1 TUB "CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN. fl(M)l.ANHKH I.KE. OUtHrlkLU. FA Tti largest ClrrulatluM wl a New.papr Is North Oittral P.iiHutlvalila. Terms of Subscription. tf n.ld in idrMN r wtlb'B I u.i.ulbe....'.' (Hi' If paid n.r ittiH lel..r. - scinlbe .... II Alii If naid afiar ibr.xpir.tt..B ut a uiunlba.. a INl! Rates ol Advertising. Tr.niient adrertlaetnenle. per .quarouf la llneior :t lime. ir 'e.e. 1 la ' ... ..ei ul)HMupni ..esrlton n A iininl.tralnra' and Kxeentnr.' n.tlloea. S lit Auditor' nidleee H S 6n Cation, and BrlraYe I Ail Dlaeolulion anileee. 1 AM Penfeaewnal Carda. 6 line tir leae.l year...- a Oil Ical nottcea. pur tin tit VRARI.r AllVKHTIKKMEXTft I i.itare ,. s Oil I I onlotnn.. .M1 nn t i.uara.. 1ft On eolutno Til Ml lliuam. SI fin ' I nnlntnn . .. 13a an il. B linnm.ANllKK NllKI. II. I.KR, Puhll.here. (Tards .1 on piiivn.. or v.vvhy ukchp Tr.ri um coKwi ami.kh' vat-: W aata printed larya nurahnr ol tha w PKK HILL, and will on tha nmrnpt of tniy H. W. SMITH, TORN EY-AT-I.A W I Ic.i Ucld. Pa. a r llll:T J. J. LINGLE, ATTOKNEY-AT- 1. A W, ill Philip burg. Centra t o.. Pa. jr pi G. R. & W. BARRETT, Attoknms and (;uUNr.Loii8 at Law, CI.EAHPIKI.D, PA. Jnnt; "(I 1878. ISRAEL TEST, I'TiHI N K Y A T I. A ' Cleardeld. Pa 0-trvr i llir Couri Houw lyl 'H W. C. ARNOLD, LAW Jt (UI.LKlilU.V uKKK'E LTkWKNxVII.LK. 21 nfrflfid l'.'Ulii., P.nn'a. 74 g T. - BliOl KHA.NK., ATTOKNICY AT LW, CLtAKUKI.I), PA. Ufliaa in Court Houm. ., :6.";7 I) V. WILSON, ATTOKNKY AT I AW, I UivtiD Kulel ImilJitif fli)iU'h Court lluun. ppjil.5.77 CI.BAH1 IKI.D, PA. FRANK FIELDING, ATTOBN KY-AT-LAW, I'lcardHd. Pa, Will HtltD'l to all ( u i (Rial uLtruj(e1 to hut pioin(itly rid Uitbfully. jaol'T WILLIAM A. WALLACI. MA NBT r. WALL At.' a. PATIO L. KMKII. JOHM W. WRIOLB V WALLACE &, KREBS, (Wu - to H lnce A Mag,t ATTORNEY 8-AT-LAW, J.ol T; Cleartteld, Pa. TUiiK. M. 11 BMAT. CTiii'a auua MURRAY & GORDON, tTToKN EYS AT 1. A W, L'LEAKFIKLU, PA. JKtr Dfflea ia 1'ia a U..'ra lloa.v, .eeund rkm K.jii'74 CdARLES 0. LEIDY, attuhnky at law, Owm.I. Mill-. CIrfiU C4 Ltal businvn of ll kiul tten lni 10 Pur licuittr mti titloo j 1 tu iiocuriDi 1 1 (Kiuut. iraiuiia. At). aW il, is77 ly. itinera i. n biallt. Daniel w. a'cuant. MoENALLY & MoCORDY, ATTORN EYS-AT-LA W, Clearllald. Pa. -Ljral baeiaaa. altandert tu pruuipllv altbj JJ.hlr, umce oa oeoona atraet, anove ;na rir.i National Bank. Jan :1:7 wa. a. MecvLLi.ueH, rwrn. tt'i. Il ea McClLLClGIl & KICK. ATTORNEY 8-A T- LAW, llearllcld. Pa. All Irani bu.iova. pri.iupil, allnid to. OBu. oa H.ava.1 elreei, in iho Ma.uaie i.uildmi. Janlu.'7t A. G. KRAMER, A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W Kaal B.UIr and Collarila Atmt, CI.KAKPIKI.il, PA.. Will promptly attend' tu all leval hiulneae ee trailed to bia ear. ptUm ia Pte'a 0.era II a-'. janl'7i JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTtlKNKY AT LAW tnd Raal Katala Aeiit. ( Itartldd Ha OSea oa Tblrd atreet, bat.CH.rrj t Walnut. EV-Reapeatfallr offere bia aarriee. in .elliiia aad buvlbf landa In Olearnald and adjniutny eaatlal t and arttb an aaparienee 01 near tarantt J era aa a eartoaor, lattera btmaell tbat be eat raider aallafaetioa. Fab la '3:11 DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN A 8UR(. EON LUTIIRKKIIIIRll, PA. Willattead proleaatonal ealla pmaiptlT. augln'7l DR. T. J. BOYER, PUYSICIAN AND ID Kll f.ON UOtte on Market Street. ClearOeld. Pa -0IIiee bourn I to II a. a , and I lo I p. ni D R E. U. 8CUEURER, IIOMlEOPATIIIO PIIYKICIAN. Ofllde ia mid. nt-e oa Firrt rt. April 14, IK71. Clrarlrld, Pa DR. H.B. VAN VALZAH, CI.BAHPIkLII. I-KNN'A. OKK1CK IN MASONIC BUILDING. t- ODoa boura-Fraai II lo 1 P. M. Majr u, nn. DR. J.'p. BURCH FIELD, Uu Harga l Ibvajia H(iaint,Pitatyivaiii(i Valaattm, kaftog rurnd froM tb Army, offvrt bit proftMlooal girTtea u tbaitltai f OUarftatd auaatf . aWPrufaiUBIU irunpitjr atUatltd u. Ott oa ti Monti treat, (ornarljroaeapiac. b) Dr. Wooda. lVr4,Mu WILLIAM M HENKY, Jubtici or twb Pbai b AJiiir.cMiVKRR, LUMUKh CITY. Cullaeiiont itiMik and mtmvy prouiptl) p.aa.u urn. nillCIHI III a(rUlU( Mlill t-tM O aatayanm aaaily tiaauloa aaH warraalfl cm root or ao hr. t.tj,T REKD & II AGEliTY, DKALC ia IB HARDWARE, f ARM IMTLEMtNTS, i iitiHara, nana. abc. aU(l,'77 Fee. ad Mreet, I Irarnrkl, Pa. JAMES H. LYTLE, la Kr.u.r'e llullltir, leaidrld. pa. Ialar in Omeetlee, 1'roeleiun., Veaelablee, Fr.it., M...r, Feed, ele , e. nprl4T.tr HAJtllY SNYDKR. ' IIAMIKR AMI IIAiRUKKfSLR lb... oa Market St.. .pulta rourt ll.ia... A rlean low.l lot atrr eu.ti.uier. Alan atanalaetarer rf All Kll.de f Artlrlta In lluaaaa Hair. CWa.bele, Pa. , ,, JOUN A. STADLER, BARKH, Market t fWail.lJ, Pa. .Fraeb Bread, I'.oak, Rail,, PM ..d Oabe. oa band or Bade u Mdor. A f.r. ami aeaMtnaeat ot CoalaelloaarlM, Frail, aad NaU ia aanek. lo Cms and Oy.tera la Maaaa. Rakma aearl. PPila Ik. hoMltt. prteM aied'rala. Men l.f k. GEO. B, O00DLANDER, Proprietor, VOL. 52-WIIOLE NO. (fartls. JOHN D.THOMPSON, J urn In of tht Pmo and Borivvoeri rurwrmtvllle. Pa. ja-fu-Cnllci'Htin ii-Ip ni mitncf prnoiill RICHARD HUGHES, JIWH'K OF Till PIACI rna Itrcatur Touuthlp, iWoii Mini r. n. AM nfllrUI bo.lnt.. aiilra.trd ti. biai will br prointli,T ativndH b. mrhW. 7n, THOMAS H. FORCEE, oiALaa la UKNKKAI. H KUCII A S DISK f.RAHAMTflN. Pa. A In, exlamlvt aianafaetarcr tod dealer la Rquar tiuImi uil hnwoiI bumuerot ill Rlnda. ar-Ordir MlloiUd aad all vruaaalli Iliad. I'Jjinil REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, fltarHtld. Pami'a. 1vWIII aXMBU loha la bla Una uruialtlv aud In a workmanlike manner- ar r4,H7 Q. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR t't.KAKPIKI.U, PKNN'A. I'uuipi aiwnvn un banil am) milr to ordtr nn ibort notica. rttiw hureil jo rvaannaM icnoi All work wart-atnteii lo rulr atiiretlon, mad Iclivarad If dttrtii. a,r3tV:lYid E. A. BIGLER &. CO., PNAI.KHI IN SQUARE TIMBER, antl manulaolurara of 41.1. klKDHIIP HAW I.I) I.UIMHKH, 77J CI.K4HFIKI.D PKNN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer In Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, HIIINOI.ES, LATH. 4 PICKKT8, t:ln';3 Cl.arllelii, Pa, WARREN THORN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKKR, Marbat ai.. TlrarHeM, Pa. lo the .hop laielr eceupleil bv Frank Rburt. una dour aeat All.gban; Hou.a. ASHLEY THORN, ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR and IH'ILUKR Plana and Hpcl&aation. furniahad fur all klada f buildinKa. All work Irrt elaaa. Htair buiM apt a ai.Mlalrj. P. O ad.lrr.e, ClrarnvlJ, Pa. Ja. 17-7711. JAMES MITCUELL, itaabaa ! Squnre Timber & Timber Lnndn, lairT I.XKAHPIK1.D. PA L IL AJ'iMUllUAY WILL rlllHI LV VOI WITH ANY ARTICLE OF MkHCIIAMIIG AT THK VKHY LOWKHT HKH B. t 031 a ANU rJKK. . I:l:7.1: NllVl WASHINGTON. WEAVER &. BETTS, DKALKRB IB Real Esta e, Square Timb r.Saw Legs, AND trMllEK OP ALL KINDS. JP-P' (Boa on nd Hreaf, ia raar of atnra nrnin of u-ra w. artr uu. JftttV '7 II. J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER. ARB DRALBB la Kiiw Iokn and L.uinlor. OLRARFIRLO, PA intee In Irabatu'i Row. 1:16:71 8. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCIiMAKKIi ABIt PBALRB WutuhoH, CliK-k-t und Jtwtlry Qrahitm't How, Market Sir it, (ICAhKIKMI, PA. All kind of rapairuig in my II ni- prnniptl at -nilrd to. April M. 174. NEW BOOT AjJD SHOE SHOP. Tha undrr l)tnpd would tcfurm 'h- puili thai i bR rfBuvrd bia H -o' and hoe Hhnji to tbi room tut- Ij Mni.itd hv Jn. lfAriti(. in itaaw'f How. Markit Flraat. wbora bt ia prapxrad to at -riirt i, tha wnt" of nil wtm nea l anvihintf in hii uDf. All work dona by bin will h of tha twi nalarUl.and UMrnBlfal tu i Drat t lapi in avpty "H-ot. Hfpatrinit prmitl attanditd to All RiDilt ol LvHlbt-r atid blf KinHitigc f .r aa a JOHN M li.KFKR. Claar..rld, Pa.Julj I A, IH77 ftin. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUUAGK HUM K IMiUSTHV. 'I'HR ori4trFlfiid. batinit aMiPba. a Nur 1 aar oa tb Pik. aout bir way batwaia CIpa'BpId and (urw-nTillf, ia prparal to lar nUb all kinili of FHl'IT T K K Kri. (-lanrlarrl and dwarf.) RvrrKroioa, Bbruhtmry, Hrnt Vinoa, Umiatlirrry, Ln w ton bUcfcberra, Blrawh-rry, and Haapbarr Vlnra. A au. rtb rian Crao Trvt-. Waiaea, and rarl; anarlot Khatiarb, Ac. Urdara proiaptlji attended Ut. Addraaa, J. 1. WHK1IIT, twp2o Curwanavtllo, Pa. ANDREW HARWICK, Market utrect. Marttcld. Pa., NAB V PACT VR KB AIW MALBB IB HARNKSR, HALULK, BKIDLK8, COLLAKK, aad all kindi of HOUSE FVHSISHINQ HOODS. A full itook of Paddlara' Harlwara, Rrupha, ''nrnha, Rlaakot. Koboa, aic, alwna oa tiaad and for rata at lb lowart eaah prion. AU bind' of rrpalnng promptly i landed to. aii KiDdtni hidai tnkan id ottchar ta for bar. na and repairing. All hioda of bar nape liatbar arpt on aauo. ana ior gala at a aiaall proBt. Clrarflald, Jan. 19, 170 E. WARING'S LAW BLANKS Par aVa at tha CUarflaid ttairat.irAB often. Tht mo9 i'omplrte fierUn of Law Tlttra Dlai.ka art got tan np In raprrior ttfla. at af an if .r aiaa, aad fnmtab-d at tar law agarta for eaab. Call at tha Rrri MiicAB cAm aad tianaia tbriH. Urdcra by am It priMtir lillad Addraaa, UUOUt.ANUKK A LEK, Jalj li. 1-77 . Cltarlad Pa JOHN TROUTMAN, DKAI.RH IN 1'URNITURE, UATTUKSSKS, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET MTRRST, NRAR P 0. fbe nad.r.tf.a.1 bep;. kae. to laform the elil. aaaa ol Clwrbeld, aad tb. palille aenerall. Ibai be ba. na baud a Mae aaaortateat .1 Furall.re, aarb a. W.iaat, Obaatnat aad Painted Cbaanei aitaat ParlM Huttee, Kaelintug and K.taamna Ch.lt., Lad...' and (lean Km; C'balra, Ibe Pr fnrated lllalawarf Jelcr Caalra, Uaa. Iteata and Wind Vbalra.VI.tbM Hare, Hup aad Kitaa ioa '.adder., Hat ftaaka, Bwabbiaf Braebea, A. .'iOVLDINa AMD PICTCRI FRANKS. obla tllaaaea, Ckreaii A a., wbieb wouJd aliaW. r Bolulae araaeata dMMt JOUN TROUTMAN. - .. --r -i-ir . .. j -'m mmm, " "j !l7' -- " 1 " " T - t-'"-' '2,557. CREDIT OF THE GOVERNMENT. tspiaxioxz ox HON. D. W. V00RHE1.S, OF INDIANA, in Tim United States So ; a to, JANUAHV 15, 18.8. Tlio rumiliititin aiibinillml by Mr. Vtuirliei'H on tlio litlli ot Dwvnibur, 1877, h ri'uit. Mr. Vt.rlii:e nuitl : Jlr. I'rvhidfiit : On tlio I3th of Ilo- fi-ii.ln-r I hud the litiunr to intrniliicu in thia body thu ttillii w inje rt'wiliiiion : nfreorW, Tliat It la the hicheat ImP'lrUnee i"ai tua mianoial era.llt or tl. uoverninenl bi uiali.uined, and. ill order lu d . a... Iba M.rern m.nt iiaell, ia ail ita departa,.'nte, ah.rultl Inira 'd taitn ae.pail It. eutilrai'ta and ebli.tioita ea teied Into .ilk it. own sitlirna. And iii puipuunvd of h mitktj tht'n ivi'ii I iitw cull it up lor thu imrpow ni iimuiiiwiiijr tliu Hiiiiji'tl In wtiieli It IVIUHA. Thu uif i I u lion of tlio qiicalion of nnuncv tint, ciiiitiiinetl withmii u mo- iiitiit'a intei ini-eiiiii iriim lliu cum int'iict'iiieht id our iirtiei'til atHtcin un lil line Imur. Nor in it likuly to ct-ui' lurniuny jtuin tu cuinu. In liiot it will never ci anu until thu iui l uro ruli-lii'il thut mil' vul debt U in prti i t en ol ex 1 1 m l inn III on .1 in ii.l. n ot jimlico In tux at iiif lubirr, or until, on nut oilnr luii.il, Ihtiy uru hiiljuya t.'ii into hilcnt auliiiii.iii.)ii und tltv tt,iv-t-i'iiiiii nl iiH.-lr bi't'oiui'H clmiijii'ii in eiini Mint loriii into u iimiieyud urn.-Iia-iuty. It limy ho thut Huh lulter till t'l l.uli v.. in to ovurinku na. Tliure ure duik und ili litiliil iiuii'iia in our rucunl hiory imlii uiiiii; aiicli u iniii lunion. unil Un it; in n iiiimt'iotia und w i rail lunH III nur llllilnl win, ix llrt'o, nn Alo- uniK-r llumilttm dHlurcd. thut the lliilii.li i;(iTcriiiiii'iit, on this uri well tin mi other iointn, ia llm licnl ever di via d by the Hirilnin of iniin. Tliimu imi icitumiiif; thia oiinkii lmv tliimlur tiiuiiiilitil in Iho Hhulii'ial It'llnlii.n I the United Sluli a and thu limu bua now uriieud when their viclorim niiint bu revemetl or noon thia ovumnii'iit will ceueu to bu It.-iul,icun und the in'i.piu no loiii;er ou li'eu. 'l lm policy ol thia vietorioiia intereat in thin eoiintry, ua in ull oilier., bun Oi imi viL'iluiit liiroiiportiiiniiia ol LTctd unu l'uiii, umi ujjunwue in uppro- iriuiinix iiiem it, n own UHeaiilUL'e III Ita leliucloua purelllt n' thia Inilll V il bua during thu luH aixleun jeiim pit-eeeii un eiili'l UHU III.JUM Ili'inUIIUM Upon litu Aiiiel'kuli people III u Vurluit oi aim pea. jii.i now a unaiiinua inuiiiier KWuiirii with 1 arro 'uncu. hunlily, difluiil, and rilled with iiiMi. eiii-u iiiwuni uii opiHiiieiii. i notie bo uru nnicil on ihuantu nf eruet it'K wi ultli ull.'i t a hili diKiluiu lor nncli un clmiixu lo rt niemlKir thai labor line riyhlH which line trofuriinieiit in l ulled upon to pmtecl. There meiiin lo bu un iiiiiuenao aueer on lliu lucu ol' mirdid, inuiiiivu cupilul, an il' iia pre- lenaiona were Dcyoinl tliu criliciHin ol onliiiury nn.rtul Ita U'lvin ulin out eidu ol CiiiiL'tUM do not cnmk'ncciid, a u m ni l'ul tiling, tn niiiineiii Ul ull. li.niiiiciutn.il in now their pnnciiml weupou. There in no cpitlit t however buee, no iiininuulioii liouever minimum I but in not of daily au uiruiiint ull who dnru to dirlor in npiuion with thum. A curioiin ape. tui lu la presented on thin niii.jict by u lure; inn tion ol the eut fin pn nn. Iii re und tberu aided by a luw-pnpcr in tnu ncui, 'i n. ir col ninne leek II. .in day to du) Willi clam, ori.ttn ubimu ol all who Venture to bu- In v a un I do I Imi, lo u (jivut exluiit nur wholu lliiuiieiul nynlem la uu or gunned t-riniu uuinel tbu lule.rin', nn put ilitf men und woun'ii of thu Unileil .Miilee. Tlmee ho think aa I do thill u ureal nnik of linuiiciul ru tonu la ilimmtded in order to kvuiiu ibe people lioin nluvery in lin t, if inn in iiume, uru denounced in thu auine epiril, und in the exin t lutitriiafru with u men even oni cniniiiul ul'iiae hi e..v uriiiiient, Ihrniiulniiit ull bintury, bun auuiht to puralyxe the work ol rulor iiiulinii und bent buck thu tidu of hit- mini proriaa. In n er in thu an nul, of Ihu human rm iinbnly uvuricu mm limit He nlroi'L'iioiilH and privileif. cd clunriea buvu iiilrulichtsl theinnulvea; whuierer HiiiH reiition hu. held lliu bu- nun mind in bninluifu for tbu luiicnt ol epiiiliiul ly ranlri ; u borevvr man in un any hua had unluuhil niiiMi.ry over Ilia lellowilinll UNO JUthcl'id in wliut beliiitucd lo u m ther, thero I lie euinuciy w li it b wa now bear banal- uta lieen ruined uliiiii-I unv iniriieion or tlintuibuiii u of eetublinhed and veii- eruhle iiiitiiny. Nur ilooa lliu puiull.d mop here. Tim iireul plea of the proa em hour for the contiiiinitinii of wrtmit and li jnelice in thut Kinid lailh n Qiiilca il. i iiiaw no, timlinir a inoitnliiiun evil imbedded in I he uwa of their oiini iy, wieh to eiitilicatu it by neueu- ltd Iciiinlulioii ure ul oncu and with I he ii i nn .el lury ueeuiillcd na Tiobitora ol Iho public tuith, uiiciuicH of ihu na tional bimor, uiui wotne il iioenihlu llian timimon awiudleiK. It inulti-rn no Imw deep und Inn nil. i; thu outruu iiuiy uu or imw irutitliilenily it may have crept ililo our el at in en, if.M.d ti.il 1 1 , in thu twtimutioii of tlmau who prolll by iho oulrae, nquirea it lore muin llieru Inruver, lhoiiih it ahnubl uid tiny by duy ihu hueily work ol ruin inul now iieriuilea ihu hind Winn lliu piu-uutry of Kruiice, in 17h!l, worn out with lliu extortion nl llvu centime., uronu uuainnt kinir, prieete, und m Idea, they hitu all tt.bl that tlii'T were breHkitii Ihu luilh id the nulion which bud been plodud a tlionnuitd 1 1 nice f..r I heir nilenl nuiuuia- nion to any wron;, in pomon or prop- rly, lion ever liornhlo or iiidtMonba- ble. W hi never ibu alumna; im iioIu ot li vluml, in Ilia dreary t oiiluriu. nl the puat, buvu irrown urn any in tbuir bond- K and ntniKillud nt'aiunl their lellnra, tiny bavti been t reely rvmindcd that ihu irond luith ul hnulund ia nolemiily iledvd to uiuinluiii axinliui; Una. and perpetual abiincn. nir, thia pled, so loud now in our earn, hua been, invoked in bidtull ol cry wirkadnvn thai over fred tbu world. The u-iirp. r iiivnkca it to pro. teel the throne be hua alolen, ua boon an he in wmleil. Thu tv rant invoke it tn nhellor hia preropitivu, and Ida nobilily in turn invoku it in order lo live in caw und aplemlnr off tbu lalair of oihera. 1 1 la my pnrHMHi on tbla iKtanion, b'iM'uvr, lo nlmw what Ibu obhfriilioiia of ienl lailh reqinruid Ul on the ureal qiiontion of nur finnnoea, ami to arruirn thona who bava ayn- letti'iiicully hruken it wbunuvur their iitlereal pmnipled Ibein tn do no. It ia my purpoeo uUi in ahow tbat whlln it la ol the Ui.uikI linHNTUinc to main lain nur fliiauriul credit, it can only b donu by the irveniment keeping alt ill iiontracta and t.lilialiona with ile own citiiem. Thia inauei haa bavn pre. avincd ol laleinaniaiineraopiirniati.nl and ofTViiHivo, ca5ciallj lu wenlern men and watrn inl.roauv ihai k ahall imtw b met aa far aa my hgmbk) capacity ouabloa roe to noel It. CLEARFIELD, Hir, I appeal In I bin bialory of our filiancial ioftinlatioii. I ctillcii,(0 iin aolunin rucorda lor jnuniuiit ttulnnl tbu actual rupudiutora id nutioiial lull It and honor. Ita puoa contuin lliu lucu. thu HniiiulublulttflrMrnin wnicii iho lu I uro liieiormn will jiidf lhi- quuaiion. I.ot ua camliilly luview tliuin. I In uct ol Eubruuiy 25. ISO! ia the botriii niiif of our bonded debt. Thu precioun molula went lotind lo ho uiieqnul t lliu einerielii y of war. 8hiciu pav muiila were abandoned aa anon aa Ibu hour of Iriul cuine, and gold and nilver cowuren in thu rear, while the lentil tender dollur wont lo the front with thu fluk'ltnd staid tberu. 1 wan amang tlionu who uoulileu our rif(Ul to lanuo it, but uxieritiico baa abown it thu beat money, all thliif(a connidured, thut uvur circulated on Amuriciin anil. Hy tine act ol roliriinry. ItihZ. and bv nimllur Ictrinlatmn At uiiUMcquunt perl oils, evury bond inauod by the govurn. muni Which did no'., on ila luou aliiut lute lor pnymont in coin wua n.udo payuldu by thu exiiruna worda of luw in luul-lentlor nolua. 11 wua plain! written in Ibu ntulotu thut llieee notea. now known aa irreunliacke, "ehull bi ruceivubloiit puy nieiitot all luxun, inter naldiiliua, uxciau.debia. ami diiinuiidn ot every k ind due lo ihu Uu i ted Si u tea, ex -cept dm ice on import.; und ill ullcluima and ilcmuima uuin.l tlio United Slulua of every kind whatever, except for intureat iinn bmitla uml note., which ahull bu puid Hi Coin: uml nlmd alao lie luwlul moiiuv and a leeiil ten der in payment of ail debla, pnldiu and privulu, witblli the l ulled rjlulen. ex- eupl duiiea on imporla and lliloreel aa ulttrenaitl. , , This niinplo, explicit, and at tb .nine time coiupndieii.ivo i natinieiit i(iiuruiileei to thu Aiuuricuii peonlu thu ritfhi to puy tbroe-lniinhn of their uulioiiul Uelit in iiatmnul currency. Ii wua Ihu law ol the contract when all tbu 5.20 bunds, aiiiotiulinji to uvur tiff teen huiidrud milliiMia, wuru purehiined I mm tbu Koveriinieiit by ibe hond hnhlurs, and puid for in this currenev ut pur, when It wua quoted ul Imui 40 lo ou per cent, below par in dint. Every one undemtimd thu luw tu be ua I have eluted il al thu time of ita punaue. In luct tbu (reul ntnij;ule then wua whether even the interest on the bonda 1 have men tinned .bmild bu paid in coin. The act of February 25, 18112, 11 nil panned the House with out any provision at all lor I ho coin pnymttul ofiiitun-st That feature of the luw wua attached burn in thu .Sen ate un an amendment, and when the act, thus amended, whs n turned to thu House a violent conflict ut once unaw. An examination of thu Coil Hivneinnul trluhe lor the second soseinn of tbu Thirty -seventh Cmiifrees, ut puKex Sit and 90(1, will show Hint 1ml h Mr. Kpatildii.i(, of Now York, and Mr. Sii Vciib, of I'uniist Ivmiiu, thu leading iiieinlHira of tbu I'liinmiltce of Wats uml Means, uml one ils cbuiriuuii, mu ted in dciiminciiiu; the Senulu amend nielli in tbu billerunl ami severest terms. They voiilonded in slern and doluriiiiued Iuiil'iiui;o thut even thu payment of interenl In coin Was un alioiisand unjust discrimination in lit vor nl the bondholder and against the soldier, the sailor, and the viliaen, who were culiinlled to receive thu lentil lender currency, (rronlly duprueiuted oy linn very uiaci'iiuiiiulion. No one by a siiil'Iu w ord in I but en tiru debate uiado thu sligliteet pielciisu or intimalion lliul the principal of tbu bonds was payablu in coin. During thu lull leim of seven uvenlbil yuum mat lollowea tliure ia not a plullorin of either Hihtical party in any Statu in tliu Union which uiaKua snob an us- surimn. Nochiim for sin h a tunnii uc- tion ol the law in behalf of thu bund bolder ever lull I'min tbu liist ol a lead in,; moniitur ol llio party in power uurnitf mo eumo leniu ol Hum lu either brunch of aJoiiurerM. or ant whureclsv as tur as thu public is ud- vined. Ou thu culinary in luatt) Sluice, and nolubiy lit Ohio, tliu home ol the President and bin Hecretury ol thu Trcueiir) , thu dmiiinniil jiariy in Ua hlulo t'oliventloli in 18(18 . xoiveeed iia duliberalu ''convictinii I lint accord lug lo thu laws under which the 5 2 I bonds were issued raid bniitls should be paid in tbu currency of Hie coiinuy which may bu legal lenders when the gmcriiincnt shad iyv- prepared lo re deem aiich bonds." ' On this doctrine the prenenl C'biuf Mugieli'ulu and bis Sicntnry look ilnir niaiid unit bine yeurauc.0 uml told the punpla tlml thu uiH tnne wus true;- Am nnly so, Inn Secretary IShei'iuun, who now in hie recent report wurns us uKuliml h lenli- ulioii, llieii iravu in a lotlur duletl March 20, Itt0'8, and widely iiul.l.eheil, his idea of whin coiisiiiiiiud a rcpudi- utur. Mpeakllig on this subject, ho siiyn: . VaiTan Statk. kaari CniNbks. Wariilngion, Marub iO. ISII DKAaSia: t clad t. inei-iv. lour leuer' Mr uer.vi.aJ lBt.-raaia are lb anaie a. tour.. Lai. Ilka fob. 1 do ool ial...d t. b. Il.i1uanel lie b.ai ' Me .aelraetivB inf the ia. I. ibe ra.ull M namal eaaaiina-l ... aa-l I reel nulla rure as In. partial rwu.l w..eld ooBlria It If tbee.ae ehuuld b. irknt beiar. w wurt. 1 aea-l T..a inf view., aa lull, rl.td li. . aboroh. Vour idea tbat we vr... pear t.. repudiate or i iolale a ppianae when we .liter t. rede in tbe ',ria.-iiatM la l-gal leod-ri in err-Beaua. I tbink the letn-bu'der Ttol.te b a i.rouilae when be rrta-ea la lahe the .am. kind ol -.nee be paid for the bond.. Il Ibe ear. la to he Iret.e be Ih. law I an right, if It I, tu ba lt. el he tie, rko'. edverOarmenta, I bib wrong I Kara r.puaitl a er anTihiaa tlhe i, bat .i.eht net t. h. deterred m.ai b.l rl.b. fn. tear 41 nndreereeel epl-heta If under the I.w aa il ra.-de tn. bolder. ..f Iv.-twentiea enn nnl. be paid IB anid. tbe Iwndhol'l. r eea (Irmei.d omv ihr bind .1 raeaey he paid,-lhaa be ia a repa lie lur and eamtrloBer t'i demand raooei ni r- lelu able (haa be gata. Tf.lv l.iura. Ji.a.e BHana.N. When it la remembenl that tbe lioiidltohlcr never puid a dollur in coin lor a bond of any dvacripliun, but pur chased lb. in all with governuieiil uur rency, which the government Itm-ll hud depreciaii.l by refusing to lake it lor eueioinn duos and lolir.ai, tbe lull meaning ol this Idler becoinus very plain and verj forcible. It ia Dot the tleprHig ol imiiiilse or mexievrieiica. Ils author was than chairman of the Kinanc CominitlM) of thia iMslr. and he wrote, as be says, allnr "careful ex umlnalion." lly thu liuht which be bare Ihniwa Ulnnt the auhjacl we muv see the exact Is gitining ol rcpudialioh and heboid the fuilivu and rtlvenous inovemeiila ot the actual repudiatora as I bey horry up anil down the pro cincls of legislation during the lust nine yearn of our history. By its llghl,! Kki, we ticbolil the lirvseitl nucrulan id the Treasury, judged by his own wonts, an the duel ol repudiutors, fnre imwl among Iho vltdulura of contracts. and a louder among those who have In nit instance kept the gornl faith of thu government with Ila own people a moment alter they tound that bud tuith would bring thum richer guina. In leas tha ten months alter Una let- tur ai writlem, ami ailor the eumirl,i- tinnot the Ohiir- platform, linn. John Sherman, then a Senator, advocated and pmourvd tha paanagu of the act of alarm, iwiw, !or tha tiaymenl l all Ibe bonds in coin which be had declar ed payable in currency, thereby v.lab bailing an (epeo repudiation of the sol ran Rod biudlng oostracl and f.sten- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY b I&7S. iog an extortion of mil loss than (500 - 000,000 on thu niugguriiiir iiiduslrh ol Ihu country aa the stwculuiive pmllis ol the operulion. in lliu whole tlnum uiul history of llm civilized world no purullel can bu found to this aiiibicioun deed ol broken luiltl, debburulu treuch ore to the people, and iiulionul dinlioli ost.V. Il slamls out by iisell, ttiwering high above all omnuion fruuda and duuiliiig thum in oiii nrin.ni with lis nwii vuel pmpnrtions. li will beur the nanus ol th.wu who enacted it to die. lunt generations amiil.t the groans. tlio curses, a.nl toe luiiictiuiiious of those who toil on the land and on the sea; and inoro dot-ply engraven than uny niher numo will he lorovcr found tbut of Ibe Seerciary of the Trcuaury tue uuiiior ol wnat ho liimsolt suul constituted thu twofold ff hue of repu dialiou and ext..rL.u. Uu I stutu Hie cunu lis, slmngly 1 D.bjs uny Senator iliink thut I uin not jiintdied in I he lungtiugii 1 unu or in thu conclusion 1 slulu? Il so, I pray In in to recall ibu uuenincus of my lumeutud und dintin- iiiihod liredeeo-sor in this body. When this monstrous act of repudia tion was on its pa'agu here in Murch. IKull, henutor Morion pointed out ill the plainest und must uxplicil manner lour distinct ucts of Congrons under Iii. h the people bud ucqnired a vusted righl lo pay thu 5.20 bonds 111 legttl tender miles, und which were lo bu hmkcii und sel neidu by the meaeiiruthcn uiidurdiscuenion. Aitioiiir other things bu said : And bow I i.nip"Bn. tbe que.tl.ia. It iaaiiber ibiend.d hy ibi. bill 1.. ta.ke a new .'.(r.el or I 1. not 11 it 1. tO'en 1. 1 mta fc a neeeu'it'Stt. 1 rise.t B4in-I ir. Ww 8h..ul I do l.-Hl hiJii.II -e.. he Umenr...nt and the people ef II.. Imuel SieUi. alter we bnee eald t-i. .eindaoa an ae.-re.. for not utnre th.B m'v eeni. ... Hie dollar nnw 1.. tsake a tew e..t lr..al fiir the bei .HI ot tbe t-.oluVre. Again be nn s : I' .i.e. t. ih'ira lawa a enntrucli .B ha' I do not le-ieva In a.nl that I have ah..wn la eotttre dieted he at l-aet four aeta inT U.airee And ugnni Heiiutor Morion excluim- ed, wilh Unit aiwcrul statement which always so greully churucieiixed linn : Sir, It la ...der.t....d, 1 beliei., that tta.-p.eaae f a ban .r itaie kind ...old ha. e Ibe aHeel In an rnpe, where our llnineial qu.tlun: era n-.t Writ 'xirj. 10 iner. are 1 he d- ninn-l. end Ih .( will enah1. the sreal .iperaior. lu eil lb" noi.da ibe. hav. ua band .1 a p.nlit. Il ia I., Ih. Biu . of 11r.1avr.uper.11ur. It 1. a null w.ivvu..t teti.le.1 10 t.ut the price nl tn..t. I. lor the intr.e.t 1.1 p.rilra deenn. lb Ibi ra I nl. steal ltilere.1 I. thundering at tha dieire ur (onart.a, and be. lor many ui -uiha and dy ..ery tue.iia he-B alti-inpt ior; I dure u. tnli. ieai.lai a L.r ibe puri.o. .i ni.kio. ut..i.ey lor lite .reel oper.t.ira. Thai I. wh.l It laeeua ami nomiBg e'aa. Theso are wonlsnl inieiie and over- whelmiiitf loree. Whom in the whole range ol debulo can be found a motu revnltiug pieluru of bud luith ili-pil'd hy buee cupidity ihuu in h.ro potiruy , e.l by thu gnat.-"t puny leader nor- apa ever Known 111 thu Auiein un Cnn- gn-snf llu hua puseedawuy, l.isvnice la nllelil, uml llu loetn alter llles tllllll lever, hill tbisai cueulion burled auan al eriminul ' wruiiir-doitiu atitvives. and ill cniiiinuii to sin vive us long as it romuiiis lo Ihi deleiniincd who buvu repudiutud Ihu aucred oMigutions und ibe phghled liulli id lliu A met n an Re public. In lur dialinil tunes genera linns now unborn wltilu examining tbu snurcus ul thu burdens thut huvu de scended to them will read ihu chnrgu mudu ill this presence by tbu lulu .Sen ator from Imiiuua, thul a coiiibiiiulinii ol alis-k-jiibhoni, as disiiimu ol con scieiicu aa pirates and Hiepired alone by greed lur mniicv, sticts-nnfully tbuii doretl ul thceo dm. r and liuully drove Ibis Cinveriimctil into thu musl stupen dous uct ol bud Ittitli untl legubzed rob bery uvcr ptiiclicvil upon uny people siueu thu tluM 11 ul history, Fivu hun dred 111 il 1 1. .tire Itiudu by Ihu greul opera tors und Gvu bundled millions lol tn tlio plowman und tbu nicchuhic. who havu il ull to pay I Ami yet the authors, und inxligutnrs, tbu u lie I torn ol this crime, and lliu par licipulors 111 ils proceeds, li I lliu air with ratling on iho e-iljici of icpu.lia lion, uml point iheir lingers, sluined wnh plunder, ul In. nest men, us n pu dittliirs, beeuiisu I hey In luvo thul a cninrael lor Ihu lH-ticlil of the people slioul I Imi held us sacred us one lor th heiii-lit ol iho bumlhol lor. Sir. liulteur uticu uu thin Miiui bus ceuM-d tu bu a virluo Tlio-o who buvu ul ull linns labored lo keep ihu till 1 1 1 of tliu tmV erinneiil. with its ciliaei.s. uml list red liorsu Hie, cuniml suhiuii. any Inngi r lo 11 null added 10 ilij nv, 10 aholeeale C llu lull V udd d lo nuli Uiul ph.D ler. In some cuii nl riisi Ihu lialni pruvuils ol litiilding a rairu, a pile ul etmna lo muik lliu spot where nomu tragic vvcnl has hupH-nt-il. So lot Aiiierieun lax pBVcrn, whenever thu uct of .Murch, lSli'.l, is eiied, cm h cn-1 u slniiu upon il, tn murk tbu pluttu in Anii-ricim bis lurv W'iieru repiiiliuti.ui huijuii, and wboiii thu rights uf thu pcnplu were liiereilesel and Ircuchcrously eluugh-tuu-d. lie next step in the syslemulic vio- billun ul ils nbligtillulis In ils uwn cill Kelts by Iho AlllerU HII (.uVi-l'lllllelit Wan lukeu in Ihu cnuciiiieiit uf lliu luw ul July II. IK70 known u. ihu act Iin- reliimliut lliu miiiuiiiil debt. The mn live which pronipled tins legislnlimi hus, never yet been fully exismed. It bus ulwute beun In Id up 111 lliu 1111111 cent guise ul uu attempt tu rudui-u Hie r.nool Iniereei. Itaa n.lai L,ln.ovur. ibu i.fl-priiig nl uu upproboi.niun ri iiiaiitiug 111 certain minus uven aller tht) uclul March, 18(i9. lliul Ibu wmk ul repmliaiiug 1 Iin ymttruel fur llm pa.tnntht uf the 5.20 lunula llligbl Itul liu iiiiiu tstinil.-iu und linal. These tHiude weru unlslauding, und itltbuiigh lliu law "I their put me ul hud just been rupcuh il, yul Ibi ir huldei's Icured tlml the people llligbl tusuier ur later 111 turn repeal thu liiilhhns, uclof March. I8li9. and deuluru iik'ain lor tbu put meiit ut I hone originul bunds accnrding to the origlnul uuiitrucl Thcrelnro I his uct of July II. 1870, called thu refunding act, wua brought 111 a-, niippleinonlcd lo that of Mutch, 18GII, umi in aid of it I'ulsu usnertiuii Ibnt nur wliulu bunded dchl wus puy ablu in din. lly a sort of moral I'of gory on Ibe American n'lipln the ru fuiidiitg act pruvitba lor Ihu i-eiio ot new bonds lo thu amoiinl of $1 Odd, OlJOO O, wilh 1111 ugiucincul lor coin my tiiitiL written oil their lucu; und then further prnvitles Hint these new o 11 bonds .hull bu siibstiiutod lur thu originul 5 20 bunds, nno in exchange for III. niher, tlollar lor dollur. Ava rice in tbu urdiiiury u Hairs uf lite liu oHn tempted tbu bolder of a deed, a will, a bond, or oilier ohliguhon lur money or pnitwriy K obtniii a lulee coiietruclion, if Mteihlo, or even tu change tbu U nn. of tbu inairumeiit 111 oritur In.'iihaiicu ils vultie. Here both these objects buvu been obiitineil b) Ihu muitcy power; Hrnla fulee tsiitsi ruction ol thu cuLI rnet, mid next a iliiti'i cbuiigu of ita must Vital lei me. Il is true that 1 rrdiictlnii of the rate of in teres, on the new Coin la.nds in provid ml lur in the act of July 14 1 870; wti biilidrvd millions id those lml.de to beur 5 sr eelil , llireu bundled millions lo hear 4 iter cent., ami a thousand mil lions lu bear 4 per t out. This reduti Hull in Ibu rata ul interest has, at first, the appearance of a mncrMainu to the poOiW, but a tuomunt'acalaulatioa will REPUBLICAN. show the amount tluia saved utterly .-in:.... 1- :. : irimi.n- lit eiilliparisult Willi me Ollur. moiis loss tbuv miner bv the wlml. Inilieactinn. Nor ia it lo bu supposed thul tbe holders of tbu 5 2d 6 pur cent. ouiius wniiiu aiirrumier tlieiu voliinlu rily in exebunue f.r bonds ol luss rate uf interval, unions they knew they wure gelling bo. ids of higher value and were lo roup aubstuntial ad va lit unci by the opurution. To draw a ditTereliloolielu- nlon would bu to reverse tbe well as certained luwsot human nature. The archives of history muv be ransacked in vuiu lo And a single instunce whore a moneyed investment rulmqnished without compulsion a superior lur an inferior security. Such a thing was never Known ami never will bu. W hen, however, Ihiseluhora te scheme lor the deni ruction of thu riirhta of the iwnplu in regard to Ibe payment of the 0 11 minus was supMwe. tu hu Dnish ud; when tbu gutuways of justice, of law, and of public tnoraillv had all beun closed, and doublu-hurrcd, and bulled uguiiist thu Inx payers by tho repudi uiiiig acts oi Murch, 180!). and ot July, iniu, inn ino practice ul bad fuith on the pert nl the Government toward its own cilixena stop even then 7 A flnul iiy uppeureil to huve been attuinod. I'rin luinaiion wua made in evury quar ter thut a permanent sultlemeiil hail been reached nl thu manner in which every dollar of our naliuiiul debt abould be paid. We wore constantly remind ud iMin that day forward that 110 law ul'iding, boimrablu citizen would ever aifuin seek 10 reopen or agitatu ll.e qucslinii. The bondholders were for ibe time being content, hut they did ml remain an a moment lunger than a new nppiirl unity prusuuted itself liir mini her encmuchiiienl upon the heuvi ly taxed indu-triea uf llm coiiiitry. By bnth Ibe lu want Murch, 1869.und July, 1870, framed In their interest ami un der I heir dictation, it in so plainly writ ten thai tho Immln then oiitatunding und ttiterwunl tu be issued were puyu blu in coin nnl in gold ulnne, nor in siirer ulnne, hut in coin that it ra im pnsniblu tu conntrucl an argument aguiimt the proposition. Indeed, it ia ulmosl equally didh ult lo innko an iirgiinii-iil in its favor, fur a truth thut is self evident does nut ad mit thu iintitinry methods uf reunnn in its supHirt. In Ihe first section of thu act uf July 14, 1870. tho bonds therein uuihnrized uru inadu '-redeemable in coin uf the prevent standard value." Wbut is there beru fur construction ? Wlml word hero taken from tbe law can the keenest cusiii-t construe into even a doiibitul muuningf We all know w but the term coin means in connection with the usu uf the precious meiuis in the truou ami commerce ot tbu world. Even, however, il we did not, ami we desired 1.1 seek art ill plain er and moro explicit guaranteu, we have only lo turn lo the ai t nl March 181)9. It declare its object in the ltd lowing language : That is order 10 rMinv. .ny d.aht aa I. the purti-.ae .tf th. (lov.rnf.fnt to dieehanr. all ita Ju.l ut.lie .itne In the pubhe ereditxre end 1.. Ml lie .anie.nK aneatlnna .na 1nr.rpe.iannBl n1 th. lawa. ly elinH" nf .bleb aa--b nbh.atlnna bay. heeB .Mrae.ed. II le bereh, peovid. d end declar ed ib. I th. fa. ih uf tbe United 8-elee la .olemnly Hedged lo the p.iraeBI. tn re.tn or Ita nf.iralent. of all ih. nbhiaUotm of th. t.ited RiMa net bear ing inierrei, buawa aa L'oilad Hiatae aoiee. and ..I all Ibe tntereel-beariflg uhligatione .f th. t'ai tid Ri.'w, Bie.pt la ea-e. wber. tb. luw sutborii ing the i.rue al IB, eueh oblig.lioa bB.aiprea.ly .r.i l.l.d tbat the .sine he paid tn l.wlul money or ..ther fturreury Iban gold and aile.r. Fulsu und peifldinnn an this Inw is known In bo. yet il bus at least one merit. It Is niiaolutelv char und un umbigiiitus. If human iangiiBgn can bu niude 10 convey an iincqiiivitcal tnennlitg, then this law pledged the luith ul the (Inveriiment lo the pnnple, and tn thu world, lur the payment ol Hie naiiotiul debt In "gold anil silver" It is a rulo of court, however, in find ing tin. true meaning of a law under connldeiation. In resort. If necessary, to tho opitiinns uf th'iso by whom it wna enacted. It n o do so in the prenenl inslaitcu wu are nn ply rewarded by rich discnverles. Wilii'um Pill Fosnen flen, then a Senalnr from Malilir, and bo ilno si'i'Ved a Sis relury of tlio Treasury, need oa this floor the follow, ing language:' ' . . Pi, I meibt what I a.M. and the Oftngnw. nf the li.,lte.l 8 at -a aa so what a eatd. that il wBld par ft. inatif dn'lira. What w.a a rit.ll.r7 A l"llir wa, dellned by ,'aia e., It wuag'ild or all eer enin. niultntiir M.irtilll, Wllt'li pleaililltretere tor the puyment nl tho bonds nceirrding In thu t.rinciiiril cnntrucl made thu fidlnwing slulemelit : Whea yea eeiurB In apeei. payra-bta y-.u hav. n..lhi. g In p.y My of your bond, with hut a .Id .r it. fnfiitv.lnni an I therefor tti.ei.i.itii.n h- r. tB laf.r nf reinda paiahl.exprea.ly In surreoey 1. uilerly wor liler. hre.u.e we .hall here Bulb ing then but g..id and .liter with whleb 10 .By here hoa l.. - Hut ibe uvideneo on this point would not bo complelu if I did lint call S.-1111-lur Sbermaii, imw Secretary ol tho Treasury, to relnto not only all thu present enemies nf silver u a Coin of legul lender, but especially lo ruliilti und contoiiiid, us usttul, bin own subse quent views. In bis recent report on Ihu elate of the fiituitcen, row on our IHhIea, bu says : Il the m.rket ealu. nf th. eltrer la tb. saw nln .a I... Ihen Ibe gi.ld dnll.r a f.ir.'e.l pairaaot ia ihea"Waia la a repu liatloa of a p.rt of thi. il.id. . . Now it is repiidimion to pay thena tionul debt in an thing but gohl. Wlnit wss his posiliuu when tbe uelol Man-h, IHb'9, was here on its ltussuge? Al that time he exclaimed : What l.llie I rat Mild, nf Ihla hill F II 11 .imply, aile.na plUo ..f th. Iliit.l state., the' all Ih. nlilig ttlena ofttie V tlt.d Sral.l B.t l and le.n I., .ti-.li tn- pa .1 it f t! I aa I aiirer redo keep w . tbt'iBeh. . th. law ea-.eea.lypr.-fld.a that tb.j all II ee a i la awf I at .n.7. And ogain, ill speaking nl tlio re. niitiiplinn of specie puymeula, husnyn: . The honor of the .oanlry, ih. gnnj f.ilb .f tbn Billion, the laiereata of ibe lhur.r, Ih. neb BBd l...or, all ela.ae., tlew.nd that wa .hanld reauis .peel, p.taienle aa early .. p.a.lhl.and plaoe all ihr ohliga.i.,B. oi the pe.iple ol tbe (inlted State. up'ia tu. wing .ana ot gie and tee. tis. Sir, this lliome booomoa hinniliating to every honent' Ainoricau mind. Il fills with sliaiuo every honent, patriot to heart. Thu naked luct cuniiuiils us Ul every step thut no pledge, however high, solemn, or binding in law and morals, has been nlrotig enough 10 com pel the authors of our duaitcial legisla tion to obey 11. No sense ot lialionul honor or gtMsl tuith has restrained for u siuglu moment the unbridled ava rue uf idlu Inunesl bearing capital w believer il has been tunipled, like some hungry marauding uinuiul, to break over me harriera erected belween it and new fields of spoilage that lie be yond. Tbu silver dollar cuino lo Us with 'he birth of our (veritineiit. It was dt Vised as a unilnf Value by flius, Jclforauii and adopted bv Uongretta in 1 bu duya of Wunhihgtun, lluiiiliioit, and Motrin. It Blood as honored as gold through every nlorin thut bent upon tins (lovurnnii tit. It Is assm-iuted with all our development, onr nlreliglb, our growth, uml our glory.- With it as a currency, mnru than any other, the pit kul-liitoa of civilization have pushed iVvstwurd. , The pinlieerili theshaihtW uf the great furunts or un the wide prai ries toiled lo lay it by, one by'one, un. til tho coveted jum'ol'on. hundred lay before bim. TbtiaUghtenrngthejrl , ri"D NEW of Ilia saddle, ho rode with speed to the distant lund omce, where the Uovuru ment took hia one hundred nilver rinl lam for eighty acres nf lund, which thenceforward became that must bless ed spot of earth, k home where trees woru planted, whore children wure born and grow to be men and women, and thun in turn went forth into the K-roul world. sUII to the weal, there to live t-vur again in labor and privation me uvea 01 the lather and mother led behind. The ailver dollur la peculiarly the lubonng man dollar, aa lur as be may dusiro specie. VY hen sjioeie payments wure authorized butoru tho war it wus tbu favorite currency with the people. und it will bo so again whenever a gunerul circulation ol coin in obtained, if that ahull ever, happen. Through out all the financial panic thut buvu assailed ibis county no man has been bold enough to raise his bund 10 strike it down ; no man boa ever dared to whisper of a cnniemplutod assuult npon it ; anil when the hour of ils danger and dieiruciinn drew niirh, when the 12th duy uf February, 1873, approach ed, thu duy of doom lo thu American dollur, the dollar ot our fathers, how silent wan thu work of the enemy! Not anound, not a word, 110 note of warn ing lo the American people that their favorite coin wus about to bu destroyed as money; thai Ihu greatest finaiicia revolution ol modern limes was in con templulion and shout to be accomplish ed against their highest and deareat rights I '1 be lax-payers ol the United .ila tea woru no mure notified or consul led 011 this momentous nieusuru than the slaves on a southern plantation be- lure the wur, when their muster madu up his mind In incmane their la-k or to change them Inim acorn, to a collon Id, evr slliua the Inundation of ibis (ioveritnicitt has a law id such vitul and tremendous import, or indued ol uny importance at all. crawled into our niHlnie-bin.ks ao furtively and so liniswleeiely as this, Ila unautmuiil l hero was as completely unknown to tbu pen plu, and indeed to four filths of Con gress itself, as ihu presence uf u burg lar in a buuso al midnight is to its sleep ing iiimaiea. Thia wus rendered port iblu partly bvcatisu the clandestine movement was utterly unexH.'ctod, anil purity from the nuttiroof tbe bill in which it occurred, Tho ailver dollur nf American history won demonetized in an act untitled ' An uct revising and uinohding the lawa relative to thu mints, assay offices, and cuiuugeof'ltiu United Stales" The avowed and oa. lotieihlo piirHise 01 this act is tut birth by Ur. I.iiidermun, tho Director of the Mint, in his recent work ihi Money und U-gal Tender. Aller viliiig very fully lite legislation of this country on the subject ot minis und coinage, be says: Th.re were, bowwirur, pmetelona of law, ..IHa. tllg IB tbelr ebarseter, .1 1, lb. relative pewera and duiiea uf Ilia Keerelarj- ot tbe Tree.ury and th. Dinsitur nf the MioL To reutly tbi. and to oo.eoliriet. mdoage .naetm.nta war. ibe ehiel ob jeMeollbe bm avproeed February II, 1171, ra- iteiog and amending ibe lawa relatir. tu tha mime, areay ulloeri, aad coinage f tbe rnihtd Rlatee. Thia act embrace sixty-seven sec lions, and fills twelve closely printed pttgos ot ihe seventeenth volume ot the United Slates htulutes at Large, r roin ibis Voluminous and prolix measure, proclaiming, aa it did, other and total ly different objects to accomplish, it wan only neoussary to silently .until the few words that for nearly a hundred years had floated the old familiar dol lur as a full It-gal tender down tbe stream of time. Tnii was done in the filteeiilh nection, which I quote in lull in order that the puople may sou tor themselves exactly bow this great wrong wan effected. ,- It reads as lob lows: , ,.. . That Ibe eilear eolni.f th. L'altJ Hiatal ahall le. a trade-doitor, a batr dollar or Bny-oent pieoe. a quarter d-dlar or lwenly-lv-eit pleo., a dlwe or len-e.nl piee..- and lb. weight uf tn. trade, dollar ibeli be twele. ftaae fgrwaaiee) aad Ma bah of a grata, (gramiae ;) Ibe quar:ar duller aad Ibe dime ahall be rtipecuvelj one hall and Ofl. tfnb of tbe weight or aiid hair dull.rt and laid . .in. aball ba legal taadir at their autalaal val. Be fur any autount aut exceediDf Ave dollara la any uaa payment. Thus it will lie seen that in declaring What the silver iwiaw ol tb. Uuiteu Mules should be, the dollar, so lung im bedded in our history, wad dropped, literally thrown away aa tine less, and aiiuthercoiu, sly led a trade-dollar, of no service to the people as a legal lender, uus inserted in ils plum ; or, as Ihe liireclur ul lho Mini expresses il I'bdrr the prnTt.imte of tbfl let Ih. entrtage and i.inje wa. fliae.tBtina1, nl the aiirer dollar ul ll'.'l grain., lb. thrrr-eeal rileer plaoe, fhn Bee , t-rut il.ver pttee, aad ma twu.ft-nt br-.nifi plena And by a subneqiluui ai l ot Congress, July .-. IhiU, thu Icgal-totider qindiiy uf the trade-dollar for even the small amount ot film dollars W aa repealed, and now it ia mil a legal lender lor any thing ot any amount. . Hut, sir, having pointed out the fulee pretenses under cover of which the American silver dollar wua eliminated fnnn nur money system, it yet remain. to inquire into the real reasons lor such an act. In the first pluce bud silvur laded in ils functions as a specie banin any moro than gohl T Had II been found any less capable than ita twin metal in upholding a paper currency on which thu commerce and business uf thu world has beun transacted since the beginning of civilization ? These two metal, ol gold and silt er have come down to us together, Imin Hie duys ul Ahruhuin, Issue, and Jacob, lhey were in great abundance and in high lavor whuti l.raul buill her temple and adorned the city of Jerusalem. They erupt ulung the shores and tslunds ol the Modilorraiivan, band in hand, as arbitrary tartorsin human attaint 1 bey spread over Europe, on inseparable at Ilea, during the dark and barbarous ages that intervened between lho down- lull of Home und tho discovery of the an ot printing, the rvviviil ot learning, in the lilluemh centary. ' Tbe cupidity ui taao bua delved into tbe faith, toiled across tho stormy seas, broken solemn iruuties, sworn liilsu ouths, murdered his fellow man, and bartered awhy his sunt alike tor thum both. The Span iard and thu Purtnguese swept wliule rotes in tbe Went Indies, Mexwo, Cum trul and Southern America, first into slavery and Hu n mil of cxinicnoo, in tnetr ucenrsmi green enn unrsi tor gitni ami silver. Throughout all our cidoiiwd history thuati metuU wero linked to- guibur in aa embrace that no convul sion could tear asunder. Ami whea our Government emerged, weary and blood-stained trout tlio Korulution, otir lathers ftmiid tbem both standing He gel her on our threshold as a mighty tradition of all the past. They were adopted together aa our -measure ol values bucuuao olbeT nations hod dons the same. They entered their career as Ameriean mtrner VwrHher, equal it dignily bulirru the law. lly tbu Con stitution 11 the UniUsJ Status tlwy Were mlriKtuced inlu each new llnuliunif Stale uf our expanding Union on lernil ot ubsuliilu equality. Wu find by ulti. ela 1, auction ID' of that iMlrMmuM ibat-M. ; I.;),,' -,it N. Rial. abaD a aaaa artaaT. .at hill, .foreditj aaab. anything but gold aol flB ret leader ra aarWeeat debia,- , .. - Fran Uat 4y to ttbis V iDttiimA : . 1 v - .1 - ' lair- .1 m u . "saw a as. iuuugl4 jier .uuiui. n Au va.. SERIES-V0L. 1ft, .NO. 5 'every paguol American history lo show a single instancu in which thu mlvui dollur has not been aa brave, an firm, reliable aa tbe gold dollar. 1 chullcnm thu sad records ol evury rlnanciul alurm, panic, or crush thut ever belell ua tn show where for 1 single day or limn silver was nut as intrepid anil tearlenr 111 the innnev niarKula a gold. From 1792 to 1873, from iho coinagi ol the Aiiiern un silver dollur to thu duy of its industrious destruction. eighl me years, gold and nilver never flue tualud In their relation tu ruch oi bui but a fraction over 3 percent., and dur ing must of thul timo ailver inonej ranked higher than gold money, and did so the duy il was destroyed. Il is true tbat both these metals, no ttrcci- ma in tne traditions ui mankind, nmki down at once when this liovernnit-iii was called on lo fighl tor ils life, when tho ull imale ami cxtrwnto navesntte ul tbe hour demunded a money stronger than them both, based on the confi deuce of the ieop!u that thuir (iovern- ment would live and iioidio; yul when they full, ihuy lull together. Neither thu one. nor ihu other, nor both united weru sufficient to muku even a respeu table struggle fur national existence, and they abandoned the fluid on lb first mar of bostilocannon, buiailvurdid nut Duo any msmer nor get under cov er unv quicker than gold, it mat then, 1 think, bo salely assumed in thu light of all experience thai the real reason for demonetizing silver is not tn be found in its failure to be the peer under all circumstances, in all uges, und in all nations ol tbu other precious me tal which has now become an strange ly, an snddenlv. and so surreptitiously exalted ii. tbu eyes of ibe money pow r as Hie solo standard uf vuluus. l'ureiiini' our iliQiiirv. ibcrcldro. on tins point wu comu next upon one ol the principal reasons now assigned loi abandoning silvur coin as money. Il is true that the ninuunly of thu ivueon is npeii lo the stispiciun which uiwuys tuiots an argument brought forwunl us un alter thought lo juetily an uct which evades all discussion at tho time uf its pannage, but nevur'-hotetw il shall bu fairly considered even ut this lute day. Il is now urgud wilb great vo l.eniencu by the udvoculoa of the gold stundard uiouu. that becausu here ami tberu a European monarchy with thu hardest worked anil poorest puid rcan anlry on luce ol tho earth bus banish ed silver, we are culled mmn by onr business relations to do the same it . urged bat we are to fnllnw and mn list't tn thu alTttirs or l bo world. Au ! ..... , curding U, th.. argument we ure trail in the loutnlepa uf gnvurnmenln whoso principles wo denounce, uml whose lalxiring people are fleeing in constant streams lioin their shores tn our owl. in order tu escape oppression and starvation. Sir, no one disputes tbo fuel tbat all civilized governments huvu certain communities of interest ; but lo my mind tbe American Republic is lens dependent for its strength and pros perity on the conduct and policies ot other nations than any other govern ment now in existence. Nature in her most lavish mood bun conspired to muke the American people, in fact an well an in name, an independent poo pie. Our plueu on tbe map of the globe in an isolated one. Mighty oceans stretch out belween us and all the first-class powers of lho world What foreign neighbors we have on our iin mediate borders are weak and unini portutit. Wo are not only aubstun ttully alono as a Mliticul power on me .Minn American uoiiiineni, ami separated hy long dintunces from all the great nations of the earlh, but we I""" abundance, every articlo and every clomenl ol national wealth und glory. Our vast domain will feed uncounted ntl ...w n.n..t.l.i..,a e,iH .1.1 ni u 0 nur .ineiui ores respond to ever,- cuii h(JBliu c.ulnor mallly a rsinst m)ur 01 scientifio progress, while the intelli-1 (.urTl,,.y hol immediately convertible gent industry ol mau, if uol puralyzod ,. illlrilmiu vtluv bul it ,10W by bud goveriimeiit, will lurover sup , , , tha, ,hl.ro ,. b , ,bcir own ply all his wants, con.lorts, and luxit-L!,;iu,,B language, an insane inflation ries. On auch a thcu'er onr gnatuet t.urri... wliub htt8 tUi. Ter in. rtTTfi0 'l-rBl,nw; "' w bvjirii.ni0 vuluu itself. We have beard hut little need r4xaniplcs or alliance ' t , )Ve tUt and lurnislied by le,, lurtunute na.im fa Adiiiilting, however, tbo arguinent, : mV(J un vue M U the suke of meeting m that our i ,, t but wo now financial pilicy tn reganl to a s-ie ,,,,.,. lmt Wfn btuitionghttobein hurmuny with tbu b more ,bunU,Ilt r.k.1 ul tltu iritrlil l.,t nu ..vuminii tnli. J . . lho actual lucu as they now exist in the various money systems of every people with whom wu have even thu sighteet commercial intercourse, linn silver in lho general trade anil busi ness ul nations tullun into such discredit that wu are comtelled to oust il aside in order 10 keep puce wilh a widu- spread flnuncialrevnlutinn? I, iii held j suen utnuutnr an .,. o. mime broogheut the world that w. can no T. . . ...... ... . " . ,r" lvon? vrn .no eiMHrar, acBte.u. cs- liinute shows that silver is an enor mous and overwhelming fuvorilo. Ol ! L" , ""'7 the entiretra.ling,nd.-,..nmer.il,mp.,,',,"N torrents as would unHettle ul.tion.of U,e wh.de earth 690,250 W " ' "V" 1 ? . 1 l"n1mark,, of more people have silver alone as tbuir ' e wl" vxnmM hw 1am ntitiidurd of values and transact all, ml . . . , ,u i r.L their business upon it as . specie ba-i h9 blt071".-"' Production of tbe -is, thun those who huve gold nlone , '' mBUl" Kh and pi'O. source nl '.nlurtnulion wo tear,, that 1 1k" S? W'T'T " ,44 200 000 more punple use silver M)t,vll p,Jlbu ,r lbe highest human in u one thun use g.dd ami silver both a. u,nj 'n(!iJ t (im)U;, ,,tir,n),,y or l0 their metullic ;m'.,cy. In tins lust j ,Mt nTlllinty lhat tlJr' (tniue. n uti-mctill Include the mpulul.on ul, .,f ,. j( J, ,bt,r, Xb'6qunn. the United Slates as using the double ... ,;.,., ...m : staiiftani, tur ao nuail return 10 It at ;. . i . i ' once, as fur al least aa a specie husis ... t .- i it . - . . 1 cun now exist. The great lud. therefore, is that In lho mighty bulk of Intelligent mankind more than lour times as many people huve chosen silver as have chosen gold, and more than five limes as many havu chosen silver as have chosen gold and silver together. The lulluwing, giving the financial systems anil Hi Kipiilaliun of the various governments ol lho world, will bv found in ihe muin correct: DittrilnitiiM of GoliL, &locr, iW Double rurrracy Throughout the H'orrf. A'alf'ene enWrr jpild aune eB.rti.ea Great llriluin. 32 0 JO. 000 Canada. 4 000 000. Australia. 2.000.000. I'ortsgal. 1 4 250.000. Turkey in Euroieand Asia. 29,500.000. I'crsia 6,H00,0i 10. Brazil. 10 0. 'II 000. 1 800 000. H00O 000. ,41000 000. 4 250 IrOH. I 800 UOO. 1.750 OHO, Argontino Kepublia. Kgypt. Uurman Rinplrs. Sweden. . , Denmark., Norway. Chili. ' ' Japan.1 ' ! u 2 100 000. 3.1,1 KM (iVq. , Total. j ftmltOH, .udir Hint .leier. 140,45U0O,t arWlfaa.' -- 67 llOO.(KIO. OOO.OO0X 2 900.0OH I 300 OOH 425000000. . 3WOO0.0O01 a),oou,oia Russia. . - Auetlia. . , , Ceiural Aioorica. Keuador. China. India. 1 -- Uexkd. i -- 9 Peru. 4,500.000. United SUiU'sof Columbia. 2,700.000. Tripoli. 1,201,000. Tunis. 2000,000. Holland. 3.700.000. Venezuela. 1400,000, Total. 870700.000. A if.n. under unlet und fi.tfr. ova', lie. Belgium. 5100,000. nonvia. France. 1,800 000. 30,100,000. 1,600 000. . .M1li4V. . Grveee. iiii. Switzerland. United hiules. 27000110. 4.000,000. Tolul. 132500.OUO. Il will he i-eeii from this statement thut silver coin, us money, not only meets tbu desires of tbnr filths of tbe human race, but tbut tbonu who use it aa a standard occupy more than i hree quarters c,f Hie inhabited parts of thu globe. Germany ia perhaps pre maturely placed iii 'be list of bullous lining gold alone. It ia true she haa uttempled lo adopt thu gold standard, nut there are Hill two hundred mil lions ut silver currency in the hands of her people, and they are reluctant to give it up and sou il driven away from liilheilaml. Whelburtbo empire will be entirely successlul in depriving iia subjects ol ibis lavorite money Jet re mama to be proven. Id view of all Ibe loregning luds, however in view ul the hintury and condition ol the world uu Ibis question tbu enemies of tbu silver dollar in the United States who, huving first destroyed it, seek now tu justify ibeniseltea by elatid.-i-iiip, Hi. rjul,liin oi' ita metal iii disiuni Iuik's, must stand befiira thuir injured countrymen covured with shame and cm, fusion. They are ut terly overw helmed and beaten from their pnsilinii by thu general teslimopy ii inu civilized races of men, and wo are loll ul this (mint to follow them next to their final and in fact real rea son tor thuir assault upon silver money. Sir, I touch now upon an issue as old an Itiimiiii noiiuly and as universal as tho Inuitingof money at inleresiaud tbe in vestment ot cupilul fur income. Two classes buvu existed in every agu of history ou thuqtiusiiun of money. All such as plow, sow, and reap; wbo spin, weave, and muke merchundiso lor sale; who manugu and work tbe "avvrus ut coul und iron, and thu blunt luriiaces and forges; wbo construct rudtuads, build ships, und liuind cities; ull such as are in any way pushing on thu Csiino ul progress and material de vilnpiueiil und who desire to kucp their capital, whatever il may bo, anil oepeviully that greatest of all capital, ibebunuuod muscle of labor, active ly employed, constitute one class. mono who huve slopped aside from thu active moving column of affairs and withdrawn themselves and all they own from the trade and business of the world, intending thenceforward to fasten their idlu wealth on tbe produc tions ol lubor as a consumer, and not a. an assistance, constiiuto the other. Of these two classes those wbo com- Mis) tbe first desire money to be plen- ljfu anJ ch f b ; . , - . lbiJwho w lho nlll.r Mn ba J aati'j uiai, umiurru tUl'V ailVKUV UIAVO ..;,,(,,.,,,,,. l0 . J)nvmt U..,t fl..Uk. .1 .1 J.. I ut high rules ot interest and profit. And it was in tbo real and actual in terest ol this latter powerful class thut silvur was demonetized in February, 1873,nol because il was luss valuable as money thun gold, nor because such a change wus demanded by the policies of foreign nations, but simply becuuno ruch a change was demanded by ibe policies of foreign nations, but simply because retired cupilul desired lo diminish tbo amount of money of every kind circulating in Ihe bauds of ibe people. Silver was selected as the victim for sucrilico nn tbut occasion because it was thought, on account of certain ciscumsluiices yet to be noticed, that it could be mure successfully assailed than tbe other kinds of money Iben in existence. Tbe managers uf the great money centres Hi this country and in Europe saw with avarcious alurm the bright streams of silver beginning to iiicreunu in volume and in valuu as they , h,..i ,,. m..,hu f mi...., L,.,i ,, . i,. ,t,ui. ,,. ,hrilllU .j fru, . ,,,,mlvil,y .till angrier newspaper ores, which thoy ,.,,,,, , cr, wiihout ceasing against .i... :.... ..i-i ..,.. ; iri)j,lclioI1 ot- ,,, lnBUl. Thf.y bavo '! ..... . . . hureloloru filled the world wilh their thun is agreeable lo those wbo want the purchasing power ol money in creased by lessening tlio quantity in clrculutioii until filty dollars will buy in a I it i in worth a thousand under the foreclosure of a mortgage. Is it true, however, tbut for the genuino interests nf the Amoricin people, for iboir ad vancement in trade and development, j ,or h pr,w)unty of our throughout the world, too much hu8 , Unjled Sml or aiiywburo else? litis ailver. . . , .hr.-tanml to pour into Hie channels of business such u'J ui w viiuiw.ii.k. iiivuiuiu wuuieieiie . ... . i a r to meet the Icgtlimato demands of , ,, . . f! . . .... . , trade ran bo estimated, bul who has uvur burn ablu lo look into the mines and declare bow tar their Veins ol ore, extend or how noon they will ceaso to yield f Who has ever been able to niint nut whom new mines may bo oKiied into the bidden riches of the earth to tuke the place of those that ure worn out, nlcrilo, and barren T Tbo result bus been thut while the precious melals huvu been declared tbo stand ard of values, they have themselves always been nn unknown quantity, and Hie irregularity, uncertainly, and ihsurhVicicy uf their production bavo caused fii qnoul and crushing disasters in all count ties and in every period of history, and have ullen comielled the strongest governments of ancient and modem times to entirely abandon them. It is not my purpose, however, to dwell on this point further than to meet the argument based upon an al. legeil (iverpruducilon ol silver in recant yearn. From a report Blade not long emeu hy a eomnullass in lbs British Parliament it appears, aa nearly aa can be climated, thul the entire produc tion nl' nilees t hmii.frioii, ll,n wrnrlit (during the lust twenty five years has reached about il too.ominoo. j uein- j-crcase in its production during that perunl anise fnnn about 140 000,000, in 1852, lu 880.000 000, in 1875, and tbe annual amount pmdiieod at thi lime may be placed at 170,000,000 Ol these uinuniita Smith America, Mexiob, and the United States prod need all excop ling; about 110,000,000 year, arising Continued ntxt wtck)