Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 17, 1878, Image 2

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(Ehc Republican.
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Reader. t yoa weat to hneer whet Is going oa
"ft the Saslasss Vovld, JusPreeat oor tlvertistng
eolnmas. thetyeeial oolama ia partloalar.
No nil worthy tbe iIn ef President ebnold
be wllllag to bold II If ooonled Is, or pleoed there
by any fraud. I'. Ubt.
I oould nerer have baan reeonelled to Iba ele
oatlea bo tba smallest aid af Diina of a pereoo,
however' reepoetable ii prima Ufa, wbo nail
forever earry upon bla brow tha eteunp of fraud
first triumphant la Aaarleaa history. No sab
eeqneat aotina, however merltoriotia, eaa wash
away tha letters of Ibal reoord.
Ciiablsi Faaarli Anua.
t'ndar lha forma of law, Rolherford B. Heyet
haa been declared Preiideal of Iba Unllad Slates.
11 la titla raata upon disfraarbrieroMnt of lawlal
voters, the falH eerllnoatee af Iba tetaralng oB
oere Beting aorruplljr, and Iba doelsloa of a eom
cnlsslaa which baa rrfosed to bear erldoaee of al
leged fraud. For tba Drat lima aru the Aaerloae
paopla eua fronted wilb laa foot of a fraudulently
eleeled President. Let It not ba aadaratoad that
tba fraud will be allonllw aequleseod la by tba
tioafltry. Lat no hooraaaf la wbleb thensurpe
tioa la forgo'.tsn.
Annans or DtaocaiTic II. C.'a.
Ooa buadrad years of haajMa depravity eoea
mulaled aad eoeaantratad lata a eliaal of erlma.
Never again la Sve huodrnd yeere aball they have
aa opportunity to repeal tba wrong.
DillllW. Voobibbb.
I woald-ratbar have the endorsement ofaqaer.
tar of a mlllloa of lha Aacrioae paopla tbao tbat
of Iba Louisiana Returning Board, or of tbo Com
mission which OKolodrd tba facta aad daoidod
tba qaestiea aa a technleallty. .
Taoa. A. Hbbpbickb.
Gen. (irant and lumilv dined and
wined with the King and Queen o(
Italy, in Rome, on Saturday last.
Not vet Some of our enterprising
cotemporary' have a groat time, in
mnlfing apKintmenU lor Col. Ji'oyea.
Kari.y The Democrat of Dratton
township, Cliostorcoonty, have organ
ized a McClcllnn and Hampton club
for 1880.
Happy Again. Thefldore Tilton and
Klitabeth have act up house-keeping
again. She bus delivered up the key
to Plymouth Church, aud it ia expeted
that llonry Ward will direct his visits
to KOmo other members of bis flock.
Explorers. If the North Pole is
not discovered this year it will not be
for want of explorers. There will be
expeditions from America, Germany.
Holland, Uussia, and Sweden. That
of Mr. Bennett ou'lit to fetch it
Politeness. A Philadelphia person
al : "When A. J. Droxol and Mr. Geo.
V. Childs walk each aftornoon on
Chestnut street, their silk hats come
off at the late of live salutations per
square. The wear and tear of the
leather linings Is very great in conse
quence" For Harry. Tbo editor of the
rhiladelphia Timet says there wasn't
a single Republican candidate for Gov
ernor in Washington last week but
Harry White. . lie bad the field all to
himseli, and as his party consists main
ly of himself it's always completely
ilon. Harry White asseverates tbat
the Tribune report of the interview be
tween Secretary Sherman, Congress
man Thompson and himself Is substan
tially correct. In this he disagrees
somewhat with the other parties to the
conversation ; but we are disposed to
believe bim for once.
Our With Tbim.- Doorkeeper Polk,
who was a bigger man than all the
Congressmen put togethor, has been
deposed and General C. W. Field, of
Georgia, has been elected In bis stead.
Tbat is right. Whenever Democratic
officials do not bohavo themselves prop
erly, open the door and put them out.
Pass it. A bill is now before the
Legislature which give Justices of the
pcaco and Magistrates the power to de
cido civil suits when tbo amount does
not exceed three hundred dollars, and
in cases wbero the defendant demands
a jury trial to empsrel a jury of six
with the right to appeal to the court.
Tho bill has passed second reading and
may become a law.
Will, Wrix I The notorious Re
turning Board scoundrel, J. Madison
. Wells, of New Orleans, baa sued tbo
y editor of tho Philadelphia Timet for li
bol. How any editor could alandor a
roguo like Wolls is past our comprehen
sion. If Col. McClure has succeeded
in doing this thing, give bim the belt ;
because nobody else could approximate
anything of the kind.
ASinnibli MlMBtR. Congressman
Douglass, of Virginia, got gloriously
drunk about ten days ago, and enter
ed the House Hall, tumbling over
everything and scattering things in
discriminately, to the amaaement of
all present. Ho has written a letter
to bis constituents apologizing for th'e
offence, but bo' has passed bia brother
members by. He says be will never
got drunk any more.
Till Kahtirh Wat. Open hostili
ties are at an end for the presont, but
the conduct of the Russians and the
Turks in trying to close the war, fix
the amount of idemnity, boundary
lines, etc., between themselves, with
out consulting the other European
powers, proves ax offensive, to their
neighbor that a general war Buy be
looked, for tuiy moment. Tba scheme
of Russia and Turkey must be ahan
doned if peace is to be restored on tho
shore of the Black and Mediterranean
Kiip it IP Tho responsibility for
tint Confederate defeat at Gettysburg,
like the credit of the Union victory, has
been a bone of contention among mil
itary men, and Gen. Longstreet's
strenuous efforts to shift the blajno
from bit shoulders upon Lee's baa pro
voked k lengthy artict on tba other
aido from Fitzhugh Lee, which meets
with general favor In the South, and
which contains a letter from promi
nent Soalbera officer who says that
Gen, Lee towl bia "tbat Ute battle
would have beta gained ff Gn. Long
street bad obeyed the order given bim,
and had made the attack early Instead
otiaU."". He said further, "Gen. Long
street, when one In a fight, waa
ciosi fenflknt soldier j bat be was the
bardest rut to nova I bad in tba
It is very nppurent from what fol
lows, that sage Congressmen, liko hoys,
will indulge in fun sometimes. Among
the proceeding of that body on Hie
(Jib inal., we find the following: "Mr.
tion of privilege, anil put in nominu
tioa for the position of doorkeeper,
Gen. James Shields, of Missouri, a Dem
ocrat. A long and exciting debate at
once arose upon a point of order, as lu
whether it was a matter of privilege,
Messrs. Uutler and Cox, of New York,
being Ibn principal participants on the
on the discussion. Cox chaffed Butler
mercilessly in his recent friendly ac
tion toward Democrats in the House.
Ho would say to Butler, changing the
languago of the quotation : "While the
lamp holds out to burn the noblest
statesman may return." The Repub
licans onjoyed the scene immensely
and apiilaudcd. Butler stood in the
area in front of the Speaker's chair,
and as Cox continued to turn the laugh
on bitn bo slowly backed toward his
seat on the Republican side. 'Several
Detnocratio members cried out at this
point that, whon Shields was elected
by over a thousand majority to a seat
in the House, from Missouri, General
Butler led the Republicans in exclud
ing bim from his seat and giving it to
a Republican Instead.
. Gonoral Butler, in reply to Cox, said
that when be left the Democratic, par
ly it was a party of honorable mon,
who never put their sins on ft scape
goat to destroy an innocent man. When
they got back that prestige, perhaps
he might return to them. Laughter.
Because he knew General Shields
years ago, ihero was do reason why
justice should not be done now. It was
never too late to do right. Derisive
In closing, Mr. Butler said tbat bo
supposed that Mr. Cox had had enough
ol'liim some years ago. He did not sup
poso the gentleman would desiro to
engage In a controversy with him
again. This was said in a very depre
cating tone. 'And I grant him the
merry of my silence.'
Mr. Cox (with somo feeling) 1 have
board that a good many times, but 1
don't waut any mercy.
General Butler Shoo fly, don't both
er mo. Slight laughter on both
This brought Cox to his feet again.
Ho nover knew tbo gentleman from
MusBachnsotts to have any honesty of
wit or to repeat the old wit. He never
knew him to bo independent until
he was beaten in the Salem district,
He proceeded to chaff Duller again.
Ho relerrcd to Butler's Democratic
rocord, and again reforred to his ap
parent intention of returning to the
Democratic party. There was no man
whom ho would more gladly see r
turn lo the right side In politics, Ho
ought to grow in grace. Laughter
Butler, who was standing in front of
the House, said he didn't see anything
in this to reply to. 'Then,1 said Cox,
'go back to your scat and sit down.'
Butler did so, and as he landed in bis
chair, Cox criod out, 'May God have
mercy on your soul.' Groat laughter
Finally, by a party vote of 125 yeas
to 112 nays, the whole subject was
postponed till Monday, and the House
Tin Attorney General in a Box.
Attorney General Lear has been
caught in a "bad box" by the investi
gation of the 119,000 fee paid Simon
ton & Olmstoad. In addition to this
fee, he got 15,000. This be kept to
himself till brought out by the inves
tigation, Then he claimed he had a
right to five per cent, uqdor a law
which gives to tho attorney collecting
a debt due the Commonwealth after
sixty days, nvo per cent, on the
amount collected. But in this caso
tho attorneys collecting wero Simon
ton A Olmstoad, They wero paid ten
per oenL How, then, could the At
torney General claim five per cent
more? Again, if he bad a right to it,
Dy didn't be take the full amount of
five per cent, on 119,000 amounting to
$0,500, Instead ol 15,000 1 The failure
to do so forces the suspioion that be
know he wasn't entitled to it, and tbat
ibis 15,000 was the Attorney General's
"little divvy" in the transaction. The
fact that this officer's conduct will
bear a construction to low as Ibis is
disgraceful to bim, to say the least.
With an ordinary fair set of mon in
powor, he would be forced to trial on
it. But party spirit is so strong with
the majority In the legislature, and
party morality so slow, that be will be
screened and protected rather than
pushed and punished. But boforo the
bar of publio opinion the verdict will
be, "gone to moot Bullard and Gaines."
Clinton Democrat.
A Rx iiiarino Grartep. A Wash
ington telegram of the 12lh says : "Fitx
John Porter, having appealed to Pros-
ident Uayoa for a review of his case,
the following baa boon received from
the War Department: 'Jn order tbat
tba President may be tally informed
of the Iscts i f the caso of Fila John
Porter, late Major General of volun
teers, and be enabled to aot advisedly
upon bis application for relief In said
case, a board is hereby convened by
order of the President to examine, in
connection with the record of the trial
by court-martial of Gonoral Fill John
Porter such new evidence relative to
tba merits of said case as is now on
file in the War Department, together
wilh such other evidence as may be
presented, said board to report, with
the reasons for their conclusions, what
action, if any in their opinion, justice
require should be taken on aaid appli
cation by the President Detail for
the board Major Goneral J. M. Scho
field, Brigadier General A. II. Terry,
Third artillery ; Major Asa B. Gard
ner, recorder. The board will convene
at West Point, N. Y., on the 20th day
of June, 1878, and is authorised to ad
journ from time to time to sit in such
place as may be deemed! expedient.
By command of General Sherman.'"
A TbemewDods Failure Ci-ErE
LAUD, O., April 11 Jams Ward, sen
ior member of Jamo Ward k Co., Iron
merchants, at Kilos, Ohio, filed bis vol
nntary petition in bankruptcy to day
Liabilitiea, l,COO,fO0; assets nomi
nally nothing. Two years ago the
firm of Ward t Co, made an assign
meat, but continued buaiaeaa, Tbs
depression in lb iroa business baa es
baused all lb assets axeept very
small amount of personal property.
J ftxiriii it up. Tha Ilurrmburg cor
MSKiiident of the Philadelphia Timet,
of the 12ih, has taken a telescopic view
of I ho political horizon, and he con
cedes that tbo Radicals will nominate
Col. Hoyt lor Governor, und closes his
ijuitu provable lu od-ael trie advantage
the Democrats will have on that issue
wilh Dill at the head of their ticket
The success of Dill in Lycoming and
Delaware, and the defeat af Hopkins
In Cambria and Westmoreland during
the last week, seem to settle the nom
ination of Dill. He is heartily support
ed by all tbo Democratic Senators,
thus giving him joiiv plrength In
ovory section of the State, aud his de
feat ia now scarcely within tho range
of possibility. ' It is almost universally
conceded here on all aides that Hoyt,
Dill and Armstrong will bo Guberna
torial competitors. With three tickets
in the field, the Nationals will concen
trate on tho Legislature, and Arm
strong's friends claim that bo may go
to the Senate through a defeat for
Governor." Wo admire tho enterprise
of this writer. Having nominated tho
Gubernatorial candidates, he might as
well fill up the balance of the tickets
and allow the Convontionists to re
main at home.
Ti'RKEY axd Trimmings. From the
following ourious rocord of events, hav
ing special interest at the present lime,
it will be seen that "perfidious Albion"
has been alternately the friend and foe
of all European powers in tho Eastern
question :
1740. Aaatrta and Ruaaia ajrrcato dirldaTuikr).
Great ara fight at Soku.
I T70. Knilaad aud Ruaila Sfht Tarkajr.
ITvO. surlria aad Ruafia flint aRaluat Turkojr,
and Turkry loan SuO.uuO aaaa.
179?. KfiRlaad J.'lna Turkf aRainat Fraana, and
drhai tha Fraaoh out of Krnt.
1807 Ruaaia Jnlni Turkey agalna! Rnalaad and
almoat dtatrota Iba fcualiab fleet la tba
la-dene!lea, under Sir John Duekworth.
1SJ7, Krtglieh and Hmeian fleet deitroyl Ibe
Turkleb fleet at Nararino.
183H. Ruiaia ughta Turkey, aad tba eaered ''alan-
dard" la unfurled
1S.1S Kuieia eulere Coaetentlneplo, and m.ikei
aa ofleaaiva and defemlre alllanfto with
UM, K' gland. Franco aad Turkey aubilue Rul-
ia la theChatre.
1 7T. Ruaaia defeat! Turkey, and Ibil time Eog-
laad looki oa.
The unexpected position of E.iglnnd
as a mere spectator of tho struggle re
cently brought to a temporary conclu
sion, appears to bo owing to tho ago of
the British Primo Minister, who is re
ported to have said a few weeks ago :
I havo the Queen with me, I have the
House of Commons with me, I have
the country with me; if I wero ten
years younger I would change the mnp
of Europe."
Exactly So. Tho oditor of tho Har.
riaburg Independent bits tho nail right
on the bead in this way : As no true
patriot desires a repetition of the frauds
that ocenred in tho South at tho last
general election, It is tho plain duty of.
all citizens to urgp upon Congress the
need of tho formulation during this
session of some reformed plan for choos
ing the President of the United States.
Thus far nothing has been dono bo-
yond tho appointment of committees,
and, unless the new scbemo is at once
agreed upon, it cannot be incorporated
into tho organic law of the land in
lime to be made operative in 1880.
There should be no further delay in
this matter. It is of the first impor
tance, because if nothing is dono the
lite af the nation may be again jeopar
dized, as it was a little more than a
year ago. - Tba danger is really great
er now than it was then, for unless we
bave some plain and severe laws on the
subject, the villainy of the South may
be transferred to the North and West,
and the electoral crookedness may bo
come aa general as the official corrup
tion has been during tho past ten years.
Let ns have a good Electoral law, and
at once.
CoRRicr. The Lancaster Intelligen
eer remarks as follows: "It is not at
all likely that any one will contest the
nomination for Secretary of Internal
Affairs with J.Simpson Africa, the pres
ent very efficient working bead of the
department, as it is quito certain tbat
no one can do so with the faintest pros
pect of success. Men who havo prov
ed themselvos to be good officers are
prisea in those days of official Ineom
potency , and a party tbat has secured
one who is known to be tho right man
in tho right place cannot easily be per
snaded to give him up." We second
the motion, and in proof of what our
contemporary bints at w need but
call the attontion of tho reader to the
gross "incompetency" and crookedness
coming to light in the State Treasury,
Attorney General's and Auditor Gen-
oral's officers, whilo the department
prcsidod over by Mr. Africa for the
past throe years is unassailed in all its
A Similar Case. Tbo bloody shirt
organs bave sot up "a buo and cry'
over the appointment of "a confederate
Brigadier," as Doorkeeper. The cili
tor of the Harrisliurg Patriot bits these
disturbers of tbe publio peace right un
der the belt in this way : "A Confed
erate Colonel occupies a scat in the
Republican administration of Mr.
Hayes. He is the dispenser of all the
post office patronage for which good
and loyal Republican manifest so much
appetite. Why is not an outcry kept
up about this appointment? Is it be
cause Postmaster General Key was a
less skillful soldier and did less harm
to the Union than Doorkeeper Field T
Such a reason might bav some weight
with General Butler, but it would have
none with generous and manly oppo-
nents. Chivalrous foes will only esteem
the more tbe man wbo proves himself
worthy, of fhs ir steel."
Tha New York Sum kaelag charred editorially
that Soeator Wallaa waa oppotlof Tbaroiana
feci be railroad bill, aad tbo ue'e orronooai
ebergo heTlof beoa altrl ootid to Iti Pcaaaylraaia
editor, Cbauooey t. Rlaak, eaa,., thai lentleiaaa
dentoo eirdieiUy tbat ba wrote ur Iraplrod the
ertlele. Although aot frleadly lo Seuetor Wal
laaa, bo knew bla aocltlea aa thla qaeetloa, aad
woald aot deliberately play tbo knave or fool by
leropreaeatlag It. Leeeee'er jareKiyeaerr.
Well, sine you know so much about
this disreputable affair, why don't you
give the public tha name of "the knave
or fool," wbo penned tbe libol Tell
ajl, or nothing, is the true plan in all
tba affair of life.
The Two Absentee. The Radical
Senator and member ol Congress
held caucus on tb night of the 10th
instant, Conkllng mid Blaine wore
absent. There were present 34 Sen
tors and Members. A resolution was
adopted requesting Mr. Hayes to re
scind hi order forbidding ofpoaholder
Is take part in eonvontioes, oauensses,
eta. Mow "Rutby" wil) emoko that
pip ba not transpired.
The Proper Treatment. "The
Senator from Ynrk,"ombruced tho op
portunity this session to assist the Rad
ical in carrying through thai body
severul dirly job", duties as unbecoming
a Democrat as hdrso-stcaling, . Wo do
are pleased to seo that bis constituents
look upon his conduct just as wo do.
Hear them :
JfVeoiwd. That the Deaefiretle County Cora
nitteo. of York, la 000-oolloa aeiemhled, feel
Ouuelraiowl U, reprimand and denounce lha vole
of Senator Hear U. Bueeey, upoa tbe hill known
aa "Tha Banking bepartneat Bill," aa eantrary
to tbo beet Intereate of tbe party, aad la
direct ooonlct w,tb tbe eonlluientt of tho
eloelora wboae votee aleralad tbo Honater to tho
hooorable poeitloa be ooaopiea.
Kaid. That all eiplaneliuBo eofar gWaa by
bim In regard to bia vote, which allowed the peer
age of eald bill, are eoaeiderud aa Inaufloiaat, aud
uuet be looked upon aa mere aablorfugae to onc
er the abaraa ba haa brought upoa hiiaeelf and
the injury he baa worhed to the party.
These resolutions contain tho true
Democratic ring, und Impart a sound
that all can understand. More of this
outspoken way on the part of constit
uents will improve tbo integrity of the
members of our Legislature, Tbe job
indicated was so dirty that tbo bolter
portion of the Rudical Senators could
not swallow it. Twenty-five votes,
out of tbe thirly-ono Radicals in tbo
Senate, was all they could muster for
the bill. Twenty-six wore nocossary,
and Bussey was secured. Hoisoithor
a knave or ft fool, and therefore dis
qualified from holding a soat iu a Leg
lalive body.
Mary Doubles on Dawes. Mary is
one of tbo Capitul characters and stirs
things np occasionally. With her
sharp pen she wnito up thai night in
the United States Senate when six
toon Senators wero on a drunk, al
though she graciously forbore mention
ing any names with certainty. Dawes,
of Massachusetts, wrote to one of bis
constituents that her story waa not
truo, not even "of one Senator, much
less sixteen." This challenge to bur
verauity put the little woman on her
mottle, and this week, in the Independ
ent, sho reports that six Senators wero
"positively drunk," and sixteen or
twenty showed unmistakably that they
bad taken mora liquor than was good
for them ; she knows their names too,
and only refrains from tolling them out
of regard for tho womon wbo bear
them; men who will go into tho Sen
ate chamber drunk havo no claim on
her consideration. Sho admits thai
tho whole sixteen were not "beastly"
drunk, but six wore, and the other doa
en were Jolly drunk. On iho whole
sho says a majority of the Senate are
not worthy of resicx-t personally or
Levii.ino t'p. Democratic Legisla
tion at Washington, having broken up
tbe Wall street gold gambler's ring,
and making gold, silver aud greenback
at par, tho government agent can go
to Now York, any day, and negotiate
lor from ono to ono hundred millions
ol dollars at par. Secretary Sherman
went over thuro the other duy and ne
gotiated a sale of 150,000,000 of 4) per
cent 15 ycur bonds, for gold, (10,000,
009 to bo taken immediately and 15,
000,000 per niouih during the' year. As
this gold will be held as a reserve lor
resumption purposes, it moans an in
crease of tbe bond interest bearing debt
to that extent Tho passage of the
silver bill and Senator Wallace' little
bond bill through tho Senate, has about
used up the bulls and bears of Wall
trout. These professional eamblors
must turn their attention to legitimate
business hercaltcr, or starve.
Captured. O. F. Bullard, tbe elop
ing member of tho Legislature, wbo
escaped from the officers of the House
in February, was arroated in Wyoming
county, on the 9th instant. Ho was
captured on a train going West, near
Wyalusing. lie is very much cbang.
ed in appearances since he left Harris
burg. His whisker are shaven, he
wears no spectacles, is clad in a com
mon gray suit, and his appearance is
more like that of a drover or grain
dealer than one who so lately served
as Representative. Ho is pcrlcctly
submissive. He has a brother residing
at Meshoppen, whore ho hag been se
creted for some timo. He is now an
inmate of tho Delaware county prison,
at Media, Pa., as tho following Indi
cates :
Media, Delaware eoooly, Pa , April It, 187S
Ilon. K. Kttd After, Spt.iktr ofAc foeee o firm
reeealafiere. Arriced hero with Bollard tbla
tnorniag and ba la now ecabnod la tha Delaware
oounty Jail. O. P. ttaiaoa,
A Curr.-The editor of tbo Phila
delphia Record blacks one of our Con
gressmen' left eye iu this way : "Hon.
Harry White, who was selected to in
form the President that the Pennsyl
vania delegation desired him to ap
point Collector Sullivan, of Allegheny,
aa Register of tbo Treasury, was cer
tainly a poor man to send on this dip
lomatic errand. This same smooth
bore blalherxkilo was one of the "vis
iting stutemen," and the President
probably took the measure of bis cali
bre on tbat occasion. Judging be
tween Sullivan and Scofiold, tho coun
try bis no reason to regret that the
President followod bis own inclination
in appointing a Register, rather than
that of tbe Republican Congressmen
from Pennsylvania."
Wbeat 65 Y e aVsOld! 1 n 1823, or
about 5ft years ago, a large brick stoam
mill, located in Washington, Pa., was
destroyed by fire, together wilb a vast
quantity of wbeat which was in tbe
mill at the time. Two years ago whilst
workmen wero excavating for the
foundation of a rosidence to be located
upon the site of tbe old mill, they dug
into the charred remains of the wheat,
which proved to be In a remarkably
good state of preservation, considering
it bad passed through fire and remain
ed buried for 53 years. Although black
ened by the beat and somewhat tbriv
eled, a large portion of grains of wheat
were perloct in form. Tbe editor of
the Crawford Democrat vouches for
this story. Ho' a good man.
Tweed is Dead. Tba great robber
of New Tork died in prison, in tbat
oily, on the 12th inst. His last words
to hi physician, Were : "I bav tried
to do some good, if I have not bad
good luck. 1 am not afraid to die. I
believa tb guardian angela will pro
tect me." At (ho time of bis death
there waa no struggle, a h passed
away in sleep with bis bead lying upon
bis arm. He, no doubt, feel much
hotter now sutroqndod by "guardian
angels," than boxed Dp In a prison coll
among kindred rogues, and eyed by
tb SberikT pd his deputies, jfit age
was fifty five. Crime and. remorse did,
i,h worlf.
Tbe formidable announcement ol
Judge Mayer'j candidacy, which we
published last week, attracts consider
able attention, and ia well received in
I .,..u.. -,r ,t.. t t -
lawi i-Ja?'- ii i laa iTwajo) eOoaaej
ar-J.T.T.JV.po'ia jnit, twWud"
ing lo the question gays:
"Judge Mayor's lorm expires next
fall, and the leading member of tho
bar of both partiea In the district, re
cently united in asking himio be a can
didate for re-uleoiion. Ho is con loss
edly one of the best- Common Pleas
Judges in the Stato, and personally
popular besides; but Mr. A. ). Kurst,
a Republican member of the Bellefonle
bar, after having signed a letter lo
Judge Mayer in iavorof bis re-election,
bos repented of bis sense of justice to
a faithful judicial offiuer, and is now an
nounced as a candidate tor the Repub
lican nomination ; and Mr. C. S. Mo
Cormirk, a Democratic member of tho
Lock Haven bar, has decided to con
test tho nomination wilb Judge Mayer
before tho Democracy of Clinton coun
ty. Since there's no law, fundamental
or statutory, against any lawyer out
side of the penitentiary being a candi
date forjudge, Messrs. Kurst and Ma
Cormick are clearly acting within tho
scope of their lawful pnviloges, and
they will doubtless do tbe most good
to tho publio tbat tboy are in any way
capable of by being candidates against
Judge Mayer. They will call out tbo
often sluggish sentiment that believes
in the sanctity of tbe temple of justice
and appreciates tbat a pure and inde
pendent judiciary is the ealety of all,
and the result will fcj .tbe triumphant
re election ol tbe admittedly competent
and upright Judge whose commission
is disputed by the political placeman.
It would be creditable to the whole
people of tho district tf tboy wero to
re-elect Judge Mayer by a unanimous
vote, as the people or ttils city (lid for
Judges Allison, Pierce and Fell, Repub
licans, and Judini Ludlow. Democrat :
but if that can't bo done, they will do
the next best thing within thoir pow
er, by giving him live thousand or so
Majority over any one wbo undertakes
lo summon tbe tricks of tho politician
to swing himself on to the bench."
More Mollies Jailed. Surbvrt,
April 13. Eight Mollis Maguires were
brought here from Sbamokin and
lodged in jail by the Reading Coal and
Iron Police. Their names are Peter
McMunus, an ex-bodvmuslor; John
O'Neil, of Coal Run ; Edward Huffy
and Andrew Dunlovy, of Green Ridgo ;
Robert Crawford, of Ml. Carmol ; J as
Dormer, of Locust Gap; James Camp
bell, of Excelsior, and James Ilalliban,
of Mabanoy City. McManuiandO'Nivl
are charged with the murder of Coro
ner Frederick llessor, of Northumber
land county, in December, 1874, the
former being body master of Sbamokin
Division A. O. H. at Ibe time Uesser
had become obnoxious to tbo Mollies,
while I omncr, and they killed bim at
Lancaster Colliery, where ho was sub
sequently employed as watchman.
McManus and O'Neil aro residents of
Coal Run and working for the Mineral
Railroad and Mining Company, The
other six Mollies are charged wilh
the burning of Scbwenck'a breaker,
near Mt Carmel, June 3d, 1875. 'i be
arrests were made under tho supervis
ion of Csptain Alderson, of the Read
ing Coal and Iron Police.
A Heavy Defalcat'on Denver,
Col., April 10. It is publicly announc
ed bore that H. A.McIntira, President
of tb First National Bank of Lake
City, and Vice President of the Fiist
National Bank of Colorado Springs,
Col., bav absconded with seventy
thousand dollars. The first disclosures
were made recently and showed that
Mclntire bad in tb interim following
the death of the late President of the
bank at Colorado Springs, and before
tbe vacancy waa supplied, secured
from the deposits of this bank between
(30.000 and 140,000. In addition to
this he has hypothecated stock of the
two banks with which be was con
nected amounting to 125,000. It is
feared that tbe effect upon tbe Lake
City Bank will be irreparable and tbat
further disclosures will swell the esti
mate already made. '
An AwruL Swindle. S. A. Chase,
Treasurer or the Fall River (Mass.)
Union Mills Manufacturing Company,
is missing. His account ia abort over
four hundred thoutani dollart. He did
business under tbe new system of book-
kocping the cashier credits himself
with everything and charge himself
with aothing. Ol course Chase, tb
defaulting Treasurer, occupiod a bigh
social position, ia about fllty-clght
year of age, and has boon resident
of Fall River aince 1822.- He waa a
member of the House in 1804, and of
tbo State Senate in 1867 and 1863.
Beside being Treasurer of the Union
Mills, he waa President of the Second
National Bank, and of tbe Five Cent
Savings Bank.
Divided Tbe bill dividing Lnxerne
county baa passed both Houses, and
will undoubtedly receive the signature
of tho Governor. Tbe opper end of
Luacrne, or tba new county, will be
called Lackawanna, and tbo county
seat wilt be fixed at Seranton. This
division ha been agitated for forty
years, and must resell in much good
to both section ; because peace, instead
of agitation, will now rule in all circles.
Luiornj, was the largest county in the
Slate in point of territory, and waa on
ly exooeded in population by Philadel
phia and Allegheny.' The population
in 1870 exceeded 160,000.
Hard to Please. The editor of tb
Philadelphia lieeori give Mr. Schell,
this side wipe: Auditor General Scbell
ba made a (election of clerk that i
chiefly remarkable for its variegation.
It will be a nine-day wonder how be
waa able to discover ao much that ha
heretofore blushed unseen and wasted
iu fragrance on tb desert air. He
seems to have preferred to get bis
olerks where b didn't gel his majori
ties, in Bradlord, Tioga, Huntingdon,
Dauphin, Erie, Indiana and Lancaster
oountioa; but be strangely overlooked
Philadelphia and Allegheny.
Waimino Up. Tbe editor of tbe
Philadelphia Timet aaya: "Dr. Le
Moyne, in recent interview, speak
ing of tbe l-ill before tb Legislature
to abolish his crematory, expressed a
hope to live long enough to bnrn some
of tb law-maker. If lb Legislature
doesn't adjourn pretty soon tb bope
will become general."
RganbipTioN. Uptxue payment baa
begun in Cincinnati. The Third Na
tional Rank In tbsf oily give notio
tbat fold and ailrer w)ll be paid fit
tb counter for at) m note now in cir
culation, whkb is over half a. mlljion
Pf foliar, I
It has been publicly stated that tbe visit
of Major tteneral Hancock lo New Or
leans in February was made by lha re
quest of tho President, and was for the
purposo of InmrotMlirvr wilh Oownmr
following in lo inia matter is
obtained Irom a source believed to be
possessed of the facts.
After the verdict of guilty in A odor
son's case it was authoritatively given
out from tho Whilo House that the
President bad determined to interlere,
and a preliminary had written a letter
to tbe Attorney Geuerul requesting bim
to consult authorities and suggest tbe
proper method of action. .. ,
Iho Attorney General, aftur exami
nation, discovered that the Fedunl
Government really could do nothing,
aud so informed tbo President. It was
at this juncture, so it is said, that a Bug
irostion was made to tbe President thai
Gen. Hancock would be a good man to
send to New Orleans to plead for An
derson ; thai he und Governor Nicli
oils wero cluHsmuto at West Point,
and were friends ; and that tiie people
of Now Orleans were very fund ol bim,
and would listen to his counsel. A
moRsonger was accordingly sent loGen.
Hancock's headquarters in Now York
to sound bim on the suhjoci. It is rep
resented that Gen. Hancock was very
avers to having anything to do wilb
the matter, and tbat he finally coiwen
ted solely as a matter ot personal con
sideration for tbo wishes of the Presi
dent, with whom he had associated in
army service.
He wont to New Orleans and re
mained there about two weeks, during
which time be wa tbe recipient of Iho
most profuse social attenliona,althougb,
probably out of deference lo bis own
I wishes, very little public notice was
lanen 01 nts presence In the city. He
bad servers! lengthy interviews with
Gov. Niuholls, and it ia said finally ob
Mined from him an assurance that be
would pardon Andui sou if the Supremo
Court of tho Slate did not reverse the
action ol the lower court. Tbis infor
mation was promptly communicated to
the authorities here. His misson end
ed, Gen. Hancock returned to New
York. It is proper to stale that while
the above is thought to bo substantial
ly correct it is not furnished by eilbor
of the principals in the affair.
It is alleged that since his return
Gon. Hancock ia more convinced than
before tbat bia scruples against under
taking a political mission of such char
actor were well founded, but holds that
under tho circumstances ho could do
no less than accede to tbe request made
of him. It i undoubtedly an unpre
cedented act, oven in this era of mak
ing precedents, for tho head of the Gov
ernment at Washington to send a
special envoy to treat with the autho
rities of a Stato in reference to tbe ad
ministration of criminal justice in thai
Stato. Baltimore Hun.
A IIoiSE Divided. If anything
were needood to prove that retribution
froquuntly follow the infraction of the
moral code, wo have it in the condition
of tbe Had iced party. A little over onn
year baa passed away since Ibe rank
and filo of that party sustained and ap
plauded tbo actions of tho scoundrels of
the Louisiana lioturning Board in their
work of forgery and fraud which t ub
minated in the iluyesusurpation. Now
we find Cbandlur, Conkling, Blaine,
Bowe, Cameron and the rest of tbe
leaders wbo bad a band in the crime,
bandod togotber to hunt down the vory
instrument they worked so hard to foist
into the Piosidential chair. For a
long timo thero has been multeringsof
tne storm beard, but only a day or two
since it broko out in violence in the
Senate. Uowo, a itadical mom bur of
tbat body delivered a most bitter and
scathing denunciation of tlares. in
which be accused him of manifold crimes
against bis party and abused him per
sonally, even going ao tar aa to assert
mat be, ilayea, waa better fitted to bo
aotoaebman than a statesman. All of
which diatribe wa keenly rolisbed by
the Democratic members wbo enjoyed
this falling out among the knaves who
stole tb Presidency. Old Father Abe
it waa, we believe, wbo placed on rec
ord tbe sayings tbat "A bouse divided
against itself must fall," and the truth
ot the aphorism is apparent when we
look at the condition of the Radical
party wbicb thro' its internal divisions
gives out evidence that it will speedily
loner 10 lis la 1 1.
A 8qcaRI Dorxii. The Radicals
bav tbeir compass pretty well boxed
in tb western part of tbe State this
fall. Chief Justice A gnew, resides in
Beaver, and tbe late defeated Judge
Slerrett, is a Pittsburger. They are
both candidates for Supreme Judge.
This ai tbe shape the Radicals of But
ler county loond things in theotber day
when they assembled to elect delegates
to their State Convention. It was a
poser, but they instructed their dele
gate to vote for Judgo Mcjunkin who
is not a candidato under any circum
stances, but a neighbor to both the
other candidate. The Radicals in that
section of the Slate teem to be crazy
on the Supreme Judge question since
the Democrats elected Judgo Trunkcy,
Improved Coinaoi. A correspond
ent for the Baltimore Sun of Friday
last, saya a change baa been made in
the coinage of the silver dollar. The
much abused csgle ia still there, but
below tbe general surfaoo ol the coin,
Tb Goddess of Liberty's bead on tbe
other side ha also been depressed lo
prevent constant friction and wearing
away. Tbe die are working better
now than at first, consequently the
coins issued lately bave a smoother ap
pcarano and are of much finer finish
than those first turned out of the mint.
Anotiier Contention. J as. Black,
Chairman of the Prohibition Blale
Committee, ba issued a call tor a State
Convention for a nomination of eandi
date for Governor, Lieutenant Gov
ernor, Judge of the Supreme Court
and Secretary of Internal Affair of
Pcnnsylvtnia, ia hereby called to meet
in tbe ball of tb Torr-plo of Honor, in
Altooaa, Blair county, Pa., at ten
o'clock, a. m., on Wednesday, May 29,
1878, AH citiaens, without distinction
of party or sex, are invited to attend.
'Whop." Tbe editor ol the Wilkes-
barr Record In alluding to th Uayea
Sberman-Wbite-Thompson tW over
tbe Register ol th Treasury appoint
ment saya: It was a wanton insult to
keep tbem trotting around from pillar
to post to urge tbe claims of a friend,
and than, at last coolly Inform them
the place bad been filled the day pre
vious. In the private walks of Uft gen
Demon show more oourtesy td each
Sarcasm. Tb editor of th Pitta
burg Tttrgrap aayai "Bullard should
bar th criminal cods of tb Sute re.
vised and corrected. Gold spectacled,
sanctimonious gentlemen should not
be (ubjooled fo th, annoyance whip))
be ia now forced to endure upon
mere charge of embegEteme nt"
BarRM Alar. Alrain of iqrtv fi
car wore bipwn of tb track on last
Friday night, op tb Toneka, JUneaj
nd Rapt F R!lned. i
On Monday of last week an election
was held at New Castle, Pa., and this
is the report thereof aa made by the
Yonngaiown, (O.,) Vindicator:
.' -.--' -eV ' V-wee a- tmMysm
wlafaeet loo tieeaoeracy, l..r 14 fclioleu
Joel elioutaa woe eipeeled. Tbe parly vote proper
waa divided bolweto Ibe caudidotae oa tbo Ueia
ueratie ticket and tboee er the greeobaok orgaai
aalioa. Tho greenback Drnoerate, aa uauel, ri
maiurd true to Ibcir ticket throughout, ablla the
Rrpublie.aa af the argaolaaiioo doeorled belr
party, went beok oa their prureeeioa, and ruled
Ibe airtight hepublleoo ticket
Wbea the greeabeoh Dcatocrata leera aad bo
gie to realiao that they aro being aiado a onto
paw a' lo tho lotoroet of do-lgnlog Keuuelioea
oBkee eoekera, they will oroLably ebaoga their
taenoa and retura to tba patty where they prup
erly belong, aud a bare aAev A. eaa aevoiuptiah
anything tuwarde aurronoy reform.
And thai is just tbe way tbe Itepub
licau leaders aru arranging to manipu
late tbe election iu many counties of
Pennsylvania next fall. When an is
sue is of a political character the Re-J
publicans rarely cut loose from llieirl
party, for more than a decade of
years they have seen tbe currency ol
tilt country deranged and business
crippled, and yet they do not number
one iu ten of tboee wbo mako up tbe
Greenback party. Wo are fully aware
tbat tho Nationals have among them
some good and true men who have for
evor left the Republican ranks, but
they are so few a to be of little im
portance, in a numerical sense. The
truth is that the average Republican
permits the acknowledged leaders of
his party to exerc ise too great an influ
enco over him. And so tbo loaders get
the offices, they aro satisfied, no mat
ter bow absurdly the rank und file
may act.
Braiilev, The Philadelphia Record
in alluding to this public character says:
Judge Bradlor, of the Supreme
Court of tho United States, wbo became
conspicuous by reason of his prominent
connection wilh the Electoral Commis
sion, is likely to pass under a cloud
Tbo sub committco of tho House of
Representatives having certain charges
against his judicial action under inves
tigation, it is said, have gained suffl
cietit information against him to justi
ly bis impeachment. Mr. Hayes is
peculiarly unfortunate respecting tho
character and conduct of the men most
prominent in making bim President,
after tho pcoplo had spoken at the polls.
It would bo a pity if Justice Bradley
should prove to have prostituted his
high office, and we hope that he will
be able to thoroughly vindicate bis offi
cial conduct. Though it is more than
suspoctod that be was appointed as an
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
in pursuance of an understanding that
ho would vote to reverse a former de
cision of that tribunal on the lugal-tcn
dor question, yet it was hoped that be
would prove tolorably honest on tho
whole, and it would he a sad thing if
it should be proved that he has been
corrupt in other matters. The indica
tions, wo regret to soy, apear to be
unfavorable to bis judicial virtue.
A out verront !
Kehoe Respited. Uarrisburo,
April 12, tbe Board of Pardons were
in consultation today for the purposo
of disposing of tho aplication of Jack
Kohoe for commutation of the death
sontence to imprisonment for life. Af
ter reading the testimony and examin
ing the affidavits and statements made
before the board on Tuesday they woro
unprepared to decide the case and ad
journed until the first Tuesday in May,
when the application will be rofusod or
granted. A Kehoe's execution was
fixed lor Thursday next tbe Governor
baa recalled the death warrant in or
der to enable a furlhcr consideration of
tb case. Tbe Governor also, to-day,
signed the second death warrantor
Dennis Donnelly, who wa to be hang
ed with Kehoe. Th execution has
been postponed until the 22d of May.
Both cases will probably bo considered
by the Pardon Board in May, and
should the decision be unfavorable to
the murderers they will be hanged to
gether. Mori Reform. It remains for tbe
Massachusetts Legislature to invent a
new plan to keep people out of drink
ing saloons. That body haa passed a
law which provide that saloons shall
have no curtains or ground-glass win
dows, thus compelling customers of
front-room saloons to be exposed to tbe
viow of passers-by.
Star guJwtlSfmfiits.
0)0 bare tea aotaorisea' lo aaaowaoo tbe
nae et K u w A. H u II. II a. V 8, ef Brad y towaeaia,
as a eaaoidau for the ofleo of goaeriatendeat af
vossesue noonois Of Ulearaeu enaaly. Uls post,
otoeo address is Lataerisarg, Pa. aprl7-lt.
-TOJIEY Til LOAN. The Molool Life
i.v.1. laearaaee Co having reeoaard loaaa, at
vlieatlooe ee wall Improved faraa properties, to
inm eao-iBire oi toeir oaea valoe, will ba eonsid
erod, la aaaaa aot loaa than I'i.AOS. For aarliea.
lars, as . applj to RURXTUAk W.8MI fll
April 17, Tt-lss. OlearSeld, Pa.
fAUTIOH. AH pereeas are hereby an tioa el
V attataei paroDaetae; or ta aay way Bsoddlion
with the following personal property, aiiw Ia Ibe
pooeessroa aa stoiaador Wlleoe, of twp
via: Oaa spoiled oow, ahoat Iva years old. a
tha same balnea, to see, and ia loft wlib said
Wilsea as l,aa aaly, aobjoot to my order at any
ratan, sous fin,
Krlsrlewa, Pa. April IT lu
CAVTIt)H.AII peraoal are hereby warned
araiael pnrohaalae; or la any way aied'lliD(
w. ,ii ruirawioi peraoaai properly, anw ta Ibe
paeaoesloa of Lotpold Moabwtedor, of Horril Ip ,
vlst Uao Say euro, aboal sil yean old, wilb
white spot lo rorehead, as tha eaate hatoags to
aao. aad la loft wilh aaid Maebwiadar ea loaa
eaiy, eaajeot to aay ardor al aey tleno.
Krlsrlewa, Pa , April 17 1L
darelgaed will sell al private ease, Iwa asp
are to traoto ef TIMBRR LAND la Hostoa lawa-
eaip, OlearSeld eooniy, Pa., vli i One traot af
lie eeres, eelog part of traot Mo. KM.1, aad one
trews ot laoaarea.aataa Barter wareaat aj. eeae
Tbeea Ireota haea a oeoetdereUe aaontlto of
waite pi a. aad while oak timber opoa them, aad
a targe growls ef heeiloek. Will ont eevera
m,""w u,,aAnKKfT,
Cleertold, Pe, April 17-41,
Sheriff's Sale.
y vlrtwa 'af aaadry writs of fieri Pottos is.
raed oat mt the Coarl of Ceraaaa Ploaa af Cleer.
aeia aeeaty, aad to aa dlroeled, I here will ho
oipeeed to poblla aale, at the Coarl Heoao. la the
enroaih of HearSelS. oa W-dnosdae. the atk A..
af May, 187a, al I e'eloek p. a, lha tallow.
lag dseorieod real aetata, ta win
A eertela traot of load eltoite la Cheat Iowa,
hip, Cle.rl.ld Oo , Pa., hoaaded aa the aerth by
aleLaoghlia, woat and Soeth by leads ell I.
rvia, aeet ay lead of HarT A. Boaao L O...UI..
lag lot eeres Bare or lose, heiaa nnrt of two treat.
eeavejed to Joke W. Ne, by bond ef Hlmoa
Horabaogh and wife, dated Augeet I, IS50, re
worded ia Deed Book "M," page IT, aad Deed of
4. U. Miloa.Bieeotor, doted Mareh IS. ISSI, tba
whale patented to Juke W. Net, with a two-aiary
Ir au hoaea, ISilS foot, with bees halldlog. wl ih
log hara, epajag koaee, and ether eatbuildiege
therewe oraetod. Ahoat TS went .leered and a 0
we eallivetloa, with good haarieg anhard.
Soloed, take la asaaotloa aad to be aold aa Ibe
Property af Joke W. Kef.
Tae.t or Riia.-The srlee at aom at wbleb
the property shall ho street ef meet ho paid al
lha timo af tale, or seek a bar artaageaaeatt
ado ea Till he approved:, eihaetlea the property
Witt hp Uaedleiele p,l ap has told agala at
aha eapaaoe aa tie af lha poraoa to wkeei it
Was otroek at, aad she, la aaso of deleleaey at
taoh ta aale, aball make good the aue. .ad le
sa laoleaaa ertU tha Bead he pmeaaed ia Uoert
Sat aaairatatios a alee, Aa avaaaw ke Ktsjajlj
pdtelh. bbonf,
. , nvaw raaia, jr,
casiwoAi Ovwara, I iheoJf.
Cvas.S.14. PaAprUIT.IITI.I
ilfiv (U'frtfsrmfnts.
"t'liiruR's miTirfv-
la Iba Bailor ml tba eetale of Robert Protl
Tbe undorolgned, berlag been appointed And
ll he the Onibeae Conrt nf CloorRold rountf.
etsVOlowtxa -y-vejee al e- wf IU, . .
-rerm-vn. WS..vrr U. JI .,
ill allaad to the dullea of bla appotntnent oa
Tburodar, tbo Jitu day of April, IRIS, at 10
o'eloca a. ao.. at the oblco of II H. A W. Barren,
ia the - oroagb of Cloar6eld, waeu and whore oil
partiea lotereated nay attend.
CleerHeld. April la, IS7S 3L Auditor.
Ta tha Orphene' Court ofOPIeerneld county.
Ia the Biettor of tbe aetata of 8am'l Uordoa,
The ttaderolgnod, appointed be tbe Court to
dietrlhulo tho balance ia the baada of Patrick
Tanney, Administrator of raid enato, aa ihowa
by bia aooouot glad, to and aunuag tbo partiea oa
titled to receive tbe aame, glvee notice thai he
will attend to tho duliea of bia appoialneat on
tbo Jlh day of April, A. I). 18TS, at I a'cloeb
p n., at iba oBlceof Frank Fielding, In Clearfield,
whoa and whore all paraona lotererted may atloa.1.
Clearlcld, Pa., April 10, 'TS It. Auditor.
CAUTION. All pereooa aro hereby eau lioaed
eg'ilnet purchasing or In any wav meddling
wilb the following property, now lu the poeeee
tlna of O. H. Caldwell, of Pike towo.bip, vli s
Two cowl poir twla eled, 1 two-horoe wagoa,
1 log alcd. I eleigb. ahout I tone of bay, a lot of
rtraw, 1 faoaing mill. 1 tbreahing machine, 4 Beta
of baroeea, a lot of aluuip maohine irons, I boraea
and hareeefl, SS acroa of wheat in tho ground, I
plowe, I ibovol plow, 1 eultlvator, a lot af enro
In tbe ear, I soon atoro, 1 room aloro, a lot of
chaire, eerpeto, io., I loooge, 4 bode aad baddiag.
Tbo foregoing property waa purobaaad by me at
Sberig'i ealo oa Ibe lib day of April, It's, and
ia allowed to remala la the pnraeealon of aaid
I). B. Caldwell oa loaa only, subject to mv order
at any lime. JOHN PORTER.
Clearfield, April 17, 1871 Jl.o
Ta tha matter of tba flaal account of Jesse
Williams, Guardian ot the heirs of Jacob Leonard,
late of Recearia township, dec',1, aa Aled by bis
Ailmialatrator, Edtound Williams.
lo tba Orphana' Court of Clearfield county, Pa.
March Term. 1S7S.
The anderaigned Auditor, appointed by tbe
Conrt to dispose of the eieepllons Sled to the con
firmation or the account tilled, and report die
triburiou of tba moa ey lo Ibe bands or tbe Ad
ministrator, among the hrlrs and parties entitled
tberelo, glree notice that be will attend to his
doty, at tha oflice of Murray A Gordon, in Clear
field, on Friday, May gd, 11178. at IA e'clook a. m.,
whoa aud where all parlies Interested may attead.
Clearfield, Pa., April It, l78 St Auditor.
LKt'TlrtH Hunerlotrndeut of Common
To Ikt Srkoot Dinrtort CUnrjitld Countg .
Obrtlbhkv: U pvnuftBM of tbt 4U mIo
of tb Aot of 6th Umy, lhb4, you art hereby nott
flail t mttia ooavauilon, ml th Court lloa, in
thr borough of Clerfl-ld, on th lint TocitUy in
Mj, 1878 twin lb7th day or the mon lb, nl on
o'clock io lb ftfternnon, nod ltt. vitm mm, bj
a majority or th whole number of Dircatura pro,
rnt, on ierin of liirar nnd ftricBiiflo aoquir
tneoti, noil of aliill and ci(Jtrinoe in th art of
teaching, w County fiuperintodent, for thrj s
etMdtng ri: dolermin tb amount of tmpn- j
aation, and eortiry tb n-nlt to th HtatvHuparin -t-nini,
at Hnilmrg w required bj tb 19th
nnd 40th Motion uf amd Act
Fop't of Clearfield Co. j
CorweoiTllle, Pn , April 10, lD78-4t.
Go to CfO Per Acre.
nrotSi rrt'l !lnrl Lnnd In Tnirhtcan
Ji. all -U.I .
.t li 1 M .t
!( t ltd I
ttlt)UII) .
TIT I. V. tltlV IM T.
Slroiiffrto I .-; ilrni) ortlitt-
bor- no J M.U, t iu t lt.tti. buc-
J it; pia,'
llntinrn? blnini pure v. ntcr-rrndr w ltuvN ttultrititd rum
trud ..irttuiib tviiiiu oi ittvgruaUt.
hctul lor pnmnMri, I.utlab or
Addren V. O. Ill I.IIAHT, .
MIAMI fill' I OS,
en ins l UIIM1liaa,iUUero
114 H.
March IS, 1878.3u.
y an with an Act uf the General A'setnblT
ot this Commnnwealth, a.prored th 32d day of
narra, a. v. if?u, ana tne supplement pprrd da of Abnl.'A. D. lfT3. "relalin to th
Election of taiei in tb count of Clear field ."
nstiee is hereby giten te tb tax-payers residing
la th districts below named, that th County
Treasurer, in noeordaoe with th second section
of said Aet. will at Und at tb places of holding
me ooroogn una lownsnip elections oo ibe fol
lowing named days, for tb purpose of roeeir ing
tb County nnd But taxes assessed for 187fl :
For Clear At) 4 b .r, Toes lay, May Tth.
For Lawraoe twp., Wdnedy, Mty 8th.
For Wllaetoo bor, "Ibo red ay, May 9th, Jre-nt 8
to IS o'oloek.
tot Boggs twp., Thursday. If ay th, from 1 to .
For Oneben twp., Friday, May 10ih, from 1 to 6.
For Huston twp., Saturday, Hay 'I. from Itsi
For Girard fwp-, Monday, My IS, from 10 to i.
For Karthaus tp., ToeaJay.Uay li, from 10 to 8.
For Coelngtva twp , Wednesday, May I t h, from
I to 8
For Ore bam twp., Thursday, May 16, from 10 to
For Morris twp., Friday. Mae 17tb.
For Bradford twp., Saturday, May lSih.
Th halane of tbe districts will he visited after
I' p. alUaiM Dd lo tb Treasurer there will
ba a reduction t Hew per rent, wblle fire nor
oenL will Undated after tho II rut day of July
urn, ie nil unpaid lanes, making a diOerenoe af
TKN per cent, to prompt tax payer. Partiea
ean, from th flrst ol May, pay their faies at th
Trurr's office. 1 ,
Korirn to MEnrnuvTi. A ran opportunity
will be given te mrrrbaati la mm forward at tb
lime and places ftt forth, and II Tt their t.ieue
for IK78. DAVID MeflAl'tillKV.
Clear8eld, Pa , April 17, U78 Tirr. '
Ha A.
cm it PUTS,
f,:i Soli Cheap for Cai
Cla.rS.ld, P., April IT, IS7I.
JWr l.lT. Naniei of Jurete drawn for
Mao Term, A D l7. tn bo held oa lha 3d
aod 4th Mondaya ISth and STth, Til :
satas joaoaa, Ur waaa,
Foster Pavla, N Waeh'a
P aallagber, Oeeoola
1 8 Ph'lloa. Woodward
was Hoover, Brady
Philip Long, Pike
Oliver Stevana, Cheat
J RCopplea. LOIty
Unas Hoover, Pewa
Christ Hawk, Bell,
Ja Holt, Walhuetoa
fleorn Hoover, Morria
J H WVr.ll, Ne.k.rg
Henry Hoorer. Morria
Fraah Parooaa. Donaror
J B Uearhart, Hoatadalo
Jnkn N orris. Pine
H H Mlloa, Woodward
R J Melleadrv. Bradv
Jofaa Stone, B.ttaa
Henry Soal Bradford
Wa UMte, Ueoeana
A Ilea Brawn, Lawrewto
Alol. MoMerray,laKek iom Shofert, Brady
raAvaaaa jcbns, lar waaa.
Wa Bella. Bradford
Deal Smool, Woodward
Jeo Kaata, Barnsuletp
Rndelph Beet, Bradford
Phla Blooaa, Car-evilss
Arnold Biooa, Pike
D T Dnelep,jr, Brady
D F Copolaod, Deealar
Daa'l Walla, flalleh
T Mel'bereea, Laaroaae
A traaa, UeeetBt
Joba Broth, Bell
Ja. flUnn, Fergoeea
Aaatia Kline. Woodw'd
Fraoh Dutla. Beooaria
A Woods, liarnside two
teee nenslelt, tirade
Jee,,b Amman, Qaboo
P F P.. Soar, Woodward
W 0 Taehot, ClearSeld
Rob'l Mitehell, "
Kara Ale,
Hugh Uoah. BIoia
W I MeUorkK Uw'aoa
Wa Mnlntoeh.
J F lleJe.Ooera.e
J A Waisua, BraHfard
Petri. Da.ley,
Jo, Melona, Oovmgt a
jTomeWilsea, Bradford
J C Asberoft, Deootar
Uodfry Fieber. Kwthoa
C Hartsfelt, Brady I
W,lea Hooeb. Kartkaoe
Van I Kohertr.l eearbeld,!) L Fergaeoa, L City
-.v...,DiM ,.ufn iwutiea, I'lka
W a Troael, BaraslUa tp W I Mrtloy, Beaearla
I M Lsois, Kmi ' Noah Miliar, Baal
HeoJ .'err, Uirard Joe L Dale. P...
J F Rillor, Plka M 8 Ulaata.Oloarleld
0 0 Ball, Heeeeria J C Rood, Uwroeoe
taATsaaa iraoaa, la wass.
M Fiaraa. Urahaa
Bamael Irwla. Bloom
14 W qalaa, Wood word
Jeeso Uiggtaa, "
H II Matinee, Boll
Wa B Root,
Johastoe Hold.a, I'ika
Itoberl Meb.fey, Bell
W A Reeeaa, bMatar
OH Wllllaaaa,torgaaoa
leaaa Uoee, Ooaatar
Clark Crow-U, Jlerrit
1 Uartaaa, Uaoaota
U Uearhart. Deoatar
Blek d riko, Hoatadala
H Waodward. Uoatow
M Oweaa, Lewrenee
Freak Wnalev. Cu d
Jehe MoUord, ChoM
i I Warroa, Oeeoola
I Ootaow, Cov'wtea
i llaara, M-erU
O H WonJ, (Joshes
Ales Uotwea. Pike
IJoha State.
Uaa Slaaoaa, Olaarteld
llaaeYoeng, Barasldolp
Joba 0 Tyter, Hostoa
iMattera, Jerdaa
R Hoadoraee. Pike
T Washhira, Saaoaiia
Fwtor Pipor, Feaa
I F Baehv-h, Oeaaala .
u JO urens CWavulo
I A MoUhaa,araalae I
e I Spaehoaaa. Leo nea
3Utii drfttiSftafnU. CITY
Male and Female Academy.
Tbii Inalitatioa. whee baa a-oa is Meooiiful
P-'ef. C. C. Kntigb, a aaoceatful and aoeoeipliabed
teacher, and will oootlaoo for a tern of a illooa
Higher breach.! ee
Coaitana fcogll'b breaeboe g o
Primary braacbea M H g OS
Special attcntloa will bo glvea lo the Iraiaiag
of toacbera. A Normal elaeo.
For larlbor pertleulero. atldreee
inhl-St Lumber City, Pa.
EXI.f IITRIXt" NOTIt'B. Notice I,
hereby glvea that Letters Teetementary oa
I he eetoto of VALKNTINK HOFFMAN, late
of Coviogtoa township, Clearfield ewanty.
Fa., deeeaeed. baring beoa duly graatod to Ibe
uodrreigoed. all poreone Indebted lo aaid aetata
will pleaeo make imiaedlata payment, and tboee
baeing olaims or demands will- present Ibam
properly aathanticated for settlement without
Frei.cb.llle, Pa., Feb. J7, ,7S-et Kiecetrli.
CAfTTlON. A II person are berah eantton.!
;aint pnrohaaiaf or in any a urd-lltng
with tbe following property, a. in poacettion f fl. oOrnorlicr, or Hrady townabtp, vlt i On
aorrwt bora, 1 brown bora, I eel dontil hara mi,
1 plow, t barrow, I two horte wagon, I eowi,
S aheap, 6 boga, and 1 of nil tbo grain raited on
Ibo premlaea, aa tb ram boloogt t,o nnd it
left with raid bra ticker oa loaa only, auhjfit lo
my order nt nny tin P. W. DRALCKKH.
Lniheraburg, Mareh 71 Si
j Net ton la hereby given th-rt Letter Teat,
i .Diary on lb eeUte of JOHN BBAUMONT, '
late of Lawrence townahip.OtonrBeld Ooonty.Pn
dtv'd. baring ben duly granted lo tb nnder
igned. all pereooa lusieUed lo mid entnle will
plea make immediate payment, nnd tboee bar.
Ing olaima or demands will proeent them properly
antbantionted foraeMlntt without imUy,
Clearfield, Pa, Mar. 27,'7S-t. Kxeeitor.
j by given that Letter Teitamentary on
tbe eetat of ADAM O K A K II ART, lat of Brad
ford town-hip, Clear It fid Co., Pa., baring been
dnly granted to tbe undersigned, nil pernios In
debted to mid estate will plans make immediate
pat unit, and thou having olaiin or demands
will present them properly autbentioateH fr set.
tlcmt-nl without drlay. J. V. UKAHIlAKT,
Clearfield, Mar. 17 flL Kxcoutor.
fn Re Em I of Ann Weitful.
Orphans' Court of Clearfield oounty,
Marco i arm, 1B7.
Tb undersigned Auditor, npp.ntod by th
Court fc. distribute any moneys in hand of th
Kiecutors of the eetat of Aon WetfH, drensed,
will attend to lit. duties as sorb, at bis ulnt tn
Clearfield, on Friday, May Sd, It e'eloek
A. M , when nnd woere all parties interested may
attend. . V. WILSO.S,
apr.VSt. Auditor.
Philip Dotts, for as, v. Jeremlsh Cooper,
loth Con won Plea of Clearfirld Co.. Pa,
Fl Fa., No. I March Term, 178
Tb uodenlarned Anditor, appointed by th
Conrt to distribute tbe money arising from tbe
sal of Defendant's real estate nndrr this writ tn
aad among the lien creditors entitled thereto, will
attend to hi duliea a such, at his in Cl--r-Aold,
on Moadae, April Sid, 1178, at lb o'clock
A. M., whra and wber nil parties interested may
l'd. 8. V. WILSON,
Aprils. St. Auditor.
ui; None b.
In ibe matte- of tb Inal account of Daniel
(lood)aotier and F. Knarr, Executors of lb last
will and testament of Adam Marshall, deceased,
lata of Brady township.
Orphans C.urt ef ClearSnld oouatr. Pa.
The unt1rlgnd Auditor, appelated by th
ourt to tab testimony, Ac, an i adjust and re
port upon tb eicepfiofs led te the confirmation
ol tb account filrd and ref on dii inbution of tba
money In the ben Is of th- Kiecutors among tb
Irga teee nnd parties emitted there te. will attend
to his duties as such, at hs olfioe in Clearfield, on
Wdneday, April 24tb, 1878. at 10 o'elook A M ,
Bin ana enere an parties laiereeierj mty aitena.
t). V. WlLdON,
pr3-3t. Auditor.
Administrator's Sale
Real Estate in Coviagtcm Towosloip
Tbo undersigned, Administrate of th oatet of
Felix Piea'd, late of Covington township, Clear
field oounty. Pa , dee'd, w U offer, for sale at pub
lie ut ery, on lb premiiH, on
. Saturday, May 4th, 1878,
at t e'eloek p. tbat certain lot of ground situ,
at in tb lownsnip aforesaid, bounded on tb east
and south by lands of John B. Pieard, and on th
west and north by lands of August tougenx,
containing TWO A CUBS, having thereof erected
good fram dwelling bows, stabl, aad th
aeoessary outbuildings, toewthar with th im-
On-third ot th purchase mbnav must be paid
M th day of eel, aad tb balance la 'wo equal
annuel pay men is, w o atcarea ny bona and
mortgage on lb p rem lees. F. F. COUDRIKT,
Francbrtllo, Apr. 10, 1878-dt. Adm'r.
Tha Tia Tag Saankinr Tohaooe la "
'a aroma. Biedeees, parity aoxt aaality.
The groat aolohrlty of aar Tla Tag; Tobaera
haa aaaMHl aaay latitatiaaa thereof to he Blaoad
oa tbo aa-ket, we therefore oaatioa all Chewerw
agalasi parebaeing sooh imttatiOBB.
All dealeta bwyiag or selling ether plag tahesea
haarieg a bard or matalle label, reader tbeaseelvaa
liable to the penalty af the laa, and all poraoa
violating ont Itade marba are pdBish.haa av flaw
ana imprieonmoat. Bf Act ol sjoaarraaa Aap.
14. letT).
Tbo genalae I.oiillard Tla Teal Takacra
eaa ha distingoisbed bv a TIN FAG oa each,
lamp with the word I.ORILLAKII stamped
Oeer T.QflS tons lohaoeo aold la 177, aad aaarly
3,000 persoas employed in feetoriee.
Taaea paid Uoverotoent ia 1877, aboal S.&SS..
000, aad daring past 13 years, over $20,000,000.
These goods eold by J. 11 Ly tie, Cleerleld, Pa,
Agent for Clearleld soaat, at maoofu.tar.ra'
Mar. S, '18 la.
Having parohued tha etaok af Fred. rWkrtt,
bereby g ivea eMice that ha it prepared to feral"
all kinds af .
of tho host aad latest taapruved pott eras, at vary
lew prleas.
fl e alenn hand,! lot of BRACK TflL
CH ADKLIKRH ftnrl tj A8 LAMPS, of til tmU,
t fitbl ptiooK 91 itarMrWr4 kttltort
ntHMj, to tail nitoiMn.
Also, a aaapleto aasarlsawat af aaaafaetarad
Tla. ware, ta whloh ha to. (toe the etteaUaa af ra.
Frnt part af Rooa No. I, FIR'S OPIRA
llUtmg. JAS. h. LBAVT. Proprietor.
Clearleld. Pa., Deo. It, TT.lf.
Why you Should Buy
The hoaoa le audo of th. hoe. t.i.k t.
throe ply aad lined wMk heavy kwtaben Haea.
a grBBiae n awsaua m.ilia te need far la
A aorfewt tl la gwereateod).
This Shirt la ootirejv taiahad uJ fa. ih
hoaadry. .
A aarofol aaaalaathsa sa ataam aa et Alee.
aad tha ba additea to the Meets leaves lha
aalrt Wltkowt aa eo,aal.
C.J. Gates.
Oorwoatrtlle, Fa, April IS-las,
i ( j f) s