Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 09, 1878, Image 1

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rtrauaaan irgnr fiMiinT, T
. . ULUAkrikkU, l4.
Tue largcec tlrrul.lU.M ctl lay N,waSsr
In North t'rulral Penaaylvaula.
If paid attar X and hotoi ninntha '! j
If paid ftller it ajpiratMMi ol lai.ntha... 3 IMj
Rate, ot Advertising.
W.-...I.... er .nuarenf lllltne.or
ril, S time, or le. ' s" ! ,
For e:ier. .iili.eipirni Inaertiiin !
A Iminlftratorl' ini Emculcr.' n"llrea... t M'
Al'ltt'ira' notice. ln
R.uiiim. and li.lraei 1
Diainluli'in notice. ' 00
trflre..iinal Cant.. 4 line, or le...l yesr...- on : ni'llret. per line t
I I uara..
t .(iiare.
I a tuars.
,.... 00 1 column.... fit 00 '
01 i noluion Til nn
H..2H I I anlutnn IX" "
(1. 11. IHIlinLANDKR,
Office In Cnort Moure, tf S5.77IJ
A X X O K M R V - A T - L A W , ., .
11:1:7.1 t'lrartlcltl. I'a.
1:18 I'lilllii.hiirg. Centre Co., I'n. yipd
I'learUeM. Pa.
jr-HB la the Caart lloua. iyll.'7
c2 Clr.r6cl4 Cuuai.v, tVnn'a. 75y
llearttrld. I'a.
(V-OlUce la OIJ t.tero Hotel bull.liag
ecin.r ot rieeirod and Miirkut Ut.. lanral,.
g V. AVILSO.V, : ' . ' ' ;
OfTir ltt dr. r rnrt tl tWltra it'll"! tuiljinf,
(.in.iln I ourl llou..
r.t.6.'77. CI.KAllt'lKI.Ii, I'A.
l Icarliclu. I'a.
Will at f eft.l t.. All liUMOi-.l i-l truale.l Ui blu.
lou.).ll (tu lullM lll.T. jaul'7
ItAVtll L. HRKHd.
(Suwniri lit Wnll.aCf A tf lUl'llUlt.)
ttlllK. R. HI IIIAT.
critim '-kio)i
Offioa in I'iv 0M-ra lluuef recond ftitor.
OMrruIti Milt, CkHtQulJ Co., I'a.
Lal huiineii of 1J kiu li tjtonjuj to Par
tiouiftr uttt o' too (t 4 t imi jit'reuriu i f tiouniiao,
IMFIl-H'll, 0 ' '
N.fv 21, 1377 ly.
A T fo U N E Y S-A 'l - L A W .
I IrarUeltl, Jr.
M!rtairpl rmitneva Jtitendi'd to (iruinptly withj
niiMtjr. oilifl on dueonii firrot, tiiire Frn
.ijiioiul battik. - jam 1:7ft
mm M. Hcrt-t.i
rro. it L. trcit
& IllCK.
(leaillcld. i'a.
All rit l-u'innt r-ut))Ujf aiuntifil lu. Offl
B tilfUU.l Hlf', in th MattDIO luillilias.
. . JmiU'.'iT
.VrjOKKKr ASH CofftHKLoR AT Law,
Ilatvinjt rtfifrnril hit- JmltftjuLiji."!, ruttiel
i!i practi.-c of l bo Ut iu hi o)J office tit C'ltaW-riel-l,
Will avtteud lite eurl of Jatl)rauD nl
Klk oouoli" when iiit'i Ully rctAincJ in oonorctinn
wirh rini1'nt muipI. JhiiI'77
ATTO II X E Y - A T - L A W .
Hmil Krtntr Anil Ctillec'ioD Atfnt,
( I. i:itKi pa..
Will prniiitlj atteuj u all tr.-.) hunnfi en
trustrd to hip car.
ftfljrii6)w id Pitf'a O,o' II Jnnl '7A.
Mid HchI Rctftte Agent. I'ieartlrtrt f
OtBr-e on Third trit, bat.Cbrr A Hliui.
Jrtr-rUVcifully uHvr iL4r?icoa in t. liiin
ad kuyinf laa ll in Clrlul i n'mi aiijt.ioity
aaatiai Hd with t,u xfHriannt; ter tfiit
f.ut h ft urvtycir, tLn hiinpt-N tiar b rai )
rnaar wtifmMvri- - iH.'K ti.
Will (lnd irolei.i"iiMl omII. ui'Mil'tlv. auicl"'''1
U YrtlCI A N aNI) iUUUf.oN ':
Offoun Markat Htrvcl, ClvarUvld. Ph
Olftaji huun i tu 12 a, m , and 1 to . m
It E. M. Kt;llEUIEll,
Office la n tidi are on f'irri tt.
April 14. ln;l. Cl,..'l.l. I'a
' l.Allt-IKl-lt, PI.KN'A.
' tr OBjr, aovr, Freni 12 to t P. M.
M l, mti.
Lata tiargaoD at tbu 8 id hvglutwnt, Paauaylranta
Vataataart, havibn rataraod froia ika Army,
ffara feia profaaikoaal aarvleti to lb cltlaan
of Ultarlald eoamy.
tfi4TPrtfiiional call promptly attaeJtd to.
Offloa oa Btoooa) atraat, frairlyceapiftd b
Ur.Woodl. . tapr4,'M tl
yiM,lAM M. UKNKY, Juntick
t r or thr run An KcaiTiara, LUMItKK
CITY. Colkctiona aada aod atonPT uronoilT
paid ovr. Arlielai of agroamaot and dt-ala ol
oontayAnea Beatiy aiorutad aad warraaiad ror
root or an aim. lAjy'l
1 1n Ma re, Italia. c,
bbI,'77 . (? ad FumI. ClfarDcItt, P.
In Kralirr'a llulmiiir, t Ir.iBild, Pa.
Ilenlat In Ornoetlea, I'roTlilvn., VegetaalM,
frail., Hour, Keatl, air., ete,
fbou on Market at., oppoiiie LVurt lluatf.
A t le.a toaal for erery t aRtoatar,
Alto taanufartartr of
All K li"l. ar Artlrlra In lluaian llalr., P.. ia7 IV, 'tt.
. .. 11AKKH, M.tttl It, Clratlrld, r.
rraak Iraa, Ka.a, Rille. PM a ad Oaaat
"a hanil or aiade la order. A general e.eorlmeot
of Coefut'oaurae, Frail, and Nov. la, Haak
lea Creaai and Oj.tara la araeaa. ttaloo. aeerl,, laa PoauaW. Prlaa, ned.raia.
Jlarea It-It. I - .
r"f a d luft n iSfe p.topttpt Tin a m.
I ' W .1 l I IH1, I -W,i, I, . ,!,
Juatift ol the Peace and Pcrtvetier,
Cur.weiiavllle, Pa.
Collect lona iHAile nit J money prompt!
i ,,,
thiJ 7ltt
Iticalur Touuihip,
Omoln Mill, f 0.
It i.fflnUt l.utiliei.1 iitrai-ii.J tii ti'ni wPt U
tirnamtlr alM-niiro I". mrhitt Tt,
Ithomas h. FORCEE,
i naALta is
I .1IAII AMTtlN. Pa.
Alio, oltrnalti nnnularlurar mil riajtr In Rqaart
J taibar ana oawau uunnra bidu.
WOrJort lollelled anil all hill" ir..ip ilj
House and Sign Painter and Paper
t'leartteld, I'viin'a.
'&ft-WIII ateout John ia hit line promptly nr.l
In nurkminliko manner. l!
"Humpi wy$ un haorl and matt to nrltr
nn hrt notic. Viymt burn! uu reiaw.nablf irn)i
All work wftrrintntl ! render aiilil.ictin. nd
4elivtrMt iraireJ. R2A:td
OttAl.rHI in
. . Oil manulncturen of
d-T'73 C1.BRPIKLD. PllHJfA.
doalrr la
Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
Ihllfn . I'lrarlirl'l, P,
Market .. t'lrarlicM, I'a.
In lllfl lli.'C l;:e'v nrrllj e. liv rf.tnk !Ii.ill.
Oltc d'otr wnl ..I' A Id Ktint ll'JU-e
AKCIUTECT, t'oXTKACIOK and lllll.tll U
Plant and f."etneali"tn furni.he.l ell Kind.
of buiMinxi All work kin elet.. riuir bii.l-l
ibK a ..eeUllr
P. 0 addreM, ClearSrl.l, Pi, jan. 17-7711.
Kumbar(;er. Cieurlieid Co., Pa.
Ketpaou bao'l ail kind- of llarat:!. 8ntlJI-.
Hntlkx, atiU Hunm KurnibiDj( liumta. lt-.uirt iijc
( Nilehtlt-tl t'i.
Ituiuhargi-r, Jan. l' I Jt7-tf.
Square Timber & TimWr Landn,
jell'71 PA
PKICB. COML AMI rilili. ,.1:4:73),
Atn QKALxa ia
Snw LogM and Ijiimtior, I
n In Jraham'a R.-w.
Mar.n la
ttatuliva, Clitka und Jewelry.
Otvintn'm Rnw, tf.irktl Rlrtrt,
( I lOAHKIt I It. PA.
All kind, of rep'tlring in my line prntptl at
i.ded t... e April .t. I7l.
Tha andrri ictirt ,uiil li.fufin h pti'-M that
hr hia rfinort-d hia IL of and hll Si.oit fi Mir
f-Miiii Intt ly ooetiii-d hv .!. Ili-Hrion. in lhaw'a
K(iw. Alarkt-I lrttt, ahfia ho (.rfparxd in at
Mini f It.a w -nt- of . who urn I Mitytbuiif in hit
nor. All work uVi t tt him wrt In- of 1 lit
iiattUl. Mini xui.r- ntt fd In iu litri -. mi rr
rt-ii.v.l( llt'omiiiitf (.rt iii,ny mti-i.ti- ( io A
hiDtla ol l,ptttt r ai.d .-It- r I-iiiii j( I n n
JnllN .sriili-'KKIt.
Claar. rid. Pa . Jtly is, lh,"J
Cle?rfielcl Mursery. :
'I "UK ndfr-ipoit by unit l Kur
I air on Ox PiHt.a k-ilt vt Wrwoti!
t'lta-flflil Hiid 'ur li ilo . i firi.rtnttl tit ior
oil all kind or I- It l" fT I H ffc.. -i.i durt H.,.t
darf.) Kf rrot-fia. Hlim". ny. Onia- Vn a-.
OiHi-tl-t rry, l.atttnu HUt kiny, ftir,t rr.
and U:muioir Vioi .. A ... Kilnti.i. r,.i. T.
Wuiiica. and i-arty rsarlat KliH)rtt a0. Unlrr
prriiij-ilj atlcittlvd tt,. Aildpim,
aT'2 "-) tit.wn.-t iM., M
Maiket Htrcti, I Uuj fn Id. Ia ,
a Awrf ACTt'Bf ii AMiurjii Kn ia
and all klndl of
HOUSE ri k&isuisv MODS.
A tM Muck tif fdiddiPti' ll.irtwarr, Uruphv.
Niailia, Htankaf, Hut-t-i, tre., alwaii hatm
and fr aala ai tfa luwrM oath irtii. All kiu lr
ui riitalriflft prooipily attrnilid tn.
All kititli n hldra taken In rich a1 g for hn'
om and rr.ililnjr All hibda of barnfft hathai
krpt 0 hand, atitj for litr at a riaail pr-ifit,
t'lrarflfl'l, Jan. , I rTA
Tt ial at tha Clfarflaid tiKi-raticAN ifl.r.
The niohl Complete Serb of Imw
Hlmnku published.
Tbtpc Biai ka arc gotin up la aaprrlur pt)!a.
art of amltTM Uv, aod furoubt-d at tarjr low
flguraa far ab.
Call at tha Rum mix a ((Era nrd tiamin
thfin. Orderi by atl prnBtptiy Rld
Addm. UUUOl.ANUKH A 1.F.K,
Jaly XI. 1-77 tl. Cltaika d Pa
Improved Spring Beds,
fha andaraliraod bra. leaf, ta Infarat tha elll-
taat ol Olearttaiil, and lb, paklle aoneralle, thai
Bat oa BB"d a naa ataiiruiirai or rutaliuia.
tn.h Be VT.Iaut, Cbattnal and Painted Chenioi-t
;tL'ler, Pallor nuilet, lleelinlna and Ettenrica
Ctiaire, Ladlel and tleelt K.rj Cbalre, Ibe Per
forated I'ining BBtl Parlor Chair.. L'ana Heat, aad
Windsor Chair., ClolfaU B.rf, Step and Kttea-
liao Ladder,, Hat Itaeke, Berabbln tlratbea. A,
tkhlna Otftteaa, Chrrnj,. Aa.. wbleh vaald
ttltafcle far Holiday ,raaetill.
aaia i, evun TltuvratarT.
S. I.
(hhtimtn of the &iuttc and Jlouw of
Jii'prwntfitirfif ;
Mirny in.pi.rtniitniHl gmv- quvnlion
will oitiipy 3 oti fiiu-m mo coit...
U'wsion. Anions tho flnutice of
the hlato, hv'nm oi finit iinpoi'tuiito,
will clttiin h oorrcHpoiitln.rf nlntro ol
y our limottiitl nlU'tiin. Ki-rtuiuUely,
thoyaro in hiu u vxccUcnt conditio.,,
ami tho iiviiit ci tno Mato so uigu
thul vou will iirohuhh linv i-littlo dilll
culiy in ro inljtiNt n the tuiuls to mod
theortliimiy ttntloxiiiuirdiaryexponsos
ot tlio year, without impi'Minx huui
ti'tnul luiiitiui), . , t
TiT.Vt Ki BII'T 4M IUyi tiSKHltMT" M'lHIO tl
B'. in itramry, .NuT.Ilt, IS71. W4.9W 2
(M-nvral lui.J 4,.114,WI.4 4A
SiiikiiiK lui.d, t.M.ii-ty ri-ti(.u MM.&l
iit-w louvii. a Mrwai. b,iiitt.uu tu
" iii 01 luui un ivaD 2tiltU.S H
u in. ou i t ol ikw luau H.ltil 44
HV o.Jtio on
insiit i!i;MKjm.
In ai. n drt Hiiil.,
Iiil n t on I'laiin...,
Pri 111 i m oil (olrl ...
aiiii MtrhauicB'
att3l.a (la-...
Iijuj-iiii iuti-r t
ut 1 nrifiirv
I,4i4,ti.i fit
U,7Jtt 34
lial. iu "i rtoa. Nor. in, 17
r 1 m iL in ar
Otrr dut In in, upon ohioti itrir-
"t luix bt u itvtl and boi a a
rt'iilrtl l r 1 a mutt
Iw-iliiuuh e oann o. B.o nd t
l-ir I'liii. I -au, ui wtiiuh inter
tat ha a bit 11 rttd. ao I Not
I rfD J lor inimot ir ntit., j 11 1. hk lu Isia
mx 1 a (u.i , i'1-jaii id I h' y
b I' i' (ii-t cciit., ih '!'- iii I SS2
Ft'or vt n La i f f I'
b a in l.i:-it
ft. ',,11 ft IMt
27.t,ti.9 till
4i'l in 0 UU
.ill 1,00 It UO
fc7,' 00 I'O
rfi j it nn l , u-ilif ii.ji 'lv In I" 7,
fi.ti .iblv m I ol
Cia ft-, cunt., n Ii riuiMia id
t.11.1 iMblel IteVi
I'nfc bti icta , ml ,-iuia.i 0 iu latt,
Mi ll I at,) at 0 III I VI '2
ti n-iil. tArivU'liiri nnitjtu,
naila U2iH........MWa...
lti lli-1 i.ut MOi'C ll... $ m,i;
I it ic it ot ft itiiit-uita
oinuudiHK I .'.a1 85 61
tllUtval 0lll(lal
u. UatiuiM 4,4 (4 38
I'OU.Krllu IKillaWI tH-f
nuiiti 2k or
LiMlitLfCt"Utf( tlll-
hi alia otilauutlitibf 61 21
L'liauiO roHr,( vrliu
cntt.8 iiiivImiuii J 144 tt"
ll ',Bh2 73
loat Uoo I, 'W.
I'm. I'M it a tii a rairal
iJ,VIJ,nl4 ill
bwi.tlp, n oittriitiuK
an ttit.t bf tlt.ikp,
Jan. 31, iis, ol...J 6 lid
Altr)(b a;
ia in,--1 btti.ii. 8,i 0,UuW UU
bmaii.tja iu ttutkiu
1'uiiti, it.tiuibt,r
lv, Ib.7 I,7fii,il4 87
9,.VI,4i; VI
Ibil'lt. auprovij. dlor.
l'i,i,iV,:k-6 :ia
Tbu hciv livu ht tint, vilit mill on
limn, lor tlio reilumplloii til Ilia tuuuii'
OIL' lotllllt Ot till) LOIIIIIlCli.Wt'ullU. UU
tiionzi'd by act ol' .Miuvli 20, 1S77, whb
utny Aovii'iMcU, unit Iho but, llicivtoi
wtro oiit'iii'U uu too tl ml Oil vol 31 it ",
1877. i liu Lii'l" ubovu nir uniouiiteU
to oa'!' Ii,imi,U0j, ami ilio imviuiuiii
rviih.cil nun L'(il,!l2 33. O. tlio 8,-
OlHi.i.OO ol IioiiiIh iciliinii'il with tho
piwiiU ol tlim I. un, ov i r o.OIKI.OuU
wi'ru nix irr vvnt. iiiiiviu- iuluivht
l.'vurn.g LuihIh, uikI tliu ruinuii'ilur woiv
iivu per rnt. (ro.d iiitun-xt bi'iii'ing
Iioikih. 'Huh lutiiictioii ot tliu into ct
ihlt iii-t will suvc tlio Statu more than
I fM'BHAl, ig.tiri
Ik'tctipf ieri"y .e . Iff if r7"
ii. I. in r. u i
r.. mid
.... t 1111,351 :I7
t'l'Ue..... 4.
'"'I ee. 't
I'.' HeLt.
Pal In fund .Nor. :W, IK77
I. luu.led lnViatl. lor I aft....
I" l rail. I. r fiiMl
Lrl ul'll'l 0S.f"re.
dl',Vllt tl
... t 4'ii.liH .
.... d.Utl'.asI eli
.... $ 451,714 til
...... a M-i, uo uu
..... i.' ..;, mi
... 4.!rtT,l'l" lit
t vn-.vji i
Ap r" f. U.t year l"i
f'M.lOll mi
I). ll'lt
. , -:i,vis ill
'I liu ill titvsfoil loiiiliiiiiu of thv in-
Jiistriiii inii'iVNtM liirliitl lb ulti nipt to
lui'i't this ileluil liy iiiiivuMi'd Inxtilioli
I, tln'ivloiu, rue mill' ml t I.ut o. o-tlnnl
ol tlio luvi'iiui'tl riYiii J rum tlio loiiio
nil lull tux la' diVorliil inini Iho . 1 1 k -
iii' I nini anil juiiil into tlio tlciii ml
hunil lot tliu 1'iiKi iit j'utr Tliuru will
"I ill Lu mi'i'lo iiiii'Ih, ulior uiyini'iil
ot inii'i'i'ti, iii inoru ilinii ooinpy with
till' (llllslltlltinlllll I'0YIN1IIIIM till' till'
iii I c ii : j 'I ii ol too ilui t. 1 ho on
lliiiil mi divorivd wi I, in part pay tliu
lltlUOIllillIIT CXpl'llsl'S ot tlio Jul
riiitn, whiili ui'u oslilii.'tod to lio ill. o il
U.'illU.IMKI I iiu lui iiikii ot tlio iloli. it
t an only ho iiroidod Ly the clownt
-e utiiiy ol all appropriation oil h unii
tliu hi i n test ut'onoiiiy in uli (It pin t
nici t ot Iliogcvei'iiinoiit.
' tl.KIII ,' Rl'. . ,
fi'tci'l. oed l..,.t' f..r .' jttnt fNifi'eM Sit-
e.e.i.r k. 1-77 ;
n.l. In fun I, N" !,,l7 , Ji
I wiltinl ux nn eetp... all"" .look LXl'l,"!! II
Alltul.eity Va'I'y tliitlri'a.l t'oui. 1
liar..v, (in en el .n l".B'l.,) 11X 600 00
Allel'ikV el".y Hal road 0..LU-
ptlii, (li"i"lt retl.iiia.l,) II,0"0 0, Hal rMl loii'."ti.v,
NtW five per eent. Inane, l-eaei by
eel, (B'.'h M, l;7 MliylHl no
I'reia am O" .a a "I new loin AI.V.'l all
Iii'mM on m!c of nua loan Villi 44
(II,I7I,.',U Id
Fie, per ,.a(, gold
liHtn r-ilema I. i liiu,0l'0 01
Hit per e.'i.l I'.an re-
drrmrtl ,,8eil,IMa .1.
Iteliel B"H'p 8 llll
T' lal am' of
rcdrrmrd s,0.1.'., I, H JS
Prerniilm un rold lor
pnyin't nf Internet. . t IS,T?A nil
Ami'iint at In'erct
p.l I during Bm.I
jrar 1 lll.f'il M
Toii'pen'n Farmer.'
a Mr-nants. Il k,
I'Liladelpbla 1,010 Oil
.tf 171 :
Hal. Io fund Kne SO, It
Aiiiouni pa' alile on d'tna'"l :
ti.iOi.nii ,7
0er due 1'iaa H ,'l.UHI 6t
1 1.1 i" l".n 01) Vie 00
H. lief aotei, Ae Il l.7.1
ATai'at',e f..r paiiarnt of publl,
ilrlil. Nor 3a, in;
J,M0 ii
rup,.n areoani, '. t a. Iii tw
laupoa aco l ai 1, 'JT J.lKI ,11
l.::.( so
I'ftimiiM rierijittaHit pnymrntt nf Sink-
nig iiwf Jor final yem IHiH :
Cetp aaih.n la...;..'..l,lii(ll 10
Lt.. "ne-tuirj "Bietufora
,:"niinemli d lor dl
VeiaicB olf ' aeralpar
p.'.rt tJM.tOt rlj
I ade.aW II
C.tntn'tian of lan.rre tal tea.MII aa
A. V. H. K. Ceanpany..., ',
Total eeeelple.lirl . ll,Cr,,li ,t
t,wpoa aect.
al 1077.... 6
l,ll?,il W
8ur lui for IS79
AvalUhla for ratuaiit of
di-bi during It-Te
..I 4is.7 10
l.37,00 ft
Tho Cittmiitution pinvidv thul tlio
umiuiil rt-diii'tioii ui Ihu di-hl
Hhnll not ho Iohh thnn 8250,000. It
woiihl apju'ttr, aiaroiilly, t'V Hit iccord
of thi'itt'hicuiiL'clud.lhul tho indebted-lu-hH
ol iho Smtu hud only bivii ro-dtin-d,
during tho tUcl veurjuHl t hmod,
111 tho Kum of 35,WC.3a Hot. hy
u tiiriltcr, It will uiour
l but tho Sinking Fund Coiiiniiiwioiiorit
I'ullcd in tor rvdutiipuuii tlio tulluwing
loans, vis ;
UaffUttretl, lOxlA, ill par
cent., eall ol May M, 11, $l,7l0.4nO
Hrdcautvd to Nov. .1(1,1877, i..iljo
Kt-gUtrrt il, ll prrer-BU, flail
of juiv ft, ih77 $iA,nia
Hedotuud to Nor. 1877, X2U,0
Co on 11 n, Itlx IA, ! iFrfent,.
cull of .May lit. 1877 f l0 H0
RvdMUvdm Nov.3, llt.T, S uUO
Coupon, ldy 4, M.M, flv par
aeut .iallot May 18, 77, f?.75,00fi
Hadmnuod tvNor W,lif7, ,70,Ulil)
Rrgiiiflnd, May 4, IfSJ, Ova
iter 011 U call ol May 18,
1877 I4AO.&0O
Rtdflviac-d, Nof. st. 1877, 4lMU
Auiouat of (tan, oa wbioh Interval hi
bina llobiad aud aot rtdnnnod ffrli 9S9
Tho cull t'onlHini'd tlio tiulioo thul
ihtort-Ht Mould iTuao ui Ibo ind ol
iiinoiy (Iuh. Thuau Icinia not pro
nuiiiud in uii'iiriluiico with tho noticu
hiivu cuad to druvv inturunt Hinuo tlit,
innui'ivuli III tbu t all hue uxpirid. Tliu
principal will Uu paid, without inluiunl
Inini unit li mi", bun pruauiitud. 1'iuoli
lully, tbu ciiiieliiiitional provision u to
tliu anliuiil iidiiilion ol tlio Muio in.
li-liliduoKH baa bcfii moru than lully
cumpliud wilb.
Dnilcr Iho etuvurul aols cunalitiilinir
ihu llouid ol' liuvuiinu Coitnnir-nioiiura,
tliu law ia vury dolcclivo tor tbu pur-
poau iit'iibluitiiiiu lair und i-rpiul annuna-loi-nl
of tbu Bol'jot'lii ol Stalo luxation,
tun! liir iiHi-ortuininu; nti'l duliiriniiiiii
tbu vuluu tht'luiil. ii bun tbt, Hoard
wait tovaiiir.i'd in 1H14, it iiinaiilud ot
onu nit'iiilior Iriiiii i-ai-h jiiilii-ittl dinlrni
uioibor wilb tliu Siatu 1 ivutnriT, ami
ihu .it t it i it I atitj' rt of luxution ivun
rual uatalu. Ihu Itiiurtl now uooaiaia
ol tlio Auditor Goiiural, Mtalo Truua
uiur and Suirvluiy ol tbo Coiiimon
wiultli, ami pi rnonul pmpirty only la
lialilu to taxation. 1 ho law, ad uppli
i-ahlu to real untitlu. ia tint udapli-d to
tbu valuation und iqiiulizutiun ol pur
aoiiul proiiurly.
1 bu roi'Oi'ln troin tbu Liiinniiriai'inui'a
oi Ihu Fuvural I'oiintiud il tho return
inudu by tliu Ainuanora uru no unurpiul
in tbu valuation ol' tho iiropirty, and
ei'iuu ol' Ihuiu ao di'tii'luiil in ruiuriini
lull unai-rM-uiunla ol tliu vanoua ktndaot
propiriy luxahlu tor iSiulo pui0-on,
that Kiral injiiaticu iadouo to thu Coin
iiuitiM lullli, aa wvll aa to many cntiii-
lioa, ill I'oiimqtiuiii.u of tbia want ol'
uniloi iiiiiy in vuliiaiioua and uoiuplulU'
ouna ot ri-tiiriiB. Thu Hiwur ul' Ihu
Hoard ol Uovouiiu l.'oiniuiraioiiuis to
i i iuuily ihialiy giiiiibohind tbu rt til ma
to uiuku (.'orri'Ctiniia liom Hitoriuatlon
dirivo 1 hum other win icon bun boon
quimtioiii'il, and u bill wua inlrodiiiud
into tbu Loi.-lnuiro ill tbo last huhmdii
io rumidy ibiadolui t, and to (li flirc tho
iHiwura unit uxiciid tho dutiua ul thu
llourdol Kovi'iiuu Cciii in i-r.i"hiiiri. Bui
ihu bill wua tint piiMud. Thu triennial
iiioolili' ol tbu llnuril will lnko plaeu
line, miller, and without aueb legit-la-lion,
under tha inu-1 tuc in ill oj iho
prununl law, which ia eontuudud lor, Ihu
duliea ot Ihu liimrd will bu only lien
tiil,aiid ibuineuiiiiu UHi.eaai.uri'inoiiy.
If ruri'iiuu id to bo derivud Inini thai
aotnvu, thcru nboul'l bu adeipialu ower
to ll-cel lain lliuutiiiiiinl.ui'd tounloivu
ila colluclion, and tbia law aboiil'l bu
paused without duluy, in order that
ihu Itovcntia roiutiiiH"iiiiii.rH, at thu
approaching iiieulinu,, may avail theiti
aelveaot Ita plovir-lona.
Many uppr"piiatiiuia uru ui-kd for
annually lor Ihu beiictit ol thu i Iumhm
ol peimiiH who pay thi'M) taxua, hul
io puy uppiiipiiuli'iiiH ii ia nucunruiry to
I'uvo luvcnuu. The uccnuiiiiiij; and
financial olllecraol Iho C'"iiini'.loullli
alniiihl bu pro idud with ihu iiieana ol
iim uiiuinliiu; and colliciin the at ml
ol luxin whit ll tbu lawn tuivu ilupoaed.
To dccbiru by law ibai m nuiji-t -articlu
of properly, ia liublu to laxa
tlolt, nill prniliicu Ho I'uvi'liuu Ulileaa
tbu lucuiia ol aeccaain und collecting
tbo laxc-a aru provulcd.
An examination ol tbu many luiluivs
of iIuhu iiiHliliill"iin ihiiiiijr iho Voor
ileiuoiiNiruteM that to allow thuin to ho
iii-ixl aa banka ol iliacount la biliil In tbu
nilt-rcnl ol dcponiittm, uven wberu thu
I'liHiucHH ia I'linducied with ordinary
iiileuiily and prtidciicu. ltaiikrt ot did-
collnl. and uxehuliiru, ttllliouirli unlillud
HitvioN banka, tniiht bo coinliicii'd aa a
hiiHiiicna mid cauitol bu maiiauHid u a
tiuat. Alimcy tniial bu loaiiud to buat
nuaa nii'ti Uhui liuaincas pttpur aubjuct
Io tbu nui'liiulioiiN ol'lru'lu, and invuHled
in Mpuciilulioiia, w hich, whdu perlcclly
btlinialu for a biiaiuuMa mull, involvu
rmka hh h oiibl hut to bu lakuii by
a IriiMiuu. I liu law ahoulil acpuralu
buoka of iliHCounl lor hunim-KM pui'iMiaua
front iuHlitiition, dtHiguod tiir thu auto-
kcf puibT ot tbu uaruiiita id tbu puonlo,
und tiiu;hl not to ullow them In be do-
cuivtd by thu iiuiuu ol aaviuu. hunka,
upplied in what uru, in reality, aimply
buuka of diHcount und uxchuuru,
A tiii'Ti'iiicfil ia no tout to oi'iriiior,u a
hMiiiiiiil poaiul Huvina In ml. .Such u
acbcniu ia a nuljoct liir Hcrl'.ua ruflco
linli. It involve not ulnno qncaiiiiiiH
ol a pecuniary tin I lire, but iboruof u
prot'iuml political chuiucter. It invent
ihu huderal (iovcrnini-nt wilb a vant
iruat, and clothua it with corrcapoiulin'
iiifluunco. ll would add intuitu intur
unt to our clocliiuin. und ivo tho doini
nunt party tha weight ol iiiiiaurvalinm
of a irn-at vented iiitervat. On tbu
in her blind, it offcra tbo peopla tbu
iHKiinat di'iHiHitory fur their aaviiijia,
and cxcilM nn ubidinu; intcrunt in Ihu
pcrpeluity undinie)rrity of thu. National
(liivemmcht. Uiain the whole, It
Hoetiia to me Io pnunlHC clidiirlli lieliu-
n in in mo pcopiu tiiiiivititiully, aud to
ihu Nation, and to be worthy of aii
port und i'o-on rutioii.
I'ciidintf the and oivniiif.u-
lion of Bitch a ayatetn, wliich inuat, ol
iuecHiiy,rcrpiiio Iniio, I moMtrurncnily
runew my rueninmendationa nf laat
jfar. and urcjo upon you tho parwuuTi
of law, i'inbialyiiif tbu princlplea and
iiroviHioiiattiun'iii aut forth. llieMinte
cainiot bu held Htuiideai of tbeit fail-
iifua. Ila charter, liicnriHiratiiiif a
"auviii'B banka what wurt) really
bunk ol dini'ounl, had much tu do w ild
Iho reaped and tuilh the eoplo felt liir
thum. It ia. thetvllirv, a duty to draw.
at unco, tbu liuu bet ecu a Luaiiio
and a t r.t. and to prevent bcreuflur
mo ennrmotm lon.c mrniln to thu
wi.rlhinl of our io'plu by a dueeitlul
and daiiKnua combination. ,
', A lurther atilivuard. I bclievo it
Would lis a moat wiaa tiroviaion to
create a Dank ExamlnerorComniiwIon-
rr, withdutin analogou, to tbomnftbal
liLoiruuco CiiiiitiilMitniii'r, w in) would
ptiriodiciilly in it L u an uxiimiiiutioii ol
Iho bunk of tbu Ciimnioiiucalth, und
report -their I'oiiilitlon, Hi powcru
und compi'iiaatloii inljjbl budi lined ami
llxeil, an tbimo ol thu iiiauruncu t out
iiiiHkinniT now are.
Tho view of thu Supi'iinti'iiilctit of
ruhlio liioti'iiciiiiii.ciiiiiHiMiiiil aoiicurly
with my own ibaU need do liulu nunc
I Lun l ull atluiilinH to Ida ivpoi t. liu
rcout thu rccotnineiidiilioii fur u ru
vinoii of iho iiohiHil law, aud, I trunt,
you will poo thu adviahili;y ol lirnia--
nig tha original oiiaciniuut, Mipph'-
mciitti, UHiigoa, anil uuciaiiina into one
loiiciau and logical code. Thu money
uppropiiatcd to pity tho indeblcdiicH
ot thu rtiinnul ncbool wu uppoi Honed
anions tboHu liiHiitiiiitiii, in i.ecorilaiicu
wkh the li.lo.'t",'! .a tno ijpginattiru.
Alihougli reliovnig tin in li inn luinpo
rury i'inbarrami'iit,il will bu ihtc Kary
lo prnvido for their I'm uru wcllaru.
Normul .School aru an casuntinl pint
if a public kIiihjI ay. tern, und I lie
Legialaluro will, no doubt, eo that
thonool lViiiiHylvuniauro not rcHlriclcil
in lliuir aphuiu ol uovfiilnua by tbu
waul ol fiinda. I ful'y rucoinmoml thu
trial of tbu cautioua ryHlcm of coinpul
tiory I'dueulioli ot vagi ant children, pro
poned by tbu Supui'iMuiitlunt, and bavu
clnuwhuru given my viuwa of thu nib
juct of iiiiiuntriut hthoola unit woik-
aliopa, which bu toruttca liy nm argil
inoiit and fact and example, prov
ing tlio feuibilily of tbu acbi niu.
Tbu report of tliu S ipoi iiitetiilrht ol
Soldiera' Oipliuli prrnciila a aaliafai'
lorv rocoml of tbu projrun und bcultb
of thu ward ol Ihu Slalu, and convey
thu griitilying liilolligtlico t.l Ihu wel
faru of tbou w-lio havu cotupteteil the
courau, " lit-ui ly uu ul wtiiiin aru ul
work many engaged in the Hiniplor
kind nl bund luhnr, but muny ut I ru le,
on farm, or III tliu pnitersnui." l'i
dor tho law, Iho Orphiitia' S'lnml
eh iho Iii, ally on thu titr-l duy ot June
1ST!), and it w ill bu notTHaury fur the
prcnchl Legixlulinu, if il demrca to
eiuiliniui lliu bulimy of ihu Slate, lo
provide fur tho two ibnunaiid children
hcltrucn tbu age of tour and nixteeu
H urt, w ho w ill then bu loll iu tbetn.
Ol Ihu tbreu pliiii act forth by ihu
.Sui'Uiintcinlflil, it aeeln to mo thul
un her tbu firt, tn iuhuI I ho act cloning
thu mlnn. I in 18VJ, ami allow thu
ayntem lo run on to ila end, or
iho third, diacbargiug nil children over
a eel lain ago, or for whom toiiluhle
htitnea can bu tbiind, und providing
lor thu rent in tbu Inini-' fur Irieiidlo
children which exinl in various purl
ol the Stale, will dune llii noblu iiiiib r
luking, ua il wa buguit, in charily.
I'bu prulu and ploiooire they bavo loll
iu thu work, tbu eutu-lia ticn ihey luive
dorived from it liupv reiill, leuvu
no dttubl that tbu atoiiion of uilher
c oi n-o will meet tbu warm approha
lion of thu pei'plo ol I'euitny Ivuina.
Ill tbo early part of July. I arrutiged
for a trip ucroa the cum iuuul. At thai
lituu liu peucu ot Ihu CiiluuiiitiWcuIth
auciucd aaaurud and all claeaof mieiu
ty appeared lo have accepted with re
igiiulion tbu reniill of tbo continued
depruaniou in buairtee. A a precuu
liouuiy nieuauro, lion over, iu cuimultu
tion W illi iho Adjutaiil (ii'iierul, I gavu
ti 1 1 tl iualruclioiin, in ca-o of any unux
peclud outbreak requiring prompt and
vigorous actum, lo ordur tr-nip to Iho
awinUaiivu ul thu louul uulboritioH, in
aceordulicu wilb tha policy herutnluru
adopu d. On thu sixteenth, 1 lull lor
tbu Wont. Shortly ufier, tri'tiblu aruau
bulwuun tbu ltultntioro and Ohio rail
fund and ita umployu, w hich culmina
ted III I ho alrikein M iiiiig Ihu road al
Murlilmbiirg, Went Virginia, On thu
iiiueluutilli tit July, thu truiii hanil of
ihu leiniy Ivaniu railroad ul I'lltnhutg
ulao alruck, and stopped Ihu paseugu ul
allfnighl traitia vital and wui. All
utluiupla of tbu imitiicipal and cnuiiU
uuihonliea to reatoi-u trulllo laded, and
hy the uvutiing of the lueiiliuib, a
largu of Iruiii, coiiiiiiniiig
tlioiiriauila of head ol Iivu aim k und
nierebandiau iKluiiging to cnizen ol
tliu Slulu and other Siati a weiu inuna.
oil al l'lUnburg. Kvorv i lima to inm o
Iruiglit oy tbu uouipuny, Willi ihu wutk
iiiuii thul runiauicd iu aervice, wa ru
aisled by iutiiniduliiiu. and woru iier
nielud in, by viuleiieu. lu ihu menu-
lituu, cully on Ihu luiiiuiiig til the
twuiilielh, n p. in thv call ol the iSbeiill,
Ihu Adjinuui (ieiiertil ordered ibeStxib
divisiuu of thu Xulioiiid Uiiurd, Gener
al 1'euraou coiiimandicg, to ansii in
realnriug order. Ol' tltiit itivi.-ion, ug-
grcguliiig olio thiiUHtti.d und eighty-
tivo ollleer and mini, but MX hiiiidrid
weru g'llleii Ingethcr by thu uvcning
ol I liu HVunllelll.
lleing inforiueil by (ieiiertil Pearson
of Ihu gravily ol Ihu siluaiiuu, und llnil
hu loured thu mttpirity ot hi troiips
weru in hympiithy with thu striker.
Iho A'ljiiluiil tienerid ordered thu Kirsi
divisiiiii of tbu Nuliomil tiuard, (ioner
al lirintnii coiiiiuuiidiiig, lo report to
Ueiivrul IVarnon al I'ltlnbuig. The
Adjiitant (lenerat bad provioiisly set
oul for Pittsburg, ivcuivmg, on the
way, my lelegriiiu lo proceed ibeieaiul
keep siipurvi-iou of all troop ordoiu l
out. ilu urnvo I at onu o'clock on Iho
nun ning of tho tw cut) -Hint. All irullle
ii u lb. ii Htopped on thu l!.illiui"re
and Olil i, thu I'url Win no, thu Alle
gheny Valley und t liu IVinisylvuniit
tailroad. '1 no forcu iu ihu city wu
then uli. ul threu huiidieil mid liny
m. n.lho Eight 'uiuli roiin. iit b i.ig ul
Torn li. ilu ring the liinlnicg, jusl
beforu duybniik, thu I'oiiiieeni h and
N i il. tion I Ii regiment and Hick's hut
lery, under llrigudior-liciicral llmwn,
weru moved to laku positinn upon ihu
hillotuiliM'kiiig the titles, nl I wcnty
elgbib alruut, with instruction luko. p
thu Inll-sidu Iroo of people, in unticlpa
lion of the uttelupt ciiileuiplaled iu the
alturniMin, upon thu arrival of lliu I'lnl
ailelpbia troop, to clear the truck aud
open the mad. Tin movement wus
Hiiccesnl'iilly executed and thu bill oc
cupied, ut a tiino when Iheru were few
or no pouplo a pun it, but, owing tn it
faibtru to carry out llicinsirui liiiim.ilio
bill ido wa covered by noon with an
excited crowd ol inuii, ainong whom
w ru many women and children. Thu
Pittsburg Hoop weru mirrouiided by
tbu crowd, ami, In fact, liecuinu a putt
of il, Thu iniiin body of tbu atiikor
weru assembled on tbo trai k iu the
iielgbhorhiasl of Twenty -eighth aired.
Thu surrounding alreel and tracks,
above and below, Wero alito covered
with people. At two o'clock, in the
iiltoiliiion of tho twenty first, tho first
delftchmeiit of thu Philadelphia divl-
aloii, aix hundred and fifty strung, un
Jercoiniiiandul ttelietal Hrinloli, bring
ing with il two Gulling gun and a
largo nniiiitliy of aminiiiiiilou, arrived
ut Ihu Union Depui. Alter a butt
deluy, to teed thu oldiots, tha move.
tnent to oiicii tbu mad began. Pre
ceded by tbo Sheriff and aecoiiipiiincd
by the glina, the troop, wero inuivhed
town thu truck, belwcuii thu line ul
freight cars. For aoino distance tbu
road wa, comparatively clear, but, a,J
the column approached Twoiity-elghtb I
Hlreut it mot a coiiHtHhlly increasing
crowd through which it lorced it way
into thu dciisu niusa ut tbu fool of tbu
hill. Tbu lino pressed thu crowd slow,
ly und wiih il i (Hi ti I iv buck on ciihur
sidu of thu rouil, until tliut porlinn ol
tbu truck enclosed by thu hollow
sqiimo so formed wa ch ar.
. An attempt of thu Sberilf to arrest
sottiu riiigleudor who hud boon prom,
incut in ihu pruvioua oiilruge ruied ,
commotion, during which sioiiea weru
throw n by thu mob. '1 ho troop were
ordered tu I burgu buyonet and in do
ing so cuiiiu iu i in in i-ii i u t u oiuiliicl with
thu prcwing and cxeiied nias,. Suv
oral pistol slioi, wuru fired and a volley
of .tonus thrown from thu crowd, from
lbi'Hu on thu hill sidu u well usolheiR,
and vhileiil ullempt wuru mudu to
w rest I ho miiskota from thu noblier.
Having been wedged In unionganrg
ing body of rioter, growing uiiiruuiu!
inure aggressive, iiutny ul w hom Weru
attempting to crowd the uddier Irom
thu ruiik or wrench iho musket from
their bund, and us a lew mono lit
moru would buvo hmkrn the ruidis
und involved thu imlii iduul siihliors in
inextricablti and Irvlpless coiifusioii
among their I'iib, thu soldier fired.
Under ihu ciiiumataiioi s, they did
rigbl to renin thu attemiil to (iisarui
or overpower Ibein. A sol liur is alu-
tioued or roiiiuiuiiiled lo niiivu a a
soldier, und bus thu uiidouhled right,
in lliu execution ol In order, to pru
vent hfniscll from being foiced from
hi poHl or disunited. A anon a ru
In ved of thu prm-nio. ihu commundH
ol thu uflieur at oncu stopped thu fir
ing. Eiom proximity lo thu crowd,
tbu firing wus wild and high, as well
a desultory, und tonk elfecl, principal
ly, upon thu lull. Pituic-sliii kitii, the
crowd upon thu bill sido and adjacent
si reels mid ininn dialely surrounding
thu soldiers, scattered in all direr lion,
carry ing wnb H tunny of thu Pittsburg
soldiers, and the luuin body ol thu
rioter, loll buck ubing the truck, lu
thu mclou fiileen or twenty soldiera
weru wounded, iho muiurily wilb pi.
lul bull, and a number of tbu mob kill
ed and wounded.
At till time thu lionpa were un
loubtudly master ui Ibo sit'iutiuii, and
u il. toi iiiinid ml value in nil directiiuis
unileo-oporiiiinnof the civil millionth'",
would have driven away every votive
if tbu mull, ittid by activity and caru
might bavu prevented il from lo as
seuiblin. A it was, though uunkill
lully executed, tho movement produc
ed ihu result intended; but, though
olloicd a guard for cui h onu, tbo mil
wuy olliciul were uniildo lo m ivu their
H ums In. in thu impossibility of finding
engineers und crew alio wero willing
to limn Ibein al thut time. Thu troops
held their ground un hour or two dur
ing which tnnu thu rioler giaduiilly
i ol ii rued und colloctud uhout iu squad.
About six u'cluok tbo troops were
withdrawn and pl.iced wholly w ithin
tbu round hnusc und adjacent building-..
No pickets or guur ' weru lull
outride. From thi liutu on, tho lionp
weiu kept on lliu delciiMve, which
gave tbo mob a gli al and futul advun
ine. 'I hu mob, inpnily it'crearing in
iiiiiiiboiauuit buldiiusM tiller datk, brnke
into various guti-siores and nimorii-,
iiruiing IheinselVfH, unit u desultory tir
ing wus kept up during thu liigbt.
without illr' t upon thu soldier, und
with c-onsiileriihlu lo to the riuier.
At ttiiiti o'cliHk Goneiul Peiir-oii und
stall' lilt the munil-houau, and General
lirii'tun remained in comtniind of all
thu IriHip ut that point. About mid
night they rcsoriiil to thu expeilioul
ul burning thu sulilient uul by setting
tiro lo lliu freight cars stuiubng along
tlte traik below tho roumMionus
Tlio A ij-i I tin I General with a lew
civilian und ollicur in ciliaeii' cluth
ing and eighteen dismounted cavalry,
without cui t'ilie, und during n pari ul
thu night a lew member ot the Four
t eulb reginnnt. guarding llio
sioiin and an munition r'iiiiiiuetl all
night al thu Union lb p a hut. I, uhmil
a lutlu lu'in lliu seeitu of acliuii. The
Ailjitlaiil tioiierul, a Nutin a hewia
inlui'tiieil ol thu position ot the Insips,
laboivd ci aluiisly during lliu iiihl lo
bring up tbu oilier doiu. bun ma ul tho
Fnsl division, tn rovte troin Plulu
dclphiti, aud Ihu E ghluentb rogiiiieni,
siatiuiod ut Torretin. OA-ing lo thu
wutlt of limliiiit-ei en tlui I'litu. .
iiiuud and lliu deluy iu liuiispuriitig
il by wiignii ami tbu inability of lliu
ruili'oud cuitipaiiy lo furnish enginuoia
lo muvu lliu train, making it in cessu.
ry tu muri'h suuiu nnio, Ihe movumeiit
could not bu executed in time.
Al eight o'clo k on tho inortiing of
Ihu twenty-second, Genorul llrinttm "' liw ("" conflict thai
loll Iho round buiisK, and, marching ullitvi- was severely injured and thruu
raiiidlv.ciossed thu.Shuiiieliiir.hi'idiul"f thu rioters killed uud a nnmbor
r thu Allegheny river and passed
... ' " . I
into thu open country. On this re
treat, liuir soldiers weru killed und u
number ivuiniled. Tho AdjutaulGcii
erul bud diroi'ied him to effect n j'ltiu
linn wiih (.'ulniicl Guthrie nl Torn ns,
ahuiil Iivu iiiihs 1 1 out 1'iilsbiirg, unii
uiviiil thu iirrivul of hi oihor tlutucli
inenls, prc:iiiai"iy to oilier nuive
mcuis. Acitiig upon his own fbscro
liiiti, thu Guneiiil tliHregurded this in
strucliun. 'I'hi' stnpptigu of ull line running in
to lint city pruteiitcd the arrival of iho
oilier divisions ordered liy tho Adju
tuut General lo tbu reeiiu of thu ilit
lurbatice, uml bu wtm, cutisequeiiily,
Kit hi Pittsburg wiih'iut triiiip. Find
lug thai General llrinlun would mil
etl'ocl lliu J'tiiction designed, iu tho ut
teriiiHiu of Sunday, thu Adjutant Gen
u ru I ari'iiiiged tor provifiuns lu bu oul
to hi command, and directed him to
conceiiiratu hi division ut Allotma, us
tbu most uvailabb) point lo secure sup
plies fur n largu body uf troops. In
thu nnantiutu, disturbances having
broken out iu various, railroad centre
throughout Ihe Slulu and country, and
all tbu railroads being ob-lrin tod, and
fearing a lailuru of telegraphic eutnmii
mi ul ions, ihu Adjutant Geuurul decid
ed to return lo llurrisburg, lo prepare
and concent I ale the Intop tor a Inure fl
ing campaign. General Sigfiied was
direi led to move to llarrisburg, to
take charge of the State unvnul, which
wa reported in danger. Having mudu
thosu disp'tsilioii-t, Litlla, late
on Sunday evening, loll Piithurg and
rulurnul to llarrisliurg. Thu Logisla
lure and peuplu uio luiniliur w ith tbu
scetir of uixon, pilhige and dirtructlon
of property enai tid by llio ini h dur
ing S.iiiirduy night und Sunday mum
. From llietiniu the trouble commenced
uu thu llullimtiiu Hil l Ohio railrond, 1
a it cotistantly uilvised ol thu siliiatlon,
anil gave general order to meet tbu
emergency. In couseqiieui-u of lelo
giams from Gen, I .n l lu, received at
Ogdeii, ul six o'i lock Saturday evening,
I determined to return to tbu Suitu on
Ihu tux I train, leaving at ten o'i bs k
Sunday morning. At Sail Luko City,
ut liinu uVltH'k, V. U , I received u dis
patch from Secivtaty 'juuy, und nn
mediately Hindi arrungcnieiils toretuni
in a speoiul cur, uml started nt twelve
o'clock, midnight, Sntiinbiv. 'I he next
morning, al Cresloii, I ordered out tbu
tnl'no lore of tho State, aud culled up-
on tbo Prosi.lciit for regulur troops.
Traveling continuously day und night,
lliu latter poll lull ol thu Journey by
Hiiiroiunco of thu strikers, 1 arrived ut
Pittsburg on thu twonly luurth. I
luiiml thu city in u statu of grout anx
iety, nud all thu niilrouda obstructed.
and, in snmo instances, run by the
sinkers. 1 wus inimeduilely waited
upon by a deputation of profoioiial
men, llierchulils, editors und promiiieut
cilizeiis of uli clusses, who uskud my
slay lo orgiiiiixu the militiii and taku
ubargu ol thu siluuliiiii. Tboy pnrtic
u lui ly urged thu necessity ot mini' di
utuly upumiig railroad coiumuiiicatloiis,
I'oplesoiiling moat varneutly, thut, un
less this weru dunu vury ahnrlly, thu
supply ol coul und proviaions would bu
exiiuiisted; tbu gua-vork,, mills, und
lucloi ies must bu stoppuu ; a lurgu num
ber ol idlu people thrown upon thu
rtlivulH ; thu w ater supply could not bu
pumped, and the want ot provision
uiuoiig thu n)or and uiiiinpluyed, would
niuviiubly prucipitulu bnad riots. Alter
a ahuil cotiaullulion, 1 loll on Wednes
day linn-lung, und arrived thul evening
ut Philudelptiiu, uccompaiiiod by the
Aiijiiluiil liiliolul who jollied mo at
At Plnlu Jelphia, I met Generals
11 uncock und Schotiuld, of thu United
Mute, Army, who inlurmud tno thut
Ihey bud buen directed by the Preai
dolil lo support tbu Sluttt authorities.
As thu liocesslly of opening cunimuiii
culiclis, lor tbu reasons given, was very
urgent, tt was determined thul 1 should
I'loceed ut oino lu Pill-burg Willi the
niulu troop, and thut Gen. Hancock
would forward tho regulars us fust as
they could bu mudu uvuilable.
lu aocordaneu with this programme,
uu thu twenty sixlli, with ihu lew
troops ul thu First division remuiniug
iu tuu city, 1 set out uguin for 1'itta
ourg, and gHlhoriiig thu detachment
ami divisions scattered ulong Ihu mud,
ui l ived theru ul ihu light uu the twen
ty -eighth. 1 he lureu luken wa appar.
vnlly largo, but us il wus probublu ibul,
in opening lliu rouds. il would bo nuc-
essuty loguurd muny depot und sov
uru! miles ol track, il wasiboiigbt best
lo bu prepared lur any uiuergeney. ?o
teuilnl were thu (ilizcii, even ul that
lime, ol u renewal ol ihu outrages, that
in spiiu of tbu necessity liir opuuiog
Uulliu which they had liiiinerly plead
ed, they now, through tho cumiiiiltcu
ol public salety, bagged nm to iiifiucnce
tbu Peniiy Ivuttiu Kailroad t'ompuny
nut lo ultempl lu movu lieight train.
1 replied wlnlu it was not my duty to
run luilroads, ll the Peiiusylvauiu Itail-
road Company dusiru to piit'suu their
ouniuc, aud weru prepared to do it,
1 would support them with Ihu whole
power ol tlio Statu. On Monday morn
ing tbo railroad companies and their
etnpluy es rusiiiued business ; thu freight
truiii Weru Mulled, uud comuiuiiieu
nuns opened with uli purt of tbu
In luu meantime, thu disturbances
spread rapidly over thu Stale. In
Philadelphia, by tliu courugu uud activ
ity ot thu Mayurand pohcu, supported
by thu greai body ot the cintoh und
press, and tn liurrisi'tirg, tbrutigb the
eoolnoaa uud promptness of the Sherill
of i-biiiphui county and lliu Mayor ut
lliu oily, and Ihu public spinl ul the
cilir.oiis, w ho responded lu the cull ot
ihu authorities, the disturbance were
spuidily quelled beloro my arrival. In
Heading, tbo costly railroad bridge
over lliu Schuylkill wus burned down
on tbu eveliiug of tho twenty second,
and freight trains alupped. Tho Sher
iff of iferks county, pioving unequul tu
Ihu ailuniioti, Gun. iieedur, with twu
bundled and filtcen musket, ul thu
Fourth i 1 1 li. ti try, Nuliuiiul Guard of
Pennaylraiibi, wa sent theru by Gun.
Il'illiin, uud in a severe s'.iool fight,
uller dark, on Ihu twenty third, in
which muny of hi command wuru in
jured more or less severely with stone.
und eleven ol Ibo crowd killed and
aluivu filly wounded, tbu rioturs woru
dispercil. These I mops having been
aiihsequenlly demoralized by tbu action
of the Sixteenth regiment, wore with
drawn ; but the next day, the twenty
fourth, upon tho annul of a detach
meiit of United Slule troop, iiudur
Col. Iliiinillon, thu ruin! was ro opened.
In the middle coal field of Luseruu
nullity, tbo miner, under tho prevail
ing excitement, slrin k on the twenty
fiilh or Juiv, and all train were atop,
ped upon iho road running through
t lut t region. At Kcranton, on tho first
ul August, u largo body uf men, en
tleavotiiig to drive lliu workmen from
tbu l:i il 1 1 oi ' I sh" tiiid factories, wure
uriigeously ilispoiHeil Py the .Mayor
l l ... I l.i .
wounded. As the troublu wus serious
ami thieiileiiing, and rapidly growing
beyond lliu comrul of tbu Muyor and
his small force, bravo and determined
n they were, 1 directed tho Fimt
Division, under General Brinton, lo
hit-Ion tbu proposed movement to that
region, fulloivin immediutely with
oi bur forcu ; und on tbu third of Aug.,
thu railroad woru oncu more put into
regulur operation. A body of troops,
regular and Killitia, were stationed
there until the early parlol November,
when ,11 fears of any disturbances be
ing removed, they weru withdrawn.
Slight outbreaks which hud occurred
ill various oilier place hud been easily
suppressed, either by the local iiiilhur
nics or thu presence of tho United
Slates or Statu U'mips ; und before the
middle ul August ull thu rail roads
throughout the Statu weru ru lining tin
Hchediilu lituu, untl by tbu early purt ol
Niivembir, all thu miiiiirestaliuus ol
law les-uess hud disappeared. Fur full
details of tbu military moveiiiciils here
outlined, 1 rotor you to thu report ol
thu Adjutant General und uccoiiipiiny
itig documents.
When called upon, thu Federal gov
eminent promptly nt-punded, and
throughout the trouble, the Statu was
greully indebted fur tho co opuiuliou
und niorul supirl of lite regular irtKips.
Upon their final withdrawal, I address,
id letters to Ihe President nud Gen.
11 uncock, (which will bu Iiiuud in tliu
Appendix.) acknowledging our sense of
thu services ol the army, and the in
tui used respect and appreciation of our
people liir Us admirable conduct in thu
Thus ended the groul railroad atriko
of lh77 in Pennsylvania which result
ed in violence, murder aud arson ;
which caused lliu deaths of over filly
civilians aud tint (oldient, and the
wtiiiiubng and maiming uf a hundred
or more, and thu deal motion of mill
ions of dollars worth of pmpoiiy.
Whdu it i true that the win kni men,
who began ll. roiitctnplatetl no such
terrible result, it cannot be denied
th'it the maimer in which they pro
ceeded lo eiiloreo their demands, by
stopping Inland coin merer) and seising
lliu pmpeity of corporutinns and indi
T i I it it Is., and driving individual Imin
iheir usual occupuiions. in detiancu of
law, madu l ie lireacb through which
llio las lea, elements ol society pourud
to plunder and destroy, liy this in
TERMS-$2 per annnr. a Advance.
SERIES - VOL. 19, NO. 1.
considerately inviiing the Co operation
uf tho criminal classes, lubor did iisell
a great and grievous inj ury, and ll will
bu long In hu o it can remove ibo an
picion und distrust wiih w hich thupoo
pie will view it, strikes und orguhiza
lions. Into lliu merit uf thu eoiitosl,
it is not necessary to go; whatever be
tho rights of laiior, tbu duly of the
Executive is imperative, In tho Mo
ugo ol 1S70, were set forth llio pi inei
pies which govern thu present admin
sirulion iu ihu dischurgu of lln oner
oils duty, lo which recent events have
given udditiouul emphasis: "No dir-o-liedienco
of reguluily constituted au
thority will bu permitlud, whether on
the part of individual, corporations,
or cumbitiuiioim of men. .No sense ol
wrong, however grievous, will or shall
justify violence in Becking indemnity
loert-iur. inurignisot proporty imisi
bu respected, and no inicilciciui' wilb
its Icgilimutu mo will bu tolciulcd.
Every man must bo ullow oil to sell bis
own lubor ul his own price, uml his
w'orking must not bu inicrrupiod.
either by force or intimidation. I'm
grievances, fancied or leal, retires must
bu sought iu the milliner the law pro
vides, and no one must attempt to over
ride its process. If ciliauii will ro
cognize ihesu principles us binding
upon their conscience uud notions,
thcru can bo no necessity for Execu
tivu iiilenoreiieu lo preserve lliu peace,
und il must bu undei stood, once, tor all
that any violation of. private rights,
or resistance In public olHcers when iu
the dischurgu of their duly, will be
summarily do It with, uud it the civil
authorities and the power of iho coiin
ty cannot maintain the supremacy of
the law, then tbu whole power of the
Coiumoiiwciilth shall bu employed, il
uccussury, to compel respect for nu
ihoriiy." I
As u Brunei o bo riot, tho-grand
juty ot Allegheny coliniy entered
upon an investigation, und huminniily
demanded tbo ultundutice nf thu Gov
eriiorundihu civil and military olliceia
of the Excctitivu Uepurlinciil to testi-
lyhelbruit. A I did not think ll Ihu
limu or place for an impartial mvoii- Uhu woiliitigmco and the people. Tho
gallon of the Initibles, or concede thu children of skillful und piosperou, tue
light ol Ihe curls locommiiiid the ul-1 chaiiics might lind iu Ihu primury
leiidanco ol a co t rdinulo branch ol suluaiis instruction in mechanical und
the ;ovirnmeiit, 1 ivfusid In attend, IVeo bund druwii g; ond to llioso who
n ml directed thu civil uud military I are circumscribed by harder conditions,
uflicials to icluu also. 'I ho qiiesiion free highl acbool could furnish the
w as submitted to tho Supremo Court, opportunities ot a slower advancement,
anil its decision according with the j lMonn industrial school, under a wiso
view.snflhodcparliiicnt,ulluppearancosyr'icni r.l compulsory laws, could
ul conflict between Ibo jiidiciury and gather the children of utterly destituto
executive wa happily averted. Should ' or vicious parents und cducalo thum
thu Legi-lutiiro deem it exnc lioiit to fur u useful calling, without contact,
investigate Ihe subject, all iidbrr.inlion on tbo one hand, with acknowledged
in tbo pusses-ion ut the Governor or
tho Department, if nny, in addition to
that contained in the Adjutant Goner
ul' report, and tho npeiiiltx hereto,
will he promptly given.
Pussing from these secondary mat
ters, lo tho broader and deeper lessons
of tho strike, while theru is much to
causu anliiitudu, there i much, also,
to uwukel) colilidencu in tho final sola
lion of tho pml'lem. While capital
held labor in ignorance and bondage.
stiiKoa wero rare. 1 heir Ireiiiieiit is
currenco is a proof that labor is grow
ing, more and more, tu un eqnulny in
strength and importunco to capital.
Intelligence hu, spread itself among
I lie laboring clussea, they have learn
ed to read and write, uud to inter
change their views, and lorined asso
ciation, according to their new light,
lor their protection and advancement.
And if in thi, u, in muny other cacs.
"A little learning is a dangerous tiling,"
it is yet belter than no bun ning at ull,
und i thu progressive step lo higher
intelligence. Un tho other hand, un
derlhu influence of civilization, wealth
bucauiu moru and moru diffused, and
corporation grew up to collet Ihe
lurgu uml nm tt 1 1 amounts of unemploy
ed cupitul, to build tbu gigantic work
und conduct thu great industries re
quired hy modern sia iely. These two
result? are Iho ineviiublu consequence
of iiicrcuttrd intelligence und civiliza
tion. These great corporations, from
llio cliurucler ol the enterprise, am of
necessity, in most cases, monopulie.
As, licit, iho people have a right to (re
mand llisl wlttlu tha profits mu uc
crnu topnvule individuals, their iniin
agemenl shall rise abovo merely selfish
aims, and coiisutl ulso the public utili
ty and wellure. ll has come lo puss
that in thu conflict between capital
and labor, tbu Ibrmcr is almost wholly
represented by corporations and tbu
latter by various otvauizalinn.
Tho utlitiido of li e pcoplo Inwards
thesu two Ibrcc during tbu great
sttiku hu ubo deep significance. In
the general sympathy lur the striker,
dulled only by their own unlaw lul
sots, thu workmen bavo assurance
thai iu ull right anil lawful ill'orls to
belter their condition liny will bavu
thu aid of iieiirlv all classes of tbuir
fi How-citizen. Andjn the prejudices
against tho corporations, those who
control them may realize that the pus
sossiun of great wealth und tho con
trol of great enterprises iiiipoicsobliga
tlotis to ibo public which they t uiinol
ulford to ignore. In these facts, we
can discern the two roads Hint may
uvcntuully lead In thu final scillemoiil
of llio contest tho dill'iisinn of higher
ilucutinn among the woikinirtneti. 1
anil tbo conviction, on thu purl ol cap
ital, that it has now to deal w ith an
equal competitor, whoso claims and
rights, together with it own, ninn be
decided und adjusted by ni Lit nit ion.
In this contest, the primary duty uf
the Slate i to keep tho peace, uml
secoiidurily, so fur a law will avail,
to ba-tvli iho consummation of lint re
Il is iiiipossihlo to reud lliu imin,.
trial history of the country without
being struck w ith ihe decline ol the
system of apprenticeship, the deca
deiico ol skilled lubor, und tho rapid
iticreaso of eniiimou t'ay laborer.
Many cause, may bo uaaigncd for
these results. The invention of labor
saving mm bine, the minute subdivis
ion nl hiliur, uml tbo intense cnuipeli
tion uniting producer and niuiiiiluciur
cr have, uu dotil t sorvid l ilon n t' e
pride nl thu workman iu his work, uml
ttiutle it impossible, in ninny instance, j
to give nuy liino or upp ii lunilies lo
mere learners. To cuiluluracl thosu In
fiuelicca.lbo assisiatice of the Slate will
bu roipiired. Hut unnther ciiise,
arising from tho misdirei t. d cITiirt, nf
the workingmen tbeniselvea, can only
ho removed with their cooperation.
Trade, union, and various labor or
galiizalinns, sbicb profess to elevato
llio condition ol the liihoiittg classes,
have, in real ty, materially Coniribultil
In iniptirerish und degrade litem. Mill
ions of dollars bavo been folk-clod
from workingmen and squunilcretl iu
profitless strikes, during w hich other
million, havo been lni through en
lorced idleness, w ithout oven a tmu
scieiit effect itHin tho iiiiturnl fliictua
tiona ol wages, Tha ihdepelidonoo of
imlivitlutil has been sacrificeil to ibo
tyranny ol.s class and llioy have grad
ually learned lo depeud tor prt)vrily
upon utbor agoocie, than tlnir own
purHoniil Industry unci thrift. Tlia
regular education of skilled uiocuauic,
bus boon restricted by tho osmo agon-
den, forcing Ibo growing generations
into tbo undistinguished muss ol dny
laborers, tlio lowest and poorest paid
ol any class, and reducing the nation
to tbu necessity of iiiplying ila skill
cd lubor Inrcigneountrie,. These
thing strike at ibo wdliiro of labor
asiilk-4ft4afti!l!f,t'j' H '.-. Uvea.
guild ll .aiolua Ueoro m Uul ivu
liom aueU men", can compunsuio liir
their deterioiaiing elToots npun tho
condition and inoralu of tho liibuting
i lussi s. 'I b ..fowl Ii of the individual
ia d w in led, hi aubsiiticu wunted und
bis children deprived of their rights.
Tho door, ol hi own trudo and ull
others uru closed nguinnt them by his
li llow-workmun, ninl thuy must enter
uuother cal'iiig, or become the mero
drudges ot society. A, long a the
trades are closed, us ul present, we
must over complain of ovur-orowdud
proL'ssioii uml commercial puniits, of
4 luck of skilled mechanics und un ex
cess of common luboror.
In thi qiiention. not only the work
iiigmen, but the Stulo, also, ia deeply
concui tied. ' Tho great warfare of tho
nineteenth century is industrial war
lure ; tho strugulu between great na
tions lur supremacy in various indus
tries, und for control of tho various
murkets." Kuvurul foreign tuitions und
u lew of tho Slates bavo fbnteen iho
conflict and begun lo educate their
people. Pennsylvania Las unrivaled
resource, but iinlcs she prepare, Ibr
tbu competition, she must content her-
stlf with the production of raw ma
terial, und her peopla tiecume tho
hewers of wood and ili aweis of water
lor more highly cultivated communi
ties. 1 ho mean must he tho difl'uninn
technical knowledge among tho la
boring classes, securing the eo-0sura-tion
of tbu wnrkingmcii ; creating new
Industrie, and diversified inlerosts.iuul
throwing the ways lo honorablo and
lucrative employment 0ren to all. The
work of tho scliool-niastor must undo
tbu work of thu demagogue, and tho
Mute siipplunt llio bigoted organisa
tions of lubor with industrial schools
and workshop. If tho workingmen
will spend Iho money now used in
keeping up such organizations and lost
in strike, in keeping their children at
such institution, and co-opt rating
with tho State, tho dignity and aver
age value ot labor will bo rapidly rais
ed. IliTctoforo public education hu,
been too much in the interest of a
cluss. The influence of the old schol
asticism has been powerful enough to
ivurneitrlhulorcuot modern industrial
and siiciilific demands.
The resuliuut
ha leuriied loo much in direction.
and undue prominence has boon given
lo professional uud classical education
over industrial ami scientific training.
A thorough system of industrial
training must embrace tho children.
i paupers or crimnul, or lowenntt llio
putilic schiKilH, on lliu other band, with
ol!'en-ivu poverty or low ussiHiution.
In addition to tho theory, it may bo
necessary for the Stalo to afford prae
licul training in tho mechanical arts.
1 1 is not probable that tho old system
uf apprenticeship, which bus gradually
billon into disuse, can over bo general
ly restored. Two cause, ulono would
seem lo bu sullicieiit tn prevent il. In
tbu extensile modern wornshops. tbo
proprietor, or master mechanic or fore
man can never find time lo devolo to
tho instruction of apprentice, who are
consequently left to pick up, in a dc
sullory manner, what littlutboy learn,
and in many industries tho necessity
of producing article, at tho least labor
and expense, lo compote with others
in the markets, require, the highest
skilled laborers, for which they must
depend upon tho overstocked labor
market, ul thu old countries, as they
cannot ulnicd to educate new band,
believing that, under theso circum
stances, no remedy can bo found ex
cept through tho direct agency of tho
Slate, I renew my rccommondution,
enntnined in tbo message of 1S75, for
the establishment ot workshop, in
connection with industrial schools, and
hog leuvu to refer you to Ihe current
report of tbu Suporinlendont of Public
Instruct inn for tho prools he has toi
lette I ol tho feasibility and advan
tages of tho plun.
It will, perhaps, bu a slow and dilli
ciilt ttisli to secure tlio co-operation of
the present generation of workingmen.
Hut. in all th luruo cities nnd towns,
whore thai class is principally congre
gated, lecture and dr.'.iighting-io ims
could bo added to the nieht schools
mi l such instruction given ns would
interest nud benefit adults. Every
thing i bat w ill tend to recognixo ihe
impiii'innic and dignity nf labor; that
will excite tho pride and emulation of
the artisan ill his work : convince him
of tho interest 1 1 the Siato in his wel
fare and the wcllaru ol his children,
uud sut ure the traits of hi, industry
and tin dt. should bu done; nnd 1 ant
convinced thul nothing will cotitributo
so much to theso results; ns tho oMiih
lishinciil ot iiioitstrial nnd scientific
school und workshops by the side of
our present hih schools and academics.
Fine ly, the appreciation and demand
of Works of art und skill muH keep
pace w ith the rapacity to create them,
.tltiseunis. art pillories, and other pub
lic collet lions, are also important fnc
tors in iiiduniiiil e locution. Accord
ingly, 1 took occasion Inst year to re
commend the arrangement, Ibr public
cxhibiii .ii, of tho specimens collected
by thu Geological Survey, and o nil;;
gust I hat you consider the advisability
of extending Stuto aid to the Philadel
phia M useiini uml School of Industrial
Art. Tho hitter institution has, (Inc
iter tho year, opened free school of
drawing mid iKsign, and n the State,
il it decide, to add insiitriul education
to llio public school system, will need
competent ten' hers iu theso branches,
this fact give, it additional claim, to
ihe recognition of the authorities. 1
venture lo hope thnt this subject will
curly engage jour Inliors, nnd that tho
public schnu! system will receivo a
synimetricnl development correpond
i"g with iho condit onsol n highly in
dustrial ago nnd tho largo anil varied
n sources of Pennsylvania.
If it is to the intercut of tho Ilcpuh
lie thut liiigatiun should cease, it is
stid more to tbo inti rents of tho peo
ple that tlio conflicts between different
classes should bu brought to a cloao,
Aa it is bucomiiig tho public opinion
t f tho civil, te.l world, that tho nations
tanuot afl''nl to submit their differ,
enccs lo the costly arbitrament of tho
word, so it is becoming tho settled
conviction that nothing can be rjuiiied
by a war of classes, to comiotite fir
too loss caused by tho disturbance of
nil industrial relation, and the dangers
threatened to individual iidupendenco
nnd freo institution. And in many
place the saitifl idea i gaining ground
among tbo trading classes Ibr adjust
ing; tho conflicting claims of individu
al. Since, therefore, arbitration has
been an. ccs-fudy used tn settle inter
1'iitionil question,, and oron the petty
dispute, ul individual,, why cannot the
saiuo peaceful aguncy bo Invokod lo
adjust tho relation of capital and
lubor f
Tho subject, though Important, Is,
(.WirturJ on trrtvtd fy.