THE REPUBLICAN. All kinds of Sowing Machine clean a and repslnd kj W. 8. Bombard, Clear le Id, Pa. 111. As Goon as Cash. Several cords ol irj iu wood (ill be arj aroentanle imnl ofBllteeritloB,attnltofloB. tl. s. sr. Salt ! Lylle his Just received so Have you teen Fleolt ft Co.'s boll da goods f Iiemember that Lytle is County Agent fbr Lorrillftrd'i Tobaooo, sad oas Mil thou at tutor pries. Thi an tie heal tooeooea la urkat. Try thon. At the Rkpublicah office is the place Have you seen Fleck ft Co.'s holi day good! f Have you seen Fleck ft Co.'s new ndvsrtlsssssnt F Advertise in theCLiAariiLDKiruB- uoas. Tbo adrartlaing ratol an raaaoaable, aod tbo olmalatioB It tht largtit of any sapor In this SMlion of toe tint. If. Why will yoa infer with Dyapepala and liver aomplalat, ConitipatioB, aad general debility whea yoa can get at our atota Bh Hob's Bynem Vltallter which we sell ob a positive guarantee to cure yoa. Prloe 10 eta., and 74 ota. Vot aale by all Drugglsta of Clear Held. Money to La. r By the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, la suma aot leaa tbaa $I,0U0, oa artt-ola improved farm property. For fur thr Inrormalion, apply ta ll. W. riMlTil, I. tUtl A Co.'i Column, ff. glut A Co.'i Column. Jltw gutirrttsrmrnta. SELLING OFF 11 " GUINZBURG'S LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED ST0CK.0F CLEARFIELD, PA. NIDNIHDAY MORNINn.DKC. Jo, ISTT. other Ivt f Sao Salt, lar,..t .lied twilled uolii Ut soar Job work dons. We aro fall; prepares) oou , 7T-au. uearncid, i'a. I' Ul I paid fi-r three aad bsforv all aaontne..... t IS II paid af-or Iheolplrnttoa oilg anonthe... t H ,--Messrs. 8. M. pBTTBastLl. Co.. N.M- i '...,., , rare fi"w, wmv ieekaj.n 8lroet, are our dull authorised AMI RKLKilOUK KOTICIblk Mrilhodlat l.ilaeoial (hart hRee. J. 8. McMtinnar, Pastor. Seniors atrery flabbalb (via n.Ui nr. M. Sabbath rlehool at A. M. Preset Meetiac orori Thnrsda. at 11 P. II. Own union -tsrvloe. Or it babbatk of arar; naia, i ii'f a. M. Will CltarHeld M. ft. Uhurrh. R.r. Willus 11. Uill and W. 8. Wn.son, Paatore. Preaohins; .r; alternate Sunday, at I o'elock, r. m. ouonajr Bcoool at J,, r. M. All aro la riled to altond. Iretb) lei-Ian t'lmrrh Her. II. 8. Brmia. fiabbath eorvieee tnorntng and atoning San bath Hohool at I P. M.Prayar Mooting Wsdnea- ua.r nia. Kt. Frauds' Churrhl'atliolle Re. p J. HHBBtnaM freeobln, at 101 o'clock. A. M.. OB tbo Srft, third and lourlh Suadeesof ooob saoBth; v sspera ana ncnodlolloB ol tbo tlleesed Kserament at 7 o'elooa, P. M. t-nodajr School oory Sunday aiternoua . e o Oioea. Ol-'FH'IAL 1)1 RECTORY. Tins or loLPina qdabtbb ssasiona ooobt, Seeond Mooday of January. Third MoBday of Morob. Ftiat Monday of June. Fourth Monday of September. TINS OP SOLDIX. COSMOS r l.BAB. Firat Monday of Juno. Reeond Monday of November, ruBLio orrionns. Prnldt Jidt lion. Charlea A. Mayer, of Lock llaren . Ari.riMl tow Judo Hon. John 11. Orfie, of Bellolonie. -Aaeoetare Jnttft Abrem Ogflon, CloarBoldf Vloeont fl. noil, uieerneio. Protkonoturv- 81i bloom. Ktfiiur mnd Aeeorder -L. J. Moraen. Itiitriet AiroraryWm. M. MoCullongh. rrtaiorer Darld MoUaugbey. 5Atrt-Andre Pentt, Jr. Ihpui) SkinffCMiU J. Kearay, Rlearteld County Atorveyor Samoel Y. MeCloekey, Cur aenerilla. Cooafy (bwmtiefoHore Clerk Rrowo, Clear leld Tbomai A. MeUea, Cheet P. 0.1 Bairil Hooter, Liearfleld. Ornaiir Awfiloro William V. Wrlabt, Clear geld i rJamuel A. Celdwoll, Williamigroao Jobs C. Conner, Burnliao. Counfy Coronor J. B. Nor?, Now WeehiBfftoa. Jury CoomieeiMrre Dr. Jemoe P. Burehneld, ClearBtd, Joeepb Aleionder, Madera. SuptrinUttdmt of Pmbiie A'eAooto John A. Greaorr. Curwoniville. Stmlir of Wtiy kf d- Mroiurti JfllfcW . Carlllo, otHee at Trootville, ra. AToloriee '(lie John W. Wrliley, Win. Ra debauch, Cyrua Uordon, Clearfield i Joeeiib R Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Carwenerillet J. J. Lknglo, Oieeola Mille J. A. Liringilooo, DuHoie City. Oar Spoeiat eoluraa IB doridrdty iotorf etlng 1b a local point of view, and profitable reading to ouuiuoro wbo want to fare money. W.N pupur will lie inrnied from IDK onico Belt week. Tlio Clvarflcld nirruliants drove a krifk trade laet Halnrday evenlog. 1 o Iluvo you socn Fleck &. C'o.'a holi day goode ? Klegunt Jewelry, buitublu lor holidity pretcntf, at 8n.tdcr' sign of the big watob. m o mm - Have you Keen Fleck & Co.'s holi day good. ? Xcccllts lor ull kinds or Sewing Ma- cbinei oan lie baa or W. 8. oouinard, tlearDel-t, Ilev. Wm. H. Dill will preach at llle H. u tburob, in Uradrord towninip, Hunday, llee. SOth, et lt, o'clock A. M. Ilavo you seen Fleck ft Co.'a now turerttiement t rontons who hnve Hewing Machines that nord repairing, ebould call on W.8. fioatb- ard, Clearfield, Pa , and bare them attended lo. -" Hnve you seen Fleck A Co.'s holi day aoodi r . 1 Mcsrs. Weaver Itctts aro about to re-open their More lo thta borough, on Second Mteet, which hoe been elo.ed eioeo lart epring. Have you seen Fleck ft Co.'s boli diy goode I A Christmas tree and fountain will I meted in the Welt Clearfield M. K. Chnrob, and will be on exhibition on Cbrlitmae arching. .. m mmm - Have you seen F'leck ft Co.'s now edTertieement 1 Jiuy your Jewelry and Silverware al 8. L Snyder'l. Ho bar tbo beet and largetl llnrk hi the oountf , and kie priceo aro vary low. Havo you seen Fletk ft Co.'s holi- ilny good. T To all our reuders young and old, kigb end low, rick and poor, loig and inert, fat and leB we wiib yon a " Merry CbrUtuM and llpiy New Year." i a Have you seen Fletk ft Co.'s new adverllMmoBt J A slight change occurred in the chtdulc ol tbo Low tirade Haitroad, OB Ibe lOik ini. A correct time labia appears eleewkrro In tbii Uiae of the RarvkLlOAB. Have you seen Fleck A Co.'s now admtieemeut I 11 en hunts, tuko notice I John A. Stock hee rcceired tbo egeaey fur Morbarg Broe celoliated giBBulatod Emekiag Tobacoot, wktek ho rau aad Bill aU at lactory prk-Bt. 12 St. r " Have you been Fleck ft Co.'s now edTeilnrment I The firm ot 1. H. hlmlt'er ft Co., do lac hulaol at DuBeii, thit Bounty, hef boon dinwlved, sad the partial giro notice to that onrel Is isr kdrertieiBg eoluianl to-day. Jlavo you seen Flock ft Co.' now adrertuement ? Dr. Stewart administers Nitrous Oxide Ual lor tbo palnlcu extraction of teolk. Cell and too bits. tlBoo Is reaidenoo, OB 8eood Ureal, oppoeite Uo. bigler'e relideaee, LV Have you sceu Fleck ft Co.'s holi diy good! r Tbo Btotkhnlders of the County Na- tit.nal Uaak Bin held aa election at the baskiog -", OB Teodey, the lib day of JaBuery next, fnr the purpoH ol aloellog llirtetori to eerro the oufitiBg yref, Have advert iarl you seen Fleck ft Co.' new i.atr The Chrintmas lelivitiis in the Onrteld M. I. cbureh will be held on tbla iVtk1., areaing, Dm. :4tb, In. lead ef Ctrllt- malay, wee al trrl intended, end so as leerrd last week. Iluvo you seen Fleck ft Co.' holi J i edel There was no Temperance meeting but Friday evcLing, OB oerooot of not getting 'be Cnntt House. Tbo Janitor waa serubbiug ssd (leaning up lbs Count room in which to hold be Turners' Inetllate thle week. Iluvo you seen Fleck ft Co.' now sdnticroBI t m aw 1'ur the following item, we aro In ''led lo Ibe llollidayebnrg AraMaru). How k et it Is tree we esnnol loll I " It la ro moved I'll there ire Ion tkan ten Illicit distilleries In t'tatloB oa lbs kordm of Cambria and Cleer 'II ceoailn." a ew Iluvo you seen Flock ft Co.' boli ' fds' The Teat'hors' Institute 1 In session Ibe Court lloaeo as we go lo press, and the la "lieai ire that II will bo one of Ike most Inler "' end iBceeieful meellogl of this kiad over k'M in Ike toenly. Tko nttendelco of teachers Silr leige, notwItkeUwdlng tko almost Imperil kwnoditloB or ibe roods. Iluvo you seen Fleck A Co.' new irliarmrnl t According lo announcement, the ""tilrtyef llnnlsgdos held a Sabbath-School lie tlrtyef llBBl.sidos held a Sabbath-School tMxntit.u la the Preibylorlea Church, nl Bello en Teeiday ind Wednesday of loll week, twit,,, being alio kald la Ik eeealogi. Rot. ! ,lton, of BlrmlBgham, was ahcoa Prort- 4 d Rev. II. 8. Boiler, of Cleerteld, aad T. J. SherrarJ, of Miaia, wete ehooaa Sot. "ikrlea. The attendiaco was qslte largo, some mity delegatei kelag la altoadanro. y day goode f Have you seen F'ltck ft Co.'s new adrertiMrBBnt r WantiuI l.UOUotmls of Hemlock and Rock Oak Bark, for wklck wo wUI pay tko klgbeet mnrket prion, JyHtf. A. 0. K bawbb A Co. Have you soon Fleck ft Co.' holi day gooda t Have you soon Flock ft Co.'s now adrortleement t A Sknsitivi (iiRi,. The Danburv JVtwe man orerboard hie hired girl tcmark ihet tbo froit on tht milkmen"! maitaehe chilled her to tbo TBry heart. He wal unable at the lime lo axplaln how thia uleetlon occurred bot he bee aisoa learned how It happened juit whea be haaded ber the plteber. Have you seen Fleck A Co.'s. holi day goode r Havo you seen F'leck ft Co.' new adrertlaomeat f Excursion tickets for tlio holidays ore announced to bo Bold by the atatlon ngenu of the Peanaylraala Railroad, on the Ilth, JStb, 80th and Hat daya or Deeembor, nod on New Year'a day. Tbaao ticket! will be sold on the main lino aad all braneboe at tks rats of four eenta par milo for tbo round trip, aad will bo good for return trip until the Sd day of January. Have you seen Fleck ft Co.'s holi day gooda f Have you seen Fleck ft Co.'s now advertisement f Finn in W ILLIAM8P0RT. Early on Ike morning of tko ISth Inat., a deatructlvs llro occurred In tko city lodioalod, deetroyiug the large planing mill of F. M. Uartahcroo A Co., with 120,000 latba, and two dwollinga, tbo prop- orty of Peter Ucrdla. Sixiy-tbroo machines of tbo latoat Improved stylo were destroyed in the mill, togc'.ker witk a largo amount ofetook. Filty men are tkrown out of employment. The Aro originated la tko fire room. Havo you seen Fleck ft Co.'s holi day gooda J Have you seen Flock A Co.'s now advertlaoment r Hunters, Attkntion ! Judiro Junk in, in hia reoeut charge to the grand jury of Perry Ouunly, laid down the lew that "aoy ehooting at anppoaod gama, befora Iho iportamaa bus diaoov ered his mark, la careloaa, aod if Iho object thua oarcloeely fired at, turns out to be human, and death easua from tba abot and wound, that is maa'langbtor." People wbo ars Ib tbo habit of firing at anppoaed gauo or at plaoea where they may wound or kill persona, might aa well meko a Bofo of this. Havo you seen F'leck A Co.' holi. day goods ? Have you seen Flock A Co.' new a tvertisemeot F A KgwViiisiortoFANOLD Story. Ben. FrankliB gave the people of hia day a recipe for obtaiaing braltb, wealth and wiadom. The present generation is not supposed to bo in want of wiedom, nnd would prefer happineae eombinod with health and wenltb. Tbo modern way to ob tain all tbeao Is told in the advsrtlsement of Bar riok, Holler At Co., beaded "Health and Happi ness" In Ibis paper. We cordially recommend our readers to the careful consideration of their adrice. decio It Have you seen Fleck A Co.'s holi- dey gooda f Have you seen Fleck A Co.' new adrertiaement 7 .- Our Mkmber Sick. -The Washing. ton tfuadoy Htrolit aaya t M Hon, L. A. Maokey, RepreaentetlVB from the Twentieth Diatrict nf PenneylrABia, baa beBB augeriag for a oouplo of weoke from a severe attack of plearisy Oa Tbura day, however, daring the enaleel aa the Colorado ease, bo left bia bed aod remalBed in tba Uonso BBtll the final vote woe takea, whieb gave Patter son his Hat. Tbs exposure Incident earned bim to toko lo kis tick bed again ; bnt wa are glad to koow that ho ia eoovaleaeont. Pluck of that kind Is worth mentioning tkeee days." Have you scon Fleck A Co' holi day gooda I Have you seen Fleck ft Co.' now advertisement t Anotbir of tbi Oldest. Departed this life, at Iho reiidenoe of kis eon-In law, Mr. Geo. W. Rboom, in this borough, oa tbo morning of tba ltk day of December, A. D. H77, Henry Stone, la tbo 77tk year of bis ago. Mr. Stone was born In the Stabs of Vermont Ho tame to this oounty over lorty.lhreo yean ago, and, there. forB, was what may bB termed one of the oldest surviving settlors. He was tleeted to the office of Connty Commlilioncr, in October, 1806, aod served a term ef thres years wi:b hooar to him self BBd the publie. His wifs aod one daughter Mrs. Geo. W. Rboom are the only memberl of hi! family that survive. Have you seen Flock ft Co.'s holi lay goode f Have you seen Fleck ft Co.'g now advertisement 1 Sheep Dons. Mr. Clark Drown, one of our wonky Connty Commliiionere, kaa takea oonildirable Inlereit for several years past Ib Im proving a flock of sbeep on his farm, a few miles south of thii borough, lo Lnwreoce toworhlp. He had a flock of as flos Colswolds, fifteen lo num ber, Bi sver yielded wool t bnt the doge got among thorn last Thursday night and killed all but one. lit has born a pretty bed tempered Commissioner over since. And, by tbs way, weadviie the vari ous esBdidelBS for Clerk, Mrieealilo Appraiser, Janitor, etc., lo approach bim ery elyly, tor a week at least, and then never say sbeep or dog, aolesi loo wculd tntbor host hil opinion of iberp doge then yea won'd bis opinion sbowt Ihe appointment. Havo you seen Flwk ft Co.' h. li day goods ? Have you seen Fleck ft Co.' now advertiismsBtf CnRirtTMAS. The Now York Trib- one sd-lics people who meet Hint, Ibii Chrletmai, to slight tbs growo-up peopls rather than the children I "If they havt beet used to n traa, gt without yoar elgtrs or now bonnet, but let It riee fur them oa this Chrlslmss morning with all ill old picador. Moreover, cnt off your wealthy friends with a trills tstber tbaa withhold a llborel gift for the needy ss fsr ss poiilblo, get work oa Christmas preientt dene where It will bo cher lly to Ibe person whose srrvleis yon psy for. Finally, ' Remember Ibe poor,' not by sendlog turkey to one hungry family, or a loo of coil lo another, nnd then dropping the whole class out of your mind for the rial of Ibe holideys, but by Bttaally taking thought bow It kelp thorn sub stantially. Tbo lust toggtilitn bet tnmolklng la II but, after all, a lurkry to Ike hungry Bad a toa of eo.l ib Ibe freetlng la "substantial " help and If judwloasly glvea will ga far la bless lbs giver and Iho donee, . Have you rwen Flock ft Co. holi day goode f Have you seen Fleck ft Co.' now advertisement Fatal AcciDgNT.-One of the most palatal accidents that svsr oeourrod in Tyrone, toys Ike Tyrone Htrmld, keppeaod between tkrm and four t clock on Tuttday tflerooon tf la.l week, retailing la Ike doatk of a bright little gin ia ld. of Mr. Frank It or sock, who resides In koust adjoining Ike tneldenoo of Mr. D. D. Wood. Al Ikt Ut eeovo ualuM lac mwe girl sad ker little brother about four ,oa't of ego, ere la a room oloee, Tbey bad ihor.d a chair t.k ..d rroea Iho chair tko boy had climbed up no tko alnk, from wklck ke could reech to a ikebT above, whore a emeu revolver wos ly ing, tht llltlt girl ttly being obit to follw him as far as Ikt thair. The HIlU boy, of source sot kaowlng tba denser of handling Ikt weapon, which was loaded, look It from its pavoo oa the sbelf tad ky tomt mennt, wklck Is aol known .....I. Ikeread load fiod it. tko kali naeS- Ing tko left side ef toe fees ef Ihe little girl, letv- Ing a eeer el bora oa ker ebeea, an anieriag nor ,.a i..... i l!-i.l below tbo tolbar bone. paestsg through the left long nnd lodging Juet Inside Iko skin be lew tat lower no nou ueo ... bock. bono. About tevoa t'olook la tbo evening Ore. Smith and OemmlU txlraaUd tk ball from III lodging pbtM In tht Utile tasTertr. Toe child lived natll aboal four o'clock Wednssday aieralng, wbtt II died. Neglected Couglm tinil Oulda. Ki w ppl r awtrta r Ituporlanet f ohroklnf euufb or tiM t i:, that hjH it Iht btjt-DO.Df wuuld ;UI1 to mild remfdy, If )Mlidp avuon prcji upoft lb lungf. lltutoa'i Cutupuund Byrup of Tor offordi .uatditiU ro ller, tor Mle li CletrSold by HtrUwIuli A I mil mod 0. D. WiUon. ! Saw M ill Blrnbd. The laro steam aw nltl of W. A. Bimpmo Co., at Look tlatio, botiwa at 'tbo uppor tni'l," doitroyod by flro lait WcJneiday tnoruinc. Tbo fln broke out ovor tbo on g lot ruoiB witbio tbroo-quorteri of as hoar aflor tbo haadi bad goat to work. Ooo half Iho mill wai owntd by W. A. 8lapion, ono funrtb by Mooro, Simpioa 4 Co., mui tbo rt olatnf ooo-fourtb ;by Font A llopton. Mr Bin p too hod no loiuraaoo j Mooro, Bimpioa A Co. bod 91,000, ftod Fnrot A Dopsoo bad 91,100 tftanriDOo. Tbo property wai valaod ot about 915,000, although ofrrotyoora attott would havo brought much higher prl. Fifty faandt aro throoTO out of en ploy atst. Havo you Been Flook & Co.'a holi day good i F Have you Been Fleck & Co.'s new ftdmtiMtnvQt? Perjureb Punisufj). Pamelia J. Randolph, eoortrted at tbo roooot toria of tbo Iluotlogdoa Court of porjury, waiMoteaood to pay a flo orllOO.ooita of proMoation aod undergo B imprlionmeat la tbo eouoly jail fur tbo torn or odo yoar, Iota one Jay, aod waa further declared fororer diiquallfiod front belof a witooaa la aoy matter ia eontrortray. Pamelli had awora bo fore tbo Court that the bad Borer beta married to a eoiiaia John A. Kaadolpb,wbo waa tried for bigamy at tbo laat Auguat eeiuont, and acquitted uo ber teiiimony, wbereaa tbo Juitioo of tbo Praoo who porformed tbo eoramooy, aod other credible witDeaaea, aworo the bad beoa io married. Havo you Been Fleck & Co.'b holi- day gooda I Have you Been Flock & Co.'b new advertiaeuieatf THE COUNTY tUPERINTENDENCY. Mm. Eniroa : I notice la tbo laat iiiue of tbo ItRfcaLicm y oo coin mend ao article Uhin from tbo iftkoot Journal, pariaioiog to (be Cooaty 8u periotoiidtiooy, to the oarelul auuiideratioo of tbo ticbuol Director of our county, ll iho Direotora are to " light their tempi aod brgia to eoaroh for ib. right man," allw too lo quote a imall item from Ibe Hehoot Journal, of April, l7t Whieb will give tbein a oiuo to oadiog the right laaa among oar teacher, to wit t ' Ihe t'fflce wt buperinieodeotof aehools belunga lo the teaobert. Jt baa lo dn with tbo teaebere, end abould elwaa bo filled by a toaobor. It the DirrcUr eao bud ia a county a tiaoher teko i a eittitn of the evuary aad devuttid to hi pro let hob ; wbo aiweja attend lot-tit a tee j who readi worka oa toaching i who a tl voce tee Com moo Hcboola who, like hicbler of old, teera Uud aod lotto little obildrou i " who, ia abwrt, la ao tktuiat ia bia work be ta the am to meko tfuperiiend aot, eteo though he baa aerer been to College." lu my opioioo, Direoton would do well to fol low the timely edtlco of lr. Wlukereham, aa given above, io tbeir ieerch fori mao. Tbey abould bear in aiiad that a College diploma ia out tbo only requifite ueeary lo tba letootion of a County BupnriateBdt-Bt. A TaacHRa, LLftARnrLD, I'a., leo 21, 1H7T. Have you seen Fleck & Co.'s holi dy good? Iluvo you neon Fleck & Co.'s new adrcrtiaemeBt? Clearkikld Coal Tradb. Stuto- meat of Coal aod other froigbu acat orer tba Tyrone A Clearfield Dlriileo, Pcnniyl? anla Rail road, for tbo week coding Deo. 15, 1877, and tba aetne time lait yoar : coal. tout. For tbo week 57,08 Bame time lait year Xl,b4 Proviouily daring yoar H 1303,363 Bame time laat year 1 144,587 Inereaao. .... H 1&S,7M Total in I8TT Bame time laat yar ..1178,481 Inoroaee H.o . otbrb raaiaaTa. Lumber Miaoellaneoua freighta . 161,8 SO ,,105 vara. .. SB THE CLEARFIELD COUNTY ATLAS. In a late interview wtib Mr. Newton, tba Su perintendent, we learn that the work ia the varl oua departmeeteof our Clearfield County UUtoH eal Atlaa progreeeee favorable. Many of our eltiieoa bavo had eketcbee taken of their real dencea, larma, buiiaefa houaet, mill , faetorlaa, ate., aa may bo aeea ia tbo liat which aooompa. aire thta article. It fl important that every Improvement, whether public or I'rivate, ebould bo properly repreaeated. Our ilnter countiea have ahown to tbeir bet ad vantage by ibe meny elegant lithflgrapha which ao lolly indicate their material reaourcet and tbe atep forward tbey bavo taken oa tbe road to com mercial liuportaooo. Our Citiiena abould toe to It that Clearfield ounty ia not behind ia baring Ita Improvemeota properly repreaeated. Tbe opportunity of eecar : ing a view of our bomee, nvrr aoeoea, ebarcbca, 1 Ao., will not cecur agitlB for many vean. It fa heartily draired ly all that lb work la tbe view dvpartmetit mey bo ao eomprehenaire that tbe! t lluttrand portion of tbe Atlaa may fairly re pre-1 aeat the improremrnta of the coutity and to do I thia, our farm era, too. ber men end merchant must i nut naad aloof. 1 hia feature ot the Atlaa ia both taameatal and uitful. aud ta fecund to ao other I aeetiuB uf Iho wotk. Meara Kobinaon and i Mann are now ratling upoa the eitiieoa ia the varli'ua towncbipa, aad oa tbeir rtara wo bpo to bear a favorable report of our people' lihe r-1 ailty and public enterprlio. ustra eotnea ot me anaravinaa are inrciioH , lhue who bavo flew taken, whiuh rnablea the owner 10 bate tbeie picture ol tbeir home encaaed In Iramea, or nd them to tbeir frlenda roaldlna la other unrta or the country, ibe fol low ing era ihe Beaaeo of Mine of our eitiieu wbo have alrvad (KHitrmi ted to bavo vlewa of their buuiea and building .started In the Atlaa CMUBFIILD. Ilea. William Bigler Meildpoco and lawn. Judge U. h. Bairett reeldruce and office. U. U. Uoodiandor reaidvBoo and Interior view of limiting uUiee, Judge J. tf. flier.naiiy reaiuenoe aou aur- ruutdiugi. 6. J. Kow m Bun rrcnt and interior view oi priutiog oOlce, a. j. now re i ana re. A. B. Mi aw ridBoe and aurroundinga. Jamea B, Orabaai reaidenoe, baak block and olkrr building. Richard Khaw rotid--nc, mine and aurrouna- liiga, inrluding the Wet Cleurfltld lair ground!. Leon era Uiaueil eciifioi outiaiugana aurroaea- Utorge Tborn reiidenoe and larrounaing. A. J. L'gn rflilenoe and lurrouadtnga Frank V leldiag reaidBce aud gruunda. W, U. Hbaw roaidento aad gruuada. Jautea Kerr -in aura noe otnoe. cuawaNRviLLB. -lloa. John Pattoa reidRoe and farm artaa. Uiii Annie M. Irvln. view of thj John lrvin eataie property, avaaiailng of mill, lumber and raiting t-etiea o the Hu-quehanna river. K. 11. lirainara inienur !i wi ytw-u m K. A. lr-in view of Ihe Irvln bomeflen!. KM TOWReNIP. II. H. Mtllae A Bro homestead, mill, other buildinga and aurrnaading Monery. II. L. WoOee reid.ooe, aaw mill, achool bouae, river view and aurroundiaga. J.maa Metieer refidenee, old Aieuee nome- atead, other buildinga and lurioundlug farm view. Angua MillerreMdaaee aad tutroaauioga. J. W- Medif reaideace. Maw Mill, aurround- log aiwnery. and iatenoT vtow of Baw AMI. Juhn r Lee reaiaeoee aou urrouuviiiRa. Hubert Mabaflcy view of rt aid race, cbarcb, other buildinga and aurroundinga. Jamea MebeDey remne, river view, ani furrvaudmg loroet iceea. . BOBRBIDB TOW-aUir. Horace PatehlB-rotldeaet, mill, Ure, ether buildinga, river flew, Ao. Jaekaiia falcato atoro, reainenire y r- rouadtnga, A. W. Patchia reld-Bo, rlaar view and ear- rounding. et-obn v. l;onner reaiucno auu muir. Oeorge Patrbia- re I dew e and arriuadloga. V. Toahtaa teatdonea, rlrer Ttew aad aur rouedlnga, Jaba King reaideaae aad aurrouadlnga. Jamea Mctfarrey Tiew of reetdenco and atora. A. Batea reaideaea and aurruuadioga. fjftRBN woo& Towftaair. Pr. J. P. Iloit reaideaea and luirouadlnga aud river ilew. bvaota cur. Jeha lOaBole Realdeaor, mi Ha, other haltd- 5a aad eurruandinga. oha ttambarger roaldeaea an grenade. It. Kaati Ciiy Hotel baildlng. JORBaB TOWRRBIP. Ma) U W.Hifertiideaee, other bulldingaaad farm flow. isAwaait'B rowRBHiP. Clark Browa rMldaaoe aad farm flew. I eaader l.aalag roatdomo aad rarm flaw. Horn. A, C. Tata Urm reBidaoeaB4 turroana.- Abram tlunipnreT - oBi-ioLA at-aoiioa. U-orge U. Brlabla-roiideajaaad Uwa. D. H. Uooel roaldeaea and lawa. ' rniuraacRO. iaaaoa Paaaaaoia Hotel aad bar. Albert Owen rtetdeBff aad banklag rovM. Aad meay oibor. la tbe PoatolBoe at ClaarQeld, for tbe weak oodiag Uoeoaabor 14, 1877 tv- Arole M. Belror, 11 1m Jennie Baker, J. K., Oremala Welker, K. J, Wauoa. P. A. Oauuk.'T. M IIhvo you aocn, Flock & Co.'s holt day good a f Have you soon Flock & Co.'s now BUvertiKtneatr Christmas Bill. The editor of tho lloatoa Giolt evidently uaderitanda double-entry booh- keeping. Bern ti tho lait entry t oa. wira. dr. Deo. 10, To cash, $6p 00 I lly Chrlalmaa praaeal 4 75 I By pit and loea, 49.20 ToUl $50 00 A Long Fioht About Kndkd. The effort to puab Wm Jd. Lloyd A Co. la baokraptay, aaya tbe Altoona Sun, baa at laat been lueoeairul. Tba light eommooced two yean ago, aod afur aaaumiag rarloua phaaoa la tba U. B. Diatrict Court, H waa decided la favoa of petitioning creditor. The natter waa removed ta the U. 8. Clroult Court oa petitioa for review of proceed i-aga of tbo Diatrlot Court, aad after argument week before laat, by Mew. George Salraa aad J. M Reed, attorney a for creditor, and M. W. Aobeaon, attorney for bankrupt, tbe Circuit Court dii miaied the petition from the lower Court. Unlaw there la aome other legal hook upoa which Uiuri Lloyd A Co. aaa hang up the eaae, tbey mud aow proceed to ifaow up their aaacta and llabllt tlaa under oath. The symptom of worms In the intes tinal eanal and abdomea are, tbe pari bloated aad awollen, aod itching of Ibe anua, Tbla la Indicative of email or thread worm, which aro very palatal aad annoy tog to both ehildraa aad adult a. Tbeao worm bare been eipelled ia very large quaotitlea frt cbtldrea wbo were unable to Bleep or enjoy life at timee, breaaee of tbe great auaoyauoe oauaed by tbe worm. Tbe iSaeet Worm Powder neer fall to help or per in a nently euro thoaa wbo follow tba direct ioa. Tbo Powdera aro guaranteed to be perleotly harmleia, and recommunded by many of our bett phytic iana ia their practloe. Tba Bame of E. K.- Thumpaoa li blowa ia tbo gla rial. Prepared, by K. K. Thoupaon, Titusvllla, Pa. Price 25 eta. per boUla. Sold la Cleafield by C. D. Wataoa, aod 11 art wick A Irwin, druggitU.j Good Advice. Tho luHt isHueol the Seliaagruve rimea publiahe tbe following : bee ber and take i.ur advice t If you aee aa adver ilacment la tbo papera offering any preparaUoa to grow a board or muatMbo la a abort lima oa a mootb face, touch It noL It la a fraud t If yoa aae an advertlaemeot that tell you eon uu pi loo or cancer oaa be eurod, toaoh It But, li ia aura to bo a fraud 1 If you aee aa edvertiaeiaeot that protenia to remove fraeitlei or pluplaa, toaoh It oot. It will aurely prove a fraud ! If yoa aee aa advartiaement that offara from $5 lo $20 per day, or from $i00 to $000 per month, or from $2500 to $50i)t a year, loach It aot. It i a fraud 1 Avoid all auch aatravagaat offera j for what people can't afford to pay yoa at home, tbey can t afford to pay yoa elaewbere. An Inbcrance Freak. Tho Will e import BmUttim, of last week, aaya : "Judge Mayer preeided while a bill la equity, la I ha eaao ol Jamea datable agatnit tho Charter Oak Life iBiarance Company, waa read by II. II. Cummia, attorney. The bill rcoltai that Judge 0 amble waa Induced, la ISM, to take out a palloy of la anranca for $10,000 with tbla company, oa tho with -proflte ' plan. Voder thia plan tbe an o ual premium wae to be $A50, leaa thirty per cent, an nually, and leaa aiity per cent, trl-enaially. It waa ao Mated by tba agent, and alao ia the printed book of tbe eompaay. Everything prooeeded Re cording to agreement until 1873, whoa the com pany demaaded $M0, the entire amount of tbe premium, which tha Judge paid ander pro teat, aad pay menu after that larger tbaa originally agreed apoa were made under proteL la all, up ta thia time, tbe Judge kaa paid $7,407.18. Ao other payment waa due oa Ibe 12th laat. Tha emepBtj alataas $010. . ., . .. .. . " Judge Uamble, aa orator, praya that the eoa tract ar policy ah all bo rescinded ; that tho eom paay shall repay tbe lame paid, with latereat ; that tbe aompaay aball he restraiaed b) aa la- Juaotloa from claiming or aol lee ting any auma of moaey ander aach contract, or from declaring it void. Uo recites that be belie ree tbe eompaay bankrupt ; that 11 baa aot kept tta agreement and doea aot ialend to do ao. "Judge Mayer took tbe papers, graoted a pro limine ry Injunction as prayed for, took a bond of $1000, and Sied Saturday, December 2Vtb, aa the day for hearing argument oa the bill " A TbAOKDV III WlIXUMHPOIlT. Wo clip tbe following from ihe Wlillamaport Bltt(, of Thursday last i On Saturday evening laat, be tween ft aad I o'clock, a drinking aalooa oa tho northweat earner of Walnut and Gilmer street! witoeaaed a bloody scene that of disemboweling a man with a knife la tbo hand of a womae. Ueory Turley, batter koowa aa " Doe " Turley, a yoang maa aot, orer 14 years of agf, waa tbo vic tim. Wh at brought about tbe murderous work Is, aa yet, koown only to a certain few, judging from tba varioaa veraloaa givoa of tbe aRalr. One atory ll to the effcot that Thomaa Dridgeleod, proprietor of the aaloon, undertook to ejeet two women named McLala and Ad, from bis house, and that, not being able to aceompliih tbii task, "Doc " Turley, wbo with several others was en gaged Ib raffling fur turkeys at tbo time, went to tbo asiliiBBoo of Bridgelend, and tbe women were turned out Into tbe street (hat tbey did aot remain there long before re-entering tbe aa looa, whea " Doe " Turley took bold of Mrs, Ada, to eject ber again, whea she Immediately went to work at )ablng him furiously with a knife, gir Ing a cut of abuut ao Inch la length at the lower part of tbo abdomea, causing about a handful of intestines to protrude t also a cut Ib the back near the spinal coin bid, and another cut oa on of hia hip. To glte aa Idea of tbe desperate character of the anaonnter, It may be mentioned that then ware tome seven or eight renta from he knife la Turley'a aoat and vast. Turley waa assisted ta bia homo, wbi.a ba lies ia a vary arltical condition. The woman (Ada) haa bora arrested and Is now la prism. Special a, I 11... I .l.t. tte.l om is .Ll. ... anrl aoft aa yours," aaid a lady the other day to a female Irioad. ' Vouaan easily make It ao," aaid j tho lady addreaaed, ' How 1 " Inquired the Drat speaker. " I'M Miena a auipnur nonp. duiu oy all UruggiaU. lliil'a Hair and Wbiakar Dye, oiaca or urowns w w. vwi-w, War tko. Some easily learned person or Art lit to manufacture Lotrrr r Patr? Bit. a C.rvas Pictubbr Ib thia oounty, oa Hoyalty, Fainted from photographs or aoy picture, and la the .Viaeat Oil Painting made. Before the territory ia tales I will paiat picture Salt for ! aad warrant them for life. Kvefy poraoa should have 000. aa Oil Painting oa Caovaa are the only pleural that will aland the test of time, and oaa i bo bended down to posterity. Particulars free. I li. T. LUliihK, j Not. 1, U7My. Corry City, Pa. J Orb UrRPBBD Paa C'brt. Diiooiirt aa 0m! Paicaa. (Sewing Machine caa bow beparcbesed at Merrell'a tie and variety More, from tsb up ward. All kiad ef lowing mac bines repaired oa tba shorteat aotiec. Clearflold, Pa., July U, 1177. Bealth ia aa latstimable jewel. The ooaxh that deprives yoa or it moy take yoar life too. One bottle of Male's Honey f Horehuuai and Tar will avert tha evil, and aava yon from consumption. H 111 yoa weigh life against a half dollar 1 Mol l by all Druggtste. piko'e Toothache Drops ctro in one mlaute. Dea. I 4t. No other modieiaela tba world was over givea saah teat of ita curative qualities aa Ilnaebee'a Uermua ftyrup. In three yeare twa million fonr huudrod thonaand amall bottle of tbia medleloe were diatribeted re tkmrft by Diaggkata ia tbia country to tboae affl lowtd with Cuoaawntion , Aatbma, Croup, severe Ceaghe, Paeamoaia aod otbor dieeafoo el tbo Throat and Lunge, gtviBg tho Amorloaa people andeaible prool that tier waa Hyrup will euro them. Tbo reault haa btea that Druggiata la every towa aad village la the United Htatee are roeoBimeading It to thair cue lomora. Uo to your Drngglat, and ash what the; haocr about it. bemplo hotUoe 1 oeuta. Heftaiar alia 7ft tcata. For sale by 0. D. Wataoa, Clear field, Pa. May M, Wy-aowMj. Don't a Otttivtd. If aay perceoa aay "I havea't gut tbe Oooramp t lea" wba asked lo oare their toagh with Hoi loh'e Coacamptloa Cara. Da tbey Bot know that Congbe lead to CoaaamptloB and a remedy that will euro Ceaaamptiaa will -arUloly euro a ooagh ar any lung or throat trouble. We koow It will oare whea all otaere fall aad aar faith la It li to poettiva that wa wtll refuad the price paid If yoa receive ao boaefit. Ia aot this a fair .ropoattioa. Prioe, It ate 0 eta and $l,vu per bottle. Per lame Cheat. Bee ar Side, aee Rat- 1. sb's Porous Plaster. Prloe, I ota. Far tela by all Dragglita of Cleerteld. IIACKMRTACK, a pftpular and (Hiraat per fume. For aale by all Dtaf gl.ti ef Clearield. Deo. I, 'TT 6. . averaoe from o to 6i Inches tor wbtea we will pey tbs higboet marlet prlee. A. O. Kbausu k Co., ClesrllelJ, Pa. DutoiBt Fob Bals. B. Newioa Bhaw keena a 11 aupply of Vrerlonia BuKKiea mad tntioem Waaons fur salt. To be seen ot tbo Nhnw House yard. Call on or address bim at Clearfield Fenn sylvaaia. ' may IS-tf. Attention, Farm era and Lumbermen. WANTED by Arnold. at Carweutvlllo, 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 buBhcIs wheat. 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels oats. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. HMMMMr M-liich oil ered shingles. IIMMMKI li4liirh sa wed bIiIukIob. ItNl.tMH) lent pine boards. S.IMio rallronal tine, S,HK cords oak aud hemlock bark. For which one-third cash will be paid. oct.25. On Thursday, December 1.1th, 1S77, by Her. T. Van Scotoc, Mr. John T. Bowman and Mils Maggie B. Stepbeni, both of Quitch township. Oa Tuesday, December 1Mb, 1877, by Rev. E. Manges, Mr. J. Lurlen Seyler.of Dredy township, and Miss Mary A. Marshall, of Lutheraburg, Pa. 51C Io Wisconsin, on Thursday, Nov. I2J, 1877, of consumption, Edward Tale, sob of Thomas and Lavina Tale, aged 10 years, I months and ft daya. In Ferguson township, on Monday, Nov. IDtb, 1877, Catharine Tubbs, wife or (leurge Tubbs, aged BO years, 8 won tha and 8 days. At Wlnterburn station, la lluiton township, oa Saturday, December lith, IH77, Mrs. lletsay M. Uaker, formerly of Farmington, Main. Her remains were taken to Look Haven for la termeat. She wis a sister to tbe Messrs, Blan efaard. In Clearfield, Pa,, at the residence of hit son-in-law, Mr George W. H hef in. on Wednesday morning, December 10th, 1H77, lleory Btone, aged 7ft years, months aod 11 daya. CLEARFIELD MARKETS. Ci.iARrtiLD. Pa.. December H. 1877. Flour, prr et $3 70 Buok wheat Floor, per cwt. S 00 Corn Mra), per ewt ... t 00 Ohop, rye, per cwt 1 AO Chop, miied. per cwt 1 ft Hraa, per cwt 1 I Wheat, per buahel 1 40 Rye, per bunb 7& Oats, per bushel M Cora, ears, per buabel 'T Uuckwheat. per buibol 75 Potatoes, prr bunhel 40 Apples, per busbil 40 to 100 Hams, per pound Ift Shoulder, per pound 10 Dried Beef, par pound 18 Chidkens, nr pair 40 Hotter, oer oouad J Bugs, pr duaen 20 Salt, per sack, large 3 00 Coal Ull, per gallon 26 Lard, per pound , 1-i Dried Apples, per pound , 8 Dried Peaches, per pound - IS Ilcana, per buihet 1 60 PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. pAiLAORLraiA, December 24. Plour steady ; aunerflne. Mi extra. S&i Pennavlvania family, $n.0(a.7i Minnesota do1, t.4.7i(a 9.26 pa tout and feign grades, f T ( w. R ye flour, 94. Wheat Amber, $1 4.1(1 47 ) red, (1.40(.) 1.43 white. l.4&fl aO. Coromeal, tlMOt.l Cora quiet) yellow, f87ci mixed, 04iiU 05c , sail flOoj steamer ftiic. Oats quiet; Pennsylvania white. a6ttU3Sc; weitcrn do., I6(t 3Rc j woitcrn mixed, Itye, 70(373. Baltihorb, December 14. Flour -- Howard street and weatera aunerflne, $l(ti, 4.76 1 do. ex tra, $5((iy6 T5 ; do. famjlj, $0.76(17.25 ; oily mills auper&ne,$4t'a,4.ft0 do. ettra, $ft.Si(ivft.60 ; do. Hio brands, 97 (u,7. 2ft; Patapsoo family, family, I8 60. WlWt-lanihtra rod, rood to prima, 11. SO (5 t -43 i do. amber, 91.4K$..& ; IV o. 3. westarn winter red, spot and December, 9)1 .42 ; January, 9l.43l.4l f February, 11.44. Corn Southern white, ft0ifa)3lci do. yellow 02(0,01)8, old weatera mixed, spot, tact De cember, 64Dt new westarn mixed, spot and De cember, Olfo) January and February, tlo; western steamer, 64o. Harley aaobabgod. OataSootbero, K8(,11ci western white, 84). Bye dull at flUMjflic Hay steady ; Maryland and Penaaylraal prime, 914(916. Cbicaoo. Deeembor 16. Plour dull and un changed. Wheat higher; 1.09($1.09j for January: 9l.l01($l.lo for February. vora quiei oui eieaay. Oats steady aad unchanged. Barley dull aod a shade lower t &7c. PennHjlvniiiallnllrond TYRONE i CLEARFIELD BRANCH OX and alter Mondsy, JUNR 25, ItTT, the Paaientter Traine will run daily (eteept Hun days) bstween Tyrone and Clearfield, as followa t CLEARFIELD HAIL. W. 0. Irvib, Conduetor. LEA VB SOUTH. LEAVE NOKTII. Cerwensvllle. ..1:10, p.a J.M. " ..S:i, " ..J.45, " ,.l:t. " ..4.03, ..4.11, " ..4 l, " ..4 2, ..4.11, " ...4 as, .4.41, " ..4.47, .4H, " ,.l.l, "' ,..S4, " ...M, " Tyrone m VanKoyooH. (fommit Punelton, OMeola Botnton .10,i.u. ...., ' . OH, It 10, " Ciearlleld Leonard, .rrett Woodland, Bir.lw Id, ' ,.io.2r, .10.11, ,.io is, .10.14," .10.60," .10.511, " .11. on, " ,11.17, .11.14," ..11.11, " .11.40, ' nallaceton,... eieiner's, Pfailipahurg.. Blue Dull, Uraham I'hillp.burj... Stelner'a Orsoam,, tt sllarBtun,.. 1'Kler Woodland,.... Barrett, , Boynton Oieeola Fomlton,. ... rtummit, Vaneooyoo...... Leonaril Clearllrld Curwenivllle. Tyrone I! Ol.r CLEARFIELD ACC0MMODATIOX. W. 8. Plithhib, Conductor. J.BAVK8011TII. LKAVK !IOHTII. Tyrone l-lft s. H. Vanseoyoe,....l.41 " Kummlt 1.01 " 1'uaelton, 1.11 " Oieeola, 4.11 " Bnynton 4.41 " llteiner'a, 4 60 " Pbilip.uurj,. 6 00 11 Uran.m 110 Blue Bell, US " Wallaeeto t.00 " A. I A " Woodland, 0.10 " Barrett,......... t ' teunard, 1 5, " Ciearlleld, 7.00 Carwenavillo,.!.!! " Curenavlllen T.n, i. a Ciearlleld ?:.HI " Leonard I ll " Barret 8 0i Woudlend 10 " Bljler 1 St " W.ilee.ton,... 1 60 " Blue Ball 05 Urabatn V 17 " Pblllpaliur.. 8 40 " e. (.60 " Byotoo, 10.00 " ...... 10 J " Panelloo,.....l0 40 " 11.11 " VauMyoe 11.2s p. n Tyron 1.01 PIIILIPKIII RU A JIOHI1ANNON BHANCHBS LBSVB BOttTN. nonm. A, M. P. M. P. H. 11:10 12:16 11:21 12:14 BVATIOBS. Morriad.le, Philipiouric, Hleiner'a Hoy 0 ton, O'ceole, MoibBBI.OB, rlterllBit, llnnttdelo, MoCauley, I:n0 111 1:11 114 7:15 7:. t:44 10:10 1:61 10:46 ( 111 10:61 111 1:10 :tl 20 21 20 :lt 12:04 4:16 11:51 4O0 11:16 1:63 11:10 1:47 11:16 1:44 11:10 1:40 111 1:11 2:67 10:61 1:17 1:12 11:01 1:21 1:07 4 1:07 1:21 1:11 11:11 1:31 Kendrirb's, I It Kamey. lot 11:15 1:16 HAI.D B.MII.K VAI.LKV BHAMCH. MsiT. Mali. A. B. p. n. 1.10 6.61 1. 11 4 16 4 17 4.16 4.01 1.16 1..10 1.47 II 61 leavs Tyrone arrlva Bald Ealt Julian Mlleebur( llellefoBIs Mileehurg Howard arrlvs L. Haven lesvt 11.01 I'.ll 11.40 11.11 TYR0NB STATION. B.erw.Bn. 'a.n.f WBevwaBn. a PeeKe Espress l:l' Plltibur,b lip'at, 1st llsrrlsburi Aoo'm, 1:50! PselOt Ka, roes, 1:11 P.w P. H Mall Train. 1:31 Allautlo Eaproaa, 1:50 Pblln. Eipreea, Kitl Way Faeoengor, 1:16 Mail Trala, 1:14 Fail LIBS, t:l Close Boaaoetloae msda by all trains at Tyrone aad Look Havoa. I. b. uus.1 n, iy3-tf. Superintendent. BTAOl LINKS. rimiM Ilia dalle for Roeaolda- vllle, et I e'eloeb i. a ar, arriving at kryaoldsrille at t o ernes, p . .(It .iii . s Maisr.Bitf. Iraieaa Hittildl a'eloek , a. aa , arrtving at Cur- a loch, at. rare, oaca way, aa. t Carweaatllle dally, at I e'etoek. I. nil. m.tlmlaB al tl.. U.U rl I A stags Isavos n. m-, lor ifune l V I ' , niitpi ub. t- - - mm Tu.mam Ik-Wlm a. I at 1 o'oloob, . I T t'eloeh, a. m., daily, arrletog at Catweasrllle at Umk ftt is oriore bi. Fare, f - i.i- HOLIDAY GOODS ! A GREAT VARIETY! e 3EI. X O 3K : n. An. X(3 2 AND ELEGANT! A VISIT WILL CONVINCE YOU !!!! T. A. FLECK & CO. Wo havo mrtde extra proparntioni. In euclt dopArtmont thpro will b di. iilayod a beautiful stock ol' goods, intended cspretwly lor Cliriitmaii and Now Year's nresonu. T. A. KI.KCK & CO. Havo yoa seen our liandeome Matelumo Coata? " " " " nobby Coals, for Ladioti? ; " " " Beaver Coats, low in price? Ilavo you soen our good Kelt Skirts T " " " flno .doublo Shawls? 11 " " new singlo Shawli? Havo you soon our now Dry Good? Have you (een our now Dry Goods? Iluvo you soon our new Pry Goods? Have you seen our all wool rod Flannels? ii a i' a a white Flannels? " " " " oleL'nnt Medicated Flannels? Havo you aocn our splonditl Canton Flannels? " " " " all wool Ploid Flannels? " " " l.nmbermon's Flsnncls? Have you seen our now Fants Stuff? " " " durablo Tants Stuff? " " " " all wool Pants Stuff? Have you soen our Ladies' Cloths ? " " " Waterproofs? " " " " Tablo Lincna ? Havo you soen our job lot of Dress Goods? " " " " all wool black Cashmeres? " " " all wool colored Cnshmorcs ? Il.tvo you seen our bleached Muslins? " " " " nnhleschcd Muslim? " " " Sheeting? nave you soen our new Furs, for ladies? " " " Furs, for children ? " " " " children's Fancy Sots? Ilavo you seen onr handsome Umbrellas? " " " " Alpaca Umbrollas? " Waterproof Umbrellas? Have yon scon our Iloliday Goods ? Holiday Goods ? ' Holiday Goods ? Have you seen our new Corsets? " " " ' Silk Handkerchiefs? " " " " Linen Handkerchiefs? Have you seen our Ladies' Underwear? " " " ' Children's Underwear? " " " Gcnls' Underwear? Havo you seen our Ladies' Hosiery? " Children's Hosiery ? a " Gents' Hosiery? Iluvo you iccn our Ladies' Kid Gloves? ' " " " Gents' Cloth Glottis? " " " Children's Cloth Gloves? Have you seen our now Sfottoos? " " " Holiday (ionds? i ii ii ii nico Neck Ituching? Hnve you seen our Hair Brushes? ' " " Toilet Soaps ? 'i ' ' ' Tooth Brushes ? Havo you soon our Gents' Whilo Shirts i " " Gonls' Suspenders? " Gents' Scarls ? Havo you seen our Kmbroidorics? a " Collars nnd Cuffs? " " 11 Tulsc Wnrmcrs? Hnvo you seen our Foathors and Flowers ? ii 11 new Jlibbnnsf " ' " nlto Wings? Havo you iccn our Woolen Goods? " Ladies' Hoods? " a " " Children's Hoods? HAvoyou seen our BlnclcSllk Fringes? i' ' Worsted Fringes ? a a " ' Gitloon Trimmings ? Havo you seen our Trimmed Hals? o ii u " " Trimmed Bonnots? ii " ii Untrimmcd Hats and Bonnets? WHAT WE GUARANTEE : We Guarantee that wo will ncll nil kinds of Dry Goods clienper than my other utorc in Clcnrfit'ld. We Guarantee polite treatment to every one of our cus tomers, without urging them to buy. We Guarantee thnt we Mgortment of all kinds of Uwbb and Fancy Goods, in Clearfield. T. A. FLECK & CO. lpomrfrl2, 1877. T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T.A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T.A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. ? T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLECK ft CO. T. A. FLKCK ft CO. T. A. FLKCK ft CO. have the largpRt . nnd choicest nnd Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Market Street, Ciearlleld, Pa. Men's & Boys' Hats, Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods,' TJXr:K, VStitllKImldAS ii;TALISE. 1VU.L be t m,T to rt)i Ti.nETo Ws will VVi will isll sob B good 6nlt of GlcthlBg worth . all son beltsr nrtlsls wor'h -asll ruu b Hill bctUr nrtiols worth Wa will Wswil asll son ths vary brst, worth - Ws will sell yon n ossvr Bl.ttan t'lotn ursroost Wb will sou job B better nrtlels wonn ... sell yon n still bsttor nrtiols (BsBTer) worth - sell yob B Una worsted dissonsi Orsreost worth Ws will Ws will Wswlll ssll you ths rsry best Imported CbinobillnOrsrooBtWirth Wb will sell yon n Jlox tost trom nt to 17. HATS jk.7XTX CAPS, Till HK9T AND CHEAPEST RVER OPFERRD IN THIS OR ANT OTIIRR MARKET. BOYS' CLOTHING W will flloM out t iltnoit oy prle. Ia uDtlfrwew, w wll at 70eaUtittit. Btltu1 u.UUm tud a good man otlitr goodi pni'rtlontel ebvup. A. GUINZBURG, Agent, Western Hotel Corner. Clearfield, Pa. October II, Is77. ' 1 THE CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS AT GUINZBURG'S,- SKi o.rn sr., orrosiTt: rorxr hoisk, i Lt:.iiiru:t.n, r.. To the Citizens of Clearfield County: About a yttr axo T eamt amrjiig yoa with a itook of Dooti, flhoi, Rabbtri and Fomlahlng tiooiU: witbia thu Hue I hav fold abuut TfO TbouMod pairi of Boou, Hhoaa, ato.. and, with faw tXMptioa, ibe articlat bava given perfmrt MtUtaotioa ; whtra goodi did aot tarn Oat ataetlf M repraMnud, they trora at onoo roiad by new ooei, ta tbo faw who bad oooailoa ta oaoh rodrotf ean ttilifT, Now let ma aiinrt you tbat thit U no mere AimtTlo, bat praciaely what I will eoa llnuo to do i. bit ii, wben tbat which 70a buy of ne doef Bit giro, what yoa would term, "jour money' worth," I will repair it al ona, on tair proof of He being oo. Feeling grateful fr paat farore, I ah a tontinuaoee of a fbira of oar patronage, Yourt Sinoerrly, S. UlINKUl'llO. PRICE I IHT, WOMKH'H W EAR, Womtn'i Lteed Lait ing Hhoe med to tell for 1 1 00. Women'! Laced Morocco tSboee need to eell for t.J6. Women! Laeod Calf bboei ..... axed to eell at $1.60. Woroen'i hoary faro Hboaa ucd tQ lull at $.&0. . fl5 pti. ( $1.11 j I .. 1.25 IN MKNM W KAH A I'OMTIVK HLAUUHTER 1 Mm' beaty winter RboeSj double ol...05 eU Men' heavy kip hboe $1 .Ii Men' heavy ealf dreaead Hboe 1.64 Men' beat oall dretwd bboea 1.74 M.b'i kip working Hoots 1 M Men' kip working Boot, domle eola... Men' kip working B oU, tap iule .1 00 BOYS' SHOES In fifty different ilylss, front 11 to Working snd school sbosl, from to I2.&0 for IVeBrt rairifcio, kulloned dress shoes, boys' Klmirn tap isle llooti, t'i.bQ. MlttMEtt' NIIOF.H I Ml A Minea' chool Shoe : 9i et MUwra' farm abooi $1.14 Miaiea' genuine calf aboe H I. Ha Miimi' ilrcii hhoei . 1.40 Minea' dreif 8boa 1. 00 ClUI.DltEN'H AM) BABY'S MIIOH AT CRAZY FKilREH. Good. lid, buttoned, heeled Sboea for chlUren. f-5 coot. Oood, soaper tipped, heeled fiboaa fof eliildrm, hj cunt, hubber and draaa bhov, $1.30. Uaby'a Sbaea ol all kind, tit et. aad up. Men'a and woman'a lippora, 4 eeota Shve poliih, 14 oenta per bottle. Shoe airing, 4 cent per doien. Button hooka, I cent each. Clearfield, fa., Hep 12.1877. i MEAT MARKET. F. M, CARDON & BE0., Oo Market St, one door west of Mansion llooie, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrantntnant are rf tbo moat complete character tor furniahing tba pnblia with Freeh Meats of all kind, ana ot tbe vary beat quality. Wa also deal in all kiad of Ajn-ieultaral Imple ment, which we keep on sibiuitioo far tbe ben ant of tbe publie. Call around when In town, and take a look at thing, or add ret i as jr. H. CAKDUiV of, BltU. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1975-tf. FRESH MEAT-XEW SHOP. Tbs Bnderstsnsd hereby Informs tbs publie In geBeral that tbey keep on band, refrn.nrly, at tbeir shop, adjoining JOHN OULICII tl turBllnrs rooms, opposlt th. Court Uonss, tbs BSST MUSH BStr. VIAL, tll'TTOS LAHB, POHK, TC., AT REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. Market mornings Tuesday, Tboradsy, and 8eturdaye. Meat deliesred at residence when desired. A ibarB ef pstronase is reapeetfullr solirlted. Marrb 1, lS;-ly. 8TAUK MOKK1S. 4.KAI AVAMI'll. FARMERS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, Give me your Attention for a Moment. I want 5,000 bushels of Wheat. I want 5,000 bushclH of Oats. I want 5,000 bushels of Rye. I want 5,000 bushels Buckwheat. For which I will Dav the Cash when Delivered. .... a. uutr.iiuiiu. Clesrleld, P. , Ot. 17, IS;;-.1m. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW QHADK IllVISION. ON and after Monday, Dee. loth, IST7, tbs na.aenser traina will run daily (elrept Sunday) between Red Jlank BBd llrlftwoud, aa followa t KAMTWARI). Par Mall leatss IMtt.knre 2(1 a. m.: Hed ll.nk I1:J0; Slifo JunetioB 1 2:S ; New Jl.thlehrm 1:07 p. m.t MaTirills l:M; TroTl:90t llroobeilie 1:011 1 Fuller's 1:.1J t Itey- ooldirllls J:5l! Dullol.l Hommit Tunnel I S:t0 r.nBrld 4:0 I Weedfllle 4:17 Ilenrietle I 4:sV ; arrives at Driftwood at 5 15. H r'TWARI. DsyMalllears.llrillwood 2:10 n. m.; llroesrlt. l.-OUt Werrlville I:t0t I'.i.r.U I t.'.; Sitmmlt Tunnel 107 1 llulloi. J .10; Keynnldirllle3:o; Fuller'! i 7; Hrnokrill..! J:l; Troy I:I0 M.v.rill. 4.16t New Betblehern 4:10 1 Slis'i Junction 6: III ; lied Hank 6:27 I arrive! at 1'itt.burg at 9:10 p. m. ; jtsr Tbe Rcynnldivllle Areoromodallun leaves : nrynnldiville daily at 7:50 a. m. nnd arrtrei at Hed ll.nk al 11:1)0 a. m., Pittsbureb at 1M p. a. Leaves ritt.bursrb Bt I:I0 p. m ; Hed Hank al 1 6:s5 p. m.; arrlvlns al HeyBoldrvllls at 9:11 p. m. j Close connections made witb traina on P. A K Railroad at Itrilteood, and witb Irslnsonth Allrsjirny Vsllsv HailMad at Bed Hank. UAVlll Mi CAKiKI, Uen'l Sup'l. A A. JarKiuB, u't L. U. Div. l.(.lNTi;He, NOTK 1 11 Notice la berebv given that the following ar Connie hare hern examinvd and paaerd hjr me, and aln filed of renord ia tkia nnca rr tha In- apMtinnof heir, Irgateea, ereditor, and all other intnreited, and will he preaented to the next Or phan' Court ol Clearfield oouoljf, to be held at tha Court Hvne, la the borough of Clearfield, eom ncnring on tha 3d Monday (being the Htbdar) of January, A. D. t A74 i Aoeount of Lhrlatiana Uglen, Kxerular of in ratat or Hoot go Ugden, late nf llraay lownabip, Clearfield eountj, Ta., deo'd. Final amount of Simon Thoupaon, A'lm'r of tba enlate ol Kobt. Tborapmn, lata of Lawrenea twp , Clearfield founty. Pa., detM. Final aceotint of W. I). J. Merlin, Adia'r of thi eriete olHobt. Prott, lets f the counly of Clear field, Ps.,dec'd. Aorouat of U M. Karwell, A-lin'r of ths estate of I'amalia Farwell, lata of Pika twp., Clearfield ronaty, Pa., der'd. Final aMint of Hubert Leigpy. Tru-tn of tht tittle of France Ltfgey.lateorCoTingtoa twp., Clearfield county, Pa , dae'd. Final aeeouat of Jamea Hegarty, Rieeutor of the eatata al Kobt. B. Hrgany, lata (Juliet) twp., ('toarfirld count?. Pa., dee'd. Pinal aeeeual of Joha J. Pionrd, Ouardlaa af Amelia Uurmont and Mary Uoranat, minor fhitdrea al Praaeia 1.. flormoat, late of Corlug tua twp., Clearfield Co., Pa., dre'd. Bteond, partial aoeoant af Uea 8. A Adam Wea rer, Kaecatora af tba tatate at Aea. A. Wearer, lata at Uradj townahip, Clear flrtd county, Pa dce'd. Aeeoant af Charlee A flrl lgf t Rmffoty, Admialttraiara of thaeatatsof John i. Rffrtr, dre'd, who waa tbe Admlnlftrator, of tba eatate of Praners Maffcrty, late of Pcnn lownihip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., dea d. Account of Priac A. Knwlei A Nathan R. Paoplra, AdminlMratora of tba eatate af Abraham R. Pcoplaa, lata a QLawranoe tTwnnblp, Clearfield aaanty, Pa, aWd. Pinal artontit af John fl. NrKlernan, Adm'r of tha eelite or Jnha McTaviib, lata af tiollch twp Cktrfieid Co., Pa., dee'd. Final aeteaat of Rabeeea Dale, Adm'i af Wm. Date, late af Lawrenoa twp , Lkarfirld eoaaty, Pa . dee d. Final aeeountof I. P. Wlttwa, AdtulnWtrator af lha aaiata of Dither Lmter, lata of Uradferd twp., Lifer field Co , Pa-, dead. t t. J. MOR.JA. Dee. Il-tf Regleter A Racardar. .row m IIS tor SS It for IS St Jo for It SS IS lor 10 t I for I OS IS for T M IS for 11 OS io for It SO 10 for 10 00 worts t t I 1.35 1.73 Wotneo'i beet Calf Shoei aetd ta eell at $2.00. Women' Laeed foied flboaa edtoMllat$l:a0. Wometi'a ltattoned Maiwo Sbotf need to ell at $1.76. Women' Kid Laeed Shoee ueed to Mil at $2.Jtt. Mrn'i Elmlr kip working Boot., lap aula.. fS-iO Men' dreai Bvl M , .ti Men bait calf Bot 3.'i a Men' beat calf boot, sewed 4.00 Hen' bel ealf Boota, eewad . 6.00 Mi-n'a bert ealf Boot attwed - 6 00 HUNDRED HTVI.ES. Miiaee' dreae Sboe.. Eiatea' dree Phoea., Miiies ktd Phoe Mise' kid 8boe Mi Mot' kid Hboei - ... $I.Ti - 1.00 I Of I0 - 3.0 TtBTIC ES COWBTA BLEW FHE4 We bare prlpted a largo nam ber af tba mw rbH BILL, and will oa tba receipt or twenty. Ira aeat. aiail a eopv ta any addraaa. myt$ F OR SALE. Tha anderatgned will sell at art rata tela all that traot or paroel af land sttaala ta Daeatar towaeblp, Clearfield aoantj, Fa., within a short diPtano of tbo Tvrona it Claarfiel'l R. K, aad adjoining laada of Robert lladaea aad alaera, aad known aa tha Jamb B. tfearfcart lot. Tba aaid traetoentaining 00 araa more ar las, with two rain of ralnable eoal tbaraol, haa a beat SO acres elaared, and I tha her ta a large bodj of eoal about being developed. Will ba sold low aod upon aasj term. Fur particular, applj to DAVID L. KKEBfl. Clearfield, Pa., Jul IS, 1871. DllUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Phaw'a old atand, Clearfield, Pa, has jut npened a new itork of rim: ikesh jmi. and 1 now prepared to faro ia anything ta tba (ha line of Urugi and Medicine at tho t$ry low est rmih priee. lie baa alo on hand a large stock af Combe, Hair and Tooth llruahea, Panre Artlflei, Toilet and bbaring 8oapa, aa I aearvthiag asaally kept In a Grtt-clas Drug btare. x PHYSICIANS' PEESCEIPTIONS compounded witb ears, day or Birht. A Bbfral share of palronace re.rlfnir solicited. II- B. UPACKMAN. Clesrdcld, Pa., Oct. Jt, l77. The Bell s Bun Woolen Factory Pean lownihip, Clesrleld Co., Pa. It If R H B D OltTI art nor BURNED UPI The aubserlbf r bare, at great exprnaa, rehallt a neighborhood neeaaalty, la tba ereotion of a first elaaa Woolen llannfaolory, with all tha mod era ImproTementi attached, and are prepared to make all klnda of Clothe, Caaatmeree, Petinetta, Dlan ket, Flannel, Ao. Plenty of goad oa hand ta aupply all oar old and a thonaand aaweaatoarrs, whom wo aak to oome and axatalna our stock. Th bailneit of CARDINQ AND FfLLINQ will racalva onr aaparlat alt tlaa. Prapar arrnngemonta will ba made lo rcaf a aad daltrer Wool, to aalt euatomer. All work warraatad aad done upon the ihortoat aot lea, and by ttrlet attea tlon to baslaee wa hope to reaJlia a Uaarat sbara ef publi patronage. I0.4MM) POINDS WOOL WANTED t Wa will pay tha blgheat market price far Wao and aell oar manafacturad gooda as low as aim liar gooda ea be boagkt la the eeuaty, aad whaaerar wafall ta render reaaonabla satlsfaetloa wa aaa always ba round at home ready ta maka propar axplanatioa, either la pareen m by latter. JAMKS JOHNHON A HONS, apri!ttf Bowar P. 0. HIGHEST AWARDS! " Ba" AbsUIWIbjIV aWs J. REYNOLDS & SON, KOItTUWinTCOIlNRR TIIIRTbRNlMAiPltllRIIT ITItEBTN, PHILADELPHIA, M ANl'FACTVRCRt! OF PATRNTKU Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, HTrn SHAKING AND CLINK BR-ORIN HIND IIRATH FOR RI'RNINII ANTIIKA CITK OR IIITIMIMUIB COAL. CENTENNIAL WROIGHMK03I UEATIES, FOR D1TVMIN01J8 OOAU KEYSTONE VK0l (.llT-IK0 HEATERS, COOKINa RANUKS, L0W DOWN trttTM. I.4erl)Urs C Ireutara sent trmm vj as' Vesi XXAMIKI IKF0RK tXHtCT' , AnrtlltTMr . .wf.f.r m:.n.i.rns uir A