Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 26, 1877, Image 3

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    iTht Republican.
Grorqr B. Gooiilandrr, Editor.
Reader, If yow went to Int.- whet to going od
Is the nailnoio world, luit rend our advertiilng
olaBini. tbe Npteiml onlumn iD partloular.
Nn man worthy tbt offioo of Preeldrnl ennuld
bo willing to bold It if counted In.orplneedthore
by one frand. U. R. OntnT.
I eould n.var fcav. boon roeaarlltd to Uto ele
vation by tbo amalleit ftid of mint of ft neriun,
however reepeetable to private llfo, who mult
forovoretrry upon bl brow tbo itamp of freed
Bnt triumphant ii Ameriean niitorv. No run
eeqneat ftolloa. howoror merltortoue, ooa waob
wav tbo lottoro uf tbot rooord.
Crablbr PruNTif Aiumo.
Under Ih. farm, of law, llutborford U. Ilayoo
hai boon doolarad Proildrat of tbo t'aitod Stntei
lilt titlo rMto apon diifranchliement of lawful
votrra, tha faloa eertl&oetea of tho returning offl
cero noting oorrupUy, aod tbo dootfioa of a eom
mieoion whloh baa rofuaod to bear evidonoo of al
legod fraud. For tbo Ant tin aro tba American
poopla eun fronted with tho faot of a fraudulently
oloolod rrooident. Lot II not bo andontood that
tbo frand will bo lllontly aoquieaeed in by tbo
country. Lot in which iho usurpa
tion U forgotten.
Annnnn op Irmocravic M. Co.
Ono hundred yoan of human depravity oeeu.
mulated and eonoontrated into n elimai of crime.
Noror again in flro hundred yeare ihall they have
an opportunity to repeat tho wrong.
Dabibi. W. VooRHnaa.
I wonld ratber bare tha andoraoment of a quar
ter of ft nlllioo of tha Ameriean people than that
of the Loaiaiann Returning Buftrd, or of tho Com.
miaoion wbiob excluded tbo faelo and decided
tho queatioa on ft technicality.
Tnoa. A. Heudricki.
An account ot tho repent Senatorial
duel will bo found ou our fourth page.
(ion. McCkllan again ordered to re
port at Trenton, Jfow Jer&oy. Ree
fourth pajre.
ti'overnor Yanco, of North Carolina,
attributes tho destruction of the pure
agricultural fair system to horao-rao-ing,
throe-card monto and prize candy.
Thanks. State ftonatur Feale hun
our thanks lor a copy of Secretary
McCandlefui' report on flail Roadn, for
A Bad Lawyer. Gill, a Pittsburgh
Attorney, bat eloped, and took with
him over one hundred thousand dollars
of other people. 8 money.
Tur Nrw Juutn. Gov. IJartranft
has appointed C. K. Taylor, Ksq., of
Franklin, to succeed Judge Trunkoj-.
Judge Htorrott ill therefore out again.
The Governor has appointed Judges
Trunkoj-, of Venango, M'Dcrmott, ol
Mercer, and Gulbraith, of Krie, to de
cide tho judicial contost in Crawford
The Bilvcr question rests over the
recess of Congress, but comes up again
as the unfinished business of tho Sen
ate immediately npon its reassembling
on the 10th of January.
Provokinq, Indrrd. W hat makes
the Republicans maddest now Is that
ftor they have gone through so milch
to givo the stolon goods to Hayes, he
refuses to mako a fair divy.
licv. I S. Kallocb, formerly a Kansas
politician of unsavory reputation, but
now a preacher of San Francisco, baa
come out with a vehement antl-Cbinoso
Goon Advicr. Tue Now York Eve
ning Post bas concluded that it's abont
time for tho Prosidcnt cither to with
draw his civil service reform order or
to commence to enforce it. On this
quostion the voto Is nearly unanimous.
AoRRRARf-R. Our Senator "Don."
says the Philadelphia Timet isn't mak
ing any fight on the President blmsell,
but be knows a man from New York
who is, and that's as good a thing as
tho young Ponnsylvanian wants.
A ootomporary says : 1 1 may bo con
soling to Senator Patterson and other
restless carpot-baggers to know that
Caron Farrar declared In a recent ser
mon delivered in Westminster Abboy,
that there is no such thing as hell or
"a world ol worm and flamo."
lir.AD It. An interesting debato on
the Silvor bill and tho Bond question
will bo found on our first pago this
week. The views of tho ablest Sena
tors on both sides of this question was
brought out during tho debato on tho
Tur Nrw Srnator. Tho California
Legislature, on Wednesday Inst, eloctcd
J. T. Varloy, Domocrat, United Statos
Senator for six years from the -1th of
March, 1879. Mr. Farley displaces
Sargent, Radical. Tho Democratic tide
keeps rolling on.
"The slave driver's whip" begins to
unnoy Radicals. Bocause Senator Gor
don possessed tho manhood to tell
Conkling his own. Thoso moral cow
ards fear the exposure of their crimes,
hence the:"stop thief" cry is set np to
call public attention in a different di
rection from which It is drifting.
Waors Raisrd. Charles Nordhoff,
it is stated, receives from tho Now
York Herald a salary of 10,000 a year ;
and ft writer in tbe Denver Keici adds
to this statement that he nsed to "hold
copy" for Mr. Nordhoff "when tho In
dianapolis Sentinel only paid him 112
a week, and grumblod at that.".
A Solid Majoritv. While the ar
my Rnd the carpet baggers conducted
elections in Mississippi, that Slate was
good for 30,000 Radical majority. Tbo
official vote for Governor at the recent
election shows that Mr. Stone, Demo
crat, is elected over his Radical rival
by a majority of 95,310. How is that
for high? '
Tor War Ovrr. Tbe bonlor
thieves and bandits on both sides of
the Rio Grando River, succeeded in
producing ft sensation during the past
week. Somo peoplo seemed to think
that another war was right on hand,
bocauso number of American and
Moxican robbers were plundering esch
other. That Is all there is In this fuss
-about a war with Mexico. Tbo gov
ernment should send troops enough
along the upper Rio Grande to shell
them out, and If they do not disperse,
kill then! off, and thon we will have
Nrw York, December 2i. Tlioiv
was an explosion at ten minutes pasi
five o'clock thii tdtornoon in the ini
incline candy manuiiutory of Green
field li Sons, No. G3 Ilarelny street,
which extends lo (Jollcgo Plane. The
boiler, which wnsjjn.ltho basement,
burst, tearing away the onliro front
ar2r ff ' uir - ?v : ,fv
eetS9Jreny ' e-urreeaRleeRetta
Within a few minutes aftor tho ex
plosion, tho wall, five stories high, iell
into tho street, whero was gathered a
multitude of screaming peoplo, and the
flames burst out in all directions.
With regard to tho number of per
sons in the building at tho timo of the
explosion no definite estimate can be
had to-night, though tho propriutoi
thinks there were about 110. Those
employed In tbo factory were princi
pally young girls and boys from eight
to twenty years of ago.
Owing to tho approuck of the holi
days a double force was employed, one
working during tho day and tbo othor
at night. Tho forco, winch usually
consists of over a hundred, is changed
at live o'clock, and thu fact of the ox
plosion occurring at ten minutes pasi
that hour renders It still more difficult
to know bow mnny fell victims.
Several girls wore seon to jump from
tho top of thu building into the fire.
Tho greatest sacrifices of life, however,
will be among tho young gitls, many
of whom are from eight to fifteen
years. They wero employed selling
and assorting and packing candies on
tho first floor, over tbo boiler. None
of those escaped so far as known and
at tho vory lowest calculation tbore
must bo forty or fifty dead bodies in
tho ruins.
Thobookkoepcr who was on the Bar
clay street side of tbo building was
blown out through tho window to the
street and badly cut on the head. Sev
eral persons jumped from tho second
Btory and escaped with slight injuries,
tho fall being broken by policemen
and citizens on the sidewalk below.
Thirtocn wounded persons, of whom
ton are nnder eighteen yoars of ago,
havo boon taken to the hospital so far.
A Nrw PEPARTrRR. Messrs. T. &
P. Collins, of Philadelphia, who havo
the contract for tbo construction ot
the Madeira and Mamoro railroad
in Brazil, havo chartorod tho steam
ship Morcedita to take to that country
suflicient supplies, tools, etc., to onablo
them to begin work soon. The steam
er will lcavo on tho 25th, and in
addition to six hundred tons of tools
and general merchandise, including
provisions for the employes, tho vessel
is to take out an engineer corps of
fifly-ono men; fifty mechanics, mostly
Pbiladclphians ; ono hundred axemen,
or pionocrs, who aro to orect tho noees
sary buildings and clear the way for
tho progress of construction, and who
aro Irom nearly all sections of tho
country, and ono hundred colored mon.
Until tbo contract is completed a
steamer will lcavo Philadelphia each
mouth with supplies.
Pattorron, of Colorado, ha. been admitted to ft
aaet in tbo llouatof Kepreaontetlvea wilhnal the
leaat onadow ot rtgnt to it, ueitord waa oleoted
by an norliiputed majority of 1T2. Thia it one
of the molt Infainoue and high-handed outraged
over eommlrtrd by any body or any party.
unriayrfoa trivni.
Mr. Globe, did you never hear of the
election of Dcmocratio Governors by
tbo Returning Boards of Louisiana,
Florida, and South Carolina, and
Uayos Klcctors, at the samo timo?
You area very innocenlcreaturoifyou
did not. As you assumo too mnch,
how could that crooked thing happen ?
It thoso States did voto for Hayos,
how does it come that the other fel
lows were oleoted Governors? Do
Complimrntrd. Tho Wayncsburg
Messenger, in alluding to tho recent do
bato in tho United States Sonato on
tho finances, says: "Hon. William A.
Wallace, tho Democratic U. 8. Sen
ator from this State, bas taken a noblo
stand on tbe sido of tho peoplo against
the encroachments of the bond holders
and money-kings, in discussing tbo
financial questions now beforo Con
gress. Senator Wallace deserves tbe
gratitude of tho producing classos for
the courago and ability with which ho
has defended their rights, and advocat
ed their interests, in tho body of which
he is a leading member."
Wkll Said. Tho Philadelphia Bul
letin, ono ot tho standard Radical or
gans of this Stato, chimes in in this
way: "Mr. Conkling does not want
Senators Hill and Gordon to control
the Georgia appointments, nor do we,
for ono reason : Because unless civil
service reform is an empty sham they
should be made by tbe President in
tbo interest of tho general publio and
not at all in tho interest of indivdual
politicians. But it soems to us that
civil sorvico reform docs not suffer any
mora with Hill and Gordon supreme
in Georgia, than it docs with Conkling
supremo in Now York."
Ovrri.oadid. Miss Kate Field, the
actress and authoress, writes to Jennie
Juno to deny that aho had gone
abroad bocauso she could not get liv
ing in America, "which was a sad com
mentary on tho gallantry of tho Amer
ican man." Miss Field says: "I came
here (London) because 1 wanted to
como, not because I was driven. As
to tho gallantry of tho American man,
tho best friends I have in tbe world
aro American men, and if I have not
married ono it is bocauso I lovo too
many of them. American men, at
homo and abroad, are the finest fellows
I know."
According to tbe Now Orleans Dem
ocrat, "at tho moment when Stanley
Matthews, Booth and Christiancy gave
in tbeir independent and judicial votes
declaring Mr. Kwllngg entitled to
scat In tbe United States Scnato, At
torney General Ogden was engaged
in preparing information for Grand
Jury to substantiate the title of that
eminent carpet-bagger to a roll In tho
Louisiana penitentiary."
Tho Mansfield Attrertiser, edited by
that tuny man, Col. Bed. Goodcnougb,
tolls of ft Indy who sat at a sewing
maching and who felt ft queer senss
tion as of a fly or miller crawling nn
der bcr dress up her back. It proved
to be ft small mouse, which escaped
from its Roll-imposed prison by pas
ing over tbe lady's shoulders and com
ins out at the throat. Of course she
A Goon Piiotoowaimi. The editor
of tho I.ouisvillo Courier bus drawn an
excellent picture of Ibo Radical New
York Nenatnr. Ho says: "Mr. Hos
toe Colliding is ft base demagogue.
Disguised as a gentleman, bo bas boen
all bis life a low politlcul trickster. The
companion of gentlemen, ho has been
tho champion and confederate ol
thieves. Last winter ho w real
emuing the man wnoni bis cowardice
and treachery wero not able to keep
out of tbo Presidency. He is not, like
Morton, a rough malignant, who,
warmod into partisan action, possessed
a certain barbarous .lincerity; but a
cool, methodic trader in tho vilest pas
sions of tho vilest classes. Ho is a
good actor. Ho baa an educated facil
ity In word mongery. But bo is an
insolent peacock, accidontly gifted with
a voice. And this is a man whom a
few Democrats would elevate to leader
ship in tho Senate at the expense of
the administration which, however its
short-comings may bo, has at least
dono something toward tho readjust
ment ot tho lost sectional balanco and
tho restoration of nationality and the
national spirit in eery part of tho
A Homr Indicator. An exchange
says :
"At rMgetield. South Carolina, the boioc of
Oen. M. C. Rullcr. when the nowa of tbr eratlng
of Roller waa received, the etd.ired firemen form
ed ft pnnetftion and walled upon Mra. Roller at
her reatilonoe to tender their congratulations
I'hit .int.limnl - kiu.Lt.lil. ..ku.UJ
and the etdored brethren left with three routing!
onoere lor tba tnaa that waa abueed on the Roor
of tbe Menata ae a naurderoui onemy of Ihelr
So just one flock after another ol the
Uadicnl chickens aro coming borne to
roost. If lightning would strike liars
now as in the days of Ananias, nearly
all the Radical leaders would be killed
off as soon as warm woathcr sets in.
Anyhow, not a carpet-bagger would
be left in the South by tho time the
dog-days como around.
Tiir AbsrntSknator. Sharon, ono
of the Nevada Senators, has not been
in his scat since the opening of the
session. A few weeks ago when the
party voto was noarly a tie, a commit
tee ot Radical Senators telegraphed ,
him to come oy to Washington or tho
party would lose tbe control of tho
Senate. Uo telegraphed back in this
emphatic manner: "Lot tho Scnato
go to h 1." Sharon is still absent.
And thu editor of tho Milwaukee S n
tinel, a Radical organ, in taking a sur
vey of affairs, says : "It looks to us
as though the United States Sonato
wasabout to adopt Sharon's suggestion,
although it is rather a hot one."
Tur Grrat Mistakr. Tho Now
York Tribune, In roviowing the Hayes
Conkling Custom House fight, says :
The Prriident'o great mlitaha In dealing wllh
the New York Cuvtom liouae waa In not letting
down to oouot the aoot before ha begun to build,
and ao Sliding out whether be had enough to
Sniih hii undertaking. Je eeema, however, un
der tbo influence of Home Itrnngely nneophlltica
tod ndvlior, lo have itrolled deliberately and
gaily into difflcultlao without taking tha trouble
to calculate how ho enuld get out again, nnd wa
are not certain that tbo Cabinet underatatida
even yet how aorioua tho dimcultiei are.
It is consoling to know that all tho
blunders Hayes is committing as he
passes along, inures to tbo benefit of
tho country, and thoreforo ends In
somo good to tho people. .
Tbo good people of Boston, in ono
shortycar,aro tired of Domocracy. Tho
Republicans carried tho city of Boston
by 2,000 majority on Tuesday, ft gain
of over 5,000 lrom tho preceding year.
Pittsburg Gazette. To which tbe
Way ncsburg Messenger man says : "A II
of which goes to prove tbo inspired
wisdom of Solomon, as recorded in tbo
20th chapter and lllb verso of Prov
erbs : uAs a dog returneth to hit vomit,
Francr. Recent events go far to
wards strengthening the Republic.
Tho Imperialists and Legitimists havo
boen compelled to lake a back seat,
and Marshal MacMahon surrenders
handsomely to a forco not of soldiers
but circumstances' just as potent as
an army, and ho is statesman and sol
dier enough to comprehend tho situa
tion, and because of this tho Republic
of France will bo at peace for somo
Why tho Republicans should expect
Senator Davis, of Illinois, to vote with
them is not made vory clear. They
did not elect him. Tho Republicans
of tho Illinois Legislature voted for
Logan a good deal longer than was
reasonable or decent, and thon switch
ed off on Judge Lawrenco. It i clear
they did not expect Davis to Bland by
them or they would have stood by
A Good Cabinet. Tbe Chicago
Times wants to settle all this trouble
in Washington by the formation of a
new Ministry, as follows:
Premier and Minlater of Juatlee David Daria.
Miniitor of Stole Tboraoo P. Nayard.
Minioter of Pinanea Stanley Matthewi.
Minliter of tho Interior W. R. Morrleon.
U hiliter of War (le.tere
Minlater of Marine Jlriiter Clymor.
Pootiaatter lionom! J. Randolph Tucker.
In Prison. M. P. Woodward and
M. F. Dorin, editors of tho Wilkesbarre
Sunday Newt, convicted of libeling G.
B. Kulp and Sheriff kirkondull, wero
sentenced on Tuesday to pay ft fine
of (700 each and bo imprisoned seven
months. An application for anew trial
was deniod. Tho jail is poor place
for tho "dovil" to go for copy.
'Tbo Colorado infamy" troubles tho
Radicals very much thoso times. How
strango that a singlo "infamy" should
attractsucb undivided attention among
men who havo practiced nothing but
infamy tor soventcen yoars. But
thon, it is on tbo plan that the frailest
sister always proclaims bor virtue from
tho st root corner.
Prriiaps. Tbe Now York iS'wn
edges in In this way: "Whon leading
Republican Senators, who have be
come disgusted with the de facto ad
ministration of Hayes, rise and push
Hayes to the wall, it is impolitic lor
Democratic Senators to get between
Hayes and the wall."
Dennis, the man who carried thro'
the Irauiis In Alachua county, Florida,
is now government clerk at Wash
inglon or a salary of 11,800 year. It
is way Mr. Hayes has of paying his
littlo debts. But for Dennis be would
not be In the White House. Civil Son
ice Reform I
Exactly. Tbe Charleston Keici
and Courier rejoices over the admission
of Benator Butler, and says it
worth more lo tbe Slate than the con
viction of ft score of Pattersons."
sriiiKiya back.
If the ellvrv Repudiation Hill .tiould lie adopt
od by both bruneboo of Cnngre. i'roaldi-n
ilayeo, by Interpoaing bio veto, uioy aecuro a du
gree uf popular favor of wbich Ibo good ftelint
whloh already g,ieo out toward him in a vary in
eeualo nteeiure. Iho rountrv beuora bim foi
bio eflerle lo reatnre peeeo tu it and lo correct h
ebuiea uf Ita eitil aorvlcot but bo nill gain etill
greater honor when lie iota hlo leeejithd blr oR)
oial eigualura agaloat a breach of faith, lo whal
ever aliape it uioy be ptrrebled. Thl" -croie lo,
cheap uitiney la a pBaelog tnadarla V. )' 'eef
a ".'bi' e. in'v yglllTO.ww '"TVi!
f -a 'y. j- 'jtremfi-
lion, anil noes not luck tnulignily. The
Putt dines to speak of tho proposed
restoration of silver to its old place in
tho coinage, and to the reinstatement
of tho old money character ot thai
metal under our laws, as repudiation.
Tho Post is the advocate of tho mono)
sharps who havo depiived the people
of the United Status of tho silver op
tion. This was done when inflation
bad caused a vast increase of indebt
edness, public and private, nnd it was
done with the express purpose of muk
iug tho sum ol tho dubts greuter thun
they woro defined to be in the con
tracts making thorn payable In one
metal Instead of two. Tho talk thai
tbo President will popularixo hiinsell
by helping the conspiracy to forco tbo
singlo standard or British gold policy
upon tho peoplo of tho United Status,
who never wero consulted on the sub
ject, is simply impudence. Tho asser
tion that thero would bo a broach ol
faith in paying bonds and notes ac
cording to tho letter of the laws under
a bich they aro issued, is equally arro
gant aild imbecile.
Tbo Putt should
pause in its career of lunacy, illustrat
od in cnarso denunciation of all who
aro for tho old Americun money stand-
aid, and condescend to reason. Cin
rinnati Commercial.
Anotiirr Star. Tho Boss
Returning Board cumo to grief on Fri
day last when up lor confirmation. A
Washington telegram says : ' The no
mination of McLinn, ot Florida Return
ing Board fume, for Chief Justico of
Now Mexico, was also the occasion of
a sensation in tbe Sonato. Senator Con
over mado a speoch against tho confir
mation. Ho said if McLinn was a law
yer at all he had no ability, and was
ineorr,1)oteIlt MK llnfit for any jmicia,
office. Ho had been on both sides dur-
iug tbo war, and had betrayed both,
and while in Florida he had devoted
himself moro to applejack than to law
Ho said tho nomlnco was a timo server
and insincoro, and would belong to
either party as his interests dictated.
He said during tho Presidential count
in Florida the Republicans had to keep
tho closest watch on Mi l. inn, and if
j they had not done so he would have
sold out tho Democrats, 'and we should,'
said Mr. Conover, 'have thus lost our
President.' Conover's speech created
a good doal of amusement, and when
tho voto was taken tbe nomination was
overwhelmingly rejected without a di
vision." A Good Tiiino. Tho editor ol tbe
Richmond (Va.) Dispatch, in alluding
to tho bill introduced by Senator Wal
laco, says : "Tbe government will do a
wiso thing ono that will be useful to
both poople and government by issu
ing bonds of small denominations. Tho
people ol limited means will invest
Irocly In bonds ol tho government.
France bas afforded a fine example of
this. Any expedient that will increase
tho amount of publio bonds held at
homo will he of great advantage to the
country. Paying interest to tho for
eign bondholder is a drain upon the
land, diverts its resources and lessens
the means of tho people. Tho small
bonds now proposed lo bo issued would
secure the investment of an immense
amount of money of the people of small
means in government funds, and assist
docidcdly in maintaining tho integrity
of pecuniary matturs at home.'
A correspondent says: Judging from
the Cabinot ministers, members ol Con
gress, literatcur, ladies and lawyers
that went to hear him, and from their
closo attention and frequent npplause,
his lecture was a great success. As to
his views ho soumed to be a little more
heterodox than Henry Ward lluecber ;
moro profane and entertaining than
Wendell Phillips; less dyspeptic than
inocuore liltou ; not so sweet as
Phoebe Cousins or Victoria Woodbui! -
and, I might add, that he bas evident
ly not traveled as much as Parson New
man, for while tho latter talks inces
santly about tho Hindoos and tho riv
er Ganges, Mr. Ingorsoll confines him
self to the sarcophagus of Napoleon
and the tortures of the Inquisition,
which be said bo had seen, and ima
gined he bad felt.
Inorrsollon Kvr. Col. Bob Ingor
soli, on the evening cf the 20th, deliv
ered biscclobratcd lecture of "Liberty"
in Washington, to a large audience.
Among other things bo said "that he
believed in Darwin'; that ho was not
sure he was right, but that on that
question his mind was about eight to
seven, lie ridiculed tho idca'thal wo
men aro not fit for politics, and said
that they could not get the country
into worse fix than he had just helped
to got it in himself. That from the small
amount of raw material used in the
manufacture of Evo, from ono of Adam's
cutlets, it Waa tho best piece of work
that had over beon put up.
A Dissolution. I lis pretty evident
that the firm of Hayes k Wheeler,
recently established in business at
Washington by Board of 7 by 8, bas
already dissolved partnership. The ad
interim Vico President has pinnod him
self to Senator Conk ling's coat tall,and
stakod his political salvation on tbo
courso of the virtuous Senator. Tho
course of tho senior partner is still
little crooked and undecided ; but bv
may find a landing aftor tbe holidays.
A Washington telegram says
"Blaine and Conkling bnve kissed and
made up." These two Radical giants
have been personal enemies, and bave
not spoken to each other for twelve
years. We presume tboir defeat at
Cincinnati In 1876, and at Washington
in 1R77, bas brought the"milk of human
kindness" to the surface, and like lov
era, they have gone and mado up.
Damnarlr Frauds. During tbe
carpet-bag rule, tbe 8tate printing cost
the taxpayers of South Carolina IIJ.IO,
000. Gov. Wade Hampton's printer'i
bill for tbe past year is only 110,000.
A considerable difference In favor ot
tbe taxpayers, A proper Inquiry now
would be what became of the 1234,000
the baggora was tod.
Catciiinu It. For declaring that
there Is no hell herealter, Mr. lleei lier
is catching considerable of il here. His
critics seem to think be has a personal
interest In abolishing the place in ques
tion. His conduct uvcr since 1857
twenty years ago when he took up a
Sunday School collection for tbo pur
pose of raising money with which to
purchaso Sharpen' rifles, and delivered
whose mom oars went to Kansas anil
there shot "border ruffians," shows
tbe nrccutity of bis plea, because if
there is such a placo, lieocher wili gel
tbo warmest berth. Uo has earned it
twice over.
Bkiiold tiir ChajhiR. This time
last yeur tho Republican leaders wero
scheming, planning, forging returns,
suborning testimony and hunting up
scoundrels to help llioin cheat Tildon,
the people's choice, out of tbo Presiden
cy. Now, they verily bolicvo they
wore instigated by the Devil to do these
things. They are bewailing tbo sue
coss of their great criminal plot, but
dare not ask Heaven or tho American
poople to forgive them.
The Iribunal reform whiuh tho Judicial eouteat
In Crawlord oouale la to no tried ireumnoeed of
Judge Truokey, of Venango) Judge MeUermult,
of Mercer, and Judge Oalbraith, uf Rrio, Ibeto
having been deelgoated hy tba llovornor. A de
oirlon by a tribunal of tlile cbaraeter will be rca
pected by tbe people. Eukangt
This one-horse Returning Board,
si range us it may seem, are all Demo
crats, although they reside in strong
Radical districts. However, wo hope
they will declare the man elected who
has the most votes, and not imilnlo
Joe Bradley A Co
Moral Trrasoi. The New York
Tribune is disloyal enough to say that
Mr. Kustis having been admitted to tho
Senate by a votool fi to 1, it will now
"be in order for tho majority to ox
plain why a Senator with so clear a
titlo to a seat boa been kept out of it
so long." That's a queer conundrum
for an editor to put to such wise lead
crs as Senators Conkling and Kdmunds.
On His Wat Hour. The aristo
cratic Pierre pontc, who presented Grant
wilh 120,000 in rush, and was after,
wards appointed Minister to England
for that compliment, has been relieved
by Mr. Welsh, anil tho aforesaid js on
the way to his Now York homo, a
much wiser man than he was five years
ago, when ho forwarded bis 120,000
bribe to Washington.
Attar leating Patterion, the Democrat ought
never again to talk ab-iot fraud, Thut'mbold,
liald, bare-feeod fraud RJici aVcaaeav.
Two thirds or the Democratic nows
papers bnve condemned this small
fraud, and not a singlo oditor defends.
How is It about tho Hayos fraud?
What Rudicnl journalist, or politician,
condemns it? The reverse is the fact.
All endorse iu Bust again I
Growling. A Woslern oxchango
whose editor has been counting noses
in Congress says: "Pennsylvana bas
moro than her quota in tho Forty-fifth
Congress, forty-seven members, includ
ing six Senators Messrs. Blaino, Wal
lace, Cameron.of Pennsylvania, Mitch
ell, McMillan and Patterson are na
tives of tbe State named.
linuLbeu.Ueb.H.Riesfaronnlno mvtnl,
despito bis naino, tbau Kellogg. Ho
has sent a letter to Governor Nicholls,
of Louisiana, resigned his seat as a
Senator from that Stato. This is real
ly creditablo to Pinebback. The idea
of being taken up and patronitod like
Kellogg by tho Republican leaders re
volts his proud spirit.
Tiir Old RTORT.-Tbe Nashville Ban
ner says: "Somo years ago Andrew
Johnson charged that General Grunt
was a liar, and most poople thought he
proved it by his Cabinet. Two months
ago General Grant charged thatChas.
Sumner was a liar, and it Is shown
conclusively that the liar in this case
wasn't Sumner."
An Aui'D Hero. Col. John Morgan,
of Fayette county, who was born Aug.
6, 17110, and who sat in the Legislature
when membors wore red "womases
and ate their cheese on the Capitol
steps, rides from his homo to Union-
town, a distance ol twelve miles, be
fore breakfast frequently, to attend to
Pointed. The Pittsburg Telegraph
says: "Illume and t onkling have em
braced that they may work In unison
for tho subjugation of tho Administra
tion. So highway robbers, who have
beon at daggers' points, shake hands
when some extraordinary opportunity
offers for tho capture ot unusual spoils.'
A Chicago newspaper, which ought
to know, is authority lor the statement
that ex-Ministcr E. 1). Washburn is a
candidate for the United Statos Senato,
and also for the Presidency. He ex
pects to succeed Senator Oglesby in
1879, and then hnpos to mako tbe Pres
idential nomination the lollowingyear.
Hon. Henry L. 1'ierco, who was elec
ted J! ay or of Boston on Tuesday last,
is a Republican of the advanced Massa
chusetts school, who voted in Congress
against giving tbo vote of Louisiana to
Hayes, and is an outspoken advocate
of tho reconciliation and reform poli
cies of tho present Administration.
Happy Aoain. "Thank heaven I"
ejaculates tho Boston Herald, "there is
no longer any Louisiana question. Mas
sachusetts is now not moro firmly in
the union or possessed of more rights
and privileges than the Slate which
has so long beon the scene of strife and
tho occasion of angry debato."
Five Stato officials are to bo elected
in Indiana next October, besides a Leg-
Mature, upon which will devolve tho
oloction of a successor to Senator Voor-
bees. Tbe Slate positions are Secreta
ry of State, Treasurer, Andilor, Attor
ney General and Superintendent of I n-
Mr. Hamlin is the oldest Senator
now serving. Ho is sixty eight. Mr.
Dorsoy is the youngest He entered
the Genate when only thirty years old,
and bas served five yosrs. Mr. Ed
munds, who Is forty-nine, is tho Sena
tor who looks oldest.
Haves hassiirnod tbe nsrdon ol J ho.
A. Joyce, convicted of conspiracy to
defraud the United States of tax on
distilled spirits. The wholo gong is
out now.
BUino wu the t Senator lo
reach Washington nd tba flrtt to tbe
TreMtiry to draw hit pay.
The recent victories achieved by the
Itussiuns over tho Turks, has cmlsihl
oned the former, and from tbo diplo
malic epistles that are being circulated
by the other powers of Europe, some
thing has been said iriWi- which but
few ol the outside world knows tiny
thing about. England is mad; Germany
le e.seiled. anil Austria.. Fraiicy ,a.nd
Wo predict that a treaty of peace be
tween tho Warring parties is far in the
future. Russia demands tin much
England nnd Austria will not acccdo
to bur demands until thero has been
sums more fighting donu, and if ucc
essuiy both will tako a band in it on
the side of the Turks, while Germany
will clasp hands with Russia, il she
persists In her demand for the freedom
of thoso provinces now over-run by
her army, and tho froo navigation of
tho Black Sea and tho Dardciicllcs.
This England cannot afford, unless sbo
is whipped into it, either on tho but
tlo field or in the Diplomatic field by
a stand made by her neighbors.
Boilrd Down Wrath. Tho editor
of tbeiTyrono Herald delivers himself
in this way ; "General Gordon is the
first ot the forgivon traitors to revive
tho duello In Congress, which all good
men supposed had died out with tbo
end of tho barter in human flesh. The
Senate owes II to its digt.ity toeompei
this bloodhound to make a public apol
ogy for bis invitation of a fellow mom
ber to a test of ability to murder."
Costi.v OmcR. The Syracuse Chron
icle says: "Scnutorshiw aro pretty
near in aoutu Carolina, t'ultersoii V
seat is said to have cost him f 45,000,
anil nnw II is charged that poor Cor
bin, another carpet-bagger, paid out
128,000 iu the way ol bribes, and then
didn't gut his seat after all. Voles in
tho Palmetto Stato keep up to infla
lion prices wilh wonderful persistency.
A Lonii Vacation ?rank Goiiirh
nour plead gnilty in Ibo Canbria court
week beforo last to eleven indictments
for burglary and larceny, and was sen
tenccd on five of them to $500 fine and
ten and a half years in the penitentiary
Goorco Townscnd plead guilty to set-
ting flro to a stable in Johnstown, and
received tbe samo sentence as 'iough
Failed. The hanking firm ol II. E.
Taylor A Co., at Willinmsport, closed
its doors on Tuesduy, tho 18th Inst.
Tho firm bas mado an assignment, and
ex Judgo 11. S. Bentley has been up
pointed Assignee, and will no doubt
furnish the public soon with a state
ment of tbo assets.
An Ovrrsioiit. Colonel Forney
was allowed to leave Philadelphia, for
Europe, without a big dinner similar
to plenipotentiary Welsh's. It's too
bad. Tho Colonels have our sympa-
Tiir Adjournment. "Tho deserted
Capital," Ib what tho few who remain
in Washington during tho vacntion
write borne lo tbeir friends.
General Grant declines any diplomat
ic position in Europo beforo it is offer
ed him. But when anything is offered
him ho usually takes it.
Coolbsugh, tho Chicago banker, bad
a cool million of dollars to draw upon
when he killed himself. Somo men aro
never satisfied.
Chorus from Blaino nnd Conkling
"Told you so."
2fu; 2,drttsrmrnts.
BANK KI.FXTION.-The annul aleetloa
lor Direetoro of Ike County National Rank,
ol ClearSeld, will be hold ftt tho Ranking liouae,
In ClenrBeld, on Tueiday, January .atb, IB7S,
between the soars of one and four o'clock. P. U
Deo. it, Un it. Coihier.
DINHOI.UTIOM. Tha paitnerihlp hereto
fore ranting nttwoen Iho andereigned, nn
der the ffrm name of ffiiley A Fiaeer, doing buii
neae In Clearfield, Pa., in the manufacture nnd
aalo of clothing, waa di-oulved by mutual eanaent
on the loth day of December, 19J. Tba bu.i
noli will hereafter be earrled oa ftt tha aid aland
by P M. Willey.
t. M. WII.I.RT,
Doe. M, IST7 41. O. W. PIHHKH.
l-ffME TO UO,
l.DvO.OOO acre of land for Bale, ehoap, la tba
gar- en of the Wcat. For Map. of Kaneae, full
Information aa lo belt mllrnado to tiavel on,
Tiekela, Ptttghl relet, ate., applv or write to
wal. rJllomi,IUUtt, Atrhlioa. Toprka A Banla Pe H. R ,
Dee, ID, IS77 Jra. Ilellefualo, Pa.
otic k to rocmni.DERa
of the Clearfield Fire Brick Co.
A meeting of tba to.-k boldera af tba Clear-
told Fire Brick Co., will be held ftt Ibe cSVo of
C. W. Smith, on Weducaday. Jan. 9, IH7H at
I o etoek p. m., for Ibo purpoeeof electing Dlreo
lore to oerre fur the oniuing year, nod attending
to ouch olbor buaineoi aa may leg.lly eotoo before
them. V. w. SMITH,, Den II, 171-11. Becrttary.
Mir; T. Bnrirtr,
hj her nlt frlMti,
Ib lha Court of Common
Pleaa nf Clearleld Co.,
Pa. No. OIK, Sept. T,
'77. liioeaafriadieeraa.
JdUI. Burg.
A ftlUi uanoii i this oM kariBC re
turns. m Ml imptntwi, Molio It hrtb; li to
UtrrBtiMt t fiptM' at lb Bit Vomtt of (.-omtaon
Pktu, to bo bold ta td Monde. j ot Juwr;,
1H7H. Dd ibu fjiim, If njr b hai. whj tb libol-
lart t 'boa Id not bo dif oiw..
Doe. 19, '7? It. toUnff.
Hnltb tad iUliniaon rO nriotWtt Wohb in
tboir puittMiora, on a t tti-jr aro witBin int room
ol tftrj ono woo "in ono
Wright's Live Pills,
Ttw itftljr for Ct'RK (or Torpid Liver, Dyipf-j.
lo. Ilnadooha, 8oor StooiMb, CoBttioallun,
D-bilit;. IUbm, ond oil Uilliom eomiUiBt ood
Hliwiol el I a ratal. Non tmnliM tan I mi larar-fl
"Wa. VVnilil. VhilV If joer Druccltt vtll
Bn "opl'ljr lOBd It mu lor oan boi Iu unrrick.
noiior 4 uo., i n. "in 01., mi m.
Ti.HMLUnoN,Tbf MrtBonhlp hft-oto
j for lifting bttFin ibo,
wod-r tho Brta Bftmo of J. R ffh-IT-r 4 Oo doini
bsiiloM Ib UoBf.1. Climrtlold eoontr, , Ib tbt.
BtftUofo.oroood ifwloof libor, eta., hMlMi do
Wmb dlMolrtd br ffootuol oooprat J. I lligti
il tuthgntrd to eollml oil unnojH due to tho flrro,
Md to fti.M im py on aoou.
J. I. IlIt.BKK,
Dnftoln, IVtV IS, 1RTT.
P. 8. Th Bdorat'iBta1 boo .-tod tbr ntrOfl
nf I. B.Bboflor Ib lh nlll, tte.. M Dafloii,
bb. i will MBiiBBO Ibo buino bi borvtnritro.
Dot. 16, IrUMt.
Valuable jteal Estate I
BY t IrtBa of bji ordor of tho OrkB&V Court of
tlonrbciB (want.", rnrironii,lh Btidmlgitcd.
AdmlBtftTBtor of tbo otioto of Joqb CI tar. loJ
mi Blooo lowMblb, CtMrt.ld nomnXj, p., Jt
BOB d, Will Mil Bl pabllB Ml, OB
Thursday. January 10, 188.
At f o'ornk B. tbo MUvlnr eioMrlbotl Root
K-toto,lo wtt All lhal ertm ftooo f ad
ItBtlB It Bloom lowBihlB. C tear laid ooukt. P
TtAHfidtd by Uodn of Jiilin Hopbnra, Dr. Pur,
rrmBi urmi ibb m. r. ptooa, eoaMiBiog
Moro or toot, bo to if tbtot 10 Mroo oloorod tail
la food nolo or Mitlr.tloa. Thoro to moll
bguoB tad ton Bad a omt.ll onibrd thrrtoa .
Ono third of tho aorebito tnou-r to bo bitd it
trvnarvntwivta i mm mps, ! niihi hi twm
obbbJ Banal with iBtorttk to
wound kf bon4 pod 9rtfr-o oa tbt arHBim.
tiuiin SMITH,
4Jw'r of Krttto of fohn Clow, dtootftod
Nrott. Pb., Doo. Il, UTT .
Ol 'toil
omliv eie.-iile,l rhl. nW
MATCH COLTS) Foil t Tain bor.a
"lie, jt block, two )oen end four mon 'bo
i-M, and ol relitlile prd'arte. For lurlber partic
ular, evil on or oudrer. 11,4 no-Uclgoed at Cnr
win.villo W. AICLI.KN.
Dec. IV, IS77 -Ii.
A. nr!jj!y,iiijij-
R Tf I
a. u el laawia et. us'
Ih'iH, fur lh odImIiob of nffifaire, ol tli tmno
liB of ...ber hiiiine-. A. V. llOYNTuN,
Dec. IK, 1H77 ol.j IWanil
TtiUBiltri1rBid ltirilo tuTorm tho cftiien
of tlMrflald (bit ho it profiand to ruraich CuAL
of bo Moelltut qualil, to all wboaaj giv bim b
call.Bt o rlt tuiublf fur ibo preMnt fatrd timco.
ue win fn-iiKB umi ir Dour, la, gruetrw, o.
All ordro will rrot-iv prompt allcnl,f.. ha de.
irn liiiownoo.l. TllOfi. A. UlKhtlf.
Clraroold, !., ipt. fiTT Aca.
CAUTION. Notice I, hereby given to all
peraono licenced to perform tha marriage
oerelnony, not lo marry Biy daughter, Carolina
Butico. will Incur tba full pvaillioa of th law,
(in id CsruliDB Yalliuunt U but 17 Joon of ag.
and I bt refer forbid bcr mrrii)t wbiU ho it
luiinur. Y. . VaLLIMONT.
Kr-Dolllle, Pa.. Uto. IV, It77-5i
Nttioo U hereby (ti-tto tbl LotUro of Ad
mmiitrili'tB on tho riiata of O. H. LYTl.ti,
lali of Lumber City, C'loarOvId Coaolv. Pb..
dofs'd. bsviog bOB dulj ftrinted to tbo nndor
linned, all pernio" Indebted to raid eft at wtH
pieatw mako immMiate pay moot, and tboio b-v-injt
eloimt or ilfiuanitu willpreoent ihfm proerljr
tat benl If atrd for rrtiictornt without delnr.
J. U. I.VTI.K,
Clearllrl.l, Ia. b, lH77-ot.J AdmtnliirBturi.
IK I.KHi: OTK I The followinK per
J $oa btv filed, ia Ibo otfice of tba Clerk of
tlie Court uf Quarter idvfilona of Clearfield oouot,
their iet.tiunt and botidi fur licayniei, at ibo Jan
nary mm loaf next, jrcet.Mjr to iho Act of
AMeinbljr :
Jorhua Emorino DalluU
W. 1.. NirboUan, liuUoU
William iSuiiib -UV-dwatra tp.
. J. Llroucker , t'urvnitllia.
Mn Kitr-h Butler, Biafior
M. A. hterk Humta'gr.
Howard Weld U.ea 11 f.
8. K. Noleaiiue Ourweoxvllle.
Win. Hurley OuUuii.
loho (-olemao, Jr Iluutsdalo.
r'red, Wraxe
Jacub L.ntf , '
W. H. Rienley Dulloii-
Feter B. Weaver...., DuU .ti
Ueur(e WatewB .Houttialo.
Cenified frtiia Ibe Uotwrd. It 11 HbOOM,
Cleaileld, IV, Deo. IV, '77 to. Prulbuuutary.
(lai-lnf purchased the itook of Frod. PacluU,
hereby giToi Obtico that boil preparrd to furoUb
an atua oi
of tbo hrit aadlatoflt InprtirtMl paUerof, at Tory
torn pneea.
uah rixn iti:s.
Ha ha alio oa hand, a lot nf BRACKETS.
CIIAItOKMKKS and UAH KAMI'S, of all Hindi,
at roltable price. 0 fiilutei onlerrd at abort
not too, to run foatomera.
Alan, a compute asarirlment of maBufaetnred
Tia-waro, lo which ho iovltea the atteniioa ol
rrni pan oi rtoom ivo. n, fik h vrr.HA
HOLiSK. JAS. L. LKAVV. Propilelor.
r KLU. PACK KIT, t.p't.
ClearCeld, I'a., Dee. 12, '77 tf.
Oonirfli, Ooldi, Inflaania, Boantieaa, DlSrvU
Brtatbtir, tad ail ABeotioni of tha Throat,
Bronchia Tobei, aod LaDrt, ltadina;
to OoatuBiptiot,.
This infallilile rente-ly ii comiwrfi of tl
IIdNEV of the plant Horchotmd, in tlienik;-'
union with Tar-Bmai, ex tract etl from il
I.trB Frinciimr of tlie forrl tice Ami
MviSrWiKA, or Halm of Cilriul.
The floury of Iluichomid Mwitllis AM
-ca n kks till irritation and tnft.inini ft linns, ni:
(he Tar-balm ci.ranskk anh hi ai.s ilic iln
ami air paucea leafimp to the un. l'i :
aihlitional mgrcttienta keep die oiana cmI.
moist, and iu healthful action. Ixt no pi
lu-lice keep you from trying tin Rieat nicli
cine of a fainnua doctor who ha nveri lleni
unflsof livei hy It in his lnrpc m irate prnrlkf .
N.H. The tar-Halm has no liAU iasik or
Great uving to buy Urge liie.
rikc'n Tootliarlic Dioptiw Cum
in 1 Minnie.
Soltl hy all Druegitti.
t bortlhitda; movol my ttora to Sooond ttrtft,
Ib tho room known an Wrlght'i Sturo, InaJJitiot
to 1 ho large ttok now on band, t have received a
largo ft 00k of now
Full V Winter C.ooils
Ib all tie variant rtjlra af Dry Oooda, Notiona,
Trlmrolnga, White Ooodt, Millinery A FaB
Ooodr, Carott, Oil Clotha, Wall Paper.
Ad., Att, U la my determination, lo
eontlano keeping good goad,
and tell thorn at the low eat
And oheap atuff at ehap prttwi will lot ba aJ
a tportalty hero. It Uartnecoiaary t tnamerala
artielot or prtooa, hat job will lad pilot of gode
and prkoo to rait ovtrjbody. My oipeaaeo bolng
on a foarlh what they wero, t can tell at tbo very
lower! prloo.
lee. II, I ITT If
van XgXff -I a I
Utv durtiscmrutfl.
ffiHIAL I.INT Mat of rau-eiMt I..wb fur
Intil Bl tb iMond wtk of JaaB-rr to m of
Court, oomuiaouiBg Mi'lvUjr, Jonuorjr Slit, IM7A
O I. ftfhonnovfr. I. C. Briinr. Jr.
fidnon R Kioporti, ri. ThomB- Tciirr.
fJcor( W. Taililwtill, t. A. 0. Finn.
J u.,w W. (Jiiih'U, rt Willi, n H Lowrojr.
Joinn Witifribotloni, vt Hill A ClNrk.
(loorKi O. Hill, ti Hill A C.rk.
Jobio Id, II ill. Jr . ti. Hill A Clirb.
iilirb A Ho'.Uon. ri Wtlitcma A Hagor.
U. II. Il.rrlpk. t.. U' A IUr.
VanU .rdua A Hhohcrd r. Wllii A Hor. M . Adalne. ve. Cue. H. Peeeaolt. at. a
L'rlMinan A Sane, to. l.nee llelneo.
W. 8. Head A llru'a, va rlamuel Murphry.
A. U. Mnln-w A Ci. VI. Willi. m. A lleger.
(leorgc R. Uoodlander, ve. A.M. M-Cloreet. al.
OiSor.l, lia'l A Co 10 Jamea A. Pearaol.
Jerari II. Waple, vi. MeKwen A MoArlbura.
William (llb.on, vc. lllrnm Woodward.
William A. Huntiuc, vi. Arnold A llarliborn.
Andrew bboff, va- Jueeph M rmitb.
Ilavid Semple, VI. Jolepb hi. Hinilh
Willi. in tl. Ponliui, va Arnold A Uart.huro.
Jai. McKeili.n Adiu'r. vi. Lorrnio Itloom.
KL1 IILOOM, I'rothonolary.
asj WbeIsIy Patriot
I J y
FOE 1878.
To ail new .ulwerlbera nnd lo alt prevent rub.
ecnlieri renewing their lubierfpliona,
Willie lent at tho following rate. .-
1 aepy, I yeor. poilage pre-paid
I O'lpioa (In elub), " u
r m
, II on
17 on
H .0
I. '
1 copy during the aenlnn uf the lcgiil
I 00
Will he tent at the Io1.okog raUa t
I ey, )rar, poalnga prr paid
4 oupiaa,
li " " - and
cojiy to tter-up of club ,
. I .0
.. I 00
,. 1. 00
. II .0
All ardtra Dual be atoi)iti. anted by tha eaab,
etthtr b,v ehevk or port oftca order
0'J WOl.T.1 t-'OR ;t 00.
Any pviMin rcmittiaa; ua 0 will rtcelvo ono
cp ol the Wbkklt 1'iTHiuT fur ooe year, one
e'py of the A hbhh'a a Aouict lti ainT (the lead
wg aftrlcultuuai journal In tbe 1'uitod Stater) for
una )ar, pulb pM-tage paid, and In addition a
Ailcrutrcupe, lucb aa twi borotwioto baaa auld fur
Harina; rxeeuled the 8lta Fiiotini and Bind
ing fur ihree ycara, wa are prepared tu print and
biud Buuka, Maajaiinea Pamj.blaU. Director in,
etc., in beit t)i and at luwi r cea. BLANK
UOUkS. aurb a i(-teif, bjy Uooki, Ledjrera,
and Hotel HtKi'tera a ipeoialiy. OU Uouko re
bmiid. K'pei-i.lly nV ratea for re bludini Baa-d-y
teiiool Lturaner, A'iJreaa
lieo. 19, 1877-41 llarrirburf, I'a
I lT Olf Jl MOHM-N.inM of the juror.
J drawn for January Term,, A. D. 1878,
tuuiotouciin ua me t
ooDdnue twu weik.
Mod lay, 14lb), and to
iujin Jt rv.
J. M. Alliirm, DurnaiJe, T. II, Furoey, Graham,
JaJ Mitobcli. Clearbeld. W. H tjrvao,
U. W. Weaver, t'ur'avtlle, Tboa. l)unUp, OuliH,
Ja. Mclntyre, " ! H. ttttna,
Frank llolxer, li utt dale A. Frrdricka, "
B. V. Mre-lry, Broearla Jaoub llulicb, Lwrence.
Peter Hiliel, K.J. Ktiaffnnr, "
Alox, D-II, Kdward Blom, Peon,
Joe. Wall, Burnaida, 'Win. Curry, Pike,
lea Smf'h, " Kib't Nooper,
Lew ii fiend, Corlrftoo Wa. (-aldwll, Sr., Pike
r u. McLraoken, trrg o r. Pejler. aiun.
TniKitaa ji aoM rinar wbkb Htm.
Julm I-Tilr, Clearfield, M. Foil at h wait, Drady
B. r. H;ckl-, " fSnmaal Hollar, "
Ed. II u re Ii fit lil, " Wa, Avora. Hutn-ld.
J -a Hngley, . W. Fry, "
.Matt, (ifdt-n. " M. W. 'E waine
J no. hweeoy, Jloolfdalf, A. (1. Stt-inrr, D
1. -oa tur.
Matt. Mayer.
lurtei Hell, Porgiiffin,
J ..flab lleory "
S. T. Hankin, Ounhta,
H . A. tn-t. 0eeula,
Eat. Kriibarl, '
I . Molroaiin,
Albert HhiflT, Iltornria,
W.W.Williami. "
Wm. Mehnffir, licit,
.laa. Mt llbee, Hr,
Tboa. Heeri, Boggii,
JcihD Blair,
II. A. Kbinifl,
J. 11. (J car hart, Bradford
Henry Aurand, Brady,
(ietrfe ta illiaje,
Philiu Swoonv.
Wo McMt.ntgaMluI.cft
nyivaiiar Hunt, Hu-lon
Peter Pattaraofi, Jurdon
P F. Culriel, Kartbaua
J (.tin wttborww, Knot,
John UerryiuaOf "
I) II. Barrett, '
Mtk Burat, Lnwrvnco,
.i. H. Irwin,
U. F. Wtlbelm. Murril,
Ira tShaffer, Piko,
Jamea Anderann, Union
John Dinib,W(oltrard
W. U. KHne, "
laaae P. Cara.ia;
J II. ltallry, ,
JohriRtnn llamt't'in "
tl. Kdlufer,
TRiviiut. t;a.iaa atcosD wbbk Jlat.
Kliaa RutTnor, Hurneide
Kd. tiainaburf, Clf'd.
J. W. Lam bom, Cboat,
Job ll Addleman, "
John Mulaon, Colt.((to
A. M. lloorrr, DcOalur,
Hieb'd Fbillpa,
Jamea Flynn, Uulinb,
Harvey Hwaon, JurdAB,
A. II. iSbaw, Law ranee,
L C. Bluona, "
(i. (1. Uearbart, '
Arthur Roeto. "
A K. Uraucker, Cur'lla
P. Cameron, lloatadalf,
Uenry Kiblina;, Ooeola,i
Jithn Koia, Wallarotoa,
John Hboff, Beocaria tp.
Thumaa K. Lee, Bell,
Tita. tjanlerlin M
Uoorire Umi, Boggr,
Char Ira King,
J. II. Nlewart, Bradford,
Conrad Humi-h M
M 6. Clark. Brady,
Dan 'I Heigba,
H ilha Nuffrnt, Hara.ijc
J R Reed,
W'm, Waring, Morrii,
Jtibn Kylcr, "
William R.wlai, Fenn.
Aucual Boy, Pike,
C C. flb-lT, Woodward,
M. At. Yin gli n.
H. hitnundiogfir, M
1)y vittna of wrltt of Ltvarl F.tiat, laened
I 1 oat of tht Court of Cam mon Pleat of Clear-
fluid oonntv, and to ma directed, thero will
bo oxpoaed to pablieaala, at tho Court lloaee,
la tho borough of Clearfield, oa (Satarday, Uo
l.ih day of Januar. , 18714, at 1 o'olook, p. -,
tbo follow I of described roal ctiato, to witt
A eeriaia twuilory frame dwelling bouae ritaate
In l.awreno town thl p. Clearfield eounty, Fenn'a.
on the farm rtoently pur baaed t d lea Urn from
Jama Uuff, taia buiidinic hela tl leei front on
tba ha-quhaaaa rirer ind 7 feet deep. Belied,
taken la eiorotioa, and to ba told aa the proper!
of Jubi J. RoaJ. '
Taaut or 8t.a. Tha nrlne or turn at which
tho prepartv aha.ll ha atruek off muat be paid at tbe
tima of aalo, or each Mber a iran (amenta mado aa
will ba approred. otberwiae lha property will he
immediately put up and sold ajraia at tbaaxpeoaa
and rtik af Iho perana to whom it waa atruoa off,
and who, In eaat of deftoieney at auob ra aala,
ah all make avod tha uai, ani ia no inalaneo
will ttia Deed be preeented In Court for tin firm a
tion nnleai tha moer ti actually paid lo tba
"aerlff AMIKKW PKN iZ. Jr..
Snitairr'a Ot-rira, 1 Shoriff.
Clearfield, Pa., Doe. IV. 177.
Sheriff's Sale.
1Y virtue of tnndry wrltt of Vt JO., turned
I f out of tbo Court or Common rleaa of Clear
held Co , and to me directed, there will beeipoaed
to pnhllo aalo, at tha Court liouae. In lha boron nh
nf Clearfield, on Saturday, the 19th day of
January, lefrra, at 1 odook, p.m., tba follow
ing deaenbrd nal ootalo, to wit ;
A certain tract of land aituato la n.uta-tale
boroBKh, Clearflold ooaatr, Peno'a., ono lot No 4
on the writ corner of tleorifeand Haauah atreata,
huildtBg bavisg been burned. Bounded eaat bv
George airert, weat by an allay, aortb hy Beaver
alloy, aoutb hy Hannah it reel. Halted, tak-a in
a 1 ecu 1 ton, and to bo told at tba property of Cha.
Alw, a orrtaia tract of land tltnato In Cheat
towntthip, Clearfield oonntv, Ponn'a,, eontalnlnf
100 acrei with it aoreaolcarad and having a two
ttory log b'.uie, barn and olhrr out baildinfa, with
amall orchard, bo tided aa folio wt t Ob tbo Btrth
hy John M Wratover, on tho eiat by Barmwa A
Ftnno, 00 the aouth by Wa. 6iharta, and on tho
weal hy Jon at ban Wetiver. Seiied, taken in
riecati-m, and to ho told aa tbo property of Wa.
Weatover and Bilaa Waitovor.
Alio, a eeriaia tract of land aituata la Pens
township, Clearfield eounty, Peno'a ooataiuing
about una hundred aoree, wilh about tovaaty Are
aeree olf red, and baviag oreeted thereon a larg
framo barn, a two atory plank houoe, amall reh
ard and ortber oat I'uildtnga. Boanded on Ibo
ait by land of A. Hpenoer, oa tbo wout by I.
Jobnont ob tho north by Claavar, and aouth by
McCrackaB- Selaad, taken in eiattutiea. and lo ho
told aa lha property of David M. Hpeaoer.
Alio, aeertaln traot of Uad aituato ia Bct
towoiblp, t'rearfield Bounty, Pona'a. B mniled at
followi t On the aouth by a vtreet, oa tba taut,
north and weat by landa of R. MahaiToy, eontala.
Ing about one half acre mora or leoa, having a
large hotel 40 hy 10 iib wing attached, aad Habit
ana etker out buildinra erected thereon Billed,
takrn In otoeation, and ia be told aa tho proporty
ol Weiley C. Thompaoo.
Alao, all wf the right, litlo and Intern! of tho
Defendant, euppitwd to ho Ibo one undivided
eleventh part, in two eertaln lota of ground aitu
ato In the borough of Curwenmlle, County of
ClaarAeld and (Mate af Fenmylvaala, being
known aa tho Pi earn Tan aery lot Ib laid borough,
hounded and deoertbed an folio wa t Ono lot be
ginning at a peit on the eouibera line of right
of way granted to the Tyroat and Ofearfiuld
Railway Cumpaa " and tha Bortheaat lateree
tioa of aaid right af way whh Filbert meet j
thnta eoalh 10 degree, 41 parohaa weat alone
Filbert tlreet lit loot to b poit oorner al Inter
teottea of Filbert atreot aad alley ( lbeaM
aouth aV degreea, It aerehea, onM iM f-et lo an
alloy 1 tbenoo north ! degreea, 44 perehep, eaat
Sot f,ti, a ore or Iom lo linn af right af way
granted to raid Railroad) thenro along lias of
aaid right or way weal ward IV ! Ivtl, mora
or lean t plant of beginaing. Tbo other lot or
plena af ground, begianing Bt a ptat oa aaid
asmihara li a af right away at Ha taiaraeetiua
whh wet-ra lino ol Filbert ilreet ; thenoa weil.
ward by lino of right nf way of Railroad 19.4 fvt
to aa alley t bonne aloag aatd allay aeath M do
gro-t, 4a potehaa weat IA feel to a puat aal
rornar aa allay 1 thenoo along water rireel, aouth
60 drgrvee, II perehea, oaat lii) feet to Filbert
treat 1 lhaee Brlh HO degreat H perchre, to
aad -lrot tollo at right of way of aaid Mail,
road and plaeo of begiaaiag aontaiaiag two
Bcrot and 111 pereboa, mora or leta, aad heisg
tho Bama lot or ptoeo of land eonvryed by tha
helnaf Wm. Irln. decaaaed to W. tl. While and
Joha R. White hy Deed, aa! roordod ia Ue
olfiro f r rooordiog of deodi, ia Clnraeld
poaBty, Baiag Uarooa root ad largo
Steam Taaaery 1 e or tit largo hark thed ;
Snr di'irtlsnnrntj.
beam bonau) cilice, d.riling bonoe and other
building! eonooo-od thereeita. S.iao I, taken la
exeouli'ia nnd
Aleiandvr II. Irvm .
evi l a tbo property of
A certain Iraet of land illua'a la Raoi Iowa
ehlp VlearOel l aaunty, MennoylvaoU, boanded
i.n lha north by lan-l of I,. 0 Rlom. aaal be
Pagan Roeioa. i.,nlh l.y John M Cb..e. and
wail by landa of Wa and Jo.apb CaUioarl. a ,a.
tainlng abuut lot acre., an I b.vlnt nam! a.
aerca ,.erv--l, the balaq?. belnf iq Wiial'a-il
baring erected thoreoe ft two vlory frame buuic
iraiu- ,a,n mii einer ),. u.,ine. -
rv '"
Alio, a eertala
rlala lot of (round iltBBto la boruuxh
lo, CloarHtld owaatr, Psiaa'a., ob U
of HouUdalo,
outhweal mroer of Uood tlraet and an alley be.
ing iiw ieiroui ana ie imi back and knowaw
lt Ni:4t tU .tJ borough, with a thraec atary
houae, largo atoro houae, and all neaeaaary out
buildinga. Heiaed, lakra la ei ecu tioa, aad to bo
oulJ a lha property uf llewrgo Uagor,
Alan, a aoriain traat of lio l aituata la Beorarla
townhip, t'laarfl Id tountv. Pa., bounded and
deaeniied aa followa: Bounded eaat by Ulea tl ipa
turnpike, aouth hy landa of hinita ot al, weat by
land of (Jeurge Dotta, and north by land of W m. 8,
Dlftkey't eat ale, eonuiaing abuat S40 aoraa, and
having IHU aeroa s lea red, with largt bearing
orchard. Urge framo hoaet, baak barn and othar
outbulldioga lbreon. tie i aod, takoa in ataeatlun
aod to bo old ailhe property of 0. 0- Pate bin.
Alao, a en tain iraet of land aituata In Oulich
towmbip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., beginning at
maple co.ner of Metlhew MrCulley'a lormar aur
vey ; tbenoa by land of Mel thaw jdoCulley north
48 degroat eaat 140 pare bet to poet j thene by
raiidue of tract of Benjamin Wiiaoa loath 40 da
greea eaat 74 perebea to aoat 1 tbenoa hy tame
auoth 4 degreea wait US prrelieo to pott in lha
old Uoe ; tbenoa by land of gbaw north 41) de
greea weat 74 perehoe to place) of beginning, oua.
tuiniog o.V acrra aod X4 poruba, and having 30
averea elearnd, and a amall two ttory framo houae
tberooa ereoied. Heiaed, taken in oxecutioa and
to be tuld aa tha pruportv of W. K Hiaitb.
Alaa, a eeriain treat of land eituaie ia Bloom
townttiip, Clearfield o-iunty, Pa , oooiaining about
Kit aerci, with about Au aoroa elearrd and too bal
anoa in wod land, having erected there a a large
two- lory frame 1iu.e, lug bare and other out.
builJing, and good young orchard, hounded and
tubcn'eil aa fullwa 1 Oa tba north by land of
Ja.iob llilger, eaat by land of ilra. John Kllinger,
and ivntli by trie litiBpikt. Beited, taken in
ticcutionaad lo be told u the property af Ueo.
A. Bloom.
Tbbmb or HiLB. Tbo prlct or aum at which
tbo proporty aball ho a truck off matt he paid al
tha time of aalo, or inch 0 her arrengemeati
made aa will bo approved, olborwiao tbt proporty
will ba Immvdialtly put ap aad auld agaia at
tho eiptoee and riak of tho peraun to wbum it
waa atruek ofl, aod who, la oaaa of defitneooy at
aueh re aalo, aball make good tha tea. ad la
no iniunce will tba Deed ba preeeaied ia Court
for eon hr ma tion unleia tbo money it actually
paid to tbo bhtriff.
FiiaHire'i Orrtca, I tshoriff.
Clt-arieid, Pa., De. IV, 1177. J
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of eon dry write of fiH Fueiaa la
med out uf tha Court of Common Plena af Clear
field eounty, and to ma direaied, ihera will ba
wipoted to puhlia aale, at the Court Houae. ia ht
borough of Clearfield, oa Saturday, tbo 15th day
of January I S7J, at I o'clock p. m., tbt fal
lowing dvacribed real eaUto, to wil:
All thai OTtain tract or piaeo of land aituala ia
Cbcit lowoahip, Clearfield oooBiy, Penn'a bound
ed north by land of (Solomon Toaer, weat by Cheat
Creek, Ba.ulh t.y Umla of Jonathan Pieroe beira.
oaiaming forty acreemoreor lea. Heiaed, taken
in eiecation, aud to be told aa the property of
Margaret Atuaa and J. R. Ann.
Alio, a eettain tract or piece of land in Bell
lnwi.tliTp, Clearfield county, Penn'a.; bounded
and deacrioed ai Mlum : Hounded on tha emit,
north aod outh. y lan d of ti. L. Rood, and on
writ by land of Noah Miller, containing nna bun.
drod at-ree and having ahout twenty-Ava aoraa
cleared -nd aiider auhivatloa. and having a two
ilory frame houae, IS by 32 feel, and a log barn
erected t hereon. 8eiud, taken In eteeut!n and
' to ba told aa tbe property ol T bom at 1) Butter.
Ali-., a certain tract of land allotted in wod.
ward townih p, Clearfield eoaoly. Pa. Bound.-d
on the eat by landa of Mothannoa Land and
Lumber Company, ob Ibo north by 11101, wait by
-ame and anuth hy fame, ounlaining l3 aorra,
atuiut SO arret elt-ared, with amall log Huaae and
lof barn. Heiied, taken ia eteeuliun auj to ht
told ti the property if Wm. Karl.
Alat, a certain lot or piece of Q round la tht
Borough of -aeeola, Clearfield onunty, Pa,, boaml.
bd and deaerihed at followi : Boun led eait by
lot of Michael Hanford.weitby lotol Ueo. Bnallch.
aouth by lot uf Jano Hwigert, aod north by Hate
airrel and being 60 feat front on Hale atreet and
Hit) leet deep, and having tbtrooa oroctod a two
itorv frame bi-uae ISi20 feet, and 1 kitchen at
tached limlo feet. alo( a framo liable ISxJt feet
aod othir outbuilding!. Heiaed, takea in execu
tion and to bo tld aa tbt property of H. i. Mar
tin and Uoorge Boa'icB.
Alio, all that eertala piece or lot of ground ait
aate, lying eat being in tbe borough of Oeeeola,
ia tbe eounty of Clearfield, and State of Penn'a.
bounded and de ten bed aa follow-, via: Front lag
on C'urtln etreer, in aaid borough fifty feat, oa lha
weal y lot if ftcojemlo Bweifart, oua hundred
and fifty leet, on tbe north by olbar landa of aaid
tiwrigart. and on the out hy tame one hundred
and ftlty feet. It being part of a larger pieoo of
land which Thomai F. Boalich and Kltiabetb bit
wife, ooavoyod to hlichael Sand ford and having
thereon oreoled a large framo hotel Building aad a
amall ahop and other out buiidiogi. Suite I, tektta
In execution, aa I to be told at tbt property of
neii uougnarty.
Alao, all that certain pieoo or lot if gronad tit"
uato in Moatop'a additioB to Clearfield borough
Clearfield eounty, Penn'a., bounded aad detenbed
aa lotluwt : Brainninf at a nott OB touthaaat
corner or Walnut and Third tUweU, thence to a
aoutherly dlrtctltm along Third afreet, one boa.
dred and twelve feattoatwelvt foot alley t tfconea
in an euterly direction alone laid allev la a liae
para Hal with Walnut itreat, fwrty feet U a poat 1
tnenoe in a aortoeny aireauoa ob a line parallel
wilh Third atraet, ana hundred and twelve feet
mora or leaa to a poet on Walnut atraet ; Iheooe la
a woittrly direottoa along Walnut ttreat to th 0
plaeo of beginning ) having thereon erected ant,
two imry anuao hoatlnr ca walaat ttroeL and
twn houae fronting oa Third at reel, and neeeaiary
nut buililioza. heiaed. taken in execution, aad In
he told at the property of Joha Biheifer.
Alao, an irjie four eertala iota or nie-ot of
grnwnd aituata in th borough of Carweairilla,
ClearAald flonaty, Pean'a., aunid aad datetihad
aa followa, via: Befioniag at tha enruer of Fil.
hert and Uaorga atreeu, running northward along
filbert atreof (on tbe oaat aide of aaid etreeO twa
bundrod and forty feet to atreet kaowa aa Max
ell or liiga tlraet ; tbeaca la aa eaat ward direo.
lioa along aaid ttroel, one hundred and aiaoty feet
to a twenty-foot alley j thenoe along aaid alley ia
a aouihward diroction, two bund re I and forty let
to George atreet , tbeaea weal ward along aaid
atreet, ono hundred and aiaety feat to the plas of
beginning, ana naving taenia arectea a large
planing mill, board abeda, hoard kila and aooe
ttry building, wi-b a large tUam angina ; thingl
mill and variout wood working machinery belong
ing to laid planing mill, tteued, Uken in eseau-
lion, and to oe 101 a at uo prepeity of a. H Irvla
A W. C. Arnold.
A1i, a eortaia lot af grauai altuti ia Weit
llttuiadaia, biundtd on tba Bait by landa of A.
J. flick, via) Bejinamt at a pait. aerthweM
eoraer of lot No. II, Wett Houtidale, theae
toalh 46 degree, wen jfi laat a pet, tbenoa aa
tba aouth J feet from patra line of railroad,
aouth I degreea 4j percnet, weat ll feat, eaaU
wardly S3 teat from and annir tin 191 ret te a
pott 1 thenje oa tbo wait by Ita 1 nf lleary Batila
bury, aorth 41 degree, eait 749 feel U a poet 1
tbenee on tba north by towmhip, a-irth Att
degree oaat lid feat to pkaet uf tMgiaciag and
known aa lot Mt. II, ia tha gen teal piaa of Want
Itoutaileia, naving a twt.-ttQ.ry fa in bout and
amall liable riHl lharom. ftenti, Ukaj la
rit-futtai. ami lo ho told ai tha property of
aUUbatl Kearney.
Alto, a oertaia tract af Uad, beginning at a
po it on tba toutneaat eoraer of Rerd atreet and
knn avauoo, ia tbo village of Uontadalt t tbonea
along aaid aveauo north Al degram, e,t lit) faet
lo Otter alloy ( thenoe tomb i3 dogrtee wat
feet t pan j thence taih 17 weal 159 fet to
Reed ilreet, thBo north 1 degrot Weet iO fai,
along Re4 tlreet to poit, tbe plaoo af begioaiag,
and known at lot No. 344 in lb general plan of
tatd village nf NortH Houtidale; having rot4
on taid lot a two ttory building eight ana ft!
wide, aad twenty-four fret long, and at it tea feat
high. 8eiaed, Uken ia axaeatM 1 aa 1 la uid
at ib proporty ot A. D. Bvoyr.
Alto, a iraet of land tltuatt la Union tew,
hip, begiaoing at a hftatook thenje north 111
perohaa, mora or laat in a poit j thane watt aa
ierehat 1 beuilooh j thenoe aouth 11 peroaaa to
a lion 1 thenc eaat nincty-atao pereua to a
be lock and plaia of beginning, oooiaining AS
acres, mora or lent, being tba taiao piece or Ire-
of land which Wm. B. 1111 and Mary J.,hn wir.
Ot.avejedt J. R. Arnold hy Deed haanag dau
ofthellth day of December, 19? T, aad roftordal
atClearfttld, Ib eed Book Vol A, page It,
Altd.aa'thertraetpleeeofland la aaaMlowa
thlp, boanded and deaeribod aa follow 1 Uegia.
aing at pott, thenoe watt by land of a R. lUal,
Bow J. W. Courer,70 prcbe to a pott Iheaca
aorth la lo of the tbov deaertbed traet Tl Ml
perchetta a poet 1 thenoo anil lift porohoa tea
poet 1 thenoo tout by landa of B. F. Harley 74
pereboa taa poet and piano of baginEiag, annUia
mg II aoree and lt)9 perchct, mora or tern, hfjing
tama Iraet of land which J. W. Cloaaar ooavav-4
to J. R. Arnold by Deed bearing date of the loth
day f June, 1A73. and recoiuod at Clear tie Id i
Deed Book Vol. 9, page 197,
Alio, a lot or plot of grauad aituata ia Rock
tn, Uniaa lowniblp, Cletrfield eounty, Pa, da
avribed and hounded at fwilhiwt t Begiaaiag at a
aoat and tbeaee eoata by land af D. K, bra baker
10 perobot to a ttoao 1 thenoo wett hy ktvod of Da
vld Waliy I perchet to a tion, thane aorth I
dngrt wet by land Of David Walty 19 perebea U
a tioaeal Maia atreat; taaooatt along taid Mala
tlreet A 9 19 perrhe to pla ef beginaing, eo.
talning AS p -rebel, more nr lait, aud having a
large Charoh and aa aid arhool bJuto tbereaa.
Seued, taken in otecuiiaa and to a tld at the
property of I. R. Araold,
Alto, a oertaia tract or land tl tatte la Lawrae
townih 1 p, OlearAeld oaly, Pa, bonaded aad
derenbed at followa t Oa tha eat by laadi of dam
ael Clyde, toaih by landa of John Moore, wait by
landiofJna. Irwin, oa tha aortb hy landi of Da -vid
banibarry, eanlaiiing 19 anre and having I
aeree cleared and under enltivallea. Heiaed, Uk
en to e 1 ecu tion, and to ho Bold Bi Iho property ef
Jamei Irvia, Jr.
1 aau a or Rata. Th prie or aum al which
Ih property thall he ttraoh off matt ho aaid al
tha ttma nf it la, or anaa other arrang amenta
made ae will ht approved, other a tea the prop,
ty will h Immodiattly nal ap aad aid agaia a
th eipeaee and rUk af ih pereoa u whom
waa tuneh off, aad who, la eat of d-Ac lea ay al
iviah r aale, thall make good th earne, and la
aa latune will tho Do4 ho ptoooalod la Owari
for ob Arm tloa aalt ih moay It aataaili
pai4 to tfa Sheriff. ANDRHW PKNTKL Jr.
Satatrr t Orri-ig, I flharLl,
ClaarAeld, Pa., D 1, lfT7. 1