k gUpuMicait. ?r vi,wr. , 'V.y.' VXl'A EA I.LKI.EO IMI'UDEXCE. Tliocomluflot Bec'jr Sherman mid liinj ,0V1A OPTION. I.itt Wi-iIiicmIuv afternoon wits lixud .... .1 i' iv t id l.owt'l' iioiiiw tu uiir nuuiem- rnnii'iicruli'ii ovi'r mo uiivu'iitni m nm j - . . . . , , .- i. ol iho J,oti;i.iitu mnw, Jioh no pitm.-1 w(- ttl)li,.i,.ac,i nf course, Ihnl n Amid U-1. Tlio Uillow infiiril U-IU Iho Mtury : j 0f orntury wonlil bo tiourvrl upmi llm if Wtrmratw. February 4 I tultie't tiinl tltn Imtxl wd ol' in' iiiliir nt i-lreum.tiiiiee. m 5 "I nitr " ting hrliel tkilt In me Tho AltiKinn Trihuurmyt thnl while Mr. Tliomait Pnticrttnn, of William bni(j, lllair county, wan In Iho aet of: entering hi utul)i mi Silurility even i ojj lut, do un iiin niriiiist ly li'w do, which Itail heen lin ked In t ho Mul'lo, t; flea1 gui'frtiimfnw. Inn. Helied, taken In ra-erutlor., ird lo b. .old lh .r..p -rly of Kr.d H'ktt 4 3 II eVhryrer. ll.o, twoo.rlaln Iraeti uf land In Morrl. Iowa lill, rl.urfli-M eounly, P., haunted end ilesorlheil 1. lollowe I No 1 bound.! aoalk be Intoll f John h'mliti, ml be land, or Paul Oulek, nonb by lend. f Milii Peltni. .nd e.il ' lifi of Jeeuu WlM rei.l.lele. Inn a.-... .n,tthe v.ael lllow.ni;. Uiouol B. Goodlandir, Kdilor. CLBARFlEIin, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 10, U78. Kinder, If you wint t know what li going on lathi buelneM world, Just road our idvertielng nlumna, tb. Hpial nolumn In pirtliulir. MAXIM! FOR THE DAY. tier Yl.er.in you el .t.Urr..l i,U ST. Ml'Sfllll-r ffllltlt.l Of 10y of fMiM naein.t U : thill you nr. l.ll.l.V loeiiaed nil raalieiou.ly per..outed ; that (lit proceeding egain-l yon, thougn in tbo lorni ot law, it wtinoui llio .ubitanee "f junltce: Hint wo hereby lender inf.. -rrt . ... :-. -V V ' 1U&Wr&tt1'- ll -J -J--. " .in. I tliogiilltfi'KwwcroiihunilBntlJVTuHB. r, V f,.m bou.f, b. k b.rn .0.1 "'""""nlldlin. "I Tho -mender wits there, rtdym im in two plnroH Mr. 1 ultoroon ma vcrj N , .a,, , ,u,i, i, r n Jtw dffrlisfmtnta. trnvnitt)U i Iter eon, 8itu, Ukn lo cteutton. mdI tu I Mill lb rtvrly ol DftvUl 0. lUnifti. A ft Ctrl I lol of KHtuntl nd irrm.M ii umI in lL.t linn-mh f l'Uifloitl tl nut in iiiuriK!!" lird 1 7 h Juno, H7I, rttorlic In Ho' U.poicc 6y4,n4 Hit wnl of Kol. V , ! IlcginnniK Rl h ilivy, Itmnoi wtt un Mtrkut lrwM XU (r t .miiH 71 fi f .nrha i firmly a ever ujioli Iho clllincy ol old initii l reel jmiyein unci mloon vintu , mu Miirphyito wa there, benring nloll the tiunuer in moral suaiuon, upon ui ourriie .yoiillblM.nd.iprtoar b..p.tbit .,,,,, , ,., i.Mnlico Toward llio fw. i f jmlicn nd li ot m lo.'vliio- liooiLouUioni will iiroirot you, onil not poiuuii 'ono and C harity lor All, anti me tlio bt.t InlarriU of Iht wboli ouunlry 10 bo dii- I atlv()CttU' Ol' lUimillllttry law Were out V:T;rdrrth:"',r.rrl.l.j i" oreo, w,PfnK an audience .he n.,',,1, will rodrominy Injuilio. l wllioh Jou ! By inputhieit ot winch wero alimwl en may bo uimdo tbo Tiotiut. i tirelv enlisted upon the ftido of the bill. Tlio advocates 01 uocai wpnon v . .Aik tho oflloo of Preildrnt ihould bo wlllio to bold It If oountod In, or plmod Aon !... fr.ud. II. 8. OltlKT. I oould ootor boon rooonollod lo tho oil ...... l. it., moiloot old of mino of porioa howotor roopootiblo In prlnlo lif., who moil foroTor urrr ! "'w ' ',P ' f'.d nl ttlunpbut in aminoin iiimij. oquont notion, fcowovor morltorioui, ciu wnb wy tht loiuri of tbl rooord. Cnjn.ru KiAXt A ni. tlndor Iho foruil of liw, llulhcrford II. Iluyoi liu boon doelarod lcildnt of Iho I'nilod 8UIM. Ilia tillo reill upon dufmnchiMUieut of liwlul oton, tbo fil oirlUonlol of Iho rolumlni! ofl- eort letlng oomiptly, intt too oocuioo oi o miulon wblok hu rofoiod to boor otldonoo of il-loi-od frmd. Fur tbo Urit liiil iro tbt Amoni-in i.ooplo oonfrontod with tbo ficl of 1 friudulenlly olMlod Pmldont . Lot It not bo uudtntood lint tht frmd will bo ilknllj inqulnood In by Ibo country. Lot no hour pi in which !bo usurpa tion U forjoittn. Annum or DotAtic M. C. i. Ono knndrod yoait of hnmin dornrlty looo- i., ..i j AnnnanmtMl into a olimiiz uf crloto. Noror nitiln In 6vo bundrod yoir ibill Iboy bit o an oppurtnni y to n-pM t"o wrwua- rl ' l)anil.W. Voonnma. r ...nl.l ralhar koYO tho CO JurMlOOnl of 1 QUir. lor of n million of tho Aiuorirsn tiooplo lbn thai I ..i.l.n Itotiirninir Bnird. or of the Cnin- mlulon nhiob ucludcd tho focla and dooidid Ui quoation on a tacbnieality. THcia. A. Iluuaicna. "Ilamburn Butler" rises up heloro many of tho loyalints, like a ghost. It it a wonder that aomo of them don't leavo tho country for personal sufety Wrix IjOADEd. It turns out now that Sheriff Manson, of Ohio, who was killed lv tho cars at Altoona, two weeks ago, had $102,733.57 on his per son when killed. Tin way rns Would Wads. C'rimo lins its contrasts. Thomas C. Ander son iB in jail a convicted criminal whilo tho chief beneficiary ol bis frauds sits in tho White House. Postponed. Tbo meeting of tho ilomocratic National Committee which was to have assembled at Washington, on tho 22d inst., lias been postponed until tho 22d of May next. A bio Faillke. Tho suspension of Schcppor, Bros., in 1'hiladelphia on Sat urday, lor ono million dollars, caused groat excitement. They wero the larg est manufacturers of worsted goods in this country. As tho bank commissioner, with a salary of t3,500, will have nothing to do, a generous Republican Legislature propoaos to mako a deputy commis sioner, with salary of 1 1,800 a year, to help him. Joita rjuaauaa, J. A. QiiiriiLU, Htahlry M ATTHiwa. RriiKsa lUua, JIasnv Whits. Tho signers to that card have degrad ed themsolvos by this act, if for no others, just as much in tho estimation of nil bonost men as tlio members ot tho Louisiana Returning Board. And wo uro glud to know that they are be ing told of their bud conduit. The Now York llnM alludes to tho case in IhiH way : "Among tlio nuiiij ex traordinary things in tho politics ol tho lust year and a hull perhaps tho most extraordinary of all is the atti tude in which President Hayes, Secre tary of tbo Trcnsnry has put himself toward tho prosecution ol the members of tbo notorious Returning Board in Louisiana. What greater violation rould there be nf official decorum than for a lugli officer ol tho Federal Cov ornment to intrude his opinion in a criminal trial during its progress bc- foro a regularly constituted judicial tri butial in a State ' By what law or what usugo or what principle of pro pricty can tho strange courBO of Secre tary Sborman bo justified ?" INTERESTING TO MECHANICS. JUic drcrtlsfmciits. ii vim 1 Allro Bio Ability. Senator Armstrong told an intorviower tho other day that 'tho smartest old fox in lbs Senate is Edmunds. Ho does everything so ras cally, but so woll. Ho is as soR about it as a volveteen cat, but his ability is big-" Fonct and Kloquence. Tbo coun ty of Lawrence, in tho person ol Mr. Morgan, furnished tho floor manager on local option day in tho llouso on the 13tb. Camoron county, in the per son of Mr. Brooks, furnished tho chief orator. Is it Possible. We sco it stated that tbore has been an ovcrissuo of i stock ot tho Williumsport gas compa ny, amounting to f 325,000, and that it baa been placed in banks outsido Will iamsport as collaterals to gecuro loans to Peter Ucrdic. Out of sixty four bodies recovered by the Signal Service ofllce, near the scone of the wreck of tho ill-fated Me tropolis, only fonr could bo recognized. The names of the bodies are John Bur nett, James McDonald, John Oovonny and F. J. Nagle. Intimidating. Tho Chaplain of the Iowa Senate is stalwart. Hear him : "We pray Thoe, O Lord, that although It may not be pleasing to many of Thy eorvanu, jot wo would besooch Thy blessing upon tho President of the United States." L . - . II"- Stianoe Still. The Boston Post saya: "Mr. Bcochor's name wbb regis tered on Saturday at the Grand Pacific Hotel at Chicago on tho line beneath Frank Moulton's, and the two gentle men sat at the same tublo at dinner. Grace, Mervy and Peace." A Double Headed Announcement. "I om ronuostod," said the Clerk of the Illinois Lower House, the oilier day, "to announce that tho Rev. Dr. McFarland will lecture in tho hall this oveninff on tho 'Education of Idiots.' Motnbera of the Legislature aro invited to attend." A K pock-down Assault. The liar- risburg Telegraph says: "Hillard, the Georgia rebel, has been confirmed as Minister to Brazil. Eunuch Matlhows, Namby-ramby Hoar, Sovill Burnsido and Father Christiancy voted wilh tho Democrats to confirm. Tho truo lie- - publican Senators voted in tho negative." A caso involving a principle ol much iniportanco to morcbantsand manufac turers was tried in Judgo Pierce's court, Philadelphia, last week. In May, 1870, Georgo Lumloy, a whoolwright and blacksmith, of Frankford, did about 8 15 worth of repairs to a wagon belonging to a tnvorn koeper mimed John Glonn. Alter tho work was done Lumloy lot him tako the waeon away without paying tlio bill, but ho brought it back in July for more repairs. Ho again took it away on a promiso to pay tho bill, and in August obtained more re pairs. Then Lumley refused to give him tho wagon back without he paid tho whole bill, which amounted to $50. Glenn, paid $2,50 for tho last bill of re pairs, and demanded tlio wagon. Lunv ley refused to surrender it without pay- mont of tbo wholo amount I hereup on (ilonn brought an action of trover to recover the value of tbo wogon, and tho caso came up for trial on Friday Adam Tindel and John O'Byrno, hsqs., who represented tho mechanio offered evidence to show the claim for tho wholo amount ol repairs, and on the objection of Edward R. Worrell. Esq.. for Glenn, to this testimony, ho cited an old English case as authority for tho right of the mechanic lo retain the wagon until the whole bill was paid. After orgumont tbo court ovorrulecl tho offer and granted tho defendant on ex ception. Under tho charge of the J udgo the plaintiff, alter additional testimony as to we vaiuo oi mo w agon, gov verdict for its whole worth, $113.90, without tho allowance of any thing for the mechanic's claim. Tho point that tho defendant's counsel mado is a now ono of much importance, and it is said has nevur been expressly decided. wero fully equippod and eagor for tho fi-av.und tho speeches ofsouiu of them, nt least, curried wilh them the odor of the midnight lamp. Morgan, of Lawrence, who is ibo especial champion of Local Option, led oil in a sneccli of more than ordinary lorco, winch commanded protounu at tention, and was filled with strong points ugninst tho whisky Irafilc. Ful ton, ot Indiana ; Stewart, u Jiawrcricc, Fulton, ot Chester, ami Jackson, ol Mercer, followed in short pointed and effective soceches. Tho members and outsiders lislenod respectfully to tho rrmnrks ol these gentlemen, out wuon the tall form of Brooks, ol Cameron, loomod u i) I ruin his seat, and he begun to read from a roll of manuscript. In stead of the house going to sleep, as might havu been tmugincd, tho enthu siasm was intense. Mombors crowded down tho aisles and into tho opon space In Iront of tho spoakor and ap plauded to the echo, anil langlieu until their sides were soie. Ana well iney might, for such a speech is not often heard in legislative hall, it wits a Quixotic speech, pitched in a high key, full of long words of thun dering sound, of Greek, Latin and mythological terms, metaphors, cli maxes, anti-cliinnxes aud all other figures of spoech known to rhetorio, and accompanied by gestures of tho wildest and weirdest sort. It was more than a Quixotio speed ; it was a pcrlect windmill of a speech. But it would take tho pen ol a Dickens to describe the speaker, the speech, or its ctloct, and I torboar. Ilico It to say that at its conclusion Mr. Brooks was congratulated in tne warmest manner by his follow members who surrounded bis desk, and was present ed with a largo and fragrant bonuut as a slight testimonial ot tho appre ciation of tho audience. Mr. Gehr said that tho bill had no more chance ol passing than he bad of dying to haven, and he therefore mov ed to postpone it indefinitely to pro vent tho alleged further waste of time in its discussion. The motion was deteatcd by a vote of 80 nays to 75 yeas. Tho question being on the amend ment ol Mr. Long to exclndo from tho provisions of tho act nativo wines aud mult liquors. Mr. Morgun submitted tho lollowing amendment, which was disagreed to. That all damages to personal char- lie i: NOTKIC rod Straw vs. Uillmina J. Blraw. Court of L'nninnn I'loaa or Cloarflulil luoty. Nu. Sail Jauuary Torm, IS7H. To Willsisa J. Stsaw t Vou aro liarohy re quired to sppi-sr on tho flrtt day of Ibo btlt tern of Iho Court of Common I'leai, to ahow rauao why a doeros nf divuroo should not bi aiado aa-itnal you In the above alatrd nana on piMiiplaiot of Allrad rtttaw. A.Mllthn l'Kni.,or., ClearlWId, Fub. Jl' It. Sharif. C1AIITIOSI. A II personam! hereby cautioned J ee-ainat nurehaoiat; or In any way moddlinf wilh tho following. proierty, now in pneemiiun of Dsniel Htrouo, of firstly lwp.. via t One sorrel mars, nrs yesraold neat iprlno. Ths forgoing property was purchased by mo and la allowed to remain in the poeaeialon of aaid Stroma on loan only, lubjecl to nir ortor at aoy time. JOHN IIKIItlHLINU. JrDaraoo Lino, l'a , Vlb. 10 It. "IXI-XUTimn' NOI K i:. Loiters Taals- I j nionloryi.n Ihe citato of llr. 11. V. WILSON, lute or t leurllt-ld bi.rough, l learliolu county, Pa ,lrod, baring been granted to tho undersigned, ill peraona knowing themaeleea Indebted to aild aetata aro required to make Immediate payment, and those having elalma againat Ihe enure will present tfaein properly authenticated for seltls ment without delay. CLKMKNT IV. SMITH, CAHOLINK M WILSON, Kiocutorl. Or, 8. V. WiLaon, Attorney. Urarlield, l'a., Feb. lill-6t. 1 IiniTOH'M NIITIIIK Jonathan Unyntun va. Win. Albert, Henry Albert and Ueorge Albert, doing liualnera aa Win. Albert Hro s. In Uomniuo rieaa of Uearnel.1 O'tuntr. No. the umlemgnea Auditor appointed by ths Court to distribute Ihe muney anting Irom Ihe aalo 01 Defendant a reel enlate,ainong ihe lien cred itor!, will attend to the hearing at hll offlne, In the Court House, on Tbumday, February 2ath, IS7R, ll II) o'clock 1. m.,orwhich all parties tako notice. IMlAKbllvM, Feb. II-It Auditor. J-yVORCH NOTICU. Catharine Heitsrnratliervi.Meo. Hoitaenrather. In tbo Court of Common I'leai of Cli-arheld county. Pa. No. S7I. January Term. I7tf. The undorslgned Onmtnleiionor, appointed by Iho Court to take toitimony in ths sours stated osrc, hereby givoa notice that be will attend to the duties or aaid appolutment at the omse nt Murray A lio-dun, in ths borough of Clearfield, on ths Ktb day or March, A. D. 178, batweon the hour! uf v o'clock a. m. and t o'clock p. m. A. II. WKAVKIl, Commiiiloner. Clearfield, Fob. IJ-lt. tw U,ihM H i, .. ,, llnr dmtisfmfutia. AM. ANI HK1TI.I.. -All nrraoni la- dedtcti to (lolioh, MfCorkl A CV, ttr r- fiuo.ltd la null ttt I heir funtiiutt itoi mml fettle iutr srAoua'i wih'ut Jt-Uy, either l-y ek or note, tttiti Uy lb la uprbi ? o ODtli ao i trouble to II iikTiiu jiiiaeri.fj. OiaiOII, MoCtjHKLB, A 00. WiSffllnnrouiJ tlrfrtisnufulu. D' Mury J. Burger, by her nait frieoJ, . Jt- liah liurftr. No. 4VS, Bept. Term, 187T. Sabptrna Bur The utaderilffood CuiBiaiuluner. (imln'eJ by the Court to take toitimony In the above eate, hereby fttM utioe that be will attend to the du tiei of h atipoinlueot at tbo offidt of MeCul- Inugh A Uuon, in the borough of Clearfield, od HDday, tlii Jlth day of March, A. V. INs. A. A. (IKAHAal. UontuiHleaar. Clearfield. Feb. M -it. V J"W IUBO TU. Mi1 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ffraolreif, That till eommittso on appro prll Hons hi tnatractcd to conflidsr and report whether the work on tho pubtii building! In the elty of Washington now raipondrd may be resumed forth with so as to giro preicnt employment to tho workingmen whose limiliei ire euffering from delUtAlUon. Conyrasiioaal fiteord. Among tho proceedingf in the Uni tod States Senate, on Friday, tho 9th day of Fobruary, 1878, wo find tbo foregoing humiliating resolution, offer ed by Mr. Hoar, ono of tho Senators from MassucheotU. What a spectaclo for strangers. One would suppose from tho tone and language ef this resolution that a largo numbor of per sons would starve to death at tho Fed eral Capital union tho government would launch out Into tho Improve ment lino. If this resolution would have appoarod in tlio proceedings of tho Belgian Parliament, tho reader would soon comprehend its forco from tho fact that they havo over fovr hundred soul) to the iquare mile, whilo wo have but Jourteen to support to tbo square mile. In Belgium, land, in averago, is worth 1560 per acre, while hero in the United States wo ha millions of acres of tho very best In nil in fho world, which can bo bought for 1125 per acre. And yet, many are bom bardinrr tho Treasury for bread. Tboro is great mismanagement somowherj. and Mr. Hoar has had his hand in it long enough to point out somo bettor remedy for the hungry than to call for govcrnn.ent aid. Dead Theodore Roscvclt, a promi nent New York politician, died on the 10th inst, aged forty eight years, llis assets aro put down at not less than two million dollars. He will bo re membered as the gentleman appointed by Mr. Ilayoa as Colloctor of tho Port, in October last, and rejected by tho Berate. Good Advice. The Philadelphia Timet volunteer this friendly advice: "If William E. Chandler were really a great man which it has long been uspoHed ho isn't he would havo eonse enough to keep shady at this critical time when the jail door Is dosing itpgnao many statesmen of his kind." Am Oversight. It appears to hare been an oversight on the part of Gen eral Anderson's friends in failing to oil John Sherman, Stanley Matthews, Jaa. A. Garfield and one or two others aa wiUroeses for the delense. They aseem to know so much about it Score aooe for tho Philalol,)hia Timet for sag 'posting this string of high tooed wit !MMs, after the trial la over add An dcrsoa in Ike pooitentiary. TAmrr. "Fernando Wood's Tariff Bill," as tho pap eating statesmen de nominate thobill now before Congress, to roduco tho excessive taritf rates, an noya them very much. What a pity it is that after experimenting for ovor a hundred years that some few uf our industries must bo fed out of tho gon oral Treasury at tho expense ol tho many. Why not try somo somo self- supporting business, instead of relying on tho odioUB tariff system for a living. When men grow up to tho ago ol twonty-ono, they dispense with pap, and livo on cooked food, and make themselves independent ol their par onts. Tho same principle holds good in business, oxcept with the tew tariff advocates, who have been fed out of the United States Treasury over since wo were an organized government, and thoy seem to bo as helpless and greedy now as they were in tho bo-ginning. A Stately Jski. We notice by the proceeding, that tho dignity of the position has not succeeded In ignoring the boyhood traits ot the Democratic members of our Stato Senato on Hi Valentino's day. On theday Indicated hi fellow Democratic Senator pre scnlod Senator Dill, tho Democratic leader in that body, with a largo por trait of "the Senator from Union," and after undergoing considerable cer emony in its delirery, somo one, or more, "cribbed" lbs painting and for warded it by ex prow to Mr. Dill, at Lewisburg. That she was both sur prized and pleased with her Valentine, no ono can doubt actcr or property caused by tho sale or use of intoxicating drinks in any county shall bo assessed upon and col lected from any or all persons engaged in tbo manufuuluro or sule of spiritu ous, vinous or browed liquors. Tho amendmont relating to nativo wines aud malt liquors was defeated by 34 yoa's to 118 nays. Tho next question was an amend ment by Mr. Long requiring counties voting against license to reimburse owners ofislillorics and breweries. The amendment was dufcated by tho following vote: leas 4.1, nays 100. Tbo voto was then taken on the first sectran of the bill, and it was de teatcd and consequently the bill. The vote stood yoa 7t, nays 7T. Forty teivn mombor dodged, ono, Bull- ard, has eloped, and another, O'Neal, is doad. It i reported that thirty of tho forty-seven dodgor would have voted wilh the seventy-seven had it been necessary. A lull voto would therefore have stood, yeas 92, nays 110. Twonty-ono ol tho dodgers wero Philadelphians. Holdoh.-. We have heard somow hat against the movement in the hcKi1'!- turo looking to an appropriation ol $5,000 dollars out of tho State Tress urv. for tho ourposo of oreoting a monument over Gov. Geary' gravo. Tho Ilarrisburg corospondent of the Pittsburg Telegraph puts it about right. Ilesay: "'hat distinguished services Geary ever rendered (bo State that ho should have a flvo thousand dollar monument, I fail to see. In my opinion he got enough Irom tho State when ho was living, and more than ho was entitled lo. It is a well known fact that ho sorvod ono torm as Gov ornor, when not bo, but Asa Packer was elected to tho office, I am oppos ed to counting mon in and then giving them 5,000 monument when thoy die." Closely Connected. Tho editor of the Pittsburg Telegraph flourishes his pen and stick ovor tho heads of hi Bcavor neighbors in this manner : "Tho Argut and Radical, ol Beaver, pay us tho compliment to assort that, we pub lish a good nevrapajior, and tho further compliment, In tho same breath, to cen sure our antagonism to the ro-creatod Philadelphia Quay-Recordor bill, and the HartBank-Commission bill. As Ihcso bills aro In Iho interest of Quay and Hart, as theso gcnllempn aro in tho lutcrcst of tho Cameron clique, as the Camoron clique is deeply Interested in Mr, Rulan, and as llr Rutan is in terested In tho Argut and Uadleal, tho relationship between tho bills and the criticism may bo traced as easily as the clay of Cii'sar to tbo stopping of a bung-hole." heel Ki-arnry. lu tho Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield oonly. Ft. ra, 120 January lerm, IS7S. Ibo underalgned Auailor, appointed ly tne Court, to diatribule Ihe money anting from Ihe rale of Defendant! real eatats among tho Hen ereditore enllllod thereto, hereby giro! lottos that he will attend to Ibe duliel of bi! appointment at hi! omco in i;ieartlrl.l, oo Itiura-tay, nil tin nay nf March, A. D. ISTS, at I o'clock p. m., wben and where all partial intereitll may attend. A. 0. KKAMKlt, feblO 41. Auditor. CAlTTIOJ. All penoni ire hereby warned giinat purcbailng or In any way meddling wilh the following peraonal property, now in pno leialon of J. A. Kuhal, of liraly tonnihlp, via: Two bnrres and harnear, 1 two boras wagon, 1 Eair twin ilede, I mowing maehlna, 4 eowa, a eifera, S pigs, 7 ah.ep, I plnwa, t harrow, I cul tivator, 1 wind mill.SU buihel. wheat, 11)0 buih ela oate, XO buihela corn, H of 7 aerea wheat lo ths groond, B acres rye In ths ground, S beds inj bedding, 1 bureao, ISO, 000 feel aaw loga. This property waa purchased by me at Sheriff Isle on the Iltb day of February, and la left with Slid Rfabal on loin only, auhlret to my order it iny lime. ' H. H. MOOHK, Lolneriborg, Pa., Feb. II Jl nd lliui-r MeCatf-rlv.w-at bv Koer s... fatlorty and T II Forney, m.rlh br Ian li of I) W Holt ind eat by lindi of Wm I'orU-r an I other', eolllaloing "Ml Serin and having about 171 sere olrarod. with large and eommodiona teniae heeie, hand ham and uulbulloing. and 1 small bearing orebard thereon. H.iid. taken In eienohon, and fift-j.t.& aa ibe pr ft-riy f Joaepb Hntbroolt. Alio, certain tract or pieiie of land Ituei in Vogga tuwnahip, Olearfleld eouiilr. I'l., bounded ind deenritH'd la follow! I lleginnlng ut a post oornrr, llieuce alung the land! of John II rihimrl US nerchei, thunoe south along the landa of W. Mearhart SO perebei to i poit ei-rner, thence llong the linda of J. L. licarbatt percliri lo a poal corner, Ihencinorth along thellnde of J, K. sinw a.1 niTohi-elo tne place of oeainning, routining 84 aerea, ltd pervbea and allowance, being the same trai-t or piece of lend cntiveynd by Margaret Stiimel to Henry llenlnglioof by deed dated May tHtli, IS7S, and roeoiilod St Clearfiuld.ln tlilolUoo for reoording deodi, in Deed Hook "U. C, page AMI, Ac Th-re la about IS aorea olearsd snd In a good state of oultiiatlun, Willi in orelisrd and a dwelling hnuae, at'ibls ind other outhuildlge thereon, b.lsi-d, taken In execution Hid to be sold aa the property of Henry Hoiiinxho.if. Alan, i cerrun tra-tof latnl pllu-ite in unrntldo townrhlp, CloirfieM oouuty, Pa , buuoded ind deroribed ia follnwi On the east by lands of Maiion llock.tiberry,' south by Innda ot William Kuntruian, wrrt by Innda of ('nni)bell ct. el, north by landa of M. Uockrolierry, containing L13 icrts sod fi7 pircbrs, with tto sires oleirvd, having Ibervon ore. ted frame hnuae ISalO feat, two atorlri high, l log barn 40x40 feet, snd lirgi orchard. Soiled, taken in execution ind to he sold aa the pn.pi-rty ol F. M. Hoeavnusrry. Alio, ill that lerlaew tiroe uf real eitate, be longing to Defendant, music In the borough of Cloatlleld, bounded and d.ioribed n follow., lo wit.' Uogioulng it tbo corner of Heoond lid Market afreets iu seas borough, tlieneo llong Mtirtet street UA 'h)4:tnors ur leas, to lot aold to Daniel btswirt, Ineuoetn 1 aoutherly direslioo along lot ot Slower! o lent I iucbea, more or loaa. to lot uf Jouathan llovuton, tbsnco weaterly llong lot of Jonn. Uoyntou 121 feet more or leas to Seoond itreet, tbencs along Heoond itroet north to place ur beglnniuj, nnd beiug part of lot known In plan of mid borough n lot No. , kn-iirn ai tlio Wrstero Hotel properly, aod having ihereoo erected l large two-ilory frame building. 1 small offioi fronllng on tisoond itreet, i uno-atory liw nttlai, a uoe rtory cigar store, a one-atory tin hop, and other oulbuildiog Kelie.1, taken In execution and to bo sold u tbs property of 0. B. Merrell. Alio, the fullowlog roll allata, lituato in North lloutadllo, bonndedand deierlued aa follow. I On ths out by John McPhiiuie, north by Houts' heirs, west by street, a.id auutb by a treat, being! known aa lot No. 00, with a two-ilory houie 16 by 34 feet, thereou oreotsd, the lot being 60 feet front and loO feet deep. Helled, Inken in execu tion ind to ho Suld il tbi property of Torrsnoe uigiey. Alio, tbo following real s.tits sltuati in Ueo enrii twp., beginning it a poit idjnioing landa ufjoilak Smith, thence north I oait 127 perches more or leu to poet In old Held, tnenoi euulh 01 wait U3 psrobei mora or le to i point where line run. north So weit will ilrike itone corner it lo I perehea more or leis, Ibenoe south 6S we.t I0A perches lo iu.t ooroer, Ibenoe eoutb 40 welt 14 perches mors or leu to poit, tbenoi north 01 cut 7 p.rcbes more or le.i to poit, tbouce sooth 37 rait 40 parches more or leal to poit, Ihenci north HTj eait HSperchei more or Icis to poit and place ol beginning, eontaininglaboat SI) seree, wilh about .10 acre! cleared and having thereon erected a imall log bouse, two stories bigh, and .msll itabll. Haiird, taken in exeeulion and to be old as the property of Jeremiah Cooper. Also, the following real eilate of the Defendant itua'.l In Pikl twp., bounded ind described ia lollowi i Dial by landv of Kob't Ro... on tbo south by land uf Jubn Dale, on the welt by land of O. Ilirtioclc, on the north by land of N No cture, containing 00 icrea, ind hiving AO icres elearod, with n Irime home Irtx'iS, two itories high, and frame liArn. 40j2, and outbuildinga, aud large orchard. Sviied, taken In exeoution and to be mid ai the propirty ol U R. llreneker. Alio, the folbwing real eitsto liluate tl Ihl borough of Curweoivillc, Cl.irlield lonnty, Pi. All thou four oertain lot! or piece! of ground. nrginning it tne corner ot rutjert ml tteorge llreetl, un the oust aide of laid ilrsst, JtO feet to treat known ia Maxwell or High itreet, thence In? 1177 quire feet, being n.rt uf lot 3S and IS ol ..id borough, being part ol premliea, William Irvin, by det-d dated Bib Juoe, ISII, eoneryedto Alexaiid r. reoorded in Uooi II , page 72, who, by deed, 37th Jauuary IH42, eonreyed lo Wm. Mi rrelt, Uooh II , pig. 40, who, J Tt-jetl to Hlehnrd alinaop. Hook I' . p-jt 711, who, y dned, Tib April, IHAU. noitmyetl lit T. J. Il..rr and A. !. Hhaw, Umtk KK , vf HT0, IMtfa A..il. 10, itd JJoyer, Uili April, 1D7., otinveyed hi Paid A.I.Hbaw, llouk KK., piniltll, ou the ltfib Ainl( 107M, hating areelod thoreeu frame bnildin eeoupied aa a drag elore and ufflce. Keiieil, Ink mi la ciMUtlun, arid tu be told tbt pruierly of A. I. bbaw. Alen, a ertaln pleoo or panel of land tit Hate .n Lewrenoe twt., Clearfield oounly, I'm. bounded aad dfeorlUd ai Tolluifa : Hfftnt.knj( at a poit eornar of Tb'. Hrad and Ueurfre U. LuRitii, on me wval brancnol ine nueuehaiina nrer ) tuenoa by land of Head and Lojan, eoutb I hJ e..it At (err-hee, more or 1cm, to a comer, Read' and IQ gan'a land i thenoe eoeth -lit)0 wait M rube to a puft un Ibe weit branct of the Hysquehanua rive tbroooduwn laid Huiifuobanua b, Ita -eral aouriea and dUlanoee to a poit and place fcf ni-giQiiitift, eonietniog twenty anrei, more or 1M, i tttnuf pariot lame p rem (tea wnieb Win w. Oioilli and Mifr, late uf l't,tladelliia, by deod bearing Hate the lOlh Marth, dred rtonrded in llfllefimte, Contra eounlyt In book ., page XV6 Ac, and being tbi aaiue jireiniaea whirl. Kli Holto llclti by (Jiwd .laird 7lb Uot.iber, 17, ounrayed lo Jaoiei Huff, and said Huff, by dend bearing date aven herewith txinrtiyed Ihe itmo to Jubn Head. Helled, taken in eierutlon. and to bo aold ai tht property orjotvi J. Head. Tirni or r)LB. The price or iun at which the property (ball be etrtiflk off muat be paid at the time of aale, or auob .ttbtr arrangement made aa will bt approved, olherwiat Ibe property will be iiniacdiately put up and aold again al tbo ezpenaa and rink of tbt peraon to whom it ew etruek off, and who, to e.ee of defioleney at auch re aale, ah all make g'jpd Lhj aarae, and in no inalanca w ill tut . . . rwtmted in Court for tonflrtna tiun unleaa the mopey ia actually paid lo (bt f-burlff ANDHUW FKNTZ, Jr., HiiERirr'a Omt a, I HherilT. (jUftrflml.l, Pa., Kab. 2tt. 1478 Nlil.ltlll 4k i'l AMMICAI. Kl IHMII.. Thla aehool will vnen lu the Leomrd lira. dnl Hrhool building, Cleail.ld. I'l , on MON DA V, I AI'HIL 32.1, IS7S, and eonliauo sl.r.n wowka. Tuition for Cotuutun hranehci ....I0 00 Higher KojH.h and Clae-lcal S no A Normal clan will bo formed if deilred. Clvartcld, feb I J 101 U. 0. YOUNliUAN. WiSffUnnrous drfrtisnufulu. 1Mb 4 uu un a tiiii gii.if . itJi titiLn iui H. jiioV,'7H St. $cv drrrti$rmruts$e ADMIN'IMTHATOIIM' NOTICK. etkoe tl hereby given that Letter of Ad uiiuialralinn on tbe eaUto of HAM' L THOY, Nr., lain of Uratiy luwnabip, Olearfiald County, l'a dofl'd. having bean duly granted to tbt under -Igiird, all prraona Indeblvd lo raid en tale wi'l Ii lee to make immediate paviDeot,aud Ihuat bav ng eleim or ilt'uianda will preacot them properly auibentioated for arUlemetit witbnul delay. K. II. MOlMtri, Lutbdrabnrg, Pa., fub. t, '78 81 J Adm r. Al'lITOHM 1SOTICIC Joarpb Fry ve Htmon MeKarlaod. Id Cuiaiocn Pleaa of ClrarHeldottuuty. Nu. 2 U March T,( IS77. AI Fi. ia. The underaiened Auditor anpulnled to report In tbt mnlter of ackoowlailgment of bheriff'a deed, and diatribution of the pcosotda of aalt of real tatale aol.l under abort Fi. Fa., hereby givea noliee thai be will etteud to tbe dutiee of bia ap pointment at hia uffioe in the Jlontugb of Clear Held, on Tnuraday, Ihe 2atb day of Fobruary, A. 1. l7A, at 10 o'cUnk, a. m. DAN. W. McCCUDY, t'learfleld, fob. I.' 4U Auditor. SherilT's Sale. )Y virtue of sundry wrlti of lVa. AV., liaaed J out of ibe Court of Common Plea of Claar ti ii Id Co , and to medlreoted, there will beeipoaed to puli II i l ale, at tne L'mirt iioui, in tne oorriugn of Clfarfteld, on Haturday. the 1Kb 4my ot , tho follow- Notice la herehy given that anpliaati'm will ad lo tbo Coirt of Quarter taeaalnna uf (Jlear- Aeld county, at tbe March term, lHTS, for tb as iniaition by tbo ooonty of tho bridge aeroaa the Weal Braneb of tha Bmquebanna river, on Ihe Polllptbnrg ant Kuaqueaanna larnptka roaa (eomnioaly tailed Bleom'a bridge), In aooordanoe with Ihe pro vialona of an At of Aarmlily, ap proved tbt 8lb day of May, A. I. I HT, entitled " Al Aet to authorise the acquisition by tbe aev tral towntiaa of tbia Commonwealth for Iht uat of tbe eounly ,of bridgea ereoietl over rivera, eretki and rivulets, aid (ur tbo aholltlon of tolla Ihertun . H. T. ItUOl-HANK, CltarSeld. Feb. JO St. Alt'y for Petitioner!. CAI TIOM.All periMni art erl7 warned againat purohaiipg or In any way meddling with tbe following peraonal properly, now In tbt poaeeealo of laaao N. Hot brock, of Graham townabip, Cltarfleld tounty. Penn'a,, via i Una grindatune. 1 aleigb, 1 oultivator, I plow, 1 bar row. 2 ahovel plowa, I dnahle-lree, J tingle-lreet, 1 pair apreada, horiee and harneaa, 1 threahing tuaobine, 1 fanning aiHl, 1 wagon, 2 wagon bed a, 2 eowa, 7 head of joung oat tin, 1 $m and piga. tt aorta of wheat, 6 aeraa of ryt in tha ground, 100 doirn oala, 2 lumber aleda, S,M)0 feet of aaed lumbar, 20 ab-p. Tha furegning property waa purabaavd by wt at rblfl l rale, on the 2Kb day of Dedfinbtr, od ia allowej to remain in Ihe poaaeaalnn of aaid Knlbrtek on lonn only, autye.it to my order at aoy nme. yuiiA iiuiii, Wallaoeton, Pa., Fab 20 St VroTICI. IX PAHTITION. In Hi Orjibma' Court of Clearfield county, ia tne matter oi me priinoo or Kent t.uie o William IJitchitijra.late of Hradford town-hip, ii aaid aouulv. deeeaaei. Not Ire is herebv liven to Jano Woolrldie, u John Woolridge, her huabnnd, iJavii) llilubinga. Mary Ann Mama, and N. ll. Matna, liar tiuauaiitl, Calbanoe Ihtoninga, aua Aaron w. Kramer, ttaf) her Uuardian ad tittm, and Tbomar 11. Foroey tluardian of Uavid II. Wtlker. Thtima 11. Welker, Martha liiil, Am-lia Vtn'Ur, J. TlUke Walker. Otia Welker and Mrtry B. Welkor, heira, or per anna interested tn laid aatalv.tbat th) In aueet of partition ia laid aetata will bo b-ld on tbepremiaea.in aaid townihip.on Wl. 1N KiiUA Y, tbe ftTH DAY Or MAHUII, A. V. I"7, at iu o'clock a. n., where all eon attend If (bey aet proper. ANUHKW PENT., Jr., Slier ill". t learn em, rao. i-si. in an eaMward direction alung aaid alreet IVU feet tu a 2D foot alley, ihenee along alley In a south ward dii action 2wb feat to lieorgt atJott, ttionee Weit ward along aai. etreet IHO fmsl to p.tvee of btinning, and baring tberain erected a large plaiting mill, board eheds, board kiln, and neeoe-; aary building, with a large al-am rngina and other oiatbinery belonging to raid mill, fteiied, taken In eircutitm ahd to be eoid aa tbt properly of A. 11. lrln and W. C. Arnold. AIo, tbt interrM of A. 11. Irvla in a errlaio iraet of land eitnatt In l)gga township, bounded and de.cnbed aa followri Un tht aorlh by the Julia hi cin house n survey.on ibe east by tbe Win. Troulwine aurvoy, an ibe auutb hy tbe Uarbara Hnyder aurvey, and on tbe weat by Iht Henry iV'aunet survey, and known aa the John Ktoa lurvey, runlaiaina 400 acres, moretr lets, all un improved. Stia(lpitelMi la tietatlen tod to bt sold as tbo property of A. II. Irvlo. Tinwa or Pali, The prlet or sum at which tbt property shall ba truck off must be paid at tht tiroe of sale, or tuck other arrangements tpeda as will be approved, olberwiae the proper ly will bt Immediately put p and aold again at Jit tspeast and rlak of tha parson to whem It was struo k off. and who, la eat of defioieney at ueh rt-salt, shall make good tbt lamt, aoJ lo na instanaa win tbe ueed he prtaeoitu tauouri for oontirmatioa a a less Iht money la actually paid to the Sheriff. ANUKKW PKNT., Jr. bntairr s Urrica, I bberm. Cltarfleld, Pa., Feb. 20,1878. 1 llVotto ufciutti bav itiot ta bertby given that tha following ac hate boon s ami tied and i.aiaed by int. and rcuain Bird of record ip this ufiiut fur the in spection of bnira, legatees, ercdilora, and all others tntnrested, and will bt presented to tht net! Or. phana' Court ol Clearfield tounty, to bt held al the ijourt House, in tne oorougn oi iicanicni, turn- mcneinf on tbt 3d Monday (being tht ItUh day) ol Manb. A. li. I87a : iiml ncuoiiht ul l . J unuev. Atliii r ot .WoodwarU tWj,., MuurfieUi t0., 10., Au(.,ll(t Hr4. an reoohM q iht oflloe of Kt UuCOaHCt). nurdcr of I)eda lo and fur said oounty, In Deed Kinul sU'cotinl, of Julius A- i ltjio ttiiti HoWRTHiNaTflR MATTEB.-Kor twelve yearn tlio Krio Dispatch Una bppfi ono of Iho moat wholo-aouled Cumorun nowttpapors in the Stato. But all of a ml den it flopped ovor. and it U now going for every Winnebago scalp on tho Mioro of Luko Krie, or olttewhero visible. Yea. wo aeo now what ia tho matter, Mr. Willard, tho editor, haa boon collector of the Port for many yearn, at a salary of 93,000 nnd Rtetil- jnpj tluublu pum. The othor dny "Don" Can.pron,by way of rpform, bad a G ono ml Brown put jn Willard'a place. Now, he, the aaid V, ia mad, and flotirishea hie tomahawk aa Tigor- ouftly aa Hitting Bull. Whether he will also make bia caeape to Canada, we aro npt able to atat. On the Amrt. Tho BcllefonU He publican, 1 informs Ita loyal readers that unloea (Jon. Beaver, of thai ancient borough, U nominak'd UV (i over nor, tho party will be defeated tbia fall, Well, the defeat la aa well fixed aa the North Pole, and Radical plunderer and strategists can not prevent defeat, with A Itwer, or no beaver oo the ticket. Mrs. Hicks waa a riacipui and inter eating talker, but Mrs. ?hojna Lord la golden mount, The old gentleman talka enough for both of them, however. Sheriffs Sale- 1y virtue of writs of eari 'ni'ia, Issues. 1 1 out of tht Court of Common Pitas of Clear- Held eounly, and to me directed, there will ba a i posed tt publlf aalt, at tht Court Hon at, la tbt borough of (iieatllsld, ea raturday, tat flib day of Maroh, lets, at 1 o'clock, f.wm the following doecribed real tatau, to wit : All that tertaln tract or body of bituminous soal land, situate, lying and being In tbt town lb In of Woodward, oounty ef Clear field, and Htalt of Penn'a, bounded and damn bed as Mlows, to wtl: lleginaing at a maple (gone) now atone corner, being a common corner ot original surveys in Ibt names of n ut. Wlatar, Roland Kraoa, and Samuel Kmlloc ; tbe nee north Si weat 121 perches Lo a hemlock t thenoe north 4.1 east 27ft pert-Hex to a poal) Ibenoe south 11 legrees oaat 121 perches to a P f tbenoa south &a neat IM parches lo a i Ui all rook oak f Ibonct loath olV eaat So.S ptrchts to a poat j thenoe south ii west 1 1 1 perukes to a post ; thence north Si weat l perches to stones; theoct south til wt 10 parches lo a poat s thence north IA weat 12 perches tt a post j thenoe south .r3 went 60 pertsbrt to a poil ( Ibener south 'Ai east 32 pare boa to a post) thenoe south weat 24 perches to a white pine, thenoe north IS west IU 4 6 perches to a white oak i thence north oA east fcerftifa ttiio qurtls 3$ wtat ill ft-(t) perches Id a Ut hi'Hiiofik ; tliPOa 1r ao easterly direction up a mall strsam it perohes lo a he tn lock I tbrnue nor h 29 weat 12 perohva to a wbilt oak stump thenoe south 61 west II parch t a to a poat i thenoe north 3i weat Al i 10 perbtl to a post) Iftenoe Bouin oa weat 104 i-u pnrsuas to ui) M hemlock i tbenoa suatb 3 eaal fll ft lu per oliea to a fallen bttnlock i tbenoa s utt) 63 wvat 19 perchei to a poll : thenut north 91 weat nomas Clrarfli ld oreck 120 ft-10 perches to a post 1 tbenoa north i) taat SHU perohes to plant of beginning, containing nlnt hundrvd and nint aorta, mort or leas and bring parts of three several tracts of land aurvayed on warrant dated in I7V.I , granted by the oim in on wealth of Pimnsvlvanla, oat lo Hamutl Kinlln, one tn Roland Kvans, and one to W illiam W titer, whiob parts of said traota altora described havt, by divers good eonrey ancoi and ariuratrft In law. become yen ted IP Uevid O. Heueat. Tbe said body of land Is eomptltod of the fa! lowiug contiguous Iratta or bodies of Und. No. I. Tht Wm. 11. Aleiander farm, rontaln ing about 23 acres, mort or lesi, with about 1 20 aorta cleartd, largo orchard, two-story plank house with kit- bra attached, larce bank bam and other oot-buildtogs end improvement!, Coil March, IM7H, at 1 o'clock, p.ra Ing described real astatt, to wit ; A certain trxet of Und situate In Hoga towo wb ip, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a post on line of Wta. Yard, tbeuee along lint of Alei Ntone south 12 perobei to a poat bv land late of wm, lrvtn seatate luopernneatonoat.Lbenot a long line of Wm Yard aurvey 143 perches to plant of beginning, containing one nuolrd aorta and one hundred perrfaas and allowance, with slity-aWt acres cleared, having a large stora and ttnant house and outbuildinga, and large dwell ing b"utt and tenant house thereon erected. Keited, token lo rxtcutioB, ai.d lo bt sold aa (bt property f Ellis end Wilberry pickle. Also, a wta m tract or land slttutt In Bell tp. Clear field eoaoty, Pa., bounded and described aa follows 1 Ueglnaiagal a post, tbenoa eoutb 4V! partita to atones, thenoe west ISA perches to stones, thence north 4VJjJ perches to Maple, thenct eaat l.tft perches tt plant of beginning, contain ing forty aeret and allowance, with five acres cleared and a small bouse thereon. Keited. taken In eaeeutioB.tnii to bt aold aa tbt property of W. C. Miller and Henry Oruht. Also, a certain tract of land aitoata In Bradford township, Clearfield tounty, Ps, bounded and de pert bed as follows : On the east by land of Wot Woolridge on the sonth by land of Peter La.is btrry.on tbe west by land of Wm Shircy and tn tbt north by land of Wm Woolridga, oontainlng fifty seven teres, with forty aerts cleartd, a log houe HbjU fert. a small frame barn and Out buildinga treated thsrroa, aad a growing orchard. Halted, taken ia tiecutlon, and to bt told aa tht property of Jamei A- Watson and Catharine Holt. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Bell township, Clearfield tounty, Pa and known as No. 'a 1 and 2 la general plan or aaid village, bounded south by ld belonging to MrClinaay heira, wrat bv lot of W. 1,. (Sharp, and being on ibe corner of Main and Waiter streets, having thereon areoted a two-slorv frasnt dwelling house. flftv feel froat and thirty feet deep, and tbt lot being about sitty by one hundred and Ifty feet. (Seised, taken la eiacutlon and to bt sold as tht property of John P. Irvin. Aifo, a certain tract or iaDj situate in Brady lownabin, Clearfield cunt v. Pa., btglnalng at poet oa line tf Jacob Hileburn lot, theoct north 61 degrees eaat I perches to a Doat. thenoe bv lot of Jacob Hiieburn north .10 decrees west 12 ntr. 10 pom . roan, inenot ny land or Jarcob TosI B estate south 32 degrees 40.4 perchei 10 poal.thtneo by aaid land south H degrees east 21. A perches to poet, ineueo ty said tend north 16 degrees tart 27 perches It pest, thenoe by public road 4 deg. and 44 perches to poet, thenoe by Jacob IM thorn ' laid north fttt degrees West 2 perches to post and plte of beginning, containing I aerea and 116 Cere bee and having a two-atory frame dwelling oust 3UbyI3 feat a frame stable and tht remaiaa of a burned taw mill, raised, taken In execution, snd to bt tld as tbt proprrty of J. C. Whipple A Co. Also, a oertain tract of land situate In Wood ward township, Clearfield eounly, Pa., having erected thereon a two story frame houst, bound ed and described as follows t On tha north, south, oast and west by property tf flouts' heira. Bel ted. Ukra I Hfluiit.fr, and to ho (old aa tbo properly of Teranct Bigley, Also, a tsrtaio lot of land stluato In Clearfield Borough, Clearfield tounty, Pa., known as lot No 2UA, being M feet 4 Inches front on Btoond stroet, and alwut 200 feet deep, bounded oa tbo west by Beeond street on tbt north by Reed street. 00 tho oast by an alley and oa tbt south by lot No. 20ft, being the una premises which Joeiah W. Smith, by grunnd rent deed, dated 10ih March, lHAfl, re curled la Booh , page , ooavtytd to said R B, Tajlor.sui.jMttotbepaymintofaa annual ground rcttof Seventy dollars, titrable semi-an nually, on which premim an erected three frame d wellies; bouaet, Stifcd, taken In eieention.'and to bo sold as the properly or H. fl. Taylor. Alio, a oertain tract or land situate la Wood ward township. Clearfield oounty. Pa., oontainlng about fifty acres, all cleared, with largo baro and two story dwelling house aud a young orchard growing thtrtoa, bounded aa follows, vis: Kast by A.J. Uoss, Donb by Huatoo, eoutb by Thos. 11 uton and west by Hugh Carton. Also, one ether tract of land situate la Boggs township, In said oounty, containing about ono bund red and twelve aerea, about fifty acres clear ed and balance In woodland, bounded as follows, via ; Kail by other landa of defendant!, wtat by Thttuaa Hampton and north by land ol Wm. Albert A Uro., and toutb by Jonathan, Boynton. Heiied, taken In tjievution, and 10 bt sold ai tht property of A. J. Hots and Wm. Owes. Alan, all thoae certain loti aituata In tbt bor ongh of Clearfield, Clearfield ooonty, Pa., bound) td and described as follows : Oa tbe oast t y Third street, on the south by Locust street, on, tb,e If est by Walter's lot No. K7,and on the north by an Ai;i)ITOH' NOTICE. 1 n the Orii bans' Court of Clearfield oounty. In tha matter of tbt eieeptioni to tht account of John B. Kafferty, one of tht admiaiatrators of W K Itallerty, aa filed by tbt admiaiatrators of aaid Jubn U. Hantrty. Tbt undersigned Auditor appointed by tbe Court to lake tttimony and rport to the Court, hereby gives notice that be will attend to tht duties of bia appointment at bia oDiet in tht borough of Clearfield, on Tueaduy, ibe 04 h day of War oh. V U.187H,at 10 o'clock, a m DAN. W. M.CPRDV, ClearuelJ, fb.)3-4t. Auditor. VIHTOR'H KOTICE Krastos Luther vs. J. C. Whipple A Co. In tho Common Pleas of Clearfield county. No Til. January Term, Fl Fa No IDS, June Trtn. 1877. Tbt undersigned Auditor, appointed to make and report diatribution of proceeds of salt of per sonal property of J. C. Whipple, in abort oast, will alteud to tbe duties of bis appointment, at bis office, In tht Court Hnuae, io Clearfield, at 1 o'eloth p. in., on Friday, February 23, 1174, where ail parties interested oan make their claims ur bt debarred from coining in n said fund B. T. BKOCKUANK, Crtarfitld, Feb, fi, 1878-St Auditor. AIU!!TnATH'H IhOTICK -Kotice is htreKy given that Letters of Adreiuiaira- ' lion 00 ttio eatHtu of DAVID Fit AI KU.lt.te of Uriiham townrhip, Clearfiold county, I'nin'a, drs'd, having hem duly granted lo the unlr aigned, all puraona induliUd to said eUte, wi.l pleat make imuiedinta payment, and thoae hav ing alaiuia or demanda will p reseat I hem properly authenticated for settlement without d-luy. AMO.S Ul'DLKR, Orahamton, Jan. 9, 1878-61. Adm'r. ADMIMl-TIIATOIt'H KOTICI'-Nolloe ia hen.br given that Let ten of Admin ib trat.on on the cstatt uf FKLIX PICARD, late of Covington lowncbip, Clearuold ounty, l'a.,doo d, having been duly granted to tbe nndorsigned , all persons indebted to said estate will pleaae make immediate payment, and those having elalms or demands agaiuat tbt aaiat will present tbrro properly authenticated for eettlvmeiit without delay. F F. 1 "I 1UUKT, Adminiftratur. Frtnchville, Ps., Jan. IC, IK78 6t. A nMIFalHTHATtlH (ITH Niatlco 2. li hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on tht tautt of LriiTIIL'R A- ADliLKMAN, lata of Pikt biwnabip, Clearfield eounly, Pa., deceased, havlnc been duly crantetl lo the undersigned, all persons indebted to aaid cstatt will pleast make immediate payment, and thoae having claims or demand a will prtaent them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. H. B. THOMPSON. Curwensvlllt, Pa , Jan. I S77 fit Alm'r, VtlllTOH'a XOTII'H. lo Ihe Orphans' 0urt uf Clearfleld county. u ihe matter ol ttieeiiato 01 a. n. reopie a, aeo a. Tbt undersigned Auditor apdntod by said Court to report dietributi" of the balance remain ing in tbe benda ur P. A. Rowlea aod N. B. Pco p!a, administrators of said dee d, amoagsl tha t.ej 4,..fr.( - -;-: . - -. UiCIII,USJ tfiA), I OU IX -I Ui Jl.liU '- .wl , al Itlo'elouk.a. u. ai bis oftVe in Cleai.-Jd, Pa. DAN. W. Mi Cl UDY, ( learfleld, fb 13-41 Auditor. 7 . A riITOH H NOTICE, Frank, Liveright A Co. vs. K. W. M in tier, D. H. Rot brock and J. K. Hinport, as tbt Pcno Coal Co. Id the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield oounty. Fi Fa No. 8, January Term, 178. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tbe Court to distribute tht money arising from the aale of ihe defendants' peraonal property, bertby gives not lot that bt will attend to tht duties of his apppintnumt at bis ufnrf, in Clearfield, on Thursday, February 2lt, I87H. at I o'clock p. m., when and where all parties Interested mar attend. A. l. KUAMKR, Clearfield, Feb, ft, I97S St Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP Valuable Real Estate I 1 By virtue of an order of tbt Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, the undersigned, Adtalniatretor ol the estate of John Clearv, lata of Bloom town ship, dee'd, will sell at public sale, at tbe Court House, in Clearfield, oa Thursday, February 28, 8I8, at 2 o'clock p. m , tha following dcieribed Real Estate, to wit: All that certain piece of land sit uate in Bloom township, Clearfield eountr. Pa , hounded by lands nf J -bn Hepburn. Dr. Fetzer, Frank Orcntt aod 0. P. Bloom, containing . 74 ACRES, harlng almost thirty acres cleared aod in a good state of cultivation. There Is a small bouse and barn, and small orchard thereon. IMINIMTHATOHH NOTICE. Nmict Is bt-reby given that Lrttrra of Ad mlnialravtion on tbe etale of M A It I A 11 AHli- KNKKLTKH, lata of Brady twp , Clearfield Co., Penn'a, deo'd, having been duly granted to tbt undesigned, al) persons indebted to said tttatt will p loose make iiomcJUte payment, and tboat having claims or denmnda will preaent 1 new proutwij an mention ted mr aetlicmcni with out delay. E. ASII KNFKI.TIJK, Luibarabur, Pa., J-iu. 1(1, '7 ft -fit VIMINIMTIUTOKH NOTICi;. Notice u hereby given thrit Letter of A1 miDiatratius on ihe eataie ot J.NO. U PIOARD, late or Covington township, Clearfield ounty. Pa., deceased, having been doly granted to the undersigned, all person 1 indebted to said estate will p louse make immediate payment, and thore aaving ciaiua or demand! againat the acme will present tbeta properly autheutioaiod lor settle ment without delay. JOHN J. PICA HI), CAR iLINK F. PM'ARD, Administrators. Fronchville, Pa , Jan. IS, l17--ot TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. QltPII ANH CfklIRT HAI.E, By v!;tuo-:f a3 order of the Orphans' Court of Cluirfleld oouuty, tbe undersigned Adminitra Uir tf uen mom of tbe tatete at F. K. Rafferty, doe'd, late of Penovillt, Peon townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., will sell al public salt oa the prein- laea, on Thursday, March 7th, 1878. al I o'clock p. m., Ibt following described real estate, vis: All that oerlaia lot of grouna situ ate ia ths village of Pcnaville, in Penu township. t learn rid oouuty, fa., bounded aad doaerlued as follows : Beginning at a poat corner of turnpike road ; tbenee north along towmbip road 183 feet tu poit; theoct eaat by alley 104 feet tt putt ; tbft.ee south by lint of K. A. Parrel 1 0 feet to post; thence west by turnpike road 121 feet to place of beginning, toutaiutng fire-eighths of an acre, more or ls, having thereon arreted a M Air ft Itatei llultdhtr, .IlilU feul, two s'ories high, with baok buildiog, a Ure barn aud other outbuildings. A hotel is now kept in tbo buuss. TERMS OF SALE 1 One-third of tbe j urchase money to bt paid at confirmation ot sale, and thebil.noe io twot'iual annual payments, with Intrrtat, tt tt tec urea by bond and mortgage on the premise. JAMU.S McKEOWN, Qramplon Hills, Feb. U 4t. Adm'r. TRUSTEE'S SALE -OF- Mioliaul SliuiTur, Atlru'ra ol tlio fttlulo ol jN ii'holuti Hnlladay, luto of Jlruily twp., (,'lfBt rli'lil I'd, l'a., diKcutu.'d. Pinal accontitof Wm. T. Jlooro, Adm'r ol tlio cttUito of Andrew a. ilooro,luto of 1'cnn lwp., Clearfield Co., l'a., doe'd. Final nt'count of Daniul (ioodlander and Jlunry Knarr, Kxttutorn of the ontutoof Ailuin ilnrslnill, lutaj of llruily twp., CIcai'Diild Co., l'a., dDccattutl, Final account of It. II. Mnorvpnd tieo, C. Kirk, lCxocutors of Ilia ontato of fi.i. Horn, Into ol Uraily twp., Lkar Hold Co., l'a. dorcaaed. Final account of K. 11. Moure and (ieo, C. Kirk, Kxocutora of 8. J. Horn, and who was tiiionliitn of tlio minor Itoirs of James A. Woodn, Into of Clvarticld Co., l'a., doccaacd. Final account of Henry A. Wright, Kx- aoutor of ( "tato of II. 11, Wright, lute of Jiocrnria twp., Uluarleld Co., l'a., dcoeaaotl. 1'artial acoount of Win. Laimborry, Adm'r of tha ontato of David l.ana- berry, late of Lawronoa twp., Clear field Co., l'a., deceaned, t. J. MOH0 4.N,' Fek. IJ-U HKlsUr RarUr. all.T.neir;, nfly feat front on Lnat ,trat nn4 tfu ie,i itui-n iixng iniril stn.1, and mown i lot Tfq. 120 In the ,ineral plan of Bald, boruugh, TERMS OF SALE One-third of tbt pa'ebaae money to bt ptid at confirmation of aalt, and tht batanoe in two equal annual payments, with interval, to bo secured by hontl and mortgage on the prtmiset. JOHN HMTTH, Purest, Pa, Feb. A, IS78-4L Adm'r. rpRlAl. I.I ST. Lut of eautesaet down for J. trial at March Term, A. D. 178 vs. Matthew Bloom, vs. A. Kerio. vs- Williams A Hager. vs. KlttaaaingCnal Co. vs. Williams A IJager. Valuable Ileal Estate U nder the decree of tbe Orphans' Court of Clear field county, l'a , there will be sold at public salt at Cl'KWKNSVILLK, ClaarStld tounty, on Thursday. March 14thf 1878, tht following desenbod valuable Real Eilate, to wit ' I'urpart So. 2. Being daoriWI as follow: Situate in Pike township, Clearfield eounly, Pa. beginning at a black oak corner of purpirla Ndi, 1 and IT; tbnct by purpart No. 1 south 1! de grees east IM 4-10 perohes to a cherry at th river : tl rncu down tbe river by Its several course and di'Unoes, a follows South 78 deureea eaat 0 & 10 porcbei, aoulb 83 degrtts taat 24 perohes, north HI d-greti ct 20 perobee, north afl degree sa.t I H pen-bo, n-rth Jegrcea iwnt 1 1 pwohe north 1 degree cast 10 perches, north 2(1 degrees west .12 perches, north luJ degretaeaat lflMjrcbes. north 26 decrees taat 32 perchei, north degrees taat U perches, north 81 degrees ueat 8 perches, north fodegrets weat 24 cri-hes,nortb 2aJ degrees west 2" percbes, north J7 degrees wast 4 perches, nor'b fiH dejfreos west 22 perches, north 72 degrees' west II 6-1 1' perches to a post by tbe river ; tbenct by purpart No. IT aouth 30) degrees west 70 S-lu perehea lo the bi.vjk oak arid place of beginning,, cualaiumg .Urrn, Hi G-IO Perchta, net meainre, having llOacreacletrel and am fer gmd cultivation, 18 airei woodland, a larg-ooau rjimlioun bouse, larje new bank barn, ub obbcr oulbuildings, a finoly telectei orn'iird ei ohoia fruit, having 4(H) new trees, wilh old orohaw L Tbt farm being w.dl fenced, highly imvroveii, swad situate on the hank of tbe Suqohann rivr. Alao.Hub IHvUbm No.il. Purpart Ho.l't. -Described as follows : Hituatt in ih) b irougb of Curwenavillt aforesaid, bounded by tbe turo pikt and the river, being lift feet front on tbt rnpue, and extending in depth to the busque- A su;.p!y of Machiuer, with Needier, Ac., wave un band. Terms, strictly cash or country produce, share of patronage solicited. O. B. MKRRRLL, 8 u perm ten dent, Clearfield, April 23, l77-lf. A NEW DEPARTURE IV L V T II E It S B l! It G . SherilT's Sale. Rt vlrtut of sundry writs of Firi Vfffi Is sued out of tht Coort of Cum mon Pleat of Clear field oounty, and to sat dirteied, ihtra will be eigwsed to public salt, al the Court House, In tht borough of t'learfleld. on Saturday, Ibt Vtb day of Marsh, M7I, at I e'tloek p. ., (be fol lowing drKribtd ml stato, to Will All that aertata let or pi set tf ground illnatt In tbt borough of Clearfield, CleerhtU ooonty, Pa., bounded and described as follows, Regie nlng at iht tomer of lot No 48, thrnet by said lot west 208 feet tost alley, Ibenoe by said alley north .1 rttt to lint tf groan1 told U Waj W Hails, ibrprpby said Hat test frtt tt ficooiij Sli 'f , tbefir bv btcond Urtet 30 feet to Ibe earner of Itl 48 and plact tf beginning, boiag iht tonth bill tt lot No 47 iaplaa of said borungb, and having thtrtoa trtcled twoiltry frets store boast, 2 by bO fttt, a 'mall buggy ibtd and olbtr eaibalid- Rook No. I), pagt in.1, granted and eqnraytd to ai4 bv id C. lsuaL rio. 8. jutjutin p. atisfcsnaer rarw, t' ntaia iOf about acres, mora or less, with about 76 acres t'eared, large trchaid, two itory bowed log houst with plank kitchen allaohtd, round log barn, ttlalih borat atablt, blaokaiuith ah tn. and olbtr out-buildings aad iinprovemeatl. Tbe ooal is opened on tuts piece, lining Ibt same promt set which John D. Alexander and wile, by dead dated Into May, 1874, aud recorded at afortaatd in Dttd Rook No. 7, "page TV, granted and eon-, vvtd p rRid lavl4 (f. lUnu'. o, a. wut u. Pa.iipi larm, twuii.toingaui.ui 1 00 acre i, more or less, wilh about 40 aorsicltar- ed, i mall orchard, 1 i story round log bouse, round log barn, and olbtr out buildings and luiprort mcala. Coal is opened oa tbia farm. Haing Iht stmt premises wbioh liaaitl Philips and wile, by deed dated Ibe 2Vth June, 1874, aul reoorded aa aforesaid io leed Look N 7, pgt if. granttJ and tonveyrd to the Lvd 0. H sisal. , ps, . Jbt juomai UHuu term, tontalntnr shout 1 1 1 free, tnort or Itss, with about 2u acres cleared, small trehrd, 1 story round log huase and round log stable, and otbtr nut-buildings and itnprtvtmtnls. Coal is opened on tbia farm. Reing the ram t premise which TbniM It I ion ant wift, by deed dated I7'h J'int I7t, and rt oorded ai alorasaid, ia U'' $tPM granttJ and tonrtyed to laid Uavid C. Uoa- No. ft Tho Jtiho P-lrWd farm. tfltlng about 200 aerea, mort ar Itis, with about 4 aorel tleartd, having Ihtrtoa ertoted a l story plank house and double barn. Coal it opened on this fern). Rtiag tht same premises whieh Samuel P. Utiaf aad wifa.by deed dated I4lk 'eb ruary 1871, aad renurdiil M aforesaid ia peed llouk No. 4, page (14, aad Daniel Huutl and ift, hy deed dated fltbHeptetaber, 18", and rtcoroVd aa aioreaaiii, in ueau uoot n a. t, pasit j, grani ed and tonveytd It aaid Ravid 0. llensal. No. fi. Tbt steam mill property known aa tbe Rellceua farm, eon tela ing about 140 acres, mora or lets, wilh about 40 teres cleared, having a small orchard thereon, f litre Is a ooal bank open and operated tn this farm. Using tbe same property w blob. Ji.aUb H, Hr4 0d Wilt, br dted deled fib Ueamltt. 1818, aad seoordtd as alortstid lHd Rook 4 gt IV, grant4 and sonveyed to Hid Uvd 0- il'Ba.l, all of wbw h deed i or rooord see fur more particular ae at r in lion of bound aria. Heiivd. Uktt) la execa Hon, and to bt told at Iht property of Uavid 0. Ilea sal. Also, by virtus of t writ or Fi- F- tl iht tlmt and place, I will sett all that eatM.n tract nr body .( bituminous ooal load as abort dtteribod, tonuinlng W9 aorta, ort or loss, tpraog and, in tbp said ttvral farms, plscti aad f )f ' a abort incntlontd and dtwriattl, wilh tht i having thereon erected a larce frame heme, car Den tar shop, staoia, small unigo and otepr- imprwvt mcntf. Alio, one other lot sltuatt la Digler' addi tion to said borough, and known at lot No. DO A, being of fett front on Keennd st rent, and abqiti 201) test deep, buuoded oa tho wtat by ttotond it. on the north by Reed street, on tht taat by an a I ley and on tbe south by lot No. 24, having there on erected three frame heuaca, a shoemaker shop, and other Improvements. Alio, oae other lot of ground In tho aaid bor ough, bounded oa tht north by Pint si reel, on the east by lot of Mrs, Hehofiel J, on tht south by an alley and west by lot of 8. 1. Snyder, being about fifty feet front on Pint street and about 180 fttt deep. on nblub U erfulma large frautduubla buue aha other ImprovaiueQts. Alo, out other lot of grunnd situate la Binder's addilloa lo said borough, la what Is known as Taylor's division, bounded and described as fol lows i Heginning at a ooroer of Rridge and Seo ond etrteta, on tkt east lidt of stoond street. Ihtnct louih along Second street about t J fbet to an alley, thenca pa.t alung said alley fiO (set to lot of Mrs Maglil Buck, (hence north along said lot 3 feeC's) Bridge street, tbenct west along laid street about 00 feet to place of beginning, bting part of lot No. 21 1 and having erected thtrtoa two Urge (rami bouses, and o.htr im provrmeatt. Also one tlber lot of ground situate la Riglvr'i addition to tbe borough of Clearfield, beginning at, e. roer of M of Maggie R. Rock and Hridgt nrtet, thanst south along said lot of Mr. Uuok about 70 feel tt si allay, thenct test along tttd alley ahoat 100 fret to an alley, tbenoa north along said alley about 80 feet to Rridgt street, thaaat west along said strt to r-lact of beatn- ning, being part or lot No 211, and having thert on erected two frame bouist and ttbtr improve msnis, Also, nntQibvr lot of tionndaltoaitln tht vil lage of West Ckarfield, in Lawrence township, and known at lot No 12 ia tbt general plan of sad villate, bounded oa Iht south by Main street, on the west by lot No 11, on Iht north by aa alley ani on the east by alley, feting H fttt front on Main itrtet and IwO feet dorp to an alloy, having no linprovemeats. belied, token In execution, and to be sold as the proptrtv of R. B. Taylor. Also, a certain tract or land situate la Decatur tow mkip, ClearAeld oounty , l'a., bounded and do scribed as follows t Oa tbe no'th by A Kephart;, snulh by Boynton, west by John M Chase and llaterty estett, coutaiatnt 40 acres, mort or lost. with about 20 acres olearud, with two-sto y plank house, ittiiyii test, log bam and other outbuild ing, fleitwd,' taken In eiecutloi, an 4 tq bt toljl al flit prdptrtv ef Ueorae W stenhart. Alio. tsrUla tract X land aituata ta North Houitdais, woodward tp.Citarfield oounty, l'a.. being lot n silt tfi by lift fett, With email itort houat and basentsntt small stable aad other out buildlttg tbervua, bMundd an tho wtat by Wo Moore, oa tbe aurih by alley, na tht aouth by Main slntt. tutted, taken ia exetloa, tPtl to bt toldai tbt prouerit of Wm 11 Philips. Also, a eertaia uaot of land tiluatt la Patau oa Uvnsbip, Clsarfitld eounly, l'a, hounded at lollowst Norlk by W. Straw, aast by Widow (Irten, south by Christ RhotT, west by W. Barrett, coataialag about 100 acres, with about 20 aeres a I a red with small orchard, and haelog a email frame bouse tad barn (hereon trotted. Retted, takea la execution, aad to ho told a ihe proper ty of Paul White. Taaai op Sail. Tht oriot or Mtn at vhlth ibt props rr ikeH bt struck tf santt ht paid at tbt lime of !, ar such ti her arrangements made as will bt approved, otherwise Iht properly will bt tamedialely pot op at 4 aold agaia at tbt tiptnse and risk of tho person ta waas It was struck of, and who, in oate of deficiency at such re sale, sbsll makt good tht taste, and in no instate will tho Deed b t'.ti it Coart r ton 2 r allot naletf tha'tnoooy li artnally paid to iht Hberlf, AIDI.IWPtNT2,)ra, fttapirr'i Orpica, I ti her iff. Clearfield, Pa., fob, 20,1171. J ng Monday, March 11, nnd continuing two weeks. PlRiiT WIEK, MONDAY, MARCU 11. !. C. MeCloskty vs. John Heist. John J. Patlere-n va. R. Shaw's estate. Ahram Kepbart vs. Rerwind, White A Co. M tlurlty A lire. R. llartahorn Daniel Weaver Ludwick A Robisoo Thomas R. Rlandy D. II. Rarrlch YandordonA Shepherd vs. Ludwlg A rUibison vs, M L. A A. Morrison A Co vs. The M. L. 4 L. Oo. Martha B. Hnyder vs. Pater Moytr. 1st Rap. h.Cberrytrtt vs. J. II. Lamhorn tt al. at. ftlollendry tt. ai. vs. James 1. Anthony. vs. A Lanabtrry. vs. Ellis Parea. vs. James Forrest A Son. vt. William F. Jobnaeo. vs. DrobaktrA Hollopeter THIRD WEEK, MONDAY, MARCU 25. Wm, H. Pontius vs, Arnold, Hartshorn A Hippie v. Joseph M. Smith, vs. Ann-Id A Hartshqn,. vs. John CarpbeJi. v. James A. Irvin. vs. 0. V. Merrrllat. al. vt John A. Dillen. vs. Hiram Woodward, va. Tho T A O. R. R. Co. rs. Tbt M. L. A L. Oo. Tuttlt A Whitmort Co va. Clt'd Kx- Oanihh Oo Robert Writ; ley vs. Cll'd Planing Mill Co. Cur'sville (Seiiool Dit. . S- B. tavlr tt. al. Weed Mewing M. Oo. vs. R. R Curry et. al. T. R. Reims vs. Robert Lane berry. Kroehnld H A R- Ala a va Modregor A Pratt. Vanli,rd'in4 8hapbrrdv, Wtlluw.A Hager tt al O'Reiley A On. vs. John 11. Friday. 0, . Currall A 0o. vs. Alfred Scbofield. James R. Hv ho fie Id vs. W. R. Fineh. Kiokct Manuf'g Co. vs. A- B. Straw at. al. Rigler, Young A Heed vs. John Do Ho I a W cm l let Wilier vs. Walter Hntrey. Mitchell Aky vs. Kmmanu! Kunls. TheotloiM Trelin vs. Julia Ann Reasa. Feb fi, 1878. ELI BLOOM, Prothonotary. H. S. Chapman Ditties A WebHer Samuel Bodla Charles Gillesplt M. Hubert na David Rem pie Wm. U. Puntius Lemuel Campbell C. A 13. So u eta John Purler B. BUiott Lyon A tychhm Adam Rtackman Janet P. Halt CANDIS MERRELL II ai opened, In a building on Market struct, on the old Western Hotel loi, oppoaitt tht Court House ia Clearfield, e Tin and tiheet-Irua Manu factory aod Store, whtre trill b found at all timet a full lint of SOUSE FTONI5EI1T& GOODS, Stoves, Hariwaro, Etc. Husc Rptiutinr and all kind of job work, respir ing, Ac, dont on short notice and at rraeonablt ! hanna river, being tbt nertaio hotel property rales. Ais i, ageoi lor tht inown ai me "UM.ienanna iinuse. AImi, Purpart Kt. 1 1. So much thereof as SinonnCAiirir. t v - is known aa tract purveyed on warrant No b'Joi, inger bewing Machine. ! t,.Un,M ..i t.Mrih.-irouow.: suuu i. I Pvan towuabip, in tbe eouoty and Ktata aforesaid, I besitmiug at a hemlock earner; tbenoa by land 1 of James Jolioam nonh 80 degrcti we I 270 per ' ehee to a bt iniook : tbenoe north 2 decree it I2i perches to a birch ; thence north Hr.J degrees west r-rt perehru to stonei ; thenet north It, degrees . efl 123 ptrchstoa pot ; thenct south 88 de grees et 178 perches to a hemlock : thenoe north 2 lrgre-s eaat 1 12 pen-bes to a hemlock ; tbcaca -south 87) degrees cast I8S perches to a hemlock ; . tiit-nt-ft ioti:b 1 degree west VI perches to a red oak ; thence s-uh ISC degrtieteast 46 percbi't tot . post : Iht-nc S'tuth I degree weat 82 perehea to a . poat; (betice north ttV dogrooa west 4i 810 per clint tt a poat ; thence eoutb 2 degrees west 21 7.' pircbes to plate of heginning, containing iiVl tcre and 1Hoicanre helrg part of tract No. tWU, unimproved, havlofrr t hereon a large amount of wbilt pine, while-oak,, hem back and otber timber. Ala, Purpart ho. ML Con.iatir,. of two ..urate ir-vrta or pi reel i of Ian I, bi'j'xt! w fu).. low's f Phllipuburg tract, situate In Morris twp., ooanty snd it ate aforesaid, beginning at a cherry a turnpike t thene by same aouth 77 degree taat 28 percbes, snulh 81 degrees east 22 perchei to a. post : thence north S4 degrees eaat 16G percbes to 0 white pine; thence BJrth fi: degrees east 24 perches to a post ; tbenct north 281 degress wit lol perches to a hemlock ; thence south 68) de grees west S perches lo post : thence north 40 deg.. west ifi psrohes ; tbenoe south 761 deg. wtat 61 perches ; thence south tVO degree west 10 perchei;; ihence south 40 degree eat 6'J perches; thenct tooth Sfll decree) west 112 perches to a post: thence south 2rl degrtts test 205 perches to the pi aeo of Or ginning, containing . I .frre, mort or lent, being unimproved, niadicriarif will valuable veins of bituminous eoej and other min erals, and having thereon a large aratonntof erbtr pine, oak, hemlock and othor timber trees-. Th interest sold being an undivided one -tilth there in. The otber thereon known aa tho Kartbaas tract, situate in Karthaaa tuwnahip, la tbt oounty and State aforesaid, beginniag at a rod oak (down at the river ; thoooe north 88 degrees west 12 perches to a bemloah i tbenoa sooth 2 degrees eaat I Up e robes tappet ; thenoe north 88 deg. west 101 percbes ton post; tbenct south 1 degrees west lOVi perches lo a poit, thenst south 88 de greet eaat 117 perches to a pitch pinet thence 1 south 2 decreet wtat 128 tierohei to tha river: tbenoe down tbt river north 6tf degrtts we t 18 perches, north iO degree west I perches to a while ptne ; thenct toutb hid degrees east 160 per ches to tbe river: tbenet down tht river by it several courses 877 porebet, more or lets, to tbe. beginning, containing 351 8-4 .UrtM, and allowanot, unimproved, having a quantity ol' wnue pine, oaa, neuiiocK ana otner timtier tnero on. The interval to bo sold being an undivided. one-ha'f part therein. Alao, Purpart No. IM. Reunited and de fcrllcod as follows: Situate in tho borough at' t urwensvllle atorraald, bfgiaalag at a point on the river, being the corner nf land tf Catharine Hartshorn; thenct by said land north 10 degree west 8t perches to a hlsrk oak : thenreliy land of John Palton north Tl degrtts west ITA 2-ipercha to ft post j thence by land of Joha Palton toutb va per bea ti Cemetery street ; tbono Hereafter, goods will be told for CASH only, or in e i eh an (ft for produce. No books will bt kept in tht future. All old accounts most be settled. Those who cannot cash up, will please hand over thoir notes and CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined to tell my goods at tawh prices, and at a discount far below that tvtr offered io this vicinity. The discount I allow my customers, will make them rich in twenty years U iaey imiow my ea. ice ana buy their gooUs from mo. I will pay earh for wheat, oats and clover ed. DANIKL GOODLANDBR, Lutheraburg, January 17, 177. THE TIN SHOP. Wm MY0WX MUIIIXE! FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. 1, PIK'8 OPKKA IIOt .SK, ClrarOeld, Pa. Respectfully Inform bis tustatnrrs, and the pub lie io general, that h continues to manufacture all kinds of Tln.CopptT 4 Sheet-Iron M arc, T I wT OK JURORS.- j for March Term, A. I). Lilt ef Jurors drawn 1878. in etintiniii threl w.ekt. FIRST WEEK KKOOND Mot BAY, llTII. John Little, Hoagr, Jnn M Jerilsn, Qulielt J 8 tiearhart. " Darid Iloorer, tlrahatn Jonn Cnwder, Bradford, ;And Ulraiin, UuntsJale ttamnel Creas. !M LleeriKht, JeS Caldwell, Bridj, iKdw'd Pidttei-jn, 11 J Penla, " Wn Moke;, lluetil. K Q MxUendr;, " 'Darid Priee, Karthaul, Teler Reolt, Iturnilde tp. Jno Mitehell, Lawrencl J Vf t)ku,irl, Clearlleld, A J Jaeisnn, I.aae Johnson, " II R lloo.er, CnrSrlll., F I Thoianenn. u Fred Uak.r. Cheat, John Albert, llecatur, J II Hera., hn H tlfden, Qoahen JW Sell, tirwanwood. J O Forest. Jos 11 Howies, t J L Cook, N. Wlih'gton i It Myera, Andereen Lute, Morris, John Penta. Prnn, Simon Weltjr, Union, R II Jordon. " R Al.aand.r, Wood warn Jo.1 Hiliton, Woodward OIAND JURORS SECOND WEEK, lHril. II A Wrl(ht, Beeearla, IT J Fries, Hootidal., Robert bVate, Hell. A M (1111, Bradford, Henl N.np, " J II llneek.r, Brad;, Jon Riinbirifer, " Jno I.ankerit, v Jaa Holt, Uorltiloi, Wm r Krl... Uirird, A N Hhiw, lloihen, T J Thororaon. tlrMi'J, W.llao. Joy, Satn'l Kepbart, Deoitnr, Jos 11 lilgirin h TRAVERSE JCROR8 SECOHO WEEK, 1STII- Wni lloltsn, Beeearla, f.Tno lloekenherre. Chill Jos Whltmw, llloom, W L Warner. ltMatwr, John Brown. Boi-tts, llso Rhirer, ejtirarik lean, b.ten, J u tlirtel, : Thoi Hewitt, llaiton, IR Bridteni, Karlh.vui IC B Nortis, Liwreaoi, ijaklon Itinvar, ajorrii jjohn B Ktler, R IllldebranJ, Nrwborg jWra RpMdr. Uaoeol., I a. J unit, n .onward, Km. L Uoia, Ferd Mijoot, Klli P.are., Bndfbrd & lmberrt. Ooahen Martin Wilson, Milton Hblri., ' . 0 W Barrer, " Adam lllthel, Brad, t M.nifoieierj, Q W Penis, II U Thl 0 Throe, li verier, " Philip W.a.ir, II Htrlsfelt, Jr., l Allans. Bumsld. tp. no Irrin, Cttrwenatllla, J P Hard, W V W,,'I, Cbnriool, W 1 ll.mphlll, " J Rtepb.naon, M John Ha. Covington, F rehaarra, lUeo han.i. h. Unheal. U Rt.Tiaaoa. (4nt.aatood Hohl Alexinar.tialtoh, John Hr.ra, R MeNaaira, Uontldllt Jos n Ma barn, lluaton, Itenrewtilawow, Jordan Jatne. Hal., Llwr.no., aen.a ol.n, ' DW II lie. L Cite. Jas llughee. Morris, John Hall, Kdward w'nll, Finn, Thee W.il, " Alei MellonilJ, " I) B Caldwill, Piko. F HineT, M T llendaraon, Woodward THIRD WEEK MONDAT, MARCH 2&TII. Atnol lleblw, Qrihlni, Jos Lalhir, Baoearll. Jaooh lliwk, Bell, Jis Loehetl, Bofra, A 8 llolden, llloota, Uwla Klin., Hradford, W H Coamil, Brad;, Jaa lllioa, " Hu.k Kelly, " Ant lleberltnt. M Kdwln Conpw, Clear,. Id IIHrl.lire, . - . .w ...nmrd, " Thos Wid, I h'iL Frwd Plnh.ll, Oarlejloi Thin Nirrla, Fwrtmeoa, fslet Bwnsln.r,Ulnrd Alei Mirny, " C W Kyhtr, tlrahint, Jm Wiley, UreinwtKt M rlbirp, 1 L HooTer, J.. Heol.ld, llialon, John Argyl., Iloaladll., Wm T Bloom, Jordan, D Johlelan. 14 R Uonird, a. Nile ".aad. La.reno.. Wm Laneberrr, M JeeM Heant, Merrli, Jonn Kinilfh, t J II llool.oVrty. Morrl, Un aulBherlehnw, 11 Jol Rothraeh, Dield Weeton, Oaoaola, A J Copplee, Pike. of Bnt-elaes tnateriil only, and la workman, like ninn.r. ROOFING tuid SPOUT1XG done oa abort notice and very reasonable trrmt. COOK STOVES, HKATINO BTQVKS AND FURNACES tlwaya kept la slook, aod for Ale low. Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specialty. Oaa Filtnns llwiyson hand. All work guaran teed lo girl sati.fMtioa. A ahari of publle pitronngi oordlally eollelted. FRED. 8ACKKTT, rirartleld, Pa., May t, IST7. JKMOVAI-I JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify tbe public generally that be baa removed his llrocery Store from Shaw's How, to the building formerly occupied by J. Milts K rawer, on Second street, next (Ur to Uigler'a harirwawj store, where bit iotenda keeping a full line otj J U DKltl K H. HAM 3, IiKtLU BKKFind LARD. BUIJARg ind 8 HUPrl, wf lU fradM. TKA8, Qrwett md Blaak. COFPKlL RoiaUd lad lire... FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, r.f .i nti its. All kind, In tie market. -PICKLBR, In Jara aad hirrila, SPICKS, tn .ver, Torm a.J v.tl.tjr. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINIMtttCRArKF.nn. BO A PA, MATCH tin, DRII.D APPLKft, tHI8I PKACIIKS, tRIKD CHRRHII.8, OrA Oil ft&d Limp CUxftnayi. And a trood aaaorimeut of tboat tblnaa wauaJl bept ia a gro,6ry aiore, which ha will each an gx iur marLa.wg a ana eaaraet prwea Will Mil tot oaah at thtaply u any other on., Pitts call and tt bit itoeh ant) judge fbi yowrvwi. jonn McQAuansT. Cltarleld, Ju t, 1171. by name north Jt4 degrees east ? reel; theaca south ufi degree taet 2r0 feet ) thonoe north dt'tfrce. east I2n foct ; thenoe south 4vi degrret east 210 leet; the&t north I0a dtgrret t I2l feel; thence toutb but degree east 11 feet: thence nnrih mi degrees east ISO feet, thenr south 11 degrees east 270 foot; theoct north 'i-d-'grcpi east (ili ftet; tbenc south ti degrevo caval ttiOfeet; thene north 10 degrees etet M feet; tbenc tnuth & dtgita east 26 feet, thence aouth ll" degrees west .10 feet; thene outh 1V degrees taut IWO feet ; Ibenoe south 30, degrees weat 47Mfrt; thtoco aouth iWJ riegnea taat t) porches mort or lees to lb rivet; these down Ibe same north 21 degrees east II pevchea. north H4 degree can 14 perones, north W dvgreca oast 24 percbes, north rj.'J degree tail 13 por ebet to p'ict of beginning, oontainlng; K6 dTrrf an ere or leas, unimproved, aod ta petrtfon of Ih and eaat of tho borough af Curweoivillc, not b'-r'tuft-re sold. Alan, Purp4lt No. Oil Oounded and lr scribed a follnwa: r'ituate in the borough of CuTWasavirla aforesnid, beginning at a point oo the sooth side of the railroad, where the cast aidw ol street intersects the aarne ; thenoe by said itreet eouth .10 degree west 30v feed la Meadow street ; thea a br same south il dsrree east 424 feet to purpart N., II j theno by aama norm m aegrets eiut ft, leet more or Itss to tbe railroad ; tbeuee by aaid railroad Westerly to tl place of beginning, tuntaining 9 .ft-rr a nrf 19 gtrhe$t mort r lte, bring cleared and mtatow land, valuable for build in lota. Alao, Purpart So, 31 -De Ing all those tbret certain lots ol ground, sit uate la Pike township, In tbe county aad Stale aforesaid , being part of hat Is known as "White settlement," end bound ed and described as follows i One thereof having a bouae thereon, bounded on the south bv n strrtft, oa tbe west by a .trret, on tbe toutb by an aWvi and on the taat by lot of ., belog Mr feb front and IM) fett deep. Tbe other Iwo few', tiljnining each oibtr an I rna having; , bouae thereon erected, bounded no the north by, atrtel, on tbe w st by bit of , on lb nuulh by ' an alley, and on the east by street, Whg tach M , ftet Iront and 1H9 f,i detp. In purpart having two r more pareelt ur pfeesi . of lat.d or lot, tbe ptecet or paroet will bt ot td first arparately, e.d the together, aad sold In tb asodt in which they will hritut tb most niiiasy. TERMS OKSAIJ2: Ons third nf th. pnrehaa. a .nay to remain eharred wnon th. Mreu.i., InMhw wtih lb. io- areit iheraof, u be paid I tb. widow, anlnlJIy. during her hie, to be tMnrad by n.i,oiaa.-e, with good and lutlelent tarrtiea, ool.hlward for the payment of Ibe Interest, innnally, W Ih widow. Jan. P. Ireia. daring her nal.rnl UK d Hi. prtnainal sum to tha narliei enlitledi thereto al her death. On.-l.iid to h. paid on.w Mtihrniation of aale, and lb. batane. In tw. eo,..! ao.nai payments, mill tnt.re.1, tal b. aeeurel tea otin.t and uiorlgnjtai an Ih. pramiwa. And ai lo aurh liOilluaa as ar ealaabla nrlaelnalls br tb. timber, ao limber eball b. ml without Brat mak ing appileiU.1 lo tb. Court, and fifing anon ad ditional ewnrtlf for Ih. waymeMsl .1 th. drend purehas. maney aa Ih. Court ihall ippme. aad dlrret, it until alter lh whole f th. pnreh.x money b. paid, Putftheiere, n,,nr pareele Being hioekod Vwn to tkrm, will b. reiiilred s. put up an nmoiit utheleil t. Mrer tb. .ipoaa. ol s-a.l. ha th veil they do not .omply wilh Ih karma of ma. Tbn tmonit U ba iIIosnw a aaaaual hi I, If terms ir omnllo4 with. JAMES B. 0RAHAM, Cl-vClld. rS, F.h. 1 1 41. , Tru.Hl.