Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 06, 1878, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid ia sdrBnn,or wltbln thrMaMtha.$t M
t If nald after three aadibofore ati mombs.,, 1 60
Z.r . . .. .L !.! -1 -k.. AH
r II paid alter ineeapirauun w. at """' -
it at-Meicre. 8. M. Pittrmaill A Co., Ntwr
i paper Admitting Agents, IT Perk Kow, omir
f lieekmsn Street, re our duly authorised Agents
I In Nw York CI IT.
! Ut-MtiRRAT. Pastor. Serrlccs every fiebbatb
at HI A. M.t d T P. H.
- Babbeth fiohool at 8 A. M.
; Pr.Trr MMtint everv Thunder, at 71 P. M
J Coma union Service. Brit Sabbath of every
; .nontb, at 1", A. Af.
r Weat I leartteld M. 12. Church. Ren
t William 11. Hill and W. 6. Wilsou, Pastors.
5 I'rcerbing every alternate Run Jay, at I o'clock,
1 P. M isun.Uy Subuul at 21, P. M. All are in-
! t iled to atteud.
i Preihterlan Church Her. H. S. Butlii.
S&bbatb eerrices morning and evening oao
J hath School at I P. M Prayer Meeting Wednei
5 day evening.
4 M. r raiicla Church Catholic Rer. P.
t J. 8n tniDA si . Preaching at 10 i o'clock, A.M., on
t the Aral. third and fourth Sundays of eaoh month;
: Vespers and Benediction of the blessed Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, r. m. eunouy oonooi avery ouuu;
'l afternoon at I o'clock.
Peeoad Monday or January.
Third Monday of March.
First Monday ef June.
Fourth Monday of September.
Fint Monday oi June.
Second Monday of November.
pdblio orriciea.
President Jdgm Hon. Charles A. Mayer,
l.dfk lUven .
Aniitont L-m Judge flat). John B. Orris, of
Associate Judge A brum Ogden, Clearfield;
Vincent U. Holt. Clearfield.
Vol on ola re Kit Bloom.
Itfateter and Recorder t. J. Morgan.
IHttriet Attorney Vim. M. McCuIlough,
7Veirer David McUaugbey.
Sheriff Andrew Pents, Jr.
itrputy Sheriff Christ. J. Keaggy. Clearfield.
County Surveyor Butnuel P. MoCloskoy, Cur
.' rensvilla.
f' Commiitiontrt Clark Brown. Clear-
, field : Thoma A. MetJea. Cheat P. 0.; Ilairls
Hoover, Clearfield.
, County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear-
Arid i Samuel A. Caldwell. Wllliamigrove I John
0. Conner, Rurnatde.
A County Coroner J. H. Keff, New Waihtngton.
Jury Commiionerl)t. Jamee P. Burchfield,
Cleartted, Joiefih Alexander, Madera,
Superintendent of Public, Schoott John A.
1 Gregory, Curwenaville.
& Sealer of Weight & Meaeur JeiieW . Carlila,
$ office at Trootville, Pa.
;! Notaries Pnbiit John W. Wrigtey, Vfm. Ra
i debaugb, Cyrui 'Jordon, Clearfield ; Joaeph R.
J Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwenaville ; J. J. Llngle,
i Oaeeola Milll I J. A. Livingstone, Dnllola City.
Oar Speeial column ti decldrdly Interesting In
local point of view, and profitable reading to
outfitters who wont U aave money.
To-dny is Ash Wediifsduy.
i m e ew
Lent commences to-doy (March fith)
and end un Eaater Sunday, April 2lct.
I!cad I bo advertiHcmuiitof Lorillurd's
eelcbrattd tliace, to ibii iue of our paper.
Now embroideries tbo cbcujiest in
tWB at the Lie Hive. fel2U-3U
Thuro will be no Court liuld next
week, tin notice publirhed e! lew here In thii
WH'k'l iaaue.
Ladies, call at T. A. Flock & Co.'s,
and ire tht-ir new Ppring and Fummer llati and
Dunneta. mob (I tf.
The Shoritf adds another batch of
talt) to hi! real titata bulletin for March, the
latter to be lold on Saturday, March 33 J.
llccoiviiiff this week an immonse
took of muilint the olieapeit In town. Alio
ntw Ppring good! of all kludi at the Bee Hire.
The Aid Society connected with the
M. E. Church of Clearfield will le held at the
residence) of lion. A. C. Tate, ca Flnt itreet,
nett Friday evening.
. - m -- -
Filly thcccb of Fruit ol tho Loom
and Hill joil reeelvtd at T. A. Fleek A Co. 'a,
ableb tbey will offer for aale at the low edt-anoe
or half a cent per yard,
en -
A meeting ol the N. C. T. Unicn of
Clearfleld if announced to be held In tbe Court
House on Mondny evening, March 18th. Fred.
01. Buck, Erq., will deliver an addrsrl.
('apt. John H. McKiernan. of Jaynes-
ville, waa re-elected to tbe office of Juitice of the
Peace for Uullih towaalip, tbii county, un tho
tOlh ult. Tbia will make tbe fourth lern for the
M r. A nh Icy Thorn, of this place, and
Ell Hoall, of Woodland, this county, left hut
Thursday mor&ing for Catanova, Fauquier coun
ty, Virginia, whcie they have I be eon tract for
building a large parsonage.
m pi
Tho Hull of Dubois City Lodge,
No. 1151, I. 0. 0. F., was dedicated on MDdayol
last week. 8. B. Doyer, Mont Worthy (Jrand Mu
ter of Pconfylvatia officiated, and was assisted
by John L. Cuttle, bin. Deputy Uraod Master for
Clearfield county.
Mrs. Louina J. Irwin advertines a
farm and hotel property for sale, situate near
Fhawsvllle, In Uothea township, In this county.
Tbe properly is a very valuable nae, tbt hotel
being a favorite stopping place for w at train
Reed tbe advertisement.
If yon want to feast your eyes on
something nice, go to Hirlinger A Reok't store
ami tea their immense stock of Men's, Youth's,
and Children's Clothing. A Ira Gent's Furnish
ing Goods, all of which they art selling at the
very lowest prices. It.
John L. Cuttle, Ksq., Mercantile Ap
praiter for this county, publishes (be liat of sner
eantile licensee for I HT in this Issue of oar paper.
An appeal will be held at the office of the County
Commissioners, on Thursday, tba 2th day of
March, wbcra and when all Interested parlies
may attend.
What Fleck & Co. aio receiving this
week t A large line of men and boys' eais imeres )
a handsome line of ladies' lies and silk handker
chief a beatiful liat of dress goods a beauti
ful Una of blsek cashmere ( towels and table
lines staid and table covers tallooee, sansllaa
and ginghams. Call aad see, and yoa will find
price right. T. A. Flrcr A Co.
e em
Xot Over Vkt. We had nearly a
rote in this borough last week, produced by the
trl-angular aoatest for PuaUna)r la the Clear
field onlco t but tbo jrreicnt truant of that etfc
lishtnent, bein a humane and will disposed per
son, t doing all that lis can to suppress every
attempt of the kind, at.d be Is using his best en
deavors to prevent a row from entering his office,
or et en bioaking out In Uovernmeut circles. lli
motive are fiurely patristic, audi of Quart,
less fifrit,
- m I emw
Tuu CouhciLMKN. It trequehlly
happens tint ia the election of Town Councilors,
there Is a tit tutt Utweeo too of mors of tbe
candidates. The 4tlk tiecllta of tbt Aet regala-
liKg tie selection of buiuugb officeri (Pardon's
plgnt, page 119), requires the lospeeterl, at tbe
nlue ol tbe count, to determine tbe matter by lot
as fullows t Thry writs Ibt names of all ibt tea
didates ahleb are a tie upon n-perate slips of pa
per, fold the slips up and piece the same to the
ballot-boa. Tbe first name drawn I herefrom by
one of tbe Inrptetors shall be declared elected
Ut-o. V . ltkeem sod U B. Cowdrick were lie at
the reci.l tit cl ion Leld lb ibis borough, and the
uruli d tided Id fan of Mr. Rhw In tbe
aar at-r above drrtribed.
- e
VV e are informed Ibat the store of P. Curley,
Kc., at Wtlliamsgrott P. O., In Uiadtwrd lown
sbip, tiller koowa as Rigltr s'ation, oa tao T. A
l Railioad, about tight miles souiheasl of this
place, was Lrokift into oa Wtdoesdaj Bight of
last auk, lea. !7ih, and tol ImsuI I'tte knnditd
t.-lftrj worth ol slulhlng, hvsldvs a quantity of
I 4X g"Ti, biota, shuts, tibecoo, Stgaraa4 other
? sriiclvs. The I birr er tblete gained aa entrance
In i tb iore by cutting out and r moving a
11 tit a i fa wittdow la the hack room, and then,
with I rat e arid bit, bored through the door Into
tba etwie rwa. la their flight they dropped a
oat and visl oft the iosldetf tie olodow, and aa
OTireiiat and two pieces of ewiteo ta the ooisldo.
Tbo loole with which an ta trance was effected
j4tu t,iuii ireltere-l iroupd tbe sl(,re-rooai and,
ap'.b awibalivtj, As -fact Wat tftabHahed thai
hy haw liea takes from ibe-Macktaatia strop tf
Mr. UoderCeCer, near the steilva. Thelo 'Is, At
yet, to clue to tbt perprtr alert of tbe burglary.
'Pquiio t'uflsy seems tt ho uafortuutW, as this Is
the steood time that Us iforv bts wee
thniirh" al kia the pact olno montos .
I .,.
Col. riiiHp Bounor Wilson, a promt.
nnt ellisea of flellefonte, died on Saturday last.
All the nowoHt stylo Spring Hats and
m yen,
ville, has been rt-tommisloned a Notary Public,
by tbt Uorernor.
Dusiness at the I too IJive dona on
the osonomlcal plan benct buyers will buy at
the lowest price.
RopreHcntative Tato apont Saturday
sod Sunday with his family, and left agata for
Jiamtourg oa aionaay morvjtng.
- - m mm
The Allegheny Valley llailroad paid
its employes in silver week bsfort last, says the
B rook v lite Dewuterat, It la said some two hun
dred pounds of tha shining metal wort distributed
between Pittsburg and Brook ville.
No Court. Tho flood having
knockod the pirst wrrk of our March term of
Court In tbe head, tbe Rberiffelienbere publishes
a notice, informing jurors, and all other parties.
interested, that they need Dot attend.
A sawyer anted I II there IB
anybody about wbo would prefer to pay a year's
subscription to (he Ripcblicih by tawing wood,
rather than wlih tbt " Dollar of our Daddies," oi
greenbacks, 1st them come forward and wt will
" dicker " with them.
Jones Ahead. Brother Jones, of
tbt Tyrone isnid, was elected alayor of that
city at tbe recent election. We presume tbt Her
ald office will be a small affair. Id his estimation,
for tbs next twelve months. "Mayor J unci" from
this forward, If you please.
List of loiters remaining unclaimed
in the Post office at Clearfield, for tbe wedk ending
March S, 18TB :
Mrs. Frank Budwortb, Miss Mary Boi:nt. A. V.
Cross, Mite Linda Hero, Joha Moyer, Martin
Oweas, Mr. Baommons,
P. A. 0 At! LIB, P. M.
A neglected cough or cold, no matter
now "slight ' at nrst, frequently terminates ia
conrutnption. Has son's Compound Syrup of Tar
never falls in curing tbt worst cases of coughs,
cold, boerstncM, sure throat, asthma, bronchitis,
and alt diseases of tbe throat sod lung. It li an
itifflllilde remedy fur whooping cough. KoU in
Charllrld by (Urtiwlck A Irwin and 0. D.Watson.
m em
The great hettling ointment has pruv
(d of groat sertiet lu promoting haltby action
of purulc Dt ulcers, wounds, other cutaneous afTuo
lions f and for burns, frosted parts and chilblains,
it bit no equal.
Prepnred by E K. Thompson, Tituirille, Pa.
Price 25 ett. per box. 8otd ia Clcaflald by C.
D. Watson, and Harts wick A Irwin, druggists.
- - mmn mm
All Right I A Cleartteld creekor
writes as follows :
" 1)0 cow e down a little oa Hie Dolls spars,
especially oa the nine footer ; because Ibe people
won't believe It anyhow."
Our " devil" ssys they may believe just what
they pleasr, and he will Ills no objections t but
bo inrltts that they are the largest span that
ever floated down the Sotquebanne river Into the
Cherapeaat bay.
Mokk Tooth Doctors. The twenty
second annual commencement of the Pennsylva
nia Dental College was held at the Academy of
Muiio, in Philadelphia, last Thursday evening,
February Ifllh, when soveniy-eight graduates
from different Stulei of tbe I'nloo got their little
" theep-tkins" and received the degree ol D. D. 8.
Among the names of thirty-one Peunsylvaniant
wbo received diplomat, we notice that of Dr. John
L. R. Ilek-bbold, of Clearfield.
m mm -
A special sedition of tho J rand Lodge
of PeautyltsBia, I. 0. 0. F., was held at Philips
burg, Centre county, last Friday afternoon, when
between forty and fifty Past Grands were admit
ted to membership ia that body. B. B. Buyer,
M. W. G. M., and J. B. Nicholson, Grand Score,
tary, entertained tbt. members of Pbilipsburg
Lodge and tisiiirg brethren In tbe evening in a
very pleasant and beneficial manner, eietnplify.
log to them the unwritten work of the Order.
mm- mm
Juryman, wltnerres, and all other interested
parties, will pttare like Oolleo tbat tbe first week
of the Maruh term of Court, commencing on the
second Monday ,Marcb I lib, baa been adjourned
without day, by order of Charles A Mayer, Presi
dent Judga, and you need not, therefore, attend.
AiWKKW Piti, Jr., Shcillf.
Sheriff's Office, Clearfield, Pa., March 4, 1178
Accwent and Diatii. On Monday
afternoon last wt learn from the Brookvillt Vtm-
oerat, as Win. Thompson, of Dowliogville, Jeffer
son county, tho was In the employ of tbe Low
Grade Railroad, was engaged In cleaning an en
gine, at Mix's Run, about five miles west of Drift
wood, Pa., be slipped and fell to. lb ground, Id
jnring himself so severely tbat fat died tbt follow
ing Wsdotsday morning. lit was a young man
of great pi omits and possessed etcellent traits of
character. A brother of Mr. Thompson wst kill
ed on the railroad about a year ago.
. m
A New Wall Map. We take pleas
ure la calling the attention of our readers to tbe
advertisement of Measn. J. M. Butler A Co., ia
this Issue; Tbey art tbs publishers of una of tbe
finest wail maps of our State that we have ever
seen, and It should have a place in every buslueas
office and school room Id tbt State, aad every
family able to afford It should send for
ont. Pries, gfl. Tho pottoffioe feature, and on
so large a scale, la new, and, for tbt btneflt of
busi neis men, cannot be excelled for convenience ;
because, at a glance, you can see the location and
name of evtry potto ffioe la this ecu sty, or la any
other tounty ia tbt Slats.
mm -
Pa(y)triotio KrroRTs. Tho tri-ao-
gular contest, bow being waged between Captain
P. A. Ueulin, tbe present Incumbent, and whose
commission expires la Juno oeit, Mr. Samuel J.
Row, editor of tha Itafttman'e Journal, and Colo
nrl John F. Irwia, druggist, for tbt position of
Postmsster at lha ofllct ia this borough, has been
decidedly lively during tbt past week. They art
all clever and competent gentlemen, and, person
ally, we respect them j but their polities, like
their party, art too " crooked " for these reform
limes, and we intend to do our "level best" to
obtain a A'y, lleturaing Board, or some 8x7 de
vice, that will enable os to eount ia a good, live
Democrat, and, la that way, save our good neigh
bors from any annoyance In that direction for the
next four yeart.
e ei
("LtARKiiLD Coal Trade. State
ment tf Coal and other freight! sent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail.
road, for the week ending Fab. 16, 1879, and
tha same time last year t
Fur tbe week JI.IW7
Sams lime last year t li,b7
I.imA rlnrlnr ar
(Jaw date last year........
Decree ss
. lvJ.MI
, Vfioart.
110 '
Tttlel In 178 ,
Same time last ytar ....
' Decrease,., ,..,
Lumber., ,
Miscellaneous treights.,,
Tbe Pittsburgh Cu'Hic publishes the regula
tions for the Lea tea season, and as many of oar
readers will at Interested ia peroslng tbe rules
laid down, they are published entire t
1. All (he faithful who have completed their
teut)-firtl )er are, naltse legitimately dispens
ed, bound to obeorvt tbt feast tf Lent.
S. Tbey are to make only one full meal a day,
except leg Sunday a.
S. The meal allowed on Fast Days Is at to be
rahta till about nooa.
4. At that meal, if oa any day permission
should be granted lor eating fiesb, bulb eVh aad
flab are nut to be oied at tba tame time, even by
way of saute or tend! meat
' g. A small refreshment, Commonly called H
ffoe, It allowed Id the evening, ao general rule as
It tba quantity of food perm It led at this tttoo, It
or caa be made, Bui tbe practice of Ibe most
regular Christiana l, never to Itt h exceed tbt
fourth tf any ordinary meal.
fi. General usage has Oiade ll lawful to drink
in he niuibtng tome waim liquid, at lea, eollee,
or thin cboeuta made with, water, t t
J. Keessl; and cuiloui liavt authorised tbe
wee of lard In'oooktirg. h
8. Tbt folldwlnt ftersuas are exempted froi
Ibe ebligaliot el fatting i Young perssot under
XI teen ef age i Ibe tick 1 preguaal woweo.
these gi log such U Infante aarseas obliged K
hard labor ; aao an wao, itrouga weaiaets, can
not fatt one eat great prejadiee to ibeir beiiih.
f. Br disttposatlen ibe use of letb meat will be
all owed at aay time oa Sonde) s, sad onto a da?
on Moadays, Tueadayt aad Saturday i, with ibe
exceptioD of tbt Saturday In Kmber Wk ad
the last (otit uys l aat i . ,
!. rertoti'-dl'penird from the obltgatleo of
ratting aro.oot kouad ay the reetnetiosi i osing
meal only el one meal, oa days oo which Itt use
s granted by dlspmaalioa. Those who aie
obliged lolatt ert perm it ted to ate ate tnly ai
owe atoai. - v
II. Tba time for mskec the Batter Com met Ion
Will data fret law lrl Suaday la Lent lig the
second Saaday alter fcatter noifc i.j4e. ,
i ut a i
A. 0. Kramer A Co. want 50,000 rail
road tits, Jas.f-tf.
Our embroideries beat anything tn
towa for nloa stylos and cheapness at the Bee
Utbhons, Klowors, mid ad kinds oi
trim mi ngs ftr bats and bonnets, are now arriving
at Fleck A Co.'s. moh -tf.
T. A. Flock & Ca are Just receiving
a ntw and elegant assortment of spring 11 eta and
Boaoote. mch fi-tf.
It e mom be r that Lytlo ii County
A-eif. .rv rr Ward's Tobacco, aad oan sell them
at factory prices. They art the beat tobaooos In
market. Try them.
Fifty pieces ot Fruit of the Loom
and Illll Just received at T. A. Fleck A Co.'s,
which they will offer for sale at tbe low advance
of half a oant par yard.
What Fleck & Co. are receiving this
week i A large lint of men and boys' oastiinsras j
a handsome Hoe of ladles' ties and silk handker
chiefs i a beautiful Una of drsss goods a beauti
ful line of black sash mere i towels and table
linen ( stand and table coven j calicoes, muslins
and ginghams. Call and see, and yon will find
prices right. T. A. Fiaow A Co,
Fifty pieces of Fruit or the Loom
and Hill just recti red at T. A. Fleck A Co.'s,
which they will offer for salt at (bt low advance
of half a cent per yard.
mt I
What Flock & Co. are roceiving this
week i A large line or men and boys taastmeres j
a baadsone lint of ladles' ties and silk handker
chiefs t ft beautiful line of dress goods j a beauti
ful Hue of black catbmcrt j towels and tabls
linen j staad and table covert j calicoes, muslins
and ginghams. Call and let, and you will find
prices right. ' T. A. Flick A Co.
In a late Interview with Mr. Newton, the Su
perintendent, we learn that the work In the vari
ous departments of our Clearfield County Histori
cal Atlas progresses favorable. Many of our
etiisens have bad sketches taken of their resi
dences, farms, business houses, mills, factories.
etc., at may bt seen tn tbe list which aooompa
nies this article. i
li Is Important tbat every Improvement, whether
public or private, should bo properly rspreaented.
Our sister counties have shown to their beat ad
vantage by tbo many elegant lithographs which
so fully Indicate their material resources and the
step forward they bave taken on tbe road to com
mercial Importance.
Our ciliions nboutd See to it that Clearfield
county is not behind in having Its improvements
frupTly represented. Tbe opportunity of ttcur
ng a view of our homes, river scenes, churches,
Ac, will not f.ccor sgaia for many rears. It Is
heartily desired by all that the work In tht view
department may be so comprehensive that tbe
i Must rated portion of tht Atlas may fairly repre
sent the Improvements of tbo county ; and to do
this, our farmers, lumbermen and merchants must
not stand aloor. J his feature ol the Atlas is both
ornamental and useful, and Is second to no other
section of tho work. Messrs, MoKUson and
Mann are now calling upon the citiasns in tbt
various tow nib ins, and on thtlr return wt hope
to bear n favorable report of our people's liber
ality and public enterprise.
Extra oopiea of the engravings are furnished
thoit who have views taken, which enables the
owners to have these pictures of their homes
encased In frames, or send them to their friendt
reaiding In other parti of tbe country. Tbt fol
lowing art tht names of some of oar eitiieos who
have already contracted to bavo views of their
homes and buildings inserted In tht Attest
Portrait f Hon. William Blglcr.
DirdVeye view of the town of Curwensvlllt.
First school house in Clearfield couoty,
na. William Bigler Residence and lawn.
Judge G. R. Barrett residence and ofhot.
G, B. Good lander residence and Interior view
of printing office.
udgo J. B. McEnallv rtalJenot nod sur
roundings. !
h.j. Kow e Hon front and interior view of1
printing offioe.
d. J. now resideact.
A. B. Shaw rest deaoe and surroundings. I
James B. Graham residence, bank block and :
other buildings.
nicliard Hhaw residence, mills and surround
ings, including the West Clearfield fair grounds.
b eon era uraued Hcnool building and surround-
George Thorn residence and surroundings.
A. J. Logan residence and surroundings.
Frank Fielding residence and grounds.
W. M. Phew residence and grounds.
James Kerr Insurance office.
Dr J. P. borrh field residence and office.
Hon. John Pat ton residence and farm see no.
Mise Annie M. irvln, view of the John Irvin
estate property, consisting of mills, lumber and
ratting scenes on the tiuvquehanna river. I
n. u. jirainaro taiorior new ol prtauag omoa
E. A. Irvin vitw of the Irvln bomeatcttd.
Daniel Goodlsndsr hotel, store, and farm I
Reuben 11. Moore residence and surroundings. I
Moore A Uamiltoa store at Luthersburg.
Dr. Reuben V.fipackman -residence and office, j
J. H. Edinger residence and store. j
Charles Marshall residence, cabinet shop and ;
surroundings. i
Lewis ll. uariiie view or sow mill, shingle
ills and surroundings.
aiunr towkship.
Erastos Luiber residence aod farm soene.
Major Martin H. Luther residence and farm
scent. - .
David Reams residence, saw mill, timber and
J- Ji. eeyler residence and farm scene.
Joseph Bevlcr. jr potterr works, retidenceand
jono n earns residence and farm scene.
J. W. Corp reeidenee tod farm seeoe.
Elias Rishel residence and surroundings.
G. M.Taompson residenoo and farm scene.
Kcsiab Poetltthwalt retidenceand farm scene.
Christian Smith-residence and farm view.
P. W . Drauekrr hotel, surroundings and farm 1
Frederick Kohler residence and fwrm scent.
T. F. Rftbel residence and farm aooot.
II. II. McUeo A Bro. homestead, mill, other
bulldinga and surrounding scenery.
11. li. sacuee resilience, taw mill. Scnool
bouse, river view and surroundings.
mints Meuet retiiicnee, old Mcllec home
stead, other oeildtngt and surrounding farm
Angus Miller residenoo and surroundings. I
J. W. McUee residenoo. Baw Mill, surround
ing scenery, and Interior view of Baw Mill.
Jobn If. Lee retidenceand surroundings.
Robert Mahaffev view of residence, church.
other buildings and surroundings.
James aiabaaey residence, river view, and
surrounding forest scene
burrs ion townaaip.
Horace Patch in residence, mills, store, other
buildings, rivtr view, Ac. -
Jackson Patcbln store, residence and sur
a. w. Fetch in residence, river rlew and sur
Jobn v. Conner residence and store.
George Patobin retidetiee and surroundings.
V, Tonkins residence, river view and sur
John ning residence and surroundings.
Jamei McMorray view of residenoo and store.
A. Bates residence and surroundings.
David Forcey view of homestead, with sur
roundings, and farm scene.
Hamuel t. nustnJKsq resldsnot. farm build
ings aad farm scene.
Jobn Hiewan.rr view or ibt Stewart borne
Daniel Stewart residence, surroundings aod
farm scene.
A. L. Freeman resides ot and surroondlogt,
II. 8. Stewart retldenot and rlvtr view.
Alexander Murray residence, tenant house
NnMi;i -
Dr. J. P. Heyw-reside net and surroundings
and rivet view.
P. 8. Weber Interior vitw of dry goods stort.
Long A Brady interior view of bard ware store.
J. Kwersoa view of Central Hotel.
John DuBols Residence, mills, otbsr build-
lags aad aurrouadlngs, i t -
Jobp Humbarger reaidenoe ana groepas.
K. Hunts City Hotel building.
Mores Owens residenoo and (arm vitw.
David Gear hart residence, farm view and
coal bank
loRDiw row nan ip. -MaJ.
D.W.Wlto retidence, other buildings and
farm flaw, .. . .. i
Joseph M. Spencer view of mill.
A. 0. Ogdea residence, farm rlew and mill.
Mrs. Klisabcth Carr rati deaoe and surround
ing. , bamuel Ft Iter ton rtsldunoe and Xrm view.
Clark Brown resident and farol rlew.
Leaoder Denning residence and farm view.
Ilea. A. 0. Tate farm residence end surround
ings. Aliraea Humphrer Reeldeaee and farm view,
Samuel Brewa -rcetdeoaa and ftrja vstw., ,
,, , . ostteLA apBocoa.
Oeorgt M. Brlsbia residea it and lawn.
D. K. Good residence and lawn.
(!. F. llailt-y-neldeDM aad farm sceut. r
Jneph'8eylor-rottdewew twd tareateewt.
Jamtw Andereoa botes and blaokmitk show,
William Welly residence and farm.
L. M. Dressier residence and farm view.
Charles Brown residenoo end surroundings
aod term scene, ,
George Cieoser ferldtnt and furroeodlrigi,
- noaais township.
Leonard Kyler- view of Ibe Kyltr II oust, in
nyienown, sitvo auw vfrvownoinpe, . , .
Adam Mnyer icsldonoe,' sur Bounding aad,
far eoena.'' '. .
1 James X Slewert rlew of farm, fgrsj build'
lags wd WTSMwaUat, , 5
f ' : pooas TOWNSHIP. -
John If. kyWr resldenfe,"sorroondtogs aad
farm scent.
Jamwo Pesemera flofol aatl Wen.
Albert Owen rest dawtt aid banking-room. Lloyd Hflaw of the Lfoyd Alowee. .,
Anil many'othere. , '. -
t i . . t w .. m t.
50,000 railroad ties wtnlod by A. G.
Kramer A Oo. Jen. Ml.
Wanted. 50,000 railroad tic, at A.
ft. Kramer A Co.'s, Clearfield, Pa. Jan. tf.
Allia tat mt Ina Malt iaraaa atB4 leumi
to tht artlelt can be had at two dollars again.
WantidI 1,000 cords of Homlock
and Rook Oak Bark, for which we will pay the
highest market print,
jylttf. A. 0. Kramib A Oo.
Fifty pieces of Fruit of the Loom
Mm Hill Juit received at T. A. Fleck A Co.'s,
which tbey will offer for sals at tbe low advance
of half a oant per yard.
At the RgpUBLioAN office is tho plaoe
to get yonr job work done. We are fully prepared
to do anything In the printing line, will do It
wall, and at tbt right kind of prloea. tf.
Fifty piocos of Fruit of the Loom
and mil just received at 1. a. neon m vo. s,
whiok they will offer ftr sals at lha low advance
of half a tent per yard.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
In the Hrpubucah will reach mors readers than
If published In all tbt otbtr pepart la the oonn-
ty, and cost the adrtrtlsti lets than ont-half
In otbsr words, an advert lit men t published In
our JturnaJ Is worth double tht price of that
charged by any otbsr publisbsr in tht county,
"It Is a fact." tf.
What Flock & Co. are rocieving this
week 1 A large Hue of men and boys' oasstmerss;
n handsome lino ef ladies' ties and silk handker
chiefs j a beautiful line of dress goods j a beauti
ful line of black cash mere towels and table
liaee ; stand and table covers eel loots, muslins
and ginghams. Call and see, and yon will find
prtoss right. T. A. Flick A Co.
What Fleck & Co. are recoiving this
week, at their store, on Market street i-
A largo Una of men and boys' oasslmert.
A handsome Hoe of ladies' ties and bandker-
A beautiful lint of dress goods.
A beautiful Una of black cash mere.
Towels and table linen.
Stand and table oovcrs.
Calicoes, muslins and ginghams.
Call aod see, end you will find prices right.
IT Jt. T. A. Fbkck A Co.
Fish and OrsTins. D. W. Jordan has on
bands, daily, FHKSH FIH1I, which be will deliv.
er to oustotusrs In any part of the town. Also,
received every day, and for sale by the pint,
quart er gallon. Prices low.
u 1 earn eld, fa., Jan. 10, 187B-W.
Noticr, Some unnrtnclnled n at ties belna? In
dustriously st work circulating to story tbat Mrr.
j. crown is not any longer engaged in the La
dles' Hair Drcssinc business. I herebv srivt no
tics to nay friends and patrons that I still carry
on tbe business, all such storlss to tha contrary
notwltbttang. Rooms at her residence, one square
south of the M. K. Personage, Clearfield, Pa.
marcn 0, at. mbs. b.J. brown.
It seems aa If I should oourh my head off,"
Is sometimes tbe Impatient exolamstion of a suf
ferer from a severe wugb. Quell the paroiysmt
with Hale's Honey of Ilorehour-d and Tar. Tht
relief is Immediate aad tbe euro certain. Bold
by all Druggists.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure In ont minutt.
Wanthd. Some tasllv learned person or Artist
to manufacture Luthbk'i Patrntbilk Canvas
Pictvnrs In this county, to Royalty. Painted
from photographs er any picture, and Is the
Finest Oil Painting made. Before the territory Is
taken I will paint pictures 8x19 for fit and
warrant ibem for life. Kvery person should haro
one, as Oil Paintings on Canvas art tbt only
pictures that will staud tht test of time, and oan
be bended down to posterity. Partioolart free.
A. LllH&H,
Not. T, Hrr-ly. Corry City, Pa.
Onh Hi'Kdhrd Prr Cbht. Discount or Old
Phicrb. Hewing Machines can now be purchased
at Herrell s tin and variety store, from moo up
wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired
on tho shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa,, July IS, 1877.
Buootis For Salb. R. Newton Shaw kssos a
full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform
wagons for sale. 10 bt seen at tbe chaw II oast
yard, van on or address htm at uieerneid f enn
sylvanla. may 11-tf.
Waktns 1100,000 36-lneh shaved shine lee
te average from to 61 Inches for which we
will pay tbe highest market price.
A, U. & R AH IB OO.,
feb.M-tf. Clearfield, Pa.
4 UentU Hint.
In our style of climate, with Its sodden
changes of tetaperat art, rain, wind and sun-
stiioo often intermingled In a single day. It Is
no wonder that our children, friends and rela
tives art so frequently taken from us br n select
ed colds, half the deaths result log directly from
inn cause. A oouit 01 uosenee s Herman Byrnp,
kspt about your home for immediate use will
prevent serious slekness, a large doctor's bill
a perhaps deatb, by tot use of three or four
ses. For curlnsr Consomntton. Hemcrrhaare.
Pneumonia. Severe Coot hi. Crono or an dUeaae
01 mo mroai or Lungs, its suoeess is simply
wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Ger
man Syrop Is now sold io every town and village
on this continent. Sample bottles for trial, 10
tenia. Meguiar slit, 7 tents. For salt by U
D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa,
may .13, iB77-eow-iy.
1Vm Jffuxt 'ttrr that l ourh.
With fihiloh's Consumptioa Curs you oan cure
yourseir. it Bat tsuniitbed tbt I act tbat Uon
omntton Ban be enrttd. whtla for Cnurha. Rrnn
eh i tit, Whooping Cough, Aithma, and all diieaata
of Throat and Lunge, it is absolutely without an
equal. Two dossi will relieve your child of Croup.
It le pleasant to take ar.d perfectly harmless to
the youngest child, and no mother can afford to
be without it. Yon can use two-thirds of a bottle
and if what we say Is not true we refund Ibe price
laid, rrlee 10 cents, so tents aad SI per bottit,
T your lung's art sort, or chest or back lame, use
Bbiiob s forous Flaeter. For sale by all drug,
gists of Clearfield.
' Have you Dyspepsia, art yon Constipated, have
row a iciiow nam, lhiss oi Appetite, iieaa Acne,
t to don't fall to net HHlLOll S BVeiTKM VI-
TALIZKR. It Is guaranteed to relieve you, and
win you continue tosuuerwnen you tan be iturtd
on suck terms as these. Price II ett. and 16 els.
Sold by all druggists of Clearfield.
Well's Persian Perfume. - BACRMRTACK."
IS flea and fragrant. Try It. Bold by all dm
gists of Clearfield. dee.6,'77-eowAm.
At the residenoo of the bride's ua rents, on
Tuesday, Feb. 20th, 1H78, by Rev. D. C. Plannett,
Mr. mar lei ouscn and Htis Martha llobineon,
otb tl iiuifois city, Fa.
In Goshen township, near Shawsvllle, on flat.
arday, March Id, 117b, of ooasumptlon, Mary II.,
eugoter 01 lewts i. and Amelia Irwin, aged 17
years, fi months and t days.
Clharpibld, Pa., March 4,1871.
Flour, per owl.- AS ftO
Buckwheat Flour, per owt I So
Corn Meal, perewt - S (H
Chop, rye, per cwt... , 1 AO
Wheat, per bushel....,.,...,,, 1 40
Ryt, per bushel. ,...,,.,.,,.,. 76
Oats, per bushel , , 86
Cora, tars, par buabel..., M
Buckwheat, per bushel.,...,,,,,,,,,. 76
Potatoes, per bushel ,.....,..,.. 40
Apples, par bushel , 40 to 100
at ami, per pound 12
Shoulder, per pound
Pried Beef, per pound 16
Chlckeni, per peir.,.M.i.MMi'. '0
Butter, per pound ., HO
Begs, psr dosea , . 1 14
Salt, per tack, large....... ., 1 00
Coal Oil, per gallon 16
Lard, per pound H, Hi
Dried Applet, per pound ..... 1
Dried Peaches, per pound. IS
Beans, per bushel 1 60
'produce market report.
P.ilamlpiu. Much, t Flour qal.t ad
Ittdj, tap.rnBM, $1 60) titr.,, $1 kfl) I'.nn
jIts.I. .all;, K (J it, MI.mki do.,
, tg(o it j .bd fet,n gnMlM, f.0.
ny ooar, f a ll(ojl ...
Wl doll d , I uW, II 14 (il M
nd, II 0($l 14) II IS(j)l ti.
vor.BMI, n I.ffVX
Cora . bd lo.r aad wmi i r.How, &4a
it, M(giir. Marak,UbU. April, ti,
M.t, 44c
O.I, dull j P.aa.ilraola oalU, SJH'1!
W., ao., Ba..4, ... BJtlM. IZLLIXJ.,
Mi. dull at 05 (u lila.
fr.rl.loD, doll i hii pork, III joail; Imf
.-., inai. bm. m, . (. .
Mad aaaa, t(3irl (MM do., 7ft7
uuiu.r. ,a
Lard a,ait and aaoaaafd.
MatlM atMdi .r,uinr.U(4l aw York
aadllradrord Matt, aitraa, S(ata , wmiii
nxm, 11(4 IM.
K. dall, waaa aodlow.Ti fraal.lraala. It:
CLHM ttBi H. York hl, UlfaU.i
Mnra,.k.ln,nTta)IU, ' '
Clralra doll aad I. nlawt, llll( ,
araa., v,n.,,e.
4tMd Uaoloa nlorarmd It la Wttr rwaaat
at MolTIa, aMordiat la ajualtir- Tiaioih, I.
B-giMMa ana n.aatMl am Iraaaal a; emab.rt.
. qaol. Ik. 111 tt at II 4 aor ka.h.1.
i Kaw Toa, Mirjk t-fkraa Ian ad wart-
Ma Jll ...I. .V I J I - J L . A . I
.'tobMf nd i auaaraat aut, 14 lot. a. aatra
d., It linffiJ 0 okotada,!. Jaijiid i; f.a
a, d... tt tl aaanaa. mm, 4 KM
4 M ooaaioa ta (tod "tra do.. Ui3J II,
holoa do. do., gr,l It l akolw wlilu wkul
do., Id 00 Tt Muthara .".Jr.
Wlinat quiot aad Ira I rorr mod.rat. axport
llqalrr j No. I irlalar nd, Hank, l u.
Cora dall atd aaohan.(l l aw nlatid waaUra,
tl(jB5tl rot ,poti MlJ7. 'or fotaru,
taaapaaaam-v V--Vaaa . ww
l'orkllMdyi aawaiMl,ll 10(9111 li.
Lard mlnr i nadand, Idank, 17 1H
kid, IT s: aikl.
llutiar koavjr.
Wbi.kjqoi a.tUni, II 07.
Curiao, Marth I. Hour qulal aod aaokaaf.
Wkaat aaaottlad kat fanarallj lowar epaaad
waak and loa-aY.- lt.J rn ,at oul.1,1. arioaa:
No. I Ckleaio apring, fill od, II 10, j ncular,
II 10 , oaah, l luj(,vl Hit for Marck I 11 10
(4)1 101 for April No. I da. II 09(a) I 0, ra
jaolod, TOto. j
Cora autollltd aod lowar I l.lio for ouk I 4.1,.
Tor Msroh I 43(j43lo for April) 4tlo lor Ma;
r.jMlod. 421o.
tlaUdoll, waak and loon) gilt edg., I4e
ngular, 14o for oaah and M.rali; 2414ofor
jiiru ,,o lor may.
Hj flriu.r at too. , A
Barlar flrmar at 460. '
jiilroadii. .
VN and after H.rjJ.y, JUM M, 1STT, tko
Vl aaaangor train, will ran .all, (oaoapt bua
daja) batwaaa Tyronaand Claarllald, aa followa
W. 0. InwiK, Conduotor.
,..:10, r.,
Saromlt Hl
l.0, "
Barratt, ,
..I ts, "
..4.11, "
,.4. IS,
..4.2, "
10.10, "
10.11, "
Bo)otoa, ......
Blue Ball,..
n allaoaton...
Bla. Ball......
, 10.S4,
.4. as, "
,.4.41, "
,4.47, "
4.5K, "
1.10, "
1.J4, "
6.00, '
,13:01, r.
W. S. Pluhubb, Coaduotor.
P. M. A. M. A. H. BTATIOMa. ' A. M. P. M. P.
1:00 Morri.J.le, . 1240
1:16 Ml Philipeburg, 12:16
1:10 T:8 Bl.ln.r'. 71:21
114 7:44 Bornlon. 12:14
1:30 10:0 7:61 Onaola, 1:41 12:04 4:16
1:44 10:46 8:00 Moehannoa, 39 11:51 4:00
1:62 10:61 1 11 Slarllni, 9 10 11:46 9:51
1:67 10:68 8:17 Houtiuala, :20
8:01 11:01 8:21 MoCaul.y, tit
11:40 1:47
11:86 1:44
1:07 11:07 8:28 Kandriek'l, 1:10 11:30 1:40
S:I3 11:11 0:36 Kamay. :00 11:35 8:36
Ea. Mall. Mail. Exp,
p. a. A. a. p. a. a. a.
7.08 8.30 leare Tyrone arrlra 1.1
7.18 8.47 Bald Eaglt
8.01 0..10 Joliaa
i.63 7.48
(.10 7.00
8.14 1.66 Mlleahurg ' 4.46 1.43
8.32 10.05 Hellefonia 4.37 0..13
8.46 10.15 Mllethnrg 4.16 0 23
0.08 10.40 Howard 4.0 1.00
41 11.18 arrlra L. Haven loara 8.16 6.36
Paeino Bipraaa 8:10
Harriakurg Aoe'a, 8:50
P. a.
Mall Train, 1:18
Atlaatio Expr.,,, 8:60
Phila. EipraBS, 10:33
Pittatmrgk Eip'tB, 1.60
PaclOe Eipraaa, 1:18
P. a.
Way Paaaongar,
Mall Train,
Pad Lina,
Oloaa aonnaationa mad. by all tralnl at Tyron
and Look llaran.
8. I. BLAIR,
anylT-tf. Snperintandant.
A ataae laa.-as CarwanaTilla daily for Reynolda.
ill., at 1 a'elook, p.m.,arrlTingat Roynoldarllle
at 8 o'olaok, p. m. RetarBlog, t.araa Hayaolda-
Tllla dally, at 7 o elooa, a. m., amring at uur
waaflvillaat llo'elook, m. Fara, each way, 12.
A Btaaa Icare, Corwenavllle dally, at I o'clock,
p. a., for DoBoia City, arrlTing at Dulioli Cily
at I o'elock, p. m. R.torning, learee DuBoit at
7 a'olook, a.m., daily, arriringat Carwaaarllla at
IX o elooa, m. rare, aaou way, .z.
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
ON and after Monday, Dm. loth, 1877,
tba naaaMigar tralna will ran daily (axeapt
Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, aa
followa t
RAKTWAnil Day Mall leave, PllliWg
8:20 a. m.t Ited Bank ll:5P bhgo JODOtloa JX:eHf
Now Belhlehem 1:07 p. m. MayBTllla 1:20 1
Troy 1:30 BrookTille l:IK Fuller'. 1:16 Ray
noldaTllla 1:51 : DuBoia 1:33 t Summit Tunnel
1.40 I'anteld 4:06 i WeelTilla 4:17 1 Ben.i.tte
4:10 arriraa at Driftwood at 6:55.
W liKT W AR1). D.y Mall learae Driftwood
12:16 p. m. II.B.artU 1:0V; WelTil!o 1:40;
PanOald 1:46: Summit Tnnaal 1:07 1 DuUolil SO;
Rejnol,liTlll.3:iJ; Fullar'al t7; Brookrllla 8:1.1;
Troy 1:40; Mayarillt 4:15; New Bethlehrm4:2;
Sllgo Janotloa t:10; Rad Bank 1:27 arriraa at
rittabnrg at 0:10 p. m.
Mr Tha Reynold,,!!!. AoeommodatioB laaraB
RoynoldBTilla daily at 7:60 a. m. and arriTaa at
Rod Bank at 11:110 a. m., Pittsburgh at 2 36 p. m.
Uaraa Plltebargh at 1:10 p. m ; Red Bank at
ft:a p. m.; arming at nay acidemia at v:ua p. m.
Clot, oonnartloaa made witk traina on P. A B.
Railroad at Driftwood, and witk tralnB oa tha
Allegheoy Valley Railroad at Red Bank.
A. A. Jacrbor, Sop't L. U. Dir.
Tha nndaralgnad would Inform tha puMlo that
ha IB aow running a etaa. una netweaa vwarneia
and fennell, tbra. tlmae a weaR.
Tba atar. laarM Clearfield oa Tnaadaye, Tbura.
dayB and Selardaya, at 1 o'oloek a. m., arririag
at renneio at ix o oiooa tn. neiuraiog Berne
daya. LaaTafl PenSeld at 4 o Block p. m arriT
ina at Clearfield at 8 a'olook n. m.
ConnaetioB 1, mada witk trala, oa tha Low
Grade R. R. at Panfield. Fare, each war, 11.60.
MKO. W. UBAItllAltt.
Claarllald, Pa , Fob. 13, 1878.
Bellefonta, Pa -..,.13
Mlddletowa 6 00
Marietta. I 61
Laneaator I 86
LiMik Haven ...
Huntingdoa .
Maryavlll... ,
Altoona 1 fit
Johaetown.-,....-.. I 80
l'hilineburi . tl
?ItBt!RO.....V. 1 ?l
g(u .dvrrtUrmrnts.
J Jonalbaa Boynton ra. Wni. Albert, Henry
Albert and Grorga Albert, doing baalnee, aa Wm.
Albert t Bro',. I. Ornamoa Pleae at Clearfield
county. No.
Tha aaderelgned Ardltof Bppotnlad by tha
Court to diatrlbuta tbt- moBey arleing from tha
aalc af Defendaat'e real oetalo.emong the lien cred
itor,, will attend to tba baerlag at hla oolce, la
tha Coart lloeaa, an Thnreday, February I8ib,
1 878, at 10 o'clock a. ta., of whlck all pertloa tike
notice. IMHAEL TEST,
Feb. 11-41 Auditor.
Tklfl iBetitatlon, kavlag kea greatly rellerod
from ita laaaelal ky State ap
pmnrlations. la now prepared to offer Inorraaed
adrantagoB to iupatrona. Tka Summer Term of
eigbteaa we.ka will ope.
Monday, Marco lita, IttTrt.
Term,, 15.00 par w,.k,iBlading Tulllon, Doard
lag, Roam, Heat, Light and Waeblng. ajualc
Kim. Beat Normal Boboal Baildiag ia tk.
Hteta. F.oilitiea ia arery retpMt equaf to any
Normal lekoot la lha llalted .N. gtadnta
may enter at aay tine daring tka tana. Fat par
tieulara, oand for aatalr-gue to
D, M. 8KN8KNIS0, Prietipal,
Fab. 27-tt., Pa. rAHTiTion,
In tha Ori hici' Cjuri 4 VWatlrtd county, la
the matter ol thd k.rtilioa ol tho Real Batata af
VTIIrlaa nitektage, laH al Bradford tewnahlp, ia
tald aonaly, leCMaad,
Nolle, ia karaby girao to Jane WoolrMgo, aad
Joka Wodlrtdgo, hor boebaad. David Hiloblaga,
Mery Aaa Malaa, aad N. 11. aialaa, her baaband,
Calklrlae liilohlage, aad Aam, (I. Kramer, ti ,
her Uaardiaa act r.faaa, aod Ikoraak H. Force,
(laardiaa of Dovid B. Welkir, Thr-caa 11. F.
Welter, Martha Hull, AneiU Vet(erT 1. Blake
Welkar, 0iti We.t B. Welkar, holra,
cr idtentted ia aail enate, tkal tht lu
qte,t af aiHUu la aail aeute will ha bald an
tip pmaieee.ia eald towaebipM WEDN RBDAY,
Ike 8TU DAT OF1 MARCH, A. 6. 1118. al 10
a'rtaeb a. B., wkara aN aaa attea4 If Ikay aa1
prop.,. nnor-in r a.1 IL. Jr., rJh,n,
Weld, Feb. in-fit. . 1 T.
CorweaaTllli. T.Ola, u. Tjrone, .l.lir. .
Cloarlleld 7:30 " VaaecoToo,.... 1.46 "
Leoaard, 7 54 " Summit, 1.01 " 0 06 " Puw.lWa, 1.10 "
Woodland 8 10 " Oaowla, ....,.4.S6 '
Blgl.r t.94 " Bojratoa, 4.41
Wallaceton,.. 1.60 " Sleiaer'a, 4 60 "
Blua Ball,... . 0.06 " Pnlllpeborg...6.00
Graham 8.17 Graham 1.10
Philipebnrg.. MO " Blua Ball 6.46 "
Slainer'a, 0.50 " Wallaeeton, ...1.00 "
Boynton, 10.00 " Biglv, 0.11 "
Oaoaola, 10.10 " Woodland 1.30 "
Powelton, 1040 " Barrett, 1.46 ", 11.36 Uon.rd 1.60 "
Vaneooyoo 11.26 r. M. Cloarnold 7.00
Tyron -....1.01 " Carwen,Tllla,.7.k "
tiifrlUinroui JulvtrtismtBlj.
5,000 Rail Road Ties
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.
Curweoavllle, Jan. , '78 if.
Carwanavllla, Pa., Jaa, 0,
Prices of Shingles,
Curwenaville, Jaa. I, '78 If.
The undersigned desires to Inform the eltlisna
of Clearfield that he Is prepared to furnish GOAL
of an excellent quality, to all who may five him a
call, at a price suitable for theprestnthard times.
Ha will exchange ooal for floor, feed, grocoriei, Ac
A II orders will rooelre prompt attention, at he de-
llTert nitownooai. l iib. a, ifuunnii.
Clearfield, l'a.,tept. 6,'77-Oin.
tT 17177 ' Bot eul7 ,kril 'n times, but
"Ik I M M It can bo made in tnreo montm by any
y ' one of either sex, In any part of tht
oountry who Is willing to work ittadily at tha
employment that wt furnish. ftlS per week In
Jour own town. You need not be away from
otoo over night. You oan giro your whole time
to the work, or only your spare uomsnts. Itoosta
nothing to try the busmen, t erms ana 93 uuinc
free. Add rest at once, H. Hsllktt A Co.
April IS, 1877-lye Portland, Maine.
aO AUTION-Whsreas mv wife ELLEN, hav
V Ing left my bed and board without any Jutt
earns or provocation on my part, tnerobanti par
tleularly, and tba publio generally, art hereby
warned not to harbor or trust her on my aooount
as I am determined not to pay any debts of her
contracting afitr tnis date, unlets compel hmi oy
law. A Hi II UK llCJiUl..
Oltarfield, Feb. t7,78-3l
CAUTION All pertonssrc hereby cautioned
ogalntt purohuing or in any way meddling
with the following property, now in possession of
Itaniel Stroute, ef Rredy twp vis 1
One sorrel mare, five years old ntxt spring.
The forgoing property wm pure hoed by me
and it allowed to remain la theponesilon of said
8 1 rouse on loan only, subject to my order at any
time. - JUli.N HKltKlUdl.-vu.
JciTerson Line, Pa., Fob. 10-31. V
iOAni I()N. All neraons are heroby warned
J Ragnintt purchasing or In any way meddling
with tbe following personal property, now ia the
possession of Iiaao N. Kotbrock, of Graham
township, Clearfield county, Penn'a., vis : One
grind stone, 1 sleigh, 1 cultivator, 1 plow, 1 bar
row, S shovel plowi, 1 double-tret, t logic-trees,
1 pair spreads, S horses and harneis, 1 threshing
machine, I fanning mill, 1 wagon, S wagon beds,
S cows, T head of young cattle, 1 sow and pigs, 9
aorat of whist, 0 acres of ryC in the ground, 100
doiea oatt, I lumber sledt, 8,000 feet of sawed
lumber, 20 sheep. Tbe foregoing property was
purchased by me at Sheriff s tale, on tbe 24th
day of Deo ember, and It allowed to remain In the
poieession of said Ilolarock on loan only, tuhjeot
to my order at any time. juun UULT.
Wallaoetoo, Pa., Feb 20-31
The undersigned will sell at private aale all
that tract or parcel of land situate in Decatur
township, Clearfield county, Pa., within a short
distance or tno Tyrone 4 uiearnei'i n. k., ana
adjoining lands of Kobert Hudson and otneri.
and known as the Jacob B. U earner t lot. The
said tract containing 00 acres more or lcis, with
two veins of valuable ooal thereon, has about SO
acres cleared, and Is tbs key to a large body of
ooal about being developed. Will be sold low and
upon easy terms. For particulars, apply to
Clearfield. Pa., July 13, 1876.
Health and Happiness art priceless Wealth to
thetr pottciiort, anu yet tncy art witmn tnt reucn
01 every ont wno win use
Wrlght'S Liver Tills,
The only sure Cl'RE for Torpid Liver, Dyspcp
.i. 11 1 1.- a . a, k nn.ti...iin
r,m, iirutiwu., ouui, vvu.ttptiuii,
Debility, Natter, and all Uillious tomplainis and
Illnod ditordett. None genuine unless signed
Wm. Wright, Phtl'a." If your Druggltt will
not supply send li oenti for ont boi to Jlsrrlck
.toller A Co., 70 N. 4th Bt , Phila.
Deo, 2, '77-ly.
WaartBAS, Bon. 0. A. MAY KB, President
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of
tbe counties ot Clearneld, Centre and Clinton
and Hon. Abrau Oonaa and Hon. Viae err u.
Holt, Attoclate Judges of Clearfield tounty
have Issued their precept, to me directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans'
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court or (Jeneral Jail Deliv
ery, at the Court House at Clearfield, in and for the
county of Clearfield, commencing on tbe third
Monday, tho I nth day ol March, IH7H,
and to continue two weeks.
NOTICB IS, tbtrefore, hire by given, to the
Coroner, Jottlcei of the Peace, and Cons tablet,
ia and for said county of Clearfield, to appear In
their proper persons, with their Heeordi, ohi,
Inquisitions, Kiamlnatlons, and other Rem em-
brancet, to do those things which to their offices,
and In their behalf, pertain to be done.
Dy an Aet of Assembly, pasted the 8th day of
Hay, A. V. inot, tt 11 made tne duty ol tne Jol
lied of tbe Peace of tbt tertral counties of this
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sesilons of tht respective
counties, all tbe recognisances entered Into bofore
them by any person or persons chsrged with the
commission 01 any en me, except tueo cases as
may be ended before a Justice of tht 1'ptce, un
der ex Itttng laws, at least ten days before the
commeaaeaiaBt of the stisltm of tbe Court to
which they are made rttarnatilereptMtlrely,nnd
In all easts where any recognisances are entered
Into lett than ten dayi before the commencement
of tht session to which they are made returna
ble, tbt said Justices art to return tbt same in
tbe same manner as If said act had not been
GIVEN nnder my band at Clearfield, this fith
day of February, in tbe year of our Lord, one
thousana eight nunnreu ana isveniy-eignt.
febll tt ANDHKW l'KNTZ, jr, Sheriff.
TRIAL I IWT. Littof caumi set down for
trial at March Term, A. D. 1HT8. commenc
ing Monday, March 18, and continuing twoweeki:
Wm. H. Pontius vs. Arnold, n arts horn A
David ftemplt vs. Joseph M. Smith.
Wm. H. Pontius vs. Arnold A Hart thorn
Lemuel Campbell vs. Jobn Campbell.
C. A (1. Sohwein vs. James A. Irvin.
John Porter vs. O. B. Merrellet. al.
K. Klliott vs. John A. Dillon.
Lvon A Lvcfcton vt. Hiram Woodward.
Adam Rnackman vt. The T. A C. H. H. Co.
Jamee P. Hale ti. The M. L- A I.. Co.
Tuttle A W hit more Co vs. Clf'd K x . Canthmh Oo
Robert Wriglty vs. CH'd Planing Uiil Co.'iriUe tohool Dllt. vs. B. It. Taylor et. al.
Weed Hewing Jd. Co. vs. H. R. Curry et. al.
T. B. Helms vs. Robert Laniberry.
Kroehold H. A II. Att n vs. Mnlregnr A Pratt.
VanQnrdonA Shepherd vs. WilliamsA Hagnret al
O Rriley A Co. vs. John II. Frldny.
C. II. Coryell A Co. vs. Alfred Schnfleld.
James 6. Mehotleld vs. W. H. Fiueh.
finger Manuf'g Co. vs. A. tl. Straw tt, al.
Rlgler, Young A Heed vs. John Duliois.
Wvttley Miller vs. Walter Hbircy.
Mitchell Atkfy vs. Kmmsnuel Kuntt.
tHflt0Vt M.0 " RLVtoJ.)l0iBi4lVri?mnrT.
IHT OF JI'ROIIS.-Llit of Jarora drawn
j for March Term, A. D. lojfl, to continue
(wo weeks.
II A Wright, llcccaria, T J Fries, Houttdatt,
Robert Datr, Hell. W 8hnrlugh, "
A M (lill, II rad ford, The Hewitt, Huston,
Benj Nepp, ." !K Rridgcns, Kartbaus,
J 11 Draucker, Brady, C U Norrls, lawrence,
Jne Rumnarger,
Utvckeon Hoover, Morris
John II Kyler,
K Hildrbraod, Newburg
Jno litnkerd, "
Jut Holt, Covington,
Wm F Kr1ie,Glrerd,
A BHbsw. (ioib-o.
Wm Hpeedy, usreoia,
A J Ooss, Woodward,
f J Thomrsoo.llrsen'J, Wallace Joy,
Sam 'I KepbarLDeeatnr, Jos H Hlgglnl
Wm Molten, Ueccarla, l.lno HockenWrry, Chtst
Jos Whltmer, Bloom,
iW L Kjrner, Decatur,
John Bron, Dggs,
Isaac BfUa, "
W. LUots, "
Kills Pearce, Bradford,
Martin Wileon,
Milton Bhirey. 1
Hto ttlitrey, Ulrard,
J B Hartel, "
Ferd Migaot,
S Lansberry, Ooshea,
fleo Kmsigh, (Iraham,
J HtevenMin, Qreenwood
Rolit Alexander, tluli-rh.
John Byets. '
U aJcNsmara, Huat&dalt
Jns Wahlturn, Huston,
Henry Wliberow, Jurdan
James Dale, Lawrence,
Xenas Ogden,
D W HUn L City,
Jas Hughet, Morris,.
Joha Mali, "
Kdwsrd Wall, Ptnn,
Thus Wall, '
Alex. McDonald, "
l H oaldwella Pike,
f Usuev. -
0 W Barger,
Ailstu Hlfht-I, Brady,
T aJontgoraery, M
U W Penis, v
D OTbrot, ' -
L Sevier.
Philip Wearer. "
II liarlelelt, Jr., '
1 Adams, Burnslde (p.
luo Irvin, Curwensulle,
J P Bard, " -
W V Wright, Clearfield,
W J Hemphill, " ,
I fjtephetittn,
Joatn Raest, Cwtngtoa,
r Pennarra,
T llrnderton, Woodwaid
Jaa Lather, Beeearta, .Amos Rubier, tirabam,
Jacob Hawk, Bell, 'Jno Wiley, OrefowwtJ,
Jas Uehetl, Boggs, M Sharp, '
A H Uolden,UIHm, s, h llwiFL, V
Lewis Kline, Bradford, Jas Shield, lluatna,
W S Counsil, Uradj, John Argjle, Uentadalt,
Jai Diioii, ' , Wm T Bloom, J or dee.
UviilltttTy, D Johnston, ' "
Aug Hebtrlfng, N H Ltoaad.
Hdwlr. Cooper, Clearfield Milvi head, Lawrence,
UUrtdga, Wta Uoehtrry, "
Amos Ktnnsrd, jjeste Beam, Morria.
Tbos Wood, ('best, Jona Kmeigh, "
Fred Plubell, Cevufgton.J KlloalfrUrw, MfrU
Thos Norrli. Frrjusuu, Mlto flieimk-rlcbner. "
Peter Iteattlacer.Ulrard'Jee R-rtbrck. ' "
Alei Murray,- " I David Weston. Osoeole,
C W KyltV.flrahsfit, 'A J Capple( Pike.
If Allr.d Slr.w ... Willralna J. Straw.
la lha Coarl of Oommoa Plaaa of Clca.-lold
maty. No. 860 January TerB, 1.71.
To Wn.tatRA J. Straw t Yo. are hereby r-
yrr xt wtaf it i w
JawUi jjbj 0 uil uru Buea v I . HBtMawi aar,avaAa .
jeu In tht abort stated case on eoinnle.ul of
Alfred tU aw. AflURin rn-ni , jr.,
Clearneld, Feb. I0-4U bberiff.
James Dunn vs. M to bad Kearner.
u the Court of Com moo Ploas of CI r field
oountjr, PL Pa., 220 January Term, 1878.
Ibe undersigned Auditor, appointed ay tne
Court, to distribute the money arising runs the
salt of Deteiiaanta real AiuVs auioiig tne lien
oredilon entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that
he will attend to the duliet of bli appointment at
his offioe In Clearfield, on Thursday, the 7th day
of March, A. D. 1H78, at 1 o'clock p. m., wbsn
and where all parties interested nay attend.
feb.tMt. Auditor.
f Notice li hereby given thai npplloatinn will
be made to ibe Court oi Quarter Sessions of Clear,
field county, at tbe March term, 17H, for the ac
quisition by tht county of tbt bridge across the
Wtii Branch of the Susquehanna river, on the
Pbilipsburg and Sasquehanna turnpike road
(commonly fallea oleoui t bridge, in accordance
with tbe provisions of an Act of Assembly, ap
proved tho 8th day of May, A. D, 1676, entitled
An Act to authorise the acquisition by tbt sev
eral counties of this Commonwealth for tbt use ef
tht county ,of bridgts erected over rivers, creeks
anu mule is, and lor tne abolition 01 ions tm-reon.
Clearfield, Feb. ID St. Att'y for Petitioners.
Has opened, In a building on Market strest, on
tbe old Western Hotel lot, opposite the Court
iiooie in uiearneid.a iin and Mieet-iron menu
factory and Store, where will be found at all times
a lull line or
Stovos, Hardwaro, Etc.
Houie Spouting and all kinds of job work, repair
ing, Ac, done on short notice and at reasonable
rates. Also, agent for the
Singer Sewing Machine.
A supply of Machines, with Needles, Ac, al
wavt on hand.
Terms, strictly each or country produce. A
snare ot patronage solicited.
Clearfield, April Vj, 1877-tf.
Hereafter, goods win be sold for CASH only,
or In exchange for prtduoe. No books will be
kept In the future. All old accounts mutt be
settled. Those who cannot eah up, will please
anu uTer ineir noiee ana
I am determined to sell my goods at cub
prleei, and at a discount far below tbat ever
offered In this vicinity. The discount I allow my
customer!, will make them rich in twenty years If
they follow my advice aod buy their goodi from
me. I will pay oath for wheat, oats and clover
seed. UOOULANDhll.
Luthersburg, January 17, 1477.
ROOM KO. S, rili'S urEiu IIOI'SK,
Clcarflclil, P..
Reetieetfullv Inform, hla rnntemrrji. anil tbe nub
ile in general, that he eontinae, to tnannfavtore
all iimi, or
Tln.Coppcr & Shrct-Iron Wnro,
Of flrst olnss material only, and In a workman
like manner.
lone on shirt notice and very reasonable terms.
kept in stock, and for stlc low.
Gas-Filting and Plumbing
. , a specialty. .. .
Gas Fiiturci always on hand. All work
terd to give SAlisfsotlcn. ' , ,
A rha re of public patronage cordially solicited.
Clcaifleld, Pa., May 9, lflTT,
KMOYAM . .' . ' i
Would roFDectfullv notify the nulilta fjiiortiM
that he has removed his Grocery Store from
Shaw's Ruw, to tht building formerly occupied
by J. Miles Krnttcr. on Second street, next duer
to Uigur's hardware stort, where he intends
Keeping a full line of
tt 11 O C i: T I S.
HAM 3, D It 1 1 : D UKKF.n.l LAUD.
SUUARS anj St II ITS, or all er lei.
TKAS, Qreen and Dlaik.
OorPKK, Wut-.iii uutliaea. '
j r.f.tvf: riiriTs,
! All kind, la the market.
PICK I.KS, la jar and bnrrelt
SMt'KS at lirm aad varl.iy.
i ai l kiMwof nut Ki:n,
iiiukd ArrLiis,
Goal Oil, and ; Lamp Gblwuji.
And a ff,Nd eeaortment al tkae. thlnn Bauallv
k,it In a xrc;rx aioca. waif, ha will axahanaa
lr raai kctlia at the market prloa,. , f
, Will aail Ht eaah aa aheiplj aa aa ataaT'OBa.
' aail and aaa kla alotlft'aAd lad Lt
TtntMlC , .
fijurVU, -Ua. ,!:.
Hals, Caps, Gloves, Valises, &c,
Will be .old at aatountling low prices, Come and co for j'uumolf,
lVcNtem Hotel Corner, Cienrlield, Pa.
JanuarT, 10, 1HTT.
SEHMU ST., OI'rOSITK f Of RT IIOISK, CI.E.1ltflKt.n, P.f.
To the Citizens of Clearilehl County :
About a year ago T came among yon with a stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Furnishing
Ooods; within ttiit time I have told about Ten Thousand pairs of boots, Shoes, etc., and, with few
exceptions, these articles have given perfect sells faction ; where goods did not turn out exactly as
represented, tbey were at once replaced by new ones, as tha few who had occasion to seek redrets
can testify. Now let me assure yon that thii is no mere Askrtio, but precisely what I will con
tinue to do tbat Is, when tbat which you buy of me does not give, what you would term, "your
moneys' worth," I will repair it at once, on (air proof of Its being so.
Feeling grateful for pait favors, I ask a continuance of a share of your patronage.
Yours Hincerely, 8. (lUINZiiURl..
To close out a big lot, we offer :
Women's Rubbers at
Men's Runners at
Lumbermen's aitra heavy Giertliocs, with heel, at
Men's wool-lined Orersboei, at
Women's La cod Lasting Hlioe 05 cli.
uaed to sell for 11.00.
Women's Iaeed Morocco Hhocs, $1.10
used to sell lor $t.JJ.
Women's l.aced Calf IS hoes 1,25
used to si-ll st $1.&U.
Women's hosvy farm Hhoss l.JO
tilted to tell at $1.60.
Men's heavy winter Shoes, double sole.. .95 cts
Men's heavy kip Shoss $1.15
Men's heavy calf d reined Shoes 1.55
Men's best calf dressed 6boes I.T6
Men't kip working Boott 1.05
Men's kip working Boots, double tolt..,- 1.46
Men's kip working Uoott, tap sole 3.1)0
Io fit"! J different ttylet, from $1 to $2.50. Working and school boei, from $1.15 to $2.60 for best
calfskin, buttoned drets shoes. Boys' El mire Up sale Boots, $2.60.
Minos' subool Shoes V5 cts
Mines' farm shoes $1,15
Misses' genuine calf shoes 1.H6
Misses' drett Shoes 1.50
Misses' dress Shosi 1.60
Good, solid, buttoned, heelod Shoes for children. 65 cents. Good, oosper tipped, heeled Shoei for
children, 65 cents. Rubber and dress Hhoes, $ 1.20. Baby's Shoes of all kinds, Id cts. and op.
Men's and women's slippers, 35 oents. tihss poti'h, 15 ccnti per bottle. Bhoe strings, 4 cents per
dcicn. Button hooks, I cent each.
Clearfield, I 'a., Sep. 12, 1877.
Smithfield Street, from 2d to 3d Avenues.
The most centrally located 6rst-e1as nonet la tht City, r-freet cars pats tho door trtry 6ve
minutes to all the Bepots and all parts of both cities. Tenon, avj.ftO per day.
WALSH it ANDERSON, Proprietors.
Tbe RepctUKAPJ, of Clcarflcld, receired weekly at the Hotel and placed on file for the benefit of
gucitt from tbla section, Ac Jan. 16, 1878-Stn.
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
Total Assets (all cash) January 1, 1S78 , $.13, 59,653 VT
Total Liabilities, Including Reserve on all Outstanding Policies, at 4) pur oent 27,330,654 00
Income for lf77, all oaih, g g oi J28 11
Amount paid Policy-holders In 1377 for Death claims Endowments, Dividends and '
Surrender Values, , $ $,234,178 7$
Interest anp rents received and accrued in lfiT? more than paid all Death claims
and Kndowments for the year.)
6,3(19 new policiei itFued In 1877, ascuridg $20,712,793 00
thowing that the "Equitable" oontmuti to do a large buiiness notwithstand
ing the hard times.
Tht great progress made by the Equitable since the panic of 1S?3 is manifest in the very large
Inert s in its aisets since t hat time, amounting to over Kleven Million Dollars.
Ths accumulations on Tontine Savings-fund Policies already amount to to the large turn of $2,
u69,01V. We can tliow show you actual results of policies oo tht lives of prominent ci litem insur
ed on that plan to prove it to bt tht cbeapett end profits bla form of Insurance exiaoL
Oentlcmen contemplating insurance will find It to their advantage to call upon or address
W. M. SHAW, Agent, Clearfield, Pa.
Having purchased the stock of Fred. Sat-kttt,
hereby g Ives notice that he is prepared to furnish
all kinds of
4f the licit and latent improved patterns, st very
low prices.
He lias also on hand, a lot of BRACK KTfl,
CHAtf DKI.IKKH and UAH LAM I'S, of all kinds,
at suitable prices. Uss fixtures ordered at short
notice, to suit customers.
Alio, a riiiapleta BMortneBt of aiaaufartured
Tia-ware, lu which he Invito tho atloatloa ef
Front part of Boom No. J, PIK j OI'KIIA
1101 rE. JAN. L. l.KAVV, Proprietor.
I'KKll. PACKKTT, ruii l.
ClearllrU, Pa., Ilea. 13, '77 It. '
Hav opened up, Ut the store room Intel v ovupied
by Weaver A Itetls.on Kiond street, a large aad
wolltclfftetlidofk of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Which thty will dispose of at reatonablt rates
ar sam, or ttenangt tor country prodnce.
CleaHleld, Pa, Jin. 9, 1871 tf.
Out Sale.
40 eenti.
60 cents.
I Women's best Calf Shoes
used to tell at $2.00.
Wi men's Laced foxed A hoes
I used to sell at $1:60.
Women's Uuttoned Morocco bot
I used to sell at (1.76.
Women's Kid Laced Hhoea
used to sell at $2.3.
Men's Elm tra kip working Boots, tap sole.. $3.50
Men't drett Uoott.., $.26
Men't best calf lir-ota $., ft
Men's beit calf Boott, sewed , 4 JO
Men's best calf Boots, tewed H 6.00
Mtn's best oalf Boots, sewed - 0.00
Mines' dress Phots
Eittee dress Shoes
Mines' kid Rhoes...
Mines' kid Shots...
Misses' kid Shoes...
... $1.75
... 100
... 2 00
.... 2.50
... 3.00
$ 6,200,061 77
n. v. auLicn.
n. n coax La.
n. aiaanvw.
(il 11, MeCOCKLE & (O.'S
Market SlrMI, Clearfield, Pa.
We man ii fee a re all kinds ef FarBltare for
Ohnmhera, lllolor. Roomi, Likrarios aad Ualla.
If Jnu want Furniture ef aa; kind, don't buw
antlt job tee our Block.
In all ita branrhea, pronptlv attended to.
ClearOeld, Pa., Feb. t, '78.
At Shaw's oil staml, Clearfield. Pa, has juat
opened a now stock of
fi-Ht: .. tnKsH nnrtss,
and I, noa prrpar,,! Io furaiah anrthio, ia lb.
Hie line of Drug, ami Medicinot at tb, vara low'
ant oa.h prtr-ee.
lie baa aim oa bna,l a Inrge ataob of CoraW..
Hair and Tooth Ilm.hee, Fancy AHirlea, Toilet
and Shaving Soape, ao4 overruling BiaaM ktet
In a Irit-claaa Drug btara.
ontnpoukdrd Uh eat., da; or Bight. A librral
ahare of aattoarigo r,,i-(fulfr tolioltnl.
ClearH.ld, Pa., Oet. 14, 1877.
The Bell's Run Woolen Fnrtorj
Feaa town.h.a, Cleariolil Ca., Fa.
II II 11 K O o f -
Thesabscrlbtrs havo, at great eipense, rebel It a
neighborhood necessity, In the erwetion of a Irst
clasWoolea Msniartory,with all the nitdern
improvetnenU attached, and art prepared to make)
all kindt of Cloths, Caiikraeres, 6 ati net ta, blan
kets, flannels, Ac Plenty of goods on hand tat
supply all our old aad a thonianu nets customers,
whom we ask to came and eiaaUna ear sleek.
Tha business of s
will roctlte onr espectal at tea (ten. ' pnr
arrangements w ill he niaaV te rteolT and deliver
Wool, to tult coatumera. All work warranted and
dene npnn the shortest norlee, and by strict atten
tina to knthiett we hope to reatlae a liberal skirt
of pahHt patroaaga.
Wo wAI pay the higbtet market prlet for Wm
aad aail ear asaaafaetatred atdtatlewMslwttar
good i tan ht bought In the eonnty, and w hewer or
wo fail u reader aeaable oatlsrittiee. mm mm
alwaye be faaad at homo ready to oxako pfofte
eiplaaatlea, either In pereea or by letter.
sprM56tf Rower P. fl
Furnishing . Goods,