Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 30, 1878, Image 2

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rlx'i -v:r J"'
Reeder. If yun went to know what is colnf ob
la Ihe bu.ine.e world, Just read our adeerti.iuf
eotnmne. tbe Uptinl enlutnn la rinrileuler.
In llitdrid, Spain, nt high noon en
tlio 23d, King Alfonso wa married to
tliu Infanta Mercedes, daughter nt thu
liikn nf Miintpoimior. At 8 o'clock
a. in. ull Ihe bands in tlo capital Leut
thu reveille. Tho front nf iho city
hall was hung with crimson and por
trnilH ot their majestic vera placed
had taken up her residence at Amu
Tho philanthropist, who, iliirinj; tlu
war, ami ince, bail charge of tho col
ored rai'O and it political and personal
interest, have robbod tho African about
on tailly as the wbito race. The pools
tinned by "Chriittian statesmen," in
lha erection of the r'roeduicn'a liu
reuu, Frcedinrn'a Hank and tho How-
J"' " ivir.i, hum kn. 0 1 VIM'S THE WALLACE PLAX.i
The lliirril)iujr patriot nay a: "An
It is not tho paucity of c,rceiibitcli,
nor u want of silver or ifold that Ik
...... , n i.t iiii'i m ( 1 1 m I til I I'll it
now Klhiriing tho country o much us! l-oni-nuna IfottirnitiK Hoard, having up in ConKi-em, diir. riu little in il ' i.lo dated mdav ava
m I.... I ..r . II J 1. t ' l..,rt,..l ('.. I I ..-.I - .11 I : I' .... .. . 3 . 1
The four scoundrclr:, Anderson, Wells,
Kunner nnd IWcimec, who com
posed j other ptwtitl navlnwhemo lia loomed '
Loniion. Janlahv 25.
Ilciilet s dixpittcli from Cnualaiiiiiin.
biikkoi coiiiitioiico between buMiiessi cn tuuicieii lor lelony under thu law: general fiuifiirc Iroin those iilivudy
men. 1 lie lonn bclniv duilyfnlt thro' ; tout Stulo, -ero nmonjj tho tmsaintf introduced. The bill, as introduced by
the aueeetfive fullurva ol men who. fellow, when thvir case wein eallid'.Mr. Waddle, of North iJmolinu, make
hitherto hd been coimidered wiund und , " lat Friday. After theliraud Jury ih prMtoRleea nutlonul aavinK de(;oa
reliable, mid woiwt i) ii 1 vJ found true bills tuniiiiMi. ili.m ii.....!; t.. ti... ..... . i t. . .
iH,!i.. r...,u r I ' .. . ' " I . H - ' ""
; " v,..n-vU ipiwnre oi lireaehia of tiut by men entered nail ami were relcnseil from ; depiMiiM b"ll
King our "National wants. ' l a cr"ie . ..
... ...... ,,.-v , muoe V loelkeaI ttVUlim.u. has millloied III! eon
The I'orle havini; veaterduv acci'ii-
ted the Kowiuli conditions, peace is le
guided ns virtually coiielmled.
't'he ItiiHsian i-ondil'oris huro not Vet
been otliriully made known here, bat
it uppmr certain that they naily ex-.
uhmcii or PRoMinr..
Hill "I. UK IVBIUVIIVW HI AlHH' i, . ti , ,, '
,.. r... .. rolO'-y of War-Gen. Uelk nap; and Hdenco In a business wv. imraK r.e.l
cbuh of Atoch., where aha met the f""1 . 'inl0 ."flk'i"; ; every brand, o. industry, and caused
Vn mao worth; tbt offlo of Prnidrnt ihnntd
be wllliiiR to hold it lr eonntsd tn. or plirod thero
br rrud. U 8. (lnaT.
J eould ticrr lira been rrenneiled to tbo
VftlloB b tbo tniftllMt old or nine of icron.
howoror mpoolRblo tn privoto lifr, who
forovor carry upon bio brow llio limp of fnod
tint trtuBipboBl ia Anorloan hlllorj. No iuh
iniaent aoitnn. howoror ttierttortoui, oso wash
away lot Itiun Ol inai rooora.
TRAaLxa FRivrii Alma.
Undor tba forDl of law, lluiberford U. Ilaye
liai boan declared I'rariilint of lue l.nilou teatra
Ilia title rem upoo dirtraDchlrroient of lawful
votera, the faue oerilDtfalre of ino raiuraini om.
core outlaa oorraptly, and Ibo deoilloa ol a oon.
mlaaioti which hae rcl'uird to bear evidenae of el
lesed fraud. For Ibo Orel line are tbo Amrrlran
iieoDla confronted with tbe fact of a fraudulently
elected PreildcDt. Let it not bo UDderetoed that
the frond will be illcnlly arqutcarcd In by the
country. Let no hour pag in winch me ururpa.
lioo If forfoltcn.
Aooaaal or DaworNAtlc M. C.'a.
One hundred yeare of human defrarity eeca
muletvd end concentrated Inbi a climax of crime.
Nercr attain In tire hundred yeare shall they bare
aa opportunity to repeat tbe wrooa;.
I would retber bare the endoreenient of a quar
ter of a nillioB of lha American people than that
of the Louuiaua KeturoinB Hoard, or of Ibe torn.
mieiloR obicb excluded tbe facta and decided
the queitioD OB a technicality.
Tnoa. A. Hr.nRicK.
Senator Wullacd niado a eet speech
on tbo Silver Ilill on Tuesday.
Zacb. hasn't found tho VliitoHouo
door knob yet.
Tbo now Senator from Kentucky
one bis success to his wife.
Thoro aro rumor of peaco negotia
tion between Jluyes and bis part,
but it's early for the fulted calf yet.
A Georgia paper wants Robert
Toombs for tbo next Governor. Don't
consign so good a State to lbs Toombs
A Washington letter-writer remarks:
"Zucb. Chandler still flutters around
tbo Senate Chamber, swearing softly
to himself."
Humbert, thu new King ot Italy,
say an exchange, is dnmestio in his
tastes. Mrn. Plornish translate bis
namo '-liomo bird."
A Teias paper says: "Now that hell
has been abolished, old Suian will have
to hunt a new bonnling-houso. It is a
warm winter anyhow."
The Boston Post says: '-John Mor
l'isscy ia convalescing, and able to read
thoeo obituaries, which is more con
soling than an imposing funeral."
Won't tho Woman Suffragists and
tbo Prohibitionists be magnanimous
for once, and give our Legislatuio a
cbanco to get through beforo next
An Expensive Uridoe. The Ash
tabula disaster on tbo Lako Shoro k
Michigan Southorn railroad, cost that
company a littlo over ?49S,00U, which
has all been paid out of tbo current
roventio ot tbe year.
Wo aro informed by an exchango
that "eighty-three murderer wcro
banged in tho United State last year,
all of them men of different colois and
nationalities," Wo didn't know there
woro oigbty-lhreo colors in tbo United
C'tosED. The Postofllco flght.wbicb
bas been raging at Williamsport lor
throe months, is over. Iiobcrt Haw
ley, who has bold the offlco for nine
years, boa hcon commissioned for four
years moro, to tbo utter dismay of tho
IioBBKD Ttr Friend. (?) Horace
Cireeley's kindness of heart is recalled
by thodiscorjry of 1100,000 in worth
loss promissory note among hi as
set. Thirty thousand is due the es
tate from young ' Cor." Vandcrbilt,
who is an heir to millions.
A Slim Snow. Out of tho two hun
dred and one member in tbe Lower
llonso of our Legislature, only ixty
oight favored tho taking up of thelO
cal Option Rill next Tuesday. Wo
presume tbo majority wanted it taken
up soonor.
Th Doylestown Vevwiernt brings
forward Judgo Henry P. Koss for the
Supreme bench and says: '-We need
not remind locut and State politicians
that Buck ia only beld aflur the hard
est atrugKlo and that Montgomery is
wholly unreliable. It is necessary tn
carry both theso counties next full In
aecuro the Legislature, and with Judge
Ross on tho ticket there wiil l e no
question of it."
' A Good Number. Wo are not much
of a judgo in such matters, but we
think tbi number of tho Republican
Is one of tho best we ever issued. Our
first and fourth pages contain a large
amount ot select and useful reading
matter, wbilo the inside ia filled with
local and political inlormalion. Next
weok we propose to lay before our
readers tbe great speech of Hon. Dan
iel W, Voorbee, U. 8. Senator trom
tho State of Indiana, on tho financial
question ; and a tbi question effect
the interest ot all, all should read hie
Still Declines. Mr. Hayes, a few
week ago, tendered ox-(ov. fiiglrr,
tbe appointment of assistant Com mis
sion or ol Pennsylvania, to the Pari Ex
position, which bo rotused to accept.
On Monday last, lie again tendered to
tho Governor tho position of assistant
Commissioner of tbe Vtltci States,
which ho has also declined. Mr. Big
Icr persist in going to tho exposition
without any government restraint,
daring the Bummer, if bo ctn so adjust
hi private affair as to let bim off
Having served an apprenticeship and
afterward graduated with high honor,
in our own Exhibition, be i fn no wiae
compelled to be bound down to a gov
ernmental duty tor fix month, when
tine month will anfflne.
King, who bad come from iho royul
At midday the marriage ceremony
took placo at the Haslica Atocba, tbo
royal procession returning by tbe
Paseo of Atocba, Botanico, Prado,
C'allo Alcttla, Puerto del Sol, and ('alio
Mayor, to tho palace. Immediately
oil their arrival there wa a grand mil
itary parade and march past, wbicb
their majesties witnessed from the
palace windows. During tbo nigbt
there were general illumination. Tho
theatre wcro thrown open to the peo
ple and thero wa a grand serenade, in
tho Piuza do Almonia.
Extraordinary preparations hud been
matlo in Madrid, and no effort spared
to make tbo festivities a brilliant as a
page from tbo Arabian Night. The
council of the city fathers decided thul
the feslivitic be continued during five
days, and in order to carry out this
magnificent programme tho munici
pality cf Madrid voted tbo enormous
sum of 10,000,000 real (about 11,250,
Tbo second day was dovoted to the
official reception, and in tho night
thero was a grand display of llroworka.
The third day wa set down for the
national amusement of a grand bull
fight, without which no Spanish fes
tivity ceuld bo considered complete
Tbo fourth day was devoted to
borse-racing, and in the evening there
was a royal performance in the Tbea-
tro Keal, adn.ission being by invitation,
A grand tournament in tho Plata
do Toro, or bull ring, wa ae't down
tor the fifth day.
A banquet was given to 1,000 of tbo
poor of Madrid in the Prado, and there
wero historical processions in the Pla
za do Toros. the noble of Spain be
ing invited to tako part in the caval
cade. AH tbo children born on the
231 aro to bo dowored, and 00,000
presents are to bo distributed among
the poor, "
Mercedes, tbe fiituro Queen of Spain,
is the third and youngest daughter ot
tho Duko of Montpcnsier. She was
born at Madrid on tho 24th of Juno,
1 SG0, and i therefore in hor eighteenth
year. She will be one of tbe most
beautiful sovereigns in Europe. She
is a very pretty young woman of the
puro Spanish type, with very black
oye and hair, fine feature and a full
figure. She receives from tbe Duko
do Montpensior, her father, a dowery
of (5,000,000, a great quantity of dia
mond and a magnificent trousseau.
Ilur sister, tho Countess of Paris, sent
a wedding gift of a beautilul suilo of
jewels. The young King gave bis
bride loads of jewels and bis portrait
sot in brilliant ; and tho Tupo sends
wedding ring which ho has blessed
and a rose of diamond.
TUE quests. J
The coromony wa performed by
tho Cardinal Patriarch of th Indies,
Benavidosy Navarotte, who wa rais
ed to tbe purple in March, 1877, and
it was attonded by ambassador ex
traordinary from tho United Slates,
Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Bel
gium, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
It will be obsorved that neithor Italy,
Portugal nor Russia wa o represent-
Tbe British envoy delivered an au
tograph letter from Queen Victoria to
tho Dutches of Montpcnsier and
politician tins raisca voice against,, ....j.,.,:,,,. t0 ...,. .i. ...-. .
tuts greai outrage, ana wuon .no t'em- .j,,,,. j t ,uvu tuumw,V01, umhi
npf-nlo In rini,rMi t.wtlr t.i i.v. ' ., . ...
bracelet for tbo Princnsa Mercedes.
lie also brought an Indian scimitar,
witb tbo scabbard and hilt inlaid with
gold and prociott toi, a a prosent
to the King from tho Prtnco of Wale.
Pased. Stanley Matthew' silver
dollar resolution introduced by him
some time since, passed tbe Senate on
Thursday by a two-third vote a follows:
Tsae Merare. Alliron. ArmatroB, Reek,
Booth, II race, ramrroa I Pa.), faiaeroa IWir.l.
I halre, Coke, Oonorer, Daria (III ) Ilerie (W.
Va.J, Deni.l, t)eroy, Ku'tia. Ferry. Uorloa.
Or rrr, llerrfe-d, lluwe, J.ibnitnB, Joni-a (Via 1,
Jtnf (Nee.). Kirwod, M'Creery, Mclloaald.
M'Millaa, Mettbewa, Moxey, Herr biob, Moraa,
Orflraby, Plumb, Kanaum, 8i.nli.bary, haaiidare.
r-pneer, leller, Tburmna, voerBeea, Wallace,
With-r 41.
Pare Merer. Anthony, BarBBBi, Bayard,
Blatne. Ituraiide, Corlitiaooy, Conkling, Dawee,
futon, E'lmundr, Hamlin, Kernaa. Lamar, Me-
Pbrrerm. Unehell. Mnrrlil. Pa.ld.elt. Ran l-.lnb.
H.,ilm. nrf-nt, Wadlcif a sad Wlndm 21.
Lamar, from Mnniaaippl, wa the
only Southern Senator who voted
against the resolution, and Mitchell,
ol Oregon, Paddock, ol NubrasKa, Sar
gent, of California and Windom, of
Minnesota, from the Weal, also voted
against it. All tbe other votes were
from tho Eastern Stale. Tho resolu
tion in question read a follows:
rreensf, R) tbe Rrwate (tbe TTouae of Repra.
eentatlreacone'irrlnK therein), The! all tbe bund
of tbe United Ktatee trrued or authorised to be
baaed eoder tbe eatd cel. or t ooareee bereiBbe
lore reiterated are beyeble, priauipsl and inter-
ot, at thr optlna of the government of tbe Dal
ted Htatee. ill allrer dulUra ol tbe eotnaoa af tbe
Uait-d 8'etec, aontaiBin 4Ui iraloa each of
standard silver, and that to restore So its .tnro
such silver coins as a leal tender in payme t ol
said ooB'ls, principal and Interest, is Bui ib vio
lation of the public faith aor derogatory ol Ifec
right of the BBblio credit.
j . . ..
A Pretty Good Test, A motion
was made in Congres by Mr. South
ard, on tbe 22d inst., to suspend tbe
rules and take np the bill which pro
vide that on and after the 1st day of
January, 1879, legal-tondor notes or
greenback, ahall be received at par
fur all custom dutie. Tbe voto stood
yea, 151 ; nays, 06 ; dodgers, 4)2. Not
quite two-thirds having voted lor tbe
suspension of tbo rules, tbe bill wont
over under tho ruloa. It will be notioed
that if all the dodgor vote with tbo
ny, the bill will pas Hill.
A Good Resolve. Mr. Morgan, of
Lawrence county, on Thursday last,
introduced the following resolution in
the 11 ooso :
ffaseter, That the lassrSBM omoalsaleaer be
and ta hereby reaalred to a-roeare frota eeeh aad
aory iBrereaee compear doiug bail,.aaf la ibis
81440, toreiga or eherteeed by tbe Htate, a Mete
Hit skewing the Bomber af lapsed or f rfeliod
policies ef aach eomwaay or agoecy withla the
Slate durtag the last twt years, aad ibe amoaat
ol prceaiame peid oa eeeh teased policy wrter to
the lapetag of the same aad report to this Boare.
te Beer Baser let ralea.
Il tbi resolution ia ever put iulo ol-
feet, it will aatooub everybody to
learn of tba large amount of money
annually lost In the way indicated.
ocrals in Congres took step to ex
pose the rogues, every Radical mem
ber voted against an investigation.
A Washington correspondent says:
"Further developments ol the system
atic plundering of tho government at
the expense of tho poor colored people
aro promised by the continuation of
tho examination into tho mismanage
ment of tbo Freedmen'a Hospital.
Patient have been put on starvation
rations because they dared to preach
ugainst the vulture who havo been
preying upon them by stealing or mis
applying the fund appropriated to
sustain the institution. This is a worse
ease than those of the Howard Uni
versity and Freedmen' Bunk, because
in this not only hu tbo management
been scandalously bad, but coupled
with that misdemeanor is the crime of
cruelty to tho patient placed in the
institution forenro and treatment.
Secretary Schurr. will thoroughly
overhaul tbi coneern, and it ia not im
probable that tho Howard University
will again come In for a share of fund
gatlon, the noccsaity for which will bo
shown by tbo investigation Into its
management which is about to be
Among tho many other things II is
charged that the managers of the
Freedmen' Hospital are in collusion
with the officers of the Howard Uni
versify, situated near by ; that an en
gineer is paid out of tho hospital funds
to pump water up In the University
building, and that University students
board at the hospital and draw pay as
nurses therein without really perform
ing duties. Tho colored doctor Pur
vis, ward physician in tho hospital,
saysol Socretury Schurx : "The damn
ed Dutchman has been making trouble
over since he camo to this country ."
A New Militia Kill. Adjutant
Goneral Latta boa prepared a bill for
the reorganisation ot the militia ot the
Stato. It fixe tho pay of privates,
corporuls, musician, etc., at II 30 per
day for actual time served, and ser
geant at t2 00 per day, Tbo num
ber ol Major Gonorut will bo reduced
to three, and Brigadier to five. Uni
form and eqnipmon'.a are to be fur
nished by tbo Htate out of the 100
ullowcd each company under the ex
isting law. All officers will be exam
ined by a board consisting of a bri
gade commandor and tbe regimental
commanders, before receiving their
commissions, and a board will also be
crealed by tbo bill to examine into
tho physical condition of tho appli
oanta tor membership into the differ
ent companies. Tbe militia ringsters
have a groat time in trying to get
themselves billetod on the tax payer
of tbe Slate for their atistunanco in the
future. Why not join the regular
army, if State support i needed
the wreck ami' rmi that surrounds
them. Hence the latter even when
Iho opportunity is afforded, will not In
vest In enterprise where the possibili
ties aro (hut in a few month after il
may be irrolrioviihly lost. And, as if
to Intensify this statu of toi ling, in
crease tbi want of confidence, blatant
ambitioua demagogues are abroad in
the lund funning the flames of discon
tent, seeking tn array tluss ugainst
claa, and doing all lliey can to persuade
thu capitalist and laborer Hint their In
terests are divergent, as if tho man
who furnishes the means to stnrt the
wheels of Industry and the brawny
hands that perform the work are not
mutually dependent on each other.
Thuy rise or fall together us prosperi
ty or pttrulysis affects the nation, l.el
the working classes ponder over tins
matter and not allow themselves to lie
seduced awny by (also leaders who, if.
properly investigated, would bo found
to bo tbe real drones In tbo mdiistriul
hive, whoso vocation is in times like
these to stir up strife and trouble, with
tbe expectation to profit in some way
by it.
.i am nun were reicnsen iroin Hcimmiim - ,. I .... . i - - i .
n . . . ' i i I ' --neJeMeT" TT -v-rmBwrn'aTi m niaiim y
..IRTi'l jtt.J or! KriilnV uffl u i ,i. no, i. -i r n i. t' . I and payment ot a war indemnity
-v ,,., ...v .....a, uuv ui i'o.-i-ii!iur- in cacti I ,, , . ,
sent in search of l.-ss. when it i. J. ....,. ... . llio peace conditions aro sluled on
.liseoe ,.:":r-"" :""-. authority to include the lot
"" j uieiii ueeoine part 01 tuu principal. Ilesiiles
si-lve up in the V. S. (-'uslom Hoimejthi loitlur.. of commmidiiig iutete-t,
and a ilftanbtnent nt t'niloil Hiatus! thero aro provisions lor the protection
murines hud boon ordered up to pro- ot the depositor, one of which is thul
led them against tno'M.o'nir nnd his the money shall not be liulde to tie
deputies. maud, detention, . linre or withdrawal
Xni o ol allairs bo consent :.f .:'
v ' "' ".rill'., uuiierut wgilonicorllllcatO .tl ll.-m.l. suTo lvv
principal objections to this s stet no
ol which is lliut I hu convorion ot post
offices into national savings banks in
(reuses the power of iho governmental
machine, and the other is thul I hero is
Thu triul ol the mil brought by
Miss Elizabeth West against the Ad
ministrator ol Enoch llayus, to recover
I25.0UU damages tor a breach ot con
iruct on the purl of Hayes, in refusing
tu murry bur, waseonclu.le.1 yesterdav,
1 till' tOMnnti K(e,. v
iract was made, it wuj made during
A Nevada Wedihno Married, at
Viririniu. Nov.. on the 4lh mat., bv the
r"R Itev. Father Mtliralh, Ah Wan. 'Esq.,
! 1 ,: ........
anu At is-b ARni ing. j ue louowing wa
the ceremony : "Ah Wan, you likeo
this one plocee woman mucb good ?"
"You hut!" Nan Ving. yon likmi this
olio piucoe man way up gisst?" "Mo
bkee tbi piueee." "Ah Wan. you
never cult-hoe no more woman hut tbi
onn piect e. d't o rnoirtd thst" "Mn
cutcheo r.o more man but Ah Wan,
"ic .,. . .. ,
thu minority of iho young man, and u um.,ur"',,n" "' , "')"
tbereloro void. Judgo Johns.,,, in j ,u nit. iiameoi ine Aitiiigiity, 1
.tructed the jury lUm if they .houl.l ltov "" m.m l,iect m,M,t-
.1 . as a J ..(.. unn .u1,l MtlUti I. .a ik.i kaea.l
nnu the contract wan mudo while B ' " "
EI..K.U Hates wua a milior, hu bad tbe' lbo1 c"1n,l'';y '"t lmmrted her,
" ' .. ! Ull 1 u.laaata l..a uaaaBaul t)l.u It U-. U..J
rilfhl Oil uiinilii (i Him Ui il Maaltiini t l"MJ u
It) tt'in if ;
Sfivitt to be tiidi'iK'tidoKt williout
(-itnipuiihuiioiiM; Montiit'ro tofort-ivo
A tiltvar, ic.-r. and ,., and a .r-1 u J ,, ,..,! her the law would have g.vva.
.Sc.lur,: tJ,a tcfhold Haioum. Kara! ' .TM. b. l"U ' duV' WUh"1l P"-
--.h .......v., iv.viii m vuiuie. iur
the dcieiidant. If ho did not disalliriti '
'.''-, (id luo LOi.V.
Orr roa Hxazil. Two hundrod and
fifty laborer, mostly hailing from
Pennsylvania, loft Willow (tree! wharf,
Philadelphia, on Monday on the sloam
hip Metropolis, Captain Ankers, com
mander, to assist in tbe construction ot
the Maderiaand Mamore railroad, in
Brazil. Iu addition to hor human
freight, the vessel tako out a large
miscellaneous cargo, including 500 ton
of iron rails, 230 ton of coal, 1.000 bar
rel ol flour, togother with large qu an-
titioa of beef, poik and clothing for
tho use ot tbo pioneers who left on tho
Mercodita. Tbo steamer Richmond,
tho third vessel, will arrive in port and
uommenco loading on February 5th,
and will aail on tbe 10th, taking out
another batch of 500 laborer, ''he
cabin passenger will include Mr.
Thomas Collin and a number of mer
chant, wbo propose to visit liio
Janeiro and Pera in the interest of
Unbafft Soi'ls. The Mew Vork
Aut! is responsible for this: ."An ac
complished young lady, daughter of a
pork packer in Cincinnati, wa engag
ed to be married to an educated young
man. Just before the happy day she
wrote ber intended a note in which
she referred to the 'approaching nup-
shal,' and a 'dimund' ring. Tho sen
sitive young man wept over tho or
thography, but he had about madu up
bis mind to sacrifice himself, when tho
dread intelligence came that the father
had failed, and wasn't worth a oont.
He might have forgiven the orthogra
phy, but tbe failure, never. And no
there is in the court a broach of prom,
ise case, and two fresh young souls
are happy. Why are not girl taught
spelling a well a mnaiu, and why
will fathers pack pork and fail f These
aro social problems."
Just Till Tumo The Williams-
port Bulletin man settle the case in
tbi way:
We present the following Republi
can ticket and hope it may win when
fnt O'tceroor Hon. W. H. Armstrong .
Yor Lieaienaal woveraor-Col, Wlliiaal Me
Miehael. There i but little doubt that the
Governor will be taken trom Northern
Pennsylvania, and the Lieutenant Gov
ernor from the Eastern part of the
aie. Aumiuing mat- io oe true a
better selection and division tban the
above eould not be made."
That li wbat they call a straddle
ticket half Cameron and half not
and just as easily whipped as any one
that can be put on the boards. II art
ranft ia the last Radical that will ever
occupy tba Gubernatorial Cbalr at
Eleotiok Fbeak.- When both
tIouo of our Legislature met in joint
convention a few week ago, for the
purpose of opening the return and
counting tbe vote cast fur Auditor
Ueneral and State Treasurer, it waa
diaeorered that Mr. Suhell, our nomi
nee for Auditor Oenoral, bad recolved
ti vote in Armstrong, and 34 vote in
Carbon county, tor State Treasurer, and
Col. Noyea, our nominee for State
Treasurer, bad received the same num
ber pf voto lor Auditor Qtneral.
Tn B Other Side. Iter. Ormnnd,
who wa hero lecturing us on the Lo
cal Option question, stated repeatedly
that not a license had been granted in
Washington county for twelve years.
leaving hi hearers to infer that the
liquor traffic was legislated out of the
reach of that community. The editor
of tho Monongnhela R-publican, nt last
week, chimes in on Local Option
Washington in this way: "Wo wish
that our representatives at llurrisbiirg
would introduce and urge tho passage
of a bill giving Justices of tho Peace
jurisdiction in cases of violation of the
liquor law. Last week beforo the
Grand Jury of Washington county,
eighteen liquor bill wero found, and
all these must be dignified with a jury
trial. Iho trouble is, and none know
it so well as the rum-sellers, that lew
person are either ablo or willing to
undergo the expense of procuring the
attendance of witnesses at tbe county
seal, und many a jug dealer goes un
whipped of justice trom this reason, 1 1
this class ol cases could he tried before
a Justice ot the Peace, the interests ot
law and order, nnd of temperance
would bo greatly hclpod. Let it be
so." We presume tho gentleman re
ferred to will explain just bow ibis
crookedness, in iho liquor business
arises, when be returns next week.
T II E J u do ts ii i p. T h e people of C ra w
ford county will huvu a Church for
Judge in the futuro. Thu tribunal to
which wa submitted tho judicial con
est between Church and Henderson,
lor the Common Pleas Judgeship ol
Lrawtortl county, decided it in favor
of Pearson Church a lawfully elected.
tbe contestant withdrawing his poll
nun. lliurcb was tho Democratic
candidate and was returned elected by
a small majority, when Mr. Hender
son, the Republican candidate, con
tested. The Court, from tho records
of the election in the Prothonotary's
office, declared that Peurrou ('hutch
bad received the largest number ol
voles, and the cerliUcalu, signed by
ull three Judge, Wetmore, liulhruilh
and McDormolt, was at once forward
ed to the Governor. The contestant s
counsel gave as their rearon tor with
drawing from the contest thul they
did Hot wish to lake the responsibility
of delaying the business ot thu courts
until the contest waa decided."
sent a dispulch to Atlornov (rotn-riil
Deveiis, iu which be stuted that four
persons, Thomas y. Anderson, M, J.
Wells, 1 Koiinoruud G. CWuavu, in.
dieted for ti lony in the criminal eonits
ol this Stale, had tuken rof'ugu in the
V. S. Custom House, und ho wished
to know if they e,,uld b.i kepi there in
defiance of thu civil authorities of this
Stute. U. S. Murshul Wharton also
sent a til-patch t, Aiiuriiuv (iem-rnli
Deveiis, asking whether tiny should
be dellvert d.
The tuken by the Republi
can is thul the Custom Hoin-o is
United Slute prnrly, and no on.,
bas a right lo break iu or lorce a door
to tube any one out. This sua tho
position tuken by IToinliiison, w ho re
fiTied the matter tv District Attorney
Lacey, who aiistiiinrd the action of Hie
Marshal. Aller iilu a long confer
unco upon the partol the leaders, the
mailer waa relorrej to Washington,
Al IV p. in. a dis hatch was received
by U. S. Murshul Wharton, from Atlor
noy Dcvons, in Washington, to throw
open tbe door of tho Custom Ilouso
lo Iho civil authorities, as they have
no light lo shield person charged wiib
felony from any process from the
Courl '
At a quarter after eleven o'clock,
Sheriff Houston with one ileputy.woni
to tho Custom House, anil Anderson,
ICenner and Can-nave, with James
Lewis and cx-Chiel of Police Loan,
surrendered to kirn. They were ut
once placed in carriage and driven to
tho parish prion. They appeared a
little downhearted, and refused lo talk
Sheriff Houston madu every arrange
ment for their comfort, providing beds,
etc , and they were locked up.
A Iluox Feauil During Grunt's
time, the tariff advocates established
scores of Custom Houses and porta ol
entry, for the purpose of collecting the
revenue and lo break up smuggling.
i 1th u view ol curtailing tho exiiens.-s
of the Government, tho Democrats in
Congress are looking into this suicidal
policy, and on Tuesday last, the Com
iniiteoon Ways and Means made iho
following report to the House, which
waa adopted :
Whereas, It sppeara fr.m tbo annual report ef
he ,.t tbe Tree.arr. f,,r Hie 4eul veer
ertmng rfuae m, inr, nt inrre ere a great Bum
ber ol port- uf entry In the Unite,! (lute., whics
are a rnrce of cxpenre le tbe Uoeerninent,
in as which but a lofliag ii-cime Is deriird. the
no necessity on tho part of the United
Slates to pay compound interest for
money, no nutur how low the rate.
Senator Wullaco's plan of a h'lig bond
of small deiiomin tin ins ul u Ijw tutool
int. rest wilt answer evurv iiructieul
Uniioih.y Intebest. Thu Commil
lee of tho Uiiii. d Slales Senate, ol
which Hon. Henry G. Davis, ,4 West
. irgiina, is (.huiriiiun, und which has
been making an exuiniriution of the
s.tstein of keeping ibo honk of the
Treasury, bus ruA-Mrvd a statement t.l
lite premium pui.1, expenses of Na
tional loans, and tbe cosl of refunding
the debt. It iiinoiiiitBtothocimrinou
sum of 95 278.43! 90. Ol thisamounl
150 7.18,107.73 weru premiums paid;
a.le.-ljH.ltc.Ji wero fnreXrenscof Na
tional loans ; anil 83 (181.8119 KG tor re
funding iho public debt. Since 1850
ihcro bus be. n a net Increase ot the
debli.f J2.8I5 319,973.87, and a net do
Mvaso of 1010 018 581 77 ; while the
total interest account from that time
lo tho present ha been 11,008.020
149.92 exceeding moro than one-ball
the principal of tho debt The tolul
debt at the close ol 1877 amounted lo
?2,205 30I 392 10-Hhowiiig a n t in
crease during that year of t2a,90fi,.
and Kizeroiitii until a war lode, unity
ol tvtenlv Ull loll iioiiihIh us f..Ml the
iiK-n-oi ant-; llulgariuii uiilonnmy to
Ikj conceileil rather on the iiriiicinlu
the l.i liunoii than on the plan of ibe
ioiii,iniiuopic.L',iuicrciiff, umi 1 hi key
to noiiiniuto a Cbristiun (.overiior li.r
a long term ,,l i-ars, au' j. cl to rulili
culioii by the power; Uulguriu not
iiuiicrsioisi in int-iiiiiu I hrace, bill only
loexicnd to the line ol the Halkuns ;
purl of ibe Russian army lot mhuik ut
Constantino, l t.,r their return home,
uint I he final livuty ol peace lo bo sign
ed al Conalunliiiople by the Grund
Duke Nicholas.
Tin at ruogcineiit will sulisfy Rua
eiun military honor without involving
the tk-i iiputioii i, C'oiisiuiitinople.
Tbo Duilu Atirt uiiblisbes what il
helloes l, .o sillisluiillHlly the terois
bun posrs-Hsiou of hor without paying
a t em, a gloom waa cast over tbo com
mit uitv.
Tuu ll, ami j
by mutual agri-onioni Urn mart.age! . ." ' 1 T" 7 ' . .Ml'rl
wus nosiiM.uuu in, in liniu ti. limo. then '- ncora,
Ibu coiilracl beeuiite as binding on him
aa tbouglt il hud been madu when til
lull ugu. VYhelticr ho rulili. i it or not
wua a question lo bo pus-oil upon liy
tbo jury trom its declaration and
ucts, and bin conduct toward the pluiit
titr utter becoiuiiig of ago.
Tbo defonduiil'a irounae-l having
dunned thul Knoch Huyea being dead,
llio aelion did not aiirvive against itie
Adiuinistrutor, Ibe Court charged the
jury Una in an action lor damages lor
a urcucli ul coniract ut marriage, al
though theonglnul dufundaut had died,
Ihu right ol'uclion survived aguinsl bis
1 lie jury, alter a deliberation of
N. II., knows Mr. William K. Chand.
Icr, und suys thul "with any one who
" i ins siuielucnt Is equivalent
to sajing lhat be went In Florida de
termined u secure the vote ot that
Stale to Haye. right or wrong, and
lhat hu did secure it because tboolhor
side weru not so smart and trit-ky a
bo was." And he adds: "Confined to
my house by lameness, and having lit
tle lo divert my attention, I have spent
a few moments in recalling tbe event
of 1840 and those ,rf 1876. ThedinVr
eueo between the two is that the ebo
tion ol 18-10 wa earned by the Whig
by a seiisulos and dcmnirngjcal excite
ment, wl.ilu that of 1870 wa carried
-IOII Ol i ... - , ..... ..
about mo hours, returned a verdict P pure irauu ana n.onolwrr,."
lor lite plamtill', und uwsessed hor dam
I lieuee, us billows: "Alllolilimv liir uiriM ul li llllll
Ibilu'inia. similur to that ol ; j (On a liirmer triul of this case a
Turkey to nnmiunle a Cliristian Gov-1 similar verdict wus returned Cincin-
ernor of the prt.rin.-e lor u long term jnifi Vommercml.
ol years, whisw uppoinlmelil lnu-l liel m-
siin. liomd by tlm European powers;! A nRAStlEll OX TKAUHKBH.
Iliilgaria lo anpiiru some uuritnryi thu Haitians; Bosnia and Her j l.l tiikb.ibliio, Jun. 24, 18i8.
xi-tfovina to be a-suied of prolcctii.ii , Mr Eihtok In ... i...... .o I....
ary 9th, you had an article on com
Iron?. The Philadelphia Timet
volunteered thu billowing the other
day t "It wasn't si bl idwa lor Galll
sba A. Grow lo nmko hi.
base of operations for conducting a
campaign for the Republican nomina
tion fur Governor, but he struck the
wrong end ut the Capital. Instead ol
bothering seventeen Republican mom
ber nf Congres nf variable tastes, al
Unities and ambiiion, why didn't bo
toy with the golden lock of the young
Senator who dispense Republican la
voraT W hat' the use ol wasting time
on a promiscuous droro of Congres.
men when one man is bos or tho lot?
Grow must reduco his cumpaign to
more practical direction, Tho young
sionator ig the objective point for Qub
ernalional candidates, and Hoyt has
been there."
That Armt. The editor of the New
York Sun, goe for il in this way : And
we say again te the House Committee
on Military A flairs The people require
you forthwith to put an end to tho na
tional scandal of an army composed ol
eigiit combatant aoldier to one officer ;
of an army establishment that, in fart,
is almost wholly a civil pension list ; of
an army that is the costliest in propor
tion to ils number of any in thu world ;
of an army that ia not needed beyond
Un tlmu-Mid men ; ol an army that,
beyond lhat number, oppressively and
wickedly taxe tbe resources of un im
povensneu people. Again we urge
you lo do your duly. Reduce this
army to 10,000 men, and musturout of
service every officer not strictly neces
sary to that diminished military esta
blishment I
.ipenditures fur maintaining tbe renin b'iiig
lai-griy in eicess ..I the recruits tberfr m. T
tttuets-s: i Tee rece-iae f the port anuria as
rrrebm40' Hr."in Ibe State of Hour, was
l..r thai dm-,1 eer S.s4, chile the exuvnseto the
uuvvr.i.Hrue vee ..r
I Ci.lleelor ..I,JI to
I d. iuty c.,11. ei'.r l,:nu ft..
I t puty eollsetsr 13 ta
I d,,ut eol e-u.r end inruee'or I.'
1 Jriuty enllectors suit inepogtors H I HVa ISI
rireeeeper Sell 911
1 storrk.epers 4 sn
Amounting tn IS. HIT i
The sgKregtle of the eipemliti r'S ia St era ol
receipis Iroia taeee piirts a eeuatlg la thous
elide of dwllere. And 11 etldeol that eona
naiy d- ntreaohinrat and relrm IB Ihi.
branch ..f the Oevermnea , ntilb a elect e the re
lurti..a ul three nosarrsutalilv rij.stidituras.
Mr tl rVreulrrd, Tbt the Committee on Way.
end Mranebe, endure hereby, rvque-le-l loino .ire
o.a tnr lunuagcmetil al all uou puns as it up
prars are an e.iienee tu the 1 -rernui ml, ejiib e
new to report te this II.misc such bi I ur maeure
as may be f.iund to be necoesary la the preiaiees
ll will be observed by this lhat al
one port alone, n ven Radical States
men drew out of ibu U. S. Treasury
85,187.00, and divided il among them
selves, while they only collected riyht
doltiin and eighty ficc cent. Suppose
a farmer or a mechanic were to con
duet their business on this Radical
plan, how long would the)' bu able lo
stand it 7
The State Loan. During tbo past
t ear, m-eerljr tfet aullWaea ad' oUllaevesI
our Statu debt tell due, and there be
ing no funds to moot these obligations,
the State authorities bad to resort to
a twenty year loan, Tho parties ho
took thu loan are as follows :
H. V. Mint
Janes H.iphine ,
Prurld.-al L.feand Tract t'a
tle.rge 11. Ileeragarter
J. J A. tin
heltenee Iaeurenon Co.,
f. A. A H. Mmall.,
Joseph Rinyerr
Km.iry Creed 1 C.
Thomas A. Hiddts A Co
Jerne. P. Voaog H
J. Ueinha.get
Obarlee l. Ilerney A Co
Tiade-mea's NbiiuboI Uaak...
Th .mas A Hbocmeher
t herles Ceuiblss A Co
Urexel A Co..,..,,., ,
I lf.nofi
, UI1.II..A
60. SHU
IIS nl
17 m
I0ii,ii ue
I H,oue
I6-..-0 -lati.tMt'll
..1,1100. situ
Iheib Ncmukr. The amount of
unused money, deposited in some ol
the .Saving Institution, in this country,
is enormous. To illuslialo 0110 vstah.
lishmenl in Philadelphia, has 50,731,
depositors as follows:
Number of depo.ltnrs bavins, mini in de.
I orll . eicerdine ! B dollars, n.a.,0
F'om tea to tornty dollar., s,s77
r'rnm tvesty te Ally diillere, S 0ov
Kr,.m af y to one hundred d.dUra. 6 rn
F in tinehandrc! to tw .hui.drrd duller., a,.t!d
Fr-.m tu bundredlo three hundred d il-
Vpm three hundred t.. fire hundred dol-
'" 4,76
F on fire haud'ej and upveril., 7,3s)
Whole number f depositore no tbs 0. at
U-.nd..y in Nrem'-r, 177, &0,7al
o nave no Uouht thu denosils
amount to over tin milliont of dollur,
without tne bit ot Tiirity, except (he
inlogriiy of thu officers und clerk who
square up tho ledgers. How much
belter il would be for these 60,734 de
positors, ami 1 no country 11 each was
Ibe holder of a Government bond in
lieu of a simplu certificate signed by a
clerk in u Saving Bank.
Stltf l) A wat. A tVaahinglnn tele
gram suys : Senator Cameron of Wis
cousin, has abandoned Iho idea of mak
ing any report lo Congress of iho in
vestiguliou which hu conducted ot tbe
South Curolina election. A report was
prepared from the evidence taken by
the clerk of tbo committee at Cumor
oil's direction. This report was tilting
led and garbled in au utrirciotia man
nor, sensational headlines wero inter
spersed throughout llio document, and
pari of evidence disproving ome nf
the worst campaign stories ever circu
lated for election purpose in South
Curolina weru omitted from iho report.
When this document was presented lo
Senator Chrisiiancy he read it and
declined to sign it. Senator Merri
mon, tho only Democratic member ol
the cnminittoe, was never shown tbe
report. Mr Cameron, alter Mr. Chris
tiancy'b refusal to sign the report, wise
ly concluded not to attempt to present
il to Congres.
Dunn no Tiieji Ol'T.A Washing
ton letter-writer says: "They aro be
ginning to unearth somo old fiauds In
tho Indian bureau, in which it ap
peal's that in 1 81 3, agent of the do
partment swindled the government by
raising their hotel bills four time the
amount acluully charged. The bills
wcro Incurred at Paoll, Kan. Tbe
way these agents accomplished the
swindle was by getting the hotel keep
cr to receipt for four lime their bills.
Every bill receipted for wa multiplied
by four. Boerelury Schur Invosli
gating ihu mailer,"
und rclorms and have a Cbrisiion Gov
ernor; seen my lo lie inven tor iho bol-
tor government of other Turkish pro
vinces; iho independence ot Itounia
nia; Servia lo lie independent without
compensations ; Montenegro lo acquire
Antivuii, Nii-sns and Spux unit a H.r-
11011 01 me snore ol Lake Meiilarl ; the
cession of a part of Ressarabia and ol
uuionin, iars and hrzertwm with a l
latent territory to liussia : indcmnilv
to RiiMsia tiir Iho excuse of tho war.
lo be paid in money, territory or oth
erwise; Iheqiiestiiunof the Dardanelles
to be reserved for the consideration of
thu European powers.
Peace Hetween the Section.
Illuine, and Conkling, and Kdmonds,
und their relentless liillowcrs, are de
termined thul ibe Southern people
shall have no rest lorevcr. But it i
vain to dream of returning prosperity
puioory education, in which you say
thai al the recent Touchers' Institute
onu of the teachers made an address
on ibis subject; and then you say thai
the idea of compulsory education was
of Kuropeun origin. That ia true.
Now, il our teachers want 10 uie after
European, they had better educate
themselves first, because not one In
litiy would bo fit to teach a school in
UuroKi, a tbe euse now stands. In
Germany, every teacher has to prepare
himsell at bis own expense, like the
clergymen, lawyers und physicians, not
less than three, and olten four years,
before he can get a school to teach. In
our country, many a young man, if he
attends a County Institute tor one
niunih, or a Siato Normal Si hool for
three months, thinks himself til for
Professor. 1 think our tea. hers had
belter not go too far with our free
schools. They now m't too much
A Newspaper Sell. The Sun Fran
cisco Po$t lells how a well known journ
alist, at present on the staff of the Vir
L'inia I'hrnnidr, put tip a job on ir
pert Weekly. Tbo gentleman in ques
tion, who is known us the "underground
poet," is very clever in imitating the
diultvt style of Bret Hurte. Ho wrote
a long yarn about an engineer snowed
up in the Sierras, dying, with bis hand
on Ihe throttle-valve, and Rent it on
10 Harper') as an original, unpub
lished poem by Bret Harte. Harte
was then in the height ot his fame, ami
the Harper's were delighted to got the
poem for nothing. Tbey went to the
trouble of having a large, lull page rut
mado for il, and put it in with a flourish
ofirumpetM. The most astonished man
east of the Rooky monntians wa Bret
llarto when bo saw it.
to any portion of our country until fra- money from our chitons for the profit
ternul feeliniraiid irenerous svniiiatbv 1 ''"J' I1 10 "" Th" """'hine might
is restored between every section of
our country. There cannot bo ono
policy for tho South and atiolhcr for
the North. Every Stato must rest up
on its own sovereignly, without inter
f. reiice or dictation from any other
Siutc, or the system or free government
established by our futhera has perished
forever Then thu liberty our fath
er foiighl tor is gone. Then the Kn.
n.peun system is, at tbe end of the
first century of the American system,
planted upon its ruins.
All we ask is, that there shall be a
perfect restoration of tbe ancient bar
inony and paternity that existed be
tween the North and South for the first
titty years after tho establishment ot
our freedom. True, the soli of the
South is atrewn with the shuttered
wrecks and broken fragments ol a bit
ter strife. But wo hope that time will
now cover them will! kindly dust, and
thai, if alterwards. thi-y shall bo laid
hare, ibey may only movu a feeling
akin to the pitying wonder nf Virgil's
husbandman, us hi ploughshare un
sepii'chivdlhe "helmets an I the mighty
ly hones" of the buried loetuen.
stop Dccauso it is lieing loaded list
heavy witb uneducated teachers an.
big wage, and if it ever slops, this
genera lion will never see it start auain.
I hey also want school the whole year
roiiu.i. 1 mink nvo months is enough
in tbe country, where every farmer
needs bis children at home on the farm
during the summer. In towns and
cilie where Ihey have nothing to do.
and want lo keep them off the streets,
they Can have private schools for their
children. Yours Truly,
Ttia Fall' Ticket. The voters
in tbi county will bo cnllod upon this
fall to elect mon to till tho following
Lieulonant Governor.
Judge of tbo Supremo Court.
Suorotary of Internal Affairs.
One Member of Congress.
One Slate Senator.
Ouo Member ol Assembly.
County Treasurer.
Three County Commissioners.
Throe County Auditor.
The November election will be one
ol tbo most Important that be been
bold in tbi Stale for some lime, and il
behoove! every citiien to cast about
for the bot men.
Tbu best feature about tbi ncgoti
lion, is the fact thai it was taken up
because it cost the tux-payer uf thu
Stato lie per xnt. interest, while the
new loan only bears Jive per cent, Bui
wo bollewe that if an opHirliinity were
given to-day, il would bo tuken al four
per cent,
A Uuoe Establishment. TheWar
den ol thu hustern Peiiitvntiury are
befoie llio Legislature, asking lor an
appropriulion of fdUOOO for the pur
pore of creeling filly more cell. The
establishment already eon tu ins six
hundred and fitly cells, in which are
con fined 1,040 convict. More than a
regiment of rogue Thero aru nearly
nine hundred in thu Western I'eniteu
tiary. This evidence of our moral de
cay is truly alarming, and when viewed
from a financial aland point, the case is
still darker. Our iliarilio cost Us
nearly a much ai our Stato and
municipal gnvornment.
Great on Expectations. Tho Al-
toona Sun remark : Tbe Radical aru
death on "relic." They abolished
slavery 1 havo grappled wilh polygamy,
and aro now preparing lor an onslaught
on bell. Where will tbe aroh con
spirator who stole lb Presidency and
defeated the will of the people, gel
tlielrjiist reward 1
Settled, The County Coiniiiiun-
era ol Mifflin courtly, have been wrang
ling over the appointment uf a Morcan-
tilo Appraiser ovor since Christina.
Tbe dead look haa boon broken by the
Court making tho appointment.
Another Bhiuadier. The Legisla
ture of Kentucky un Thursday lust
elected dunerul John J. Williams Uni
ted Stales Senator, to succeed MuCree
rv, by a vole of 126 lo 1 1 for Bo d, the
Republican candidate. General yil
iama waa an officer In the JL-xiean war,
and in incoll's victory al Ccrm Gordo
ho led a brilliant charge, which has
aince cuttsed him to be known at "Cerro
Gordo" Williams. Hu also served in
the Confederate army during the late
war. Ho ia said lo bu a fluent and ef
foctivo speaker.
Justice, Partly. Jacob and John
Uuiilllngor, President and Cashier ol
the exploded bunk, al Pollsvillu, b)
wbicb fraud they utulo nearly a mill
ion dollars, worosoiilonuod on Tueaduy
last to pay a flue of $500 each, and
serve two years at hard labor in th?
Hiuiteiitiary, and refund to Thomas
Kerns, thu prosecutor, thu auiq ol
12-1,000 und bis costs In theoaae. Bank
President and Cashiers, when they
rob their croditora, should Just be
treated like horse thieves.
Still Around. W notice by nn
exchange that Colonel Thomas C.
UacDowell, formerly ol llarriaburg. ia
now tho publisher and editor of tbu
Hawaiian Oa:eite, published at Hon
olulu, Sandwich Island. The Colonel
wa a candidato for Siato Senator in
tbi district twenty. fleo year ago.
Somebody once wrotu to ibat good
knowing old farmer UoraooGrvely
inquiring II guano wa good to put on
polatoo. Ho said it might do for Ihoso
whoso tanto had bocomo vitiated, witb
tobaooo and rum, but he preferred
gravr aad bttttor.
Pllll.AIihl.piilA'l Km Snow. Then,
is still wime hope tor Philadelphia's big
abiiw. The Exhibition Company ecm
to have gained new life, ami its mana
gers feel confident thul ihey will, in a
very short time, arrange with their
creditors iu accordance with ihu plan
proposed by tbe committee of stock
holders and creditor, as reported at
ibu annual meeting ; that ia take the
stock of tho company in payment tor
tbo cluim, and ul tho largest creditors
representing one-filtb efall tbcamounts
due, a well as a number of other rep.
reseming lanje nmounta, uvo already
agreed lo tho settlement I anil not ono
who bus beou asked bus a yet refused.
One creditor in addition has presented
tbe company with $100 of Centennial
slock. By a series of cheap excursions
to Philadelphia during lha Summer
season, our cilitens have come to
regard the Permanent Exhibition wilh
a sort ol local interest, and we are sure
ihey will feci gratified to hear of this
encouraging slate of affair.
The Stamp B"nes.- Postmasters
of thu fourth class who hope to become
millionaires by the sale nf stamps may
aa Well dismiss the hind delusion. As.
slaiuiil Pimtmusier General Haxcn has
had prepared a bill providing thai tho
husts of compensation of fnurib-rluss
postmustetv shall herculter be tho face
value of the stump actuully canceled
in their offices instead of I huso sold by
ihem. Severe pvuulliu aro also im
ported by iho hill for making lalao re
turns and iruflb king in stamp.
Variety. Anexi bangesay: "Mon
treat and Chicago aro tho two cities
most conspicuous Ibr failure, Uoalon
and Philadelphia, for auuak thieve,
Ciuciunuil und Iouisvillo for whisky
thieves, Washington and Richmond
lor . I- gant Aniericuns ol African do-
sccul, New Oilcans and Charleston
lor c. linn, Sun Francisco nd Si. Louis
for Chiiramen, Haiti moro and Norfolk
for oysters.
Why do you pnl a woman, Minerva,
the Gisbless ol Wisdom, up on top of
our Capitol here at V aahington f My
ottl I why don t you put the woman
down stair In tbe legislative balls.
where she is needed. Isabella RrekT
Hooker. Becauso they don't want hor
whereako will raise the roof, but where
ho will keep It down.
Tho Radical bloods of Philadelphia,
who whistle Cameron tuno while tho
II aye troupe perform, gavo Senator
Don. a huge reception on last Friday
night, ll was a porfoel "least of reason
and flow of oul" from beginning to
We notice that Hcecbor'i "mutual
friend" F. D, Moullon, addressed the
Dairyman' Association. Anexobange
any he wa th beat dairy nan and
obeoM talker thai aver addressed th
trnos TO HLA ME,
Wu rather think that Evurt is. Ho
is a cold blooded, selfi-h schemer. 11..
is ruining we assume be ha ruined
fluye. Ho is the Mepbistopheles of
the Administration Haves ia honest,
singhi-miiidt-il, and endeavoring to be
patriotic. He is acting, according to
nis nest judgment, lor the public nood
He ha no personal aims. But Evarts
has tbu rroaideticy on tbe brain, II.
Selioves it his destiny to succeed the
omciai who now holds that high offiVo.
Ho Is using Haves and Iho natrnuairt
and influence of the Administration to
bring about what his heart is so fixedly
act upon HuVes dial not ovo it. II
sulfides in. nnd leans uion, Evarts, Ho
thinks him a great and good rami. He
could not be more mistaken. Ho is
neither great n..r good, lie is a man
ol groat preleiilions. Ho studies and
practices effects. Hu ia a noble New
riiglandiT a fine specimen ot the
down bust 1'iirilan. Full of big, high,
roeotiant, gilt-edged, rose tinted, ilv
RTliimed sentiment, he will do as mean
things as almost any other white man
living. He's the man that's ruining
Hayes. Aixl he care no more for il
lhan ho doe for tbe extinct Mayflower
or the dust of his New England ances
tors, ami these bo cares nothing for ex
cept lhe nse he can mako of tbem in i
ew tnglatitl dinner speech. He
merely use them a ho Hayes,
... L .... ,t . . . J '
io uetu uimscii along. 110 ha no
hear, he bai no conscience ho h
no true manhood. Ane York Say
The estate of Mrs. Ilarmar Denny,
tbe aged lady who died in Pittsburg a
few day ago, i valued at about 85,000,.
000. Tho property i divided equally
between hor six surviving children, and
tho widow of two deceased sons.
A Death rdComsion. John II.
Robinnn, who died recently at New
Market, New Hampshire, confessed
while dying that he murdered a man
named Jewell at Candia, in that State,
twenty year ago.
ItiUHT Tho Ctunntillee on latlian
affairs, recommend Congress to pass a
hill transfering the Indian Bureau to
the War Department. That ia the on-
ly way to get th common thieve out
of that bureau.
Col. Jus. F. Milliken, late District
Attorney nf Blair county, ha boon
heard from in Egypt, where ho claims
to have good prospects for a position
under the Khedive, or some other dive.
M r, L. Prado, son ol I he President of
tho Republic of Pern, accompaniod by
Mr. M. Toledo, Commissioner of tho
Government of Iloiidnra, paid a visit
last week tu the Clearfield coal region.
John Morrissc)-' health continue
to improve. Obituaries of the'1 Dying
Gladiator," preiarud by enterprising
nowpa.or editors, may aa well bo re
turned to Ihe pigenn hole.
John O.N icolay and John Hay, who
wore Mr. Lincoln' private Secretaries,
are still busily engaged on thoir joint
IMeoj Lincoln, wbicb they began short
ly after bi assassination,
Cerro Gordo Williams, the new Sen
ator from Kentucky, ia neither a Clay
nor a Crittenden, but is six teet four
inebca in height and talk four langua
ge. Let u be joy fill I
Mis Hannah de KothacbJld, the
young lady whom Karl Koaebery is
going to marry, bat a lortun uf 116,
000,00a Sho wa born rich instead of
Sir If they in a sllrar dnller worth SO cents
it is to be be c I they or.1l bare tba fra.e nt ta
pa "In Oml ere Trn.t" na ll i f..r r joe will lack,
al Druleronstav ate, ISia and latb. via will eec
He will net be (Uuerrd bj tbe saperacriotiea.
A t'niMTar Pabsov.
"Tnnn .halt set have ia thr bu dire re weiebte.
a areat en a email :
"Bat then sh.l- bare a perfect ana Inst weight,
a perfect en-l jo a mare shell th .a here : tbet
th; dev. in .y be lenathencl ia Ibe l.nd wbicb 'he
Lore lb; tiod girstb thee."
-A. . Triimtt.
As true ns Bible lore; and bow doe
Iho Tribme get over tho "In God we
Trust" on tho dirly nickel, twonty of
l hent valued by the Government atone
dMir, when their intrinsic valuo is not
fifty coiiW, the entire twenty f Will
the "Country Parson" tell ti bow he
Republican as bu is gets over that ?
True Veterax Hon. Asa Packer
and Wife celebrated their ifolden wed
ding at Mailt b Chunk nn Wednesday.
Over one thousand invitations worn is
sued. Among I hose present were R.
Mr. Marks, the clergy m an who mar
ried Mr.and Mr. Packer fillyyearHaaio,,
tiiur or five person who were piment.
at ihe wedding, and David Thoiaas andt
wife, of Catasaqua, who recently cele
brated the sixty first anniversary o
their marriage.
To Stop. The Slate Senate bas pat,
ed a resolution, prohibiting Ibe intro
duction of now bills into that Chamber
after the 1st day of March.
'RluoJoanV tiovernor William is
said to play a roostng game of eucbre.
ffftr dcrrtlsffflfntg.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
rerwrnrrllle, e. Ian. t.
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.
Curwenrrllie. Jen. . 7a tf
Carwenartlle, IV, Jan I, 71 u.
Prices of Shingles,.
Co'w.a.ville, Jas , 71 If.
ADMlKIMTRATtlR'K ftt.Vir K.-NcticB
le heretic ft-iven thai ietteraef 44nr.te&.
tin na Ihe estate cf DsVIR rktllSR. lata nf
Oraham lewn.hip, CararSeki ecnalr, Penn'a,
are d, haTlnc ne-rn e)ulr weated le the iit.
sicned. all perrwa in.lcklcd to sal e.latc. will
pleaw meke is.wir.IUle BTeot, and Ih'.ee hac
in( clelnu or itrraaaite will preeeat them umperlv
nnikeBttaeled tor aetllcoscl withent Hel.r.
UrahataloB, JB. , l?.t. Adtu'r.
is herehr aires Ihet Letters nt Ailmlnisirk.
tine on tbe eetata af K.i rlllfK. A AIlLK.elN,
lale of Pike I.. wo. hip. Clr.r0. Id ouru.1..
Pa., dcceBMd. hartnc BeeB rfale .k.iU , k.
Bndereiitoed. all pcreoBc indehte lo sai eeiaio
will please aaae immediate p.rnaeet. end Ihoes
haeiac alaima or draiaed. will present tneaa
pninerlr aatbaBliealed far tolil.B.hi Biik.,
I'iar. H B. THOMI'SON.
Oarwcna Ilk). Pa., lea. , ISTf-C Ad r.
Nelieo Is berol.e lieca that Lellece ml I A.
mial.tratler, .a Ihe estate of MHIAll AnH.
"''", lata er Brade Iwp , ChwseM Oe ,
PeBB'a. wee'd. hariaa BeeB dole eraatoa lo
lha aad.-reilrno4, all eoreowe iMohted to aai4
eeuta please saaha iaaroedieta Be.oreBt, Bad
OWa harms; elainta er cVaieade will preeenl
iBeea prufierir oatbeelfeelod f.,r Mttlement with.
cotdeUe. K. Aflll KNPIhLTXR-
Utaorsharf. P , Job. la, 7 ie
le herehr aires lhat Utters cf AcWiole.
trotion ea Ihe estate of PKLIX PICARD, hue of '
l'oe.a(toa lowaehlp. Clear, Id deal?, Pe .iaeo c
hoeini hroa del; f restrd u lha aBUenlaocl, ail i'
periwns iadehied lu aa.d esuio will pieoeo Make .
tnejodiete perssrat, an ihoea hartoat alateis or
daaeande against lha oaoaa will prevent tnem ,
prcperlj nathentlcalad le SMtlresenl wltkowl.
'bj. r r. oiiiKiar.
Frsachrilln, rV.Jea In, ?s t
VnwllITHTRS noricB.
Nclicela hereby iee thai Leturr of -iinislratlec
an lha eetale of JNO. Plriaarv
Ista nf O.rin.leo tewnshlB. QlearieU aaSn.
Pa deeearod. baeioa boob dole nuus r ik.
endrralfned, all porcoas ladoklcd u soi4 eeaaco
will pleeee oiake intmodiato pe.Tmrnt, aad tbeeo
haemf claiiae ar demesii. asaia.l Ihe sscio will
present these properl) aathralioalod M eettio.
ntrnt without dehor.
f rcnekrllrs. Pa , Jan. I, IWI.t
Th last worda of a Louisiana ne
gro, aa he gracefully awung from tho,
gallowa, were these: "I bava llvod a
Republican all my life and I am irolnr;
to die 000."
Br Tlrtac of oa Brier of the Orphoas' Oeart af
Cllataa eoool;, the aabeeriBcr will uor at pahlN)
Bala as the lean lleaee la Lock Marco, ea
Friday, February 8th, 1878,
at I e'riooh p. , all lhat certain HI or a Iron ef
land, libiat.d la Ibo lowaablp af Woodward, la
aaid cuaij of Cliolos, hoanded Borlhwor hr
Iho Boblm road laodlai frosa tnekport eod Per.
raad.eilla, eostward br lot of Ueraoa 0. Haawa,.
ecBihward hj the West Brea -hef the a ejoebeo.
so, aad wedwerd hr Wearer's let, eeaaala.
laf three acoe, ssaracf leas. Tito IrapreceeaooU.
cunelsliBf or a br(o Iramo h..b,l, Ibros aad eoe
keif high, auataiBiag fetl;-eee hod rooeae
oa lha ihroa oppor I . r., aad hos.rooa, porWr,.
tiie( rcei, dl .int rooa. aal hitekee oa Ibo
ret tear, and boeem.el seller alee, a wa-b-b.ia.e,
stable sod ether eollatldia(., keewa aa
Iks llanna Hotel, opposite Uck Me.eo, Ule lac
aalercat K. II. Uaooa, dee'd.
- Taaaa. Oaa-ihird aa oao travel loo of saw, aastl
lb heJaaoe is lota eooal oaooel isMbaUoaoaie.
witb rBtereet, u he Severed oat aha preset ma.
laactstsla of R. H. Raaaa, doe'.
Job. M, 111 It.