... 1 i .1 iflotrta. THE' MANSION HOUSE. Cetaar af Stoned end Murkel Streets, ( lEAflF.ll, PA. form.r capacity ter Ike oateriAiBiaoa. o; a acre BBd taaltt. The whole ballJlng ka beea refurBisaad, tod Ik proprietor will .pare bo pets, to r.ad.r hii gaesti eomfortebis wbii tayiog with blm. SaT-The 'M.nsloB House" Ornelbue ruM to oiid from lb Dopot ol Ibo arrival and departure of each Win. W. 0. CARDU.N, inly lH7.tf Proprleloi LLEGHENY HOTEL. . Market attract, Cleerfleld, Pa. ,k Hi. 8. Bradley, forinorl"proprietor of the Leonard House, having loosed the Allegheny Hotel, solloits share of public palroaage, Tbo llouto hs. boon thoroughly repeired ownt aewly furnished, unil guo.te will nd It pleasant . iin( plat. Tho Ublo will bo luppliod with tho Loot of everything in tbo market. At Ibo bar will bo found the best wines and liquors. Uood stabling tux-hod. WM. H. BHAULbV, Slay IT, '78. rropri."". SHAW HOUSK, (tor. of llorkot A Front ttrooti,) , CLKARPIKLD, PA. Tbo undersigned having token charge of tbb Hotel, would respectfully oollrll public petronet. 10040,VB. , K,J1BHlUfl aonn WASHINGTON' HOVSB, " 4 KKVTWASIIlNUTON. PA, Thii now and well furoitbod house boo boon tokoa bv tbo uejeralgnid. llo foolf oonAdent of boing nolo to render satisfaction to tbooo who mot ravur bio) with a eoll. MayS,la7l. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PIHLIPSBURtl, PENN'A. Toblo alwaya supplied with th boot tho toorkot anoras. 1DO traveling puotio iBinTueu toooii. j.o.1,'78. ROBERT LOYD. iattlss. r. . inaoLD. . w. Aaaou.., J. a. isaoLI F. K. ARNOLD &, CO., Ranker and llroken, RtynoldflV.lle, Jefleraan Co., Pa, r M on I J waived on depoa.L - DUooniiU at wa der U retaa. Knatern end Foreign K change el were on hand nod eollMtlonf promptly nada. Kynodivllle( Doo. I6,m4.-j County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Muonlo Building, on door north ol 0. D. Wition'l Draft Store. Psiiage Ttoketi to and from Liverpool, Qoen town, OlMgow, London, Pari and Copenbagtn. Alo, Drafts for lalson the Royal Rank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prea't W. M. SHAW, Caibler. janl,'77 DJ.EXEL & CO., NosT ft Riiuth Third Ktrsat, Pblladelpbla And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by tuoil will roooivo prompt atton tloo, and all InroroiatloD cheerfully furnitbed Or.len lulicUd. April ll tt Jntlistry. DR. E: M.THOMPSON, (OSce in Bank lluilding,)' Curnrnarlllc, Clearfield Co., Pa. mch !2 '7 tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEAKFIKI.P, PA, (Office io residence, Prcond itreet.) Ctearflole). Pa., May 1, ISTT-ly. 5,WtSf(Uiiitrous. COKAP GROCERIRSI LUMRKR OITV, PA. Tho under.liTfled announcot to hie old friendi and potroni that he hai opened a uood llaeol IlltOCKHIKS A PHOVIHIONB at tbo old Hand of Kirk k Sponcer, for whiek he eolioitf a liberal patronnce. H. W. 8PBNCKK. Lumber City, Pa., March D.ti MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDONds BEO,, On Market Et, one door weat of Hamloi Hoota, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrangementi are cf tho mo! oomplatc character lor furniibing tho puhlio wilb Freab Meati of a,) I kind, and of the wry beat quality. Wtalao deal in all kinda of iAgriealtnral Impla meota, which we keep on exhibition for tbo ben efit of the publie. Call around when la Iowa, and take a look at tblnga, or addrcea aa F. M. CARDOM A BRO. Clearaeld, Pa., July 14, 1876-tf. FRESH HEAT-JEW SHOP. The anderrignod hereby Inform! the public la general tbat tbey keen oa hand, regularly, at their loop, adjoining JOU.N QULICU rJ furniture roomj, oppofllto the Court Uouee, tbo ' ZAJfB, PORK, STC, AT REDUCED TRICES, FOR CASn. Market amrnlnga Taoaday, Thnraday, and flatordaya. Meat dellrered at reaidanea when daiired. A ihara af patronage la retpect fully aollclted. Marob 1, 1576 ly. 6TAUB A NOKHIH. T Sf C;oi W E THL'HT.'-AII other, mnat X PT ftr their work before ft leaveo tbe thop. And aa all flexh la aa tbe graal of the fte)d and tbo promiaea of neo era like the floaera thereof tliay are giren one day and forgotten tbe next t brief ore it la boat ant to trnat anybody. All kinda of work will be dune in thla eh for eaah or ready pay. Boots and ahoea of all aiiea and styles tbe best and cheapest in town. I have remoTed my shop to tbe lower end of town, to Taylor's row, on Reed street, near the depot, where I wilt be found at all tionaa, waiting for customers. All work warranted good and cheap. Alio, all kiodi of Leather and Bboe Finding a for aala. The eltWeni af Clearfield and rlclnlty are tspectfally Invited to giro me a call. JOS. II. UKKIlINU, ClearfleM, Pa., July It, 177. a. i. ar.it. i, j. auetiiTT. REED & HAGERTY, Sncoeiaora to J. G. SCHRYVER. DEALERS I If IIEAVr AND shelf ' ' HARDWARE, TTOOD and V?ILLQW-V?A2Z. r COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES and RANGES Srtond St., VitartUid, Pa. The andersigned would announee to the nillsens of Clee.rt.eld and vleiaity, that they bare par ehaeea tbe Hardware H tore of J. O. Sobrvver, aad will eonatantly keep oa hand a full aaaortaaeat of Hardware la ail its braaobee, aucb aa TABLE & POCKET CITLERY, Booyh Btept, Hand Raw!, Groat Amerlcaa Crooa cotflawB, 9. B. and Peeling Alee, Hatcheti, Plonoo red Plena Irooe, all binde of Nolle, Uoree Shoee and Hnrw Hhoo Kotle, Plrka, Ucoa, Rakee.Ilaj Porka, Bboeeli and SpaJea, Scytkn,Snethee,Plowi, Urala Cradle., , , , CulUratora, Doable aad Biogle Snore) Plowa, . . Calti.atoc Toela, Beeoli aad Try Kqaeroa, Kboool Bledea, Mill Raw aad Taper fllee. Chloric, HUti, Aagora, Adree, Horn Door Haagere, Batt, T aad Strap Hlngea, Boany'o Hollow Aaavra. all kradiof Looki, r)orow(,Soah Cord aaid PaUoya, GLASS and PUTTY, Poat and Cbalo Mta, CotTiagw, Tire aae) Barrel ttolu. ad Cord, Bad Iroaa, Horaa ttraebei ad Oerro.CeaBha, Ortad-itoaa iitaree, ttara, Hem, ewd Boaa-etoae Poeklag, Coble Ckolaa, Mo. Tliey will aloe keep oa head a foil eooorunevt wf Ttewaro,aad a general etoek af Howaa Peratea. tag Oeae, whiek tb.y will eoll at pram M oaK wveneooo. Porooao erlekiag aaftklng t. tkolr Mae are la. Mod la call aad axaailoo tbelr ermk before waroaaalag. RKKD A BAUHBTI CloartoTd, May H, llfr-ly. ..T. A. FLECK & CO. Market Street, . I . l- i I i -. 0 0 T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Clearfield, Pa. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAUr'IKl.D, l'A. WRDNES3AV WORNlXd, MARCH II). 1171 Astounding Catalogue of the Bobber ies Under Carpet-Bag ttule in South Carolina. Tht Whole malt tlorerumtul fed, llauted. Clothed and Intoxicated at Stale Expenst, THE WILDEST WORK OF THE TWEED JtlA'a ECLIPSED. Matlonery that Covered llureee Carriage.. dewetry ana rianua. CiiLU.MHiA, S. C, Kebruaiy 22. In accordunce with a concurrent rtmolu tion 80 directing and rcqiiirinir, tbo Joint tommiBHion appointvd toinvcali Klo allPKe trouds anu irrc'iiiunuea B'ninut this Mute bus euumiuuti a par tial rcnort. Thovomminaion baa been in neiwion for nearly ono year and ban accumulated a maaa of vouchers ana other evidence bcarintr, upon tho rsub- loot of their lubiira which defies arrange ment and clamtificution within tbe miori apace ol a week or ten days allowed lor tba preparation 01 their report, unu they 2nd tbemaolves compelled, there lore, to rcctrict their ofjrts to tho prc sentincnt of tiicir tiiacoveriua in one field alone. Tho report is confined to a statement ol tho Irauitnlent ami ex travagant expenditures authorized by tba General Assemblies and various State officers under tbe bead ol " Sup plies." This titlo is truly a general and comprehensive one, but tho reader ill nnu tbat it is eminently appropri ate as a desiirnation of the infinite variety and amount of articles and transactions covered by luo term. The entiro evidence, it must be re membered, is derived from the sworn totitimony of ex-oflicials of tbe lulo Re publican Administration and that of hundreds of tbe members of tho several Legislatures who were themselves the guilty recipients of articles paid for " by the State" on tbo warrants of tho officials who wore charged with the duty of protecting her interosts. now nit accounts wean paid. One witness, Josephus Woodruff, tho late Clerk of the Semite, stntes simply tbat " under tho bead ot supplies was embraced anything that a Senator choso to order. Thcso orders were generally given through tbo Clerk of the Senate, and tbe accounts woro ren dered against bim. At first tbo orders were moderate and included only sla lionery and pwMugo stumps, but they gradually increased until tbey assumed gigantic proportions.'' At first the inountB woro ordered to oe deducted from their pay, but very soon tho orders largely exceeded their pay, and tbe accounts " were then included in tbo reports of the Committee on Con tingent Accounts, and pay certificates wore thus issued lor every variety of merchandise. In addition to this, pay certificates were drawn and turned over to the Chairman of tbe Committee on Contingent Accounts for collection and distribution." As these mutters became common the Senators claimed tbat all their ci pontics should be paid by tbo State, or, in tbo language of one of them, " the Slato bad no right to be a state unlcsa she could pay and take caro of bcr statesmen." Tho Clerk ol the Senate testifies that " grati fication certificates (or gills) were fre quently issued for the benefit of the Senators. Senators (iaillardand Jermy, of Charleston, testify to the truth ol tbis statement and acknowledge that thoy received certificates so issued Tbe Touchers found in tho Statu Treas urer's office show tbat in one session there was expended, under the heads oi "supplies, sundries and incidental ex pense not less than 1350,000, (125,. 000 ol which was spent for refresh monts, including the finest wines, liquors and cigars. Tba practices above referred to " became so general as to embraco nearly every Ilepublican member and several Democratic Nona- tors. Such aocounta came to be re garded as privileged matters, and tho Senato rule requiring all reports to lie over one day was generally suspended, and toe renorl considered at once and tba accounts ordered to be paid with out a dissenting voice." Senators left private accounts with tbe Chairman ol tbe Committee on Continent Accounts, and tbey were returned to them set tled, and recoiptcd. To preserve ap pearances the accounts were generally presented in tbe Senate, together with ono or more good ones, and the titles and amounts ot the latter being read aloud tbe fraudulent ones woro included io the phrase, "and others," and all were ordered paid together. Tilt LIQISLATIVI BAR ROOM. A room adjoining tbat ot the Clerk of the Senate in the Stato House was fitted up w herein to servo wines, liquors, eatables and cigars to Slato ofbcials, Senators, members of tbe House and their friends at all hours ol tho day and night. Several witnesses testify that this room was visited daily " by Stato officials, Judges, Senators, mem bers of tbe House, lawyers, editors, newspaper reporters and citizens gen erally, irrespective of parly, and that tbey discussed matters Mate and na tional, in the most agrceablo manner over tboir sparkling glasses." The colored porter who waited in tbis rare saloon testifies that lor six years it was generally kept open from 8 o clock A. M, until Irora i to 4 o clock the next morn ing ; that during these hours some ono was always present, eating, smoking or drinking, and that Sunday, as may well be behoved, " was no exception. Many of the members wonld be in the room before breakfast hunting lor a drink, or, as they called it, '.' an eye- opener." Tbis witness gavo tho names of two Democratic Senators who woro wont to frequent this bar-room. He estimates the quantity of liquor (or wniskyi drank daily at several gallons, besides large quantities of wine, aloand portor. Tbe best cigars woro furnished and tbe waiter lound it difficult to sup. ply tbe demand, as many of his ens. tomers filled one or two of their pock ets upon leaving, and would frequently carry off a bottle of champagno in the same way." The reader only needs to be reminded here, in place of comment, tbat no member waa required to pay lor what be got tho Slato looted all the bills. In addition to the refresh ments furnished at the Slate House large quantities were sent to tho hotels. boarding bouses and residences of the members, Slato officials, "and their mends. A SAHl'LI ORDER. The following, which may bo re garded as a lair specimen, is a copy ol the items furnished to Sonator James A. Dowley on bis order in one day, to wit I " Une box champagno, ono box port wiue, one box whisky, one. box brandy, one box sherry wine, tbice Doxee oigara. Mr. Jamee A. Bowlvy was ono of the icaaing colored members ot tbe House, and was Chairman ol tho Committee oa Wayi and Moans. It is not difficult to understand la tho light of his ordor woy be reported lavorahly upon tbe enormous tax levies and appropriation bills which came before biro lor con sideration. A CLiaiCAL LEGISLATOR. There is also an order on filo from Rot. W. M. Thomas, the member from Colleton county, to which is attacbod tho following explanatory noto : Mo. (Iiesoa t I There 1 mistake i Ibo order colli for two i box ol win. I'liooo rood tbo olber. i W.M. Taowii. All tbo drillers anil morvlianla who furniahud tbuau iuiilii'ii testily tbat tby woro paid in Uielitlivo pay cor '? Tim iii V I' -; Vf " ". TfS, urer witjoul any impwr.iliunt lnq.ry as to the nature of their claims. Une of tbeso dealers, llanly Solomon, gives a list ol eomu ot the members and offi cials to whom be supplied liquors and rciresnments. WIIOLXSALK LIQUOR kUl'I'Llts. Concerning tho accouut ol Hardy Solomon, the liquor merchant above menlioneu, ui record ot vouchers shows thut in the year 1872 there were issued Io him puy certificates to tbo amount ol --1,,1X0,jU, while bis item. ir.ed account shows that there wus duo him for the years 1871-72 only til, 203.48, proving thut be was puid (13,- 177.02 over thu amount which he claimed to have been turnished by him. The evidence shows that on Man h 4, 1S72, Solomon furnished tbo Senate (l,tiill worth of wines sntl liquors, and on the 7th day of the same month liko articles to tho amount of (1,852. 75, aggregating (3,483.75. Tbis amount wus purchased " for the Senate " with in three duys, and large amounts woro furnished to thu House at tho samo time, and still other amnunls were f ur nished to the Senate during same week by other parlies. Other vouchers nliow that Mr. Solomon alone furnished tho Ilouso with (5,877.15 worth of wines and liquors within two months. Mr. Solomon testifies that " be had no diffi culty in making collections while they did business with him." It thus clearly appears thut bills contracted for the gratification of the legislators wero promptly paid lit a time when the vilest criminals were pardoned out of thu penitentiary ' tokoep them from starv ing," and when the inmates of tho Lunatic Asylum mid other Slato chari table institutions were acluitlly suffer ing from want of food and clothing, while tho free schools were all closed and their teachers refused any, thu smallest, compensation for months of labor. These fraudulent expenditures were not confined to any. one your. Other vouchers for the year 1871 show that from tbo 1st to the 7th of March wines and liquors wero purchased to tho amount of (3,157.80, an average of more tbun (4;iU per duy tor the Senate 1 ho number ol Senators in this Stule is limited to thirty-three Tbo lollowing is a literal copy ot an account rendered by Joe Taylor, a col ored merchant politician.wbocontrived to grow wealthy on tho spoils wbicb fell to his individual share in the gen eral scramble : CM !.. Krb 2!:b, 1871. Oof. A J. Rahhiise, Dr., To Joa TiYi.ua, for LlrouTP A S 'garr and otbrr artioular....$2-i) 1)0 Hroetrueid payiaen Joa TArton. LllltllAL PUIl'ES. Somo ol the prices puid for thcso supplies were most extravagant. I quote, tor instance : lirundy, (20 gal lon j sherry wine, (10; whisky, (8; lager beer, (4.50 per dozen ; cigars, 820 per hundred ; champagne, (40 porcuse; port w ine, ( 10 per dozen. A calcula tion shows that to use up all the liquors that were purchased required each member of the House and Senato to consume one gallon per day, with a few byUlc! of ale and nine thrown in for good measure. The number ol cigars per day averaged one dozen to cuch member. The item ol fruits lur nished the members at sundry times is also a considerable one. ne dealer's account for a very short lime amounts to (1,080. ri'RNITt'RE l'A 1 1. t'OU I1Y Tilt STATE. In addition to the evidence already specified, tho frauds shows that over (200,000 was paid out within lour years lor furniture alone. Of tbis amount the dealers who supplied it testily un der oath that only about ( 17,700 worth, appraised at the prices paid for it, is now on band at the Stato House. Mr. Kerry, ono of thcso dealers, testifies that ho furnished a largo number ot so called committee rooms outsido of the Slute House, besides at least forty pri vate bedrooms of member, in different bouses in tho city. Among those so furnished wero the rooms occupied by W. ,1. Whippor, tho notorious negro Judge elocled at tho same timo with J. Moses. Somo ol these rooms he furnished as often as tbrco times in succession, while almost all the offices in thoState llouso were furnished anew every session. The Sere-cant at-Armsot the House testifies at length to tho samo facts. He does not know what became of tho furniture, but " whun he attempted to collect it, be was told by tho recipients that it was nono ol bis Dusiness, and be conscqneutly troubled himself no more about it." Large quantities ot furmturo wero furnished by him every session, and it all disap peared as soon as tbo uencral Assem bly adjourned, only to bo replaced at the order ol tho speaker or somo com mttletj 01iwtrtnn e. ike vopfinning of tho next session. It was always paid for in legitimate pay certificates. Gen eral John li. Dennis testifies that he purchased furniture lor forty rooms, including the offices of tbe Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller General and Kepreaentalivo Hull. A majority of the members then combined against tho persons who furnished tbo goods, and demanded to be paid for voting for tho claims. Tho bills were accordingly mora than doubled, certificates issued, and the surplus divided among tbo members. Tbo Chairman of tho Com mitteo on Claims reported (12,810, and tbo remainder wad divided between filly other members in sums ranging from (100 to (3,000 each. The names ot all the members and the sum each received is specified and proved by vouchors. P. J. Moses is so slated to have received (5,000. o Of tho clocks, which cost from (150 to (000 each, and of the several mirrors which cost (000 each, but one remains. Dennis furtbor testifies that in the Spring or Summer oi lawj tbe notorious U. I'. Leslie pur chased a lot of furniture for his private rosidcnco wnicb Governor ncott "paid for out of some fund or other." HOW ACCOUNTS tlRRW. As a further illustration of the man ner of proceeding it is slated that two tbin deal partitions were erected in as many committee rooms, for which a bill waa rendered and paid to the amount of (1,300. The accounts were originally (50 for oaeh partition, and tho figure 6 was prefixed. Tho same work ran no done to day lor less than (25. Under the same bead of " furni ture," accounts wero rendered for horses, mules, carriages and buggies purchased by tbw members, and the accounts duly passed and paid by the State. Tho accounts for carpeting amounted to several thousand dollars por annum. It would have required i nly 1,300 yards to have carpeted all the rooms in the Slate llouso and the " committee roorr.s " outside. During ono session alone, however, d,G58 yards ot carpeting, more tban one thousand of which was the finest Iirussels, was purchased and paid for. Gen. Dennis and the Sergeant at-Arms both testify " that the committee room were fur nished with new carpels every suasion, which wore aa regularly carried away in the Spring of tbe year." Some of it was shipped to Massachusetts. It only remains to be added in this connection that It is in evidence that the bouses ol prostitution in the city ol Columbia wero likewise titled aptiy the mem tiers, tbeir constant patrons, in the richest, most costly style, at tbe exnenso of tbe State. QV1ER RTATTONEEr. Under the head of " stationery " all manner of articles w.ro supplied to the membeia without charge The evi dence shows that the average member never recoivod more tban (10 in actual stationer's material ; but the bills ren dered and puid by the State in one ses sion alone amounted to (08,000. Clerk Jones testifies; "Stationery included refreshments, dry (roods, irro- I'ctaVE-r; M -f,.ni'.t:i?fi -LlMriits .;pd ' merchandise, and the names used in the accounts wero generally myths." During ono session every Senator got a (2S inkstand and a Webster's Un abridged. Tho Senate consumed (10 worth of postage stumps daily and scrawled with (10 gold pens. Tbo Western Union accounts show that the State paid for the legislators' telegrams. Isuaa Sulzbauber furnished jewelry to tho very reverend Senator, Wm. John son, Tim Hurley and Sonutont W hi ne mo, Maxwell and Hayne. Clerk Woodruff 's dinry has tbis entry t Wetlaerdoy, Jan. 15, I87-, collrrtod certlflnate fr $V46,end paid llaydea for Walllemore'a watch, tiracioui gnodnee. ! Wbitteaiir. aiuet hevecumo wh.ro obout ttn thousand dollar! tble iriiion. Tbat ouglit to be aaliilaotury. Ho la a! were, tbougb, aflur ouo more. Tho members woro Slate diamonds and State watches buck to tboir dis tricts. Whippor charged (50 a duy lor forty-three days' services to tho State Bank Investigating Committee, as a result of which C. C. l'ult'er wus ap pointed receiver and tho Suite lost much money. COSTI.T TASTES. Tho development of tho u'Stheliu tastes of the ignorant nogrous and pen niless white vagrants who constituted the successive Legislatures for so many years is well shown in tho following contrasted lists taken from actual ac counts now on file : - Isf.ll-TO. IS7I.7J. S6 clooki. friOO elooko. dtl-ct-nt epit'ount. IS euipodortv $4 beoebe.. .200 oruneon ploib lore. Strew brde. ftpoago raotlreeeee aad l choirs. Oriental ptllowa. $4 piae tablet. feu Duab liothie obairt. Io vent hot peg.. 0 library tablet. tW de.ks. $::o hat rack.. 18 oOioe duki. 160 de.bi. 00-oent eoot boukl. too to SI76 effije deekl. Cheap matting. S100 wardrobes. Clay piies. Hody liroiMlsosrpeting. t-ueop woi.ky. finest ilavaua eigor. $4 looking glsseos. Cbetopegiie. 91 window eurtains. liiOO looking-glessos. Sa CAirnice.. SOUS hroeatel eurtalos, loiaorouiBB, o. $00 walnut and gilt aor niooa. A bare enumerlioii of the kinds ol costly articles which figured in those accounts would fill a column and leave much untold. Wuun it is suid tbul such articles of feminine attire us are known or guessed at by the names ol " bustles," " extra long stockings," " chignons, " palpilutors, " garters, "chemises," " boulevard skirls," and parasols," are lound in tbe samo list with mules, horses, wines, coals of arms, axe helves, dictionaries, diuinotids, jugs, cuckoo clocks, cradles and colli us, some thing may bo lelt to tbo iinatrinalion Front a column list of articles lurnished under the head of legislative supplies these items are extruded as indicative ol tho lusles ol tho curpet-hag and negro rotioers : H'tfif. pmd Honor! Ueidsleok. (Jrora Seel. Via Imperial, Verveoay aad Moot and Chandra ohsmpngnre : Pcuppernong, t-porhlitia MohoIIo. Cstewba, theleao La Hose claret, Chateau Laatto claret, Imperial pale sherry, be.t Madeira 1'urt, M.lega and bl.rkberry wiues i Sunt OUrd. Du- puy end Preach cognac brandy Snort baker, cabinet, rye, bourbou, nectar and .era wbishiee ; tullaod gia, Jamaica rum, eases ol liuetotter's, Indian, Kerr's, Kui.iaB, linker, Hanto Domingo, anil wine biture t Congress water, be.l bottled els, lager and porter l baraapartlta, t'uraooa end .larafcoiuoall oy toe oasa. A'urailere. Placet walnut oAce chair, and derba, t'ootinentel ebalrc,wasb stands, wardrobeo, bat racks, marble-lop aneb ataoda, library tables, DiorDie lop siueooaiu., boob eeeee, aelr-eeal ruck iog chairs, large and smell eesy ohaire, aiarble. top bureaus, saiooa tables, bed.toads.opera ohaire, leauier-teai coelrs, oane-etel enatrs, slutted-book cbsiis, sluOed-back arm-ehetrs, commodes, um biolla .lauds, large and small library book cares, oral library toblea with ear-Ted legs, rod end greea rip kiuoges, finest plush veleet tole-a lotos, finest walnut faujy rep teta a-tet.a, larg. and email Ootble chairs, Preeeuit ermonalrs, extra large tripod rtn cnalr. green reps, rrencb lounge. laige ibeil-bark malble-top waebstanda, counter or.es, nal etanas, eaaroio-top lawee, erimeo. plu.h solas, large hoking-glaseoe, superior rw trigerolnrs, large willow ohaire, towel rocks, fold ing chairs, fine ooffin, One eradle bed lonogos, fsacy Ir. sereeas, extra mrg. aad beaey oottoa mottreesos, feather beds, leather boleten and feather pillowa, donble-spriBg mattreseoe. eota aae maltrcs.ee, epongo ptllowa, bolster, and mat- troesee.gilt mantel adrrors, fisoet Kagllsta tepee try, Bruseole earpellog, fiaeet loglieh body Braseels earpatiag, finest throe-ply ingrain eer- peting, angtisa retrei ruga ana door mats, Kng li.b thread door mats, Kngliih velvet oil cloths and velvet hassocks, cocoa mate aad mattlna. rleb heavy eoraioee, lambreqaiaa, wiodow sbadee and fixtures, large oord. and taeeols, bracelet our taina and trimmings, gold bouod .hades aad spring rullers, gimps, white and chocked maltiog. )ro Goods. Pineal rrencb velvet, extra fine lerge haircloth, silk domask, linen diaper, table and wine elotbs, Irish linens, billiard lablooiolhe, linen towels, woolen blanket., linen duyleys and napkins.imported flannels,inaertlona and edgings, finest dress goods of all kinds, honey-womb quilts, Marseilles qallla, sbawla, llaea sbeetlnge, pillow casibg aad shirting, eoltoa shirting, sheettog aad pillow eaelog, imported aid gloves, ladles eel ca rls, men's white and brown bosiorr. linen cambric handkerchiefs, ladies' hoods, eambrios, ribboue of all qualillee, loe plaia geode, extra loag both towels, pieces of orspe, scissor, skirt braids and plnr, batse, epool cotton, prints, tooth-brushes, heavy oombs, flex, battone, whalebone, ginghams, books nad eye, " boalerard okirts," " extra long stockings," 41 palpilatore," ebigaoac, gsrtere, wd dor vests, cbemi.es, parasols aod sua nmbrellee. Coeieg. Piae overcoats, penis, vest, eoats, shirts, undervhirts, drawers, socks, boot., sus penders, collars, sboeo, cuppers, bet. aad caps. Jewery aaef Fancf Goods. Uold welches aod chains, rlcn set. oi gold j.we.ry, diamond rings, diamond pins, gold loaket., charms, finger riuga, neeeleoos, pencil esses, pens, breast-pins, ivory. bandied halv.e ead forks, pochot and pen knives, tea and table spoone, oall-nells, teble forks, extra line table castors, rich toilet eets, pocket pistols. Jspaaaed lea-lrays. Stmrk.- Pine how a, mules, earrisgee, ouggies, and harass.. Vndor the heads of " Printing Mat tor," " Tobacco and Seiars," " Crockerv and Glassware," "Stationery," "Gro ceries and Dehcaoios," a list of articles as long again as tbe above is (riven During one session tho Stato was charged with 3b7 now locks fur 104 disks. Ono thousand cords of wood and 1,320 tons of coal wore charged or. ioiono wood stove was in uso. Tho wood waa lurnished by Mr. Crows directly to any member who asked for it, and by Mr. Maryant to Senators Whittomoro, Maxwell and others. Thousands of dollars were spent annu ally for stoves for " committee rooms " and tbe committee stole the stove after each session, thousands were spoilt for soap, bair-brushes and towels. The Slate officials, legislators, clerks and at tendants were supplied with the daily papers iree, ann wnn novels, law and other books. (The schools were closed from poverty.) Besides furnishing tbe " committee rooms," which were bed rooms), the Stale paid rent for thorn Scott got the " rent of a cottsgo " for oe year out of the Slate an amount larger than the cottage Could be sold for to-dny. Tho privato bills of Slate officers, Senators anil members ol the Houso. referred to in the evidenco of Woodruff and Jones, Incltido tho names of those who woro the rccipients-of sup plies, and are as follows : Llsuteaant Governor Reneier, Lieutenant Onv eiaor (Heaves ; 'inatcrt C. P L-.lic, L Wlmhe.h, Freak Arnln, II. JC. Ilayna, B. T. Wbittrmoea, II. J. Maxwell, C. t). fl.yno, Y. J. P. Owens, W. K. Johnson. J. M. Allen, J. nl!ingsheed, Robert Smalls, W. n Nash, 8. A. S Weill, (leorge f. Mrlntyre, P. B. J. Uayes, James A. Urroa, John Leo, J. E. tlrecn ; Kepreienlallve. James A. Rowley, Tim Hurley, Joeeph D. Boston, J. D. Dennis, C II. Snerry, 8. t. Leo, P. Blmkiae, P. R. Rlvere, W. M Tbomae, W. H. Jo.ee, P.J. Moeel, Uenj, Brae, Kelson Davis. " MYTIIS" AMD "AND OTHERS." To enumerato tho bills dosignatcd by Mr. J ones in bis evidence as "myths" and "queer account." would fill hun dreds of pages. A few are are Inserted lo illustrate tbis manner of robbing tbe Treasury. Tbo original are submitted in this evidence, numbered aa follows: No. . 4. WuhU-ne...... I 'too M No. 41. James St.bbios..... tt II Na. t. A. L. Stioum....... I.iru It No. II. Wm. Hall .....m.....m l.oea so No, SI. I. B. J. U.lmea e,K Io No. SI. llmoa P. Simple.. .... ...... tin) la No.lls. 8 Uaedmea ,.,, I.I7S 41 No.lll. R. W. Johosoa.......... d.stl 16 Ho.111. a1. J.Brewe. ...,........ ,ioi II No.111, J.Oroeewell ... Isi II NalU. R. 0. HaekeU.u. ...... let ad ' Making aa aaaraaaea o.u. ail ii ii Mr. Jones says these " myths " were nuahed tfimtiirn nnrinp jwvm if s.ul others." and thai " the number waa so great it would have beon loolishnoss la him to make inquiries concerning them." A large number of accounts were made nut in tbo namo of John Williams, Sergeant at Arms. While Mr. Williams was being examined, ho said : f kuoo nothing of most of these aocouata. I allowed my noma io be need to eesist tbe memborn from time l ime. ll.wley, Deaii., Tbomae aad fjHmr,mmmy0r . f theee account.. I did sot know my name we used eo ollea, nor for eucb lerge amoaate, until Mow. 1 am sure to was arrangod by introducing a legislative claim in my Berne, and adding the words " and others " to it, thereby getting It I passed without ereaUng any susplcloa tbst it wae a fraud. 1 remember lb a,oou aooouni t met we for tbo Committee oa Uoutlng.at Accouots. I think tbey look i00 apiece. Tbey promUod me lofiO, but uever gave I. to ma. Clerk Jones, in referring to the ao counts rendered against Sorgount-at- Arms to illtanis, says "It jNruKr was appealed to by those who were nuked and bo clothed thorn, by those who wore hungry and belud them. HOW ABOUT THE HONEST TRADESMEN. In conclusion the committee say Your committee foul assured that no language, by way of comment, would add toice to tho simple statement ol tacts attending this ora ol revelry, em bracing peculation, embezzlements and robberies of a character hitherto un known in South Carolina. Tbo perpe trators aro covered with infamy and disgrace, and should be pursued dur ing their natural lives wilb tbe sword o! justice hanging by tbe thread ovor men ucevjn. nut in justice to tue non est tux-jiuyera of the Slate, what can be said to relieve thoso merchants and dealers who participated in tboir profits arising Irotn such stupendous frauds f Tbe teitimony submitted shows that thoso persons cither were recklcBS of tbe iiile.-eist ol tbe people of the Slate, or winked at connived at, or colluded with tbo robbers to fleece the people a collusion as humiliating as the fuels are disgraceful and culpable. We re gret to place tbis on record ; but it is truo, and tbo lucts as proved justify your committee in joining with the good people ol tbo Stato in denouncing sut-u conuuet now and lorever. John Jt. Coouiian, Chairman, 11. A. Meetze, On part of tho Senate, S. Dibble, G. Mui.leh. J. ii. Hue, On part of the House. SUsrfUitnfous. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curwensville, Pa. Jan. . '71-lf. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Carwensrlile, Jan. , IS if. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwensville, Pa., Jan. I, '7S-tf. AHXOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AXD SAWED. Curwensville, Jaa. I, "71 If. .. . COBBLB. .. .BiLaara. (il II. DlrCORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market tHrect. Clearfleld, Pa. Wt aiinufaetara all kinda of Faraitara for Uhftahar. Umiog Rootna, Librariaa and fUlla. If yon artnt iViirnitar of anj kind, doa't bay III 70a Paj OUT llOOa 1 niin:K TAKIXCJ Ib all Its branched, promptly attended la. OI'LICH, McCCRKLB A CO. Cieart.ld, Pa., Keb. , '71. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGIHQ VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eoBstaatly aa kaad, STOXE AD EAETIIE-WAEE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS ! CROCKS! FUber'a Patent Airtight Aelf ItaaiJnf rrun Lanai B?TTTRR PHnnk-H m.tk 11 ri. CREAM CROCKS. MILK CROCKS. APPLR - BTTTRR CROCKS, Dlftri w rbitnia FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES. D1BW rVlO, And a fraat nany otbr tbia taa aaaiaroaj to minuoD. u aa aaa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner ol Cherry and Third Streets, L'laAKriHLU, ra. aagl niGHEST AWARDS! 'I,,","1V J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST corner THIRTEENTH FILRERT TRBBTR, PHILADELPHIA, HANIIPACTITRERS OP PATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITH sua king AND CLINKER-ORfNDINQ una 1 no eon ni'Kiivif ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL M ROlCHI-IROX HEATERS, POR BITUMINOUS GOAL. ; KEYSTONE M R01GIIT-1R0 HEATERS, COOKINO RANGES, LOW-DOWN GRATIS. Descriptive ( Irralar. Mat fro u aay add rose. EXAMINE BRP0RE SELECTING. April ll,1My. HONEY OF EOREHOUHD AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Oanftba, OoUa, Inlianaa. Haanaaaaa, Sitcult Brublar. and all AJactioat aa Ua Tkmt, Broaohlal Tabaa. aad Lnaga, ltftdiag ta OaaaaaapUaa. Tliia infnlliMe rtmctiy it aomfd of the Uonkv of the plant llorchouad, in clxmiciil anion with TarHaij4, catractru from Ihr I.iri PatMCiriR of tlie forral ttc Aims HAiMMr, or Hnlin of Gilrad. lha Honrv of Horrhonnd aooitiKa ami TArrrRs all frritationa and inflamma1inn, ami the Tar-halm ci.KAMr.s and Hraia ihr ihroni and air panacea lradinf to the lun(j. additional inprdtrnta acrp the oigana cno), moiit. and i healthful action. Let no pre juilicikmfmi ft on trying llda great nmli. cine of a famout Aoctnr who hat aavnl thou aanda of hvn by it ta kit Urge pmate pratiioe. N.B. The Tar tUlm haa no M ia.ie or tiiielL MICE! $0 CKNTt AND $1 PER OTT1JU Cfvaa fMvini ta bay brfi ttua "Pike. TooUmoIw Iroa" Cure I la 1 Wnmto. - ' 8oM be H Prwf,'. 0 N. ClirrTENTON, Prop, U.Y- "iv".rf '"ff BVWOfllW. Our (Own dvrrtif rmrot. THE REPUBLICAN, Paell.bed every Wedaeeday by tf , oeMeiojaBjanj ktH CLKAHe'lKl.L), PA Has the l.argeat Circulation of any paper la Northwestern la.aaaylvaala. The large and constantly increasing ::.-z:..K..;-z--rx"n viivuieuvn wi euw a. mi u .0.0. ,t renders it valuable tobusioei men as a medium thro' which to reaoh the public TtuMs op Subscription : If paid in advanco, , , , $2 00 If paid arior three months, , 2 50 If paid after six months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent outside of the oonoty payment most be in advanoe. ADVERTISING! T i'ii linen, or less, S times, , 1160 Luch gubseqoeot insertion, 60 Administrator Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Not'ioos, .... 2 60 Auditors Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrars, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notice.,. . . . 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : i One square, 10 lines, . . . fS 00 Tsro squares, . . . .' . . 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . , . 60 00 One hull column, .... 70 00 Ooe column, 120 00 lit INK. We hare always on hand a large itook of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASE9, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ao., Ac, 4c. JOB PRINTING, We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS P08TKRS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, etc., AC, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander A Lee, Clearfield, Clearfield Conntr, Pa. ' IfirflljatoaK. H'UKRE TO CO, IS Mat U OH TO OO H'ZITl l,lil,00o aerea ef lead for sale, cheap, la tbe ger-OB of the Woof. Pur jdepe of Kansas, full laformetioB ne to beet railroad la tiavel aa, Tickets, freight ratee, at., apply or write te WM. SIIOKTLIDUE. Agrat Aleblse., T.peae A Saute Pa B. ft., Daa. II, l7'-ti. Belkfoate, Pa. TH E aaderelgnad bogs leave to Intorwj the pub lic that ka ia bow fully prepare to aeooaiBia. dau all la tbe way of furnishing II. .see, Boggles, Saddle and Harness, oa the shortest aotle and B reaeonoblo Unas. HosideBoa OB Locust street, bolweea Third aad fourth. GEO. W. OEARHART. tlaarleld. Pok. d, 1174 READING FOR ALL 1 1 aSOOA'S & STATIONERY. Market St., t'learteld, (al the Peat Oflre.) THE Bnderslgnd bg leer te eanoBBoe te the citlecne of Clearleld and vbsiaily, that he ha Itted up a room and baa Just returned frooj the elty with a large amoanl ef readiag attar, consisting ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account aad Pass Rooks of every de scription , p.por Bad Eavelepea, Pronck praseed aod plaint Pan and Peaetlai Blank Legal Papers, Deed, Mortgages Judgment, Et.aip Uon and Proatiearr Botes White ana Perch, moat Brief, Legal Cap, Hecord Cap, aad BUI Cap, ahui as,,.! .... .... oi Ol. i.i.i.: eaaetaatly oa kaad. Aay boohs or etatlonary no, db Hona,win Dvoruorea by Iret express, aad cold at wholesale er retail . tO Cult IDtl.WH f vlll a I,. Lu. uImIU.! literature, snob aa Megaxiaee, Newspapore, Ad. P. A. GAULIM. Vlsarsale. aay T, ISSB-tT JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO EPPICT IN FRENCHYILL.E I I aw lawaia that tbera ara aont feraa a little bard t pleaM, and I aaa altw awara that taa ooaifilaint at "hard tin" la wall aigb antreraal. Bat I aa. aa at tasted new that J eaa eatiafy the foraer aad prove aoaclaaivaljr that "hard ttaaaa" will not affect thoea wha hoy their goodi froaa aae, aad all mj patrwna ahall ha initiated lata tbe ea erat af HOW TO AVOID II ARB TIMES t hare good eaoogh ta apply all the inbabl. tant ra the lower and Af lha ceuaty whieh I eeil at eieaedinn low ratee frona nay aamnoth etora ta Ml'LHONIJUBU, where I eaa alwaye ha fnaad ready to wait apea aallert aad inpply then with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saeh aa Cloth a, Batlaetti, CaaaiaMraa, Maklina. oVeiaiaee, isinea. vruiimgt, uaiieea, Trimiainga, Ribbon a, Laea, Raadjr-a.ada Clotbinjr, Baeu aad 8hoea, HaU aad Cape al) of the beat malaria, and made to order - Hoee, beeka. Uioree, Mituaa, isaeea, Kiblwoa, c. QROCERIEH OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Soger, Rice, Molaeeee, Fieb, fait fork, Ltnaeed Ull, r.ab Oil, rjarboa Oil. Hardware, Qaaenawara, Tinwara, Caatiaga, Flnwi aad Plow CaetiBga, Kaila, Hpihee, Cera CaltWe ton, Cider Preeaea, and all kinda ef Aiaa. Perfnnarr, Palnta, Varalab, Olaaa, and a fetirt aaaortaaeat of statioaer, OOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, alweya oa head, and will La aold at the lowaat poeiible ignrea. J. II. McClaln'f Mediefaea, Jayne'a Medli.li.ea Hoatetter a and aiooflaad a Ukltera. I0M noon da ef Wool wanted for whleb the hlgbeat price will Va paid. Cleeerteed oa baud aad for aale at the lowaat Barhet priea. Alaa. Arent for Strattoavtlle aad CarwenrrUle Tbreihing Maehiaaa. w9dUCall aad aaa for yoaraalvee. Tea will Ind everything aaaallj kept la a retail atere. L. M. COl'ttRIST. rrenehrille P. 0., Angaat 12. 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG 1 REED, (Saeeeeeon te Boy.te. A Totag.) FOUNDERS A MACHINISTS Maaafaetarera af fOBTABLE 4 STATIOHiHY STEAM ENGINES C onset ef f earta sad Pla gtreeta, CLCAIIFIKI.D, TA. HAVIHO engaged la tbe maaafaeture af Iret claee MACUINRT,w.respetf.lly hifom he pablie tbat we are sow prepared ta 111 all orders as akeaply aad as promptly as eaa be doee la say af tke ettleo. W meaafeetBre aad deal uj Malay and Circular Saw-Mill Bead Blocks, We tor Woeele, Bkaftiaf Pulleys, Qiford's Injector, Bteam Gee gee. 8teaaj Whistles, Oilers, Tallaw Caps, Oil Cups, Qeuge Coc4s, Air Cocks, a lobe Valree, Check Vale, wrought In. Pipes, S'.eaex Pampa, Ballet Peed Pampa, AaU Priotlo. Mattaa, Baap Stoae PeeklBg, Oam Pack Bg, and all kinds af MILL WOUKi logelbot wttk Plows, Sled Belea, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad other CASTINGS ef all Made. jWOrdert solicited and 1114 at any priea All teturs ef laealry with reference te maektaery af ear maaafaotwra promptly aaswarad, by addeed lag as at Clearleld, Pa. ' JaalT4-u BIGLER. TOVNU -A BEEP G ROCK HI K8 JAS. H. LYTLE, (Baceaeaor te LTTLE.A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND, RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE LINE OK TEAS. OOLOROft, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, TOlIHU IT80H. N0UBB BREAEPAST Pinal la Market. BUTTER AKb tOOB. Win a kept aad eeld at Iret eeat. Cosh pel art Country Prod ace. 0IRMAR CHERRIES, TCRIET PROHES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPB1A DAMS nmi. Mock erel, Uk. Herri eg. Cod, Ac. NCIkXEoV . Barrel PVkle aad laujAak Pert lea. rLoDyt ateTs nmo. Pkeu, Oan Meai, OoA laoai, aV. ra. I. tf. JAN. I. Ittll -I