! ! i i : ! i ta. $ott.. )ur f)tiu dicrlUrmtnt. BlijffUaBfOBS. THE MANSION HOUSE. VI ii.r..iiwKi.iM,v fldlS all kid iw4lAUfe UuWl aaa..larib I iik. .tot iMr.bm .Biar.,ad ta deBMatM I in mm aabaaltff fuf lb lffUibUIt vf BffBB- ! XERI RA COTTA STANDING VASES, IIANOUNO VASES. THE REPUBLICAN.' Hi.iv UniutfHU-l Fi.-Kri.k. J ruloMi-od W1 dolJf b.T J xu j jspt::. I orJ ?--- ailao- ta nmr kla aue.u aoatforteata while! etaytar. with M. asfTke 'Meaetoa Host." Owaltaa rial la July 1117 If Propriety t l.aiAftKIKa.1., PA THE REPUBLICAN. CLEABMELii!; "pa'.'"'"" WhUNKri.AY JdOKNINU, MARCH III It j .11.. . i i i FOJti'lXO xomi.aho.s. or IvpiY PMCRIPTIUX! I practices, ami one Mat more iretjienu, CHOCKS! POTS! CHOCK: ceased In Mint except In name. From lk 10th uf July, 1873, to lh. 12lh oil jjiilr, 1870, tic rcfnfiany distributed lusseta to t tie value of 170, nulit jing tu rmli stockholder t profit ut nearly iiiiu ty uolhirs a share ullt-r pay inga Upcr cent. dividend for ten juora. " Whilu things wore In tlilst mi'lilinn M .V-si.t ti-.VijJwiUjJift AVtiililot ' TICK PkHSilHiNT PKO TS.U. I WifiilNiiTON, Pehruury ,20 The, Senate wassailed lu order by Sucre ttry Uorhum, Mr. Wheeler beiug ah mnl from llit) cily ; uud At r. Anthony (It Lj aubinlllid a laaoluliun that, in the ebemntei il Mr. Whtsilar, Uoi'. Ttioitmn W. Furry, ol Miebigaii,beaud f . gk. Ita! t !. I. ft Ci.' Calttmn. In !brttwalerB lemaylvaiila. A I.LEr.nENY HOTE!.- result detrimental, not only to ihe er.rSS General Allrn, proKacd t Attorney our I u whose fuv.r'it i- made, but to tiul t..r n. .olMt ..l.t.,.lii.K Market Htraet. t laarkVU. fa. b.Tinn Intri lb. Alktaraj i 'pll4 lr ttnJ iiOlllUUlly lUl'reitHing Wm. 8. KrJI7. formurl; i.rMiiliuf "l II , aolieita a har of .iiblln pitroa.Q lUiut au bm lhoron,l.l. rp.lfJ aal J fur,.h.J, and (ur.li will In il a (iliiil Hf-; i.li.I Thf Uhlo will b. .....lir.l with Ibe , M ol ..arjibloj ia ta mrk.l. Al Urn t , will t r. la Mat aloM sun n'uo'. .uallrj alt.nt "WJI. 3. PKAUiEJ, .Jjr U, ii.prlalar. SHAW UOU8E, j (Cr. of alaraat t iri..l ; ..CI.SABFJEUD, H. , .... Ti u.l. mIk'I havlnj taken 'l..'- ' I '' llctil, would re.ui"lfollr "llit pnbil' ptriHi(. (bH,'7t. . B.UKwIOS MIAW. viroubiim ot tbe Km-cnucan, rnatnilTluublcivobDainea tiiBM ia i itifdiuui ibro' wbii'h to ri':b lb ptiblio. flallar'a Paltnl AUIlKtU pwll - avail ' Hmlt laual Bl'TTKH CHOCKH, wllk liJ., CRKAM C'HOCM, MU k I Rot kf. APfLK - Bl'TTKH CROlK. ftOHKH rot.t, flK UlNIIhA ul aomc locally iloiiniiviii nun, H.'ruas ... "JS!H. rk1Ifr,M n vr.lby man. will umlcrtakt, to foix't. U R gITW 1 , aiaauea, in r oa at llie 1'ifi ti.tvri ol lb liolc puny, in tin) placlii t" ot Ion or allcinptiiiJC to tiin-o iioininalioiia. It olli'D occurs thul nlniirii'tt and -iilbiiMi: frit UXio friiin a ctrtaiii corpoiutinu,tallli)( j atu tira uiului . Mr. Bayard (lawarv) htovH to umi'iid llto rceoliilio; ao to provid tbat tbo Sonatu do no procovd by FREO'K. LEITZINGER'S 8T0NK - WARE POTTKKY. M l Tr o Subucbiptio : irr Asm (JtW 6S nurBE. " .1 W I ' -NKW-WAHHINOTOX, fA. 1 ' ' ' '' Tki. new and woll turni'boil hnuie lan been ( takaa j ib'uJ.r.io.l. Ha InU eoriUJrnt o( ! pttid in ndvanoa, boiWK nbla In rudfriallrartinatlboM wfaaioar I "'ivtwi.' "" ... w. t-AV.s. r,.f, j f"1'1 n" ll,r,,e 1 If uald aJtr ix montha. nnttof "-"" i- i ij vu.ik, t Li Mala Htrart, I rHILIPlirill. fK.NN'A. I TnbUaiwaTaaal.pliaavith th baat Uintkt .rJ'. ThalMv. ila(fabll,i iainrlt! kinul, Jn.l,". ' KDBKhT LoVl. OTD i 00 i 50 3 00 Wlmii pa(r are writ oatid of lh coui.ij f i) nioiit uniKlbe iu aiKauca. 0rar ol Chair? ant Tbirt !nta, CLKARrTKLD, PA. i Ul nicniKT luinnst "'' llivuatil naii Kialbltlaa or niunipiibilti a iionilimtion by (opnng their man upon a convtuilioii, without firat Bai-KrtaiiiiiiK whi'ther or not , ho nimiinalion ol their thoiiv would b thr proper ma" at that tiniH. In the heal of a eonliM, when working for and trying to fiinre or mHiiipiilate the noiiiiiiallon ol llielr lavorite), men are too apt to forget the bent interval ol the whole party, and, in mad devotion to their man," cream and embitter personal atrife w ithin the parly ioni zation, lather thau to try to barmonixe th rnnflietini; elemcnta and Immolate . . ..... .i ... .......... ......i ..i ... . , I uinen-ni.en tor m' iyini.ij.nv. W rOUgni-iron h ,rlv ., H..,,.. 1 aome ol the HKATER8 U"1 si"1 ""i"" bp w"i?'t. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWtl-TCORXIaV THIRTKBN1II aV riLltKBT JITRKRI. PHILADELPHIA. XASWI ACIl'RKRS Or J-ATHSKK Ji.VKt.THIi", Ua4HolAf,. a 1104 1 F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO., .; HankerN and Ilroker., j T im, or i.-a, 3 timoa, 1 Kl-Jl)odtllle, JrHfH.un Co., Pa. r Monrf raarlriiil oa rltavlr. i Illarwlalr " ,onit- rat.. Eartrrn aait rVrija Kxi-htr l lVataa baad and Ulrriion nrvtajxlj "l nrjn.l.UrHIr, Pra. lH, l;4.-lj County National Bank, v OK CLK ATtFlliLU, iA. ROOM la Marooir BoiMinK, ono J kii arlii ol C. u. WatMn'R lni)t hlorr. ' l'a.HfiXiirt. Itiand frota LI. ari jt.l, UHMfi. ..wa, OI.f;ow, Lon tun, Part. an.l Cipentiann Al), lir.fti for tale on tbo Koral Uuil 4 lrler.t o t tiuhrrMtl ilani.- f Lon Ion. - iAMK8 T. I.K'lNAKb, Prae'l. . M. HAW, Ca.liirr. Jnl,'!7 ,(f DREXEL & CO., , ' :il Haulli Third Htrwt, Pltlla.lrlhla U.t.YH.KHS, And Qcalurs in Govcrnmont Securities. AM.liri.ti ,11 l.i w'i will rree'. r r.roioiit mtrn riilOIIOii rnferiaiij larni.ov A(.nl II 11. Kin'l. auhHtif uent imurlioi., Adtninialrrtuir' Notice!, . Kxeeulora' Xotieen, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . ('kiilioiia and Katrayt, trjaaiilutioH Notice, . . I'rv'fcaaionul (.'arila, ft linen, year, 6 00 Spmiittl notlCaa, par Mu, - . . . . 20 M ' VKAULY ADVKRT.8EWKJ.TSr fl 60 , 4 M 3 M t 50 1 &0 2 M . W, ami oil lu o.a.r. .'li lr.L Pfittistvji. ' DR. E. M, THOMPSON, fOlT. 'r il. lint.. Ilil.tllili!..,) t'lll-H'enivlU.'. t'lrartivl.1 i'tf., fa. !rb tt ';o tt. J M. ST i:V.MCT, ' SURGEON DENTIST, l , I'l.raRPlELH, PA. . 10t!i..r in rr.i.tfii..., .Mtr.M.lrr.t i, t t trarbrkr. Pa., May J. !? li. , tide aipiore, I') lint', . . fS 00 l avi. (ttarea, . . . . . . Ur (Ml I Three arjuare 20 00 jOne fourth column, .... .VI 00 jlli.e t.alt column, .... 70 00 !iii' column i'Ni UltATKH FOB RI'RNINll AKTHRA CITKOB PtrL'Mt.NOI' COAL. UKiNTKaN.NIAL KlR mtl,aH.Vlt.AL KEYSTONE-. HROlullT-lROl HEATERS, COORINi RANHkrl, LOW-lrOWK .(IRATIS. Daroriuilre 1 Ircalare aeat rrec t an. aajr.a 1XAMINI HKrOKR KKLKCTINO April 14. TM. nrotii'r iiil'oririatiou on 'he aulijwl On the !!"il of Oi tola-! Irt'l, Attorney lien- em I l.fur, Ktuta Tn'aiurer Itawle, and Mr. Wanlen.ChifH'Icik ol the Auditor (feiii'ml'K OOlio, t uii'iecJ into a w ritlen catv not to .!CTiKnate it by num.., but,L uu( ((j (,hoWH, u p.i.-ntfrr. claitniiiK llmi U p...-..! Unej.ta-yis 28 -., !., . . cniUrait with Mr. Olniaied and John W. Sinionton, Khi, ol'thla city, whom be aKHOcialnd with him in thia tniiia. action, to eolliM'i n claim for liixcaon a conimiraion ol 10 tier it-nl. Unthe3d The qucallon llieo. Wlrrn '" the resolution ol' Mr. Anthony, Mr. Wallace moved to amend by atriking out tho uuniu t( Thoa. J. Ferry and inacrtirig in lieu tbcioot that of A. (i. Thurman. RejwUd yean,. 28 ; naya, 89, Mr. Davia(Ill.) votml with the Deiuocraut in llie arrlrnmtive. The original, rraolutioii. waa then tairi'iird la. and Mr. Forrl' waa aarurtcd of November llit) t'nion railroad and . .u ... , ,.. lv ... .... ... B . Mr. Thurman. Upon taking tho Chair lie raid ; " Tbuiikinj .you, Hunatora, lor aunt her prool of y oar conCduc, and relying on your generona uport, 1 will at, iince enter upon the dmica to which Jou havt" eh.jwo me." . , Thttt waa a pretty i loae ahave, any- NEW FlaOUH. FEED, AMU GROCERY STORE. i A. G. KRAMER & CO., Koora .Wo. 4, PliVa CVarra lluaae. t'laarOaia, I'a. Keep a'.nataiUly ai kt4 81'OAR, iorrm, TKAK. SOll A,! COAL Oil. ! uienlH ak-atn.l llie iionniiee wm lue iofl-prin' and leanll o( llioau bitter, r.-, i la'iitleaa and criminating camaaae, or rather fighia for the notnination The lime luia comc when raili tal lied should h frowned jlown, an I ihtaw who are willing to Indulge in ancb nractice and har.r.ur I l ho aucceaa of the parly ehouhl be taught that indi vidual deairoa and peraonul preli-rcncea muat give way to the will ofa Innjority of the people, In the conleat ol next November it maltiiw littlo whetlter the cunalitlulu toutca Iimiu thu eaat, went, north, uih, or middle of the State il ia meaHurtwt, and hot utcn, that la wanted in the approaching contest. If the platform ia light, thu man that aland on it will be elected.; hut it the plnllorm or declaration of principle ia not right, he will he defeated, no mut ter who he ia or w here he vomct from. The character of a plaliortu for the approaching contest, or what iia difiur-1 ntton ol principlca mutt contain to enrrywith II the aticceaa of ilacandi- datea, ia not beyond the prophetic viaion of ail. H mind be broad enough to apnn the viaiimnry t basin between apitul and labor. I ny vieioiiary, be-cau-, in reality, there t none ; for one cunnnl aucctaaliilly cxi-t without the other. Such a platform ia not dilH cult to Iraine. The wolk La i.ol hard 10 accomplish, and would alniuai work itaclf out il uten would only be patient anil aonii-evriita. i ii not, oj acniming deaicn, bring atioitl evil and iinpolitic TiiiiiaKrtaliouCoiiipaiiyiiiitde through their Secretary tbe lirat return t the Auditor flencraU Office in- lhJ4, which conawtctlofa atatrment ahowing a partial liquidation of the afl'uira ol the tompany and a dirlriliution of the nHtut Kinong lite al.un uoldeia. tin the IMth of November a X'Ulrincnl waa' manti with llie Atiililor tienerBi ami Stnte Treaanrer liir taxea on ih baaiai Hamlin Happy The Sma'.or from J nl thia return and the amount aacer Hume, who haa spent fprly yrara in tained to bi d-ic the Hiaie waa alOl,-: the Senate and Cortresa, always ta 053 97, U'ii w hich u ci.innii'ainn of 10 1 vorcd the infamous franking privilege, per rent, waa silntti-d to Slinonton alidj hut havuig hen repaialed aeveralyeara OUu.HU'd with I In wiitti'ii apprnval of' ni against Ida protest, he haa labored Attorney General Lcur. The draft lor! nvi-r aime to have it restored. Il haa the $191,053 was paid into the Treas ury and the warrant lor the t ononis. aion of 119,100 waa issued by the Au ditor (Mineral's Department on the same day, to wit, the 28th of Novum ber. Tbepajmeiil of the taxes, is in the reports of the Auditor (icncral and Stale Treasurer for the year 1877, but there ia no mention of the comtnis. aion to Sinionton and Olmsted. For thia the reason assigned ia that the warrant waa not presented at the Treasury until the report lor the fiscal year waa clostd, "riui-h ia the case aa shown by tho official document. W hen this anttle- mciil was made the Stute Trranircr hem so buithensonie lor him to pay his postage like other people, lie ano ceeded a few year ago in having It n-, atori-d so far aa hooks and diK'omenta are concerned, and last week put the balance through tbe Senate. It gives the President, Vice President, Son a torn and Mcnil ura. and the HmiruUry of the Svnute. an.1 Clerk of Ibe House the right to receive and aem letter free through the mail under two ounce in weight. And to, should the House concur, the franking privilege will be restored iu all ill mischievous forma. Senator Wallace thought that tbe right of tbe Member of Congress to frank business letter ought to heao-l U5ffU.iafOUS. c 111 BAP (illOCF.UlES! LUMRCK CITY, PA. 111. A Mi VYh hav alwayaon hand large ateck .1 blanks ot all descriptions. Tbt un.!rt.iioist ar.ncuo.ie. to hit old frlradi 1 snd natron, that be bnn ofrned a Ri-od ho ol ; gru UOVS UKIH KK1F.S A PROVISIONS at tbe old .Und I ' f Kirk A Si.ener, f'.r wM.-lj he nollrit. a lllairal ..ilrvaara HPKNCKR. , UuUr Oilj, P4-, Mar oh JO-lf MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON 4 BR0. , On Market 8., one Awx wrat of Mao.iuD iloaae, i - Cl.gARFIKl.D, PA. Oar arranKrmeai. ere rf tbe aiort e-aipletel rbararter tr rural.biaa tbe jinMlr wltn rre.B Meat! of all klaj.ati.lif tha tery beet qaalitr. Weabio deal la all kind, of Airlrnltarel Itapla laont. which we keep on elbibtiloa air Ike be. ' el. of Ibe Dublin. Call aroand wkea la town. aa.l take a kink al Iking., or addre.. an F. M. CARDON A llltO. CVarHeld, P.., Julj 11, HTJ-lf. ' t'RESli meat Sew shop. SCniHKXAS, . EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ' -ARTICLES OF AUHKbMKNT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS. CONSTAIILKS BLANKS, ( ' 1 ' Ao'.,' " -Ac'-. ' A.-. SALT, aUCkS, aOAP, CaoaeJ aad Lirlod Fruit., lobar., Cira, Caa diea. Older VlnearBalur, Kl. A ALaO, EXTRA ROMK-MAtil Wbpat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Heal, Chop, Feed,'oM., All or wbfeb will ke eold ebeep f"f naak er la aaobange for eoantrr Lrodoo. A. U. KRAMER A CO CloarSelt, Ko. It 1174.-1 V Tin- ui,.lTitlitid hrVi Infant itw vmlt In f-nrl that bty ott hun l, r,;u arly, at -IKfif nhtf i mi) mn iw JO H ft 4Hi.H.irii fM.tMi- rtateUl. t'lswoli tilt! CrOkWl NttllM1, lllkta rA3ri wtld ttKtb, ' Hal, .ttvAmif LAM ft. i'OHK, KTC, AT liKDllCKD VVACE. FOU SU. MftrkM MruUp TuaIa, ThvrMUy. ftf4 fUtnrt)4t. IImI OA'tt-vpf-a ut tm14m hk ataipfA,. as - , A ilmb (" piroa:.ga It rrp-etfulrf toIMtti. Wir I, ,H;-1.t. 8TAUK A NOhKIH. I.TK r:OD H R THl'KT." All attieo muat 1 , pJ f'T !.r t'ntl hrfr It klM tb Oi'.n. AuJ ftirrtwl. Ual l)xt grMi iHvtitUJ. a. I t.!ifl pr..W af iini 4V it &r lhfro4V-''y tfi frn Any l tVarijttittco 4btt9t- hrifort III I, ivl to traHnnj'joJT. All k.BU 'jfwwV will Acna O lliil tiot Ur fih or rt.vlj -f. it nil tUorwot nil laR-l t;l- Iht hti uJ vtytciktiU In ttiirn. 1 tit tciPLT4tl my .ip to th luirt'tii f ttiR, kt TayUf'n row, o r.wil utrMi, nr the iUpttp hrf! J titlt V fournl lit til tinM, wilttf ir ji.rnrri. ,U1 t"rk wurrntid i.oj ud tv-np. fur ml: tb cltUB of CITfltil nJ vlflialt W rtptjvrlfwlly ltT.U4 l (W m etll. , . - . . alVH, It. Uraal-Il Crkrti3 i, Ctv.j.iT n,-T7. " , t i. J, lAtJIHTT. REEB & HAGERTY, ft?," '.'j Ifarwwta'o 'I j ix J.G.SCHRYVER. HEAVY AND .SHELF HARDWARE, WOOD &d mUXW-VTASS. COOKING 8TOVE8, HEATINQ STOVES and RANGES Hmd HI., Cltarltrld, Pa. I Tke andereifaed would aaaaaae to Its rlllaaix f eiearlald aad tielalle, tkal tbei baa a par akaeed tbe Hardware . tore of J. II. Rekreear.aad wtB eoaeUotlj keep oa kaad a fall aaeorlaieat of Uardwar la ail Ita braaeaea, aaea aa TABLE & POCKET CCTLERY, lloarb Blopa, Hand aowfl,Oreat Aiaorleaa Oroee 1 eat Sawa. D. B. aad Peeliac A lea, HaarkeK, ". '.-Pkaeea and Plana Ireaa, all klaae of ' .Valla, Hone Shoe, aad llotee Sb-e , .Valla. Pl.ka, Hoea, Bakee.Hajt cwrlfl Rhooela aud H pair a, . . He)lkee.!inube.,Plewi, , Urals Cradle., ' Caltirstera, Uoal.U ' sadSlaxleghorol Plewi, CaUiian Taetk, Bereia aad ' Tr eqoarea, tboral Blade. Hill ' Baw aad Taper Piles, Cklaela, BltU, Asfera, Adaoa, Horn leoor Hansen, Ball, I as Soap Hlacea, Boaar's lioUeW Aaroro, allkiadaofli.aeeoarOaodPallaes CLASS and PUTTY, foot aad Casta Bolu, (laaelaao, tin aad Barred Bolta, eUa Cora. Had Ireaa, tier Breekee aad Carre -Oea be, Orlad-sUao latarea. Oaaa. Be pad rtoaf-easaa Pwabla(, Oabea Owalae, eta, TWe will atee kea oa bead a fan aaeortaaoat of Taa ware. aad a aaaaral eeeek of Rewae raralok. ie. tails, wbkak ey win toll al arleee M oall run trlAlai larrtalai la lr toe an ra rayd ae eail aa sieaelae tt aloeal Wars pMl.eaa. BaTliD A ateWBaaVT. ClearaJd, Mar , ttlt-lo. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kioata of PRINTING Slt'll AS POSTERS, .i'KOOKAMMKS, CARliS, LETTER II PS, ENVF.LOl'ES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLE'IS, CIRCULARS, An., Ac, IN THE REST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. fM I i and Auditor (jrnenil seem to have becui corded, but he was opposed to personal taken snmowhut ahiick with the large- and political mall matter going free, ness of the amuniit and with thu heavy and voted aguinst the bill, whilu Krna conimiMion of 119,000 of SimonKm and; lor Cameron, out of sympathy lor the Olmsted for the information upon aged Hamlin, voted for it. w hich the cluini was collected. ' t'pon " ' " """",T" " .. . , . TiibSamk '-Old Adam ." V hen the , ' . , i'ii Puritans took possission of New I'.ng- 10 the rescue with an "imiion which bal , .nd'.rsed iiittbca'i-r.nnl of t hes.-snli' ll uit f.ir the l olh'Ctioo ol luxe from de liriptent eorporati'ins. The opinion ivud. as Killows : land, they ieolved on a cheap way ot obtaining the tund from the aborigine. The Sclinagpive Timet anys they met and in formal manner declared, first, that the earth belonged to the Sainu; and. sweond, llial they were tbe Saints. satisfied their consciences, and lb., sukls klU .fpioied. llie iave is a -pe . lal .". and the ..rile aa. rendered under a cotiai-t, end under theeiieaai-tani-ee llioretn eel I 'fhj, fell., an.l Mfolt-rt la i.ruri tne ,-ia'e in. .uia I tbir-ii. named shirk In BO opinwn w.iid ether. Ilil'V men liriSTenf ! Ill llie name Ol IDO conibinatioiia, a hid., in mm, w ill fmi e am k... a.. i. t th,- rr..a. ""''-' .orj , exterminate ihe Indiuna. Thai Ptrtiiiti'fl, nwt urn (hr.-.tr u ru.u. j. ixmi,.t fw !, u .iiiL.ufi r-tit-.-vd, Hurn Wipni.m. njiirh in wt ill nbrnatj in lt.he plattnr,,. b. brond enough Ira; J- , wh, ;';:b'(r;i! the land and h. done gnat injury, admit the lebcrct. ihe ailisan and the j i l.t n.ter M ihe .er.l'ra a.o r.n turd. . To-dav the rire of that spirit siya: capitalist j reiOL'uute eiifli In itia-ir lull . 'This is Attorney (.eneial Leal a-; are righlcoua and just tut we rights, power and dignity ; f'ieapitulj,Xpaiatui of the case in whh ho Kepubliranaol tho North, and wealoiie without labor, is like lalor without capital "UHchwa. each withoyl the other." ilurmunixe these i lemeitta ; wn the chief adviser from beginning to end. Without hi a.Kiee. the eon tract would lvt have he en made with bo just j with prelerenre for none, but these outside panic lo slop in lielwecn equality for all. l-el that be the theme and desire of the ronventUai lubor with that eod iu view and the result must La beneficial to the patty and tbo whole pen le. Class resolution and plalfoims, like claaa legislation, i detrimental to the interest ol the country at large, and is productive of the most greviuus result. Il not only oati-angiv, but alienate thousand trim ita support. Thia being a government of freedom, lei the delegate be free. the aecuuntiii' department ami a de linquent corporation, and upon hi ad vice the commission waa paid. . In the the first place il ia singular dhul he should give bin written approval lo a Treasury settlement. Thi it not with in the line of his Juliet. The Auditor (ieneial and Stale Treasurer have the, law liir their guidance. Tbey were not required to go lo Mr. Attorney (ivnerul J.ear for counsel, and when he gave snch had comsatd as this they j Let ll. em go to Ihe convention fie(H,ld not hac aceeitcd it. Tot Mr. , ' eaaiaa ' - flOKET OF HOREHODUD AND TAR FOR THE CURK OF Ooerba, Ookta, lataaaia, BoaneaiN, Siak jl Xrealkiaf, aad all Afectioaa of Ike Tkr.t, Iroacklal Tabes, aad Luge, leaitaf la Ooaaaatptlvs. TIim infalt.Ue rrmeiry ia cutaal if l1 -HoMSV ol the plant Hurrlioiiinl, ill tltoauta. uakm with T.VS-Halm, chtiadrd flem tl- Lira PsLtcirir of the ht Iree Asto riMaASir.l, or B.ilm of Gileo4. The llunry of llorehomul sixjnika am. Ik-.ritaar.ll n ritationa atuliiiflaiuiuilioti.lr.ii.l the l ar-UUm CLs.Nrs ANU iieais the tkro. anj nir rmaagti leadinf; to the lung., ho I atilitivCol uigtcdirnta ki the otc.iiia f.'l, uajial, aad W healthiui acknt. lt no pr -juslke keen vou fVua tryuit lliii great nvu cine of a lanvui oortor who ha. aavetl thnu tandl of lire hr a ua hie Lirpe priaale prrcli.e. N.B. The Isr llalm ku au aai rui r urU. raicu io ci u, ano tt tit uonit. Oresl aairiag W buy lerfe ear. Mpikt'i Tootltaclie Uropa" Cure la 1 Minute). Sold bw all DtuRKietl. 0 K. CllTlTaJTOlf, Props, H.T HARTSWICK & IRWIN from the letter of favoritism and ! forced ii.siructioria ; free, from rings, j cliques, or combination. L"t them; 1 have an opportunity to work and act 'for the good of Ihe whole people ;i I don't rontiacl their power aud nselul ness and oblige them to do the "diily work " for the benefit el any particu lar candidate or geographical locality. Select, aa delegate, mm who ale respected at home un ii of honor, in tegrity and dignity, who would acorn to befoul their hand by dabbling in the alimy pools of personal political favoritism ; uten, who W ill have the one object io view, and ibal Ihe making of a platform and declaration of princt pic lor the whole K-oplo til the Slate, and place lherisjnnacaiididate,thf men who are iuuicated as tha choice ol the whole party. VYbru you get a con venlion coniiocd ol such delegate, free to act for Ihe people, there ia little danger to be apprehended from their work in tha ooovcnlion ; there Is little doubt but they will look toward nieaa- urca, and not men, and will make such a platform aud place in Domination tnun who will sweep tha State at the coming elm ttoQ like a tornado. I NCuti. 1 SUTK"sTEAi.. OUIKRS HY MAIL FOU ALL KINDS OP WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. . ' . i ; . i , UtMesdUnder A lf CleirflrM. ClrarlrM fettnty, Pa. 8RCOS0 THM, CLEARFIELD, PA.. IiRAklRI 1.1 PURE DRUGS! 0HRM.0A1.8I PAINTS, OII.S, DYE STUFF VARN1AHM, BRCRBU, Mart'MtRT, ffANOT SOoDg TOILET ARI ICLF8, Or ALL IISDH, pubs wry S3 aad liquors for adlolaol perpoeee. Tra.aal. teajxtera, Bakool aWokt aad Stalloa arr, as aa eaaor anieeee anany feaad la a Drag 8 ton. PBTllCIArlrr' rBKflCBIPTIOMl 0ABB rOLLt AJOMPOOaDBB. Haetaa a karre a. aarlaaaa la ao kaaiaaia Ikoy aaa gle aatar aaa- aamnrana, A . BABTfiwpsi, Mnii p. ibwIi , Cloarteai IWisaaoe I, tat Our Stale authorities have l-ecn caught plundering the State Treasury. The plan i an offspring of the Oeorge O. Evan plan, few your ago, when that individual collected and pocketed a 1300,000 war claim at Washington, which belonged to tbe Stale. Tbe Harrisburg Patriot detail the last steal it follow : " Much comment ia made In official and lerislalive rirclcw uooo the stale- menu published in connection witV tbo aettVrment of an account of tl91,OS3 for outstanding taxea with the late Union Railroad and Transportation Company, and it it probable that an Investigation will b ordered. For a proper understanding ol the history ot the transaction itsbonW be stated that thia corporation wat chartered lo 1BC3 with a capital of 13,000,000, io 60,000 bare ol a par value ot ISO racb. Dur ing period often year tho company declared dividend averaging about 13 per oeot. on the capital atocJc, making regular return of taxes lo the Treas ury. In 1873 Ihe company sold their business to the i enusylvania Company, deoJaring their last dividend in July of that year. From that time they mode no report to lbs Auditor (Jeooral't De partment and paid no taica. Tbe last report from them, In response to an official circular of the Auditing Depart ment, ie a letter from II r. W. H. Borneo, the Heorvtary, staling that the com pany bad dated to February, 1874, closed basinets ond gone, into liquids lion. Mr. Temple want Into office in lover It. I.eur advise them to enter into t bar gain in the .link. How did be know what might be the character ofa Into action which was covered up In oi uch mystery 1 It might have Isnn Hituii.st tiublic nolicy. and as it has turned out it was contrary to public policy to enter into this agreement.) He lay stress on the pica tha' this large amount ot money might have been hist, and this will justify thu transaction in the estimation ofa good muny puoplc.. But it were belter that the Stale should have lost thi money forever than that tuch 0 procete for ita collection should bavu been adopted A door would be opened wide for que Unliable adventure in the accounting department if thi practice were ex cuscd. There, ia uo law for making this agreement, and there is none lor oaying tbia money. In behalf of the State Treasurer and the Chief Clerk of the Auditor General' Otllce who sigued the originnl agrit-ment, it should be said tbat it la the practice of thu department to consult the Attorney (ietteral. He is the legal adviser of the (ioverncr, aud while the State official are not bound to accept bis advive the general rule is to du so. But tho law prescribe the duties of the Auditor lieneral and Stnte Treasurer, und there ia no arronk In it lor the employment of outside parties acting iu Ihe rapacity ol detective lo run dow n delinquent corporations. The fact that thi whole transaction wa outside the law I it sufficient condemnation." tilcK Wottx. A Washington tele gram, in alluding (o tha final passage of the silrer bill, ay: ll took just two hour and thirty minute from the lime the tilver bill come into the Mouse with the veto mrwsage until It bad past ed both branches of Congress by over o two-thirds vote and became o low. A more direct disregard for Presi dents opinion waa never before dil played by Congress. Always such messages ore at least ortlerod printed and laid over lor one day. Not A R publican In either branch ot Congress to day, except Kdrouuds, said a word regarding the respect due to tbs Fret ident, and be only tald that be would like lo have seen (be bill go. near one day a a matter of respect to Mr Hayes. It to true tbat tbe predetermined InteS lioo aud common ondentaudiot; oa all side did much to cauao the very sum mary aotlon ef the day. , Had Hayes reached the Presidential chair legally, and not br a Returning Board, be would be respected too ; but o fraud de-, serves bo respect. are honest and conscientious. We on. ly are fit lo be jurymen, and the ver dict of any jury south ot Mason it Dixon's line must therefore necessarily be an outrage, if such verdict affect any oi us Saints." Tbe bowl at. the conviction of Anderson Is tbe tame voire that resolved tbat tbe Earth be longed to the Saint and that therefore the Irord't Saints had a right to exter minate tho Indians and appropriate their lands. It ia Puritanism in pol tic impudence and robbery. That's So! Tho Washington JVr .iii.i say ; 'It i altogether loo, bad that Mrs, Hayes bsa but two spare bedroom jn (he. While Honse, end when she ha numerous young lady visitors, a recently, they re roinprll-. ed to 'doubleup,' threo in a bed. It it lime that o Presidential Mansion wor thy of the nation ahould be erected one in which the family of the Execs live would be able to cultivate less gr.'gariout habit than are popular io West Virginian cabit..' Well, tbat n a aad government affair. , But why don't Mrs. Hayes send some ot her lady visitor out among the Cabinet families until o good Urge seetion ia added to the While Houae. ' A RkfoRU liisr. Tbs editor of the Alloono Tribune pitched the following specimen brick Into Hayes' Cabinet the other day: The denial of Antler aon'e application for a new trial leaves that distinguished member of the Re turning Board no hope of escajie from Stuto Prison except in tbe exercise of tbe pardoning power by tbo Uuveruor aad Stnte. lis chances in tbat direc tion aro exceedingly slender, and the best thing the President can do is to removo him from bit position at soon a possible. , The spectacle of one ot tbe leading Federal officials of the State In tha penitentiary for forgery would not be a very seemly one, espe cially with a reform Administration." Tke aallaal f oafedoretee la Poof m, an tre leg ta Seem; tke arm?.-- Oadieal eTeetaeoe. Tea, au army that has five Captain to every company, and the same pro portion of First ond Second Lieuten ants, Major, C'olunult, and JHrigadiert, and therefore eostt ihn tax-payer jnt ono-half more than an army of teUkcrl, not shoulder straps, should cost them. Tbe army is about as nearly ornamen talexcept the infernal expense it pi)es on the people as any similar body of men on earth. An konest commander will take one-half tbs step now on duty and drive all lb Indian oa I of lbs country in on year, ur els qniul them. Hs had bettor raralate Ids May, 1871, and bad no official knowhlcnta tamily , beore he dictates to hie edge of this corporation, os It btlnslgbbors how to reTjaU Ikalrs. ToOTOOi.it) H avow. Tbo J'hiladel pbio Tievord, o golden advocate, punc ture Hayes in this way: "Io Presi dent Hayes' annual mtavtaga, trwuaioiV ted lo Congress in December, be sold) Any attempt Ao pay .tits national Iq debtetlocRA (o coinage of loss opmiuer. oial value than the money of tbs world would involve vvolauoa of toe public laltb and jrork, Irreparable Injury to the puwic creaw.; Jieiluer, Mr. liejet, nor any of bis counters need put on airs about public credit, honor, etc., as nothing of the bind .was considered while he waa beading to tbs White iivuiw. Quito. Hayes wanted Congress to adopt bio views oa tbe silver bill, while W, Cabinet wa, oplitt, Zr SJZZZE. A Coem Bovimb. Too Baltimoro Oatiitt soys tbot offleial ratarns from two brigade abnw the Bioax have exist Ibiocoootry I3.312.6J1 , ond yet Sitting T. A. FLECK & CO. Hi t2 tin V. 0 0 K P3 O xi xx tTD s V fD. aWBwBpBppaaaeaM H'tfaVRC TO BO, , . aitaf UOH'TOtiO H'KSTI I, not, 009 aeraa of load far tale, ekeap, la tke ar- aa of Ike West. Pui Mapa of Kanaea, fail lof..raiBtla ae t brat ratthda to l.aeej aa, Tlrket., Freight rate., eo., apple or write to . rillORTLIOUK A(ral Alekleoa. Tupedia A Sanaa 9eH.lt, vae. aa, loii-aat. veiteisoiio, ra. .. t . eta- Mew vaaaeeesae-jaMa. .sr ev nil a4st?gaMsl oMgn ItMff to iMUTo tk pttU A n votvi d u ivw itiii pMpartv mmioibm. bM la ttw way f farvtctatag U.soMM, Bitgt, aaWAMBUIVfJ WaW SfwOH, WIS XBS1 BOnSJSJI OltTllOS) ftBO ta raaWBo.bl tartrt. Mxidtafaei LoititMet atrfwaaa Iatr-1 aad Foarth. ttaO. V. UIARUAHT. 1UHH. Fob. 4, U74. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS & STA TIOSER Y Market M. t'learfleld, (at tha Poat (HBre.) (THK andsjrilfBtdi twgi Urt ta anaoaao to X cii.fai uiomrvsiia ana tatty, tnai mm tiM ojiisu ojp at rvuoi atjij mm jmn miirwil frcoi thsj ctt with a rotnr moant mt raordioa mattar, aaaiitttnf La part of , Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blink, A ore a at too Povm Baoki f avan oa- tajrifKiaa , Fapr aaa Koiaalstoa. Vfh fnmmi ftatt pl.iti) fani au4 PaactU) klovoti Legal 1'aiiart, bod i, afvrl()(fl Jadftaaiit, Ritmp Uuu bbj rrutaiiarv aift Wtiitt aad Porr h aiBt BrUf. L(rl Cap, Kr-tard Cip. ai Bill Cap, Hlsdset Mk. fur vlttiar Hano. Vlau at ViahB oonitaatiy on hand. Aoy aaofcf ar atatloaar dtMirvd tbsvt I aot bat oa aad,lll tMardart-d by Irtt tiprtu, ad auMl at vbolwala ar rauil to Hit BtrfsojAM. f tvtU Bias koaa Mrioiico.l nuratai, aaea at NBgaoViatM, nawpapm, . P A. UA 'LIN. Clwllaltl JHt , lfdH-tf f H ARD TIMES HAH NO kfr'KCT IN FRENCH VI LLE I 1 ata avara laat thrra in taai pvr tn a little bard W ptaaM, aad 1 aai alao aaata ibal tit aitBiplaitit al "bard tiaaaf" ta wall Big, utmarttal. but I ata aitaaitd aoa tbat I twa aatinf; tt luriaar and prut aBt-lalsl ibat faard tiate" will aot fltsBl tboaa aha bay lb air guoda ttvm fc, aad all my patrttai aball W ioiliat4 latu tba rat of UOW TO AVOID IIAKD TIMES I bava food i Btugb to upptjr all tbf inhati taBti la tha lowar aod ol tbt ouuaty abtrh 1 avll MlJLd-ivt'Hliliejra I eaa ai U foand raady to wait apua eailar and ujplj ttita W'ta Dry (ioods of all Kinds, Huftb al Out hi, Satiactu, CawtBltr, Mur-thn, Dlaini, Liaaa, Prilling, Cilr.. Tniaiaiaga, Kibaauna, Laco, KsjtvU-iaada Ctotbtng, Bouu aad abuaa, Htt aad Capa nII (La baft aaitarUJ and asada tu uptici -Hon, Sorb, tilbtaa. Mil tan a, Laotf, Kit-brna, if. ROCK K IKS OF ALL K'NI8, O.i Off, Tr, tfugar, Rlra, Molajci, fut, fr(I Purk, Linaaad Oil. Oil, Carboa Oil. Hardwara, QasMnawara, Tiowara. Caatiagi, Plii and Pluw Caattbga, Ntila, Hptkvi, Com Cisltiv tia,Cidar P rattan, and all kiada ( As. Parfavary, Talnti, Vatnlak, Olaii, and a urn. fit jtorito'aI of Statintiary, ao on Fi.uvit, Or diCaivat brands, alwayi ua baxid, abd will la anld at tit tawaat paatlblt Igurta. t il b r-, . til,.!... T. J..I(.,1 of. II. "irviliB , mirin iaee, wmjm. r eaa w .a . a ie aa ' lluiuttrr aad Uoofland'r Biiii r. 0t)9 pound t of Wool wanted for wblob tk ' blgbaat prica will ba paid. CloTaraeail a baid j aad for salt at tba lawant aiarkat prJca t Alao. A if Tit for atrattoaTtlW tad taRrHl TbraaLiag Mac kin aa. InuCall and aaa for ruaraalftt. Tu will Pnd vrtbing araaJly fcapt Iw. a ratall atora. L. H. COl UftlpT. PraucavttU p. 0., Aaguat 12, l74. B1GLER. YOUNG 4 REED, K?QftT ta Btiyatoa st Toaag) FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS Maaafactarara a PORTABLE a ETATIONAHI STEAHIENGINES Crar of Pearl aad Pise Street. LKABKH Xl, PA, , HAVt)U ears fed la tke eoaaafaatwn of tret, otaeo MACHINRBT.woneBoxllallrlafona ba aakllo tbat wo ar, sow areaeret to til all order, as ekeapto aad a, aroaathaa aaa be Seao ta aai ef ta oltioa. ' We aiaaalaatara aad deal ia Malay and Ciroular Saw-Hilli Head Bloaka, Walar W koala, fcWttac Paliey., SlSonre lajaelor, Stsaaa Baaftl, llaaat Wkletlea, Oilert, Tallow Cape, (HI Cupa, Qauje Cork a, Ail Cooks, tllob Valte.i, Ckeek Val.M. wroatht Iroa Pleoe, 9.oaai Pomp-e, Bailor Peed Puaapa, AnU- flirt!.' Metrre, feep Stone Parklag, Oata Paek- , aod all klada of MILL W0HK togelka wtlk Plowa, Bled Boloe. COOK AXD PA HLOH 8T0MS, and etker CASTINGS bf all klada. Jttr-Order, solicited aad tiled at ellj prieel All lotun of laalry wllk rafale sue to Biaebloai, of ev saaaafaetart pnSipllj aaiwarod, be addrr. las ai at Clear! eld, Pa. iaal'tt-tf BIOLka, VOkha) A kKSU QROCKUIES JAS. H. LYTLE, (gooooeeorw LTTLI.A MITCllELLi WHOLKSALB AND. RETAIL PEALKR IN CH0ICK tlIK OP IKAt. OOLOSOg. JAPAW, IMPKR1AL, TOl'HU RYB0B. a, BNOLLSH BklA(PAT Pareat la atarkea. BCTTKB AND Boat. WlB be best eed oeid at trot east. Oaaa i tar Oaaalrv Piada.a, 9KRMAB CB4IBRIIS, Tit IKY fatUBIo PttattVlti rCAtt, PHILtitLPmA BAVJt ntvt Been oons 10 lit lndlsns tt lor I loat ool, aod tbo Hvos of Cmoot And bio omo might bovw bS0 aaVtt. ttdSl lodton Ring boo mseb to onswsr for. ' T. At FLECK & CO. Criih Tjlli. - - - - Karket Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. rtoHJ keaberel. Lake llorrlaf, f As. wi aiio. . taml PUkUst as aV lk Ptoklae. se . .. e , Ploa, Caea Mee4 Juml. A. " ' ' t ' ,TTl1 . if 1