Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 20, 1878, Image 3

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A Nibble A Look iun, named
Noran L. Monro, thro oat bait, tod th
odltttr of tli PblMpihurg Jomruat. and a number
3JfW gvfrtiifrarnts.
Wanted. 50,000 railroad tics, at A.
O. Kramer A C'0.1, C'aerftaid, Pa, Ju.l-tf.
Thanks Tha Leonard Literary
Auoelatioa ret era thanka to Senator Wallaaa fur
bound enpy f CW yea a total ffcari,COTgrttalontl
'CVJT). V.iJ' Oaitft Alae. Han. A. C.
WAitno 1100,004 fl-ieek akaved ah In glee
to average from te i taehei fof whlab wo
will pay the bigbeet market prlM
A. a. KHaurtACo.,
feh.T ff.l Clearfield, Pa.
tinn aoatly executed ot hla nnlew
1.1 win i.m . - y r w ii c- nv n wr ---r r w - ' - -
Term of Subscription,
If paid In aJano.or within tbrtr Month...!!
' It paid lur ibif Md Ulwrt til Komhi. t i0
If paid afiw Mia piruiion of uonbti. 1 00
) TMiNn- A. M. rtTTKMatLL A Co., Nowr
A (.lr AilvfttiDK AftnU, IT Par Row, owno
J lrrana Ctrwl, ar uor duly oathoriaad Ag0l
f in N. York Citt.
MrthiHltMi F.tcupal Churcb Hv. J, 8.
McMi may. Putr. snriei .ry 8bbih
U 10 A M-, uJ 71 I. M.
fUhhalh Hchool tl A. M.
Prnyr MoctiOK iwy Tbariulny. t P. M.
Conitt .aioo Mrvle. flrrt Sabbath of ovary
iiunih, tt l. A. M.
Went Clrarlleld M. K. hurrh. Rti
Wai.uu 11. and W. f. WitMJH, Haitor.
Preach. fix rry altrrnat 6unly, at t o'clock,
P. M. uoHny Peboul at 2j, P. M All ara ta
llied to atictid.
Preabtcrtan Churrh R. H. B. Bbtle.
-Sabbath wrTicei tuortiiTtft and tTeniti(f 6ab
bnth Sohnol at t P. M- Prayar Mooting Wdn
Jaj arening-
Nt. Vrauel' Church Catholic Rv. P.
J. Paranja. Preaching at 104 o'clock, A. MM on
the Brat, third and lourth Sundnjiof each month;
V ci pen and Hr J.otioo of tb bmvl tieeramaot
at 7 o'clock, P. M.Mindny School rry Sunday
af'eruoon at I o'clock.
rial or ioxdimq quartm cmiom ooost,
. Beeond Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Firrt Monday of J una.
Fourth Monday of SupUobor.
: Firtt Monday or Jno. 1
Second Monday of Nofeinbar. '
public orricina,
Ptnidft Hon. Cbarle A. Mayer, of
Lock llavan .
(tifatii .. Hon. John II. Orrlt, of
Anoeiif Judge A brum Ogdtn, ClearSald;
Vinson! B. Holt. ClearfltlA.
frolAoaotary Kli Bloom.
Rrgiittr ana Hteorder L.J. Morgan.
IKtirict Airoriity- Win. M. McCullough.
7VMrr-laTl4 MeGaughey.
Mtrif Andrew Pent, Jr. " ' ' "
Dp'y Sheriff Chrlit. J. Keaxrr. ritarfUld.
Cmni j Survtjar Hum n I V. McCIotkay, Cur
Uouniji t'owwititoner riurk Brown, Clear
fluid, Th'.mao A. frictJct, Cheat P, 0.; Hatha
Iloovor, Clearfield.
mmtf Am4itar William V. Wright, Clfar
Held 1 ttamuvl A.Caldwall.W illianpgrov 1 John
t Conner. Bitrnvido.
; Cownty (JWrvnrr J. B. KfV. htm Washington.
Jury Commiiontrl)T, Juxn P Bunhflold,
Ckurfird. JoMJ'i Alxandr, Maltra.
Sup4ritndent of Public Sckooh John A.
(Irfirorv, fwrweinville.
S,Urtf (,hu f JhkW. Carl i la,
fjtftf at Trntjtville, Pa.
Notariw I'ublie-John W. WHgly. W Ra
urbiuaht Cyrua tinrdon, Clcarliald Joah R
Irwin, N t A mold, CumenarilU; J. J Lmglt,
Ufronla MilU t J. A. LiTingitona, iMiUoia Cil. ,
Otir Special cluHin in decidedly tntorrating Id
a l'pjii point of tiew, and irofitab!a reading to
(.utiidcia irh ani to tufa money. v J
New onioim wcro in market huie
liM nrck, at ion ntt a bunch. Ikry war rery
jjimlif look tog ihfrtfp.
The CkurlieUI Kiro llrick Works are
running night and day, a linn of p rot parity
which ia rrrvabirg in thtna tlmea.
- - - -
Misn Juo K. Leonanl. PrcccplrcuA
I of iba Normal Shol at Indiana, Va , wai Titit
I ing frifnJi la thii placa laat wrck.
I There wto six pUKHuntsr couch ug on
I (b Mail train la at Monday noon, which wert
1 loadid with watrrmrn and part tt coming to Court.
Tho LaditV Aid Society, connected
t with Iba Ckarfiald M. E Chunb, will meet at
5 the rviirlinca of G. B. Ooodlander b-lt Friday
An extra train of three passenger
I coaabea caoo ovar tha T. A C. Railroad laat Sua-
lay it en inn, for tho aooomaodatioa of raflmen
( returning from diwt tha Hrer.
m a i '
Hon. Charles A. Mayer. President
I Jada, holding our Coart Ibla weak. Tba
rafting flood baa ecu ltd a alitn attendance, many
1 preferring to raft rather than eonrt.
Tbo new Dollar of our Daddies has
fi not ytt pot ia .an Op pe ftranao i 1 Ibla anarket, at
Icift to any great extent. They ara being coined
I at the Philadelphia Mint at the rata or $150,000
I prr day.
if -
The members of the Leonard Library
A-iociailes are practicing for aa entertainment
lo be 1 Wen Is Pie 'a Opera Hooae tome time aooa.
Tba ji routed e will be uard for the benefit of tha
Nov, David Blair, of Indiana, Pa.,
father of lion. S. 0. Blair, of Hoi II day tba rg, hat
reached the 93d yer ef hia age. Ha waa paator
of the P. Church of that pkioo until a few
yean age. ' r , A t . i
i - -
floid D. Taylor, of Urookvillo, was
awarded the contract for erecting the new Union
School Building In that borough, be being the
low-it bidder willing aL ready t aacept the
job. Ilia bid waa flfl.Bll.
The IlnptUt Cbun h in this borough
dai rteently been repaired, and (be Sunday-Reboot
conneeti'd therewith waa re-organlied laat Sunday
afternooo. Puaday -School will beheld regularly
hereafter In the Cbou-b, on Sunday afternoon, at
.1 o'clock.
The Sheridan Minstrels, of Tyrone, 1
hcadt d by their Cornet Band, give a very pleaa.
ing entertainment la ibe Opera llouee on Monday
craning. The audience, though not very largo,
waa evidently well pleased with the ahnw. The
acting was above the averace of amateora.
Our "devil" took a trip down the
rirer to Herrltbvrg on a raft laat week, and bad
the dawttdeat " lime that he ever otperieneod
in worldly asTlra. It rained two days, and the
reat of the time H waa aa ewld at la Greenland
and be is not uard to a void ellmato. ' No more
rafting hr him.
e- w
C. S. W. Jones, editor of the Tyrone
lltratd, and Burgeta of that thriving little city,
give our office a friendly eall on Monday after -'Boea,
and took a pei f over our town from the
yrnof of tho opera houae. Captain Jonrt la a
pleasant and agreeable gan' reman whom wa are
alaajalad lo see. Celt again.
Fatal Accident. We learn thai
Mra. Wa, H. Mitkr, naidlag in tbo upper end
of Lawreneo towaahlp, went op on the hay-loft of
the barn n few lay a age to bunt for egg a, and,
having eitpptd no the end of a looee board, she
waa preelptlaled to the fodder room, Striking with
i ht-r aide on n outiiog-boi, and Injuring herielf to
farnuwaig idki aeeiw enpuen in aeai uaj.
No State Normal School ever cnew
;lo popularity and naefulnaaa to rapidly aa ibe one
in 10c a gain uisinci, toeaieu ai uvea iiNven, ra
Though in operation leit than one joar, the In
stitution will graduate a tlesa or teventeen It
l julf Belt. It onrna its Bummer term oh Tuea.
oeit. Match t6th. Write fur eir ruler to
M'rof. A. N. Raub, Prinaipal, Lock Haven, Pa.
The YilliuinM,ort Sun says that
ijHto. W. Riltenhouao,nheof the leading physieiana I
"of that eity, died at the Ineano Hoapttal, at Dan
ville, oa Wedneaday evening, where be had been
'taken tbo aame day for treatment by the adilee
f a board of ooaeulting phyalelana. The Doctor
ihd been tufiering for aeveral yean peat, hie
treateat trouble being inability to sleep.
A young blood who was luboriag
and a heavy load of crooked wh'eky, beoame
ft, we1 that nolay and ollenaieo oa the street, 00
llondiy afternoon, and when remontt rated with
iy CoriUblo Dorvitt, aaaeltd that ofloer,
ibi hereupon no wM arrottod and lodged In the
Oounly boarding ooaao no til Tuesday morniug,
hhrn he waa relreecdoa bail to answer the charge
pf aauulting aa ofilcor.
5 Compliment. We learn that the
Bar of Ibla onuoty Ibla weik bea nawaiMeu'g
pninrd m a letter tw Jwdge Myrr, okiag bi to
br a eaudnla't fr re eleriioa. Tbia aetin, with
fht of ihe aame tharaeier reoty taken by the
let ef Centra eooaly, tadioatoa unmlelebobiy the
r rli ri ton of Judge Mayer without oonteat. The
llMttet may rongra'olaio list If on this action, for
Sia thenerpeloalioa of a good reword.
CfURT Weik. The regular Mareh
Otta el our Court d Qeareer Hmbs ewmmeaeed
hi Wen day. Thf prevailing rite In our el ream 1
jured number of juror and witneaaea, well
ah; yt en. fourth of ibe (' at.ll. a, to default.
rl Hildehradtaf (fewborg. wMppwiaud
naiao of tho (a rfitd Jory, and he, twgelhor
th aboet twenty other taemhere of the dread
T-i.ll, aw.prtyd by Jwdgea Major, II. it and
Igdea, oa amhoaj by tW ptiarwt Attoiaey, U
eugagW la ejeoAiag olta the auotwl tutfreau
If the awple.
Cokkihincr. The Central Pennnyf
fenkft Ceafrraoae, of tba Uothediet Eplae-l
eborob, meeta at Lewiaburg, Tjalna anuuiy, oa
Wadneaday ntit, ihe 17th In.t Of e arie, Rev,
J. 8. M.' Murray will l a ntarped to tbie Haliua ;
beeaoae ettrjbrdf wana bins to eoma baok.
- 1
Kvery dny that a couh, eold, or any
lung diatate ia U'glreled makra ibe rhaneea a
eare mrt onerlain. W'e would r 00 mm end at,
aufftrlng from any dlrae of the lungi whatever
ta um llatioo'i Comptund Pytup of Tr. It
never fa ill in earing (be worat eaea Hold in
Clearfield hy Hartawiek A Irwin and 0. D.Vtea
f e 1
LtHt of Icttim leniHinini' iincluimcd
in tba Poateftoe ai Cleai field, for the wek ending
Maroh , 187S
A Caanut, Wa. Ferguaon, Mra Jane Ora
bam -J, 8. P. Heoderenn-( Mlaa Mary M. Mailer,
Mra. Charlee Road a, Joaaph B. lahaaoaoa.
P. A. OitTLiif, P.M.
About Time. We notice that tbo
Oraad Jury of Cambria eonnty week before laat
reeotumeadrd the erection of a new Court Home.
We don't know of a county In ibla Commubweatib
that naeda a new Temple of Justice wma than
Cambria. With Ibe lingleeiccptioa of HuDting
dun, there la no wereo rat bole in the State.
Money Saved is Money Made.
Mr. D. M. Dohcrty, of tbia plaoo, baa reduced tba
prlco of bair-eutilog, aharopoolng and moaitaoba
dyeing to fifteen cent a, and will do bla work In
a manner that retnot bo iqualed tMe aide of the
eitlea. lie alio keep a for eale hair oila, aoapa,
raiora and raivr atropa. Shop in Urabam'a row,
oa Market itreet.
1 a a
Borough and Townhimp Settle-
UBUTi, The Act of Aaaeubly approved the
day of March, 187, (Pamphlet Lawi, page 12),
require! the Auditor! of every borough and town- j
hip to meet annually on tho eeeoad Jroadoy of
April, and audit and aettle tbo account 1 of the
Supervisor, Oveneere or the Poor, and all other
townobip and borough offieera, except that of
School Direetor, which oumoa oIT annually on the
I rat Monday of June.
A Noted Rogue. The Venango
Spirillar say : "Nearly the whole village .!
Spartanaborg, Craw fori oounly, waa dealrojed by
fire laat Thunduy morning. W. M. Jitcba, a
ready-made ototbea dealer, on whole prrmie the
fire originated, la under arrw', charged with lb
horrible crime of iocendtarieta. Jnootia bad an
Inaurance of 7,0v0 on hia good', white tha entire
tuck la believed to have been worth but front
$a,000 tw f4,0t0. If guilty, he abould receive no
meroy from ibe law or ibe people whoae property
baa been aaerifloed."
TripfcRANCE Meeting. A rouMii
Murphy Tamperonee mreting waa held in the
Coart Houae on Monday evening last. AdJrcs
ta were delivered by F O'u. Buck, Est)., and by
Rev's. Hullor tnd McMunay. Several of the
church quoira wer present, an J, under the lend
etihip of A. P. Moore, did tome eicollont sitt
ing. The houae waa well fll'ed with a qilt a id
attentive audiene. The Ititore't la tho temper
ance movLurni Is out drpreciatmg, aod the mem
bers ol the aeaociation will d their beat to keep
it up. One mure name waa added tv the roll
The tic t miuiing will be hld 00 Mooday even
ing, April 8tii.
Leonard Graded School. The fol
lowing ia the Roll of Honor for tba Leonar l
Graded School, of ClearDoU, fur tte m-toth end
ing March 13th, IHTft
Willie Adnma. Jet nte Belts, Jennie Bigtrr.
Willie Bridge, Harry B-idite. Minnie Bridge,
Klmer Ulaticnbercr. Victor Guimurg, lluaton
llartswick, Howard H.rtawlttk Lltiie liarlawlrk,
Clara Howe, Mrrlie Irwin. Martha Kennard,
Alontn McLeod.Agnca Mullen, EilMh McCdli"Ugb,
Aliee McCu'loogb. Uroige U. MrCtellan, Willie
Owena, Alice Ofrden, Mary Powell, Jennie Shaw,
Nannie Shaw, Dove Thompson, Ida Thomson,
Clark Tate, Willie Taylor, Hophiu Wbitehill, Prea
ton W'ilaon, Emma Worrell, Kate Weaver, Roland
Wright. Mary Wbitehill.
Room So. I.-Mamro Ball, Kilt -t'areon, Katie
Dougheriv, Carrie Grurhert, Edidi Oultch, Mary
Hu'on, Mart Hills, Uracle Jackeon, Littie K oi
ler, Dearie Lucai, Jennie Lanioh, Cnrrie Living
ston, Minoie Litsioger, Jvmina Moore, Lime
Moore, Ida Ogdtn, Sue Owena, Minnte Row, Jen
nie Sohrmerhorn, Maud Spnckuian, Katie Young,
Jamea 13 urth field, Guatave Beaoaeigneur, Grant
Rutler, Louia Brown, Lor in Boyle, Mcrritt Cald
well, Manning Cowdrick, Louia Eodreas, Hugh
Uaulia, George Irwin, Willie Powell, Herbert
Pentt, Charlie Rots, Bertie Houthard. Ira Show
ers, John Tar lor, Boberl L. Wbitehill, A. K.
Wright, John Wilton. B. O. Vocn-imah,
Child Burned to Death. TheSom
ersot Dtmoemt taya t " On latt Wednetday a ter
rible aooident oecorrod ta a daughter of Cyrna
Sbanlia, reaidltg aboot a mile aoath of town. Tbo
particolara, aa wa kara them, ire that tho little
girl, only f yean of age, waa at homo keeping
houae and taking care of her two younger ai iters. :
while Ibe parent! worn abaent la Utwa attending
to their work. About 4 o'clock In the afternoon,
abo undertook te build a fire In Ibe eookatovo, to 1
aa to have It ready for preparing topper on her
mother's return. While performing tbia work her
dreaa In tome manner took fro, ard, though the
made frantic eflorta to extinguish It, the did not
aueoeod, and every Bitten of clothing wat oon
auined oa her person. When enveloped in flamea
ahe ran from the bouee tereamlog, and made
d 1 root for a am all stream of water In the neigh-1
horbood. Her tcroamt attracted tbo attention of
a man at work In tbo woods, who immediately
ran to her aaaistsnee hot before be could over
take her, the laat piece of clothing on her person
(the neck-hand of her dreaa) dropped burning to
the ground. Tha nana found the girt liter all
rnailed alive, and taking her In bia arm oarrL-J
her lo Ibe boose, and the parent! and a physician
was aeot for. Everything waa dona to tar her
life, but to no avail, at within foor hours after
the accident she waa relieved from her terrible
suffering by a merciful death. She never spoke
after being carried ta the houta, hut frequently
moaned pitifully, that eaoeed a world of a agony I
to tbo aorely afflicted parontt. Her death was
very tad on and should be taken to heart hy I
parenta In th habit of leaving small children
The greatrat fraud that waa ever palmed elf on
the people of ihia taction of Pennsylvania waa the
failure or n M Lloyd in 171. The A 1 loon a
fWoNNt, of tha 10i h lnt., gkea the detalleof the
laat movement in ibia celebrated case, aa follow :
" Yeettrday morning Important action wai
taken In the United Rtale Coart at Pitlaburgb la
th bankruptcy prnoeedtnga of Wm. M. Lloyd, of
(hi city. The debtor named, prior to October,
lfli, carried on tho l ankiug basinets lo Alloona,
Rbeosburg, Latrobe, Tyrone, Pa., East Llwrpoel,
Ohio, and New York, under differ at firm names.'
Ia that month Ltojd failed to meet bia ladebtad
nett, and during tbo sueoeeding month, Novem
ber, the ereditora lied n petition In ihe United
Btaitt Diatritt Court aakiog that he be adjudged
a bankrupt. Lloyd denied that the eredltore
algaing the petition 00a Ml luted the legal quorum,
atd filed an answer or schedule showing his Ha
bill 1 lea to bo tl.Olfi.ft 0, The maiUr waa referred
to Register Shaffer, who, after an eaamlnatioa af
tho petition decided It oontalord tho aame of a
legal majotlty, Tbia report wa overruled by the
Court, the Judge deciding that the amount waa
101,001 below the aum required by law. The
creditor then fl d an additional or amended peti
tion, in which elaima representing $133,000 we
attached. Lloyd' counsel, Measrt. Blair, of
llollidayaburg, and Keaaedy,of Pitttburgb, took
eioeptiont to tht report, and on the Ulh or Rep
lumber latt the aeeptlont wr nferruled. On
th Ulh or December following tbe District Court
derided that the petition repreitnied one-tbtrd in
amount and one-foor! h In value r the ereditora,
and wa In legal ahap forth act loo of the Bank
ruptcy Court.
" Connie) for tho debtor (hen carried th eare
Into th United State Circuit Court, Judge Me
Keen an, on a bill for a review ef the proceeding
la tbe Diatrlet Court, end this bill earn oa le be
board yaolerday morning. Mcaara. George M,
Reade, of Ebeaeborg, and George 6 h iree, Jr., of
Filtabargn, appear) for tho petitioning ereditora,
and Meier. Dial) aad Kooaedy for tho debtor.
Tho ease waa ably argued, and at It eloeo Jadg
McKeuaaa decided that no bill of review from
tho Dlerrlet Court oa ihe qweetwu ef a quorum af 1
erodiier not having been obtained would lie, nod
dt ami seed the bill. Th proceedings wer at one
eeriified to the Diatrlet Court, and Judge Ketch um
leaned aa order oa tbo debtor directing him to
make aaawers within ail day to lb petit ion for
bit adjodieatien In bankruptcy, or ahbw oanae
why tbo ral of tha ITth of Reptembur Wet ueold
aot bo mad ahenloto.
a Aa stated ebevo there ore over n million del
la ra Involved In iho above oaeo, and Ibe people
of ibla oily aad tho other paes named) where
Lloyd did builnaoo are deeply Interested la ih
proceeding. It le alleged that hofoo to 'pending
In Oetnbur. ISTa, Ltoyd tran.ferred largo pro
potihn at hlf availablo aad voat) umwtai, la
fraud of bit eredltore, aad that ebortly prior lo
lb lliag of lb ptltloa) In hnahroptey ho nude
a voluntary atalgamoat, aad tk ajebtor will be
Irvwirww e gia aw ajcveam 01 eti ia aveeie iu
eludlaf the trunaforrod franduleotly, at la
JletaeV' 4- 1 .at . t i. . '
50,oOO railnmd ties wanted hy A. G.
Kramer A Co. Jn. tf.
Salt I Lytla hsa jnt reti-ived an-
ntbrr lot of fine 8nM, largcl elted twilled seeks,
v lb article can bo had el two dollar aualn.
Wanted! 1.0(10 cord of Hemlock
and rtrh Oak Bark, for wbleb we will pay tbe
biffheef market prtoo.
Jylttf. AO. K a hru A Co.
Bemember that lijtle is County
Agei.t for Lorrillard a Tobaoeo, and can aell them
ettaetory prloea. They are the beat tobaeoea In
tnarktt. Try them.
Al tint rttfi'Uin.iCASt ofllco im tbo ttlano
to git your job work done. We are fully prepared
to d anything lu tu printing line, will dolt
well, and at the right kind of price. U
ii 1
K. K. Thompson's (ireat Healinq
OiMtuaiiT.--'iblacttiba (hit from my childhood
I bave fullered eitretuelv at timra with Chilblains
in my heels, oauiing running r, ao that pieoea
as large aa ten -cent acrip would peol off. Alter
using all kinds of retnediee, ao-aalled, I made an
application of E. K. Tuoutpaou'e Great Healing
ointment, wnten uotuaiiy cured me, anil in my
ease I conaider It worth twenty litnca lie eoat. 80
greatly did 1 auller tbat I nave of ten taken off my
boots aod iravelrd barefoot in tbe snow.
T. F. McKn.
Prepartd by E. K. Thorn paon, TituavUle, Pa.
Prlco 2i ett. per boi. Sold ia Clearflttd by C.
D. Watton, nod Hartawiok A Irwin, druggittt,
In a late tutervlew with Mr. Newton, tbo Su
perintendent, we learn tbat the work In the rnrl
out depart men ta of oor Clearfield County Hit tort
eel Atlaa prugresaca favorable. Many of our
insane nave bad sketcnea taken or their resi
dences, farms, buiinee houaea, mill, factorlea,
etc., aa may be tetn in the list which acoompa
oie thla article.
It le inipoTieottbat every improvement, whether
i)uhlie or private, ebould be properly represented,
lur tiater conn tie have ibown to their beat ad
vantage by Ibe man J tleeant lithompht which
eo iully InilinaU their maleiia) reaouroea aod tho
step forward tbey nave taken on the roaa to com
mercial importance.
Our cilUeos should tee to It that Clearfield
oounty ia not behind in having ill improvement
property represented. The opportunity of eecur
ing a view of oor homes, river aeenet, ohurchca,
do., will not octur ujcaiB for many Year. It la
brartily dtsfred y all that thr work in tbe view
dtpnrtuieiit may be ao eomtirrhntisiv that Ihe
I ItuMiaud portion ol the Atlr.a may fuirly repre-
tun to iiiiproviuii nlM ol Hie county ; and to do
Ihia, our larmert, iumherinen nd merchatita must
uot itand aloof. 1 tnaivature ol tfaw Atlaa ia both
Mtnaimntel and umIuI, and ia teoond to no other
section of the woik. Mcsrrs. UcKicaon and
Mann are now calling upon lb ei litem In tbe
various tonbii, and on tbeir Murn we hue
tu bear a lavttiHble report of our puole'a libor-
m iiy anu putmc etiierprite.
Extra copfea of thu engrarlnga are furtlabed
ihoM who have vlewalaki-o, which eiiHblca the
owi.era to have Ibeee pielurva 01 Ibeir bomea
ekCxsed iu Irauiee, ur atnd iboio lo their frieu'li
reeidtng In othtr prti ul Ibeouuniry, The fol
lowing are be anies ol touie ol our citiiena who
tiaw nJrund eontraotvd to have viawa of their
houivaaixt buituii'g. tn 'tried lu ihu Alia.
1'ori rait o H.n. Wuliitin Uiglr. '
Bird eje view ol ibe town ot Curweiav illo.
liret schuol house in Clearfield ouuty.
Hi. WtMlam Bigkr hrfidetice and lawa.
Julg G. h. Bai rati revidi nee and oUie.
G. U. Goudlander reaidctico aod interior view
of printing otlice.
Juige J. 11. Mcbnally reelJeaee aud aur-
a. J. How A Son front and Interior view of
print lug uflioe. ,
b J. Row renidenee.
A. B. baw reidnoe and surroundings. H. Graham midenoe, bank blovk nnd
older Ituildinga.
Richard 8iiw rrriikno. mi 11a and surround
inga, inclu'ili'g lb M eat Ciearbeid ialr grounda.
Leonard ttiaded bchuoi building aud aurrouud
George Thorn residene and surruundtnga.
A. J. Logan reaidvuoe and surrounding!.
Frank Fitlding residence and ground.
W, M. Shaw residence and grounds,
Jamea Kerr iniuraoo otuoe.
Dr. J. P. Burthnold reaidoaoe and office,
Ho. John Putt on rsaldenoo and farm act no.
Mia Annie M. Irvio, view of the Joha Irvin
eiiaio properly, enaiUng of nulla, lumber and
raiting areiieann the Susquehanna river.
. K. II. Brainard interior view of printing office
K. A. Irrtn view oflh Irvin homated,
Daniel Ooodlan.ler hotel, atom, tnd farm
Reuben II. Moore ret! dance and tarruuudiog.
Moore A Hamilton atoro at Lutheraburg.
Dr. Reuben V. Spackmao rueideoeo aud 0IB0.
J. U. Kduiger reaideuceand atoro.
Charin Marahall reaidtnee, cabinet shop and
Lew 11 b, Carlllo view of taw mill, thingl
mi Ue and surrounding,
brapv Tou-Ranir.
Eraatua Lwthr rtldnoo and farm icon.
Major Martin II. Luthr reaidaooo and farm
David Ream residence, aawmill, timber and
J. U. beyler real dene and farm aoene.
Joacph Beyler, Jr pottery worka, residence and
John Reams reel dene and farm tetn.
J. W, Corp rei dene aod farm aeon.
Eliot Riabcl roaideaoe and lorrouadinga.
G. M.Tbompaon residence and farm acene.
Kesiab Pottletbwait reaidcoceand farm acme.
CfarinUo Smith raaidooee and farm view.
P. W . Draueker hotel, surroundings and farm
Frederick Ko tiler reaidence and farm sceno.
T,,F, R label rwldenee and latm ooen.
H. U. McUee A Bro bomeatead, mill, other
building and aurruandmg toenery.
ii. L. McUee reaideuoe, aaw mill, school
houae, river view and aurroundinga.
Jam McGee roaidenae, old McGoe faotne-at-adf
oibvr buildinga aud aurrouiidiog farm
Angua Miller ret id e tee and aurroundinga.
J. W. MuUoe rettdenee, haw Mill, aorruuud
ilig acenery, and interior view ol Saw Mill p. Leo rwaidenoeand turri'Uudinga.
ltvbtrt MuhaHuy view ut tesideooe, church,
utbrr building mnd aurroundinga.
Juuiea alubatlcy riaiuenou, river view, aod
turroundiug loroat auuue.
ntaabitia towkbhip,
, Uoiao I'atchiu rcridr&ce. mil la. ator, other
ouiltlinge, river view, Ac.
JaeaeuN fate bin ttore, roetdeneo aad our-
rounding, - .-. .,
A. , ratehin roldvace, river view and ur
.ubo t. Conner reatden'- and aiore.
Gewrge Paiohin reaideuee and turroundlngt.
V. lunkioa reaideuee, nror rtew 4nd aur
Jobn King retidenee and aurroundlngo.
Jamea McMurray view of reatdeaouand Btoro.
A. llatea reaidvnco and aurroundinga.
BUAbrwao Tuwsiaiiir.
David Forcey view 01 homestead, with eur-
rundinga, ni furm t'en.
tiamuei P. W iln, Etn rtaideLCc, farm build-
tug and farm aoewe.
Jubo view of th Stewart hom-
Daniel fitewart rn'Ience, aurroundinga and
tar in acene.
A. L. Freeman reaideuoe and turroundlngt.
oiaano Towniair.
R. H Bieiearl reaidete and river view.
Alexander Murrav mideneo, touaut hoaao
aad cemetery.
unanuwoon rowuanir.
Dr. J. P. Hoyt rtaideoeo and Borroundlnga
and river view, . .
m BO CtTr.
P. 0. Weber interior view of dry good atoro.
Long A Biady interior view of hardware el ore.
J. Emerson view of Central Hotel.
J ufa a DaBote Reaidenec, mtlla, other build
ing aod aurroundinga.
jonn numoarger reaiaenoe and ground.
E. Kuata City Hotel building.
decatcb rowatair.
Mote Owena resideoeo and farm view.
David Gearhart reaidence. term view nnd
coal bank'
aoanan rowuanir.
John A. Murray reaidanco nnd farm view.
Joan rowutniF.
Maj. D W.Wleo rttidtneo, other hulldinga and
larm view,
nan Towximr.
Joaejth M. Spencer View of mill.
uwanRCB TOWMBir.
A. Q. Ogdoa roaldaaee, farm view aad mill.
Mra. Elisabeth Carr residence and aurreund
Inga. hamuel Fullertoo rwideno and farm rlaw.
Clark Brown reatdenoe and farm view.
Leaoder Denning resideoeo and farm view.
Hon. A. 0. Tate farm reaideoeo aad aurround
Abram Humphrer Reaidenc and larm vlaw.
Samuel Brown residence and form view.
Henry J. Mead roaideane and farm view.
J. C. K oreat reaideaoe, farm nnd rivet view.
oaraoLA nonotaa. '
Georg M. Brlabln nslden 1 and lawn,
D. R. Good roaideaoe aod lawn.
canon mwnanir.
B. F. liar ley reiidene and farm Been.
Jortih He) ler ropideneo and (mm aeene.
daanre A nderann hotel and blaeketntth bop.
William Welly reeldmee and farm.
L R. Dreaaler reaidenro aad farm vlw.
Charlee Brown reeideoce and aurronn dings
nnd larm aeene.
Uevrg cloaaor reeldtno and lurronndlng.
wonnta Towntair.
Philip Kaoa retidenee and farm view.
A- D. Johueua reoidt-noe aud farm view.
Levi.ard kyler view ol ihe fcyior 11 oee, Iq
hylerviwn, ier ana aarnandnga.
Adam Mer reatleur Berrouuiog and
farm aeene.
Jama L. Btowart iw of faraa laim huild
iuge and aorruunaloga.
aoout fewaaair.
J W. Kylor roaldeajo, aemeeJlnga aod
farm amao.
Jam Paamo Ueto omal berw,
Albert Owen reel dene aavd keiking-rowoi.
Robert Lbyd viw af IM Llyd Uoma.
And mua othoru. .
Penile I .etrootioj for la!).
At Home. Senator Wallace re-
turned home latt Saturday, and was noticed In
hia teal in the Court room ibi wtk, looking Juat
aa Democratic aa b did before b wa transferred
t the United State Senal, where be ranks with
tbe leaders of Ibat arlatooratlc body In buainea
Adjourned Sale. The extefiAri
TruaUr' ral of th Irvin astat,adverliaed 10 bo
aold on the 14th of March, has been potpond
until Satnrday, April 13tb, IS78, at 1 o'olook r.v.,
at th Cornr Btoro," in Curwenivllle, of which
part I-a Inti reeled will pleas take nolle.
mb27-3t. Jahta B. OuaHau, Truate.
Two More (ioNE The pant week
hat ooualgnd to tbo City of the Dead two or our
aged and highly eateamed oltiten. Wo allude
to tha death af Adam Gearhart, a well-to-do
farmer or Bradford towntblp, aod John Beau
mont, a blchmitb, residing In Lawrence towu
ahlp, a abort distance wrt or thla borough.
' ' 1
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
in the Run-Bile will rtnob more reader than
if published lo all th other pnpsrt In th ooun
ty, and eott tba adrertlaei leu than on-hair
In othr worda, an adverttermeut pabliihed In
our Jcurnal la worth doubl lb prlco of tbat
charged by any other publisher tn th oounty
"It ia a faot. tf.
.. mi a
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freight tent over tbo
Tyrone A Clearfield Divlalon, Pen my I van la Rail
road, for tha week ending March 9, U78, and
the aamo tlm laat year t
coaa. TOMB,
For th week.... 4,b
Haot lime laat year I2,0:i
Inereat H
Prevloualy during year
Same time laat year
Deereato A. dl.OtlV
Total In 1878 208,3.14
Sam tim laat ar 31i,4l
. 8,198
oraia ritmoHTt.
Lumber .NS oar.
Miaeollanooua freighta 1IA "
.. . a -
Ai a rtew nt tnees Ing of a Cowuiiitoe ol the
fiffloial board of tbo M. E. Church at Woodland,
Pa., tbo following retolutiooi were adopted : ,
WnrnxAt, it bath pleaaed God, in Hit All-wia
Providene. to remove by drain our beloved
frii-nd aud brulbt-r, Rv, J. F. Bill f therefore,
Httohtd. That we bow in humMo auhmiailon to
the will el Him that dveth all tbioga well.
Httolvtd, That In hi deaih, w deeply feci
the !- ol a true friend, a devoted paatur, and a
faithiul winioier of ihe Goapel.
r?eoreet. That we truly eympntblia with the
hermved wile and frirnda of tbe deeeaaed, and
iruat that ibe God ol all comfort may abuudantly
Iniilcr unto 1 lie in.
Httolttd, Tht a eniiy of thee resolutlona be
aent 10 tbe wife of the drpane-l. iub!iihed la the
county paper, aud Confirtnc Aeva, and placed
upon the tuurcn rccurua.
J. A B 't'si,
' J M. Ka at,
C. M. CinwALLanxn,
We have received from th Nat'l Publ'ing Com
pany, ol Philadelphia, ibe advance abeeta of their
lattet publication. Ihe work la entitled "The
Pictorial Ilittury of Ihe World," by Jamea D,
McCabe, iho well-known historian. Tbia book ia
lit rally what it prufesaaa to be a complete his
tory ot tho World for It giva a lear and oon-
eiae account of every nation tbat ha ever flour
ished on the globe. Tbe history of each country
I rotated separately, and In th elcerost aod
moat 00 m pre ban el ve manner, and the deed of all
th groat aotortin th event of ancient and mod
ern hiatory ore brought before the reader in the
eat vivid atyle. Ancient history It related In
full, and th account of the Middl Aga, th
Cruaad, and th great aatloaa of modern tlmea,
am equally valuable and Intertating. There la
not a dry page In the booh. It i aa fatoioatiug
aa a rumanoo, aad at tha earn lime on of th
most valuable work of reference ever published.
Wo ar constantly oalled upon to dlaoun the
great qoctliona of history, and tbo ware and
quarrel ef lb nation of th Old World require
aa to be continually refrhing our historical
knowledge. In It mechanical execution th
book rtfleett great credit upon lupublihra. It
It a luporb volume ot 1,380 bug doublt-ooluma
Pl printed on paper of th very beat quality.
The book eoutains over 00O ef th fin eat and moat
eeantital engraving ever published la tbia coun
try. Tbey are new, having boon mad expretaly
for tbia work, and tanbraoo battle nnd other his
torical tee nee j portrait of th gnat men of aa-
eloat aad modcra timet 1 aad vlawt of the princi
pal eilioa of th world. Th engraving are
genuln worka of art, and wer mad at a eott or
tia.OOO. Tbe groat number and high charaotor
of tbeeo eo graving mak this th moat valuable
art publication tf tbo oontury. Tbo work eon
talna a eompUt Bittarf of tht at War ecrweea
Auesia and Turkey, which 1 th only history of
this struggl in print.
It Is for aal by subscription only, and Agents
will find chat this book wl'l sail readily when all
other Tail, from the fact tbat it ia a work that,
the people really want; He tbe publisher' ad-
vrttmnt for agent In another column. 1
StKoaoH Dr-NTiaT J. L- R. lleiohbold, a
gradual of th Pennaylrani College u Dental
r-urgery, offer hi prolesaional services to the
oitiseosof leorfield and vicinity. Kanocial at
tention given lo saving the natural tavia. All
work assured t-qual tu the beat., "ffiie in fei-
denoeof Dr llilis, (ippexite Eha Hous.
ClrnrHfld, Pa, M .icb 20,'7(t tf.
Fisr an OraTFUa D. W, Jordan ha on
baud, daily, FRESH HtH, wKcb he will drllv.
r to cuBtomor in any part of the town. Ateo,
receive J everyday, aod for aal by (he pint,
quart r gallon. Prluea Inw.
Li earn eld, ra., Jan. in, ihtb tf.
NoTtcn. Soma unirlnciled partlr belns In-
dasiriuusly at wor circulating atiry thai Ma.
n. j. Hruwn ia not any Ion Ret engaged In th I.a-
aiei 11 air l) renin g lulnesa, 1 hereby glv no
tice to my Iriend and patrons tbat I still carry
on the husineea, all auch atnriea to the oontr ary
notwithstanding. Rootna at her reaideaoe, one
aquare aouth ot M. K. Parsonage, Chmrfleld, Pa
march fl, .it. Mt. &. J. cdowm.
"It aeem aa if I should couth my head off,"
ia sometimoa ibe Impatient exclamation of a suf
ferer fniia n aevere ough. tjutll the poroxyrma
with Hale's Honey or llon-bourd and Tar. The
relief la Immediate and Ibe cure certain, tioid
by all DrngKlals.'
Pike' Tootbaeb Drops our in on minute,
mlifl tt.
Wahteo. Come eatily learned penon ar Artist
to manufacture Lomnn's Patk?b(ili Canva
Pictomb lo thla oounty, on Royalty, Painted
from pbotographa or any plot ore, and I th
r 1 neat uu raiating mane. 11c lure iwo territory ia
tat en I will pain' picture 81IO for filO and
warrant them for life. Every iernn abould bave
on, a uu rinung oa uanvat ar tn eniy
pic urea that will Stand the test of time, ana can
be hndd down to posterity. Particulars fro.
U. T. 1 M K It,
Not. t, 77-ly. Corry City, Pa.
One Hrunnto Pna Cbnt. Diaooi nr oa Olp
Pbicbh. Sewing Ma hinee can now bepurnbased
nt Merrell' tin and variety atore, from $Ho up
warda. All kinds of tewing machio repaired
on in anoriost notioo.
Clearflold, Pa., July 18, 1877.
Boaaiaa For Rata. R. Newton Shaw keepa n
mil supply or rredonia Buggies and riatfora
Wagon for sal. To be ieea at the Shaw Hoaai
yard. Call on or addreaa him at Clearfield Peon
ylrnnla. may 11-tf.
S etfio affffONigAjiHgr Fart
A larr proportion of th A oar Ice a peopl an
to-day dying from lb effect of Dyanopsia or die
ordered liver Th reentt ef these diieaaee upon
lb matte of tntvltigent nnd valuable peopl ia
moat alarming, making lire aetuiiy a burden in
atead of enjoyment and aeefalaeaa a It ought to
be. There ia n good reoaon for tbia, If you will
only throw and prejudice and kptlo(am, lake
tbe advice of Druniata aad your frlenda. and trv
on bottl of Green' Auguat Flower. Your
needy roller ta certain, milium 01 not tie or this
medlcla bar been given away to try ita virtue,
with tatisfactory result la vry eat. You eon
boy a tample bottle for 10 oenu to try. Throe
doaea will roliev tbo worst caa. For aalo br C.
U. Wataon, C learn 10, Fa. Mar 13, 77-oow-ly.
1'oat Tf m Vurt thai Vourh.
With Shiloh'a Conaiimptlnn Cure y 01 oan eur
ynnroeir. it ha tahtlahed th taoi that Coa
aumption eon be cored, while for Couch. Bro.
ebitta, Whooping Cough, Asthma, nod all duoaae
of Throat and Lunge, it ie aiiwiiutely without aa
equal. 1 wo di-e will relieve yanr child of Croup.
It la pleaeaut to take and porfeotty harm I em to
lh yntti(gt child, aad ao mother aa afford to
be without it. Yon can uae two-thirds of a bottle
and if what weeny i not Irweweretnnd lb price
paid. Price 10 enle, 0 oentt aad fit per hltt.
ll your lung, an- anre, or chert or bwk lauto, ua
Bh'b rernua riaotor. gov sale by ail drag,
giais of ClaarUeldj
yew a Yellow Ekm, Lwsaof Af petite, Head A. be.
It aw dea't fell lo ueo M HI LOU tl HYiTKW VI
TAI.UKK. It ta gwaroalaM 10 relieve you, aad
will yva ewBtinoe toeufier wbee yen aa te xurod
ew .wt-b wriatai tba. Prie II ett. and 78 eta.
Well's Portlaa Porfom-, - BACEMETACK,"
at rtea at a rrogrant. itf it, How by ail drag
1" 1
At thu reaidenc of Theodore BtephMjs, Etq.,
on Weilne.'lay, March filb. 17, hy J. p. Fry.
Kq , Mr. lUrrlfoo Barto and Mist line SUpb-ns.
On Sun. lay, Mroh H'h, 178, ,y O-orr W.
Rleever, Esq., Mr. Simn P Jury and Mia Lltaa
beth Rinier, all of Clearfield utity.
On Sunday, Maieh l'b, 1S7H, hv J. Roaa
Bloom, Eiq , Mr. Wm. Bright and Miat Lola
a f l .k towuihip.
At Curwenavtlle, Pa., on Tunday, Mnreh 13th,
1H78, by Hrr. J. U. Grier, Mr. Truman Scott and
Mis Lavlua Sul'b.
In Pike tnwnrbip, Clearfiild enunty. na Satur
day, Maroh 0th, IS7S. Martha B-ohoof, wile ol
lleory Benehouf, and daughter of Joob K. and
Margiret (larger, aged 81 y", 3 montba aod
13 d-ja.
bhe Itavaa a husband, four children, nnd many
friends to mourn her death. 6 lie bat suffered for
seven years, and always took her pain and trouble
very petlmtl;. God bat taken a it iter from our
alle to dwell with Him above, where ah can real
In peace and nil her trouble ara o'er. Com.
At hia borne In Bradford townttiip.on Tuesday,
March I2ib, 178. Adxra Gearhart, aged 77 years,
10 montba and 8 daya.
Tbo deeeaaed wa th father of Ueo. W. dear-
hart, or Clearfield, and removed from Half Moon,
Centre county, to this county In 18U3.
At Curwenivllle, 00 Sunday morning, March
17th, IMS, Maria Jane, wife of Juiej.h K Irwin,
gad 88 yeara.
At hit horn lu Lawrence tow nib in, on Sunday,
March 17th, 878, John Beaumont! aged 05 year,
1 month and 17 daya.
Ci.BAariBLn, Pa., Maroh 19,1878.
Flour, per cwt. ,
8.1 30
Buokwbeat Flour, per cwt
Corn Meal, per ewt
Chop, rye, per cwt
Chop, mixed, par cwt
Bran, per cwt
Wheat, per buabel. ...,..
Rye, per buabel..H
Oats, per huahel
Corn, eara, par bushel
Uunkwboat. per buabel
Potatoes, per bushel
Apples, per bushel
Haiue, pi-r pound
Shoulder, per round
Dried Reel, per pound
Chiok-na, por iir
Buttvr, per pound t
Rug, p' r dsn
Salt, per each, largo. ...
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pouud
Dried A rip lea, per pound
Dried Peacbee, per pound..,.
Utena, per buahel
1 60
t an
1 35
1 3ft
in tA ltIO
3 00
1 u
PatLanaLPnia. March, 18. Flou quiet and
fi-m ; auperhne, $t 6(1 1 extras 94 60 i I'conarl
vauia family, 85 7M",1 ; M mn a Le do., $ft
0; patent and hth t;rade, ACiiS.
Re Hour, 8:1 oKili on.
Wheat firm and tending apward amber. $1 0
((tl .-14; red. tl 38(1 ii white, $1 iU(ol 74
CerntiieAl, 82 T i.
Corn firm 1 yellnw, 53Jo t mixed. 651 March.
b:U(a,y.'.i April, lot May, biio t June. 04c
Data firm and higher t Penoiyivaota wh ite, A8
(it,Mfllc; wreuro do., 3o(g,;i81oi wtitern mixed,!
Rye unchanged atfl3(t67e.
Provision steady men pork, fl'O fto(uj,l;
beef hnina.tloj India me.a berf. $34(o,2& ; bami,
84 fa piokied do., 8f$7i ; groeo do., fl(a.81 ;
smoked thoulurre, 4j(ti abouidera in aalt, a
Lard atendyj looae butchers' 6ifAet
kettle, T6v"i"
Butter steady t oreamery, S8fH,8Ac ; New York
and Bradford county extras, 2n (u. Stfe ; weeuirn
reaerve, 2:if(21e.
Kgga quiet and lower; Pennaylqaula, Ho;
Weetera 1 U 1 1 e .
Cbeeao weak; New York fancy, l.1i(14oj
westero choice, 2Ku.l"o.
Pe'roleum onchange t refined, Hi ; arudo, V
Wbiaky firm; watern, 1 08.
Beeds There ia a fair demand for cholne do
veraeed at 8(0,81 , hut common la dull at T for) 74
Timothy la neglected. Flaxaeed oomtnaudi $i 40
per bushel.
Nsw Yoax, March 18. Flour Stat and west
em cteady and in fair demand f auporbu a late
and wrtarn, M ?5fu)4 80; other grade un
changed eouthern fitm.
Wheat a ahnde better and quiet t tl 30 fur No.
3 spring, April.
Corn a shadt firmer, but quiet mixed weat
ern, 621f(ilKlo for future.
Oat a steady 1 railed wealera and state, 31(87 ;
white do., 86 ((H 24 0.
Beef dull.
Pork firm j new vtas, $10 15 10 40.
Lard firmer 1 strata rendrred, April, 9 4 31
Mny. 97 62).
Butter dull.
Whisky tteady; western, It OIJ.
CairAoo, March 18. Flour quiet, unchanged.
Wheat active, firm and highsr ; No. 1 Chicago
Spring, 91.11 ; No. 3 do., gilt edge,9l.l0 ) regular,
9l.07t, cash, March, 931 i ; April, ftl.OSft ;
No. I do., 91.03.
Corn lo fairdewiand and higher f 48e for eaah
and Anrll t 4!io for Mar 1 4lio for June.
Oataeaay but not quotably lower ( Ufa for
earn and April f Wt(y2ie lor at ay
Rye firmer, 66c
Barley firmer, 48MH74.
1'euiiNjl vania Ilallroad
ON .nil .ft.r NR IS, lT7, tb.
f .MpnK.r will rund.lly ( 8ua-
d.y.l batw... Tyrun.and OL.rA.ld, u fuliowi :
W. 0. 1rwl C.nduiicr.
Carw.uflvtll..JI:lo, P..
Cl.nrleld .S0. "
Tyron. w 9 to,...,M
Hamuli " I. Ill, "
Unoil.. !" Ill,"
llojnlun Wi ll,
bminn'., lu II,
Philipili,rg...lU ,"
tlru.m I...14, "
UI11. U.ll, Ill 41). "
11.1.. I0W,'
U.,u... ....l I., 11.17,
B.rru 1 !.!,
Ummrd 11.11,"
Clorl.ld II 411, "
Uoa.rd, l.HII, "
B.rrcll, Hi, "
Wuudlaud, .16.1. "
Ui,clrr, .IJ,
H.llu.1.111 4 11, "
UI.- Ull,.......4 18, " 4211, "
Phihiiiihurtf 4.3, "
Sl.lnr'., ...4 .15, "
BovnloB 4.43, '
U.u.ula 4.47, "
Pomlln. I in,
aiimuiH, "
ValinujiM :14,
Tjrrun .0,
W. 8. Plumuib, Coadaotor.
Carweaivtlle.. 7.HU A. ... Tyrnne
,1.16 p. .
'I -
Rlu. 11.11,...
7 64
, t 01
. 120
, I.H4
. I Ml
, OS
, 17
. 40
. 0.&0
Kumuilt .01 "
IVo.lKi. 1 l "
Oinola, 4 J "
Bojdio 4.4J "
Hl.mrr 4 10 "
Phillpn.r...6 00
llt.lKin .20 "
lllu.U.11 6 46
W.ll.c.loo, ....0
Bfglw II.H "
W!dU.d,....aH0 " 0 41 "
Lannard, .60 M
4JI.arb.ld , 7.00 "
l'nrwrnrill.,.7.a. " In...
OiC.-.ll. -
Pus.llon 10 4, " II IK "
V.ninjroo...ll.J r.
Tjrrun., 1.01 "
LBr.olTi. , limuin.
P. M. A. M. A. M. .TATKTM. A. . P. M P.
,:O0 Morrladal., 12:10
2:16 7:16 Philip.bgrl, 12:16
1:10 7:H SUinill 12:21
2 21 7:44 BojrnUa, 12:14
I SO 10 M 7:61 Omli, IU 11:04 4:16
1:44 10:46 H:(l Moibam.oo, 0:10 11:61 4 00
1:62 10:61 1:11 Hl.tllni, 2:20 1 1:46 1:62
2:67 IH:jl 0:17, t:10 11:40 1:47
1:11 11:111 1:21 MoCaal.;, t:lt 11:11 1:44
.1:07 11:07 1:20 Kondmk I, ,10 11:10 1:40
1:11 11:1 1:31 Ram.,. 0 00 11:11 :16
El. Mall. "Mali. Hnp.
P. . A. . P. A. .
7 01 8 H Trron. Arrlr. I ll 1.06
t il 1.47 Bald Kafl. 1.61 7.41
HI .0 Jallaa 1.10 to
114 1. 65 MilMbarg 4 41 4
S 31 10.01 4.17 .M
(.41 11.11 Milulmrf 4.15 11:1
OA 11.40 How.rd 4 01 ,110
41 11.11 arrlr. L. llar.n l.a.. I ll 1.11
tA.TWAMP. A.M.f Wa.TWAail A..
PaliOr :l!Pllt"bt.rrb Kip'M, 160
llatrllkur, ArVa, liSOl P.oile Kiprfll, 1:10
P. M.
Mall Train, 1 11
Atlaati. K.prc.1, 0:50
Phil. Ktpran, H:i
War PirHni.r, 1:16
Mall Train, M
Fai( Lin., t:l
OIom aonnMttoni mad. b, all train, at Tyron,
and Utk llavan.
fl. I. BLAIR,
A C.r..n.ill. d.lly fur Baynolda.
.111., at I u'tlueh, p RV,arrl.inat Brynold.Ttll.
at o'.lo.h, s. a),, I.,.., R.y.uld,.
.ill. dally, at 7 .'.lock, a. a . ."Il. al Cur
wrarillkiat 12 o'oH,k, ucb way, 12.
A Haga Irar. C.r.aHI. daily, at I o'.lnrk,
p. , Tor l ily, aiHriag .1 Clly
41 ami..., ... B.iBm.,( wn truDowj w
1 .'.iiiok. a m., Anally, airiring.i CBiw,nav,
i. ....I .k .. . l . a ,
PARE FKOM CLKARKIELD, TO Pa 3 I M'44'.WBB ,...... 00
L-l Haaaa..... I I, Marlalla 16.
WIHtaaapwt ....... llg Ltnallit Ill
Hanliagdu I M.PHH.AIULPUIA til
U.lal.".. ........ IKOlAltaau Ill
Mary.nll..,.,., 4 6ll Joh.aww... , 1 1,
l'a.a.Uia....., loll'bllipabarg..,.. ,1
Omi. ulTyrn.. I ,
KurK-ry. OtSo. lo, ufDr. Hill., upi.ll.
th. hnaw Hiium. uehl3, ';.-tf.
Th. unri.raiffn.4t knnuuntw. In hi. .Id friunilt
.nd p.lrnnt that b. h.. op.n.d . ffrtod liti. ot
(IHill'KKIKS 4 PHOVIrilONH .1 Ih. .Id .t.nri
of Kirk A Hp.oMrt for wbi.h b. wli.iu . liUr.)
p.lron... H. w SVKM'KH
I g..U. Clw. Tl. H.rah t'-tt
not eaalty aroed In the tlm, hut
ha mad in tbree mooibs by any
either sex, la any part of th
country who la willing to wurk steaUily at the
euiplovuieut tbat w furnish, toft pr week in
your own town. Yow need not he away from
home over oigbt. You can give yur wbie time
to the work, or only moineota. Itouaia
nothing to try tbe bualneaa Terma and f4 Oatltt
free. Addreaa at oneo, U. Hillbtt A Co.,
April IH, lt77 l Portland, Main.
The undersigned will te'l al iirival sale all
tbat tract or parcel of land aiiua iu Deiitur
town chip, Ctvbirfield oiunty, Pa., within a abort
dietanoe of the Tvrone A Clearflel I R. R, and
ailjoining landa of Robert Hudano and otner,
and known aa tbe Jacob U. Gearbarl lot. The
said tract containing fill acrua more ur less, with
two voiua of valuable oal thereon, haa about 80
aorea cleared, and la the key to a largo body of
ooal about heiug developed. Will he sold low aod
upon easy urua. For particular, apply to
Clearfield. Pa.. July 13, 1878.
F. M. CAEDON & BE0.,
Oo Market St, one doorweot of Maoilon Hon,
Our arrangement are rf tbe moat oomplete
charaotor tor furnishing th publio with Freeh
Meat of all kind, and of tbo very best quality.
W also deal in all kinds of Agricultural Imple
ments, which we keep on exhibition for th ben
efit of tho publio. Call around when la town,
and take a look at things, or addreaa ua
Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1876-tf.
The undcraigned hereby Inform! the public In
general that they keen on hand, regu arly, at
their abp. adjoining JO II N G V Lit" II 'ri Iftrniture
room i, opporit tbo Court House, tbo
Market morn inga Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday. Meat delivered at reaideaoe when
A share ef patronage It respectfully sollrltd.
March I, 1878-ly. STAGE A N0HRI3.
W GOD P. TBffPT." All others moat
X Py fr thi-ir Work before It lenvea the
ho). And aa all flrah la at the grass of the field,
and the promise of men are liko tbo flowers
thereof tbey are given one day aod forgotten
the neit thu afore it lo beat not to truat anybody
A II kl.1a nf mnrk -ill k rfo, in thl. annn fn.
0MB or nmAy pilT BooU and aboeo of ail aiaea
ati lt,ittiha beat aod ehoepeat in town.
I bare raiuorrd aiy abop to th. low.r .nd of
town, ia iajiora row, on noarj atr-, near tn.
depot, wbtr I will b. found at alt tltn.a, waiting
for ouatotn.ra. All work warranted good and
Alao, all kind, or L.atbrr and Hbo, Finding.
for aal.
Tb. of Cl.arfi.ld and vleinlt, arc
apeotlull. to gtr, m. a can.
Cl.trOold, Pa.,Jaly 11, IB77.
THIAL I.IMT Mat of oauaaa a-t down for
trial at March Term, A 1).
tnf MuDdaj, March IB, and oontinuing two w.ela:
W m. II. Pontiaa ra. Arnold, H.rtlhorn A
Darld Sempl. va. Joaapb M. Pmltb.
Wnt. H, 1'ontioa va. Arnold A Hartaooro.
LmBl Campboll va. Jbn Camphnll.
C. A O. v.. Jatnaa A. Irvin.
John Porlar va. O. B. Marr.ll at. al.
8. Elliott vf John A. Dillon.
Lyoa A Lvehto. va. Iltram Woodward.
Adam Spaekuan ve. Tb. T. A C. R. R. Co.
J.m-a P. Hal. va. Tha M. L. A L. Co.
Tuttl. A VVhilmw. Co v.. Clf'd Kx.Canthook Co
Kobart H'riglcy va. Clf'd Planing Mill Co.
Cur'. rill, rohjol DM. VI. 8. B. Taylor at. al.
Won! H.wioi II. Cow v.. K. R. Curry at al.
T. B. Hoimo v.. Hort Lanibarry.
Frwhold B. A B. All', v.. Mi-Urogor A
VaoUrtrdoaA Sh.pb.rdvB. WINiamaA Hagar.t al
O K.ll.y At Co. va. Jobn H. rrtday.
C. II. Coryell A Co. va. Alfrtd rkboQ.ld.
Jamaa 8. Kehoneld va. W. R. Fmob.
Siagtf Manuf'g Co. va. A. B. Rtraw tt al.
Bigl.r. Yonng A hfA va. Juhn DuUoik
Woall.y Millw va. Waltar Sblray.
Mltebali Aakoy va. Etnmanaal Kuntl.
Tbwidor Trvlin va. Julia Ann BaaM.
Fab. 0, 1178. ELI BLOOM, PretaoaMary.
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
ON and after Monday. Daa. tOlh, 1STT,
Ih. paafengor traina will ran daily (.leapt
Suad.y) between Rd BBnk and Driftwood, aa
followa i
KAKTH ARD Day Mall laava. Plttahurg
1:20 a. m.: lieu Bank 11:10: bligo Junotloa I2 UH
Naw 1:07 p. m i Mayavill. 1:20 1
Tr..y 1:10 Brookvlli. 1:00 I Fullar'a 1:16 I R.y.
.oldavil). 1:61 1 DuIJoia I:3a i riutamit Tuanal
1:40 P.bfleld 4:05 i Weedvill. 4:17 I B.netott.
4:60 I arrivaa at Driftwood at :o.
VA KHTWAKILDay Mall Imti Driftwood
12:11 B. B.l Ben.aatU l:U0 Weed til I. 1:10:
P.nO.ld l:46 Kummil Tonn.l 2:07 1 UuBola l .iOj
Hrvnuldavilli.2:52: Fullar'a 2:67; llniokvlll. 1:2:1
Tr..y X : 4 II ; Mavarllla 1:15; New A:t0 ;
tillgo Juuotion 6:10 , Red Bank 1:27 I arrival al
Pittabarg at 1:10 p. .
pm Tb. Rvyaoldavill. Aocommodalioa laava.
Revnuldavill. daily at 7:50 a. D. and arrivaa at
H.d Uankal 11:110 a .. Pitlabunh .1 1 :I5 n
Learn Pitubart. at :I0 p. n ; Had Bank at
1:11 p. aa.) arriving at Reyaoldavill. atV:U6 p.m.
CloM eoBBectluBB mad. witk train, on P. A R.
Railroad al Drilt.ood, aod with traina on tb.
Allegheny Valley Hailroad at Red nan..
DAVID McCARMO, tirt'l Bap't.
A A. Jacb.ob, Sap't L. U. Div.
Th. und.raigned wosld inform tb. that
ba la nuw rni.ning a aiaga lin. btween UlaarDeld
and P.unel.1, ibrM timaa a woak
Th. alaao leave. Clearfleld im Tueadava, Tliura.
daya and Haiuntaya, at 8 o'clock a m., aniring
at Penheld at 12 o'olook tn. ReturaiBg same
d.ya. Laavea Ponltald al 4 ooluuk p m., arnr.
In. at Clautleld at I n'etoek p. Bl.
Connrctiun ia mala with traina on lb. Lnw
Urmia K. R. at PenOclJ. Fare, eaoh wv, 60.
OKU. . UtAllllAltl
Clearfield, Ta, Feb. 1:1, 18:8
a. I. taravr.
tSoceracor to
Second St.t I'ienrlUtd, Pa,
Tb nnderaigoed would announce to th ettltant
of Clearfield and elelnity, that they hare par
ehaeed tb Hardware A tore of J. O. Hcbryeer, and
wilt oonatantly keep on hand a full aaeortmentof
Hardware ta all tta kronen, tucn aa
Bench fftopa, II and flawt. Great American Crosi
cut Aawt, D. B. aad Peeling Axea, llateheta,
Planet and Plan Iron, all hinds of
Nails, llorae 8hoeaand HnrsaHheo
Nail. Blrha, Hoot, Hakes, Hay
Forke, Bhotel and Kpa l,
Bey Ihei. Snath ee, I'lo wj,
' drain Cradle,
Cultivator, Double
and Single K hovel Plow,
Cultivator Teeth, Bevtle and
T rqiiarea, hhovel Blade, Mill
Bow and Tatar Pilee, Ch.eele, Bitt.
Augere, Adto, Hare Boor Hangera, Butt,
T and Strap lllugea, Bnnny'a lloilew Augurt,
ail kindc of Leoka.Sorews.Baih Cord and full ay i,
Foot nnd Chain Bolt, Carriage, Tie d Barrel
Bnlla, 04 Cord, Had Irene, lien tVaab aad
Corry-t'ombe, tiriad tton fixinra,Uum, II amp
nd Hoap atone Paeklag. Cable Chain, ete.
Thty will a lee h"p en baud a foil aaoortmeat
f 1 if ware, and a gi-oerai etorh ef Uoua taroib
Ing Qfre4a, oblch IB-y will tell at frloo to suit
'be tlm.
I'ereons wttbtog ano thing In their line are In-
riled to eall aod examine their Monk twfure
tarfWitf RalD A HAUKBTf.
UlaorAeld. May 80, lOTI-ly.
taamiiwf- wiuj -
ULtXUlU ) AAaAA i Ail h aa
Health aud H.ppintie ate pr'oeleaa Walti in
tbwlr poeaeaaora, t d yet they ar within tba rwb
ol every oio who will ua
WrlRht'S Liver Hits,
Th "nly euro Cl'RB for Torpid Liver, Dyap-p
sia, Headache, rmur Htmnaeh, Coatiatloii,
tn bility. Nausea, and all Ui'lioua eoinplHiul ami
lllood diaordeia. None itenuine uuWa aigo-d
-W. Wf 4ViV" U your Druggiat wib
not auppty vend 35 cent for on boa tu Derrick,
Roller A Co., 70 N. dtb -t , Phiia.
Deo, 28, '77-Iy.
Tbia Inatlmtion, having ben greatly rvlitvod
from its fluanoial embarraaioeiiti bf S ate ap
propriation!, la now prepared to of or Incrraaeo
advantagea tu iu patront. The Bummer Term ot
eighteen woekt will open
Monday. March .".tli. IH1H.
Trnia,$8.00 per week, including Tuition, Board
In;, Room, Hrat, Light and U aabmg Muaie
Extra. Beat Normal School Building in the
Stat. Fneilifiee in every respeot equal to any
Normal School In lb United Stataa. Studeota
may enter at any lime during tbe teita For par
ticular. ntl for eata ogu to
1) H. bLMEMMJ, Principal,
Feb. 37 dt. Indiana, Pa.
Hat onened. In a bulldinr on Market ttreet, oa
too old wea'ern Hotel lot, .pee.Le Uie uourt
nouie in v. learneia. a na ana .-neei iron aianu
factory and btor, wbar will l found at all timer
a full line of
Stoves, Hardware, Etc.
Houa Spouting and all kinds ef job work, repair
ing, Ac, done on abort nolle and at reasonable
rates. Alto, agent for tho v . 'v;
Singer Sewing Machine.
A tupp.y of Machines, with Needle a, Ac, al
wavt on band.
Terma, atrlctly eaah or country produce. A
anarooi patronage aoitcitO'i.
: Superiniendnt.
Clearfield, April 25, S77ff.
IN '' '" ' ' 1
HereafUr, good will bo aold for OAR II only,
or In exchange for produce. No bowk will b
kept; in the future. All old account mutt be
settled, iho wno can not oata ap, will pleat
ana over inair noiei ana - .?
'I am determined to tell mf reed at cuh
pricea, aod at a dieeount far below that rr
onertd in tntt vicinity. Th diteouat 1 allow my
euetomer, will mak them rich In twenty years If
taey follow my advice and buy tbeir good from
m. ! will pay cash for wheat, oat aad clover-
Lutheraburg, January 17, 1877. ,
Clearfield, Pa.
RatpMlfully Informa bla euatemera, and th. nab.
II. in, that b. wintiAM. lo ataaulaetor.
all ktnda or t(..
f ' ... - '
Tln.fopprr & Sheet-Iron M arc,
. .
Of Irat-elaaa ntatArlal only, aa. I. Workmaa.
Ilk. mannar. , v
: ... t
done on abort notice and very roaaonbl terma,
aepi in aiooa, ana ior ( low.
Gas-Fitting and Plumbing
a specially.,,.
Oaa Flitaraa alway.oa hand All work guar...
taad to glv, aatlafaotloa.
A abar. of nubile patronagaoordiallj Mllolt
Clearfield, Pa., May , 17;. . ..
Would respectfully notify the pnbHe generally
that he ba removed hi Grocery Btore from
Hhaw'a Row, to the bulldlno formerly ooeuoied
hy J. Milee Krataer, on Beeond street, next door
to Bigler'a bard ware atoro, whore ha Intend
keeping a full line of
ii it o c i: it 1 1: is.
8V0AR8 and ST Rl l'S, of all gradM.
TIAH, Sraaa and Black.
COFFER, RoaatMl aad Uraea.
All blnda la th. market.
PICKLRC, ta j.ra and barrel..
BUCKS, la over form anil
Coal Oil ani Z&mp CMmaoyi.
And a goad mt Ilea, iblaa, Baoalr
kept la a gramey atwa, wbteb a wUlMrbaaa
lor marhaltng at tb. arkt ,rtM.
rill Mil fet M-b aa .bMfly a. aay Mbar aav.
riaaaa Mfl aal la. ala .took and jadg. for
iOll McUAltantTJ
rWI-M, ia t, llll. - ' -
ft -tb I I iiii aaaa aaaaal
TRAWBRIDQE CLOTHIER detlr. to make Vnowo to ooa
mmera who find It Inconvenient to vliit th. clly every tim. DRY
OOOO) " Bdcl, that our Mail Order Department ta ao perfected
that .hopping may be done while lilting comfortably at home ai uli.
factorily ai at our counlcn.
All that la necemry U to addreai to ui a letter mentioning th. kind
of goodi detireil, tnd SAMPLE! to .elect from will be immediately
forwarded. Order, are filled at th. identical price, for which the goodi
are that day aold over the counter.. Th. cKpeose, trouble and fatigue
of going to the city are avoided and the goodi are .elected from at
choice an auortment i would be impeded were our eitablishment
visited in penon.
For yean we have made thii peculiar branch of th. Dry Goodi but
inett a (avorii. study, and the lucceu of our MAIL ORDER DE
PARTMENT b atteitcd by the fact that an order la rarely filled with
out making l permanent cuttomer of the pervoo ordering. Every order,
be it for 1 yard of muslin or a wedding trousseau, meets with Ihe most
Careful and prompt attention.
untftAt and ortost correctly marked, promptly forwarded on application.
3 r-
Hats, Caps, Gloves, Valises. &c,
Will be gold at nitounding low prices. Com .nd toe for yountulf.
Western Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Pa.
January, 16, 177.
To the Citizens of Clearfield
About a year ace T earn, among yon wltb a stock of Boots. SboM, Robbsrs aad farntablag
Ooodt within Ibia lira. I bar. aold aboot T.B Tboutend paira of Boula, 8boeo, at.., aad, with taw
exceptions Ibrae articlea b.v. girea prfMt aatialaetion ; wb.r, gnoda did not tara out .xaetly aa
reprcMoted, Ihey wm at one replaced bv new oa... as th, f.w wb. b.d aawaaioa to .Mk rwdrM.
e.n lulily. Now bat au. aaaore yoa tbat tbia la as mere AsaaavioB, b.l pneiasly wb.t I will aoa
tinu. to do that la, wban tbat whieh yoa buy of m. doe. not give, wbat you would Una, "your
Bion.ya' worth," I will repair It at onea, oa fair proof of its being eo.
Peeling grateful lor paat favors, I aak a cnntiau.Be. of a abar. ef yoar patronage.
Yours Siaearaly, 8. auiBZBL'BQ.
To cIcm out a big lot, we ofler :
vTomen'a Rubbers at
Men's Ral'ners at
Lumbermen's .ttra heavy Oreraboes, wltb ba.1, at
Meo'a wool-lined Overthow, at
Women'. L.evl Laltiag Shoe 05 eta. VTobsb's but Calf ghoM I M
a.ed losell for II M. aied lo Mil at li lt.
VTom.n'. Laoad Moroeco fhoaa. tl.ll Woasan's Lael fosed 8boM ' 1.1! aaed to Mil al tlilO.
W.mea s Laeod Can Kboes 1.11 Woman'a Battood Morooc. gboel 1.40
aaed lo Mil at .1.40. oard lo ..II at 11.71.
Woman's hoavy farm Shoas I. Id Woman's Kid UMd bbou
aaed lo sell at tl .10. aMd to Mil at ti ll.
Maa'a boavy wiat.r 8boM, d.ubl. sola.. .tl ets
Mea'a hoary kip hboM tl.ll
Maa'a heavy calf draasad BbOM 1.61
M .n 'a beat ealr drMMd bhoaa , 1 .71
Mea'a hip working boots 1.91
Maa'a kip wsrkiag BooU, doail. sol..... 1.41
Maa'a kip working Bmu, Up sol. 1.00
la Ifty dilt-reat alyl.a, froaa tl to tl.10. Working and Mhool ahoas, from ti ll t. tl.ll for out
ealf skin, battened dress shoes. Boys' Elmlra Up Ml. toot., tl W.
MiaMs' school 8hoe..,.,...
MIbn.' farm abooa HUI
Miaau' guBla. e.lf abo.
MiaM.' Shoes n, ...
MiaaM drew 6bo,a,.. ...
..11 etl
.. ti ll
.. I.Ki
- 1.10
.. 1.10
Oood solid, bultonad, h.elad Sbooa for ehlldron. i osnts. flood, rnapH tlppMl, healed Sbou for
children, 11 ere la. Rubber and drau dbooa, 11.10. Baby'a Shoe, of all kiBda, l eta. aad ap.
Maa'a and wom.n'. alippara, 11 eeota. 8hu poli.b, II eeata per bo'tle. tbo. striaga, 4 Beats Bar
dna.a. Buttoa hooka, 1 cent each.
Clurli.ld, Pa., Sap 11, 1877.
"iwa-v v"f5: ,:s5-- ' v-
- ii - Ih it i ii a m i' ai ii lin ft i "" i l
Smithfield Street, from 2d to 3d Avenues.
Th mut centrally located flnt ela. llouia in tb City. Ptrwt oar p tha door Try In
ninut. to all th Dap oh an I all part of both cHi. Term. M-AO per day.
WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors.
Th. Rin iLirAit.CleartelJ, received wukly at lb. Hot.) and placed oa II. for th. ef
gueala from Ibla secfioa, Ac. r j i4i
NOTI t V. A meeting of the stoobholdsra of
Ihe Cl.arll-I.l Fire Brick Co., will ba held
at their office ia Clearfleld. oa Mooday, May Ith,
I.7H, for lb. purpoaa of voting oo the ineroav. of
tbe capital Block of Mid compear.
tle.rlrlJ, P., Mar. t It. Secretary.
Have op.n.4 up, la th. ator. meat ooeupled
be Weaver A IUJ .. . . i ...
w.ll aalwu l atoek of
Dry - Goods, Groceries,
Whk4 key WIN aHapouof al reanaaM. rat.,
for eaah, u each..,, lor eoaatry proda...
!.'! .E0R41B WEAVKB A CO.
' kaaMUli, Pa, W . IS" tf.
- -, 3
Out Sale.
Mfot Goods,
40 anU.
10 ewote.
tl. Jl.
Men's Elmlra kip werki.g Boats, tap Mia., tl U
M.n'a drH Bool. I ll
M.o's b.t ealf Boots t.,t
Ub'i boat Mir Boota, and. ..,.'. 4.00
M.n'a boat .air Boots, weal... AM '
M.a'a but ealf Bmu, Mwea) . I M
MlMu'dru. 8hM
ElaN drua Sboa.
Miaau' kid 8boM...
Miuu' kd Bbo.....
Miaaaa' kid Shoos...
... ti n
... i.e.
... IN
... III
... I.Ot
At Shew 'a .Id Mead, Chmrlald, Pa, hat taet
opB.d a a.w atMk of
pi re A.m FRKhU on vet'
aod la aow prepared to famish aaylklag hi tk.
tb. Hi. ml Draga aad Madieiau at ta. vary lew'
ut eaah prteaa,
II. hu alao oa head a large atoek ef Cube, and Toalh BraahM, Ibm, Artl.le,, Teil.l
and .having mpa, ant ..arytatag aaatajly kept
la a lret-el..e lirug
MmpowaM with aara, day .r algal. A Ubarai
.h.ra .r palroaag. rsaaaelfalfy soltettod.
Cle.rl.ld, Pa., O. 14, 1177.
The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory
P.aa township, Ctearlakl Oa, fa.
e.v BUT
Tb ubrlnf bat, nt fr p mWllt n
nihhorbooJ BMnatrity, In tb tmiI f r.
la Woln Manufttry,tli nil tk dJWni
lmprovnt nltan4, aad ar praparatj o aaka
nil kind f Cloth, CaattiMf, BtlntU, Bla.
ktrta, Klann!, Ae, Plant f f outla hana t
t auppty nil omrahl an4 a tnoMl naw U)taaatra.
- vomm mmm aaaaan IV MM,
Th bnitsM nf
will rrlT ur pMlaf MttMtlM, ttf
nrrnsni will W m4 t rf tnatl tftatlfaf
Waal, to antt tonMr. All ward wmM nn4
4 on upon tb ahrtt notl, and by vtrtnt atton.
tlon nt fcwin wa hp to twaJla a Hbornl mUn
nt pabli patron af.
W will pay U hl(Wrt markot prto tmf Wm
m4 ll onr Baa n fot arW f oo a lv n liUa
ffoo4 aa b bought In tbooonnly, aa4 wWnoouf
w fall u contlor roaonohl at.ifaalton va mm
nlvay bo f4 nt bosao ron4y lo mako propot
nlaatio, .ihar In paroon or by louor.