Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 01, 1878, Image 2

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    She U publican.
-. "A. ,7 V
Ukoroi B. Goodlanofh, Kilitor.
Reader, it you went to know what It going on
In the Umto world, Juit read our advertising
uelumne, tbe SHeial column in pert leu Inr.
Ko man worthy tbe offiee of President bould
V willing to hold It if counted fo, or planed there
by toy fraud. V. S. Onr.
I ooo Id uerar hare been reconciled to the ela
vatle by tbo emalleet aid of mint of a perion,
however reepeetable to. prirt life, who mutt
forerer etrry upon bit brow tht itamp of fraud
Brat triumphant la American hiatory. No eub
leauent notion, however aiert.orioaa, oan wnah
awav tht letteri of that record.
Cbabmm Fa licit Aiumi.
Tadtr tht forni of law, Kotherford B. Ilayta
hat beau dtelartd Frealdeat of tbt Luitud Btattt
liit title ruit npon diifrancfaitcmont of lawful
voteri. tht Mae eertifioatea of tho returning, offl
eera acting aorraptlr, aod tbt daoiiion of a eoia
mlaeiou wblah haa refneed to htar evidence of al
leged fraud. For tbe 6 rat time are tht Amerioan
people confronted with tbt fact of a fraudulently -elected
Preatdent, Let it not bt nnderatood that
tbt fraud will bt cllently aoqaltaotd ha by tba
eoantry. Ltt do hour pail La which the aiurpa
ttoa la forgotten.
AbbRcaa or Democratic M. C.'i.
One hundred yaara of human depravity aeon
n elated and eonotntrated into a climax of or line.
Never again In flvt hundred yeara ahall the have
an opportunity to repeat tht wrong.
I would rather bavt tht endowment ef a qnar
Itr of a mil Hon of tht American people than that
of the Lou ill no a Returning Board, or of tht Com
mlaalon abieb exeluded tbo faclf and decided
tht queatlua on a technicality.
Thb. A. HaanticK.
II krokh. Cbandlor, MuLin and Den
nis, with ConkHng willing, but deficient
in coqrago.
Anotiicb (ioni. The Toutoniu Sav
ings Bank of Now York basted up on
Thursday last, with nine hundrtd thous
and dollar t belonging to depository
throe-fourths of which will bo a lqs.
Gen. Joe Lane, Democratic candi
date for Vice -President on tho ticket
with Drockinridgo, in 18(10, is now a
hourly veteran of seventy seven years,
enjoying life at his homo in Douglas
county, Oregon.
A Greenback MErriNo. We l.avej
been requested to announce that a
greenbac k meeting will bo held in tho
Court House on Friday evening May
3d. Tho meeting will be addrvstied by
Col. Fincher. of Carbon county, and
Still Divided. Tbis is tho lul de
bate out :
tin. Tillon Henry, 1 did.
Mr, BMfbr-Kliibtb, yon didn't !
Preaching still continues nt Ply
mouth Church, Brooklyn, overy Sun
day at ten o'clock a. in., and eight
o'clock p. m.
JIisNew Nams. Tho Atlanta(Go.)
Constitution says: After the ponding
reconciliation, Theodore Tilton will be
known as Ilunky ''Dory," and Henry
Ward lloccher will be allowed to jump
tip and down and crack his beds to
gether just as often as he pleases, for
McLin and Dennis say in tbeir "con
fessions'' that "the reason thoy made
them, was because President Hayes re
fused to givo them fat offices, and de
clines to lot the machine politicians
manipulate, bis Administration." This
explanation sheds a flood of light on
their penitential revelations.
'.Vell Instructed The Democrats
of Clinton county, have elcted Senator
8. R. Peula, Representative delegate to
the State Convention, and instructed
bim to voto for Dill for Govenor, Ross
for Judge and Africa for Internal Af
fairs. They might as well have made
a Lieutenant Governor, too.
.April 25. Martin Bergen, another
"Mollio Maguiro" on trial hero for tho
murder of Patrick II. Burns, a mining
clerk, at Tuscarora in 1870, waa con
victed of murder in the first degree to
day. The jury was out one hour. Ber
gen received the verdict calmly, mani
festing no surprise.
At the IIl-b. A number of South-
cm Senators and members ot Congress
made a visit to Boston on last Friday.
They talked and feasted just as was
, done lorty years ago. Not a disunion
sentiment was uttered by cither party.
It is evident that the old Union tooling
is gaining ground in both sections, not
withstanding the occasional use ot the
bloody shirt by a fow bigots.
Phenomenal Feet. One of tho ed
itors of the Boston Post bas been over
to Washington looking after small feet,
and ho n a married man too. Ho says:
"Mrs. Congressman Blackburn has the
smallest and prettiest feet in Washing
ton for her sin. Madame Catacazy
and Mrs. Belknap were lamoua for the
possession of pretty feel, but Mrs Black
burn, a larger woman than either,
wears No. 1 shoos."
Frienda of 0... Heleae,ConBnt flonerelaa Lon
4m. any that be will reiieo is a few dnyt Hit
retenlieo In oflcl wet peroonelly .pled by Grant
ne fneor nt lb. band, of Hay.., ot that fait r.
tiremeol it btltofed to b voluntary. A'jceaaaee.
A greater humbug, than this same
Adam Badeau, never before represen
ted ns abroad. He has held this, the
fattest of all foreign positions for ten
y oars, bocauso he bad written the "Life
and times ot Grant" by a snob, that
is what made him Consul and nothing
else. After Gen, Babcock he is the
hugest s.iob that ever served any cheap
master. II nd Babcock were to
Grant's Administration, just what the
clowns are to a circus fools with tho
word knave added.
"Hion Falutih." The Pittsburg
Ttli graph says: Kiskiminotas White
already begins to canvass for a renom
ination. He is glib-tongued and poet
ic, lie conjures hit dear constituents
by all tho love they bold for his broni-
ed ancestors ; by tb hill and valleys
of old Injiany ; by her rocks and cave;
by her foxes and wolves (animal and
political); by lh majestic Kiskimine
tas; her rock, hor shoals, her cata
ract, ber overhanging troea whose
boughs kiss over th limpid wator as it
ripples musically over glistening peb
ble ; by hor nooks, her curves, hor
power ; by ber trout, ber bass, hor not
infrequent suckers, and hor innumera
ble mullet and mullet-beads ; by her
bogs, and log and pollywogs, and so
on ad infinitum. . Kiakiminota White
is a very Heroutio for conjuring, bat
bt can't awear with bis Butler county
"I17f OliJKVT."
In Legislative parluuuo this is often
I taken as a joke; but In this instance
we are in "dead emel." Col. Piojcs,
ed oho W. J. Biiysrd, now it.ioYrY
cloud liecitiiHO of ollicial crookislnraH. b
clerk in Ids department. This is 'i
act on tho part of our mutiiul "square
timber" friend that wo cannot mno
lion. There are thousunds of Demo
crat in the State just an compuluut
and far more deserving. Then why
stow away this "pock. marked" inno
cent, who has just been dismissed from
another Department.
The Colonel knows very well that
thore is no use in employing cripples
to run a timber or log job while thero
are thousands of sound men about
Now, since Buyard and his friends
havo made the half-way house, we ad
viso him to keep a lookout for Olm-
stead, who misled him so wickedly in
the othor oflleo, besides seducing the
heads of throe Departments, which
has cost the tax-payora no less than
(150,000 in cash. We want no more of
this costly innocence displayed while
these ofllces are in the euro of the
Democratic party. Tho party cannot
afford to fill positions ol profit and honor
with men against whom serious charges
are made, and in this instance it will
he a little rough on the Treasuror and
Bayard if the report of that Senatorial
committee would scaro the latter so
that ho would yet be euro polled to step
down and out. As the official charac
ter of Mr. Buyard is being passed upon
wo Khali content ourselves and await
events. When the committee mak
a report, we may have something more
to say on this subject.
Tut Pacific Railboad. A Jiadical
Congress gave tbo Pacific railroad Ucc n
ty million acres of the thepublio lands,
including valuablo coal, timber and
mineral lauds. Tho Grcousburg Anjut
says a most magnificent present, in
deed. This land soon missed into tho
hands of members of Congress who vo
ted for tho gift, and ring slock job.
tiers. Then a Radical Generous voted
them a loan of fifty-seven million, tUly-
two thousand, one hunrfreii and ninety.
tieo dollars, in six per cent, thirty-year
bonds. On these bonds the govern
ment has already paid over twenty
four million dollars interest. When
these bods aro duo, twenty years hence,
there will bo a further sum of interest
money paid or to bo paid, of sixlysix
million, one hundred and tun thousand,
six hundred and twenty dollars. Tho
interest upon those payments in twen
ty years will be ovor seventy millions.
Payment on theso bonds cannot be en
forced against tho railroad until the
year 1900, when tho aggregate debt will
amount to the enormous sum of two
hundred apd seventeen million fivo
hundred and sixteen thousand, six hun
dred and twenty-tour dollars. .
Tn it Lkjislativc Wamdebeb. O. K.
Bullard, the once fugitive but now re
captured State Assomblyman, doos not
appear to have touched Dakota In his
wanderings, all reports of eye-witnesses
to tho contrary notwithstanding. When
he absconded from the custody of Ser-geant-at-Arms
Guinea, at Harrisburg,
on January 31, ho made his way by a
circuitous route to Scranton, whero he
spent a day at the Scranton House,
having his meals served in bia room.
From bore ho went to the house of a
sister who reside at Olyphant, on the
Delaware and Hudson railroad, and
here ho spent ome six weeks, making
occasional visits to a brother in Scran
ton. About the middlo of March ho
went to tho home of another brother at
Brooklyn, Susquehanna county. Here
two weeks more wero'passed in seclu
sion, and then another brother, this one
being an inhabitant of Meshoppen, was
visited. By this time Bullard must
evidently have tirod of hi relatives, as
when he was captured he was about
to tako Grecly's advico and "go West"
disguised as a Western drover.
Skekinq Release. Eighteen months
ago ex-State Senator Monow Lowry,
of Krio county, was placed- in Kirk
bride's Asylum, Philadelphia, by' bis
friends, who alleged that be exhibited
unmistukablo signs of softening of tho
brain. Whether his prolonged sojourn
in the retreat for this class of invalids
ha had a beneficial effect or not, cer
tain it i that bo bns wearied of bis con
finement, and that bo has made repoat-
od effort to securo his freedom., This
liberation, however, is stoutly resisted
by his family. Tho ox Senator contends
that be is as sano as any man in the
State, and haa rotaincd Hon. Fred. Car
roll Brewster, who propose to obtain
a writ of ha bra corpus to bring Mr.
Lowry before the Court. Tbi step
will bo followed by the appointment of a
board of medical examiners. Yester
day Mr, Brewster had an hour's talk
with hi client, whom he emphatically
declares does not exhibit the least tok
en ot any mental derangement.
(J Amis' Gain. The Philadelphia
7Ymay : On Thursday.March 14, the
following-named members of the House
at Uarriiburg were appointed a special
committee to investigate the charges
against Sergeant at-Arms Gaino :
C. A. 'Hitchcock, Republican, of
Krio; 8. F. Cbapin, Republican, of
Erie; Alfred Hayes, Republican, of
Union ; Robert K. James, Democrat, of
Northampton, and B. Rush Jackson,
Democrat, of Sullivao. .It is about six
weeks now iinoe this commutes was
designated and money was appropria
ted to carry on tho investigation.
There bas boen quite tiruo enough for
the oommitteo to find out what wa tho
troublo about peculiar bills of Gaines,
and certainly time onongh for the Deni
ocratio member to explain whether
any party attempts are being mado to
to save the Sergeant- t-Arm or not -
The Easteek Wab. Diplomacy
seem to be a ineffectual in bringing
about a permanent peace a war. It
look now a though the war would
bo renewed, from the fact that past
negotiations have settled nothing, but
both side seem to bo preparing to re
new th conflict more vigorously than
before, with this difference: Kngland
will be Into the fight when it i renew
ed, and we shall not be surprised II
be splice team wilb the Turks, not
withstanding th much talked of alli
ance between the Russian and Turks.
England wa too alow in the beginning
of the druggie, and the Turk waa too
fast after lb (uirondof of Plevna, and
entangling alllanoo h what make
trouble now.
k Tbo Philadelphia K ivrrf ot Hnlnrday
r .'- -:'ri -r il:l'21"L'"1 rJ"'!! ""
tho Weslero Union buiidintTLTt Tenth
and ('hestnut streets, u party of gen
tlemen spent Thursday afternoon in
conversing with a notalde gathering in
tho Capital. Tbo Academy uf Scien
ces of the United States, anawtociation
comprising among its members some
of the leuding scientists of tbo country,
was in session al the SinithHonian In-
stitute, at Washington, anil it was do
teriniiied to li'tfao tne meeting meinor -
ablo by .ubjeutiug th. telopUone lulhu
severctt test which it has ever yet ex-
Iperienccd. Iho trial was not a diill- iwoll us private integrity and honesty.
: cult one on account of distunce, tho! He is now mentioned prominently in
' length of the wire being only about 135! connection with tho Democratic nomi
' -n - i... i : ... . ...i.. ,.i i. ...Inalaon for Governor, and because it is
from the fact that sound would have to
bo conveyed not only through tho
switch-board at Bttltimoro, but also the
cables of tho Susquehanna, Gunpowder
and Bush livers, and it was learcd that
Ihe immense electrical disturbance
which would beoccosinoed by the pres
ence of thj vast number of wires In
close proximity to that used for the ex
periment would produce such a quan
tity of induction as to destroy the hopes
of the expectant scientist. Fortuna
tely, however, the fears wore not real
ixed, and when Mr. -Boiitly opened the
trial by shouting ''halloo, hnlloo" into
the transmitter the cheering and brisk
response which came back from a voice
which was readily recognixed us that
belonging to tho groat inventor himself
demonstrated the fact that the success
of the experiment bad exceeded the an
ticipations of tho telephone's warmest
friends. From noon until sundown a
continual exchange ol sentiment, Inter
spersed with prose and poetry, serious
and humorous, went back and forward
over the wire, every syllable being dis
tinctly heard at cither end. "It has
been a perfect success," said Mr. ICdi
son through the wire at tbo close, and
Professor Barker tarried a moment to
observo thai "with that statemont 1
perfectly agree."
Wo learn from the Ojccola Reveille
that "thocldost son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Rhodes ol North lloutzdulo, agedoight
yours, was accident lly drowned on
Thursday evening in tho old dam op
posite his fathers residence. It ap
pours that tho lad had gone out us usu-
ul with a number of bis young play
mates to havo some sport upon tho
floating logs, and while npon them ho
accidentally slipped in and was not uf-
terwurds seen until discovered lying
jammed between two logs about a bun
drud feet bulow where tho accident
occurred. It is probable that the
little fellow was almost immediately
killed by having struck omo sunken
snag, or stone at tho bottom of tho dam,
as when found there was a aevere
bruise upon the right chock, sufficient
at least to render bim insensible to tho
pains of a dying struggle A fow days
since, a little child of Mr. John Kern of
North Houtzdalo, agod about three
years, was bo severely burnt that death
ensued a few hours after the accident.
It appear that immediately after din
ner, Mr. Fern had gone out to a neigh
Dors, leaving her children in the house,
for tbe few moments during which she
intended to be absent By some means
ber little girl's clotbe evidently caught
fir from tbe itove, and although the
mother heard her scream she snppo
cd tbe children were only playing a
usual, and paid no more attention to
tho matter. Her feeling can scarcely
be imagined when upon returning to
the house she found her darling child
so completely charred and burned that
all hope of life wa impossible Tbo
littlo aufforor lingered till nine in the
evening, when the hand of death reliev
ed her from tbe awful misery which
she must have endured for oi'cr seven
Tbo Harrisburg correspondent of the
Pittsburg Telegraph in alluding to the
organization of tho Treasury Depart
ment under tho new Treasurer, say :
"Col. Amo C, Noyes, Treasurcnavloct,
ha been bore for Uie past two or three
days, and lett lor borne this evening.
Before starling away be announced bis
appointments, which are as published
in The Telegraph two or throo week
ago, via: Cashier, J. II lake Walter ;
Clerks, 8. J. Fleming, Joseph P. Egan
and Wm. J. Bayard. Tho now Cash
ier was also hero to day, and his ap
pointment is received with enthusiasm
by the Demecracy outside of tbe "Pa
triot" office and the Auditor General's
Department Meyers and Filler clung
to Bayard to tbo lost, and are of courso
chagrined by their want of success, but
the people all over the State, outsido of
Tom Scott, A.a Packer, and a few
Treasury rina, and railroad politicians
hore in HofTisburg, wilt thank old
"Square Timber" for tbi substantial
evidence tbat be intend to carry out
bia letter of acceptance, and Inaugurate
a new era in the Treasury Department.
Mr. Walters has a great deal of that
ragged honesty which abounds in tbe
mountains ol Pennsylvania, and the
courage, firmness and decision of char
acter to carry out bis good intentions
regardless ot the wiles and Importuni
ties of the ring. . Col. Noyes bas gain
ed bis first victory over tba Treasury
ring, and given' asauranco of an admin
istration that will be entirely satisfac
tory tor tn people who have beca so
long clamoring for reform in th Treas
ury." ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ,
Queer Devocbact. The following
clean out editorial we .clip from the In.
diana Democrat, of tho 11th of April
B.rrr Wblt. hot mot. brmlni hi a aait.t. thin
Hojl bot Is . who!, yotr, and It on bonM on it M
t.r Mis by 1M nor Mnt. It . aro to bnr. .Bo.
pobliotn Onvmor lot bit. boot Unit at food ntiMl
MOrnvWbil. MS w. nr. con'onl. W.
bvriution In Mylng tbtt wo will i.priert nn boa
wt RopnbUi... b.rorowo,IHn',Bt.i''Doaoera!.
W. nr. not nnonr "Bin" lainanotn, sad trill .
Joot nM w. tblak It"
Would another cabinet appoint
ment at Harrisburg from tbe Democrat
office break the rlngT If so let it be
conferred on th father of the abovo
bill of sale. ' ' ' " ' 1
Judgo Jerry Black has brought lull
against ex Secretary Belknap for the
recovery of $.1,000 for professional Mr
vice rendered, in Raving Belknap from
impcachmont before the United States
Senate. A Judge Black wa defend
ing a corrupt meaibsf of Grant' Cab
inet, be shosld) btv soenrod bl foes
before rendering his aervroe.
y Kdlltiis ru like (ilber tple, cup-
ti.t ol..ji mi,, Irvowl and vtoak
an editors of tho Butler Herald anil
the Danville nkllj,:nar at not of
tho class indicateil, as tho follow me; ar
ticles will show most conclusively :
From lb. Butltr It.r.U.J
Senator Dill bus occupied u seat in
tho Senate of Pennsylvania for nearly
nine years, and in all that tune no one
has dared to charge him with Inlet)
tit liu! wronir. Indeed, his soluction to
1 emilo Irom a htning Kepulilicun,
"'"'T , .". r?.u 1'"-"
'thoso who know lilm T)(-t have every
lfttUh and nfijen, jn biH oimai M
supposed by certain editors in this
Slate that his 'chances aro good, ha
has been assailed in the most ungen
tlemanly and unjustifiable manner. It
is well known thut our preference all
along has been for Mr. Hopkins. Ho
is our neighbor and we deemed it but
just that wo should givo him nor sup
port; but we cannot rumaiiisilent when
wo see uoh a faithful, true mid pure
member ot Ihe paj-ly a wo know JUr.
Dill is, assailed in a munnor that would
manllo with shame the, check of tho
lowest I'mb woman in a London mar
ket. It is not right thut our public
mou should bo so treated, and we re
gard it as a strong evidence tbat poli
tics is fast becoming fearfully demoral
ized. If this policy is pursued, it will
not be long belbre an honest man will
discard all connection with politics,
leaving parties and their management
to men who never hatl and never will
have an idea beyond their own selfish
meanness. Now, why is this abuso
heaped upon hi head? Una ho been
f'uitbful to the party and tho best in
terests ot the pooplu ? Has ho failed
as a public survunl? It cannot be,
because wore it so, bo would not have
been elected Senator for nine yearn in
succession from a Republican district?
Wual then is the reason t 11 I lio
cause Senator Wallaco is bis friond,
and those who hate him, bate Mr. Dill
hecauso bo ia his friend. What su
premo tolly ! What ineffable mean
ness 1 Mr. .Dill was tbo friend of Mr.
Wallaco ever sineo bo camo into imb
lie life, und it is but an act of gratitude
on the part of Mr. Wallace to bo bis
friond. It would be unjust and ungen
erous if ho were not, und those who
hale Iho ono becuusu of his friendship
for the other, exhibit a piliablu dispo
sition tbat has no excuse for its exer
Our advice is, to ccaso this wrang
ling this uttempt to convert the par
ty into a mere machine by which to
givo vent to feelings which should
never be indulged in, und which is not
calculated to strengthen tho party or
add to personal credit. Tbo candidate
mentioned for Governor by Democrats
in various parts of Ihe Stute are just
as good men as can lie found, and to
detract from their well uarnod reputa
tion is a poor return for unswerving
duvotion to principle. Wo hope our
cotumporarics who havo no axos to
grind, will cull a "hull" ou this policy,
and indicate in an unmistakable man
ner that the parly will no longer en
dure it. 4
, Ifroin tb. lnavill I.t.llig.oer.J
We regret to see manifested in some
quarters, iu Ibis, tho initial steps of
the campaign, a disposition on the
part of a few of tho Democratic piesses
to mako it a personal tight against some
ot the candidates who aro put forward
for nomination for States offices. The
same mode of warfare was used
against Col. Noyes previous to hi
nomination last year, and mostly by
ine sumo parties, it is a mode ol war.
faro unfair, unjustifiable, and even
worse, suicidal to the best interest of
our organization. The press that re
sorts to it, no matter bow pretcnlroluay
it may vaunt it Democracy, is but an
enemy in disguise sapping the fortress
ofDemocratio strength. It is doing
all in its power to break down the
moral innuunce of tho party, and
should the candidate against whom it
had directed its envenomed .halts ao-
cure a nomination at the hands of tbe
convention, his Radical, enomie are
quick to seize upon this stock of do-
tarnation made ready to hand for their
benefit by so-called Democratic jour
nals. And while we say this much in
reprehension of wanton attack on
candidates we have no desire to shield
tue immoral ana incompetent 11 a
candidate seeks a nomination at the
hands of the Democracy who is an
worthy to be selected by reason of bis
bad moral character or want of party
cany, any uomocrauo Journal is tin
tifiablo in making plain tbo fact. Bu
to pursno a candidate maliciously,
merely to gratny a tactions lecling,
is the meanest and most cut-threat
mode of warlaro any oditor can resort
to. lienor itml snob journalists would
Iravo tbe party altogether than that
Iboy abould remain in a to ollun.
poisonous shine on every one whom prejudices, not patriotism, singles
out lor abuse and misrepresentation.
We therefore call npon these marlplols
to "ii Aii ' in thew work ot detrac
tion aod personal abuse of candidates
and ovcry Democratic oditor in tbe
ntato who desires harmony in the liar
ty will join in this cry. Especially
inoso wbo value Its success as para
.1 z . -
mount to individual umnition or mo
tions feeling. ..
Stats Legislation. The condition
of business in the Legislature was very
fairly staled by Mr. Spang, of Bedford
in the debate on tho question of ad
journmcnt Ho said tbat tho House
committees bad considered anil acted
upon seven hundred and thirty fivo
bills. Thirty-eight bills have passed
third reading and four hundred and
thirty six bills have been twice read and
approved. Of these two hundred and
sixty-six aro of goneral application,
beside ono hundred and nineteen ap
propriation, pension and roveuuo bills
and II lly -one local bills. Twenty-two
bills have been sent to the Governor
for his signature. Ono hundred and
twelve bills have been passed finally
in the House, anil havo not . been ap
proved in th Senate. On hundred
and fifty bills have been hegntivod in
committee Twenty concurrent roso-'
lutions havo booh adopted. Mr. Spang
agree wilb The Record that it would
be great folly as well is groat injus
tice to throw all this work away that
bns boen paid for by Die people ol the
State merely to have tbe next Lcgia .
latere do ijt ovor again. Tbi is like
lh labor of Sysiphua, h wbo ha been
ongaged for thousands of years in try
ing to roll a bugo stone up a high hill,
the stone always, rolling back again
after evory effort .1 ,
. I . ll-Xi. L t if
Wipbd OCT. Congress bas repealed
tbs odious bankrupt law. . The bill
passed the Senate three weeks ago, arid
on th 25th utt, passed the House by
a vote of 206 yoas to 39 nays. Thus
another "war measure" is wiped of) lbs
statute book, as well, a brood of office
holders who have llrrd bn tho hard
earnings of the honest tollers, who must
horeafter seek for At living on some
othsrplan than tb misfortune of their
neighbors, 1
A G BICtL Tl'ltA L.
Programme of a meeting of tho
Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture, to
be held at Doj liwtown, Pa., command,
ing Thursday,. May SOib, 187S, at two
o'clock, p. m.j u . j
"K"'" t "M".v m oenair x wis nimro,
" lu" ' i lnu -" "'
1 l .. . I .. !.. . l ! .....
ol Hlitiiiling committees; reports ol
speciul committee ; report of the Sec
retary. essay AND VUJffrs ton DikCUssiom.
Cost of a pound of butter, und how
it moy ho reduced toa minimum. By
H, l(eodervint'mber from Bucks, "
. Are there any outu ni d mark wliiub
Vidicuto the merits of a imkhI c.iw, and
it nu, wluitaruihcv? B J-CMunia-L
member from Su.quehttiina.
Which is the most economical aux.-
iliary to a short dairy pasture irreen
..., liwIili.F m l . I . - 9
corn-liKklor or wheat bran ?-Hy Jno.
a ivi , uiiiiurinienuuiit r-asierti ax '
perimontal Farm,
Is the raising of dairy stock profita
ble In eastern Pennsylvania, and what
Is tho cost of a cow' thus raised? By
W. r. Mooro, momber from Berks.
Does a farm devoted to tho produc
tion of butler contain within itself I he
elements needed to increase or main
tain its fertility ? By 15. Michener of
Bucks county. :' ' .1
To what ci Jm cun barnyard 'ma
nure be most economically applied ?
ny 1:01. james young, member at
Beautifying country homes by small
outlay. By Josiah lioopes, President
Pennsylvania Fruit Growers' Associa
tion. ' 1 ',' j ' V
' Pennsylvania" fence laws, and how
thoy may be improved. By M. C.
Beebe, member from Ciawlord.
Has the introduction ut labor-saving
nmcninery neon an advantage to the
farmers of small areas? By J. II.
llillborn, President Bucks County Ag.
ricnltural Society.
Insect depredations their extent
and remedy. By H. M. Kngla, mem
ber from Lancaster.
Texan or splconic fever By C. B
Michenor, Veterinary Surgeon of the
Veterinary pruetiro, as it was, is,
ann abould be. Hy It. J. Smith.
Textile fl ire plants adapted to Penn
sylvania srll and climate. Jty John
1 . nuge, mum ber at large.
' Lime and it action. By the Secre.
tarr. '
Education of farmers' children. By
it rranK lay tor.
Subject for goneral discussion.
Should larger bounties be paid to coun
ty agricultural societies, und should
they be psid by the State.
Other essay and subjects for dis
cussion will be offered If time will per
mit. Thursday evoiiini' a lecture will bo
delivered by Thomas Median, Botan
ist ef the Board. Subject ''Plant
life, or what may be learned from a
Tho Communistic speoch delivered in
Now York lt month by Ed
niond Megy, tho bead assassin who
commanded tho firing party thatmur
durod lh Archbishop of Paris and
other hostage, soven year ago, has
been translated and published in
pamphlet form, tho proceeds of its sale
lo be applied to the benefit of the
Communists transported lo Now Cal-
oitouia. M. Megy's speech dors not
deal entirely with French communism.
It riot and revolution
wherever they may bo oxclted, so long
as they can be mado to destroy prop
erty and overthrow social stability.
Some of his statements have a rather
unpleasant Amorican bearing. Such
remarks a the following prove that
this crazy Megy is enough ol an incen
diary to need a legal extinguisher for
the safety of sociotyr "The working
men Of Pittsburg proved recently that
th peoplo everywhere, stand on tho
platform of tho right to live, and that
tbo idoa of tbe great social revolution
bad been implanted in American soil.
Now let the people do their duly.
Citizens, tbo frigbttul crisis through
which we aro passing show in th
clearest fashion tbat only revolution
can give to the producer that which
belongs to bim of right." And fur
thur on he ia delivered of tbi ram
pant idiocy 1 "For our part, w bold
that so long as th sun shines and wa
ter runs, whilo the earth yield har
vest and the seas are not dried up,
there should be upon llio earth no be.
ing in want Tbe hideous misery be
neath which groan and wrkh tbe
masses is a crime against humanity to
be laid to tho account ot tho 'directing
classes' that aro Interested in starving
and biulifynig the peoplo the more
successfully to rob it." We believe in
the communistic principle for SncB rep
lows ns this, but it should hp applied
in New Caledonia rather than in Now
York. . . ,
ocratie Conferees of lbs XXXIV Sen
atoriul Diatrict met at Bullufonte on
Tuesday, tlio 23J ult., for lb 9 purpose
ot elucting a Senatorial delegate to tba
approaching State Convention. ' Tba
delejntos present were an fullws.-
Cllnnn W. ft. Brown, W. Batubtltr, Clin.
Uiiy -1. N, Caaanoaa, 1. A Woodwnri, Mai.
J. tl. Vi.her.
Cla.rlold Matt M.nleer, 13 Monril, (lao
C. Kirk.
On motion Jno. A. Woodward was
elected chairman snd J. N. Cananova
soorcUry. The liaino of Mr. Rankin,
of Clinton, was proposed for Senatorial
delegits, bat withdrawn by Mr, Brown,
wben lion. W. A. Walls fras elected
by acclamation. Conference ndjourn-
cd witbont kiviiik inntructions.
Tbo Philudlephia Record nayg ; Ovor
two hundred and fifty petition. in bank
ruptcy bave boun filed within tho past
four says in virions parts of tbs ITnlbri,
ia anticipation of the repeal of the taw,
Tbis rimb ofbimlnoss tends to confirm
tha general opinion, that great part
ot tbe bankruptcy oases with which
the Conrta aro loaded down is origins,
ted In frand of the riilits qf creditors.
xmnhivi.i 'ibe Bullard Legisla
ture will be the ccntlicst body that ever
convened at llarrinburg. Tbo 24tb of
Hay has beon agreed apon Madjourn-
mont day. .... . j .
jRfw giiJffrtUrtBfnfj.
Insurance. agencY.
(SnMion te U.rrey a Borden.)
Tb. I.llowl.g (rat .lam eampenlei repmanloi:
Norlk Brlli.b M..otl, Tire I... r
O... wf Rag 'ted fn,SM,0t
D001.1.0 wojwwtw rtre tna uo, ot , .
KaIlnnd ......4IO,SOO.00
Norlb Am.ri.a. of Phlladolnhla l.tnl,eoa
Pin Aotoonlloa, ..f Pbllaili.lihln I,oo,eu0
WntorwoT Vira, PJaw tort. Ioa.r.1
tarm property nn ly ,... 7 00,MO
obil. rira Int. Uo lll.lrt
,P.raona ia th. ooaatra aranllae l.i.HMa ...
bar. It promptly Mooted w be nddrmaine na I.
me or b, letter. L.W..1 eernlbm talon in arm.
elom eompnnioa. A. OSo. la fl. t
vper. neona. AKUHKW rKKIl, Jr
. . . " T. BROvaBANK, "
OleerSaU, Map I, ISTK-lT. . . Alesln.
grir dufrtisfuirnts.
X dT'ijrn.d will ttll t prlvtm tuli. loo ten- Inula ..I TIM II Kit I.AMI In llutl.m Inon
thip, C'lMrfltld ...Univ. PV, vitt Oh. trost fl
HII) mtrr: lMtll.1 ,4?t 1.1 Imet Nn. Mlli:l. ttut oni
Irtot of St e.arrt, Si-isx u.rl ..I'
'r--. (.-.! ...,(rtrsiii nntnillr uf1
. I-,,. (ruik .i n. ...,.. , .. ... ..j.
.mi f..ff.
ii h. w. Mtuuvr,
, April 17-41.
Cmlln. J llitvrvr, h h.r nnit frti od. Jut.i
II. Hair. llrn.y llixi.rr tin. Jul. Msrcli
l.rm, lt7S, ulinnn aur diruro.
Tbo undortl.iiod C'linmliiluarr, n.piilnti.d ty
tb. Tonri to uk lrillnn.o In lh obuvo lntrd
nt., brrnliy glvnt Qiiliot that ho will attend iu
llio dulietnf raid .t tlir uttin. ol
lrrn.1 Troi.-tn lh. hnA,tivh nf t'lvurAtild, on Fri
day, tbt imb da; of Jnnt, 178. nl 10 0'rlix.k n.
. .. fiiank a. heminu,
rl..ri.lil. "Apr. SI, UTS If C..uuill.ur.
" "
I A MOSEUH KoTttK.-!. tb. mitriot
Court ol tbo U.ittid dlnt.r, for tb. woit.rn
I ,f,rlot , ron.,v,i,. , b..krnpi.y, No.
Is tb. mntltr of Blnbard B. Tajl.r, bankrupt,
: Tb. OBdVralitafrJ borobo ttr.a 'nolle, thnt ho
hit. hrn .ppni.twl bj tba Court, Attignoa of H.
II. Taylur, of tbo .onnty of 1 IrarAeld, aod jtata
of Ptontylranla, within tnld lliitriot, who baa
bt.a .dindgad n bntikropt upan bit own notllioa
b lb. Illttrlrt I'oart of laid nltOiot.
Cl.arMd, Mar I, IS7S-HI. AMifnoa. '
CAUTION, All paraon. .r. b.rhj wnrn.d
iroinat or In any way atoSdltnf
with tho f.Mowins paraoonl proparty, now in poa.
aralo. f Wr.. D. Woodward, of ltutn town
.biff, U : Two fnnt. bortsinnd barntrr, known
nt taw Lont.nd Hhowmakor I.0111., Innr. I fcmll, 1
, oowa, atiltr . (slvna, 10 itra Ion alod,.
I .Ul.k 1 t 1 a...... . i. ..e k....t
shni nt, tr-ratdr, gmha and nirt, nt tho onto. Wat
pnrobaw by mo uf Job. B. U.wrU and U Irani
H'oodwnrd, and to .UQwa4,to rvninin lit tbn pot
Maaio. f anld Wo.jd.nrd on loan onlr.auhjonl to
u.y ord.r nl any lliua. JOB. WiLIIKLM.
ln; I, - :v .1
la th. Orphana' Court of Ct.arR.ld Co.
if tor of tlia tiartition uf tho raal aalala
In lb. 1
uf Drnry Irwin, lata nf L.wteno. towoabii'. in
Mid aoooty. dat'd. '
Rotlrn I. beraky lrra.lo Mar. Irwin, widow,
Jan. Cbilda, nnd J. W. Cbllda, bar hu.linoil,
i.nurn r-anaty, na John baukry. oar bualAod,
K aturah Flraal, nnd Ruh.rl K. Klrual, hrr but-
band, Marfftry K.a.n, and W, W. Soanaan, har
bnaband, Curnnlln Irwin, It. Irwin,
B ii-hard 8. Irwin, Klmin Irwin, Mary K Johnann,
nnd K. C. Juhnlun. brr bnabainl, bolra or porantit
itilrrartd In lb. Mtat. or dacaaod, that tbt
inqucal nf partition in anid acuta will h. b.ld n
tb. pr.niiio. on Vrid.y, Moy Illtb, IS78, ol II)
n'.lork A.V.,wbcr. .11 ean all.nd If they it.
prop...;' AMIIIEW PK.MZ, Jr..
Uonrt.ld, April J4, '7 St. trbrnf. ,
Real Estate, jnChest T'wp.
- Br virtua of n ardor af tf Orphan i' Court of
uirnrnuiu eoiiDiy, ana to Hit lit reel J. thr mil
be eipoMtl o public rale, on Hi pretntiei. on
WednrtHay, ISA, IHTN,
At two o'floelt, f.m,,tbt following dortbi rl
late, til tut to Cbeat town-hip, a.iij euunljr, to
it! All that Pertain farm and wimtlUoJ. late tha
property of tli-fth UallKbr, dae'd, biaudI on
the utt by (and own), or lalrljr owaed by Wm.
H. Wagoner, 011 tha north hjr lantli of Joaeph
Shook, on tha outh hy land of Rinry, tVaronrr
andaotbora, ami on tba weat ly land of Wm II
W'ajrtmrrand Cheat arreli, ontaioing
mora or la, and known aa tba Simon Rorsbaagli
ram, raaarvinf and exeevtinrf rota tha boM da. i
aeriaad preunraa about one half an acra, aold and
ouar-r.l to lb. ( lint Srbool diltrigl. AlKiut on. I
nunorao nana at u. lana It olenrel nnd undar i
cnllitntwn, wttb n rood, bonrinf, fraoia
buoaa and lug .table tbcraon. Tba uaimnroaod
port ta titnliarad wilb pin., nnd otbar
iiiooot. ao. (iroiimv u ndtantanooutly ltn.l.d
a d it in n aa.irnbla qebbotbooiL I ..
On. tbiid onak .1 KOtrtnation of lal.. lb. bnU
nnc. in too rqu.l nnnwnl pajini.ou witb Int.rwil,
to o. ...urod by judamant bund nnd mortgagaon
tba prrnaioaa.
Now Kafhlngton,np2. 7H-Jt. Adin'r.)
A tutamon! of Iho Koad Fundi of Uutton, for tha year ending April t, I8TK. J.
P. Cnhliu nnd liaorgo Urown, bop.rrlaora.
To am t nn.atllod wjud rood lat of 'H, t II Jl
To nmonnt of aralrd tu la.iad for 77.. iH U
To order, drown bjr tb. A.dilora, on.
for in plaoe of nn old order,.... J.IJI SI
Ttl-.. .....n,7M M
' ' ' mnnrron.
J. P. Ca la has 'a bill of road wort..... 77 11
By Uoorg. Brown't bill of ronl work... 1,11111 IS
By nni'l paid for watf r trough I 99
By nmonnt paid far pinna. 1118
By awiooal paid for Auditor'. Mrrieoj... U
By nmonnt pnid town tlMku II 60
By amonol paid for printing- II 00
Hy Moted tax exou.mted by andltora... ' ta tl
By nml wnrlnd out by taiabtaa... ; Wl M
aj nmomtueollMted.. MM
Toui, ..-......$i,;us"is
i a a. m.
Untentodbn of 1971 nnd Hit
Lwa eomrai..lon and fnantralioo, my.
ti.M 'i
. 911 M
.11, "no. no
nunlMrtai. i , .
Ord.rt ..litandl.g ..43,(l 00
Inlorett, ahont ; SI SO
AiMta ar linbitltio... ........... 4ox. SO
ntnl .....-...i.-.Sj,o. 0
Rend Ut of I mill InM for 1171. '
Wa, tba nndenlrnad AndlUre, oortlfy thai the
leregolnf lUlaaaat oi-ih. toad fond, ef U.etou
tewnabip itoorroct. .
A. H. IttJiErl K RAN5,
0. D Woo.,Cl.rb.' CB. ROBAOa-KH, -PauSold,
April M.'Tt It - - Andilom.
f- t.
wile, n oretiBo -
y Sold Cb fsf Casl
' ' Clenrleld, Pa, April J, 1171,
' v -AT RKDrcBD BATBSt J .
Weed Sewing Machine,
( Miles IL Deem.
(BeitarBM. Wtft CluftrflcltJ)
TteHRW IMPROViD WKID limir tht
t)Mt BoMkiaM la tb MftrttH, rani rr 11. hi
m4 quivt Hi swllJr B(mI flhntilt
ntl? ttmm kol to t ArMdwl, in 4 hnlh wr-t M
mk Ihraasi m mot my Mm mm, It Iim
m f tb Imh M.ttvw Hwnacri .. lu
Tbl U mm4 ronv. ll kti ma mm
MMi e-t.ll. ol .
Tk WKKIk, top th Im iai(rrttMt, 4rm
ft Briu mi tha PmfU KtmHitUs. ts .u.
i n iftH M tfc OMlMottl Ktflllol, and in
letnsmTi wmry mMmm tw lairrll. . . f
lm (Vd mm Hm4Mj tmynrntt. Ptmot
bdHla aet Ut.n mtug tka Ma ff-4. .
Hay, grala. Vf-rf aaula, .ad to klaJi f Ad
M.tfelatJt Uk te aut a Ut N Mblaa.
AH Madto af tfewiaa; MMhiaM4iaaf4 aa4 ratr
nt. Ala, dJf in all hiixli af thawing MsiUia
NtaJI-, OM. RtttJUri, f-e. aiir..r., Caiiefi.
UMkhiart, ftaalitM, CaMk aariaR-; 1 '
lat MdaHt( w7 l-a aj l-W-r, W ava la iva
aMia mi aittiiaa. Caatl aurt aAoaatpaar ail
araari j taait. tftnaaa waatlag aottr hlifl
af maohaa, fMm trrita IV arWt.
:, I lvt.:-e. ' 1 .1 lawW :- f
. , i.
Srir difrtisfmrnts.
We rnv Yfun nlhrit4 to annouott lb
natninf KOW AIIIXI. llAVri, of HrJr tuwn-b(p.
.1 '&.
Mitti tia t-ll'iiig nii'tr', no in Hi
(ll-nWI-ri'-tl lit l.lftM Nitiltlinr, t.f MufTH ll
ti; tn lar ou'O uimut tx roar lil.
vhtie (t in Ion lait. at ihr inma Iwlotiff- t
L'ltf. aud i Ml if b ixid Na-lifrinilar on I
ulr. rujot lu uir rtl"' at anv time.
I' urn. MUVBH.
' KMmn, Pa, Arll 17 St.
SherilTs Sale.
1)y virtua of wrlta nf Lmri 'itriii. in4
out ot th Court of Crnnioon Plaaa uf Claar-
fittld aountv. and tu m dircctt-H, tliara
ba iiindf.) to (itihMr la, at tha iJuurl M'iio.
In tba boron (rb of iNaaroi'uf,"rii.r.':Vjnrjj :H
1Mb day uf Mar. lH7, at I o'clock, y. tu ,
the follow itij daarrlliad nhl rtl.tltJ, iw wit r
All Iba nnliiidad 4 la of lha following
tranta of In nil vltuai In B'ailr Uiwnrhip, Clear
fltild euunl), I'n , boun lel and dcribt at lul
lnwa : Hlnnli.K nt a pout In tba dlairint Una at
Iba .utbwuat eornor ot aald traat uf land . than
north S dcjrren ct liOl o il petti hoa t a post
tho nonhwont aorber of nine; tbanoa ant J Ot
prcbt fo pnit ; ibfliiC" aouth HO dearer wcit
IHO pfrrliaa to a bemlook ; tbrbea aouth AV dftreai
ait 155 uarohaa to oat ; lbrnce aunth .IV drgrai
waat U 4 10 paniliai to a post 1 tbanoa uuth 6
Uefrreaa aaat S4 perrhei to a boat'h 1 tbanoa north
.10 dv-ftreee aajt bV pan-be lo a poat ; tbanoa aouth
Alt dfftrrea aaat 40 pprnbaa Ion boeoh ( 4hanoa
aouth tttfi df rata aaitttA poiahaa to n poat ; Ibnnoa
aiiuth poroboa to a poat ( tbanoa S'J dafrrcaa
went rifl 5- IU perchei to a poit or tnapla , thanna
aouth drirraa wait lii pambea to rod oak ;
tbooa watt I'il parohaa to apoat j tbanoa It do
greaa waat 1 1 7 10 pvohaa to a poat ; thenao 104
parobai to pt ; thvnca aouth I i drjrraca wait
rll-IO perehnt tu a poat ; thence north ith da
ltroi Weat 2 jiereliaa to a angar thnoa Burin 1 4
ucgreca nuat 60 riarulta tn pm j tbanoa north
8Hi drgreca wot TO peraha to plaaa of bajcinnioK,
nun lain log 1,174 tfti moroor laa. Saiaad, taken
In fiarottun and tn ha fold a tha properly of
KobtrJ Utbaron U, J. Mcholaoa and Nathaa Oar
riar.' . , , .
Tan nn or flu.. Th prlra or ana at which
the propartt aball ba ati'nok of umt be pit id at the
lime ol ala, or anob lbar arraotiomanta aaatla aa
will ba approved, othrrwine Ibe pruparlr will be
tin rued laulr pot tap ami nold ajrain al tbeaxumoe
nnd risk of toa paraon to whom it waa truck off,
and who, tn oaaa of dalioUnov nt anon re-aale.
aliall maka food Iba fame, ami in 00 koataaoo
will tl.a Ueea l nreiruted in Court for eon (In
tiott ntilett lb inoir la actually paid tu the
anerin A.tuti(.w yum,, Jr.,
HiiKHirr'a Orrtra, I Sheriff.
Clearlield, Apr. S4, isTB. f
SherilT's Sale.
IlY virtue of oudry writ, of Tea JT., laaued
X 9 out of tbe Court of tommon Flea nf Clear
held Co , and totnediractod, there will bacxpoaed
to public eala. at tha Court iloaa,fi) fh fTon(fh
.r CUaJ-li'lt n W edueaday, tlin Iftth day ol
May. IM7H, at J o'clock, p. m, (be follow
in I draorlbtMl rel aitate, lo wit ;
A etrtalu tract of land tlluato In Gutieh town
hip. Clear 11a W oountv, Pa., bavinnlnc nt rnaiite
ooruar of Matthew McC'nlly'a farm agrvrt thatiea
ny latid 01 aicLiiiiey north forlv-eir,ht degraea
rart ono nuntfrr-d aod forty prrchea to pott ft hence
by ravidaoaf tnct ot Ileoj. Wilran th f-rty
drKn-es eaat aovaniy-four pandies to poat, t hence
by aaion Booth forty. eight dt-greoa waat ono huo
drrd and forty-two rurrtir to poat In Ihe old line,
Ihenea by land of Shaw north forty degreea weat
aeventy-Jour parohaa to place of bf ioatn, eun
talninjg ainty. five acrtt and thirty lour ptrohes,
and haviiiir Iwaaty acrea aleared nnd am 4 II two.
lory liauie bonta thereon erected, dtliod, taken
In eimo'lon, aod ta bn aold aa the praparty of
W. t. Biuith.
A law, a certain traat of land ailuata in Chet
((.wnehlp, Clrarfleld ooaoly, I'a., euntHit;iiijr 7b
acre, with nbottt 20 aorta clenrad, with frame '
bouaa 2O&30, and imall fag bam, bounded aouth
by Iirtil Knjdrr, eaat by widow Irvio. north by
takan ia Mnttlia nnd to b aolornatb. proo.rtl
armna ivorj.p, aan we oy Aaron ratchin. Saite 1
of Wililnm K. Soydar.
AQ, a cart -in tract or 1 ml litualo in the
villas or rraoklio. BHI toWDablu, Clearfield
county, fav, daaoniksd a fojlowa i KruBtiaa;
nuaurasi ana twsjuij itac oa irotit tirtl aad run
aiag back oa Ibe vent by land ot Holicrt Uhf
hy, Borth by aania. fa-t by laauatitreat.aoulh bv
river, bariiif Utar-oai anfltila.r.tBeboa 1 A 2 4
fenlftjatl kitobaa aitacbed. aad frame atebla llilU
feet, add other outWildirjri. biietl, Ukpa ia
execution, and to be aold t tha property of Vf, C.
Tbotnpaon. ... ' .
Altu, aoerUia traot of Had aitua'e ia Oreeo
Jtwd towofbip, Clearfield eoumy, Vm., in tlie
tillagf of LewiiTllie, aod kDown aa lute No. 1
a till 1 in Ibe general plan of aald rdl-jre, boand
ed in. daeritei aa fu.loaa : Oo tba aouth by Jot
belonging to tba MaCletiiey bcira, weit by Ut
af f. L- Sharp, and being on the eoroer of Main
and Walter aireeta, having ererted thereon a two
atory fm dweiltag bonea, fifty feet front and
thirty fet daep, and Ibe lot baiag aboat aiaty
feet fnnt fy one bnndrad aod nty fret dee.
feetuwJ, Ukn taeoattao, aad to be aold aa iba
proparty af slao. p. Irrto.
Tatuii or Ata The ru-ioe ar aaaa at which
tha proparty ahall ba atraok off tooa. ba paid at
the lime of nale, or each other arrangementa made
aa will ba approved, otberwiae tba property will
ba liBtnfdifttely put up aad aoM aeia at the ei
peaee and rl"k of the pereon to wboai it wm
atraok off, and who. la eae of deflcleocy at encb
ra-aalat ah ail aiaka goad tha aaaae, aod te bo
inatanoa will the Dee4 be presented B Court fuf
ennflrtaatioB anleai the money la artaahy pati lo
lbeberiff. - ANDKK W PKNTZ, Jr.,
BBirr'i Ornca, Bheriff.
. ClearltelfJ, Pa,, Apr. 24, 178.,
1 SherilTs Sale.
BY vtrrna af write af V. Fn , Imnad
al af tha Goart of Com -bob plaaa ef Clear
Held aonatf, aad to m$ directed, there will ba
aapoaml to PUBLIC SALS, at the Coort Uonaa,
In tha borough of Clearfield, on We-lnea lay, tha
1Mb day or May, lf.78, at 1 o'clock p. .,
tba foUewing deeriba4 raal aeUle. ta trtlt
All Iba right, Utle aad totereat the 4e lend,
aat ta the following traoUaf lead: Warrant No.
b.itl, altaata ia Oirard towaahlp, Clearfield Co.,
Pa., eoatalntng 1117 an rex; aaora or text.
Aleo. warrant Hm tai 4trar4 Uwaahlp,
Clemrfirld aoBBty, I'a, aoniaiolng l:il aorea,
ore or leaa.
A lao, warrant Ha. M21, enntalnlng 1 1 14 aerea ,
nor ar leaa, ke tioibea towoihip.
A lao, war mat Ne, M3i, aitnata la Ooebea
town-hip. Clearlield Bounty Pa , eontataing 1389
aeree, tnora or 1h, raaerrlog III a tm anld te
Peior RiaVr, and AT arreeln tba aontbeaet oorner
old to Jacob Kerna. Heised, taaoa im eaeAtiia,
and to ba eld u tha property of J. A. P. Ten
Eyek. r
Aran, tba following deeorlbed real aatata, ita
aied in Kam towftibip. Clear l. Id eoaaty. Pa,.,
bounded oa the eul by H. Chun, an the
aouth by lea ia of Wm. and Janet Cat heart, on
tbe weat by I audi af Mr. Bowman, north by land,
of fajcaB Kowlea, aoataiaiag 100 arm, more o
leae, Si acre oleared, imall orvhard, and having
thereon rreotrd a Urge plank dweliitg hnime
three atone high, largo rranw bara Miat feet.i
and ether outhaildiBga Balled, taken iq oienu ,
tlm. aad to ba aold at tha property of I1. A,
Also, twa oei tela laa or manaela af errntig.J ml..,
aata ia tba village of DnBoir. bry towaebip,
Clearfield eountv, Pa. One thereof bourded and
deertibed aa fcllnwa i On the aorth by lot No.
18, eaat by lot No. IS, twain by townehtp road,
and went by High atrel, being fro f-H wide an
towaabip road, front and rear, and lVtl feat deep
from township mad, and known in plan uf aaitl
village aa lot No. It.
Tbe "ibpr tbereof boabdte) on tba aorth by lot
No. 27, aaat by lot No. 14, aoath by tuwnabip
road, aad watt by lot No.' II, being 80 fart wide nn
towaabip road, aad IIMf fat t drew froai owahtp
road, aad hnowa ia plan ofaaid village aa lot No.
II. bailed, tahen in axeeatioB and to ba aold ai
tbe property or W. C. Kepler.
Alao. aeartaln traA af land iltuate In Hlooai
towaabip, Clearfleld eeaaty, fa., boanded and
deaaribrd aa follow a t tM tba aaat by lea fa of
llagh Lra h aoath by the Curweairllleand Ray
Boldivtlla Blkf, went by land of J. Thomaa.
aorlh by Iau4 of Laiitnar Reed, ooa tain ing forty
erraew.w-w ur iwaa, una eroniy Bevaa WarW, I
attt-bnildibga Iberrna ereoted. 8eiwd, Uhna In
aseeatleui, nnd to la auld aa tba property of (ieo.
W.tMls. '
A lao, a uerlaUi traot of land tit oat la Bloom
township, Clerrflel'd eoeoty, Pa bounded on tbe
. iwv nn; Irene, huiw, raaaii raru ana oincri
aaat by landr of ou. A. Illoom, aoath by Car
weeravillaaevd HeyuoMavilla uike,veat by laud
oi ueo, ueero, north Mr luaa al Uatimar Reed.
containing forty aeree, more ur leaa, with twenty
aeree alearad, aou havlBt thereon areeted a ana II
(Varna bauia, mall frame bam aad ulbar ottt
butldiaga. . ,
Alio, a eertala tract of laad hitaale In Bloom
towaahlp, Gleerteld eeanty, Pa., bounded by
taaaa af lt aseeafe, u. Hawk. Thoaapaaa aa4 oth
er, eontataing owe healrrd and aavauty-lra
arrea, mora or leir, netng eovered witB pine, hem
look and other timber, 8eUd, taken lu ex too.
Moa, aid to ba aeld at tba praweety el Hugh
. Alto, a eertaln tra or Ipnd iltuate tu Bloum
tow mh la, CleaHeld uouaiy, Pa., bonnded aa the
amet bv len-i af 0. Ilack. ftaalh bv land of Wra.
Lyoaa, waet by, land r,f peeeaae Holdea, Uortbj
ny iau a oi riuw aa4 Herri It, aonlatnmg one ban
4 red anal ality aorea. mora or teat, with aboat
ighty avree olearedani havlag a yunag g rawing
arehard thereaa, and a large frame bouea aaad aa
a Betel, and dwelling b mae, la r ire frame bank
barn, grain houte and vthnrout baildinga thereon
reoted. BeAaeel, taaaa In aTaeutiab, Baal la ba
tola aa lh property of A B. UoMeu.
ALo, a eertain traot of land eituata ia Pike
(vn (Jlrarn4 Co.. Pa bounded aifthe aaat hr
laad D. Hitter, wet by lane, of Waa. Dale,
aorta wy una al Mil Ufa a, eoaealoiag aavwuly
arna, mora ar leaa, with bearing amber, and
having thereoa Breeleel a large frame two alary
dwelling baaee, tare? iWanawarB and at ber eel
bulrdlaaa. Hetaed. taken laaieauuou. aad te ha
aeld aa (ha property af Robert Leech,
Alio, a eertain traot or laad altaata lu nraom
tWB'bip.Clearield eouuty, Pa , bonniffwd we tha
aet bt laud of Holdout. wt by laud of C hi Ida.
toutb by land of Aadetaou, and norlb by laad ef
v. r. nioum. eontaintng I .it Beraa, baring th
aorea ah-ared, and having rberaau areetud a Ing
b-Mia4 tern atarwa high, UiN fuas aad log bam
Ukl faet, grata boa aa. and ethar outhulidlaga.
Keiaed, takro ia ateeetlou aad to be told aa the
prfperty ef Prank Oreett.
lBaeB8Aa.e--Thua)rlMnaaiiBB aat wKUB
tba ptwferty ahall be atruek off aaaai ba paid at
tha tim of tale, or aucb ather arrepgantBU
wo win aa approve, eta or w i eo the uraDar-
Swall wa immediately wut up aad aald again at
a aapeuae aad rtak af aba uorae to whom It
waa atruek off. and wku. la ee of dtAeimm,
uah re -aale, ewall maka good tb aama, am
er al
A in
mm laeuanee) ui law ia ft ftreeeated La (Jaart
tot ewfUruseAieu ualaaa iba Baotvay la aetuallf
paid ta Ua Kbtriff. ANlRIiW 1'KSTi, ir.
BuBBirr'a Orriru, .
Claardetd.Pew Aprtl KMT J
iUtt fltfrtlsfrnfiits.
'IWiftsVaai'jW i. ttuL, - 'a
.... 3:,
I. .WkvLZiiJh,
F. 11. t'AItlMrX v into.
1 ' ' A LAKUI3 I.OT OP
Farmers' Friend Grain Drills, Corn Planters and
.., . Threshing Machines,
WHICH Mill be anlil CHEAP milt KXCIIANICO for JiflOD VOUNO lit )H SEX.
Also, a car load of TIGER HAY RAKES, '
HOMO WON A XI. IS all lb way through, Mir dumper., the bent rake in the world.
Otaortal.. Pa.. April U, IS78. .
Tu llio Citizens of. CleariclJ Cuntii
I have oiK'ned tip 0110 of tlio
of goodH ever offered in this county, which must be seen to be ap
preciated., Ij. iii not necessary to go into details, but will say that
the following departments are thoroughly full in all qualities and
Dry GdoiIh. , .
Millinery Goodti,
Hosiery and Gloves,
, Corsets, Ties,
II a'n d k e rc h iefs,
1 1 Mtssitners,
Shaivls, , , . . .
W Into Goods,
Linen Suits.
r urnishing Goods,
Kid Gloves,
These goods have .been selected with the greatest care, were
bought for cash and 'will be sold for cash, and my expenses being
very light they will be sold, cheaper than the cheapest.
Clearfield, Pa. May 1. 1878.
jNI In-uranoa d' hah mLdtl. inll
piiuailunt or well impntvtd lartn properties, lo
Hie iina-tbinl of tlit-lr oa.h ralii, will b. .ootid
frail, in tunia not ktt than .I.lHHI. For nartien-
larn. At ., apjlj to UlKMUAt, W.SMITH. .
April 17, ;7-3ni. Clanrlald, Pn.
Jj Ntltae ia hereby gWon tlial Leftert'Taata-
Bionrnr tin lti Halm i.f .InHV IIL'l I'UliVT 1
la( of. Law rrtu'o townahtD.CIearfiplJ CounU. P I '
def'dt haricg b.-ah duly grunted Am iho under-
aignoa, an pemona tnilrnita to rem etate will
pleaae make Immediate parment. and thoae bar.
ing elaajoa or sirtnandt will preaant tbana proparty
auirenucaifu lor irtivino( witiimit tifiav.
J. . hartswiVk,
Clearfield, Pa Mar. 2778 fit. Ki fro tor.
IlXKCi;TfIW rlirTirK.-Kotiea it here
J by giren that Let (era Tenement ary on
tbe ratata of AIAU G tAHUART, 'ate of Ur4
ford towaabip, Clenrfiekl Co., Pa., oaring beat
duly granted to tbe undersigned, all perauna in
debted to raid tate will pleaae make Immediate
patmeBt. and tlioae baring elalma or demand i
will pnraent theai properly autbontteattHl for aet
tl anient without delay. 0. W. t.h'AKIIAKT,
Clearfleld, Mar. J7 ot. Kieealora.
il AITMVR.S..AII pcrront are hereby aantloDad
y Bgainar pwrenaamg or in any way BM-IUng
with tha foil win panonat Btoaertv. now in the
poeaeMion of Alesaader ffilaon, of Graham twp.,
via: Ono apttad eow, aboat fl vev year old, aa
tba aama belooga lo dm and ia left with laid
wtleon on Kan only, eubjeat to my artier at any
Kylarlowm, Pa , April It i .
1.KCTIOW Hocrtiiteiidciit of Co mm on
JJ aM-nemiev
fo lAc SAooi iNrctor$ mf ClMtrfitli tttafy . - "
UcRTLajiBR !b paraoanoa af tha iH aectlm
or tha Aat of 9th May, lti yoa aro hen-liy aeil
tad ta meet la eonreutioo. at tbe Coort Houna. ii
the borough af Olearleld, on tha fret Tuaedav la
May, 1178, being the 7ih day of tha month, at one
e'elook in the afternoon, and leleot. eten aoce, by
a majority mi tha wowicgstt)ar af Dffwatari pewam
cat, one peraoa of literary and aci entitle aoquire
menti, and of akitl and eiperlcnee In tha art of
ttaohtog, aa County 8uprrinVedeat, tor throe toe
eaediog yeartt determine the amount of oompen
ation, mad oertilth roalt ta tbe Stale Suoerin
tendent, at Ilarrtfharg aa tttqaired by Iba ttk
ana avin eaciioagot naia ou
JOIIM A. fl RKftOltr.
. 1 ap't of Clearlield C
April 10, 178-41.
Cnrwenaville, Pa ,
CAUTItrfteeAllperionaare hreby eaaftaaed
egainet wafebaalegor lu aay wwy atewdlini
wiiq ine following nroperty, now la tne poaaiwi
idon of 3. R. Caldwell, of Pike townthip, via ;
Two eow. I pair twin a led, 1 twa-horta Varna,
I log tied, i eltlgH, aboat S tow of hay, a lot of
M raw, i tanning mill, I threading maebiae, 4 aeta
of hiirneeu, at lot af stump aaalrlne ironi, f bor-aa
and barnrta, to aeret of whiat la tha ground, I
pliwi, 1 ahi.val plow, I cultivator, a lut af corn
ia tbe ear, 1 aook atore, 1 tm tar; a lot jf
enairt, arpeta, Ao.t I louog. 4 b-da and bed liag.
Tbe forng'iing property waa poroh;iaed by meat
H ber iff i aale oa the 4th day of April. 187. and
Ii allowrd to retnaia la tba poieiion uf aald
0. B. Cnldwrll on loan only, ruhj-ot to mr order
at ny time. JOHN PORTHR.
Clearnrld, Ap.I) 17, 1878 St.
Orator's .
Hoal Estate in Covinjon To vasliip
The nnfirralgnrd, Alm!niatrntor nf lhc aatata of
Kehi PipanJ, late of Cevingtna townblp, V rnr
i..ld eounty. Pa f dee d, Wtll ofr fir nil.' at p-ib-lia
out rw, on tbo pre mite, on ' ' ,, . '
Satardaj. May 4th, 1878,
at 3 uVlAk p. nt., that eertala lot of ground tita
ate In the twnhlp aforiald, bnonded on the eaat
aod aouth by lend of John H. lVerd, and on tbe
weal and north by laada of Anguetua Rougeat ,
eoatatBing TWO ACKK8, having thereon eructed
B good frame dwelling hog a., atable, and tbe
weeeMary ottiboildingt, togetbr with the Im
provemeula. . - , - j ,
One third of tba poreba4 money tin epU
v-v mi aaj oi rata, man me ua'aaoa ta 'wo equal
annaai peyoieule, to be aweted by,d ft 0-1
ortgegw on Ihe pretaieer. P. F. COUDRIKT,
Frraehfllle, Apr. lit, I87S-4L Adm'r.
URY LIST. Hamat of juror, drawn for
Maw Term. A. D. IS7S. lo eo kald en lb. Id
no 4lk Mondnre lllk end I7IB, Tin ,
- 1 ..awe, larernnn. -
fuller llaalt.N. Wnab'nlP (l.llaetier, Oanroln
Wm H Hoover, Brad; I i Pk.llpt, Woodward
fbllln Long, Pike I Prank I'nrtont. lleeatwr
Ollrar, ChM - i Idrnrrmrt, Honlidnle
J R Copplet. L fltj Jnk. Nortla, Pi.
Roat Hooeer, Pann In II Mil.., Woodward
Cbrlat llawb, Ball, JH i NiileeHrr,
Jn . Uolt, Wailnimton'1 U. Stone. H.ira
Oeorge lloorrr, Morri, : llenre Hoieal llradtord
J 11 Worrell. NewWj, Wm tt. Urerari. ,
MeneV lleerrMrrS A II. , llrowo, lewronaa
Alal. nlrMnrrnt.Uellek Jol Shog.rt, Draly
' eenvanse imnnje. In. wnni. r. . '..
Wm R.tla, Brndlord lDan'1 Rmaal, Woodward
T M.Pberean, Wnrao., Jco Hutu, iternatdo-t, .
A Crane, Ueeutnr i Xiid"hb Bur,, alrautiird
Job. llralk, B.ll ''""fphl. Blonrt, Cnr'i.,11.
Jot (llenn, Pargoann 'Arnold Bloom, Pit.
Auatis kllat, Uoodw'il t T tlu.l.p.jr, Brad,
Fraak Dolta, Urreari U t Copoland, beoatnr
A Wooda, llurntldn twp'Dan'l Waltt,Ueliah ,
Ueo ll.rl.telt, llra.1? i Inpob Amiuin, tiutban
P F RnSner, 'Woodward Hugh l.ok. Bloom
W 8 Tooker, ClearlLld W T Mrf'orkla, Uw'.M
Rob'l Milrb.ll,-. Wm Moloto.h, Bradr
Kirn Ale,' LI P Hel.,Oe.oJ. '
i 0 Athrroft, llonalar J A W.tann, Bradford
(lodtr, FUlier. Knrtbaw Pnlti.k Dailar, Peen
0 llarlorwlt, Urod, I , , Jol, t,.li,,i..
W,l.n Houcb, Karlbaotljrrom.Wilai., Bradford
nan i I'oaerlv, t lonrBele V b rer.naan, I. Cilj
Wm Cfcieroa. Bl.
Uuih Mellon, Pik. ,
W 1 Her.,, Hem..a
Noak Miliar. Hall
Wm Tronal. lleroiida tp
R M Lewi,, Knoi '
BrniJ Jerr, Itlrard
J Rlller, Pike ,'.'
0 C Ball, Deoonrin
Jot L U.I., I'ika
M IUIUilt,IJIa.rlald
J 0 Keed, Uwronea,
t.Avnn.. jrnojtt, In win.
M Plelmi, r.ham ,
nl W (ferae, WooH.ard
iHnrfvnel Irwin. Bloom HHe, W.d'
Jem. llleetaa.
II U Maiibea, Hall
Wm U keen,
Riab a) I'ika, Hontadalo
H Woodward, lloetea
M 3 Uwwata, lAvrenea '
Prank Wrl.lav. Dil i .
Heben Ha.aSe,, Hell
W A Hoeme, Danal.r
l a WIIHama. Per..a.S
lanno Unaa, beoalnr -
lllark Orew.H, Morri.
Hartmnn, Oteeole
I liearbert. tkeentwr
J. b. MovWd, Ubtel
U II Woml, Uoabon
.let Holdee, Pike .
John HUffa, w
Ji. Staamoa., OleerSeU
Tkea Youne, Uuratid. tp
J.b. OTrlrr, Hutten
k M LnPttle, Car'.. lib)
J A MoUbnn, aumide
J Hum, OeeeeU
J B ttorwao.t, Oee'etee
I II btoora, Morri.
J Mai lata, Jordan
W R Uendaroon, Pl,a
T Wt.kbam, aeeeerie !
PMar Pinor. Pan.
t F RonMob, Oeooatn
W I HnnKimea, laa ira
B air Kml far 90 tews tbs fltudarr) It mrrj, fa u,, M
BB trof l.,vr Ctmptalnf. CvtCrtntil, B,,i Ha4 M '
an 4 mil i-Tsntcm-nti f Uir l.frrt HnA M
W eitiku oocntwiiH nx U quit erark '-Wra Atirtr.w. B
M Catirm-rs. rem rtr-omiom. rllfrs f.lli K
,bleTnJelAMmrJ1.f'rJJ,,o(lJ,r',h.lle fA
BTa.-1 ' L' 1'r. rM9- Ptlrsi Ite a V
VHmi IIU- a-1 Ptiiju.t.atil K.rt K'ritt W
tx gidffriisfmfBfj.
--'' 1
j ...
lartrest and most attractive stocks
Oil Cloths,"
Wall I'aper,
Window Blinds,
Rugs, ic.
SURE Xl.10 W ATI.I) t
per Art.
Hech end Maple Land In Mirblgaa la (ha
Rapida and Indiana Railroad
' TiTi.E FEtlFECT.
jjtroog 8. II hurCi pa Plenty o' Tiwr No
D-tuitbtNiACbinch Ilitga No 'lloppori."
Running Streams Pure Water Markcti
hobHlf Railroad oetnplatid trnugb
centre uf the grant.
Send fur pamphlft, Koii-h or (l-anta.
t - - Addrea-, W. O . JirOHAHT,
I ami Coramiitaigner,
llarci U, lo78-3in.
1)1. VTS AM V.Ov l:H.
Tha Undprritrneii hereby girra nntlea ta
the ci'ttrn of Ctearfieltl mii9tT.ilti.lh. h.s.
i hm vrres hnuaa la Cloarlleld, m Jarge quantity of
a!) kindi of
winch b. will ttll .1 rrnaonnbl. prioaa. 11. fc.a
E.rle ai d Lata C.l,l.e. Planta, Toraotoei, Celer;,
t nuliflawer, Lg l'lnnta, Pepper Pmott, So.
6WKKT POTATO PLANTS, tt N per 1,1110 or
Iftr oonte per bondrrd.
All bindtof FLOW ICRS for pet. nnd bedding.
b.Djring ba.k.l. and rn, ancb na
AaaorUd llrliolrcpt, Sinai. A D.ubl. Petuniu,
Uernninma, Bafe,, Panalea, A erra
tum. Coleul. IJahliaa. Ulnku
I? Canoaa, OeaUnren nnd Cinernrin,
i. liBguniaa, ilrovnlin, Mi.ooa.tte,
Prnlta, Pbloa, A., Ae.
f will t.rd m. doacn, Mronf, elforona, wall
branched flower plnott of nnj telaetion. What,
the nelectioa ia left to me I will eoarantea Mill,
faetion. ERNKST BOCK.
ClenrflrK. Pa , April l,7l-tf.
Sheriff's Sale.
Tie virtue ef aundrr writ, of Hiri Vejoe ia.
tued ont of tho Coert of Common Plana ef Clear
eld eountjr, nnd to me directed, there will be
npoaed to pulillo aale, nt tboOearl Uouaa, in the
bnrooch of Clearfleld, na Wednoadn;, th. Stb da,
ef Mar, 1873, nt 1 o'.loek p. m., the follow,
inf deocribod real eat.ta, to win
A certain traet nf land litoete la Cheat town
thip, Cleerri.ld Co , Pn., boanded ea lb. aorta by
i. McLaujhl.n, weat nnd Suntb b, Innda of U. A.
lrrio, eaat o, land of Mare A. Bennett, contain,
inf 1, acre, mora or lei a, beinr pert of two Irnrt.
ooneejed te John W. Kit, bj Hood of Simoa
Horabn.h nnd wife, doled Aaeoet Jl, li0, re
oorded in Deed B ok "M," pat-i 17, nnd Deed of
J. U. Mllea.Siecutor, Anted March II, Iftel, th.
whom pnteneed lo Joba W. Nelf, witb n two-etorj
fr m. koueo, ISi ie feet, with neck koildioi. wilb
eu( barn, apri.g bona., and other .ntboiidiana
thereoa erected. Abont 7 anna .lenrad and na.
dcr enlllralion, with good beerinf oroh.rd.
eVial, take, in nxeeution aad in be aold aa tbe
proparte of John W. Naff.
Tana, oe Sate. The price or anta al which
th. aeepert, .ball be ttreck af man be paid nl
tb. Mm. of enie, ereach .ihe. arrangemenU
made no will be appro red. ethenrlae the nronert.
will bn immediate), pet ap end eold erei. el
the eipeaee nnd rtah of Ike peraoa eo whom H
w.i .irnek .1, aad wbo, la eel. ef ddoieoey nl
aueh re .nl., ahall mak. good the Mm., aad ia
no initene. will lb. Deed b. preoeated ia Conn
ror conflrmation nnlna. tb. men., I. nctaaily
paid te tha tihariff.
Saa.irr ' Orrtca, I tihariT.
Clearfleld, !'.. April 17,1171.
Why you Should
The koeoaa it made Of the beat Iri.b l.inan. io
three pi, anj lined with but hotcbart linen.
A (.aula. Wamrnlln mmlla ll aed for Ike
A porrcel It la gairaoleed. '
Till. Hhlrt it entirclr initbed end rene foe tbo
laendrv. '
A oareful aaaialnalioa la t Ten tnenok abirt.
and Ihli in addiUoa In Ike aboee petotl leaee. tbe
coin witaoat aa ocjanl. . . , -
S. J. Gates.
OurweniTille, Pa., April I. 3m.
NOTIC Til TAX rAVKHW.tea.eord
ant. wilb aa Anl ef aha Uaaernl Amomklt
ef tbi. Commonwealth, approved the 13d dn, of
Marcn, A. v. mio, aa. tba .pprerod
Ih.Sd dar of April, A. D. I7J . "relalia. to the
eoiloetion or Uaea in Ike eennt, of Heer Sold,'
neliari. beeeb, glroa Ulan eaa noreeoraet.i.e
in tn. aiitriot. nei.iw named, that tk Cent,
Trea.nrer, la nocordnno. witb tb. teoond toatiuB
of tnid Act. will atlead al tbo nine., of aoldlng
in. no route nnd townabip election! on th. lol
lowing namrd daye, for tka p.rpoo. of recoiling
tba Coin!, and Stale t eke. eeeaaeed for 1,71 1
For Clenrleld br, T.eelar, Map Ttk.
For Lawraio. twp. Wedaeida,. Mi, Itk.
For Wallacaton ber., Thandnj, Mar Stb, from
t. II .'.lock.
Fur Ro(,i twp., There dee. Map lk, from t to b.
For (li'ikaa twp., Friday, liar lath, from 1 1, e.
For lloitoa Iwp , ftatarda,, Ma, II, from ta 4.
For llirnrd Iwp , Monday, May II, from It to I.
For karlhae. In.. Tna.ia. U.e II I., a a.
Cur Oo.lngtoa twp , Wedaeidv. lay Ikik, from
e iw m I
Foi Urakam iwp., Thereday, Ma, l, from 10 tol
For Morria Iwp, Friday, May 17th.
For Hredbitd twp., Baurdne, May Utk.
Tne kalaaeeef tb.diat.lau wul ka eiallod oflcr
I' non all Inset aall la tkeTveaenM. tknro will
bo redoetlon of lee per went., while Ieo war
ecu will be added after Ike area Say ofdnl)
neat, uaiimnmnei eaaea, mnhinf . dlfore... ol
TBN per .wan. I. prompt tm payer.. P.rllea
i. free, me Bret af Mae. eon tLale tonoa aa tb.
Trrnaorer't cnVie. , .
NoTit-a TO M.araine. A rare eneorUalt,
will be irr. In mrrebeau to Mm. forward al Ihe
time and placet fet ferlh, aed Bft LlaeeM
for 187". DAVID MeQAUUUBV.
Clearlield, P., April IT, 1171 , Tronoaror.
Al tit) RsPOBLiOANfklBosisibsplars
to get year Job work done. We are Felly prrpered
to do ai.Mklag la eke printing line, will do 11
well, tea al Ike right kind ef prim. U.
J V V- H
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