folds. THE MANSION HOUSE. CmuttlwiUui Market Streets, CLEARKIELD, PA. T 111911 aad e.aaedleee Hotel kea.derle. Ska peel eear, salaried to doable lu former epeeltv lor tke nMmlianI ef strea gr aad gooau. Tke wkolo koUdtng kaa km referalakod, end Ika proprlir will sparo ArweW-.l I uv.t .vtaij.e...' e..e or-Tae KuilM Hoase" Omelets rnoe ea aod froee Iks Depot Ike arrival aad dopertart efeaektreda. w. o.cardon, imij is-n tr ifoiiiM LLEGHENY HOTEL. , MirM Street. Clearfield, Pi. Wm. g. Bradley, furmorre proprietor ef the Leonard Hones, hiring leered tbe Allegheny Hotel, eolieiu .hero of publie palronege, The Hoeae bee bee teorvly repaired ad aewly A,.-i..4.d, aad gueiu rill led II a pleaeaat 'top ping plaoo. The uble will be lupplted with the beat ef everything ia Ibe market. At Ibe bar will be foend Ibe keel wines aid liqaors. Hoed stealing ettaebed. WD, 8. BKAOLEY, M.J 17, '7S. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSK, (Cor. ef Market A Front streeta,) CLEABFIBLD, PA. The aaderaigaad having uken oharge of tbli Hotel, would reepoelfelrr .ollelt pabiie leblS,'7l. K. JtMTOM bUAW. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WABHINOTON, PA. Tail new and wall farniabed hoaro bee beea taken by the aoderaigned. He feela confident el being able to render aeliefeotloa to thoeo wko an faror bim witk a oall. Mae I, 1171. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOTD HOUSE, Ualn Street, PHILIPSnURO, PBNN'A. Table elwaya aupplled wltk the beat the market afford.. Tke traveling pabiie i. Invited tooelL Jae.l,'7S. HOUKKI LOVD. r. I. A MOLD. . W. ARNOLD. J. I. ARM OLD F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers and Broker, Reynoldavllle, Jeflfcreon Co., P. Money reeelved en depoalt. Dlaeoanta si no derate rntee. BuUr and Foreign Biehange el Waye oa bond Hd eollretiooe promptly made, Reynolde'tlle, Doe. 18, 1874.-1 J County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. 1 00M Id 11 aeonle Building , one door north, of 0. I. Wataoo'a Draft Storo. Pmm(( Tiekot I aad tnm Liverpool, Qnoena Iowa. Olaagow, London, Parie and Copenhagen. Alw, Drafta for Bale od the Royal Buk of Ireland ui imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Proi'L W. M. SHAW, Caihler. JeolJT DREXEL A CO., No. 94 Boutb Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will reeWe prompt atun tloa, and nil Information eheerfaH? fnrniihed uraoro 00110101. April 11 -it gmtlstrif. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OBce In Bank llelldlog,) Carweaevllle, Clearfield Co., Pa. oh 13 7l lf. J. M. STEWART, 84JFIQEON DENTIST, ' CLEARFIELD, PA, (Offlee In realdeaoe, Reeoad atreet.) Clserleld, Pa., May 1, H77.lT. Uie((Uinrou3. CHEAP GROCERIES! LUMBER CITT. PA. The auderslrnod annoonoea to kia old friend, and patrona that he baa opened a good line ot GROCERIES A PR0VIB10NS at the old atand of Kirk A Speaeer, for whlek ke eolielt. a llheral peironae;.. n. w. BfBfttEH. Lealw Cltr. Pa.. Harak U-tt MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BRO., Oa Market ft., one door weal ef Hualoa Ronea, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar erraagemeate are rf Ike aoal eonplotr eharaeter tor feraiibing the pabiie witk Freak Meet of all kind, and of the very beat quality. We alao deal it all kind, of Airleoltara! Inpl. menu, whieb we keep on exkibitien for the ben. efit of the pnblie. Call oronnd when U town, ad take a look at tktnge, or addreaa aa F.-M.CAKDON A URO. Clearlleld, Pa., Jnly U, 1 9 7 a -1 f. FRESn MEAT-SEW SnOP. Tke nnderalgned kerebj Inform, tbe pnblie la general that they keep on hand, reiru erly, at their akop. adjoln'ng JOHN OULICH'g fnraitare room oppoiite the Coart House, tbe Btsr MK.iir nttr, vkal, mvtto.y LAMB, PORK, KTO., AT .REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASB. Market aorolng. Tieedar, Tkaraday, and S.tord.ra. Moot delivered at reaidenea when deeired. A ekan of patronage la reapeetfelly eollelted. Marek 1, U! ly. . BTAQI A NOKRIS. T COD W E TRUKT.n-All olbera nan X pa' tor their work before It have, tbe shop. And aa all leak la ae the grae. of tbe field, axl tke promlees of aea are like Ike lowera thereof ikey are given one day and forgotten tke neit theiefero itia beat not to treat anybody All blade elwork will ke dene la tbia ebop for aak or ready ftf low aad ekeee of all tad atylee tke koet and ekeapeet ta tewa, I kavo removed ay .hep to the lower end or towa, ia Taylor', row, ea Reed atreet, aeu the depot, where I will be found at all limes, waiting for omnoeMra. All work warranted good aad Alao. all kiadeof Leetkav eed flko. Vl-illr... for eele. The eitleeaa of Clearfield aid Tlolnlty are tapeilfaUy U.lwd to give ae a oall. ' ' 408. H. DkERINO, Clearfield, Pa., Jaly II, 1877. A. 1. BMSIftTY. REED & HAGERTY, J. G. SCHRYVER, DEALERS III HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, "WOOD and "WTLLOW-WAEE. COOKING 6TOVE8, HEATINQ STOVES and RANGES SOh4 SI., Clear Hf Id, Pa. Tke anderrlgned woeld anoeoaeo to tke el it seat 01 uiearaeM and vleieltv, leal Ikey kovo per ekaeed the Hardware Store of J. O. Sekrvver.aad will eoaetently keep on kead a roll oaaortaonl of Marwwart la all He bnaekoo, took aa TABLE A POCIET CCTLEBY. Beaek Itope, Hand Sawa.araal AaMrleaa Ctoh- eel news, D. B. aad Peeling Aire, H tickets, Plenes end plane I roes, ell kind of Natla, Horee Bkne. isl Horeo Rboo Bell.. Piek., Heoa, Rekee.Hej Porks, fibovsls end Hpeies. ftVjtboe.RHtbes. Plows, Orala Cradies, Coltlvetora, Doable ud 8iejrl.8i.rel Plowe, OoHlvaoer TeMk, Berets aad Try Powaros, RkoTel Bladee, Mitt dew aad Taper Files, Cbleell, Blue, Aogerm, Adoea, Bora Door Heagera, Ball, T and Strew Hiaces. Beuy'e Uellew A .rare. oil kladi tt Looks, Serewa, Beak Oerd aad PoUeya, GLASS and PUTTY, foot aad Bolls, Carriago, Tire aad Barrel BoHa, Bed Oeri, Bed Ireoe, bene Brookes ud Cmrrv-Ooab, OrudHeae itaree, Oam, Horns) aad SeaploM Peekiag, Cable Ckaiaa, ate, Tke, mm aba keep ea koad a fell aseertsneM oA'Tiawora.sad a giaaial sosek ef ln Fwratekv ltB ill, weurt tey iria seg at sateof e ooH Pei.iaa wteklsg eartkreg la tkeir kao an lav etoea ee own aea aaomfa aaeer eaeea 000, aosakasHg. . BRBD BAOgRTY. Clearleld, Ma, M, lltl-ly. ur t)m &vtrtsmt nt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllskod every Wedaoadej kj ' GOODLANDER & LE2. Hat the I.sre;eet rirralatloa oX any fj" la North areoteni Penaaylranim. Tbe large tod constantly Increasing f'rbuUtio bY 'the Repcblican, renders it valuable tobaaioou men aa a medium thro' which to reaoh the public TlUMS 0F SuBfiCRIPTION I If paid in advance, . . . 13 00 If paid after three monthe, . 2 60 If paid after air months, . . 8 00 When papera are sent outside of the county payment mualbe in advance. ADVERTISING: Ten tinea, or lcna, 8 timoa, , fl 60 Each eubeequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executor)' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Notices 2 60 Cautions snd Eatrays, ... 1 60 Diasolution Notioes, . . . 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Speoial notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, , , . IS 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . . , 60 00 One-ball column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 BLANKS. We have always on band a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPQ5NAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &o., ke, 4c. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, &0-, Ac, IN TnE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlnnder A I, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Fa. 53tHscfHantoua. JERRA COHA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, ( kajil eouaUatly oa kaad. STQXE AID EARTUEX - WilE CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS! ruher'a Pataot Airtight Boir . Seallug; mm lauei HOTTER CBOCKB. wltk lids. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW TOTS, Aad a (real many otker tklnga too anmeroos te FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Tklrd Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA aagS HIGHEST AWARDS! "iMiV J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEENTH dl FIIBBRT BTBBBTfl, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER I1RINDINS URATES FOR BURNINO ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WEOIGHMKOX HEATERS, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE WEOIGHT-IROX HEATKU8, COOKINO RANGES, LOW-DOWN GRATES. Deaorlptlve Clrcalara sent free to any addrasa IXAMINE BKPOHE SELECTING.' '"' April IS. 7T-1T. FIdOlJK. FED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Room No. , Plo'e Opera House, CloarSold, Pa. Keep eoD.Uatlj oa bead SUGAR, COFFEE, . TEAS, 80DA, COAL OIL. SYRUP, SALT,' SPICES, SOAP, Canned and Dried FralU, Tobaooo, Cigar., Caa dloa, Cider Vlnegar,"Baitor, Eggs,Ao. ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed,'&o., All of wbtoh win ke sold okeap for cask or la atebaogo for ooaatrr prodaee. A. 8. KRAMER CO. Clearfield, No. II !S74.-tf HONEY OF EOEEHODSD AND TAB FOR THE CURE Or Ongba, Ooldit Iaflttem, HoarwiMi, Dilcult Brt-tnlaf. ud all AfacUoia ( tb Tknat, Bmoklat Tabaa, Laigi, Wdinf Oviuiaptln. Tkia infallible remedy it compoteetl of the Hon IV of the tlorchound, in chemical union with Tah.IIai.m, extracted from tla l.irt rniNCiriB of the fmnl tree Ahkis Uauamka, or B.ihn of Gitead. The Honey of llorehonnd soothv ami Scatters all irrttationa and inflammaitona, ami the Tarebohn ciJlansm and htaxm the thront nd iw pasta get leading to the lung. Km additional ingredirnti keep the organ a cool, mnio and healthful action. It no pre rod ice keep ytm from trying thta great medt' dne of famous doctor who haa laved thou letndt of Ifvet by kMi hia Uf private practice. N.B. The far-Balm hat no bad tajik or tmeU. ntlCCS 50 CtNTS AND $ PER lOTTUt. Cm aavinf to Wy Urfe liic MPtkea Tootharlie Droim" Cure In 1 Minute SoM by all Drwgpatt. 0 N. CEITTENTOir, Prop, N-Y HARTSWICK & IRWIN IIOORS STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! sxc uaiuacsaa sjebsb , CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OHsS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PANCT GOODS TOILET, ARTICLES, or ALL KINDS, PV&B WINES AND LIQUORS for aeadlolaal perpoeee. Tnseea, Sep piilare, Bekool Books aad Station -ory, aad all otker anloles anally . femed la a Drag Store. PHTSIOIAftr PRESCRIPTIONS CARS Ft'LLT OOM POUNDED. li.Tlee a largo oa aarUaoola the tkef sea give satwo see- 1. . 1ABT8WI0E, JOHN r. IE WIN. Ceenriald, Doaaeakot la, IST4. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARr'IKI.D, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNINH, MARCH . );. THE PKKSlDKXrS PERIL. try whothcr be will surrender to the imiilacalilva on the qtiealion ol Justice to the South, aa he baa alrtmdy half yielded to tbe corruptioniata on the question of civil aorvice relorm. From the firwt there have been two antan0" ialic Influenou in hia Cabinet The ap pointment of Mr. Sherman and of Mr. MeCrary was a sorry illustration ot bis avowed policy towards tbe South, and nobody has ever really believed that tbosogentloruen,prolesBional politicians and votoran oulrage-ghrickers, were at heart in sympathy with that policy, and It required a sore straining of ered ulity to think that they were even willing to give tbe experiment ol con stitutional government, in so far as it involved local self-government, a fair trial. At most thoy have simply held their tongues, while the administration baa been striving to bring tbe Repub lican party to its professed view of tho situation. Mr. Sherman came hia near est to indorsing tbe new order of things when be was at Richmond, but sullen silence under cover of a seeming absorp tion in department business, haa been the rule of bis official 1 1 Co. Mr. McCra ry bus followed bin leader of the Treas ury a respectful dixtance, as becomes an amateur with eyes fixed on an old stagor, but came dangerously nearupol ogiaing tor every good act of the ad ministration when he went homo to low for B little recreation. II tbe President has been firm in his position lowarJT tho South, bis firmness baa been due to other influences, we may be sure, than Sherman's and McCrarj 'a. At last Mr. Shermsn's opportunity seems to have arrived. To him, very naturally, the Louisiana case is what the red flug is to tbo bull. Enraged by the Returning Board conviction bo is not too angry to seo that if this thing of trying men for manipulating returna ahall go on he, too, must suffer, and be is shroud enough to recugniio tbe fact that to convince the President that the Southern people are breaking faith with bim and that bis own title is threatened, is to bridge the chasm between the administration and the party that elected it, and, in fact, to take tbe administration half way over tbe bridge. To accomplish the double purpose of keeping himself out of the clutches of the law and reuniting tbe party on the old sectional issue is an ambition worty of the man and conge nial to bis tastes. It Mr. llsyos yields to tbe tempter he will perhaps accom plish Mr. Sherman's ptirposo, but at great cost to bis own dignity and in tegrity, lie baa nothing to do with the mannor in which Louisiana enfor ces her laws against forgery and con spiracy, lie degrades himself nd casts a sbadew upon his own reputed innocence of guilty knowledge ot the Returning Board frauds. This is the case in a nutshell. Mo pledge exacted by commissions and made by Govern or Nicholls or anybody else can bind tbe courts ot Louisiana to violate the atatutoa of tbe State providing tor the puniahmont of crime, and when the President or any member of his cabi net interferes with the march of justice to accomplish any personal or partisan purpose be placos bimself in a public pillory, trom which he cannot escape with a clean character. Mr. Sherman may afford to dely publio opinion in ibis way, but Mr. Hayes cannot. Ditt adelphia Titnti, IUther Sensible. The nomination ot Mr. Bayard Taylor as Minister to Germany, to succeed Mr. Dancroft Da vis, is one which will be considered by Pennsylvania a sufficient recognition of their Slate, tho Cainerons to the con trary notwithstanding. Str. Tuylor is a native of Cheater county and is about fifty-three years of age. U is career has been so prominent that oven the school boy of to-day can follow it step by step. IIo Is thoroughly conversant with the German language, Govern ment and people, and among all the appointments mule by Mr. Hayes is the most appropriate bo has mado. There sets Gen. Noyes at Paris, as Plenipotentiary, and be does not know enough about the French language to call b boot black, lor a shine, Stock Gambling Conorkgationb. Tbe editor of tbe Sacramento (,Cal.) Bee, gets off this piece of cbereh in formation: "One of the new-lnngled pledges that many of the San Fran cisco churches are circulating ia that tho signer shall bereaftor, God helping bim, abstain from dealing in mining stocks. Yet tbs leading churches are sustained by money donated by stock gamblers, the prominent members of tbe different congregations are noted hnlla anr! hera. anrl Kei nmmlnani divines in that city are notoriously reckless dabblers in stocks." It is pretty plain from this that a few mis sionaries are noeded on the Pacific coast for the purpose of dilating on tho oamel and needle lesson. Good Advios. Tbe Philadelphia North American is not pleased with Mr. Hayes' course. Tbe editor remarks : "We do not know of a single Con gressional district in this Btate, even that including tbe Navy Yard, whore in the nomination oould be controlled by the administration in disregard ol tbe wishes of tho local partisans. Tbe President may very naturally dosiro to seek to strengthen tho force of bis supporters, but there is a shorter way to do it than this which is proposed. And that shorter way would be for his Excellency to make himself a little more pronounced In his liepubliean- A Bad Htm. Tbe editor of the Louisville Cortficr, wko has been in Washington recently, with his eyes and ears open, remarka. "The nd interim Vice Prrwident, Wheeler, repairs to the White House every Sunday afternoon and there with the Hayes family puts in bis time singing hymns and sacred songs. 'Yea,' say the Now York Sun, 'but they are careful never toeing lLat beautiful hymn, 'When I tan read my title clear.' That Sun man should be tried by an 8 to 7 Board, lor putting bit gab (it when otker people are talk TUOUaUTSFOB REFLECTION. Captain Wrgbt, Warden of tho West ern Penitentiary, in alluding to theiu crease of crime, says : "The length of sentences and gravity of many of the crimes of prisoners received thia year will afford matter 1ir serious reflection. Young men, too, mure than ever, form tlie.jycjtMr r.!"t. s( . u'lr-wmt; was under 14, four were under lo, nine were under 18, eighty between 18 and 21 j and one hundred and two between 21 and 25. In all one hundred and ninety-six under 25 years ol ago. Many of these young criminals are ig norant of any useful trade or occupa tion, anil powibly may bare been dis inclined to labor. For ouch the steady discipline of uniform toil has a whole some effect. Many have been haad working and industrious men prior to the commission of the offense for which they are now undergoing incarceration. To keep such in idleness is a retrograde movement, unlooked for and unexpect ed lit Pennsylvania, so long an earnest advocate for labor in prisons. It is certainly better to build up than to crush out manhood, bopo and self- respect. At the ulniorit, prison labor can be ot little damage to any labor ing interest, and should be met with that true philosophy which yields to that which promises the greatest good to tho greatest number. Any other spirit seems more like the storm against the introduction of power ma chinery or tbe Chinese policy of mm- progression." A Buu. DnztB. The Washington correspondent of the New York 6'nn, in alluding to the affuirs in Louisiana. in a square toed manner, says : " fo bring this matter to a square issue, I propose to provo in any court of jus tice or before an investigating commit tee of either House ol Congress: First, that Kellogg has repeatedly said thai t-0,000 was borrowed of the Collector ol Internal Revenue in New Orleans; Second, that be borrowed it all at the request of the visiting statesmen ; Third, that the visiting statesmen prom ised bim that it should be made good i Fourth, that it wa this money which secured the counting in of tbe three Hayes electors, who were still behind on tho 30lb of November; and fifth, ibal Kellogg repeatedly said that il he did not gel his seat in the Senate he would raise hull about thia (200(10, and if it wasn't repaid to him, llayea would have to gel out of the While House." Wur he Fell. The Su Louis Post says : Col. Wm. 11. Heulb, one of the most promenenl men in the city, for merry County Auditor for two succes sive years, and at ono time a leading and influential citizen, is accused of having sold hia household furniture to two different parties, and then taken it lo an auction bouse and obtained on il an advance of 1200 moro. Tbefurni turo is said to have cost 13,000 only a low years ago. A mania for poker and laro is said to be tbe cause of Col, Heath's ruin, and a aource of deficiency ol about 1140,000 in the school funds of tbe county, of which, as Auditor, be was custodian during four years. An iudictmont was returned against Col. llealb for embezzlement about a year ago, but it was found detective, and tbe jury wcro instructed by Judge Jones to acquit. Subsequently anoth er indictment was found against him, and there is now no possibility of escap ing the Penitentiary. , Tub Fraud to Continue. The Sol diem' Orphan Schools, as ia well known, have proved a good financial invest ment for tho proprietors of these iusli tutions. It is now proposed to turn them into "ind ustrial schools," under tho patronage of the State, so tliat the liberal appropriations of the Treasury may be maintained. These Schi Is have proven to be the hugest fraud ever palmed off on the tax payers of Pennsylvania, and wehojie the attempt now being made to continue the rob bery will he frustrated. Why should millions be spent in a side show, like tbu one contemplated, while we have a system of buil lings and colleges dot ted all over tho State, so that every ehild iu the Commonwealth can secure all the education and exercise it needs. "NoT FOB Jo." We by lhe"a sociated press," the agent ol tbe Rudi cal corporation monopolies, that 8 lo 7 Joe, wont go into lite fire again to save the Radicul patriots of the Returning Board in New Orlenaus. Quite righl Joseph, a burnt child, ka. Tho Radi cals need not be afraid, there ia Conk lin and Dennis and Blaine and Spoons Butler, all aching for a chance to kill II ayes. Besides do not forget Bill Strong he is one of the 8 to 7 fellows. Ho bas not yet fixed up the Constilu lion, and if he haa time he ran put the Radical rascals safe from peril. He fixed up the Centennial 1 1 1 When I Philadelphia Commomoealth. uu IUK 1 HIUI.tetua buiiuNU litUV Hampshire) Patriot, wants the entire crowd put through. Tbe editor says : "We trust that the whole infamous proceedings of tho Returning Boards of Louisiana, Florida and South Caro lin will be exposed, the truth made known and all of tbe conspirators en gaged in these wicked acts will bo made to pay tbe penalty which follows the commission of crime. When the his lory of Ibese transactions shall hare been written many a reputation will suffer which now holds up lis bead in high places." ' CiiANot or Tine. The Radical or gans groan terribly over the unsealing of one or two ltadical Congressmen in tbe National House of Keprosentntives who were not entitled to a scat there. in. These organa lorgut that for the some fifteen or sixteen years past they bad control of that body bo Democrat, however fairly elected, stood s chanoe for B seat il some brazen opponent saw fit to contest, li'ow that tbey have a little of the same kind ol medicine of fered, their retellings and wry faces over It are frightful to heboid. PisootiTD.-.Tbe Phil'B 7"iiw marks : "8poncer and Conkling do nol constitute a mainritv of the Senate as j Conkling and Sponcer did, and the re sult is that while Spencer could carry Conkling through, Conkling couldn't do as Well bv Miuuuuir Tkia unknlw alliance 1 Is thereby dlsaatroosfj weak- enow, ana toe AJaOama mnet-Bwgger wama eomeooay g Blooa. Party Grced. Tbe appointment of Superintendent of Publio Buildings and Grounds at Uarrisburg, is, by law, vented in the Governor, Auditor Uen erul and Stale Treasurer. The two lullur being democrats, would, ol couise, apMinl a Democrat to that po sition in May next But tho Radicals have introduced a Ml ill tbe Legisla ture r,r- Tiner , he old w. an I er'vmeM l-iu at.oilltiilcia to rt f'? the appointment to last for tbreeyears instead of one y euros heretofore. The party which has controlled nearly all tbe offices for seventeen years, seems lo be more greedy and indiscreet thsn ever. Such miserable demagngtieism as ia being dirpluyed at Uarrisburg by the Radical leaden in this matter, Is only excelled by John Sherman A Co,, over at Washington, who send letters of condolence to tho Louisiana rogues, and weep because their confederates are on the highway to the penitentiary. None but knaves can sloop so low. What bas become ol all "the grand moral ideas" the leaders of tho Radical party inherited fitVeen years ago? Who can tell T That's So. Tho Albany Journal, one of the Radical organs of New Yors, in defending General Garfield's crookedness, says : "General Gurfield is B true Republican," To this tbe New York Hun replies as follows: "Yes, be took tbo Credit Mubilier bribos, and then lied about tbem, and then erjiired himself about them. Tina was some time ago, bowevor, and latterly, by way of keeping his hand in, he has engaged in the electoral frauds in Louisiana, and has borne his part in making a man President who hud not been elected. Yes, ho is a true Republican." A QutKS UoVermob A cotempo. rary says that Governor Uolliday, of V irginia, baa asked tbe Legislature to reduce bis salury one thousand dollars per annum. Tbu offer could nut be ac cepted on account ol constitutional prohibitions. The House, as a com promise, amended the bill reducing the salaries of State officials twenty per cent so as to allow the Executive to pay his Secretary outof bisown funds. This virtually reduces tbe Governor's salary eight hundred dollars per an num. Iluas Proportions.--It took two columns and a half in the Bellefonle Iltpublican to bring General Beaver out for Governor, and two columns in the Reynoldsville Herald enabled the editor ol that independent journal to divest himself of his profession and embrace tbo greenback fable. This is what newspaper men call "displayed matter" It is Qir.trt. Tho editor of tbe New York Observer is rendered unhap py because the Baptist congregation, at Binghamlon, New York, which in vited Colonel Bob lngersoll to lecture before it for tbo benefit of the funds of tho church, "reminds one of the mode by which Judos earned his thirty pieces ot silvor." An Awful Sbribkaoe. An ex change says: "Tbe one-third interest in tho Kimbsll House, Atlanta, was sold to General Robert Toombs, Tues day last, for (31.000. The hotel is now owned by three men, and is valu ed at 1150,000. It cost 1650,000." Daniel Youmans, a young man who set fire to a barn at Mount Hope. N. J. whereby forty horses and mules and a large quantity of material were des troyed, has been sentenced to five years imprisonment in tbe State prison. A young man, just engagod on a ranch in Truckco, Cal., was set to driv ing a yoke of caltlo, at noon, when he wanted to feed them, was observed try ing to unscrew their horns in order to gut tbe yoke on the animals. When Anderson feels bluo in his lit tle cell he can read over that consoling telegram from John Sherman and re flect that it was his efforts to mske Shermun Secretary of the Treasury that landed bim in jail. A I, Anas Familt. The total num ber of men employed on the main line of the Pennsylvania railroad and lie branches at this data is 12,895. Main line 11.3C6 ; branches, 1,529. A Sensible Spgkcu. The Richmond Dispatch says: Tho longest speech yet made by Senator Don Cameron is : "1 insist on my motion-that the Senate now adjourn. Tus Latkst Style. A Montana Justice of the Peace doesn't muke onv display when he marries a couple. He says, "Arise I Grab hands I Hitched I six dollars. 11 ate SupposTa Life, An exchange ays: 'Ben Wade hate the Con led or ate Brigadiers too much to die yet. He abounds in true cussodness." Tho first acrobatic woman who join ed a circus procession waa Lot's wife. ASSue euiuvu aiwuuu sue tHrt'OmO B summer salt. Bishop Coxe wishes somebody would doviso a truly pious swear that Chris tians might innocently use under great provocation. The Confederate Cavalry General Lomax is one ot tbo noble army of committee cleika ot the House ol Itep rcnonlBtives. Tho oldest person in New EnuUnd o is said to be Mr. Lancaster Hodges, of Brownfielri, who reached last week the age of 107. Gov. I'roeaoit ol New Hampehirs has gone to Washington to get some oivil service relorm lor campaign pur poses. KM I'wrklue wishes be bad a ailver brick. Sharon should pluck Kll. He would make a "dewy rose." An Alubama hunter killed eight wild turkeys at one shot, and it wasn't good weather for lying, either., . ' Must bb Lost. The cable hasn't informed us of the movements of Geo. Grant lately. Oil her np, boy,. A rich man died in New York re cently, leaving a will that haa not been contested. Humbert, tbe young King of Italy, bas poor health. He is subject to beav oTTbsgea from tbe longs. Punch noUcos ibe.U beMlvsaded men oonb tkair haads wltk tewels. . . &A t CtVl CMumn. EVERYTHING NEW! A GREAT VARIETY! AND ELEGANT! A VISIT WILL CONVINCE YOU !!!! T. A. FLECK & CO. Have You seen Have you aeen our handsome Matelssse Coats? " " " " nobby Coals, for Ladies T u a Beaver Coats, low in price? Have you seen our good Felt Skirts ? " " " fine doable Shawls? " " new single Shawls? Have you seen our new Dry Goods? Have you seen our new Dry Goods? llave yon seen our new Dry Goods? Usve you seen our all wool red Flannels? u .. ,i a. white Flannels? " " " " elegant Medicated Flannels? Rave you aeen oar splendid Canton Flannels? " " ' all wool Plaid Flannels ? " '" " - Lumbermen's Flannels? T. A FLECK A CO. Usve you seen our new Pants Stuff ? " " " " durable Pants Bluff? " " all wool Pants Stuff ? T.A. FLECK ACQ. Have you seen our Ladies' Cloths ? " - " " Waterproofs? " " " Table Linens? T. A. FLECK A CO. n r .. j i i ' T-.i , -3-1 i 1 'I -i-- I r , i m Have yon seen our job lot of Dress Goods? " " " " all wool black Cashmeres? " " " " all wool colored Cashmeres? T.A. FLECK A CO. Bave you seen our bleached Muslins? " " " " unhlerched Muslins? " " " ' Sheeting? T. A. FLECK & CO. 1 'w-V!"w.l - Have you aeen our new Fura, for ladies? " " Furs, for children ? " " " children's Fancy Sets? - T. A. FLECK A CO. Have you seen onr handsome Umbrellas? " " " " Alpaca Umbrellas? " " " " Waterproof Umbrellas ? T. A. Fl.RPK A CO Have yon seen our new Corsets? " " " " Silk Handkerchiefs? " " " " Linen Handkerchiefs? T. A. FLKCK A CO. Have you scan our Ladies' Underwear? - Children's Underwear f " " " Gents' Underwear? - T.A. FLECK ACQ. Have you aeen our Ladies' Hosiery ? " " " Children's Hosiery ? " " " Genu' Hosiery ? T. A. FLECK t CO. llave you aeen our Ladies' Kid Gloves? ' ' " " Gents' Cloth Gloths? " " ' ' Children's Cloth Gloves ? T.A. ri.KCK ACQ. Have you seen our new Mottoes? ' " " " Dress Goods ? " nice Neck Racking? T. A. FLKCK A CO. Have you seen our Hair Brashea? " Toilet Soaps? XootU Brushes ? T. A. FLKCK A CO. llave yon seen our Gonto' While Shirts? " " " " Gents' Suspenders? " " " " Gents' Scarfs ? . T. A. FLECK A CO. llave yon seen our Embroideries ? " " ' Collar and Cuffs ? " - " Pulso Warmers? T. A. FLKCK A CO. Have job seen our Fealhera and Flowers ? " " " " new Ribbons? " nice Wings? T. A. FLECK A CO. Have yoa seen our Woolen Goods ? " - .. .. Idio,- Hoods ? " " " Children's Hoods ? , ' T. A. FLECK A CO. Usve you seen our Black iUk Fringes? h .. . Worsted Fringes 1 ' " " Galoon Trimmings? T. A. FLKCK A CO. llave yoa seen oar Triroetwd Hole ? . Trimmed Bonnets ? ' " " Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets? 1 T. A. FLECK A CO. WHAT WE We Guarantee that we viica-;i lunu tuijr uiner BbQrv in ' We Guarantee polite treatment to ever- one of our cur- tomfers, wnnom urging mem to We Guarantee that we assortment ol all kind of Uresa oiim a .uv vuimiij BAS ltcaiUCIU, , , T. A. FLECK (Ss CO. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. December 12, 1877. . $. &tk A tt.'t Cflumn. our New Goods? T. A. FLECK A CO. T. A. FLKCK k CO. T. A. FLECK A CO. T. A. FLECK CO. GUARANTEE : will tell all kind of Dry Good ViearBeiu. Duy. bave the largest and cboicept and Dry Goods, Notions, Millinerv ISirrdtanrouf. H'MEJfE TO OO, nat now to go H'csr o.AnS.OOS eerw of land for sale, oheep, ia tke ger en of tke West. Pof Map. of Kiaau, fell lnf..rmall aa to bral roiinada to tiav.l oa, Tiekete, Fratgkl ralee, eie., epplv or write te . HIIOKTI.IUOK, Agvnt Tip ea A Santa Fe B. B , Dee. IS, 1177 Im. Bellehate, Pa. as 'Ir.lB' g " .!.. 1 -I'llk adorsigaed kegs leave te lateral tke peo 1 lie tket ke i. now full? preper-' to eeeuseae detrell ia tk. we; el larniaking U..eee, Boggiee, Soddloa aad Harneaa, en tbe aottoe and n reasonable term.. Reeidenoe on Luon.t street, between. Tklrd sad Fonrtk. UkO. W. ORARHART. lloerSeld. F.k. 4. IS14 READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS rf- ST A T10NER X Market BU, L'learOold, (at tbe Poet office.) THE anderalgord beg. Ineve to annonee te Ike ellisva. ol ri.erS.ld end vleiaitv, tbal a. kas Sited up n room and bas Jart returned from tke eitv witk a lergo .aoail of reeding matter, oonaieting ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Bleak, Aerount aad Pass Books of aver, do. aerlptioo aad Eoveiepea, Preaok pressed sod plain Pen. and Pencil, i Blank Legal Paperr, Deed.. Murtgegue; Judgment. Bteitip lion aad I'matteer, aoiet While nod Perca aeai Brief, Legl Cap, Keeord 0p. aad Bill Cap, ribeot, tur eitoer Piano, Plate or Violin, eou.teotly on bead. Aoy honk, or .tationarj deaired tkat I may not kave oe, head, will be ordered by Srel oxpreaa, and eold at wkoleeale or roleU to eoit easterners. I will also beep psriodieal Ittoralaro, auek ae Megasiaos, Newspapers, Ae. P.A. UAllLIN. CleerSell. Mey 7, IStS-tf JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCH VILLE I I an await that thcr art) ton p-rx-Di little hard li plvait, and I at alio aar tbal ibe oinplaiat of "bard Iibim" if mil tfh tjimerfal. Hat I urn wo aituated bum tbat I cu utitl) tbi tormor aod pro- eooeluti)) tbat "hard tini-" rill not aBi tboi who buy Ibrir ud fr' ad all my ptttumt iball ha initiated istv tbf rtv vral of UOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bar g.MHi toongb to !(). )y all tbt anu is tba luwar and of tbo county which I ifll at aaowdinft low rata from my nun moth itof. ta MI LbUNltLHiJ. wbtrt 1 eaa alwaji h foiad road to wait upon eallcri and iuj-pl tbttn with Dry Goods of all Einds, Beh at Cloth, Sattaatu, Caiaer-i, Mai-lint, Dalai dm, Lloaa, Drilling-, CaJieoai, TriBniDfi, Hibboni, Laea, Raadj-made Clothing, Boot aod 8hua, Hati aod Capi all wf tb boat notarial aod mad tuordw --- Uoaa, Boofti, UIotm, Hilton a. Lao, Kibbon. Ae. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rieo, MnlaM, Ftih, Ptlt Fork, Lioiaad Oil, rteh Oil, Cartiaa Oil. Hardware, Qaaoaawar, Tinwero, Caatmge, Fltwi aad Plow CojUoge, Nolle, Hpikte, Corn Caltife ton. Cider Pro mi, aod all hiadi of Aao. PartNuaary, Patau, Varoiih, tilaie, and a gtnrai MlortHeat or Dtatioocr;, GOOD FLOUH, Of dlfforoat braada, alwaye oa band, and will U told at the lowoet poiitbl fignrai. J. U. MeClaia'i lladieiaaa, Jayae'e Medlelnos Hoeuttare and UtruBaati i u titer, KMH poaada of Wool wanted for which the hijrfaoet pneo will a paid. Cloered on haad and for eaia at the loweat sarkot pneo. Alao, Agent for BtratUinTllla aad Cnrwenrville TbrvtbiDf Mathinee. RfL.Call and for foareelvae. Ton will f nd rrortbing aeuallj kept in a reuil iter. L. M. COVDRIET. rrenebTill P. 0., Aagsft 1J, 1174. BICLER, YOUNG & REED, i.8acfeeore to Boy n tun A Tonag.t FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Hannfeetaran of fORTABLE 4 STATIONARY STEAM .ENGINES Ooraer ot Feerta aad Fine Streets. CLBABFIELD, PA. . HAVINO onpted In Ike eunafeMnre of Iret olasa MACHINERY, we r..tfallj Inform ho puhllo tbel we are now prepared to III all orders as eheapar aad as prompttvae eaa he dene la e&7 of UVs eities. Wa meaafeetere aad deella Malay and Circular Saw-Milli Head Bloeke, Water Wbeeu, 8SerUn Pnlleve, Oiff.rd'a Injoeter, Buaa Baafea, Sleoai Walttlea, Oilars, Tallow Cape, Oil Caps, Oasfe Ooeka, Air Oeeks, Olobe Valvee, Ckook Valvea. wroenht Ire Pipes, B we Pnape, Boiler Feed Fompe, Aatl. Frletloa Metrea, Beep Bteae Pneklan. Onm Park nt. and all klnda of MILL WOBEi roiretker witk Flows, Bled Soke, COOK AND PARLOR STOi'KS. aad otker CA8TINUS of all klada eT-Ordera solicited and tiled al oil; pneea All letters of laoalrr wilk reforeaeo to maektaer) of oar maaafaetaro prompllj eaoworod, y oddreo. iaa ae ol Clearleld, Pa. Jultl ll BIOLEB. YOVNII A KEEO QROCKRIE3 JAS. H. LYTLE, (Baeoersoi to LTTlt.B MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE LINK OF TEAS. OOLONUB, JAPANS, IMPEHIAL, VOUBU UV80N. ESOUSH BKEAKFAI-T Pareel la Market, BUTTE AND EOOS, Win ae kept aad aeld al I ret oeau Cask paid for Oenotrr Prodnse, aRKMAN CHRBBIES, TCRKET PRUNES, PRESEBVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA BAKS riaH. Maakoret, lake Herring. Cod, A a. riCKLBB. Barrol Fioklea aad laEsk PlekUe. rvov. aro rasa Float, Cars BIooJ, Oat Meat; eVa. aa- "M. JAB. I. LTTLt X