THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL I, WO. Terms of Subscription, If paid la edvanoe.or wltbio throe uoaths...x Oil II paid after IbrM ltd before all atonihi.,, J M If aid after Iheeiptrafloo of six tnonhts.,. I SO i erMmn. 8. M. rimmiib A Oa.. Kwi" asyer Advertising Agist, IT Psrh Kow, ornir BirkiiB Street, art our duly authorised Ageaf la New York City. ; RELIC.IOUS NOTICES. Methodist F.pUcopnl t hyrth Rev. J.B. NcMiBair, Pastor. Service vry Habitat al to) A. M., and T, P.M. rUbbalb Bftbool at 9 A. M. I Fraver Meet ice eveiv Thunder, at Tl P. M dma untoa Herri. Brit Bebbeth o( avary 3 on 1 11, at 10ft A. M. Wait ClearMeld M. IS. Church Ravi William H. Dill and W. B. Win on, Pastor. preaching every alternate Sunday, at o'clock, P. M .-bun day Bcbou. at Z, r. M.- All are ia (rlted to attend. Prebtertaa Chyrcb Ht. H. S.Bdlbb. i-Subbath service morning and evening Sab- tath Bchool at I P. M. Prayer Mooting WHIM- lav evening. : Ht. frauds' Clinrch Catholic Rev. P. LKhibidah. Prearblncat lOeo'elock, A. M. fee first, third aod lourtb Soaday of eaeh month feepri and liens diction of tha lilrssed titter mailt It 7 o etooa, V. M. -bunoay boboo. evry euaaay fternooo at I o oloek. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ( riaa or aoLaiaa qdaktbi aauoaa ooobt. Beeosd Monday af Jaaaary. Third Monday af March. Ptrtt Monday af June, ". Foartb Monday of September. j Tim or loLDtao coavor rLiai. Firit Monday of J ana. Htooad Monday of November. rrtiLto omcaaa. x Pruidtnt Jtdgt Hon. Cbarlei A- Meyer, Look Haven . Atnttant L JudgtHo. John B. Orvll, of Rvllefonta. Attoeintt JmrlguAhnm Ogden, C1earRetd Vincent B. lluU Clearfield. V Protkonotaty fill Bloom. Ktfitfr and KtertUrL. J. Morgan. t Octriei AtlornyYim. M. MeCollongh. Trturtr David MeUangbey. : Skmri0 Andrew Peala. Jr. j Dtputy Shtrif-CMnU J. Keairiry, Olearfleld. County tfervoyofwoamaei r, movioiac, vor trenivilie. . Ooanfy Com miuiontrt Clarh Brown, Clear leldi Tbumae A. MeUaat Cheat P. 0-; Hairle Hoover, Clearfield. (,'o.efy AarfHore-Willlam V. Wriaht, Clear ield f Batnnel A. Caldwell, WUHamagroTe ; John 0. Conner, Burnaide. County Coroner J. L. Keff, New Waablngton. : Jary eMiM)'oarr--Dr. Jamea P Bun b field, blearfied. Joiepb Alexander, Madera. : Sp4ritndt of Public Schooi$ John A. 0reRuryr Curwcneville. .Vraero 4 Mn are JemW . Carlile, iaftce at Trootville. Pa. Natarin 'Bo(t-Johu W. Wripley, Vim. Ra gebanffb, Cyraa Gordon, Clearfield j Joaepb K. Irwin, N. B.Arnold, Curweniville f J. J. tingle, Oeeeola Milla J. A. Livingstone, DuBoia Cit). Oar Spweimt eolnran ia decidedly intereating In alueal point of view, and profitable reading to utaiden who want to tave money. NumerouB flitlingH occurrvd on Mon llav Pail the lit day of April. f Tbe Hi'asou for troiil-tUbing oponcd "an Monday laat, the 11 day of April, e ' The next Bunion ol tbo Cuntrnl Pa. il. K Conlerrnee will be b-U at Bloomibur, I'a., In March, 1879. ' They have a Collax utreet in Tyrone To ba eonalltent, tbera ahoa'd be one named 4jlrudit Mobilier. I Smith V. WiUon, Eq., publishes a lumber or Auditcr'i Notleei in tbii paper tbii reb. ItiUrrrted partlea will make a note of them. Tho Ladies' Aid Society, connotated With IbeCitarMd M. R Church, will be bald at (be residence of Dr. A. M. 1U1, aeit Friday irtenlog. i f Roll on, silver dollar, guide the travelrron hie way to John A. Btock'i tobacso and Igar ilore, where he can get tbe "La Alborada, tbe bait ft-aeot cigar la town. t J. Hall Muaser, who has been Post aiter at lluatlngdon for lewa yaari pail, waa ta-appointpd to that poiiiioa laat Wedneidey book out for a rww new, over here I '$ Connty Treasurer McG&nghey pub Sabei tbe Hit af oBaated Ian-la In tbii liaua, to tie aold for taxai far tha yean I87 end 1877. tb lale will take place on Monday, the 10th day if Jane ext. i m ;' If any ol our subscribers have hanged their place of reeidenoe, or latend yat he do eo, io ib to iaclade their poitoDe addreu, they ihoald ippriie of the fact at oaoe, giving tha name of the old ei well a that of Ib new oatofice. ' . , ; " We are requested to give notice that, aaeording ta pretlou inaeunei mcnt, the regular jetting of the Clrarfield Teoiperane t'alon will he held in tbe Court Ilvura Beit MuBduy evening, Apiil 8th. W ere promired tome good muiie tbii 00Mflun,beiidea other exerotaea. The twenty-sixth annual sefwion ol m)e Pittfburgh Cunfennea, of tba Evangelical Aiiucietion, waa held at Canton, Obit, on the l4ib of laat month. Rev. 8. Mi II iron wal ap aviated to take ebarge of the Clearfield Circuit the coining year, and Rev. L. il. Iletrleh baa keen retimed ta Do Beta City and Trout vitle. ; a mm .. . 1 The saw mill ol Hutidn, Uurdic A Co., war Williamfpert, lay a tba Bultttim, wa let un Ira early on Wednoiday mutning leu, and the ainei aprtad it decree Lupperl'a larnltura lea lory adjoining. Both baltdingi were deatroyed. The lata on the aaw mill wa I J 5, AOS ; patlally bliared. Lot! on fajiory and oontenti, fit, 000 ; btiuraae, about b 000. Walter Bui key, a mmlo man, aired 13 yean, aod brakimaa B a Ireigbt traio, waa ftio orar by eo angina la lb railroad yard at Altoona, on Monday, tbe 26th all., and so severely injured that ba died a lew hours afterward. He Wu an employ at aa time of tbo Clearfield Fir Brick Co cd pi ay, tn tbis place, bat left here about fee jaar ago wban be want to railroading. The attention ol our readers is alreeled to the card of the Lumbar City Academy ts tbla paper. This school baa been in saceesiful aparatioa Tor five years past, and is bow ia charge af Profeator 0. C. Kmigh, oae of tho moit lucceii. Pal and aeeompliibed teachera la tb county. For fall particulars ia regard to ibla eohool, write to Ret. J. C. Greer, Lumbi r City, Clearfield Co., Pa. mm mm T. A. Fleck is once more in New Fork and Philadelphia, where, for the next two Seek, he will be found devotiag hi time la ftleatlBg end buying a stoek af good that cannot ra competed with Ib ear town or eounty. He 9 making ladies' dreii goods atid millinery goode k specially aad his baying altogether for cash will enable blm ta offer laduetmeata ta hla eastern Rfi that b feel I positive are beyond eons petit loo. (all and ae for you reel vea. Tla a pleaaar to Aow goods at Fleck A Ca.'a atara. I We take pleasure in Calling the at wnliea ol oar readers to tbe aew advert Uemenl of A. tiainaberg, eValtria ready made alotbieg, who aow open tag hi goods far the P-prUg trat. Sir. Oulasbarg Is a aqaara bailae maa, aad VBrtiea dealiag with hiaa will get tha worth af thrir money. Bia ripring stock la complete, aad, having taught eatirely for eaah, he la prepared 4 oiler giaat bargain lo bia auny eaiteman. tit fit re is la the " Old Weitera Uutel " laild iag, where be will ha phra4 I wait upon his patron. Oive him a ealL Stocking the Stkeamswitb Fish. -Krpreienutiv At J. (Juiggley, accompanied by If. Cretllng or the Btate Fiibery, pat iatw tbe iasquehaaaa at Reaovo, oa Friday, 8,001 yuung Blifornia salmoa ; also ,U0f young brook treat Mo Yonuiwoaea's crk. Mr. Crevliag also pat to tbe Heaovo Hoaee pend abal S.OI'f young meU Mr. gulgglry'i uteris toward itoeking lr itrcatrl with lib, lays ifa CHntoB Ormmtrml, r detmiBg arpfiiie, and if tb rflorta pro kervifat, he will have ronterrH a laetiag aeae Ion lb pee(le ef this netiaa Nlfiamsmarl sm. Hall, why not aead iai ap tbii way t b. m a mm - . A Local iNClDENT. Tbe Ceutral sauiylrtai Caateraaiee, ef tha M. K. eharab, hiveaed at Lewiibarg, fjateavaaety, aa Weaaa. V at list weak, Ike avatar Bubap, mtt prcsloeag. Tbe lluhp, having aalka is body to order, requested the two oldest miai- ia tha service to oeadwat tba epaalag eier h. Tba lot tell upaa Atom Bntiaia, al ta ma ef 1S3. ms Uaary U. Ddi, mf the elea at Is. Mr. firluaia it a bratherlB-law mi aa h-bimaa, Mr. a. D. Vee4lo4luo, eed Mr. Iiiil ithe lather of Rv. Wm. U.DilL also a eitiaea Mbi place, Thil laoideal meet be Malty . i if tag ta tb frWadi af thts veieraa alergy a. Mr. aVittaU trewilid thUeireatt eader ibv hUr Is 19S9, aad hi US with Rev. OUrer Eg, r yaar Ueraaftw ht married OttodiaUw. f Don't forget to call at Stock's cigar faotory, Market street, and try tha "La Alborada." Don't forgut Uio appointment made mv t Tra mailp. Ia. tb Lmt of lottora remaining unclaimod ia tba PaftanMatOaarftaJd.fur Iba weeheadlag April I, 1878 Misa Sarah Dlakersoo, W. T McMorrow. P. A. Gauox, P. M. Promotion. Lieut. Col. Theodore Berebftcld, foreaao of tba Attooae fnteasjob oflo, wu prunoUd to tba posiilea af Colanal of tba Fifth Rogimeat, Nitioae Guard af Pson'e., at tba laatiea kali io llaaUagdea laat Friday a eek, aad Paymaster Haatiogi, of Brllsfoat, sleet d Lieutenant Colonel. A New Buiimi. The attontion of bridge bulldcrt II oallad to an advertisement ia tbli laaae, aoaeeralog a new bridge to be thrown aoroet Clearileld eraek, at Llti'i Fording. A bridge aeroai tba areek at tbii plaea will prove a gnat aoBvenloDoa to tbe public, particularly to tba eltlMttt of Bogga townablp, mn - I. O. O. F. At the lant stated meet log of Clearfield Lodge, No. MS, I. 0. 0. tb following oBaen were elected N. 0 William A. Barrj V. (J.,8arouflJ. Rowj Secretary, John K. Botlarff Alatant Secretary, Al. M . Row i Trtawer, Jaoob D. Snoke Trui- tea, Levla K. McCu Hough. REQUEST. Will tboM perabna to whom I have kared the " Popular Soieooa Monthly " for tbe montbi f January, February, March, July aad Auguet, IMS, and December, 1877, pleaaa return tbem, ae I have forgotten to abom they were loaaed and greatly oblige J. Blakb Waltbbi CLaaariaLp, Fa., April J, 187-ft. No Chanoe. We notice by tbe Con lervaea appointmeali that all tba preaehen la tbii vlcialt) have beea returned. Rev. R. P. Cempbetl fills tbe vacancy al Woodland, eaaaed by the death af Rev. Ball. Rev. J. II. McCord goei to Ueltyibnrg, Rev. B. F. Startaa to MifOinburg, and Rev. A. D. Yocom lo Bcllefoote. Rather Strep. A Miss Dunnegun, of Clearfield townihip, Cambria eounty, I cer tainly the champion In tb manafeetur of quill of maoy pleeea. Tb K Hamburg Frttmo aaya that, ah baa juat eompleted three qui lie one con taining 6,400 places, one 7,400 pi teat, and the third tb wonderful number of 20,4.'6 piece. She will donbttei remain the champion, as It ia scarcely ponible that any on will ear to apend the time required to out-do Milt Dunnegaa' feat. e mm Read " Arkansas." We advise our readers, and especially tboa who contemplate gulng Weal, to read an article to be found on our fourth page, prepared by Mr. Caldwell, whom wa know to bo a prartiral, truthful and obaervlng geolleoian. lie la no emigrant agent, wba wanta to decoy men wherever ba baa a peraonal iota reft. A glanoe at a map will ibnw to the Inquirer that tb Stat of Arkaniai Ilea betwceo the beat latl tnde and longitude in tba United Statei, and will, there Tore, aoon be one of tbe meat populous Statu In tha Union. --- i ma mm 'Sqitire Kerr. James Korr, Ksq., who wa elected to tbe olfic of Juatlce of tbe. Peace, la tfila borough, at tha recent February i leetlon, received bia eommliaiun on Friday laat, and he la now prepared to d if pee re law and jut-1 ttce in dorei to auit partlea who may be o ua fortanat aa to get before htm. M Jim " la a first- j rate yooag man, and wa have ant a doubt but ' that ha will aerve In bia new poiiiioa with aredlt and bonor to himself, and at the same time pre-', eerve tb true dignity of the otfloe. Mr. Kerr eoooeedi William Porter, Kiq . abo. iUR ..... ., ... nt ,k. i., m filter n years, end wa one of the best officers In , theeoaoty. , Wm 11 .iwl f iha Ituu tt'mtti i. . , ' ' vt " is Philadelphia and New York, making bia Spring j purrhaie. It is unnecenory for him tu go into j detail, as bis popular dry goods eilabllshment la , l i iM ii , ... I ,n u. qUM...7 and clan of goods b keeps, and mU prlues, war rant aatlifaotun ; and his eapenses being further 'reduced, bis customers il find greater induce menu to buy from him tb coming Spring than ever before. Suffice to lay, that betweea tbe 14th and 20th of April, be wilt open bis usual large and attractive stock of dry good, notion, millia ry and fancy good, wall paper, oil olotba, and at pets. Iliimrtbi'd of aelling Brunei carpet by aample Is a luccess, aad a splendid asiertsaeot ef aew simples will be on exhibition. a-apl-St. Mill Burned. From tho Philips- burg Jvurnal, we copy tbe following partieuiara af the de tt ruction of the saw mill near Morrisdale, tbli eounty, known as the McKioney mill, wbiob wu burned to the grooodon Tuesday morning of lsst wtek, between 3 and ft o clock i M Mr. John M. Holt waa the owner at the time of It deatrue tlon, tnd waa sawing tha timber belonging to Holt, M union A Co. Tb mill coil abeut 16,000 whea it was ball! two yean ago. It wu ininred for IS.000. Hon. 0, R. Barrett, of Clearfield, bid beea Its owner for a while, but quit recently made a aale of It to Mr, Holt. Tb loaa of tbii mill at tbla time la very an fortunate, aa the firm hai been prened with Urge orders for white pine aad oak bills, which will he partially Interrupted until they can rebuild, which they, no doubt, will proceed to do at once. The causa of the fire la supposed te be accidental." Fair Grounds. Ah a private citizen we claim la he as liberal ia tbe way of public en terpilse aa any ether tax-payer) but we mast protest against tb effort that Is at prtient being made ta decoy the County Commissioner Into tha pure baee ef a lot of groaad for the aee or tbe Agricultural Boelety t hold fairs, Ac Tbe Commissioners have no more right or authority ta do that than they have to Bteal their neighbor' horses, ar ta balld blacksmith shopa with funds belonging to the County Treasury j and if, officers, tbey would appropriate the taxes of the people bo that end, tbey would oeriainly too lead ia tbe penitentiary. At prirmtt ftfistea, tbey may subscribe and pay a million dollar each if tbey see fit i but. as nJJIctr; tbey eanaot lTlly py out a dollar for any such purpose, without rendering themselves liable to a criminal prosecution and a conviction, too. Clcarfikld Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Divlaloi, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tb week ending March 33, 1878, and the aame time last year : COAL. For the week Same time last year Decrease. M Previously durlna veer.. Same time last year , Decrease ....... ...... Total la 1871 Bame time last year Dee re aee... or aaa raaieain. Lamher Mlaeelleaeoei freight.... LETTER FHOM DUBOIS DcBoia Citt, March 27, 1878. Ma. EniTon I I take tbis method af infermioi yoa bow matter are moving la this young and thriving tewe. It now baa a populetioa ol over 1,30 Inhabitants, aaa Mill growing. Mr, Dubois has eommeaoed to build a four story brick hoes, lOaUO feet, for store rooms and boleL He says that if people will leave tbe cities t ruiitcate, he will try to make it please at for tbem here. The big mill will start ep AprU 16th. Tbo aew mill is Iarge-0xl60 lest whea laiibed. He will have throe mill standi f aa about waa acre ef ground, with a capacity af aver 30,000 I vet per day, beiide shingles aad lath. He has a Urge auouat of work pleased for tbie Summer. He ha eommeaoed a reoervetr on ibe blufl above hie hoaee. Tbe water will be brought ia pipes frm a small it ream near two mi lei disiaat, eo thai ia ease of fire at the mill he oa rua lie water to it ia be. He oapeeU ta make ether Improvements during Ibe Cuming hummer. Mr. Bell, a large draler and oprrator la eoal, Is pulling ap fifteen hoa pes this H urine, and will make may ether tmprovemoet an his properly daring tbe Bummer. A Hvaicaiiaa. WHO WILL DO THE bVEKDINQ I Tha present will be a most trying year for aur country riaboatb-Schovls. There are threw ia the country ta one ia tbe towa. Three-fuarlbs of the p'lpalatloa are Bifida tba borough Bad eouaiy-SMis. In aenres ef oumuiuaiiies, the Bakoalb-fahool ta tbe ealy religiuue meeting th at aaa he Buileiaed regularly aa IBs Lord's day. To orwaipiiii ia gone M'JVM uerot( BBvRlvl these! Bcbwuls aill aeed material asfiatanoe. Tbey must bava some paper aad book supplies. The very1 lite al " ibe Inmbe " depend a tbeir aoiag ted." H bo will ! ibeea t 1 bis t a ajaoaiioa t he aa wared waa enly ia Word, bat ia deed. I am euthwmed to eay that Tb Amerieaa Baadny- neaewi l niwa win ao eti in tie powe. t letaiih what may aa Beaded by Hr telly aawa ar aade ' aomtaaliwaal aehwwis, alter sueb aohoei have duate whet they oan t provide for lkmelvce. Ia rommuaitie at a mixed religious deaamiaaiien, a bbmib eobewl ar aoae is avmetiwee the amry a tier aati va. A needy deaomlaaliwftul aehoal wl.i, ol eawree, teak Sret lor aid trow to deaommatian with watch U I aeaeid. If that I mis, aur eoeiety may eeme ta the reesaa. Bnribrea, let ae Bat, ae aay aeaoeet, eaptara tha aame of a Saaday Heh4 aad aeffteot la " feed tbe tees be." 1 shall ha glad to reader all possible assistee, especially abre it may bo aw aeeded. R. CaiTTBspaa. OkturoSTB, Fa Msrak 14), 1870, , ; f TO. .... 38,1110 ... 31,341 ... 4,044 ... 3.11,041 .. 273,134 ... 43,088 ... 360,318 36,37 ... 4,U7 ,...185 can. ... eo 50,000 railroad tie wanted by A. G. Kramar A Co. Ja. Ilf. TbatUusUndof Mine" willamoke MLa Alborada algera, because ha says they an tall at A otnti a puut. . Factory an Market street, Clearfield, Pe, ppo alt Fleck A Co itera, 17 St. Adjourned Sale. The extensive Trvste' sale of lb Frvia estate, advertised ta be old oa tha 14th of March, hai been poetponed ntll Sitorday, April Uib, 1S78, at 1 o'clock r. M., at tha" ComarStore," ia Ourweasvllk, of wbleh parties in United will pleas take notice. mh2T St m Juat B. Gbabam, Troste. CLEARFIELD COUNTY ATLAS. In a lata Iniarvlew with Newton, tha Su periitendent, we learn that the work ia the vari aua d "part meat of our Clearfield Couaty lit tori, oal Ala progreiaea favorable. Many of our oltiierihave bad iketcbee ukea of tnrlr real dear. a, farms, busiaeai bone, mill), faetoriei, at , as may be area ia tha Hat which aooompa B'e thla article. It is important that every improvement, whether Sub He or private, should bo properly represented, ur alater eoanUee have shown to their boat ad vantage by tbe many elegant lithograph which so fully indicate their material reeouroe and tha step forward they have taken an tb road to oom mere ial importance. Our eitltens should sea to It that Clearfield Bounty la not bebiad In having its improvements firoperly represented. Tbo opportunity of aooar- j ng a view of our homes, rlvrr scenes, oh umbos, i Ac, will not occur again fur many years. It la heartily desired bv all that the work io tha view depertmeat may ba an comprehensive that the 1 1 1 m tinted portion of tba Atlas may fairly repro- Beat tha Improvement of the county i aad ta do in is, our termers, turn her men aad mere nan tc aot stand aloof. I bis feature ol theAUaa I both ornamental and useful, and is second to bo other seet i ob uf tb work. Messrs. McKiiaon and Maon are now calling upon tha oitlseni la the various townnhipB, and on their return wa bnpe to near a favorable report oi our popi liber ality aod nubile eotenirlao. - Extra copies of tbe aoaravlnaa are furnished tboee who bar views ukea, which enable tbe owners ta nave tneae pictures or laetr enoaaej la fremee, or eewa tbem ta their frienda rewifiiitaT la other Darts of the aouatrv. Tha fol lowing are tbe nainea of some of our eititeua who have already contracted to have vlewa ef their homes and building inserted In the Alias. Portrait of Ilun. William Bigler. Bird'-eye view ol tbe town uf Curwehnrill. first Mbuol bouse m Clearflela eounty. CLIARriRLB. lioa. William Bigler Residence aud lawn. Judge U. II. Barrett residence and uflioa. U. B. (Joodlander rcaidence and interior view or printing otboe. Judge J. B. Me Kn ally residence aod nir roundings. 1 e. J. Kow A Bun front aad interior view of printing office. B. J. Row residence. A. B. bbaw raidVnee and surroundings, Janice B. Uraham rcaideaoe, bank block and otner buildings. Itlobard bbaw rciidence, mills and surround- ibga, Inciadttig tbe West Clearfield fair grounds. L eonard Utaded School building and surround- idks. Ueorge Thorn re si dene aud surrounding!, A. J. Logan residence and Burroundings. Frank Fielding residence and grounds. W. M. fhaw residence and grounds. James Kerr insurance otttoe. Dr. J. P. Bun-hneld reiiduao and office. CrRWRNKVILLB. Hoa. John Pa Hon reside nee and farm scene. Mm Annie M. Irrln, view of the John Irvin eMeie property, eoniisting of mills, lumber and railing scenes un tne Bunquehanna river. II. H. Brainard interior view of printing offioo H. A. Irvin view of the Irrln humestead. LtTD BHHIURQ, Daniel Uood lander hotel, iter, and farm scene. hcubea II. Moore residence and earruaodlnga. Moure A Uamiitoi, store at Luthersburc. Dr. Keubea V.Spackmao resideooeand oaHoa. j. ii. nuinger reideocnd store. tbarlea Marihali residence, cabinet shop and surroundings. ww is u. serine- view of saw mm, aningle mnis ao'i aurreuoaiogs. , Ktastui Lulbcr residence and farm scene. Majof Mirltn H Lutlltrr(liid,oet 4 hrm ecena. David Reams residence, aaw mill, timber aad mtroundlnga. J. H. feyler residence and farm scene, Joaepb Beyler, Jl pottery works, resideooeand Mrroundiogi. John Beams mldence and farm scene. J. W.Corp-reaidenoe and farm aeene. Kliai Rubel rusidenee aod surrouadincs. U. M.Tbompson residenoo and farm scene. Keaiab Poelleihwait residence and iarro scene. Christian fmllb raaideaea and farm view. P. W . Draueker hotel, surroundiogl and farm seen. Frederick Kohler tesidenoaand farm scene. T. F. Kisbel residence aod farm aeen. BBtX TOWRIHir. 11. H. McUce A Bro. homestead, mill, other Buildings and aurroonding aoeoery, II. L. MoUee residence, saw mill, school bouse, rlrer view and surroundings. Jams McUee residence, old McOee home Stead, ether building aad aurrotiudiiig farm view. Angus Miller residence and surroundings. J. W. MoUee residence, Haw Mill, surround ing scenery, aad interior view of Haw Mill. John JA Lee residence aad surroundings. Robert Mabefiey view of residence, church, other huildinga aad anrroundinga. Jamea Mabeffey residence, river view, and surrounding foreat acene. ataeairji TowMimr, Horace Pateb in residence, mills, iter, othr buildings, river view, Ae, Jacksoa Patebia itera, resldenoe and aur rounding. .,,'. A. W. Patch lo resldeooe, river view and sur roundings. woba C. Conner reai dene and at or. Ueorge Patch in resideuo and surroundings. V. Tonkins residence, river view and sur roundings. John King residence eed surroaadings. James McMurra view of residence and store. A. iia tea residence aod surrounding. BRADruBO TOWNIBlir. . David Forcey view oi humestead, with ur rouudiBgs, aad farm scene. Batuuel P. Wilson, Ksq residener, farm build ing and farm scene. Joha Bteaart, hr v lew of tba Stewart home stead. Daniel 8 1 wart refklrnc, sarroundiaga aad farm scene, A. L. Freeman- residence and aurreundinp. Bccaata vowitiHir. John Ligbtnar residence, earrvandiagi and faim view. h. 0 Dav la residence, urroundins and farm acene. Philip Dotta raaidenoe and farm. riamuel liegarty reeidenoe and inrrouodlnga. KARTBiCI toWMBir. ) J. Q. MeClfrtkey rosidone and farm. Dr. J. W. Putter residence and surroundings. krox Towasnir. James Cat bear t reiidenc and farm scene, Wm. M. tat heart neidenae and farm Ken. Conrad Baker reai denoa and farm. B. C. Snyder residence and farm. Reuben Caldwell residence aad farm. ' , SOOTKDALS. R. R. Fleming view of residence, WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. , John M. C base residence and farm. ta a no tow smi r. R. B. flte wart residence and river view. Alexander Murray reeidenoe, tenant boose andoemetery. oaaaawooa nwaaair. Dr. J. P. Ueyt residue and larroaodiaga and rtvar via. niioia CITT. P. S. Weber Interior vlwof dry goods store. Long A Brady iaterior view ef hardware store. J. Kmersna view of Central Haul. John Dubois Hesideoee, mills, other build in a; i and surrounding. Joha Rumbarger residence and grounds. K. Kaata Guy Uetet hailding. DKCATCS TOW IBM IF. Moses Owens residence and (arm view. David U ear b n rt residence, farm view and eoalbaak1 Manna vewasnir. Juhn A. Murray resideaea and farm vlsw. joaaaa rowasBtr. MsJ. D-W. Wiseresidence, other batldingsnnd farm view, rial Tottaasir. Jeeepb M. fipeaoer view of mllL Law aaa vb townbhip. Lever Flegal raaideaot, aarroaudloga and farm eeeao, A. tt. Ogdaa reilJeaee, farm view aad mill. Mra. Kiiaabeth Carr widened aud sarreand- tnga. hem ol roller tea residence and fare view. Clark Bro wa reeideaee aad farm view. Leander Deaalng reeidenoe and farm vtew. Hoa. A. C, Tale term residence aad aur roan d - iBg. Abram II umparer Reeidenoe and larm view, Samuel Browa rOeldene aad farm view. Heary J. Mead residenoo and term view. i. ii. furest residence, farm and river view. uLica row nan ir. i Jemea Fljaa iw ef residenee aad sar round ing. osrBOLA sonorsn. Geerg M. Brlsbta reildaM bb4 lawn. D, U. Uoe4 reeideace and laws. , aioa rowaanip. B. F. Harley reeideaee and) farm ea. Joseh Hey lor res idea oa and farm aeeae. Jamea Anderson Belev aad blaekemub shop. HiMum Wolty resideaea aad term. L it. ftJreesier reaideweo amd larm vtew. tbarlea Browa resideaea and sarrewadinKi and larm aveae. Urwrgo t teaser reildina and aurroandiogs. aeaai Tewaanir. Philip KnoBreatdeaea and farm view. A. D. John Boa reeideaee aad larm view. Leonard kyter vtew ed the Kyier Heaaa, la kytertwWB, stare and sarrowading. A dam M ay ar resideaea, aarreaediagi aad farm eeeao. Jamea L. Btewart view af form, farm hai Id- ibg and aarrvaadlag. . aeaai Tawsamr. John W. Kyler reeideaee, sarrvaadlagl aad farm eeeao, rsiurtsvM, Jamea Praraur Hsisl and harm. Albert Owra rvBiawaoe aad haMhlag.roosa. Koberi Ueyd mj U Lioyd Uoae. Aud many axhert. Try the " La Alborada " cigar. 3 w. Wanted 50,000 railroad ties, at A. 0. Kramar A Co.', Cfeexfleld, Pa. jaa. If. A.-KivT.r O -snt 50.000 rail- m j .-m i , New carpetings, wall paper, cotton adaiaal eaasimerai, received at tb Baa Uiv thll week. M Salt I Iytle has jast received an swer let or no Bait, lergnst sisew so the artiola aaa be had at two dollari again. Wanted I 1.000 cords of Homlock and Rook Oak Bark, for which wa will ft th highest, market prtoa. Jylltf. A. O. Kbabbb A Oo, Kemember that Ijytle il County Agent for Lerrillard'i Tobaoco, aad can sell tbem at factory prices. They are the beat tobaooea In market. Try them. At the Republican office is the place to get yonr Job work dona. We ar folly prepared to do anything In the printing Una, will dolt well, and at th right kind of price. U. Fred Sackett keeps on band all kinds of fiitars for pumps, and will repair pom pa at abort notice. II alia keep new pnmpa,or will ardor any kind desired by eustomen. U has also seenred the necessary Implements for re pairing gam hoee, and will order new ho at any tiro, fee belt's Tin and Bteve Store, Pis' Opera Hoes. ar3T8l. A Fact. An advertisement inserted la tbe Rbpubucav will reach more reader than if published la all tb other papera in the eoun ty, and ooat tha advertiser less than one-half la other words, aa advertisement published In our jcomal li worth doubt the prise of that charged by nay other publisher la tho louaty "It U a faot.M tf- Wo have cared some of the worst oases of scalding by hot water aad steam on record. By taking cold, the burnt of th ehflWer had be en an aggravated, and being over the vital parts, th oaae seemed ahsolut. ly' hupelsss. We used E X. Thompson's Great Healing Oiattaeat as directed, cleansing tbe angry looking burnt by dipping a sponge in warm Castile soapsuds, aod srjueexing It over the sores aatll thoroughly elsanied, than spreading the Ointment on a thin nlee of cloth, aod laving It gently aa. Tbis treatment wat kept ap fur two weeki ar more, and In a month or atx wki tb patient wat oat deora aa well aa ever. Prepared by B. K. Thompson, TitusviUe, Pa. Price 26 ett. par hoi. Bold la Clearfield by 0. D. Wataoa, and Hartawiek A Irwin, drugiite. Hpectal. Fian Waibipo aud laoaino Bolicitbd. Mr Margaret Bpence wlil wash and do op curtains, and gentlemen's wear of all hinds, in tha very bast at le or eity laundrying. All artiolea left at Fleok'a store will be taken on Monday or each week, and returned tb lolkr ing Monday. Charge moderate. iaehlT-31. Sena bob Dkarinr J. L. R. nelcfahold, a graduate or the Pennryivania College ol Dintal (surgery, offers his prolesiional services to th Iiisobb or laarfieldaad vicinity. Kspeeial at tention given ta saving tbe natural taetb. All work assured equal to tbe best. OfiVa in reel denoa of Dr. 11 ilii, opposite Hbaw House. Clear&ald, Pa , March 20TB-tf. Fun aid Othtius D. W. Jordan has oa hands. daiiv.FItbSH FIM1, which a will dellr. er ta customers la any part of the town. Also, FRESH OYSTERS received every day, and for sal ly th pint, quart ar gallon. Prices low. uiearnoia, re,, Jan. io, idib-u. With what Complacency mu.t th lady wbooiei 0 lean's Balphar Boap glance at her mirror, for there she sees reflected a complect ion devoid of blemish. Tbe peerless purifier may bo relied up on to remedy all skin irritations. Bold by all uroggisu. Hill's Hair A Whisker Dye, Blark or Brown, 60 oents. mar27-4t. Wantbh. Borne easily learned persoa or Artist manufacture Lot una' PatbhtBii.k Cabva Picturki in this county, on Royalty. Painted from photographs or any picture, and la tbe Finest Oil Paint in a mad. Before Ibe territory i Ulan I will paint picture ttilO for SI 0 and warrant toem lorm. Avery person soouia oavo on, a Oil Painting on Canvas are the only pio'ares that will Hand the test of time, and can he handed down to posterity. Particulars free. Nor. f, 1877-ly. Carry City, Pa. Oan Hi'BDbbo Pin Cant. Diaootmr ow Old Pnicas. Hewing Marhln oaa now be purchased at Alerrell s tin and variety store, troia 8Jt up wards. All kinds of aew log maebinei repaired on tba shortest aotiee. Clearflld, Pa., July 18, 1877. Wantbo 1100,000 20-lneh shared ablnglea ta average from 0 to 0t Inebea for which wa will pay th highest market prlee. At U. BVRAJIBB vO., Clearfield, Pa. BeasiBa Fob Salb. K. Newton Bhaw keep a full supply ef fredonta Baggisaand Platform Wagons for aal. To be seen at tbe Hhaw House yard. Call oa or address him at Clearfield Pean. aylvanla. . may laVtf. 3 vfM floititiinr Fart. A large proportion af tb American people are to-day dying from tb effects of Dyspepsia or dls ordered iiver The resust of these diaeesea upon tbe masses ol lnlellicent and valuabl people is most alarming, making lifeaetully a burden In steed of eajoymeat aad uaefulneea as It ought to be. There is ae good reaaoa for this, it yoa wit! only throw aaid prejudice and skepticism, take the advice or Druggist aod your friends, and try one hot tie af Ureen' August Flower. Your speedy relief ti eertaia. Million of bottles of this mediciae have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory remits la every ease. Yon can bay a aample bottle for 10 cents ta try. Three dose will relieve tba worst ease. For sale by C. D. Wateoa, Clearfield, Pa. Mar 23, '77 eow-ly. Pon Jliwtt "re that Cottrh. With tib Hob's Con sump tloa Cure yoa eaa care yoarself. It baa aatablisbed tha taat that Con aumptioB eaa ba cured, while for Coughs, Brnn- ohitts. Whooping Cough, Asthma, and ail difeasc of Threat and Lungs, it Is absolately without an equal. Two doeoe will relieve your ehildof Croup. tt 1 pleasant to take ana perleotiy nerinless lo the youngest ehlld, and ao mother can afford lo be without It, Yoa oan use two-thirds of a bottle aad if what we aay ia not tru w refund the price paid, f no m coots, oo ecnti and si per botti. If your lungs are lore, or cheat or bank Ume, use Bhileh'a Porooa Plaster. For eala by all drug gists of Clearfield. Have you Dyspepsia, are yoa Coostipeted, bav yon a Yellow Bkin, Lo of Appetite, Head Anh. II to don't fall ta asa HH1L0H 8 BY6TUM VI TA L1ZKR. It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will yoa continue to suffer when you can be cured on such term i aa thee. Price 10 eta. and 7e eta. Bold by all druggUts of Clearfield. Well Persian Perfnm. " BAOKMETACK I rich and fragrant. Try It, Bold by all drug gists of uiearflekt. dee. a, 77 eownm At RnrtDf Milti. 0Btr P. eB Tharf- d.r, M.rch 11.1, If7, bj II... W. K. F.-ch.r, Mr. W. . T.rk.r, of Cl..r.ll, P.., .oil Mi.i vl.r. a. r.hrio., or tb. f.rv.r At th. rMlienM .f th. hrld,', mother, on Wwt.Md.jr, M.rrh 1711, by H... g. M. Mm; D.I)., Mr. Oh.rl M. Coo., ol Woodl.nd, Ul,.rn,lt M.Dlf, r... ul Milt Vor. . Mor.r I.dJ, or Tjroa., P.. O. Tband... M.reh llb. h Wa. L. Rl.h.1, Bi., Ur. P.rk.r I. U.rdn.r, ot Oflr.o, .HK ..d Mri. I). Baith, of Fo', U.p, Clnrldd wtj. At tbe resideaea ef her son-in-law, Mr, M. L. 0. KvsoB, ia Pike tewashtp, en Sunday, March 31st, 1870, keilah, relict of Jonathan McDowell, aged early f 8 yeara. CLEARFIELD MARKETS, Clsarpiild. Pa.. Anril L 1"78. Floor, per owt $.1 30 Rack wheat Flour, per cwt - I 00 Oera Meal, par wt,.M ..... I SO Chop, rye, per wt...w m.H I SO unop, mixed, per wt . i rt BraB, par owt I l!i Wheat, par k-jahel..M..M.....,H 13k Bye, nor bethel. ..,...,....., , 7i Oets, per bushel " 31 Corn, earl, per bashel 80 neat w aewt. ree basBel..., ....... , aa Potatoae,aer aabel..i..,MMM...M. 30 Apple, per bashel 40 to 100 lams, per pouna f H bowlder, per pound ..M .aMW 7 Dried Beef, per aoead 1 & Cblekena, per pair...HMMHWIM 40 Butter, per pouad m M In Rrga, per doeee.,...MM,,H..MH ' lo Bait, per aaah, largel.MlM.A,VMvM , , y 3 00, voai uu, per gaiiee..M 20, Lard, per pnaad M Hi Dried Apple, per peaad 1 Dried Peaahea, par pouad.. m.. . 10 Boaaa, aor bashel t 00 rRODDCE MARKET REPORT. FbilsdblPBU, Anril I. Flour firm and steadri' saperOaes, 9-1 60 i extras, $4. 00 Peaniylvaala family.H 00(b)0 M Mtaaeeota da , $0.7k( j paieat aad higi grades, SaJ0(u;. iiye Boar, s.x(a aa. Wheat an Uied aad levari ib : amber. ll.SSlA 1.40 red, 01 IK4 1 -M white, 1.40( lea. vevaaaaM iMiur, Cereaaoitedi jaltew, iia via i mlaod. Lilt Ihc. Oau weaken Peeaivlvaala white. OftfJlT. . Wamera da4 laSOe da. mi aad, Ui(d)34e. ye, woyoe. Previsions a aead lobbies- trade bomb nerk. ftlOSiQIO.70. Bert aaw, I OA IT i India seeas beef. ft34fm3ft t rmeked ham a, !(. pickled K OiTci green do ., fte.; amoked shoulden, 4 & 4o ( thoalderi la wit, 4K4,a. Lard bra i loot butebsra', tU eity kettle, Batter firm ; food deeaaad far cheloa creamery. 3233 B. C. A Y. eeirai, 38oJ0e Weal art Keeerve, 17(a;30a. -V ?ai ll' Weatern, Cheese demand IIrui .& 4 ta.ta 7 Western ohoiee, lifyHi. Seeds Under lb Increased offerings Clover eed ii dull, and ae e,uno w-uioa la eboiea at (71c 17ft bafi wore disposed of oa private term. Nothing was said I either Timothy ar Flaseeed. Bark shows bo movrment, and w eaa only re peat our nominal quotation af Mo. 1 quercitron at 30 per toa. Petroleum dull i re B nd, Dyo; crude, 9($Rlc Whisky Western, $1.07. Jfuw Yea a, April 1. Flour Btattaad Weatera a shade stronger superfine and 8 1 at Western, H.Mlfai eitra do., tbfiui li I ebolo du., 0& SO Ot&.bO ; faaey do., Si 00(oft 76 1 round boop Ohio, $i 06(.26; cboioo do., $3 0(n,8 76 ; superfine western, $4 lOftiS common to good extra 4o $6('V&.2( choice do., ao.(4-86 ; eholce white whtat do., $5.U0CA.6O ; Bouthern firmer ; oom mon to fair extra, 0i;(y,6.7 I god to choio do.,; A.K0($7.6O. Wheat Itiiiia better j oa futures not aotlvei l.3VAl.20i lor No. 3 Spring, easb j $1.37 fori do. April Cora i1a better j mixed Wei tiro, 60(o?67c for spot ; 6;ii(cbl7o fur future. i Oats a shade firmer) mixed Western and Btate, 33(u):i0e t whit do., 8(5 4 lc 1 beer quleL Pork firm; new mess, $10 26(5,10 60. . Lard a shade better j May, $7.00. Butter unchanged. Whisky quiet j Western, $1.08j. Chicago, April 1-Ftour firmer, but net quota bly hi Mher bolder asking higher rates. Wheat nnsettled ani lower ) market excited and opened weak and lowes I alosed firm at out side prices; No. 1 Chicago Spring, $1.13I..14; No. 8 do. gilt edge, 11.124 ; regular, tl .10 for cub, and April; $1,121 for May i aalee at $1.11 ( for May f No. 1 do., $1.041 rejected, 86. Cura anaeltled and lewer, hot active 424.0 for caih and April 4Jc for for June aale at 43 441 for May. Oat in fair demand j loer and ansellM at 33c for eaib and April f 27jc for May. Hya In good demand, and af shade higher, at 68Jc. Barley firmer at 40. 'ailionil.. Prnnnylvanlnltnllroad TrBONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH fK d .ft.r Mo.djr, JUNK it, 18T7, th. VPUHDfit TrM will run d.ily ( Hub. d.yi) botw... Tjroa. uid Gl..rfild, M fullo.i CLEARFIELD MAIL, W. C. Inwi, Conductor. LEAVE SOCIH. LEAVE NORTH. Curw.navllt.. Cl..rll.ld.... LwBMrd,M..... B. Woodl.nd Bigler M'.llac.ton,... III.. U.ll,.. Philip.borc... .1:10, r. ... " ..1 9, " ..S.ii, " .. A3, " ..4.03, " ..4.11, " ,.4 18, .AM, " ...!, " Tyron. V.oHuyoo,... Hnuuiti,.....,. Puw.ltoB, OHHlk...,,, 1)0) BtoB 10,..b ...., " . , " 10 10," in to, " .10.27," Bl.tB.r1., 10.11, " I1H," 10.34, " 10.60, 10 40, " rbilip.burg... ()r.o.ui, Blue U.ll,'i .4 84, " W.UtoatoB,... 'l.r Woodlud D.rrett, Lonn.rd Doynton,.... OiomI. Po.olton,. tiummit, Vbomom,. Tyron. ,.4.42, " ..4.47, .4.8, " ,..1, ,.o.J4, " ..(.Oil, " .11.08, " 11.17, ' 11.24," 11.31, 11.40," Ola.rn.ld ..... Cur..n.Till... 12:01, r. CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATION. W. B. PLOMHtR, Coodoetor. LEAVE SOUTH. , LEAVE NORTH. Corn.Till 7.00 i. Tjroo. 1.14 P. Cl..r6,ld 7:30 " V.bmo;m,....I.4S " Laon.rd 7.44 " HbiodjII, 1.01 " I 04 " Pow.llori .! " Woodl.nd 120 " Owol. 4.34 " Illgl.r, 8 .14 " BorntoD 4.42 " H .II.O.IOB,.., B SO " Htrin.r'h 4 60 " HI.. Ball t 06 " PbiUpib.rg...t 00 " Or.h.m 0.17 " I (lr.h..ra 6 JO " Pbillp.har,.. 5 40 " lllu. B.ll 6.46 " 60 " I,.....0tl " B"oloo 10.00 " lliglor 0.10 " OiomlB, 10.20 " Woodl.nd .S0 " Pow.lun,.,.l0 40 " B.rT0,.........l.i " 11.34 " Looo.rd .60 " V.onn.oe 11.26 r. . Clirfi.ld 7.00 " Tyrun 1.0 " ; Corwfoinll.,.7.31 " I'llII-irSBl RO A MOSHANKON BRANCHES L.AV. IODTM. f, M. A. M. t:l0 2:16 7SS 1:10 2:14 7:44 2:10 10:10 7:6 1:44 10:46 l:ll 1:61 10:61 1:11 2:67 10:6) S.IJ 3:01 11:02 1:22 3:07 11:07 1:21 1:12 11:1.1 8:36 LB A VB rorti. .TATIO.H. A, M MorrLda., Pbilip.burf, Kumar'. P. M. ft M. 12:10 12:26 12:21 12:14 BoyntoB, OwmoU, Mo.b.niioa, :4S 1:10 12:04 4:16 11:61 4:00 1 1:4 1:61 11:40 1:47 11:36 1:44 11:30 1:40 11:16 1:34 Ht.rllos, :! IloBtidal., 1:20 MoUauKj,- 1:11 Kaiidrioh'i, R.n.T. too BALD KAUI.K VALLEY BRANCH. TJiTMall. " T 'Mall'.' Kip. f. M. A. H. ft M. A. M. 7 0S 1..10 T;roB. arrlTa 1.11 8.06 f.3! 8 17 Bald Eafla 1.41 t 41 1.01 1.30 Joil.n 6.10 1.00 14 1.44 Mil.thorj 4 46 141 1.31 10.04 Uoll.r.BI. 4.17 l.:i3 8.44 10.16 Milubnri 4.16 113 0.01 10.40 Howard 4.01 8.00 41 11.11 arrlr.L. 11...B la.T.1.16 1.26 TV RON ! STATION. - KABTWABD. . ....I .RIT.1BD. A. M, ..10 K.n'a.. l.fiO HarrlibutK Am'ra, 1:301 PaelO. Kiprui, 1:11 P.M. Hall Train. 1:2 Atlaotie Kxpreaa, 8:60 Pblla. Eipr.n, 10:31 P.M Way Pati.n.r, 1:16 Mail Train, 8:34 Fart Lin., ' 7:01 Cloa. onnnaattooa mad. br all train, at Tjron. .Dd Look H.T.B. 8. 1. BLAIR, .ap.rlnl.nd.nt. BTAOI LINKS. A alaal.BT.i Carwraavlll. dally for Reynold! rill., at 1 o'elook, p. a,, .rri.lnfr at Rrynolderlll. at 0 oelook, p. m. H.turnin,, l.a..a K.ynolri.. .ill. daily, at 7 s'olook, a.., arriving at Cur v.nivill.Bt 12 o'okiek, a. F.ra, .acb way, $2. A nag. 1..T.. Cnrwoaavlll. daily, at 1 o'elork, p. a , for Dalloii City, arriring at DuHoi. Oily at 8 o'clock, p. m. Katuroiag, lutr.a DuBoia .1 7 o'clock, a a., dally, arritingat Curw.D.villat tl e'.look, at. Fara, .Bob way, $2. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW URADB DIVISION. ON and after Monday, Dm. 10th, 187T, th. train, will raa daily ( Sunday) batweon Red D.nk .nd Driftwood, ae follow. I RAKTWAflD. D.y Pltlabnrg 8:30.. m. Red Bank 1 1:60 ( Sligo Junction 12:08; New Brthlrhem 1:07 p. m : Mayavill. 1:36 1 Tro. 1:10 llrook.ill. 1:00 f Fuller'! 2:36 ; R.y. noldarill. 2:61 : DuBoia 1:3.1 : Summit Tunn.l 1:40 I Penrlftld 4:03 WmIvIII. 4:17 1 BaneHtt. 4:61 1 arrirea at Driftwood at 4:66. H 1 T W A It 1).D.T Mall lr.v.1 Driftwood 11:16 p. n.; Brnea.tU 1:00) Wndvlll. 1:40 1 Pralald 1:46; Summit Tunnel 1:07 j DuBoia 1:30; Krynoldavill. 3:61 ; Full.r'a 2:67; Brookvill. 3:3: i Troy 1:40) Meyevllle 4:16; Sim B.lhl.b.m 4:20 1 Sligo Junction 1:10; Hod Bank 1:27) arrlru al Plttaburg at 1:10 p. ra. Mr Tb. R.yn.ldavlll. AH.mnod.tlon iMral Rnynoldarlll. daily at 7:61 a, a. and arrirea at Red Bank at 11:110 a. a., t'ltlarrurlh al 2:1(4 p. Uar.a Fllt.b.rib al 1:10 p. a I Rwd Bank at 44 p. an.; arriving at Hey noldavtlla at 0:06 p.m. Cloa. conbeetlona aade with tralna on P. A S. Railroad at Dnlt.ood, aad wttb train, on tb. Valley Hailrowl at kd Bank. DAVID McCAA0,U.a'l Hup't. , A. A. Jacb.oh, Sap't L. (1. Dir. STAG! LINE. . , tLUartBLB TO riBPIILB. ' Tb. andaralgnod wonld iBfwa th. palll. that b. la aow rnonlog aatag. lin. b.twwa Ulaarlleld and p.nn.l.l, tnrw tla.a a nai -Tb. atace le.vea Ol..rl.ld on, Tb.ra- daya and Hatnrdaye, at 1 .'clock a a., arriving at I'enH.ld nl 13 o elwtk m. HMurntng ban:. d.ya. L...M P.n8eld .1 4 .'dock p. a., Arriv ing .t Cle.r8.ld at 1 o'elook p. a. ConnMtltm la m.te with traina oa tba Low Orado R. It. nt PanOrld. Faro, each way, 11.60. OKO. W. UKARUART. Clearlold, Pa , Feb. 13, 178 FARB FKOM CLEARFIELD, TO fl.M.font., Pa II 86 Mlddletawa ...... 1 M Lvk HaT.n.... 1 10 tarlt....,., 8 In Wllllaaaport.,... 180 LaBeaatar 816 HuntiagJon.. 180 PHILADELPHIA 3 84 Lowlatown. I 00 Alto.aft.:,..,H, 1 86 M.ry.vlll.. i 40 1 10 OawM.ville...n,,,.. !0 1 Pkili.ah.r... ...... . 11 Ocoaola A6(Trrone ,. I 23 BARRISBIlRd... 4 fllPITTHBIJRO t 18 Sfw 3Ktrrrti9(mrnts. jma.imi CLAomcAt hciiooi.. Tbla acboel will .pen la the U.narrf Ora drd Kcbool hnlMlng. Cl.ar8.ld. Pa , .a MONDAY, APRIL lid, 1878, WM... TnitiM. for Onaaoa areneb.a. ,.M.WMfj8 80 . Hiaber Rogli.h and Claoloal 1 00 A Neraal elaaa will U forad If dnlrvl. Clnrleld, feh.13 lit. I. 0. YOUNUMAN. IVew Marblo Yard. Ta. and.ralgn.d wobI. lefena tba puVlt. taat he baa bm4 . h Maibl. Yard .. Third atreet. opIMiette ibe Lulb.raa Oh.reh, where be will keep ooaetaaHy .a bead a ataek of eart.aa kind. .1 aiblfc All hiadaar . TOMBSTONES, MONDMENTS, . PmiU for Ctmtltrt Loi, and all other work la hla IIM will tx pnaptly OaeentMl In mt .nd warhaanltk. aaanar, at TMaMHJPMM. ll.guwaaueaeatlaf.'t.rT were aad low price. SIvahia.MH. ' t. FLABAKTIT, .Cl.arl.ld, Pa. Merck IT, 1871-tf. , $rw avrrtistmrnts. ADMlfUKTRATOItll' MOTICB. Notlw ia gtrea tbal UlUraof A4 aiBlitratloB an Ib. MtaU tt LEVI WETZEL, let. of tlirard townabip, Cla.r6.ld wanaty, Pa., drrapd, baring bMa granted t. th. -".-..I. '.at. . ; ..x.f 'a-t to a.H arKt. r.Tf i.We'' mt - Vjj-r bavlBg .iaa .r danatid. ag-ataat la. uut ili tb.a properly autb.Dtle.t.d for Mttl. atat without d.lay. WILLIMINIA WETZEL, JONATHAN WETZEL, Adalnlatraton. F.aruary 17, 117181. CAirTION,-Aii person are hereby eaatloned agaloBt anrobaaiog or la any way meddling with tbe following property, now la tbe posses ulna of Beoiaojtla UIoosj, of Pike lowasblp, oil t Two horse aad Bern as, I twotWa wagon, 1 Sair twia eleda, 2 plow, I harrow, 1 above! plow, cultivators. 10 acres wheat ta tha groaod, 1U0 bushels oom ear. 100 busbele oats, 2 steer. 0 ahoats, aoJ about 3 000 feet hemlock timber, aa the aame was purchased by see at (Sheriff's aaie B the llih in St.. and l lifi with said BeoJ. 11 loot on loan only, subject to my order at any time. A run B 0LtUUH, Curweoarille, Pa.. Mar. lS-3t. Asricultiiral Statistics. r (As aft Citarjitld Ooutf t Tb nodcrsiined harlot been appointed by the Department, at Washington, principal reporter of me Agricultural otaiiiiica oi uiearaeiu aonniy, reipecifully requests the oo-operation of all to assist, by sending tne suoscriner an tne iniorma tlon tbey oan bearing upon the following ques tions, bo aa CO enable him to make aa correct a statement to tbe Department, aa possible I How many horses have d ed in your borough or town ship, and of what disease. How many oows and calves, and of what disease. How many sheep have yoa lost, and of what disease j bow many killed by dogs. Ilow many hogs have yon lost, aad of wbat disease. What prevailing d amongst tbe poultry, in ail oases gue tne rem edies used which have been found to be aueeeee- fal, and in all eases to give tbe cash value of all took as nearly as possibi. By tn eo -ope ran on uf oar oltiien Ib general upon tbese important particulars, tba Agaieultural report will beoom ao encyclopedia el useful iafurmatioa to tho pub- lie, by enabling the Iepertmnt to publish th diseaoes, tne losses, aad tne remeaie inai nave been found most benettotai In eertaia di Any other imorioaiioe that will be eoufUered public boneBt, will be tbankfulli raoeived. Address th subscriber at Oram plan II Ills, Cleaifiald Co., Ta. HAM U EL W lUtMlKa. March 13, 1878-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND BTRKFT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hava opened up. in th. etor. rooa lately Mennled by Wearer A Bella, on Seoond etraot, Urge and well ..looted lock ef Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QTEENbWAHE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HAM AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which tbey will dirpoaa of at rrMoaabl. r.t.a for caab, or eicbang. lor eountry protiuoe. OROROS WEAVER A'CO. ClMrt.Vi. Pa.. Jan. t. 1878-t. FL.OUK. n:t;i, AND , GItOCEItY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Boom No. 4, PI.'. Opera llouu Clearfl.lel, Pa. Keep eonatantlr on band ai-QAii, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SVRIP, ! SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Canned and Dried Frnite, Tobaeeo, Clgara, C.n- dlci, Older ncgar,;ilutt.r, Eggt, Ae, ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheal and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Moal, Chop, Feed,"&o., All of which will b. aold cheap for eaah or la leaange tor oonntry prodoo.. A.U.KRAMER A CO. Clearleld, Not. I. HARTS WICK A IRWIN . SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN ' ' PURE DRUGS! OHBMIOALSI PAINTS, GIIaS, DYE STUFF TARNISHRR, ' . BRl'SIIES, '' KRfnMar, , . fANCY OOODJt TOlLfcT AUTICLES, : ; . , J . ' 1 Or ALL KINDS, - .,' ' j ) . . . j , . PVRK WINES AND LIQVOR& . fat aAl6taal p.rpM.a. , fraaaM, SnpfortM, Beh.ed Iteoka and rVtaliaa. ! .ry, and .11 lkr .rtictM aaaallj foaad ta a Drag Sum PHYSICIANS' PRFSCRtPTIONg CARS FULLY OOMI'OUNDID. Uarlag a kvrg. .1. pertenc. In aVe bw.lneu th.y eaa gr. Mtir. MA. lafactle.. J. 9. BARTSWICK, JOH f. UWU. OlNrl.H, Dmaher 18, Iltl. pUrrlUuftuf. , IOH PRIKTIMU Of 1VIIT DE80EIP ll.n awtly .iwmie al thla oHi. ARaNOLD wants a .fv a tr a. ii "n i avea o.uutK'.jwau noaa lies. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. CunrenavUI., J.n. t, 78 If ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Cu(oi,;., P.., Jan. , '78 If. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. S11AVED AND SAWED. Curw.naville, Jan. 8, '78 If. "VTOT1CI5. A meeting ef the atockboldera of! i.3 tb. ClearO.M Fir. Uric. Co., will bo b.ld at thalr olfioe in Cl.arfleld, on Monday, May 8th, 1878, for tb. purpoa. ef rotiug oa tba iaeraaa. .f tne oapttal atoca ol aaia wmpeay. C. W. SMITH, Cl..reld, Pa., Mar. 8 81. SnroUry, F OU SALE. T be anderslcaed will sell at prlvat aale all that treat or paroel of land aitaate la beeatar township, Clearfield aoanty, Pa., with la a abort distance of tbe Tyrone CUarAeli R. R., aad adjoining laad of Robert Hudeoa and otaers, aad know a as the Jaoob B. U ear b art lot Tb said traot eontainina AO aeree more or 1. with two vein of valuable eoal tbereoa. baa aboat 10 aero eleared, aad is tne key to a large body af eoal about being developed. Will be sold lew aad upoa easy terma For particular, apply to vaviv i. aLnntia. Clearfield, Pa., July It, 1876. TilSMOMUTION OP PARTMERTHIP. XJ Notice ia hereby given that the eo-part- neranip neretoiore eiieting oetweea Jesse uoaa Ben, at Wallaeetoa, waa dissolved by mutual con sent on tba 1 1 th. day of March, tn.tant. Tba books and Booouata are left with O. Frank Oosa for settle ment aod eolleetloi, who will also settle all claims of tbe Ira. JKHHB GOSS, U. FRANK OOSS. Wallaceton, March W.73-4U J hereby give nolle to oar old patron, aa well aa to aew one, that lb basin will be eon tla aed by me at the old aland, where I propose to sen more and eneaper gooaa tn n were ever or fend In ibis market. O. FRANK OOSS. DIWMIl.UTIO OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice ta hereby glvca that tbe eo-part- Dentil p beretofure existing under tb Arm aame oi Moor, nam 1 1 toa vo., to tn meroantii -justness at Latbersburg, l'a.. was dissolved by mutual consent ootbe first day of February. 1078, L. B. Carrile having wttbdrawa from tba firm. Tbe books, note and obligations o tb firm ar left wjih Moore A Hamlltoa for settlement aod eo! lictlon, and ibey will fettle all elaima against the lata Arm. RKI'BKN U. MU KK, JOHNSTON HAMILTON, LKVVIrJ B. CARLLLB. Lutfaersborg, Warcb lo,78-4t The anderaigned deslr to oontlnae la tbe business attb old stand. MOORE 1 HAMILTON. liJfiSl PRIVATE SALE OP ' 'J Valuable Heal Estate I The ondetilroed, Hvlog la Fenn two.. Clear field eounty, Pa., offer the following ralaabl neai kstatoior nua: 446 Acres of Land, mora or leaa, la Beoearia township, lying oa tbe norxn siae oi oig vieaniew eraB, aaa wilBia oae mile ef tbe same. Tbe above load t heavily covered with hemlock, white oak, reek eat, and ether bad wood timber, aod a aaatity af white pin, aaid to be half a mill toa or more feet. Th same l heavily underlaid with bttuminoua eoal, and directly oa tbe line of railroad leading from Houtsdale toCoalport. Its value taankaown. Tbera are, also, other rateable mineral aa the same. Tbe above land lies aboat two aod a-half mile below tbe village of Glen Hope, adjoining lands of George Groom and other, aa wbat I known as Porter run. The improvement aa the prop erty are a good geared aaw mill, ia rannlna order. a high dam, stone breast, made la tbe beat mea ner, fit for almost any maohmory. There fa, also, a large I ram dwelling bouse and frame bank bars thereon, and about forty or fifty acres, more er less, or tb land is eleared. Any person wishing to invest In property of this kind will do well to examine this property. I will nil tbe whole or tbe undivided half iateeeet, as may suit th purchaser. Tbeabuva tract af land will make two or three farms, which will compare favorably with the greater part af ear eoaoty. Prlee aod terms made known t any persoa within to our- chase. For further particular aall la person or anureas me anaersigaea at Hramptaa Hills C.U. Clearfield county, l'a. AM L W1JJKMIRB. Jan. 0, 17 if. . THE TIN SHOP! 4 IUUG Ml'OWS MAl'flIXE ! FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. S, PIS'S OPERA H0C6E, Clearfield, Pa. Respectfully Informs hla eoseemer. aad the nab. If In general, that he continue a to menu Tact are all kinds of Tin, Copper & Sheet-Iron Wore, Of first, class material oaty, and la a work man Ilk manner. ROOFING and SPOUTING done oa short nolle an.l very rot.uablo term. COOK STOVES, HKATINO STOVES AND Fl'HSACKS alwaya apt in st oca, ann tor sat tow. Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specialty. Gaa F Inure always aa Bead. All work guaraa teed to give eat infection. A share of pablle patronage eordtally solicited. FRED, SACKBTT. Clearfield, Pa., May f,17T. The Bell s Run Woolen Faclorj Penn townabip, Clw.r8.ld 0.M P.. -HUMMED U T 1 nt aot BURNED UP! The subscribers hava, at groat aipense.rebalHB nalihrMtrbood aeeaaslty. la the ereatloa ef a firet- las Woe lea Maaafaotery, with all tbe maderB Improvemeata attacaad, aaa are prepared la make all kind af Clothe, C east mares, Satlaett. Blas keU, Flanaels, Ae. Floaty af goods a bead e supply all oar eld aad a lbaad aew eartaeaera, whom we aak lo corns as it vamlae ear ttoak. Th baiiaees af CARDINa AND FCLLING will reoelve oar enpselal atteatioa. Proper arraagemeat will be mad ta receive aad deliver Wool, to salt easterner. A II werfe warraated aad done ape the shortest aotiee, aad by Hriet ettea tioa to aasiaess we aepe la raaitaa a naeraJ snare ol fab e patroaage. ItMKK) POUNUI WOO. WAVTBOI We will pay the hit-best market atiee far aad aall ear mean featured good aa low a almllar good oaa be beagbt la the eeaeiy, aad wbeaever we fall to reader aaasaabsa Aletoetie we eaa always ba few4 al hem ready to make a rape eipiaaauaa, eitaor ta pereea ar aa latter. pHltdtf Beer P.O. JJtw Jdrrrtiitmniti. . -v . I &iited:::-.'.. BTAAVVBHIDQB A CLOTH I tR devire to maka known to eon. tramen who find It Inconvenient to tha city every lima DRY GOODS are needed, tint our Mail Order Department It io perfected that ihopping may be done while nuing comfortably at home aa taiii uctorily at at our counter. All that li nccntary U to address to m a letver mentioning the kind of goals desired, and SAMPLES to twlcct from will be Immediately forwarded. Orders are Ailed at the identical price for which the good are that day sold over the counter. Tha expense, trouble and fatigue of going to the city are avoided and the good are selected from as choice an assortment as would ba Inipectetl were our establithment visited in person For years we have made this peauliar branch of tha Dry Goods bos. Iness a favorite study, and tha success of oar MAIL ORDER DC PARTMENT U attested by tha fact that an order is rarely filled with out making a permanent customer of tha person ordering. Every order, be k for a yard of muslin or a wedding trousseau, meets with tha moat careful and prompt attention. SAMPLES or all kinds of DRY GOODS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, LINENS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, etc., with widtht aadprieea correctly marked, promptly forwarded on application. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. GENUINE BARGAINS AT GUINZBURG'S CLOTHING STORE. lVeatern Hotel Corner, Clearfield, l'a. We have jast received an entire new stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, For Men, Youth's and IioyV These gond have been selected with parlinular cure, and bought lor onh at panic prices-. We are therefore prepared to compete wilb and tell cheaper than any othor house in the county. We will aell you full suits of Spring Clothing at from t2 50 to IIS 00. For fifteen dollars you can buy aa gnod a suit now as you could get one year ago for $25 00, and all othor artic-loa proportionately oheap. ; , Wo have also reooived a comploto stock of NECK WEAE, GENTS' FDENISHIN3 GOODS, TRUNKS ami VALICES, V ! HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS. 1'Ioase call and examino our slock beforo purchasing. J.B l-.prll 171 A.GUTNZBURG, THE CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS AT GUINZBURG'S, ST., OPPOSITE VOI HT HOI SE,C1.F..1 RriELU, Pjt. To the Citizens of Clearfield County : Aboat a yaar ago I eatae aaionjr, yoa with a stock ef Boots, Shoes, Rabbsra and Farnlshln Ooodat wilbla this tin I hav told aboat To Tbo aod pair of Boots. Shoes, ate., aad, with few exeepiioas, tbese articles have fivea perfect satisfaction where gnod did aot tare oat exactly as represented, tbey were at odoo rilaeed by aew oa, aa tb few who bsj ooeasioa to seek rodraas oaa testify. Now let sne a ear yon that ibis Is oa mr Arsrktiob, but precisely what I will torn lion t do that I, whea that which yoa hay ef ase doe not five, what yoa would tern, "yoar moseys' worth," I will repair it at one, oa fair proof of it being so. Feeling grateful for past favor, I aak a eootinaaBoe of a share of your patronage. roar 8iBcry, 8. QL'INZBLRO. To eloa oat a big lot, we offer t Wtan'i Rubber at Men' Robatra at Lumbcrato'a itra haavy Overshoe, with hael, al Ilea 'a wool-ltoed Overshoe, at PRICE LINT, Woaea's Lsaed taatisg 8ba M eta. Womea'i beat Calf Shoes 1.60 aaad t aall for tt.oa. ased to aall at $2.10. Womsi's Laoed Maroeee Sheas. 11.10 Wosaen's Laeed foxed Shoes i.U ased to sell for $1 .li. ased t ssli at $1 :0. Weataa's Laeed Calf 8boer l.H Wo own' Baltoood Morooco Shoes 1.40 aaad U tell at $1.0. cd to sell at SI.7I. Weajta't hoavy far Shoe 1.10 Wornae' Kid Laeed Shoes 1.1 aaad ta sell at $1.0. sd to sell at tS.Sft. IN MBN1 WEAR A Mea's heavy wloter Shoe, doable sol... 05 eta Mea'a heavy kin Shoe Si .36 Mea'a heavy eairdreased Shoes I 64 Hen s beat aslf dressed Sboea 1.75 Mea'a kip working Boot Mi Mea'a kip workiag Boots, doaile sol.... .4t Mb's kip workiag Boot, Up sol t.00 BOYS' SHOE8 la ttl) 4UTeat Hrlee, frea fl t. tl.Sl. W.rktn, anl Mkool aneea, froa ti ll to for Uat oalf akin, .Btuned inn ehoea. Bo;.' Ktairn tap nit Boota, 11.10. MIMNI BHOICS 14 A Mlaaaa' Khool Shoe. MiaM.' tarn aboM MiaMa'a.naia. mil abM. Miwi' dreaa Hhoee MiaM.' Area. 8a.a, ....(5 eta ... tl.U .... 1.11 . - 1.10 ..... l.M CHILDREN' AND BARY'V. Oood. solid, battened, faled SboM for ebildren. AS ennta. Good, eoaper tipped, beelod 8bo,a for ehildrrn, t mil. Robber .nd dreas Hboea, 11.20. Beb.'a Shoe, of .Jl kioda, 10 sta. and ap. Mea'a and woa.a'a ali,n.ra, II OMta. Fbw peliah, li oeaU ,er bottle. Eboe etria,a, 4 0.0 la per doaaa. Buttoa booka, I cat Clearteld, Pa., tf 11, 1877. "CENTRAL" HOTEL, PITTSBURG. fa?.1-! Smithfleld Streef, from 2d to 3d Avenues. Tbe Boat centrally leeaUd Irrt elaaa Dona, la th. Citr. 8tre.t eare paal tbe door ererr (ra elnatu to all lb. O.pMa aa J all part, ot both pltiet. TcrnM, 1 per 4tj. WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors. Tbe KarraurAB, af Cle.rl.ld, neel.eA weeklj at th. Hotel aad pleMd ea tie forth, beaedt of setu froa Ibla BMIloa, tt. Jan. 1, JEMOVALl JOHN McGAUCHEY Wonld respeetfally notify th pabllr generally thai he haa reaoved hi Qreoery 8tore from 8haw'a Rw, to the build lag formerly oeeopied by J. Mile K ratter, aa Seoad atreet, aexl door to Bglr' bard - are etora, where he latend keeping a full liae of OROCEniEN. HAM8, PRIKD BKKP mA LARD. 8V0AR8 and 81 R VPS, ef 1 T.dM. TEAS, Hren tad Blank. OOrriR, Routed Bad Una. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJA'A'KD REITS, All blBda la lb. market. PICKLRrl, tn jera .nd b.rr.U. SPICKS, la Mr.ry fvna ..d rerlet. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL ILlrlD OF CR ACKKRH. SOAPS. MATCRES, DRIIO APFLKS, DRIED PEACUEb, DRIED CHRRRIKS, Ootl Oil sad luup CiUmntTS. Amt . pad aawHarat tboa. Iblap anrall; kept la a FkM MM, btb k. will .lek.A. at BarkMla, M Ike Barbel prim. WUI wll ht Mek ae e. hi, tbw dm. Plow, wll a.A aa. kit aiwb aaA if IW jeBreaa. . , . iOUN McOAUUDtT. EeMr.. Jm. t, UTS. 40 ee&ls. ftO eats, 1.16. l.M, WOMEN'S WEAR, FOMTIVE BLAt'CHTER I Men's Elaiir kip worktog Boot, tap sol.. 13.60 Men dress Boot.. H ,... I.3& Men's best ealf Boeta , S..0 Mea'a beat ealf Boota, sewed H. 4.00 Mea'a beet ealf Boats, sewed... Ml Mea'a heat ealf Boots, sewed - t 00 IIDKDREO KTVLBS. IMiaaea' AreM Shoea Eleaeo' Area, Bboea Miaaea' kid Bboea... I Mlaeee' but Sboea... Miaaea' kiAShoaa... . 11.7i . 1.00 toe . ISO . l.M .HUM AT CRAZY FIGURES. iJSiliTrrjvj,;. ... I ll-MI .nrfin,f lllr SURE REWARD. D it AH TO PAY FOR A aYAK.n, $4 to $10 Per Aero. Rfrh mid Inplo l.nnlln nirhlcw. In ih.' 'tit.LiN At hi; i.ii iNrT.i lite i-i nil.! llnliU MtitJ liitllaiM Ullr.ta.l LxHsiiMNir. TITI.K lHUTT, Wt mas; a.ll iiif rnrM- tlfiii) rtlm terrno dvnuuhi m rlituc-la buxa tiu bkirr.'' Uunnlna sin aism iiire n aitr-rad v markrta wrl.uoU Mallr4 rm islftleig thntUKll centr ot'lhKraiil. Nrnd for patnihl t, l.n,llU ar ernian. Addrttxi U, O. Ill ill4HT, fin tD It 1 1 in., UK II. ' Marah 11, Uri-Jtw. DRUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Sba.'a aid II. ad. ClwrteU, P. , Ul )bM opmed a ... itoefc of ri he aTncau dhvvs, and ta ... preaml te fBr.Uk aarlaUf la Ib. ib. he. tl aad MadwlM at lb. r.rj !.. t eah prla.a. 1 U. baa alee H head a lera. etob tl Cabs and TMk Brubea, Pea., Anl.lM, and hbaeln,, aa i ..irjialB, aaaall kept la Irrt-eliA, Drwt 8ur PflYSICIAKS' PRESCBIPTI0N3 waprand .lib nrt, d.r tt alfbt. A Hbwal .bar. tt pair.. a, reweitft Miertrd. H. k. bPAOKIU!. ClMiMd. Pa.. OM 14, lT7.