nottis. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second and Merkit Strut, .'yiff:ys-; Flltili1 old .ioatoiiI, Ji Il...t ta4.uur.Sk X -he Pn year, mlargtd to doable to former eapaeity f" eotertaine-eal of men lri'u goalie. Tbe whole betlJlag baa been refaralibed, eod proprietor wtllipare ae pitai I reader bit gutm comfortable while lay leg with him. 0&fht 'Mention Houie" Oaalbui rant to end from the Depot od the arrival end dipertur ef tub fcrela. W. C CAM(u.V, Jul, II T7 tf Propnetoi LLEGHENY HOTEL Market Street. Clearfield, Pa, Wo. B. Bradley, formerly proprietor of the Leonard Houte, baring leaied the Allegheny Hotel, aolloiti a tbaro of publte patronage, The Bt'OM hai been thoroughly repaired and aewlj furniihed, and gueati will And it a pleatant Hop ping plaoo. Tha Ublo will bo opp(ied with lb beet of everything in the market. At the bar will be fmnd the beet wlnoa and llquori. Mood tabling attached. WM. 8. BKAULEY, May 17, 'I ft. proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front .treat.,) CLEARFIELD, FA. Tbe under.le;n.d hating; taken chargo of thi. Hotel, would reapoctfnlly eolloit public patronage. Jeul'7 II. K. kULLKKTUN. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WA.SIIINUTON, PA.. Toil now and well furnlab.d boue bu boon Uk.a by the nnder.igu.d. lie fe.l. oonfident ol boing able to rentier eatbfactioa to tbnit wbo may faeor btoi wltb a eall. Ma; 8, 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, Trou'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Street, PIIILIP8MIHO, I'KNN'A. Table alwaye aiiiplted witb tbo beet the market afford.. The trareiiog public ! iorited to eall. Jaa 1,'7. K011KKI bOYU. r. X. 1MOLD. 0. W, ARKOLD. J. I. AlCli.U F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Itniikt?m nntl ISrokerm. Heynoldevtlle, JeiTemou Co., Pa, Money recti red or depoiit. Diieounti at no derate retei. Eattora and Foreign Ksehange el wan on bund and oulleelioni promptly made, Heynolclarille, Deo 10, County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. 1) OOM In M atonic Building, one door north ol JVC. D. WataoB'i Urug Store. Paitage Ticket to and from Liverpool, Qoeeni town. tJ-latfnw, London, Parle and CoDanhnirnn Alto, Draft for ealeun tht Royal of Ireland . and imperial Bun I. or London. JAME8 T. LEONARD, Pret't XV. M. SHAW, Cannier. Ji.nl77 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Mouth Third street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by tuatl wtll reoeirr uruuipt attet, tfon, end all Information cheerfully ftirni.tied Ordert eolieted. April ll-tf. Jlrnttstry. DR. E. M, THOMPSON, (OSao In Bunk Building,) ;Curneuivllle, Cleartleld Co., Pa. nab S3 '79 tf. BJ. M. STEWART, 18URGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Office la reit'Ieaee, !Wnd Hreet.) IClearflcld, Pa., May 2, 1HT7-1. GREAT REnUCTIO m me reiput nf ARTIUdtL TEF.TH. Dr. A. M- Hllli would Inform bit frlen'la and fiatroot that be In now putting up ArtlBHnl Trtb or TEN DOLLARS PER SET. By a new sad treat! r Improved tiroes t of ooliih. log Ituhher I'lalea, he can give a much trnngvr plate with lett thiokQett 'he plate being all orer tne palate of an equal tnieiinrM, ren-le r it much more pleasant to the patient than the old ilyleptatea. Ail hare tbo exclunire riht t one tfaie protest in this eoonty. no other UentUt eao pat up ai good platei by any other mode. A1I work guaraatecd atiifaetory.' Clearfleld, June U, l77 tf. A. M. HILLS. TN COD n E TRUtT.M All otben mutt 1. oar for their work before it learee the bop. And at all flesh it at the graft of the fleld. and the promise, of men are like the flower thereof they ere giren one dny and forgotten tbenett thetefore it it heit not to tmit anybody All bindt of work will be dot e In tbit eriop for eatb or ready py Bonti and ihoci of all ttiea and ttylee the belt ami ebewpett in town. I hare removed miy tbop to the lower end of town, in Taylor't row, on Reed ttreet, near the depot, where will be found at all timet, watt inn for euitomen. AH work warranted good and ebeep. Alto, all kladi of Leitber and Shoe Finding for taOe. The alMient of Clearfleld and vlelnlty are ff'tpeotfally iorited to gire me a eill. JTH. U. UKKKINO, CIirSld, Pa., July It, 1H77. READING FOR ALL I! BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market St., t'lcardeld, (at the Poet Oflire. THB eadenigned bogf leave to anaoaaoe to the oitiieaa of Clrarfi.ld and vicinity, that ho hae 6ttd ap a room and bae Ja.t returned from the city with a lerae aranant of roedint aatter, eooei.ting ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aerount aaa Pan Book of over; do Mription ; Pepr and Bnv.lopea, Frenrh preMed and plain Pen. and Pencil.; blank Legal Papm, Deea. Mortgagee Judgment, Rieuip tloa aad Prt.aii.arv nutr.t White and Pureb. meat Brief, Legal Cap, Henord C.p. and Hill Cap, Hhoet Mu.le, for either Piano, Flute or Viulto, eonetantly on hand. Any botika ar atatlnnar) eaairrd that 1 may not have on band, will be ordered by Iret tapreah and aild at whtdeaale or retail to ealt euetomero. I will alao keep periodleal literature, .uob a. Mage.laoe,, ae. P. A.UAl'LlN. Cleartold. May 7, IsSS-tf a. a. a. j. a.oanTT. REED & HAGERTY, Seeeettort te J. G. SCHRYVER, DRALBRS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, "WOOD and VnjJLQTT-VTAJLZ, COOKINQ STOVES, HEATING STOVES and RANGES. Hetond tit.t (itarflrld, Pa The nndertlgned weei-l annnooee lo the eitlient or l; learn el tl and vicinity, that they baro per ohtted the Hardware tore of J. 0. Hebrrrer.eart will eMtan(ly keep ea head a full aitoi ttoent ol Hardware ta an tu traeenei, luen at TABLE & POCKET (XTLERY, Beweh fltoet, tland Sawt.flreat Amarlean Crott out Haw, D. B and Pet-ling Alee, llatcbett, l'lenei and Plane Iron, nil hind of HaHl, litre Hboea and llorte Shoe Niili. Ptrht, Moot, Rake. Hay Forka, fibovelt and Hp let, Soy thet.PnathM, Plowi, Qraia, Celtlratori, !ulle and Mngle Hkerel Plowi, Caltirator Teeth, Bevelt and Try Pejnaree, hhnreJ Hladet, Mill flaw ad Tarr Filet, Chitela, Itittt, Augere, Adiee, Bare Ieof Hangen, Butt, T and Hire H la fee. Bonnr'l Hollow Aurora. all kiaif of Look, iferewi, Hath Oordaad PeJItje, CLASS and PUTTY, Poet and Chela Belli, C wrier, Tire aed Barrel BolU, 0ed Cord, Had Iron, Horee Braihet end CBrr-Oebe, Oriwd ftwne lxieree,Uuai, Mttop and (Uea-tlee) Pack int. Cable Chain, eta. They will alee keep e hand a fell M-ettment t Tinware, ae a general ttook or neee Farnklh. tng Oewda, wbioh tbee will eeA at arioee to nit tee iiateoe Pereoet wUhleg anything la their Hoe are in vited to eall and eiemtne their tnk aetere barekaeVng. RKKU A BAUKHTY. t'leertele. May It, IITT ly. (Our (Oun ilmtlsrnutit. i t n i y k Uaj dea twT PublUhed every Vedoatday by GOODLANDER & LEE, CI.B4HKIKI.I, HA., Mae the l.ergvat I'lrrulailuti af any paper In Nortliwaateru PeuuaylTanla. Tbo largo mid coualuntly incrcimi ng circulution of tlio KtpunucAN, feiidiTsitvaluublo to businctia min an t medium thro' which to roach tlio public. Ti'umh or SuBscaiPTion s If puid in advanco, . . . 12 00 If paid after lliroo montha, . 2 SO If puid after aix niontlie, . . 3 00 Whan piipori nro cent outsido of the county pnymoi't must bo in advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 3 times, , (1 S(. Each iibaequont insorlitin, 50 Administrator' Noticos, . . 2 50 Executors' Noliccs. .... 2 50 Auditors Noticos 2 50 Cautions and Estrays, ... I 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, ... (8 00 T wo squares, 15 0C Tli roe squares 20 0( One fourth column, . . . . 50 00 One hall column, .... TO 00 One column, 120 00 It LAN KM. We have always on hand a large stock nf blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE HILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4o., Ac, Ac. JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH A8 POSTERS, 1'ROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, io., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORPEliS II Y MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. jtoollnihdor dc lve9 Clcnrflcld, Clearfield County, Pa. ftrw di'rrtlsrmtnts. Bigler, Young & Reed UAVB OM UAND . - TV - 1 f-.--t f ,i-cn .nfl TTitveltlne? Alao, Ater)'i Patent Knur-bora Power FMriutrt will du well to glvelhew a eall. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. l.'TT-tf. KVEKY Bi:K KEKPEH RHOULD ItBAD TI1R B AMERICAN .1 EE JOURNAL Ah tie rant SA page Monthly deroUd to Snumric aso a t trie a l Ukb Kattptxe. The moei tureetlul end i-lpw-rlenoed llee Matte ra in Amrlea are lit rgular oorreiuntleoit. It It the 0''e'i Lnrtfttt and UK T UK ti PAI'KR IN THE WORLD I Two hoLttnt A raM. Hpeulinen Coj.y lit otl A do re, i not u. ixiwmar e oon. Dto. IX, 41 974 W. Xadiron Hi. Chicago. QtllJHT PHtlCLAMATlON. WHinaAt, lion. 0. A. MaTKR, Pretidrnl Judge of the Court of Comraoa Pleat of tb Twenty-fifth Judicial Dittrtet, eompnted ol the enuntlea of Cleardeld, Centre and Clinton od Hub Aikam Oon a and Hun. Vircomt B Holt, Attuelato Jodjea of Cleerfleld county hare iitued tbelr , to me directed, for the bulding ut a Unurt of uommua Pleat, Orphan' Court, Court ot Quarter beitlona, Uourt ot tl)er and Terminer, and Court of (lenerel Jail beliv. the Court HouieatCleer&eld, tnand frthe eounty of OlearDela. onuimenetng on lie aeruiia Muiiday. the lltn day ol January, IHlrt, and to ountinue twu wtekt. NOTICK 18, therefore, hereby glrea, to the Coroner, Juetioet ot the Peace, and Conttablet, to and for laid county uf Clearfield, to appear in their proper pereont, with their Reoordi, Roll, loquititiuot,, and other Keniem branoee, to do thute Lblngt wbtcb to their oflioet, aod in their behalf, oeruin to be dune. Ily an Act of Atauiubly, pattvd the (Mh day of .May, A. 1. Uftt, it It made tie duty or the Jul Hoc of the Peace of I be eertral etiuntiet uf lhl Coutinonweeltb, to return lo the Clerk of the Court of Quarter 6inot of the re pw tire otmntiei, all the reetixniuneet entered Intu lrfre ibeu by any pertuo or pertont charged with the eoumittiun of any crime, eteept tucb eaea at mj be ended beture a Juilioe of the Peane, un der est i tog lawt, at leatt tee dayt b'fre the aimuivnceaiani of the initio q of the Court to wbieb i bey are made returnable rpciir el j.and In all eatei where any recognitanoe are entered into let than b-n dayt before the oommenoeuient of the ieln to which they are made returna ble, the tald Juvtlcei are tu rut urn the tame ia the tktn.e manner at if laid aot bad aot bern patn-d. GIVEN endtr my hand at Cleerfleld, thii tOtb nay of December, in (be year ol oar Lord, one tliouiend eight hundred end terenty-iwen. drcID te ANUHKW I'tNTZ. jr, Sheriff. ,-UCCFflH UNPIIKCKDRNTED inthehiator; of ailuiur .tttt-rprlae. b ia airenJed the Puklieatina of the PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES TUB LAROKPT. CIIKAPRST A BRIUHTKST VYKKKLY IN TIIK UNION. Fifty-ill column! of the choioeit retdiog. em bracing ell that goei to make a erit-elai lire weekly paper. .aver 1 he Ormrl ind liiittnctlre fetture of the WhhKI.Y TlMK.that hi prove. I to popular in the put, will he e'lniinued throurhout the year, vii: A itrlet of chap ert of I be unwritten History of the l ate (hil War Prom tea ling Acton In the Cabinet la the the Porum, North and float h. -Ttii feature nf Ue PH1I.AHKI.PH A VYKbK 1Y 11MK alxne will mahe one of the moat Knter aiomc and Innriietire Vol timet on the UNWRITTKN KKOOHUB OP TIIK LTK AR that bet ever ben givrn to the Nation. W bile ibrte contributtoTii will be free frote a I KeUrlan tone, they wil be written from the rari oui nanJpoinri of he ripectira aulbort and urir their proper aimei. - Tf RMS PER ANNUM Post ge Frees One Copy, t'2. fire C.-piet, If. Ten Copiei, $i. Twenty Cnpil l-'i. An EXTRA COPY will be tent FRED to nv perenn tending tt for a Club of Tia, or $ii fur i Clan of fwiuty. TRY THE WEEKLY TIMES. Ily onltlng vita a lt frlei dt, aid making ap CuhofTeDty,yua will each get I' e V. Khkl.V tlMKS for one yrar, pottage paid by at, for the ivw price of fl li If at any time during the vrar you ire rilitifti d with thi 1'apir, tvnij to ut and we will return oer moner. THE DAILY TIMES, A flretodaae lintcpendrnt Morn In jf N ewe pa per, rnherially quoted hy the Preit and the Peo ple at the belt Newrpapt-r trer putlihed lo Pbiladvlphla, Tkhmi Poitage paid. 8ii Dolhri a year, or Fifty C. ntt a month. Two Centt a Copy, Ad trrii TIIK TIMKd, Tiwei Rutidmg, Nov. J-Sm. Pbiladilpbia. Mrn(ueiitli(nably the beat amtalried work ol the hind In tbe tt ortd. JIarp?rM Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. A'trfieel of l Petti. I The veteran Ifnyiu'ee, which long aro outgrew j itn original title el the A'tw MoetAy if'tpiai'iehai ; not in tbe leant abated the popularity it an at theoutxot. but bet added to it in many war, and j hut krpt fairly torrent of tbe timet, tbaoki tu ihej enterprifof tbe pahhbni aoH toe tact and wit-1 do in of Ittedit'irt For wbmerer i beet and m't readable ia tbe literature or travel, diteutery and r'ion the evereKO reader of to-day loukt tu HnrjMr' M-tffttimt juii at atpeetaotly ai did tht realer of a eeutury ago there it the eame edmlr-1 ble variety of eui'tnt and the lame trehnet and lujcieitmntfi t itt litorial departmeut t now at then. nmea eeernuf. i TERMS i Pottage free to ail fubecrlbera In the V B llarper'l Mtgttlne. one year (1 00 tl.bU I Delude i prepayment of U. B. pottage by the puhlithert. Buhoriptloni 10 tt'irptrM MfigattM end (Volar to one addreit tor one tear, flH.uu i or iwot'l llarper't periodiMli to oaiadJreii for one yrar, $7.10, puilHge free Aneumeopy wl etartne Mngnumt neetry ir tittftr will te tuipiid graiit lur evry Cm - of Bve tubnetiber at $1 00 raih, paid for by one rcmttianoe i or. m euplu one ytr, without extra copy, tor i' .oil HaoK numoeri oan oe auppnea ai any nine. Tbe Volutin of tbe Jniti'r eoumence with the Numbeiiuf Juue ana Uecember of eevb year btn no time li eind, it ti aiiderlood thai the tubicritier wipbet tu lgiu with tbe eurreul Number. AeouulrtePelnf Ilarptr'$ Una .i(e, bow com- priiiou it Volumit. lu ueaLelutb biuding, will be eviit by expreii, freight at etpente of purunatmr, tor fi.ia per voiatoa. magie voiumei.oy wan, putpad $-i 0U. t loibeaiei. tor biuding, 6rteeul. my u.all, pottpald. A Uumpleie Analvtloal ln1ex to toe Drt Blty Vulum lul Harptr'a JJuymiwt bat been publiifieo, reoaeriug araliaule fur leterenoe tbe vat ami vaiivd wen I in uf tnforuiatto-a which eoontiiuiet thii periodical a peneot literary oyulopvdu. gru, Cloth, IS0V Half Calf, $ii,'i!. bent noetage prepaid HubicripfloBireeeired for Harper' perlolicali only. Siwipapen are aot to copy thii adrirtliemtnt witbuut ibeexpreti ord-r of lUeeen A Bau'e. AOdrc, IIAKI'KH HKO I It KHS, 0T. 7, ISTT-Sm. New Yotk. "A Hr petitory offaalilon, Plea tu re, and Inatrucilou.' llnrporH Ilizar ILLUSTRATED. JVirffert e IA Pm. The Bntnr ti the organ of tbe fashionable world, and the expounder ot that world'! lawt) and It It rAt authority in all matter of manner, 'liquet., eoilumi, and loelal habile. iitlm Tm rt'ee. The ttnanr eommend Itielf to every member of the hoaebold to tbe children hy droll aad pret ty picture, is the yung led ei by Itt leihhtv platei in end let vanity, t- tbe provident atri.n iy tt patterni for the eblldrrn'i elotbe, l-i ni'tr- 'tMtiirtt hy ti tattelal nelgi for embroidered itplera ana leaetinu nretaing gown, uai the reading milter of the Atar it uniformly ot grial eioeilenoe. Tbe paper baiaoutrd a wide pop ularity f-r the flreide en)ojmeot It affurdi, and bti beeome an eiteMWhrd authority with the laulia or America. ,V. V. ATweieg '!. TERMS i Pntae free to all Hubarrlber In the II. ll.rner'a Baaar, one Tear ti tS $4. lit taeladra ptta)Bont of U. 8. ,oalajt. by the nohllahere. ruhrtriiitiona to II. area. MA0Ata,WnK.t.T and ll...a to oaa aililre.a for one fear. $10 MS; or, lao of Harper e Periorikee!., to ne audreaa for one Tear, e to, poeleito rrM. Ae eitreenp? of either the M.n.iiaa. Wail I.T.or llA.aaalll be .tiii,li.d arena fur .rerf lub ,,f H.e hubMribere at 14.110 each, paid f..r br oaa renlttaaaei or, Hi. Uopioloee Trar, with out e.tra aopy, for I2S U9. Hank Naaibera e.a be eunpliea at anr (Int.. The Volume ef the feeer eoiamenee with the Tew. vVhea BO tin, le mentioned, It wl'l be uader.Uiod thet tbe .ubeerieer wl.hea to enm eaee erith lb, Mueieor oe.l nter tb roeelpt af hi. n,der. Tha Aaaaal Volua... ef Banna's It.a.a, le neat elvth bladli.f. will be aet or e.preai, free of o.peoee, provided Ilia freight euo. eat earned one dollar, tur $7.S0 each. A complete net, , prtaloR lea Vi,lamre, Bent no raeoipt ef ntk at tbe rate of II. lb per vol., freight at olpeoieof norehnaer. Ciolh OaMl for eaeb volumf , .ultahle for bind. log, wld be tint er mail, peetpald, ea rereipt ef eaoa. te oeoh felem. Hat gratia on rearlpt of alamo. Bubecriptteea raeelTOO for Harper, perlodieal. oalr. h.wpaper. are aot to eeny tbi. adfertlMmeol ollboat the alprera order el ll.nena a tteo a. Addreia, UAKPXH 4 BHUTHIIKS, Mot. Mm. Hew Hark. Continued from firit xiit1. J aro llfl 23 2:14.40, vxi liinivu of tim niitn ii 12,3 14.23 1 eulniiiltuil fur now liiiililins, rvpaint and improvi'iiu-nts in tlie u vol ill navy yard. Tlio H S92 932 DO. Tlio amount drawn liniii tlm TrVHKiity Irinti J itt V 1 tu Niivcin bor 1. 1877, ia 85.313 037.10. of wbit h there in criitnated to lo ) ut availulilv 1 1 ,U2! 128.30, xliiminu lliu anniiint ol uiiuul vxnviiduuro iliiiiiii; tlio lirnt flour iimiit tin nf the proA-m fintul your to liuvu both l.313,a09.10. ruMTurrici pkpaiitmknt. Tlio ruiort of tlio I'imIiihwIit Goii oral conlaine a full and rlrar atulu nifiit of tlio I'onloflii'U Ili'iiii'linunt. TlitJ ordinary rovoiiiii-a of tlio )i mil ini tho flval JVur oinliim junr 30, 1877, Im liiditi); ruii'iit from mini oy ordoi' luiniiit'M and Irom ollkiul eluniwiinilalHinpi'dotit'tilii'a niuoiiui ud to ibo auiti of J27.63I.5S5 20. Tlir uddilional mun of J7,013,II00 waa ival iri'd from aiiroirialion Imin llieuii orul Trounury for varioua iitriio-.ri., niakitiK tlio rocfipta fnmi all wiurvm: 83 1,544,885.20. Tlio tniul oxpomli. turiw dnriiiif tlio fint al year aiiiounud to 833 4 80,322 44, Icaviiiit an oxriw ol luliil ri'fi-ipla over vxpoitdittirva (Tl 81 1158,502 82, and an oxi'owt of total i-x-piiiililiir-a tivur ordinary ivo.iplnol 85 954.737 18. Ditliuilinif Hun tin-1 loiul rvtoipia tlio Hum of 8113 201. 104. j rwoivtd intoriiiilioiuil tiioni y or dum in tlio pivt'Ofilin Hih-uI ycur, ami ik'ilinliiifj I nun tlio tnliil oxpiHidiliiivh Ibo Humol 81,103,818.20, liuiiili tiva intMirrod in tlio pruvioim li-ial yi'Hin, tbe expenditure und rowipti uppertaiiiiiif; lo the liuinow of ibo lui limal year uito a Inllnwa: Kxpeiidi tuioH, 832 322,5(14 24; tvt-oipia (ordi nary, from monoy order buine"" and fnitn nllielal pwlau atampa), 827 408 -323 4 2; oxoohhoI exjieiiditurus, 84 854, 18(1.42. Tbo ordinary revoiiuo of tlio Pont nfllec Depiirlineiit fur llio your omliiijj Juno 30, 1879, uro eflinialeil ut nil in ereaiio of 3 per eent. over tlno ol 1877, inukihK 829.031098.28, nud the expenditurei. liir tlio nuiiio year aro oa tiiuuted at 830,427.771. leaving an oti. nialed di Heiein y lor tbo year 1879 ot 87,393 072.72. Tlio additional legixlution roeom niendod by tbo Pimiiiiuaier General liir tbo improveiiieiit of tbe mull aerv. ice ai d to protect the p'wlul revenma froin tbo abuaes prui-lieed under oxit nig litwn, ie renpeetliilly lomiueiided to tlio careful coiiH'ileiutiiui of t'ott (jreaa. ATTOIINkV UtMtHAl.'o OFKK'B. Tbe report of tbo Attorney General iMiilaiua aovorul Hii'eniione aa lo the adiniiiinlration ot juntiee, to which 1 invito your ulteiiln.n. Tlio prowwrc of hiiaiiieH." in tbo Supn me Court, and in cerluin Circuit Coiirta ol Iho Cnileil Stittca, ia now Bin li thut Herioun de luyri, to tho great h.jury and even op. piVKMon of MiilorH, oeeur, mid a rente dy rdiouhl bo nought liir thin condilion of allair. Whether it will bo tiiuinl in tho pluu In icily aketcbed in Ihu re Kit,of i nc reaai ii tho nu in lierol Judaea of tho Ciicuit Courli, and by uieuiix ol Ihia addition lo the judicial Un co, or of creating an iulcriiiodiuto twurl ol Kirora und Appeul, or whoiher aoine nlher mode euti bo devihed for obvittt iii tbo dillicilllieH wliieli now cxim, I leuvo to your mature eoiuudcrutiiin. Till INDIAN rR'HIM.M. Tbo prenout eoiMlilion of the Ifidittti IribeH in the territory of llio I'nited SiuIck, und our rcliuioiiu with Ihein, aro lully act foilh in tbo reports of tin Secretary of tho Interior and thoCom tuiaaioiicr ot Indian AtVuira Altera nericn of niiml deplorublu cunflicla, llu teriiiinalion ol which, while rellectnif: honor upon tho bravo Mil liern who uc eiuuplii-bed it, cannot Ivmrn our re grit at their occurrence. Wearenow ut peaco with all the Itidiuu ttihex witlnii our border. Topreaervo that ieacu Willi a jiml and buiiiuiie ii.ic will bo tlm object of my rarnvat on deavoia. Whulevor may bo Haul ol their character and aavao piopenn ticH, ol tho dilllcullien of lnlro.liicini( unions them tho babila of civihged life, and ot tho ohxtaclca they have of fered lo llio lwr . til Belllcmenl and enterprise in cerlaili parla of tho conn try, tbo Indiana aro ccrluinly cntitleii to our nympathy, and to a conm ii ti tioua I'eaiieet tin our part for iheir cluimH upon ouraeiiao oi juatiee. The) wero tbo uboriiriual occuiiuuta ot the land wo now ikbwcim j they bavo been driven from place; the purchue molt ey paid to them, in boiiio cuwn, lot- what they culieu uieir own, nan ami left them pi Kir. In man)' inxluhcen when they hud he 1 1 led down uii.hi land aiwignod lo them by compact, and be trail - to Btipnort Ihemaelvea hv their own labor, they wero rudely Jotled off und ihrunl into tho wildernea- ugiiin. Sluny, tl not miMt of our In dian ware have bad their origin in broken proniiaea and acta of injin-licr upon our part; and Ibo advance of ihe Indiana in civiligutiou ha ticeti Hlovt becaiino tbo treatment ihey rct'rived did not permit it lo bo taller uml more general. Wo cannot expect thciii lo iinprovo and follow our guidance liti- leiw wo keep luilh Willi llietn in re- apecling tho righlri Ihey piuwexa, and uiileaH, tnnlcad ot depriving them ol their opportutiilica, wo lend Ihein u helping liuiul. 1 coniiuiiy upprove tne policy regarding the matiugeinonl ot Indian uffuire oulbucd in Hie report of the Sccretury of tho Interior audol the Commiioiier ol linliuti Allan. Tbo fuillifiil perloritiuui o ol our prom. ie ia the llit condilion ofu good tiu ileraluudiug with lliu Indian. 1 can not loo urgently rocouiincud lo Con greait that prompt and liberal provis ion bu made for the eoimcioiitioua tu I -lillmelil of all engagement entered into by I lit) government wiih tho In dian tribe. To withhold tho meutia ncccury for tlio puiforiiiunco of a promise iaalwaya lulo economy und ia apt to prove diiatroua in iln cone queuce. Kpeeial care ia recouiuiend ed to provide lor Indiana mi tl led on their roaorvalion, calllo and g lie ill tttral implomoinenta lu aid tboin in whatever efl'orla they may make to Hiipporl tlioniHolve, and by llio elal liahment and tnuinlei anee uf Bi hiHila, tu bring Ihein under tho control ol civldized influuiice. 1 aco nu reanon why Indian, wbo can give Kati-lucto ry proof of having, by their own labor, supported their Inmilii, tor a nuiuher of year, and who uro willing to de tach thumaulvoa Irom Uieir iriiail reia tioita, a lie ii 1 1 1 not bo udmilled to the be lie II I of lliu llomelead uct and the privilege of t'iliieiihip, and I recom mend tho paai;o of a law in that ef feet. It would be an act of jualico a well aa a measure of encourugemuiil. Kurneal otfortaaro being made to pui ily tha Indian aervice, ao l but every dollar appropriated by Congrea nhall redriitnd to tho benelil of tho Indian u intended. Tlio effort will have my Ann auiiporl. With an improved aervice, and every iitmnblo eiieouraire. tneiit hold out to tho Indiann to belter their condition and to elevate them solvoa ia tho acale of civiliealion, we may hope to accomplinh, at tho aame time, a good work fur them and for otirmdvos. ronicHT rit'ur.nATioN. I Invito tho altentinn of Congroaa to the Imporlanco ol tho alalement and auggoHtiona made ny tho riecrota ry of tho Interior concerning tbo dep. nidation committed on tho timber land of the United State, ami tho nooeaaiir for tha preaurvatinn ot for oata. It ia believed that tho meamirce takon in pursuance of existing law In arreat ll.ovo aepmlallnna will lie on tirely aucceliil II Uongrvna, by an an propriation lor that purpoao, rendora their continued enforcement poaaible. Tbe expenoncnol other nationa tcaihe ua that a country cannot be atrippeu ol It forest with impunity, and we ahull expend oumelvca lo the graveat coiiaetpieneeg uiilcax tho wasteful and improvident manner ill which Ihu lur- esls In tho United Statu atti destroy, ed bu efleciually chetked. I ourncl-j Mst -l.'i-.iUiUXi.V.HWaea) . ".O'l 1 urge upon Couatreaa Ihu lie-, or, for tho aupprcMaioit ot uepreilutiuue upon tho pululu limher lund tit ttiu United Stales, lur the selling of limber from tbo public lund, and liir the pre, creation of the toiMsts, lie embodied in a law, and that, considering tho urg Mt,U.ieeM.ity ol enabling tho people of cerlaili Stale und Terri'orica lo pur chase limber from the public lands in a legal milliner, which at present they cannot do, Hindi a law ehuiild be punn ed without unavoidable delay, imam r la n. 1 would also cull tho attention of ('ongruH lu iho statement mudu b) tbo Secrolury of the Interior concern ing tho disposition li)t t might bo made of lliu dcaert land, tint irrigated, west of lliu one biindiedih meridian. Tluao land uro prueticully tin-ulcublo undur uxiHling luwa, and the Huggostiun i woi-thy ol couiileration. that a syatom of leasehold lenitru would niulio them a soun u nl prolit to lliu United Suites, while at the same limn, legalizing tho biisines of cuttle ruiHing, which t ut present curried on upon them. TIIK AUIIICIIMIJUAL UKI'ARTMENr. Tho report of the Commissioner of Agriculture coiiluin the grulily nig an iiiMiueuitieut of the uxtruordinury sue cos which hu ruwttrded tho agiicul turul industry uf the country lor the past year, Willi Ihu lair price which oblutn for the product ot the uil, cm peciully lor Iho aurplu whieh our peo plu buve In eKpui'U Wo muy confi dently turn tu iln u lliu most nnport uul ofull our ruaoutvea lor the revival of the depressed Industrie ot iho coun try. The rciort hIiuw our ugricul turul piogru during tbo year, und cuntuina a alulutneiit of Iho wurk done by tht Depur'metil tor the advance ment ol agricultuml industry on which tho prosperity of our people o lurgely depend. Mutter of iufortuatioii aru included tit great interest lu ull whu seek, by tho expenuiico of others, to improve their own method ot cnluva lion. Thu ell'rols ol tho ilepai'lmunt lu me rcasu ihe produeliun ot iiuportunl urticlea of the cousuiiipiiuu will, it is hoped, impruvo Hie tlemuiul for iubor and advance tho businosa of thu couti try, and ovouliiully result in Having some of tbo many million lliut ure now aliuuully paid to foreign hitlions lor augur and other staple product, winch buuituul use lius made nucoa-sury in uur d iuieslie every day life. Till Ct.NTKSNIAI, IXUIUirioN. Tbo Hoard, on behall of the United Stutea Kxeculivu lieiiartmeul, ut Hie International Kxliilutiou of 1870, ha concluded its lucur. llio tinui report of the Hoard wa transmitted to Con gress by llio President neur the close of llio lust aesnion. A these jiapur ure ttndiTluod to coiilutu liilereNiiug und vuluuhlu inlurmulioii, and will eotialiluto Ihu only report omuuating 1 1 on. thu Guveruiueiit on the subject ol llio exhibition, 1 invite ultuuliuu lu Iho mailer uud recommend lliut Ihu reputlbu published lur general inlnr maliun. DlaThlCT or CUl.tlMIIIA AFI'AIUi. Cungresa is empowered by tho Con. stiluliuii with tbo uulhority of exclu- sivo legislation uver Ibo ilinirict ol Columbiu, 111 which thoauatul govern iiieul ut Ihu uuliun i liK'alud. 1'ho in. lerosls of the District, having nudiruel icproschtuiiun in Congress, are entitled lu special consideration uud euro ut the hand uf lite General Guveriimutit. 1 ho Capital uf thu United .Stales be luiiea lu Ihu nation, and it i naluial Ihul lliu Auiericaii ieople should take prido Hi tne seat ul lueir Aattuiial buv uriiiiiunl, ami dwss. to tie an orna ment tu the colour) . Much bus been done lu render it IkuIiuIiiI, convenient and attractive; but much remains lo no dona whieh us p.-ruiuin in inhulu lunta aro not able, and ought not lo lao oxiucted, to do. lo iuiiue upon thuin a lurgo propurliuti ol the cost i quired lor piibliu iiuproieiiieiils, which ure, in a greul measure, planned and executed lor lliu convenience uf the GuVerumeuU and uf tho many thousands uf visitors troiu all pans ol the country who temporal by reside at the capital uf the uuliun, in an ot idehl injustice. ShciuI ultetilioii la asked by tlio Cummissiun urs of tho Dmliict, ill Ihe.r roKil, which I herewith transmuted, lo the importance ol a permuncnl adjustment tiy Cungresa uf the financial relation tielwevii lite tjulletl Mialce and tho n t, involving the regular annual coiiirihuuuus by thu United Slates ul nsjiiHt pruporitoii ut llio exienaesuf thu District Government, and uf lite outlay of all needed ptibhu impruvo uiuiils, and such measure uf ri bet' from tho burden ol taxation now resting upon the people ut the District a lu the wisdom ulCougrc muy bo deemed just. Thu repot-lot the Cuuimissinner shuws that thu ti (fairs of the District uro in u condition as satisfactory ua could be expected, III view ot thu heavy burden uf uebl resting upon it, uud Us very limited means lor uocessury vx punac. I ho debt of the District I us lulhiw: Old funded debt, 83 379 091.90; 3 0 bonds guaranteed by the United Stale. 813.743 250; lotul bond ed debt, 822,122941 90. To which should bu added cerlaili outstanding claims, as explained in tho report ut the Cuinmissiuuer, Vl,l87,l'l.o,muk ing the total debt uf the District 823, 3111,110.48. The Commissioner also ask otteit lion iu the importance ul' iho Improve ment ol tbo I'olomae river, and the reclamation ol inurslio bordering the city of Washington, and their view on ihe aubjout uro concurred in by the members ul Iho Hoard ul Health, whoso report is also herewith transmitted Until the commercial and sanitary in terest of the District will bo greatly promoted, I duubt nut, by this itn piuveiuout. Your ultenlion ia invited to tbo attg goslivo of the Comnilssioneraand ut the Hoard ol Health lor the organization ol a lloui d ul Charities lu have super vision ami control uf the disbursements of all inuiie) lur charitable purposes from the District Treasury. 1 desire ulsti to uk your especial ultenlion to the need ol adding lo the cttlcielicy ot tho public school uf tho District by supplemental aid Irom tbo National Treasury. Till is especially just, since no largu a number of those attending these school uro children ol employes ot the tioverninent. 1 earnestly cum maud tu your euro the Interest of the people ut the District, who aro ao mil. mutely associated with Ibo Govern meut CHlubliHlimenl, and to wbimo en lerpriso the good order and attractive nens ol ihe Capital aro largely due, and I ask your attention to the request ol Hie Cotnuilssionersjor leifislulmii In he. half of thu interests entrusted lo their cure, and thu appropriation asked fur. I he euro ot Ibo reservation belonging tu tha liuvurninent within the city by the Commissioner of I'ublio Buildings and Grounds aru also commended to your favorable consideration. Till WAHIIINOTON MoNt'MKNT. Tbe report ol tho joint commission createu iy me act approved August i 1870, entitled "An act providing fur Hieuuiiiplullonul llio Vt enliinglnn mon tiinent," is also hurewlth transmitted with accompanying document. Tho Hoard of Knginoer ufllcer detailed to examine the monuinunl un compliance with tho second section of the act, have reported that the foundation Ia i iiran fit cienl. K'o authority exists for making tbo expenditure necessary to secure it stability. 1 therefore recommend that tbe oom mission bo authoriged lo ex pend such portion of tbe sum appropri ated by the act aa may be necessary for tha purpose The present unflusb- ed condition of tho monument, begun ho long ago, la a reproach lo llio nation, ll cannot bo doubled thai the patriotic sense of the country w ill warmly re- ponil tu aucb prompt provision ua muy be made lor it completion til an euily U-glMlulluli lul TtCIINICAL HCHiMlLU. Tho wisdom ul legislation upon thu purl of Congress in aid uf Iho Suites liir the educution of the w bote people ill those branches of study which uro lutight in Iho schools of Hie country, 'is no conger a ipiuslioii. Tho' intelligent judgiuoiit ot thu country goes still lurlbur, regarding it a also both ciiiistiliilional and expedient tor the General Government tu extend lu Icchiucul und higher education such uid US is CrtsOlltlul lo llio gl'llelul weilute, uud lo our duu pruiniiieneo umoiig Ihu enlightened und cultured iiuIioiimiI thu world. '1'ho ultimulo scllleuieiit ol ull question uf the future, whether uf uduiinislrutiuu, or liuance, or uf true natiumility or suutimuiit, liupends upon tho virtue and intelligence uf lliu peo ple, ll is in vuin lu liopu for thu suc cess of a free Government wit bout the mentis of insuring Hie iulelligeiico ol those w ho ure u nourco ot power. u less than onu seventh ot the entire vot ing Hipuluttoii of uur fimntrv uru )ei uiiuhlo lo reud and write. Uisencour- uging lu unserve in cuiiiiccliou with tl,u growth of fiulurnul leeling in those hiatus in which alavery formerly exist ed evidences ol increasing interests iu universal education, and 1 shall bo glad lo give ni) uppruvul louny upprupi lute measures which muy bo onucled hi ConrcM lor lliu purpose of supple uieinitig, Willi iiuliouul uul, lliu local system uf education iu lltoso Slulc unit in all Ihu Male. NATIONAL INIVKHSITV. Having ulready invited )our alien. lion lo llio need ol Iho District ol t'ol umbiu with respect lo its system, I hero udd lliut I believe it ib airuhlo, not so much with loli-ronco lu the i'ul wallls ut thu lbsiricl, bill tu the greul uud lusting heuetiL ul the enliru country, thai this system should lie crowned with a university hi nil respect in keeping with Hie Xulumul Capital and thereby tbucherish- I bupes ol Vt ashington on thi sub ft. NATIONAL JIlsKtM AMI I.tllllAtlV. I alsti cuiuctly couimeiid lliu re quest of tho Kegenln of the Smllhso limn lustiliilo lliul un ttdequale upiro priuliou bo made for the establishment uud conduct uf a National Museum un der their supervision. The qiiestiiui ol providing lor Ihu preservation and urowih ol Ihe l.thrury ot CoiitfrcK is ulso one .if national importatieo As tho depository ot ull coptright publieu lion uud records, lid I.ihrurv ha outgrown tho provision tor it uecom modulloii. and llio ereetiou on such silu u the judgment ul Cungresa may upprove, ol Iho hie l.ihrury Building, lu preserve the Ireusuro uiul enlarge tho usefulness uf Hiis Vuluuhlo collectiuu. is riTommcuded. CoNCl.tlKION. I recommend also such legislation u will render availublu unit cllicient, for the purisiso of luslruc liuii, sn far a i conisleiit with tho publie Hot-vice, Hie cabinet or museum til invention, ol Hiirgery, ut cducultun and uf agricul ture, and uthcrciillectiuns the property uf tho National Government. The Capital ol Ihu Nation should bo some t dug more than u mere political ecu- lur. VI o should uvuil ourselves tit ull tho opportunities which 1'tovi Iciiee ha hero pluced ul out cuiuinund, lo pr.imuie tho general intelligence of Ihe people, uml iucreusu llio conditions mosi tavoi'ublo lu the succcm und per- petuil) uf our inslitulioii. Sitneil 11. II. llAVt. IiseaHD.a a I, IR77. UATUER VHOOKKl) FUR AS JIOXFST JUH. Thu New Ynik .Sim put the l.ouisi una case thus : "Ivnily lust w inter the Ueliiriiing 11. .aid ul l.uiiisiuiia dei lan d that Packard was duly clccti d Guveru or ul the Slate, uud Ihey gave bun u Legislature tu inalcli, and this Leirisla lure elected Kellogg a .Senator in Con gress, and ruckard furnished him a erlili. ulo lu that effect. Hut it bocuiuu neceury that the eighluleclurul vuiout IiOuisitiiiuliouid be atuleii tor llu)es 111 order lu counl hitii into the Ptentdeiicy. Thereupuii a burguili was luado and eonsilninialed w herehy Hayes was tu be permuted lu keep thu eight stolen voles on con dition that he would hustle I'm hard and his Legislature Msule, and wuuld rccoelnze Nichull a Iho lawful Gov eruor, and allow the Legislature chos en with linn lo act. lu pursuance ul this arraugumciit, the Nichulls Lcgis-j latiile, in .March lust, elected Sunffunl u iSetiulur in Cuugress, uiul tSpotl'.irit louk to Wanlniigtuti u ccriitieulo nf eleciiuu Irutii Nit-hull u Govoiunr. And uuw, lu the luce ot these lucts, every Kepuhlleltll ill thu Settute, utler mg di bale, hu vuleil lu seul IVi-llog; in prelertiueo lu Spotlurd, ihercby re uoguiKiiig Puckurd and bis Leijisl..iuiv us the genuine Government ol L"inM una, and repudialing Nitdmll and bis Leglslaturu as a shuui. lint more sig nificant than this, theso Itcpuhlicaii Senulurs, by their vote un thin vital pu'lit, liuvo ut the Hluiup ol I heir uis approbaliou upon tbe currupl burgain in ptirniiaiico of which ihu eight votes of Lotiisiunu were lukeii Irom 4'ilden uud given lu Ha) as. If llio issue should bureuttur bo stpiuiel) mado tu Senate, then those Hcplitillcah Seliutot 'whu pluced Kellogg in hi seul IliUsl either adhere lu ruckard aa Iho law ful Governor of I.uuistunu or declare that lluyus holds iho Presiduhcy by a fraudulent title They cuiiuul rocog tine II aye and ignore Puckurd. llulh in list sluiid or full together." Huw IT was Pitllvrsun lulls the sltuy uf his eleciiuu to tho Senate in a very agreeable style, with all al lusion lo Ihu bribery ami corruptnni uf members, ul course, loll out. lie snt s lliut Guv. Seoli wa very conii- dent of an election, and hiliot, tun Ihoughl his clintoe good. On the night before the eleciiuu be, ho ever, succeeded in getting Hourly ull the mumborsul tho dark luted legl luturu together at his house, uud provided Ihein with a banquet. The darkies, he said, must have utuic, and lie bud a song wriiten specially lor thi ir cd liuulioii on the ticcusiuti, thu chorus ol which run thus : And we'll Tute for bneat John And we'll vole lor bine.l John, Ami well .end bus lu "ae eluit," for ei. jrar. Ing The night wus spent iu eating, drink ing, n'nging I In song und getting ready for next day's biiNitn-ss jni belure Iho lime lur tho enlivening ul Iho Legislature, the black column moved luwuid Ihe Hlute Ionise with Paltersun at the bead. "I didn't like to do it," ho said, "but a mini gel hardened in war, uud we marched up the cupitol aicp liao a conquering army. I'.llmtl and Scott stood by I'he nigger turned whitu and Scotia knee simile together like ixdslint asra." No I'air.Nua in Ilia Own Pahtt. The fight against the President grows moro and ntnro H rcu. His lurmer llepublii-un allies in tho Senate have almost to a man lurnetl uuaiust him, and even I'alloraun haa raised baud and voico In deadly uppusitioii. His tiominatioiia fur lliu New York Cus tom House buve been reported unlavur ahlv by Ihu coiniiiltloe of which Mr. Cuiikling aland at the head, and there ta scarcely adunbt but that the report of the committee trill be endorsed. Tbe wild geese are going south, and we don't bin mo thorn. HlsffllaarouJ. f-nnpT I not ea.ll e.rasil In the., times, hai N tl .-en Is ni'a.t ie three ee.e'b. iiy ant if of et, In ai.y pert uf me a .bu U wilhtitf lu aura .tua ltlT at m rin,..irissiil llnl rs'ni-ll, gf'TI pwr .sk in ...ur..-a l-.a. V.u newd ii-ii ea.y !r( fr-- d lr'-! "ttee. U li Li.hrr 4 . .April in, hil It portieod, Maiue. A NEW DEPARTURE IN 1. II T U l it S U U It C . H-fBtlt.r. gooil will be toM fur CAHII only. r in t .-bnnite f.,r pni-lm-e. N. h-ik will ! IcpT in the I mum. All old aenouot rnu-t hv -tird ('h'ie wbo eab up, will paaar haiid itver their nute at d CL03E THE EECOKD. I em di'lertnihi'd to It-11 my goHa at eatb priflti, ao ! at a di uit far below ibnt eei rlere I lit lh vimni'y. Die liet.-ount allow rn iMmtiituiTp, will ui tkf litem rich in iv- uij yi nte ll th in .di( it. buy tbeir him ie fr io uie. I will pny Oitrh 1r whel, ot m i nl'irter cd. LMMKi. aHtH.AsIKlt t.ullif rvltoig. .laounr 17, "77. TIN fS SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERHELL Mat -cried. In a buitiling on Market ttrret, on the old Wr-i'rrii Htrl im, 'ippmite the Curi ll-ure in -tfilif Ul.a Tib tint Ptieet Iron Menu lactiirj and Mure, elierc willbe luund at all lime lull line or house rTO2Tis:roTciGOor3, Stoves, Hardwaro, Etc. Ilue Sj)..uiitig and all kind of J b wnrk, repair iDgr, Aa., lne un b rt nlirie and at ruatouable rain, AI agvi.i for tbe Singer Sewing Machine. A 'Uj'plv of Much in cr, with Needle, Ar al wtvt din h ind Terw, Mtlcily eab or cnun'ry produee. A thare ul patronage otid e l. 0. B MKH UKI-L, 8 up- rintendrat. ri.-Hrn. fd. April J'l, ;Mf. JKMUVAld! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would repnetfolly fintHf the puMin generally 'hai be bat reiuoml hu Urxoery hi ore truui h-.w't R..w, ti the buibling formerly m-rupte-t y J. .Mile Krntier, on haoontl ureet. neit iloor io Higier'i btttjre itore, where he intend keeping a full line u it v i: n i e h. IIAMtt, UltlKD IIKKF anil LARD. -I'llAKS and 8) Hl'1'8, ol all grade.. I'KaH, Ureen and Black. I'OKKtK, R-.wl.O and Ureen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, C.f ..!' 71 Mrs, All kinda in the market. I'!CKLK3. in Jera and barrel.. -I't' KS. , .v.rj f.,rm and rarletj. FAMILY FLOUR, Al l. kl ! tK CH U k t:i. SOAPS, MATCHES, tJRIfD AI'PI.KS, , UHIKII eKACIIKS, IHtlKIl CUE It HIES, Coal Oil a-nl Lamp Chimneys. "'r.Bifi iuiw iiiimki a-aeny H tn a groecry Kurt, whirb he will eitbaiige ir inarheiihg al tbe market prieea, Will id I for eab at cheaply at any other one. PlraVM Mall and mm hU alfwtk miA lnJ r. yourielf. JHUN McOAl uHEY. ri--r(l-M. Jan. S, IH77. THE TIN SHOP! Rl.IG MV()V MAI HIVE FHEIXSACKFTT, H0"M NO. g, PIE A iiPRRA llnl'sR, ( li arflrld. a. Ketpretfully lnfrta hit eotfnifr-. anl th- yh '! in Rftieral. tliat bu euittmui l to uiiBacturr all kin tt of Tin. Copper ShiM-l-Iron Warp. f flrt-elni nstcrial only, and In a workman like manner. ROOFING midSPOU I IXO done oa th-irt a ltee ami rery re ilonaMe termt COOK STOVES, HBATINd 8T0VR- ANI PI RSACKH alway kttpl in t.mH, ami fr le low. Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specially. (la Flittieet bIwt nn html, AH work guiran 'eed t giro ealirfaetioB. s A tit re of public pitronigt cordially oli cited. FHKU.SACKETT. Clernell, Pa., Mav f, IHT7. Save Your Cash g.c. &t. w moore, (Purer lion Io J 8. Shower,) fttaVLIftl III BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND C A P S, AND aMTl' FURNISHING GOODS, ROOM No. 1, PIK S BUILDING. They are now receiving a ehole lot of the lit it lyl' of Litdlei and Uentt Drct Hhoet and Hoot i, logrther wilb a large lot of PLOW SUOKS, o,4fi., tu it alio for wotkmen on the fkrta an I la th- WOOWl, They la. lie t pedal atlenlioa to their ltrh uf Cents' Furnishing Goods, All of which will be Mid al rale. a. fe.or.Me a. Ihej ees bo boaaht elaewbrre Is Iho eouotr. A mi. re of Ihe f of Ihe f ublie it re .(.ertfollj KlIrlleA. UHh C. MIMIHB. TtiM. vr. Motnp Cleare.ld, Pa, Jul; II, imlia. iUisffUanrou. ptRRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VAHKS, iv.' Lining ninl Fire Drirk, ST0E AMI KAKTllK..AKb ur KVKHV liKsrHIPTinm uocks: po is: chocks: flsher'e Paletil llrtllil etr smallua ffla. 4-sa III! TTKK CHOCK, wilb lid., CKEAM CKOCK.s, MII.K t'hOCKh, AI'fUK I1I1TTKK CHOCKS, 1'IUKI.K CHOCKS, FLOWKIl I'liTrl, 1'IK tXCHBs.. KTKW HOTH, Ind a grael many nlher Ibliiara loo numeroue is mention, U he bad al FREO'K. LEITZINGER'S ITONK WARE POTTERY. Corner ot t'herrT end Third Street., iXKAItKIKI.D. PA eul u. r. siTi.ies. a. m eoaaLa. a. aaiLSNes. (.men. HcCoitKLE & io:s (Huooree.-ra Ut Jbo tluliuh), - 'OCULAR FUltNITUHE ROOMS, Market ntreet. Clearfield. Ha. H'e oianiiUe'ure ell kiitdt of Furn.ler for 'haoilier. Uiuing Hodiup, Librartei and Helll. If yiu want Furniture of tny kind, doa't bey u'il )'"U Me our iii-k. iimi:k rAKixt. fa nil lit branch ee. Wo kt-ep In nook all the lateit aod mort iuprorl Coffiot and Uaikett, and have ery lability for proporly ooa dueling tbi bratioh of our buiineii. We have a pat-nt Corpae Pre ereir, In whieh bodiea oan he preaerved fr aeon I'leralile length of two. A nteinlbtr of the Ana kai hit ileepfng apart menl at our wart -room, where be tun he four.d bt any pnon who eome at nighl for the purpoee et procuring coffin. (.I'LICH, McOOHKLB CO. riuarfleld. P., May IU, 71 ly. flo inc. fi:ei, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Room No. 4, Pie's Opera lluaae, Cleartleld, Pe. Keen oon.tantl oa hind 81'QAR, . COFrKK, TEAS, SODA,! COAL OIL. KYHliP, SALT, dPICKS, SOAP, Canned and Dried KruiU, Tobaeou, Cifare, Can. die., CiJer Vlagtr,Butter, EfaAa. AL0, BXTR t HOME KADI Wheat and Buck wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, dco., Alt nf wbieb will be oold cheap for eaeb or la a.cbaiite lor eoeoirjr onsluoe. A. U. KRAMER A CO. CleaisVld. N..T. It tsTI.-u GLEX2PS SULPHUR SOAP. A Stf.rlio Remkdy roi Ditusit and Inti-kirs or nig Skinj A Healthfpi inAunnER or TUK Coutlixiom A Ueliable Means ur Prive-ntino and Kf.lifvivg Rheumatism and Coct, and AN UnCQVALRD P I SI N rECTANT, DtODO KIZEK AND COUNTKA-IRRITANT. (llcnn Sulphur Soap, bcskWi eradi est in jj local di.ciuct of the ikm, baninhet de kxii of the coinplcxinn, and imparlt to tt frrntirying clearaet. and iraoothnck. Ntliphttr ItathM are celebrated for oirmf, crtiittiuit and other diftcattf of the skin a well at kheumatttm and Gout Ginn$ Sulphur Sfxtp producei the aame cllects at a mwl trilling expense. Thii admirable ftpccific also ccniy heali serrt, bnitti, xaMi, burnt, $fratHt and tuft. It remove dandruff and pre vent i the hair from tallin out and turning gray. . Clothing and linm ated In the licV room li diMnfevted, and diteaict comrnunkabk by contact with the pertoa, prevented by it. The Melical Fraternity tancikxi itt uc Prices-25 end 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $120. N. R Buy the large tVr end ifmby ecBetwie, !mU by ail lnigaM. "HIUN II WR AND VTHISKER DTE." Black er Brew, A Cewte. C I. CRITTE JT01, Pttp'r. 7 Sixth lr., I.I. HARTSW1CK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS I! lURK DRUGS! CHEMICALSI PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFF VARNI9I1R8, BRUSHES, PBRri'MERT, FANCY 000D 101 LET ARTICLES, or ALL KINDS, PURR WINKS AKD LIQUOR far modl.lnal fru..... flueisrtr., nV.baot booha and Statloa or;, and ail other ertielea aauullj fuuad ta a Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE PlILLY CUMPOVNDRU. ilaTlae a krte aa oerleaea ta tho bo.isoe. Ibef oaa glTO ester, oaa. J. II. HARTKWtrK John r. irwi.h Clwrtrld. Deseuiter It, 1171. IBllrrUinitaf. CUKAP GROCKRIBHl . . . , . LllMBKal CITT, tk. Tbe enserelgaod aaauaaeee u hi. eld friend, and thai be kaa opened a guad line ol UHottKIKs A HKUVIMUNB el .ITatd ul Kirh 4 SpeaoOT, for whieh he eollelu e lUwal patnmaga . m srKKCkk l.u.i..iCij Pa . MwMi la-tf WKAVEU A ItKTTH t'LEAKKlKLl), Pa.. Are offarlof. al the old alaae of ). L. Road A Co their alooh of tU. eoaeletiag of- DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTH t 61101s, IIAISACAPB. UAKUWARE, QUKEN8WARI. FL0UE, FEED, SALT, Ac, io., At tb. moot raooeaable rale, (af CAdU ar la olebanfe for Square Timber, Board, Shingles, OR COIIHIRT PROODCI nwr-Advaaoae mado ta thnae eaaea.4 la set. Una out eo,eeru timber oa tho mul sdTeatairooei rma. odillaaTI JARD TIME8 uavi no irricr IN FRENCHVILLEI I ant aware thai there are terae pertoel a Httle bard to pleaie, and I aia alto aware that the m plaint of "hard tlnee" It well aigb anlvereal. ttut I are te ai tutted bow that 1 ea eatttfy the lortner and prove eoneleiWely that "bare tttnee" will not effrol thute who buy their ginMi from od ail aiy uatnai iball he initiated Into the te- eret of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bare goodt enourb to utti.y aJI tbe (nhaM ante ia tbe lower end of the eoealT whieh I op1 at exeeHlng low ratee froai my Baitaioih itvtv ia Hl'bHfinHURil. where I eaa alwayt be fhvnd ready to watt apoa eaJlen and inpply thee with Drj Goods of all Kinds. 8aeh at Clothe, Batlaetti, Caitiaieree, Mutnt, Ualalnet, Liana, Drilllngi, Calieooa. Trintaiagt, Ribboai, Laeo. Koadj-atade Clothing, BoaU and Hhoet, Halt ed Cape all uf the boat materiel aod ae4 to r4e - Uoee, oooki, Ule-ee, Hittena. Laeea, Hlbhoa. Ae, OROCBH1K8 Of ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice. Molettee, Fih, tett Pork, Lin teed Oil, Flih Oil, Carboa Oil. Hardware, Qeeentware, Tinware, Cattingt. Plowi and Plow Cattingt, Naili, Spike, Corn Cultiva tor. Cider Preitei, and all klndi ef Ant. Perfvaery, Paiau, Varalth, Olaii, and t gearai aetortaWtet of Stattoaery, GOOD FLOUli, Of difereat brand, alwayi ea hand, and will be old at the Mweet aoeitele ftguree. I. H. MeClaia'i Medieiaet, Jayne't Medlrlboi Ho tetter and UooQaad Uitter. .VtOI aoeadi of Wool wanted for wbieb be nig belt prtee will he paid. Cleverteed oa hand taa for lale at tae leweit BMrkel pnee. Alto, Ageot for aad Corweutvllle rhretbing Maebinee. hj-dTfc-Call and eee for youreelel. Toe will led eery thing ataally kept ia a retail itoro. L. M. COUDE1ET. Freaohtilte P. 0., Aegutt IS, 1IM. 91GLER, YOUNG & REED, (Saeeeuore te Boyatea A Temag.l FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Maaefaetareri ef fOETABLE a STATION! HY STEAM ENGINES Ooraor ef Fomrta aa4 f ia. Streou. CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVtNO oarairad la tbe manareatere M (rat else. MACIIINERT.w.roepetfallTianna 0 pablie thai wa aro new prowarael ta til all order, a eheesl aad a. promptly a. ooa be done la anjof the oltieo. We auaafaotura aad deal la llala; and Circular Saw-Mills Head Bloe... Water Wkeola, SbaftlBa Paltaje. Iilford'. tnjorlor. Steam Oaatea. Rloam Whlnloa, libra. Tallow Cap., Otl Cap., Oeore Ooeha. An? oeh II lob. ValTaa, Check Valeaa. wroafbt I roe 'ir.. 8. earn Pampa, toiler Road Peeapn, Aatl 'rirllna Motree, Heap Smnm Poealaa. Heel Park- a, and nil kind, of MILL WORE t ooaether .Ilk Plooe, Sled Soloa. t'OOK AND PARLOR STOVKS. end other CASTINOS of ah alaae. HP-Order. Hlleileel aad IU.d at en; prtooa III letur. of laqulr with referomo. to aaaehtaor -,f oar maaafeeturo prompt ly aaawerod, by addreo. in ea at Clearfield, Pa. ItllLRR, TODNO A REED Q ROCER1JJS. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Swreoaeoeto LYTLE4A MITCHRLL WHOLESALE AND.RKTAIL' DEALER IN 0UOIC LINE OF ISA. 00L0KUS. JAPANH, 1MPKRIAL, TOUNO IYSOH. INULI8U BREAKFAST Panel la Market. BUTTER AND BOOS. Will be kept aad tele) at tret eoet. Co poM lor Ooeslry Predoeo. HKRMAX CHERRIES, TURKEY PRL'RES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA IIAMS nail. Mackerel, Lah. Itarrla, Caul, Ae. piCKLiea. Barrel Plahlo. aad BbiRA Plehlee. rum ard rBBO. Pesar, Oof Maei, o4 Meal, Ao. L. ., iAABLTTX