Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 06, 1878, Image 2

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    Oioboi B. Goodlandih, Editor.
Reader, If 70. want to know whet U ,olnl on
ta tbe boalnee, world, juit read our ailvertialnf
oolamai, tbo Sptttal eolumo to partioular.
Josoph W. Albop,ono of tbo found
on ol tbe Pacific Mail Steamship Com
pany, diod Tuesday niglit at hi homo
in New York.
Thanks. Senator Wallace and Con
gressman Mackoy have our thanks for
documents from tbo Fodcral Capital.
State RonatorPoalc and Hoprcscntativo
Tate ditto, for documonts from llar
risburg. M - tl, 1 fln.. ., &1,.1IT
J. UO CHllllUrUIUIIU t-uuuvj iiiviij
Maguiros wore twolvo in numbor ; only
twool thorn, GoorgeParBtt and Robert
Whitolaw, are in jail. Patrick Poylo,
formerly leader ot the gang, was
drowned last summer. The rest havo
Tbo marriago of Mr. Charles Harris
Phelps, to Miss Eleanor LmngRton
Pell, only daughter of Mr. John Au
gustus Pell, took place in Now York
on Wodnosday last. Mr. Phelps has
distinguished himself by rivaling Lord
Byron and Lcandcr in swimming
across the Hellespont.
Delegates Elictid. The Demo
crats ol Contro county, on tbo 2Slb
nlL, eloctod J. 1. Shugort and C. M.
Bowor, Representative Delcgatos to tbo
next 8tato Convention. And scloctod
,T. X. Casnanova, of Pliilipsbnrg, J. B.
J-'ishor of Grogg twp., and J. A. Wood
wards of Howard, as Senatorial Con
ferees.' Tho Huntingdon Journal espouses
the causo of Bounty Jumpor Albright
as tho Radical nominoo for Governor.
A bounty -jumpor would bo a "very
proper man" for that nomination ; but,
Purburrow, "don't you soe" that7mi"J
"pointing with prido" hoe put tbo noso
oi your bounty-jumper out of joint
with tb, "reigning family"?
Noal Dow, stand up. Tho Banbury
Xetrs is authority lor the stntomont
that when .a lady fainted tho other
day, on a railway car, thirteen flasks
of liquor woro immediately placed at
lior disposal. Tho maxim, "Do unto
others as you would havo othora lo
unto you," could not havo bcon so
beautifully exemplified anywhere save
in Maine
A Bad Send Off. The now Na
tional parly, which oponod shop ut
Toledo, Onio, last week, made a bad
start. With Wanton Duncan, General
Sam Carey, Brick Pomoroy and Geo.
Francis Train, on board tbo ship of
Slato, the vessel will soon be bcauhed
Theso four political crusaders aro too
well known to the public to do much
Am Infernal Outraok. Tho oight
Democrats in tho lower branch of tho
State Legislature, who, on tho 2Glh
ultimo voted with the Radical mem
bers in their effort to pass tho Phila
delphia Rocordor hill, should have been
driven out State street, to the river,
and drowned, and tho sixtoen Radicals
who refused to endorso the infamy,
doscrve promotion.
ExEct'TEDlIiMsEi.r. Hoinrich Walt
len, under sentonco of death for the
murder of Max' Hugo Hoobno, near
Elm Station, during the Conlennial,
bung himself in tho Norristown prison
on Saturday night. These parties woro
bosom friends, and loft Gormany to
gether, in 1S"C, to visit the Centennial.
Now both aro gono. The distress of
their friends may bo imagined.
Oct AVmi Them. Tbe Pittsburg
Telegraph soys: "Senator Wallace's long
four per cent, -bond.schcme is worthy
of intelligent an J serious consideration
at tho band - of Congross." Yes, put
them out The poople will tako them,
and then let the government tako the
money realized from tho salo and re
deem the six per cent, bonds, and in
that way we can mako tbirty-tbroo
percent on the interest, and tbe interest
like the bonds will bo owned by our
Tn Dipt erence. Hayes for four
years and 1200,000 in cash, and an ad
ditional sum of (25,000 lor incidentals,
while Anderson, two years in the pen
itentiary, and a heavy fino and cost
for Incidentals. Andorson counted
Hayes in, or, in other words, ho stolo
tbe goods and Hayes received them.
Id this State tho receiver of stolen
articles la esteemed as guilty as tho
follow that stolo them. In Louisiana
and Washington tliey look upon crime
in another light
A fUiPDEN Vacancy. Hon. Uoborl
W. Taylor, First Comptroller of tho
Treasury, whoso sudden death from
paralysis occurred at Washington on
the 26th ult, was born in Pennsylva
nia, b'it removed to Ohio when a young
man. Us was Slate Auditor of Ohio
and also served in tho Legislature
Upon recommendation of Secretary
Chase, Prcsidont Lincoln appointed
Mr. Taylor to the ofllco which be held
at tbe timo of his death. Ha was at
work in his ofllco when tbo stroko came
upon him and death ensued within
two hours.
W Object. Tho Louisiana court
in the prosecution of the infamous Re
turning Board, la not doing the fair
thing, as wo soe it at this distance
The Board was composed of two no
groos and two whito men, all guilty
alike. Yet, the two whito fellows are
gobbled up and sent to prison whilo
their African confederates aro splurg
ing around la the streets of Hem Or
leans apparently as innocent as a pair
of pet lambs. The amendments to the
Constitution expressly provides that
no distinctions shall be made on ac
count of race, color, or previous condi
tion. Theroforo, we hold Uiat aflor
ne of tho white follows, Anderson, wn
(Convicted one of the colored gentlemen
should tve been removed from socie
ty. TtM distinction, fsrbidden, is too
Upparanl la (bis case. We therefore
J. Mailiann Wells was the chief nutti-
- ogerol'lhe Louisiana Returning. Board,
and now, when on tho way to tho Pen.
ilentmiy, his fiicmls insist that ho tsj
cilo mo iiuiiieroii ti mies i.o uac m.
milled during Ihu past lillecn years,
while at ihe head of his party. The
editor of tho Philadelphia Tunes alludes
lo him in this way : "Tho theory is ad
vanced by General Gibson, a Lou isiuna
Representative in Congress, that J.
Madison Wells is insane. Tho plea is
plausible, and tbo position is much
more tcnabla than any that has boon
advanced by his lrionds, amor g whom,
happily, General Gibson is not number
ed. Certainly it is tho must uhuritablo
way of accounting for bis long caroer.
It is anorrortosupposo that Mr. Wells
has nono but a Returning Board noto
riety. His namo has long been con
spicuous in tho criminal calendar of
Louisiana. Many years ago be was
short in his accounts as Sheriff of Rap
ides parish to tho amount ot 20,000 or
thereabouts. IIo now has a claim for
805(1,000 before tho Southern ClainiB
Commission, which tbo Legislature lias
pronounced fraudulent and basod on
porjury. May not this havo been tho
fruit of a disoasod mind f A few years
ago two stolen mules wero tracod to
his plantation, and when tho overseer
was offered filly dollars' to point out tho
animals it is related that his reply was :
'Bern mules is on do place, but I ain't
gwino to pint 'em out for no money.
Do fuc is Muwa Madison is a great ras
cal, but ho is goojl to old Robin and 1
ain't gwine agin him. And I tell you
dis, il all do mules on dis placo was
pintcd out dat don't belong bore daro
wouldn't bo more nor three left.' Tho
theory of insanity would fully explain
this remarkable disposition to stock his
plantation nt other pcoplo's exponso.
Tho coldblooded murder of Matt.
D Espalier, an unarmed neighbor, by
J. Madison Wells, is ono ot tho black
est spots on his characlor. Insanity,
however, is a cloak broad enough to
covor this spot. Then, when wo como
to think of his virulent tcmpor as dis
played last winter, and his attempt to
brain Duvid Dudley r icld in a commit
leo room, how well this plea fits. And
how elso can his persistence in forgery
and porjury to keep tho Democrats
from controlling Louisiana, notwith
standing their rightful majority, bo ex
plained to tho satisfaction of any ra
tional boing not already convincod that
ho is a hold, bad man ? The plea of
insanity is a strong ono. Let tho do-
fenso rest its enso there."
Of CortisE. When that old rascal
Wells began to find that if there was
no "had placo" according lo Bcechcr,
ho found that there was a "bail place"
according to law and juslico a jail.
Then ho saw clearly that a jail was no
just reward for his political services in
Louisiana. Then he ran oft' somewhere,
then ho was caught, then ho did begin
lo believe his timo hud come. So ho
writes letters lo firo tho Northern
heart, and try and force himself freo.
But ho finds that tbo aiders and abet
tors of crime are no bettor than crimi
nals. Ha calls on Sherman in the
Trtfaaary, in tho hope that Sherman,
UU.W.JVU tl(,b MMli, Mill (, ibti
heart of that other Shorman, surround
ed with "the army," and get him out.
It won't do. Old Wells won't got out.
Tbe Northern heart don't firo worth a
match, and then old Wells begins to
toll lies. That won't do. If Hayes
will only turn out tbo Treasury Sher
man, ho will havo peace and quiot in
half an hour afterwards. It is theso
Shermans that aro making all tho
trouble. A Cabinet officer that pities
convicts who aro convicted for crimes
that put tho Cabinet officer in his plaoo,
is as bad as tbe convicts. Turn him
oal, Philadelphia Commonwealth,
The New York Tribmtu leva that if the Demo
ereta im-eeed in preeerviQg eeeu t .mail majority
Id tbe next CoDgreea, lucre teeml to be po rot
eon why the, oaonot moke it ., Urge a, the.
ehonee. Tliev eon oven eeeure o ananiuoua Den
oorotle body If they ore eo diipoaed. All they
novo to do ! la have a conleetafit put in en appear
anee in every eeae where tho people are eo mis
guided aa to elect a KepuMioen. Of tonne, It
will be eaay enough to eeat the llemocrel. Tku
lioaa. bee .atabliehoit lb precedent that relurna
here nothing to do With it hut that the Democrat
ia entitled to the eeat, provided he ran prove that
be waa a eandieate. While tbe parly te encaged
in the glorioui work of "reform, it might ac well
Kiro the flouotry enough of It. -NHleotP'o
Young man, that "precedent," allud
ed to by you, was set by your party
eighteen years ago ; and under 11 up to
18i4, your parly friends had admitted
over tie j hundred members to Beats, to
which Iho pooplo had never elected
them, oven wbilo your party had ovora
two third majority in that body ; yet you
novor squealed once, neither did Jay
Gould's Tribune. Why be so sensitive
wbon your friends established tho
precedent" and practiced it for so long
a time? Manifest a littlo modesty on
this point.
It is Better to be, Ac The Now
York World givo utterance to tho fol
lowing: "It is bettor lo bo a door
keeper under Tnmmnny Uall than to bo
chief of thn Railway Mail Survinn un.
der tho Federal Government. Here
is Mr. Cheney, Chief of the Railway
Mail Scrvico in New England, under
investigation by tho House Committee
on 'serious charges.' And what aro
these 'serious charges?' 'Ho is accus
ed of neglecting his work for New
Hampshire politics and tho care of his
farm in that Statu, and also of paying
employes when no service has been
rendered to tho govornmont.' Really,
if tho liberty cf tho citizen and the
rights of tho politician aro to bo tram-
pled upon in this manner, what will
becomo of the machino?"
The Veto in the Cabinet. Hayes'
Cabinet was badly split tip on the sil
ver veto bill. Tbo discussion finally
revealed Iho positions of tho members
of the Catmint on tbo iilvar bill as fol
For e feto Hearts, Behurt, Devona and Key.
xaoieeia rum aleOrary and Taempeoa.
H ilhna to eoanraaiae aa m aroleel or ho mim.
(ere Kheinaa, BaVCrarj and Tbompeon.
Sherman did not tako bis position
boldly for or against a veto, but wanted
tho Republican party preserved. John
Sherman don't care a cuss for tho
country so that he and his family aro
protocted and fed by kocping his par
ty intact Sherman is alone in tho
Cabinet, and lacks tho manhood to
harbor the views of even a halfway
statesman. But it's Shermau.
L and Down. Our bonds have
gone up ona-iialf per cent, in Europe
since tbo passage of tbe silver, bill, while
gold has declined nearly on per cent
in New York. Hnw is that for ruin?
To the House of Representatives :
After a very careful consideration of
House Bill No. 1,0'J3, ontitled "An act
to nuthori.o the coinaeo of tbo silver
dollnr. and to restore iia leiral tender
i'm,l&S&Z.-m ""'
it to the Jliiuau t!rJfe,,rufjllltvt-, III
which it originated, with my objections
to its passage. Holding the opinion
which 1 expressed in my annual nics
sairo, that ncithor the interest of tbe
Government nor tho pooplo of the
United Mates would he promolcu Dy
disparaging silver as one of the two
precious metals which f'uriiioa Mifrt
coinage ol the world, and that legisla
tion which looks to contracting tho
volume of intrinsio money to as full a
measure of both inotals as their rola
tive commercial value will pormit would
be neither unjust or inexpedient, it has
been my earnest desiro to concur with
Congress in tho adoption ol such meas
ures to incroaso tho silvor coin ago of
tho country, as would not impair the
obligation of contracts, oitbor publio or
privato, or injuriously affoct tbo publio
It is only on tbo conviction that this
bill does not moct theso essential re
quirements that I fool it my duty to
withhold from it my approval. JMy
prcsont official duty as to that bill per
mits only an attention to tbo spucifio
objects ot the bill, which seems to mo
the Constitution has in such way pro
vided. Tho bill providos for tho coin
age of silvor dollars of tho woight ot
412) grains each of standard silver, to
be a legal tender to their nominal val
ue for all debts and duties, publio and
private, except whore otherwise ex
pressly stipulated in the contract. It
is well known that tho market value
of that numbor of grains of standard
silvor, during tho past year, has been
from ninety to ninety-two conts as com
pared with the standard dollar of gold
or papor, which is now lawful monoy
in this country. Such measure, it will
hardly be questioned, will in tho judg
ment of mankind be an act of bad faith
as to all debts hereto contracted.
The silver dollar should bo matlo a
legal tondcr only at its market value.
The standard of valuo should not bo
changed without the consent of both
parlies to tho contract. National pro
mises should be kept with unflinching
fidelity. Thcro is no power to compel
a nation to pay its just debts. lis cred
it depends on its honor. The nation
owes what it has led or allowed its
creditors to expect. I cannot anprovo
a bill which in my judgment authorizes
tbo violation ol sacred obligations.
Tho obligation of tho public faith
transconds all questions of profit or
public advantage Its unquestionable
maintenance is tne mctaio as wen oi
the highost expediency as of the most
nocessary duty, and should over bo
carefully guarded by the Executivo,
by L'ongrcss ana by tho pcopio. it is
my firm conviction that if tho country
is to be benefited by a silvor coinago it
can be dono only by the issue of silvor
dollars ol lull valuo wliicn will dotraud
no man. A currency worth less than
it purports to be worth will in tho end
not only defraud creditors, but H
aro cngagod in legitimate business, and
nono moro surely than those who aro
dependent on their daily labor for thoir
daily bread. R. B. Hayes.
Exocuti vc Mansion, Fobruary 28,1878.
Tho Houso took up the bill the same
day and passed it over the veto by a
voto of 1 lo 73, and in tho Senate by
40 to IP. Being moro than a two-third
vote in each Houso the bill became a
law without Hayes' signature,
J'JJ.1 out "
Tli Eaetcrn Wan
London, March 3 Evening. The
following announcement o! the conclu
sion of poaco betwoon Russia and Tur
koy was roccivod to-night by Reulor's
telegram company :
Constantinople, Sunday, March 3.
The treaty of peace has been signod.
Tbo Grand Duke Nicholas announcod
tho fact lo the soldiers at a review at
San Slpfano to-day. Russia has aban
doned her claim on the Egyptian and
Bulgarian tributaries.
London, March 3. The Aijence
Russe cites tho spocial dispatch from
Vienna, in tho Daily Telegraph, ol
March 1, slatipg that tbe Russians
wore bent on pntering Constantinople
with pr without the Sultan's consent,
and that England bad notified Prince
Uorlsohakolf that if Russia pursuod
tho laltor course tbo British Ambassa
dor would be ordered to quit St. Pe
tersburg. Tbe Agenct Rum says this
report refers to a past phase of tho
crisis, sinco which the Russians havo
occupied San Stelano with the sanc
tion of tho Sultan.
London, March 4. A spocial to tho
Standard from Yicnna asserts that two
divisions of Austrians will enter Bosnia
in about ten days.
The Standard's correspondent at Vi
enna slates that tho Austrian and Brit
ish Ambassadors have been instructed
to protest against the Russian entry
into Oonotontinoplo.
Too Bad. The present Radical Leg
islature is prolifio in providing places
for its "dead ducks," who havo been
plundering the State Treasury fur fif
iemu yvurs. Tlie Hueuruer udlue in
Philadelphia, worth 1110,000 a year, is
intended for Quay, Hartrnnft'a Secre
tary. The Dow office of Bank Com
missioner, is created for tho purpose
of giving Hart a clerk In the State
Treasury, and who was the Radical
candidnto against Colonel Noyes last
fall a place when his time is out.
And it is now hinted that tbo jolly ex-
Speaker, Elisha W. Davis, is also to
have an ofllco created for hi in that
of State Pension Agent. As Quay
and Hart are provided for, and Davis
seems about the only man loft, the
Legislature can adjourn Sine die after
passing lbs Pension Agent bill. The
Radical party as roprpspritcd in tho
Legislature, is acting as though it
novor expected lo get another chance
to rob the Treasury and the pooplo,
and aro therefore placing their spocial
pots where they will do tho most good
when In exile.
A Good Witness. Robert West,
traveling agent of tho Admnct, Itself
ono of the slralghtost of Republican
papers and Laving but few good words
for either the South or the lemocralic
party, in a lottor, pubiuV lo the last
issuo of tho Advanrt, says: ' was
raised in tho North and havo always
boon a Republican, but ) am fujly per
suadcei that there ia no more prejudice
in tho South against Northern men
than tltero is tn ,tbo North against
southerners. Theso words from such
a prominent representative of Radi
calism are exceedingly timoly just now
ia this latitude.
Mutual Enjoyment. Tho tone of
Mr. Hayes' first veto mrssago, found
clscwhero, was exceedingly satisfacto
ry to Congress. This wo Infer from
tho way that body sent it through
i..,k ii....... :.. ... ,, i... I
'- j-:- y w-f; -cd
it properly when he termed tho
message "a fraud coining from a
fraud." Tho language may not have
been parliamentary, but it waa tbo
truth. Some portions of tho message
are fur moro offensive than the remark
ti X i. CoXbecauso it lacks truth, ilixu
Congress was elected by the people,
and Hayes was counted in by a Return
ing Board.
Gatiikhed. Ex-Senator Bonj. F.
Wado, for many years a leading publio
man in Ohio, died at his home in Jef
ferson, in that State, on tho 3d inst,
in his 78th year. IIo was one of the
original Abolitionists, and lilto Garri
son, Smith, and that school, favored a
dissolution ot tho Union, rather than
tolerate Slavery.
If Hayes is right on the silvor bill,
why does ho not convort his Cabinot
or turn tho members out and got men
who will act in harmony with him.
$w gtflvfrtfsmfttts.
"VTOTICE. A DiMting of the itookholdsri of
i tne uittrneia r in unci uo., wui oe noia
t their offioe In Cleirfluld, on Monti?, Hay Atb,
1878, for tbe fiurpoee of voting on the inereu of
tbe eapital etoek of laid eompaay.
v, w. DM 1 ill,
Clearfield, Pa , Mar. 8t. tteoretary.
CAM, AND HRTTIa-l3 All portoni in
dftbtnd to On 1 1 eh, MoCorkle A Co.. am re-
leett-d to oall at their rami. are more maa Pottle
ieir ooounit without delnr, either by eh or
note, end by tbie mem tare ooite and trouble to
all partial oonoerned.
Clearfield, Pa., Jan. S, 1878 if,
Tbit eeh'tol will enan In tbe Leonard Or-
ded Hehool buiHing, Clrertleld, Pa., on MONDAY,
ArKIL ZZil, 1078. and continue eleven week.
Tuition, for Common branehei.....w..4 00
Higher Kngliib nnd CIioJ.........8 00
A Norm it clue will be formed If dnired.
Clirfield, feb 18 lot. II. C. TOUNUMAN.
J hereby giren thet Letter! Tenteraeotary on
the eitate of VALKNT1NB HOFFMAN, lata
of CovingUm towmhip, Clearfield eonnty,
Pa., decerned, having been daly granted to the
nndereiened, all partoni indebted to enid eetata
will p leeee make immediate payment, nnd tboee
baiog elaimi or demandi will preterit tbem
properly authenticated for irttlement without
delay. L'ATi.AKl.NK HUFFMAN,
Jrenehvllle, Pa.. Feb. 27, ,TH-fit axeeutrlx.
Netiee li heraby gieon that Letter! of Ad
ministration on the eitate of BAM'L TKOY, 8r.,
late of Brady lownihiii, Clearfield County, Pa.,
dea'd, having been duly grentod to the under-
ligned, ell uerAom Indebted to raid eitate will
pleaie make immediate payment, and thote hav-
ing olnim or tiomandi will p repent thrm properly
authenticated foreetllement without delay.
Lntbiriborg, Pa., Feb. A, '78 St. Adm'r.
Hold and Farm for Sale.
The nndertlgned ofleri for iale fjrnnd farm
containing about 76 aerer of land.iiluate aboat
one-fourth of a mile loutb of Rbnwivllle, Clear
field oounty, Pa. There ii on the farm a rood
frame building 80x36 feet, now need ai a hotel for
the accommodation of lumbermen, a good ftable
IHx:i0 leeL with all neeoitary outbulldinra. and
a young orchard of thrifty fruit troee peaebee,
applet, pean and oherry tree. Tbe farm and
hotel li offered at private iale, on reaionable
termi. ror particular!, apply on the pre ram
or by letter to LO 1,81 HA J. 1KV1N,
mar. fl-3m Shewnville, Pa.
TO CONTRACTORS.--The andereigned
will receive propoiola for building a bridge
acrota Clearfield ereek, at what li knonn aa Llti'
Fordiog, until Wodneiday, the 20th day of March,
187S. The bridge to be a lingta apan of leo feet i
to be lit teen feet wide imide, and twenty feet
high from low water mark; Hone to be larn and
raited to tbe purpoe. The eoatrmetor to fnrnieb
eisjiililiig wai-wfyi ilitj lumbar, and to be a good,
nbstenUel bridge. The andenlgoed agree to
inrniin tne lumoer.aeitvertKi on tbe around. To
bo an aneovered bridge. Plant and mecifleatloni
oan be teen at tbe ollioe of U. H. A W. Uarratt,
isiearneid, ra., woere dim ean be len. or the may
am Danuou 10 auupr oi ine unnereigned.
March I, 1871-lt. Committee, Ao.
'itu 'iln Tog Smo'arUgTuboeeo li "eeoond to none"
In aroma, mildneii, purity and quality.
The great oeUbrtty of our Till Ta Tobaeaa
hae eauied many imitation! thereof to be nloood
on tbe market, wo therefore eeutinn all Cfcewere
ngainit pureb4Mlng enrb imttatiooe.
All deaiera buying or eelllnn other nludohaeoo
bearing a hard or mete IIo label, render themeelver
liable to tbe penalty of tbe law, and all pereoni
viouttng our iraae merm are punnnnbie by One
and Imprlionmnnt. aa Act of Con great Aug
The genuine Lorlllard Tin Tar Tobacra
ean m diiimgatined by a ti TAt, on each
tnmp witg toe woru i.unn.iiAnu itamDed
Orerr.flRR tonitohaeeo laid in 1877, and sea rljr
S,oo) prinua tmployed in feetoriei.
Taxea paid UuTrament In 1877, abflttt
000. and d urine rait 13 me, over liCO.OtiO.liOfl.
Tbeee goodi eold by J ll Lytle. Clearfie d. Pa..
Agent Ut ciearneid eouaty, at manufaotureri
Mar. ft, 78 3in.
IV Notloe le hereby civen that tbe follow in to.
ouuoLj have been examined and paflied by me, and
remain nied oi reoord in tun otnoe for the tn-
epeetion of beiri, lrgateee, creditor!, and all othera
Intern ted. and will be preeented to the next Or
phani' Court ol Clearfield oounty, to be held at the
Court Hume, in the borough of Clearfield, eom
menelng on tbe fid Monday (being the )$fb day)
of March, A. D. 1178 i
Final toeount of P. Tanaey. Adm'r of tbe eitate
of Samuel Oordot, late of Wuodwaed twp..
viearneio o ra., ueeeaeed.
Final aceoant of Jullui A. Terpe and Michael
(Shaffer, Adm'r of the eitate of Nioholaa Sella
day, late or Itrady twp , Clearfield Ce Pa., de
eeaied. Final ao)o.unl of Wn, T. Moore, Adm'r of tbe ei-
tale of Andrew . ajeere, )tte of Pena twp.,
ulcerated vo.. ra., aeaeaaea.
Final aceount of Daniel Gootl lender and Hcnrjr
ahalliate" VrBrady tw"p7 cfenrleidOo., Pa,
Final ucoont of R. II. Moore, and Oeo. C. Kirk,
Kxeeatora of ibe ritata of 8. J. Horn, rat of
Brady twp., Cloarleld iio. Pa. daoeaeed.
Final aoeooot of R II. Moor and Uee. Q. kirk ,
Kieeutora of 8. J. Morn, and who we Uuerdi
aa of tbe minor beiri of Jamea A. Woode, latt
of Clearfield Co., Pa., deoeaied.
Final aeooant of WTrf A. Wright, Rxeeutor of
the eeUU of B. B. Wrinhf, let of Ileoearia twp.,
Clearfield Co., Pa , deoeaied.
Partial aeoount of Wdj, Laniberry, Adm'r of tbe
itate of David Lanberry, late of Lresjoa)
twp Clevfitld Co., Pa., deoeaied.
Feb. M-t Hoglitar A Reeorder.
Valuable Real Estate I
The eojnilraed, la Peaa I.e., Clur
fleld eounte. Pa., effere ta. followlag ralaebl.
Heal Betatefor aalai
446 Acres of Land,
wire or la Seeeeria losaatlp, l,la( og the
aorta aide ot bif ClearSeld en.a, aa wlthla one
mile of the aama. Tbo abota lead (a beaellr
eooerai llb aeaeloek, white oak, raek Ml, Bed
atbn bard wood limber, aad a qaaatltr el while
pin., ul I lo bo hair a aalllioa or Bora fmmt.
The aaae le hoatllr aaderlald with bltaulnoae
ooal, and dlreotlo oa Ihe line of railroad loading
(Veal lloaladal.ii, Coalport. Itiv.lw. leanknowa.
Then are, aljo, slit; ritual.!, lalaerale oa the
Tbo eboto lead llee eboal two and t-kmtt aiilea
below Iho Tillage of Uloa Hope, a4iolalaf lande
of Ooorge Urooai aad othera, oa wbal la knowa
aa Porler a ran. Tbe laiprei eneate aa the prep,
ortj aro a good gorod eaw Bill, la ranalng order,
a high dev. alone breaet, Bade la tbe boat Baa
Mf. St for alaoot an; Baokioerr. There le, aleo,
alargefa)edwelling hoaeoend freme bank barn
thereon, and aovt forty mr fifty aoree, Bora or
laie, af tha Uad u alaared. An. norana
wliklng la lorael la propon, ml abli kld will do
well to aiaBlaa Ibfe prf.rlf. I w'lU atli lim
whole or the aadlvlded hair lalaae.i, aa mar akil
the arehaeer. Tbe above tree! of lead will Bake
two or Ihtoo farBa, whteh wlllooBparo farorablt
with lie r-ealr fart af oar ooanl;. Prloo aad
UrB Bale hoorra to aa aereoa wliklag la paa
fkaaa.' Pnr forthrf faiakaiar, ..III. p. root mt
addreeo Ike aaderelgaad at tl,eBplaq Ltllf P.O
Cloarleld eoaotr, Pa. 6AM t Wn,JuH.
Jan. I, I "71 If. ' 1
1878. NOW BEADYI 1878.
- -. .- t
Every School should have a Copy I
W Ult tluKUf ia feorjiinSwitiK ib pulUotloi
of (bit Mp for whlrth t hv hwj m bidt In-
qulrlu. ll U bvatut ifully ooIoTih! Iijr eiiuutiri,
M WW"" . - ,(
Uttry Pout Office in ihe Mate,
by tlx Uttftt MthnrltlM arrctlly loottei the
rlrcTi, BMunUiiu, rilrli and onU, tn,t it
Complete In rvery particular.
It ti printed on Bn nmior, taeuraly mounted on
itrong utuxHn iml on rolleri. n1 will bo furnUboil
At the low Prloe of $6.00, Net.
7 Mepe In a eel. A Key, galte, with each aet.
Small Serial, with Name!.! 110 00
Small erlee, Wltn.ut Naroee 10 00
Large 8erlea, without Namea 20 00
, ' e. H. ui' 1I.BK i:u.,
Mar. l et. i: I Philadelphia.
Mercantile 'Appraisement.
The vendera of Forelra and Doueailo Mcrvhan-
diae, Diitillora, II re were, Broken, An., Id Clear
field oounty, will take ant too thu thy are ep
praiied and eleieod by the aodereeneri Aunralaer
of Mereantile and other Hcenae taiea, lur the
e rear
IH7f. aa follown
claii. Beer aria Towualilp
... 7 oa
... 7 on
... 1 00
... 7 On
7 OH
... 21) IM
... 7 00
.. I 00
7 llll
... 7 00
.... 7 0(1
... II tl,
... 13 40
... 7 00
... 7 00
... 7 00
... 7 00
... 7 00
... 1 M
... eO 00
.... 7 0
... 7 OS
... 7 oo
... 40 00
M John Q. flloigow, gju'l mdif ,
14 Nutter, Romery A Je., gen'l indae,
Itell Xowuahlp.
14 II. MeOhee A Co., gen'l mdae
14 Robert MahafleT, gotj'l tndae
4 ' llradtordTowaelilt.
14 Dlattenbergor A Co drugi,.H,M.. ...
K I. V. tlrmy A Co., jreo'l nidu
14 J. T. Leonard, gm I ndio
Brady Tinruahip
15 J. Seyler A fton, gen'l mdie ..
14 Daniel Good I en der, gen'l mdie H
14 Meore A llaniilton, gen'l indae ..
14 J. 11. Kdinger, hardtore
12 P. 8. Weler A Co, gan't nidM
It Long A Brady, hardware
14 T. Tracy A C., grorerle
14 M. L. Lockard gen J mdie
14 A. L. Hoy, furnimr
14 John 13. Ellin, gen'l.nidee
14 Tho ma Montgomery, gin'l aJae H.
II M. D. Alnaley, dry a.ode
T John DuBoia, grnTmdae ..
14 C. D. Kvani A Rro., notiona
14 John Hoheuriek, ncttone m
14 B A ti. L. Knaor, boota and ihoea,
W. L. Ntoholxon, 3 Irilliard Ublei
Hutu aide Townahlp.
14 Aaron Patehln, gen' mdie.
18 Ileraoe Patehln, gen'l mdia
14 Jamea C. Connor, gun' I ntdee.
14 Jack Pat eh in, gau'laniae
J4 Mr i. M. C. Reed.drigi
ClearflclJ Borough.
15 Win. Powell, hardware
IS Reed A Hagerty, hardware
14 Jamei L. Leavy, mt
lo Jentea H. Lytle. grieerlea
10 Jnbn Mr(laoghy groeerlei
11 A. (1. Kramer A Cn; groeerli.
14 Stage A Norrll,mfit market
11 T. A. Fleck A Co., dry good
II Wm. Rood, dry goedi
15 II. A. K ratter, dry gmidi
10 R. Mneetip, gfii'l uiJie
It Geo. Weaver A Co , gf-u'l tndee
14 John A. Htork tobeODonlft
14 Alei Watiin,tola?etiniit -
15 Her linger A Rook, clothing
14 A. Gmniburg, Agent, clothing
15 fl Unlnihnrg, boota and ahoei
14 O. C. A T. W. Moore, boon A ihoei...
14 P. A. flaulln, aUrtonery
14 John Troutman, for ni tare
14 Ouiieh, MrOorkle A Co., furniture
14 F. M. Cardon A Bro.tmeat market
14 M. G. It row n A Bro, machinery
14 C. D. Watioo,drugi.
C. I). Wation, patent o.edicinei...
14 Id rtf wick A Irwin, dnige
Ilartawiok A Irwin, latent modlcinei
14 H.U. 8iaekmatt, draga
II. B. K)aekman,peteatB.edtoinoa
14 B. B. Ruttari, confrctlonory
ft S. 8. Huttrri, aaloon.,
B. 8. Uottaro, I billiard table
14 John Btodler, eonfeetloaery
4 J. Dougbvrty, Jr aaloco
4 M. 8. Ulanta, aaluon-
C. Lelpeldt, brewery....
W. Biidrea, brewery M
Clearfield County IJank
Cheat Towtuhlp,
1 1 Jamea Mr K wen, gen'l mdie
14 J. R. McKee, gen'l mdao
14 Paul White, gen'l mdie...
CovlUfftQQ Tow uali I p.
14 Uillllaod Heokendora, gen'l tnJie....
15 L. M. Cobdrfet, gnn'l tudae t ,.
14 Franola Leigey, gen'l mdie ,
Guile ft Towtielilp.
15 D. K. Harney A Co, gen'l mdae
14 P. A A. Flynn, grn'l mdie
14 T. A. Pridoaui, gen'l aadae...HM
14 H. Allcman, gen'l mdae
Cunvciuvllle Borougii.
14 W. II. Thouijuon, genl mdie
14 Thomtnon A Co , gnn'l mdie
15 J.C. Wright A Co ,e!othtng
14 D. Fault, gen'l mdie
10 Hnmuel Arnold, gtm'l mdie , -
15 A. M. Irwin, grn'l mdit
14 8. J. Uatea, hardware H
14 Jacob Rilgar, hardware, M..H
13 A. (letei, hardware
14 A. M. Kirk, jeweler
14 W. A. Dale, groeerlea
14 Aughinbaugb A tlregory, druge
14 J. K. Irwip, druga
J. R. Irwin, patent eiedieinea
7 00
10 on
7 oo
7 00
7 OH
10 00
III 00
7 00
311 00
7 00
1.1 00
It 00
12 50
10 00
11 50
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
t 00
7 00
: 7 oo
b oo
7 00
10 00
00 IM
7 00
20 00
It 00
11 00
30 00
,. 7 00
.. 7 00
.. 7 00
,. 7 00
,. 10 00
., 7 oo
,. 10 00
- 7 00
,. 7 00
.. 7 00
. 7 00
.. 7 00
.. II 40
.. 7 00
. HI 00
.. It 00
. 7 00
,. 7 00
,. 10 00
.. 7 00
.. 7 00
.. 7 oo
.. 7 no
.. oo
.. 7 oo
.. 7 00
. 10 00
.. so oo
.. 7 oo
14 Kegner A Tbompion, olothing...,
14 C. Graff A Son, eanfeotionery..,,
I 0. Ureff A Son, aalooa
Carwcnivllle Hank ,
C. Irani Towmhip.
14 F. A. Mignot, fn'l eodee
Graham Towitllp.
14 T, IJ. Ftircey, gcnl tndee
7 I
Hmton Tnwiiahlp.
14 Coryell A Co., gen'l ndae.,,,., ,.
14 0. . W.U.H. druai
14 Oharlea Hobeokar, groeerlei .....
14 J. A. Dorr, gen'l mdae.., M
liarthaua Tuwuehlp.
14 Qodfrv Fisher, gon'l mdie
14 I. 0. MaClnakey, gen'l mii-e
14 Co-Operatlve Hoelety, gen'l mdae
14 OlMiland A Yotben, grn l mdie n
l.avrnc Townahlp,
7 M
7 00
7 00
7 oo
7 00
7 on
Cnarlea Shaffer, brewery
... It on
Lumber City Borough.
14 D. L. Fergiieoa, aoa'l Bdae 7
II Holler, Dyer Co., ana l mdae 10
Myrrle Towuahlp.
R. D. Wilton cc'l tnd
21 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
lo oo
is oo
7 00
It 10
7 oo
7 10
II 10
7 00
7 00
7 oo
7 oo
7 oo
14 Joaaa Mone, gro I m.W. ,
14 loaard Kyl.r, gvn'l sda. .'
14 1'etar Mover, iea'1 mdae.
Houtsdal. Iloroiigli.
II Union Oo ,( tim'ed) b'dware..,
II C. W. Vanlluaen 4 Co., faa'l mda ,
V rranh Llterlah!, gnn'l adaa.
14 C. Laagford, notion, m
II C. Simon, gon'l mdae
If P. Peiti.ron, g.n'l mrlae ,
I. H. 18. la., g.J, I Urmvt,. ...,...,
14 B J. Uhallw. Jeuell .,,,
14 J. hboedai, oruga .'...,..,',
II M. A J. M. Lea., BarehandUa.
14 J. K. Araold, raerebandia. ,
14 MeCann A tiibbena, dry good.
14 BenJ. Charlton, notion. ,
14 Mattbia, Moyer, aotiona.
14 U. Liverighl, druge.,,, ,
4 " " pataot laedleitia..,,,,,,,,,
II Andrew Oleeeon, dry gooda
II Allrrd Melhee, whol.aalo ll,unr
Newborn; B.fnma;h. "
if Wn. Heater, gaol adaa
tieyi WaahliiBtoH Hontufrl).
11 J. B MrMurray, gae'l aidie
14 N. H. Arnold, g.n7l Mia..........
Oac.ols Uorftelb(
14 Oaorga R. ionci, JewelryMn
II Oa eaola Mereentila Co., gen'l Bdae
II T. O. Hrima, gen'l mdae
II Ifreui. liroa', g.a'l Bdae
II Llroright Broi' Pi,, g,T'l Bdae
t ts
7 110
7 00
10 00
11 00
lo on
10 oo
II Metera, tlray 4 Ca., gen'l o
I Matern, tlray 4 Ca., gen'l dee.., 10 on
4 Michael UrllT.y, g.o'1 ndee , I 00
4 lionrge Itoalioh, geo'l Bdae 7 00
II Wllllaa 0. KMIer. tra'l axle
II Brrhowll, t) Ulna, aen'l nda.,,,,,,
14 W.S. Weill,
14 Briibin firo'e, etation.ry .,
14 T. R. Blaody t Co., draga
14 F. V raray, atorea llawara
14 W. M.)i i, n.ll....
I Hlrhael golllran, reitanranl......
Citlaen,' Beak '
Pu Tiarnaliln,
II William A, Moore, g.a'1 m ile
14 Ullea Wall, agent, gn'l adaa
I'nloa TovtriiBlilp.
14 i. floyler k Soa. mdn ...
14 J. Urubaker, gM'l Bdae
ttnee Aaderaoa, aal,ng hone.
y;llarolot fonue;h.
14 I. Oim A S"n, a.ritias4ie...-..l ...
Hoodnart Towiiebll.
II M. Mmlghi A (lo.'genl adae
14 Janoe Low I he, geal Bda.
... 10 oo
T oo
.... t On
.... 7 00
.... 7 oo
.... 7 oo
.... II 00
.... 10 10
r i"
, 7 01
7 os
. 30 M
. aar. u.j. rujaeadioiee, gra'l ada.
I Whllekrad A Co.. get, ' adaa k fi I
II rieher llro'i A MiTlir, gen'l mdae 11 I
14 llMoreCondroy, ge,' Bdao 7 10
II fUnee Comely, gea l adaa I 00
Tele all "bo ar. roarmed la lb. ap
praieaBnir, aa e...,l wyl be b'ld at the
CoaiBiaalonare' oo., , Cttmticlf. oo'l bor,;.y,
the loth d.y af Marrh. la7fl, baeeM tha boure
af is .'aioea a ., aad 4 e'eioea r. a., wkoa end
where Jam aa. auaad If ion think proper.
Clearteld, Pa , I JOHN L. CUTTLB,
Marrb S, II7MI. f Mrreantll. Appralm,
Notion la hereby girw that l.ettri of Ad
miniitratioc on the eitate of I.KVI WKl.Kl.,
Iale of Uirard townahlp, Clearfleld ot'uuty.
Pa., deeaiied, having been duty granted to tha
undeMlgued, all Denote Indelited to laid eitate
p reeeii t tbem properly aut lien tie ted fur ltle
omit without delay.
A dm lu Ui rat ore.
Fbruar.v 27, 1TS fit
IK KNHT. OTK I The followfi.g nr
J ion have tiled, In the offlne of the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter fh-iiiona of Clearfield oounty,
their petition and bonda for lioeniei, at the
March Milium net, agraaably to the Aet of
Aueinbljr t
Win 8. Dradley... Clearflld borougb
H. B. Row w "
W. 0. Car Jon M "
Jatuea MoLaughlln H 14 "
R. Newton Hhaw M "
William Hhielda M
Daniel McCarthy ......
Wm. Davia
Patrick Khieldi ..
Wm. Parker
Wm. Curren
Abel Hall
Jamea Haley
Klitabeth H mi lei
Patrick Dunn
Ueorite Hhodei
M. W. Klunk
Jerome L. Uaumgordner.
Niobolaa Boulliue
J. C. Bwoope
Mary Kloenhowor
Janob Ulubecker
Mri. Kmilytttopp
Peter Hu finer
Hinith Uelrd
Miubael Carroll
George W. Lane.M...
Milo Uovt
Wm Kobwem -
George B. Hohanker ,
Jamee Sohofleld
Jobu Mulion
Wm. McMonlgle
Hainuet Htilliban
Howard Weld
George W. Darii
....Woodward townahlp
..Houttdale borough
....Morrla townahlp
..Oiceola borough
Brady towoehlp
Iluetnn towmhip
Covington tow nub I p
Gullnh towDibip
...Curwemville borough
Beoearla township
New Washington boro'
John Dougherty. Jr.,.
8 H. Butlere
M. 8. Ulenti
Htenlien Graff
Hiuhard Mulegan
John Brbeurii'b
..Clrarfleld borougb
..Curwemville borough
HouUdale borough
Brady towmhip
Neal Dougherty....
.Oiceola borougb
Certified from the reeord at Clearfield, the 25th
diiyol February, lS. ELI BLUO.U,
Feb. 27, '18. ProlbonoUry.
SherilTs Sale.
T)Y elrtue of write of Ft. Fa., Ixued
1 oat of the Oourl of Commoa Flea, of Clear
fleld ooantT, and lo me direeted, there will be
oipoaed lo 1'U; BAI.K. at the Court Home,
in the boroneh of Clearfleld, on Saturday, tbe
inia nay oi Biarnn, litn, al I oeloek p
the fullowlnc deeeribed real eatate, to wit i
A eertain lut of ground altuata intbevilleao of
ttookton, uiearneu oeuntj, r.., boonaed and de
eeribed ea follow., lowit : li.,innina at a poet on
the north-welt onrner of Main atre.L bina alio
ottrnor of lot No. 4, aouth 17) dear,! Mat
oo tet along main ilrv.1 tn a noat at aortb and
aouth atreet, theneo north 2 drgree, eeat alone
eaid north and louth atreet 170 fret to a poet at
aa.t and waat allev, thanee north H7, drirroea weat
alone Bam alley i,u reel to a pual and line or lot
No. 4, tbenre aouth two and one half deareea weat
one hundred and lerenty feet In line of lot
No. 4 to a noat and place of beartnoinc, contain
lng 374 percbea, more or leia, having thereon
erected a good plank dwelling home, well Untitled,
1M2H feet, and kitcbon IPxlb feet, a plank iho
hop, lex33 feet, and a frame liable 1824 feat,
and other outliuildiegi. IStiiei, taken in execu
tion, and to be eold ai tbe property of llenr
Alio, all defendant! Intereit In the whito pine
timber lying and t landing on a certain tract nf
land filuate in Brady tnwniblp, Clearfield oounty,
Pa , containing about thirty acrei, more or leu,
being the weet tide of a piece of laud owned by
Kraitui l.utber, bounded on the north by land of
H. 11. Moore, on the weet by land ol eat ate of
Jamib Woode, and oa the aouth and eaet by landa
of Proatua Luther. Belied, taken in execution,
and to be aold ai thn properly of I. C. Whipple,
W. . Drain ao i W. V Wood.
Alao, by virtue of aundry wrlta of Tea. x,,
the following real eitate to wit :
All that eertain meiRuage or lot of ground ilt
ualein the Borough of Oeoeola Mills, Clearfleld
county, Pa., bounded ea followa: Beginning at a
poet on Curtin itreet, thenoe hack lsO feet along
line of Noal Dougherty lot to a poet, tbenoe by a
linn et right angle to lait line 60 feet to poit 00
tine, aaid poat being ten feet more or leia from aa
alley, tbeuoe lUi feet mora or leia ocroae alley
and to poat on Hale atreet, thenca along Hale
etieet l0 feet more or leia to a poet, thenca by a
line ranalng In a diagonal direction 350 feet xore
or leaa to poat on Curtin atreet, thenee alon g Car
tin atreet 60 feet to place of beginning baring
thereon erected one imall dwelling home and aleo
a imall ahanty. Belied, Uken in execution, and
to b eold ei the property of Miehaal Hand ford.
Alio, a oertain tract of land eitaete in Durn
itde borough, Clearfleld county, Pa., bring two
loU No.'a 1 IV and 117, No. 119 with large two
itory frame etore hooeo, well Aniahed) No 117
adjoining tbe above, with large two-atory dwell
ing home, atable and other outbulldinga thereon,
bounded ae followa : On tbe eaat by an alley, on
tbe weit by Main atreet, and on the eoutb by lot
of A. II. Shaffer. 8eiiod, taken in execution, and
to be eoli aa the property of Jamea Mo Murray.
Alao, by virtue of aundry write of tnwari Fan at,
on Saturday, March 2.1, the following real aetata 1
All that eertain tneennage, tenement or piece of
ground aituate la the borougb of Oiceola, Clear
field eeunly. Pa , bounded and deeeribed m fol
lowi : On the north by Curtin atreet, 00 the eaat
by Henry alky, on the aouth bvHpranu alley, end
n the writ by lot No. 217, end known oa lot No
Hi la the goneral plan of aald borough, and bar.
lng thereon erected a plank home, 18x24 feet, one
lory high. Heited, taken In execution and te bo
eold bj tbe property of A. J. W. Merrell.
Alio, that oertain lot or pieue of ground aituate
Id tbe borough of Oiceola, Clearfleld eounly, Pa ,
bounded ae followa: Oa the north by Hal atreet,
on the eaat by Klliaheth atreet, on the aouth by
one-half each of loU N01. 'm A .100, on the weat
by lot No. 30, and known aa lota Noa 2W A S00
in tbe general pUn of aaid borough, being the eame
Iiiece or lot of groand eonveyed by tbe Moebannna
.and and Lumber Company, by deed dated 7th
May, IK72, and having thereon erected a one and
a-balfatory frame homo, tteiied, taken in eseeu
lion end to be aold aa the property of W, 0.
Alio, that certain piece of ground aituate tn the
town of HouUdale, Clearfield oounty, Pa., on the
onlheait corner of llriibin itreet and Elita itreet,
and fronting on Urlibin itreet 0 feet. and running
aat mo leetio maple alley, ana buowu oa lot no
66 in tbe general plan of aald borough, being the
aame piece 01 ground eonveyea ny u, itouti and
wife by deed dated 7th Nov., 1h70, to Cbarlea
Kinrfoy nnd wife by ded dated fih Juno, IS71,
to Wm. Dougherty by deed dated 27tl) July, lt72,
to Pranrii U'Donnol, narty hereto. Laid aerer. I
conveyance entered and recorded in tbe nfhoe
for recording Deed-, respectively in Deed Uook
no. e, pa gee j-in, 21V anu 2 ju, and having there
on erected o two-atory frame home about 24t3tf,
with kitchen attached. Melted, Uken In execu
tion and to be aold aa the property of Franc ii
Alio, theon hlf part of that eortain equare or
piree ui ground anuaie in me oorougn of Oereola
aforetaid, and eompnied of loti Noi. 00, 1P0 and
101 in the general plan of aaid borough, fronting
on tbe north tide ol Pruner itreet 76 feet, and on
the line of Hale atreet 160 feci, betne: nart of the
aame premiiea eonveyed by the Oiceola Coal Oo.
to wm. JJ. H tlltaui and Ileaj. Andrewe, hte on
divided one-half ot Ihe oremieea to William D
Willlama by deed dated 'Ad December I MHO, and
eonveyed by Wm. D. Willlatua and hia wife, by
deed dated lit febrnery, HT, to Hi Kington Kep
bart, and having thereon erected a frame
well Inlihed, two itorle high, and a atable
8eieod, taken In execfltion, and to be told aa the
property 01 itaeingion evepbart.
Alai, that certain meeiuate or nleoe of sround
aituate In tbe town of Weet Oacoolo, Clearfleld
eonnty. To., bonnded and deeertbel ae followa
Beginning at a pine atumpt thence unit too feet
eoutb 60 feet to place oT beginning, and 'hiivlng
isinmn rociea piana Dome, iwu t oriel nig a,
with baervent. and a amall aUble. Belied, taken
in tiecuiioa and la be to) ae tho property of
Jamea B. Cole.
Alio, by virtue of a writ of n. Fa., the follow-
in I ar-criuea prupariy. 10 Wi
All Defendant'e Intereit la two lota or pleoee of
ruunv airoaw in ine vniage or uuttoia, Urady
toieniblp, Clearfleld county, l'a , bounded and de
earthed aa fullowi: fcq. bounded on the weat
by Main elreet, on the north by Waeblngton atreet.
00 the eeat hy Orange aller.aml on the eonth by
lot No. A2, and being known ai lot No. AS lb plan
of laid villa, being AO tot front oft Maloitreel,
and ("0 frn on Waxnington atreet, and Having
thereon erected two-atory frame bourn 18x28
ieeir a emeu name and otljer QUtuld,lnge.
Np. 2. A let In laid Tillage), bounded on the
Writ by Franklin atreet. on the north bv let No.
146, eait by peach a.)av, aoeth by lot or fphraiv
Hand, being 00 feet on Franklin flrpet fm) I hp
feet deep, and being lot No. 146 In plan of iat)
ruiige, navitg thereon erected a frame noma
llonee high, about IZxlS feel. Beliad, taken In
e eeution apd p tr it'l l aa ibe property of Prank
Tgnui or Set!!. -The prise or Bun ftt hl;h
the proper! ahall be atruok off meat be paid al
the (ime ef iale. or auob other arrangeqienu made
aa will be approved, utbvrwiie the property will
be Immediately put up and aold again at the ex
peoeo and rlk of the pereon to whom ll waa
1 truck wtf, and who, In oaee ef defleteney at eneb
re -iale, ahall Bake good the eame, and la no
tntlance will the Deed be preaenlod la Court for
eonflripattnp uylent the money ft eeinaliy paid to
tbaHherltr. '" ANDitliW l'tlii.4r.,
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of aundry write of "teW Fvit la
aued out of tbe Court of Common Plena of Char-
field poanty, and to me direeted, there will be
ipuicd tc ni)Me inle, at Ihe Court Honae, la tho
noroujin or riearseid, on Haiurder, tha yth day
of March, .1M) al lr eloolf i. ej., the fol
lf eiull drforibed real ewtale, ti? U;
All that eeriata Mef Ve of gr.tij allnata
lathe borough of Clearlld, Uleirflflf goupte,
He , bounded aid described' ai fhliowa Begin,
nlng atiheeoraer of lot No4fl, tbeaee by eaid lot
weet 200 feet to aa alley, thenoe by aaki alley north
H fet to line of ground aald to Waa W Belta,
thenoe by eaid line oaat ! reet to Beoond Mrewt,
iteana try beeoed ptret 30 tot ta tbe aerwee af lot
4 wd puMe af egkni4g,'luaf te eoutb half
f Wt Nj4I io ploa of Md borwaga, owd Uftng
tbereoa erected atwa-atoryfraaa etoroboeao, 26
bv Ml feot, email hnggv abed and other rmtbnlld, 1
logi. 8eiied, taken In eieenttoD, and to be eold
ae tbe praperty of J U Sebryver.
Aim, two oerUtn trarti of land in MnrrU town
hlp, Clearfield pttunly, Pa, bounded and deeerlbed
folio we t No I bounded aoaib I'V lendi of John
Kinlgh, veit by landi nf Paul yulok, north bj
having about 10 aero, aleanu. and aeder aultlva
tii,n,and having tbarajn areotel a a.w two etory
frame bouee, bank barn and other outbulldinga.
Not brunded on tbe aouth by landa of ll W
Holland Hoj.r MeCalftrly, weat by lloger M-.
Calferty and T 11 Foreey, north bypandi or f) W
Holt and ean by lande of Va Porter and ethera,
eontaimog III aoroaand having about 170 aeraa
oleared.witb large anil eomoiodiou. iieut.
bank barn nnd outbulldinga, and a email bearing
orchard ihffV,,n. Keiarwi taken in elocution, and
to be aold a. tbe property of Joaeb Kothrook.
Alao, aeertaia tract orpieoe of land aituata in
flogge townibip, Clearfleld oounty, Pa., bounded
and deaerlbed ae followei liegioniag at a boat
eorntr, tlienee elong tha landa of Jobo B 8blmel
OH perobee, thenoe aouth along the lande of W.
tlearhart AO percheB to a poat ooroer, tbeno. along
the landa of J. L. tlearhart OK perohea to a lioit
onrner, thence north along thelanda of J. K. Shaw
6o prreliea to the plaoa of beginning, containing
SI acree, 110 perehee and allowance, being tho
aame travt or piec of land eonveyad by Margaret
Hhimel to Uenry UeuingUoof by deed dated May
Jltb, 107H, and reeorded at Clrarfleld, In the office,
for raaoriting deeda, in Ilrod Book "U. C," page
tie I, Ao. Ther. ta about 11 acr.a eleared and In
a good elate of cultivation, with an orchard and
a dwelling houae, atable and other outbuildinga
thereon. Heiied, taken In execution and to be
aold aa the property of Uenry Ueninghoof.
Alao, a oertain tract of land ellnate in Biiruelde
lownabip, Clearfletd oounty, Pa., bounded and
deaeribeil aa followat Un Ihe mmit by landa af
Marino Ilockenberry, aouth by landa ol William
Kunttman, weat by landa of Campbell et. al ,
north by landa of M. ilockenberry, containing
133 aeree and 07 percbea, with 66 aorea eleared,
""I I..., erveivu a irani nouae leaanieea,.
two Btorlea biall. a lo. barn 40x00 feat. mna '
larg. orchard. S.laed, Uke. in amotion myT?
to be aold ai the property of P. M. llooki'nborry
aiio, an inai certain pieoe or real eitate, be
longing to Defendant, aituate in the borough of
Clearfield, buuoded and deeeribed aa followa, to
wit : Beginning at ihe eorner of Second and
Market atreeta in aaid borough, thenoe along
Market atreet 12.1 feet, more or leea, to lot aold
to Daniel H lew art, tbenoe In a eoutberly direct loo
along lot of K'.ewart W feot A inchci, more or leu,
to lot of Jonathan Boynttir thenoe weaterly
along lot of Jona. Boynton 12.1 feet more or leaa to
Second atreet, tbenoe along Second atreet north
U place of beginainV, and being part of iot known
In plan of aald borough aa lot No. , known oa
tbe Wei tern Hotel property, and having thereon
rented a large two-atory frame building, a email
oflioe (routing on Second itreet, a one-itury law
oftiae, a one rtory cigar itora, a one itory tin
ahop, and other outiiaiMingi BelteJ, taken In
execution and lo be aold aa the property of O.
B. Merrell.
Alio, the following real eetete, aituate In North
lloutidate, bounded and deaorired ai follow i On
the eat by John McPhiline, north by llouta'
beiri, weat by itreet, atd aouth by atreet, being
known aa lot No. K0, with a two-atory houie 10
by 14 feet, thereon erected, tha lot being bl) feet
front and 1MI feet deep. Belied, taken in eirru
tlon and to be eold ai the property ofTerraaee
Alio, Ihe following real eitate aituate In Bee
earia twp., beginning nt a poat adjoining landa
of Joiina Hinith, tbeuoe north S oaat 127 perehee
more or leaa to poat in old fleld, thence aouth 61
wait U2 percbea more or leu to a point where a
line run i north 21 weit will etrike alone eorner at
l:-i percbei more or leaa, thenoe eoutb S weat 106
percbea to po.t oorner, tbeooe eoutb 40 weat 14
percbea more or loia to poit. tbenoe north fll
eait f perch ei more or leaa to pott, thenoe aouth
37 eaat 4o perehee more or leea to poll, thenoe
north 87 eait 116 percbea more or leea to poal
and place of beginning, con taininjrfei bout HO aeree,
with altout 30 acree eleared and having thereon
erected a email log houee, two etorlea high, and
emnll itnble. ticiaed, taken in execution an 1 to be
told oa the property of Jeremiah Cooper.
Aleo, tbe following real ealate of the De fund an t
aituate In Pike twp., bounded and deaaribed ai
followa: Eait by landa of Kob't Ron, on the
eoutb by land of John Dale, on the weal by land
of D. Hartiock, on the north by land of N- Mo
Clore, eoaUining AO acree, and having 60 acrea
cleared, with a frame borne 16'iA, tiro atoriea
high, and freme barn, 40x62, and outbuiMinge,
an.l large orchard. Soiled, taken In execution
and to be eold aa the property of B. B. Draucker.
Alio, tbe following real eitate aituate la the
borough of Curwensvilla, Clearfield oounty, Pa.:
All tboee four oertain lote or pteoea of ground,
beginning at tho ooroer of Filbert and (leorge
atreeta, on the emit lide of aald atreet, 1J0 feet to
atreet known aa Mnxwelt or High atreet, thenee
In en ea-tward direction along eaid atreet 1U0 feet
to a 20 foot alley, thenco along alley lo a aouth
word direction 240 feet to Ueor&re aueet, thence
weitward along eaid itreet 100 feet to place of
oegioning, and oaring mi rem erecleJ a large
planing mill, board ihedi, board kilo, and neoei
nary bulldingi, with a largo eteaio eneine
end other uiaohinery belonjrin to aaid mill.
Soiled, taken in execution ahd to be eold aa tbe
property of A. II. Irrln and W. C. Arnold.
Alao, tbe Intereit of A. II. Irrla in a eortain
tract of land aituate in Boggi towmhip, bounded
and deicribed ae followat On tbe north by ihe
Jonai Hteinbomen aurvey.on the eaat by the Wm.
I rout wine aurvey.on the aoutn by the Harhara
Snyder eurvey, and on the weat hy tho Henry
Faunoe eurvey, aud known 01 the John Keen
eurvey, containing 400 aorea, more or leaa, all un
improved. Heiied, taken in execution and to be
eold oa tbe property of A. II. Irvia.
Tanaa or SALi.The priee or auca at which
the property ahall be atruok off mual be paid at
the time of aale,or auch other arrangement
made aa will be approved , otberwlae the proper
ty will bo Immediately put ap and aold again at
tbe expenae and rlik of the pereon to whom It
waa 1 truck off, and who, la ease of deficiency at
eueh re-iale, ahall make good tbo aame, aod lo
ao inatanee will the Deed be preeented ta Court
tor eonnrmauoo nnieaa toe money ia actually
peia to tue snerm. An vkmy rhivi., jr.
Bnxairr'e Orrica, 1 Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 20,18?3. 1
Sheriffs Sale.
1)y virtue of write of Ltwan Facia; iaaued
I 1 out 01 tbe Coart of Commoa Pleaa f Clear
field oounty, and to me directed, there will
be expoeed to public aale, at tbe Court Houae,
In the borougb of Clearfield, on Haturday, the
ih day or March, 1K7K, at I o'clock, p,
the following deacribed real eetau, to wit:
All that certain tract or body of bltumioou
eoal land, ittuaie, lying and beioe in the town-
hip of Woodward, eouoty of Clearfleld, and Stale
01 f enn a, bounded and deiaribed ai tollowi, ti
wltt Beginning at a maple (gone) now atone
oorner, being a coin mm ooroer of original eurveya
in the namee of e. Wiitar, Roland Kvant, and
Samuel Km line ; tbenoe aorta l& wt 121 percbea
to a hemlock 1 tbenoe north 6i aoet 278 perm en to
a poat thenoe eoutb 16 degreet eail 121 perthea
to a poit tbeooe eoutb 63 weat lr)4 percbea to a
email rook oak ; thence eoutb 36 eaet Sttti perehee
to a poet thenoe eoutb 63 weat 1 1 1 percbea to a
poat ; wenoe none so weat io perehee to atonee
tbence eoutb e.1 weet 10 percbea to a poat ; thenee
north aa wen n percnee to a noat thenco eoutb
6!l weet 60 percbea to a poit ; tbeaee eoutb 36 eait
ai percnee to a poaif inenoa aouta as wait 2U4
fercbea to a white pine; thenee north 1H writ
14 4-6 percbea to a while oak ; tbenoe north 63
eait 1 1 3 pf rchei to a poat ; tbenoe north 16 weit
01 .6 percbea to a fallen hep lock f tbenoe ia an
eaitcrly direction up a imall itream 4ftnerohei to
a hemlock ; thenee nor b lit weat T2 perobea to a
white oek itu nip thenca aouth 6. weit 9 perehee
to a poat 1 tbenoe north 36 weet Al 6-10 perohea to
a poii 1 lueooo eouiu wen ma i-iu perohei to
email nemioca 1 iiience aoutn m eait oi ft-10
chee to a fallen bemlook ; thenoe aouth 63 writ 12
perehee to a poit tbenoe north 38 wont aeroii
Clearfleld ereek 120 6-10 percbea to a poat ; tbeuoe
aorth 63 eait 2H1 perehee to place of beginning,
eootainini nine hundred and nine (Otitf) acre,
more or leia and being parte of throe eeveral
traoU of land inrveyed on warrants dated in 170.1 ,
granted by tbe commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
one to Samuel Kmlin, one to Koland Krana, and
one to William Witter, which parti of laid tract!
above weiertbed have, by dlvore wood eonvey-
aneee and auurancea la law, become veiled tn
David C. Heneal.
Tbe aald body of load la eoeapilaed of the fol
lowing ooaiigunua tract or bodiea of land.
No. I. The Wm. U. Aleiander farm, contain
lng about 2.16 acrea, more or leu, with about 120
aorea eleared, large orchard, two-itory plonk
home with kitehen attached, large bank barn
and other out-hutldinga end improvement!. Coal
11 opened 00 thn larm, lletng the aame preml
, e.t.t-1- V O-.-l .4 -If. V J.I.J 1.
Aurmt. 1174, and reoorded tn tbe oflce of Ra
corder of Deeda ia and for aaid oounty, In Deed
Book No. 9, page IrVl, granted and eonveyed to
eeio uavia u. tieniai.
No. I. The John D. Alexander firm, e-ntain
lag about 137 acree, more or leea, with about 76
area e'eared, large orchard, two-atory hewed log
home with plank kitchen attached, round log
nam, pi an a oorae-ftamo, bieckimith ahop, and
other oat-buildioga aod improvementi. Tbe eoal
opened on tbia plaoe. tfeiaa the eame ore mi
ere which John D. Alexander and wife, hy deed
uoieo ieia May, lori. aad reoorded ae aioroie id
la Deed Book No. , page K, greatce) aod wa
vered o laid David C. Hrpiol.
No. I. Tbo D. Phillpa fkrm, eontatntng about
100 tore 1, more or len, with about i aereaclettr
ed, imall orchard, l atory round log houae, round
tog oerp, ana oipar out-nqtigingi and iwnrovo
Denl. Coal If opened a thi farm. HetAt the
aame nremiaei uantel fbllpa and wife, by
deed dated the 2Ulh June, 174, and reoorded aa
aforesaid In Deed Book No. T, page 77, granted
and oonveyed to Ike David 0. Ilenaal.
No. 4. tbe Thorn-1 pIOB tmtn, aontalnlnr
abool HI acree, moro or leia, with about K aorea
cleared, email orchard, it atorv round loo h.iuaa
end found htg atble, an eiher oul buildinga
aau lauuroreaionila vnai II oneaed OW lhl farm.
Being Ihe earn preB.lia wh'eh Themoa Diioa
aod wife, bv deed deled 17'k June IH74. and ro-
oordrd aa atoreeeid, la Deed Book No. T, page
l. innvtu anw eonveyoa 10 lata I', U. lilt) 111,
No. Tbo John Fulford farm, oontalainf
wmi mwm oeroi, moro or leea, will about 4"
aerea eleared, bavlng thereon erectrd a I. alory
plank home and double barn. Coal la opened
oa thla farm. Being tbe earn premieea which
y.uufll p. fiborTaad wife, by deed dated I4lh Feb
niary );, t4 reordd atoreaai tn Deed
Book No. 4, page 94, and Deeiel H..utf and wilo,
by ded dated Clb Hept-mher, 1272, and ruorded
M al'trawij, (n Deed Uook Vo. 4. page 96, great.
Ml and toavayee ta eeld Darld 0. iieaaat.
No. ft. Ibaateam mill property knuva (he
Btllcene fkrm, eonteining about 149 aorea, more
or leu, with about 40 acre cleared, having a
mall orchard tbereoa. There le ft eoal bank
opea and operated oa thll farm. Being tbe aame
pmperty which JoeUh R. Rood aad wife, by
deed datod Tib Qeoetnber, I "7 1, aad reoorded aa
l.ieid hi Deed lok )io. 4. naee lu. e.a.i.d
and OOB rajed to laiil David ii. jjemal, all of
.""I w snuiis sua iuf ui wrr liri ICU lar UO'
aertpttoa of bfiimdrlea. belted, taken in eaeou.
Hon, and to bo aold at the arujiariy of ifri4 0.
UeneeJ. . ... 1
Aleo, by virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa., at Iboeome
time and place, 1 will eell all ibot eeruia tract or
body of wiiumlaeue eoal land eve obere deeerlbod,
aowUlala9ut aorwa, awe ar leea, aompriilai
tlw aaid a rare, iarui, wieeta aad tnota of land
of lantaL,
M above Mi at toned and daaerlawd. with tbe lev
prorfTneniB inereon.
Pel led, taken In evenutmn
1 ' 1 I,
tw drfrtlsnnfiits.
and to bo eold aa tha property of David 0. Ilanaal.
Alao, a orrtaia lot of ground and pretniaoa ait
uata la the borougb of Cleaifleld aa eel nut in
mortgage deled 1 7 1 b June, IH7I, reoorded In
Book U . page IVD, and Ibe will or Bel. F. , via :
Ueginaing at aa alley, tbeaoa am m,U
M-..I Vi Ur1 '. '.-" vvat'b rt .f-jiL ii-l't-;
alley 71 leal 7 tfrrhoe ta Maraal aUa.1, voi
tog 1177 aqaaro feet, being pan of lot 3 anil 30
nf aald borougb, being part orpreiniaei, William
Irein, by dord dated Bin Jane, 1841, conveyed to
Aleiatid-r, recorded in Hook 11 , page 72, who,
by drrd, 27th Januery IMS, eonveyed to Wm.
Merrell, Hook 11.. page 40, who, June, IKjg, eon
veyed to htrhnnl Mooaop, Book P., page 711,
who, Sy deed, lib April, 1000, eonveyed to T. J.
Uoyer end A. I. Shew, Book KK., page :I7I, lltb
April. 1B7II, and a-i Voyer, liih April, 1870,
conveyed to aaid A. I. Sbaw, Book P.K . J-V'
on the lltb -April, l7t, baling ereoled thereon
. frau. building incupied ae a drug flora and
office. Soiled, taken tn exoouttoo, and lo be eold
aa tbe property of A. I. Sbaw.
Alao, a oertain piece or pareel of land aituate
.D Lawrence twp., Clearfleld eouoty, Pa. bounded
and dreerilied aa followa t Beginning et a poet
eorner of Thoa. Uad and H. Logo, on
til. weal branch of tbe Suaquehanna river i thenco
by land of Head and Logan, aouth 1S oaat 00
perehee, more or leva, to a ooroer, Keed'a and Lo
gan'a land ; tbanee aouth 6ba weat 511 perohea to
a poit un tbe weet branoe of Ihe Suaquohanna
rive thenoe down aaid Suaquehanua bj tta aee
eral nouraee and diatanoea to a poal and plane af
beginning, eonteining twenty acrea, more or leaa,
being partoraame preialeee whioh Wm W. Binith
and wile, lata of Philadelphia, by deed bearing
data tha 10th March, 1H2I, deed reoorded in
Bcllcronte, Centre oounty; io Book B., page 300
Ac, and boing tbe aame nreitiiaea which Bit Scho
field by deed dated 7th Oolober, le7a, oonveyed
lo Jamea llufl", and aaid Huff, by deed beating
dale even herewith conveyed the eame to John
Bead. Poised, tuken in elocution, anj to be Bold
aa lb. property nf John J. Head.
Tanua or 8ai... Tha price or eua at which
will tie approved, olherwiee tbe properly will
Immediately put upend sold again at the expeme
and riik of tbe person to whom it wai itruuk off,
and who, in c:ue of deflaieuuy at auch re-ealc,
ahall make good the imo, and In no io stance
Will tho Deed bo preetnted in Court fur confirma
tion union the tuoi'i-y t actually paid to Ihe
aberiff ANDHKW PKNTZ, Jr..
Rhubipf'b Ofrirc, I tj her iff.
Clearfield, Pa., Fob. 20, IS7S. J
Sheriff's Sale.
1)Y virtue of aundry write of 1W Ex., Irsued
1 1 out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear-
Quid Co , an I to me directed, there will he cxpoicd
to public eale, at tbe Court lloiie. in the borough
of cicarflfld. on Katunlav, the lltb day ut
Marrh, 1-0 H, at I o'clock, p.m., the fulluw
log dvectib4 real estate, to wit:
A certain tr-ct of land lituate In Boggi town
ship, ClrartVId county, Pa., beginning at a pf-t
on line of Win. Yard, thenee along line of Alex
stone aouta ll perrne to a post by land late ot
Wm. lrvin'sestate lOti porcbni topost,thenie along
Ine of Wm Vard survey 1 13 perches to plane ot
tejinutng. ootttaining one hundred ivrea and one
hundred perches and allowance, with alxty-fivv
acres eleared, having a large atora and tenant
borne and outbuiMtngi, and largo dwelling house
and tenant house thereon erected. .Suited, taken
in execution, and to be aold aa the property cf
Kllii end wilnerry rickle.
Also, a oertain tract of land lituate In Bell tp.
Clearfleld eonnty, Pa , bound -d and deeeribed aa
followa: Beginning at a post, thenoe aouth 4Cj(
percbea lo stooea. ttenoa weit 13(1 percbea to
atoncr, tbenoe north 4t' perches to Maple, thi-oeo
east 130 perehee to place of beginning, eontalu
ing forty acree and allowance, with Ave acree
cleared and a ante! I houae thereon. Keitt-d, taken
In elocution, and to bo aold ea tbe property of
W. u. Miner ana tienry uruoo.
Alio, a eertaia tract of land situate in Bra Iford
towmhip, CI ear Bid county, l'a., bounded and do
feriufd ai followa ; Un the eait by Intid of Wm
Woolritlge on the iuth by land of Peter Ln.n
berry, on tbe west by land of Wm Slurry end on
tbe north by land of Wm Woo I ridge, containing
filty-ieven arrea, with forty arres cleared, a log
hou0 lKtiy24 feet, a small frame barn and out
I uildings erected thereon, and a growing orchard.
Selstd, taken In execution, and to be sold a the
property of Jamei A. Watson and Catharine Holt .
Also, a certain tract of land aituate ia Bell
townibip, Clearfleld county, l'a,. and known as
No.'e I and 2 in general plan or siil village,
bounded aouth by lot belonging to McClinicy
heirs, west by lot of W. L. tiherp, and being on
the oorner of Main end Water at recti, hiving
tbrreon erected a two-ilory frame dwelling bouse,
fifty feet front and thirty feet deep, and tbo lot
being about inly by one hundred and Arty feet.
Heiied, taken In execution end to be mid as the
property of John P. Irvin.
A'fo, a certain tra?t of land lituate In Brodv
township, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a
poit on line of Jnoob Hileburn lot, thenco north 1
61 'ti gress east 6 perohei to a poet, thenee hy lot
of Jacob Hileburn north 30 degreea weat 12 per.
to puat at mad, tbenoe by land ef Jacob Yoit'e
estate eouth 32 dogreei 40.4 perrbee to poat.thenn 0
by laid land south 68 degreee eait 21.6 pervbes tn
post, tbenoe by raid land north lit degrete eat
27 perehee to poat, thence by pub He road 4 deg
and 4f percbea to post, thence by Jacob Hilburn
land north 60 degreea weat 2 perohei to poat and
place of beginning, containing S acres and lift
percbea and having a two-story frame dwelling
home 31! by 32 feet e frame atable and tbo remain!
of a burned aaw mill, tteieed, taken in execution,
and to bo !"ld aa tbe property of J. C. Whipple
A fo.
Alio, a eertain tract of land aituate la Wood
ward towmhip, Clearfleld eonnty, Pa., having
erected thereon a two-atory frame houae, bound
ed aod deicribed oa followa t On the north, eoutb,
out and weet by proporty of Hoals' heira. Bel
ted, taken ia execution, and to be sold aa the
property of Terence Bigley.
Alao, a certain lot of land iltuate In Clearfield
Borough, Clearfield oounty, Po,, known as lot No.
200, being 67 feet 4 Inches front on Second itreet,
and about 200 feet deep, bounded on the weat by
Second atreet on the north by Reed itreet, on tbe
eait by an alley and on tbe louth by lot No. 206,
being the same premises which Joiiah W. Smith,
by ground rent deed, dated 10th March, 18AM, re
oorded ia Book , page , eonveyed to eaid
H. B. Taylor, aul'ject to the parmmtofan annual
ground rent of Seventy dollare, payable semi. an
nually, on which premises are erected three frame
dwelling buueei. Seised, taken in execution, and
to be eold as tbe property of K. B. Taylor.
Alao, a eertaia tract of land aituate in Wood
ward lownebip, Clearfleld county. Pa., containing
about fitly eerei, all cleared, with large barn and
two atory dwelling bouse and a young orchard
growing thereon, bounded aa fullowi, via: Kaat
by A.J. (loss, north by Huston, aouth by Thoa.
lluiton and weat by Iluirb Carson.
Alio, one other tract of land situate In Rgg
township, in said county, containing about one
bundrrd and twelve aorea, about fifty acree elear
ed and balance In woodland, bounded as followa,
via 1 Kaat by other lande of defendant!, west by
Thomas Hampton and north hy land ot Wm.
Albert A Bro., and eoutb by Jonathan Boynton.
Seiied, taken in execution, and to be aold aa tha
property of A. J. Ooss and Wm. Urn..
Alio, all those certain lot situate in the bor
ough of Clearfleld, Clarflll oountr, Pa., bound
ed .ind deacribed aa followa : On the cant I y Thirl
street, on the eoutb by Locust atreet, on the weat
by Walter's, lot No. and 011 the north by an
alley, boing fifty feet front on Locuit street and
IIo feet deep along Third atreet, and known as
lot No. 120 U the general plan of said borough,
having thereon erected a large frame house, ear
center ihp, atable, imall offloe and other ijprovo
Also, ono other lot situate In BigW's addi
tion to said borough, and known as lot No. 2tm,
being 67 feot front on Heeond street, and about
200 leet dci-p, bounded on tbe west by Heeind it.
on the north by Reed atreet, on the eaat by anal
ley and on the eouth by lot No. 2u6, having there,
on ereoled three frame homes, n shoemaker shop,
and other Improvemenle.
Alio, one other lot of ground In the eaid bor
ough, bounded 00 tho north by Pine etreet, an
tbe eeat by lot of Mre. Behofield.on the eouth hy
aa alley and west by lot of 8. I. Bnyder, beinlv
ebout fifty foot front on Pineetreetand about 10
feet deep, on which ia erect, d a large framedouble
house end other improvements,
Also, one other lot of ground iltuate In Blglor'a
addition to said borough, la whit is known as
Taylor'e division, bounded and describol ae fol
lowa 1 Beginning at a oorner of Bridge and Reo
ond afreets, on tbe eaat aide of rocond afreet
tbeaee eoutb along Beoond atreet about 76 feet to
aa alley, thenco oast along said alley M feet to
lot of Mre Maggie Buck, thenoe north along sold
itm Itreet at-out GO feet lo pi. part ol lot No. 211 aod having .reefed
-,.rBQ iranie noueea and otber lot
Also, one other lot of ground iltuate la Bigler'a
addition to the borough of Clearfleld, beginning
at oorner of lot of Maggie R. Buck end Bridge
about 70 feet to an alley, tbence east along aaid
alley about 100 feet o an alley, the nr. aortb
along aaid alley about HO foot to Bridge atreet,
thenoe weat along aald street to place of begia
ntng, being part of lot No 21 1, and having there
on eroetod two rrsme boapos std other Improve
ment!. ' 1
Alio, o,ne othqr Int of gtound aituate U the
lege or Weat CbarQrld, in Lawreooe township,
and knowo ae lot No il ia the genornl plan of said
IHa(.er bounded oa the aouth by Main atreet, on
ihe west hy lot No oa (be north by aa alley
end on tbe eait hv alley, being 60 foot front on
Main atreut and UO feet deep to on alley, having
no 1 ra pro v amenta. Belted, taken in execution,
and to be eold aa the property of R. U. Taylor.
Alio, a certain tract of land aituate in Decatur
township, Clearfleld oounty , Pa., bounded end de
eeribed ai fcll-.wi t Oa the ao'th by A K'phart,
eoeth hy Byn.-o, weat by Juha M Chase and
Hagerty eitate, containing 40 ares, more or leu,
with about 20 neyee eleared, with two-etii-y pknk
home, lfibytl feel, log bam and other outbuild
Inge. Heiied, taken In evecnilon, and to be 10 Id
a the propert v of George W Kcpbtrt.
Aleo, a oertain tract af lend situate In North
tlouladale, Woodward p, Clearfleld onuntv, Pa.,
belag kt In alao o by 160 feel, with small atom
home and hasraaent, small stable and other out
build. Lge thereon, bound-d on the weit by Win
Moero. on tbe aorth by elliv, on the eoutb bv
Main atreet, Mred, taken In eirrcalon, and tg 1
be aold ai the prniertjruf Wm 11 philips. 1
Also, a certain rac( of land situate m 1 rrgu
too lowashtp, Clearfleld eoanty, pa., bt.eo4.i aa1
followa 1 North by W. Straw, eait by Widow
Ureen, I" Bit. by Christ Bhoff, wet( bj W. Harrwlt, I
eonteining about t0 acrea, alia ah.m! 0 aoree
eleared with imall orobard, and having a email,
fraan houae nod l ira thereon erected. Briaed,
taken tn eieeuttua, end lo be rotd ae tbe
tj of Paul White. 1 1 J
Ttnna or 8 alb -The price or mm at which
tki property ahall be it rook vff mart ba paid at
Ue time of aale, or aueh fiber errangerueali
w,u Hlf rTJtO-bernlc the properly
III bt Immediately pat up eold again at
the ei pause and rlik of tha norjon to who. 1
woe atruok nf, tne wke, ta et af deleitney at
aueb re sale, ahall make good tbe eame, ead la
na laataneo wilt. the Dead be prose a ted la Court
for confirmation anleoe tha money ia actual) v
paid to tne Mherlff. ., , , '
Bmnirr'i Orrtcn. . I . elberir.
$nv giili'fttlsfuifnts.
TXI-.CHTtllW NOTICB-Latura Teita
1j memory on the eatate or Dr. H. V. WILSON,
late of Clearfield borough, Clearfield oounty,
Pft.dee'd, having boon granted to the andereigned,
all pereoni knowing tboinielvei lade ted to aaid
eitate aro required to make immediate payment,
. tV iir V11 Lf L iiua vaiiiat tha w. M
ti ecu tore.
Or, 8. V. Wnann, Attornev.
Clearfleld, Pa., Feb. 20-ftt.
By virtue of an order of tbe Ornhaaa Court
of Clearfleld eonnty, the andereigned Admtniitra
Va-b V nt, na of tbe enULa af F. B. Kofferty,
deo'd, late of Pennville, Penn townibip, Clearfleld
eouoty, Pa., will icll at publio aale on tbe prem
ieea, on
Thursday, March 7th, 1878,
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following deacribed real
eatate, via : All that oertain lot of ground altu
ate in the village of Pennville, In Penn townahlp,
Clearfleld oounty. Pa., bounded and deeerlbod aa
followa : Beginning at a poit ooroer of turnpike
road ; tbeooe north along towmhip road 183 feet
to poit, tbence eet hy alley 164 feet to poet
tbenoe aouth by lino of K. A. Parrel I HO fret to
poat; thenoe weat by turnpike road 121 feet to
plaoo of beginning, containing flvo-eigbtba of an
acre, more or leie, having thereon erected a
iMrge Motet Hull ding,
.14x40 feet, two atoriea falgfa, with book building,
a large barn and other outbuilding!. A hotel ie
now kept In tbe home.
One-third of the pure bane money to be paid at
confirmation ot eale, ami the biUnoc in two equal
annual pajmenti, with intereit, to oe eecared by
bood and mortgage on the premliei.
Or am pi on Hi Hi, Feb. 18-4t. Adm'r.
Valuable Ileal Estate !
Voder the decree or tbe Orphona' Court of Clear
field countv. Pa., there will be sold at public aelo
at Cl.'KW ENS VILLB, Clearfleld eouoty. at 11
o'clock u., on
Thursday, March 14th, 1878,
the following dcicnbcd valuable Real Estate, to
Purpart No. H. Being desorlbcl as follnwi:
Situate ia Pike towmhip, Clearfield county, Pa.,
beginning at a blok oak corner of purparts Nm.
1 and IT; thence by purpart No. 1 aouth 1i de.
greei eaU hi) 5-10 pcrubel to a oherry at the
river : tVrnce down the river by its nereral eounea
and di'Mnon, as followa : South 76 degree! eait
0 6-10 perohei, aouib 83 degreai eait H perches,
north HI dngTeei eait 20 percbei, north 6A degreee
east IN percbei, north 2il degreei eait 1 1 perehee,
north 1 dogree east 16 percbei, north 20 degreea
west 32 perehee, north I degrees east 16 perches,
north 20 degrees east 32 perehee, north li degreee
east 14 perches, north 31 degreea weit 8 perohei,
north 4ti degrees weat 24 percbee.oortb 621 degreea
west 2 perches, north 67 degreea wait 60 peruhea,
north 63 degreea weat 22 percbea, north 72 dgrea
wait 11 6-10 perohea to a poit by tbe river; thenco
by purpart No. 17 aoutb 30 degreei weit 70 6-lti
percbea to the black oak and place of beginning,
120 lrrrs, 81 6-10 Perchea,
net measure, having 1 1 0 acres cleared and under
good cultivation, lit aeree woodland, o large eon -modiom
bouse, large new bank barn, aud other
outbuildings, a finely eeleeted orchard of ehuloe
fruit, having 40 new treei, with old orchard. Tbe
farm being well fenced, highly Improved, aod
situate on the bank of the Suqurhanna liver.
Alao, Hub-IlvUion Nti. 11. Purpart No. 11.
Described oa followa: Situate in the borough
of Curwensvilla oforcaaid, bounded by the turn
pike and tbe river, being 100 feet fronton tbo
turnpike, and extending ia depth to tbe Susque
hanna rlrer, being that certain hotel property
known as the "Htisquehanna Home."
Aleo, Purpart Si a. 1 1. So much thereof ae
11 known as tract surveyed on warrant No 6VfU,
bounded and describe 1 as follows: Hituale ia
Penn township, in the oounty and State aforesaid,
beginning at a hemlock corner j tbenoe by land
of Jeuiee Johnson north 80 degrees wost 270 par.
chee to a hemlock : tbence aortb 2 degree oait
123 perehee to a birch f thenee north Mil degreee
weit Kit pereboe to itooej ; tbenoe north 21 degroea
east 120 perchea to a post; thenoe aouth Hit de
gree! eait 176 percbei to a hemlock ; thenoe north
2 ricgre! east 112 perchea to a hemlock ; tboaoo
eouth 871 drgreri east 103 percbea to a bemlook (
tbenoe aoulb 1 degree weit 02 perohea to a red
oak t tbence eouth KG degree! east 46 perohea to a
poet ; thenoe eouth 1 degree weet 82 percbei to n
post; thenoe north HO degreei weit 45 a-10 per
cbei to a post ; tbence aouth 2 degree! weit 227
percbei to place of beginning, containing
CIH uteres and Hownnce,
being part of treat No. 6964, unimproved, having
thereon a large amount of white piae, white oak,
bemlook anil other timber.
Alao, Purpart No. I O. Consisting of two
separate tracts or parcel of lend, bounded ai fol
lowa: Philipiburg tract, sitawto ia Morris twp.,
oounty and State aforesaid, beginning at a cherry
on turnpike tbenre by eame south 77 degreei eaet,
28 percbes, eouth 81 degreea eaet 22 perobes to n
post; tbence north 3d degreei eait 166 perebet to
a white pine, thence north fliij d-greea eaat 24
perchea to a poat ; tbenea north 261 degreei weet
162 perehee to a hemlock tbonoa aouth 6J do
grcea weat 6 perches to post ; tbenoe north 40 dog.
weit 60 perehee : thenee aouth T61 dog. west 63
perchea ; thence eoutb 60 degreee weat 40 percbea;
thenco south 40 degreee east 62 perches ; tbeooe
aouth 6S1 decrees west 112 perohea to a post;
tbenoe louth 2(-l degreea eaat 206 perehee to tha
place of beginning, containing
'2T 1 1erB,
more or leas, being unimproved, nnderlalj with
valuable veins of bituminous eoal and otber min
erals, and having thereon a large amount of whito
pieo, oak, hemlock and other timber treea. Tha
interest told being an undivided one-sixth there
in. Tbe otber thereon known aa tbo K art haul
tract, iltuate in K art bans township, la tbe oounty
and Htale aforesaid, beginning at a red oak
(down) at the river ; tbenoe north 88 degrres weet
12 perchea to n hemlock ; tbenoe aoutb 2 degreea
east 1 1 .tp ercbee to poet ; thenoe north 88 deg. weet
161 perchea to a postj thence south t degreea
weat 10U percbea to a post; thenoe aoutb 88 de
greee east 117 perobea to a pitch pine: thenco
eouth 2 degreea weat 126 perchea to the rirer t
thenca down the river north 80 degreea watt 18
perchea, north 60 degreea weat B perohea to a
white nine : Ihenee eonth ft8 decrees aut I6A ar.
obei to the riven thenoe down tha river by ite
eeveral oounoe 277 pe.-ohea, more or leaa, to tha
beginning, oontaining
iMT 3-4 .tcrr,
and allowance, unimproved, having a quantity of
white pine, oak, keuilock and other timber there
on. The intereit to bo eold being an nndivided
one-half pert therein.
Aleo, Purpart No, Iti. Beunded and de
eoribed, aa followa: Situate la the borougb of
Curwensvilla aforesaid, beginning at a point on
tbe river, being the oorner of land of Catharine
Hariahom; thence by aald land north 19 degreee
weit 60 perch el to a blaok oak : tbenoe by land of
Jobo Patton north Tl degreei welt 176 2-6 perchea
to a poit tbenoe by land of John Patton aouth
US percbea t Cemetery etreot ; thenca
by same north S01 degree east 7 foot, thenee
aouth 601 degreee east 2t0 feet ; tbenoe north 10 1
degrees east 1 31 foci ( tbence eouth 601 degreoe
eait 210 feet) thenoe north S01 degrees eait I2f
feet ( thence eouth 601 degreea oast Itu fet;
thenoe north H01 degreei eeat ISO feet) thence
eouth 601 degrees east 270 feet; thenco north w
degree east 00 feet; thenoe eouth 601 degreea
east 4A0 feet ; thenee north S0 degrees oast 610
feet; thenoe aouth 691 degreea eeat 269 feet;
thenca eouth S')l degreea weat 360 feet) thenoe
aouth 601 degreea east 100 feet ; thenoe eouth 30
degreea west 470 feet; thenca aouth 691 degreoe
east 60 perchea mora or leai to tha river; tbence
down tbe fame north 2 U degreee east 11 percbea,
north 34 degreei emif 14 neranei, north 60 degreea
east 24 percbes, north oil degreea eait ti per.
ehci to p'ece of beginning, oontaining
mere or less, unimproved, and tbe portion of the
end east of the borough of Curweasville, not
, urrnmiro mi a.
Al. MrP4W M. 0O - UmwmM mw -J,
scribed ee followat Situate In the borough ef
Curwensville aforeenM, beglaning at a point on
the aouth aide of the railroad, where tbe east aide
ol - etreet intereeota the aame j tbeaee by
eeld street aoulb 30 J degreea west 300 reet ta
Meadow etreet; thence;bv aame ioutb 6f)) degree
east 424 feet to purpart No. It tbenoe by wine
north I As) degreea east ftHfl foot more ar lees to the
railroad ; thence by laid railroad weite,rly to tbe
plaoe of begtnutng, oontaining
9 fcTf and tt fUrcAr,
more or le-e, being eleared ObJ need w land,
valuable for building lote.
Alao, Purpart No, 3 1. -Bf lng all those three,
eertain Iota of ground, altuata tn Pike townahlp.
In the oounty and Hfnte aforesaid, being part of
what Ii knowa aa "White ittleraeot,"and bound,
ed aad deacribed, aa followa t Una thereof having
a home thereon, bounded on the eouth bj a atreet?,
on the west by a it net, on the aouth by aa alley,
aad oa the eaat by lot of -, heiag 69 fe,t
front and t9 feet deep. The other two thereof,
adjoiaing each other and oaa having a home
thereon erected, bounded on the north by atreet,
on the west by lot of , en tha xoath by
aa alley, and on the eaat by afreet, being eaob 60
feet front and IttO ft-ot deep.
In purpart having two or more parcels or pleoae
or land or late, tbe plecee erparoels will be offer
ed Arst separately, and then together, and eold
bt the mode (n which they will bring the mo-i
One third of Ibe rmrclieae m ine, lo rvnala
eharee.l um. (ha ...,.-. .l.
- r .-H.-r w,,a in. in.
.reel Ikerauf, to be paid to laa widow, anaaalle.
111, V.l.lJ .hi ...flUl.., ...-! ' 1:7 T. '.
n - - min, eoatimoneq lu,
the najment ui (he Inlrreet, aaauall,, la :tt..
,. t,v,a, nunaa aer .natural ItIK
.aj the nrlnelpal tun la the partie. autlll.4
.. . ..v.... i.iiu .a mm pin una.
OTnnrmallo. of aale, anil the two eonal
w". iniamt, to be sewed b.
aond and aartcaire ea the Draalaee. And a, ta
- -u pnaoipa,,, lor la.
tlmher. Bo tlnilier eh.ll b. eat wllboat aril aaalt.
Inn application to the Coart, and (Irlna; agin a,.
dmonalseearll; for of tha ,l,rree
r r - .v vuiir. rAI, anitror, eno
dlreet, ar ant.l aive, Ihe ioa af tha! areh.
la paid. r . , , . ,. Z ,
roMiaeerr.. apo. pircvli tela, haaaked dowa
ta Ihea, will ba reaolrad 4a .a. a. aa aitemat
aufflnlaB Im mmmm i
7 - v. " . .i rmmm ia at.
..I , k- a- .. i ...
w the .tpaas, af ra-aaa la eke
- - . j ovw,,j wiib iw. araae .1 aaia.
rail aaoanl to mm allowed Maul bid. If
lira, are eomplied with. , . ,
Pl.arfl.l,', P.., Fell. I'.ll. XriM.