THE REPUBLICAN. A. G. Kramer & Co, want 60,000 rail road tii. jia. a tf. 60,000 railroad tfus wanted by A. O. Kramer A Co. jD. fi.if. Fifty piocoa ol Fruit of tbe Loom and II ill juet received at T. A. Fleek A Ce.'i. blob they will offer lor sale tt do low adrenee fit half out pr yard. ii i t a What Flt ck & Co. are recemmr this S "German Syrup, No other ajedletBeta the world waa aver given snob a leal of lt euratlva qualities aa Boaebee'a Oermaa Hyrup. Ia three yea re two Billion four hundred thouaand aaaall bottle af this aaedleloo ware dietributvd res hif by Drugglata la tblsaoantry to tboae afflicted with OuoMuipiiea, Railroads. 5. &. Uci t.'$ Column. Z. Urk es.'i Column. JJne 3nlirrtl8fmntfl. Sfw SadrrrtUmrnts. 0LBAHFIBLD ACCUIiMUUATluN. V. 1. Ptu, Co.4u.lor. Closing Out Salo. L1AVK80UTII. LKAVE VOKT1I. CLKAItKlKM, PA. Wanted SOiMO milr-nuti tios, at A. week i A large liae of in and boys' eaaaiaaeree i T.M t. tynt I. it p. . VuMojtM,..,.1.41 af'-iwL-i. VJLfL -A.fa -I',,, 'liy1" Ubw dloMiMof the Aaibasa, t roup, aevere Uoughe, faeaeawaU aad 1 broat ano tuaga, giving Cl..r.lil.. i 1 Terms of Subscription. If paid In advanee.or erltulo three o,nnth...$f OA II paid afUt three atd before all tzon-ba .. I 40 Kield after thersptratloa of aix nioubta .. I 00 rMfMri 0. M. Pamtauitk A Co., Nrr I .tr AdvenUIng Agent, 17 Pare Row, enier Pees a Htrit, are our duly authorised Ageota In N. Yrt Ci.r. HUMUIOIJa. MmCMt. Mel hod lit Kp lee opal t'hurrb Ke. J. 8. llrMranaT, Pa-tor. Servieea ovary tiabhatb tt lli A M-, and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at II A. M, Pray. Meet ion every Thursday, at 7ft P. M. Coran union Hervloe. Grit Sabbath of every i.onth, al iU A.M. Weal (Irarlirld M. E. Cburrta. Ri Wiliiam 11. Dill and W. H. Wilson, Pastors. Pri-arbing every alternate Sunday, at B o'clock, 1'. M. uaday tVbuol at lft, P. W All an in vited to altend. Preabterlnn Churrb--Kv. II. H Butlbh. -Knhhfith aerricea morning and evening Hab bath School at X P. M. Prayer MctiD Wednes day evening. Hi. Praucia ( liurrb Cathullc--HeT. P. I.SHKHtnAi.-Praacbingat 101 o'olook, A. M.,on the Brit, third and lourtb Kundayeur eaou iuooib; Vespers and licnedtation ot (he Messed tiaorno.ent at 7 o'olook, P. Id. hundny .School every Sunday afteraooa at I o'cloeh. OFFICIAL DIKMTOHV. tiaa or tuLDina Qtuimm obmiori oocar. Swnd Uuoday at January. Third Muo'iay of March. Putt Monday of June Fourth Monday of Soptenther. TIMS OV auLDIHO COMMON VLB. Pint Monday af J una. Beeond Monday of November. rrHLio orrma. j . Prttidtnt tdjlluo, Charles A. Nayer, of Lwi Haven . Aitanl L-m) Jmtlga JloB- John II. Orti, of lMlcfnl. Aftcintt JudgfAhrnm Ogden, Clearfield ; V kiwi. I II Molt. Clearfield. protkitnutarv Kit Bloom. Hrilttfr and Recorder I,. J. Morgan. ltitrict AttortyWm. M. Mct'ullonfi. Trtatnrtr David MeOaugbry. ' .VArijf Andrew Pontl, Jr. Dtpntg Sktrif Chritt, J. Keaffffy, 01rfieM. (.Wary Surveyor ftamuel P. McCloikpy, Cnr arnsvUla. County Oommiitionw Clnrk Brown, Clear Held lb-ma A. McHet, Cheat P. O.; HairU Jloovcr, Clearfield. County Aurfiior William V. Wright, Clear flold i Barautl A. Caldwall, WiHioaigrort ; John 0. Conner. Burnaida. County Ovrontr J. B. Neff, New Waahlna;lon. Jury CWaaiiioarra l)t. Jitinei P Uurabfiold, Cleariwd, Joa)h Alexander, Madera. &mpriufndt of PmbU ihkooU John A. Gregory, Curwenavilla. Satr of WtigkltA- Aftuium JeiaeW. Carlile, oBloo at Troutville. Pa. A' atari,, fullu-Joha W. Wriicley, Wm. Ra- debaugb, Cyrua Uordon, Clearfield; Joaeph K. Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curwenavillai J. J. Lutftlt, Oweola Milta t J. A. Li flu fit one, Dulloia City. lot of nne Salt, larWrt it) ladkd laeki. to lha artlfllt eao be bad at two dollan aaln. Rtmemhcr that Lytlo is County Anei.t for lrrlllard'a Tbant and aan aell them at l-o lory prteoa. Tbry ara the beat tbaoota la market. Try Ibera. WanticdI 1.0W0 ("iidti of Ilomlurk and Rook Oak Bark, for wbioh we wit) ay the bijthBt market prloe, J.vlJif. A. u. KMAHaa A Co. a e Fifty pift'c'8 of Km it of iho Loom and Hill Juat received at T. A. Fitch A i'o.'e wbieb they will offer for rale at (be low advance of half a cent per yard. Fifty pirn of Fruit of tho Loom and Hill Juit rioeivtd at T. A. Plrok A Co.'r, wbleh ibey will cflrr tor rale at the low advinee of half a rent per yard. At I In- Rr.i'i.'m.icAN otticu n liio place lugei juarjuo wura ansa, nr irt lull yrMrt todoanyiblDK In tbe printing line, will dolt well, and at the right ktod of prioaa. . tti Biikripi's It will be noticed that Khtitff Penii will bold hii real ei'ate levee on Saturday, March Bib. He will alio diapoaecf aoma real tittle mi tbe Saturday following, March lOih. - mm Loth op Covrtinu. A throe-wecka termoj Cart bejt'naon Muoday.Marob lltb.Hutt ora, juror and wilnt'tars oao prepare themielrea aooordmgly. None of your going down tbe river In courting tine. i-o-a ' - Valuable Property. -Tba Iurgtit Trnatee't aale aver made in thfa county will onma off at CurireDiOlle, oa Thunday, March Uih. For deactipilon of purparta abd trrtna, aee adver- thement in tbi iiue, or addreaa Mr. Janoi II. Orabata, Trurtee, CKitrfielrf, Pa. 1 ful lino of black eeahauro toweli and table linen fiend end table eoveri j oalieoet, naillni and glngbauti. Call and aee, and you will flad prinae right. T. A. Pikck A Co. out the foiled Ptatee aa tbe one bundrej aod furty-tevintb birihdny of Oeneral Urorge Wafb. who waa bora February It, 173, and died uicnacd In Iratuei, or Bend then to their frieoda rifty j lie ens ot Fruit nr llio Loom and Hill Juit reeelvad at T. A. pieek A Ua a, wblh they will offer aly at the tow adranoe of half a cent pr yard. i What KU'ck & Co. are receiving this wrek t A large lino of men and boya' oaaiioierea a bandaouie me of ladlei' liei and allk haadkei ehicf'a ; a beautiful line of dreaa gooda f a beauti ful line of black retbtuere toweli and labia linen itaad aod table oovert t ealleoca, muallaa and gingham. Call and aee, and you will find prlrei right. T. A Flick A Co, THE CLEAHHtLO COUNTY ATLAS, tn a late Intrn lew with Mr. Newtnn, the Su perintendent, we learn tliat the work fa tbe varl oua depnritnfolanf our Clearfield I'oumy Hhtorl eal AtUa progrexea lavoraile. Many of our olineoa have bud akelcbea taken or their reit denoea, laraa, burineaa home a, mith, faolorlei, eio., aa may le mvtn In the liu which aooompa nl.a ibla article. It ia itDportantlbat every Improvement, whether public or private, aboutd be properly repreaentfd. Our Inter oountlee have ahuwn to their beat ad vantage hy iba uanj elegant lllboaranha which aolullv Ind loate their mateiial reauuruea and tbe aiep forward tbey have taken oa the ruai toovn morclal iuipurtanoa. Our etiitena abould aee to It I bat Clearfield oounly la not behind In having Ita improvement properly represented. Tbe opportunity ofaeonr ing a view of our home, rivrr eoeoea, nhurebcf, Ao., will not crur again for many eara. It ta heartily di-elrcd by all lhat lha work In the view department may be ao comprebenaive that Iba I lluilratrd port inn of the Aiiaa may fairly reprw arnt tho improvements of the county ( and lo do thlf, our farmer, lumbermen and merehania muat nt aland aloof. Tins feature ol (be Atlas is both omnium la I and uaeful, aud ia eeeund to bo other techon of tbe work. Meera. MuKi4on aud Mann are m.w rallihg upua tbe oiiimos in the various town-biii. and oa tbeir rtturo we hope to bear a favorable report of our people's liber a iiy and public enterprise. Kxtra copies of tbe engraving are furciabed lhue who have views taken, which enables the w ncrs io have these pi el urea ol their homes that Druggists la every Iowa and vltiage I. t uned Mates are reeowmenuiog ii w meir cus tomer. On to your Druggist, anuaak what lby know about iu 8nmpla bottlea 10 eenti. Regular viae 7ft eenu. For aala bv O. D Walesa, Clear field, Pa. Mar II, Wl mow ly. OoH't bt ttrrrired, Uaiy pi-rauBSsai "I havaa t g4 Ibe 'nurap tion" when ako( tj;tire (beir oough with Fibi loh'a Consumption lure? it they aot know that Cougba k-ad to Consumption and a remedy that will cure t'oniutaptioo will nertainly euro a cough or any lung or tbroat trouble, we Rao w It will eure when all othero rait and our fatih In it ta so poailivo that we will refund the prion paid If you receive bo ben eH t. laaol tbla a fair propoa'tiun. Price, ! oia 60 ota and $l,0n per ootile. tor lame t'ht-st. Hack or Ride, ae u lob 'a Poroua Plaster. Price, 1ft eta. For tale by ail llrugglate ol u le erne id. Why will you iiffitr wiib Dyapi-pata and liver eompiaini, Lonanpauon, and geuerai aeurny whin you ran gel at our slota Obilob'a Hvaiem Vitaliarr wbioh wa tell oa a positive guarantee to euro yon Price 10 eta., and 7ft ota. For aala by all Druggketa ol Char be Id. HA CKMh'TACK, a popular and fraRranl per- lume. ror rate by all vrugma ol uvarooid. Deo. ft, '77 dm. Decctnber II, 171'J. The bank! and public school of Clenrfietd were ctood on that day, It bcioj a legal ho!i lar. List of luttura reiiiainin uncluiinod In the I'oi l office, at Clearfield, for tbe wajk ending Fibruary 9i, 1878 : Miss Irene Curtis, Mia Liitie K. K trly. Was. Fi'b-3, J. W OiUon, Mr Fannie MoKee, Mrs. Murgnret Mohea, J. a. Mrholou, IboBipsoo Tbomaa. P. A. Oii uf, P. M. Oar Sttteial column la decidedly Interesting tn a loeal point of view, and profitable reading to outsiders who want to save tnooey. New umbruitloriva- town at tbe Boa Hive. tliy ('ht'iiH!Ht in feb20-U f litre will b Coinniiinion HcrvicrH at the ClearflvlJ Preahyterlaa Cburoh nest Hah bath mrnir For mud and rum, Wuttliiiiton'H lust bitthday, the 2d tnat., eiccrded anything wc ever witueiscd. Oon'i inrtfut lo read Senator WrI- laee'a fpt cch, which clorea with thla irauo. Call the attention of your ceroids neighbor to it, if you bare any such around yon. - - - - Fifty pioucH of Fruit ot the Loom and Hill juat received at T. A. Fleck A Co ', whieb they will offer lor sale at the low advance of half a cent er yard. BherirT Ponts'a reul vntale proirranime for astt aion'b la a Very long one, when we take into m a-fd ra on the last that there la a Three Hundred Dollar Law aod a Stay Law on the statu e b ok. Uurtson'n Compound Syrup of Tur in tbe beat and most rrliable article known for thn cure of coughs, oolda, boarseuesi, oh runic oatarrbs, ore throat, artbma, and all diseases of the throat and lung. No family abould bo without It. Sold lo CN arb rid by llartswlck A Irwia and 0. p. Wstion. - mm a A Fact. An advcttiuiiient inserted In the Kkpi ai k am will nacb more n-uder than If published In all the other pjpera la the coun ty, and eost the advertiei tet than one bnlf In oilier word, an advert is went puhlithrd In our jrqrriol is worth double tbe price of that charged by any other publisher la the county "It Is a fact." tf. residing fn other parts of the country. Tbe fol lowing are .be uauieeot some of oar citiiens who bare already contracted to have views of tbeir homes and buildings Id tar led In the Atloa . Portrait f lion. William Bigler. Utrd'o eyertew ol tbe town of Curwensrllle. Firt school home lo Clearfield county. rLBAnriRLD. lino. William Bigler Kraidenoe and lawa. Ju.igr O. h. Bat reil midtnee and otbee. 0. U. tJoudlaudvr -residence and interior ilew printing ofhee. Juilge J. Flunk C. Iluuvor hus removed hit broom factory from West Clearfield laid tbe building oo tbe old Market lot, to IhW borough, recently occupied as a furulture atore hy Menara. Oulicb, MoCorklo A Co., where be will hereafter oarryoa-ihs manufacture f euro in all li IraDchul. IIaftino. Tho lieuvy rttiim during me laiiT p in oi iat weok nrojej all our treaia, aad ibe run of rafts aad log commenced on Mondy. It la evident from ibe early movement of tboie nho have aLi-aly pasted eaat with their timber that tbfy do not propote to bang up" all Summer, aa tbey did last jesr, aod not get into market until OfliobiT. - mm a a What Fleck & Co. arc recievin tlim week t A large lint ot men and buy oassiuivres; a handiome line of la-lies' lie and ailk bindker chiefs a beautiful line of diets good ; a. baautt ful line of black cathtnere j towels and table linen ; tlar.d and tablo cover ; calicoes, mualin and glngbaoil. Call and ore, and ya will find price right. T A Ft re. A Co. E. K. Tiiompkon, Mrrr Sir : 1 tun a hard-laboring man, and hare been troubled for two year with pain io mv cheat, hurlbg me to take a long breath, and laelipg tired au that I euld not walk far without a good dnul of effort ; at times diiiy in my bead. Thought I abould have lo stop working. I got a bottle or your Barvima and a box ot Dun tiln and Mandrakn Inhhwi Vi.imiii CJn.r Pill, wbtob bavc rL'lictt-d tne very munh indeed mi mg um uibii nnsii runimue w aae one bottle more, wbioh I think will make mo en tirely nell. C. J. Le.iovteT. Prepared by I. K. Thompson, TitnsvlUe, Pa. Price 2ft fla. per bog. Sold la Clearfield hy C. D. WatsoB, and Ilartswick A Irwin, druggists . of B. MeKnallr residence aod aur- rounumg. b. J. Row A Son front and Interior view of prlutmg office. S. J. Row restdenca. ' A. B. thaw rtidnoe and surrounding. James B Urabamrvfldrooa, book bluck and other buildings. Richard Hhaw reidence, mills and surround 11. i, ikoluding ibe West Ciearfltld Jaair grounds. Leoiiatd U faded firhuoi buildiDaoud suriuuiid- ingi. (itorgo Tboru reeidenea and surruundinga, A- J. Logau rrsidrnce and aurrouudings. Frank Fielding resident and grounds, VV. M. t'baw rvaidanoe aud grounds. I dauie herr mturauoe oinoe. 1 Dr. J. I1. Uurvb.ieid resideboe and office. j rlHWBaviLLB, Hoo. John Patton residence and farm scene. ! Miss Anuie M, Irin, view of the John lrvin estate property, e-iismtiog or mills, lumber and ratting si-eucs on the Huquetianne river. It. II. lira ins rd interior view ol printing office K. A. Irvin viow of the Irvlu bomcateud. LfTmtHnai'fto. Daniel Ooodlaiider botil, ttoro, snd farm sci-ue. Id uben H. Moore res idonoe aod surrounding Mo .re A lUini toL store at Lutbersburg. Dr Reubi-a V. H pack uiao res idenoa and oAco. J. 11. huingtr rckidtnco and store. t'barlt'B Martball renideocv, cabinet shop and aurrounjing. Lewis U. Oarlile view of saw mill, ehlngta oiill and aurroundinga. RAPT ToWSSBIP. E'Bitu Laihtr rvaideiioo and farm scene. Major Martin II. Lutbrr retideuou and farm scene. David Reama residence, aaw mill, timber and uiroumiibg. J. U. eylf retidioce and farm aoene. Joarpb b. b tUr poiii-rv works, residence and surroundings. Johu itvauianw reildcnoa and farm aceaa, J. W. Corp restdeDoe aud tarA sveoe. Elias Rubtil reaidunoe aad aurrouading. U. M. '1 bompaon raaiaetice aud farm avene, Keaiab Pusltelbwait reaideoeeand !arm aveav. Christian ftniih- rasideaoe aad farm view. P. W . Draucktr butt, aurrouiidiiiga and farm - Dlarrlrfl. At lloutidale, Pa., oa Saturday, February Otb, 1678, by J. Lion Shaw, Ka.. Mr. Louie M. II- erty, f Woodward lowuabip, Clearfield aouuty, and Miaa Mary D. Wicker, of Huntingdon Bounty. Oa Thursday, February 14th, 187S, by -'.ev J. N. D lament, Mr- Aaroa 0. Brilbarl aod Miaa Alice Piatt, both of Cbsrr)tree, Indiana county. On Thuraday, February Hth, 1878. bv Rev, B. Mangea, Mr. L. P. Poatlethwait and Mies Jennie tt. Nceley, both of Brady township, Clear field county. At DuBoia City, Cltarfield county, on Monday, February Utb, I878,by Rev. Wm.M. Burohfiel'd, Mr. Horace II. Spark, of Reynoldiville, Jt Barton county, and MiaaM. K. Carley, of Indiana oouaty. At Marrisdala Mines, on Wedoesdsy, Fob. JOih, 18TH, by Rev. Tbumaa Tbompioo, Mr. Harry Waehbura and Miaa Francis tiearhart, both of Clearfield county. At the reaidence of tbe bride's parent, on Thursday, Pei-mary Slat, 1878, by Hav, S. II. Miller, Mr. Wm. J, Roaerere, of Uaooida Mill. and Miaa Mary E. Uould, of Uouiidele. At tbe residenoe of the ofJirUtlog Justice, on Monday owning, February Zftib, I8i8, by C. iiuwe, aq., air. nionard H cantleld, of L'letr Held, Pa., aod Mta Ada B. Kbbet, of Laooaster City, Pa, . Stcd. At W.ll.o.ton,ClMrH.ld eount,, P...m Tbur, d.y KortnoK, jHDu.ry Ul, U78, kMbltwil. of Jwba Hit., aged 14 )Nn, 4 n.Dtbi .od 14 d.;.. RMb.l Hie. d.p.rt.d thii llf. ! boi of ft (loribai rcaurtceiluB. Sb. wu blriwd, lo wlj HU, with hoooiddiod tlgor and Mti.ttj, ftod llr.d is tb. &Jjn.Dt of . i..oral bun. and of a fau.b.od'. lo... Aa p.n.d tbua, ab. co da.rad baraelf lo bar Daigbbora bj aoci.l b.biu and by kiod oAoaa r.od.rmi thorn ia lima, of .Aialloo. Tb.a, bar doaieatio Ufa w.a .rowoad Itb a Bait Jo; bar cap of bploaa. BrMnwl foil a-btn ati. aisbracd bar dwlipg bor ) but, av.B tbra, th. ab.Joi., Dtigcr of tb. oorai.v aeoutad lo bwckna bar aaj frum h.r'. traaaurea. Ucr raaulut rifuroua taiod waa alu to ball... tbat her illnwa waa aola daalh i tbal ha muat f(V. ap h.r haabaod aod hr t.o, abuaa bar h.aart raaroad with all a mothar'a lo.a. But aa muotba paawd, aod ah. l.aro.d nor. aod our. of lb. p.aoa aod trual that Dlla lb. niod wbuo lo oumiauoioa with iti M.k.r. bar ho.rt lowlj ralaaaaj ita ..rlbljr hold, aod waa Ailed with tb. juj of bwliartnj, aod with loogioga fur Iba aaltatioo of bar lorad onea. Wb.o lb. Aojf.1 of eani to boar bar awaj, aba waa r.adj aod wailiof . " Prciooa Jaaua," www tb. laat word, oo bar lipa, aa aba toliljr brathd b.r laat A. II. D. In llrab.ia lownabip, .a, Ftbruary fltti, IN7K, Mra. M.rit.rM tiraan, aged 71 ..ra, 10 noolba aod I d.;a. kVowotaod oTC Hl(l.r .H " U.llaccloo,M. 161 " Bin. Ball ot " Urahan It " Pbilipabar,.. t " ST.iocr'a. y ao M b)oion Iii.n, Uae.,.la ..1 0,11 Puo.llon m.O ", II. It mJKIfJt.'Xf.-.jJ- A Tjroo., 1.01 " nloo 4.1 Ht.iii.r'a, 4 60 Vbilipaoarf ... M I'.b.m 1 10 Blue Ball t 44 allaealoa, .... Bil, ..4.i Wouul.nd Barrau 4 44 Uooard 4 60 Li.arK.IJ, 7.1)0 Corenarill.,.T.!t I'lllLU'CIU 111) A MHSHANNON BKANCIIBS LB.rn bootb. 1:0 115 1:10 114 t.m (4 :6I i:H 8:0 3:111 1:12 10:30 t:6J 111:44 b:04 ID:, 0:11 1II:j8 l:ir 1I:U 1:21 117 : 11:1.1 h:.1i HT.TIufta. Morrladala( fbliipabui, fiiamtr'i JJorntoD, UwMula, Muab.oi oo, H.Stf Kl.iliog, V J, 0:20 HaUaulo), k:lt K.odrtek'a, f:l K.oi.T 0'itii III LBAVB BOBTUi i, m. f. at. r. I 14:10 12 15 11:11 13:14 12:114 4:16 11:61 4 UU 11:44 4:61 11:40 1:47 !!: 4:44 ll:.IO 4:4U 11:15 1:46 IT ' . nl t' Dii ir! BALU KAUI.KVAI.UY BKANt'll. 1.1. Mall. Mail hip. r. t r. M. A. B T.OS 8.40 laro T.rona arrir. 0.14 4.0: I 3D 8.17 Bald E.!t 4.68 7.44 8.01 t.IO JoliaB 4.10 7.00 8.14 0.54 lliltaburi 4 44 444 1 41 10.04 Bellefonla 4.17 4.33 1.46 10,14 Mileehurg. 4.16 4 1. on 14.40 Howard 4.01 4 00 141 11.11 arrir. L. Ham loara 1.16 4.16 IV RON B bTATlON. B..TWABD. a Pacidr Bipr.aa 4:10 llarriibur, Aeo m, 6:60 Mall Tralo, Allaatl. Kipreaa, Pblla. Bipra.a, r. m. 1:14 4:611 waarw.Rii. ritiihomh Kip'ai I'adflo Kiproaa, lfl. 1'aaa.nEer. Uall Train, 10::Uil iit Lin., , 1.60 4:14 P. M 1:15 4:44 7:48 Oloao ooooofltlona nad. br all traina at Trrono aoa aoR naron. B. I. BLAIR, n?!7-tf. Noparlototident. STAI1I LINKS. A atai.l.araa Cnrwratvill.d.llv for Remold.. rille, at I o'olook, p. m., arrlriog at Kayooldarill. at 6 o'clock, p. n. Returning, le.v.a H.ynolda. .ill. dai7, al 7 .'.look, a. ., arrlviDK at Cor. waoavilleat llo'eiook, n. Far., .aob way, 12. A atajt. Iraraa Cnrweoa. III. d.llr. at I n'olo.k, p. m., tor DuBoia City, arriving at Dulloia Ciljr at 0 u'oluok, p. n. k.turniaf, lear.a DuDnl, al 7 o'olooh, a. tB daily, arrlring al CorwaBavilte al llooluflk, u. faro, aanb way, 82. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. fS and after Monday, Dee. I0(h, 1877, V tbe iassenger train will run daily (atcepi Hub day) betwcea Red Bank aod Driftwood, aa ioiiowb t :AlTWARO.Day Mall leavoa 0:20 a. m.i ttrd llanl n-.W: SI iiro Junction J2 P8 New Bethlehem 1:07 p. t Mayerille 1:28; imy i:au urooltvii o x:iiy ; roller a J:St i Itey aoldville 2:51 j Dulloli i Summit tunnel 1:40 f Penfleld4:0d, Wesiville 4:17 Beneiette 4:V t arrivea al Driftwood at 6:44, W lTV AKII.H Psy Mail leaves Driftwood into p. ni.; HenetetU IfiV; Vlredvllle 1:40 feu field 1:4&; (Summit Tunsel 1:U7 ; DuBoia f ,10; neynoiavtite z:ai . ru!leri:ft7; Hrookvllle3:X:t; Tmy .1:411; Mayavllle 4:14; New Bethlehem 4:2V ; Hligo Junntion 6:10 j Red Bink 4:27 j arrivea at Pittabarg at 1:10 p. tn. p- The ReyBoldsville Accommodation leaves Rnynold villa dmly at I:iO a. m. aad arrival at ned uanaai ii;Dt a m., 1'itiaburgb at ;tp. m. Leaves Piuburgfe at ;3 p. m ) Red Bank at a- p. u.( arriving at Reyaoldavlllo at 9:i6 p. m. Close oonneciloB mads aith trains on P. A IV. Railroad at Drilt ood, aad vitb traina oa the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCRiO,(len'l Sup't. A. A. JArKSUR, tup't L. iJ. Dir. RIAU8 LINK. rLkittriKLD to rusngi.D. JJ J t & & & i & t A i t i ii - EVERYTHING NEW! 'A GREAT VARIETY! AND ELEGANT! A VISIT WILL CONVINCE YOU !!!! T. A. FLECK & CO. Have You seen our New Goods? ENTIRE STOCK OF raw i;io tmm Goods, Hats, Caps, Cloves, Valises. &"c., AVill bo oolJ at 4touinlin) tow prici'n. Coinc nnd aco for yourself. A. GUINZBURG, Agent, WeHtern Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Ia. Jannary, 14, 177. THE CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS AT GUINZBURG'S, SKCO.VIt ST., OPPOSITE COl'HT MIOVSK, CLEARFIELD, PA. To the Citizens of Clearfield County t About a year ago T came among yon with a stock of Boots, Bhoea, Rubbers aad Famish lag Uoods: wltbiB tbi. lime I have eold about Ten Thousand paira of Boots, Hboea, ate., and. with law except leas, these articles have given perfect satisfaction ; where goods did aot tora oat exactly M represented, tbey were at once reflated bv Bew ones, as tba few who bad oeoaaloa to seek red rose can testily. Now let me assure too that ihi la no mere AsaaaTioa. but wknr I fui ttnue to do that Is, whan that which yoo buy of me does not give, what yoa would term, "your moneys' worth," I will repair It at once, 00 fair proof of ita being ao. reeling graieiui iur past lavore, i aik a continuance of a share of your patronage. Vuura biaeerely. 0. Ol'lNlBURG. Oftro you seen our hand no mo Malelusiia Coals? " " " nobby Coali, for Ladioh? 1 14 'Heaver Coau, low in prico? T. A. FLECK k CO. Uuvo yon noen our good Kelt Skirts ? " " fino double Shawl.? 1 " " new Binglo RhawU? T. A. FLKCR A CO. Havoyou eeon our now Dry Goods? Have you loon our new Drv Goods ? IIhvo you soen our new Dry Goods? ad.trlirf mcnl of tbi popularand excellent aubowl la this paper. The school 1b la charge of the moat rxperionied and oapable Instructors in the country. Its facilities ara inferior to noue ia the United Slater. Tbe location for health, oomfurt, Ae., eao aot be smpassed, Ad Jreas .Mr, D. M. fen ten if, Priucipal, Itidisntv. Pa. An exchungu hayn ihut Dintrict At tuioiy Pjraon, o Onaton eouuty, will mlgn lo May next and go to New Iaen, Connecticut, where ba will bouoino the managing editor of a dolly owning paper, o tho p opmy of hi father-in-law, who died a few mouths inoe. I.ouk Haven will thus lose one of lis best families. What. Fleck & Co. are ruooiving this wees, at tbeir atore, oa Market atreet : A largo line of men aad boya' eaaaimero. A haodrome lino of Indira' tica and handker chiefs, A beautiful line of dross good. A beautiful Hoe of black easbmcia. fnweli aod table lloen. - 8and aad table covers. s Calicoes, mail Ins and ginghams. Call aad are, and yoa will find prices right. JT 2t. T. A. Pibck A Co. Wliut Kkt'k A Co. uru rocuivin thin week 1 A large line of men and boy a' eanimerea i' a handsome line of Indies' tits and llk handker- oniaiPiBDeauiuluaaor dreia g,o la ; a be.utl- C'LfcURPIKLD COAL TRADE. Slate tui imo or black caahuiere; towels and table moot of Coal and other fraighta eent over the llota ( aland and table cover j calicoes, mualins j Tyrone A Clearfield Dlrlaloo, Peonaylvunla Kail afid gingbama. Call and a, and jou will find road, for tho week ending feb. I A. 18T8. and 1 pricet right. T. A. Flick A Co. Uuh 1Judge May nurd. Tctr Her- die's lather-ia-law, bos given aot lew to the Sheriff of Lycoming oouaty tkat ho owns Ibe house lu whieb Herdic lite, and that tbe occupant owra blui $2,l00 lor two years rot. Etchuntjt. It is Joo bad tbat Paler should tbua Impute on bis re let ions. Alii-r haudling new countlc, boom and tba kegielatuto wiib such grnat can for many i Tial in lf78 aars, be should not gig bai-k on a little rent, tbe same tlma laat year t COAL. Kr tbe week Same time laat year.. . Decrease..... , Pravliiualy during year.., Same time last year..,,.., Decrease.. OvcarHoutcTiuN. We havoon hand aa orerstoek of proceedings of Tenners' Local Institutes. It la impoitible for ui to find room for .beta. We happen to know that our readers prefer lha tj laohea of Stnalor Wallaoe, Vooibera, aqd ethers, iheee dipreeaing times. Tb icbool aaasUr, litc umlenkd relltion, s abroad la tbe land aod known of all mvn. We are willing to UtilloUUlI Kl.tCTIDN. liulinv will ha found tbe full y jio 4il (or raob oandldate in this . b'lroiigb oa TiM-day a week, the ltf-h inat.:-. publlth aoticea of lu.tiloe j but tt ia J,n" W rig ley, D...IB8 Wm. Radet augh.R.. 15 imposaioia iur ua to make toum ftr delalied pro ceedinga. ' Mama time lat ytar Decrease , OTHRR rRKISIlTS. Lumber , Micllanoui freights , TOSS. ... U.lil 24.7MI IM&l ,.. 110,01ft ... Iill,..4l ... I4.IM 1714,213 3o,42I ..I2H ran. ,. en " TllR NKW Bll.VKR pol.LAR The Jmgn tuf the utw iilver dollar ba abeady beeo desided apon. It has a head or Liberty, a firm and exprmive proale with luxuriant hair, crowned with tba traditional ap abd foroaai, abcatea of wheat. Above tbe biad i the tnwiloi 'K ploribua Unua." Reluw Is tbe da, lti," On ta reverie aide re ba eagle yltjt ttphiud wlpui, twoaiar,and iua !ml oirole the wotds, " L'nitod Htaua of A met tea," aud be liratb Ihiia tbe piou motto " In tlnd we Trut," wble below the eugle la stamped " Que (lollar," r. '.T 1 " i ToWH f'M'IK".. f,AH(IR OpARH. JullU-d L. JjCUVy. ct , Qe-trga Thora. D iOI I Ueo. W. Rhei w, R., 5 tti plaoe, itarteil dvwa tbe river laat ttuutle; iu Ja. .lcLauglilin,H,3Up U. B. Cewdrick, U.. kti pharga of two rail of nrr, owmd by Philip ' ' aas.a7.e1t, Pott. Brq.,01 Ulfb Hope, aod areiald to ic ibe Wtn lK DisK i1,..."! R. M.M Rnally, H Si lrgeat aian oor taka from tblaeuunt. Tbera . .. ( n too icaTii-o or TNr pfacb James Kerr, D........I9V K. Bott nf, IU VI CllWSTABI.O. J-kn MoClelIan,tl...X3 Kd.l BurtliflelJ, R. 7H tltftH COMTAlLB. Wm. porvitt, D If Joaepb Lucaa, R 97 ovaaaitMN or 'ua row. Ileory W. Park, U...1VH I Robert Mitohell, R . 91) Charlea Mignot, D...2U0 t i W. tlraliaui, K.. t7 Jlinoa ui tii a rlbctioi. Wm. V Wpjjbi. D...HU I William Kd, H ... M NrreTHf or tiib Ki.Rrrtoa. Lit. H, Merrill, V..A-J1 I 4 a h. Watsoo.R... S& - ' acnuot tiaa:niRK4 J.i, T. Leonard. D. 24 I Ileory K Hi.yder,R..270 Uuuigr &. Rica, 1I...0K4 ti cornel. uu. g.K .ua Jatoea L. ..avy, ym, K, Rrown. R Jtt .' ore to oil twenty-two stub, and alio! thcto a- ittralaalae. beio oot bui .rod Kot lo Ivogtb. Que f lha lot ajteaauhl line ftet io diameter al tbe butt oad three feet at the top. Thla huge limber waa rut wo the beadwateta of Clearfield cmk, aad thia t 'be third spring that ibv hire tjea oa tt-w way maraM, teiehioj( thfU.euih i ff the ereeh lfl:t Saturday. ' Cbit'f JualiL-e I'liuau m.b ', l aliin a aauung tbe beat, ebeapeit and moat pro. t, greMlre af Am-rluuo Collrgri, rsnJerlng a ' lbTogb oduuaiiua in any department aeoeasilde to all.' Oieat tinprovefaonis lately made new huildlaga under way. The College year of the Y' Spring! Butuimr and Autumn term, beginning f laat lueoday In Pelruary, May and Auguat each I fvar, taat.lei ttudeats af either etc to rarsi eg. - penaea by tr .chug to tpe f later, auuoul losing luxe. Diflirtut lludenta laat year, tb 1 la ibirty. c fpe ,-ara. :'-.48 1 property aorih a.lT,909. bturbtlag aiudpulr. ror usw oalailogue addreaa 1'iraldei.l Hartshorn, LL p., Alliance, Ubut V i-a mm L llftlll 41 t Kl laitr.mi a II t 1 t..u 1 ..I... V i(ii"iii'nnrii iivi.uvhm , , . LI H d i U. Hro.n, a uwt tf n. temrei -oon.;ivaola j."b uJZZl" vuBtiiai ui ma aaaiauaiBi Hplteopat eburao, . andbaown by many of oar readers, died at hi leii ; dene In liarriaburg oa Bahbatb moriing, at 3 oVIek. fiom tbe tbird atn keol pral)sls. Alter j p.ciie t r ibite is.-, be ju to nCie m .t i'tt'ltMuttry la l tl, nitre It ltmli.c.t U !abaut alee oara. Retuifiag home, bo reuialu.-d lytweea two aad three yeats, olltaiatiog not year , ai t ""' f't nrga al r-arit., 'a. Leading bia loo bomb i charge af a Irlenii ia R.aj Yitk, ha 'fft if India the id tiaie anb the rest ol - ls lawil, aad cootiauod ib tbe mts.iuiiary sarv be aUiut two year, hrB kli le.lth ao lail-d ao to aeeerstiale bte return. Ill health wa lea-1 H"R 1 proving and bo expect, d to eaeera aa appolat. ' U ' 0d,'," : meat ot the approaching ataaten of Conlerenoe. jrWt Browi, ; But bia labors ate to dee nod be li at rest, I M, ll Uwhoad..' A. J llageify. V Ui chu. P. Imla, R.H M bbj mm Town mi ip Ki.m'tion. Below will bo fa.UDd ibf vote oast by the elttsana of Lawrence towaahin, for muolripal ofnerr, on Tuesday, the lltb day of February CogHTAULB. Jautea Ja'kann I0S Itaiab llaacook M ,..,.,., ,.(.. ol 11, U. McMulloa ..MH4.t Joaatban Ugdea 0 Muraavisoaa. James Brown U. L. Norri , Jobs R. Pntka I P, A. Uwano K.J. Read James Oir Wm. T. Irwia John Smith...., SiHOOL bIRRt'Ttiri. Leanjer Penning ; William Wrabau J. L t'oi.kliw..H tlebrge (lulikh , Oliver Conklm. ..,,..,, , Robert HrigiYy , R, K. Pioieie Jt Pi R Of TWO BLKI TIUR, H 114 : 8(1 71 68 SV 128 lift - T7 K Al Al II A. P. Moore.. tuara, Tui'R or tiik ei.rctioR. Thoita Mcl'beraoa A. P. Muore Wnlmui ii. Hnaw .., otrrhrrmo or tub i-oor. D llliMim........ Al all bew Kead (jamuel Brown ( J. A- Ante., ttaMSBOB. John Shaw ,., .,.,- , MiicbHI,..,,,, , , 1.19 ,...141 .... N .... ...144 ....142 .... tlx .... QA ....1.10 SH ,.H 91 70 I.4.. 4M ...,147 .... S7: roll Townaair. II. U. Mctiee A Bro homestead, mill, other ouiiiitnga ann anrroundtng sceunry. 11. L. M c Uve reei denee. aaw mill, school boose, river view and aurrouadiaga. J Nines Motive residenoe, eld Met lee homo stead, ether buildmga and aurroitndiog farm view. Angus Miller residenoe ond surrounding. J. VV.McUee residenoe, eaw Mill, surround ing scenery, and luterior lew of Be M ill. Juhn P. Lee residenoe and Burn on dings. Robert MabaDey view of residence, church, ether building aud surroundings. JuaittB AlahaQey residence, river view, and surrounding lorcst tovne. t Hasina Toft.fftuir, Horace Patch In residence, mills, store, other building, rlvar viow, Ao. Jark'un Pat chin store, residence and Bur founding. A. W. Paicbin retideocn, river view and ar ruutiding. -oho C. Conner raaideo'-e and store. (luorge Patcbin reiidenee and aurrundlnga, V, Tonkins reMdmce, river view and iur rounding. Joba king realdcnoe and aurrouodiag. James McMurra view of residuBeeand store. A. Batei residebce and surruundmg, BRADroOD To was in r. David Forcey view ol hnmestead, with iur rounding, en-i farm aoenw. 0IRARD Tow a ua If, R A Stewart rvaldtttco and river view. Alexabiivr Munay rraidance, tenant boaro and ctintjlory. OltERltWoOD TOW5SHII-, Dr. J. P. lloyt rtaideoce and anrroundlnga aud river view, or Roll citr. P. 6. Weber Interior view of dry gooda store. Long A Hied,) interior view of hardware store, J. l.iiucrnR ttew wf Central Hotel. John Duhwit Rei(leua, mill, other build in a aotf surroundings. johB Humbarget lesidonoe and grounds, h). Ranti Citj Hotel budding. HKCATl'R TuWawnir. Moies Owens nsitlence and (rm view. Datid tiearhart rosldeuue, term view and ouul bank' UKDaif ToWRIF. Maj. D.W.Wiae residence, other building and larm view, " flKR TOWSfBlf. Jofeph M. Spencer view of mill. LAWBKxea tow a mr. A. O. Ogileo reailnoe, tarta flew uad mill. Mr). kuMoub Catt tesiueove aud surround ing Oamui-I Fullartoo residence and farm view. Clark Brnwa reatdeoee and farm view. Leatider Di Bnlng reaidetee and farm view, llou. A. C. Teie-lainj resideuoe and iurritnd 1114a. . ' . . ' A ora to llumpUrwy-Reaidanoe and tana view, bamuvl Brew a reaidence BO't farm flew. os gut t'Ooroa;. Qeorge M. Brilbla reild a Je aad Uwo. P. R. Uaod-rrastdeaoe aud tana. PRIg Twoitiir. , B. P. Hartey residenoe and farm aoene. Joaepb riejler residence and fem scene. Jama Aadersou hotel end bleakaratio shop. W llllam vVelly realdiBoa and larm. L R. Dressier residonno and farm view. Charles Browa residence and snrraua'liBgi and 1 arm socno. - 1 - lieorg tloueer rrsldtno ond (utroundlng. " rtHLIWBPRO. James pauiure Hotel and bant. Albert Owen residenoe aad banking-room. And manv 0 thora. I The undersigned would iaform the pul lio thai he I now running a sege line Ottwrea Clear Held At PuBols City. Clearfield eountv. Pa. on iar. Vwwit . Thursday, fVhruary Htb. I87S, Mabel Oroba, I . n ,,a'e feavea uiearneis 00 l ueauaye, 1 uure- daiiKhier of Mr. and Mra. Jubo Trosel. aired I ' Ol',oc ui . ar.1v.0g year, 7 moulba and day a, In Brady lownbip, Clearfield aountr, Pa., oa Monday, February llh, I87H, of diphtheria, A Mre 4, soa of Juhn Hebe-ling, Jr , agod 9 years, II months and 10 days. In R a lfrd toenabip, oa Sunday, February 241b, lit?!, Aiiee llou pea, wile of Altred U Hoover, aged 2S yeara. f JsfTers'tu enunt papers please eony.) CLEARFIELD MARKETS, Clbarpiilb, Pa., February 16, 1S7I. Flour, imt t. .., Buckwheat Floor, per cwt... Cora Meal, per ewt Obop, rye, per cwt Chop, mixed, per ewt Bran, per wt Wheat, per huhel...,Hu Rye, per bushel Outs, per buahel Cora, eara, per buahel Buckwheat, per buibel Potatoeo, per buihel..,,,. ...... Apples, per buabel llama, per pound H boulder, per pound , Dried Beef, per pound Chicken a, per pair , Butter, per pound Btrga, Pr doBn Salt, per sack, larae Cool Oil, per gallon Lard, per pound Dried Apple, per pound...., Dried Peaches, per pound..., Beans, Jar bushel , I 90 S 00 1 AU I 10 1 1 1 40 74 S3 AO 7ft 49 40 to 100 15 10 18 40 SO 16 S 00 2i 121 s 1Z 1 60 Met timing aatne dya. Leaves Pvnfleld at 4 o'clock p m., arrir ing al Clearfield at I e'elook . m. Connection is male with train on the Low Ora te R. R. at PenAeld. fare, ea.-h wnv, ft AO, OK'). W. (iKARUART. Clearfield, Pa, Ptb. U, IS Jit. T. A. FLECK & CO. ilnvo you soon our all wool rod Flannels? " M 14 " " white Flannels? 11 " " ologant Medicated FlunneUf To close out a bin lot, we offer 1 Women' Rubbers at Men's Rubners at Lumbermen's extra heavy Oiemboee, with heel, at Men'e wool-lined Overshoes, at Women's Laeed Lasting Shoe need to aril fort! 00. Women's Laeed Morocco Shoes, naed to aell for $1.16. Women a Laeed Calf hboea used to aell at $1 60, Women's hoavy farm tihoos PRICK MKT, WOMKKH V LAR 95 eta. Worn en 'a beat Calf Sboee aaed to sell at 92 09. 11.19 f Women's Laeed foxed Bhoco J ward to sell at $1:99. 1.2$ j Women 'a Buttoned Morocco Shoes j used to sell at $1.79. 1.20 I Women's Kid .Uoed Hhoee used to aell at $2.36. 49 oawto. 94) eewte. $1.29. 1.99. 1.90 1.26 1.40 1.79 I MEN'S WEAR A FOMTIVR HI AI t.HTKR I Men's heavy winter Shoes, double sole. ..95 cts Men's heavy kip Hboef $ J6 Mpb'b heavy alf drtaM Shoes 1.55 Men 'a b at ealf dreaaed hhoea 1.75 Men's kip working Boote , 95 Men's kip working Boots, dou'de sole.. 2 49 Men's kip workiog Boots, up eole I 00 Men't Elm I re kip working Boots, Up sole.. $J-6$ Vlen'a dreaa Boot.,, g 95 Men's beat calf Boole ., 9 Men's best ealf Hoots, sewed .w 4.90 Men's bet ealf Boou, eewed 9.90 Mta'a beat ealf Boote, sewed M $.9f BOYS' SHOES la th; different et.lea, froia 41 lo tl.SO. W.rklnf .n't Mhool, from IMS u 11.44 for waM call akin, bullnned dreaa alio... lloji' Elmira Up eel. Boula, 12 44. T. A. KLECK 4 CO. Have you .eon our iplonUid Curiton Flannels T " " n " all wool Plaid Flnnelr " " " " Lumbermen' Flannels? T. A FLECK & CO. Havo j ou neon our new Pant. Stuff J " " " " durable PanwStnrT? " " " " all wool Panti SlnlT f T. A. FLECK 4 CO. Have you seen our Ladica' Cloiba? " " " " Waterproofs? " " " " Tablo Linens f llavo you seon our job lot ofDrcsa GoodsT " " " " all wool black Oanlimeres? " " " " uli wool eolorod Cashmiirca? MIHIia.' ailOM A HUNDRED HTVI.KH. MiaMe' rrbool 6hn.a MiaaM' farm .buM Mi.aee' genuine ealf alltHa Miaa..' dreaa fboee 4(iaaca' dreaa Fhuea ...D4 rla ... II. li ... Mi 1.40 ... 10 Mlaaea' draea 8ho.a Kiaac' dreaa Bbuaa tliaM.' bid gbM... MiM..' birl Sboaa... Mlaaea' kid bbca... . 11.74 . 1 0 lot 140 1.0 llllLDRtN'S AND IUBV'S KHOE8 AT tRAZV CIGfJRba, Good ,lid, buttoned, b..led Sboa for ebildren. 4 cnla. Oood, Mpr tlppwt bMled Sbos for chlldrm, j rtnla. hubUr nd dr.a. Kbou, II .10.'a Sbwi of all binda, to u. and ... Men', and wnm.n'. alipp.ra, S4 eanlfc hbe. poliah. 14 cnu p bottle. 8bo. alriata, 4 eanla par dnien. llultnn bfuha, I oent ach. ClnrSeld, Pa., Hep II, M77. T. A. FLECK 4 CO. T. A. FLECK 4 CO. FARE FKOM CLEARFIELD, TO B.ll.font., I'a..,...3 491 4 44 SjMClfl ll, foil inn Omni II. W. Jordan baa 00 bauda, Jail,, Hi KB II 4lnll, wblob b. will dell., ar 10 ouelbtnere in nny pari of Ib. towo. Alao, 1KESII OYaTEKS .tery d., .nd fur net, by lha pint, ar j.lL.ri. Frlae. low. Clr.r4.ld, I.., J.n. It, 1474.11. Wambb. bom. ..tliy piraoaor Artlat lo tna.nfactara Lntnaa'a biLt fr.a 1'icTu.aa b ibie county, on ttoynliy. Painted Iron phoU'irepb, or toy pl.lar., and la Iba rineal Oil rainllnf ai.tll. Il.tora iba Imlluri la lal an I will paiul plolur.. 4il4 fur 414 and wanani tbvni Ivr Ufa. Kiery paraua abould bave una, aa 0,1 ralolinge oa C.ufaa ar Iba pia'arva tbal Will alaud lb. lael ul ua,., .ud .an b. ben.K'd down to poaleilly, l'.rlieuiara fro.. h. t. LtriuH, Nov. , HJT ly. Dorry City, I'a. 0.18 lli'oaD f.a Ccnt. lliai'BT a. Ol. I'bicb.-bowing 41 a. blaaa oa. aow b. pnrrbaMd at ali-nell a iiti and aarieiy ator., troiw .to ap w.rda. All blade ol MBlug aiMbipta rapairad on tb. rhurtp.t Buliu., , t'l..t,0i, ('., July II. 141. UiaalB. Fun a.l.B.K. N.wloa Hbaw a full aupply uf I'r.dvaia Uugglea tud W.gona fur aalh In a. a... .1 lb. pbaw Howe. yard. C.I1 oa or addraaa kt at Clearfield Pane nay 14-lf. ! 140,000 11-l.ob ibar.d ehlnilre- lo a.ara(. flor. t U 44 looh.e f.r wbioh w. Will fay th. aurkal.rlo . A.O. Kaiaaa C, fab.fllfl ' ,. . . CUarteld, I'a. PRODUCE MARKET BEPORT. PaitLaDKLPBiA, Februarr 2j Plou-oulet and Ann euperflnea, $.1.60; extrM,$1.50fi,9 ; Pena- ayivania totally, rti(;ff 60; Mmoeaota do , 95.65 (3.0.25; patent and high grades, tl(g,9 60, TS nour, b.j .1 j(d, Wbemt strong, tending upward ; amber, $1 UfVi 30t nd, ! J-fr;. l xs, 9tltti 01.i5(o,.40. L'ornmeal, 92.76 Cora quiet and strong : vellow. tic. uliatl. JVfi 63c; Marob, t.Jo( April, ilt May, 94f (ti 65o. Uata ttull and drunninc; rennarlvaBia whibn. M(a.Ailc wvatern do , ;t;t(fi,3le ; do. mixed, 32 (tii-ue. Rye, BSe. HrovUions stadr t mess nork. ftLTSfill: bei-l bam, $A(".I7: India meat hefr. 95. 6tl : smoked bamr, 7(n)IO pickled do., 7(".Hc, grthvn do,, ti((tv7o; smoked ihuuldrra, 5j(ii.nej shoulders in, 4a, Lard quiet, lojae butnhers.flif(L7a: Htv kettle. 7Jc. " 5(1 fit. 1 9(1 i elover. $5.00 fcr 9(1 lha flat, $1 6frt,l 65. Psmand picking op. Uulter otioico searoe and Aid, low and tnr-di-urn dull and weak; creamery, .H6(,iS,j Mew York and Bradhird county extras, J(a'J8e ; west ern re terra, 2ft;,i5o. Kgge dull j I'ennaylranta, lofSltJjt western. Hra.lfte. t-'hee ot-sxiy ftir loq-ilry New York fanfl', l.tjfniMcj western olioiee, l2)ffiUo. l'tiirukum dull; ri'fini'd, loi crude, OJfl. Wbiaay scarce and, a eady; western l Ot) Now Y.., F.brfl.ry l.V Flour-lita ai w.l.rn firm, mo-ltr.l. Inoairy; mparfioe rllale, 1 (.ji s i axira do., 4M'is li ch .lo. do , li IS f,j.aU r.ocy do, 5,44(ro T4 1 aapernn. we.t tro, 44(4; eominoo to eitra dn., 4t ilrfa( j I. (;i.lon lii.. j li'f(r) ohnio. wrtt weat du.. B.iij(oy8 7i ai'Uiri. rn qmei and nrq. Wbwi, lipjlio hour on fqturaL li.lit trade; 1 "4 L.r u, winter rd, Mrob. ' Cora i)ul.l, withuutdwiidodoriangD In prloe. Oale aiaady I inli.d w..l.rn and .lata, 4j(Vy:l7o l whit. do,14(jlle. lle.r t, I'urb a. il aow lu..., flKill.JJ for unin apentrd. I.nrd about ; rendered, .7.44 bid I (Mil ulal. Uutler aiMy. Hhlalty o,uielj wc,tain, 108J, Oairaoo, February ii. Flour quiet tad aa ohanged. H brataellto and Brra ) anHtlUd but alrong ; Na. I aprlag 41 I4 No. 1 do., gilt ..I,., 41.10 t dn. reyul.r, il.4' o..h; (I 08 for Moron. (II 04, (1,I4 for April u, da., (1.0.11)41.041; irjnud, U31e. Cora al..dy and la fair daniaad at 41b fur e.abi 41). for Febraary lljo ful Marob 4) It for April, aod 41. fur M.y. Oauo,ulot but aUady llfo (or aaahj It,o fur Vl.reb Ufa for April. Hy. 4rm.r at 44(o. Ilarl.y dull at 4iio. 1 . Jlallroaili. PeunMylvniilaltallrond TVRONI CLEARPlKt.t) BRANCH ON and after H.nJay, JI'NR , 1477, th. Faaaangar Traina will run dally ( tun. dayal betweaa Tyrone and Cl.arl.ld, aa follow. , CLEAHntl.D MAIL. W. 0. lawia, Conwa.t.,, LEAVE HOllTII. Curwanartlla...l:ln, r.B Cleaj4.ld.,..,..4 0. " Leoaaid,.r 4 4l, -, 4.44, WuMlland Ill, Hi,I.V-- , " V.allann,..4.ll, HI.. U.ll,........4 14, Urah.aa 4 In, " i'hlllpaburg 4 St, Hl.lo.r ,.... ..4 . VI, ' Uoyat.n 4.41, eenla 4.47, rowllna.. i....a.4t. M S..wH,.4.4.l4, VanaroyM,.w444, w : Tyroa t ot, LKAV N0I1TH. Tyrwn. . V..eeuyua anmnili Puw.llon,..., Omnia.. IM.ej ....., .. 411, At in, .lata. " WO).!..,, n t.inr',, Fbillp.bnrf ...14 44, 14.14, " Blao Uall 10.40,"' WnllBoei..B1...lO.S'J. Bigler,....,.... 11.4; " Wiotlud, 11.17, " Bamu, 11.14, " Uon.rd li.ii, .....11.40, Cnrw....lll...jui,r. Uroh lla.aa.. Wllllamaport. Huntingdon Lwi.townn Mary.rlll. , Cuw.aafill. Oaemla HAKHISHIIHU.. 1 70 Narialla- 4 40 40 Uneaet.r b 44 1 "0 FUUAHELPIIU l4 I 4Altoona I 44 4 14 j Job. .10. a. ......... 184 Jtin'hlltDiburi.......... 41 . 44 Tyrana 1 11 4 7ilHITTrini)Rl) t 14 $(U! dirrtisriurnts. I OH PRINTING OF EVERY DKSCRIF tf Ilea Boatly .bmuI at tlila offloa. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties, Curwtaetill., Pa. Jan. I, '74-tf. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curwensrllle, Jan. 9, T8-tf ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Corw.njrlll., )'.., Jan. t, '74 If. ARNOLD, IIAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SUAVEDASD SAWED. Curwanarille, Jan. I, 'Tl If. COAL1 COAL!! COAL lit TliKUod.Tslgi.eil desires to Infirm the Ht liens of I lea-firlil i bath ) prepared to furnlah CiAL 01 an rxceiieni quality, u all wbo may give blot a ran, at a price su liable iur tbe praaetitbaiil times. He will exchange oca I for flour, feed, groceries, Ao. All orders will receive prompt attuBOuo. a) bo de livers faiowneoui, THUS. A. JJt'CKKlT. Clearfleld, (' arpt. 4m. 7k It can be mad one of either earned ia these times, but ade Ib three moniha hy anj ier lei. In an nart of the enuntry who la wilting to work ateadtlr al tbe employment tbat we tVoiik. $fl4 per week la tour own town. Yoa nod not be away from home over Bight. You eon give your whole time to the work, or only ywurapare momenta. Iteopte nothing to try the be si nana Terma and $5 Out rlt free. Ad tires at once, 11. lUt-iarr e) Co., April 1, 1877 Iy0 aVtrtlaod, Maine. CASH DOtVIV! lookIiereii I aan I.OuO by.kwU at OA'l'rt, " I want 2" ,"0 pounds of HAY, Fcr whieb 1 will pay CASH DOWN. JAMKSL. LEAVY. Cloarlr-ld, r.., Feb 471 Im 1?OR 8ALB, at.. l Tbe aodrrslcned will m'I at nrlvate sale all that traet or parcel of land situate la Ueealar township, Clearfield e-iunt?, Pa., within a shnrt distance of the Tyrone A CiearA! I R. R., and n Ing lands of Robert Hndsnn and oteers, and knowa as tka tlaoob 0 U ear b art let. The aaid troot eootaialag 40 aorei more or lea, with twe vein of valualile eool thereon, haa about SO aerea eleared, aad la tbe be to a large bitdy of ooal atoot being developed, W ill be sold low aad upon easy terms. For particulars, apply to UM'IU 1. KKKliS. Clearflald, Pa, July 12, 18.0. HEALTH c5 HAPPINISS. Uealih and llappinexs are prieeleas Wealth i their pottessors, and yet tbey ire aithla lha rtmrnh ol every one who will uo . Wright s Liver rills, Tho only turn CURB for Torpid Liver, Dyspep sia, Headache, Hoor flloietflb, Conttipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Bill ous complaint and Blood disorders. None genatne unless signed "Waa. Wnghl, Phil'o." II ;oar Prafgiat will, boi aupply send 26 eenlB for ire bcx to Umick, Roller A Co., 79 N. 4th St , hiHo, Deo, 2d, 'FJ-Ij. IMIIAXA KORMAL SI II I MIL Of FtCNNKVI.VANH. Tbla IaetllalloB, baelag bw. ,, Hltvi hm Ita bnanaial enbarr.Mia.nt. by r),ata .p. proprlailoae, la now preparM I. ntl.r Inerraaa. adiantagaa to lu patron.. To. Hiimn.r Terr, of oiglile.. wwka will opra Monday, M.rrl .tth, IHf ' Trranr,$4.00 per w?ek. Inrludlug TititloB, PnarJ l0, llu.iB, Ileal, Mglil and W.eblng. Muelr Eitra. ltrat Normal flrbonl Building I. tbe 8ll Faollllle. In ty n.pra n1, to any NorBsal Bt-boal la tb. I'oiUt t.t . Blade. t. .y Ml.r al any lima daring tb, t,tak yM tkalara, aand for eatalog.a t. I). M. HKNbKNIXfl, priaripnl, ' , F.b. IT 41. (ndian,. I'.. Have yoa seen our blenched MiihIhib? " '' " " unhlenclicii Munlina? " " " " rslioeling ? flave yon aoen our new Fura, lor ladie"? aa Fura, for fhildronT " " " " cliildreu'a Fancy 8ets? T. A. FLECK t CO. T. A. FLECK 4 CO. lava yoa seen our hnmlaoma Umbrella ? " " " " Alpaca Umbrellas f " " " " Waterproof Umbrellaat Have yon teen our new Coraota? " " " " Silk llandkcrchlffa? " ' " Linen llandkcitliicft? T. A. FLECK t CO T. A. FLECK Jc CO. Havo you seen our Ladica' Underwear? " " " " Cliildron'a Underwear f " " " " Genu' Undotwrar? Hare you aecn our I. adieu' lloainry 7 ' " " Children'. UoBiery ? . " " " " Rcnta' Hosiery ! T.A. FLECK & CO. 'CENTRAL" IIOTELPITTSBURG. i S--u 3 v ill ' aT T V f.T 1. 1 nt 1 1 "V "8 ;7 .'. at C Smithfleld Street, from 2d to 3d Avenues. Tb. ajoel wnlrally loaated irtt ol..a How I. lb. Cily. 8lmt oara pxa lb. door orarr tn ninulea tu all l.h. Ilepou I .II p.rU of both .III.. T.rnaa, a-tia par day - - . , WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors. Tbe Ropt BUCiii, of Clear.tld, received weekly at tbe Hotel aad placed oa file for the benett of guests from this section, Ao. jM jg ig;! WHERE TO INSURE! The Equitable Life Assurance Society Total Aaaete fall oaab) January I, 1S78. lotal biaointm, Including Brum oa all Ootalandmg Poliea, at 4 per oent...... Hnrplna.. .111,S4t.S5 TT . 17,J3U,4M K t t.JM.ttl 17 I t,91l,ttt II l,lo,lT 7 tlr),711,TM tt T. A. FLECK CO. Ilnvo you teen our Ladies,' Kid Gloves? " " " Oetita' Cloth (iloths? " " " " Children'! Cloth Cloves f T. A. FLECK 4 CO. Havo you neon our now Motloea? ' " " ' Dreaa Uooda? ' " " niee Neck Kucliing f T. A. FLECK A CO. Have you aeen our Hair IlruMioa ? " " " " Tilt Sionpa T " " (' " Tootlt ilrushcs ? Havo you aeen our Genta' White SliirUf " " " " fionia' Snspendera? " '! " " tJonta' Starla r T. A. FLECK CO. T. A. FLECK k CO. Havo you seon our Embroiderioa 1 " ' ' Collar, aud CulTs? " " t'ulatf Warmers? T. A. FLECK A CO. ' Have you aeon our Foathara and Flowera f " " " new liiiibonar i ii ,t nt.0 Wlnya? T. A. FLECK i CO. Havo you aeen our Woolen Ciooda? " " " La.noa' uuoat ; ' " " ' Children'a iloodaf llavo you seen our Bluck Silk Fringeaf 1 " " orsled rrmifiar 1 11 Gttloon Trimminga r T. A. FLECK A CO. T. A. FLECK A CO. llavo you aeen our Trimmed Halt? 1 iriinmea llonnols ? 1 " " " Untrimmed lints end IkinncU'i T. A. FLECK A CO. WHAT WE GUARANTEE : We Guarantee that wc will nell nil klmU of Dry Goals clicnpor than any otlicr store in Clearfield. We Guarantee polito treatment to every one of our cus tomers, without urging them to buy. We Guarantee that we have the largest and choicest assortment of all kinds of Dress and Dry Qoods, Notions, Millinery and Fancy Goods, in Clearfield,. T. A. FLECK & CO. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, December 12, 1877, Im-oiue for l77, all eaah Atnouai paid Policy-holders ia M7 for Death claim Kndowmen Intereat a tip renu rMtiVed and aocrued ia more than paid I oil DesTbeiaioii' and k'ndnwinaata for tbe v ear. I1.3H9 new policies itrued In 1877, aarldg . m , saawiag mat tile " equitable coutiouea to do a large buainesa aotwitbUnd tng the hard time. Tho great pn tress made by the E-tuitahle ainee the aanie of WH is snanifaat ia the ear la Inmate m itsasels siaoe that tine, aaoBBltng to over Eleven Million Dollars. The accumulative. oa Tontine Saviors fund Polime alreaJv .mount tn in ih lrw f t . 6R,tl We eao show abow you actual reeults of pulieles en the Uvea of prosaioent eititeoo injur ed on that plan to prove it to be tbo cheapest atd profitable form of Insurants eitanL Menilenn oomemplatinjr inrmance will And M to ibeir advantage to call upon or aeUresw W. M. ISIlAW, Agent, Clearflold, Pa, STOVES, TIN-WARE GAS FIXTURES. JAMES L LEAVY, Having purehaaen) the a lock of Fred. Faehftt, betrl-y g ires net ice that he i prepared te lurnlb all kind of HEATING, COOK ANT) PAULOU STOVKS, of Ihr hrrt andlatett iai proved pattern, at ry low price. UAH riXTUIlFX He ha alao oa band, a lot of KflACKKTtS. CIIANDKLIKKH and tlAH LAMPS, of all ainda, at aaitable priaoa. Haa fliturra orderrd at abort notice, t suit PuMoroers, TIN-WARE. Alan, . ri.mrlata aaaortment of inanuraotuiYu Tin-war., to which ha invite, the allentio. af inrrh,ra. IVnl fiatt t,f Konm No. S. WK-r) OPFI1A 1IOI SE. JAS. L. LKAVV, froprl.tor. I'KKK. SACK KIT, him't, ClrarCaia, I'a., Ilea. I;, ';: it. GEO. WEAVER & CO,, H:('0X1 MHKET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hare opened up, In tbe flora room lately oooupled hy Weavrr A Urtt,no Bruood Mreft, a larms and wall eolecitd ctoek of Dry - Goods, Groceries, IKKlTS AND SHOK.t, qt ki:noh ahi; noon a willow WittK, HT" ANIi ( AFS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, Ac. W.I.. ihr. wiU tlanoa. af al nuo.aU. rata. fur aah, nr .arhang, lor raualrv Bradae.. nKoRiiK irr.AVi:;oo. rt.araal.1, P., Ja.. , InTI If. a. r. tBLira. a. a'coaBL.. a. amust.. (.11.1(11. McCORkLE & (O.S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Mreal, 1'lwH.M. Pa. W. maBufaatara all kind. f r.r.ilaw fcr Chaaibara, Dioin, Rooraa, Librarlaa ... Halh. If yon waot famitara of anr kind, do.'t haw BBtil 70B m. oar atoek. lM)i;itlAKIN(, Ib all Hi hnwrbe., prBir,tl .ttmoM to.. DfLICn, MeCORKLI t COv Clearlelil, fa., Feb. , 74. DllUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, ; DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, Al hawa bid stand, opened a new atoek of C ks r fie Id, Ta, I Just Pi rf. M' nu;sts fhjtr'tVtf, and la u;it preparl to furnish aaythiag la the the line of Drags and Mediviao at tho rtrj lof rwi riFB prieea. Ho has alao oa hand a large atoek of, . Hair ami Teoth Brushet, fnory Anietwe. Toilet I and riharlng Hoapa, ant every t Mag ataally kept j In a flrst-el Dra(t Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS omnpoundetl with f.rr, daj 4r A liberal ahar. of palronaa. rrr4rlfalfj Kilioitod. II. B. .PACKMAN. Cl.arel.l, Pa., Ort. 14, IH7. The Bill's Hun Woolen Factor j Pcnn tow.iblp, Chari.14 C, f. n v r n e n i n t i 4tr ao? ' i t BURNED UPI' The auhaevlber amve, at groat , nlmU m neigbhorhood aeeeeaitjr, la th ereetlra of a first elaea Woolaa Maaafaeter. with all the aodara toi pro em a fits attaebod, atrd are wrepared to aaoh all kinds of Clothe, Caeeiaaeree, Satiaetta, feiaw. beta, Hanaela, aa, treaty af gee da mm haad to swpplj all ow eld and a thewewwd wowowetoaieri, whom we eeaf tsg oxaslao av ittKk. The heahieot of CAnDINQ AND FCLLINO 1 will reeelre ear eawwetal attewtlok. f rearer arrangeeaenas will ba aaada to fweeiwo aadJ Aoliter Wrol,nsuii en a to mere. AHwoohwairaateataad dnne Npna the abortaet aot lea, svad hy etrtet attea tloa hi kaaineao wa hope te swoIIm a liberal aharo af fab He f atrowago. lO,MK rOUMDfJ WOOL W A ITT It D! We will way the hlgaeat tark4 frteo far Wo hni aall omr aiaaafaetared gowda aa let at eiaiUaff gwd eaa bo bought la the eeaatj, aad whewsver we fall to reader rwatonabla aatlsfaetlee. ere eaa always bo found at hoate ready ta aaake pfwper oxplanalloa, either la person or by lettoe. JAMBS ;0IINH0N A BOKfl, aprtlttf Bower P. 0. L-.a..4T".-ra--.-...