THE -REPUBLICAN. ' WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH II, 1171. Terms of Subscription. If paid la advanoe.or wttbiw three aso.the.t2 M If paid after three aad.before ill auiba I 68 If paid alter we expiseiioa wi eia atar-U.ura. R. M. ParrndltL A Co.. "ewe- paper Advertising, 17 Park How, e.rne' Bookman street, ra eajdaly aatWiaad Agouti . i. al. vnb flit.. ' '" - RELIOIOUS NOTICE. ' . .. . . '. ... . at J a Metllocllot Kimoapai inn-"' MiMtmnar, Pastor.-Service! every Sabbetk . . - . . W .-J. ID U at iu. jn., on. n r. PahbatB Sobool all A. .. , . I'revae Meetiag every Tharlday, at IJ r. . ' - Uoena ualoa Kes.loe. tr.l Sabbath af every eionth, at 111. A. M. Wait Clearneld M. K. Church. Ran Wi.i.i.k II. Dm ad W. 8. Wiieoa. Peetore. Prreobtng every alttraala Sunday, at 8 "look, P. M. buaday School at It, P. M. All ara ia iritad to altaud. Preobyterfaa Churrb. Rev. tt. . BnftBB. Sabbath services morning aad evening beb balh School at I P. M.e-Prayer Meeting Wednee oey evening. ' (tt. rraaele' Church Catholic r. J.BBUiiiA.Preaer.legat lot o'clock, " tba 8ral, third and lourtn cooony.oi V a. para and Benedictine e( the Bleieed aaerimeut at 7 o oioea, r. a.. "' . - . . afternoon at o'clock. - - , OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tiaa or iuliiiio oaaTi eaaiioai ooobt. geooad Moaday of Jaa nary. . Third Monday of March. Firit Moaday af Jeae, Fourth Moaday of September. tib ar aoLBtaa coaaoa m.bab. Pint Monday of Jnaa. fteoord Moaday af Woveeabar. "Wrer ic orricena. Vrafdaaf July Hot. Cbarlrt A Mayor, of Look lla.aa. , , . . J I, ' , Amato.l I .- JaWya-Iloa. Jobo II. Orriij af llellefinto. ... Awveimt JmHyn Abraai Odoa, Llaaraaiiij Vlooaat II Moll, Claardald.. SWAaauUro Rll Bloom. Hfiwr KwfrJtrL. J. Murgaa. ),.rrtel Ailora.,- oi. M. MeCalWaih. I rr.aMrtrr-Uand McOaugliaj. -( k' Nltrif Aodrrw Paola, Jr. )! Sktrif Chri.t. J. Ka, riar.l.l. Coaalr .Vra.or Samoa! K. aloCto.kaj, Car aan.villa. Bald) TbomaiA. MeUaa, Cba.t P. 0. llatrla Hoorar, Claardald. Om. il4fil-a Wllllaaa V. Wrlbt, Clear Held ; Saainol A. Caldwoll, Wllllaaniroro Joba C. Connor, Burmldo. . . . Oa.i, Conmiri. B. Naff, Ntw Waablnitton. J,ry dommltlotmVr. Jatnaa P. llaiohftal.l, ClaarBad, Joaaph Alaiandor, Madara, of PaUia A'eAooJ. Joba A. nrtaorr. Curwaaavilla. ar(,n Air.J.a.W. Carina, odifo at Troatvilla, Pa. Arto -.HiV-Jobn W.Wrl.lrJ, Wm. Ra dcbaaih, Cjrof Bordoa, Claardald Joaapb r. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Corwanuilloi J. 1. Llafla, O.c.ola Mill! I J. A. LI.lm.tona, HoBola City. Cor SficM oolumn la docldrdly intaroilln In a local puiot of rlew, aud prwlllabla rrading la dui.ldarl who waal la" a annaa. f l'hilip Dutta' rait 'l lni- pur ar- ried at Poll, Md , lalt watk. A tliuiulor nbower, the Unit uf llio, rl.ltfd tbli placa lait Moodaj night. A 11 Ibo nuwem style Spring llats and Donnell at Pleok A Co. a. moh tt. The Slicrulnn tronpo is comino; ! Go to Pla'i Oprra lloaio aril Monday night, ir joo want a raro trrat of good tonilo. a aa A BtTinon will bo preached In the Cl.ardild M. K. Ckorcb aait Sabualb earning, March Klb, to Ibo young nan. SaKJoot t " A Uood Niima. Tbo Sheriff of IIuntiDgdon county is out "oa lb. Mlug" looking fur two pritontn. who ftd their tetp froa tb HuntiigdoD Jail lilt Siturdsj olght. law -aaWtawn The tri-wockly Btao lino lotwccn tl it pliM and renflettl U grtit fwtieoinM to the trortling publio. Tr.tfl U rtpMly iior-tf-iDg or ft Utii root. 1 s 11 . A new bridge in to bo built ovor Clttrflflld eroci, at Lltt i Firtllnr. Contrition Dtl otherf lotertiled thou Id t4 lb odvtrtlic neat In Uiii por. - f Kilty piecwi of Fruit oi llto Loom Bud Hill juit Tfceifc at T. A. Fltck A Co.'$, nbleb (be will otTcr for at the low ailrkaea f half a eaot per yard. lUrry Snyder ImBreduPcd t5io,prico of bair-eutting, ihaotpoolng aod djlog aouetaeba to 16 eenU aaeb. Cell at hie ibop on llarkat trrtt, oppoilu the Court Hoaie, Clear Be Id, Pa. Don't forgot the npnoiiitrnont mutlo fur. the Hurpb TeaiiraBct ntiag ia Ibo Coort lliiuto. la ClrarAetd, Belt Maday ovealag. An Intertil log program amino will bo proparad t.pocl.tly ' i i r; for pui ocoaiioftt Tbe elatement of the Land Comm. iloner of too Uraad Rapid, aad ladiaaa Railroad, about tba Michlgaa laH of that eonpaaj, will be found of tntmtt to tbote of oar reodore who are thlnhlig or aew bonal la tba Woe. UugtiB tnulo (loll urn aro in circulation, and era paid to be a good inttetfoa of tbe gen a inc. The eountrrfvit ii pinki.b ohito la hue, aad eaa ooeily bo detected by thii pooaliarlty la eKr Too Billing 1 aearlj ptrfurt, bat Iber ara alight traeei of a atoold, la arhkh the oula bai bteo ran, vbihlo oa tbeodga, 4 ... , t a 1 a The Slmritlan MinRtrda. tbo moot popular local troupe aow on tbe atag. will giva a euacart la Plo'a Opera Ilouro, Clearfleld, Brit Woadoyovaning, afareh lfta. Qaand beartheai. AdkaiieioB, 15 aad So etnlr. Kvvrvod aeat llekete eaa aow bo proeured at the roatuSeo. For farther partlealare are poator... - Mil M.'tt. Cowdrick and K. U. Ta!ort af tbU place, have each pat to a bid tor tbe iroo. Ilea Of a largo trhool building l Broohvlll. Tba bide wert opanrd yeiierday (Tueidaj), the I lib, tat we have ant beta Inforatod of the remit, The toileting I to be put up the eon log Bannier, it to o-ioliio t 0 rwioi, iBil bvated with iteain, QW NotwitbHtanding tbe mild weather, aad tbe fact that robloi, bio blrdi, white reata, aad other herblngere of Spring bare put la aa appoaraneei tome people ara laeredulooi aaoagb e predict that wa will bo till led with fRof I1y'. H1' ffacfiaf fthr, aad alUaaW bo furp tbr geotle apd, talny arpbyre of fpring con tu eiay. Tbo Idea I Vgh f of lullvra romaininff unclaimed la tba PiMjtonooatCloarltld, for tbe weak aadiag March II, 1878 MiM l.titl A. Caldwell, A. V, Croat, Mill Alll Darif, Jian U. Fraaci, MIm Anna Pry, Thotaai Lung, Mm W. K. etrawbrtJgo, Williaai Tragoaiag, Utorsjo I'lfieb, J. R. WtlliawHi Bamael Wltrt-- p. A- QaVH, Y M J. W. Vi.lfOU ill tftvo a "Jncketa- Cb itei-tainmetit, ,t lie'a Oprr How, (a Clcorfltld, oa, Tdedaeaday taiug ol arit wtk, Martb 'b, "bl.b ll lor4 of rO 4 aot fall to altond. Oa the anttpuoaof tb iiiti day, at o'loek, "Profciior Wiliua will walk a tigbt-ropa, etrolebotl aoroea Market aUaot, froa th 0.ra Ha to Kratior' trick hailJIng. Books loT I -Any ponton return lug to two any of th Mluwiag oatard booki will b aolubly rowardtd far keopiag tbcta ti h0 thoy bar 1 M AtoRin Yttlvy,1 VHuunuItt iBBoevate Aruni," Dr. Aott lu(" Lail of tbe Mohloaae,1 M.Ull LlaC'Si-ieUtof, " losi," "Tom Bark of Oure,H Pbthpe, Curraa aad ttrattaa," M Vlear of Waklld.H " Abbotl'i Ufa of Maputo. A. W. WAtr r.aa m 0 lit )cm past .New 101k wtuaup- pio lo lead Ua oooatry la Ibo aatoaat of baai aea Uaaraettd aad ta lha ahill with aateb hr a.rchaata atiiacicd ordtre aad eaitoaiora Ireai all paria of tba VaWa. Ia Ibeoa day, aow pott, all luniga attaaiore laadH al aor wbarvea. i eb bad 1001 aMVaatagoa ore 411 otty ol Phlladeipblft, wklit o aot a.w aaiat. Tba 00 1 y it etj tuaaiera carry tog th Aaicrloaa l-g eaila vkiy fibaj oa to rtituavlpbia, aad ar atr- ehaaia rrrtlta tbtr folga eblpaowtt dlreal. ntibwai lb dalaya (awtdwwt MtboMW York Can It-ia, la tba aaailer af iliog or dare bp taell, wkitk auw baa groaalobo aoeb aa lanaoaa loiltii , Mrriri. Btiawhrldg A Clothlrr, af PkilaOvlpbta, ate btadlog ibe eoaalry, Vba prtiptii with obtvi otdwe tf gwda aeta f y ar tll4 by thia wide awaly IvtJ'o if prtittif. A 11 ter addVraaoa tr lab) Itai, tbiiead ol boilag la wall Ha lora, la aa- lomd by Niaa aaaibj aa4 all ordota aatv4( aot ooly rat.iiraetorUy aad bl eji p-far witb wkleb fi-w boaree eaa toaia!. He Yurh ytl ha'-.t twob la Ma loarol M H ani ebootr aooiwl koakj aAoaH.of ,ajah Pbtta4-, pblo bbiB-a aa that wf aHrowboMga A VMhWt, W.aoraor Pifbth stlji, U'aot. , Wanted 50,000 railroad tics, at A. O. (mil Cel, CU.rt.ld, Pa. Jaa. 9 If. m-. a. ?or cheap and fushionablo clothing Mil ge.ll' furnishing good,, go la Hlrliager a Orv.t'1 m Market St, Cloar6old. C.lleadeer. loara thata oa, aWU II yean f agd, 6t oow friad. t. F. Coutrlet, Kq of Karthaua, waa la lUafly killod laat Tharaday, while at work a a log job oa MatHjutta erk. It appaaraUiat tb boy waa aailitlog la break a jan, a bat ba allppod aad fall, and a Banner of toga rolled over hU body, fcroib log him to death. Tbo ladiea connected with the Cur- weairllto Library Aaaooia.ias'v'i)) h(44 t ral ia Araold'a Hall, la that borough, aoit Fri day evening, tb 15tb Intl.. th proootd I bo aetd fur th bonrflt af tbo Library, Oa Balarday oveaiag atit, a Fair and Foallval will ba held la tbo came place, fur tbo beaelt of tb Carwenirlllo M. K. Baoday School, A Tail Statement. We lay before oar roadort tbla week a latter from Coantj Com- iaalonar Hoorar, rolatlag ta aaaoaiBionta and taxation. It la a plain elate men t of lb facte la lb eaa and It worthy of attention. Our noon try la full of political eeonouUta la theory bat tb bob bar of practical men la not near ao great. Head and ilady tbe latjcet, aad thee do the beat yon eaa. At Seventy Degrees.- Tho mont ronarkabl wont her w erer witBoaiod la tbta latitude (411) wa that aa the fib, 10th aad I lib dayi of Mareb, Tb thermometer ranging from 68 to TV degree, frogi aiulaal, robloa aad bine blrdc gay aad happy," and ragclalloa la bad- ding and aa far advanced at tbla Hose aa It waa aa tb 14th of April hut year. What a perfect boat th ground hog proved to to tbla year. liv a card in this iaauo, it will be eea Ibat Dr. J. L. R. ileicbhoM, a gradual of Peaseyrvaaia College of Daatel targ.ry, at Phila delphia, aaeeooda Dr. A. M. Ilflle la tb practice of dea'iatry in IbU place. Ho can bo found at ble office, ia lb realJcnoo of Dr. llilli, at all boura. Dr. Ilclabhold baa bad eoneiderablt prae Ueo in bit profeaiiun, aad peraoni who favor hlan witb their dental woik eaa rely on baring it well done, (Jive blot a call. The K'Ridt'nce of tbo Ittv. Altinutt Orui"od, at Alexander, Waihlagiua eouaty, waa dcitruyed' by flrns Tbunday availing of lart wcik. during tbv (tinorary abiear ol lb family. A larg rtio of Ibo furniture waa ted ; but tbe library, veiwad l tl.Hl'O, waa da- troy ad. Tb building war Iniurrd for ffl,S00. Mr. Oroiood vllud Cloarfield afcw'wecka aince, and dellverod re vara I lectures ia tho intarart of the Local Option moveittent 0 . X Too Slow. Many of our lumberman bave ba too alow again tbia Spring, jail aa they were laat year. These wbo bad an eye lo boai- B'tr, run their rufti la market aad bmw bave the i-eh In tkeir puckela, bavliig -.lold at good rates. Tiutbor la selling at feu in 9 to J 2 acnta per foot at Lock Haven, and from lit to K.t Mari etta. Had ther been a anctl wi.trc wold bave been rtliard bHianuitl way and the hand would now to lank tut 'hir Itonirs, rcatly tu gt t at their farm woikt f FlHK AT LtVI8TOV2a LfttibtOW II bad a prctiy aar fir unyrart Friday evening a week, March lit. Three' awelliug bouaee and nine stablia were dsntroycd. Tb fire originated in tbo National Hotel BtaM, and Is charged aa the woikafaa fntendiart, Th loe ia tuma- thlog over 10,U00. A Temperaaco uieetlag waa in progrvsa in tbo Court lloua at the titoo the alarm was given, and was being add rested by Mr. IUntus Dolley. It was witb great ffi-rt an 1 f.j rethought on the pari of tbos having th meaiiaf Jn nhwrge that a pa oie was prevouted. A New Township. The citizens oi DuBeia City and the northern portion of Brady townibip bar bold aaveral public mtatiaga, looking to the formation of a aow township out of tb lowmhipi of Brady and HuituB. Tb- la no question but that tbr la both territory and population uoogh to warrant new township, by taking about one ) bird of tha northern territory of Brady from lb Unlua township lin west lo tb Jefferson euuuty line and that portion of Huston township I) tog immediately north of Brady. 8hould a new lowasbip be formed, we hope It will bo aamed after Waabington, Frank lin, or rout other of tb ttcvolutienry hero. Wo already bave Brady, Dorator, Morris, Pike and Peua. Now, let na havr one of tb names Indicated. f' ... Cleahkikld Coal Trade. Stato- ent of Coal and other lrifwTfent vr th Tyrone A Clearfield Division, l?cnnsy1vaBta Kail- road, for tba week ending Jlartb, 1878, and tho aama time laat year : gfZ coal. k. toh a, 5,I8 Fur the week jyMa.ia.Mlat..aJ. Sam time last year.. Decrease 2,078 145,510 lVMill Previously daring year ... Same tin laat yr.... .taytatftay... a ....... "J IOK I. 88,9.1 Total in 1878 '.:"..."... 181,428 Same time last yaar ..... 2UrW 181,421 Deeroaaa Jt....- 41,11611 otbbb raaiaari. Lumbar ........... 147 oars. Miscellaneous freights 171 " The Telephone,. This now method of com mo nieatiog aad ansmittiag 1, sound over h wire of th telegraa van failn akmonst rated at tbe atatloa la tbla borang b last Ftiday. Two small woodea boit were faftaaed ta lb wall aad wires extended from them ta th telegraph wirta, and comauoiealion waa at nc opened witb Corwensvilk at noon. By holding a tube to th ear, eonvarsatloa la ordiaary lone at tbooOo ia Curweasvilla aould b distinctly board la tb office at this plac. Infaot, If 1 order aad quiet could bar boea maintained to -tela iboa, aearly every person, If aot all, present could have heard tborradlng and con versa lion na It transpired. Mr. Ueo. W. Kb earn, Adam's Kxprosa Agent at Clearfield, ordered H. B. Thompson, tba Agent al Carweasville, to pe t. McNaal $14, and b would forward bim tbe jfcojggxUl ftl day. Tbe Agmt at CurwetiBvll!eirii'inntl, '"All right 1" This was all th busiifkVffMhat passed over tbe wire while lb telrpbonl waa rw'Opetatlon. Tbe diitaro liotwien lb tnoj'tacc is seven miles, end bow much faribwi4 tbo aoond aa b Iranimitlvd has not been W 'well Afwoastrated. This aew motor la a flxod fact, and ill, bo doubt. la the fature, b utlliiad for, pur pom aot dreamed of aow. How soond ia eonWt(l fui milea over aaked wire, I, a feat that tbe willioaa ara anabla lo to the m 1 but It la n rl atthe moat eonvlnclog kind. f W X obTtuamv. Rev. I. Foster Bell, a member of tba Ceolrnl Pcnns)lvuia Coaforoara of tba. M. Cboreb, 414 oa Taerday, March 4th, at tha rcsldeao of bis father, near Uol.nU'ii, Pa.', In the Sttb year of hie age. At the time of deaeasf, ba wa paator or tbo Woodland M- K Chorea, Clear le Id eouaty, whtub. atatloa a b4 tiled fur aearly two teas, A loving aad devotid wife and an Inter filing link) Vy anrvlva a? asoarh tb suddea and anexptd death of atf flectlonate bostaad and Indulgent fataar. r, Thadtae that earri4 aatay oa young friend wa typhoid fvr, accompiitilej ' by a partial paralysis of tha body. Btn'oV bhV death I have learned from bia wife Ibat ba tfai a vary frail man, and that darlag atost of lb Winter ha bad exhibited symptom of great pbysleal weakness. He bad Just aloaed a protracted meet lag which had continued font or 11 months, producing very happy reaalta to Ibo eh arch In the oo ver sion, ol quite a a outer of tbe member af tb aaadey-fkbeol. Sunday, February loth, was Mitsieaery day at Woodland, nnd lb last of oar brother la th pal pit. Oa Wednesday, tba l3th, he came to Clear leld, to aeaialt a pbysloiaa aboat bis wa. On Saturday, tb Mth, under a atraag apprehension that hla work wa dona aad thai be had preached bis last sermoa, he atartod with bis wlf aad ski Id for tbe bom of bis father. Ho boaie la go bom lo lb bavaly aaaaiona- 4m put oa tba whlta rob and th irowa, aad Jala la tb sheets af fraff Tha" baa passod away, la tbo prim vX Ufa aad ia tba midst ol bit usefulness, I Cbrlatiaa minuter of 1 at quel Ileal loaB of miad aad heart. Ha aas not a brilliant man hat bo vu ablo lo impreia hi beoron deeply with bis eoUr ovnaeeratka ta lb work of tao ministry and tb aaruoatuaii af bia an I for tools. Ilia social quilt tec wer af a high order. U woi tbe bearti af lha people by bia uaa.Tee.U4 aim pllolty af manner a, nad bia geUeao af spirit a 1 tree tod lo him a tor Ue aireW of friend, Had bo Utbju theaa waa botor bim a eoreor af gr,tj aiulac. U baa, however, received a bigaaroVV aar4 a ha goa to, enipy faaaaat tba. bliaa or tb 1 aisled aad lb fro. Uli cotnaiiaj war later rod ol (codavilM, Miflia ooaty, Pa aa Thataday, Mareb fib,, ajl4 tbo grief aud teaaraefraUBlTW aaji tatr4aav thy and oonOoUneo" gf sTrge rrgriia uf fitoad. After life's flful t nleepawati; ' Mftavas.iui4 IImi ' r f aa lOm tot 104 omniof I fjao batUe taught, tba v let try woa, A. O. Kramur t Co. want 5(1,000 rail road tl m,i Wtf. Ribbons, Flowers, and all kiodg of trimming! far kail aad bonnets, are sow arriving at Vteck A Co.'. mckeVlf.. I - waW - JriI.t3 . Bonaatc flh If. Ladioa, call at T. A. Flock & Co. aa4 wea Ibelr aew Sprlaf and lummer II aU and BoBoet. mh Fiflv nieces of Fruit of the Loom aad Hill Jest received al T. A. Flock A Co.', which tbey will ofer for a I at th low advance of half a cent ptr yard. What Flock & Co. are rocoiving this week 1 A larg Ho of men and noya'oaaakmarwi a handsome lin af ladles' tiaa and silk hand k or chltfi i a beaatlful Una af drsse goods ; a boauU fal liaa of black aaabmero j towels and labia linen ( ataod and table eovari i oalicooa, musllai and ginghams. Call and see, and yon will Sad prices right. JT. A. Fuck A Co. Fifty pieces of Fruit or tbo Loom and Hill just rotTd at T. A. Fleck A Co.'a, which tbay will offer for a I at tho low advance of half a oant per yard. What Fleck & Co. are receiving this weak 1 A larg 11b of men and boyi aaaaimere ; a haadaome lino of ladiea liaa and ailk haudket ob let's j a beautiful line of tire as goods ; a beauti ful Una of black cashmere j lowele and labia llnea 1 stand aad tall covers 1 aallooea, moslina aad gingham. Call and tec, and you will Sod price right. T. A. Flick A Co. THC CLEARFIELD COUNTY ATLAS. Ia a lata interview witb Mr. Newton, tb Su perinundent, w.earn that th work ia th vari ous department or our Ulearneia County utaton eal AHa progresses favorable. Many of our cltiaeoa have bad sketches laka of tbelr resi dences, farm, business bouses, mill, factories, ale., as may b seen In th list which aooompa nirs ibis article. It ia important that ovary improvement, whether putlie or private, abould bo properly represented. uur sister counties nuvo anown 10 ineir oesi ua vantnee by tbe msnj les:nnt lUhoarapba which ao lolly indicate their material resource aad th step forward tbey hare taken oa tho road to com mercial importance. Our rititens should see to It that Clearfield eouuty is not behind in having its improvements properly represented. Tbo opportunity orsoeur mi a view uf uur homes, river scenes, enure be, Ao., will tut ictur again lor many soars. It ia fcewrlilv desired l.y all that lb work In tb view, department may lo ao comprehensive that tbe 1 uuitrattd (onion 01 tbe Atlas may lairiy ropre lint lha imi-rorementa of tho county ; and to do tbia, our farmers, lumbermen and merchant must not stsnd aloof. 1 nit lee tu re of tbo A Una la both ornamental and useful, nnd la second to no other section uf the work. Messrs. jh-Hissoo and Mann ar now calling upon th eitieoue ia tb various to win bins, aad 00 tneir return w nop to bear a favorable report nf our popl'i liber ality and public enterprise. Extra copies of tbe engravings ar furnished tbos who have views takea, which enable the owners to bave these pictures of their homos eneasod in frames, or send tbem to tbelr friends residing in other parts of the country. Tb fol lowing aro lb names of some of oar e'llieua who bar already contracted to hav views of tbelr homes and buildings inserted lo tho Atlaai Portrait f How William Bigler. Bird's ej view of lha town of Curweiiavillt- r irt rohool boas ia Clear 11 eld county. 'jTLHAlFIKLD. Hva. William Dialer Residence and lawa. Judge U. R. Barrett residence nnd office. U. B. Uoodlander reaidence and Interior view of iriu tine uffaot. Judge J. U. ftlcEnally roundings. 1 reslJcnc and sur- B. J. Row A Srn printing offioo. . front and Interior vie of 8. J. How residence. A. B. thaw residence and surroundings. James H. Urabam residence, bank block and other buildings. Richard Sbaw residence, mills and surround ings, including the West Clearfield fair grouuda. L eonard Graded School building and aurroaid Ings. f George Thorn) residence and surroundings. A. J. Logan residence and surroundings. Frank Fieldingresidence and grounds. W, M. Bba residence and ground. Tames Kerr dnaurano oftlo. Dr. J. P. Burch field resilience and office. CUBWimVILLK. Hon. John Pat ton residence and farm scene. Mia Annl M. Irvln,view of th John Irvln state property, aonaiatlng of mills, lumber and raiting scene ofi th Huaquehanna river. R. 11. lirainard - interior view of printing office. K. A. Irvin-tvltw of tb Irvin homestead. batTaBMit-ao. Daniel Goodkder--botei, afore, and farm scene. ,1 Reuben II. Moore roe ideneo aad rarroundioga. Moore A 11 a aa ikon store at Lu triers burg. Dr. Reuben. V. tipackman 'residence and office. J. H. JCiiinger residence aad store. Charles Marshall reaidence, cabinet shop and surroundings. , iiowis 0. varum view or law tnhi, mingle ilia aad surroundings. hUdy to w nan 1 r. Rrastns lawitja rriicacc zsi ffsf. Major Martin B. Luther rtaManc and farm acen. David Raami residence, aaw mill, timber aad surroundings. '$ J. 11. beyler-reiideno nnd farm acen a. Josei.h SeytetL if pottery works, residence and sorroandinga. John Ream 1-db.rari dance and farm acen. J. W. Corp reaidence and farm acen. 1 Eliaa Riabel faaidenee and aurroundinga. J, M.TbompKon reaidence and farm eoene. Keiiab Poetlethwalt residence aad farm area. Christian Smith reiideaoe nnd farm view. I P. W , Drauekwbotel, aurroundinga and farm , acene. , Frederick Kohler realdenceand farm acene. T. F. and farm acen. f BILL TOWaiHIF. II. 0. McUe A Bro. bomaitaad, mill, other buildings and surrounding scenery. 11. L. Mofe-rcsidence, saw mill, aohool bouse, river view and surrounding. Jamsa MoUea residence, old MoOec home stead, ether buildings and surrounding farm vie. f .. Angus Miller residence and surroundings. J. W. McUeeerasidence, Haw Mill, surround' log scenery, and; interior view of Baw Mill. Joba F. Lee--reaidnoBod aurroundinga. Robert MahasTcyview of reaidence, church, other buildings and surroundings. Janice M aba fey reside oca, river view, and surrounding forest soene. BtRMina towns nti. Horace Patching-residence, twills, alure, ther buildings, river Tb)w, Ac. Jacksoa Pa libia slore, residence and aur roua dings. I A. W. Patch in reildenoe, river view and inf roundingi. f John C. Conoera-resldenr and store. (Jeorg Patckaa residence and surroundings. V. Tonkins recldunce, river view and sur roundings. t John King fcinenoe aad aurroundiogi. Jamoa Mi Murra view of reaidence and store. A. Batea residence aad urrouudlngs. np4roan to win h ii. t David Foreej-'-riew af homstead, with iur roundings, nndtatm acene. Kamual f. wutenHiq icaidcnoe, farm build ings and farm as a. jonn oiewan, or view or mo eicwart noma. cad. Daaiel Stewart rrl donee, rarroundlngi and farm acen. A. L. Freeman residence and surrounding. ' oiaann Townaair. R. S. Stewart reaidence aad river view. 1 , Ale tender Murray residence, tenant bona and cemetery. auiKnwooD rownanir. Dr. J. P. Hoyt residence and surroundings and river view. n t acta crrr. P. 8. Weber Interior vlwof dry goods tore, Long A Urady latertoT view of hardware stor. J. hmeraua view of Central Hotel. Joba Do Ho la Reei4eaoe. mills, otbtr butt ings aad aurroundinga. juna numnarger teaiaeneo una grounoa. R. Mania City Hotel building. nacATua townanir. Moaea Owens res ideoce and larm view. David U ear hart lealdcno. farm view and coal bank aoNKn Townaair, John A. Murray residence aad farm flew. jonnan Towasatr. Mai D W.Wise resldoaee. other buildings aad tnrm flow. pub Towaanir. lutepb M. Spencer view of mill. i Lawaartca Towninir. ( A. 0. Ogda reaideneefarm view and mill, i Mrs. Elisabeth Carr rasldaae aad surround- lugs. Hamuel r"ulleTlon resideac and larm flew. Clark Brown-reetdeneo nnd farm view, , Leander Dtaaing reaidonc nad farm view. I Hob. A. C. Tote farm roaideooo aad aurrnn4- laga, ' Albram iiumphNT Hetniano ana term view Samuel Brown roaideaoe aad farm view. j Henry J. Mead restdewo and farm flow. J. 0. Forest residence, farm aad rlror view. I osraot4 aoaouaa. Oeorge M. Brlsbla rasfdao 3 aad lawa. D. R. Uood resideac an4 Inwn. j union towbbbip. J B. t. llarky realdooe nnd farm acen. Joseph 8ylor reaidence nnd farm eoene, Jamai Anderson hotel aad hlaehssaitb shop. William Weltyraaideaee aad farm- i L. K. Draaaicr raeidewoa aud farm, view, i Charlie Browa roaLdeae a4 suaTouadinsjs and farm seen. tieorge Csouaer-residen aad turroundlnga. t aaaaia rcwaaaip. t PhUip Kaoa reawleaee aad farm view. j A. . Johne" rsai deuoo aad farm view. 1 Leonard Kyler view of lb Kyler House, ba Ky rnrtesui, store ana. seurewnaiaga. Adaaa Moyor reaMenee, aur roundings farm aaane. J a sues L. Stewart flew of farm, farm ball4-, Inge and auiruundinga. I ',T 00004 few a sa ir. I 1 htrhB- W. Itymr fWlaaee, nrva4laga amd term area. . , .ruiurasvne. f Jam asmw. I f Mates evaw Wiri. 1 0 Albert Owen reaideo ae4 baaking.rooiB. . rUberiLsd-llaw Lloyd Mou-e, 44 ptonlJ BO.OOO nilrtad ties wanted by A. G. Kramer A Co. Jaa. t U. Salt ! Lytl has just received an other let of In Bait, largest sHed twilled seeks, aa the artier eaa be bad at twa dollan ag ala. Wawttti I 1,000 cords of Hemlock tT. TISr-jr ejo --V highest market prtee. Jylltf. A. O. Kaiaaa m Oa. Fiftv nieces of Fruit of tbo Loom and Hill Just raoelrod at T. A. Fleck A Ce.'a, wbleb Ikwy will affer for le at the kw advance of half a cent per yard. Remember that Lytle is County Agent for LorriUard'a xonaeeo, ana can mi icesa at factory prwe. Tbagvnratb boat tobeooos ta market. Try thorn. 1 r - - . At tha Rkpdblican ofHce is the claoo to get your Job work don. W are fully prepared to do anything In the printing line, will do It well, nad at lb right bind of prices. tf. Fiftv niocos of Fruit of tbe Loom and Hill Just received at T. A. Fleck A Co.'i, which they will offer for sal al tb low advance of half a cent per yard. . i A Fact. An advertisement Inserted ta tbe RarraLicin will reach more ir4ere than If published la all tba other papers ia tha coun ty, and cost tba advertise! lesi than one-half lo other word, aa advertisement published la our jcaroal la worth double lb prion of that charged by any ether publish! ia tba ecunty "It la a fool." , tf. What Fleck ft Co, are rociovinc this week 1 A large Una af man aad boys' oMsliaeroj; a handsome Una of Mies' lief and (ilk handker chiefs j a beaatlful line of dress goods I a beauti ful Ho of black cash mere f towel and table linen ; stand aad tabU coven ) ealleooi, muslins and gloghama. Call and see, and you will find prloea right . T. A. Flick A Co. t 1 What Fleck ft Co. are receiving this week, at tbelr store, oa Market street J A large llae of man aad boys' easaimor. A bandsoin lino of ladiea' lies and handker chiefs. A beautiful line o( drsn good. A beautiful Una of black cash mere. " 1 , Towels and table linen, -v 8ian4 and table cot era. Calicoes, in ui I ins and ginghams. Call and ere, and yon will find prices right. J7 IL ' T. A. Fbkck A Co. Kverv hmir that a counh or cold is neglected Is ao much injury to tb lungs. Has oa'i Compound Syrup af Tar never fail la ariag tba wont cases af cough, aolda, boane- ness, sore throat, croup, Asthma, aad ebronio catarrh. Bold lo Clcaritrld by Hartswlck A Irwia and 0. T. Watson. a w 1 tt. K. Thomson's great healing oint ment for tores, frosted feet, fever sores, burns. old elcn, boils, Ac, Ac. A sure and speedy ear. Direction Spread aa a Ihia a loth, and change one or twice a day, washing each time with genuine Castile soap. Proparad by 1. K. Thompson, TUuirill, Ta. Price-28 eta. per bog. Sold la Clearfield by 0, D. Wateon, and lUrtawick A Irwia, dru&rliU . atS Coal Oit. Accident. On Wednes day evening, February 19tb, a tlitl girl, aboat S yean of age, daughter of tb Widow Rotharael, la Sun bury, ia tba abaenoa of Ha mother, aat a ooal oil lamp oa a stove which eaugbt Ire and exploded, setting fire to the girl's clothing and the carpet on the floor. Tha shrieks of lha chil dren attracted tba attention af the aeigbbora who re shod late tba boos ao4 extinguished th In In tb room. During thla lima th little girl bad run op stair and into a room, where aha waa found with her clothing almost burned off her body. She waa horribly burned about tbo back and breast, aad as tbe remnants of clothing wore nmoyed tha skin and parti of bar flash cam off itb it. A physician waa called In who applied remedies for relief, but tb child died on th following (Thursday) morning. Oil Griefs. Tho Brookvillo Ikrno- eraf, la alluding to th Stump Creek Oil Bolt, say a t M Kramer City mournetb. Her Inhabi tant rafare to be comforted, for their oil well which was, la aot to any great extent,- The itera arm of tbe law bus leached out and gathered In tbe derrick, with all Its attendant machinery, and the High Sheriff of JetTenon eenaty, who la now beat driller, baa shut np ihop aad sealed lha door witb a writ leaned nt of th Coart of Com mon plaal. What effect all tbla baa en tb flow ing oil spring la that immediate neighborhood we know aot Perhaps It yt bnbbltb and dls- abargetb tb4 oleagtaeni perhap It had ceased act iv epemrous m rir-vl from actlv life be fore tb awful presence of an execution Time alone will tell, ibus are a carts tbat 00c beat high witb anticipations of unexampled prosperity, eb tiled and bushed by the action ef an en feel tug creditor, thai la Paradise metamorphosed Into an abod of sorrow ; and thus are tha three-ol- ib editorials of th Reyaolds Advance Agent apoa tb ell spring dissolved late nothingness. Let oa, however, prayerfully bopa for tha dawa of a better day, whan tha law will bo appeased aad KraoMr City clothed anew la prosperity," 'J' RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. ' f 1 1 1 - ' ' At a regular meeting of the Curwensville Li brary Association, held March 1st, 1878, tho un dersigned Committee wai appelated to prepare a mem or I am, relative to the' death af Miaa KUaa Irvla, aad, therefore, tba following t-r In aim pen as it has pleased (lod. In bis Inscruta ble Providence, to remove from our midst ur beloved friend, Kllea Irvla. therefore, ba it ; fitUdt That wa bow witb bumble submission to the will of that Uod who cannot err. but doeth all things. . - 1 , t' ' 4 1- i JtetohfH. Tbat In bar death, bar friends and companions hava lost a genial associate and th community m- useful member, and cm wbo promptly tilled the pine where duty e.llwd. Ritohtd, That (he Library Asociatiun baa been deprived of an aUcient mmber, when cul ture and attainment secured for bar n high plac blUD illOSr WHO IDrDSfU IDQ vievBlO II. I Aeeoeed, Tbat (ba tnemhan of this Assoc let tun deeply aympathia with tb IV ten da of lha rfe ceased ami mingle their tears with those of her friends who moat sensibly feel this bereave trnt. audi in-offering our eendolence, treat that tbey may bave no latin le rait on the aria which alane can sustain la lueh aa hour of affliction. ; JrweofsurfV That a aotiy ef these roeolatiaaa be placed on tbe records of th Association, seat to too mends or to deceastd, and publlsbed In tho eoaaty papers., , 1 j 0t Uao. W. Waa via n. b. Mdnan, t,, 'fii .t i 1 1 Faanta Amtotnj 1 Comirtiltee. 8ptcUt$, 1 Fish abb Oththf.. -D. W. Jordan has on hands, dairy, FRKB11 FISH, which fa will deliv. r le euslomen ia any part of tbe town. Also, FRE.SH OVRTKRS received avery day, and for ial by tha pint, sjaanor gallon, rnoea , . uiearneia, i'a., Jan. ia, m7s-tr. ( NoTica. Sou. nnnrineiuled aarilea beinc lo dualrlouily at work ireulating a alory thai Mrs. S. J. Browa le aot any mngei ngauwd ia tbe La dles' Hair Dressing baainaaa, 1 hereby give no tice to my rinda aad natrons taut l still carry "a auw NUwrl. ilfjava lufll iwriwai a tin uvtuwmwj nolwtthatang. Rooms at bur re ii den re, one square aouin or tbo M. m. rarsonagu, tiearncid, fa. march a, II 1 t, ; una. a. v. aaowK. "It see ma aa K I abould cough my head aff," la sometimes the impatient xclamalioB of a suf- raiwrrom a severe eougn. ijucu ta parovyams with Hal' Honey of U or. board nnd Tsr The re net is immediate aad tne our certain, bow by all Druggist. . - Pike'i Toothache Dropa aara la one mlnut. mb4-4L " ' WAhtbo, Som easily learned person or Artist to manufacture Lovnnne Pavubv Silk Oabtab Pictvbbi la thla evenly, on Royalty. Painted from photograpba or any picture, nnd la tbe r.aoet Oil Pain ling made Before lbs territory is takea I will paint picture bill for Sit and warraal them for llf. Kvry person anon 14 have eaa, a Dd FainUng aa Uaavaa are tao oaiy p let urea that will stand lha lest of time, and can be bonded dawa to posterity. Partteolara free. b. 1. 1,1 in en, t Nov. T, II7My. Corry City, l'a. Obi Utrvoiaa Paw Canv. Diiannnv en Old Paicn. Sawing Maehinoa eaa now be purchased at bier rail's tla and variety store, frota Sx up wards, All hlnea of sewing, saaekina repaired on tbo shortest nolle. , ClearueU, Pu., Jnly 18,1177. - ' llDa.ia. Wnm K.t.a a-H NawiAB Rhaw bean, a fall aapfly af Vradawa laggieeaad Platform Wagon, lor aala. To ba laaa at Ibo Hbaw Howie yard. Call oa al eddreai bim al Claarlald 1'ena- ylaaalk I . may la-u. to average freaa . to 8, laobaa for wbieb w am aay tba hlgberl market ,noa. a. u. aaawaa ai ue,, feb.lS U. , - OkarO.kl, Pa, S '" v 'Jiroama a,re,J, ' L Ma atka. aaadMaa la tba world wa, rrar tl.oa aaak . tut af lu earall.e aalltla, aa Hooekaa'a ll.rmaa Hyrwp. la Ibraiyaarl Mr. miiiioa loar kaadred thowaend email bottle of tbia medlelo. ware dlltrlbwted " allaraaby Uraggiela la abloaaaatry a ikoaaaWrMa witb Uoaiamauoa Aoiamfc UTMia . earara UMain,, raaa awam awt otbef iifwti tb. Throat aad l.anga, gl.iag Ibo Amorieaa aeopla aodealahle arooMhal 0e ma. ffyraf WIMeara taoaa. Tea raaaK ba. bw thai Uraggwta ia atary taw. aad willag. I. tba Uailad tliatei ar rae.mme.dlog tt ta tkeir oaa tbmeil. Ua to yoar brogglit. and aak wkat tbay koW baaal It, Compb) battle. It aaala. lUgalar alaa 71 aaahn . f ar aalt bt fl.O. Wnmoa, Claar- Don't be Deteivedi Many paraons aay "I haven't got tha Consump tion' when asked tw eara their cough witb Bhi leh'a Consumption Cure. Do tbay aot know that Coughs lead le Consumption and a remedy LbalwUloura Consumption will certainly aura a cough ar any Inag or throat troublo. We kno w it will our whea all others full md our faith la U It aa pooiiire that we will refund tho price naid if you reoeirt ao benefit. Ia not this a fair - . ifa) rV. - j a 1 an u. "i.,. r W .-J asesj- loh '1 Porous Plaster. Pi -ea, U au. m aW .11 h....i. nf riaueleld. Why will you rnffer witb Dyspepsln and liver aomplaiat, Cooatipatloa, and general debility when you eaa got at our slot Sbiloh'a System Vltallaer which wc sail on a posliiv guarantee to eure you. Prio 10 and 74 ets, For sal by all Druggist of Clearfield. 11A CKMETAl'K, a popular and fragrant per fume. For tale by D Druggiata of Clearfield. De. ft, '77-01. Sir! At tho mid. 00a of bll rather, Tkonpioa Ball, K.q , la Harry lown.blp, Mifflin ooonty Pa., oa Taoaday morning, Marab Alb, DTK, K.r. J. foilat 1111. agad Id yearn, i month, aad 17 dayi. At Lumber City, Clearfield aounty, oa Bunday, March lltb, 1S7H, Kill. 8. llooro, wlf of Caleb W. Moore, ia the totb year of her age. CLEABFIELD MAEKETS. CLBAarKi n, Pt., Ifarok 1I,U7S. Flour, per cwt.. , . 13 10 Bnokwheat Flour, per ewt n 8 80 Oora Meal, par owl I 00 Chop. rro. per ewt 1 80 Chop, mixed, per owt w ' 1 1 10 llraa. per owlH....H tin Wheal, per bn.bel 1 40 Rye, par baahel 71 Oatj. per buehel ....., 31 Cora, ear,, per buihel. i.. 31 Bookwheat, per baabol.............. . 75 Potato,,, per bu.bel 40 Applea,perkoebel ' 40 to 100 llami, per pound m .., 12, Shoulder, per pound ' 8 Dried Beaf, per pound..., ' 15 Chicken,, per pair ....M 40 Butter, per pound 80 Kgge, par doien .I.;.7.!...... 13) Salt, per ,aek, large 00 Coal Oil, per gallon , - 26 Lard, per poaad 121 Dried Apple,, per pound 8 Dried Peach.,, par pound '12 Ucaoe, per bu.bel ...... . 110 PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. Philaiikli-hia, March, l1.. Flour quiet aud unrhanged. Rye flour, $.1 iO. Wheat quiet and firmer ; ambt-r, $1 3fl(.tl1.J; red, ft 2f( I SO i wbite, fl IQf4i 1 38. Cornmaal, 12 7ft. Com firmer; yellow, t'Ati mixed, !)1e ; March. 30 April, He; Way, 43 A fa 3o r June, Oat dull aad firmer Pennsylvania white, 84 3&o; western do., .Hi.Mc ; do mixed, t2(38. Ry dull at A5c Brboi Choice eloversecd la in better request and more Irmly held. Uood and prime wore bought at 7KoKt-, an advance of Jc. Common la quoted at C4(uTo. Timothy is nominal at $1 SHiut 60 per burhei. Flataeod. if here, woeld not command over $1 40. Provisions null and firmer) uesi pork, flltty U 2b ; beef hams, f 16 j India mesa beef, 'l 4 ; bains, Sldvlte; piekled do., Tf,Tio I green do., 0c; smoked ihoulden, iii$bi aboirtdcn in salt, ::l ', Lard dull and firmer; loose butchersy lrt,f.Jo ; city kettle, b(u.71i. Uuitor qutot ; creamery, n(..i -io: new ioru nnd U red lord county exirnr, K($39c; western reserve, t2(af2ba. . t Eggs ara flat and tendomif downward t Penn sylvania, 11o( western, lS( .13o. Cheeae is Arm Now Yrk fancy, mfyMe; Western choice, I1(i,lc. Petroleum unchanged. Whisky firm at $1 tifl for wot tern, NnwYotK, MsM 11. FlcurStat and west ern without decided change ; southern steady. Wheal l(s,3jo better; $1 31 for No, 3 spring, March. Corn a shade firmer; mixed weitern, SHi5Mo for spot; oSKiflic for futures. Oats without important chango. . . Brefquift. Pork dull aud heavy; new mass, $l 1 2 i f 10 60. Lard a shade aiier; itcana rendered, May, t 174. H niter heavy. Whi-ky dull ; western, $1 08. Cok aco, March 1 1. Flour qoiet and unchang ed. Oats itendy and firm ; 23 jo for oaah ; He f.T April; JUic for May. iiye tteauy ana uncDangea. llarlev firmer at 441 o647c. At the close Wheal nnsetued and lower :ll 06 for March: Si 044 tail 041 for April. Cera dull, weak. and lower; 4lrfD4l2 for cash and April; 421c for May. Oats earner and A (tola lower. gaUriafls. I'euiiHjlvaiilaltnllroutl TYRONE A CLEARFIELD BRANCH OK and after Manday, JIINB It, 1877, tbe Tajeanrer Tralne will ran dally (axoept Sun day,) between Tyrone nnd Clearfield, ae follow, : CLKARP1KLD MAIL. V7. C. lawn, Condoetor. ' T LKAVB gQUTH. LKAVBNOBTH. Curw.n.rlll....J:10, p.a. Tyrone 10,1.11. Oloarlald JI.IO, " V.ooyi,, " Leonard,.. J 3V, " Summit,.... .," Barrett, 1.15, " Fow.lloa, 1(1.10," Woodland 1.13, ' Oieeola .....lO.JO, . Digler ....1.0J, llgjnton 10.J7, " M allawton,..-.. 11, ' Btelner'a, 10.11, llloe l)all,....18, - Phil.p.burg..,IO H, " Urahaw 1.211, " Orabata 10 .14, Philli,bnrg....4.1,! " Bins 11.11, 10.10," Slaloar a, ..4.31, - Wallaooton,... 10.10, " Boynton, d..I, Bigler, ....MM," Onoola......,4.4r, ' Woodlaad, 11.17," I'owellon 4.18, " Barrett,," Sommil, 1.10, " Leonard 11.11," Vnacoyoo,.....1.3, " ClaarOald 1 1 .40, " Tyrono d.ot, ' Corwon,rllle..l3:01,r. CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATION. ; IV. 8. PitTMk aa, Conductor. LEAVE SOUTH'. LEAVE NORTH. Corw.nnlll... f .00 a. a Cle.ra.ld...., 7:30 Tyrone .1.15 r. at. Vanaeoyoc,.. .1.41 ' .1.02 , Leonard, 7.64 " llarretl, ; 8 05 nummlt,.,..... Powelton 3.1 (I " .4.31 " i .4.43 4.10 1 Wood and..... 8.10 Oacaolikj..... Boynton,.. Steiner'a, ...... Pbilipsborg.. Oraham Blue llall Hlgler, ........ 8.14 " Wallav.too,... 8.00 : llloe 11.11 O.lli u Orahatn 0.17 Pbtlip.l.urg.i .4 rileinar'a,.... 0.00 1000 " . .1.00 " 1.30 141 " .8.0J , Vallaoetoo, Bigler VioodUaJ,-.. Barrett ,. Leonard Claarlield .6.18 " ..1.30 ..6.46 .M ' .7.00 " OMola,.,.....ll.M " l'ow.lton, 1040 ' 11. SI VaaeyM, r. aJ lyrone, i.v. Curwensville,. .7.36 'IIILIPSIIL'RQ A M0S1IANNOM BRANCHES LB ,v mum. . Laava aoavri. r. st. a. a. A. M. itatiori. a. w. p. a. p. a. - - Morrisdala, 13:10 7:35 Philipaburg, 12:11 ' :3S Bloln.r. 11:81 , ' f:41 , lloynton, ; 12:14 10 .10 7 52 Osceola, 1:13 12:04 4:11 16:41 6:08 Mosbannon, 80 11:61 4:60 JO1I8 til Sterling, 0:28 II:1 368 10:68 8:17 1 Hontadale, 0:20 11:40 8:47 ll:0t 8:21 ' M.Cauley, 0:11 llill 8:44 11:07 8:28 . Kendrlck'e, 810 11:30 1:40 11:1 $. Hamay. 8:00 11:26 8:36 BALD BAOLrl VALLKT BRABOH. Mall.. " .alall. Exp. 3100 2:11 lit 224 2:30 3:44 2:12 2:57 8:01 3:07 8:11 Ex. r. m. T.6 1.28 8.01 8.24 8.J1 8.45 8.8S V.41 I. . r. a. A. . 8.88 fear Tyrone arrlva 8.10 8.06 6.47 Bald Kagla 1 63 7.18 0.30 Julian 1.10 7.00 0,65 ' Mileaburg 4.41 6.43 10.61 ll.llofunta 4.17 C.3.1 10.11 ' ' Mil.ebure; ' 4.25 6 23 II. 4U . Howard 4.03 6.00 11.18 arrlraL. Haven leave 3.21 1.21 TV RONS STATION. RAavwAnn. . A. H. WiaTWARII. A.M Pittsburgh Eip'sa, 2 66 PaelOo Kxprail,. 6:16 P.M. Way Paaaengcr, 1:16 Mall Train, 634 Paat Lin., , TiOt Pael6e Bxpreu 8:10 HanUMrg Aee m, auo ...... . i. -.. Mall Train, ' 1:2 Atlantic Kxpreei, 6:10 Pbita. fcapre.s, 1;.13 flloaa annnaettwiB mad. br all train! at Tyrono .ad Ljwk .Haven, v.. . hV . . o. a. Dunn, myl7 tf. . ' ' ' Unparintaadan. . . . . HTABB LOIM. ' ..' . oi-.1.11. ft-. A siage learas varwo." oi. oai vlllc, At I o'clock, . m., arriving al Rcynoldsvllle at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, Koynolda- winsvlltoat 13 o'clock, m. Para, eack wan 12. . . . 111- J-M , .'.In-. ii a, ... a w.,1. v.. -ii. i.i ... -. m., lor DuBoli City, arriving at Dultoli City at 6 o'eloek, p. m. Returning, leaves DaBof! at v a ciara, a. m., uhit, m u.i II o'clock, m. Faro, eaok way, 12. i XA.R& FROM CLBABFIKLD. TO Ballefonlc, Pa. ...81 Iddletawa fl on Marietta 1 ! L.icaat.r .. ....... 6 61 Lock Haven... WlUtam.oert Ounllngiion .. Lewletown..-., PHILADELPHIA 7 81 Altoon... 1 61 Maryivllla.. J"hatowa.,... Hhllip.barg Tvmna n.. P1TTSB11RQ... , S66 Cawealvilla OMOola.. HARR1SBURU , 11 i I 32 , 8 It jjjjruj g.aprrtlgrmrntg. i jpgu balk. ? . ,, Tba mdarsliraad will mil at private aala all that tract ar parcel af mad litaata la Decatur towaeklp, Claarlald county, Pa, witbln a .her! distance of tba fyraM ClearleH R R, aad adjoiaiog taads of Robert Hudson and atacra, aad baowa af Ike Jacob B. Urerhert Id The aaad mat aawulabag M aaraa mora ar m, wlih twa vetai of viluabio coal tberwin. baa alioat SO aora. eleared, aaw la tha key ta a larg. body of au! about belaf Mofea. law aaM law ana apoa amy terma. Far particular., apply to i ' DAVID L. kuiiS, Clearfield, a, July 1, HT6. ., ? ' , ( JOB PRINTING OF KVRRT DRSCR1P ttoa neatly axaaatad al this office. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties v-. rrl. p... Jaw. a. . ARNOLD" WanTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Curwensville, Jaa. K, 78 if. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Ourwsiu vlllc, Pa., Jan. 9, 78-tf. ARNOLD UAH ADVANTKD Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwensville, Jaa. 8, '78 tf. CAUTlONWbcreas my wife KLLKN, hav. ing left my bed and board without any just causa or provocation on my pari, merchant par ticular ly, and tbo tiublio Kcnerally, arc hereby warned not to harbor or tru-t bur on my account us 1 am determined not to pay any doutl of tier contracting after thla date, unless compelled by law. ARTlltR RKKCR. Clearfield, iVU 2778-31 frftHTl i not easily earned In these times, but R aan be made ia three months by any 4l S I 0Dt 0f either lex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at tbe employment that wo furnish. $68 per waok. in your own town. You need not bo away from hem over night. ' You can giro your whole time to tho work, or only your spare moments. It coat nothing to try tha business. Torms and $5 Outfit free. Address at enee, U. Hal tart A Co., April 18, 1877-l Portlaud, Main. HEALTH & HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness ara prict!r-a Wealth in their poaseasors, and yet they are within th reach of every one who will ua Wright'S Liver rills,' The only earn CUHB for Torpid LI, Dyepip. ,le, Ilriuiarlic, Sour Htomacb, Con.tipatiun, Daliillty, Nauea,apd all llillioua ennilainta and lliood di.oideia. Noae gonulne uulc, liKPrd "Win. Wright, Pkil'a." If your DrURgl.t will aot aopply iod 21 eeota lur ooo bx to Uarriok, Holler i Co., 70 N. til. cit., 1'liila. Deo, 58, 77-ly. . . QOUHT PHOtXAIATION. WitanKH, ITon. C. A. MAYER, Iruldonl Judge of tha Court of Common Plena of tbe Twenty-gfth Judicial Diitriot, composed of tba eonntiel or Clearfield, Centra and Clinton and Mod. Anaaa Oanaa and Uoa. Viacanr U. IIolt, Aeaooiato Judge! of Clearfield oonnty bara liaued tbelr precept, to tao directed, for the holding of a Court of Common Plena, Orphan,' Court, Court of (Jaarter 8e,,loni, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Coart af Ueaeral Jail Deliv ery, at the Court Houm at Clearfield, in and for the county of Clearfield, commencing on tha third Monday, th. IMIli day ol March, lnl. and to oontinue two week,. 70TICR IS, therefor,, hereby gireo, to th. Coroaar, Ja.tlooi of tba Paao,, aad Contublc, in nnd for laid county of Clearfield, to appear ia their proper peraone, with their Reoorda, Rolli, Ioouiaitiona. Kxaalnationi. and other Hemem- brancee, to do those thing, which to tbelr office,, and In tbeir behalf, pertain to ba dona. By an Aot of Ameuibly, paaaed the tn day ol Ma , A. II. ISM. it i, made the duty of the Jus tice! of tba Peace of lb, aaveral oountiea uf this Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Be.alona of tho respective oountiea, all Hie reoogoiianoea entered luto before them by any perion or person, charged with lha eeianil.eioa of any crime, axoept lueh oesea al may bo ended before a Joitico of tbe Peace, un der ox isting laws, at least ten dayi before tha commencement of tba aessioa ol tue uoart to wbieh tbey ar, made rctoroalilerospectlvely.and In all oases where any recognisance! are entered into lees than tan days before tho oommenoement of the cession lo which tbey are inado returna ble, tha said Justlooa are le roturn tba same iu the lame manner u if laid act had not been paisod. (IIVKN under my hand at Clearfield, thla 8lh day of February, in tha year of onr Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, tcbo-to ANDltKW PKNTiS, Jr, Sheriff. TKIAI. MKT. Lislaf eausel act down for trial at March Tt-rm, A. D. 1K78, commenc ing Monday, March 18, and continuing two weak,: MTONDM-EEK, MONDAY, MARCH 25. Wm. il. Pootios va, Arnold, llarlihorn 4 Hippie. David fi.liiple : Tl. Joeepk M. fitnltb. Wm. 11. Pontius va. Arnold A llartibora. Lemnei Campbell va. John Cnmnbell. 0. dl O. fiobwoa vs. Jime, A. Irria. John Porter va. 0. B. Mcrrell ct. al. , 8. Elliott v,. John A. Dillen. 4 ' 1. .. A Lvnhtiia . va. Hiram Woodward. Adam Spackiuan . ve. The T. A 0. K. R. Co. Jamea P. Haw va. The M. L. A L. Co, Tuttle A Whitinoro Co va. Clf'd Kx.Canthook Co Robert Wrigl.y VI. .li d rianing milt no. Cur'ivllle Sohcol Dili. va. S. a. Taylor at. al. Weed Sewing M, Co. VI. R. U. Curry et. al. T. B. Helmi ' " va. Robert Lunsberry. VMhold 11. A B. Aas'a VI. Motlreaoff A Pratt. VaoUordonl Shepherd va. WIKietniA II. uur at al O Reiley A Co. vl. John 11. rrioay. C. 11. Coryell t Co. vl. Alfred Sehofield. Jamea H. SchofieM " v.. W. R. Finch. Singer Manufg Co. va. A. B. Straw at al. Iligler, Young A Meed vi. John Dullol,. Wo.tley Miller Tl. Walter Shlrey. ' MitehellAsk.y : VI. Kmmanuel Kunlx; Tb,dore Trrlin vi. Julia Ann Bease. Peb. 8, 1878. ' KM BLUU-vi, rromonoiary. T IHT Ol' JUUOIia Litt of Jurors draw: I i for Mirch Term, A. D. 1878, to Continue two weeki.' ORAND JURORS SECOND WEEK, 18TH, H A Wright, Beccaria, T J Fries, llouts lslo, llobert li.aty, Hell, WSharhaugh, " A M Olll, Bradford. . , tbos Hewitt, Huston, BenJ Nepp, " R Ilrldgens, Kaibau, J 11 Dr.aokar. BraJv. !c B Norrls, Lawrence, Jno Rumbarger, " Jacklon Hoover, Morrll Jno Lankerd, John B Kyler, " ' Jae Hon. Oovington, B Uildobrand, Newbarg Wm F Krlie, Oirard, wm Speed)-, u,ceola, A 8 Shaw, (ioshen, 'A J 80,1, Woodward, TJ Tbompion, llrecn'J,, Wallace Joy, " Sam'l Kepbarl, Deeator, Jos II Higgles TnAVERHI JlinoRd ftP.CONDWr.tK, 18th Wm Hollen, Becoaria, Jno lloekanberry, bhcsl Jos Whitincr, BI001 IV I, ll.rner, ucraiur, jtoa Slimy, Ulrard, John Brown, Dogg-y Isaac Bclsh, ' ; , Wm.LOon, " Kilt. Prnive, Bradford, Martin Wilson, " Milton Shlrey, " 0 W Ilirger, " Adam Ruliel, Ilr.Jy, T Montgomery, 0 W Penis, , " 1 D C Throe, Lgeyler, " ' Philip Weaver, " II HnrHfell, Jr., " D Adiml. Bornaide tp. !J B Hanoi, Fcrd Misool, 8 Laosberry, tioshen, Ueo Kui.ixlii (Irahoiri, J STevenson, flreenwo id Robt Alexaiidor, Uulleb, John liver., " K atoNamara, iiouisiiaie JosWaihburn, Huston, HenrvWIiherow, Jordan Jamea Dale, liawraaoo, .enal Ogden, D W lllle, LCity, ' Jas Hligli.Si Morril, Jno Irvin, Curwensville, John Hall, .7 P Brd, " (Pdward Wall, Pcnn, W V W right, Clearfield, jTbos Wall, W J Hemphill, " Alex McDonald, " J Stniheaaoa, 1" lJ H Caldwell, Pise, John Hao. L'ovineton. F HaneV. " F Sohnarrs, " ' iT Henderson, Woiidward THIRD WKIK MONDAY, MARMI iiaTII. Jai Luther, Beccaiia, , Amos Uoblcr, Uraham, Jacob Hawk, Hell, 'no Wiloy, OreenwouJ, Jas Loohetl, Boggs, ; M Hbarp, " A 8 liolden, Bloom, JZ L Hoover, " Lewis Kline. Bradford. Jaa SeoCeld, llu.lon, W 8, Brady, ).lohn Argyle, Uouladelei Ja. Dison, " I W'm T bloom, Jordan, Hugh Kelly, " ID Johnston, " Aug llcljorlmg, " ,11 Laonord, " Kdwin Cooper, Clenrfleld Miles Read, Luwrcncr, 11 Bridge, " Wm Lanslmtry.. ". Amos Kannard, " ' ijasse Iteain, Morris, Thni Wood. Cbrlt. ' Ijona Kmelrt, ' Kred Plubeil, Covington J K llockcnliairy, Morrll llio, tiorris, rorgn.on, itieo ritcimKerictiner, " Peter Beauaingar,uiirardlJoi Rothraok, ' " Alex Morray, " 'David We.P'U. Oiecull, C W Kjlct, Draham, jA J Copplee, Pike. Allegheny Valley Rallronil. , LOW OKADU DIVISION. I , -An and after Monday, nee. loih, 1877. I I aka trains will run daity (exrept 8unday) letweea Red Bank and Driftwood, ae ful lows fi . BAKTvv ABIs Hay Mai) leaves Pills!.. rg 8:10 a. m. Ked Bank I !:. i Migo Junction IJ:: New llelhl.bem 17 -p. m l Mayivilla l-lfl , Troy 1:80 Brookvilie I llO : Fuller's 8 .31 : Itry Bold.vllla2:5li DuBolsS:33i Summit Tunnel 8:46 1 PenfioM 4:01 ; Waedvllk 4il7 1 Beo.Mll! 4:50 f arrive, at Uriltwood II e:ao. W IjXTvVAHI) Day Mall leave. Driftwood H I! p. m.l lUuetalta 1:0(1 Woedvllle 1:10; Panfield 1 lii Summit Tunnel 2:07 1 DuUolil SO; Reynold, villa 2 52; Fuller',1 37: Brookvilie 8 :t ; Troy 8:4l MaylvllU 4:lll New Bethlehem 4:10 1 Sligo Juoclion 6:10 Red Bank 1.27 arrival at Flttibnrgat B:top. as. t pHr Tba Reyaoldrvllle Accommodalioa leave. Reynold.vllla daily at 7:60 ami aad arrival al Red Bank at 11:06 a. m, Plttabur,'1! at 1 IS p.m. Ptlteburib at 1:38 p. m 1 Red Baak al 6 56 p. m. arriving at Reyaoldsville at 8:01 p. - Cloee coancctloti made with tr.lrre oa P. A E. Railroad at Driftwood, and with train! on tho Allegheny Valley Railroad al Ked Hank. 1 DAVID MeCARHO.Oan'l iup'L A. A. jAiaaoa, Ba, 'I L. Q. Dir. . " " '' STAOE LINl! ' " I ,, iLaaariaLB va rixri.iji. . , , 1 Tbo gned would Inform Ik, pa'.lle Ikal ba le now running a auge line b.lwMa Clearfield aad Peofield tbrae tinvae a wwab. 1 Tbo siege leaves Clearfield on Tuesdays, Thurs day! and Saturday!, at 6 a'aloek a m, at Paaneld at 13 a'claak m. Reiernbig lame Ipsavee PenOeld at 4 o'eloek p, m., a'rlv. Ing at Clearfield at 6 a'etuck p. m. ' '' CouMclle. ta mala with traia. oa tao Law (trade R. R. al Paabeld. Fere, ea. I. way, fl lu. . ' .0KO. W. U Allll ART, j CliarHeld, Pa,rrb. 1,3, 16J8J , . , , UfiHancoai. 1) HI DAB NOT1CK ' f . Vf J J Not lie is hereby given that application will be made to tho Court of wearter Seaatoas of Clear field ronnty, at lha March term, 17 fl, for the ac quisition by the county of tb bridge acros th Wst Braneh ef the Susquehanna river, oa th Philtpiburg and Husqusbanna tempi k road (commonly called Bleom's bridge), ia aocordanee with th provisions of aa Act ot Asiully, ap vvmm. 'SmlrLJ JL, 225 aulii-d ral counties . it. . V- ..Ja ' tJi ;- 4" tbe county .of bridges erected over rivers, reel and rivuleti, aad for tbe abolition of tolls thereon. 8, T. UROCHANK, Clearfield, Fab. 30-It. Att'y for Petitioners. 1MJIWA 0KMAL SCHOOL ' OP PNNNYMTANIA. This Instltntlou, having been arcally relieved from Its Buanoial ambarrassmanta bv State ap- nronriations. b now nreoard lo offer increased adrantagas to It patrons, Tho Summer Term of eighteen weeka will open Kuuday, Martb JAlli, 1H7H. per week. Includinc Tuition, Board - log, Ruom, Heat, Light and Washing. -Wasio Kxtra. Host normal Bcbuoi Uuiidiog la in rotate. Faoilillev in very respect ual to any Normal Bchool In tha United kSutes. Btudont may enter at any time during tbe term. For par ticulart, and for ajspteloguo ta . , ' . v. m. bHibKhi.Ntj, rrtafliptt, 1 Fob. 27-tt. Indians, l'a. SB TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDISMERRELL 1 Ha opened. In a building on Market street, oa tbe old Western Hotel lot, opposite th Court House in i;ieerueiii,a lin and Mit-iro nans factory and Store, where will be found at all timea house rroinsniiTG goods, Storos, nardwaro, Etc. lloua Shouting and all kinds of Job work, repair- ins Ac-, done o short notice and at roaaoaabl raua. Also, agt'H for trie1 - . Singer Sewing Machine. A suoply of Machines, with Needles, Ac, al ways on Land. trui, strictly cash or country produce. A abaro of patronugo aolicidd. V. O. M Kit It n Lb, Euperiotendeut. ClcarQuld, April 2&, 1877-tf. A NEW DEPARTURE IN U T 11 E It SI! I KG. llareaftcr, goods will b sold for CASH only. or in exchange for produce. No books will be kept In tbe future. All old accounts must be settled. Those wbo eannol eah up, will please knvsPtiaiiwBviiri) j j. ji; r fj CLOSE THE BE COED. I am detenu totd to sell my goods at oaab price, and at a discount far below that over offered in this vicinity. Tbe discount I allow my customers, will make them rich in twenty years u tbey follow my advice and buy insir goods irom me. I will pay earn for wbeat, oats and clover seed. DANJKb O00DLANDKR. Lutbcrsbarg, January 17, 187?. , THE TIN'SHOP! I. ; . I Rl MG M)U MAC11IE! ... . . . v ) .' , . , ' FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. 3, PI K B OPBRA tlOl'SB, , 1 Clearfield, Pa. Respeclfullv informs lit, custameri, and the pub lic In general, thai-he continues to manufacture all kinde of .i c I , Tln.Coppir & Sheet-Iron Vnre, Of Rrst-olars ni.lorUl only, and la a worliman- like manner. ROOFING nnd SPOUTING dune on abort nation and very reaaonab! terms, COOK STOVES, IIKATINO BT0VK8 AND PURNACKS always kept in Mock, and for talc low. Cas-Fillihg and Plumbing a specialty. flat Fixture, alarav. m hand, f All work ajuarag teed b giro lallifacllon. " ; .A ibarp jf allo patronage cordially aolioitad. i?tl'l ' J phKD. BACKKTT. Clearfield, Pa., May 0, IS77. REMOVAM , -i t; )!! i t . JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reaDootrnllv notify the public generally tbat he baa removed his (Irocery Htor from Shaw' Row. to th building formerly oWDpld by J. Miles K ratter, on Hecond street, next door te Urgler'a heruwar store,. whr ba ntenda u 11 o v r: it 1 12 is. r .,, . . ...4..1.' : i , l. HAMS, DK1KD Bh'KF and LAUD. SUUAR3 aad SMllU'S uf al) gradel. TES, and Black. ; COI'FEE. Roasled and Orecn. ill'. .Ml u i r'i.'t ' FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJ.vf. tit I Yd,' ! i All kinds In the market. PICKl.KS, In Jan and barrel!. SPICES, In every form and variety. FAMILY ,FLOUR, , Al l. KINDS DKC'BACKKrtH. SOAPS, , MATCHES, ,l DRIED APPLES, i I ' , DRIED PEACIItli, j DRIED ClIERRItS, I Coal Oil aal Zaamp Clilffl&oys. And a idoi! aisorlmenl or Uiose tblngi a.aally kept In a grocery ttora, whlrb ha will airhaap tor marketing al tne market pneei. i , W ill aril fu eab ae otaapl; aa any ether anp. rieaa, aaM Ind M0 kll Keek Bad Jndga for yonrse . ...... . noil avl ', .fin'.'r, 1876. j 1 11 J'jaaaaamga -.. LOl OSCS IT 1 . aamera ao yntJ it ittw&fliK GOODS are nccJcil, that our Mail Order Department II to crtcftcd ' shopping, may be dune while ittlinj comfortably at home aa aatia. lAtlorily aa at our counters. All thai U ncccMorjr li lo addrea to us a letter mentioning lha kind of goodi deaiml, and SAMPLES to aclcct from will be lnuncdiatelr forwarded. Ordcn are filled Bt the identical prleea for which the goodi are that day n.l J over lite countcra. The espenec, trouble and Caligue of going to ihe city ar. avoided and lh. goo.ll are aclccted from B1 chiiics dut'trxmiMt aaifld be lusoected were our etUblUhment visited in wrKon Fox yean we have made thll peculiar branch of tho Dry Goodl bua. Inesa . favorite Mudy, and the aucceea of our MAIL ORDER DE PARTMENT U allowed by the fact that an order la rarely filled wilh out mnVing a permanent customer of the person ordering. Every order, be k tut a yard of muslin or a wedding Uouaeau, meets wilh tha moat cartful am! prompt attention. SAMPLES of all lindi of DRV GOODS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, LINENS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, etc., with wulihi uidpricu correctly marked, promptly forwarded on application. STRAWBRIDGE k CLOTHIER, N. W. COR. EIGHTH .AND MARKET STREETS, rniLADFxruiA. Closing Gr TJX IVZIBTjrHG'Q p:ntipvE stock' of . unt.nintT VAU UllilAU 8 ' UUUUU . Hals, Caps, Gloves, Valises. &c., Will bo solil nt astounding low prices. Como and ace for yourself. A. GUINZBURG, Agent, Wt Htorii Hotel Corucr, Clearfield, Pa. January, 16, 1877. THE CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS AT GUINZBURG'S, SECOJTO ST., OrrOSlTECOt!RTHOl'&E,CLEJRFIELD, VJl. To (he Citizens of Clearfield About a rear aro I came amone von with Ooads; within thia time I hava .old about Ten Tbouaand pain of Boots, Shoes, etc., aad, with few exception,, these articles hava given perfect satlsfactioa ; where goods did not ton, out exactly aa represented, they were at onoa replaced br aew ones, a! th, few wbo bad oceeaioa to nook rodraaa can le.lify. Now let me aaenra you that this il ao mere Aiaaarioa, but praeuely what I will eoa tinua lo do Ibat is, when that which yoa buy of me does not give, what you would term, "your money! worth," 1 will repair It al once, on lair reeling grateful for past lavors, 1 ask a ( To cloee out a big lot. wo offer : Women'. Rubbers at men s rta'ner. ax Lumbermen's extra heavy Overshoes, wilh hocl, men I wuui-uueu u.Bi.iiuea, a. w PKICE LIHT, Women! Laced Luting Shoo 9i eU. uacd to sell for 61.00. Women'! Laced Morocco Shoes. 1.16 used los.ll for 1 J. Women'! Laoed Calf ghoea 1.26 used to sell et 81.50. Women 'a boavy farm Bhoai 1.26 u,ed lo sell at ll.M. IN MEN'S WEAR A I' Men's heavy wioter Bhoao, donbla aolc.05 eta Men'l boavy kip koee II.2& Men's heavy calf dressed Shoe,..,.. 1.60 Man's best calf dressed 8hoea 1.78 Men's kip working Boot, l. Men's kip working Boots, double ioI,..h. 1.46 tya'a kip working BooU, tap sole 8.00 ir t i.i BOYS' SHOES In Ifly dilTerCBt styles, from II In tt.56. Warklag and eehool akaat, from 11.16 to l.t6 for beat . . . . calf akin, buttoned dress shoes. Boys' Klmira Up sale BooU, 12.88. MISSES' SHOES IN Missel' school Shool......... MUsee' farm shoai Missee' genuine ealf iboci Missca' dress Shod ... ... Missal' dress Shoes ..88 et! .. 8115 .. 1.86 . 1.50 .. I.M CHILDREN'S AND BABY'S flood, solid, buttoned, heeled Shoe, for children. 65 canu. flood, eorper tipped, heeled Hboee for ehildrin, 65 cenls. Rubber and drasl Shoes, $1.10. Baby's Bboei of all kindi, 80 eU. and ap. Man'! and women's dippers, i cents. Kb., polish, li eents per bottle. Shoe strings, 4 cents far dosen. Button books, 1 oent each. Cleetii.ld, Pa., nop, 11, 1877. "CENTRAL" HOTEL PITTSBURG. -' -. f r Smithfleld Street, from 2d to 3d Avenues. The moat centrally located grit cla.s Homo In the City. Street cin pa.i th. door ,very Ira minute, to ill tbe Depots nn J all parts of both cities. Terms, t'l.AO per day. WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors. The llsi-i hl-a, of Clearfield, received weekly at the Hotel and placed oa file forth beaafltof guests from this see I ion, Ao, Jea. 16, U7-m. NOTICFW A meeting of th stockholders of .I, niH.mJal VlM llrtnk fi viill Imi htM at their office io Clearfield, on Monday, May 6lb, t STB, for th purpose of votiug on tb Increase of the capital stock of aid oomnaay. ' r nt aureir ClearfielJ, Pa , Mar. 0 St. Seoretary. GEO. WEAVER & CO.', FF.C0ND BTREKT. CLEARFIELD, PA., tlart opened up, In the store room lately ooeupled by Weavrr belts, on Beeoad street, a large and well selected stock of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTH AND SHOES, I I I I . - I. i ! QlEERsWARH, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, .it'.!.' i i i HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, &c. Which .Obey will dlipase of .1 reasonable nlw far nab, ar eiekaap oaf eawwry p rawuea. . f! !!. j tlEORtlR WEAVES A.CO. Claarl eld, Pfc, Jam t, t.Tt-tf. . , lf -kZ?" :.Z UTaV'T. LIUI? Out Salo. A UA AAlkJAAAAAW UUU UU Pnrnshnir ?mk A UI AAlkJAAAAA County : a stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Famishing prowl oi it! ocing ao. contiousnoa oi a snare oi your patronages Yuan Siacercly, 8. llUIHUBURO. 40 oeala. 61) cent,. $1.14. 1.06. ( - at WOMEN'S WEAR,. Women ' beat Call Sbeaa ' I.M ueed to Mil at $1.46. Women'! Laced foxed Shoco 1.26 aaed to cell at 61:10. Women's Buttoned Morocco Bboei 1.46 oscd to sell al 81.7a Women'l Sid Laeod Shoe, 1.78 used to sell at 82.28. OMTIVE SLAUGHTER 1 Men'l Elmlra kip working Boots, tap sole.. $3.56 Men'l dress Boot. 6.28 Man's beat calf Boot....... I.', 6 Mob's bast ealf BooU, sewed. .. . 4.0 Men'! bast ealf BooU, lowed 8.08 Men'l but ealf Boots, aewed. I H A HUNDRED STYLES. , Miseca' dram Rhoaa Eiaaaa' draw Bboaa Miam' bid 6hoea... Misao,' kid Sboal... Mlsaca' kid Shoes... , l 7 , 1.66 i 16 , 2.50 . 8.0 SHOES AT CRAZY FIGURES. DRUG STORE. j H. b. spackman; DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At F haw's aid stand. Clrorfls, Pa, baa jaet opend a aew stoek of PI RE .1.m FRESH DKI CI, and la now prepared to Tarnish anything la tha tha line of Drug aad Medieleea at tba vary lowj eat easb prleea. Ho baa also on band a large etook of Comb, Hair and Tooth Brash. Faney Artiolea, Tollt end Shaving Boapa, and every thiag aaaally kpt la a rrt-clasa Drug Store. PHYSICIANS' PllKCllIPTIONS compounded witb care, day or Bight. A liberal share af palronag, raapeetfulfy solicited. wild tea. BPA0KMAN. n. o. Clcarleld, Pa, Oct 14, 1677. The Boll's Sun Woolen Factory Pane Uwoibia, ClearlaM Oa. Pa. BURNED OUT! ti iit , i i, it li BURNED UPI The aabserl ben have, at great expanaa, reballt a neighborhood Boeeellty, la tba eraatlea af a Orel. alaaa Woolen Maaafaelary, with all the modera improvemeata attached, and ara prepared ta make all klada of Clotka, Caailmaraa, BatlaMU, Blaa koU, riaaaala, Ae. Plenty af goads aa head t npply all our old and a tbeuoaad aew eaiioaaaea, skua we aak ta come aad aiamlaa ear aleak. The be.toeeaef CARDING AND fOLLINO will raealT. ear especial Miaatiaa. Propat arrangamoaU will ba made t. reclv. aad deliver Wo.t,loewlt cwatomen. All week ararraaWd aad dooe ape. tba iBartaat aot tea, aad by atrial alto tloa to bailee., wa hope t rwallse a liberal chare af yaatie patrawgw. IIIMIO POUNDS WOOL WANTEDI Wa will pay tka highest market price far Wee Med aall ear auaafaelared goods ae low aa etmtler evade eaa be bought ia tba eeaaly, aad wkeeMTer wa fall be reader reasonable aatielaeUe. wa eaa always be foand at kema ready ta mak. prepae aaalasattea, elb.r la pare.a or by letter. ' . .AMES J08NS0N A SONS, .prUMtf . Bel.O. I