Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 24, 1878, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription. '
If paid 1. advance.or within three 0
' II paid alter tlirae aad before six Booths... 3 10
If paid after the eiplratloa af all asonhts... I IW
M-Maura, 8. M. 1'artaasiLL A Co., News-
papar Advertising Ageola, 17 Park Raw, aaraar
Heekman Strait, ara aur duly aBtboriaed Agents
In N. York Uit,.
HKi.niun mini km.
M.tliadlat Kitlsc.ual Chart-It Ret. J. 8.
, Mi'Muhat. I'eilor K.rie.. aarl Sabbath
I A. M., aad 71 P. M.
Sabbath H..hoi at II A. at.
1'cajrar Meeting ararjr Tbarada;, at J, P. M
Comnuoloa b.rvlec, Irst tfabbnlh of err
month, at 10. A. M.
Weit Clearfield M. E. lb arch.--Revs
William 11. Dill and W. 8. WiLaoa, Peaton.
Preaching every alternate flumley, at 8 o'clock,
P. M. fc-uotiay School al 21, P. M. All ar In
vited to attend.
Preib) terltH Cliureb Rt. H. 8. Urmia.
Sabbath services morning and- evening Sab
bath School at 3 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes
day evening.
Ht fraudi' Church C atholic Her. P.
J. Sbsbidah. Preaching at I Oi o'clock, A. H.,on
the first, third Mid lourtb Sundays of each month)
Vespers and Uenediotion of (be Bleeeed Saoraoient
at 7 o'clock, P. M.- ttmdaj Bchool every Sunday
afternoon at I o'clock.
tiki or OL&iaa qoartei tusioni ooiibt.
Beaoad Monday of January. .
Third Monday of March.
Pint Monday af June.
Vourtk Monday f September.
I rini or oommoi plbai.
I Pint Monday of Jane.
I Seoond Monday of November. -
I . roiLio orriuina.
l irt$idtnt Jidje Hon. Cbarlee A. Mayor, of
f Look Haren.
I- Ani$tut Lew iidfe lloa. Jobn B. Orl, of
i Bellefunte.
i Aotiatt JtJyt A brum Ogden, Clearfletd;
I Vincent 11. lluli. Clearfield.
ymkvmotanf Kit Bloom.
Vjrlr one! teeordrtv L. J. Morgan.
' Vittriet Atlorntf Wm. M. MeCullougb.
7flerer David McOatiRbey. . ,
' Shtriff Andrew Penta, Jr.
l)tjity SKtrijf ChrUt. J. Knaggy, Clearfleld.
CWety Jureryor Samuel P. MoCloikey, Cur
' wenivllle.
County CoMtit$ontr Clark Brown. Clear
: field ( Thornae A. Mctlea, Cheat P. 0. Iluril
' Hoover, Clearfield. .
C9Mlf jledtWe William V. Xi rigbt, Clear
'. field) Bamuel A. Caldwell. WiltlamagrOT j John
, C. Conner, lluanaid.
Count Coroner J. B. Neff, New Wiahlngton.
' Jury Com m if t'oaere Dr. Jamee P. Burcbtield,
'f; Clcarfied, Joreph Aleiander, Madera,
i Superintendent of Public HcKoolt John A.,
Uregory. Carwenaville.
Healtro WMf A Afianrti Jvt W. Carllle,
, office at Troutville, Pa.
y olariee bailie John W. Wrlgloy, Wm. Ra-
debaugh, Cyroa Uordoo, Clearfleld) Jowpb K.
s Irwin, N. K.Arnold, Curweninlle J. J. Lingle.
v Otoeola Mill! ; J. A. LiviugMone, DuBoie City.
Our Sftrinl column il decidedly Intaraatiag la
a loeal point of view, and profitable reading to
ouUlderi who wait to tare money.
Another batch of Sheriff's Bulen is
ad vet tlied in tbil week'a paper.
0on' fail to call and examine T. A.
Pleok A Co.l new good a
Pr. Hills lias the "uohb" croquet
ground on hit premliei, eorncr of Market and
Pint ttrtiU.
I The largest stock of goods in tho
I county to select from can bo found at Pleck A
I Company'! itore.
Some halt-ft doisen or more rafts were
run out of Clearfield creek Into the rim last
g weuk, on a " plaib."
f .Smith V. ilHon, rq., has Doen ap
'f pointed AMigneo In Bankruptcy of the ejtate of
I K. U. Taylor, of tbia borough.
The Methodist Aid Society will meet
at the reiidenoo of Tbomai H. Murray, Eiq., la
$ tbil place, on Friday avening of tbia week, April
I 2ntb. The publio generally are Invited to attend.
I Mr. A. II. Shaw, of this place, has
i liken poiaeielon of whet ! known ai the " Conor
1 .Store," in Curwrotrllle, wbtre he Ii pulting In a
1 full and complete itook of general uerchaodife.
1 We learn irom tho Curwonsvillo
a . .
k Timtt that work will toon bo commenced on tha
h nw Quaker Cbureb building In the western end
I of that town. II Is to bo plain suhitantia
brick building.
I Five persons wore immersed in
aiooM creel lasi eunuay, near jar. iden. vgaeu e
saw mill, about two miles northwest of this bor
agh. Her, Mr. Flegal, pastor of Bethel Chore h
I of God, offioiatod.
F. M. Cardon Brother rfve nolico
I in our columns to day that thfy hare Jost received
a large itock of farming Implements, which they
will sell, or exchange fcr yoang horsat. Baa
I their sdvertittaweoL
G. W. ((allairher. Administrator oi
tus eute or Hugh uaiiagner, ute or uneit iwp,
deceaied, will eell at public iale, oa Wednesday,
the Iftik day of May nest, a valuable tract of
land, lituata la Chest township, a full description
i of which eaa be found In this paper. .
1 Mr. Simon Shloss, of Schuylkill coun
i 'Ti l upsoipg stock of reedy -made olothing,f ente'
furniihing goods, etc., Itt the room lately occu
pied by Wm. Reed, Id Pie's Optra flonat. The
J citiseai of Clearfied and vicinity will have an op
port unity of intpectleg bti goods In a few days.
I All kinds ol garden and flower plants
Mur sals at the Ureen Houm of Brnost Buck,
: on First rtreet, epplt the Presbyterian Parsoa-
age, Clearfield, Pa. He publishes a partial list
of plants which bo hat for sale to tbli paper.
Orders by mall (for any kind of planti) will re
ceive prompt attention.
i ' um-
There has been a slight change in
the time of osrrying tbi mall between this plaoo
and Halt Wok postoffleo, la Karlbaas township,
The mill new loaves Bait Lick oa Monday mera
log, and arrives at Clearfield la time U maka
connection with the mall train going oast at S:4S
P. M.,aiid returning, leaves Clearfield on Tuesday
morning and arrives at Salt Lick In tho afternoon.
This is just the reverts of what uiod to bo. It
then leaves Bait Lick again on Thursday morn
ing, and returns tbers Friday afternoon, as here
tofore. Save Tin Pkr Cent. The attention
of ta i -pay en Is directed to tho notice of Treas
urer McUaaghey, In another oolumn of this paper,
in which ho gives tba dates of visiting eerUla
Jiitrlsti for tho collection of Btate and County
tales, Tba law not having been repealed, as
Hated soma time linee, tbo Treasurer will make
lbs uiual round of tbo county j and all tat -payers
who dnlro to save run per cent, of the amount of
their Uses shoaM wot rail la aots the time when
ho will visit their district.
Ad opportunity Is also afforded merchants
throughout tbo ooanty to eall upon him and lift
their mercantile Irceuiei.
The Date op EAftTER. Haater Sun
day, falling oa April list, is considered Into this
tar, nnd II Is thirteen days after tho mean dats,
but It Ii to bo remarked that ia no year line tho
I introduction of tbo Uregorian calendar lito Kng
I land has the festival oocarrci oa tho latert poisl.
jbls data, April litb, though In two years, 17(11
land 1818, II fell ow March 12d, which is tbo other
'limit, la 1M94 Kaitor flu a day will fell oa April
pith, la the new tr Uregorian style, fer tho flrct
Tli ma iloeo tho year 1734, or eighteen years before
:thi style) wee teoeptod 11 England. Tbo oaly
ttaer oecailon tiaca Ibe reformation of tho eal-
an Jar by PopoUregory XIII. upon which Kasior
fcti fillca oa the lateit posiibla data was la 1
and after 1HES this will not agaia occur Ull 1V4I.
j Mountain IIocsji, Cbehson Springs.
M ht Crestoa Bpriaga, widely-famad aad Jasily
feopulsr, Bamsaor resort, looated between PltU
hurgh and Uarriibarg, aa Ua lammlt af the
Kllcgbtay Moo a tain a, end oa the Pee my) van .a
kallroad, wo leara will ha opto fer the reewptie
f guests oa Juno 10th. Ooloaet I. . Vngor, bow
lroprittor of Seventh A von as Hotel, Plliibargh,
M isle of tbo Union Depot Hotel, la that olty,
Vl'l be, as last year, tho BuptHoteadeal and
Vsnagsr. This being bis soaoad year there will
ft grsal ImpravoawaU io a cry way. This ua
prpsaaod Hummer resort Is known to bo mo of
p mtst pleetaal and enjoyable plaeos of Iho
pad tbo ooaatry. Fiao mouaiala seaaery.
K plaeoi af enjoyment aaosoroai orocjaet
Pound, shooting gtllerlas, billiard hall, Ua pin
piy, iwiagi, Ac, As. Tbo mineral waters aid
hut uoanUla air al tbil plate pouts if wonderful
ratlve powers. . , i
Me are pleased la learn ht Mr. Wm. Q
"pr, Cuhlor aad Room Clerk, who- was to
horsbly known to the many gueiti of this fsv
b resort Uit year, wi in the tm ollo danag
bssomtag roaaea, aa additioaal gaaraatoo that
h aaata of all will ha well eared for.
Suvcrnl thunder showers vlailod this
rvgioa and a. gfow'"l grata aad graii
boat a healthier eolur slaee.
, : rr , ... ,
boroagb, on Teo.y arealng or as it tM.I
April Will. Aa InvlUttua U tordlel.y tittnded
to ? try body U Attend .
More now oodu opened tbia week
at Uirliugor A Uooh'i clot u lag store, wblob will
be itilil cheeper tbtn ever. All gwd warranted
represented. Call and tee then end mttaTj
yourselves that whet be seys bo will do.
i a
Ci-ohinu Fkhtivai.. Tho Lutheran
Mite Society will close fer ib baniair witb aa
lee Cream i'eitlval, I be held tl th of
J. K. Bottorf, o Diit Tuesday evening, April
30th. A cordial Invltatlun li tittnded I lb
L1V11.T. For wind, no Eaalor crar
f - troogb tin I latitat J. with ons-belf loch
eero u tu on delivered in ton borough hit
Sunday. It blew a heavy gals nearly tba entire
day, without any mpoet for films, bate, or
pin hack.
A Failure. Some of the old weath-
ereocks sometime ago prophesied that wo would
have a flood In our it ream on Baiter ; but it
ended alt In wind. Wo had luti of fcow on that
day, but ao rain, and, eoniequantly, no flood.
Paint and sinoer are alike disappointed.
Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills
would aay to his friends nnd former patients that
ho hss not retired from p tactic as bio been io
iLdustriouily circulated by somo portoni. but will
i Dtinuo to give hit peratitial attention to all who
may desire it, or to sulci Dr. Holobhold when
ever required. Nitrous Oxide Gns given for the
I ainlesc eitractlon of teeth. April 34-tf.
. . .. i
Not having time to write an adver
tisement tbic week, I will Just say to my patrons
that I bava received one of tba best and largest
stock! of dry goodi, notions, trimmings, millinery
goodi, oil olotbs, carpetf, wall papsts, Ac, ever
brought to Iowa; end tbey will bo sold very
cheap. wm. Risk,
At the Be Hive.
- m mm i
Kom antic Marriaob. The Muney
(Pa.) Luminary sayi that a stmt what rotxieatio
marriage oatue off In Muticy week before last.
The groem reildel In that vicinity snd the bride
wai a re 1 dec t of a distant olty. Tbey had never
seen each otbtr, nor bad any knowledge of oarb
other, except through a ihort oorroipoodence and
by Ibo exchange of photographs, until the bride
arrived at Money nation, where the groom met
her, and tbey were nt ones driven to tho rei Idcocc
of a Bin liter of Muncy and Ibero married.
a .!
Terrihlr. Mr. and Mrs. Israel
Frccse, of Snow Shoe, tbic county, have ioit four
oblldrcB from diphtheria liacc the Jith of Feb
ruary tail, when the fir it, a little daughter named
Carrie, aged S ycari, S montbi and 26 dayi, dlid ;
on the 18tb, three dayi afterward, Willi Freeie,
aged A yean, 7 months 14 days, died j on the 8th
of Maroh theie two deaths were full wed by that
of Joseph L. Freeie, aged 10 yean and 8 dayi,
and od the t'2d of March, Thomas Frees, sged
8 years, 11 months and 33 days also died. Wo
do not know whether those afflicted parents have
any children left or not, but such an affliction Is
awful aad' baffles all attempts al eonscattoB.
Beleoutt Wntekmtn.
Fatal Accident. Last Saturday
Isaac Miller, of Lcuiont, known among his friends
and acquaintances as "French Isaac," was com
ing towardi Leiaont from Centre Purnaoo with a
load of fnrnlturc, when a small table fell from the
load od to one of the wheels, cauilug suob a
racket as to frighten tbo bono. Mr. Miller, Id
reaching fur tho table, toil hie hold on one the
reins. When bo reached the bridge across Spring
ereek, neei Wasioo'i pottery, the wheel oaioc off
the wagon, sod hone, wagon aud driver fell over
tbe bridge, Mr. M iller under the wagon and horse
Ho was taksn boms, but died from his Injuries at
8 o'clock that evening. Mr. Miller was hotel
keeper at tho Cniumings House, Belle font e, for
tho lest two years, and went to Lea oat to open a
hottl on tbe first of April. He leaves a wife and
six children to mourn his untimely death.
RelUfunU Repuhiimn, 1
Printing OmcE Secrets. Tho vet
eran editor of the Jersey Shore Herald ctales tho
onto truly la rhls way i A properly conducted
printing o flics Is ai much a secret ss a Masonic
lodge. The priotcn are sot under oath of secrecy,
but alwayi feel thcmielvsi as truly In honor
bound to keep office secrets as though triple-ontaed.
Any employe In a printing office who willingly
disregards tbic rule would not oaly be teamed by
bli ft llowi of the craft, bat would lose b is position
at ones. Wo make this statement because It
sometimes happens that e com monies t ion sppearc
io a newspaper under an assumed Dame, wblob
excites comment, and various parties try to find
out who ii tbo author. Let all be saved tho
trouble of questioning tbe employes of a printing
office. They axe know-nothings oa these points,
aad on suob mat ten they have eyes aad oars, ba I
do month i aad If tbey fall In observe this rule
they are put down as dishonorable mitnben of tbe
era It.
Notes of the Huntingdon Presby.
TtRT. Tbo Hantiagdoa Presbytery, la teuton at
Mllroy, Pa., oa the loth Inst., elected Revi. N. O.
White, of WiUiamsburg, aad T. J. Sherrad, of
MifHIatowa, and Elders David Wilson, of Port
Royal, and John M. Tustey, of Sinking Valley,
at delegates to the General Assembly, which
meets ta Pittsburgh on Thnrsday, May lath.
Within Ibe year Just closed special lellglous
Interest hat been felt la a number of tbe Churches
within the bounds of this Presbytery, especially
tboro of Morritdate, McVeylown, Alexandria and
Ml. Union. - - - v .. r
Ad Intercittbf, report front (he Women's Pres
byterian Foreign Missionary Society being read,
tba Presbytery recommended that tbe lad lei of
every Cbnrob within fuboanls organic Women's
Foreign Missionary Societies.
Rev. W. 0. Kuhn rt signed hii pastoral charge
al Sbatle dp Ho feci to Kansas ihortly,
Iter. B. P. Foresman was called to the Churches
of Bigler and Kylertowa, Clearfield county.
Rev, R. V. Wilson was called to Perrysvlllr,
aad arrangements were made for bis iostallatlon,
Aa adjourned meeting of Presbytery will he
hold at Bedford, Jaly 9th, 1871.
CLBiHriaut, Pi., April 12, 1878.
Mil. Euiron : I would respectfully ask a brief
spaoe In the columns of your paper, la order t
note some things that are noticeable In the article
under tho beading of MHuoeeeeful Operation,
wnicn eppearca in me last issue oi toe journal.
ur what applies to Htas Me Alpine, either dl
rectly or Indirectly, personal or otherwise, I have
nothing to say. " All's well that ends well " I
nave no reflection l cast upon the editon of tbe
Journul, for their duties as journalists are such
as to render them excusable for many omissions
and errors which sometime appear in the columns
ol tneir paper; bat mere is no excuse for those
who write and deliver tho article for publication.
l snail ae itgnnte fry e iriy as l proceed, whl
parts of Ibe article 1 dctlgn to actios, and who the
victim is. The motive will becxplaiaed at some
future time.
la tbe Brat rlaot. It Is safe and vers nrener to
say, that Washington L. Atfee still survives, not
withstanding the illiterate biographical sketch of
bis life, which was attempted ia the article above
mentioned. I am not sure, however, that ft would
be reasonable and eerrtot to cay, that tf bio tDr.
AUee ) eyes bad rested opoa that famous "lOQal,
whether bio delicate and refined sensibilities
would not bavebnen violently shocked, and grave
double entertained for hie well being. Imagine
ibe cnagrlo tbat would have aeea aeplcled oa his
naturally pleasing contenaace on beholding hie
much loved aad popular suit mutilated, euanc
od end tba essooialtoa of yean ratblessly broken
on by tbo aowarraotablc omission of the letter "e.
How vain would have been bic "attamDls to ex
tract common sense oat of the boogied mass of
words and dashes wnteb raoc Ibae : "aad with a
steadlnee of hand that is rare indeed, among
younger men la trie presence ol seven otbor pby
sieiaiis, tbo time occupied being jaat 44 minutes.'
Hera is steadiness, skill, rarity, age, presence, aad
time huddled to eel bar In suob an nngrammatical
aad uablnihing stylo, that be that walks very slow
cow Id neither read ner comprehend, much nsc be
The name of tbe attending pbyclclaa standi
oat ia bold relief solitary and alone apparently
teperatad from tbo world and all mankind by two
large dasaes, one on either a toe, jne prominence
and isolation of this Individ,! leads owe, In H
a float ion. to tbe. conception of that neriod ia
futurity described ia Campbell's poem of "Tbe
Last Maw," where he soys t
" Tbo no's ay bad a alekly glare )
Tbe earth with age was was.
Tb skeletons of halloas were
Around that lonely man."
Pribat-llke aWd alow stands tb elttndiag
nhvslolan, without avow the aid of a oonsulltiis;
physician, or tb comfort and console t! of a
vintint physician
What ic moat remarkable with raara t this
article is, that tt Wat dictated, rvted and cor
reeled by one, aad probably two medical mea
tbe former, tho attending physician i aad tb
latter, a aalaor vtstitng abysicsaa. The evidence
of tbo abave feet is apparent, lor ao editor, com
ma a ar aaeommoa, ooald ever have conceived or
altered each a Jaw-breaktai nam at "atWlnWe
far evwWaa turn" without hevlag had It stuffed
(at hi aofila aad explained wy tome seed leal
man. Barely, the conglomerate mass f sense less
matter, wbien net doc, rwerrea to, aa me at
tamot al dashtaa? it together, and la pieces, re
gardless f tb proper rules aad characters of
punctuation, etoo no reaecs nava ereou up a
the prwJlalaary Aweatioa of fwoe wba bat. II la
These nosegays la tb preftscloB bad better
make another literary attempt, aad, a aoel,
tbey will b able it tb fwtare, altar repealed
mental effort, t ke come etb)e display
of their literary attainments aad professional
aasHtj. .,.,!: .) : . ,
In a lata Interview with Mr. New tea, tb Ba-
porintendent, wo leara tbat the worb la tbe vari
ous departments of oar Clearfield Couoty Histori
ooa departeaeBtaef oaruiaaroeia voaal, rJI
WBa. taWi.'lWai,' ii
es ar
etc., aa may be seen la lb list which aocompa- j
ai this article.
It Ii important that every Imprevcmeal, whether
publio or private, should b properly represented.
Our lister ooaatte hnve shown to their best ad
vantage by the many elegant lithographs which
Mi fully lodinate their material resources aad the
step forward they have labia oa tho road to com
mercial Importance.
Our ei litem should se to It tbat Clearfield
County ia not behind In having Its Improvements
properly represented. The opportunity of secur
ing a view of our homes, rlvrr scenes, eh arc bet,
Ao., will not occur again for many yearo, Il It
hrituty dirt4 hy all ibat tbe worb la tbe view
department may b so comprehensive that Ike
I lluslrated portion of Ibo Atlas may fairly repra.
seni tbe improvemonts of tbe county t and to do
this, our tar wen, lumbermen and osorcbents must
oi stand aloof. This leetura of tho Alias Is both
rnatuental and netful, and Is second to ao other
seotlua of the work. Mesm. McKissoa and
Mann are now calling opoa Ih eiliaens la the
various townships, and on their return w hope
to bear a favorable report of our people 't liber
ality and publio enterprise.
Kxtra oopies of ibo engravings ar furnished
thuee who nave views taken, which enables the
owners to have those pictures of their homes
encased in ireaies, or send them to their friends
rending la other parts of Ibe country. Tbo fol
lowing are the names of some of our eitiicns who
have already contracted to have views of their
homes and buildings inserted In tbe Atlas i
Portrait nf Hen. William Bigler.
Bird's-eye view of the town of Curwcncvilto.
First school house In Clearfleld ooanty.
i clear na lb.
Hoa. William Bigler Resident and lawn.
Judge U. R. Barrett- residenoe and offloo.
U. b. Qoodlaoder residence and interior view
of printing offlo.
Judge J. B. McEo ally rest Jeaot and sur
roundings. S. J. Row A Bob front aad latrlor flow of
printing offloo.
S. J. Row resideace.
A. B. Shaw resident and surroundings,
Jamci B. Graham rasldenot, bank block and
other buildings.
Richard B haw residence, mills and surround
ing!, including tbe West Clearfleld fair grounds.
Leonard Graded School building and surroud
logs. George Thorn si done and surroundings.
A. J. Logan residenoe and surroundings. ,
Frank Fielding residence and grounds,
W. M. Shaw residence and grounds.
James Kerr insuraoo omce.
Dr. J. P. liurt'biield residence and office.
Capt. P. A. Uaulin rasideno and store.
Hoa. John PattoDtresldenee and farm scene.
Mist Annie M. Irvln, view of the Jobn Irvio
estaie property, constating of mills, lumber and
raiting scones on tbe Susquehanna river.
H. H. Braioard interior view of printing offloo-
K. A. Irrln view of the Irvln homestead.
Dsn id Goodlandcr hotel, store, and farm
Reuben H. Moor residence and sarrouadloga.
Moore A Hamilton store at Luthersburg.
Dr. Reuben V. Bpackman residenoe and offlo.
J. 11. fcdtngcr residence aad store.
Charles Mariball residence, cabinet shop and
Lewis B. Carlile-vltw of taw mill, thiaglt
mills and surroundings,
Eraitut Luther residence and farm scene.
Mejur Martin II. Luther reside uoc and faros
David Ream i residenoe, sawmill, timber and
J. II. Seyler mi dene and farm seen.
Jobepb Scylor, Jr pottery works, residenoe and
John Rrams reside no and farm scene,
J. W. Corp residenoe aod farm scene.
Kliaa Risbel residenoe nnd surroundings.
G. M. Thompson residenoe and farm scene.
Kesiab Poettothaalt residenoeand farm Ken.
Christian Smith residence and farm view.
P. W . Drencher-hotel, surroundings and farm
Frederick Kohler residence aod farm scene.
T. F. Risbel rasideno and form scene.
II. H. McGe A Bro. homestead, mill, otbor
buildings aod surrounding scenery.
II. L. MoUet residence, saw mill, school
house, river view and surroundings.
Jamot ftloGoa residence, old McGe homo-
stead, other buildings and surrounding farm
Angus Miller residenoe and surroundings.
J. W.MoGoo residence, Saw Mill, surround
ing soenery, and interior view of Saw Mill.
John r. lite residence and surroundings.
Robert Mabaffoy view of residence, church.
otbor buildings and surroundings.
James ai an aaey residsnoe, river view, and
surrounding forest scene.
atiRRsiDB to wna air.
Horace Patch in residence. Bills, store, otbor
buildings, river view, Ac.
Jackson Palcain store, residenoe aad tur-
A. w. Fate bio residence, river view and sur
John u. Conner resldeae and store.
Georre Palohio residoueo and surronndlncs,
V. Ton kios residence, river view and sur
jobn amg residenoe and lurroaadtngs.
James MoMurray view of reef dene and store,
A. Betes mi ideno and surroundings,
David Forcey view of homestead, with sur
round in vs. and farm scene.
Samuel r. Wilson, Bsq residence, tarn build
ings una inrm oeeae.
jona eiewart.or view or ta Stewart aoi
Daniel Stewart residence, lurronodini and
larm soene.
A. L. Freeman residenoe and surroundings
'', aiccAau fewwamp. tj '
C. Copenb aver residence and farm view.
J. M. Smith residence aad farm view.
Jobn Lie nt ner reeidene, corrovndingc aod
farm view.
B. (I. Davis residence, surround ings and farm
Philip Do Us residenoe and farm.
Samuel 11 eg arty rasideno and inrroundlnga.
1060 s Tow as Hi p.
John W. Kyler reiidcBoa, surroundings aad
farm soene.
L. M. Coo dr let resideace, mills, store, farm
view at.
M. B. Conway rasideno aad farm view.
J. C. MeCtoskey rasideooe and farm.
Dr. W. Potter residence and lurroundlngi,
aaox fowatatp.
James Ca I hoart residenoe and farm soene.
Wm. M. Catbcart resideBoe and farm aceae.
Conrad Raker residenoe and farm.
B. C. Snyder residence and farm.
Revjheti Caldwell rssidenee aad farm.
R. R.Fleming view of reeidene. "
r . ' ; L paaritta. , i
Dr J n Kline rtsldeaoo andoffiea.
P C Bowman residence and Surroundings,
O D Wood exterior and interior view of drag
Mn. Julia A. LaToUche rcildeno aad inr-
roun dings.
attsToa rowBsaip.
W D Woodward, Jr residence, lurrouadlogs,
taw mill, tie.
J 0 Tyler rasideooe and farm view. ,
J B Hewitt residence and farm view.
David Horning residue and (arm view.
' rata towribip.
Wm t Johnson residenoe and farm view,
Jobn Wt do ml re reside no aod farm view.
Samuel Wideiaire reeideac aad farm view.
Joseph Davis residenoe an of farm view.
Bliiha M Davis resident and farm view.
Patriob Daily residenoe and faise view.
Jaion A Thomas Kirk residenoe and farm
Joseph Kirk resldeae and surroundings.
A C Moor resldeae and carreaaditgt.
wood w Ann towbship.
John M. Chase reside and farm.
R. 8. 8 tewert reeidene and rlvr view.
Alexaader Murrey reeidene, tenant boast
and cemetery.
Klah Johnson residenoe and surrcundlncs.
Dr. J. P. Hoyt residence and earroandings
ana river view.
James Johnioa A fioa-reaidcae mlllt and
avaou citt.
P. 8. Vtber Interior view of dry goods store.
Long A Brady ietert or view of hardware More.
J. Hmercua view or ventral Hotel.
Job a Da Bo Is Residence, mills, ether build
ing! sad surroundings.
jonn namtarger residenoe aaa grouadt.
K. Kunta City Hotel building.
Moses Oweat residenoe and larm view.
David G sarhart reildeae. farm view i
ooal benk-
, raaausoa towrsbip. ,
J. D. Fer gueoa reel deaee aad farm vlw,
C B Wood reside and sarreaadlags.
tloba A. M array residence aad farm vltw
Mai. D.W.Wise residence, other balldliigs aad
asm view.
Joseph M. BBaaeer view of tallL
Lever FlegsJ rtsidtaea, sarroBBdraga aad
mra brdo,
A. O. Otdoa resideace. farm Tlew a a mdl.
Mrs. Biiaabsth Carr residence and swrreand-
amal PeltettoB pttidebtt aad farm view.
Clara Browm .rcotdooao and farm view.
Leaadee Deaail a reotdoaoe aad asrei view,
Ilea. A. 0. Tata farm reeiee aad sorrowed
Abraai HamphroT Resldeaeo aad larm view,
Famewl Browa reeideae aad farm view,
lleary J. Mosul reeideae aad farm vfcrw.
4. C. F reel reeidene, (arm aad river view,
j at'Lica rowRsaip .
lames Fkyaa view af resident aad tarrewaeV
Ooorg M. Drisbla-sldeja aad kawa.
D. K. Gisd rtstdeaot aad law.
Ceo I W III Lam reside tad Mrrewadiegs
d. m. net iey reeiaeneo aaa term coon.
Joseph Seyler resldeaeo Bad aarm ttea.
James AadorsB htel aad blaahnaiie) ol
William Welly resideace and farm.
L. ft. DrMskvr resiawae and ftwfli vtw.
Charles Browm residenoe aad tarreaadlags
id farm tewne.
George C looser reside aad tarreaadlnfs.
uonata rowaaaip.
Phllln Knox reside dco aad (bras view.
1 tt T'Jil mt'"' end f.m vlrw.
I.-; r.TT7'WF-7avr-.
Kviecwwa. Mere aad sarrvani
Adam Moyer raSMOaaa, tarrwoauiage mam
farm sceao.
Jamee L. SSewart view el farm, fhra Valid'
Inge and tarreaadings.
Jamot Pasimore Hotel and bam.
Albert Owea resldeae and banklug-rooea.
Robert Lloyd -view of tb LUyd Hoaie,
Aad maay ether.
New dress goods! New dress goods I
at Fleck A Oo.'i
Vnlritunml huh &nd bonneUat
Fleck A Co.'t. .
60,000 railroad tioa wantodby A. G.
Kramer 30. J. v-tf.
Twenty five dozen of ladha' skirta
Jut received at Fleck A Co.'s.
Wanted. 50,000 railroad ties, at A.
0. Kramer A Co.'s, Clearfleld, Pa. Jan. If.
. mm a mum i ' '
One hundred ladies' linen suits for
salt at T. A. Pleck A Co.'s.
A. G. Kramer & Co. want 60,000 rail
road Use. Ju
Ladioa' cash more ooati just oponod
aad for aalt al Flock A Co.'t.
300 parasols iust received and for
tale al T. A. rwot uo. e.
j r .
A lartre assortment of millinery
goods aad cheap trimmed hats for aalt at T. A.
Flock A Co.'s store.
- mm
Salt ! Lvtle bw just reoeivod n
othar lat of In. Sal I, lari.rt tlw4 IwllM aaaka,
aa ta. artlila aa. b. had a two tollan agala.
Wantid I 1.000 oorda of Ilomlock
aad Rock Oak Bark, far whlik w. wiU pa, Ik.
aigaaat aarkat ,rioa..
JjlW. A. a. lum O.
Romombor that Jjvlla ii County (or Lortlllard'l TobMed, ao oan aall them
at (actarjr prioaa. Tk,j ar. tb. bait tobama il
ark.U Trj than.
At tbe Republican office la tbe place
toartjoarlobworkdoaa. Wa ara fallj pr.parW
ta do anjtiiof la U. printlaf Ilia, UI do It
w.U, aad at tba ri(bt kiad of priew. tf.
T. A. Flack A Co. will have, In few
da;., a alaa Una of ow carp.U la plaoa to .all
from. Alio.raOTirlaga baodwra. llo.ot atnplo.
of Bnu.aU wrpat. frooi tba larfMt aaanfaatory
la th. world B. 8. Hlicai Oompaor. N.w
TorkCltj. J aprld,
List of lettors remaining unclaimed
la tb. PoitoHoa at OlaarHald, for tba wa.k .adla,
April 11, 1878 :
Mra. Lltil. Aadenoa, Mil. Laura V. ElllDar,
Joba H. Olllllaad, Irrla M. Ilonrll, Jobn II.
My.n, A. M. HulballaDd.
P. A. Oltilia, P. M.
A Fact. AnadTortlBeinentlnaortocI
ia tba Rirtiiuca will raaob aiora mdan tbaa
If pabliibad la all tba otb.r p.pari la tba ooao
tj.aod aoit tb. adrartlMt iaai tbaa on, blf
Ia oth.r worda, aa adrartlMiiuat pabllibad ia
oar jcaraal ia wortb dooU. tba pria. af tbat
obarfrad bj aay olh.r publl.b.r la tb. ooualj.
'It U a fant. U.
Jamea P. Staver A Co- of tbia place,
raapMtfull, iafom tb4r old eattoaim, aad a.
aa, am aa a. aaa, tmt Uaaa witb lb.ll pat-
roaafa, tbat that ara rwalTlag aa axtaaai,. ttMk
of boraa faraialtlDg gwoila for flprla, aad 6aaai.r
waar, whlah tba; will dlipoaa of at tba lowaat
poMibla prioaa. Tbalr aadila aad haraaa. depart
aiaat 1. 6nt.olaai la .Tar partio.lar, aad aoa.
bat lb. brat aialerial la and ia manofaotariag.
' - ' ' aprlMt,
Cououb, Colds and Consumption.-
' A .old la but a .light tblng ; I av.r aaa aa,
adioiaa wbca I bava a eold." How eftaa do wa
bwr tbia frota tblakiag paopla, .raw, whoa wa
would gl.a aradlt for mora oaatloa, If aot aaaaa,
A Mid, no aatl.r how alight, aught aot to b.
a.glwtad, for It will load t. a aaagh, aad aaaataat
aoagblng to ioflauaatlon, wal.b qalatl, bat rap
idlj ataaU Ita way t. tba lang., andlag la a rapid
aonaaaptloa. & K. Thompson', laprorad
Cough Sjrup ha. baan bafor. tba public forycart,
and thouaaada taatif, to ita good alfaat. la ourloi
.oogb. f long ataadlag and daap aaatad, aa wall
ai tba aoat raoaaU
Pnparad bj B. K. TbompMa, Tltanlll., Pa.
PrlaM, ata. aad II par bottla. Bold la Claar.
tald b, 0. D. WaUoa, and Hartiwlak A Irwla.
Cliaiviild Coal Trade. S late
nt af Ooal aad .thar fraight. aaat .aar th.
T;roaa A Claartald DlalaM, Paaaijlaaala Rail.
raad, for th. waak aadlog April 18, HTI, aad
tha aaaa tlaa laat ,aar I
Tor tha waah ........
Saao tlma laat ,aar..MM..
PraTlouil, during jaar
Saaa tia. laat jaar.....
... 4,UI
Total In 1878
Baaa tiaa laat 7Mr...
........... 148,118
eraaa raaiaan.
Luabar u
..185 oara.
Hiaaallanaou. fraigbta
.. tl
Inflating thi Currency. Tbe
Brook villa MejnAUtmm says t for tome weeks
past Mr. David Shields, aa eld resident of Olovor
township, has bee quite www ell, aad fearing that
bit tint ea earth was short, a few days ago
tailed t bit bedside bit sea, B. M. Shields, aad
I a formed him tbat tf be weald dig Into tb earth
t a eortafa spot back of bis house be would And
aomo BiODey. Tho soa did so, aod bli search
broagbt ta light a largo qBtvatltf f sliver money,
Dalted States coin, Mexican dollars, five-Franc
placet la all $700, which be broagbt to Iowa and
deposited witb Messrs. W. F. Clark A Boo, Baak-
ers. Tht money had been bid away for about
thirty years, and lit secret biding plat wai only
known I its owner, and la case of bli saddea
death woald bava very possibly beea lost catlrely
la bis family. At simple Interest tbt sum would
bav had doubled Itself twloe j bat thai eraat of
toandeao which aompeRed Mr. 8.l dig and
bid bit talent la the ground has prove asar
disss l rots avta tbaa tbat af bit historical proto
type, ft tb Messrs. Clark allowed hla loss tbt.n
its fate value for bis deposit." -
iNciNDiARiati. We loarn trom tbe
Pkillnobarg Jownaaf, af Satarday but, that shortly
after II .'atM aa Xoaday algal, April lllh, tha
large aaadaa boaea, woll-kaowB as tka Allpan
property, situated a .hort dlataao. east af the
Phillpsbarg borough Ubo, oa tbe BeHafbat. tora-
plka, waa dUaorarad oa flra. -AKkoagb wkM
8 rat aaaa, tk. tr. waa aoa I aad to tb. aoathwat
room 1b tba aOMad atory .f th. baok haildiag,
yet aa acMuat at tha lack af balp aad aaaa. for
qaaaeblag tba taaas, which ipnad aa rapidly as
to ba hayoBd aalr.l, by tba Ilea, tha alarm
brought tb. eltlsans t. tba spat. Tba property
baleags t. Bargasa J. N., aad bad baaa
pled by Dr. . Allpart aad family, aatll
withla toaa tea day. prior to tha In
wh.a they rem.vad Iberefroa, aad Mr. Oaaa
aova bad aada but arraageaaatl ta ewupy tha
a this waak, wbiob laleatioa hss baaa
frastrated by soma taad ia huaaa ahapa, wba far
pasooal raveage, ar atherwlaa, applied Iba lawe
diary's tarah, aaaslng tb. daelraalUa af tbl. ta.
aad varaahH) praparty. Th. Irtt alara waa aada
by throe yoaog aaa, Jaefc Waagh, Jaaa. Bud'
aoa aad Joha Floah, aroasiag th. amareet aeigh'
bors, Dr. Clan aaa- Kllaa Baba, wba promptly
pmiitel la thaballdl.g, bat, as besVrereeaaAed,
ware powarlae. faff tha waat af water aad baekels
t. sabdee ta. rapidly aprawdlag laaa. - Ka
doabt (list, aa ta tba Ira Mag aaarad by tba 1b-
aaadiary'a bead, hat as yet aaly fatat aasplalaa
paUls ta tb, guilty arrwbab. Tba piapartp waa
taeared wr tt,8N, althaagh 18 a. eoako (oat
daabl. that aaa whea It waa belli, aaoat tflaaa
years ag. Wa hay. a.1 laaraad whether Mr.
Caeamva will raamlld iaaaadlataty ar eat.
, UpetUU:
Pea iLB. Bli freak alleh aaws far (ale by
tha BBderslgaed, la Lawraaaa towaship, feuf
aUaa aaalhweataf Claailald.
Maa. lv P. ItBowaaa.
April Oorw.asiUla, Pa.
Wonrwa All aaraaa. ara harawy aat
traraaee aa ay Laads adjaialag tba a
of Iba tamgh f Camrlald, ar, la a
Monrai All
a saw harawy aatltad aat to
li aa
Bay way, ia
aaaea, take, ar dlatarb tha tab la tba paad e
said load. By glvlag haad ta tbia aallaa, bras
pMsars will avaid traabla. I bmbb hwiBaaa.
Jaaaa A. Mooaa.
CleartesJ, Pfc. April 14, 1878-lt,
Waaraa.-4ewM waily l.srvd panoa ar Artist
ta aa.Bta.tar. Laraaa ( Par aat Sua C.bvab
Pmtbbbb ia tbia aawaty, aa Royalty. PalBtad
froa pbotograpba ar Bay pletara. aaa U tba
Piaaet Oil Paiatiag auatto. Bafar. tka territory la
takea I will aaiat .vaiaraa 8al8 tar tit aad
waraat tbaa far life. Bvery praaa sbaald bav.
oaa, aa uit ratauag. aa ueava. ar. ta. Mly
twaraa last wiis etaaa ia. laat ar tlaa, aaa aaa
i baadad dowa to pwatnily. Partlealars fraa.
Boy. T,1i7r-I.T. Corry City, Pa.
ai hoa
. .. 4,8.8
. .. 1M.T.9
tame aad VbobvaIL!. D. W. Jordan has oa
hands, dally, PRUSH VIGRTABLUtf aad all
binds of FRUITS, which ha will deliver t tas
tomen la any part of the Iowa.
Clearfield, Pa Jap.l, ie7t.tC
.111 Immaaaal. tMealur aawaitfti ui'm JTrAjr,,
and deservedly so, for It is Ibe moat saluUry or
boautifltrs and purlflcn. Bold by all Druggists.
Hill's Hair A Whisker Dye, Black or brown,
AO teale. apr!4-t.
Pa teas. Sawing Macblaeteaaaow bepurohased
at Merrell's tin abd variety itore, from to op
wards. All kinds of sewing maohiaes repaired
ob tbo thorttst notice.
Clearfleld, Pa., July Hi 18"T.
Wkti. t 180,800 18-laeh abarad ihloilaa
to avaraga froa t to 8, Inch., for wbiob w.
will pa; iba hlgbaat .- prloa.
f.b.18 tf. Ciaarleid, Pa.
tlnaaia. ton HaLu. R. Nawtoa Shaw kaana a
full supply af PradoaiB Buggiaa aad Platfora
Wanna for aala. Ta ba aaaa al tha Shaw Houaa
yard. Call on or addrau hla at Claar&ald Pann
jlraola. may U-tf.
4 4 Remarkable Result.
It nauaa ao diflcraeaa bow aany pny.lelaol,
or bow auoh aadloiaa you bara triad, It it now
aa aitabliihcd faat tbat uaraao nyrup I. tua only
p.rn.d. whlah baa (Iran aoaplata aati,faotion in
tttm oaaaa of Luna Dlaaaa.,. It la trua tbara
ara y.t tboataoda of peraoa, woo ara praotapoaaa
ta throat and Luna Alfotlont. Consumption,
H.mnrrh.a... Aslbnia. Saa.r. Colds aattlad on
th. UraaaL Pnaumooia, Whooping Couah, Ae.,
who bava no paraonai aouaiaug. of uoaanaaa
tf araaa Syrap. io saoa wa woaia aay uat au,.
COO doaan wara aold last year without ooo aom
plalBU ConsaaptiTS. try Just aaa bottle. Heg-
aiar aiaa, io aaata. f v. i. uj w. v. ..uu,
Claartald, Pa. Hay U, 1877-aow-ly.
Don't be Detetted.
it ana nereooa aay "I haven't aot tbo Consutnn-
tlaa'whea askad to euro their aough with 611-
loh's Consoaptioa Cora. Do tbey aot know
that Caoahs lead ta Consuaptton and a remedy
that will our. CoBiaaptioa will oorlainly euro
a eon ah r aay lung or inroat troaoio. w e anow
It will oar. whea all others fail and our faith la
it la ao positiva tbat wa .will refuod tha priea
paid If you raoelve bo baoaflt. Ia aot this a fair
proposition. Prloa, 18 al. 80 Ota. and $1,011 par
bolt a. for aaa Chest, Beta ar Blue, us. Bill
lob 's Poroas Plaeter. Prloa, 18 eta. for aala by
all Druggists of unarnen, '
Why will yoa snfet with Dyspepsia abd llvar
aoaplaint, Ooastlpatlba, aod gooeral debility
wbea yoa aan gal at oar sioio odiiob e eyaan
Vltaliser wbiob wa sail on a positive auarantaa
to aura TOQ. PrlM 10 ots., and 7o ota. For sale
by all Draggtata or . isaroeia.
UACKMETACK, a popalar and fragrant par-
fume. For sale by all Druggist, of Claartald.
Dae. I, '77-era.
At tht Pin Orov M. B. Parson ager Centre
county, ta Thursday, April 11th, 11 H, by Rev.
li. Linn. air. a. n. uautnerij, or viearnciu
eoanlv, and Miss Catharine J. Pennington, of
Centre county.
At tbt residenoe of the bride's parents, on
Tuesday, April ltib, 18TB, by Rev. W. H. HI
dridire. Mr. T. II. Duyle, of Frederick City, Md.,
and Miss 6. E. Daley, of Pbilipsbnrg, Pa., for
merly of this piece.
In Knox township, od Monday. April 1Mb,
1818. of consumption, Mr. William tilena, aged
0.1 years, 1 month snd 18 days.
Glbabpibld, Pa., April
23. 167U.
Floor, per ewt...
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt -
Cora Meal, par owl H
Chop, rye, porowt ,
Chop, mixed, per cwt..M....,....M
Gran, per cwt
Wheat, per bnabel....MH..H
Rye, per bushel
Oats, per bushel ....
Cora, ears, per bushel M
$3 SO
S 00
1 80
. 1 60
1 4
1 00
1 15
so 40 to 100
Buckwheat, per bashel
Potatoes, per bushel..,.
Applet, per bushel
i laws, per pouoa ...
Shoulder, per pound MaM...
Dried Beef, per
S 00
Chickens, per pair.
cutter, per pound
Eftgs, ptr doten. ..,...
Ball, per lack, large ......... a...
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Apples, per pound
Dried Peaches, per pound,,-..
Beans, ptr bushtl
1 60
PaiLinii.rHll. Aorll 11. Plourtary quiet; su
pertnes,)3 WKt; aitras, 14 60(a,5l Pennsyl-
vanla laaliy, o toitao aoj hiubwub, av mvity
8 Z8f patent and aign grades, a. auttya.
Rya floor, $3 87.
W beat quiet and (toady aabar, tl 84 I SB
red, 81 I0(3il 8i white, tl 'ftl
Cornaaal, tl To.
Corn 8rm : tandlna: uoward : yellow, 53o I all
ad. 6 Ita. bid : May. Miet Juoe, 81 j July, 88a.
OaU qui.t aod steady Pannsylrania wbita,
SS(ai344a: waslera do., J3(g,34)o do. aiaad.
Naw Toaa, April 31. Floor Stat, and waat-
ara qulat; prloa witaoutdeoldaaoaangai aouta
arn anebaagad.
Wheal nuiat and Ann.
Cora I.w.ri aiiad western, At56fc
for spot A1((98M for futaraa.
Oats staady aliad watara aad State, Sl
88o wait, do., 33(0,400.
fiMf oulat.
Pork heavy t aew aess. 89 78010.
Lard a shade Oraer j staaua rendered, t7 171
Hay i ,7 13), June.
Hatter keaty.
Whisky qulat western, tl 88.
CntcAOO, April 11. Plourdoll and uaohanged.
Whaat fairly artl.ei Na. 1 Chicago aprlag
it iut(t loirorAprtli at l(a)l lot lor May
tl 08i(i,l OBI for Juaat No. S do.. 81 0o.
Cora ataady, falrdaaaadt 40o foraasb 40,0
for April 41,0 for Kay 41olor Janaj reJMt
ad. 884a.
Oats ia fair deaaad i 1(11. for easb 181a for
Aprllj 8fl4e for May aod June.
Rya trmari i8in,5t..
Barley dull, waak I 48io.
gfw artlSfmtBts.
Wnaaaii, Btra. 0. A. MaTBR, President
Judge -of tha Court of Oomaoa Plea, .f
tb. Tweaty-lfth Judicial District, eonrpoxd af
tha aoaallea eruiearneld, ana unnien
aad Boa. Abba Oodbb aad Boa. VtBoaar B
Uolt. Asaoelata Judaa. of aoanty
have iasaad their areoapt, to aa dlraotad.ror tni
holdloa of a Cart of Conaoa PlaM, Orphans'
Uourt, UOBrl at wnartar oaasioas, uoart oi uyer
aad Taraiaar. aaa uourt of ueneral Jail uenr
ary, at the Coart II aaaa at Olearfleld, la and for tbe
oouBtTortilearBeiu.ooaaoaeing oa ma ,uirw
Monday, tiia mini aay oi nay, ioib. ana
to Bontlnu. two WMks.
H0TICB IS, therefor., hereby given, to thi
Coroaar, Jaatloa, of tb. Peaoo, and Constables,
ia aad fer aaid oouoty of Cloarfl.ld, td appear la
their proper pereoas, with their Reoorda, Rolls,
Inquisition., Ktaalnation., and .Ibar Remoa
branoaa. to do thoaa thinie which to tbalr oBoca,
aad in tbalr behalf. parUIB to a. aoaa.
By aa Aat or Assembly, passed tne ib aay.oi
May, A. D. 1884, II ie aada Iba duty of tba Jus
tin, of Iba Peao. of Iho several eouatie. af tbl.
Oaamoaweellh, I. ratara to tha Clark of tbo
Curt of Quarter fiasslooa of tb. roepeotivo
aouutlea, all tba raoogBlaaoow-aalarad lato bafor.
tbca by aay peraoB-er paraoaa ahargad with tbe
aaaalssioB of any crime, aaoept eueb aaaa. .1
aaay be ended berure a Justloo of tba Peace, .B
dar ai Istlng laws, at laaat tea days before Iba
oomaeaooaoot of tba eeeeloa of th. Court to
which Ibay ar. aaoj. r.turnablaraspaotlvaly,aad
In all ease, where any reoognlsaacea ara aatarad
lato leas than tan days before theoommonooaent
of tha aaasioa to which tbey ara aa.1e raturna
bla, tha aaid Justloee ara io return tba same la
tba earn, aanaer as if aaid aot bad aot beea
GIVEN aad.raykant at, thi, I7lh
day of April, In tb. year of oar Lord, M.
tboueand tight hundred aud seventy-eight,
eprl7-ta ANDREW PKMTZ, Jr, Sharif.
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
ON aad aftrr Moaday, Dec. loth, 1177,
tha peaeeager tralna will ma dally (aieapt
Sunday) Utwaaa B-d Baak and Driftwood, as
followa i
KATWABIWDa; Mall laava. Pittsburg
1:10 a. a. Red Baak 11:88 1 Sllga Janotloa 11(8,
Naw Betbl.hea 1:07 p. a.l Maysvilla 1:18 1
Troy 1:88 Brookvlllo 1:01 1 rullor's 1:88 I Rey
aoldsvilla 1:81 1 D.Bole 1:18 1 Bomalt Taaael
1:48 1 Peaaald 4:88 1 Wa.dvllH) 4:11 1 Baaasatt.
4:80 arrlvaa at Driftwood al 8:88.
W FJSTW A R DDey Mall leaves Driftwood
Hill p. a. Benaaatto 1:8 Waadvlll. 1:40!
Penleld 1 48; Summit Taae.l 1:07 1 DaBalal U)
Bayaoldsvllle 1:81 ; 'oiler's 1:17: Breakvllla 8:18 1
Troy l:40 Maysvilla 4:11 New Bethlakaa4:ll
Sllga JbbcIIob 8:18! Bad Baak 8:11 1 arrlvaa at
Plltabarg at 1:18 p. a.
par Tha Bayaeldarllla Aaaoaatadallaa laava.
Bayaoldsvllle daily at 1:80 a. a. aad arrlvaa at
Bad Bank al 11:00 a. a., PlUaburgb at 188 p. a.
Inavaa Pittsburgh al : p. a Bad rtoak at
8:88 p. a. srrivlag at Bay noldsvllle at t:0t p. a.
Claaa eoaaertloaa aaad. with tralas aa P. A B.
Rallraad at Drlftaaod, aad with tralna aa the
Allegheay Valley Railroad at Bad tanb.
A. A. Jacas.a, Sep t L. O. Dir.
euuariaw t. rariat.B,
Tb. aadarslgacd wawld lareras Iba paMIc that
ka Is waw raaalag a stag. Baa bwaaa Claartald
aad Pwteld, three tlaaa a waab.
Tha atag. hwraa Cleartald aa Taasdaya, Tbara
days aad SUardaya, at I e'eleah a a., arrlvlag
at Paateld at 11 e'etoak a. Betaralag bus
day.. Lmvbs al 4 .'alock p. a, arrlr
Ing at Cmerlald at 8 .'ascot p. a.
Crane. oa la aad. with tralas aa tha low
Brad. B. B. al Paateld. Fare, aarh way,
Claartald, Pe., F.h. Itl7
Sew drtrtisfmfttf
Hart opened np, la tbe store room lately occupied
by Weaver A Belts, on Seoond street, a large and
well selected stock of
Dry - Goods, Groceries,
Wblob tbey will dispose of at reasonable rata.
lor aaaa, or exonaoge tor oountry proauoa.
Claartald, Pa., Jan. 1, 1878-U.
ritOUR. ri;Ei,
Boom No. 4, Ple'a Opera Hoaae,
Claarfleld, Pa.
Kaap aoastantly oa haad
CanaeJ and Dried Fruits, Tobaooo, Cigars, Can
dial, Cider Vlnegar,;Butlar, Eggs, Ao.
Wheat and Buckwheat Flour,
Corn Meal, Chop, Feed.Cio,,
All of wblob win be sold cheap for oaah or la
axoaang. lor ooaatry prottuei.
A. u. attAMar vu.
Cl.ar8.ld, Nor. II 1874.-tf
for medicinal purposes.
Truises, Sapporters, Scboot Books and Station
ery, and all otbor articles osaally
(uand 1b a Drag Store.
FULLY COMPOUNDED. Hevlag a Urge ex
porteae la Ibe business tbey eaa give entire sat-
(Saarfleld. etebr Id, 1ST.
In tb Orphans' Court of Clearield coanty, Pa,
In re estate of Joseph Kylsr, deoeeeed.
To Klita Krlor. widow of the said deoedsnt,
Mary Selvers, (tt Kyler), and ------ Salvers, her
husband, U hones nyier, jodu -resiey nyn
Emnia Kvler and Ida Kyler, all ro'tding
Saady P. On Clerk emu county, Oregon, and
James Kyler cad Jocenh Kylsr, or rrrest Utty,
Sarttv couatv, Nobrsikn, and Elltabetb Crspc,
(no Kvlert, and John Crspc, her hoibacd, of
Fertig P. 0., Venango county, Pa., and George
Kvler. Richard kvler and Jaa Murray, (i
Kyler), and Joha Murray, her huiband, of Clear
fleld oountv. Pennivlvanla, heirs at -lew of Jos.
Kvler. late of Clackanai county, Oregon, dee d i
Teke notice, that at an Orphan's Uourt held at
CleerBeld, in and rer tain toaety, a too ma sy
of Mareb, A, D. 178, George 8. Kyler preeenlod
his net it lot to tsld Coart, letting forth that la
th year 1B6R, bt puirhaied, by agretmeat la
writing of aad front tbo said Joseph Kyler, sIboo
deceased, all the tatrett, share aad property of
said Joseph ayier, or, ta snd to a oertatn nets
ate. tenement and pleot of lead lit uat la Brad
ford wwoiblp, Clearfleld tounty. Pa,, tonlalnlag
etihly acres aiore or losi, sod known as tbe
Geo re Kvler fares, which wit OBvevod I said
Ueorc Kyler, by Deed recorded la tht otto of
tb Recorder of Deeds lor Clearfleld county, Pa.,
la Deed Book M(J " page 101, aad at the deati
said George Kyler, the elder, an Individual bare
thenof became vetted la said Joseph Kyler.
Aad farther, that bt, the mid petitioner, paid
nolo eald Joseph Kyler ta ais mo time, ibe par-
chat money la full therefor i tbat tald Jaceph
Kvler aever execute to petitioner a nee
aid premises) tbat ha died lateout Wavlog to
earvtvo mm a wiaow ana aotro eoove aamea,ena
nrtvin the cold 0rt to award aoltatloa to said
widow aad heirs of laid Joseph Kyler, to appear
la sal Vourt and show cause, tl aay uaoy aa'
why tbo said Court shtald aet deore tbat th
said eBtraei ae spectnctMiy eicoaiM aoooratng
to tho trma aad tenor thereof.
Whempoa tba eald Court did award a cltatloa
to tbe said widow and heirs of the eald Joseph
Kyler, dee'd, ia appear la cold Coart oa the 4th
Monday of May, A. D. 1678, tad ebow ase, If
any tufeey have, why tha tald prayer i sata pa
tit loaer iho aid aot bo granted ia tb aad that a
Deed of conreyaace cboald eeexeeated to the said
George I. Kyler, bp tbe belli of tald Jo. Kyler,
Aad It was farther trdered thai attic to tald
heirs box re. Id lag la Clearfleld oaty, should bo
Slvea by pablleatloa la a Bwspr pabltebed
i tald eouety of Clearfleld, aaa a copy of taid
paper eontalaiag eald Bctlee sboald be mailed to
the pecloffJoe atf dress of eatd part let,
L. J. MoaaiR,
Clerk f O. a
Apr. 1, 147MI. Hherlff.
S. Si. (kCo.'l Column. I
Market Street,
:waa,i.BJ lB"aw -ay--;
T. A. FLECK 6 CO.'
Turkey Reds, and all otbor kinds or TABLE I.INKN.Jvory clienp.
LADIES' COATS call and too tliom-tlioy aro nico.
Goes ahead of anything vcr broughtto this town.
This itock is more
KID AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen.
Kuching, Collars and Cuffs, Laoos, Now Fringes and Trimming, Now Km
broidorica vrhito and colored, Curtain Nots.
Suspenders, Shirts, Nccktiet, Undorwcar, Shirt Fronts, Silk Unndkorchioii
CMI. i id stock, tka; CARPETS
Trimming Silks, Ornnments, Featliors, 4c.
Our trimmor, MISS MEACIIEN, is with us again, ready to trim lints and
Donnets, jnat as you want them.
We bought our goods in New York and Philadel
phia for CASH, and they will be sold CHEAP.
Spring and Summer Dress Goods.
WE GUARANTEE that wo.willi sell all kinds of Dry Goods
cheaper than anyother store in Clearfield.
WE GUARANTEE polite treatment to every ono of our custo
mers, without urging them to buy.
WE GUARANTEE that we have the largest and chocest as
sortment of all kinds of Dress
and Fancy Goods in Clearfield.
Graham's Building, - - : - - Market Street,
April S7H
I. . If rS Co.' Column.
M aWWa,
Clearfleld, Pa.
oomplete than ever.
and Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery
I Hoa aaatly aaeoatad at thi, .eaa.
l We bava printed a large .ember af ta. aaw
'DTH'K A asMing of tba stockholders of
the Cleartald Flra llriok Compaoy will ba
brld at olrloe In Clamrtl.hl. on Monday, May
6th, 1878, for Ibe purpose of voting oa tba In
ortase of aaptlal aloolt of said stn.p.ny.
v. w. Dailtn,, Pa., March I tt.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curwnsvllle, Pa. Jaa. , '78-tf.
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Ourwantvllla, Jaa. t, T8 If.
Curwsnsrllle, Pa., Jan. V, '78-lf.
Prices of Shingles,
urwcnsrille, Jaa. 9, 'Tt it.
I-Ivery IHtnlile.
TH B oderslgntd begs leave to inf orm tbe pub
lic that ho Is now folly prepare to aocommo
date all la tht way of furnishing lU.eei, Doggier,
Saddles and 11 arn est, oa the shortest notloo and
sa reasonable terras. KecideBo on Locust streei,
between Third and Fourth.
Olearfleld. Feb. 4,1174.
The underlined will sell at privet sale all
that tract or parcel of land sitaatc la Decatur
township, Clearfield county, Pe., within a short
diiiane of the Tyrone A Clearfield K. and
adjoining lands of Robert Hudson and otners,
and known as tbe Jacob B. Uoarhart lot. The
said tract con tain inn 40 aereo more or loss, with
two veins of valuable ooal thereon, baa about SO
acres eleared, and Is the key to a large body of
coal about being developed. Will b sold low and
upon oasy torus, for particulars, appiy io
Clearfleld, Pa., July IS, 1876.
Hotel and Farm for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale a good farm,
containing about 71 acre of land, situate aboat
one-fourth of a mile south of IShawavilit, Clear
fleld county, Pa. There is oa the farm a good
frame building 80x34 feet, bow used as a hotel for
the accommodation of lumbermen, a good stable
18x38 teet, with all noeeitery outbuilding!, and
a yoatig orchard of tbrilty fruit trees peaches ,
apples, pears and cherry trees. The farm and
hotel ti offered at private sale, on reasonable
terras. For particulars, apply on the premises,
or by letter to LOUISA J. 1KV1N,
mar. flta bhawsvillv, Pa.
Afxriciiltural Statistics.
To tkt tttUmut of Clearfield County t
The underoigned having been appointed by tbo
Department, at Washington, principal reporter of
the Agricultural Statu tics of Clearfleld county,
respectfully requests tbe co-operation of all to
aisiit, by Bending the subieriber all tbe informa
tion tbey caa bearing upon the following ques
tion!, so as to enable him to make as correct a
ta tern rnt to the Department, as possible t How
many horses have died in your borough or towa
dbip, and of what diieate. How many cows and
calves, and of what diseaie. How many sbonp
hare you lost, aod of what disease; bow many
killed by dogs. How many hugi have yon lost,
end of what diteaee. What pri railing diioCftes
anion r, t tb poultry. In all eases give tbe rem
edies uied which bav beea found to be success.
tu), and in all cases to give the cash value ol all
stock as nearly as posaiblt. By tho oo -operation
of our citiaens In general upon thes important
particulars, the Agaicultural reports will become
an cneyciopoaiaei ueemi w.uru.iiuD w mid hm"
He, by enabling tbe Department to publish the
direatei, the loues, and the remedies tbat have
been found most beneficial in certain dUensea .
Any other information that will be considered a
public benefit, will be thankful!) received.
Addreis tbe cubtcriber at Grampian Hills,
Cleaifleld Co., Pa. SAMUEL WIDEMIHE.
March 18, 1878-tf.
At Sbaw'c old stand, Clearfield, Pa, has just
opened a new stoek of
and Is bow prepared to furnish anything la tha
the line of Drugs and Medicines at tht vsry lowj
est oaib prices.
He hat also on hand a large stock of Combs,
Hair and Tooth Brnihet, Fancy Articles, Toilet
and 6 having fkwpo, and everything usually kept
In a first-class Drug Store.
compounded with care, day or sight. A liberal
share of patronage rcspcctfulfy solicited.
Clesrfleld, Pa., Oct. U lt'1.
ricarflrlil. Pa.
Respealfullr Infaras bis easterners, aetl the pub.
lie in ,aeral, that h. eontioaea to maaufael.r.
all kinds af
Tlii,Copior & Sheet-Iron Ware,
Of first-class material only, and la a workman
like mannar.
done ob short notice and very reasonable termi.
kept ta stock, and for sale low.
Gas-Fitting and Plumbing
a specially.
O.s Ffitnres always on haail.
taad aa girt satlsraottoa.
All work gaaraQ.
A share of publio patronage aordlall, aalleltea'.
Cleartald, Pa., Ua; , lltiF.
The Bell's Run Woolen Factor j
Psnn township, Claartald Co., Pa.
Thecabttrlbtre have, at great aire to. rebel It a
aelghborhood Beoeteity, fa the ereetto f a Irtt.
dees Woolen If anafaetory, witb all tba modora
Improvement attached, and are prepared Io mak
all kinde of Clothe, Caeetmer, H at i aet Is, Blaar
kett, Flannels, Ao. Ploaty of goods ow bead to
supply til oar old and a tho rand now easterners,
wknm wa ask t come aad eiamlae ear ttotk.
Tho buiiaeoe of
will rtv oar eipeclal attontioa. Proper
arrangements will be mad to reoelv aad deliver
Wol. Io cult customers. All work warranted aad
don bwob the sbortoet atto, aad by strlat at tea-
titn to basinets we aoa tw real t a a Utral shir
f public patronage.
We will nay tbe hi (belt market arlcdat Wee.
and cell ear manufactured goods as low as ttmilaf
goods eat ba boaght ia the county, aad wbve
we fall to render reaeoaable tlfav4U wt im
a) wave be found at home ready t mak proper .
etplaoatioa, either la person or by lttr. '
JABB3 dunnoun sunn,
Ilower . O,