Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 27, 1878, Image 3

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Termi of Subscription.
U paid In advance or wtifcte three month e.,.$l OA
II paid afhr three ed belure tti Koaiha... S 40
If lld after ibat..plre.loner ad mmuku .. 00
TMiNri. P. M. Parr aaa ill A Co., Newe
Daurr Advertising Aerate, IT Put Kw, earne
ttrrkfcee Ktreet, are our duly autn-.tVawt Ag
in -w York una.
Mrthudlel ftplevial C tmrrli Ht. J.
ftfcMranir, Pa-tor. Merieee vjry Hahhai
4 l, A M.. aod 7i P. M.
(Uhhetb School at 9 A. M.
t. ... M ThMill nt f 1 P. M.
Coibd inioa Service Oral flahbatb af ovary
nnntM, 4t a. jb.
u a -A4.I.A ft f 't. ...... h .
. William II. Uhl and W. . Wunwa. Pattera.
Prrarhinjr every alternate bociob,
P. M.-fuB'iiiy (School at 14, P. M All are la
vilrd to attend.
Preab)te-rlaa Churrh Rv. II. 8 Butlbn.
Hnhhmb wrTluM mum inn n aveuing Sab
bath Hchool at I H. SI. Prayer Meeting Wedoet
dar avenlng.
t. eKraiiela L'hurrh Catholic Her. P.
J.Nhkripam. Pretwhingat 1 0 o'clock, A. M., on
tha flrsl.third aud tourlb Hundatof eaob month)
Verpfrtaiid llered.eiionotttie Hinted riecramenl
at 7 u'olock, P. M. huudey ffebuol ovary Buaday
afteraiMia at I o'clock.
timi er aoLutaa qoabtbb Baaeions oohbt.
fieo-.nd Moaday ot January.
Third Monday of March.
Flirt M tm day of June,
fuertb Mud .lay of September
Pint Monday of J una.
Bocond Monday of Movember.'
riiiLto orricaRB.
Prmdtmt Hoo. Cbarlea A- Mayer, of
auk Mil!.
Aaittant Lmm Judgt Hon. John H. Orrla, of
Aitoeiaf Aaet Ahram Ogden, Clearfield I
Vincent B Clearfield.
rflla(nry Kit B'Ot.m.
tfvyttfer and KcarHrlt. J. Morgan,
timet Ary Wen. M. MeOollub.
TVntiiraf-Davtd MeUaafcbiiy.
Sheriff pdrF Pent a, Jr.
rpMy Hktriff Christ. J. Kay, Clrrfi1il.
OiMNfa fnfyir fauiuol K. MvCloikvy. Our-t-nvilie
r'naary fiuaiaii ClnrK Brown, Claar
n.idi TbBia-A. M.Ura, Cht P. 0 llairia
Htwvrr 1'karaald
fAiNtiy Aarfiiow Wilhapj V.
ftrldi Manual A CaldU, V illiamitfruvo i Joho
C. Connor Burnakda.
tVay (Joran-r J B Kefl. Now WakhiDjrtoft.
ary CHMiort lr. jKne P Burebfiald,
Clcarhrd. Jnwh Akiander, Marfam.
ftnoW Pubiit HekooU John A-Urrft-nry,
CarwrBlvlllc. H M" A'mm'W JirauW Carlll,
offii-a at Trnumtla I'o.
jVotonw r,a6ia-John W.Wrllay, Wm. a
Ulaob, t'yrua Uordon, Cltariitldf Joarb R.
Irwin, N B. Arnold, Carwaaavllla i J J Ltnxle,
Ofeaola Mills I J. A. l.ivii.tfMOQ, DuBoia City.
nor fywint column ia decidedly iotaraaiing In
a local HJiat of tiew, and brvfllabla reading to
outride) nbo WHtit to iavt moDfy.
" La AMmrtniu," tlio bt-si 5-t-l. ciur.
Tboriitrnl Mi'iicll'a ludrivo ia8betl
Cltaflld ou Tburaday wnrninK ft Inat wvk
llvv. Mr. Kl(inijrn, ! ri.ilibiir
will preach in tha Clearfield BifiMft Cbureh, uo
Wtduardny avening. n Hi
tm aai
" La All'Oimlti " in tbu brund of tin
bf at & tint eigar twr i Id tn tbii eiun'y. liand
otade. Try it. J"tn A. frock, aiatia-i'turr.
New curn'iinR, wall paper, cotton-
adai and oaitnere, ractir-d at iba B llifr
thlt wwh. J7 Jw.
Three men from Hoiitirlule wert
lodged ia tba jail at ibii laco, ob Sunday laat, for
ralilng an Inaorrae Ion at the hotal ol Mra. Laott.
ia Moutidala.
The tnvnibert of tho DuBpi M- E.
Cburub rtienlly gava ibair panur, Bar. D.
PlanntUi a doBMtlon of proTlaiuoi and grwrit
to tha aoimnt of fif'y lia dollars.
A "team naw mitt, at MorriHitule. thin
OBBly, Uonging to Hon. O. R. Barratt, of this
bomugh. was bumaddown on Hot, day night last
The fir It htltcvad to bava boon tho work of aa
Itoandiary Loss aboat $3,9flO,
l?-v.'nj S. McVumiy, Wm.U. Dill
and W. Haott Wtlan tonk ibvlr drpailura oa
Munday rernuon fr Lcwilarg, lo attend the
annual ititlus uf tbo Ctuiral Ptnn'a. M. E. Coa
frrtnoa, whlrb auBTroai at that plao to-day.
Tho Monmittie Aeict" ia the nume
of a amall ihtat, Ilia iaobas, printad at Munis
data Mines, ibis aouaty, tba third aunbor of
whieb ts now be for a ui W. II Liogaafaltar Is
tb editor, an I 0. S TlsBiog jiublisbar. It Is in
landed for frta olroutailoB.
Shortly alter the service were coin
aieced fa tbe Prethyterlan Church, In tbit place,
lar-l 6a l herb evening, owing tn a leak ia the pipe,
ar from some canae uakaown, the gai failed lo
furnlih light, and Iba minlrltr was oh It gad to
dlnmiu Ibe cungref tinn earlier thao afoal.
- i
The PiArthytoty ot lluntinu"lm will
h -I I It next stale I noeting tn tbe Pfefhy teriea
Church at Mtlrny, M(flin eonn'y. an Ibe t'cond
Taesdaj ,t'h) ef April, at l a'dok A. M. Tha
Prbtteriaa aoat?regHti"B of ibla place will be
represented by iti Pailar and one af the Elder.
The Punxwuiaw ncy ( Pa ) Spirit came
lo at laat week cbnnxed from a tolin to a quarto ia
foiat and arh in p raved la lit appearaaca lypo
gra bica'ly. Wa eon grata lata tha publlber,
at. P. Ilattingp, in thla marked impmverernt of
hit Joarnal, and hope ikla eatvrprle will ba band
fl maty rewarded llnnelallr.
- m a mm - -
Tbe Leonard U nulcd School, of thin
botongh, will elote the W inter icasinn on or abnat
the llih of April aeit. The riercltes of tbe
g lanantlag elanet, eontftting of at'ays, declawa
tient and oratkt,t, will be held In Pie'a Opera
House on tbe even lag of tbal day, at which lima
and place the public ean attend.
I, it I H leitrra remaining unclaimed
la tbe Pot i office atCleaiftrld, for the we ok and lag
Marob Si, 187
Rohetca Bkrr, Henrj Pae, John Delt, Mits
L. I. Earlsy, Linda (lorn, (lenrjra lloosemaa, ,
llatinah M Faddon, AUi-a M. Murphy, A. W. Mul
holltnd, Win. Robblus, Mr. KHen Reeco. Mn.
Kate Btrohel, Pamuel Kharp, Ma B. WiUoa.
P. A. Oaclik, P. M. !
The Rllcniion of rn-raotiA in want ot j ,ror"' u"Ta " inp"-,a''"a-Inmbttnoet,
mua...u. ar markl. wark af any j Tn' of tbl drl" htt ,Bt- l ,"1
deacrlailan.Udireai.d t. iba adv.rtise.ent af d' morn tU ,Ut ia,t' Tbadriv. Is a,
Jo.haa Flaherty la this paper. Mr. T. bat re
eeat'y opened a shop oa Third street, eppaaiie
the Latberaa Church, where be will aeap oa hand
a iioeh ol ai Bible tollable for alt kinds of work,
aa I a fcn-h he will dUpote of at reaiooeMe priei.
goaraaiees good woth tu all who favor him
with their patronage.
The entertainment given by WiUon'a
Jaeheia.tby Troape, la Pm's Optra House, latt
Wedaetday evet.itg.diew a,atie a large audience.
Tbe pafleimaaee as pretty good, aai gave gen
eral tatiifaettea. Iba high wind wbieb prevailed
la in afternoon interfered somen ba with the
perfurmaaca oa ibe rope, wbwb eiteaded aerost
Maihat itreet, lrm the tecwad at wry wiadows uf
the O, era H ate to Kraitet's briek baildiag i bat
Mr. Wiliea aaaumplUbed tka feat saeeettially,
wa.kiag Iba rape terward a aw baa k ward.
le-aigbt (WadaetdaJ Ibe tree pa holds forth
la Arabia 'l H4l, al CarwentiHIa.
A djour N kD tut RT.-J udge il ay cr, on
K FriAey lest, a4uuraed ear Ooart uf 4tarier Sea
tlwas aaul Friday, April 16.h, at I eeivat p. M
i at bieb lima all aabntthew rood maiwrs, Itotneee
and other bueiaits at tbe Quarter beeeioai latre-
daced before hit lloaar will ba beard. This ts a
ttep In the Baa ef reform. It ia aet aeeetiary
il tbaf a grand jury af teiaty adel peroat at IS par
dy, and laiiy-eight Itavtree Jareri at the saaae
i price, be preteut ia helea la hall-a-duean atiof-
nee, for ibrea hours, wraegm and diepaia aver
I a M4 tuw ar a Ketete peftrfew. Ibvta aud
I tu.llar aaa al detea.loa abauid he heard at
a )ori.ed itrwit. A policy al this hiart will re
i dave ika bills ot tai payers aujetiagly,
j ia m
IEATU vf Mrh. DaViE Ww learn
f frm tha Ijroae Vrafat,of rrtJay last, i ha Mra,
jjl 9aa.aal D-tlt, ( Jaaeivlllr, L'iearld eimaty,
') died lery suddenly af latly d gentraltva of the
'' heart, kt UbUadt Iphla, aa rrtaay aigbl,tha Itth
j last, ibe wat aBieted atth atvlaaM eaaeer, aad
. aooal four weeht ago Mr. Davis tooh bar ta tbe
city ia haia aa epetaltea per filmed apaa her,
v which wm raeaeitfaily dana hy aa etperteaoed
.j pbytleiaB. aad the lady, who wm a vary lerg
wemaa, aaighieg aver 10 paaadt, wm raeaver
lag rtpidly aatil tha time named, when she at-
pi ed ia a awry raw miaetes altev hat hataaad had
aaiteed twera wa aaytataf mere ihea asaal
i wraag wtih her. Mat reeaaiM arrived at Tyraaa. pose I Ha, aad get the M eat af tla vewJt tad
aa &Wa i day aetata, aid wart tahaa to Jaaaa aaa J taaa ta mMhet warlag (hit aoaalag Baaawr
fUiaaaEaaday.tbeirth. laadFalL
Try the "L Alborada" cg 3w.
a mm i
Wa nrnnnna tn ihihIa Aur rnili,ra
Wdat the -La Alboiada" is. It
it a prrlMl band-made cigar, eoatatnlng Havana
Oiler, made at Job A. S'ock'a F-ttory. aad aeld
at $ eeau each. Try ana.
8urk Death. A correapondent re-
qoasts as la lata that good boma-aiad aift aeap
Is earlala dtatb ta bad buga. Apply Iba aoap
with a anal) soft brush, and ana ara will aauaa
lb buga ta say tond-hro.
"That HuHhandol Mine" wilUmoke
"La Alboradn' elgar, brrauaa ba thy ar
tba brit lhar ba eau grt for iba away. Tbry ra
tailatltrBts a plret, John A. Rloek, uakar
factory an U ark at atrttl, Claarflt-ld, Paoppn.
slta Flt-ek A Oo ' atnr. 17 Si.
Adjourned Sale. The extensive
Tntrtra'i fa'a of tba Ima aatata , aJrartiaad to ba
sold oa iba Utk of Mareb, has boca postponed
antil fatnrday, April IHb, U7,at I a'alook r. a.,
at tba Corner Store," la Curwensrlll, of which
uartl'i lottrrsled will pteare take BotW
asb'27-St JjiMia B. (Jbaham, Trustee.
ia i
Over tbe KivrR. IVutO. (Vhver,
editor uf ib fori Prt, dltd at hii borne In
Ttoncita, Pa., ob Tuifiday, lb 19h limtM age
4b yrars. II n motto at (be hand uf bis journal
for nany years was, ''The ItrM and only paper
pul'llibed In Foreat eoaaty, and the only one of
he kind published aoy here." His ilare-lifv i
ai an rad.
Queeb Proceedings. It watt "Thai
Old Homea," as hit Irtrnds aallad Tbad. Rieveat,
who tald that two things inuld ant be oompre
beaded an til they were delivered, rti t The kick
of a aula and tha verdiot of a Jury. Wa But la
that srverat ef tbe latter Indicated were drHrerad
ia ear Oeart last weak that is, " Not guilty, but
that they pay the a-stt."
Court. According lo the pro
gramme blocked au at tbe January term, the
third week or tbe Msreh term op n d oa Moaday,
with Judges Or til, Ogdra and Holt ob tbe beach.
Tba lim of eaasea it bring pawed ortr prrtty
rapidly. No lett fho sil verdicts were retdtred
oa W'-ndy a lerntmn ly atejury and we hp
tbe good work will rontiaue during tba at-k.
We l0'ei that lt Lvfet-latur hat repaU-l
ear special law relatirg to iba co l- atloa of taiet
in Ihia county. We will, therefor, en me under
tta old tyrleai at laie the Coaoty CbDJOiiislB
art appoiatiBg tbe Collaotutt. Tbit law will add
$1,700 (a our uxes, fr. m the faet that the tat
payers aiutt pay the CoiU-etor Ave per cent, for
running after the tai, while under tba preieat
t j item bis bill was discounted Ave por cant
The True Pouct. On motion o!
D, L. Krelie, Kiq., ou Friday last, Judge Mayer
gave notice Ibat an adjourned Uuurt would be
bidoo Friday, Ibe 1t h day of April, for the
purpura of tiiapi.aiog of all tba oatea on tbe arga
rut lltt, and be aaiified Iba Atloraevt to pro
duce i ben and there all tha unGnbbtd butiuea
bi-srd be) ore him, abt ther In tbe Quarter Beitioot
or lbs Common pious. Tint policy win ore up
tleittfin uf enterlainiitg silly jarors, and not
leu than oi ban lred wiinrftet, as ibcre speeie
trs, whiln the ineuittars of tba bar aru enleruia
ii g thote pieaer t with La'tii terma A' teaat una
bah of tbe butiuen irLM.cted in our Count can
be dona without tbe pretinre uf jurors or witueiies.
-m- i
Advick. WeclnMlie tollowitii; from
Iba Centre Hall Ktpo.Hr, I row which fii-inny a
Utf number of purtuut flttraJ to tbe West. The
editor sayt : ' Dou'i go to Kaueai enough there
already lor tba preieut. B me of tboaa who re
cently w at l bare fr'M I hit eouuty are already
lick of It and wishing t htm Ives back. They
lay there Is ao watk Ibere. EmlgratloB hat been
so great in thai direction ol laU that wa fear ll
was overdone, and we aJla aueh aa Hill have
the fever to be calm wait awhile, until you can
have Iba atiuraiiee that yon are really wanted
triers, ai d tbal a Jut it wailing on yon. P-roo
wbe bava money enough lo buy a boonftead oat
there may not Ind thruitetvet ia tha lureh so
much as ibote who go with ra means, expecting
labor abundant and wga god. If you have
any thing tu do bete, Hick In it awhile yet.
Kamaa w n't run away."
The following perrons were granted lieenses
latt week hy Judge Mayer. Out of a liituf forty,
four perruat makiag application but three were
refused, Tia t Mrs. Emily Slop, hotel, Morrii
iowahlpf liiebaal Carrell, hoiil, Oioola Millt,
and William McMoBlgle, hotel, Uulicb towutbip.
Tba following were granted
Wm 8. Bradley..- CNerCald bomagh
R. B. Row "
W.O. CaraoB "
.(amis Mcltaughiia - N
n. Newton bbaw ,
ftilUa.a HhiaUs
Daaiel McCarthy
..Woodward towotbip
Uenrga Rhode " "
m Davis
Patrick bield Hoatnlale borough
Wm. Parker
ui Curreo " M
Abel Hall M
ames llalay H "
Khianeib Hntnta ' M
Pairii-k DniiB ' '
M.W. Kiunk ...
J-rome L HaumgrlBrr - " "
Nicholas rlooiiius - H M
J. 0. r woo pa
Mary KiveBhower Ml
Jacob Blbkeoker .,
Pater Ruffner
milh Batrd
Neal D 'Ughert)
Ueorge W. Uae
Milo llott
Ha bebwem
Ueerge K. Rubet-har.....
Jamae hebofield
Morris township
....! Puteyville
, Osceola borough
Brady township
....HutoB tawasbip
Jobu Maisoa Covington townthfp
amal Itulhhaa Curwanivllla torongii
Howard Weld Baecarla townbip
Uevrge W, Davis .... New V Babiagtua bora
John Dougherty. Jr Cliarfleld borough
8 a. Butters... . - ' M
M 8. Ulanis
rtepha Uran Carwersllle borough
Richard Madegan Honttdala boruuib
Joba brbaurich Brady towotbip
wa Lite a lb.
Morris Lang M.Houttdale
I (;;! NU APfilttArTINO.
Tbe prenrnt sea0B, tbut far, baa been aae of
tbe most seoceisful ta logmen more so iban for
many yean. Tba Mock of logs ia what Is called
the river dtlve, from Cherry tree to ihs mouth af
Clear II eld crook, tl ai large as aver, and the
by Mr. Ueorge Marretl, and coatalni ahout faMNfjr
mil tea feet, gathered ap ia Ibe To lowing treama :
Anderson ore A.aou 0i
Curry run 1 .fhn.baV
Cbe,t creek M .)
Cuh crrrk - botwm
Raw Mtll rn 1 H 0.1.-0
('ih-Cuiblrtg ereek l.ion.rftu
Tcttal ju lit.ioa
Tba Clearkvld ereek drive m maaaged by the
Mnrs. Flynn. At there baa been aa geaeral
fluod la tbit stream and It tributaries se far ibis
eeoa the drive It, ranieeuently, somewhat be
hind, although at wall auder headway at this
time ai eiher teaiont. Tb drive u made ap ai
follow a t
LiKle Ck araeld eraah
Potts ina ,
Mo.gan raa
W hi later raa H
The Beater Damt M
Bg Clearteld ereek
M l.loe acfl
,. 4,4tia.too
a.ava aoo
4,a ua
Tola! H IMW.att
Tba lug erep above ibe maeth af CWarleW
a rat h mcladiag tba creeh aad river drlvM, theri
fure, is a llula aver I7,60,v feet, a fall atoek,
ao a eider lag tba arasoa. ThiM kgi will average
tbe ewneri atae eJoJJ la tha banma, and are
worth three band rd and thirty. three thoaaaad
dollars (13X,a0H ( and If the 14 am page wm due
our oil I tent, tnetead of fcreignert, ibis amount af
oesh diitilbuied along the Mraaaaa Indicated
would make Ibe people ell ft el gnud.
Tbe rqaara timar aad board crop 1 aaly a boat
uae hall what It Would bava nen had tbe tea too
acea mora Winterlika. About 1,M refte were
made, 100 at akirb are still In the weods, while
hut Ttn were put ia ibe streams aaa af then
having reached Leek Havta and amketi below.
Tkeea yielded tbe owneri good priees, especially
piae, while oak aaffered a aeety diaeaaat en
rormer priees. 1 1 em lock alsa did well. j
The rafts wilt average ," eabia feet each,
aad abeat I aaats per feat, yleldiag to tba ewa
are at kraM three ha aired thaataad dollars
ww), aeaMy aH ef whieb tha tavar aad flump,
age retarai ta the aouaiy, where the meaay will
pasa from head to head, aad, hy the lib ef Jaly
Bail, will p-y at debit ta the ameaat af a mi II I eh
dalmrf. Bead aa tba efwwr tH rafu M fast
AaaAULT. Some friend of Arcby
MoatfOBiary. mow diag batiaaes la Ilk City,
Clarion eounty, ! for wis tba Phllipsbarg Jmmmml
- mryD a raag er weal la a kla at ore. par-1
dollar bill la Mraait. lata rWaU kV A.
predaot hi pocket book t aiaka tba aeeeaaary
ebaoga. The atrangfr ihea laqairej for fresh
batter, attar which ba left aayla ha weald retara
If ha eould aot prooura any fresh. After a abort ha utartiad and followed Mr. Montgom
ery lo the cellar lo sea seme flrkia butter, and
wbila Mr. Moatgomerj was ia tba aetot aieopiag
tbo stranger dealt biia a heavy blow aa tbe book
of tba head with a Bilok.knnokiog blot dowa but
aet teotaVrM.. abe b- oriad oat lustily The at
taas.a nm Leal a baty retreat wiibeut wcanag
thr pi.ekat h(.ok, a bub be no doubt had ia riaw,
Ibis at-aarraaee took piaoo lata ia tba areola tf,
wboa aa awe wat la tbe store Mr. Mbatgoaiery
will ba raBiatubrrad aa a former aiarobaot had
aiiiaea ol PbiliLbur.M Ever) body aluog I be
Erie pike, tram Pbi.lpaburg to tbe J.fftrau line,
kaowa "Arcby," aid alii rrgrat the iniakap wbieh
beta. bin.
Ia a late interview attb Mr. Newtnn, tha Bu
pertniaodant, we learn ibal the wuik in tbe vail
oua departments ol our Ulearbeld Counij UWtorl
cal Aiwa progreaaee lawrable Many uf our
cliiBeut bate bad tkeiehea taken o tbeir real
1euvet, iaimi, bu ib at booaat, Uiilh, factortet,
etc., at may ue nn in tba tm which aooouii a-
una tuia article.
It It important that every improvement, whether
public or rtvate hi old be pro erly reprrtvnted.
Our fitter count let have bwu to their best ad
van l age by tbe many elegant lithographs which
to lulir Indicate tbcir mateilal reaoureot and the
step forward they have taken ob tba road to com
Bjeroiel importance.
Oar cltlient should aaa to It that Clearfield
eounty is nol behind in baring lis improvements
properly represented. Ibe opportunity efeeear
i ue a view el our homes, river eoeaee, nhurehre.
Ac, will not i.ot-ur Bjtain for many veara. ll la
heartily desired by all that tbe work ta iba view
depart neb t nay be ao comprehensive that tha
t iiuHraird portion el tna Atiat may lairiy repre-
ei tbe ImprovemeBta of ibe Bounty ; and ta do
tbit, our farmers, lumtiertuen and merchants meet
not tiend aloof. 1 bis tea tare el tbe Atlas is both
ornamental and as lot, and Is teoood tu no other
section uf tha work. Mesrs. MckUeeea and
Mann are now calling upua tba citiieni ia the
various towa-hipa, and on tbeir rttaro we hope
to hear a favorable report of our people 'a libar-
a ity aud puolle euteroriie.
fcitro eooioa of the ougravinga are furciabed
iboee who have viewtaki-n, which enables the
u hers to nave these pictures at laatr hoi
(boated to Irauier, or send ibem to ikclr friends
reaiding In uthar parti ol iheeouoirr, Tbe fol
lowing are bt names ot eome of our citiiei.s who
aw alreadv eoiitiacted to bave views uf their anu bunulnga tuwrted lu ibe Alias.
Portrait oi Hon. William Bigler.
Bird'- e)e view ot tbe town ol turwetiirllie.
rir-t tebuol house in ClearBvld ouauty.
Hub. William Bigler Residence and lawn.
Judge U. h. Betrett reeidtBee and oflioe.
U. B. Uood lander residence and interior view
of pnutiag office.
Judge J, B. MoKnaJly resiJeaca and tur
a. J. Hum A Bon front aad Interior rlew af
printing offioa.
B. J. How reideace.
A. B. bbaw rsidiioe and surround inat,
James B. Urabam miidenoe, bank block aad
uiuer uuiidinxa.
tt to bard Hbaw raMdtnra, mills and surround
ings, including tba Host Clearfield lair croundt.
L ton aid Oiadeu be boot buiiamgaud turroand-
Ut-orgv Tbora retldenee and surround ingt,
A. J. Logan real dunce and surroundings.
Frank l i tiding reaidenue and grouudt.
W. M. fthaw reaidenue and gruuada.
Jauua herr inaurauce oinoe.
Dr. J. P. Borvh-.eid residence and office.
Hon. Jubn F at t uo residence and farm scene.
Mm Attuie M. Irtto, vtuw ol tfu John lrviu
atiaie pnperty, d1 uauliug of uille, lumuwr and
raiting Bi-eneaoD bv buqueliauiia river.
h. 11. Mrainard interior view of printing offioa
K. A. lrvin view of tbe lrviu Lome lead.
Dablsl Uoodlaoder bold, Hire, end fara
heubea H. Moore ret id voce aad mrr.andiug
Mo . re A Hawiitui etore at Lulberabura:.
Dr. Reuben V. ripei-niueo reaideuee and offioa.
J. it. auibgit teeiditi'tanu Dure.
Char It-1 Mereball reeidenee, cabinet tbop and
Lewis B. Carlile- view of aw mi l( shingle
muis ana surroundiags.
bbaut To w stair.
E'Bitoi Laiber rvtidenee aad farm scene.
Major Martin 11. Lniht-r residence aud farm
David Ream a residence, sawmill, timber and
J. 11. fryler retidi nee and farm scene.
Joseph Beylvr, ji pottery wvtbe, residence and
Jo bo Keaws reel dance aad farm teone.
J . W. Coip reaid.nee and farm etwee.
Eiiu Kubel reaide.nae and surruundmgt.
U. M.lbompsuB retioeuoo and farm sueae.
Kenab Poaiietbwail rvsidebcvaijd iarmatene.
Cbritliaa fmiib- raetdenco aod (arm view.
P. W . Drauekti hottl, tutroukdingt and fa.m
irariek Kob'er leaidenee and farm scene.
T. V. R label resideiioa and taim aoena. f
11. H. Me Uae A Bro.-bomaitead, milt, ether
buildings and surrounding scenery.
H. L. McUoe reside now, aae mill, lehool
boose, river view and sorrouBdiags.
Jemee MeUee reeldenoe, old McQee bume
stead, aiher buildings and lurroundhig farm
Angus Miller rwaldebee aad larroaadings.
J. V. Mcueu residence, raw Mill, tuirouod
ing aeenery, aud Interior view ol bw Mill
John F. Lee reaidenoe and tarr-undioga.
hobert Mabaie) view ol reaidenoe, church,
other buiidinge and turrouodings.
James MabafJvy reaidance, river view, aud
earroauding tureat aoene.
Horace Patobia re.idence mills, itore, athar
build iug, river view, Ae.
Jacteun felcbih store, retideuoe and sur
luubdioga. A. U. Patobin ratidvaee, river view and tur
rouodingt. obn C. Conner reside o-a and I'ore.
Ueuige Patcbih mudeuee and aurruundingt.
V. Tonatas retideaca, rirer view and tar
Joba King reaidenoe and surroundiags.
James MoMurrnj view of residence and itora.
A. Bataa reaidenea and lurruuBdtngs.
aaADrokD TwwaiBir.
David Forcey view at homestead, with lur
ronndmgt, an-i farm arena.
Hamael P. W tlten, fc trsidenee, farm build
ing aud farm aceae.
Joba Bieaart,Br v lew of tba Stewart bome
stead. Daniel Buwart rtldeBM, surround iagi and
farm aoena.
A. L. r'recman rettdenaa end surrounding!,
Philip Dotts residence and farm.
Hamuel Hegartj rtitduoce and turroundlngi.
J. 0. McClotkey rnaideaeo and farm.
Dr. J. W. Potter residence aud furruundinga.
aaoi TawBflkir.
Conrad Raker Mideuee and farm.
8. C Bnder reaidenoe aud term.
Reuben Ca dwell residence aad farm.
R. R. Fleming view of residence.
WOODWARB to was a ir.
Joba M. Ck eee residence and farm.
atBARD TtlWRttaiF.
R R Stewart rtaldeaoa aad river flew.
Alexander Munat residence, tenant hoaaa
aad cemetery.
a br an wood Towwanir.
Dr. J. P. Hey I residence aud satreuadinga
aad river view. - -
P. 0. Weber Interior view ol dry goods store
Long A Biady-inlerlwf vtaw of bard ware stare.
J. Lmeraon view of tent rat Hotel,
Joba Dubote Residence, mills, ether build-
togs and surroundings.
joba Humbarger residence aud grouadl.
B. Kuate City Hotel building.
aaoATca Towaaair.
Motet Oweaa resideaee and lam view,
David eJtarburt reaidaava. lam view aad
aval bank'
aoaata Towaaair.
Joha A. Murray testdenee aad farm riaw.
JORB4B rewHaair.
Maj. D W.Ue-ree.d-oee, athar baildlngs ad
farm view.
Piaa towptaip.
Joseph M. Bpeaeer view af mUL
VAwaBRca fownaair.
A. 0. Ogdea rttideoee, larm flew aad mill.
Mra, Elisabeth tarr residence aad eurrwaaeV
bamaei ruitertoa reeldeaca aad farm view.
Clark Browa raatdeaee aad (arm view.
Leaader Dtaaibg ratidaaee aad farm flaw.
Hea. A. U. Tata larm raatdwaae aad tarroaad
Abmai H ampere ReatdeBwe aad1 tarn view.
Bameel Browa reeidaaee aaa farm view,
lleary J Mead roxidkuee and farm flaw. .
A. V. Voreet reeidaaee, term aad river view.
erwebA aoaoaaa. -Overgo
M. BriaMa-testoVaje awd lawa.
D. K. Wood reatdeaee and laws.
, taioa vowawair.
B. F. Hark) rUet,ee aad larm aceae.
Joeepkfteiltr reete-ee and teieaeeeaej.
Jamee Aadertea hotel and aiMhamiia tb-.p.
Mllliam w elly retideawe aad larm.
L B. Dieeeier rMidewoe aad tarm view.
Char lea Browa residaaoa aad aarrauaAiags
ana larm aneoe.
Ueerge vWaeer retidaa aaa aurreauaiags.
aaaaia Towaaair.
Philip fc aoi lesidenee and farm view.
A. D. Joknevk resideaee aad tarm view.
Leonard k) lor view l tka Byar Uaaa, la
aytertbwa, eieia aaa aarrwaaaaga.
Aaarn Meyer realeeaes larwuadlaga aad
farm aceae.
dames L. Btewart riaw af farm, far at anlld
ibgs awd aarrvMtaalagsi
aaaaa rewptair. -Joba
W. Kyler reaideaea, awrraaadiaga aad
Jibmb ysitmara Bato aad awe.
Albert Owee ceaieootee aad awahleg-vwei
Rawart Ltoyd waw af lAya Uayd at earn.
And maay tAbara.
Wanted 60,000 railroad ties, Rt A.
a. Knew A Ce-'s, Olearfleld. Pa. jaa. If .
A. G. Kramer ft Co. want 60,000 rail-
Jan. if.
V T T"-'- :
60.000 railroad tie wanieu uy a.
Kramer A Co. J.a.t-tf.
Salt I Lytic hn Jut received an
other lei ef Be Bait, largest sue iwuiea aeons,
aa tba article aaa be bad at two dollars agala.
Wanted I 1.000 cord of nemlnck
aad Rock Oak Bark, frr which wa will pay Ue
b lr heat market price.
ItVttf. A. 0. Rataaa A Oa.
TWt 1 W- -
Remember that Lytle In Connty
Agent for Lorrillard'e Tobacco, and can ten mem
at factory priou. Th-y are the beat tnbaeoea la
market. Try Ibem.
At tbe Republican office in the place
to get year Job work dona. W are fully prepared
todoaBythiBg la tba printing line, will dolt
wall, and at tha right hind ef prloee. tl.
Fred Hucketl keep on hand all
kindto titan i for pomps, and will repair pampi
at short aoiiea. Ha also kMpa aaw paiopt,or
will order aoy hind drtlred by easterner!. Ha
hat also scoured the Beoeiaary tmptem'-Bti far re
pairing gum hoae, and will ord- r new bote at any
lime. Haohelt's Tin tod StoVa Store, Pie's Opera
Houte. marST It.
A Fact. An advertinement inwrted
ta tbe Raruai.tcaa will reach more rtadcta than
tf publiahad la all tba athar pipers la tha aoua
ty, and eott tba advertUet leu than one-half
la other words, ao advertisement pnbliahed in
ear jraraal Is worth double tba price af tbal
ebarged by any athar pabllther ta the ooou'y
It U a fact " tf.
For curing rot foot on boraea, noth
ing ii better than Tbomptoo t ureal ueanng uiat
meat. Ia aaa aasa a horse was badly dlsiased
with tba rot that ha wm about to ba tamed out
to die, wbea tbe ewoer wm advised ta bm the
Healing OlatmeaL Following tba advlea, his
borte wet ctmpletely cared. It It aire a coral ire
for tcratebet and sore legs on horses. Horse Doc
tors alto ate It te restore ibe hair aa bersec,
where U bat been rubbed off by iba harnesi.
E. K. Thorn pos Great Healing Ointment It
put ap In 15 cent boltlea ; fur animatt, ia cant at
So ernts and It eaob.
Prrpared by I. K. Tboinpaue. Titusvl'le, Pa
Prlua 25 en. pur bog. Bold ia CleeHeld by 0.
D. Hattoa, aud U art wick A Irwin, drugguU.
wa mn
Barn Burned We learn from tbu
Bed lord Qautf. af last week, that on tbe evening
of tbe loth mat., tha barn ol Mr. George Stuekoy,
of Napier township, Bedford county, together
with all the contents, wm destroyed by Bra. Tbe
bar a oooteiatd 7 bead of horses, 13 bead of cat
tle, calves, abeat 16 toot of bay, 30 1 bushels of
oali, acme rye, I Ihrethlag machine, 1 elorer bat
ter, a large lot of gears and harness, and farming
implements. Mr. lackey Lad jutt ret a mad home
from a aeighboriog town, where ha had been at
tending tbe funeral af a brother. A tmall eelored
boy put away the bortet, whl'e Mr. Rtuckey weal
to bis aupper. In less than fifteen minutes froi
that time tba stock waa beyond rescue. All are
preity well railitad that tba boy set the bara aa
Are, m he was teen tntpptng matobM la tba
wagon -abed tbe day before. Mr.' Biuckey'a lest
ll ever ftc.vCO
A Low Stock. The Williunmpori
BmHetim tsys I Tbe effect of the low ifok In ta
west ia already brgianiog lo bw 1'Self la Ibii
eestloB of tbe country Logs bava already ad-
vaaoaJ from $S 4j to f 10, and, af course, a cor
responding advance la tbe pries uf luia ar must
follow. Tba nook of maauiau tared lumber aa
baad at Wilhamtpert ts considerably below ie
buadred milltoat, and If the Rpriag fr abets
should aet prove suSrieat to bring iba logs ia
large quantities to the boom, It will be reduced
lower thaa It bM been for Alteon years. This
wuald cause a stiffening la prices that would
largely benefit tba manufacturers, and at the
same time enable them to clear their yardi of ibe
M odds and ends" thai bava beea aocamuiattag
for years. All things eoosidered, Ibe ontlooh for
Williamtport meaufaoturera la mora eaeooraglog
tkaa ft kas been alaoa 873.
Cleahpikld Coal Trade. State-
meat af Coal and other freights sent over the
Tyrone A C I wield Diviiteo, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week aadmg March I A, 1179, and
tbe same time last year :
For the week ,
ama lima latl year. n
Decrease.... ...,,.,.
Pravloutl? during year
Same time hut year ,
Deoreeie HH.H.. HH.,
ruUl in 171
"tame time laat year..
42,1 83
..127 ears.
.. V2 '
Miscellaneous Ireigblt..
Firb Wiaama awd IroRiho Bolicitib. Mrs
Margaret Spanoe will wash and da up curtains.
and gentleman's ettr al all kinds, in tba very
a. ti H m ol any laandrytng. Ail arttilM leli
at Fiech'a More will be tabau aa Monday of eaob
WMoa, and returned the twliowmg Monday.
Cbarget moderate. mobkl-Xt.
trnaeoR Dirtibt J L. R. Helchhold. a
graduate ol the Pennsylvania Col lea e ol Dental
hurgery, offers bis iiruiestional aer v ioea to the
ait lie bs af learfield and vicinity. Epeeial at
laniioa given ta taving tha natural tawtb. All
work assured equal lo tba beet. (-aVe la rati
dance of Dr. liilis, oppe-ait Bbaw Hoata.
Clearfield, Pa , March 10, 7-tf.
Ftaa ARB OvarRRa D. W. Jordaa bM an
liBbdt, daily, FRE8H KltH, which be will dellv.
ar ta cot ton art la any part of tbe towa. Also,
received aver day, and for Bala bv tba plat.
ejaart er gallon. Priees low.
utarneid, ra., dan. ta, ibts-u.
With what Oomnlaceae muet tha lad whoaaM
0 lean's Bulnbur Roan g lanre at her mirror, far
there she seee reflected a entapleolioe devoid of
blomith. Tba peerlesi puriAer may be relied up
on te remedy all tkm irritation. Bold by all
Dr an gists.
Inn's Hair A Whisker Dye, Black or Browa,
M oentt. mar27-4t.
Wantrb. Borne eatlly learned person ar Art let
to ma ufaefnro Ldtnbk'i Patbrt ilc Caavaa
Picraaaa ia tbla oaunty, en Royalty. Paioted
from phobigrapha ur any picture, and n tbe
Finest Oil Painting made Before the territory la
ta aa I will paiat ptcturaa tilt for $. aud
warrant Ibem for life. Every person should bave
one, at Oil Paintings an Canvas are tbe only
plc'urM that will stead Iba teat ol time, and can
be handed dowa to posterity. Particulars free.
i. r. lu i ti ait.
No?. T, 1117-ty. Carry City, Pa.
fi.B nranBBB Pbb OtaT. Di.cocar aa 0i.ii
Paicae. h.iri( Ma. blar oa new b.
al MirirU e lib and reriel) .ti.rr, lnla B.1A op
w.rdr. AH hind, of ...Ina Bttaebia.. raaalrad
on tba rbururl Botina.
Cleartald. Pa., Jolj II. 1177.
WaarBB ! lOu.eOO 14-lnob abated rbinc'M
ta araraaa fran I to 11 taobaa fr wbl.b ere
will pet tba hlgbeot Market prioe.
jt. u. AaaaRB ua., 0l.arl.ld, Pa.
Bnoaiaa Pon Hata. H. Nawloa Aha. keepa a
fnll euppl, mt FrMtirtiia HangtM and Platlnra,
wacoaa for aala. To ha Man al Iba (iBan tluaM
yard. Call ra ar addraai bta at Clvarteld Penn
eylTABia. Ala, I I-tf.
4 Rtmarkable BtMMll.
ft makra Ba diS.raaw bow aiany Pay.ielana.
er bow asaeb MMlleiiia yea hare Iried, It la aow
aa e.labllabrd faet Ibat WvraiaB Rrrwp 1. Ibe only
reaaedy wbtab baa girea aoaiplete aa4.fa4t. Ia
NTrre aaer. af Lang blue.. a. Il lalraatbare
are ,M ibraaaade al pmMe wa. are prr.i.pM.j
w tkroal Aa, LaAg A,.4I1ai, OwAieMpiroa,
Feaurrbegee, Artbua. borer, (hide aetllad aa
tha kruet, lAeaBwAia, . AMping Cra,bt Aa.,
wbA bara Aa frerooaa, el veuh'a
l.maa Hynap. T. eaeb we woald uy that bl,.
t a. dowa were aold uel year whaoai .a. e,a.
pialat. Cea.AAipllTaa Iry )aat m. hvllle. h.
war nu, TA aoala. rar bam Ay u. u. WAleuu,
tkata.11. Pa. May M, 1177-u. I,.
Doa'l k Utttirt. ,ti'
llaay pmoaa My "i aar .a t gut tea CeaeaaiA
Ilea wb.A aaae, U ear. their eaegb with Hbi
Ub'a Oaa.ABi,lloaj Capo, lu 4bay Bet A aaw
Ibal Cengbo lead U CeABABiplleA Aat a raaudy
thai will aura C.a.A0jptieA will eerulaly aaia
A AoogA at aa, MAg artbrMltMAbla. rVebaaw
it will aara wbM alt etlura tall aad oar lalik IA
II A rl pulllra abet w. will tofaAd ibe prut
paid tf yo raui aa baaalt. la aot Ihle a fair
propeetlua. PrUB, I. Ala MM Aadtl," par
balila. tm lean Ca.. Beak af Bid., am 1.1
Uk'e Parewe Pnuiar. PrUa,Wata. far aala by
all llroigiata al
Why will yaa eater with Draprpaia aa, lirer CmarlpalUA, AAA ernnl dabtliy
wbea yaa aaa get at ear el.i. bhllob'a byaiaa,
Vilaliaier wblek wa Mil Aa a f eiilra gaaraaue
u aar. ,. Prlu 14 eta., AAA 7. au. ,Ar Mia
by all lirugglau Af Ckartald,
HACKMK1ACK, a fup.lar aad ft
faaio. tar ulo by all brag, late Af Cwarteld.
Dm. t, '77 4.
Oa lalarday, Maiek It, I IT I, by J.eaee A.
Oeupball, Beq, Mr. BiaAM Marru, tt laalieM
AAAAif , aa. Men Aua r. MUUr, pt Bell u.a
ekip, Otaartald aeaftly.
...... 1 8t(7
H 8,lill
- 231,011
Al Link tu Mill.. I ! tm.hl,,
S.tr4.j nnl., M.nk Id. I7I. Mar, H . .1 L.OM I " AmtOt U limit, 'V
17 ,M.
Jni aaitetk wita a -l r. .
kept her covenant. In tha Bible school tbo wm
pu aot o ally la bar clett aatu feeble health pre
" New, while wa gather ! aadaasa, la I the aageti
Anaiber sitter and scholar aar baly tang
Bba left with ber retatlvet and frlendi Ibe fra
grant memory of a meek aad quiet spirit, and the
wm ollng belief that her death wm hat a glarioui
change. May wa ant rrjolee that iba la aow aaa
of that coud lleai m altitude who erT evdy .wl (f
great Irlhulailon, and bava washed their robes,
aad made them while Is the blood ef the Lamb.
Tha above onaamoBlcattoB wm writ tea at the
request of bar dying In. Martha A who died
Mrch list, 1871. aged y can and II months)
a member of the fame cbureh, m dutiful daughter,
a loving Bitter, aad a faithful teacher la tbe Blnle
school, as the oonvertioa f alt bar scholar! will
testify. For mora tbaa two years tba bM bean a
sufferer, the grace of Qod tuntialrg bar until her
parting boor, when the eipretied a willlngneit
ta go aad be at real.
Wiibia a short time, (brea loving tlsiara have
beta borne la ibat Celm'lal City, whose builder
and maker Is Qod,
Oh, how sweet II wilt be la ibat beautiful land,
Ro tree fiom all sorrow and palo,
With rungs oa our lip and with barpa la our
To meet ear another agalu." a A.
At ber home la Lawrence township, on Sun-ley.
Match I7H., 1878, from Us efftots of a fall, Mary
E , wile of Wm 11. Miller, agd o2 yeara and Ik
Bba has lived a eonilsutat member of tba M. 1.
aburcb for tblriy-tevee yean. She died tb tbe
triuuipbs o! faitb, aad hs gb&e borne to rest.
How sweet the hours ar eltlng day,
Wbea the soul ia wranped. in cud last love,
Ueavea displays Its glinetiag ray
And woloouiM such u tketr home above.
Bui, Ob, dear mother's gone
And let! tbia world al paM, .
To join the everlasting throng
And roam the ghturiag plait. Coa.
At Clearfleld, P , an Wednesday evening,
Mareb lUih, lb78, Mary B., Wife of L. J. Morgan,
prettBl Remitter end Reoorder of tbit aouaiy, agrd
n year t, 9 iuobib aad i aaya.
At Lick Ron Millt, la Omben mwuthlp, en
Thursday, March Zlet, 187B. of eoneamuttoa,
M triha A., daoghter of U-ai 1 and Amelia M
lr(n, agrd 1J eait and II uiOutliS.
Al Curwenst lila, oa Thoitday evening, March
ll-l, 1878, Uia Aua McNaul, ia tbelJib yeu of
ber age.
CliarfirlPi Pi., March 28. 171.
Flour, per ewt - $3 20
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt.,.M. j I 0
Cora Meal, par ewt 1
CkoD. rve. Derowt 1 AO
Chop, mi ied, per awt....,,.v....H. - I
Bran. Der ewt 1 tt
Wheat, per huthel 1 2a
Bye, per buahel 76
Oats, per bushel 35
Corn, ears, per buahel H ....... 3k
Buckwheat, per bubel 8k
Potatoes, per bushel , AS
Apples, per bushel.... H ..,. 40 to 100
Hams, p,r pound 9
hnouldsr, per pound 7
Dried Beef, per pound ' 1ft
Cbickrae, per pair ...-. 40
Butter, per pound Aa
Evga, P r dosen ..... 10
Ball, ucr sack, large H 2 On
Coal Oil, per gallou 2a
uard, per iund H i
Dried Applwa, per pound 7
Dried Pi-acbrt, per pound. 10
Benns, per butbel I k0
PuiLiiiiLvati. M.taa, 54. Pltm- .lead, t m
,.rfln.,M Afl; .nr. ,4 AO, r'.nb.j'lvani
Hi. Lur. U M.
Mhwnrui i amto-,11 Mi red, fl I7l
CoratoMtl. $S 7a.
Cm ai.d lowar: v.llow. niiad. 621
V1,ai M.rek, J,o i April, aJJl Mai, IM:
Juo., ala
UaU dull and arm t PaDo.rlvaala -Blla,
SAei wiaiara doM J43oi( nUad. H1&
II T. dull, al M (.
Prorl.ioo. waaat atM pork. I0 ,A : h.
bawa, IO(iH out Indl mi Imr. UKSjlii
hami, 8,(aVo , plokUd d.i.. fi((71.( grwia du ,
0(aOf.t 'k.j .b.uld.rt,41() tbuuldrr. ia
B'l. 4l.
Laid aalet, looaa bal.bara ,1a: all krttl.
liuiiar ataadr prMBfr,, S43Bn , Hair York
and bradfnrd wuatv .itiaa, (4iU, wtaurn
raarra, l:l(a'i&.
B.RKB ft .uu Irajri faBBflflraalB, lia.
wr.urB. IU1.
Cb.M qultt; N.w Turk faBoy. 1AI&0I4.1
ir.ataiB ehwiM, IZ(,la.
I'airvl.uaa dull t rauaad. Ilia c aruda. 91(01
I" Of.
Hwda (ba aarbat for alerarwail ralat r.rj
quMH, Uar qaotalJaBi ar. i K11. for coia
iftuat 7(7ia f fO'id, BBd 71(9 rur
aad ebioa Tinalbv la B.flMlad. flaiiard
baa dliaad be par bu.b.1. aad aluaad Al II O.
Kaw Toi B. Ilarok ti MJ wmI.
rn ratbar nor. .taadr t auparfiaa aula, M l&(a)
4 7l;ralra ila ,U T.lj,l rb.lo.4i.. il
I'M) tm,H Ji(S Ml roarnl BIX.BUBII1, n BO
(ai I ab.laa Ho . M 00f Ti I Bavaria, wo.l-
ra, ,4 I5(4 TA , aoBaiue U a;rid aatm do.,
(4 7iSi abol.x do d. , tl "J(o O I abalc
waita whrat do.. 9 Ift. bj aoaiaara .an,
baar, aad BBebaacl.
Wbral quUt. Ilglllo. katuroa falaraat II Mi
tm No. 1 an-ini. Marob t II M!CI I1 Iwdo.
April ( ,1 Sit lor No. I .la'rr raa.
CtirB mora Bteadr and qalati Bjii,
01(44.1. for anoti 6S4((u.4io lur (u are.
"ata dan i n.ia waalara a, aula,;
afbilo do.. IM.
Bur doll
Porb dull, M. HOfjiU It.
Lard .taam raaaand, Ha, ,7 M.
Bailor baary.
Wbiak; aUad, wcalani, II 97.
Cbicioo, Mareb 14-Plour doll aid aoohan,-
Wbaat aalin aid Irn, I Na. I .Drlak (ill adar.
tl dJ do. r-falar, 1 Vol fur oalb I tl lur
April, 1 Hi lor Man ! I
laeud S5.
Vnn alrady aad IB ralr demand; .lie lor
eaih 4ll(a4lla for A aril j 42ie for Ma, 4le
tar Jan..
Oaie ate.dr an.) Arm at tile for ea.h i IHm
lso lor April i za,a lor maj .
nra Brner ai 4e.
Horlar ataadr aad I fair deBiaad at 4&la.
P..rb f.irlr aollr. at JSc HO tor aarh ;
V 4U(9V 4Z lor Ma, ,v 0V a?, lor 4 an.
PennMj-1 vunlu Railrontl
rH aad after Maaday.JUNB tt, 1477, 1b.
1 Paeeanger Traina will run dally maa-
dayal betweea Tyrone and Clearleld. aa follow. ;
W. 0. UwtB, Conductor.
I.RAVR qnliTH.
Curwanartlle ..X:ln,P.A,.4.e. , "
fyrona ......
VOneeuyjM .,
. t It.A.I
. .I.4, -..
, "
Lon.rd 1 XV.
Barrett 141,
la lo. -
woodland,......) aa.
Bijl.r,. .....4.01,
H AllecetoA,...4 II, "
Bla ll.ll,........! II, "
Urabam 4 74, "
Pbilipabarg....4.M. "
,.!n to,
No) nlon, ....
Bi.iBar'a,..H,, "
,10 IS,
.10.40. "
Bine B.II,
MHf't 4 1, "
w allaoaluA,,
Burnloa .4.41, -
11.17. "
raoeola 4.47,
Pow.llOA, ....4 40, "
.11 14,
oammit, -..I-Ik. m
Vanaooyoa,...t 11, "
Tyrone 0.0A.
OlOArl.ld .....
11.40. "
W. B. Ploamba, Coaduelor.
. 7 eo a.
. tilt '
T 44
Tyren lit, . a
VaaaMyaa,....l4t "
Xnmmli 1.01 ' I I,
Oeeaola, ...... .414
H)atoB IU
ni.i.rr a....... 4 it
Pbllip,nrg...t t "
rok.. I 10 "
Bla. b.ll.....4 44
Biglw .l.ll " "
.ma,., Ill
bMaard t M "
CburleM 7 4. "
OAtweaeille,.MI "
Leonard, ....
, 104 -
. Ill
, 114 "
. 140
Bla. Bait,..
. t IT "
. I 40
Bieiaer'a....... t.M
BuyalaA...... le.A, - 10 -
P.W.iUA. 10 It "
Dnmmil...... .1114
VaAanTaa....ll.l r.
TyroAA,......l.ll "
kAa.A saoTA. la.ra auara.
F. A. A. A. 4. A. BfATIone. A, A. P. A. P. A.
IM Mnrrtedala, I Ml
1:11 7I Phllipet'erg, II 1ft
till 711 kuiaee'a I J Jl
114 1 1:44 BalAloA, II: 14
I IB t:l, I II Uaeaaia, 1 11 11:04 4:11
1 44 10 41 l:Ot Morfiaai AA, t lO 11:11 4M
1:11 14:41 1:11 Meikeg, DM 11:11 1:11
1:17 10 Uf HoAladala, U0 II 40 1:47
III 111 lit MeUaaley, 1:11 lilt 1:44
107 11:1.7 l it keadrUa'a, 1:1 11:11 1:40
111 11:11 1:11 Kama, lee lt 114
STllAlt, . . Mail. kip.
P. M. A. A. 0. M. A A.
N I II Iuto Tyrone arrlre I II I 04
lit 1.41 Bald Bag lo 4.11 141
lei OH JelUA 1.10 (.0
III til Miwebarg 4 41 141
lit 11.11 B.IUf.aU .H 111
,44 10.11 Mlleewer, ' 4.11 111
t ot 10 40 Irnrl t.01 t oo
til 11.11 arrlre L.BarM laaeo l-U
B4BTW4AD. 4. A.
WBarwaan. a. A
Plttanargb Rap'M, t it
Paallo Aiur.ll, 1:11
PaaltaRaprau 1:10
Uarrltaarg Ih'b, IiMi
MaII Traia. I:10 VVayTIaeaygo j.
Allantlo Kipr.,1, t:lol Mall Traia, 1:14
Pblla. Ripreai. 10:11 Pan Lisa, 7:l
Olase eoaaeetleae made by all trains at Tyraaa
aad Lock Uevea,
1. I. BLAIR,
mylT-tf. Hapartntepdewt.
A ttageleaTBt CarweatTllle daily for Reysotds
fllle, at 1 o'clock, p a., atrifingai Reynoldtville
at 0 o'clock, p. m. Beiaraing, leaeee heyauldt
rille daily, at t e'olooh, a. , arriving at Cur.
weasville at 12 o 'a took, ai.. Vyf . faoh way, $2.
A atage travel Curwentvllledally a'.''o'aiitf.C
p. m , tor DuHolt City, arriving at DuBols Ciiy
at 0 o'clock, p. m. Baturoing, tea at DuBoit ai
T o'clock, a B.i dally, airiviugal Curweasrilie at
X u'olock. Bo Fare, aaoh way, $2.
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
07 And after Munday. Dee. Ulb, 1177,
tbe paarrager train, will run dally (alrapt
nuaday) batwrw Bed Bank And brlflwood, M
fulluwa l
t ATW ABI. D.j Malllraraa Plttiburg
0:10 a. m i Km Benb 1 1:10 1 Hligo Junetlon IMHi
Nea llrlhlrhiu 1:07 p. ai Mayarllle l:ll
Troy l:l i Rruobllet:00 Puller'. 114 toy
auld.rtlle t:6l iluliuia A:ll I Biimmlt Tunnel
1:40 1 P.nneld 4:04 I Waodrilla 4:17 1 Ueneulu
4:4t , arrivu al Driftwood At 1:41.
,J1 tt A KIWDay Mall Iravei Driftwood
11:14 p. m. Binrirtu l:l odnllo 1:40 ,
Penuold 1:44i Huuimil Tunnel 1:07 1 DubVilal:90
Hrynulil.rlllet:4l. Pull.r'ellT: Bruokrlil. S l.l:
Truy 1:40: Maya. 111. 4:14 New Belhlebea 4:10,
Bllgo Jnnelldn 4:I0 Hod Bank 4:17, arrlru At
PUlaburgal 1:11 p.m.
pl Tbe kryauldrrilloAeeomAiadalloaloaeal
kHuld.rllle uaily al T:40 a. m.. Aad errfVM at
K.d Baub al 1 1:110 a m., Pitlaburgb al 1:,4 p. m.
Uar.e Pmabargt al 1:10 a, a I M Bank at
1:11 p. u. Arrlrlog at hey Boldeetlle at t:04 p. m.
Clou eoBawlliiBl mnde with traina ob P. A B.
kailroed at Driltaoud, aad wltb tralua oa tba Valley Kailmad al Had Bank.
A. A. Jicaioa, Bup't L. Ii. Dir.
rLBaariiLA to rkariiLo.
Tbo nnderaigned would InfartA Iba pul.lio that
he ta now rnnnuig A e:nga Iibb ImIwub tlurteld
ead Pai.t.ld, ihrae timae a week
Tb. Maie Iraru Clearfield oa Tueadeyi, Thara.
day. and halurd.ya, at t o'elook a m., ar
at Pvnlield at 11 o'olook m. Beturatag aame
d.)l. PuHeld at 4 o'elook , arm
lag al Clurleld at t o'elook p. m.
Coparetiua la mala with traiaa an tka Low R. B. Al PenteM. Pen, eaob w.y, tl 40.
Clearleld, Pa, P.b. IS, lilt
Bellelonu, Pa tt 14 1 Mlddlelowa tt 01
Look Haren t 70 Marietta. I to
Wllliamaport. 1 10 Lanonalor Ill
Huntingdon- 1 I0,PU1LADKLPU1A 7 tl
Lewialowa. ttOIAItoonn ill
Maryerill. t 00 Jobnaluwaw.m. 110
Cawaoarllle tOIPhilliiaburt tl
Oaeoola A6lTyruna I tt
gnc 3dvfrtigfuirnts.
Banker unci Ilrokerti,
Reyuuldavllle, Jeflaraoa Co., Pa,
Money received an depotlt. DitaounU at ate
dermu retea. Eastern and Foreign Bacbange a)
wave ou band and collection promptly made.
Keynoldtrllle, Dea 10, 1ST 4.. I y
Notice la bare be airea (hat Letters of Ad-
uinisiratioK ob tba estate of LBVI WKTZKL,
late of Utrerd townthtp, Clearfleld count r
Pa., deceatad, baring beea daly greeted ta tbe
undersigned, all pereoet Indebted to said ettata
will please make immediate payment, and tbote
having claims ar demands against tne same win
present them properly authenticated lur aetUe-
taent without delay.
February 27, li:i-6l
Notice Is hereby given ibt the eo-part
. rabip heretftlora easting Imwocb Jete tfoss A
iswn. at WallBftoo. watdlttoleal br muinalem
aeat oa tbe 1 1 lb dey ar Mareb. Inunt. Tba
hiohi and aeoouats are left wltb O. Prank 0oa
far eettleineet aad collcotlua, who will alto settle
ail elaims of tbe trm. J KS8B OOSH,
Wa!Iacctnn, March 207ML
I hereby giro antiet te our old patron, aa well
aa te aew ones , that tba au-lnees wIM be eon tin
aed by me at tbe aid slaad, where I propose to
rati a ore and cheaper gooat in a were ever or
tared la this market. O. FRANK OOB3.
Notice Is hereby glrra that tbe eo-part
aership heretofore slitting under ibe Iran name
of Muore, Hamiltoa A Co , in tbe mercantile bast
aett at t.utbertburg, Pa. waadiesolred bv mutual
eoaseal oatae Am day; af February, 1078, L. B.
Cariile having withdrawn from tba Ira. Tha
btvtka, aotes and ebltgatltat a the Ira are left
wiih Moera A Uaasiltoa for eettlemeat aad eel
Iteiion, aad ibey will sett I. alaimt against tba
launrm. Hnt'BftN 11. MO RK.
Lalhanburg, Marek 2V7l-et
Tka aadartignad dealra la bob tie ac la the
htttiaaaa at tha old stand.
Asricultural Statistics.
To lit Citium i)f C'tarfitftt Count :
Tba anderslaned havine been appointed be tbe
Department, at Washington, principal reporter af
i he Agricultural Biattnlice or ClearOeld eounty,
retpec'fully requetlt tbe eo-operatioa af all to
aatist, ay sending tbe suberirer an the laronaa
tloB they caa bearing upon tba following ones-
tinni, ao as to enable him ta make aa correct a
ttatemeat to the Department, aa potsihlai How
many horses bava d ed in your bortugb or town,
ship, aad ef what ducate. How meav aowa and
calvea, aad af what di teats. How many sheep
bava yea lost, and af what diteatei how many
killed by dogs. How many bogt bava you laat,
and of what diieaee. What prevailing di-eate
anion grt tho poultry. In all earn gte tne rem
edict ased which bare been found to be suMasa
fat, and in all earn to give tbe caib value ot all
Block as a early as possible. By ibe on. operation
of our eiiitoas la general upon these Important
particulars, the Agaioulturai reports will become
ao aaajelopofliaei oeeUI iuf'trmatton to the pab.
Id), by enabling the Department ta publish the
diseases, tba loam, aod tbe remedies that have
beea found mat beaeloiai la certain di-eete .
Any oi her ia ortnn 1 tn tht will be eo.isl lered a
pa bite beocl, will bo thankfultj retired.
Addrett tha subscrihar at Orimpinu 11 ill,
CbaikeldCa., Pa. bAMUEL WIDBMIKB.
Matwh IS, 1878. tf.
t. a. ana. a. j. laaBarr.
ace rite rt to
"WOOD and VnLLQT?-Vr&BX.
atronet SI., ClrarMtltt, Pa.
TH. BnaorttfnAd woald aAnonaoa to tb. attlaeaa
f Claartald aad eleleilr, tbal I..T Aara par.
heard Ibe Mardwau lau af J. A. Hehrrrer.aad
wik aanaUAtly keeAi aa homd n fall aaaailaiaal of
Hardware IB all na araaoBoa, laea ao
Beach Stoec, Read (lawt.Oreat Amarleaa Croas-
aat aawa, D. aai reeiiag aiaa, tiatcaeu,
pka-ea and Ptea Iraaa, all hind- af
Halle, Uorae Bhoeaaad HoeeeHboe
Nail. Fifiha, Beea, Rakea.Bay
Forks, Bbovals aad HnaAea, ,
Bey l ke. (teeth, Flows,
Oreie Cradiaa,
Calttvntara, Double
aad Single Bbavel Pkttra,
Cultivator Teeth, Ber eat and
Tn earee, bove Bladaa, MtN
Baw aad Tarer Filea, Chieela. Bitta,
Angara, Adtea, Bara Doer Hangera, Butt,
T aad Btrap Hiagea, Banay's Hallow Aagnra,
all k laat of Leaks, Bcrews, Bath Card uad Falleys,
Poal and Chuta Bolt,, Carriage, Tin and Berrat
Bolu, B4 Curt, Ba4 Ireae, Korea Brnahu asd
Onrry-Comna, OrUd-etuao tltArea, 4)ae Hew,
aad Baep-eloae Paehlng, Cable Ckalaa, eU.
The, will aw. hup ba baa, a fall aeurtaual
af Tlawara,aad a geaeral euak ot Hoau Peratab.
lag da, wblek Iba, will ull al arieeo U (Alt
PereuAB wiaklng aaytklsg la ttuir Ba. are hk
Mao) u aali BAd alamla. UaU abuk oelen
pefahABlA,. BHD ABAUkBIt.
OaAltUM, Mmf It,
ob rniH-tiNo or ivirt dmorif
tton aeatl aiwoitad ai 'hi
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.
Curwenarllle, Jan. V, Tl if
Carw.narllle, Pa., J". t, 7l If,
Prices of Shingles,
Carwen.rlllr, Jaa. t. '71 if.
The andertlaaad will aaU at arlvata aala al!
that tract or parcel ef land situate la Decatur
township. Clearfield eoanty, Pa., within a abort
dittanoe of tbe Tvrooe A Cle-rnel I K. R , and
adjoining landi of Robert Hudson and otoert,
and kuown as (he Jacob B. Ueerbart lot. Tbe
said tract cod tain Ing AO acres mora or lett, with
two veins of valuable eoel tbereoo, baa about 10
acres cleared, aad 1b tbe key to a large body or
eoal about being developed. Will ba sold low and
upon easy terms,
For particulars, apply t
UAV1U Ia, hlin
Clearfleld, Pa., July 12, 187.
1- to CIO Por Acre.
Iterrh ami "Vloplr I.nml In irlrhla;an
In Hi" tit I. to At HK H-HAIHI w
Itio (.i mi l llnpfila nitd Indiana
UMt.i wail ( ttmpwny.
Mmm ell - r ropi- niy oft Ima
bvr-uu tlrwuaUl-n-i rlilncU buga
uo boppara.
Buniilnsatrfntiie- pitrcwater- ready
snitrhrta-aM-tiuoU Hnllrowd row
pii b J t.irouttU centre ol lUoaraul.
Send fur pamphlrt, Kngllah wr
Aattrewn W. O. If I CHART,
Land t vtnmlaaloner.
tiRtN D R A PI OH. H1H II.
March U,187S 3m.
Valuable Real Estate !
Tba andertlraad. Bring hi Prnn twp Clear
field county, Pa., offers tha following ralaablt
Real Kftatetor aalat
446 Acres of Land ,
ore er leas, la Becearia townvhip. lying on the
north tide ot big UlaarBald ereek. and wttbtn ooo
mile of the aame. The above land is beavilv
covered with hem lech, white oak, rock eat, and
aiher bard wood timber, aod a quantity af white
pine, said to no nan a mmioa or more leet.
The ame Is heavily anderlaid with bituminous
eoal, and directly on tba Una of railroad leading
tree Houtidaietot oalport. its value is unknown
There are, alto, other valuable minerals aa thr
Tbe above land Mel about two and a-belf miles
below tba village of Mien Hope, adjoining lands
of Meorge Groom and ethers, on what Is known
at Purler a run. Tbe improvements ea tbe prop
erty are a good geared taw hill, la running order.
a high dam. stone breast, Made la the best maa
oer. lit for almost aoymaehinerv. There is. also
a large frame dwelling boueoaad frame bank bare
ihereon, and about forty or ftfty acres, more ar
lett, of tha land ts cleared. Any perron
wltfaiog la invest in proaerty ef this kind will do
well to examine tbit property. I will sell the
whole ar the undivided half inlaarit, aa may tuit
tbe purebaaer. Tbe above tract af land will make
two or three farms, which wilieompare favorably
with tba greater part ef aar county. Price aad
terma made known ta any per on wiihiag ta pur
chase. For further particulars ell ia pereoa ar
address tne andertlgaea at urampiaa utile r.u,
Clearfield eouuty, Pa, BAM'L W1DKM1KI.
Ian t. 17 If
RllG V. 0V MAM1NE!
Clearfleld, Pa.
Reipeetfulty In form t bis eontcmert, aad the pub-
lis In general, that he eeatiuaea to manufacture
all Bind of
Tla.CoppiT 4 Sheet-Iron Ware,
Of Brtt-clats material only, and la a workman
Ilka manner.
dene aa short notice aad very reasonable terms.
kept in stock, aod tor aala tew.
Gas-Filling and Plumbing
a specially.
0el Pillaua alwar.oa beat. All work gaaraA-
teed to giro utiafaetloo.
A .bare of pablle patronage cordially Mllottod.
CL.rl.ld, Pa., Ha, ,, 1ITT.
Would reenectfultr notlfr the nubile tetterall)
tin. km mmm mmovbJ ha flriAtre Riora imm.
(thaw's How. te tbe building formerly occupied
by J. Milee K raiser, oa Heooad atreet, aeit door
to Bigier'a hardware store, where he intend
keeping a ran una ot
It O K It I i: H.
8UOAR8 aad 81 RTP9, of all gredee.
TIA8, tnn and Blneb.
COtritK, R.AtW aad Ureen.
cajrjrcB mars,
All kind, in tbe aArkat.
PICK LKft, IA ara and karrale.
8PICR8, fa aver, form aad earfely.
Cool Oil ta& Z.U&P Qilmnojrs.
And a fed aaeorltteAt W Iboee thing, n.ualh
kept hi A giaeeiy .tore, wbirk k. will eirken.
for aiarbellng a4 4ba BiarkM prioeo.
WIS lall let Mak oo ekeAply oe aa, otker ewa,
PImao oaII and oa. bta Hewk OAd AAge tot
ynraalf. .
jvnw MowAuuuag.'
OleArteld, tu. t, IITI.
Rrw fAdvrrtitrwruta.
STRAWBROQE tl CLOTHIER detlra to make known to eon.
lumen who find It Inconvenient to tho city every lime DRY
GOODS are Aetilcd, tlut our Mail Order Department ll ao perfected
that thoppinj nuv bo done while iminj cemioruUy At home ai latta
faaonly ai at our coumen.
All ihsi ii ncceuary b to aildreu to ui a letKr menlionin; tia kind
of ooili d.iircl, and SAMPLES to nict from will bo immediately
furwar Jed. Or len are filled al th iitx J yttw (or which the foodi
Are Ihil dajr 40IJ over the eouniera. Tho eaptiue, trouble And Uujue
of going to the city are avoided and the nodi ore lelected from ai
choice an anonmcnt ai would b. inspected were our euibliihauat
viaited in penon.
For yean we have made thli peeulltr branch of the Dry Goods tmi
tneu a favorite ttudy, and tha lucceu of our MAIL ORDER DE
PARTMENT ti attetted by the tact that an order il rarely rilled with
out making a permanent customer of tho penon ordering. Every order,
be k for A yird of muilin or a wedding iroiuMau, meet! with the mow
careful and prompt Attention.
width and Brteu correctly marked, promptly fonvaraarl on application.
.j uuuuu
Hats, Caps, Gloves, Valises. &c,
Will ba toltl at tstounding low prices. Com and toe fur yourself.
Wefttern Hotel Comer, Clearfield, Pa.
January, IS, 177.
secoa'o sr., orrosiTE t ot'HT noi sE.t i i:.inrn:i.u, pji.
To the Citizens of (leaiikhl County :
About a year are came you with a stock of Bouts. Shoes, Rtirihert and FnrnUblng
Onods: within lhi tirn- I bava tu abit Teu T him -an I pairs of llniti. 8liofn, etu , ami, 1 b trw
eaeepiloni, lh-ie articles hav girt-n iterreot tailttaciion ; where k- ihIs dil out turn ut exaeily u
repreventad, they were at once re.ilasel by new onB. at the lew who hJ teocatlto to atek redress
nan testily. Now let me asaure ,vu that Ibi la ao mere Aaaaatina, but preol el? what I will turn
tloue te dit that Is, when that wbieh yua hue of me Wt a-4 aire, what you Would term, ''your
moneya w irlb," I will repair it at once, on fair proof of its beiog eo.
Fueling fratrful lr tast favors, 1 nth a cvMinuanre of a share of your atronaya.
Youit Bineerely, 8. Qt'lNZUURO.
To elnee out a big lot, wa offer ;
Women's Rubbers at
Men's Ku briers at
Lumbermen's eitre heavy Orerthoea, wltb had, at
Men 'a wowl-aaed Orershoew, at
Women's Leeed I.aiiiDf Rbaa 9k eta. Wamea'i beat Calf Sbaea l.M
aaed ta a-H for $1 00. need ia tell at $3 10.
Woman's Laced Morocco Hboet, $1.10 Women's Laced foied Shoot Me
aard taatll for $I.S. ased to tell atfhkO.
Women's Laaed "alf rihnea l ift Women's Buttoned Morocco 8boee 1,40
awd lo sell at $1.40. ased ta tell at $1.7.
Worn aa 'a hoary farm Shoea l.M Women's Kid Laead hboea l.TI
aaed ta ell at $!.. used to aell at $Mt.
Mea'B heavy winter Bboaa, double, sole... 9 & eta
Msa'a heavy kip Kheea $1 Ji
Men's henvy calf dressed Shoea 1.6k
Men 'a beat calf dressed hhoet 1.T6
Mt-a'a kip wark lag Hoots 1 OS
Mca'a kip werkiag BooU, doa le eole... 14
Msa'a hip workiag Boata, tap acta I 00
la Ifty ditTereAt itylei, from tl lo tt.&t. Working and aehool .haei, from $1,5 to for 1
ealf alia, halloaed dreel iboel. Boa' BlailrA Up Bale BooU, 12.40.
Mlaeee' aehool Shoe. ., ,5 el,
Mleeoo' fare, ikooa ,1.14
Miaeea' gMBlAe ealf iboee H
Hiaaea' HboM , ... l.M' dreal tkee l.M
flood eolid, bnltoael, keeled 8beM for ehlldrM. II eaaU. Boot, ww tipped, keeM 81
ehildrra. 14 e.011. Rukoor and 8beee, I I.JO. Baby'e Shoe, of all biadl, to ale. ai
Mea'a and wnmen'a alipp.rl, 14 Hall. 8ke poliek. It ooBte per bottl.. Shoe atribge, 4 e
doaon. Batlea aoobe, I eoal eaeh.
Cle.rt.ld, la, Hep 11, 1177.
Smithfleld Street, from 2d to 3d Avenues.
The most centra My located tr it cla.s Hons- In the City. Ptrwt cam pas tba dtor srsry Ira
Inutei to all tbe Depoti aai all parts af bo'h cities Tria, Ad per day
WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors.
The RarrlLlciB. of Cleartrld, receleed weeklr at the Hulel and ulaenl oa 1 r... .a. k...a,
gweata fnai Ibia omiI., Ao.
iTOTICE. A meeting f Ik. Iloehhnld.ra of
i.1 lb. Ul.arl.l l nr. Uriel t'. will be br-id
.1 their oflioe ia Clearteld, oa Moaday, May lib,
1171, fur tna perpoeo of vtrtitg on tb. ineroMe ot
lb. eapital atoek ef eaid eoBip.ay.
Clearteld, Pa., Mar. I ll. HrcreUry.
Have opened up, la tbe store roes lately occupied
by Weaver A Be tla, oa Beeead it root, a large and
wen eoierietj tiona of
Dry - Goods, Groceries,
HAT, 47) I) CAM,
Wklek Ike, will dl.pM ef At maaaakla relei
for eaak, or .Bebeage lor eeaBiry produM.
'tjROtOS WEAVES A.430,
W4Wd, Pa, Jaa. I, let! af.
lrw drrriUfmruti.
Out Sale.
a ui uiuuiaik uuuuu
40 Beets.
ill cents.
Mra'a Elm Ira kip working Boola, Up tola.. $J ftO
Men'a droit Boots if,
Men'a heat calf Boeta $.,$
Mea'a beet calf Boon, as wed M 4.00
Men'a best calf Boots, eewed M t 00
Men'a best calf Boots, etwed 00
Ifiieee'dreea Shoe,
EtiMe' drew BboM
Mieeee' kid 8ho.a...
Miaaee' kd Sboee...
Miiaea' kid Skoei...
... 11.74
... in
... tot
... IH
... 1.00
nea for
au per
J., K IITI lea.
At Bhaw'i aid Hand, Clwrlokl, Fa, kal Jolt
opened A Aew itMk of
Fi ne .ro weso or res,
and lo now prepared to fnrniak anytklng ia ikn
Iba Ilea ef Draga AAd MedielAM Al tka eery'
eel oaab prirwe. I
lie baa aleo oa band A large otoek of Coniki,
Hair and Toolk Braakel, fanoy ArUelei, Totlal
and fhartng oaapa, aa I ararytkiAg anally krpt
In A Irit-eleei Drag tiers.
OOAjaOUBdMl Milk H.M 'Am u .1 L . ,,L 1
. I J - na wuwa,
bare af patronage reiptciralfy aolleiud.
Cleerteld, Pa., Oet. 14, 1177.
The Bell's Bun Woolen Far lory
Peni umtlis OkvirtaM Oa, Pa.
A AT let
y3ta.j. uasss aW-mr .
rrr tt t t t , fftj
:siiyi2S?iiaii: .
tmtxmt i
Tke labaerlhwe keen. At Anal olpoAee, rekalh a
aelgbnorkoed Aeneelty, la tka nwilreA .f a Int.
riaaa Woolen HaAafaelary, with all tba aowra
laprTMMU allaab.d, aad are prepand ea aaat.
all klnda .1 OMka, Owlnm, teUaetu, Bl.a.
kata, tlAAAell, Aa. rbnely of peti aa kaad 4.
Mpply All AAd A lkoaaad,
wb.ei we aak u mbm aad eiaalae aw BIMk.
Tbe bwelBBM of
will main eer ee!.! altoAtvaA. - Propec
arrangraeau will be Bade lo reeelea aad a.IIM'
Wool,t.ialleaetoBiere. All wark warraalew aa
doAa .pw. tan ah.rual aotlo baA by etrVat am. a.
Iin u ban. Ma w. be. ba reallee A Vbaral ekare,
f pAblle patroAage.
Wa will pay tbe aiarkel aru. for Wm.
aad aell ear eaaaefeeiend go. ae lew aa aieaUaa
goa na be boagbt ia Ibe oeeely, end euemr
we fall 4. r.Ad.r reae.AAbl. oulefoetloa w. aa
elwayl b. foaad at koala ready 1. arnho pee, IB
eipieAUea, ,ilar ia awma er br bravar.
aprUMtf - S.wwt.S,-