Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 27, 1878, Image 2

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    8ke gepukltran.
Uiosos B. Ooodlandh, Editor.
Reader, If J0 want to kaow whit I. going on
I Ika kutineat world, Jaet read our adrertl.lng
aolaaaaa, tht Upteial aoluaaa la parlleultr.
aa worthy lb. oOw of Pretldettt '
U willina lo hold It If Muatad l. or jplaeed Ihere
bt aa. fraud. U- UV"T,
I aaald ooror hara been raeoaeiled lo the olo
Tatl.a h tho atuallttt aid or Biaa of parao.,
kawarar'raapeetablt lo private life, who moat
ferorer karri span hit brow Ibo atamp of fraud
nt trlumphaat lo Aawrlean hittor.r. No ml
inhdI aetloa, fcowerer aierltorloue, wih
tw.j Ibo lellert of that rooord.
Cbablm Faiactt Att.
Uadar Ibo forma of law, Rutherford B. Ilayoi
lu bMO dwlarod Proildrat of Iho l allod 8tal.r
UUtltlo roita npoa aitiraDaiffnii mwib,
nun, tha falH corlHoatx of Ibo rataralaf o
ora aotlaf Mrraplly, aod tb dUioa of a .
minim wbioh hu rafatod lo boar orldrnoo of al
londfraad. For tha irot tl aro tho Aiaorleaa
l.u .iib tha faot of a fraadaUollr-
oioalod rraaldoDl. lot It not bo andrnlood that
tho fraad will bo illonlly aoqulaitod In 1 iba
oooatry. Lot wo hour part u woioa wo pr,..
flan It forfiitUD.
Aosaau or DanooaiTio M. C, I.
Oat haodrad Jra of bum.o darrarlly aoea.
uj jMinoantntod lato a eliaiaa of rriraa.
Nororacalala era huadrad yaan (hall thoj haro
aa opporlaauj to ropro wo
1 woald rathor hara tha Mdoratnaat of a aaar
tor af a 11111100 of tbt Aaurioaa poopla than that
af Iho Lootiiaaa Holaralaf Hoard, or of Ibo Com
raiuloa whloh oirlodod tha full aod dooidod
Iho auoatloa on a taehnlealltj.
1 Taoa. A. Ilianairat,
AMOvavMKNT. A resolution has
passed the Bcnato looking to an ad
journment of the Legislature on the
28th ot March. '
Harry Thomas, a woalthy and prom
inent citiion of llnrrisburj, and per
aonally known to many ot our oitizens,
died in Philadelphia, on the 17th, of
B rights disease.
The gold gamblers are resorting to
all manner of commercial ghost stories.
But 61 out of 76 Senators, and 204
members of Congress out ol 200 looks
rather too Hayes-y for "tho govern
ment." The editor of the Johnstown Demo
crat designates tho Town Councilman
this way: "Tho I'omocrnU elected
one member of Council, tho Cambria
Iron Company two, and tho Working
men three."
A Black rt. Another utlempt
was made in tho Lower Uouso of our
Legielattiro, on Friday last, to take up
the Local Option bill. The yeas were
35, nays U)5, dodircrs 53. This kills
the bill for the session. Only 35 out
of 201 lookB slim.
Ha. Macket'i Speech. Next week
we propose to lay before our readers
Congressman Mackey s speech, deliver
ed in the Douse on tho 19th Inst., on
Resumption and Labor. Ilia quota
tions from Stevens and other Radicals
are rery damaging.
Tut Last Kkueiiv. Gov. Hart-
ranft, on Thursday last, issuscd war
rant for the execution of Patrick
Hester, Patrick M'Hugb ltd Patrick
Tulley, of Columbia county, on the
25th of March, and Jack Koboo and
Dennis Donnelly, of Schuylkill count)',
on tbe 18th of April.
A Capital Appointm knt. The Phil
adelphia Record says : "It is now defi
nitely settlod that General W. Ross
Hartshorn, of Clearfield county, will
be selected by the Boanl, consisting of
Governor Uartranlt, Auditor General
Schell and Treasurer Noyes, as Super
intendent of Publio Buildings and
around In Harrisburg."
Thi Kw Pol l. Cardinal Glovac
obino Pecoi, born at Carpennetto, in
tbe diocese of Arragul, Italy, March
2, 1810, was elected tbe successor of
Pope Pius IX, at the conclave of Car
dinals In Home, February 21st on tho
second ballot Ho takes tbe name of
Leo XIII, and ia spoken of aa able,
learned, liberal, amiable, etc.
Read and Stcdt it. This Issue of
tbe Ripoblicam, contains the conclu
sion of Benator Wallace's great speech.
It la tbo most sound legal and statisti
cal argument yet spread before tho
people. It is eo lull oi stubborn facts
that tbe most skeptical cannot help but
embrace his views. Read tbe speech,
and band It to your unconverted neigh
bor. A Nice Place, It is now aottled
that a European Congress is to meet
some time at Baden-Baden, the most
faahionablo city in Europe, to close
out tbe Eastern war. Russia is hav
ing negotiations for poaoe at Adriano
ple, and also concentrating large
masses of troops in Roumelia, as if
anxious to provido against any possi
bility ol Austria cutting oft her lino ot
communication. It ia expected that
tbe Congress will be delayed by Rus
sia until tbe treaty with Turkey is
aigned, and tben that treaty will bo
resisted on at a basis tor the discussions
of the Congress.
Tbe Bnvia Bill. Tbe Bland silver
bill, which passed the United States
Senate, on the 15th, by a vote ot 48 lo
21, passed tbe 11 out on the 21st, by a
vote of 204 to 72, and waa Rent to tho
White House for approval on Monday
last, where It is being nursed by Mr.
Hayes, whose three bosom frionds are
divided. Shorman and Garfield want
him to veto the measure, but Stanley
Matthews, who lies so close to Hayes'
heart, wants him to sign it. How ho
will act In tbe premises baa not trans
pired. He can bold the bill for ten
days, and tben sign or veto it, as ho
pleases, or as a. majority of tbo con
spirators may aoggest.
It ia AtuiiNQ Why do not the
Democratic Senators and mombera of
Congress pass a resolution asking John
Sherman to resign bis Cabtnot office
for writing his "altogether guiltless"
letter of condolence to the felon, An
derson? Garfield, White, and other
conspirators, it is true, aro equally
criminal and audacious, but they hold
lower peeitiona, and if their immediate
.constituents can afford to be menaced
iand libeled In tbe manner Indicated,
. oatsldera need not con. plain. Because
vthese things are perbapa, after all, a
, natter of tan to.
ABi)o!!lirlquik thomiilow ol tliPhlln (jorrjifcSniitb lintl inlimiito :
Lancaster hlelli.jcncer are '"'.
andcovcr the whole ground. -loryeani
thwe gentlemen Imvo Leon bnrklitK at
the huuU ol' Hcnulur Wullitoo, but buv.
flitiv. ioiL' (mm 6vy tfeftiSWt ' ( jta"'
right of HUll'rage, he has passed their
personal attacks unnoticed.
Last year, long before our State Con
vention assembled, tboy iiorvod tlue no
tice upon Col. Noyos, one of our pro
minent candidates lor State Treasurer
that he utust repair to Lancaster, and
thoio, at the InttUigtntcr confessional,
tell all ho knew about corporations
and tho Stato Trcastiryship, or words
lo that otrect, or he would bo sacrificed.
Tho Colonel being a poor letter writer
paid no attention to their menaces and
inBttlU. lie was nominated and elec
ted aguinsl their solemn protest, just
as Mr. Wallace was. But as soon as
tbo clectio.) was over this twain set
about dictating to Col. Xoyos and Au
ditor Uen.iitl Schell, whom thoy should,
or ahotilti not apjioiiit aa clerk. Jiol
satisfied with assuming this enormous
and delicate duty they bavo now open
ed a crusade against State Senator Pill,
who looms up as a prominent candl
date for tiovernor. A friend having
called bis attention to their vile insin
uations, the Benator went to the trouble
to addruas thorn a note defending
bis honor and good name. From the
tono ol hie letter it is plain to he seen
that bo hurled a brick at the bead of a
tool in every tenth line, and tho pattern
of both is so largo that every body,
except tho editors in question, can see
them plainly. And inftead of biding
their lacerated scalps, and retiring
in tlisgraco to their holes, they obtain
leave to publish his letter, and string
out ovor a column of an editorial, in ef
fect saying : "We did it I We fcaehed
him I !" etc.
It ia not yet known whether they
will allow tbo Senators' frionds to use
bis name in tho approaching State
Convention, but we presume they will
waive thoir selfish objections and bo
come liboral enough to allow the bal
anco of the Democrats in the Utaie to
nominate lor (iovernor whom they
please, whothcr "the gentlemen from
Lancastor" aro willing, or unwilling.
Democrats, why is it that the editors
ol the Intelligencer aro always assailing
the prominent and successful men of our
parly? Are thoy really Democrats,
or are they in the employ of our eno
mies f Tho locution is a very favor
able one.
What's the DirrtHENcr.. There
are a few loyal persons who weep over
the misfortunes of such fellows as
Wells, Anderson, anJ their confuder
atcs, who, for a price, committed per
jury, forgery, and other high crimes,
and thereby counted a man into the
presidential cbair who never was
elected. The crimes these men com
mitted aro enormous, even when com
pared with those of Judas Iscatiot,
Benedict Arnold, and other great fel
ons. But bow much better is tho mau,
or the Cabinet, which appoints such
oreaturoa to high and lucrative offices,
knowing them to be rogues und per
jured villians? These same scoundrels
bold tbo bigbesl and most lucrative
positions that a President can bestow.
Why ia it that Mr. Hayes continues to
offend and outrage tbe publio in tbis
offensive manner, and thereby mako
himself tbe confederate of the vilest
classes, although purporting to be elect
ed by a party "controlled by grand
moral ideas?" If Mr. Uayos has no
sympathy for felons, why docs ho ap
point them to high positions ? Why
should tbe Collector of Customs at
New Orleans, who receives a 17,000
salary, be shut up in a penitentiary,
and a clerk sent from a Department
in Washington lo attend to the busi
ness of tbe Custom llouso? When
some one, or more, of "tbe loyal mill
ions" answer our conundrums we may
post a few more of tho same character.
An Intimidating) Yelp. The Phila
delphia i'or(A American, the leading
Radical tariff organ in this country,
squeals in this way :
Half oor faraaoaa ara oat or blttt, half oar roll.
Ingatllla traldlo aod only half our woraioKtaao
al Iliad is tha maoofaotaraof iroa aaa lod tut ploy
mrat. Mr. Wood't bill propoata to taho away
tbo littlo Intra It loft for thtaa to do, a loot aa
trary faroaot and atop ornry rolliof mill, to that
Kngltad aball ag-ala btoomt lot mttlar of our
Iroa aatraatt.
Why, what in the world is the mat
ter, Tho tariff has been piled on
mountain liitzh, for fifteen yoars. If
tariff is what puts things of tbat kind
in blast, wby have thoy stopped and
caused this alarming distress? Say,
tariff doctor let ns try Mr. Wood's
plan and if it puts out halt as many
fires in half tho period your plan has,
wo will ask Mr. Wood to throw up tbe
sponge, and call upon our friends lo
underlako some other business that
will support itself, It is a far greater
outrage lor tho government to grant
subsidies in tbis manner, than to give aid
to great through railroad lines and for-
olgn oaowatt dhlpa. - -
Tue Naked Teutu. Hon. Mont.
gomory Blair spoke words of wisdom
when, In his remarks upon tbe Electo
ral fraud, be said; "We now want fi
delity to tbe great principles of popular
government, financial knowledge and
practical ability to deal with the abusos
and corruptions which have mado the
Government tbe mere instrumont to
plundor labor, which has arrested immi
gration, tilled the country with tramps,
spread bankruptcy all over it, and de
moralized society." Tilden bad this
knowlodgo aod ability ; Hayes speedi
ly showed th it he bad not.
The DiiVEaENCE in Men The edi
tor ol tbe St. Louis Globe, blunders tbis
way : Old Bon Wado left tho United
States Senate a poor man, after eigh
teen years ol service. His colleague,
Mr. Sherman, entered the Senato a
poor man, and left It a millionaire, af
tor fifleon years of service. The trou
ble with Wade was that ho never studi
ed domcstio economy ; he lived np to
his incomo, whereas 8hortnan saved
$100,000 a year out of a salary ot 5,
000 a year.
Tue TaANMiEEssoas Fate.-Kx Gov-
ernor Moses, of South Carolina, is now
in New York In utter poverty. He
robbed his wife and mother of thoir
aluablo clothing before leaving the
South and ia now wanted by Sheriff
Brown, of Charleston, to answer the
oomplaintsofbls own household. Tbo
mill of the gods do grind exceeding
The Xakhii Turin. Mr. Hom .
Whito wriLua lo liny. O. Jl. Kiotliiiiif
'...j .H,rfec, kowlodKo of Jobn Brown .
j a fnr a pnoral insurrection ol
, aci omoaniod hy viulei.te tint,
1 ,,. . , ilmt Siollli 'Jv1ihI und
Bchorae. lie riuy the testimony to 1 oik, in mime ilme U'IIir unit uiou
lirovo these ullcintions conaiiits ol' the Blind leet I'ui titer itoith tliun it should
ewurii evidence oi' John llrown, Jr.and
Frederick 1)oii;Iimu, taken before an
anthorixoil oflleor in hi presence and
that of other witnesses, srttl that the
allldavitd arc now in his possession.- -Tbis
statement seems lo be very direct
und positive and ill bear out the rev
erend biographer ol Gorritt Smith In
attainting his memory with tho accu
sation of complicity In a great crimo.
It is notorious that at tho time of John
Brown's raid on Harpor's Ferry that
Smith became so ularmod upon learn
ing of the capture and imprisonment of
Brown and Ins parly that he felgnod
insanity and had himself locked up in
an Asylum so as lo avoid an arrest
for treason. Smith played his game
well, and escaped the gallows which ho
had earned.
Mistaken Souls. The Philadelphia
7if verdantly remarks: "Ono would
nt rally suppose that when a man
who had charge of the Custom House
in a largo city was convicted of fiir
gory anil lodged In juil there would bo
a vacancy somewhere, but it is con
soliiiic to know that under the civil
service reform system ot tho present.
administration nothing of that kind
j happens. Jlr. Anderson, it appears,
will unswer all the purposes of a ro
I form official whilo serving in tho So
Orleans jail, and so tho President and
his Secrctury of the Treasury have
solemnly concluded not lo suspend
him, A special agent of the Treasury
will be detailed to perform such duties
in the Clinton House as cannot be con
veniently performed by a special Dep
uty Collector who is detained else
where for tho slight crimo of forgery.
Tho advantages el this thing will he
at enco apparent : the seraphic Ander
son can enjoy his inoomo derived from
tbe people whom be has cheated and
no questions asked."
Volunteer Advice. Tho editor of
tho Philadelphia Timet puis it in this
style : Tho President has now an op
portunity to deliver that ablo veto mes
sage which he doubtless bas ready by
ibis time, the llouso having concurred
in the Senate amendments to the si!
vor bill by considerably mora than a
two thirds vote. Seventy-two mem
bers fifty Republicans and twenty.
two Democrats voted to luy the bill
upon tho tablo, whilo two hundred and
four of whom eevonty nino wero Re
publicans aud one hundred and twen
ty-five Democrats opposed tbo motion
and supported tho bill. A veto will-
not be of much effect against such a
solid phalanx as tbis, but tbat need not
effect tbe President's duty, as it rcr docs not effect his right.
A Gospel Remabk Tbe Philadel
phia Telegraph (Republican) says of
the Returning Board prosecution : "As
for the Returning Boarders themselves,
if they did forge and illegally alter
election returns, thoy ought to be sent
to tbe penitentiary for so doing. If
they are innuuent wen who are being
unjustly persecuted as they have not
thus fur made It appear tbat they are
they will assuredly be vindicated in
tbe end. But in the meantime the in-
dignalion of Mr. Hayes, Mr. Sherman,
Mr. Garfield, Mr. Stanley Mntthows,
Mr. Harry White and others over the
proceedings against them is doing their
cause a great deal more barm than
good." That editor's bead is exceed
ingly level tor a Radical.
No Custom House Atpair. Tho
Philadelphia Timet says : "Telegrams
from Mew Orloans state tbat Mr. Tbos.
C. Anderson, who is tho leading official
of the New Orleans Custom House, is
transacting tho important business of
the port in jail. Tho administration
hasn't given any very clear Indication
that it is aware of tbis remarkable con
dition of things ; but perhaps it is wil
ling to let people believe that Tom An
derson isrunningtho Now Orleans end
ol tho administration." John Sherman,
Una. Pinkston & Co., should be sent
down there to look after government
affairs, since the Returning Board are
rendered helpless by being locked np
in tbe Penitentiary. A Reform admin
istration should not allow things to run
so crooked.
A Retort. Senator Hamlin, ol Mo.,
in a recent executivo session of the
kionato exclaimed : "Wo don't want the
President, be should go whore ho 1)0
longs to the other side of tho clam
ber," To tbis Senator Suulsbury re
plied ; "We don't want him ; we don't
want any foundlings left at our doors."
This colloquy illustrates the political
situation at Washington. "The way
ol tho transgressor is hard." 11 aye
is in a bad fix on account ol the por-
Odloi'S maimer In a bleb bo rotaobod
Iba seat, his fellow conspirators boing
now in durance vilo."
A Square Offset. Tbe Brooklyn
Eagle, some how or other, came into
possession of two telegrams, which re
cently passed between Washington
and Now Orleans, and read as follows :
To leeeraar NiekolU
Will yoa pleaao pardoa ax.Ooraraor Weill and
Oantral Aodtreon F iUtpeof folly,
K. B Mi rat.
To which Governor Nicholls replied
as follows :
WiU yoa pleaao rttaova them from tbotr Fed
oral oflnot io wbtcb, at forgtrt and parjorora who
made yoa Prttidoat, Lhtf art ro-y onaaalrt to
tbla tommaalty t
Mr. Hayes has not answered tho
Governor's question yet.
News d This Wat. Tho Harris
burg Telegraph furnishes the following :
"Ex-Governor Curtln is in training for
the nomination of the pomocracy for
Congress in tho Centre district. JJo
intends to ride two parties, tho De
mocracy and soil-money organisation.
He no longer pretends to be anything
bnt a Democrat, and is very anxious
to wear an honor bestowed by tbat
party. When bo gets it on wo shall
see bow he wears it."
No Improvement on tjaANr. Pres
ident Grant was pretty severely takon
to task lor keeping jUaboock in the
White Uouso while bo was under in
dictment fat engaging in the whiskey
frauds. But that's rather lame now
that Hayes has declared bis inlantiofi
to rotain Anderson as Deputy Collec
tor at New Orloans, after he bas been
convicted ol forgory.
Di k Statu Link. Tim surveyor!
.,,pol,,.,.tl lo win..-. lMry
bolwccn New York ninl IViiitHvlvsnm,
and lo more distinctly murk it. ',J
ithut llm old lino, hhii slimiM ho on
llm forly-weond parnllel ol luttilnd.-,
' wits "l am-untli-ly rut., ll fills con-1
I be. The stiivey hits reuihed a pt int
on ihe lino of Potter coiiiily, and will
complete its laliora next yciir.
II aruimiiihu 1, aiiok The Leginla.
lure has been in session two months
and bus tusaed three hills to filiiil read
lug. This is the condition of things
anticipated and dosired by the roosters
at llarrisburg who refused to tuko up
tho incumplelo business of lust session
and carry it forward until disposed of.
'AwiTl. to Conthii-latis. Seventy
millions ol human beings arc said to bo
dying of starvation In North China.
A piipnlulion greater Ihitn the whole
of this continent dying of hunger is a
disaster of magnitude too great to he
conceived, lty no effort of mind can
one reailze tho horror of tho scone.
How .N'ATtBAL ! Filty -three Radi
cal members of tbo Louisiana Legisla
ture have signed un appeal asking for
the pardon ot Thomas C. Anderson,
convicted of frauds in connection with
tho electoral count in Louisiana.
Too Ti:e. An exchange says
' Ono by o.te stumbling blocks increaso
in tho pathway of young men. Tboy
are now compelled by fusbion to buy
an oniiai'oment ring for themselves as
tK ;Sdwtlscn!ftits.
C1AI.L AM) RR1TI.K,-All prrtona io
I drilled to tloln-b, Mi-Corklo A Co.. aro rr-
uiiertrd to call at their fnnilttlfo atom aod. aettlo
their aoeoumt wllboul flolay, either by eab or
onto, and ny thla neoot aart ooata ana trouble o
all partiea contented.
Cleatnild, P.., Jan. , u;, tf.
CAUTIIINWhtrrai my wife ELLEN, bar
In len ny brd and board wltbont any Juat
rauat or proaoeatloa on my part, tnerehantt ptr
Uoularly, and tbt pubhe generally, ara hereby
warned not lo bar but or truat har on my aooouat
aa I ata determined not to pay any debte of bar
contracting aftar thla date, onlaaa eomprltril by
Clotrleld. Ifob, )7,'7.Jta
ThU cbol wilt otMn la the Leonirr) (Irft-
i4 Hflboo) hoiMlnc, CImHI-Ii.. I' , on MONDAY.
APH1L 32i, IB!, ami eoaiiav. lfVi-B wtNik.
Tuitioo. for Common branch- ...$& 99
Jliitbcr CIuiol . 00
A Knrmil tl will b f'Tttird If dtiirerl.
Clpttrflrld, fib 13 If U. C. VOl N". MAN.
CAUTION. AH jjfrioni are htnty emHoo-d
n gain it pa rob mm? or in nj mr-4 Hing
wuh Hi following proper., no id p'iiilo of
lUnll Htm., f Brady twp. m i
Una nml mar a, Bva jraara old ant ipriiif
Tha f'lrfoirjf proporty puifhaavd by ni
aod it lluwfd to it main in ibe piatwalon af laid
Stroma on )mn OD-y, tubject lo m nrrtor at any
JrlTaraoa Lisa. Pa., Pa'i. If It.
J hereby gitan thai Lfttera Ttanirntry on
atata of YALKNflNK HOFFMAN, lato
of Covinglm buraihip, CltarBtld oounty,
Pa., dooeaaad, having been djlj granted to tbo
underBiKOtMl. all nnrtuni iiidcbUKTto aatd eatata i
will plaaat tnakt Immediato payment, and tboao
having eJaima or detnanda will prtrtnt them
proptr) aulhtnticatcd for eftlement without
delay. CATIIAHINE llor'j MN,
French. ilia, Pa., Ftb, JT. flt Ktecotrll.
Natioo la hereby given thl Let tart of Ad.
tniulatrition on tho MUM of SAM'L TROY, Mr.,
lata of Brady township, Clearntld County, Pa.,
do'd. having bean duly g rta ted to tht under
Bgoadi all peraooB indebted to raid aatata wlM
Kltaaa BBabo tainMMliatt paytaoot. and tboao bav
tm latiM er ttoaaantjt will lireet-HI lkM rrlr
autbantieated for aettlcmewt without delay.
H. H. UUOKii,
Lutbarabarg, Pa Fob , '7 l Adn'r.
j ventaryon tbaaiUttof Dr. ll. V. W ILHdN,
IsUa of ClaarfleJd brougb, ClaarAtld oounty
Pa.deo'd, haiug been granted to tba undaraigood.
all por bob a knowing tbeioielva indt tad n Mid
tatata art required to tnakt tiniuediato payment.
ana tnat naviog tiatipB againBt tnt tame win
preteat tbeta properly Hibaulitater) for aettlt-
tnt without wolay.
i wo tort.
Or, P. V. WiiMOV. Altornty.
Clearfield, pa., F-b 20-fit.
A I DITOH'S r(TI( I'. -
iV Jonathan Uoyntoa vi, Wm, Attiart, Henry
Albert and U targe Albert, doing bun nets aa Wot.
Albert urn a. in Common Pltaa of ulearueld
nnty. No,
lht unJeriigned Auditor appolnltd by tht
Court to diairihuto tha B-'ney ariting from tbe
aalt af Ut tend ant traal ettaie.among iht hen trtd
itort, will attend to tbt bearing at hia offio. in
Iba Cowrt Houae, on Thnradav. Februarv jHth.
1M9, ftt t) O'otwka, BI.,of whleU oil partiea ukt
no lie. lrtAKL TKi T,
Feb. 13-41 Auditor.
J Not ita It hereby gt run that l.attera of Ad-
nianlrattot on lUt tatata of LKM WhTlKl
lata oi uirard town tb in, Clearntld oouutv.
Pa., deceased, having bten dulv granttd to tbt
nnderaigntd, all paraoaa in.lebted in laid aetata
wtU pjeat makt imntdiatt payment, and tboao
having e4alma or damaoda ana in at tht aamo will
pratenl then properly awtht'itieated lor Bet tia
ra rnt WU bout (it lay.
Fthrwry J7, H7MI
Ai oitoh'h ftorirR.
Joteph Fry vi Hioton MoFarland,
ID comtnto rieat or t'learfleld tounty. No. II
UtrobT., IW. At Fi. Fa.
Tht andanlgnad Auditor inpolnted to report
la tht matur of atknowltdiriaaat of 8heri(Tt
dead, aod distribution of tbe protteda of aalt of
rtai titait bum an tarao tvt ri. a., bertbf gtt a
not lot tbat bt will atteud to tha dutiot of bia ap
pointment at !)if offliTt in tht llrtiffh of Claar-
8 eld, oa Tburaday, tbt 18th day of Fthruary, A.
v, itin, at iu e alock, a ta.
Clarfleld.feb.r-4t. Auditor.
AliTlOPf. All peraoni ara beraby warned
j agoinat ourobafiog or in any way meduliac
witb too (tllowtog peraooa) proparly, now id pot
attiioB of J, A, Kthal, of Brfly toamhlp, vii :
Two borttt and barnaaa, 1 two-hortt wagon, I
pair twla aleda, I mowing nathln, 4 oowt, S
heifera, S plga, 7 rhtep, S plowa, 1 barrow, I aul
tivator, 1 wind mill, 61) wheat, loo bnb
ala oata, M) baibtilB onra, 4 t T aorea wtieat in tbt
grootid, I aorta rrt In tht ground, I bodi anl
bedding, I bureau, I6v,800 fati aaw Itga. Thla
property waa purchased by Bit at M har iff a aalt on
tno nth day ot r.nruary, ana tt in with aaid
Htabei on loaa ouly, Bubjeot to hit otder at any
time, H. H. MUUKK,
Lutlianhnrg. Pa., Feb. IX-3t
CAUTIt)lV.asAtl paraoni art trahy warned
agalott purohaiing or In any war ueddiinu
with tbt lollowing ptraoaal proptrty, mv in the
poBtiion of Itaao N. Hoi h rook, af Urabaaa
townthip, CItartlald tounty. Pann'a.. via : One
grlbditont, I attlgb, I otiltlrafor, I phw, I bor
row, j Bhovtl plowa, l loaoie-iroa, I ainglttrea,
1 pair Bproadf, 9 borata and bar neat, tbroihlng
maobina, I faoniag (aid, I wagnn, I wagon bedB,
2 cowi, 7 head af voong cault, 1 bow and niirt. 9
aorta tf wheat, i a cm of rya la lha ground, IH
dotea oali, I larabtr Bltda, 1,009 feat of Btw.d
lumbar, SO abtep. Tba foracoing nmnerlf waa
pat oh a ted by ma at Sheriff "a rala, oa tbo Jiib
day of Dtermber, and b allowed to remain In (be
poaatBalon of la tit Hoibrook on loan only, tuh)eet
mi ordtr at tnv lima.
Waltateton, l'a , Fab JO 3t
Valuable Real Estate I
Itv vlrtoa of an ordtr of tht OmhanV Cnnrt of
CItartlald tountv.the nndtralgnttl, Admiaiitrator
ol tbt tatata of John Cltary, Fata of lilusm town
ahlp, dto'd, will toll at public aalt, at tba Court
iioaa., in -vicar eta, oa
Thursday, Fubruftry 28, 1878,
at I o'tloflb p. n., the following daieribtd Paal
Batata, to wit t All tbatotruia pitntof land ilt
vaU la plooa towmhip, Clearflald Monty, Pa.,
boon dad by lajtda of Jho Hepburn, Ur, Fctiar,
rraai urcuit ata u. r. monrn, loataiatng
having aJmiBt thirty aeraa tltartd and la a good
Btatt af otiltlvatlon. Tbtra ia a imall hot and
ban, aad email arahftrtj tbernon.
Ont-thlrd af tbt narthtaa mentv tt bt nald at
aoajrvatlanof rata, and tba balantt la twooqual
annual pay man ta, with lattrttt, to bt atoartd by
bond and mortgaga an tnt pram lata.
ForeH. Pa. Fab, H, 17 ll. A dm 7.
QtK (Jifr.iSf IttftltS.
i .J0;'
j Murt.irj,., i.u i,.jrur4 towa.kii., ia
i .,,;- , ,..,,. ,
Job Waeindst. her . I. U'.i iiit.-i,'atej
j .... . . -. ,..V.f-,7 .fT.y., VS , .
her tlu irdlan mil Ht.m nl Tbuiha 11. ;
lluarllio 01 1'a.U . Uelkar. II. y.
Vl rlkrr. Marlha llu I. Amelia W. k.r. J. B'.lo
YYrlkrr, Una Welhor.nJ M iry H lhr, baira,
or (.rtauna loirlr.lrd ,ai.l, LM tbi lit.
qural of priiia in tali aatale wilt be b. Id on j
ll)l.rtul1 In 1.1,1 in.nlhip.OO W HUNK.) K. 1
th UTH I. AY 09 M lltC II, A. I, l7h, at 10
o'clock a. in., tttirra all atitt.d tl iboy no I
proper. rtftDKKW rh.M Jr., utt-infl,
t'l.-at Brlil, Kab, !S-.
Valuable Real Estate !
Tbo undrrairnad, Hring In Pann twp., f'laar
fleld county, Fa,, o(Tif lb following raluabla
Ufa I E'latefur
446 Acres of Land.
Bora or Iraa. In iWearla tnwntblp, lying on llio
north ida of big Clf.rfild arftjk, aod within ona
ml la or tho aania Tbo alioo land ll htavily
onvtirM with beuiWck, wbita oak, rok oat, anil
oibor bard wood (labor, and a quantity of white
pin, atid to ho half a million nr tnore feat.
Tha mm ia hotTjiy aD,orlaid ib btitiinlnnua
coal, and directly th- lino of railroad la dug
fro -a llnuiida)alfi(oaipVrt. lla miua la unknown
Tbrra ara, alio, oil valuala ininrali on Iho
tamo. j
Tha abort land la atiitut two and a-balf nail.a
below ths villagaef tilen Hope, ailjuining landi
of Hoorga Urooia and oibtra, on whnt ia known
u Porier'a run. ?be iasprovauonti oa tbe prop
arty art agtwd gturod aaw ntil, in running urd r,
bigh dam, ituna brraal, mado in th bait tnan
ntir, fit fur aluioat aiy marbinary. Thoro ia, !,
alargafrainadwelliig bountan i fr.uia batik barn
lliaiaun, and aim at forty or fifty auroa, mora or
leu. til tho Ian! la riarl. Any
wiablng to in v a it it property of tbia kind will di
well to at a in I tie tbh prrrrty I will suit tha
whole or tbt utunvidvd Utlf iutetv!, aa miy luit
tbr purrhaacr. Tba atr r tract of laud will unk
two or tbtca farmi, which will oumjittre favoiably
witb tha gi eater part of oir county. Ptiao and
teimt mado known lo any rrion w i.hing to pur
t'liDfa. For further iarti(iuatrn t1l in rsri'ii or
addreai I be ondrrplarji-i at Arampiitn HtlU M ,U ,
Clearoaldo'.untr, Pa PAH'L VVlUKMlHK.
Ian 0. I K7II if.
l) i:(;lTi-;n'h kotu c
1 Notice ia hereby given that tba following ar
oounia hurt Imn tziuaibed and patted by me, and
remain died of record io tbia ofliot for tbt In
pectioo of beira, legatee!, cretUort, and all othora
inttireated, and will be ptvaentrd to tho tint Or
l.hitna' frtiirt ol rioatrA.I.I i.. t.,.1,1 . ...-. I
Court Houao, in tha bortiugh i.f Clearfield, o
,. . raj .a, iu tsa tusj r
, a , T . P I"J lD,in in ' ,n liK' !
oi jnr.ii, a. u. is, . li0M ini, ,0 bf mJ rt vrit?K.ny of Tarraoo.
Final tooount of P Tan nay, Adn'r of iba lat ; Uigtey,
of finmutl 'iorJm, lia of Woodward twp, Alto, Iba following real tuata aituat. lo Un
clear lit-Id Co Pa., dtM'oaaad. carta twp , hegitiaing at a poat adjoining laodi
Final aoooont of Julia A. Ttrpt and Mibatl ! of ',,, Hmitlt, tnanoo n.irth S can m parobat
Hbnfftf, Adm'n o tbt oatata of Nlcbolaa Holla- : tuur "r r" 10 Poat iB olJ "id' Ibanna aoutb 61
day, lat. of Urady two , Clearfltld Co Pa., da- v3 poreb'-a mora or baa to a point w tie re a
oeattd. I "at ruoa north Hi watt will ttrikc at una ooraer at
Final account of W. T. Moon-. Adtn'r of Iht at ! Ia mTt$ mor or ,.h '"" ! we,t
lata of Andrt- 8 Mrt. UU of Iwn., I ""lh, V JT a "? 11
ri..s. H.iri n p. j ' 'tPtrh.i inoro or Iota lo pot, then no oi-rtb Ut
Clearntld Co.. P. , dooaaaad. , y mtn 0f (n tbwo9 ti(o(h
Final account of IUbIcI Otodlati lor and Hmry :f rt,i 44 purcbea more or leaa to po-t, tba:iot
Knarr. Keflulon of tbe oltti of A lam Mir- Burth K7J a-it 126 perohea nor or leaa to pott
lhall. Uta of Jtrady twp , Clrartleld Co., Pa , ( aud plac. ol bt-ginuiog, conuiningtab'.ut (tu aoroa,
doceaictl. 1 i.B aliout 30 crta cleared and having thertoo
Final aeoonnt of R. II. Monro, aa I fl-o. C. Kirk, arceted a atuall lg boaao, two atoriea blgb, and
Kiaontora of tba trttte of H. J. li nn, lata of imall tUola. i4tiid, takon in tieoutlon and o ba
Brady twp , Clear! 1 1 Co. Pa, decaattd. add aa tbe propertf of Jeramiah Cooptr. Mora a-.d 1, C. Kirk. Alio, the lollowlng ral aatata of the Uefrndao t
kaxerautora of 8. 4 Horn, and who . tiuirdi- ! ",ue f,,k WP funded and deaortbad aa
an of thtaiD'.r bein of Jatur A- Woodt, lata j t,,,0 : . bn ,h tt' ut R,,M' OB
vfflearheld Co., Pa. dacaaird. 1 aouth by land of John Dale, on the wait by land
' '
FlOwtl wUoniit pf Ilerry A. M'tinht, Exttutor of
lb at Utt of ll. B Wright, lalo t-f Urccarta twp ,
C laartiald Co-, l'a , dccad.
Partial aaa ur.t of ".'a. I.tntlicrrr, Adtu'r of tbt
a tare of latd l.tabfr, Ui of Uawrenw
twp , Clear He Id Cu., Pa., daaaaaad.
U J. Mnli'M.f.
Feb. tUt VwKrT k Ktvordtr.
T It OTIC'i:. TI.c following n-r
1 J aona bavo Ue-I, la tba offltia of tbt Clerk of
tbe Court of Uuarter Seiti
of rtlearbaldooitbly, i
h'r P'titiom aad bindt for licanaea, at tht
March boiiIobb oatt, agrttauiy to tut AM or
Wa, fi. Itral
..Cltarfielit borough
f. u. Uow ,.
W. C. Ci.r l"n
Jamra MrT.aughlia
Daniel McCarthy ... .......
Wa lnvlf
.f. 0, Btro'T
Patriak hilda ,...
Wm. Fnrktr., ,
Wm. Currva
Abel Hail
nmei lialrv M.
RllaaHetb Hmilat
Taulok Uuo a h M,...
tiaorgt Hhodet
M. W. Klunt ,
J'roin L. BaomgarJarr.,
Niebolaa tioiint
Mary Kiarnbowtr
Jacob Uluborker ,
MrB. Kniily Mnpp ,
Ptlrr Ruffntt
fluitb DMrJ
Michael Carroll ,
(eorgo W. Lana
Mllu tlovt
W bbwem
,. Woodward towmhip:
,,loui t'ltlt borough
..ftfMrts towniblp
..Oco1a borough
Um,rfe $. Hobacktr....
Jauea -ibo4ald-....
John Mulaoa ...
Wm. MeMobigla
Hamual llullihan...H....
Howard Weld
tltorgt W. Ifaria
Huston township
,-., ..i.tapovinglon towmhip
, Uuhcfc (owpthip
, ....Carwooavtllt horoiigii
Bemtaria towoabip
Ntw Washington boro'
John PoughBrly. Jr,
8 H, Buttara
M. 0. UtanlB
Ktanbrn (I raff
Htrbard Madrgan...
Jobn rJchearlcb
ClftrBeld borough
. Curw.nsrillt borough
, HtHitidalt lorougb
Urady towoihip
Certified from tht rooord ftt Cle .tfield, tbt )ll
day of rebmary, 17. ELI DLOOVI,
Feb. IT", ?8. ProtboniUry.
Sheriffs Sale.
ylrtoa of writs of Fi. fa , laiiuad
out of tAt Co art ef Common Pitas of CItar
tlald oonntv. and to mt diaotad, Ihtrt will bt
tipottd to PUBLIC MLB. at tbt Coult Uniitt,
in tht norotgb af Clear A aid. on Ha to Hay, tha
I nth day of March. IM, at I o'olotk p
tht following deaeribod rtal tatata, ta wUt
A oerlain lot of ground sitoata Inthtvlllaga of
Roeklon, Clearfield tnaoty. P., boandod and da.
bribed at followa. to wit : H-giaoing at a pott en
tho norm ?cn mnm 4 Uta atraet, Iwiing alan
enrner of lot No 4, lhsn?a auu th NTJ degreea taat
AO feet along main it ret t to po4 a, north and
aouib street, thence aortb Si drgreri atai aiutg
Baid north and south atrttt 170 fet to a pott at
cnt and wttt alter, the nta north I?J drgratB wart
Slung Baid alloy AO feat to ft pot and lint of lot
No. T, thence ttiU'h two and out ball degroos wett
ont hundred and anranty ftat tn lino of lot
No 4 tn a poat and plto" of beginning, contain
ing 37) perftbea. mora or leaa, ba!ng thartnn
.rented a good pUnk dwe ling bono,weil Iniahrd,
Iftija ftet, and kitchen Ifiiefeti.a p'aiik bt
tbop, lii tj (jMt, ft iik) a frame Habit Ifii24 ftet,
and olhr oatituildingi. S.ifal, taken In oxocn
lion, and lo ba sold Ut prvfioitj f Hry
Alto, all dt-frndantV Inl.rtat In Iht wbltt pint
timber lying and atari ding on a oruin tratt of
land titaatt ta Brady towaiblp.CUarltald tounty,
Pa,tintaining about thirty nor, more or lett,
being Iht weat aide of a pleoo of laud owaed by
Kraaiua Lutbar, bonodod on tbt north by land of
H. II. Uoort, on tbt wrat by Und at tatata of
Jartob Wuotlt, and on tbt t)otth and Bail by lands
of I raaitu Lu bar Hatred, taken in
antj to be told aa Iho property of I. 0, Wrtl 'pie,
W. H, Brain ani W.Y7 Wood.
Attn, ly eliui C K4rf write mt fmm. jUt.,
tht following real tatata to wit (
All that otrtala mattnage or lot of ground Bit
nataia Iht Boiougb tf Otoeola Mi IU, Cltarfit'd
oounty, Pa., bounded folloWB : llaa-lnning al a
post on Curtln street, tbenet haek lil) feot along
linaof Nnal Uotigkarty lot to a post, thanot by a
line tt right angiea t last lint 60 leet to poat oa
lint, said post being tea fort m iro or latt from an
alley, thenot I0d ftet mora or Itta anroaa all-y
and In pt on llala Btrort, thrnoo along Hale
iiil lt9 Itet mora or latt to a poat, t timet by a
line runhing In tt d! if. ma I direclton .'(.',0 feat a ore
or ItM to pott oa tiurtia BUttt. tbor.M along Our
Un sift tt Irtl U pit a of brgmniag barmg
tbtraon trtoiud ona iisiM dwallitg bitut and, alto
small shnniy. Batted, tk Iu tgneution, and
to be tuld at tba proj-artv of Michael tland'ord-
n'to.aoenain trtet tl land aituau tn Hiiro
sida borough, Clearfltld oounty, Pa,, being two mv p ur ami ur, sa. lit wan large two
atviry frftine ltrt bttiBt, wtll In I. bed; Ni III
at.joiaitig Vitb larga two Btory dwell
ipy kouoa, Blablt and otbtr oulbu'ldingt Ibarraa,
hounded ns IqIIowb: On th. eait bv ao ailev. no
Ibo wttt by Main Btrett, and OB Iba aoutb hy lot
vi n- ii. niisnsr "iian, iaan tu geciiion,aD4
to bt aold fts tb. property of Jamoa MoMunay.
Tanti or 8t.i-Th priot or sum at which
tbt property Bball bt atruok off must bo paid at
lUatiuio of alt, or mob other arrangementa mads
at will bo apprurtd, olberwitt tbt property will
bt tmmtdtataiy put np and told tattia i tb M
ptnet and rift of tha parson to whom it vas
airnck off, and who. tn eaat of doflotansy l tneb
rttalt, ah all naak- good tht aaint, and la no
in tun et will tbt Deed bo nrosentod in Court fur
eonlrmation unletitbe money ia actually paid to
Aft irtir.n I'lvft l ,. Jr.,
BHKrtirr'g Orricn,
Clvr.rftoid, ra.F". 27,
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtut of sundry wriU of f fW Fati la
sued out of tho Cotrt ef Common Pltai of CI. ir
A.ld tounty, and In mt d treated, then will La
ipoatd tt pabll. tale, at tbt Court Houbo, in bt
borough of Clearfltld, on Saturday, tbt Vtb day
pf Maroh, IH7H, at I o'clock p. m., tht M
low lug 4. aawibod ml rattle, to wit t
AM that torlaia lt or elan af grata I ! titaatt
In tbt btroigb of Cltsrleld, 0Jartltl tounty,
Pa., bounded aad described fullowa, lieg(q.
ning attbttorntr ef lot No4tft tbonaa hv raid lot
weat 300 feet ta an alky, tbttirtbv bald allev north
kfi fact to lint of grouad aold U Wm w' Halts,
Ibantk by said Una aaa t 100 feat to Seoond ttret.
tbenet bv Bacond it r eat 10 fajt to tbt ear atr of la
48 and tilaot tf bogfanlng, boiag Ut south batf
of lot No 47 In plan tf aaid borough, and baring
tbtraon trttttd a twa-itory framt atorahtnsa, lii
by M fttt, ft small baggy thed and olhtr ontbnlld-1
Uric JMmttSfmcnts.
In It. Heiird, luWn in rierutiiit., aiid to he aold
the vwrtv oT J 0 Scbryvpr.
Aim, Iku ner'ein tract .if laud In Mfrl- wn-
vll..aa : N'.i I I'ouadr'l tooth r Itmla of J'.tia
Kuiiah. kmI hr Unit of I'aul Ouii-k. aorlli Im
land-of M la fott. n. an.) ral bt Ian I ol Janot,
wh -
i. .u,tlu'lit,, H4 tWW.Blrf
r..n. ...... k ...L i.....
Sal Lnnadrd i" ibo .'Uth hr land of ll W
Hl, ,, ,,.r MrCalf. nr. w- br K.,2.r Mo.
t'a9rtr and T II I'oroor. north l lamia of It W
Holt and ra-l l-y of Wat 1'i.rlrr an. I otllara.
oi,i.n.n SMI amo and hiving atmui .70 rra
r,U-rs.d iili larxan.l amimitdiuui Ira..... ........
i.nnk burn and vuihiil.iing, and a amall t.farl"g
oMiird Iharfiin. Hriird. lakan in aiaenl ob. and
j to to aold af the pr p. riy I J oreph Kothnwk.
j Alto, aratlain tract orpieco of land aituat In
I Hoirga towmhip, L'ltarf.rld count r. , b"undd
! atid drinUd a billowai Dagiofiilg t a pot
nirner, thencit aluag tba tanda ut Jobo B Hit inn-1
I CH per"lie, tbpneo foulb along Hie Intidi or W.
(Jearhart 60 pprehua to a poll comix, tbenoo along
the land of J. L. (iuiirbart U8 perelifi In a pot
i onrar, tbt-aco north along ihelanda of J. K. hbaw
63 pt-rrb'ito lb plact of beginning, containing
34 arret, per bi'i and allowanca, btdng iho
ama traot or pi oca of land mnveye I by Mergaroi
Mlnniel lo Henry Hnii-ghoi l.y difd dated .VI sty
tili, ami ro-ot.itd at (Mi arfit-ld intbaolboo
Inr rroordiog drnl, In I-ad Hook ' C O.." page
(I'll, An Til-re (a aliont IH arrea olaarod and lo
a goot ataia of cultivation, with an orchard und
a dwelling houiv, atublt and other umlioii liign
thereon Keiird, taknn in eiefutl-JD and lo btj
old aa the property ol llt-nry lloLtngbo'if.
A lao, a eartaiu trmt of laud ituntu in Hurnaide
tiyaern. a. lotiow.: .. tue m by lan.l. ot
.!i H'' J r, UUlbrll ... !
nMh by Li d- of Al Hwi.-kciii.rrr. MUwiu
h..... ...... t . ' lawaa rL .
wo tiont-a hiaeti. a rrn 4titAU ita. aod a
larg. orchard, ht iaod, Ukon tn exucutton and
to ha aold ai l lit- pip n ol F M II. eki(ariy
A'.o. ll thai rcriain pi ta ol real eaiatt, bo !
Irnging to, aituato iu tua Imroiigb ul
i It fiuld, bnui dad and daaanbed ai luiluw. to
wit; U.'giniitog at tha ouroer of Hro.nd and
Mnrkt t lUfita hi a4id borough, thence along
Mn'kat afreet U.I IsM, mor. ur leu, to lul aold I
to li.nitl hlrwarl tbiiuMri a aoutbt-rlr dirrclooj
nl 'ng I t u( .St. war let 1 4 lui'te. more nr Irat, j
to lot of Jiii,atnon Hnvni'iti, tueneo wtitlt-rly i
aoiig lot of Jona. U 'To ton 12.1 feet mora or lf to f
Stj'ooi d tltril, tbetiot along aSeoond ttietjt north i
tu pi icaot lir-n'nniDtf, mid Uemg part of lot kooau j
In iimid of mid i)urouii aa lot ,n. , known ai '
tli. W.ivrii llotsjl proporty, and bvititt tburton
tmtt-d a IttrgM lwo-itor.i Iraut liuiljiug, a amall
oiliue iruniliig Co ore oo J
oliitr., a ono ftury igar
ttreol, a uuo -atory law
luip, a one amrr 110
tip, and ether ourbuiidingf HiiirjJ, loikon lu
emcuit'io and to ba ao.d aa tbo property of O.
11 Merrrll.
Alto, the lollowiDj real estate. iia atu In N.irth
Hojti lalt, bounded and lofrl to I at I-.!!.. ; i)u
tha ea-t I'J John McPailma, north by llnuta'
. ' . ' .. . '. . " M "V .'nw. U.IU,
aUUWII Mt lot .i WO. Wl tl
'lorv boo re la
'! by 34 feel, thereon at re tad. tha lot being all fret
Iwnt and 15U t dwii. Huised, taken to eiecu
a.r li llnrla.uatt nfl (ha. k t.n.l rmf N 14
Cluro, egntainmg BB anrsa, and having 6v aoreo
cleared, with ft frame boute lSt3j, tart etorieB
bijrh, and frame but), id lit, and oulbuildtbga,
nnl Urge orchard, tffif-d, taken ia txonution
and to be Bold aa tba property of U B. I)rau"ktr.
Alto, tbe following real tait Bituatt id tbt
borough of CurwtQ,illa, ClearStld ooumy, IV-
j AH lit ota f inr crlaa I ta or pleoea of ground.
. I lirginnmg at tba torntr of Filbert and ftoorge
trteta, on the tatt attt or aaid atrttt, I'D fitt to
Blreot knmwn aa Maiwrll or High atroa', tbeono
Is. mm, atwrarrl rlifMllon ...,t .t.r 1U-J futat
,,,,, f . , ,htfn ia , Muth.
ward dirttfti" tti bet to Utrga lUnat, tht tie a
watt ward along aaid treai IVD faut (o pltot of
beginning, and baring tlxntm ertud a large
planing mi! I. board tltcdi, boud kiln, and oaaa
tary huildinga. With ft largo tteam vngint
and other machinery btlnnging to Baid mill,
(ttiieal, taken lo eicrutlon ah 1 tt be ao:d as tbt
property of A. I) If' In and W. C. Arno.d.
Alto, the ibtxn-rt of A H frvla la ft terUlo
Irani of land a'tuait in B gg towaibip, bounded
and dateriitod a loll wa : Oa tba aortb by Iba
.I.maa fteinhnutvn aurt'ty.on tbt oaat by tbe Wm
Troulwine surrey, tn lb-i Booth by the Barbara
Snyder turrry, nod on tbe weat by tbt lleoy
Fauooo survey, aud known aa tb Jobn Kaon
lurrey , ronttning aPo aorea, mora or leas, a II un-improfd-
tiaiawd, taken in etaoutlon and to bt
-old at the p"pTty ol A- l- rrio.
Tanita or AaLt. Tba prlet or turn at wbltb
tba property aball bt struck off moat ba paid at
tbt timo of salt, or such otbtr arrangement
mad. as will bt approvtd,oihtrwiat tbt propof
ty will bt Immediately pat up and told agala at
tha tipenst and riik of tbt poraoa to whom tl
was BirisOl, off, and who, in ot of d Hole toy at
suob ro tale, sball mailt gttd Ibp samo, and In
no tnatanea will tht Dead bt proatnled ia Court
for aunbrmatlon uaitat tht money is actually
paid to tilt Hher.n. AUKhW rji S I L. Jr
baaatrr'a Urrtca, I bbtriff
Clawraalt, Pa.. Fub 10. I7(
SherilTs Sale
Ikv virtue of wrila of Ltvari Fteia: tasued
I 1 out of tho C urt of Common Plaa of Clear-
fluid tuntv, and to ma di reeled, tbtrt
bt tilHiatd to publit aalt, at iba Oourt 11
In tha borough of OlearBtld, on Saturday, lb
lib day of Maroh. M;, at 1 o'clock, p
tha following dtteribtd rtal tttatt, to wit:
AH that eertaia tract or body of bltaminona
eoal latd. Bituata, lying aod boiog In Hit town.
hip of Wood if aril, tounty u Cltarfl-'ld, and Siatt
of Peon a, boundel aod qtribtd at foil
wit; Btftiuutng al a mapi. (gone) now atooa
torner, bting a owmmon torocr ol original aurvtvi
in tbt nMuiea of Am. Wisttr, Bolaod Krana, aod
Hamual ttmdno ( Ibaaat north ii weat 1 2 1 pr.-h
to a faemlo k't thenoo north H oaat 171 pernors to
a poat) tbantt Boulb Id degrtri ea-t UJ part baa
to a poat ; thrnoo aoulh 63 neat lfff ptrobta to a
Uall rook oak tbonet toolb .'IS eait SttS ptrthta
to a port ; tbtnoa aitttb fc3 weat 1 1 1 ptrcbt-s to ft
pott : thrnoo north 3i wett IA parcbta lo ttoattt
tbeaat south 03 want 10 purdHtw to a pnt ; tbeaet
nrtb ti writ tt perobeB to a to' tbvnrt aou-b
63 weat ou pvrttiiif to a pti .' tntcao t iotu a tati
S3 ptrahtB to a poat I ib'ot fomb t$ wtat kw4
ptrahes a wb p'naj thanot north 39 west
114 4 b petohaa w wnna nK ( tbrnct norm .
eait 118 (trabrs to a poat; tbanso aorib ii wtat
01 0 10 pvretaea tt) a ftt lian far in look ; Ihonoa ia an
entterly direction up n small ttrtarn 4A perohoa to
a btmlofk ; the oca nor h 20 wett 73 parches to
wbltt oak ttump : thenm south 63 weat 9 perobrs
to n pod ; th.not north 3i waat Al ft 10 parcbta to
a poat j thaooo soijih it2 wttt 163 I -10 ptrohts tu
tin ail hemlock thentt sonib 3 taat CI luper
obta tu a fall n bloak thanot t u fc IS Wttt II
perchot to n poat j Ihenot north IS wtt ftorost
Clt-arfloldtreek UOk-lu perches lo A poat tbenot
north bS eatt I3 perobea to plait ol beginning
oontatolni pi no hundred and nitio (Ontll ftoroa,
m rt or laB and being pljrta of three atVtral
traotf of land aurrtrad "b warranla dalad in 1 7 Us
grstflted by th. e imtnonwoaith of Pwnna.lvaula
ont to Hainael Km'io, ont to Roland K van a, art t
nt to William Witter, whioh parts of Baid tract a
ftlwvt draonbed bavo, by dtrera good nonvty
aotoa and taautanea in law, beoma rttcd in
DaVld C. Ilrbaftl.
Tbo said b.dy of land Is t-imprisel of tbt fel
lowing ton'lguotia traats of bodies of land.
No, I, Tht Wm. B Alaiandor farm, contain
ing about l.U a-rt, mort ur Ib, with ah out lilt
acret tleartd, Inrga orchard, two-atorr plank
honst with kitehi-a attachrd, largt btuik barn
and other out-buildtogs and tniproT.intnta. Coal
ib open est on this (ami. uring tut at me n fami
ne t whieh (I. L. Bted and wile, by drtd dated If I
nuguti, in,., tpti roenrufoi in mo owoo ol Kt-
eurder of Deeds ift n4 fir Baid tnny. in Dotd
liuuk Na. 9, pftLt Iftl, graalrd and ooortytd to
aam uari.i i;. in'l.
No. I. Tl.ajt.aha U. Alosanar farm, tfu tain
ing about 157 arret, mor. or lts, with auout J
acrea o'earrd, largt arc hard, two story bowed log
honat with plana kllnhan attaohtd, round log
bara, ptang tort rtalt, tilaakamitn ah p. and
otbtr oul-buildinga and imirovameo(B. Tt al
ia openott on iha plate, ali-ing tbt aam. prml
srs which Join D. Ab-iandar ao t wife, by deal
latod IHih May, IH74, ftnd rt-oordud aa a orttaid
liMUttd tl.tok .No. 7, page TO, granted tnd con
yryod (.i eaid Uarid U. !enal.
No, I. Tbt li. I'bilipo ftrm, ronlnlnlug ab'ul
1 f0 aorea, mort or IcfC, with about it acrat clear -td,
ml ota herd I?) tlory round lg bouao, round
log nattt, ana t lhar nut hutupnga and tin pro vt
unit. Ccal la opened n t' ta f.tna. JJving iba
stmt prrtnitet wb oh Daniel Pbilipt and wit, by
.ire-i at tea th VWth June, titrt, an I Nfl rd I aa
aloraeaid in Deed llook N . T, pagt 77, grant, i
apd cottVfjed lo tbt Uarid C. llr.-tl.
o. 4. 'Hit . bjtunt Diion f-rto, eontalninr
about fll attci-, wore or itta, with about tnaoioa
Oltarett. aiuall ortmartl, atorf round og boott
shu ivtfuis iirji e'SMiir, aau vintr OU nuil'lln
and iMprtva titnia t'al ia ontnd un tbt fan
Hvlng ihe tamt prrmUfa whfth flHjinat Ditoi.
turota aa a i ore !, ta I'tod Hook No. 7, page
Vat granua ana eonvryrJ to laid U. L lltnttl.
io- ? Tho John Fulford farm, tonlalaing
bauut 200 aortf, mort or leaa, with about 40
ftorra oieared, having tbcrton ortfttefj tory
plank houta and double baro. Coal is opened
on 1Mb farm, lining Ilia premiBM whluh
oamuei r. rtholT and wire, by deed dated 1 4th Feb
ruary I M71. aad reeordrd as afortaald In Deed
llook No. 4. part 04. and Daniel lL.aii and wife.
by deed dated Oth Kepterabor, 173, and rrxordfd
as afortaald, in Pood Hook no. 4. page 95, grant
rtj tnd conveyed lo raid David 0. Hansel.
NO. 1 Tbi fleam tvU propsny known tf the
Belleena farm, eontolning about Ho ntrea, more
or lest, witb about 40 acres elearttl, having a
in orruarq ineraoa. inert is a to i nan R
open and oprrattd oa this farm. Uting tba mat
property whiab Joaiah R. Ktad nnd w ift, by
derd dated Ttk Drvemtiar, M73, and retorded aa
nforraaid la Deed Book No. 4, pagt 19, granted
and ronvtytd to aaid David O. Ilenaal, nil of
wntcn oerdB or raoord tnt ror mere particular dt
rriptlea of boundaritB. Halted, taken in otton
lion, and to b 9 u tbt proptrty of David 0.
Htnaal. ' ' '
Aleo, by vlrt.a of n writ of Ft. Fa., at tba tamt
lima and plaea, 1 will rrll all that oartaia traot or
body of bituminonB toil land as nbovn daatribod,
aontalnlng tot norat, nttrn or loot, eompriat.
m aam aarerai ran
s, nieots and Uneta of laa
and deeerlood. with tba in
as abort mantionod and deeerleod, with tba im-
prorementt thereon. Paired, taker. In efeTilln
Itrti' Vdtrrlisrinrttti.
l lo br aold aa tbt lirnr-trtv of lttri.1 0. lltnatl .
Alan, a nrrtale lot of ground anil iremia ait.
aata la tbt boronrh of t'ltaiBe'il a tat out In
UMirifiitu ila'ail 17ih Juna, I a 7 1 . recorded It
. Ilooh U , p.vra Altt. and Itta writ tf Hoi. ft , rl '
Ui-ailinitiv tt an allir. thrnfo wnl oa Markal
atnrt 3lt Ital I llitac aonth Tl f'rt 7 orhna :
tr( IIK r tiara fart, lirlnf pari of M Jh atid 21
l anid '.ura.utfh, bring flirt of pram !. William
Irrin, by detrf dalod Hili Jnn, 1M1, oonveyfti to
ralvtutid r, racurdnd In tk ll . pajt T3. who,
I'V aloud, J7tti tlnuuary finvyol to Wiu.
U.rreil, Uuk II., pa if- 4V, wliu, Jjb, I-JS,
I (! to Kuliard Miap. Uoi.k P.piga7llJ
I..., iy J. o i, Ith April, IHf.W. cmteyail to T J. j
Ilovrr and A. I. Hook fcK , pago tTU, ISlh
Apill. IM7li. and tift Hoyfr, lath April, .
' runvoyrd to laid A. I- Hbow, Hook F.R., pagf Still. '.
on tha IHih April, it, bat log crarlod tiierewu
a frame building . oenplcd aa a drug atort and
I offire, tiaiicd, Uken in eieouti-io. ftud to im M
- aa tbo propurty of A, I., j
I Alto, a curtail, plant or paroal of land titunta
I n tewreneo twp., t laartiald oounty, ka. boiindad I
j and di'tu-ri'ttxi a Mlowa t Uegiuatog at a pol i
' oornar of 'lba. Ktad and tittirct 6 Logat,, on'
tha wit bratn-bof lha SoB'fUebaona river; llienne
I by lanil ol Kd and Log .in, aoutb lrje tail 6A
prn-iiea, uioto or l-it Ut a corner, Koad'a an l Lo
I Ku' land i tha nee aoulb 4ba wait 10 ptrvbaa to
j a )tt o iba wt brnnoo ot tba huauotiaoiia
rite i Ihenut down aaid Hucijuvbaaua b ita ?
eral touries and dnitoora to pott and plate of
b ginning, umliiiiiog twculy acrr. mora ur let-a,
uvihk (mrioi aauia pruini-wa auion win n. diuko
ana wilf, into ot I'bilatttlphia. hy tlnetl beartng
data thu lmh Mart'bt iH'.'l, di-rd rtoordtd in
It, Haifa. nl 1. H....1. U 1UH
t fi(-J b M Jth k7K, oonTorad
due on ht-rawitb .nnroytd th. .am. to John
hrB(i. u.,,,,,,, lB Vution, ad lo bo.old
M VWS Jo J. Heal.
' "! or 8n. Tlu prko or iuib at wbitfb
,hr HrulJ" '" ba atruok off niuit bo paid at the
u,u "f '' ar ,ut,h ,nh,f Tmrtgeujanta mado ai
'o appntved. olbrwi-e tho property will lw
''""'ed lately put up and aold again at tbo axp&'e
L'1 ri'k ut lt pnr-oo to wbon it waa tirue of,
tud ho- ,B f daflolaiMiy at atiob r.aalo,
""ka g..J the raiaa, an I la do ioatauee
Wl" Vntl bt p retro ted lo Court for eoufirua
too-? ! ortually paid to Ihe
-btnff ANllHKW i'KN I . Jr..
KitKRirr'a (mvm, I .Sb.riff-
CleArbuld, l'a., Kab. 20. lft.
Sheriff's Sale.
1)Y ilttuo of aandry wri
) out of tbe Court of t'o
rita of IVa iatued
moi I'l.aa of Clear-
( tluld f.o , and to me direoUd, tbtra will tioeipoted
10 Mill i tale, at tbe i:oort Hohm. in ba.rourh
ofCiearOeid on Haturrlay, the tth day l
Mjrcli, IHIH, at 1 o'clo-k, p.ra tbe follow
ing dcectibfd ral aatatt, to wit;
A cert tin 1rot of land attuato In Bngga town-
-bi, ClearHrld oonty. Pa., beginning at a pott i
00 hot ol w oi. lard, tboneo aloog lino of Alt!
Htone ooh 11 parnhe lo a poat by Und lata of
Win. Irtln'aM'tte Iu6 perahea lopoti.ihno -a along
Ine of Wa Yird aurvey 141 perch ea to plar-t of
tttgianliig oo-tainingona bandrtii acroa and one
hundred parchaa and allowanca, wjib iiity-n
acrea olearrd. baring a large atort ftnd tenant
faouBf and outbnildtnga, and large dwalliag houae
and l an at bouMiba-tua aracUd. Htiatd, taken
in exteuttoB, atad to bt aold at tha property af
KM 11 and Wil berry Piekl.
A I ao, a certain tract of land altaata la But I tp. tnnoty, Pa , b-mnd-d and doaoribd at
fullowa : Ueginsing at poat, tbnoa aoutb 49j
ptrcbet to atonea. tenct waat 1.16 paroboa
atooea, thanot north 4uj perch et to Mapla, thenee
taat 1.(8 perches to place of beginning, contain
ing lorty a eras ana allowance, with five aorta
cleared aod a amall houao thereon. Ktiaed, taken
In eieeuMon, and to bo aold as tbt property of
" . v. miner tno tienry Mr not.
. Millar tno Henry Uraoo.
Alao,aecrtaiolrttoriaad.ltaata in Bra I ford
wnabip, Clearfield ooooiy, Pa-, boaodt-d and do-
tewnsbip, Clearfield county, Pa-.honndi
I fcribrd at follows : On tha tat bv land of W
Woolrtdge on the aoatb br land of Ptttr La ta
harry, oa tht wart by land of Wm Shirov ftnd on
j tht north by land of Wm Woolridga, oontaining Houte Spouting aod all kinia of job work, r-pair-fifty
(even acre, wltb forty ar-ree eleftvod, ft log ing, Ac, dona ea ahrt nutiea aad a rnasonablt
I I tiildingt ereeed thereon, nnd growii.r orchtrd.
Saitcdi Ukfo in tl-oulion, aud to ba a dd aa Iht
propt-rly of Jamet A. Wattoa and Cntharint Holt .
Alto, a certain trtt of land titnatt in Bel)
towmhip, Clearfield e tinty, Pa,, nnd hnowa n
No.'s 1 aad I it goo eral plan or btI I village,
bounded tomb by Lt belonging to McChoeey
heir, wm hy lot of W. L. Sharp, and being no
tht corner of Main and Water Btrtett, bvng
tbireon eraotnl a two Btory frame dwelling houae,
fiitr leet front aod thirty feet dtrp.and tht lot
tieing ab mt sixty hy ono hundred and fifty feet,
tailed, taken In eituuti'in and to bt told ai tbt
property of John P. Irvin.
Alto, tartftiq tract of land aituau In Brady
towue'.in. tilrarhaia ritntv, pa., baglnnlng ftt
post on Mot of Jacob Utlabura lot, thanot north
!i drgrett taat A perohea lo post, tbenoe by lot
ol Jaob Miteburo north :t0 degrees wat 13 per.
In n.itt at road, tbenoe by land of Jacob Yoat't
estate south 33 dr-greet 4". 4 perchea to p'at,thaff a !
by aaid hud sutb t degrees eat tl fi perches to
poit, tbenoe by -em lano nonn it degrees tan
27 perch lo pwti. thane br publio road 4 drg
and ii perchettn pott, tbenea by Jacob lliltburn
laud north 60 drgreet weat t perohea to pott and
pUe ot beginning, aoMainlng I aerci And lift
perebeB ad having a two-aiory iramo dwelling
houst 3lby33 feet a frame atehlt and tbt remain'
ol a burned ? mill. Rtlatd, taken in execution,
and to bt b Id a tbt property of J. C. Whipple
A Co.
Alto, a eerUln traot of land titnatt In Wood
ward townabip, Clearfield eonnty, Pa bavmg
treated thereon a two et-.ry frame honae, tyiuod
rd ad drseribed as follows t On the north, tooth,
tad and wad by property of Hoots' heirs. Hel
sed, taken ift execution, and to bt sold as tbt
proptrty of Teranro tligley.
A'so, ncermia lot at land situate In Clearfield
Borough. Cirarbeld oounty, Pa, known aa lot No
luA, being 4T leet 4 loi bee front on Heound atreet,
and about 300 leel deep, bounded on Iba Weat by
cWtoud e i reel on tbo ourth by R-ed at reel, on tht
eaat hy an alley and on tho aoutb bv tot No. 305,
beiug tbt aauit premises which Jotiah W. Smith,
by go. end rtr.t d-tj. dated 10m March, 16H, re
torded la Booh - , pagt , tonveyod to aaid
K B. Ta)lor, tultjeot Lo the paym nt ot ao annual
ground rent of tieventy dollar, payable eemi-ao
ouaily, on wbieb premiaea are erected three framt
delnog boufaa. Baited, taken in exrentitn. nnd
to be au.d at tbt propter of t- B. jlof.
As, a certain tract of land ailua:. iq Wood
ward township, Clearfield oonntv Pa., eonlalnlng
about Sity arret, all cleared, with large barn aad
two ttory dwtllmg nouao nnd ft young orchard
growing thereon, bounded aa follows, vii: Kaat
by A J. Moat, north hy HuBinn, south by Tho.
iltflon and weat hy H ugh Oareun.
AUo, ont other traot of land tl'Qttt ia B"gg
tuwotbip, in Baid eoualy, eoatmning almut oie
bundrt j and twelve eeret, nhai in- acre clr
ed and htlence In wood land, bounded at follow,
tit; Ivftii by other lands of dfbndaats, watt hy
Thomas Hampton and n-nb by land 0 Wm.
Albert A Bro , and tomb by Jonathan Qoynion.
.Hettfd. taken in eireoUon, an I to bt told fts tbt
proptrty of A. J. fos ftnd Vm, tloti.
Alto, all those terutn lot aituat In tho nor
uugh of Clearfltld, Clearfield oounty. Pa., bound
ed and described as follows : On the eaat i y Third
street, tn tbt toitb by LooaJt street, on tbe wrtt
by Walter' lot fit. D7(0bd oit ta norjj by aa
alley, being fifty feti fronton Loooit trat and
1T0 feet dvp along Third street, and know as
lot No. 120 in tba gneva nlan of taid boroueh.
baring thereon erected ft large framt house, oat
venter euup. aiaon, tmail im39 ant qtber i prove
mt'bls. .
Alto, one other lot aitnate la Ris.Uia ..ut.
lion to aatd borough, and known aa lot Mo. 3D A,
..of. ift iron i on reexinq street, and about
lilt) fret derp, bounded on the writ by 8o-ud at,
on tht north by Heed street, on tba oast by art a .
ley and an tbo tooth by lot No. Ii, having there-
" arwoi wa mree irame nonatr, a aboemakor tbop,
aud other improvement a.
Alto, one otbtr lot of ground In the anil W.
ougb, boundrd on tbt north hv Pi.
tbeetat by lot of Mrs. bofltld. on tbt tontb br
an alb-y nod we.l by lot of g. I. BdeT. hainf
ab..ut blty feel front on Pint street and nbtmt o
feel deep.on which it trteirdnlnrgefrftmtdoubU
wmsjr inprtrtislfiii,
Alto, ont wtbt r lot of grunod Bituatt In Rlgler'a
ftddtlko to borough, in what la known at
..j... ...nnutltuyiitriiui deaaribtt.1 at fol-
a"IinPIB a. a Corner or HrirlM mml Oa
vnd streets, on lbs taat tiU aaj .. .
thenea south alone Brtond atr n t . V
an alley, thence east along raid alley AO fMt to
. r" BrW " tbence weet along
Al.o, oot olber lot f ,roon. tltaale la rUfler'.
ao.llnoa to th.l...i, ,i...a..M i
at ol I. , of M.,l. Boo. Brlrlra
aootothn aold lot or Mr. Haek
atwol TO I.M , ,i,ti thera a.el alnnt a.ld
ll.r atinal liw rH, , .n.. " ,v
, ' ahool It to lo'nrldae Mreat,
ai.ia aatj aire, lo plaea ar hr,lo.
l". bain, part o( lot Noll I, aail harlot
'"!l to frame aoaeet .00 otber Itaproro-
Alao.oa.otk.rW.r .....a w. ..I
a. of W..I Vbtrtelil, a Uarajra towaablp,
n l baoaa aa lot Mo Jl la tb. araaral plat of -i J
rlllave, b.,anM oa tba tooth by Mala atreet. no
ih. weat tr tot aol.v oa tba norrb hj . allrj
aH op Hie .at br tile,, being at loot o
...... ...... .a. it. net at., I. as allot, btrlo,
no Itni.roreiai Dta. Belted, tahea In eaM.u.1 ...
and to ba told aa th. nropert, nf K B. Tnrlor.
AIm., a eertaln treat of had aitout. i. h.i..
rown.aip. tMeartlel't enaat, , Ma , boaaded and do
terlnel at fullowa i Oa tb. ao-tb br A Kepbarl
fih bt 1"tHa, w..t ht John M Chaae and
lltnrtt eat.lo. oualhlain, 4S aero., eanro ar leaa.
iiu anno, arrea ot-arraj, wlrh Iwn-ato t plaah
lift, lltb. Jl fret, In, bars and other alkullil-
in,a. a.iaod, Ithct) la axerutloa, and lo bo aold
at tbt propertt i.f UeorfO W lirpliarl.
Alen, a rtrttia Iraol af load alhiala la Notti.
Uuaniltlt, Woodward In, Cloart.ld oountr, Pa.,
Win, lot In lira 60 bjr 16(1 feat, wltb .mail ttoro
boat, and, total I ataMa aad o.hor ant-
auiiaia,. Ihcrooa. bnaadad as tbt wart lr Wat
Moata. oa tb. ao.tb br all.r, oa iba tonib br
Mtia ttratt. HeUtd. I.bta in ezeotilloB. and to
ao aaid at Ihe propertt of H at II lbillat.
Alao, a eertala trael of laad titaatt la Peraa.
aoa towaabfp, Cletrfleld aoaatjr, Ta., boanded at
loll.wa i M.rlb bjr W. Straw, a.t br Widow
Urora, loath bt Chrltl Hboff, watt bt W. tl.rr.ll,
onnl.lnln. .boat lot arret, with aboat IS aerea
oletrtd wth atoall ortberd, ar.d baring a amall
fr.eit hoga. tad bara tbart arMe," bniad,
a.ra ta atreatioa, tnd lo bt (old a. lb, proptr.
tjr of I'asl It hit., r 1
Taaaa ar S... -Tt,. -u.l
tb. praparlT ab.ll be tlraek ot aart ba paid al
lht Ilea, or tola, ar taok ai bar arru,
.?. PP'otatl, .Ih.rwla. Ibo pron.rlr
will bo ItamodiaUlt aal aa .at UI4 I-.,. .'.
tha etpoata aad rial of lie poraoa t .a., t.
waa ttrwoh at, aal wba, Is aaaa af SeSoiowot al
aurh r. trlt, thall aaako fooS ibo aaata. and la
-- win vaa uaos I. ptaaacud la I'oan
Bssstrr', Otrtrw, I Kb,,lfJ
rietr.ld, Pa., J . .
1 HUffUniuous Jiili'frlUfmfnts.
a?rinvMl.kw0.aaO ak Mllajr
n itt. k i ot a ht g'ldiiif, Ak ar tJrocrr fur
It- ; - , Jai.;A fit.
.JaiDfB l)uan v. Miuhael Kearney,
io the t ool of 0'iniiaoB fieaa of Clraifleld
ci.unty. fi ra., I.'" Janmry Term, 1H7.
'Ibo iinlaratgned Aoiiier, apMiiniad oy tho
Oourl. lo diatribur. itta la-noy arlaing frB (be
ale of llettil(il' real atatt aoioi g tba lian
areditora fulitlad thereto, fer-tiy givea no I loo that
he will alletid lo the dutie of bia appoiotment at
bia "tlif. iu :iMrtirM, Tburt-lay, Hit 7tb day
of ), A :j. Ih;s, at 1 o'olock p. n., wbn
and where all partiea iuteraiUI may at'end.
A. 1. K HAM Kit,
fabMi. .... Auditor.
In tbt Urnhana' Court of rifttrftal.) auunti
la ibe wall or of iho tiorptiona to lhoaoount of
John II. Katferty, on. of tbt adottnlatratora of
r n jiao.ny, aa tile, by tbo fedwiaietratora
of aid Jobn II. lUflarty,
Tbt unjeraigood Audltir appointoil by the
tvuun .u la.iiiu-ror mnri ruurl In tha t'ourL
i Dt-rauy givo nottitiat lit will at lot id to tba dutit,
of h" aipdoinnut at hia ottint In tbo b iouglt u
CleartMd, on Tuendy, Hit bid Jot of Iarob
Ik I at? 0 .1 Ml -a. ' '
lA5. W. Mi Cl'RhY,
ClaarMd, fvb 13-4l. Auditor.
Haa oprnrd, In a building on Market Btreef, oa
tbt old He-itern Jite ut, appoalta tha 0iwTt
lloua. in Cleariitld.a Tia aud eihttt Iroa Many
factory and Btort, whore will b found at all timet
a full line of .
a Stores, Harare, Etc
rata. Also, agT.t for iho
Singer Sewing Machine,
A tupply of Xaoulnef, with Ketdlea, Ao, al
waya on bad-
Itrrna, at riot ly eaab or country product. A
rnartnt patronagt tolirutd.
Clearflald, April 15. It77-lf.
1. 1 T U E It S B fj R Q .
llarcaUer. (oo.a bt nd fur CASII oal,,
nr ia earheOKO ful pnxloto. Mo Woke will bo
kept ia Iho futara. All eld aooouate tautt bo
eettled. Thoea who aaaom talk op, will al.
haod ortr tbelr aotot ao4
I am determined to tail mv rood at eaah
prices, nnd at a discount far ire low that aver
offered in Ihltr vitlolly. the diaoouat I allow my
customer, will make them rich in twenty years U
imrj ioiiow mr aat'ioe aad buy tneir gooda rrom
me. I will pay eaah for wheat, oats end elovtr-wd-
I.nthtrtbnrg, Jaauary r, lt1, d' :
Clrarfleld, Pa.
Rtt pent fully inform bis tuitemers, nnd tbe pub
lie tn general, that be aootinuts to mac a factum
all kitidi t)f
Tin.Copper & Shccl-lron Ware,
Of Rrst.olaM material only, and In ft workman
like manner.
dona on short ntljt and verr reatonaul terms.
kept ib stock, an for itle low,
Gas-Fitting and Plumbing
a specialty.
Oaa Fiiturea alwayi on hand,
teed to give sntirfaetlon.
All work guaraAt
A share of pa bile patronagteordlally tollvittd.
ClearStld, Pa., May , Mil.
Would ratptaiAilly not if r tha Dublin centrallf
that bo hat removed bit Urootry Btora from
rt haw's Row. to tho but Mm former I ooemiitd
by J. Mtlea Krataer, on Heeond street, next door
tn Biglert hardwnrt ttort, where he ihtendt
keeping fait hno of
j It fi K It E U.
iiAus, riHiiiu DtBr.oj unp.
simArfl. n4 BUI'S, f aU , rai... ., .
TRAS, drtMi a4 Blank.' '
C0PTKK, RaaalaJ aaU Uraaa.
All kind. In lht aaaritl. '
PICKl.tS, tajartatistiarrela. '
IfC'ltS, lt everj furrt) ant rarittr.
maxciiks, .
iimliu APrLt.4, ' ;
' 7'HlKtl rKACIISH,
. Plimp ciigBRrts,
Goal Oil ani Lamp CMmaeyt.
An4 a r aaaana.a.1 at tkaaa tklaft aaaallt
teal la a trovry twra, wklrk ka wtu aiekaaft
lor tiarkaUat al laa ttarktt ,rlats.
ill tall for atk a. akttalt ta ea; alka. aaa,
flMta'aall sad tea Ml tier tad JuJce far
joanalf. . . - t w.. ., , ., ." .
,n . vJoanareAcaaaT.
CltarllaM. latt. 10. . ,,. ,,, .
gfir ttrfrtlSfratntK.
In Iba Urphana' Ooart of Cltarlatti .onily.
u lb. natter of tha at Ut a of A. ft. Paopla'a, dead.
Tha apdrraignt-d Audlior aiMlatod by aaid
Covrtto report dial dbwlioa of tba ba'anot rotnaia.
lag io tha baud of f. A H-wItt and H. B. Pa.
a-.. .'HtlKlKtV il '.-- -
tnat be will atttad to tbt uuiiat o h at. point
brut, oa Friday, tba lit day of Uareb. A. It. I7s,
.4 lUo'oiook, ft. a. at bia tn CleaiBeid, fa
Clear field, fub IS-4t , Auditor.
Hr trlrtoa af aa ardor of Ih. Orokaoa' r.
of ClMrft.ld ooanij, lb. uoilereifn! A laiiniatra
lor o. eoMae to. of Ibe oat.10 -.7 f. Si Ktff-rtr,
deo'J, late of Penovllle, Pena lowoihio. CIMrS.i.i
oouott, l'a., will .all at tllic atltoa tbo ra.
' Thursday. Maroh 7th, 1878.
at 1 a'.lovk a... Iba rollowlet; d.tariaod real
tiare, rta : All to.t Mr 1.1a lot or froaa4 aita
ato la Ih. rill... or Pane. ,11.. la Pea. towoakia.
t:lrS IJ eoootjt, Po boamlod aad Soeeribod at
Mlnwt i li.',ioolo, at a .nat toraer of laropikt
raad : tbooeo oorlb aloag towaabi, mad i fMt
to aoa.i .aooro oaa. by alia; lit ImH to ootl i
tbatlee aoatb br liaa ol I. A. ru'el IHI faot to
poat thaooo weat bj tarapiht road 121 foot to
plant or oefiaaiot, oomainloi Ix-alrhtha of aa
a-Trr-, m.,r. or l.ra, oanaf m.reoa orrot.d a
Large Hotel Hutldlng,
3li(0 fool, Iwa atoriea blab, wltb kuk k.ll.lla.
a large bara aad other oatbuildlaa. A bottl it
ruw a ep. ID io. aoaaa.
Ont third of tha purehaao oaiy to ba paid at
annflrmatioa ol aalt. an I tha bil 'boa ia two tviaal
annual panitr.u, with in t trait, to at aorarao! by
wivm idu vwigage en oe preiwiia.
Oram plan II illaa. Fob. U-41. Adai'r
Valuable' Ileal Estate !
I'ndcr tbndicrtt of tbt Orphan)' Coart of Clear
field roun'y, Pft-, there will be sold at publio aalt
ai ii ftititHMVibbl., Clearfield tounty. on
Thursday, March 14th, 1878,
tbt 'Mowing desenhad Talwftbla Ktal Ettate, to
wit ;
Purpart No. . being deaeribed as followai
I Pituate ia Pike township, Clearfleld tounty, Pa4
nrginnmg ai a ntaoa oaa torner or purpart a Sot.
1 and 1 ' j thence by purpart No. I aoutb Hi de.
greet east IHI A-lu perches ta a oberry nt tbt
rivtr ; ifienot down tbe riven by ite several eourtes
and ditlatioes, at followa: South ?A degreea eaat
A & It perebat, aonth 83 degreea oust I ptrobee, -north
HI degrees oail 20 perohea, north M drgreet
taat 18 perohea, nirtb degroos eait 14 perchea,
una i oegreo em io percnes, norm jo degrees
weat S3 perohea, north I Oi degreea eaat l perches.
north Zo degreea eatt JJ2 perchea, north Ii Ar greet
mi ii pvrcaoa, una ei oegreeo neat 9 percnoa,
nortf 4 drgreet wett St perebeaortb IZi degree
weet IS perches, north 67 degreea weat St perebea,
north IVI degreea wttt 13 perches, aortb 73 dgraa
weat II I-1 u perches to a post by the rivtr : tbenot
by purpart No. )' too lb JO degrees west 71 o-lv
perches to tbt Meek oak and place of beginning.
190 4eret 81 6-10 PrrehtB,
net measure, baring 1 1 0 acres cleared and nndr r
g -od cultivation, ift aerea woodland, a large to.
mod moi boost, large new bank bara, and otbr
outtiuilJtnge,ft Inelv oeleeted Orchard of choice
fruit, having 4a new trees, wl lb aid ore hard. Tha
farm being well fenced, highly improved, nnd
si tnat e on tbt ruk of tbe Huaquebtnna rlvr.
Aleo, Hub Dl.lalod No. . Purpart No. 13.
Urecribed nt lotlowa : Situate ia tba bjrontb
of Corwentvillt aftretald. bounded bv tbt tarn
pikt end tbe river, being lttS feet front on tnt
turnptee, aud estondlng in depth lo tht Susque
hanna river, being that eertala hotel properly
known aa the "AuBouenannu Honae."
Ainu. Purpart No. l-t So much tbtrwof aa
la known aa traet anrvettd on warrant No W4.
bowaded and deaeribed aa fotlowa : rtitont t
! Pcnn towotbip, in tbe oouot.v ani Hula afurwaaid
beginning at a bemlock earner; tbenot bv land
of Jam at John ton north 80 decreet waat 37 ntr-
ehet to n hemlock t thenea north t decreet taat
121 perebea to a birch ; tbenoe north Au degrees
wtt 1 perebea lu stones ; tbenot north 2J degreea
tajt izo perenea to ft poiK tnenoa aonth w de
grrea eaat 17A pert bee lo n htm look ; ihtnea north
I drgrt t ent I It ptrcbet to n btmlosk i tbenoa
south oi d. greet eatt les perrttei to ft hemlock ;
tbenot south I degree wett V3 perchea ta n red
oak ; l banco touth 8ti degreea tat 44 ptrcbet lo a
pott ; tbenot eoq'b I degree w.ret 43 porches to
pon, inciire nottn bv aegreea weet 43 ft-lU per.
tbes lo n post s thenoo ttmtb I degrees west 227
parents to piaoa oi negtaning. eoaietaing
613 .frrr and f liciranrr.
being part of traet No. 6VA4. unimproved, having
thereon a large amount oi white pint, white oak,
brmloek an-i oth-r timber
Alan. Purpart No. 16. Con list Ing of two
separate trar-te or panwlt of land, bounded at fol.
tows: roinpeourg iraes, siiwatt in Motets twp.,
oounty and State afortaald, basinet eg at a aberrg .
nn torpplke t tbeft' t bj om tutt,tb 77 dtgreat anu
21 par a bet, tontb ft degrees eatt 21 ptfcbfea to
poat i thence north H degreea eatt St ptrobet tq
white pine then" north ft-H drgreet eaat 34
ptrebta to n p"tt i tbenen north 3AI dograoa weal
IA8 perohea to a hamloak i tbenot tontb AM da-
grrts wett i ptrthta to post; tbtnot north 4t dag.
wett 64 perches tbenoe aoutb 7(4 dog. weet U
perebea j tbenot tontb b0 degrees west 40 ptrcbeai
tbi-nea south 40 degreea eat A3 ptrobet; tbeaet
tontb i de frees west 111 perches in ft post)
thenoo south zoi aegroot oast its percnet to wt
piaee oi oeguipiog, containing
4T I eJcrc,
mora or let, being nnlmprored, underlaid wtlh
valuable veins of bitominoot eoal gnd other mm-
trals. and having thereon a large amount of white
pin, oak, hemlock and ether timber tree. Tha
intarett told being an undivided eaa-aixlh there
in. Tht otbtr thereon known a the K art batf i
traot, litaate in Kartbaqt Uornthlp(ia tba anuaty
and State ftforetald, beginning at a red "alj
(down) at the rivtr; tbenoe north II dgreas weat
13 perrbea to a bemlotk ; tbenot south 1 dgret
eatt 1 ISp erebta to poet ; tbenee north At deg weat
101 perches lo n pott; tbenot tontb 1 degrees
west tvw perches tn ft pott; Ihenot south IS nt-
greet eat 117 Perebet to ft niteh hint: tbtnre
aogtb 1 degrees wtat 12A Derobes U tbt rivtr (
tnonao down mew aortn nv otgreas west ll
parr ties. noftQ dagroe Wett fl perahet to ft
wbita pine : tbenot aoutb AS degrees oaat lift nor
obes to tn rivar: tbenot down tht rirtr bv iu
several eoartot S7T ptrobet, mort or lest, to tnt
negmotng, temtnintog
ttT 9-4 ,Urt$t
and elloweueo, nnimproved, having aqnaatltyof
wane iiae, oaa, oeraiooa ana otoer timber inert
on. The inierett to bo told bting an at divided
one-half part therein.
Aleo, Purpart No. It. Bauadad and do-'
icribed at follows r bitnate In the borough of
Corwenivillt ftloretald, begiaalag at a point on
tbe rivtr, being tba oernerof land af batbirta
Uavrtshorni tbnnoa by aaid land north It) decreet
west AO perohea tw a bletk enb i tbeaat b laad of
Joan ration nuttn ii degretawtat no l-s oerekea
to ft port tbenea by land of John Pat ton aonth
PI pvrrhet t t cmeterv street i tbenot
by taint north Ji degreea taat ? feet i tbenoe
ttutn -Vi drgreet east 269 feet ; tbenea north Awl
dritret taat llti fotti thence swath At4 decrres
rat fiv teat i iitt-ntw north i Aff '
tee, r ionrt tnucn aut aegrers eatt lti mr,
iberroe north till degrees taat 10 tVt i thcl
oalb ftlli degree east 170 feot tbenet north -
degrees eaat 00 feet t thwen aontb A0f deg reel
east sou ieec t tnenot north IU wegreot eaat 4
feet i Ihenra south iVi dr frees eatt ti9 feet t
tbeoet south I' i degrees weat 360 feeti ibeaot
aoutb tVi degreea etui lpO feel ; tbenot sontb
degree vest 470 hit l tbtnoa aoutb M tgrei
tail 60 pertbed mora or less to tba river) Uootft
uown ita same aorta xi decrees eatt u peer be a
north S4 drgreet ettl N pertute, netrth &0 degrwen
eatt it perebee, north Oi) degrees taat It par-
ebs to p tee ol beginning, eontotaing
iyif twwirTsif
mere or lett, onlmprevod. and tbt portion ol tbo
and east of tUt borough cf CurweaBvillt, not
OeMofort aold.
ailaan t-arpart Nn. 3-Bna44 aad dt-
aertaw a. a.nvwa: rttMatia ta tb aaraajth af
vurw.ntriiie aoratall, Setftaala, at a JNtiat at)
ta- vawaa. w". .a" aaaa tia.
ta. taiefeatu ut tatati tb.a:a I.
aatd aim! aoutt 301 aV.rwa wart i0 few. i
Mtaanw aire. 1 1 ibrara ar aaaa. a -ait Hi tVf.aa.
eaat 4ia (m. la parpart Na.ll) Ibwoa J tataa
aonk li S.irta. eaat ft.t atart ar lata ta lha
railroad I Ibenee kj aaid railroad trritrlt la tk,
plate of a.iaalng, auataiatag
9 .teres ant ta lfrKri,
mm at lata, keln, alaarad aad aatd w UaJ,
ralaabrt far kuiMlnt- rata.
Alaa, Par,art No, 1 l.-B.I., all tkaaa tkrt.
errtaia Iota al treaad, tttaau la Hka lawatklp,
w taa aaaatt aad Siau afar.aaid, aal.. pan af
wkal It In.) at t'W tile iattlaatat," ajad kaad
ed aad dtcilad at kllowti Onettatrtuf aaraaW
a aooaa, braaula oa tba aaatb k.r a,
oa ika wtt kj a etrtot, oa4a aoalk k, aaali.,,
aad aa Ik. aa.t at rat af , ktla, it tarj
front aad lull taat da.,. Tka otkee iwa ik.raof,
tHjuialBf aaek oik aad aaa btrla, boa,,
tkaraos araatad, ko.ndad aa Ika Sortk kj ttrari,
... via, .j ru, oi , ob taa taatb at
ta allrt, aad ... Ike eaat bt atreat, aaiaa aatk IS
tnt Iroal aad 1st feat drop.
In purpart. I. lar I wo tr ar aanela at plara.
of laad tr tola, th. pitcra ar p.reila will at ot,.
ed Irtl eenwtalr, aad lb. tocetker, and tokl
la Ika ttoda la, whkh tka fill brie, ika racH
ajoner. - v . . .. !
Oaahlrd ar (bt pwrahaia aaaa to mala
ebar,ed apoa the preaalaet, lo.ther with Ib. la
araal thtraof, ta ka aaid to tha widow, aaaaallr,
during bet llfo, la be aaeartd kj retoKBlaeaaa,
wtlk ,o.mJ aad taflifllaBl taretiat, toBdiiaiB for
th. p.raaent of tka lateretl, aaaaallr, ta lha
widow, Jana P. Irtla, daring ker aataral llf,
aad lha principal aaaa la tba partite entitled
Iherwto at bar Oaa lhlrd to ka paid apM
oondrm.llo, af aalt, aad Ika aalaaerla two
tBBatl ptjutala, wlk icer..!, lo aa ...ired ii
bond and mtrlfagt a. tbr pr.mK.t-' lad ti b,
taoh portion, aa ara, prlaclptU, for tba
timber, ao litnhet ah all ba cat wilboat Ir.t leak
ing acpllcaliga o tba Court, aod tiring euak ad
ditional eerarll; far tka aayataat af laa dafarrad
parekata BOaer aa Ike Caart eball apprara Mt)
dlreei, er aatll ,nw the whole ar lht parehai
onet ba pail, .
Percheerrt, .pot parfela being katrkH d-.wa
lo tkeat, will ba required la pat aa aa anoaal is aatat tka aapaaae at rafale la tka
mat Iter d Mt, wttk Ut taeaat af aala.
Tblt aaaoaal I ka sllawad aa Bat oaat bid, If
terwt ata tacpllad wlia.k ,
CletrfaM, Fa, Fek. IS-dt. TraaHt.