WOMENH WEAR, Womaa'e Laeed La.tloe ho fi ete. Weaea'e baat Calf Sbeo. 1.14 aaed la fell for f I 44. aeed la Mil at ti 44. Women'. LaMd Horaeoo Shoea, 11.14 Woavaa'e Laeed hied Sboea 1.11 aeed eo aell for 41 Jo. ' - aeed la aall at tl:ll. Women . Ueed Calf fboee WoBen'e Balloaed Moroeo. Sbrete 1.44 aaed ta aell at 11.44. aaed ta e.11 at 11.74. Woram'l boa.y farm Sboai Woaiea'l Kid Laoad rlhoea 1.74 aeed ta aell at $1.41. aeed to Mil at 11 1. IM MKN'B WEAR A HIMTIVIS W.AIKIITEB I MVe heary winter Rboee, doabl. ao1....lft at. Mea't be.ry hip HhoM IJ1 Mea l heaey e.11 dreeeed 8boea LSI Men e beet oalf dreeeed bhoea 1.71 Mea'e hip worhin( Hoo 1.14 MrB'e hip warhing Boole, doude aula.... 1.44 Mea'a kip workiog Boole, tap tola 1 44 BOYS' SHOES la (fty different ttylea, from (I to H.JO. Working aad eeoool eaM, frora II Jl to M il for I calf ikiB, battaa dreae ehoea. Boya Klaiira Up ear. l)ooti, 12.40. MISM' KHORB) A Miee.e' eeboal Shoe. Mieau' farm ebooa Miieoo' gaouia. e.if ehoea Mioeoa' dree. Shoe. MieaM' drew Sho.e ....ti rtl ... II IS .... Ill . 1.44 CHILDREN'S AMD RABVI Oood. tiid, bottonod, ni Sbooe for ehildron. ebiidrea, 44 eenta. Hnbbor and Ore., nhooa, fl.14. Bahy'a Bhooe of all kinde, 10 eta. aod op. Men'e aad wonta'a alippera, II oeote. 8bee polieh. ii aeatl per aottlo. Show rtrinea, 4 eenta par doien. Butloa book!, 1 Bent ...b. Cle.rSeld. IV, gap. II. 1177. l!: .I'liMli'MlliVlliJilll an l f; r' 1 1 I 'r " " tinmrlfti JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY . Wonld raapaatfullr aalifr lb awblia laaaraU tbat ba baa raaiovad hia ttrooar Btora froaa Hhaw'i Row, to tha balldiag fanaarlt aoeapiad bj J. Milaa krataar, aa tSaooad atraot, aail door ia Biglar'a bardwara itora, whara ba Lataada kaoplag a Ml Una of OROCEniEH. HAMS, DRIED BIKf aad UBD. flUdAHS ud St RUPS, afar) graded. HAS. Oran and Bhub. COFrn-8, lUautad aad drae. . FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cajr.rED fri its. All kinda It tba Bethel. PICKLES, la Jan aad Umi. SPICKS, In erery fera ud tarlaty. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL Kl N Da OK CRACKER. SOAPS, MATCHES, OBI ED APPLES, HIED P1ACHE", . DAIED CHIKkleU, Ooal Oil uxi XdLmp (SiiaAaTa. And a goad aeMrtauat of Ibotl tbinga anally kept la a graoory etore, wkleb ba will aiobaog. for ai.rk.Uag at Ik. marks! prlaat. WIU aal far aaek u eheaply ta any bor ana. Pleeaa tall lad eee kit etoeh aad Jadga far JOBIMIT JOHE HcOACwHET. ClearleM, Jan. , till. 3jfiv g,4i'nilstmtut. rfat1 -1 .ajiV ffl t-ai'i atock of Boota. Phoaa, Rnbbara ana Furaiibioa a aot not give, what yon woai4 tcrto. "joar proof of iti baing ao. eohtianaaaa of a abara of yoar patrpoaga. Yuan Siacaraly, H. Gl lNZilCHO. 41 eeota. II eente. (1 .14. 1.44. alma Elmir. hip workiog Boota, lap tola.. 1.1.54 Mon'e dree. Hooti I II Men'e beet ealf Boota I I Mea'.bertealf Hool., eewed 4.44 Men a beet e.lf Boate, aowed 4 44 Men'e hail oalf Boole, aowed I 44 HIJUIIRF.n IITVLEK. Mieae' dreee fine.. Rieee.' dreea who. Mi.eae' hid Hbaoa... Mieeea' hid Bbaae... letee' kid Sbou... ... I.7I ... 114 ..104 ... 144 ... 1.01 HtlK AT CRAZY FlCUREa, to oenti. Oond, .oepar tlpr.d, heeled ahoee for NOTICE TO CONSUMERS Tba Tia Tag Rraoiina Tbaee. tl " la aroaia, tai Id mm, parity aa4 ajaality. Tha gnaat tmlohrltjr of aar Tia Tag Tobatcra aaa aaaaatl Biaa; in it at too thattwf ta ba ptaood aa tba aia-hat, wa therefor aaa'ioa ail Cbawara agaiat parrrbaalng aeb tsitatxjafl. AH aValaro bay tag nrai-IHiig at bar phigtabaoaa baariaga hara or aMUlia labol, raador thrtaaalaf llabt to tba paaalty of tba t, ana all paraona TtoUliag oar traaa aaarka aro pttainhnMa by baa ana iwpr.aaaaat. Acl al i;raaa Aac. Tba graaidM Irlllarw Tia Tag 1.bavco aaa M dtaiiogalabM hT I ill au oa aaofe lamp witb Iho word LORI1XAKU ataapi tbvraoa. Om V.Oan tona tobaaoa aold is 1T7, aal aaarly 3.00a paraana aaielovaa ia faftatiaa. Taiaa paiJ Ouvarnnaat ia UT7,abowl P,4a, tf, aad daring paat 13 jaara, orar ao,0,0(H., Taaaa goada aefa aj J. 11 LjUa, UUarUld, FaM Agent fwr Claarftoid aoaatj, at aiaaafaetarora rataa. Mar. , TMaa. PRIVATE BALE Valuable Real Estate I Tba aadatatgaaal, Hflag la Pan wp., CVaar flU aoaat. Fa., affara lb a laltowiag vaJwafala ftca.1 lna for aala: 446 Acres of Land, atora ar laaa, la BtMMtaria lownabip, lying oa tba north aido af big Claarflald araah, aad with ia oaa ila f tba aama. Tha abara laad ia baaaily oovarad wlib baaaloab, wbiu aab, rook oa , and at bar bard wood tiaaltar, aad a aaatity af wfaita pioa, nald ta ba half a a. iti tow or aor fart. Tba tarn aa baavUy aodarlaid with bitnailaoaa ooal, and diraatly oa tha liao of railroad laadtog froaa UoaltdnJ la Caalpnrt. Ila alaa ia wnhaown. Than ara, aiao, atbar valaabla lainarala a iba Tba abara land Ilea abant two aad a half mllan borow tba vtllaga af tilaa Hopa, adjoining Inada af Oaorga Urooa and ot bora aa what ia bnowa aa Portor 'a ran. Tba taipraraaMaM aa tba prop arty an a good gaarad aaw attil, ia nmntng ordar, a bigb da. oiowo avaaat, tnado la tba baat maa aor, M 9m altaoat nay ataabtaary. Tbar la, aiaa, a largo fraana dwalliag bonaa and fnaao baab bara Ibaraoa, aad aboat fort ar Ifli af tba laad la ataarod. Aar wi thing U tavaat ta arapaHy af Ibla bind wiU da wall ta aaa aiao ibia proparty, I wtH aN Iba wboka or tho andiridod half lataanat, aa aaay aoit Iba parehaaar. Tba abort traot of laad will atako two ar thraafartna, wbieh willaaaipara fararably witb tba grantor pa f aaaaty. Prlaa aad tartaa Mka bnown ta aay yama wiablag la par ahaaa. for fartbar partiooinri aaH la paraoa tr aAdraaa Iba adanigatd at Omaaalaa Vt 111 P.O., CUaHatd ormaty. Pa. I AM It WllIHIRI. Jaa. 9, HTI if. OP Dltfirrtlanfoua. HEALTH "t HAPPINESS. Hralth au l Ha(.j.niai ara na'aa Waaha In iImh wiMtttor, a&ti jat tea-j- -wvfa, Th. enly ear. CfRE lor T..rpld Lle.r, Dyapep. el.. Ileatluhe, Moor Htoroaeh, Con.tipation. ltebility, NaUMa, and all Uillioua .omplaiBte and llluod diaordete. None ironnin. anleea atiraed WriahL KLIli" If yoor Uramrlet will aot eojtply eend lo eente for on. boa to Uarrlch, Koller i Co , II N. 4th rjt , Fhila. Iteo, II, 77-ly. STOVES, TIN-WARK GAS FIXTURES. JAMES L.LEAYY, llaelnf aarebeeed the etoek of Fr.d. Maceett, hereby gieel Botio. that b. ia prepared to fornix all eir.,1. of HEATING, COOK AND ARLOI STOVES, of tba lit-at aatllataai iaaprbretj pat tar a, al vary low (irioai. CJ IS I IXTI IUX Ila bai alao na band, a lot of llRACKKTd, CUAKUKLIhUH aal UAd LAWCH.ofa!! Hind., at fuilabla yrice. Uti tUiuraa ordara at abort DOtica, to -rait cmtomtra. TIN-WARE. Alee, a eoaiplete aaeorttaoot of waBofactured Tto-aaro, to wbieb h. tn.ilea tb. .ttantioa ot pnrcbaeara. Front part of Ruoia No. I, PIKg OPERA HOl'SK. JArl. L. LICAVY. Proprietor. 'HKI). f Al KtTf, bup'L Clearfleld, r-e., Deo. 12, '77-lf. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Haa oprnu'd, la a bo i Id tog aa Markat atrcrt, oa tha old Wcaiara Hotfl ki, npftoaila tha Court Uoaa in ClaarhaUl.a Tia and isboat-Iroa a. aaa factory and butra, whara wiiJba found at all lisaaa a lull una ot house rosOTSEnra goods, StOTOs, nardwart, Eto. Hunaa Spuntlng aad all kiadaaf J-b work, rapair iaft. tto., dona oo ah K aotiea aad at raaaoaabla ralca, Al, agstt fur tba Singer Sewing Machine. A aapplf of ja.avoi.io4s a, aitb Neodlaa, al WftTi oa hand. Taraaf, atiietljr eaab or eoeatr pradaoa. A abara of palrooago aolicltad. O. B NKHRKLL, tSuneriotaadnit. ClaarAvld, April li, IMMf. A NEW DEPARTURE in LIT II t RSCCRC. Harcafttr, goodi will ba aoU for CASH only, or ia axrhaogo for prodoeo. No hooka will bo hapt in tha futnro. AU old aecanata nuat ba aettiad. Tho-o wbo aanawt aa ap. will pit aaoa oror inetr aotaa aaa CLOSE THE BECORD. I an datartalafd to aall lay gooda at eaab prioaa, aad at a diaaoant far bnluw that avar offarod la tbia ritinity. Tba diaeouat 1 allow aay eaitomera, will maka tban rich In (waaty yaara U Ibay follow my advloo aad bay tbair gooda froaa a. I will pay ab for wbaat, oaU nod ilovar aaod. DAN I Kb UOOULANDErU Latharibarg, January 17, 177. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kapt taaataatly a. band. STOVE AND EARTHENWARE OP EVERT DESCBIPTION ! CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! flatter. Patent Alrtlcbt Self . Heallac rrnti t.anai BUTTER CHOCKS, with lldi. CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, Al-I-La- HUTTKH LKUtaB, PICKLE CROCKS. PLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, 8TKW POTS, And a grant aeaay athr tbinaa lee ..ataraaa la anaBtien, to ba bad a4 FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAfeE POTTERY, Coraar ot Cberrr .nd Third Straeu, CLEAKrlKLD, PA. aagl niCHEST AWARDS! . l J. REYNOLDS & SON, KORTnffEST CORNER THIKTCGNIH 4b FILBERT TREE1", PHILADELPHIA, Mancpactiirere or patented Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, Wirn.HAKWO ANDPLINEER OHINDIN9 RTKS FOR Itl'RNINO ANTHRA CITE OP BITl MIXOrS COAL. CENTENMAL WirOlCHT IR01 HEATELS, TOR BITUMINOUS COAL KEYSTONE WROKillT-IRO HEATERS, COORINS RANOKa, LOW tKIWrl ORATII. Daaariptira l lrcalara ecat trm ta aay t4draae. EXAMINE BEFORE SEI.BCTINO. Anril IS. 7My. M GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAr. A Sttixino tUsnnY ma Diiluu amd iNjvun or iHa Skini A Hkaltiibvl UlAITIIlH or THI CoMTLtX10 A P.iuAtii Milani or PtivaxTiita ajid klUKVIXU RltaVUATItH AND GOVT, AND Aft VniQIJAlJtO DltlNFFCTANT, DlODO Ullia AND Cot'NTta UtlTAKf. Glrnu't Hutphur Soan, beeidet eraU cating local diiaaaa at tha akm, baaiebet de fect, of the compleiioa, and imparti to it gratilyiny; ckarnca. and ttnoothneaa. Sulphur Ikllhl art crlebratrd for curing criuitiuni and other diecaaea of the akin, at well at khentnalitui and (rout. eaaet'a NiilpSur Noap product, the urn ellecti at a moat tmUng eipenae. ltui atttntrahet ipecifk alio ipeexlily be-all torn, eVauarr, tcaUt, AwrMi, ifraimj and tuti. It kiiio... daadrarT and prtvenu Ik hair from feiUng oot aad larntng wray, Clothing anil linen ueed In tin licit room It dtunfected, and ehetaan ciraamnnkabai by contact with Iter perm, prtrentrd by it. The Medical Fraternity lanctioa ill tie, Pricis-25 and 50 Cents (urCakt; Ptr Box (3 Caket), 60c ami V. 20. M. l-Buy Be brre calo and thereby li nil i SoU by ell Iwaubaa. "IILLV BAII AND WHISKKt DTI, Ewark ae Brewa, II Caaaa, c. i. wmroi frtfr.: rw. at..i.t. Our 0irn adrrrtlirmrtit. r:rTHE REPUBLICAN, veaa- I vnrD O. T rftri UUUULAIi Ur,t OL J.Jli. CI RAIIrlKLD, rA Haa tba I ar(-.o4 t'trcnlatkw f any papar tn Narlhwaaierai PannaylTanla. TWar,. t.y Wi!'dREADING FQR ALL 1 1 circulation of the Kipuiiuoan, render, it valuable tubuiinea. toon aa t ruodiura thro' which to reach the public. Tkkmi op Subscription ; If paid iu advance, . . . 12 Oo If paid after three months, . 3 60 If paid after til ruontbn, . 8 00 VVhnn puprra are nent outaide of ibe county payment mum be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten linct, or leia, 3 tiroua, . 1150 Each 4ub4t-quent intcrtioD, 50 Adminitlrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executora' Notices, .... 2 50 Auditor' Noticea 2 60 Cautions and Eatraya, ... I 50 Dissolution Notioea, . . . 2 50 Profensiunul Cards, 5 linct, year, 5 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One arjuaro, 10 linea, ... 18 00 Two squares 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One-fourth column, . . ' . . 50 00 One-hall column, .... 70 00 Ona column 120 00 RlaAWKM. W't have always on band a large itock ol blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPfENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES GF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, , Ac, Ac JOB PRINTING. Ws ara prepared to do all kinda of PRINTING even ab POSTERS, .1 PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, t AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL POR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. GnMrdlander & Iaee, Clearfield, ClearfteM CaiiRtr, H. isrHUntfl-i. r. erjuca. n. a'caaaia. a. aaiLBBDa. GILICn, HeCORKLE t CO.S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market mraat, ClvarfleU, t. WJ TivVn aW lad af faraijare for i. jr aiM ra fi ivTT aattl 7a aaa aar anck. I71.UE11TAHIXO la all Itt braaeha proaiptly attended la. QtlUCH, aleCORXLI A CO. Olear.ld, Pa fob. I, 74. BOOKS STATIOXERY Markat at., Cla.rl.ltl, (at tht Paat Intxe.) THE BBdareigned beg. leara la anaeaae ta the eitiaea. af Cbaarleld and Tteiaity, tbal he b.e itud up a room Bad haa Jail ratwmad frora tb. ity with a larg. aataanl af raadiag mallei, aoaeieling in part ul Bibles and MuoeUaoecmi Books, Blank, Aaeaaal aad Paaa Baaka af erery de aeriattaa ; Paper and Eaeelepea, Preaeb pre lead .nd plain ( Me aad Peaeile i Blank Legal Papere, bati. Mortgagee ; Jadgraeat, Eienaa. Mob .ad r-rneeieere aelee; Wkiu aad Pftreb ateal Brief, Legal Cap, Retard Oaa, aad Bill Cap, abort Mueie, fur either Plaae, I late ar Vtaha, eoaetutly .a bead. Aay aewbe ar autloaary deeind tbat I ea.e not bare on baad.wUI baarderod ' "ral ..praee ad euld a wbelaeai. ar retail ao ewit oiuioaaerB. a wiu aiaa Beep pea-ioaa?. nieraiera, eaen aa ejegaalaae, nearpapwe, aa. r. A. UAULIH. Cleerfeld. M.y T, llll-tt JJARD TIMES BAVI NO tPPICT IN FRENCH VILXE. t bib Awar tbavt Iher ftn bob ffm B littl kard B p u I m alt avar thai Ciu eowplaint of ahari tintM" ii wall ilgh aB.vartaL Bat 1 as to aitaattMi new Ibat I m aalitfy ta fonaar Bad prarB MaelaiivBlr thai 'HtaH ..Maa" itl mol taflaei thoM wha In thttrfoadafk-oB , aad all mj patroai Bhall W iainattd lata taa aa ml af HOW TO AVOID BAUD TIMES I bara food, aaoof a la tmp r all tar .aaabl tanta ta tha lor aad of iha aooatjr wbiea I sail at viotwdiofr lw rataa frva. my HMaaMb Btwra la Ml LeriONBl'KO, tkm I aaa ahratW feasd raad ta wait apoa aailarB and Bafplj tbaai witb Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saob as dotbj, BBtiaatts, CaiiB.srs, Masllaa, Dalai imf Liaaa, Drilliaf, Caliatj, Trta.Bia(s. aHibboai, Laca, ILMdj-aiadaClntbioc, BaoU aad 8bos, list aad Caps all of tba bast Mlartal aad auhda ta ordai Hob, Bosks, Olevss, Mittsaa, Lsss, Kit-boot, As OROCKRIBB OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Bwfr, Hies, Vo !., fih, fvU Park, Liataad Oil, ib Oil, Carba Oil. Hardware, QaatBawara, Tia war, Cantinfi, Pkai aad Plow CaaH.Bja, Maila, BpiLvM, Cra Caltiva ton,Cidar PraiMi, aad all kiada f Aibs. ParfajBBiy, PaiaU, Vanriah, Olaas, aad a grbtrat assertaiaat af 8utioar, OOOD FLOVU, Of different brand, alwajs aa baad. Bad 1U ba sold at iba Ivweat aaaibla B faros. J. U. MeClaiB'i Madiciaei, Jirat't lladicUat IIosUttar'B aad lloonand'a pitttrs. (Ml aevnda af Wool waatad for wbteb tba hifbast prisa will ba Bald. CtoTsrteW oa b avail aad far Bala at tbs lawast ari ariaa. . Also. A (trot for 8 tret tan THI aad Cajwatisvillt Threshing Maebinca. tCtvCall aad sea for yewreelf as. Toa will atd ararjtbiag asaallj kept ia a retail store. L. M. COl PBIKT. PrenobTillt P. 0., A a goat 12,1174. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (fiaeeeeaore la tojaua 4 oa(,l FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS MBaabstajrart Bf f . PORTABLE B 8TATI051HT STEAM ENGINES Oaraer at Faorna aal rtaafltrMU. CLBARKIBLD, I A. , HAVING eertf. la taa Baaanaatnr. af Iret alatt MACUINIKT.warwnaeMfan.lBaVna ha pabllt that w. are aaa? prepara. ta IU all era or. aj eaeaplj and bj prompllj aa aaa aa 4mm) la aaj tf tba dtlM. W. maaafaetara aal weal In Malay and Circular Saw-Milli Bea4 Blaeka, Water Wheal., 8hania( fallej., Oifford'a Injector, Btaam Oanaee, Steaai Whletlea, Oilera, T.llow Cape, Oil Cape, Coette, Air Cache, Globe Valree, Check VeJ.ea, wroof ht Ina Pipea, B'.eta r.nina, Boiler Feed Canape, Ante trietiaa htetrel, saap 8taa. Feeling. Oaa. Pack- ag, aa4 all kinda af MILL WORK), together with Flaw, 6 lea Sole, COOK AND PARLOR STOTSS, aal etke. CA9TI5QS ef an kkawa. MT-Order, nllaiuw ami IUo4 at n'tj prlcea All Wtun of laaalnp wit. nfanaaa ta eaaehlawa af ear aaeaafeclare praeaptlj eaeweiea, aj aaVlrea- ta( ae at Clear! eM, Pa. . Jaalt. U BIULKR. A RCBD. QROCKRIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (S. t ta LTILR.A MITCH ILL) . WHOLESALE AMD. RXTA1L DEALER IN CH0ICI LIRE OF TIAf. ODLONUg, ' JAPANS, - ' IMFKKIAL, , TOUIta fiYBOH, IStULISH BRVAkFAfiT ;Fnratt la Neiaaa. BUT! BR AMD IU0. Will ka heal aaH eeM ai Int eat. Caak Bale) ear Oasalra Frawaaa, SIRMAB CHERHIIS, TDRKBT FRUMIfl. FRRSRBVBD FBARS, FBH.ABILFBIA BAMB r , nan. Meeker), f 1, Brlaa, Oaa, At. y ricfcaaa. weal FAlea aal Balah Flaklaa. r vlouh a bii ratal. "a I cr Maat, Oal Meat, Aa. ran. i r .asm. tma