I'! i : ?! t ortj. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second end Market Street,, CI.KAHI'llil.ll. PA. mniili aadu.amodloaa Hotal hat, darlai X Iba pact ;ear. be.a aularged la double tte former aopaelt; for the aBlertatameBt of etraa gor, aad guoalf. The whole building bu boot rofaraiabod, oo tb proprietor will I port ao pala, l reado, kll guaat, aomfortabla while ana rrom tho upooo too omoi u . u.p.ai teach train. W.U. UABUU.l, Jolj IMT-tf Proprtolot LLKGHENT HOTEL. Market Mrsst. Clearfield, He. Wm. 0. Bradley, fnrmorl; proprietor of Iho Laouard Ilonee, baring leaiod Ibo Alleghen; llotol. aollelta a Charcot public patronage, The Houm boo boeo thorough!, repaired ond Bewl; furfli.had. and imtl will find II a pleaaont Mop- pint P'aoe. Th. lanl, will bo euppliad with Ibo boot of v.r;thlng la Ibo market. At tbo bar will bo fuund Iba beat wine, and llquore. Uood tabllni attaobod. II'M. H. BIIAULEY, Ma; IT, '!. 1'roprlolor. SHAW HOUSE, (Oor. of Market Front elreete,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tbo aodorilgned baring taken charge of tbia llotol, would re.p.ctfBll;aollcll nubile patrooege. jaal 7B w.a.iui.LBiiiwB. 1TTA8HINGT0X HOUSE, TT NRV7 WA8IIINUT0N, PA. This Dow and well furnlabed boafo baa been taken by the underilgnori. He feoli oonfldont ot being able to render eatieraetloa to thoao who may raror aim with a oall. Ma; t, 1871. (1. W. DAVIS, Prop'r, LOTD HOUSE, Main Street, FHILIl'SUURO. PKNN'A. Tahlo alwayi cupelled with tbo beet tbo market anorilo. The traveling public la inmeii to call. Jaa.l.'7(. ROBERT LOYD. Santa. r. R. ARMOL0. . W. AR10LD. j. a. anitoLP F. K. ARNOLD & CO.. Ranker and Krokers, ReynolderUle, Jed'cnou Co P Honey motived on depoalt. Diacoont at mo derate rate. KuMri and For Inn Kiobangtal. will on band and eollMtion promptly mad. RaynoldavlII, Dee. 10, 1BT.-Iy County National Bank, Of CLKARFIKLD. PA. KOOM In Masonle Building, on door north ot 0. D. Witioo't Drug Store. Paaeag Tickate to Mod Irom Liverpool. Queen, town, 0 In row, London, Parie and Copenhagen. A Im, Drafta Tor sale on tbo Royal Dank of Ireland and imperial Dunk of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prea't. W. M. SHAW, Cashier. Jnl,'7T DREXEL & CO., No. St Itouth Third fltrcet, Philadelphia B.l.rHEHS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatioa br mail will roeelro prompt atlea tlon, and all Information cheerfully furni.bed Urdera aolieUid. April ll lU gtutistri). DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (OBfO In Bank Building,) ' aCurwenaTllle, Clearfield Co., Pa. mob if. J. M. STEWART, ' SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Oflico In reildonoo, Second afreet.) Clearfield, Pa., M.t . 1877 1;. pisctlbufous. CHEAP GROCERIES! LUMBKR CITT, PA. The andenlgnod annonnoee to hie old frlenda and patrona that he hai opened a good Una ot GR0CKHIK9A PR0VIHI0N8 at the old Hand of Kirk A Spooeor, for which he aoliciu a liberal petronace. ft. W. SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa., Hank 10-tl MEAT MARKET. F. M, CARDON & BRO,, On Market 8L, one door weot of Manilon Hoeie, CLKARFIKLD, PA. Oar arrangement i art rf tbe mort eompM fbaraotor tor furnitblng the pubhe with Freib Meat of all kind, and of the very beet naality. Wo alio deal la all kindi of A frriealtural Imple ment.1, which we keep on eibibliion for tbo boa lit of thepablie. Call aroond wbea la Iowa, aad take a look at tbingn, or addreii ae V. U. CAKDUN A BRO. Clearfield, Pa., Jatj 14, 187ft.tf. FRESH MEATNEW SHOP. Tho andenlgnod bcreb; toforma the public la general that tbo; keen on band, recu arlr. at their abop, adjoining JOHN Ol'LICU'e' furniture rooma, oppoaita too coon Jlonee, tbo BEST MUSH BEEF, VEAL, MVTT0S LAMB, PUHk, ETC., AT REDUCED TRICES, FOR CASH. Market aaornlnga Toeaday, Tfaoriday, and Satnrdaya. Meal delivered at reaidenw when deiired. A there of patronafa te reipMtfally loHrlted. March 1, 1878-Iy. BTAGB a NOHKIS. T N liOD H B TR i;NT.-AU othen nai X Py fff their work before it leave thi hop. And aa all aVab la aa the grate of the field, and tb promlaaa of wjea are like the lower. thereof they are given one day and forgotten mo neat tneteiore it te neat mot u truat an voodv All kiadt of work will be dona la tbla abop for ean or reaay pay noota ana anoei or an ataea aad atylea the beat and eheencat In town. I have removed uy ahop to the lower and of towb, m layior e row, on rteea aireot, near tne depot, where I will be found at all tinea, waiting tor oattomera. All work warranted good aad oneap. Alao, all klftdi of Leather and Shot Findlnga for aale. Tbe eltiiena of Clearlleld and vicinity art napoouviiy tor ilea to five me a ean. JOS. U. DKKHINO, Cloarlleld, Pa.. July 11, IH77. REED & HAGERTY, Soooataora to -J. G. SCHRYVER, DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, WOOD m& OTXaLOW-WASB. COOKING STOVES, HEATIN0 STOVES and EANOES Art-tif St., VUartltH, Fa. Tbo andenlgnod would annonneo to tbo ottieeoa Bf Cloarftoli aad vieialt;, tbat the; have par cbaaed the Hardware store of J. O. Bebre.or.aad wiM oonalaatl; beep .a bead a full aaaortnent.f Hardware ta au lu araBcaao, cacb a TABLE & POCKET CITLERY, Btoaa, Tlend Sawa. Great AaMrtoaa Oroea at Kawa, O. B. aael Peeling Aim, llakbeta, Plaaea and Plana Iron, all kinda f Niila, Hone Hboeaaad Hono Nbo Nalla, Pick., Hota, Rakea.Uay Fork a, Bbovela and HpnJoe, Bnythee.eaathea,Plowa, tiraia Cradiee, Caltlvatora, Doable and Single Hbovel Ph. wo, Caltivatov TeU, Bevali and Try Kajaaraa, Hboral Blade, Mill Raw and Tapor Pllea, Cbiaela, Bltta, Aagera, AdiuH, Ban Door Haagon, BM, T and Strap Hi ogee, Bonny'a Moltew Aagara, til kiaaef lka.Hwl tMtl ptUleya, CLASS and PUTTY, Foot aad Cbala BolU, Caarlago, Tiro aad Barrel Bolu, B4 Cord, Sad Iroaa, Uoroo Braahei Bad Cartt.Oooaao, Oriad-atoao fittavua, Uaaa, Hemp aad Boap.etoM Paotlag, Cable Cbala., ate. Tbo; will alec hoop oa bead B fall aaeortaiMt af Ttawara,aad a geaoral otook W Hoaao PorBteb. lag ooda, wkiok tkoj will tell at fetooa to Mil tbetleui. Poreoa, wlaklBg aa;thlBg ta tkolr Naa are la elted U aall aad Blaaiiao tbotr atoob boron sarekaalng. HKED A BAUBRTi'. CloarlJd, Ma; M, lltl-I;. (Our (5wn dvrrtUrmtnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publlabed .er W .decade; bo GOODLANDER & LEE, Hat th I artot ClrcUuo ol w In Northweatfin PtantjlrauU. Tbe large and oouatantly incroasing eiroultttlon of the Ra-p'JHLiCA.f, renderfi it valuable tobualneas men o medium thro' which to reaob the public Tl'RNB OF SUIWCRIPTION I If paid In advance, . . . 2 00 If paid after three monlhi, . 2 SO If paid alter tix month, . . 8 00 When papere, are aent outside of the county payment raunt be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or lf, 8 times, . 1160 Each eubsequont Insertion, 50 Administrator' Noticos, . . 2 50 Exocutora' Notices, .... 2 50 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 50 Cautions and Kstrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notice, . . . 2 60 Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares 20 01 One fourth column, , . . . 60 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 III, INKS. We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. 8UMMONS, SUBFCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, 4c, ic. JOB PRIMING. We ar prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING ei cn as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HFTADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ao., IN TUB BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL TOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlandtr A Ie Clearlleld, ClearflfM Coantr, Pi. PisrrlUufoui Sdwtisfttuuti. HEALTH 8 HAPPINESS. Health and llapplneai art prloele" Wealth to their pOMtsaer. and yet thej are within the rteeh ot tferj ou who will ute M'rlghl'S Liver Tills, The only re OI'HR for Torpid Lir, Deprp ia, Hcadaobe, Kobr Htoinaob, Oonilipatlun, Debility, Nuiea, and all Billloua ompla.at and Nun fcMiaiM unle lfd Wrt-SL PtM'i, It er 'V-tJ TT. itollorl Co., T N. dth at , fbila. Dec it, 77-1;. CHEAPEST AND BEST I THE UAKRISBURO Hail; and Weekly Patriot F0E1878. To all now .ubaerlbere and to all preient rub acribera. renewing their aubacrlptloBa, TUK DAILY PATRIOT Will ha leal at the following ratea t 1 oupv, 1 ;ear, poetage pre-paid.. . T 00 . II On . J7 0(1 S oupioa (io club), 14 " 5 i. 10 " " " 1 cop; during the aeailoa of tba Lrglala tura 4t 00 S 00 . TUK WEEKLY PATRIOT Will ba aoat at Iho tallowing rata, i 1 cop;, 1 ;ear, pottage pro paid t I 00 4 coplea, "O ID . 10 00 ip ' " " and oa ' cop; to gelter-up of club. 10 00 All order, muat ba acoompBDicd b; tho each, eitbrr b; chech or pnat offloe order ,8.011 W0KTI1 FOR 13.00. Ao; peraon remliliBg nt S3.P0 will reotlre one cup; of the Wrerlv ParniuT fir one ;ear, one eup; of the Am BHiraii Aa hici'Ltubi.t (tho lead ing agrteulluual journal la tbo tolted Staler) for one ;tar, potb poatago paid, and ia addition a Mioroaeopo, eaob aa baa bi i baa beretoforo boon auM for ISO. TUB PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE. Having meouted tbe State Printing and Bind ing fur three yeara, we are preprtd to paint and bind Book a, Magaiiuea. PDhleia, lireotrira, vie., in boat atyle and at lowest prieea. BLANK UUUKS, aurh aa itockaia, ly-Booka, Ledgera, and Hotel Krgiitera a apooialty. Old Buoka re bound. Kipeoinlly low raua for re-biuding Sua dy School Librerlea. Addreaa PA1R10T PI ULISHINQ CO., Deo. lu, 1077 41 lUrmburg, Pa. 4UCCK88 lTNPRKCKDENTKD la the falftory of aimilar enterpriaef hea atteoated tbe Poblicatloa of tbt PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES THK LAROEPT, CHFAPKRT A BRIQHTKST WEEKLY IN TUK UNION. Fifly-aii olomna of tbe cboleoat ret ding, eta hrecing all that goea to nako a tlrat-elaia live weekly paper. AoTTbe Orand and lHetlaetiva featort of the WhhKLY TIMES, tbat hea proved ao popular in tho paat, will be continued throughout tho year, via : A aerlea of ebap ara of tho unwritten History or (lie I nto (hll Mar From Loailng Aotora in tho Cabinet, In tbe Field, ia tbe Fur no, North and Booth, tr-Thia feature of the PHILADELPHIA WltKhLY TIMK8 alone will Diake one of the moat Entrr'aining and tnatructive Vntamea on the UNWRITTEN RECURIlHOF THK LATE WAR tbat baa aver been given to tbo Nation. nbiletbeao eontributfoaa will be Tree from a1 eelarian tone, they wil. bo writ) Ms from the varl oua atandpointa of tbo rtapoctiva ant bora and uvrr aucir prvir iiiice TERMS PER ANNUM Post ge Freei One Copy, fz. nvo upiea, fp. juu Coplea. $16. Twenty Coplea. $2S. An EXTRA COPY will bo ant FRKR to tnv ptraoa vending $16 for a Club of Tea, or $24 fur a Club ol rweoty. TRYTHE WEEKLY TIMES By anitlog with a few frlenda, aad making np aClub of Twenty, yoa will earb get tho WEEKLY TIMES for one year, poatago paid by ua, for tbo iow price of $l.ti If at any time duriog the year yoa are dlaaattafleil with the Paper, atnd to ua ana wo win return yoar money. THE DAILY TIMES, A fira1ela.a lndr pendent Murtilng; Kewa- paper. Univoraally quoted by tho Preaa and the Peo ple aa Ibo boat New f paper over publitbed in Philadelphia. Tcrmb Poatago paid, Rli Dollare a year, or Fitly Ceate a month, iwo tata a Copy, Addreat THK TIMES, Timea Building, Nov. 7 Ira. Philadelphia, Uuqueatlonably tht beat euetalned work oi id aitie. id tne vt on a." Unrper Mnp;nxlius ILLUSTRATED. JVoli tea o (Af Pntt. . The veteran aVeyatiM, wbleh long ago outgrew its original title vt the ' Mtmlhlu Hagmtimi,h not in the leaet abated tbo popalarlty it aoa at Ibeontaet, bat baa added to it ia anany waya, and baa kept fairly abreoat of tbo timea, thanki to tbo ooterpriaeof tho publiebora and tbe taet and wia doai of Ita editora. For whatever la beit and moat readable la tbo literal ore of travel, diaoovvry and fiction, the average reader of to-day looka to Hanxr't Jlegatim Joat aa eipeetaaily aa did the roador of a oontury ago there la the amo admir ble variety of eontcnt and the aamo frevboraa and auggvativrnoaa in ita editorial depart meat a now aa thea. Htxlom Jmummt. TERM8 i PeaUg free to ell Hub acribera lu the V. n Harper 'a Magaalne, one yoar $4 tt) $4 .00 luflliidoe preperaaeot of If. 8. aoataae by the pabliihera. " T.' ' ' twoiof Harper f penodiuala to one addreaa for one year, $7.00, poatago free. Aa oitra copy ol either tbo Jogau'et, Wttkly or Hotor will bo eupplied gratia lor every Ciu of ve aubeorlbera i $4 14 (Mb, pall fur by one remittance; or, ail ooploa one jreavr, wUbni.1 ra t?opy, lor $20.00 Hack nam bore ean be luppned at any time. Tba Volumei of tba Magauimt eommeaoo with the Number a of June and iieoemberof eaoh yo.r Wbes bo time ia aiooifld, It ta anderatood tbat tbe aubacrlber wiabea to begin with the current Number. A complete Set of Hmrpir't MagatUt, now com prlaing ok Volumea, In neatolnth binding, will bo eat by ex preaa, freight at eipenee of purobaaer, lor $2.3a per Volume. Single volumea, by mail, poatpaid$.l.0. Cloth eaeea, for binding, 68oenta, lay mail, poatpald. A Complete Aaalytloal Indei to tbo firat Ifty Vol am-a of hmrptr'9 datfaoweiae baa beea publiabetl, rendering available for rotoroaee tbo vaat and varied weeJth of Information whiob oonatltutea tbia period iel a perfect literary eyolopedia. Ivo, Cloth, 3 00( Half Calf, $6,26. Bent poatago prepaid. 8ubeeript.oa received for Harper'i period ioalt only. Newvpeport are not to eopy thia advertisement without tho oxpreaa order of llaaeta A Bttu'a. Addreaa, HARPER A BROTHKKH, Not. 1, 1877 Im. New York. Bepoeltory of Fa ah Ion, Pleaaure and Itaatntcllen." llarpcr'n llsznr. ILLUSTRATED. A'otfeea 0 (Ao Prtt Tho Bnunr la tbo organ of tb fanhlonablo world, and Iho expounder of tbat world'a lawa 1 and it la rA authority ia all malt era of mannera. niueiio, eoatuma, ana aoetai nabita. Ueiton Trmttttr. Tb Bawnr oommenda itaelf to every member of in nouwaoia to tD entltnn by droll and pret ty piotarea, to the younjriad.ee by It fat h Ion Clatea la andleea variety, tu tb provident matnm y iU pattern for tho children' olotbei. to Mtir- 1iteiitu.a by lu taatelul rieeigna for ombroidered iippera ane inianoua dreaetng gown a. fiat tbe reading. matter or tbo Batar ia uniformly of great eioolleoe. The ppr hMaequlred a wide pop ularity for tb Ire-iid Boymat it afford 1, and haa beeoma nn oataMtabttd authority with th iJta 01 Amerua. v. r. Bitting Fot. TERMS 1 Pontage Ira. ta all Mukaerlbers la the 17, j. Harpra Baiar, eaa ;aar U SO S4.0S taclBdea arrDaimeat of V. S. DoaUeo b tho pabliabora. SubacrtptioBa taHAaraa'R MaaaiiRR,VaaRLT aad Hal. a. to oao addreaa fT ... .ear. Illi od or, two of Harper'a P.riodleala, to on. addroia for oao ;aar, r..v, poatag. frM. ai eitra Boot at ttBr tb. AHaatiaB.WaRR IT, or B.taa will a. anpplied gratia for .ear; Clab of Fit. babearibera at S4.00 eaok. Bald fur o; owe reeauianeo .r, sir vopiM oaa ;oar, with oat eilra a;, (or 130 00. Tba Vcl.are tt tbo Bmtmr wmmeaM with tba !OR naaaara b. eantilM at anv I m year, waea a. tlae la aaMtioaed, It will ba uaaaretood that tba aabaertber wiabu la eom- obob wiik tba Namoor seat after tba rweipt .f Tba Aeaoal Veluaea af Haaraa'a Biaaa. I. aoat olotb kiBdlbg, will bo aanl b, .lame. r,. W Mpoaaa, proeided Iba Iroigbl doea aot oieMd oao aWlar, for IT.aa Meb. A MmplM. aot, .oaa Brtetag Tew Volumea, aoat rooeipa ef MWj ai tba rat. of fi le ft T.I., freight at alpaaas at BWrabaear. Cloth Caara br not edema. aallaUe far bind- in., wig be Beat b; aaalL waataaid. aa rawlBt af ladeiM ta Meb valama leal gratl, oa nwelBt of alamp. aaearlBtiaM rone I red Her Uarpara aarlodiaal, Mewaaapara arc aai ta bbpt tbla advartlaomaat wltboal Iba aapreae order aa Haaraa A Bag's. ear.ee, UAItran a rniOTllKKa, .r. I'lm. New York. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAKKlKliL), I'A WKDNK8DAY MORNING, JAN 21 , I.QS.S H Y VKMOXKTIZA 770.V. Kx-Si'iialtir DtHilittle, nf .Wiscunsin, made a speech in Chicago tho oilier ,i."X'. T"fi'r(t mill in ti "ii ! .7J"Wofaf ling statements of the lonat'K thut munt rcniilt to the country by tho di'iii(inutr.a. tiim of silver and the uJiiiliun ol'(,'iilil ua tliu ainlu siuniliiiil nl' value. We quote ; ' ' "The great evil of the duinuiirtigu tiun of silver is not so much thut it ro ducc the vitluo of silver, as compared with gold, but thut it incrcanea the value of fruld. The great monelury giant which has performed this work through all tho centuries tbo mone tary work of all civilised countries is a being double-handed. One hiuul is gold, the othurtllver. Jf you destroy ono hand, the other must do double work. Thei o munt he a double deniund for that hand to work. Theretoru, ol necessity, if you demonetize silver, gold must perlorm all the work of gold and silver bull. You know that there is estimated now to bo about 2,G00,0U0, 0U0 of coin gold and silver in what wo call the civilised world- Europe and A uieriea. And there is just about as much silver us there is gold coin. Now, strike out of existence lor that is tho scheme on loot, both In Kurope and in this country strike out of ex istence silver us money, and then gold must perform all tho work of being the basis of money. And what is the cITcct f You increase tliu demand lor gold. You increase ila" relative value. And how much do you increase it f That is a great question. I have read much upon this subject, and among the greatest writers on this subject is Mr. Leon Kaiit'hur, who says thut it ull the nations of Europe, meaning America, also, should lullow the exumplo of Kng laud iu the adoption of a single standard, the price ol gold would go up beyond measure. Mr. Rullet, Uov ernor of tho bank ol Krunce, snys sub stantially tho snme, and ho does Mr. Walewski. Prof. Laboulluye says that if you strike out ol existunce silver aa money, gold will be appreciated ono hull perhaps, at least one-third, to the injury ot tho debtors ; to tho ruin ol the debtor nations us well as individuals. Now, then, what is the efl'uct ? Let mo answer this question, and that is all I wish to say to .night. What is the effect of striking silver out of exist ence in tho civilised world 1 The Com mittee of the Chamber oi Commerce of New York stsuiucs thut there are 112,000,000,000 of indebtedness payable in coin, Including tho national debt, Stato debts, city debts, corporate debts, railroad debts, mortgages, and individ ual debts, payable, in coin. Now, il you mukc gold one-third more valuable, increase its purchasing power 83 per cent., what is the effect on that indebt edness ? Il just udds one-third to it ; it adds to the burden of debt on tbo American people H.000,000,000! Thut is whut il does. " Why, hero in this great city of Chicago, in the fire of October, ln71, 1250,000,000 of property waadestroyed. My fellow-citisens, you may destroy ten, cities liko Chicago, and tbo de struction of property will not be equul to tbe loss to the American people by tbo demonetization of silver. Ap plause " 1 say to the bondholders ol the city ol Now York, to Wall street, to the President of the United Stutcs, to bis Secretary ol Slate, and even to Uenry Ward lleecher Loud laughter, who has taken a position on this subject in behalf ol the single gold standard, that if an Invading army should enter tho United Slates and burn the city ol New York, ayo, every city and every dwell ing in that great Empire Slate, tho loss to the American people would not be equal to w hat will surely come il this destruction of silver money is to become permuncnt in tbe United States. I Applause. 1 It has not entered into the hearts or minds ol our people to conceive tho appalling consequences in store for us Irom this species of legis l.i ten." . state noAin OF aGIUVUL TVJIK Tho annual meeting of tho Pennsyl vania Board of Agriculture will be held in llarrisburg, Wednesday, Janu ary 2:1 1, commencing ut 2 o'clock p. in Tho following is the programme ot business (or the meeting: Meeting for business. Report of the Secretary of the board. ESSAYS. UrtKKOlNO Stock. Rest methods of inducing farmers to breed belter stock by Prof John Hamilton, Slate College Comparative profit of different kinds of stock, by J. C. Morris, of Susque banna. Tho comparulivo cost and profit of well and ill bred stock, by Mr. W. G. Mooro, ol llerka. Conditions and causes which liifluenco the char- actor, color and sex of the offspring of our domeslio animals, by Secretary SitRr.p Husbandry. Breeds best adapted to Pennsylvania soil and cli mato, by Hon. John L. George, ot Washington. Best breod for profit, by Easthurn Heeder, of ilucks. Effect of present dog laws, with suggestions for their improvement, by J. P. Dumoa, of Lehigh. Fbcit Growino m I'arhkrs. Ho w mado a sourco of profit, by liov. J as. Caldcr, Pennsylvania Stato College Varieties best adapted to Pennsylva nia, by II. M. Englo, of Lancaster. How bost secured and prcscrvod, by Prof. It. Wilson, of Juniata. When, whero and how to market, by 1), II Forosman, of Lycoming. Uarntard Manurb. Ucst and most oconomio methods of manufacture, by Col. James Young, of Dauphin. Time ant mode of application, by E. G. Fall enstock, of Adams. Effect upon tbo various cultivated crops, by A. Robin son, of Mercer. At 7 p. m., Wedncsdsv. Januarv 23d. Prol. J. P. LesleV. Stale Geologist and Geologist of tho iloard of Agricul ture, will address tho Legislature and Hoard of Agriculture, bulnect: Hoi Is. as regarded Irom the aide of Geology. Jacob and Ksau Ovsr "It ia the hand of Chandler, but its lllaine's work," remarks the Jalemnhis (Tunn.1 Avalanche. Senator Patterson's bcaltb and tbo Kepablican majority in the Senate are precsrious. OOlillLKR TWO," HTRVT. WUV ULA1NM ND CoNKI.INU VtHN'T HPKAK FOR SLIVIN VIAHS. Mr. Cnnkling desired to add that no commission, paper or authority what ever was issued to him, except the letter of retainer which bud been read. Il the member from Maine had the least idea how profoundly Indifferent to him iiis vjri.ii'o Mason iiiiryVjKi'i,V.'trt he thought he would hardly lake the trouble to express it. llv apologised to the lluuau lor tho length oi lime be bad occupied In consequence of being drawn Into the matter by au interriii lion winch be had before iaM,iAt uA be unguiitlemenly and iuiperiinent,aiid having nothing whatever to do with the mutter. Mr. llluine said ho knew thut ibis was what they called down East " rim ing emptyings." Thegeutluman from Now York could not get off on the technical pretetmo that ho did not bold a commission asJudgeAdvocate. Many an officer bad led a brigade, a division or a corps with no more of a commis sion than such a one as the gentleman from New York held. As to the gen tleman's cruel sarci sm. Mr. Blaine continued : I hope bo will Met mo escape bis disdain. His lordly pom posity, his grandiloquent swell, his mujcHiicovertoweriiig, his tin key-gobbler strutting have been so crushing to myself, and to all members of the House, that 1 know it was an aot of tho grossest temerity on my part to ven ture on provoking them. But I know who was responsible for il all. I know thut lor the lust tlvo weeks an extra strut bus seized the gentleman. It is not bis fault, it is the fault of another. That giltcd and satirical man, Theo dore Tilton, of the New York Indc jxndent, was over here spending some weeks and writing home letters, in which, among some serious things, be put some jocose things, among tho crudest of which w as that the muntle ol the great Winter Davis hud fallen upon the member from New York. He (Conkling) took it as. serious and ban since strutted more than usual. Well, the resemblance is great. As sinking us Hyperion to a Satyr, Thersiles to Hercules, mud to marble, a dung hill to a diamond, a singed cat to a Bengal tiger, a whining puppy to a roaring lion. Shade of the mighty Davis, for give the almost proluiiation of tbat jocose satire. from a Debute in the Ilnve in 18fifi. FF.MA uTsFffKaGISTS. A gang of females, who are seeking the right to vote, invaded tho United Stutcs Senate last Thursday a week for the purpose of rehearsing their woes. The following is a synopsis of the pro ceedings : Mr. Sargent (Cal.) desired that tbe doors be opened to-morrow to the ad vocates ol the Sixteenth Amondment, and -Mr. Thuriuan opposed tbo move ment. Mr. Uoar(Muss.) lavored the ad in is sion of the ladies to plead their cause. They woro now represented in Con gress, and this proposition lor the Gov ernment to allow a portion of its citi zens, noted for their morality and purity, to vote, was entitled to great consideration. Mr. Thurman denied tbat these wo men represented one-twentieth or ono hundredth part of tho women of tb. United Slates. Undoubtedly they wore very worthy women, but one of them said in the convention at Lincoln Hall they intend to carry the Senate" By God." Muybo they would, but it would be long alter somoof theold fogies were out ol the Chamber. Laughter II o d id not wish to be understood as wanting in respect for these ladies, but he wss freo to confess that tho women who sat at her fireside and took care of bor children wrs rather moro respectable, in his mind, than tbe woman who threatened to carry the Senate " By God," 1 1 was for the States to declare who should rote in tho Slatca. Let them begin with Massachusetts. Tbo resolution was thou tuk"u up and Mr. Sargent moved that the Sen ute should bold a session on Saturday, January 12th, to hear tho advocates of the Sixteenth Amendment, and Ibal ikT ahnnld be ullnwcd two hours to present their views. Tho resolution was rejected yeas, 13 ; nays, 31 ; as follows : Yaaa Me.ara. Aatbon;, Biaee.Rurnelde. Com eron(Wli ),IUw.i. Ferr;, Hoar, Mel'b.w., Milch. ell, Mollina, Sargent, Baundera and Teller IS. NaT Meeera. Baila;, Ra;ard. Heck. B.sith, Bullor, rbriitiane;, Cochrelt, Coke, Coakling, liavia W. V.), Kaloa, Kduunde, Kualia, ttrovor, llanlla, Hern., Herelord, Hill, I'owo, K.rnaa, kirawood Lamar, McOoaald, Moaltllea, MoPbor a a, Mor,an, l'lumb,Kandolpb, Saal.bjr;, Taur man .Bd Sadleigb SI. To grant tho right ol suffrage is wholly within the power of the States, and yet these women are boring Con gress lor tbat which it cannot grant Is It Ignorance, or is it bucausu they want to take a look al grave Senators. Tub Uiot still sots on. Tb. Pitts burg July riot is still carried on in th. newspapers. Th. New York Sun strikos out Irom the shoulder in this way : The official report of ArtjL Gen. Latta of Pennsylvania, recently pub lished, shows that Gov. IlartranlX hns on bis personal military stuff 1 Major- General, 8 Brigudicr-Gonorula, and )S Colonels. If this roster ol rooster, is a sample ol what also prevails among division and brigade commanders, we can no longer accuse f exaggeration ih. satirical remark of the Pittsburg Grand Jury that, after th. riots woro entirely over, the Commander-in-Chief of tbo Army and Navy of Pennsyrania cam. riding into town, "backed by the combined military genius and civic lus tre ol seven Mujor Genernls, a bost of brigadiers, waited on by staffs that would fur mors iban bav. sufficed for an army corjw, and tar exceeding in numbers the array ibat followed Sber. man in bi. march to lb. sea." Tb. Grand Jury railed this gorgeous dis play "harmless heroism," exhibited lung after lb. danger Was ended ; but Geo. .Latta gravely reports to Hart ranft i "Your presence In Pittsburg el fected a decided change in public sen. timent, restored confidence, and satis. fled tb. people tbat tho Btroiiif arm of th. law would at one ba exerted." Another Bio Man." Reform with. in tb. Party I " was th. rallvinar rrv of th. Republicans last )'.ar ; but Sena tor uonKiing, tb. most prominent man in the party, supKrtod by nearly all lb. Republican Senators, nays ho don't want and won't bav. reform io tbat political neat th. New York Custom House. And Conkllos baa rroven himself a " bigger " man (ban Hayes "TV H KEY .nwiciu onxrox OF VII CM-MKttH" In tho trial of asuit before tho lowu' Supremo Court, brought by acommur ciul traveler against a railway fur be ing ejected from a train, Judge Hub bard of Cedur Rapids, took occasion to denounce "drummers" in thelollowiug liiahiou: "It may be stated now, as a matter of history that the Court will ttd judicial r Mictf of, thai this class 1 hey monopolize e-tl the beat roo.na m ull the bust hotels; they insult or seduce all the chambermaids between Maine and the Gulf of Mexico and between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans ''1V .i'k In. he caleiidur year; they rush Into th. ludies' cur on every railroad In tho United Slutea and Canada every day, and crowd into the sent of every respectable lady travol ing alone, and insult her in fivo minutes afterward ; they travel with harlots, and make assignation houses on every Saturday night ol cvory hotel in America; they huvo flirtations, in trigues and elopements with innocent, unsuspecting and respectable young girls in every city unci village on the continent; they pursuo virtue and goodness as sharks pursuo a ship Willi the yellow fever and still the learned oouns. l thinks th. conductors ought to be amiable enough to lovo them. Tbero may be men in other callings who lor a single vice cun challenge a compari son with commercial tomisu, hut I have never seen them. But for a com- binatiun in harmonious blending, in dishonesty, impudence, cowardice, pol troonery, lecbory and leprous rascality of all varieties, tbey stand without a peer." Chicago Inter -Ocmn, LktTuisbi His Political Bi hial. Kellogg hns again pulled through a light place by contriving to piu.ieiit himself before his party in tho attitude of a"diro necessity." in Nebraska Territory, where he was Chief Justice, ho was known as simple "necessity," because he know no luw, but his np pointmont was undoubtedly attributa ble to the dire necessity of taking cart- ot cortain of tho Illinois politicians. For sixteen years he has held offlc ts a dire necessity or a dire calamity, and now, unless unseated when the Demo crats obtain a majority of Iho Senate in 1879, will hold on six years longer. He was appointed Collector on the day before President Lincoln was as sassinated. Then be was elected United States Senator as a "choice of evils,' showing how short-sighted men some- limes are in choosing between evils. Then be was put in as Governor by llie direst political expedient ever known, viz.: Dum U s order. Lastly, he knocks at the door of the Senate al the most critical period in the bisUory of the Republican party and is admitted out of sheer desperation and through tear of an immediate loss ol supremacy, the Republicans preferring to lake the chances of an out-aud out Democratic member. Xet Orltant Timet. Br the James, Too. When Lincoln and Stanton removed McClellun and sent for Grant, and after informing him that they wanted bun to capture Rich mond, bo told them tbat Ibo proper route was the ono McClellan bad taken. To this these domeslio military giants objected, and informed him that bo must go there viTi. of tbo Wilderness, if it took him "all Summer" to get there. Grant replied that be did not care much which rout, bo took, if tbey would furnish lb. men and moans. This they offered to do. Ho replied 1 must have one hundred thouttini more men, if 1 take the Wildernoss rout, than that of th. Peninsula and James river route. The cowardice ot Lincoln and Stanton cost an extra 100,000 men; because tbey feared that if tb. army was not kept squarely between Richmond and Wash ington, that some Confederate regiment might invade the Capital and carry ihem off. Tbey were twool the dear est men that ever trod American soil. Their taking off was in keeping with surrounding circumstances. The one removed by an assassin, and the other by suicide. DkGolyer Garfield. An exchange remarks ; The investigation into the Washington real estate pool brought an ugly piece ot business to light ro fisaily Bonovrrting Mr. Garfield. Dur ing Boss Shepherd's regime, DcGolycr and McLellan, a Chicago firm of wood- pavement contractors, obtained a fut contract through the agency ol a lob byist named Chittenden, who, In course ol time, brought suit lor 1100,000 lor his services. Ilea i .out, in tho course of tbe testimony in the case, thut Our field had received 15,000 lor bis influ ence as Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations. Tbo sum was paid over by Parsons, an Ohio Representa tive and a well known lobbyist. It is stated that Chitteaden, who was exam ined in secret session, testified thai in addition to that sum ho himself paid Garfield another 15,000. Garfield was a member ol the Electoral Commission. Uirotob Wbono Man. The Gal veston (Texas) Acitj, of Dec. lllh relate, tb. following : Professor 11. W. Burgess yesterday gave a reporter the following startling disclosure as one ot tho adventures of bis cventlul lifo : During the time General 0. F. Butler was in possession of New Orleans, a gnat feeling of ex cilemeut was caused by the banging of,. Mum ford for pulline down the United State, flag from a staff on tho New Oi loans Mint. Prof. Burgess says that he waa th. person who pulled the flag from the staff and passed it to Capt. Oliver Canton, ol th. lower Mis sissippi packet "Isabel." Mum ford was on tho roof at the time with a crowd of men aud boys, and, it is bo- lieved, received tbe flag from Canton. CUANDLEk OvikBoahd. Tho Radi cals in their Stato Convention In Now Hampshire, week before last, discarded Wm. E. Chandler and, in their resolu tions, denounco bim as a " political tramp," and call upon th. loyal brethren to support Hayes. Next to Bahoock this creature Chandler was th.greatest freebooter and publio plunderer tbat ever crooned legs under tbo White House table. He has earned the peni tentiary In various ways, but basal ways managed to escape. II. now holds no position except tbat of Secretary to the lladical Commute.. Hayes can't b. under tb. complete control of Wall Struct II ba were, bo wouldn't dare celebrate bis silver wed- ding. tisfdlaixouj. $777-: sot aaall; earned ia ihaa. timea, bet aaa be uiade la IhrM nonih. ; an; ou. of eilher aaa, in an; pari nf th. unir; who la willintf lu wurh .t..dil; a th. ruilo, inent that we fural.li. Slid per wewb in ;ur ua. IB. yiu uev'1 ii.it be aw; fr.,ui buMieoter olglit. Vu oimi aire ;uur whole ihuo lu the amli,r only ;ur..re la.i'nrate. lt,.,.l imililitg to Ir; Ih. bu.nea IVm. .ad Ij Oulhl free 4d Ir... at una.. U. II.LkarT S Oo.. April l. lall IO Purlleud, M.lue. At NEW DEPARTURE a. v --air-aTur-a. spas, LI' Tilt USB II KG. Ilcrearter, good, will be aold for CASH onl;, or in ei.-hauKO fur produoe. No buoka will bo k.pt la the future. All old aocouala muat b. ei-tlled. Tho.. who cannot ca.h up, will pleeae head orar their aolee and CLOSE THE EEOORD. I am determined to aell my good a at eaah prioea, and at a diaoonnt fur below tbat ever offered io tbia vielnity. The d.aoou! I allow my em to men, will make them rich in twruly yeara It tbey follow my adiio and buy their good from me, I will pay oarb for wheat, oata ami elnrer etd. DANIEL UDOlilsAMlKil. Luther-burg, J.uiuary 17, 177, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Haa opmod, In a building on Market atrcet, oa the old Uee'ern lintel lot, nppoeite tbo Ouri Hoaao In t'karneld.a Tin and Mieot Iron Mann tat-to ry and more, where will he found at all tii a full line of house FTOirisiiiiTa goods, Stoves, Hardware, Etc. Ilouee Hpouting and alt klada of ib work, r4j a tr ie jr, Ae., dona on ebrt nutio anl at reafouable ratea. Alio, agttfil for the Singer Sewing Machine. A eunpl, of H.oblnca, with Needier, al w.;a oa naoa Term., etrictl; eaah or eoan'r; produce, aharo ol patronage aoliclled. O. B MKKHELL, 8un.rintead.nt, Clearlleld. April IS, IS7T-I f. REMOVAL! JOHN McCAUGHEY Would roapcutfully notify the public generally tbat ho haa removed fata Orooery Store from haw'a Huw, to tb building formerly oecupioJ oy J. Mil Krataer, on beeoad at reel, neat door to tliglar'a h.rdfre atore, where bo intend keeping full line f U II O K It I E S. HAMS, DKIBD UKP.K and LARD. lUOAKS aad Si BUI'S, of all grades. TKA8, Omen and Black. COFFKB, Boaated aad Oreea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cv.w: rut its, AU kinda la tbe market. PICKLR3, ia Jara and barrela. SPICK9, In orar; form and varlot;. FAMILY FLOUR, AM, KIN I)) OK I'll ACKERS), SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED FKACniS, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil tvni L&ap CUmaoys. And a good aeeortmeat of tboao thiaia aaaalrr kept la a grocer; etora, which ba will exehaag. lor marketing at in. mark.1 pnoea. Will aall for each aa che.pl; aa aa; ether aaa. Pleaae call and ace hi, rtock aad Judge for ;ourNii. jonit HcOAConir. ClearSrld, Jul. . 18TS. THE TIN SHOP! RIMIXG SHOWS StUUNE? FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. 3, PIE'S OPBRA IIOIVR, CI car Or Id, Fa. Reepeotfully Inform bla onatoraira, and the pub- It ' ta general, that be oontinna to manufacture all kinda or Tln.CopiM-r&ShpcMron Mnre, of ft rt ) material only, and In workman liko man oor. ROOFING and SPOUTING done on abort notW and very reaaonabl term a COOK STOVES. IIRATING fTOVKfl AND FIRNACKS alway aspi in ell, aaa lor a tie iuw, Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specially. flae Plituroa alway on hand. All work guaraa toed to giv eatiaf notion. A ebar of public patronag cordially Poti cited. PRED.flACKBTT, Clearlleld, Pa., Mav fl, 1H77. Save Youit Cash G. C. & T. W. MOORE, (8uotTMori to J. 8. Shower,) MllalRI 111 BOOTS 4ND SHOES, ii ATS AND V P S, FURNISHING GOODS, ROOM No, 1, riB'9 BUILDING. They ara now reoolvlng thoio tot of the tat eat atyUi of Ladle and tieata Dreaa Phoc and Boot, together with a large lot of PLOW SHOKS, 4o,4c, eaiubw for Walkman as tba farm aad la lb. woode. The; la.lt. ,pecal attoatloa ta Ibolr Hook of Gents' Furnishing Goods, All of wbirk will bo Kid tt rate, aa farorabla aa Iho; eaa a. bought alicwbef la tbo BoBnt;. A .hare af Ih. patronage af Iba public U ra epaetfull; Bella! ted. ft Ell. C MOOHK. Tost. rr. Moo BR. Cleerleld, Fa., Jar, II, ItTT-lm. iUlsffltanrous. rpERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, tovo Lining mid Fire Brick, kept cou.tanll; on band. STOU; AMI EAKTIItV-WAKr, OK KVBRY DKSCRIPTION I l'M,'vocKa' pom .cjtoji lis,: yiudi.'a Palaiit An-iiuiT fruit (anal ni'TTKR L'HOCKS, wllb lid., CREAM I'KUVKH, MILK CHOCK.-., APPLK . ntJTTRH CHOCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DlrillK-. STEW POTS, Aod a great man; other ihing. lit'; uuiv.rtJu'rT moutloB, Io be bad al FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S -STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner ol Cherry and Third (Street. CLKAIiWkI.D. PA. augl a. r. or hcb. a. M CORKLtt. D. atRILBROa. (tll.UH, HcCORKLE & CO.'S (Bacceaaora ta Joha Uulirb), POPUI.AU FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Mtreet. Clearlleld. Pa. We manufatVure all kinda of Purnitor for (7bmtera, Uiolng Kooma, Librarlaa and lUlla. If you want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until you ao our atork. lINnKKrAKIXO In all It branobw. W brrp la atoek all th lateat and uiet improvel Cofflna and Caaketa, and have every faolllty for properly cn d up ting tfaia branch of our bofiioesf. We bave a patent Corpe lro aerver. In whioh bodice can he preserved for aeon aiiterstble length of time, A maiabcr of the firm haa hit aleepin apart seal at our wart -room, when be ran b fuo. l b toy peraou who come at oibt for tba purpoao ot ifw uring cofBtia. tll'LICU, Mr-COKKLB k CO. Clea fleli. Pa., May It), 'in ly. y EVV I I.OI It, FISED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., RiNira S 4, Plo'a Opera lloaae. t'lcaraeld, Pa. Keep eonitaall; oa band SfOAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA,; COAL OIL. SVIll'F, SALT,) SPICES, SOAP, Cana and Dried Fruita, Tobacco, Cig.ra, Caa dica, Cider Vincg.r,nutter, Rjja, it. ALSO, EXTRA HOME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour. Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, ic, All of which will be aold oboan for eeih or io olehango for aoaatr; produce A. U. KKA-MKK CO. CWarS.ld, Not. IS ISTI.-tf "Slip HONEY OF H0REH0OND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Cough, Oolda, Inflntnia. Hoarteneta, DiuVi-H firuth.Bg, and all Affertioni of the Throat, Bronchial Tob, aad Long, leading ta OosiDtoptiot. Tliu infnllilde rmly ia cminvNl of tin 1 1 one vol the plant llniehtinl( in iWinii union with Tar-Hmm, ctrndrl ft "in tl Lin pKiNrtriR of tlic forrt lur An ,lt.;4Mr, or Hilm of fiilcml. The Hnfy of Mon-lionml wnm ('rrKRH all iiritationnaml iiill.immnluni'.nf ilw Tar-lwlm ct.FANsrs am hi ai s ilit ihi.. and air potin leailiiif to 1 tie lun. I : ailthttnndl Itigrcilif Ills keep I lie otj'.un ok! nvint, and a hr.tltliful action, 1 At no pic imlice keep you from tryinp tliU pcM nit!t cine of a famous Aoctor who hut. tAn tlmn Mnl of liv. bv it "in ht Isrpr private pi lu'ticc. N.B. The iTar-llalin ha no paii i avii: or i.n-lL TRICFS 50 CEMTS AN!) $1 TRR ROTli r. Grrat wving to boy l'f Mf. rike'H TtMllinc1te I)nimH Cur In 1 Mhiiitc. SoM hy all Dnifitt. 0 N. CRITTENTON, Prop., N-Y HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE I)RU(iS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFF VAKNI.HIK8, SHI'PIIES, PEHrDUERT, fANCY 000D- 1X)ILET AHTICLtS, Or ALL KINDS, PURS WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal r-urpo.ee. Ttbjbm, Supporlora, rVkaal Hooka aad Statloa. ar;, ana atl ataar .ntcnM amall; foaad la a Drag Store. rnrstoiANs- ritRscaiPTioNs care- rrrLLT COMPOUNDED. Ilarlng a hur. at. pari eaa, la iba bweuaaa, tb.; aa. flea Mtb-a aat- 1. 8. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. Olaarlsba, Dewmv II, 1ST.. Ulisrfllaiuous. fn PMINTIStO or EVERY DE80RIP I linn aeatlf t r .caswr.4 at tbia .mew H-MCfie TO IO, nnH HO II' TO CO WEST I j.ai a.niia a.r.a of land for aale, cheap, ia tba g.r an of iho Wi. f..i M-tp. of Kaaw, full infrmali-B aa to beat raliroeda to tiav.l ou, Tickola, Knight ralea, etc., apply or writ, to WM. 6II0UTI.1LMIK, Agmt Alrhi.oa. T"p- ee t Sanla Pe K R , Dee IS, IS77 Im. U.ll.l-oi., Pa. 'pilB anderaigaed bege lear. la iaiorm tb.pub I lie that be ta bow full; prepare to accommo date all la the aa; of faraiaBin. U-.caa, Uuggiaa, Saddle, and Uarneaa, aa tbe ahortoat avtice and aa reaaonable tonna. Reaidence oa Looaat itreH, hetwoaa Third aod Fourth. UKO. W. OEARHART. UrarSeld P.b. 4. 1ST, READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS d: STATIONERY Market ML. t'learfleM, (at ttit Powt CMIee.) TUB anderaigaed beg leav to aonoaao to tba oitiaena of Clearneld and vicinity, that he ba ftited up a room and ba juat returned from tb city with n larg amount af raiding matter, oooaiatlng in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books. Diana, Aerount aad Pa Booka of overy de aeription; p.pr and Envelop, French praod and plain) fena aod Pencil; blank Legal I'apas, Ueda, Mortgage! Jndgmant, Etemp Uun aod rnimiar note) Wbit md Parob men i Brief, Legal Cap, Heeord Gap. and Bill Cap, tibeet Muato, for eiti.er Plan, Flat or Violin, oonatavntly on hand. Any booka or ataliouary deird tbat I may not hove on band, will bevrdored by brei eipreu, and sold at whole! or retail to suit cuaiomtra. I will alto keep periodical Mttrraiure, aucb at Magatla, Nawapapere, Ae. P. A. UAULIM. ClearCeld. May 7, IntU-tf JARD TIMES 1UVB NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI 1 am a war tbat there are nine prreona a llttl bard to pleaae, and I am alao aware that tb complaint of "bard time" ia well aigh universal, liul I am ao situated now that I ean aatiafy th tonne r and prove eoncluaively that "bard ttmee" wilt not effect ihM wbo buy their gooda fnm me, and all my patrona ahall h Initiated Into tb oret of UOW TO AVOID HAItO TIMES I bar gooda eoosgb te -apply all tbe Inbabl. tanta In the lower nd of tb croon ty wbifh I tll at oinerding luw rata from my mammoth etore la UHLKONIiUHU. where 1 can alwaye be fooa rudy to wait apon aaller and aapply thm with Dry (ioods of all kinds, Such a Clotha, Satinet la, Caaatmer, Mu!if, Delaine, Linen, Drilling!, Calico, Trimming, Kibbona, Laeo, Ready-mad Clothing, Boot aod 8bu, Hats and Cape all uf tl boat material and mad to order Uoso, fioeka, Ulove, Mitteaa, Lao, kibbona, Ac. 0R0CEKIE8 OP ALL KINUH. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasa, Fiah, Fait Pork, Lioted Oil, Fiah Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queenaware, Tinwar, Caatings, Plow and Plow Caatinga, Kails, Spikea. Cora Cultiva tor, Cider Prp, and all kinda of A tea. Perfumery, Paints, Varnieb, Ulaee, and a geberat aatortment of Htatloncry, GOOD FLOUR, Of diferent brands, always on hand, aad will ba aold at tba lowest poaaible ftguras. J. II. MrClaiB's Uodieln, Jayaa'a lfdicina J lot utter' and UooAand'a Bitter. &00I pound of Wool wan tod for which tho bigheat prio will b paid. Clovr4 on band and for aai at tbe lowaat market prion. Alao, Agent for StrattoavllI aad Curwonavill Threshing Maobinaa. fecjuCall and aocfor youralvs. Ton will lad everything utually kept in a mail etora. L. M. COUDMKT. Fnnehrlll P. O., Augnat II, 1174. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, i8noeors to Boyatei A Yonng,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mannfaetnrort af t'OBTABLE & ETATI0N1HY STEAM ENGINES Corner of foarth aad Pia. Slrwau, ' ILEARI'IKUl, PA. rTAVINtl engaged la the manafaetu of Irat 11 claae HACIIINRRT.wapapactrull;lBform ha public that wa are bow prepared la 111 all order, a) chcapl; and aa prompt); a. aaa ba aaaa In aa; of tba eilwa. Wa maaafaetara aad daal la Mulay and Cironlar Saw-Mills Road Blneka, Water Wbeole. Sbafliag Pall.;a, IlilTord'i Injector, Steam Gauge,, Steam WaletUa, Oiler., Tallow Cupa, OU Cupa. Qauge Oocka, Air Cocka, Olobo VbItm, Cbaek Varrea. wrought In. Pipe., 8.am Pampa, Boiler Pocd P.mpa, Aati Prictioa Mel re, Soap Sloae Packing, 8am Pack- ng. and all kind, of MILL WORE t tegataar with Plowa, Slod Sola., COOK AXD PA HLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all klada, mfrOrde.i eolielud aad tiled at an; prim All Lucre tl Inquir; with raforeaoa la meohiaar; of oar manufeotare prompt I; aa.werad, b; addrea. Ing aa at ClearSeld, Pa. JaalT4-tr BIULER, VOlbO A REED. G ROCERIF.S. JAS. II, LYTLE, (Suceweot to LVTLR.A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL DEADER I.J ' CHOICE LINE Or TEAS. OOLONllS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, VOINU UVSON. ENULtSU BKEAKPAST Puraal la Merk.t. Dl'TTER AND Ed I) 8 Will k. kept aad aold at Iret c-it. C-b pud let Coantr; troduca. HERMAN CHERRIES, Tl'RKET PRUNES. PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS FISH. Mackerel, Lake H.rrlng, Ood, c. ntkibs. Barrel Ptcklee and EagHak Pukwa. fLODR AND FBEIh, rioar, Can Me. I, Oal Maal, A a, )aa. I, TT JAf . H. LTTLaV t.U'j,Oli i"ian . ti.ai mm a, in m s mmtmrnmrn v