Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 06, 1878, Image 2

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    hc Republican.
trmmiiR H (iiHiULANiirR, Kiliuir.
Reedrr. If ma went ia know vhM If going nn
la ine hupinee. wnpld, Juat rend nur i)vrtlinir
tnlamn.. Ihe SMil e-duinn In perttenler.
Un man worthr the nltine of Preeldent "ild
willing in hold il it snosted In. erplneed there
by nor fraud. H "
I onnld never bare keen reennolled In Ihe ele
Tali" be the ptnelleat eld nf Bine nf a poreoa.
k'twerrp' reeperieble In peiente lifr, who naet
foreeer carry upon bio hniw the elainp of fraud
tlrpt iilumi'lipni In Amenean Hi.lory. No Buti
prquenl orllon. however BeritoriouB, win wmb
away tbe letlnre of that record.
(' Knisi-ie Anaaa.
1'nilnr Ilia 'nrme nf la, lluiherrnrd B. Hate,
bal heon declared PreatilrBt of I'nllad Sielee
IPe tilla raeie upon dlrtrancblprinent nf lawlnl
relero. Iba falae eert itioalra nl Iho returbtna; offl.
nerB aclinff enrrutlv, and the daoial'in ol a enm
miloa wlilob hap rrfaaeil In bear t-rldenre of al
leaed fraud. For Ibo flrat tiBOare tbo American
people ennfrunted with Iba foot of a frauduleotly
eleeled Pre.iiieat. Let II not no uoileratnod Ibat
iba fraud Mill ba pilenlly aoquleaeed In by tbo
country. Lot no bonr papa la whirb tbo uaurpa
tios is forgotten.
AnpsBat or Dbuoi:btic M.C.'e.
Oua hundred yeara of buman derravlly aooa.
mulatad and oonoantratad Into a cliaat of ortne.
M.e. In Ave knndred Teere hall tbaj here
ao opportunity to repeat tbo wrong.
Uanibi. W. Voonstaa.
I would ratber bare Ibo oodoraamoot of a quar
ter of a million of Ibo Aaerloen people tban ibat
of the L-'uipUna Returning Board, or of Iba Com
toiapion ebieb eielwled tbo facia and decided
the queitioa on a teobaieelily.
Tuna. A. Hksobicsb.
: jTisbiiu Doint'iice, lorinerly ol 1'ilts
burg, in Spain, Ins nutlvc crtutitry,
where ho viis visiting.
Kx I'tmtinHHtcT tiuiit-rul Jewell' Cam.
ily wore robbed of H500 in mimoy anil
juwolry nt a liullimoro hotel while at
tending the lluriiotl-Slioeinaki'r wed-
Yo present, our readers this week
with the first inttullmvtit of Senator
VoorhtW (rrwnt spooch, wbieh, for elo
cinewe hs nwtr been surpassed In
that body. The biiliinco of the spoccb
will itppear in our next innue.
A Good Bill. Wo notii e by the re
port of tho Poor Director of Mont
comery county, thitt tho tobaeoo bill
lor 1877 amounted to WfifiOl) The
average uuinheroi inmuten during tbe
year, was 307. I'uther a numerou
family, and ton expensive in tho to.
hacco lino.
Twknty Cents. The Congrosaional
Committee on bunking and currency,
on Thun-day lut agreed to report a
bill to discontinue the coinage of the
twenty-cent pieces. The invention of
this coin in due to Senator Jones, and
through bit ii fl'ieiico it was coined.
It ha no friends now.
Tn Sii.vkb Kedhlvtiun. The
Matthews resolutions, which bad pre
viously passed the United States Sen
ate by a roto of 43 to 22, pasted the
House on Friday by a vote of 187 to
79. This is more than a two-thirds
vote. This silver question seems to
be far moro popular than any onocon
tjimiilHti'il '
DrUAlINO THS (uestio. Tho Ti
tusviile Leader asked "How would
Hendricks and Walluco sound for
1880?" and got its answer from the
Erie Observer, which said : "Hondrieks
and Wallaco would sound good, but
wouldn't Wallaco and Hendricks sound
belter?" Tho rout of the returns are
not yet in.
CAPArtTr. The Pittsburg Telegraph
breaks out in this way: Don Cam
eron' powors to givo wore equal to
bis capacity to receive, we would
expect such benefit from him as bar
not been showered upon any Com
monwealth sinco the day when quails
and manna wore rained from heaven
upon tbo needy children of men."
Local Statesmanship An attempt
waB made in the House at Uarrisburg
on Monday a week to pass a resolution
thanking Senators Wallaco and Cam
eron for voting for tho Matthews reso
lution, declaring the government bond
payable in silver coin. A call of the
yeas showed (11 in favor of the resolu
tion nnd 18 against. The dodging wa
beautiful to behold, and for want of a
quorum the resolution was postponed.
exebango says : Coiikling having
wounded tbo reform lion, the jackal
now kick him with impunity. Spen
cer is likely to succeed in rejecting tbo
nominations nf Hubert T. Smith for
Collector of Mobile, and John T. Col
Jin for Collector at lSrunswick, Ua.
The trouble is that (Joodloe, a Spencer
striker, has to go out il Smith goes in,
and that can't he allowed. As 8en
eer helped Conk ling in New York,
Conk ling helps Spencer in Alabama,
A Qt'iKti lp: solution. Among the
proceedings of the House, in nur Stale
Legislature on tbo Slat ult., we find
the following:
'-AWeprf, Thai Iba Chief CIppIi be and ba la
hereby rtqu. elo.1 to inform ibo H"BPf the oeaee
cx tno rt tnorai rnim tbn oommitieo poooip of iho
table, pofap, pbalra window eorUtne. nnd
Ipo tbo carmine from tho windowa of thia ball.' '
We infer from Ibis that somebody
has been plundering the capitol during
the past yn.r, and if so it would be
ivull unoiigh for tbe I ix-payurs to kno
the name ol the parties who have been
furnishing thoir privulo dwellings with
government properly.'
No loniT ok it. Tho Venango
SKdator Volunteers this remark : When
Mr. lilaino stood up in tbe Senate, the
other day with (pail Hamilton looking
down on him lrora tbo gallery, and
spoke of tbe time when Maine and
Massachusetts didn't stand shoulder to
shoulder, and Icel Wash no, Madison's
great arm lean on them for support,
there wasn t a Massachusetts man witb
in tb sound of bis roico who wouldn't
liave planked down two dollar and a
half for ten minute of Daniol Webster
cm the floor ol Ibat Senate
A TLACt rtrk II art Tbo Governor,
in bis message, recommended the cre
ation of another Stale office, entitled
Bank Commissioner. Hi Excellency,
no' doubt, want a place to put Capt.
Hart, whom ba ba nursed fr seven
teen years. The people having turnod
him oat of the Treasurer' office, he
aiul his cbnro are looking around for
place) wherein bi tint and fang
talent ran ba displayed. Wa think
the State can get along without him In
4'a luUtre
Every active buainoss man in this
country know that there ia great
radical wrong omc where lu th man
agement of our governmental and o-lea'-il-ir
bat no one ooroe forward
it bemuse we are ignorant of what
alls us, or is il pure "cussuutiess, nut
earing when we will all be wallnwtl
up in bank ruptcy. e have a panacea,
and it I thic Let u do more of our
own work and siiend less of what little
we earn. More: We call '.he attention
of tbe reader to one commercial fart
that stares ua in the face. In 1800, the
IWuftluo Department . paid out for
steamship mail service, M27 ,790.87.
Tu-Q hunjnd nnd eijrVy thousand dol
lars ol this turn wa paid to American
ships and seamen, while but one hun-
Ired and forty term thousand dollars of
this sum went Into tbe pockets of for
eigners nearly double tbuamount paid
to our own eiliaeii that waa paid to
our rivals In trade. Now, In 1876,
(sixteen year of progress) tho De
partment paid out four millions, tujht
hundred and seven thousand, four hun
dred and eighteen dollars and tilenty
cents it 1,807,1 18.20) but one million.
three hundred and eiijhty five thousand of
which went into tbe pockets of our
shippers, and the rest was carried oft
to foreign countries. I p to 18G0, our
citir.ons wcro far more than a match
tor their rivals in the ocean trade, re
alizing two'dollar to their ono in this
singlo commercial transaction. Again:
The sum paid out by the Department
amounts to ELEVEN TIMES more
now than waa paid In I860, and the
foreign shipper gets off with three dob
tare to one paid to our own citizens.
Those fact are really amaaing. Sup
poso tbe Postoflleo Department would
have been presided over during the
period indicated, by some European
Prince, could be have moulded it any
more effectively in tbe interest of bis
countrymen tban it ba been by John
Andrew Jackson Cresswell Co. ?
We will call one of tbam to th aland.
Pierrcpont, another of Grant's uots, in
1876, just before sailing from New
York, a Minister to England, In an
address to the merchant of that city,
uttered these sublime tacts: "Why
has value departed? Because ytVur
government ia corrupt. Uow can a
irnvernmenl bo made corrupt while
agent are all honest men T Did
our Plenipotentiary intend this a a
reflection oo himself and hi confeuer
atos, or was it more slip of tbe
tongue. Thi trull) cover the whole
ground. A controlling portion of the
tbe agents of tbe federal Government
for the past twelve year are corrupt
men, and have been bribed and bought
and sold like Trader post and Credit
Mobilier stock. There ia where the
disease lies, and it is bigb time for
those who prefer bonost men to rogues
for office to apply tbe remedy. If the
lido of our commerce is not reversed,
ten year hence will find us in a far
worse condition tban we are now en
joying. This retrograde movement in
morals aud commerce will toon land
us at. the bottom in ruins, an easy prey
lor the Goths and Vandals, Turks,
even, or some other beatbun legions.
Stop That Steal. Tbe Lancaster
Jnttiligenceray: A wretched, thieving
job is beforo tbe Legislature in a pro
position to spsnd many thousand dol
lars of the publio money in the pur
chase of 10,000, copies of Paul' histo
ry of the soldier orphans' schools of
thi State. It wa a private specula
tion out of which the author now hope
to profit by saddling an enormous pur.
cbaseof tho worthies volumes upon tbe
StaW. I ha Patriot review tbe book as
"a dreary compilation of papor in the
soldiers' orphan department tricked
out with a few wretched wood cuts.
It baa neither literary merit nor hi
torie value. In the book market it
will bring nothing beyond it worth a
waste paper by the pound avoirdupois.
Yet a liberal and literary Pennsylvania
Legislature bought 5 000 volume of
tbe book last year witb the laxee) of
the people. It ! nw proposed that
tbo Legislature shall double tbe dose."
Supt, Wickersbam, bead of tb sol
dior'a orphan' school Department of
tbe State should b beard from in pro
test against this attempted steal. Paul
is a clerk in bis department, and in
that capacity secured tbe material for
this book which tailed a a literary
venture and which he now seeks to
foist upon the State. Ilia chief should
put a stop to It, and a man who aspire
to be governor of Pennsylvania should
exhibit bis official energy in stamping
out such jubs by sounding a bugle note
against the attempted jobbery of one
ol bis subordinates.
Deatu or Mr. Miller. We record
with profound sorrow the death of
John Miller, Esq., of Chester county,
which occurred in Philadelphia on the
31st ultimo. Mr. Miller wa widely
known a a publio man. II never
held many offices, but was always re
garded by tbe mas of tbe Democratic
parly ia a safe and sagacious leador.
Ui great executive ability wa always
sought by tbot who were called to
organize the campaign of (be party
In 1874 he wa made chairman of the
State committee and to hi tact and
energy as an organizer tbe victory of
that year was in great part due. lie
bad been tendered tbe appointment of
chief clerk of the Treasury by the
Htuto Treasurer-elect, Colonel Noyo,
and bad he lived would undoubtedly
liave filled that position. Tbe death
of John Miller I a sad low to hi par
ty and to lb 8tale.
Radical Excitement. The Phila
delphia Times remark: "The excite
ment over the controversy between
Mr. MacVeagb and Ben Bu,or lew
month ago wa a nothing oompared
with tbe state of anxiety into which
the country has been thrown by tbe
sanguinary telegram of Burka and
Chandler. The telegrapbie oombal be
tween Major JJurko and Mr. William
E. Chandler isn't llkaly to lead to any
general disruption of the peace of tbe
country, and ao long a Burke koeps
at bi present distance from Chandler
be is safe The proud ton of New
Uampsblre I not a good )ong range
Tbe First National Bank, of Kansas
City, closed ita door on tb 30th ult.
TbsCasbierannounces th"shrinkago"
at 1000,000, but guaraulee tb depot,
iton will eventually be paid it) fail
U 11
l'he Uarrisburg corrosponeont of tbe
Philadelphia Record, tell a thing or
two in this 'way : ''Th true inward
neat of Governor llartranfl'a recom
mendation Id hia message that the
Anwasisor lu J it'aiipii-wu. a tug piet-'
is wanted for Mr. Wtn. B. Hart, the
defeated candidate for Stats Treas
urer. Should the Legislature not prove
tractable he will lull back upon the
position of Statu Librarian. Under
existing law the Slate Treasurer and'
Auditor (ieneral apHint Assessors
throughout tho Commonwealth who
examine aud mak report upou the
banking institutions operating under
its laws. This assessment ol the banks
is performed once a year in a sort of
loose and perfunctory way. Tbe banks
fill np the blank form that are fur
nished them by the Assessors. These
reports are put on file, the Assessors
draw their saluries and tbe thing is
over. And referring to the Auditor
General's report, just published, I find
that the cost of these bunk Assessors
to tho State for tho last year was $15,
362 87, while tbe expense of the en
tire Treasury Department, with tho
sulary of the Treasury and clerk and
the contingent expenses, were S 13,-
642.61. Tbe name of the bank As
sessor tor your city are T. M. Pierce,
H. C. Selby, C. 8. Greene, W. E.
Thompson and T. A. McDuvitt. Tbo
sum they divided among them was
$5,964. These bank assessors!) ips are
much coveted by a certain class of pol
iticians, as there is little or no labor
required. Tbe Auditor Genoral and
Slate Treasurer parcelled tbein out to
their personal frionds. But as both
those office are in tbe bands of the
Democrat, it baa occurred to Gover
nor Ilartranft that it would be a good
thing to abolish them and create a
bank assessors!) ip, the appointment of
which he can control. When Gov
ernor Ilartranft held the office of Au
alitor General the idea ol relieving that
offiiisl of.bia small patronage and
transferring it to tb Governor never
teem to hav occurred to bira.
n"aaaani Bill
Superintendent1 Balart. An ef
fort is being made in the Legislature to
change tbe mode of fixing tbe salaries
of our Schoo! Runerintendent. Tbo
following is a copy of House ui!! 3Q.
which ba passed second reading:
An aet nreeeriblnc uio mode 0' tslns the aal
anea ef ooanty SuapriauadeaU of Coanaoo
Srh'ioU, waa read aad lee IrH tine.aa
tollowe t
SkctiqV 1. Be it enacted by the Sen
ale and House of Bupreaenlalivee of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
General Assembly met, and it is hereby
enacted by tho authority of tbe tamo.
That the salary of each county Buiwr.
intendent of Common Schools elected
according to law in tbe year one thous
and eik'ht hundred and sevenlv-eihl,
and thereafter, shall be two dollars for
eaeh school in his jurisdiction at the
time of bis election, and one dollar tor
each square mile of territory In bis
county, to be paid out ol me general
fund appropriated to Common Schools :
Provided. That the salary of a county
Superintendent shall in no case be less
than eight hundred dollars per annum j
and in counties with over one hundred
schools, it shall not be but than one
thousand dollars: -And provided lur-
liter, That convention of school direc
tors, when assembled for tbe purpose
ol electing a county rjupertnlenuent.
may vote him a salary greater tban
tbo amount ha would receive by this
act, aucb increase to be in all cases tak
en from tbe school fund of tbe county
tons voting.
Sec. 2. That to much of lection thir.
ty-nina, of the act of May eight, one
thousand eight bundrad and tifty-lour,
a require that a convention of school
director shall determine tbe compen
sation of a county Superintendent, is
nereoy repealed, except ao lar pro
vided for In thi aot.
There ia no question, but that the
Legislature should settle thi salary
question. That body has fixed the fees
and salary for all tbe other officers in
tbe Commonwealth, and why not set
lie tbia case, too.
Uncle Bam' Bill. Tbe receipt
and expenditure of th Federal Gov
ernment, for 1877, are aa follows :
Reeelred freap Oopleea flM.WO .4M I
Kppeieed from Inter'l K-e.ave... lll.S-lt.eol S
Rpoeleod froa aale ef laada Ia.t
Keeetpod from prnaluel ea (old.. 4Se,TT t
RreotTod ftpt)e4sortairoa...... lM3l,ee.e
Total reeelpu IISI.IM )l ti
liaeaeoe of tbe elell Ret IS.Iil Ml.
Kiueaaea of War D-aartaat... IT at T lo u
Kipeaoeo af If eve D-parlaipat. lo.f v.lta St
Blpiaaae af aaiaaa...HMM......M t.I7f OV7 xz
baieaaee af Peaaloa ..... V.Dtl lit It
Ripaaeeaaf lalereel !,m,SII a
Total aipradltarei etil.M
Kor five years previous to 1877, tbe
expenditure averaged about two hun
dred and eighty million of dollar and
tbe receipt were about tbe same. Tbe
economy of the last Congres is well
known to tbe reading public Tbe
Department appropriation asked tor
were all cut down until it aggregated
a saving of nearly lorty one millions
of dollars. LUd Congress pursued lis
lurinur policy, and again run tbe ap
propriationa up to two hundred and
eighty million of dollar, the expenses
would have boen eleven million more
tban tba receipt. A it is, "Uncle
Sam had a turplut of pearly thirty
two million of dollar at tb close of
the fiscal year. Thanks to a Demo
cratic Congres for thia first piece of
economy practiced by ibat body tor
seventeen yean.
Dt'tiar.a Unerot. During the year
1876, 16 887 lorelgn vtwaels tnuril our
ports, carrying eight million tons of
goods, and employing 250,000 men,
The American vessels numbered 11,
074, carrying fAree and a half million
ton, and 113059 employe. Th num
ber of vessels, ton and band that
cleared from our porta I very nearly
tba aam. Tb disgraceful feature of
them commercial transaction are, tlfat
we employ two foreigners to on native
to do our (hipping. People who are
not in debt might do buaineal for a
while, and eventually auoced by prac
ticing economy but th mn who Is
over bead and ear in debt, and hire
other to attend to bi business, must
become a bankrupt eventually. Tbe
same law or rule applies to Bute and
"Re that tie the plow would tkrlra.
Moat elo) or bold at drlpe."
It 1 lust so with all other avocations
of life.
A CoNKDauai. In 1B60, our Gov.
ernment paid foreign shipper 1147,000
for mall aorrtoo fa 1876, tbe Post
Master General forked over to the
um partis 3,42l,T83.4l Nearly
(uvnfy five times aa tauoh. Now, w bat
kind of a rttablng bullae have w
been doing that w can afford to pay
tbia amount to foreigner, who will
never return any of It 1
On Tuesday, Janmtry 2!Ub. the steam
ship Metropolis loll the Philadelphia'
... u.-r i... n..:i ...tit. oKt
"Men tw, imp-, i, null ttfi iiani-i-iiuuia
and a crew of twenty five, together: Binil comniitteea, so a to authorize
with five hundred tons of milroud iron, I uny member u, administer out lis to
M-lr.A,l"tfJ,rsmla ot fl.,iir hn ' wit Mcwsntiil nrovid for the immedi--J-v.
: - !-''"'.'"'S',V. l7T'aaJ2v-'snw
tut,. On the 31st, the Vessel encoiin
Ipo-piiI an awful Southeastern gale, and
sometime in the afternoon of llmt duy,
was driven on the reefs at Kitty
Hawk, on the coast ol North Carolina,
hear fc' lie nt I he ill fated steamer iiii
run was wrecked a short time ago.
Tbe latest inlormittion is to the effect
that ubuut one half ol the passengers
and crew are lost. The details of ibis
awful disaster are of the imwl horrify
ing character. When the vessel struck
the rocks, nearly one-half of the pas
sengers were on deck, und one wave
of the sea swept sixty overboard, a
large portion of whom were washed on
the shore and saved. Those who did
not swim on thai wave weul down, an I
have since been spewed on shore dead.
The excitement in Philadelphia over
this disater is wonderful. This was
tbe second vessel that bad started from
that port.receiitly for tho Brazil mis
sion, aud the steamship, City of Itich
mond, ia billed to sail on tbo 11th lor
tbo mouth ol tbe Amazon. A number
of those who have taken passage on
tbe City ol itichmond, bad made ar
rangements to sail on the Metropolis,
but for various causes did not go.
Among the number was Mr. Thomas
Collins, one tho gentlemen well known
to many of our people, wbo had char
tered the vessel.
The conflict between Russia anil
Turkey seems to have comu lo a close
nearly as suddenly as It commenced.
An armistice has been agreed iiiu,
and article signed lo thai effect by
both tho contending powers. All this
seems to have occurred without the
Knowledge and consent ol the tuber
European powers, the beads of which
expected to participate In a treaty be
tween belligerents, if not in open war
fare. England nd Austria now led
more like fighting than eyer, but we
hope the bear and tbe turkey have out
witted tho civil i ted portion of Europe
in their diplomacy, and will go on and
make a treaty of peace without Invit
ing either to the council boards Never
before was such a rare opportunity
presented to the Russians and the
Turks to form an alliance against the
balance of Europe. They started a
war of their own which highly pleased
their neighbors who -never d teamed
that they could settle it without cull
i.ig upon them. Now, let these two
powerful nations close out the war
and appropriate the Black Sea to their
own Use and behoof, and let England,
Germany and Austria growl aa much
as they lese, and show thorn that a
code of war and diplomacy exl-ts out
side of their dominions a potent as
. . 1
Ma. Editor. 1 ask leave lo make a
stutement ;
On tbe 28lh day nf January, Mr.
Qmgley offurud in the House of lie pre-
sentativcs, at Uarrisburg, tbe follow
ing resolution :
Keecioea-, Tbel tbe taenia of II. la limine are
duo Pa tba Hon. Wa. A. Wallace and lle. J. ti.
Oaaaeroa for fcbelr eoures ta voting fur the Mat-
tbowo reeolutioa, deelarlajp tbe tailed blateo
goreraaea! beads pajas is ailrer.
Tbe question being on agreeing to
tbia resolution, our member, Mr. 'late,
vole 2)0. A tin question is preg
nant with interest lo nearly everybody
at tbia time,. and as we behold in th
Matlbew resolution a gleam of light
lor tlif crushed business industiy of
lb oounlry, and fuel sincere gratitude
toward Sender nallaco and Cam.
eron for their support of ibe resolution,
I would be interesting to bear I rum
Representative Tale in explanation ol
his vole, and why and wherein the
bondholders and money -gamblers are
more entitled to bis sympathy aud sii
port, thai) the people be affects lo rep
resent. And why, w bun Messrs, '.
lace and Cameron have done a !'"sl
thing, as Ibey unquestionably did in
voting fur tbe Mallhewa ruMilutii.n,
they are not entitled to lb thanks ol
every friend of industry and thrill, in
cluding the Pennsylvania House of
Representatives, and the Hon. A. C.
Tate. Your lor the
Dolia np THR DaBDIX.
CLEAXmLc, I'a,. Eeb. 2, 187fl.
A Good Fat una Mr. .Speaker
Meyer of our ljower House, bas
adopted the Grant style. lie bus a
nnn nnulad nn npub. ablip ol liimp.,11
Qui ervo as Page at ti per day, and
tbe other as Clerk at tb per day. The
Chief blerk , we learn, removed Bollard's
son and appointed bis own In bis stead.
Builard's futbor wa locked up in the
Delaware county prison for some
crookedness, and alter the son waa
dismissed, the House sunt an officer
after the father, and brought him to
Uarrisburg fur the purpose of learning
whether bi personal rig hit had not
been infringed upon In sending bim to
jail, instead of allowing him lo go to
Uarrisburg and take his seat as a Leg
islator. Bullard was introduced to his
brethren, drew 1150 on Recount ol
salary, and pocketed 1100 worth of
postage stamp and madu h'a escape
Irom the Capitol and piison.
Candida TI Unrr. Th rbiladcl.
phia 7 imes burls this brick at Colonel
lioyti .'.'Colonel Uoyt conducts hia
gubernatorial campaign at cltsuip quar
ters than doea Mr, Grow. He baa
been In Philadelphia for several days,
with headquarter at Guy', and hia
line hav been carefully reviewed by
Senator Cameron, Meckoy, Quay, Ku
tan and such trained Field Marshals,
all of whom have been in hia councils
in (.bit city. Grow nut oall In bi
out poet at Washington, New York
and Massachusetts, and go for dele
gate In Peinl?;'!ni. It would pay
for bim to got Mackey to give him a
fuw lesion ia the rudiment of con
ducting primaries. W fan vouoh for
the competency of th master If Grow
can command hi lervice."
Tbe Cbi'-tgo Journal says that when
the colored Senator from MissUlppl.
M r. Brace, wa in that cily not long ago,
be raid to diver Iriend that ho was of
th firm conviction .bat bo would be
lb last of hi rac to occupy teat Ip
the United Stale Scitata.
L1041..4J 1J!B
Out Uuoto. Governor Ilartranft
baa appointed John U. Harjet, of Phil
adelphia, member of tb Pari Arm ol
Droxsl, llirje A Co., Rod William Lu
olen Behalf, of Pittsburg, Honorary
Coaimlsaionera from Pennsylvania to
th Pari Exposition. I
We notice that Congressman Glover,
of Missouri, has introduced a bill in tbe
House to a menii the revised statutes
, . . , ..
pvur, aisw iiiut a Wll.ieiui icnislug to
lesiuy snail lorihwilli he plueetl in the
custody ol the Sergeant at Arms, witb-
out wailing lur the House loonier his
arrest, and his contumacy sliull, as stsui
as pi-act italilu, be reported lo the
llourw tor Its action. Tho bill makes
a ret Usui lo testily a ciiiueinpl nf the
authority of either bousu, punishable
with not mure tliun one thousand dol
lurs fine or iuiprirouinciit of not mure
tliun one year, or uoih, In the discre
tion of the House or Senate. 1 1 also re
vive the provision of the act ol Jan
nary 24. 1857, exempting from all en
slln-s witnesses who may criminate
themselves In imtily iug before commit
tee, ami forbids the discharge of w it
nesses in tho several departments ol
ibe goveimneiit who may testily con
cerning abuses, corruption, extrava
gance or unlaw lul or immoral acts, op.
pression, extortion or olhcr olllciul mis
conduct within one year hum the In no
ol tustiiying, or wuhout at least six
inoi. the' inn ieu til such removal, includ
ing thirty iluys' leave ol absence with
pay, and the payment in full for ser
vices rendered by tuch persons.
- A penuiiy it provided lor a violat n
of this prohibition. Committees are
empowered to iiupo-e Secrecy oo wit
nesses ooucerniug tbe nature of their
testimony. reiialla'S are also imptrsed
on persons attempting to induce wit
nesses to refuse to apcuror testify, or
otherwise conspire lo prevent commit
lees from ascertaining fuels. Witnesses
are exempted from arrest by any other
unihorily while commit, Koiiiit or at
tending coniiuilles. Tbe hill abolishes
the responsibility of contumacious wil-
uesses to any court, the punishment to
lie itiilicicd by that bouse ol whose au
thorny the wiliicss is in contempt.
Rale or Ckntennial Osiiis. In
compliance with the customs reirula
I inns. Collector of thu Port Tuiton, ol
Philadelphia, has madu arrangcmenls
lor Ihe tlisHisiiiou, at auction, ol the
uni United and abandoned exhibits at
tno Centennial Grounds. The Hri
sale, on the 10th of Kebruury, will .be
held at the Exhibition Building, mid
will vntnprieu, among oilier article, a
large bronzo statue ol Itisinarck, ap
praised at 12 727, upon wbnb the
charge dqe are ll.UUIli a collective
show case, appraised ul f 3U0, and va
rious other cases, appraised at from
ttou to .tuii.
On tbe l'Jih of tho same month tbe
second sale will lako pace at Birch &
Son auction rooms, fbiladulpbia.
This sale will inelude surgical instru
ments, medical goods, engravings,
hooks, fiirniluro, wine, guns, revolvers,
i". Tho uppraiounieiit' range from
130 to 1100, with the exception of the
-ttocls ol the rruiu'h restaurant, wbicb
are appraised nt ez 50U
1 n the bird sitlu there will be offered to
the public some iieulul and valuable ar
ticles, among wbicb are the mosaic lion
in tbe department of lunis, appraised
at V&ilO j an exhibit of enameled titles,
appraised at (1.810 ; Chinese sho
cases, pipes, from the French exhibit,
rope I mm ibo npanish colonies; pavil
ion aud allow cases from Belgium ;
saws, guns, Ac., from Sweden ; bent
winnIs Iniln A'lstrull t, nnd the Japanese
hazaar, the latter being appraised at
-J J7Q 'I'U.. ..i .... .i ...i
13 478. The cbarifes on these articles
range Irom 1100 10 atout 1.100.
Trur as PitACINq A cotcmiiura-
ry truthfully remurks; When ill the
South at just deed is done or a gracious
wort) mured iy liemoural where lie
publicans are concerned, recognition ol
Ihe fact need not beexiMfted in North
em Kadieal journals. Thus, though
we beard a great deal about Intended
Ucmocrulio oulruirc In a recent Ken
lorial election in South Carolina, there
has not yet been published any oil i lori
al admission that the Democratic Loir
islature seated tbo Republican candi
date instantly, without the delay that
in ordinary case Would nave inter.ven.
cd. Nur do wo believe that many of
the Northern Republican papers will
nave tno lairness to reproduce aueh
words a those irom the Augusta (Ga.)
Lnrnuie, speaking of tho acquittal of
ex Governor Budock : "When the Gov
eruor dud the Stale we had no desire
to make bim a political martyr, and for
mat reason we never saw the wi-d nn
of hrinjfinif bim to triul. Now, how
ever, that tbe trial has lak n pluue, and
thai ine vunlict has been rendered,
accept ii, and we are in duty bound to
uuuejit ii as honorable men. We have
everything our own way politically In
Georgia. We can afford nut only to
he just hut to be magnanimous. Ilia
lime that we should abandon all prose
anions growing out of the H elical ad
ministration. We can foririvo and for
get, and iiinrcb with confidence and
safety to reap tho rewards wbicb come
pipe penwii siufwpnpnent and oils own
industry aud enterprise."
The Wounded Hihus Tb New
Tork Herald, which never helj the
Democratic ido of any question very
much, however very truthfully chimed
in the other day In this way : The flut
tering snd squirming of tbe members ot
lb notorious Louisiana Humming
Boanl.thuirdusperaiealtemptsto avoid
arrest and their threats to make dam
airing exposures if the government at
Washington docs not protect them,
evince sometbinu' verv ilincrviit trnm
conscious innocence Why should they
oe so lerriiuy acared II they are not
guilty r In their desperation they as
sumo two perfectly sell etuitrii' tory
poeilloiie, I'uey asseverate their Inno
oence in one breath and declare thai
their attempt loosctioa trial proceed
from their dread of a jury dishonestly
packed to convict their, and In the
next breath they iniimalu a willlnirnesx
tu (ell all Ibey know and disgrace their
former patrons if they can be assured
i immunity, llmnroner ol ilamair
ing disclosures is an implied cunleasion
of guilt. Why should they demsnd
immunity as the price of what they can
divulge if llieir statements would not
convict themselves f
Bum Hill Humane. -A Wash
ington telegram u)s "A magnificent
pair of fossil elephant jaw bone ha
just been received by tbe Smithsonian
Institution from tlx Black Hill. The
preservation of tho specimen ia unusu
ally flue, being lest broken than any
other now in Ibe collection and larger.
I lie inuicauuns presented uy inn ani
mal are that a now specie ol those
gigantic pachy dermal a peculiar to pre
historic times bas been discovered, and
pending tbia decision a lively time
among the osteologists may be antici
pated." V hupp tbia I po Pwrdiff
Giaut job, played off nn tb (mart peo
ple, in the Institute in question.
Tbe recent mysterious disappearance
nf J. Madison Wells and O. Plagg Bui
laid seems to iiidical that our great
men who part their namo in the mid
dle are rapidly passing away.
Within (bur yearn, twupiy grls em
ployed in a aingl dress mailing eatah
liabment in Maine, havo taken upon
tbemtulre the additional task of ut.
porting husbands,
Luttrell, of California, say b will
not be responsible for damage II Coo
greai adjourn without abrogating or
modifying th Barlingam treaty.
Gail Haves inu"tiieGuveiinment."
-A n exchange says: Gail Hamilton,
or a Mr Medill of the Chicago 7A
war rails bur, ''Jim Illaiuu's sister in
law," bas written some more of her
tumble le'ters, which have appeared
in the Tribum dtirlna the past fewdays.
Hho entitle Ihem "Tho Civil Service
Keform nf ourGm'd('vb"r : a !t"Viow
uciiimi campaign we were mi oucn re
ferred to the purity of thu Admiuistra
iloiis in those days, thai wa accepted
it as a matter ol luci. Ily readini;
ihese urticles one's mind is lived some
w hat from I hut impression, since they
do not exhibit our 'iv'ti,.t'illsTv "t
ihe liuht wo have alwuys seen ihcni.
hut show that public men in I hose duya
bud no hesitation whatever in securinir
good places ul the public expense for
tiieir menus, ami ill several instances
bad office creuu-d for their benerlu
In an editorial upon Senator llluine's
attack upon Massachusetts' action in
the war of 1812. Mr. Hunt, f ihe New
aik Daily Advertiser nays: "Toalliter
ate, Blaine bhsiereil the Bosion brah
mills, u cluss of men who c.0 nion d
with their nosiui hiirh in the air and
gusty in rhetoric a club of po liigo
gnes wbo have let the ports decny and
their commerce perish, ami I heir rail
roads owned elewliere suffer to tbe
verge of bankruptcy." I um ufmid
the Donioiilait uon l uppruHute that.
A Berlin man root ntly advertised for
bis missing wife. He offered fifteen
thalura If her abiding place could bo
pointed out, or thirty thalcrs if her
death was established.
Gov. Hartrantt has apiminted (Mem-
ent Biddle Penrose, a Judiro of the
Philadelphia Orphans' Court, to fill the
vacanoy caused by the death of Judge
Hon. J. Q. Cannon and Dr. Mary
Walker bad a bearing before the House
Territorial Committee on Mormon and
Woman Suffraifo in Ulnh.
It Is mischievously snifgestcd that
Gail Hamilton had a hand in preparlnif
Senator Blaine's splenetic speech which
lie delivered nn Tuesday.
Jefferson Davis is mentioned as a
possible successor of Senator Bruce, nf
Mississippi, should his disabilitir be
removed In tirrpj,
Mark Twain denies that he Is going
to be an editor again. Ho humorously
remarks that he mean to try to learn
to be a humorist.
It ia now reported from Washington
that Republican .Senator have aban
doned the attempt to unseat General
M. C. Butler.
Prank 11 nu I ton is making speeches
to the Pennsylvania milkmrn. He
know where his bread is buttered.
George P. Gordon, inventor of the
Gordon printing press, died at Norlolk.
V., on Sunday a week.
Beocher wept In the midst of his ser
mon last Sunday. Tommy Bhoarman
held the dripping tub,
four sister in""pwlct, Vt., were
married In one day recently, flow'
that for PswleticsT
It was the Groome instead nf tbo
dark Imnpe that won in Maryland's Sen
atorial fight,
The Ave .lie line bill received a
black eye in the Senate. The vote
Blood 18 to 23,
Carl Schurt is spoken nf as the
' most interesting widower in the I'ni
ted States."
The Boston Herald say that the
"tall sycamore of the Wabash" la a
hollow log.
A Mr. Ueochersays there' no hell
several preachers are ready to raise
Packard didn't get the New Orleana
Colleciorship. This ia a cold, cold
Over fifty taps nt a rhtin-li Ml is de
dared a nuisance in Lebanon, Pa.
"A keen politiral termagant" I what
the Boston flloke style Itlalne.
Venus thinks herself handsome
enough to be seen by da) light
New York banks are investing all
their surplus capital In gold,
1 , ana i nap na '
Widow Oliver is no woman suffra
gist. Simon know that.
Green peas and fresbshad in Florida.
Bustles are humping up again.
Ilcur gpflefftisfrafnts,
TrTll'F--l e. left bp a-oeoaip with ft.
l V. Wile.a. Ka . forenll-otlaa. By prnuipt
l.p papist lbs aaae witbia 19 Save, bartlea will
aareoopio. K. U.HIlAW.
Clearleld, Pa, Jaa. 11, ISTS-al,
Wllb aold water ar itm bI'I . . ,
",J take ea t kot rlddle. A.k ;nar Owrer f,
lent 'Tt B
le aerehT glrea that tettera nf Adialnlair
nn. n. u. ut.,. mvm au..,.. . .. -
' wi P"iu ani-inn), lain 'if
Orabaa U.a.kip. UUarteld aoealf, IVaa'e,
dee d, k.plnj na dolj a-antrd ia ike aadrp.
alnad. all awraaae le-lebu.l la taid enate, will
pleaw aake laantlaw fTBeat, aad bar
In eleia. or draaade will sreee.l thea prop.rlp
ealbealiealed far eettleiae ,1 wlihoot del.e.
satis HUHI.KR,
Orakaalos, Jan. t, ll:i-ti. Ada'r.
le aereb, elraa thai L-llerp of Admin la.
trnlian na lb,e eptalf of p', I'll'AUU. le a of
' op eaiae lowa.hlp, olearS.M e .unlp. Pa ,deo d.
naemt ha Selj fraaied ta ibe aader.ltned , a'l
pereonp Indrbled It, aaid eeleU will plea.e aake
imaeaiaie paTBeai. ana tanee havla olalrne or
leaanda atralnpt the eaaa will Dreaetil I beet
properl; aolbeaUeeied Sir eeltleaent wliheal
delar. f t.i III UHIKT,
rrtaokpllle, P. , Jaa It, Ills ft
If bereke eiren thai Lotlert of AdalalHra.
ll"ta tbaeeuiaaf RSrtlKR A ADULRWAN,
lata af Ptko tiwaaklp, Olearteld aval;,
Pa., daaeaaad. harln( beaa dale (reeled la Ihe
aadereieed. all wereeae Indebud to eala eetaia
will pleaaa aake iaaedlato p.riaeat, aad thoee
haplaa alalaa ap aVaanda will sreeenl tkea
pmaorlf aatboatloated for eettlraent wltkKi
welaji. l. B ThuHKSOV,
parsaaa.tla. Pa., Jaa. i lutl lie Ada'p
Nrelrt la keftT tirea thai Letter of Ad.
mlalplreHan ea Ibe eobve wf WtHlAil 4s.
INPKLTKR, lata af R.adf lap . Ol.arael I 0. ,
P-sa't. eo'd, bepiat sews del; reeled la
Iho BBdrplawad, all aereaaa tadahtad to eald
aeaua will pleeae aake laardlate ejeraewt. aad
tboea tenet elalaa ar tVaeado will areeeet
tkea prejel, aalbaatieeUJ fur ptilearat witb,. R. ASIIINrKLTRR,
AllHlajiiaYH AteiR. NlirirK.
Ratvae It karrkr firra ibel Ulan af Ad PIUARD,
law af OoPinflaa loaaahlp, OlaaPttld eajatt,
Pe deeeayad. taepst keeat dale araatad ta, ia.
aaderalaad, a aaraete isdebted aa eat aetata
will planes Bake laaadlau pepaeal, aad ibeee
kaela eraifae ar etaaaaadf e(ieet Ike a. ape will
anaeei tkea proper It aalapBUeaied he aeule
a eat wHaeal tele.
wuiin . riuARD,
Preaakpllle, Pa . Jet. It, UTI If
flfil' Artartlsnufuts.
CAM. A JII aKITI.IL-tll prreona la.
delited lo llaheb, M 't'o'l'e A Co.. are re
jueeted lu oall at their furniture atore and pullla
laeir enoovii'e wlib'iut del i;, either hp refa up
B-ile, and l lliip si-ana pave nuate and trouble lu
all pernor ris joraed.
UI Lll'll. Mi-i OKKLK, CO.
Cleerteld. Fa., Jno. II. if.
, Nwltt Il htTubjr rfiruit tfei i.alMra ttt A U
iwibilrNli.o wit lh mUU uT JA H'U Tit" I, Mr ,
of U'tvij tfiwub u, C)rliiJ Ottuuiy. ,
tltv'd. hat r i uk b-fi Juljr kimhiui! Hi tint ubjii-
igoril, all t,ui.t liiUuliltd m md wi-l
mm mmku tininMiiBU M,ruttut, mutl lbn h-iv-iiK
Imtti or tttiuntl will (.rvM-ui ih.m rtirrty
sHiiJlillt'fiJ ur fltJftmJlit wtl hital rjttln .
H. h. Moo It K,
Lwtb-.bur, P., Vb A, 'ji lit Aim r.
I wiini i,uuu buslicls ol UA I t),
1 want 211,000 pounds of II AY,
r'cr which I will pi.y CASH DOWN
Fell t.'7 l a
f le.rlb-1.1, P,
1)1 'OH NOTIl'li-
K nwtitf !. iiltter v J C. W'hh i Co In
r. uim-.ti lfnp r rtfrffM ., f. No lit,
li.Au.r)r T'T.n, 1 F Nw 'Mrt( Jum Trr 177
thi nn It tfntt Am'M -f, npixifn't-d to matte
' il fprl lut'tl.ul n f i.firtf-di of al t( pvt.
-B4l Vr"l' ' ' J' UblJ.t( i) llfr CKW,
will mir-ml tu tho dul iri nt hi stp oinlinonl, nt
b olhnr, In tb Cotl-t Ha", I l!erdfi I, t 1
o'aluoh p. u., VriUr, Vtbratrf III,
nbttr sli p (. lnlrtttR mn mk tb'ir
oUim' ur b debamtl Ir m omief in itn Id
Clrtld, Fib. 6, IHTH Si Aa litur.
ifHITOHK NtllK h..
Print,, Litrcrlcb' A Co, wr B W Mint Mr, D.
R. Hoihrtwk nd J. K Kin ort, i ih Pnn t'il
1 In ih Ooart uf Cunmttn 11 of CI'-ftrNeltl
eoiinlj. Pi F H i. Vt Ji atrjr Tinn, IH7A.
b Hn'lfniftiftl Au lit"r, pixvntrl hy iho
Court In tlitrifiut4 lb nt"nv Ning fr.i- td
tilf i.f br tlffntlwbU' trtj'.al pf'-pT , h-riy
' ' oil that h will it.l lu b dnv o
h'i t'pi.knttiioul l hiri IB n; in (.'ibtrflv l, on
rtiiirM if. Pi'liruin Il-i, m7t. nt I u'v ot-u p in.,
wUfli m .Lr I (xtrtifl u.l. pt. ur
A ii. KKiMKH.
C. .rll1 ph f.t i 74 3t Au liior.
u. p. flt't.i.
n. m t'uHtti.i.
i.i i.n il MdoitKi.i-: & co.'s
Mtuhttl Mirrl. Clvtrald. fn.
H'o niMftutHC ur M kindr of turn tur Ui
hnnf uri., Ioin)i HtM.itia, LUimrirt 4t.1l ltiU
Il taol Purnuurr i m h ml, .lon'l .iut
til y-u ur
- - .... r
la all Ita branobet. pr. npllt at'ended to.
tiri.lCII. MeCUKKI.R CO.
Clearllel.l, Pa., Feb t, '78.
Valuable Real Estate !
Bv rirtu nf an nnlnr ol th Or-ph ta' Curt of
Clnrfiold ountr, lb nndartignad, A lmiai'tr it r
0 tht- raiai of John Clwt, ut ui li o-na tuii
-bip, dan'.l, wt I Mil at p nil to tale, at iba U-mrt
H..u-r, id Cl artt -1 1, on
Thursduy, February 28, 188,
at oVIueb p ,tbo foll.wmff da'orlh-d p..,l
KraU, to wit: All that o-nai t pioiw f i n
al in Bloom towaiiip, C evftwid t-tntr. Pa ,
Hi.indl by land, nt J ba ll-ph ira, Dr. li.r,
Piaub Ocoait and l. P. Uiuua, on ulntng
bap at elm .a Iblrt a aa o ears leal la a (nod
e'ni of "ul Irilljo. Thr- Ip a .mall b mj, aal
bera, and a aall orrhtrd ti'ei.o,
fWtbif I of tb pH ohrtw mtnoy to t.a pf I at
uBi.ii nsf 'ale, a I in b.lano-in iWuMfitai
'uoal po iamt, wtib iiler-t tu bu avourr-d b.
Mind and m-r$te on the , rviniF
J un SMI r ii,
Fof. p4 , -V, 8;g tu A im ft
'PSIU. l.lT.-t.iainf raoee. at ,1
I trial ai Maieb Tufa, A t 1TS. enm-nenn
Sp Miiadar, Marub ll.anl eoaiinulnf iwowreka.
t. P. Mrl'loakej a. J.,ba IIpIpo.
John J Petteraen re K. pihaw'i rtlnla.
Ahrea Krphert a. Hpre;iad, Wbtte A Co
N llarlet Bra va.
R llarl-h ,ra pp. Matlbew Bloom
Danlrl Wrarer i. A. Krrio.
l.oll-b 4 Robiaoa va. William, A llrer.
Tbnaaa R. Blaodr a. Kliuamnt 0al t:o.
n H Barrlek ea. Willua, 4 Ufr.
VanQ rdnnA Shepherd re. " -
l.a'lwit A Kobiana ea. 4 t.
I A. Morrieaa A Oa ea. Tba M. L 4 L. Co.
M.rt-a K faj-l.p ta Peter M..Ter.
let Hep K birnlree r. J II. Uinnpa el al.
M. Mllesdrr et. al. ra Jan.a 1. antUon.
. a. rk.pnaa pa. A Lia-berrp
Rattlaa 4 Web ter ra K II. H-.ree.
Seanel B 4la TP. Ja-itea Frr -.1 4 8on.
Oba lea 11 llr.ple ra wuil.a t. 1 b-ooa.
M Haaertaaa ea. Brub,ker4 ll -llnpeie
m. H. Pnatlup ea. A.nnl.l, llert.h-rn A
n-ipl I ovmni- ti. J. M -ailih.
WiB II P-.t'ill p.. tm.,M t H rl'fe-irl.
I.ra-l fnp -ell vp J ba .'ainiill.
0 tl ft. noa ep J..n-. .. Irpin.
1 tnP-iW B VJ .elln. al.
Kill .il ea J-.ha t Di lea
I.TOI. LioIiiimp tb llrata W.mlwarl
Hi.'m pa Tbe T IC HI On
J isee P II. le a. The V). I, 4 L Oa.
Tattle 4 H hiiaiera Co ef. Clt'.l gl Caalhife 0.1
Kehe-t Wrle ee. OltM I' .nlu! Mill 0i
mpojTiiia anool ai,t Ta. H H Taplur at. al
Wpe gela M. Ca. tt. R. R Oarrjp et al.
T. II Ho aa ea R .r Laa-W j.
Prarhold III Aea'a pa Mi-llreenr A Pr.,1.
Vn.lnrdi4 BhapherdTp, WIKi.a.A Harare! al
irrieiieT l-a. ea. Jnba II a-ridey.
0. H. r.r.ell 4 Ca. ea. Altred Sob .Sold.
Jaaee R rk-b-.OId pa. W. K. Kiooh.
Manul'g Co. ea. A. . Straw et. at.
Rlfler Ynaat 4 Heeid if J. ho DuBolp
Weeibf Millar Ta, Waitef trap, A hy pp. N ananad Konli,
Ilj.o I m 1 .pie pa. JaMa na Beaaa
r.O t, lH. TU BkOM. Pr..ikoa.n.rr
T lT r attlK.IHR.-LIri of Ja-o-i drawn
I s tr Maroh Term, A. I). .7I, to eoallane
Ihrea wti-ke.
Pirst vrittit arroND Monday. 11th
John I.I He. B (r,
J K O arhart. '
John Ci-der, Bradford
Ramael Cp aa. "
Jelf TaMwell, trait,
John M Jnrd in. Ilollek
Datld Hiwrer. U'oha'a
td HI ea a. Iliaialel.
a '.leer'tnt.
K.l d Pidireon. "
Wa VrKoT. Hopv.
Dand Prion, Kartnaaa,
Ina Vtitnhall. Lawraaoa
H J P'entt,
R U MuHandrr, "
Poire B ek, Bura-idetp
J W Sknterl, CIparSoM.
A i JarhMwi, '
leaae Johneoa. N
0 B HoMTer. C.f'.plltp,
t I Thnapeoa, "
I T.I Raker, "k-H.
bn Alhart, Orealar,
1 H Ba.a.. -Jokn
H Oedea, Inahen.
J ' Belt. Uwwoid.
J ) P .re.1.
Jna II Howlea. "
J L V,k, WMh',, a
II Ifier ,
tnde'0"a l. Mnprla P.nri Pane.
"la-is VTelljr. Unlns,
R II J.rlo-i.
Ale. an If, Wnodwan
Joel, W-M Iward
(irand juriir wrrk 1 8 nt.
II A Wrlaht Heeraria,
RiiKetl R alv, Brll,
A VI nil',, .rd,
Krr N.pp. "
J II llraiieaer. Brady.
Jna Hpinlierrr, '
Jan Lana-P-l.
Jaa H-11, Onplnflos,
la t fcrlie, H.rird,
A MHhaw, lliiphi-a,
f J Thoat'foa. ilrern'l
T J Prlea, H-uli lah).
w Sharlieaeh. "
rtiot Hewitt, HnRlnn,
R Brt.titrap. Kfikiia.
C H Niiipi Law-vno.
Uea 11 II .lire-, M ,rrl
I .he R K.I...
K Mdehreiid, Nrwhnrt
-Tm r-eaT. llaoeole,
J II ... K'..,dard,
W arena J...
Saa'l Kephart, llrcatar.
Joe II HIkk aa "
travissiji ports sr.cojtDwitK, 13tu.
Wa B illet, Bene irla, .Inn HnrkenharrT, Ohm
J"i Wkl'aaf Rloaa, W t, llarner. Il.aiar,
John Bpiwa, Unite, Hen Rhirer, (lireril,
l.aao B l.h, " J I Hartal, '
a. LUoaa, Peed Miaat, "
BI at Pearea. Bradford, S lneherrr. Ilnahea,
M.rtia Wllaoa, ' Oan Kaeib, Urehaie,
Milioa Shire;, J S'ee..n, llreenwo d
0 W Barter, M Noirl Alexander, Ua'ieiv,
Adaa Klrb.l. Brady, J ka By ra, -
T M .a- aery, H MeNeaara, Ualt la'a
8 It P h ' loa Wa.bbnra. Iloatoa,
II 0 Throe, " HearyWI keniw Jordan
L Rayler. " Jaaee Dale, Lawreeoe,
Philip Weartr, Z..., o(daa,
II llap-Ufel', Jr., " II W Mile, L ''IIP,
D Adaae, Barntida Ip lea lluehee, U irrla,
Ian l-rin, Uarwenevilk- laba Hell,
J P Hard, " Kdwarl Well, Peas,
W V Hrin, Clrarield. W.U,
VT J lleaphlll, A. a Mll.,ri.l I, '
1 Btapkeaaaa, " il R C.ld.ell, I'ika, Maeea, Carlaltoa P llaney, "
r abaarra, T II adertia,
Jaa Lolher. Bea-vla.
das k iiask. il, II,
Jaa L-OBrll, B'B.
4 lle'aen.Hl....,
I'Wif K Ine, llradford,
W I liaaesll Brady,
daf Diana,
Ue.h (.Ily, "
Ana llek rliaa. "
H b e., Ore a a,
iao TVlpaT. liraeawiiol
M Sherp, a
t I. llo-.Tet.
I .a Soata d, llaflna,
'""a '", U-ia-tlaie,
-VaT bl...,u., J,rJ,a,
I' 1 hnaiaa,
H Leonard, a
like Read. Uwres a),
tVa kaaakerrp,
Jeaa Beea, Morr.a.
Jae Kaeilh,
J I HoekeaVerry, Moerla
le Rwlaheriebaer,
Jof atelbraek, a
itapld Wettea, Oeatnla,
A J Capplat, Paa.
Bdwit loor, Olearteld
a ariaaa, .
Aaae Keaaerd, '
Tket Wead. k, at.
read riakall, Certatten
Tkat Narria, rareaaat.
Paeer Beaeu(aar,Uirard
arri starraf , - - "
0 W Kler, llrekaa,
WisffUatifOtis 3.vfrHscmfr.1.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
rurwKBavilla. fa. Ian. , 'IH-lf
Curwe ovlbr, J .in. V. 'IS tf
'.'ttrwfintill,, i , J,, tf( if,
Prices of Shingles,
Cu p.,-ll, Jm 9, 7S if.
Ilrftllh t'il ll.lnri (.riroVpn ,hh in
ihir .mw.r-, hi.cI vh f !.- ro witbiti tlit n k. Ii
ul t?rr U' who l. ao
Mrlginsilvc nils,
Thfiil urwr('KK l..r T- r( i. liwr, yp p
piU, llt'M'luvh. "tiuf rtrMMtoii, r.m ii, hl.
It, liility. N mitl all Jt .hitxif
II .Mill ilip-.ttiltia. N( fi)uin Hxl.ra tvin A
"Um W'ruiljt, VUtt'm." It fuur I) iif;i.l will j
not up'l xitn'l 2 ffitu l.r i tox tu lirrilt,
ll'illwr A to, ill N. 4(ti -i.Tlii,. . .
QPII t OI'HT HA 1. 12. J
Bjr rlrUr i.f an orier of lb Orphani C.mrl of (
Cliti'on countj', thu lulmenbtr i I ofler t public i
nil ! ill (auit ijuuMin btili lUran, un
Friday, February 8tb, 1878, '
nt t o'cl'wli p. in , nil thl eTiin M or .lw ff '
IrikI, itnatiii in tti lowiiflif of W ..r.rl, m
ul 0utii of riinion. buu i'l" ( H'.r lii l hy '
"hf pu'-!ie letting tr.,lM ( p.,i(j1Jf t ,n yH, .
ruaf ill, ti(wrr Ui I tt nf tlnri-tv (i . .,no. '
t.utt.wai'1 t,y tho H'.t ticn h h th- f t"ii', j
n n- , l wittrJ bi- iV-.i.-. r I.i . ii..i,!.,i 1. j
iiK ibrm ir w, imn ur 1. - ,,,,-, ..,,. t
u .. niiii( nl urn rn fa .t , t .r.n 411 I mi-
blt b j(h, rn um Hi iM.-iy- b 1 n. am. j
th" tbrt-o f,.r g . r-, n-1 h t r .irt p art .1 , '
it I k Mm, .it .1- s ru i .u ktai -n f
Brl II. mi I t,t. lu-bl H-efr : mi'i. wa h '
n r. rim 1 an 1 01 hT "ul. ut..ti..-, itli.i, a . !
ii il . ii H..I.I. ..( ,, 4,r(, i,,t. tl.v
"'i - I n. M (I 11 a.t'.i 1
TfiKMH. 'tiiM itiinitiu 'li'lnn t'ioii ulii , uml i
b vneti hi iN'i am.uti m-( .iutu., 1
tltl ut rvt, tj l .-Mr d 11(1 lUt. Inettu.-eM
kl-lZ -ilKI II II A.S.N A.
V.-' a n l K M Itetuu. ilco'tl
Jan. lt.7f .Ji
fi"t thu It a s-t abated iho it-t.tnlai'lt? it ana i
ihuti. hut baa addvd to It ia rnaoy wya, ani
t Mm up pried, In a biiild.nj n Marktl rtr.-ct, oa j
I lh old Wefrrn .trl li.t, npHnitfl th ('-.arl j
ii-urj in uinfMi a I tn an t .shoat Iruti Uanu I
la. tnry and Mioro, whfrw ilio liuind ft I all iiui i
a lull line ut
house rTOKisHnra goods,
Stores, Hardwiro, Etc.
II - u.e Srniin en.l nil Ho le f J,.h ..,. r,w,,.
ine, Ac , ,l.ine on kb 'M n-.tter and at n-apwialik
rat. p. ., a.-tt fr Llicj
Singer Sewing Machine.
A Pannlp of,, ii. i, aiib N.t-dlr., Jo., al
i on hand
Terinp, .trlrlly eah or roun-ir ml,ice. A
.biire-tl .ifrunaj;r p-.ll -i-e-1.
I ruin riaieoil' nt.
I i.-. fi. ij. tvj.aii i.i, m:r.,f
1. 1 T ii . i; s u i k ; .
HepeeiVa, oodp will be enl I fur CASH ..nip.
..a in eirbeea-e for prednxw. No b-wko will be
kept in the fniers. All old aeeoanla auet be
erttled Tho-a wbo eannol ra.h up, will plee.,
hand urei their aoia. and
I an d(riaiaed to Mil my fotida at inah
(iritfta, and at a din int far twl.iw thkil r
ulTorad in (bit rlnnity. Th diarnnnt I nt
ntMti.Barr. will Walt ibam rwb in twrn'j yrart. Il
lbi-t lulliiw bi a-lvio. and buy tblr m it (r iu
nt. I will pay tth lr whmt, mta an cl-trvr
Lulhtraliuijt, Ju.rj 17, I?,
M.arflflil. a,
Koapoetfall Infornta bit and tb tmb.
Mr ia ff-aral. that b nlinH'a to tnautalMiv
an iinaa or
Tin, Copper & ShreMroa W.nrc,
of flrai olan mattrial only, and In a workman
like ntniwr,
don on ibrt aad vrrjr rm.aona.iit Uttta
t!M ib aiiaoK, aou ior a im tow.
Gas-Filling and Plumbing
a specially.
Oaa natural atwara nn band. All wort guaran
tt4 In gira Mitlrnlloa,
A li art (if)uhlf j.iirtmftfroardUI1j Mlii llt-d
Clfarfld, Pa,, Mat t. IMTr.
Would rpMifallf notify the put. Mr ((fn-rallj
mat b baa rvmnvvd hia Urxourt Htun Irttw
htlBj'a H.itaT. than taull.lan.1 riwaaa.trlea ...... .1
! J U.I.. k..t.. ... , . I .. a .......
ii Htglvr'a hftfilwitrv, wlijr be inttndf
Naapin a full lm .if ,
u it i: it 1 1, h.
MllllARH aad Ut RllPrt, af all fradet.
TKta, Oreea aad Black.
COFPKK. R.ia.led ut Uraes.
eat.f.' f it C I 7.1,
All kiadt It the Baikal.
PICKI.KM, injara aad barrel..
SI'tCKfl, Is ererjr font atd rarlny.
A l, t ailNIMOKC IUC kKHrt.
Oa&l Oil and Zitmp Qsimaeji.
And rKd aiauilttMtU at Ua thlnn ainalli
Jpt It a fary , wblrh b will ui haag-
i aaraiin a. m nMrnnt prttM.
Will tall tot nb u abtaply aa tbat a.
M-aaa tall lad taa bl 4 tad Jidg.f
Cl.arfluM. Xin, , 17,1,
Jleir dffrtlSfmfnts.
J Wseuaia, Hon. r. A. MAYK.R, I'reeidcot
Ill-lire nf Ihe (Niurl of fiiiniuoii Ploao uf tbe twea-
y - at 1 1 h Ju.ltolal lllplrb-t, ootnp.ipad uf Ibo ooaa
w of Clrarflrld, Ci-ulra and Clinlon, and Hob.
Abu.u Ooiise aad Hon. Viseasr H. Hutr,
Ap.H'late Judifea uf CleerSeld Co, bare laaued
tiieir prai-rpl, tu ta.- din-eied, fur Ihe buldiaf uf
an A ll'iuinud t'uurt ul l'uuiaa I'lree, ai tbe
. j. . , :, k..,pA
I"!, D'.IIIUlllt Ott-' W'k
I Nn TH!K ia iht-rviora hrreli.i g'wn to Jurnran4
I linf.i , in an. I t'.r ait ciunty t tlrarheld i
de hikI in llieir pr"jer pfi afttm, at 1 0 otlunk
I A M vf rai'l il tj, Ui it.. ibinf wbirh in
thpii ticlmll ir-riHin tu w Hutite.
tn KN uinle r mv huml at Clritrfliflal, ihU Slh 4a y
of rol.ruirr. in Um jiar uf ur L-iH n .
ml riht h'lii'lrt'd ai d arvfntv-ti(l t
AM'KKH I KMZ, jr , Sharif,
f ( (-.
lOUHl I'lUX I.AM Al I'lK.
'h-"., lino. 0. A. MtYKR. Prl4cnl
lutir i.f 1 hi ;,url of Oomnh.b mt
th- T-p-ntir -fifth Ju-llrl.l IH.trirt, ..taHirJ nf
ih 1 nin nra .if rtti lit, ntr ttiifl rllntn
atiJ ..u abimu ioit- and Hun Vimckvt B.
(lntT. 4nievlatf Jvitfflt uf Clonrflrld tnunif
havr iraur.l tnrir p'vrapltMi mr dtrttd fr th
h..ifi'n. a Curt CutBinun Hlvaa. flrpbanr
nurt, i.miim i'( Quorlvr iiti. Vsmrt t Kjar
' f-riietiif r, and I'unrt ul Uenaral Jail Uali tlis-t'iMirt IIiiuih i 1Nrfleld in tb
i'i.tii,t rarflvM n-nintrntntf lb IlllldJ
M.Hi(1h. the IH tlH ul Mairtl. IMH.
ImI la. LiM.llliU ian WietJia. '
NOTIlIK IK, tbrr-f-ira. har.t.J p-ivco. U. tbn
C.irini, .lunri't ut th Poaew, and Cunatablra,
li and fcr naid nuuni,; ut Olwrflold, t. appear i
thi-ir proper pt.rauua, arilb thir Rwrdi, HolU
liiiuiritiiit., KtaiuiDatiuiia, and nthat Hvnrin.
hrsyiut-i, p. du tb'ia tbld(a Mhiob to tbeif 'iffioaf,
nd lo thalr hahnlf, irtin to bo dun.
It; an Art (,f AMi'tuhlT. ptwwd tho 8th 4ny of
la , A. Ii. IM, it ia tnalt lb dtity nf Ibo ina
tifi ui th IVaeo uf ih acvt-ral ennntlrf of tbia
Ci.iuini.ow. itlth. tu return to tba Oiarh of ibw
Court uf IjiiarUr iMiltini nl tba reaprottrn
a..unii-a, all dia r-rniMiiiw nttrrt d iuU Mur
thciu by any ptfri"n ur p-rauo char(t3. witb lb
f.uitn Minn of any eriui", ivept aucb ea aa
ui iy I) ftnU4 t.eluff a Jaaltco uf Iba Pmnn. -dr
riirtiiijf lawa, at kid ten dayi hefurti lb
cniuuii'n.irwent uf tbo eat'u ut th Cuort lo
Inch f It at om-la rriurnablrrpL-ivly,aDd
in all (- Hbrru may rfo-'Xi.tion.i art oatorad
intu ,tr I n dj 1't-f.i'k lb-otianoiiefuiil
uf ihr tliit fu which they ara marla irturita
M. I he naid J.intiif art- lt r torn tho taiaa in
iln-nau iiiaitaar al il iaid ovt bad ut bn
tlVKN uniir my hand at ClttrflH.1, thia Aib
oay ol I t-hia .ry, in th" y-ar ( ar Uunl, unn
h'.uaaitj aibthl d atn.l f t-nty -tiht
I 11O to AMihhU I't.' XL. jr, nunff.
Uiitm aluh ib the bat u1iltt!d work
ul 'he kind In the urld
Vofp'rt tJ lit Prt.
naa arpt lairiy atireant uf Ib tinwra, Ibanka to (ba
inirpr.Mnf ibo purlib-r nm-i ib taut and wia
Inm f ilRedilora Fur whi'avrr u haat and muat
rradalo ia the literal or of (ravel, diacurery and
Ip'ioa tho avnraa rojvdsr of to day luuba tu
HittjMt't) U iff mint juu aa ctpovtanlly ai did tba
r.lor nf a floiilurr aifu : I her ia tba aam admir
l.i varifty nt viin'rnta and th aatn lrthnraa
ind auftivt-e-! it ita eliturial dapannaotn
Hun as Ibto. H'pa'ua Jvtrmat.
Pu-tHgr free la a l iubci Ibera fu tkm IT t.
Har.r'a .M aaiiptt. um tr.... 00
H.i in.' Vlrs ravwfit uf ti. 8. puntHgc by
tlln .utlltnrr,
pitihriil..;4 lo lltttr'm Mnyitint Weti'f
itd l(t'tt lit i.i.a iddti. ra ior una yrr. a.tft ; tr
urui t MrtTjit rV pfrn.ili nl lu oacadlri-aa fur it.
An rir t ut n h-rib M'tynzln. Wnttftf
T il'it ir w' t ucpn-d Kriu lur tr Ciwn
.f It. I- kuhfiili-rfa nt 4 i'0 ravrb. fail 4 ( br jm
-um Utilise; ur. (it O". ua r. iib ml utra,
y, tor 2t.uf.
Ilitt'k NuUiletf Ceili b.: HUpfl'Cwt t MI tioi.
Tl.f X liiiiittr nl lb JL.ttteitie mmrmes willa
, it-- Ninii'H'B - t Jufiw il (etroheT f rat-h , .tr
I VI h.ii litui- In a t-iA d, il m Btidrtttd (bat
1 'bi' ri.tir"-ru-i-r aihs iti brgtfl aiib (ba rrbk
1 .Vtitulu-r.
I A Cuiu li-ti Kat tif Nfptr't M-f ti-ta. tout
: (ttiRli.. aa Viduuiim, tu uaatcKtli iitaAiiiug. Will h
i at til r.) t?tr tei((itl al riFTta f yun-hsnrn
( lir i.'i.t it lu.. Mt-t,l txiaiseaf . bv wail
I . t(.j d o OH. h'thr, blR'linif, iBMBtf,
tuy', f.Pti4 1,
A AitMitiii'tU t't'tvi to tin. rt miy
. nlUIH ! U'fr' MiyVt Bail tt atVlMbt-tl ,
rtft'loriiitt eaw'aii.4 'le t'r iwieritii th v.. and
taflad faJlH ttlltriMeMJ Wb4 tTWIlMHVIVt
Hi ip frif'ii(-l a rriut lltrart rj.iptrdi.v. Ovo,
luib. SUUi llJi Call, M-nt ptMiaK
; irvaiJ
j tvuUt ri''li'Di niwirvd (ur Harper' pcrioJteali
tin iv.
piiprrii art out to en.y tbii advrtfrtnnt.
aiirunt (it t-rex ord-r .tf II a it fait A Biun.
AQiiit.r, HaKI'EK A UKOTilKKH,
of Ip 1177-aui. Nrw Vo.k
A l1rpoliur of faiahl ih, P eaattro nudf
Tit- H ,tr tba at-gas f lb fa-bii-aiabla
wnrld, and tba -ipMfrtrr o lhf wH4 law
and it I f aaib'-nt in all nMitt-fn ft Bmnri
n(u-ttr, tra-iuBM, aid adi babte. tthn
Ti ftu ir vH.raiarad itlf in ttrry BautWr of
tl. Ikhim h .i.i i.f th i-bHdr-a y tlratll and pm
' pi lur-, ti th" j"uj la-l a by ita taaiiinn
p tttt. m vuillt'M 'rly,! ih (rovilani aialnta
T It" 1 a'l flu (ur Ihkt chitiln o' nl,.f h.. I., .uib..
i-i't .a i i-a u.t. lul .!' Ii.r t.iubr.idraad
iuur nu. I luxu'iou- dirr-itig tf"Wi.a. ba lu
i a t : m tU 1 nt ibv 'itMr ta tiiiiturtalj ut grat
riot- lei, ot. Ih .n(t'T ha -ttr-Ojiiirtwd a widrpup f-r ll lr,-,l.ii-ri.jiitin,ilt It lTiird. at.d
hi b-c -tiitj an a-ta li-ip.d iuibrity with ihe.
It&v ilt-a AuivrMi, AT ' Kttmiif twl.
ru.tac Irto ta all ubrrrlbf n In th t. K.
Hh ptr' Bitiar, on year .,.t4 91
ti t mpiiidt-a pit pa innt of l. 8. put lag by
ih pah ifl.ara.
hui)riptiuui to II a an it n't Maniuiii.WKKLr
at.d Haiap lu (.nc aeldrraa foronyar, lii.nff-.
or, lo of Hiiprr a I'rriodicala. t) on ad J rata for
une year, ".Hit, p n i; fraw
An utra eitpy of anhar the MAaaaina.rTais
tr, ur II tt ah U b auppltrd fratla vr mrcy
t'luh ..f Ft a -ab-crinar at d.t'O rat a, iJ fur
ii uua-otuit'ftuM : r. His tpa km j anr, with
ii' fixtm mipr. fur Sti.tlO,
Mi b Nuuihtra e ia I uppliad) at aoy tlaa
Ita- Vn mu a uf ibf tttr rataatftica wilb Iba
va-r H 1, mi um hiu W tnoutiuaol. it wi I a
vi 11 da rat d ib-t ib auhatrib-r wiabaa In anai
mi ne Wilb Ih Number artar lb raoetpt af
ma dvr.
Ih A' Bu.l Vul..m-i af Uttai-cn't Haian, In
nt-ai ul. ih biadii g. will h Mat hv aipruaa, Iraa
..I fiprn-c, pr.iitiid tba irvikrht d m nK meaad
m (Jullar, f.-r I.IW .at.-b. A uiHpUu a-t, o-.iw
prutn lm V.duwa atnl on rtNwipt uf oaab a.
h raUv- of S 2i par tul., frvlghl ipna af
t li'tb Caatj. fur (-b rulun. anltahl for biad
hk. wi 1 b atnt b a. ail. piwiuttd. oa raoaiut
mitcb r
li.iim 10 atvb nilara fnt gratia m raoclpt
ul faMip. ,
HitbKilpiiiioi racalrad for Harf'prMi(aIr
.1 wspaptir ar no', t py thi- advert iartaaaL
-lib ut ih ,.... iktrar t Hah pa a A Htrwa
A.l.irxna, MAKPhK A,
N-'-Jim. . Kaw Vffc.
t'C' li-i UM'HEOKliKNrKOiniSabial ryot
l. t,ti rj h b i'n.d 'h
PttMicaii .a uf tho
UK LAIinpsT. rilf'APKST 4 RHIttNTIir
- WrbhuY IN fllK UM 1.1.
Fift-tla eolaianf of ihe ekuleeel reidlne. ea
i rariaic all that anea u aaako a arat-i.k.a live
woehlv ,.p.-r.
t Thr l),aa-l ead liieiinHire realar Ikw
Kl.KI.V TlvtKt, ibat rue prwnd ao papalar
in Ike pa.l, will be ennllaue tlrreerkaal tka
trar, a ia t A aerlee nf ebap era af Ike wewrtlte
History of Ihe Lnle Chll War
Iron lea lint In Ibo Cebiaet, ta lka
Field, ia ike P .rom, N.irlh aad S-inBtp.
fdr-Tip l.elara nf to PHII.A!elke!il4
HHKhl.V 1IMKK aliinr will a.k. u.
nnpt Knlep'alalne; and hiptraellra Vetaapea o
'be lr.lptlir.1 HRCOKIiattr TMB LlTR
"Alt Ibat bueter b.en r.a ta Ike Halloa.
While Ikrae roatrihntiuat el ka frr froa all
-iiarlan lone, tkey wil he wrltiea froa tka Tart-
no. piea.ipoiaiB et ike reopeetiea satkort aad
per taiir prer aaaaa.
nRMS PR ANNUM-Poit ge Fret
"I'J. Tire u..pief, l. l.nCopla.,
'l. Tw.niy Cniie. J5.
An KX I'll t t III V a, II a. .i rsaa ...
ieie..a (It fur a t'leh af Tea, at 411 tor
i i iai ui i weniy.
t mining wim n itw iitwi c and tyahttig p
Club. ( TavBti, jo will aarb gal tta M EKkLK
I M K.4 tur oa Jr. poatag pid by na, lr tbav
i.W liriiwa of At It If aal ..a at. A tk.
vnr aa, ara iliali-lic4 witb lb I'apav, aad ta
il' aad w niil retura your auntv.
A flral.rlape luaWpondrat Morslua; liwt
paper, I'ai.-rrnllp na'Jrd ka tka Peeaa aad pka Pa
pit ap the keel Kew.tener aver aaklieksd la.
Tl-asa PoaUta l aid. Ml erellare paar, tf
Fifty (Vntt t month, twa Ceaif t Copy,
Aaarraa i ut liau, Tiaee Batlditf,
Nor. r-lft. PkllaeeJlJiJa.