tf.3..,Urt 4 Column. I . Uttl Coi Column. REPUBLICAN. Wanted. 60.000 railroad tics, at A. A. G. Kramer & Co. want 60,000 rail road ties. Ju. Mf, James McMurray view of residence and iter. A. Bates resldeoo and surroundings. BBAlirOBU tow a SUIT. David Forcey view af homestead, with sur roundings, and farm aoeao. oaxaawooo TOWXBBir. gaitroatU, tx drfrtisfmrntB. grw di'irtUrmittti. 0. Kram.r C'b, Clrfl.ld. P.. jaa. If. BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. Book Lout I I, some time ago, MBad lb. Id a eluM of P.ina', aouplata work. Spring gooda arriving In Clearfield, at Fleet. Co. Closing Out Salo. Ex. Mall. Mall. Kip. r. a. a. a. W bMaV-t'.flt.. a .Win. .' T.08 8.30 leave Tyrone arrive 8.10 ,tir2, , stt.rt' m;m lU'.'SA, :iia lAro o. s.os T.4l .m;a ".n r.Wi " fmum mt WEDNESDAY MOKMINO, FED. JO, 1878. Terms of Subscription. If paid ia ad.aiiee.or within thro month s...$J Of II jiaid fUr lbro aad before ill nonihs... S 0 If paid aftrr the aspiration of six aonhU... I 08 mm-Krnn. B. M. J'aTTiaaiLL A Co., H ew" I m r Adrertiiing A genu, 17 Park Row, aomtr Uerkmau Street, ara our duly authorised dcat In Nw York City. HULIGIOU NOTICES. Mrlhodlat Episcopal CharcD RaT. J. 8. Mt Mcmur, iior. SrTlee Try flabbalb Mill A.M., and 7 P. M. Sabbath Bnhool et ti A. i. Prayer Meeting etory Thursday, at Ti P. M. Co in p union Harf tea, nnt Sabbath af every month, at lt A. H. M eat If artlcld M. K. Chuff ta.--l.eT WiktUM H, Dill and W. S. Witaoa, Pastors. Preaching every alternate Kunday, at 1 ocioci, P. M. .Sunday School at Ji, P. M. All ara in vited to attend. PresM trrlan Church Ret. II. 8. Botlbk. 8i.hl.aih aervlces morning and evening Sab bath School at 1 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes day evening. Ht. fraud. Church Catholic Re?. P. J.tiBiRiDAM. Preaching et I Of) o'clock, A.M., on the first, third and fourth Sundays of eaeb month; Veapera and ltenedlolien oftbe B leased Sacrament nt 7 o oloea, r. at. -cunaay ocaoo. every o afternoon at 8 o cloak. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. timb or aoLPina qoartm ibmiori ooont. Pceood Monday of January. Third Monday ef March. Fltft Monday af June. Fourth Monday of September. Tim. or loLDiao conuon fliai. First Monday of Jane, (second Monday of November. rriLio orricaaa. Prttidcnt JWya Hon. Charlef A. Mayer, of Lock Haven. Aitamt Lmm .n f -. I on. Juba H. Orvii, of Uellcfonte. Aitoeinu J(tgetAhrta Ogtlen, Clearfield; Vincent II. Holt, Clearfield. Protkomotary Eh Bloom. Htgiittr and Rtordr L. J. Morgan. Jiflrtel Attorney Win. M. McCulloogb. TrcoiMrerwDaTid McUangbay. Shtriff Andrew Fenti, Jr. ItyMfg Sktriff Chrlet. J. Keaggy, Clearfield. County Sunt par Bam uel F. MoCloakey, Cur- Count Commissi oner Clark Brown, Clear field i Thomas A. Mod, Cheit P. 0.; Hatrii Hoover, Clearfield. Count Auditor William V. Wright, Clear field ; Bemud A. Caldwell, Williemif rove J John 1 rnnmr. Hum lid. County VoronorJ. B. Naff, New Washington. Uonmttitonert ur. jamee r. uurvu .., Clear tied, Joseph Alexander, Madera, Suprinttndnt of Public School John A flrevor. Curweniville. Xtaforof Weiyhf A jVeo JeieW . Carl I la, ome at Troatviiie, re. JVotoriM Public John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra drbaugh, Cyrua Uordon, Clearfield; Joaepk K. Irwin, N. E. Arnold, t'nrwenst ille J. J. tingle, Oaoeola Mills j J. A. Livingstone, DuBols City. Our StHctal column la decidedly Interesting tu a lueal point of view, and profitable reading to outsider wbe want to ear money. New Goods at Klei-lt k Cu.'b more. Now embroideries the cheapen, in !.:, t (fan Uee Ilive. Ieti20-8t. The Hiiall-pox is abating at Ilunltng- diii, ai.d I ht Ctiurrhra bate again been opened. . - - - - (io anil boo tho "Molly iluguires," n Pie's Opera IIuie, noit Saturday evening. ltev. Win. II. Dill will preaeh at "Wolf Run Scbf ol House next Sunday afternoon, February Jltb, at S o'clock. Cyrus Uordon, Kq.f wa8 confirmed ty the Htate flenal, on Thursday last, as Notary J'ublle for Clcai field borough for a tern ef three 5 ears. Porter Kinporta had been appointed Poitmaaler at Orant post office, In lodtaoaaounty, better known to many of our readers as the Cherry tree. . - Wm. C. Arnold, Ksq., of Curwens ville, thia aouoty, was, an motion of lion. George A.Jenbs.on furaday of laat wetk, admitttd to ptaotaea In the teverel Courts of Jefferson county. In town uyuin tho "crcat Chiquita cigar." For aale at Jcho A. block's, CleejfcfldJ The manufacturer guaranlaea this cigar to be better now than ever. febl8-Sw. Sheriff Pent takes up a portion of our tbie wetk with bit periodical real estate ales. Tba Sheriff is an extensive dealer et pres ent, wbieb is all brought about by the extrava gance and corruption of Radical rule. - -, . , , i Our townsman, lion. Win. C. Foley, ha l been confined to his residence for some time ith a stvtre attack of erysipelas Id the feoa. .lie Is now improving, however, and will, we hope, tbo able to be about again in a few days. um " - - The Fair and Festival for tbe bene fit of tho Curweosrilla Presbyteries Sabbath School, held at CnrwensvUle on Frida) and Satur day of leit voakfWas a auocass, the entire receipts Amounting to two hundred end thirty dollars. mm Three pairs of fox vara were pre sented to Trrarurer Metlaughsy last Sat ui day morning, fur the purpose of procuring tbe bounty, ('poo esnminaifon mly una pair proved to be genoinr, ibe other two pairs having been manu factured out of tbe bide of the animal Tbe Treasurer wee not " taken in " by tbe tritk. From the lata report of tho officers of tbe Western Penitentiary wa learo that Clear field county bar now tra prisoners In that insti tution. The tort of our county for maintaining lrr prisoners in tbe penitentiary daring U7T was tl.Ul 08, while the value of labor done by them wee Is::!. 57, leaving a balance ef I23S.A8 to be pulj l-y the county. a a i Hall Dedication. -Tho new Hull at bnlJois Ciiy, this county, of No.vJI, I. O. O. P., will ht dedicated by fl. B. Boyer, (lrand Matter of the (lrand Lodge of Peon'a., next Monday evening, the IMh Inst. A tlmitrd session of the flraod Ledge will also be held on thla occasion. It Is aspeett-d that (lrand Secretary Nicholson will be prevent and deliver an address. A tSiiABT Old Man. A writer in the roller Jtmmat says that Mr. John Parsing, of Wrat Branch, was 88 yeara old on the 4tn day of last October. Sloce that time he has busked 400 bushels of corn and tb reined I IS bushels of grain (rya end tats), dug 40 bushels of potatoes, got out the splints and bittomed 18 chairs, aaJ out 10 cordl of wood, besides other line II Jeba and xborei On Friday night, tho 8th instant, ' Rev. A. J. Carney, lilabop and Street Preacher," as be signed himself, took lodging at the Central Hotel, la York, Pa., and retired. He was Mind -on tbe taiurday morning following Ijlngoo the bed la a deep sleep, and It took eomideraMe effort to rouse hla. Physicians decided that be had taken awrhine, aad ha was ftnt lo the hos pital, where he dUd Sunday morning. " Bishop" Carney t tailed this place abuul two years ago. um Tho cases of tbe Union Hardware Company, of A I toon a, and T. J. Fries, against 4b I'a. Hail road Company, terminated Is tbe tllair C-QOty Cnirt, at llollidajeburg, last flat suday a woak. The Hardware Company claimrd $1,70 damegaa for loss of goods, and Mr. Fries fV90 for honseUld g.ods, shifiprd ta Hontadale, tid dettroyrd In oars standing on a siding at Oseeola during the groat fire la May, 187a. Tba Jury returned a verdict of 11,1-1 for the former, and 1.100 fr Mr. Files, being just one-ibird of tba amoutts claimed umt m A spec inUesH ion of the Grand Lotlge f I. O. O. t. of Prnarjlveaie will be held at I'hillpibarg, Pa , oa Friday ef next week, March 1 at, at t o'cloja a. ., fur tb parpuse af admitting Test (Iran i to aambetebip in tbe (lrand Lodge. A oaosien of tbe tobordiaate Lodge nil) ha held In tbe evoaing, whleb will be devoted to Impart ing instruction la tb unwritten work af the Order, (lrand Master 8. 8. Byer and ether offlcers of (he (lrad Udge will omctata. All members f (ha Ordtr la good standing are cor dially In t Led to visit Pbillpaburg Lodge aad be preeeat oa this oewaatun. m .... -. II ion wat lion bert. From the Reaoldtville Arwlat, of the ltik last., w glean the following partiralaia af a daring highway robbery nejvjilteJ aa Sunday mora I eg, iho 10th Inst , In the wood, near Kramer City, the new ail to an ia J ef . cmmi j.arar the Clearfield ouaaty iin. Mr. W f, a ape!, kit tteynoldsvllla early aa UemotaiagertW It k last, for Kramer City, and whrn la the ds sbeia alUilml to, he was mat hj a waa aha demand) hie moay Mr. W.,lf t rst dealieed ta bet,d ovor hi perse, at, after a short Straggle, he a as forced ta band ver bis pursa, which lard ore huadrrd and twenty Ave dollars, aad ha was iaea atlvwad ta go oa hi nay. Mr. W. was pratty ruughly haadled, but am aoi lajarad ta aa eit The robber Is anknows. A CJood Haul. Sheriff HtifHvr, of Bleir county, shipped prlsoarrs to tbe Western Penitentiary on Thursday laat, A pretty good ead-off for little Blair. By shipping a few more ear-loads between this and November the Democrat will elect tbelr whole ticket In thnt eounty. ... ., m a mmi T.iut nf InHitra mmnlnintr itnoltiimml ...... .wvVV.- p, la the PoatoOoe at Clearfield, for tho weak ending February 18, 1878 I Adam Dickson. Qrafflna Enclish. Andrew dross, Wax. W. Mg Govern, 0. or J. Nar, Ueorge k. I'rlse, w. n. Hi play. P. A. Oauliji, P. M. um a mm Quite A Youth. Tho Tyrono Dano- erai eay i A friend la Janes villa tends m the dimension of a youth la that teetlon who presents a remarkable strange git up" short la stature but desperately wide out, and for his length considered a heavy weight. Walter Me Causlin Is 13 years of eg aad rite to the belgbth of but 8 feet I Inches, yet measures 41 Inche around the breast and weighs 82 pounds. mt e - AanEBTED for M uniiKR. John lircn- aaa, mlim Corley John, the Reb," was arrested at Hootidale, this county, by Capt. f homes B. Clark and Offioer Joe Uiggias last Friday morn ing. Brennaa Is said to belong to the notorious gang known as tb "Mollle Meguiree," and Is wnnted la Schuylkill county for the murder of Patrick H. Burns, a mine boss, at Tuscarora, In that county, oa the loth of April, 1870. The prisoner wa taken to Pott iv ille la the afternoon. - Overboard. The failure ot Peter Uerdfo, of WUIiatnsport, Is tho lest "big thing out." Th Bcnntr says : " It Is estimated by reliable aad well-informed parties that Mr. Her- dic's liabilities will exceed a million and a half of dollar. So much af his property bes been re cently transferred, and bo much Is covered by mortgagee that It Is bard to (ell bow much the assets ara worth." If Peter does not come out right, on his own side, nobody etss need try the same gamf. The Old Plan. C'culro county col lects her Isxes on tbe old plan tbe Collectors are appointed by the Couoty Commissioners. Last year the Board assessed $4t,l&S.3 j tbe outstand ing tax la the bends of Collectors was 857,381.58. The outstanding tax In our oounty Is $20,643.48, whils the amount assessed was 836,478. SI. Oar Constables rtHuctd tbclr tax hill $5,000 ; the Collector of Centra county Mccnaesl tbelr out standing debt I'i.OUQ. Now, which Is tbe best pier. not for tbe Collectors for tbe tax-payer f Leonard Graded School. Tho fob lowing is tbe Roll of Honor of the Leonard tlraded School for the month ending Feb. 11th, 1878: Willie Adams, Jennie Uigler, Willie Bridge, Minnie Brldce.Elotr BleltenberaTcr.Victor Uuina- burg, Maud Uearhart, II u tun Hartswicb, Linie Hariswtok, Mara llowa, Marina Kennarn, Har vey Liddell, Lois Weliaugbey, Alooso McLeod, Edith McCullough, Mary Powell, Agnes Row, Jennie Hbaw, Nannie Sbaw, Irvin bhaw, Dove Thompson, Ida Thompson, W. C. Tatr, Willie Taylor, Pmton Wilson. Kin in a Worrell, Willie Watson, Emma Watson, Ruth Weaver. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, da alev Beaoseignenr, Jamas Hurehfield, Ella Carson, Louis Kndress, Ueurg Fullord, lluirb Uaohn, Mary B Huston, Henry Kubn, Desst Lucas, Mary McUaugbey, Ida Ogdeo, Minnie Row, Maud trackman, John Taylor, Hob t White- I bill, A. K. Wright. B. C. Vol huhax, I frincipal. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. At a special meeting of tbe Clearfield County Modical Society, fatld at Clearfield, Pa., Febru ary 18th, 1871, the following resolutions relative to the death of Dr. R. V. Wilson, late a member of the Society, were adopted Wbebbas. It has pleased Ood, In His All wis Providence, lo remove from our midst, after a prolonged and painful itinera, ti. V. WiUon.M. v., an esteemed fitend and co-laborer, whoa untiring seal and devotion to lb profession of bis choice eminently fitted bin fur a counselor and friend ; whoaa snorts as a scholarly physician lo fettp himself well-read in the progreas of medical science j and whose modesty aad faithful observ a oca to sluieal honor, to respecting toe rift tits aad leelings ot ot tiers, gained mm tne btgn re gard of the numbers ol this boeiety ; therelure, Httolmtd, That in tbe death of Doctor Wilson lie Sex-leiy bas sustained aa irreparable loss, aud, while bowing to tho tiupreui will, It bas to lament a valued friend, a wise counselor, and one who promptly Oiled tbe place where duty called. Rttvd, That tbe medical profession has been deprived of a member whose culture, eltaiuuieots aad acknowledged ability secured for him a high place among those who adorn aed elevate it. feeoved, That we sorrow at bis loss lo com mon with his family, and extend to then our heartfelt sympathies, and ia oferlng our oondv- trust inat tbey may hate the latin to rest on tbe Arm which alone eaa sustain in snch an hour of affliction. Yeeowd, That a copy of these resolutions be placed on tbe records of the Society, sent to tbe laaily of tbe deceased, and published In the eounty paper. J. U. Hartbwick, M. D-, r. BunmriKLD, M D., D. 0. CaoL'CH, M V., II. B. Van Valiah, M. D., Committee, Secretary. For Ibe RarosLicAR. OBITUARY. Dr. R. V. Wilsea U dead. Ha expired at bis resideBoe la this borough, at 1 o'clock oa Wndoe day morning, th 13tb instant After a protract ad illaaaa and much suffering, nnd while sur rounded by tb members of bis family and other relatives aad friends, be drew bis last breath without a struggle, and bis spirit took Its flight ta that " boara wboaoe no traveler re tarns." Although It bed been known for some days (hat his able physicians bad abandoned all hope of his recovery, still (he news of bis death earn upon this community with a depressing and saddening influence tbat showed its effect on every face. Be sides (he respect and affection so universally en tertained for him, every one felt tbat a heavy loss had be fa Ilea Society. Dr. Wllsoa ranked with the Brat men la Ibis section of th State as a man of talent, intelligence and polite accomplishment. In hi profession be bad attained to marked eminence and was held la (ha highest esteem by the medical profession, not only la this locality, but ia many parts of the Stale, and especially by soeb eminent men as Dri, Gross and Paneoit, of Philadelphia. This high appreciation was manifcited mainly by th fre quent calls that were made upon him fir bis opin ion and ad vie ia oases of rare difficulty la the Una of his prolessiua. At tbe time of hi death be was a member of the Geological Commiislua, created by aa act of the Legislature, Sme year since, lo perfeot (he geo logical survey of (he State. Tbe duties ef this trust were peculiarly soiled ta his taste aad In lelleot, sad bis aseoalales very toon became Im pressed with bis rare Stars for the station, which impression they did not hesitate lo express. While la the social world Dr. Wilson's maa- aars were peeallarly genial, bis will was alto gether his own, and at limes It became Inexora ble. Th opinion be expressed on any question of medicine, oinoe, moral, or politics, was Strictly bis own. Trealieg the views of others with respect, be followed none. He was a close reader and thinker, and made out his own con- clBsioas i and, whilst be was aot wanting In po litical ambition, be could not restrain his contempt for the low meaos too often resorted to by many to gaio politloal prefer meal. To (hat farling be would give utterance, though tba efleot should be lo defeat bis own chances of success. He seemed ia- oapabl of accepting political preferment at Ibe sacrifice of his owa tastes or opinion. lie made a pretention aa a public speaker, and yet la the school and other a. id reins which he occasionally delivered, he abowod a pur taste aad liberal reeding. Ia short ha was a maa of clear, keea latelleet, and of very baadsome at- tatamrats ta all departments of life. Ia his in tercourse amoogst mea, his friendships were an fallering, whilst his averstea ware exceedingly etardy j but aa tba whole bis heart was full of geaeroslty aad kindness. The aathor ef (be line has repeatedly beard from Ibe Hps of the late Dr. Wilsea sentiment which, for pangeaoy aad power, would look well ia any of our standard works oa mojicrae ar politic. He was, durlrg tba latter part of bis life, a member of th RpleeopiUbaroh ta good steading, nnd as a husband and father hi Ufa was lovely aad faaltlass. Th loss of a favorite oa, a boot a year since, Hived t ahow t this whole com munity bow strong were bis attachments and ho tender his affections as a parent. He wa bora at Rprlag Mills, Centre county, Pa., la October, IMS. He studied medleloe with Dr. Robert Vea Vals.k, at Millhelm, Ceatr ecus ly.and graduated at Jefferson Medical Colli gs la 1841. The fellow m yeai- be determined to eater opoa th be t tie af lit la the pre t toe of h!a pro fisoB, aad ia aurvaaa f lal dft'ermineiioa, with lb asual equipage of jomtg phateuns, l kfl (be bamestead at Spring Mills for tbe village ef Curweasville, Clearfield eeuaty, aad la IhM he 1 removed from there to Clearfield, where he spent tb remainder ef his days. Ia 1881 he wa mar ried te Miss Carrie Smith, death lev ef Jaslah W. Health, a! this ptaaa. H dted tb father of sevea children, all af wham ea aaa, ay icj fheir ale tieaate mother, kow laeseat kts 4at. , Paaee la tbe eshae ef Robert Van Valiah WUsob ! a a Cumme, Pa7 Feb. la, 1S7I. Firnt Spring sooda of tho season at Fleck A Co. s onterpiising fanoy. dress and dry goods store, Market St., Clearfield. JaolQ-tf. - m - Salt ! Lyllo has just rocoivod an- otter lot of tine salt, largeal stiea lwiuea anoas, A&imftclu 4. an be bad at two dollars ajr,1 Itemeniber that Dytlo is County Agent for Lorrillard's Tobacco, nod oan sell them at factory price. They are the beet tobaooes In market. Try them. , aw i Wanted I 1,000 cords of Hemlock aad Rock Oak Bark, for which wa will pay tbe highest market price. Jylltf. A. 0. K nam an A Oo. At tho Kgpum.iCAN ofllco is tho placo to getyour job work done. We are fully prepared to do anything In tbe printing lino, will dolt well, and at the right kind of prions. tl. m mm Sudden changes of tho weather are productive of throat diseases, oonghe and aoldj. There Is no more effectual relief In these diseases to be fouud than lo tba timely use of Ilasson's Compound Syrup of Tar. Bold in Ckarflcld by Hart i wick A Irwin and 0. D. Watson. mm a i - T. A. Fleck has jut returned (rem Philadelphia, and in a few days Fleck A Co. will be receiving at their store room (la Graham's brick building), Market street, a nice line of whit goods and hand same embroideries, which will be sold cheap for cash. Call and so tho new Spring goods and Spring sty! at Flrok A Co. 'a. janHO. mm mm A Fact. An advertisement inserted la tbe KKPeeUcAM will reach mora readers than If published In all the other paper la th coun ty, and cost (he advertisei lea than one-half In othor words, an advertisement published In our Journal la worth double tbe price of that charged by any othor publirher ia tbe county. "Ills a fact." tf. Clearfield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freight sent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for (he week eodlog Feb. 9, 1878, and the same time last year : COAL. For tbe week Same time last year VON. . IM77 - 10,888 Previously during year Same time last year Increase Total In 1878 Sane time last ytar Decrease otubs rnaioHTa. Lumbar , Miscellaneous freight , 90,180 87,708 110.088 107,482 304 ..100 cars. .. 88 The Dundelion and MundiaUo Pills were first compounded in 1867. I waa very much troubled with airk headache, or bilious bendaobe atd constipation ; oonld find nothing to help me until tbe a bote pills were finally made to answer the purpose, by stimulating the liver to healthy acliou and regulating the svsiem generally, lly taking on ol these pills every night for several days the difficulty was removed. They are made from concentrated et tracts of roots and herbs, carefully prepared, aad do not gripe. One or two jf tlit as (aken on an empty stomach will cur a sick neadacue to one nour : also, liver com plaint, biliousness, constipation of Ibe bowels, and mduce a well-regulated action of the liver, by continuing them for ten or more days, as Ibe case may require. Tbey are sugar coatt-d, and contain no oaloiuel or oilier mineral substance lo junous to tbe most delicate woman or child. D. L. B 1. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusrllle, Pa, Price 25 ets. per bug. Bold in Clearfield by C. D. Watson, and Herts wick A Irwin, druggists. Academy of Mlhic TheMollie M guira Combination, with their varied attractions of plots, combats, humor, satire and realistic sea satfon, continues lo draw fair bouses, and to pleas hugely those who attend. The Hon. Ber nard McTurk, es given by Mr. Ed. Lynch, mljjbt srrva a a model fr nine politician, not n bun drcd miles from home, who have risen from tbe position of bod carrier to be "Tbe frind oftbe dwn-trodJen wurkin1 man." Wa advise our readers to tjko In this sensation. It contains Some good scenes and sharp bit at prevailing opinion, Bffuh AVprest. The atove mentioned troupe will piny a drama stilled " Molly Magulres ; or, Tho Black Dia mond of Haielton," ia Pie's Opera House, Clear field, next Saturday evening, February 21d. This drama gives a beautiful and life-like description of tb scenes and Inoidsnla connected with that ancient secret Older during (he coal miners' Irlke la Pennsylvania. Admission, 85 cents . Reserved seals, 60 cools. Doors open el sevea o'clock ; performance to eommenc at tight. THE CLEARFIELD COUNTY ATLAS. In a lal Interview with Mr. Newton, th Su perintendent, w learn that the work In the vari ous departments of our Clearfield County UUtorl cal Alias progresses favorable. Maoy of our ellitena have had sketches taken of their resi dence, farms, business houses, mill, factories, etc., as may he seen in tb Hat whleb accompa nies this articl. It is important tbat every improvement, whether Jublio or private, should be properly represented, ur sister counties hav shown to their best ad vantage by tbe many elegant lithographs which so fully indicate their material resources and tba slrp forward they have taken on tbe road lo com mercial importance. Our eiliten should see lo It Hint Clearfield County la not behind in having Ita Improvements fircperly represented. The opportunity of sccur ng a view of our homes, river scenes, ebumhes, Ac, will not occur egain for many voara. It Is heartily desired by all that the work In the view depart men t may be so comprehensive (hat the 1 ilustrnltd portion of Ibe Atlas may fairly repre sent tbe improvements of the eounty ; and to do Ibis, our farmers, lumbermen and merchants must not stand aloof. This feature ol the Atlas is both ernnmental and useful, and is second to no oilier section of tb work. Messrs. MrKirsoa and Mann are now calling upon the citisens in the various townships, nod on their return we hope to hear a favorable rt-purt of our people's liber ality and public enterprise. Extra copies of the engravings ara furnished those who bare views taken, which rnnblea the owners to bava these pictures of their homes encased in frames, or send them to tbvir friends residing la other part of lb country. Tho fol lowing are tb names of sotn of our eitlietis who have already contracted to have views of tbelr homes and buildings inserted in lh Atlas. CLBABriKI.U. Hon. William Uigler Residence and lawn. Judge U. R. Barren reii'li no and office. O. II. U ood lender residence and interior view if printing otlice. Judge J. II. McEtially-reslJei lire J, t), McEnallv reslJeoco and sur rouudiitgs. H. J. Row A Son front and Interior view of printing ofhoo. 8. J. Kow residence. A. B. hit aw residence and surroundings. James B. Uraham residence, bank block aud othor buildings, Richard Hbaw rati den ce, mills and surround ings, including the West (.Win id fair grounds. Leonard O railed School building and surrouad ings. Ueorge Thorn re si dense and surrounding. A. J. Logu "residence and surroundings. Frank Fielding res id t no and grounds. W, M. Hhum residence and ground, James Kerr -insurance ofbo. Dr. J. P. Durchiicld residoao and offlttc. Ct'B WlaRVILLB. Hoa. John Pat ton residence and farm Been. Mis Annie M. Irvin, view or the John Irvin etiaie property, ensting of mills, lumber and ratting scenes on the Husquehanna river. K. If. Braiaard Interior view of printing office E. A. Irvin view oftbe Irvin homestead. RBAhr Towxaair. Daniel Uoodlander hotel, store, and farm seen. Erastos Luther realdeno and farm seen. Reuben II. Moore roaideooe aad swrroandings. Moore A Hamiltot stor at Lnthersburg. Major Martin H, Luiher residence and farm Ken. Dr. Rruba V. Spackman residence and office. J. II. E1 1 ngcr residence end store. David Reams residence, aaw mill, timber and sairoundlngs. J. 11. toeyler resident and farm aoene. Joaepb S. Hey Ur pottery works, residence and surroundings. John Reams residence aad farm scene. J. W. Corp reeidence and farm eokne. Ktia Riabel reatdeo and suroraading. U. M. Thompson resilience and arm soon. Keaiah Pvlllhwai( reetdeaeeaad I arm aeoae. Charles Marshall residence, oabinet shop and surrouodings. Uwi B. Carina-. view of caw mi:i, shingle mill aad surroundings. SBLL TOWNSHIP, II. U. Mcfle A Bro. homestead, mill, other building and surrounding soeuery. 11. L. McUeo reaidenoo, aaw mill, school bouee, river view and surrounding. Juiee McUeo rosidrooe, old Mcllee home stead, ether buildings aod serrotindlng farm view. Angus Miller residence and surroundings. J. W. Metis residence, Haw Mill, surround ing soeaery. and Interior view or Ha M ill. John F. Lee residence and surrounding. Robert Meaaftey view of reaideaoe, aharob, Other building and surroundings. James Meneffey residence, river view, aad aurruauding furr acea, stiBBBiaa was a i. Horaaa Paten in residence, ajills. store, tbr halldings, rlvor view, Ac, Jack son I'a tenia store, resides aad ur touadings. A. W. Patch la rsldaeo, rlvor view and sur round Inge. John C. Conner reldae and stor. Mrg Pat "h iu rosidaaaa aad eunvwndlnga. V. Tonkin mldanct, river view and sur round lag. John Ktag-rsldB0 aad surrounding. aiL.u our. P. 8. Weber-interior view of dry goods store. Long A Brady interior view of hardware store. J. Emerson view of Ceutrei Hotel. John DuBoi Residence, mills, othar build ing and surroundings. John Ruubarger residence and grounds. K. Kuuts City Hotel building. JORDAN TOWBHBIP. MaJ. D.W.Wise residence, other buildings! farm view, ft aa Townsuir. Joseph M. Spencer view of mill. lawbincb TowasntP. A. 0. Ogden residence, farm view and mill. Mrs. Elisabeth Carr residence and surround ing. Hamuel Fullcrton residence and farm view. Clark Brown residence and farm view. Leander Denning residence aad farm view. Hon. A. 0. Tate farm residence and surround ings. AbrAm Huinpkrcv Realdeno nnd farm view. oaiBotA aoaouoii. George M. Brisbln resident and lawn. D. R. U ood residence and lawn. ii at ox TOWHSBIP. II. F. llarley residenoo nnd farm scan. Joseph Seyler residence and farm soene. James Anderson hotel end blaoksmith shop. William Welly residence aud farm. rut Lira una. Jatne Paaamore Hotel and bent. Albert Owen reside n oa and banking-room, And many others. Specials ; Fins abii OrsTKR. D. W. Jordan hn on hands, daily, FRESH FISH, which be will deliv er to customers in any part of tbe town. Also, FRESH OYSTERS received every day, and for aale by tba pint, quart ar gallon. Price low. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 16, Id 'J,. WARvxn. Soma easily learned person or Artist to manufacture Lumen's Patbmt Milk Cabvas Plt-Taas la (hi oounty. oo Royalty. Painted from photographs or any picture, and is Ibe Finest Oil Painting made. Before the territory is tai en J will paint pictures 8x18 fur SI0 and warrant them for life. Every person should have on, a uu ratniings on uauva are me oniy pictures that will stand th test of time, and can be bsndod down to posterity. Particulars free. L. T. H 1 11 Kit, Not. T, HTMy. Corry City, Pa. On a Hitbubbd Pan, Disooukt on Old Pbicsi. Sewing Machines oan now bo purchased at Alerrell s (in nod variety store, from sia up' wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired oa tne shortest not toe. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. BtiaatB Fob Balb. R. Newton Knaw keeps a full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform W.... 1... ..I. T.. k u. . i Ik. tH,a,mm II mi.. yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn sy Irani a. Wahtbd 1100,000 tft-lncb abaved shingles to average from 6 to 6 inches for whiuh we will pay tbe highest market prloe. A. U. Kbahbb A Co., Clearfield, Pa. 4 a vent it mm. In our style or climate, with Its suddon changes of temperature, rain, wind and sun shine on en inierutingifia in a single (lay, it n no wonder that our children, friends and rela tives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed eolds, half tho death resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of Boseue' Herman Hvrup, kept about your bom for immediate us will prevsnt serious sickness, a largo doctor's bill and perhaps death, by the us of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any dueas of tb Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonderful, your druggist will tell you. Ger man Syrup is now sold in every town and village on Ibis continent. Sample but ilea fur trial, 10 cents. Regular si is, 75 cents. For sale by 0. D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa May 33, 1877-eow-ly. I'oh .Tfu.if Cure that Cotiff. With Hhiloh'a Consumption Curoyov can ear yourself. It ha astablisbcd th fact (bat Con sumption au be cored, while for Coughs, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all diieases of Throat and Lungs, it ia absolutely without aa equal. Two dose will relieve your child of Croup. It Is pleasant to take aud porfeotly harmless to the youngest child, and no mother can atlord to bo without it. You can use two-thirds of a bottle aod if what w aay ia not true we refund the price raid. Price 10 eents, 80 cent and $1 per bolt I, f your lungs are sore, or chest or back lame, use Shiloh'B Porou Plaster. For eala by all drug gists of Clearfield. Hare you Dyspepsia, are )ou Constipated, have yob a Yellow 8km, Lues of Appetite, Head Ache. If to don't fall te use Ml 1 1,0 11 8 ,'VoTKM VI TALIZER. It I guaranteed te relieve you. and will you continue lo suffer when youToan b turod on sucn terms as t ties a. Price 10 at, and 7a cts Bold by all druggists of Clearfield. Will', Paraiag P.rfnm., DARtMGTACK," it rich acd fragrant. Try It. Bold by all drog lm of Cle.rll.ld. di.i,'77 aownm. Dliirrirl At the residence of D. D. Corsoa, on Sunday, Feb. 3d, 178, by J. p. Fry, E-q., Mr. Jaeob Pontlco and Miss Clara Hunderlla, all of Clear field county. At tb Baptist parsonage In Ansonville, on Thursday, Feb. lttb, 1878, bv Rr. K. C. Baird, Mr. Wm. L. Wis and Miss Olivia Mukl, both of Knox township, Cloartteld county, gird. At bis home in Clearfield, Pa , after a lingering illness, on Wednesday morning. Fob. 13th, IHT8, Robert Van Vajsah Wilaoa, M- l., in lh 60tb ytar of his age, " Ha shall enter Into peace.". -Isaiah Ivii, S. CLEAEFIELD MARKETS. Clrarpiblp, Pa February 19, 1178. Flour, per cwt , $3 70 Buckwheat Flour, per cwt 8 00 Cora Meal, per cwt 1 00 Chon. rve. iter cwt 1 Ad Chop, miied, per cwt ....m . 1 (l nran, per cwt i Wheat, per buahal M 1 40 Rye, per busbol 76 Oat, ncr baahel aa Cora, oars, par bmhel 30 Uuckwbeat, per bushel 76 Potatoes, per bushel 40 Apples, per bushel 40 to 100 Hams, per pound 16 onounier, per pound..., 10 Dried Beef, per pound 18 Chiokens, par pair 40 Butter, per pound .,... 80 Eggs, per doien 15 Bait, per sack, large 3 00 Coal Oil, per gallon 28 Lard, per pound . 12$ pried Apples, per pound 8 Dried I'i aches, per pound H 12 Beans, per bushel ,., 1 60 $ailroails. PenuNylrmila Itailrond TVRONK I CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and aft.r M.adaj, JIKB !, l17,lb. l'a.,.iiK.r Train, will run dail l.a.,i,l Kan. J.J.) Inl.m, a. (ullow,. CLEARKIRLD MAIL. W. C. l.wia, Conductor. 1 LKAVH BOIITII. LKAVB NO RT H . Carw.narlll., Cl.arl.ld ..I ll), r. -I SO, " Trron. V.aacufo. Snminlt , .I, Ionard,..... .I.IK, .I.4S, " .143,, Wonill.nd rowelton, OhmI.... 10.10, " .lo.Jo, " nil.r ..4.01, Urijnton, ...... .10.27, " n Hla. Hall,..., Urariara Fhiliit.hara. ,4.1 1, ' r3l.ln.r , Pbilipabnrg., Uranata lilu. 11.11,., Bilw .. Wuodlabd,.... .10.11, " .I0.J8, " . 10.14, .10 ,0, .III.H, .11.011, .11.17," .11.16," .11.11," ...4 18, .,4.l, " ..4.J2, " ,..4 . " -4.4J, ..4.47, .4.68, ...!, " ..J.S4, " ..1.00, Htaln.r'. Uovnton Oiotola I'o.alto.,. . HNraall, Vann9oro,H Tjron. Ilarntt, Launard Cl.ard.ld C.n.n,Tlll.., 11.40," .11:01, r.I CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATION. W. 8. Pl.rj.HB, Cnnd.etor. l.KAVEHOI'Tll. LKAVg NORTH. Curw,.vlllt. . 7.00 a. , MS " r.M " sot , I 10 " 4 , I 60 1 05 IT " . M " 60 1.0 10 10 Tjro.,, .1.16 P. 146 " Claart.ld.. anMoroo,, H.ramlt, 1'ow.lton,.., Lannard, .1.01 " HarratL ..1.1) " Woodland Oww,la,4 Hoyntoo,'a , I'hlhpan.rg. Ilr.h.m Hlo. 11.11 .4.11 .4.41 4 60 .6 00 " .110 .1.41 nirj.r WallaMton,.. lilu. 11.11 flrahani, Pnillnahnrg.. Ri.ln.r'a, Barnton, WallMatoa, ,.. t oo liflw Woodland,-.. Bamtt,..MH Ionard Ofttaola, SO " ,.0.4t ,.0 60 Pow.lton, .10 40 " .lilt " .11.11 p. ...1.01 Hamuli, V.nftantoa,...,1 .7.00 Tjrun. C.r.rairill,,. ,.7.1 PIIILPSII1'II(1A JIOMIARtiON JlKAHCIIBS IMtt B .OUT.. LB4TBBoaTB. p. m. a. p. a. v. aranoN.. a. p. p. I"Q Morri.dal., 1140 III Tit Phihp.l.arj, UU i til 1111 114 til IliirnloB, 11.14 lit It 10 till Opoool., ;ll f:of 4.16 114 1016 tiol ll'ikantoa, 1 10 1161 4 00 111 1061 1 11 Sl.rllo,, ,,0 1 1 lit :6I JiT 10:61 117 BIO .40 147 1:01 11:01 III M.Ca.l.,, Ill 1116 III I7 11.7 III KMdrMk'a. Ill II H lit :t 11.11 J Ran.. 1:00 II 16 in Boltcfonta ' 4.8 8.41 10.18 Milesburg 4,1b 0.118 10.4(1 Howard 4.l'l 041 11,18 arrlreL. Haven loave 8.18 e n t.OII TYRONE STATION. r.oifiu Kire.i ILrrUkurg Auc'm, t-W A. H Pitt.tiurKta Kip'.., Ml) ;! !. M.ll Train, Atlulia Kir.,i ftill K.itr.Bi, W., laetijer, Mali Train, Kail Lin., Cloi. e.inn.olloDi mad. bjr all train, at Tjron. ... Lour IlaT.n. B. g. ni,in, mjlMf. Hop.rlnlonil.nt BTAIIB LINES. A itaR.leav.a CurweniTillsdatlj for ReynoM, .III., at I o'glook. D.B.. arrltlni at R,.auldlll. at 8 o'clock, p. u. H. turning, icav.i h.TDoldf vill. dail;, at T o'clock, a. nr., arrivina: at Cur. w.n.rill. at 12 o'olouk, rn Far., aaou way, p. in., for liullol, I'll), .'riving ,i DuUoi, L'ilj T o'clock, a!ui., dally, arrivmgat Curncn.vill.i It n'olook, tu. Kara, each war, $2. Allegheny Valley KaUroad. LOW GUAUM DIVISION. ON and after Monday, Deo. 10th, 1877, the passenger trains will run daily (except 8un day) between Red Hank and Driftwood, aa follow t KAHT W A 11 1), Day Wall leav Pittsburg 8:20 a. m. Red Bank 11.8; Sligo Junction I2 0M; New Bethlehfliu 1:07 p. m. Mayavills 1:2(1 j Troy 1:80; Brookvlll 1:0 ; Fuller's 1:84 Rey noldsvill 1:61 1 DuBnls 8:88 ( Hummit Tunnel 8;40 Penfleld 4:0h Weadvill 4:17 Dane set te 4:tf arriv at imnwr at :a. W HHTW A K I). Day Mall leaves Driftwood MM p. n. Denesett 1:00; VVcetlrflle 1:40; Penflold 1:45; iSnuimit Tunnel 1:07 ) DuBols l:.10j Rcynoldvillc2:2; Fuller's 1:87; Hrnok villa 8:33 ; Trov 3:40; Mavsvllls 4:1s; New Bethlehem 4:20 ; Hlign Junction 6:10; Rod Hank 6:27 j arrives at Pittsburg at 8:10 p. m. fff 'Ibe Rt-ynoldsvilk Accommodation leuvo Rcyuuldsville duity at 7:30 a. m.( nnd arrive at Rod Hank at 1 1:00 a. m., Pittsburgh at 2:38 p. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 3:10 p. m t Red Bank at b-M p. u.i arriving at Ueynoldirlll at 0.06 p. m. Close connecllnn made with trains on P. A 8. Railroad at Driftoood, and with trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID MuCARHO.Ocn'l Hup't. A. A. Jacksum, Sup't U. O. Div. BTAOE LINE. CLXAItl'IRLIi VO PKxriBI.1l. The undersigned would inform tbe public that ha Is now running a stage line between Clearfield and Pen field, throe tituoi a wek. Tbe stage loaves Clearfield oa Tuesdays, Tburs days and Saturdays, at 8 o'clock a. in., arriving at Fen Held at 12 o clock in. Returning sain day. Leave PenBeld at 4 o clock p. in., arriv itiar at Clearfield at 8 o'clock D. m. Connection is mad with train on tbe Low Orxde R, H. at Penflvld. Fare, each wav, fl..'0 (1E0. W. (lEARUAR'f. Clearfield, Pa., r-b. 1, 1878. FA UK FKOM CLKARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa t! 05 iMid.lletown 5 00 Lock Haven 1 70 Marietta 8 80 WiHiainsnort 8 80 Lancaster 8 88 Huntingdon I 80,HiILADKLPHIA 7 06 Lewistown 1 00 Altoona 1 66 Maryville. 4 60 J.ihnslown... 180 Cuwensville 2' I I'hilipsburg 61 Osceola. 6.' Tvrtm ., 1 22 UAKRIHUL'HU... 4 ThIPiTTHBlIKU 8 16 $tv 3iflmti3fmrnti5, ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curwanirllb, Pa. Jan. 8, fS-tr ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curw.navllle, Jan. V, '78 If. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Corw.oirlll., IV, Jan. , '78 tf. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Carwenirlll., Ji. II, '71-lf. HEALTH & HAPPINESS. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessor, and yet they ara within the reach of every one who will use Wrlght'S Liver rills, Tho only sura CI'RH for Torpid Liver, Dyspep sia, Headache, Hour Stomach, Constipation, Debility, Nausva, and all Billious complaints and lttood disorders. None genuine unless signed "Wm. Wright, PUl'a." If your Druggist will not supply send 28 eents for one box lo Merrick, Holler A Co., 70 N. 4lh tit, Pbila. Do, 28, 77-ly. COUHT riiOCl.AMATlON. WnnnRAi, Hoo.C. A. MAVKH, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the twenty-filth Judicial District, composed of the conn tie of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton, and Hon. Abbam Ooiiuu and Hon. B. Hoi.t, Associate Judges of CloartieM Co., have laaued their precept, to me directed, for lb holding of an Adjourned Court of Common l'leat, at the Court II ou ci. at Clearfield, in and for the, coun ty of Clcarflil.1, eommencliig on the KKCdND MONDAY, TIIK IITII DAY OF MARCH, 1879, and continuing one wk. NOTICti Is therefore hereby given to juror and witnesses, in and for said eounty of Clearfield to be and appear in their proper persona, at 1 0 o'clock A. M. of aaid day, lo do thojte things which in their behalf pertain to m done. UIVKNnudermy band at Clearfield, Ibis fith day of February, in the yir of our Lord one lbtt-, and eight hundred and acventv eight, ANDRKW PKN IZ, jr., Kh.rirT. ! febO tc. c H BT IMtOl I.AM ATION. W iirrkas. Hon. C. A. 2d AY KB. President Jndp of th Court of Common Plaa of the Twenty-fifth Judicial district, composed of the conn tie of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton and Hon. Antiii Oanra nnd Hon. Yi it cunt II. Holt, Associate Judges of Clearfield county have lasued their prec)t, lo me directld, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer and Tsrtniner, aod Court of U en oral Jail Deliv ery, at the Court Hons at Cloarfiald, In and forth county of Clearfield, oomr.onein: on th third Muuday, tho iHth dny ot Marrli, IhIH. ana to eotittnu two wcks. NOTICR IS, therefor, hereby I von, to tb Uoroner, juatteo orth rae, and Constables, in and for laid county of Clearfield, to kppear in their proper persons, with their Kecorda, Holla, Inquiaitions, K lamination a, and other Ketnen- branoea, to do those things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to b don. Ily an Ant of Asaeiuhly, paused the 8th dny of woy, a. u, ir-oi, ii i man in tiuiy ui tne jus lices ef tbe Poieo of iho several oonnties of thia Commonwealth, to reiutj to the Clark of the Court of 411 art r ficiaione of th respeotlve Bounties, all th reoognisanoe entered into before them by any person or parsons charged with tbe commission of any orimn, except such ease as may b ended bolore a Justlea of lh Pcnea, un der i luting la wa, at least ten day before the commence mo nt or the sesilot. of th Court to which they ar toad rtuniahlereapetvly,nd In ll ease where any recuKniisnoes ar nterd Into lets than ten days before the ouinmenacmeut of the secelr-n lo which they ar mad return ble, th said Juatluei are to return tba sain in the an.e manner a if said act bad not been paased. QJVBN nnder or band at Clrflld. tbl fith day of Peliruary, in th year of oar Lord, on ttiousana eight hundred and aeonty-elgtit. hid to AMUHKW I'KN l Jr, sneriff. PIUVATK SALE or Valuable Real Estate I Th. nnd.r.l.nod, llrinf i. P.nn twp., Cl..r llrld eountr, P. oll.r, th, fvllunio ralualil, Ri-al S.tal. fur aal. i 448 Acres of Land, nr. or Irat, In llwarla tanh!p. I,lnn on lh. norm iuv 01 mg crwa, ami attain on. all. af th. Th. .Lot. land I, h.,llr eo..rd with hrmkMa, whil, oak, rock oat, ami othor hard wood lltnrMtr, and a quantity f whit, pin., ,ald t. b. half a nillioa or mor. foot. Th. Mm. la hoarllj .nrlrrlald with bltunlnoo, ooal, and dlrttl, o. lit. linn of railroad loading from Hrmtadal. loCo.lp.irt. It. valo. I, .nknown. Thrr. nr., alio, othi-r minaral, on th. Mm, Tha abor. land Um ationl l.o and a half tnlln blo lh. Till.,, of lilrn ll,.,, adjolnlnf land, of Oaarr. Hroot. and olhrri, on what I. known aa Port.r', run. Th. Iaiprfiv,mnnla ob lh. pfp rtt ara a food joarad .. n-.lll, i0 rnnnln, ord.r, a hl,h dan, ,ton. brra.t, wild, in th. o,t man nrr, It fur .Itanat ant laarhlnar. Th.r. Ii.ili,, a lari frarn. dw,llln ho.,a and bank ham Ih.rrap, and abont fort ar In, aeroa, mora ar l., of th. land I, akand. An. p.r)on wl.hlna; la In (tropwti of thla kind will do wall to .lamina Ihl. prop.rljr. will apll th. whol. or th. nndlridrd ball latoM..!, a, mat mil Ik. p.r.haa,r. Tb.b ...lnnt land will m.k. l.o-or Ibrpafarni,, wfctrh will r.rorablr with lb. frral.r part of out oounljr. Pilaa and Urni, taada known ta any p.u. wl.hi., t. par. obaH. Pur forlbar p.rtloalar, oall I. p.rmn or addraa, tha .nd.rilfn at Urampian II ill. P. 0, Clwt.ldor.naty, I'a. 8AH L W I IIKM 1 HB. Jaa. 0, l.ll If. D..1-H I I NEW JUT- i. EVERYTHING NEW! A GREAT VARIETY ! DR. x c xx : rare : AND ELEGANT! A VISIT WILL CONVINCE YOU !!!! T. A. FLECK & CO. Have You seen JJuv you at'on our IiuikIboiiio MaUlu80 Conln? it ti n nobby lotus, for " " Denver Coats, low Have you soon our good Felt Skirls 1 " " v " fine double Shawls? " " " " now singlo Shawls? Have you seen our now Dry Goods? Have you soon our now Dry Goods f Have you seen our now Dry Goods? Have you soon our all wool red Flilnnola? " " whito Flannels? " " " " elogant Medicated Flannels? ilavo you seen our splendid Cnnton Flannels? " " " " all wool I'laid Flannels? " " " " Lumbermen's Flannels ? Ilavo you seen our now rants Stuff? " " " " durnblo Pants Stuff? " " " " all wool Pants Stuff ? Have you Boon our Ladies' Cloths? " " " " AVatornroofs? " " " " TubloLinons? II in o you seen our job lot of Dress Goods? " " " " all wool black CttBhraeres? " " " " all wool colored Cashmorcs? Ilnvo you seen our bleached Muslim? " " " " unblecbed Muslins? " " " " Shooting? riuvo you soen our now Furs, for ladies? " " " " Furs, for cliildron ? " " " " cliildi'on's Fancy Sola? IIuvo you scon onr hnndsomo Umbrellas? " " " " Alpaca Umbrellas? " " " " Waterproof Umbrellas? Huvo yon soen our new Corsets? " " " " Silk Handkerchiefs? " " " " Linen Handkorchicfs? JIavo you scon our Ladica' Uotlcrwear 4 " " " Cuildrona Lnuerwenrf " " Gent.' Underwear? Have you seen our Ladies' Hosiery ? " " Children's Hosiery ' " lien la' Hosiery T Ilavo you seen our I. adieu Kid Gloves? " " " ' GonU' Cloth Gloths? " " 11 Children's Cloth Gloves f Huvo you seen our new Mottoes? 11 " 41 Drens Goods? 41 " ' " nice Neck Kucliing? Huvo you. soon our Hair Ilr uulics ? 14 4 i Toilet Soaps ? 44 " 14 Tooth Bruhhes ? ilavo you seen our Gents' Whito Shirts? " 44 41 Gents' Huspondors? " " " Gents ScarU f lliivo you toon our Embroideries 1 " ' Collar, and CulTs? " " " Tulso Warmers? Huvu you soon our Feathers nnd Flowers ? " " " " new Millions? " " " nlco Wings? Ilavo you loon our Woolen Goods? ' ' Ladies' Hoods? ' " Children's Hoods? Huvo you seen our lllnck Silk Fringes ? " " " Worslod Fringes? " " " " Guloon Trimmingf ? Unto ynu seen our Trimmed Hats? " " " " Trimmed Bonnets? " " " " Untrimnud lints and llonnols? WHAT WE GUARANTEE : We Guarantee that vc will mil nil kimls of Dry Goods chenper Uirm niiy otlior store in Cli'firficld. We Guarantee polite treatineut to every one of our cus tomers, without urging them to buy. We Guarantee thnt wo hnvo tho Inmext and choicest nnoortment of nil kindn of Dress nnd Fnncy Good, in Clearfield. T. A. FLECK & CO. Market December 12, 1877, rv- HOODS! our New Goods ? ia(lic? in prico? T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK. A CO. T. A. FLECK 4 CO. T. A. FLECK 4 CO. T. A. FLECK A CO. T. A. FLKCK & CO. T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK A CO. T. A. FLECK A CO. T. A. FLECK A CO. T. A. FLECK 4 CO. ? T. A. FLECK A CO. ? ,T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK CO. T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLKCK & CO. T. A. FLF.CK & CO. T. A. FLKCK & CO. T. A. FLKCK & CO. T. A. FLKCK k CO. nnd Dry (Joods, Notions, Millinery Street, Clearfield, Pa. ENTITJE Mm - Hals, Caps, Gloves, Valises, &c, Will Lo sold at astounding low pricos. Coma and tee for yourself. A. GUINZBURG, Agent, WeMerii Motel Corner, Clearfield, la. Jan ti ary, 10, h77. THE CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS AT GUINZBURG'S, HiXO.rU ST., OITOSITK COt KT HOI SK, CI.MRt U.LU, Pl, To the Citizens of Clearfield Count) : About a year ego I earn among you with a toek of Boot, Bbo, Rubber anil Fnrniahiiif (looJsj witbln tliia lime 1 hnv sold abuat Ten Tbousnnd pairs of lloou, Hhooa, to., and, with law xoeptiona, llieec article bare giren perfect aaliafMlion ; whert goods did not tars oat eieotly M reprentl, they were at onoo replaced lr new ones, a tha few who had occasion to seek redrea can testify. Now 1st no ssnr you tbat this is no mere A as Barton, bat precieely what I will aom tinu to do tbat ia, when that which you boy of me doe not (ire, what yon would tern. "yor money' worth," I will rlir it at onco, on fair proof of its beioa; ao. Keeling, grateful for past favors, I ask a eonlinaanoa of a shar of yonr patronage Your Sincerely, B. OUlNibl'Rfl. To eloso out a big lot, we ofTer : Women' Rubbers at Men's Kulmrrs at Liimlfrim:n'i oitra heavy Ovrrhi-ct, with bcvl, at Men's wo'.l-llitrd Ovcnhoef, at PHICK I.iwT, Wumen's Laced Lasting Shoo used to eell fortl.tlfl. Women's Lnoed Morocoo Hbocs. need to ell for f1.25. Wom en 'a Lnoed Calf Fboea nued lo ell at I.M. Women's boiTy farm Hhoas nrea to sell at l.u. is iii:n h weak a Men's heavy winter Shoes, double sol. ..85 cts Men's heavy kip .Shosa Men' heavy eall'dreaaod Haoea 1.65 Men' best calf dreesed hboea 1.75 Men's kip working Roola , J.U5 Men's kip working Boots, do u hie aule 1.46 Man's kip working Boots, tap sole 8 00 BOYS' SHOES In fifty different styles, from $1 to fcl.50. Working nd ichool boca, from $1.15 to for best calf skin, buttoned dress shoes. Buys' Kltnira tap sole Boot, $2.50. MltiSKK M0 If Miaaa' school Kboes Miiscs' farm shoes Misse' genuine calf ahoes Misses' Ureas Hboea Miasoa' dree boes.,, ... ....9b rts ... $1.1 j Lib 1.50 .... 140 Mlll.DltEK'r AND HAIIY' Oood, S ilid, bultonei, lieeL-J S bes for children. 05 cents. Good, cesper tlpptd, heeled fehos for children, tit rxnti. hubi-er and dre-i Shoes, $1.20. Baby's Blioes of all kinda, ID ti. and op. Men's and women's rlippcri, eeots. Hhes polish, 15 cent per bolll. Shoe atrlrgs, 4 cents per desen. Button bodka, I cent each. CleaiftelJ, IV, Hep. 12, 1H77. "CENTRAL" HOTEL, PITTSBURG. Smithfield Street, from 2d to 3d Avenues. Tbe wont ren tra It j located first c!ai linos In the City, tetreot ears paa th door every flva minnUa to all tbe Uejott an 1 all parts ol both eittas. Tern, VAO per day. WALSH & ANDERSON, Proprietors. Th. Iliri utir, of ClearBcM, rMtlrrd WMklj at lb. Ilotal and nlued oa SI. for th. Bw.ll of (neat, from Ibl. Motion, ao. jM, i, nj,., COALI COAL!! COAL!!! The nndervlrned desire to inform the ellisen of Clcrf)eld that h i prepared to furnish COAL of an eicelleot quality, to all who may giro him a can, at a price suitatile ror Ibe present bard time. He willeichange ooal for floor, fail, groceries, Ao. All orders will receive prompt Attention, a be de liver, bi. own ooal. THUS. A. DUCKKTT. Clearfield, 1',, sept. 5,'77-Am. C Dot arol 'a these timas, but Tk It can be made in three month, by any 4 I one of either et, In any part of tb coon try who Is willing to work steadily at th employment that w furnish. $iifl per waek In your oan town. You need not be away from home over night. Yon can giro yonr whol tim to the work, or only yourapar moments. Iteoets nothing to try the buiinai. Terma and $5 Outfit tree. Aildresa at onre, u. iiAi.Ltrr uo., April is, 1877-ly" Toriland, Alain. STOVES, TIN-WARE CIAS FIXTURES. JAMES L.LEAVY, hereby girns notice that be ia prepared to furnish all kinJi ol HEATING, COOK AI) PARLOR STOVES. of the hest anillatet Improved patterns, at very low prices. fiH nvn itix He baa also on ban... a lot of IinACK KTS. CIIAltliKLIKKH and tlAH LAMl'S, otall kind, at snitalile prices, (las fiitiires nnlered at abort nolle, lo suit cnitntners. TIN-WARE. TlD-wara, to wtilch h Invite, th. alt.ntlo. nurrn.aora. Frnnt irt of rtoom N. , TIK'8 Ol'KHA 1101 SB. JAS. L. I.KAVY. i'mnrictw. KKKI). SAl'KbTT, Kan'k Clr.rllfl.l, I'a, Ueo. I, '77 If. GEO. WEAVER & CO, PKCONIl HKKlrr. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have opened up, In the More loom lately ncopld by Wearr A Itd-it-.on t-erond slreot, a large and well aelerUd Ho,k of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS ASD SIIOKH, I41KKNSWAIIK, WOOD A WILLOW WAIIR HATS AND CAl'ii, FLOUR. FFFD. CAlT vnM vu. Wbi.b Ihr, will dlrpnMt of at rrajoniHa ratal ...n, vt .arnanii. lor rouair, pro.lur,. OKOKIIE tVKAVCR CO. rl.arlal.1, Pa, .la.. I, lI If. STOCK OF Fiirnishincp Rnniis 40 eeatr. ft eents. $1.2. J.0I. VOMi:n" m i;ar. I Women's best Calf Shoe asd lo ll at $2.6 P. Women' Leod foied 8 boot I ned to sell atI:a0. Women's Bat toned Morocco 6bo I used to sell at II. To. Women' Kid Leveed Hhoca I.M l. Lit need to Mil at IJ.I5. immti i; klauciiter i Men's Elmira k ip working Boots, tap I Mm' dreaa Knott ( Men'e beat calf Hoots Men's boat ealf Boots, wd Men' bt ealf Hoots, tewed Mtn's best ealf Boots, sowed l M.60 .... I J6 ... I 4.0 ... .0 ... 60 A HL'M)Ki;i) IVTVI.EN. Misses' dross Fhoa Klssea' dresa tjboe Mniaa' kid Hboos... Misacs' kid 6 boos... MUaea' kid bhoas... ... II.T1 ... 100 ... 10 ... ! ... a.t KIIOKH AT tKAZV I'l(.LItlU I OR PBIWTISiC OF EVERT OBSCRIP I lioa naatlj UMBtad at tkit iloa. 1AKII DOWN! LOOKTlERE!! l want 1,000 bushels of OATS, I want 20,000 pounds of HAT, Ftr which I will pay CASH DOWN. JAMKS L. LEAVY. CI.ar6.lJ, I'a., F.b. , 71-lra Jj'OB SALE. Tb. nndertianftl will a.11 at .rim. .k .11 thai Iraot r naml of land altut. ha OM.tar lownthip, Cl..rfi.ld Mint;, I'a, wllhla a aknrt dl.tano. of IB. Trron. a ClMrSaM H. R., aad adjoining land! of Honrrt Ilndaon and .man, and known aa th. Jaoob B. Oaarhart lot. Tha aid tract wtntaiaias AO um Bur. or Um, with tw. train, of talaabla ooal tharaoa, ha, tnaal IS am, alaarnd, and U th, h; to a lara. bod, of ooal about bain, derelopwl. Will ba Bold lew Bad apon m twrtus. For partianlar,, appl, to DAVID L. kKKBS. ClcarOelJ, Pa., Julj 11, 167. B. r. QVLtri. R. M COBILB. . BBILBB.B. (.1 I K II, MrCORKLE & fO.S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Wa naBufMt.r. all kind, af f.rslMr. for Chambara, Diain, Room,, Ubnrta, aa. Halla. If Jim want Furaitar. of an; kind, doa'l Bar antil rou m, our alook. ITNISKItTAKIBrO in an ita BraaokM, praaaptlj attanrhd to. tll'LICII, MeOOBKLI k CO. Clor.W, Pa., FaB. , 71. DRUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, Al Khaw'a .IJ Hand, CraarlWId, Pa, has jail in. HVW HUM H and la now prepared to fumiah ear t bin l, the lb line of Drnwi bvbb.1 Ud.Ji..... .l. . est cash prloe, e lie ku also on hand a largo a took af Combs. Hair and Tnalk II. ....... If ai.... m. .. ' .nd Hi,.;i;.f.. ... i f,i iBH tvrut; oivrw. ' ptTVOTnT 1 vm , rfilSICIANS' PEESCRIPTIONS t Oj.miound.d with aara, da. ar .l,hl. A UWral . ,.,..,,, lc,WC,iairT auiiMIM. ri .... . H. B. BPAOKMAN. Cl.ara.ld, Pa., Orl. 11, l!I. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Pann to.a.hip, Clwartald C, P.. HIIIHD OUTI SIT t BURNED UPI TV"bKr M"'B'r..laa..aa.r.k.llt. . n.,,hl...rhrKd a.rwatit,, in it, trM,n , "a nmrnj, ia iaa .raatt.. af auil.i U.Knr.. .,. ..r inprnramant, altaaBad, and ar. Brnarad B. a, at a , ... -'- v.v,m, iwiaarw, HMIMtU, Hl.a- ..... r i.nnwa, mm. ri.BI, r foMa I hand I. .l..j ... nr.1. ... . IMMI B. ; wh..ra wa a.a u mbm aad aaaaia. , mwam, CARD1NQ AND ri'LLINO arra..oiTOyiwilln.aJ,f. t-a.!t Prop., Wo.l.ioanlt.a,lonim. All...... . a don. aira tha ,bortat aalloa, and bj Mrl.t .tun. ... . ,, h. nun, a nnrat .aara af public patruBage. I'MMMI POI NDS WOOL WAHTIDt Wa will pa, Ik. bl,bM BartiM prln for Wm .w.r rwi aa i.w aa aiBiiar ,Mt .a. a. bnwirbl I. IB., and w. fall l rnd.r rMaanabla aatirfaatlaa w. wia. I "tw.,, "v luuni lam rvvfi j a arwar. n. roan, ai Bane naart, 10 aaaB. pro,aa I tttlanatlow. ither In reraen or hv I I .. fcv-vi f i - - - ptflTrltf to war I. Ov