JHE HEPUBUCANL . CLBAKPIKU). I'A Term of Subscription. U eid a advanre.or within knr M..B'h. paid after thru, .ad hofnr. nil mtintho.. it paid afar tbe ainirattuB of all moBthe , ua t a -Fr mrrer. p. i. I'BTTFaoil.l. . V.t Pleas' N n.pr numiu ARtnu, at rnra tl'.W, Ooni' Hickman l-traet, art oat dole aulhortaed Ae.nl In N-w York City. RUI.ItillllJH MITIlhK. Mnhodiei K.nlecuiial Church Rev. J. B. MiMl'BueT, Pa.tnr. Hervieve Rabbulb tt IUf A M., Hd Tt P. II. S.hlinlb School tt A. M. Prnyi- Mooting ovory Thureday, at Tt F. M. Cumn inioo riervlca. Oral Sabbath of .vary nuntb, .1 III) A. M. Heat t'lenrtlold M. R. ('barchRc'a Wiu.ua II- bil l, and W a. Vl iuoi. Paetore. Preaching ovary alternate Sunday, at 8 .clock, I'. M.r-uniny Seboul at 3, P All an ia- vtled to attend. ITeab) lariat. Church Ht, II. 8. Btitxan, flo.hb.ttat enrriecs morning and evening Sab bath School at 1 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wcdnes. day evening. t. Irauc.a Church CatholicHer. P. J. KaKRilAM. Prattoblng at It.) o'clock, A. M., ob the hrst, third and fourth Sundays of each month; Vespers and beaedieUea ot tht Blessed (ieorament at T o'elook. P. M. bunday (School every buaday afternoon at o'clock. OFFICIAL DIHECTOHY. fim or m.Piifl goiflTRR unions ootmr. Pcond Mowdav oi January. 1 bird Monday uf March. , Pint Monti j f June. Fourth Monday or September TIKI OF KOLDIBB OOMHOII f LBAI. Pint Monday of June. Second Monday of November. ruBuo orrtcxiii. Pr$idnt ttdgi Hon. Charles A. Mayor, of Look I1bto. AatiHant LuW Judy JltiB. John H, Or if, of B lie font, .... Awociait Judgt Anran Ogdon, Clearfield) Vioeeot B Holt, i'lnarfleld. Protkonotarp Kit Hloem, Ngialr und KooraVr L. J. Moraraa. IHuriet Allot Ww. M. McCullungb. TraurrDvtti MoUaughe. Sheriff andrfw Petite, Jr. Vrputj ShtrfjfCtrit. J. ICaaxKT. niearRelil. County Kawjfor Sanael P. MaUloakej, Car wenivilla. Count CommitiorrtCnTi Brown, Clear ield Thomas A. McUce, Cheat P. O.f Hairla lluover, Clearfield. County Auditors William V, Wright. Clear field i bamutl A. Caldirtrll, Willlamagroro ; John ti. Connor. Buroald. Coumtv CWwr J. D. Neff, Mow Waahlnftton. airy Commi$rivutnl)T. Jhmea P Burobfinld. Clrarbed. Joarpb Alriander, Madera. 8uprinttndtut of Pnbiit tickoot John A f)rKMtyf Cnrwenirille. Htmimrof M s,u jVfrtiur JerrtW Carlila, offlce at Trotitville. Pa. Aofariee Hublit John W. Wriftley, Wu. Ra dvbauKb. Cru Urdon, Clcarbeld i Joevb R. Irwia, N. B. Arnold, Curwe&aTille; J.J Ltne;le, Oeeeula Mdla f J. A. Livii.giun, DuKote Cit. Oar Spatial autumn ia decidedly tatereeting in a lal poiut of view, and profitable reading to outaidora aba want to anvs nnwy. .-..J-. XlvcouiliiT ia an jlui-anl na May. m m Vtir olt'gunt liulida) juwulry go to Pojilar'a. Jluve you awn Kltik k Co.' holi day aoi'ila f . . . - . - Fur your boluluy irvM)nt go to S. 1. Fdj dt;r a jawrlrj at-.r.. ii . Tbo lift uf iiliiuiita for botel and mtamau! licani'v. ic publifla-d ti-.ly , Iluvo you awn 1'kck & Co.'a nu :a'lvailiavaiaot ? Suilulilu holiday iii'kuii(h lor gt'ntlo imra at Jba A. (Mtuh'a atora. lar. IIuvu you accn t'k'ik & Co.'a new 4dvrila.Bjcot 1 i llurvcy Alt), ol' tbia borougb, obot -ana killed a goud.aiacd laak oae day laal oeab. mam Have you aven Fleck li Co.'a boli day (nodi t , a mi Advorliaing lavorn intrndi-d for our Hi at i.iua abould b. banded In at Iba ofloa not lataa tfaan Saiaraay of Ibi. hth 2d. , i ... . lluVil yini.aoiin Ftarek & Co.'a now advrrliai'iofoi I And now a erven CliriHtinaa is pro dialed. Wall, wa will lea wbelbar Iba araycra of oar vndertafcvra oaailetb moeh. . Sheriff I'rntz'a reul enlutt) bulletin will ba louad in Ibia l.tae of oar paper Tba rJberill ia an eileaaiaa dealar In raal oatala. llitvo you aeon Fleck & Co.'a holi day goudaf f ' ' ' 1 ; y !' , " . Tbo regular ineutinu; ol tbo Clear field N. C. 1 . p. will ba tald ka iba Coon room ioat frida !eealiEV - Al-la tapoakcra aill ba prtaeot tu adilr.aa tba meeting. m llav yon'm-en Klerk k Co.'a now a'lverlle.DT'Bt ? An excbanp Irutblully atiys thut the idea ol tearhiaa eeery girl to thoBib a piano, aitd avrry boy lo be a book-keeper, will naka put. Ie r a borbel ia iw.nly yaarp. Havo you bein Flevk & Co. 'a holi day gi oua l In foiif()iienct) of tho iator being m.ei.l, allfaa- aa appoiainaeBt ut rrarojaeryBi Tvrooe, no preaeblng aarvleea will ba beld la tka ClearlleJd Pre.bylrri.n Chureb next flabb.tb. . Havo you aten Fleck k Co.'a new ndiertlrameutF ... . , Dr. Stewart ailiiiinilra Kitroua OaiOa Qita fur t. p.mla4 axtraeiiuo uf teeth. Call and aaa biia. OIBea ia roaldanea, on rle oi.d atreet, oppv.lte Gov . igler'a raftdeaaa. St. " Have you aeiii Fleck ft Co.'a boli day gouda f Tbo KiM:tul t'hurcb, in tbia place, -ill ba dvouraled wilb eeergraeBe, in aeeurdaaao lib Iba annual euttio, on Cbri.lmal evening, whia praienli will ba dlalribuUd to aaeubara ot itba Saklath Behoof. Have you accn Fleck ft Co.' new ndverueetni-nt r . A Cbriaimaa treul Ibr tba acbolara of Iba Clearktld H.l. t-BBday bohool will ba bald la tba Ckoreb oa Chriatoiaa avouing, at 7 o clock. Tba partaU, tabulate, teacbara and friaeda ale lathed to ba proaeat. Tao tareaea will ao later- aparaed wllk apptapnalo aioala, ana a eery ea yojauln and ialw.aitfia tiaia la oapreted. Huvo tou aeeu Fleck ft Co.'a holi day goda f 8. I. Hny der baa junt received and prrpatad fir la'pnliuB a n.w nod elcg.nl aluck I Jewolry, ailraf and pl.led ware, awitabla fur holiday pteaentl, to wbltb ho dirteie tbo atlea- Hue ot kit patron. Al kia gooda ale Bial la. I aim raaptoi, tnd ill ha ld at fory ! prkca lor eaab. Call aid examine kia alei-k. . - Havo you teau Fluck ft Co.' new adTaiti.aincBl r We, arti iiiloriii.il ibal our young fti.Bd Claieaca A. Jobn.tua, fotnietly ol Ibia blare, bat I.I.I) aftha St. Kiaao Uulal, Pblladrl pkia, baa ..eotod I ailiao aw huok koepor wllk the lolline Diuikm, wio ka Birated lo k.ild a rallruBd ia Uraail, and will aborily la.ee lor that aiatt ia enl Bpna kia d.lioa. Ha e.piela lo be el... a! about a )fara. W. wl.k "hape" all n.nnar of good laeb la Ike (aspire of liuaa Pedro. Havo you Been Fleck A Co.'a new ad.eilU.MiHt t Ci.raTr AiDiTtik1 JltTihti.--Tli Caunty AaJiiuf., M.ara. Deeaael A. B'dwell, af Itradfurd l.wn.klp, Juka C. Caaner, of Bamboo Urunab, and Wavt V. Wngkl, of Clearaeia Mr v(k, (iba lallei king beta appuiottd to tka taeaaey earned ky Iba eoelgoalioa of B. 'arii, Kauaj , aotll BMrrt la Ike VoB.Bllonen' dee, un Iba trlt Munday ol January Baal, (be. lag Ibe Tib day of the ajuail.), lor lb. arpoet af Biaaing tba aanaal aoltlevawat. Huvo jou accn fleck ft Co.'a boli day g.iud. f C'ihuktmah UiNNitit. W learn that tba Udlea' Aid aooiely and Hy ', of I'b laid, tbli aoBnly, are Bi.klng ealeaalea arraaga mania fer Cknalaant dinner, Oyelar enppar and Fa.r. lo bo laid la loriall'a Hall. law pro. gaina.a la aa f.lMart I lliaaor at kalf peel II eluek i Hire, at aanla. Oiitaia from I la II e'.luk r. a.i Stew, It teaia Fry, 4a aeau and Raw, Jl rent.. Vow ran pnrabnoa Ckrlelmer brrainia al tka .lr kl Naeoaaklr prkeaa. All iotitdf tkerrfl) art to ba nad Ik. Pnaby 4'rlaa Cbareb debt, WillianiKport and Elmira band mado Biwll, it loom prlne, US 0, T. W. Moore', .. Have yon iwo Flock & Co.' holi day gooil, f All kinda ul' Mowing Marhintw clean. '.t.-lJ 17 W. . geythard, Cl.arMd, No risk in huvinir the U ilitHiuHncH band Made Boot, thet an warranted U. C. A T. W. kloti, Agantt. riearfit'd, P. a Jcrt IltiT. Th n unit's of tin' jumit drawn Co t4rr l tW Jaoaarr term uf our Court will bo found In thli pper. renvins wlio b&vu Sowing Mrtrhincn t ntrd rtualrtng, abould eall on W 8. 8 uih ard, Ocarflfld, Pa , and hart tbeu attended to. Tho liHt ot i'HUHuti puliluwn fur trial on tht toeond werk of the January term ol Court will bo found In thla wot-k' lu, As (jood ab CAttii. StiVerftl cnnlrtct try ine wood will bo very acceptable on aeouunt of uhf.erlptioa, at tbla nffle. tf. . i i mu" Stampino. 1 woulti inform- thw ladies that I bav received a lot of ontlrelj new daaigns. A. GuiRtRuna. The Clcarflold Firo brick Compnny pabliihein notice for the annual elect Ion of oBieera and tht tranuotion of other buiilotis of injpor lanoo lo the stock bold era. A true I of land in Uulich townnbi), this county, was recently sold fur tbo snug ooo sideration of $360,000. D K. Ratney purchased the land from Meana. P. A A. Plyon. Liberal. The customer and friondtt of Mr. John A 6ock art reapectfully Invited to eall at bit cigar Morr.oa Market si root, after eating a big dinner on Cbrlatuai day, between tbo hours of II and t o'clock, and Indulge In n free moke. Don't forgot It t Havo you awn Fleck Si Co.'a holi day goods y Havo you seen Fleck & Co.'b now advertisement f David Johiiaion, KbQ.. a former pro prietor of the Mansion House, in this borough spent several days with bis many friends and ae quaintaaofsinonrtown last week. Mr. Jhnion is now engeged la tho hotel business at EtkCity, Cla.rl.in county. Have you aeon Fleck tV Co.'a holi day goods J Havo you sct-n Fleck & Co.'b new advertisement 7 Ff.bti vai.. The member", and friend of Ibo H. B. Cborob, at Lmberaburg, propuaa holding a Fe.tivat on Cbriaimaa. Funde ara tu ba applird toward the ealinguiehment ol (be debt on the Clmrcb building. Priauda, put your monrl where it will do Ibe nioat goud. Tbli la a rare uppr'unity. Have you tiocti Fluck ft Co.'a holi day gooda f Have you Been Klerk ft Co.'a new adiertiicmunt t fiJoRK Fibii. 1 uu Munuita Times, ol Friday laat, s-ya t " Ou TueatUy last Mr. W et-ke, a so a of Ibo buprrlateadeni of the rib llmcb cry at Corry, In tbo weeUro part of the blate, brought down lia.tiKO saltoon trout, and liiU.UUU brook trout eggs j and tbeaa with SOil.UOU Cali fornia Salmon already batched cotiipriae the stock at Uonegal. Ia about two weeks tbe California saln.ua will bo plaeed lu the tiorquebanun at d i fie rent poiote." Have you mxn Fk-ck Sc Co.'m holi day glrOlil I Havo you seen Fleck Si Co.'b new advertiMiuuiit ? The mother ot Itoburt L. Johnaton, Bat) , a, klooiisbuig, autl a UaCuibtTol tlieCauoria eouaty bar, who died ua tba ItUth ult-, ia lndiaua oouniy, aaa ia :be Uiih ol her age. )Sbe was the auotber of 11 ebildrva, nod had t$ grand children, 67 great giand ohlidreu, and 3 gre-t great ohil drvn. Four ol her great grand ebildrea served aa pall-bearers at the I u intra I. This was tho third time thai Court aJjourned on account ot death to Mr. Jonustoo's tauily, to wit : First hi daughter, then bis wife, and now bis mother. Have you ttceii Fleck tt Co.'b holi day goods 7 Have you aeen Fleck tt Cu.'a new advettttemont t The Teachon.' liiBtitute will con vene in the coon House oa Aloatlay aeit, lleoom- 34ih, at S o'clock r. a. Prut. J. H.fehuu.akvr, ot Cbaiuuerburg, will deliver hie Bmleulure during tbo afternoon. All are invited to attend. Tbeeteaiog koiaroa will begin at 7:.tU ( doors open at 7. The lolloaing getatlewea will lecture during the week, vli i Prol. B. Hubbard Bar low, T. H Murray, Bsq., Kov. li.ary B. Cutler, Wat. M. MoCalloagb, Kiq., Kv. Wa. U. Dill, Kev. B. B. Ilaa.ua, D.U., Prol. J, U Bhuuaker. No admittance tea will ba charged lor any even ing except Thursday. Have you been Flock ft Co.'b b li day gooda t Have you seen Fleck ft Co.'b new advertise eutf Our Atlas. VV o have had the pleas ure ot meeting Capteia White, tht. Hutoiiau of lite Atlas Coibpany. In this speoisl department be bs probably bad more espvrieuos than any aiaa la the 8:ata. Himseir ar author of soverul eatstalvo works, he Is well adapted lo grasp the Boating data which eoioprlstf our old scttler'a a natives and transform it into a solid, wcii-oe-nued, truthful, aid yet Interesting history. Wt oominead Caut. White to all tbe deaueuuaats ul the pioneer, and we berpuek for hiui a cordial greeting from all ho revere tba tuctuury ot the f.iLavr.. ikJ who wilt) tbo old-time talua embalmed lu the historic page. Have you Been Fleck ft Co.'b holi- iia goods ? Have joo seen Fleck ft Co.'b new adieitiaeiaeiet ? Away Wabt Hon. John Lawtdto, who lor a auiut'er of eare retidfd at Ositola Mills, this onui.ty, and for two y.ar. r-pre.eiiud onr aouaty la tbo Ugialature, baa sttti.d In Soatkcra Caliioreia, aod wa Bad the .allowing local aotiee ol tbis geatleaiaa ia the Cultoa (Cel.) Trvpi r " Hon. John Law.be, ot Philadelphia, arrived Taesdey aigbt, w uke up ale permanent reaidenaa aaioog as. Mr- L.wibe wa- hers last winter aad was so wt-ll pleased with Caltoo and y. ...rro.i,iltihT that ha nurehascd a fine place on the Terrace and had a house put thereua dur tog tba taa,aor. Wa ara aucb alee.ed to soe Mr. L. agata, aad welcome ktss as a periuaueai rtildeot." Have you bcuii Fleck ft Co 'fl boli da aHrds I Have you Been Fleck ft Co.'b new advertisement r CLKAHfULU Coal Tbauk. Staty- eat el Coal sad othar freights seat over tbe Tyrone A Oleavfieid lHviavoo, Penoaylvanla Kail road, for tbo week ending Dec. , 177, and the same lime laal year i coaL. Kur the week - aaioo time laal year Increase Previously during year -tain tnw- last year.... Increase Total la I77 Betas time last ytat ... Increase orasa raKivHTa. Lasaber . . " MisoelUiieoBS Ireigbu k Have you neon Fleck ft Co.'b holi- day goods r Have you en Fleck ft Co.'b new savrlis8at r lUvtj )ou Been Fletk ft Co.'a holi day foods J Have you bcwi Fleck ft Co.'b new ad.ei list maul r TUB HlviiB. The late rirse in the river eaaidtsl oar laaiiu.oa to gat la a Urge auaaber wi tvgs, ahleh ara being aoareyed to the various Mills. A. Flyaa A Mrrnll's ailva started at took taa sad mched ibis city yesterday at aooa, slier a hard aad tlresoia. pall otth auoai i.eai) Ms irat ol k-ae I ibvra atill reaieiae I.UOB, flUBttol. Aboat eighty saea wera employtd to -tt It ia. Oa the slrito pr.f ias la tbe ia.t ooe he had all tcaaoaaud 17 aieaeaiployed. very few rafts eama dowa but about Buy twft h' ..im. f.e folate below. Tkef wera fcarba'ta a... aiaoa th. Uat flood. Driving the leg IHi bekw the dam la . illlaanport was eosssueneed Uaxkd.v. nader tba management af Tom Tuiley, mum had baa eai-fod by some Inmberaea there aad Iba Wtet Dranrh Boom Cosspaay ta da Ibe ik It a eat res a led Ibal l.weo.wvw ion w.. la t tad i?aswehaBaa Booai ibis ori'e - Umten Vaiafrwf, DsMBlbar Uta. ton. iH.tua .... 2a,uo4 .... S.ifltt .....lllJJ ... l&o,iVb IStiS.Sal IMl.obT UBfiftfi .... 91 ears. ..... 74 " Have yon aeon Flunk & Co.' boli de, gooda I Have you aeon FKtk k Co.'a now advertlaenant f For all kimln ol ail'or-waro no to "Jereejr" Snyder'i i-w.lrv lMl.hmenl. Vw'itnV Ilia at tba flbaw Haum .t.l,l. u.i prdy aiaht Xi'O'lli'a for all k i ml- of S,'wiiii Mu- eblna. e.n bo bad of W 8. Huoiba d, Clearg. I , Pa. fl.. Halt I Lyllo I ma Juat roorivutl an other lot nf nr Bait, lartet plied twilled sacks, so tbo irtlele an W had al two drillers attain. II you want to luy a beautiful doH duy preaent for naa or onth. go to Joba A. Block", atore, at R. II. Bbaw's old sUnd, Market street. Clear field. Pa. 12-lw. MrchantH, tuko imlict) ! John A. fitock has received tbo sgrncy for Marburg Dro.'s Otlebratrd granulated PmokiDg Tobaooos, which ha can and will sell at factory prices. 13 3t, Have you aocn Fleck & Co.'b holi day gooda r Havo you aoen Fleck A Co.'b now advert liuuieot 1 The hunting rouixla on tho moun lains a frw mik mrthaeit of town are now full of hunters, seeking to ily deer. Very few of the hunters, however, succeed In capturing any tf this partloular hind of game. Have you Been Fleck Si Co.'b holi day good i f Have you nccn Fluck .V Co.'b now advertisrmuut J I,int of Icltrra remaining unchiiinod in the Postoffloe at Clearfield, for the weok ouding December 17, 1877 Burbsra Bel fridge Mis. Farah Trude.. P. A. (3 AT LIS, P. M. Havo you Been Flock & Co.'b holi day goods 7 Have you Been Flock Si Co.'b now a Iverlifcmeut 1 Coijomb. The attddun cliunen ol we.iber an sources of pulmonary, bionoiual and atlin.atlo alTvetiona. Exparienuo has proved tb'tt ' liaison's Ciiiapiiund Syrup of Tar" acta Sferdlly and errlal&ly when taken in the early ftagns of ibf dm ate. It Is sold by all the lesr. Inn lrufTUts. Ft r fate ia Clearfield by Harts wick A irwln and 0. D. Watsn. Huvo you seen Flock Sc Co.'b holi day gooJl 1 Havo you Been Fleck Si Co.'b now advert iaeuiFut A Fact. An atlviriirtcinent iiiaerted ia tbe Kkpi bi.ican aill rtach wore n-adoia than if publish d) In all the other pxpers la tbe coun ty, and aoet tho ad vert i set aa than in -half In other words, an ndvvrtls menl pnbllsht d in our Jturnal Is worth duol-le the price of tbat cbargid by any other pudliabur in tbe county "It la a Uot.' tf. Have you aeeu Fleck ft Co.'b boli- dny gooda 1 Havo you Keen Fleck ft Co.'b new advertisement t TlIK Col'NTY Si! I'KK I NTKN OKNCY. Wo copy the folio winx from the October number of the PtnHw'9itn a Hckuol Juarmat. We eomineii'I it to the ctuclu! Qon.i'leratitiB uf (ho rohool Ill rectors i "On the Stroud TueJay of M ty aost, c unty, cliy aod i'Orough upcriutendents are to bo elected. This is ically a more Important eloo tion than members ot tba Lt-gts.ature or aven Uov ernor. The Superintend noy ia alw.iys aucoetsrul wbon tbe right man Is la otfloeand it is never iuo eesiltil unless be is. We can nainaduperiQteiidunu In Pennsylvania whose worth to the counties and cities where thiy labor cannot ba estimated in dollars aad cents. They are literally doing more than all other agenciM combined to lift up the people to a higher level of intelligence and mor ality. And, uofortui-atelr, wa can aatne others wboeo services could dispensed without incur ring loss of an) kind. They ere dead welj-btfdraw lug their salarit-s and doing nothing. We write to ask Ocbool Directors to begu to look around for the man they want a serve toe a as Stiver in dent lor the oext tbra yeare. Ifyoutaave bttn, kiep htm ; if you have biia not, light your ln Urn and go In Hoarih of bim. lun't hciitato ubuut tho salary. You can hardly pay a good man tou much, and a i our tnsn yoa do not want at all." THE CLEARFIELD COUNTY ATLAS. In a late interview with Mr. Newton, tho Su perintendent, we learn that the work in the vari ous departments nf our Clearfield County 11 ir tori eel Atlas progresses favorable Many of our :llis'ns have bal 'Ketones tasen oi mnr ren te ore, Isrnta, hurineas bouses, mill , factories, ne , aa may be seen in tbo list which aoeotnpa sies ihts article. It is Imbi-rtatttiDBt every improvement, wbelber public or I rtiaie. should be prupoily rvweaented. Our aiaier counties have abowu to thutrbeatad vantage by ibe mnj elegant lithographs which so lullv Indicate tbeir maleiial resoor e and I tie prep forward they have taken on ihe roao to com icrcial lui.iortanco. Our citiaena should see to It Hint Clearfield county ts not fa bind in h-ving its improvements uToneriV represent) d. 1 be oioioriuiili ol eci-u ll)g B VlfW OI our noma, rirr wovnvm, nuiiiiiui., Ac-, will not f-ct-or aitaia for biany years. It is heartily desired l-y all that tb- work la iba view diiiMriniebt may be so romprcnwiisive mat toe i huH-a'td poilioB ol tbe Atiaa may fair'y rrpre Bfni tbe (niprovttmnie ot uie coui.iy t aim io oo tbis. our la i tut re. lumt-ernieu and niereliatits mi not stand aloof. 1 his uaiure oi lb Atiaa n both eiDomebtai and umIuI, aid ia .ecoud to no other tt etna ot ihe wi ik. aiears nootnson anu Mann are now ea ling upi'B the eilisens la the vailoua town bii. and oa their Mum we bp to bear a fovorable report of our peuyie's hhj r- a ity aod public entrrprlte. fcitra L'oities 01 i lie eiiaravinira r iuri.i'unu thoa wbo bate viewetak.ii, which inwblee tbe owners to bate tbcie pit-turcs oi their bouits e uc ltd iu fiauia, or s-nd tbem lo llaiir friende reaidioat In other v-tU ot Ihe country, ine ioi- lowitiat tt re be Btin.es ol toitii of our ciliaens who httve trend eontravUid to have viewa ol tbvir hou.es and builutngs iursrttd iu the AUns . clba a num. Hon. William Bigler Hcaidrnce and lawn. t , Juugr U. B. Lai retlre-iJt ine and olhcu. It. b lioud iauder-residet.ee and interior vie ut priming othoe. Judge J, B. MoEnaily residence and sur-, roubdiuga. e. J. How A Son front and Interior view uf prluling office. B J. How residence. A. B. r-bew raidbee and surroundings. James li. Utahum rvsidt.-Ot.-a, oaak block aud otker OuilttinKS. Richard Suaw re. id n-e, mills and surruuiid ibga, including the Heat CiearUtld lair grounda. L tonaid Uiadeu Otboui building and aunouhd Ings. . tftorge Thorn real den oa aud aurround'mga. A. J. Logan resldeuoe and surroundings Frank Fielding residence and ground. W. M. Shaw rtsidenoa and grounds. James Kerr maarauoo uOioa. ri'BWBSVIt.LB. Hoa. John Patlon residence and farm scene. Miss Anuia M. 1m to, view ot in. Jobo Irvm estate property, o -naialiug of utilla, lumber and ratting seuee oa the Suquetianite rivr. H. 11. breibard -Ulterior viw ol priuiing oftico U. A. Irtm view of the Irvm bumelad. iei.l Townoitir. 11. 11. M.tiee A Dro bomentead, mill, other buildings aod rnrrouodiBg soeuery. II, L. WcUie reaiu.ooe, saw Inill, school bouse, river view and surrounding. Jumes Metleo rerldi.nw, oid McUee nti sttad, other buildu-ga and surroUudng Urm View. Angus Miller residence aad sui round ings. J. Vt. McUae reaideiK-o, .-aw Mill, amrouud ibg k ofi try, and intrisr tlew ot Saw Mill John F Lee reaidenceand surrunding". Bvbtrt Mabailo) view of reaidrnoe, churtb, other buildings nnd surroundings. Jbtoiea M ah afiey residence, riter vie", and urroaiiding lurest scene. arnssipa rownsuir. Horace Patcbln re,ideneo millr, itore, otlisr buildings, river view, Ac. Jackfuu Pale bin store, reaidehce and sur rouBdinga, A. W. Palebio reldtbor, river vie and sur roundings. .obe C. Conner residea-a and store. Uceigo Patehin residence and surrounding. V. Tonkiaa reaidenoo. nrer new and aar roai.dtogs. Joha hmg residence and surround ins;. Jauita Mc-Wurraj vitw of itsidmco aud tin: A. Bates reaideaea and surrouUilioga. OBBBB WOOD ToaRsHir. Dr. J. P. Iloyt midence aid suir'uodii'ga btBoIS tut. Jukn Da Bo is Hetdene, tvlila, other build ings aod urrvniidinga. Joi.n Hawtoargei teaidenoe and gruiiude. al. hoots City Hotel bmldtng. juhdab Towaaair. MaJ D W.ttiea rtsiduoe,ataef huildinga and inraa View la waanca lOH-tsiiir. Clark Browa reaideaoo aod farm view. lesLdir D.balng rreidat-oa aad larm viaw. Ilea. A . f. Tata laisn reeideact ant surroand- tBAbrasa lluaiphret-Resideaco and faria view. Oil BoUl B. Bol OM. U.o-re M Brisbla-re.ideaje aad lawo D. h- uood taaidtaao and lawn. rantMBe-ao. Jsmcs Pa resort Hotel aod hern. Albett Owia Itslwtiwa uA bstikttg rw . Aod maof eibsrt. "rauaar 'oaaMav.aaBBeamjrBr Don't forgot ibo Hall at Pie'a Uperu liouaa, fta Chrlatnaa night, Havo you aeon Fleck ft Co.' holi day goude f Don't Inrgi't tbo Hull at 1'ie'a Ojiora llouae, on Cbrk.tuiai night v. Advei-tiru) in tho Clkaui'im.d lUirn klOAR Ttie adverttattig ratea are reaaunaliU. anl tbo fltreuialiua U the largisi at any paper tn ibia seoilon ot ttia Hliio. tf Rttiit'inhtT that I-)tlo in County Ageitt lor Lorrillard's Ti'bavo, and can Bull tbsiti attaotory prtoei. They are tho bot Utbeoues lu market. Try tliein. WantbuI 1,000 oortlH of Homlock and Rook Oak Bark, for which wo will pay the bis; bust market prioe. J,l,tf' A O. Kaaaa A Co. At tho Rtruni.iCAN otllco ia the jiluco to get your Job work dunt. W are fully pr pared to do anything In tha printing lino, will do It well, and at the tight kind of prioes. tt. Tho Mite Socioty, recently Bturted in tbia place, by tho ladus connect d with the Lutheran Cburcb, has been potlponed until aiitr the Week of Pisycr. Due notice will bo glvin ol tho ami meeting. . A Sijihkn HivATU. The Kiltannin Stntintt, ol Woduesdey laat, lays i M On Satur day atoning a young wnmaa named M-iry Ana Collins met deatk In a terrible manaor at tbo Al legheuy Paper Mill at llulioo Btation, A.V. R. R., wbara she was employed. It seems that sbe bad a abort time prevtunily boea assigned to a aew position la ihs second story of ibo in ill, and was not fat miliar with the locality. Another employe called to Mlas Collins to eotuo to another part of the buildiog and betp roll up a box of rage. Bbe started to euro ply, and doing so, wallred through n trap-door which was opuo and obacured by steam. The unfortunate girl Tell about twenty feet Into a vat of water aoJ vitro), and was drawn out dead In a few tuouienu alter. Of oourse death was Inevitable, even had the girl been reaoued in aa InaUnt after she alighted in the vat. The girl lived Id tho vloinlty of tbo mill, and bad woikttd in It Ut n numtier of years." Woumb. tt la true that worms do nut alwaya come Irom children whole, after takiug K. K. Thouipaoa'a Baeet Worm Powders. Should tbe worms bo above tho stomach they are killed and digested with Ibe tood, and puss off iu tho lortn el while muacilHge. If the patient ceasea tu havo the symptoms bad before taking tbe Swtei Worm Powders, vis., a backing cough, starting in sleep, restlessness, pale around the mouth, breath offeaaivo and fevuriob, tongue coaled white, tubing' aud picking at the aosr, then Ihe Puadvrs hate evidently done their work. Tbeat are more particularly the s mptoius beu tbe wuims are above the intestines or bow s, aod iu tho alum nun or above tbo digestive organs, so Ibal when liny ate killed by me nwetit Worm Powders they are cut op, tbe same as food by dtgelloa. repaired by B. K. Thompson, Tituavhle, Pa. Prtoe 2i ota. pt-r bottle. Buid in CI. a, Held by 0 D Wataon, aud Urlswivk A Irwin druggists . Aw Awfcl AcciDs-NT. Tbo Tyrone Utraid, Ml ba'urdey tasl, relatea the following : Aooul 11 o'clock yesterday morning, Mr. Alex ander MoUlel la ii, ol Antia lowuahip, met wttb an avoidant near Nu. 6 bridge, bt-low Birmingham, aod a mile or so aLota Mr. Morns' lliue kilns, abtcb may result In bis death. Mr. McUvliau'e home adjoins tbat ot Mr.Btl iS McParlend, ahuve UrMtterviiie, aud be woiked at the kilns anote untitled. Yesterday uiuruiug La Loarded tbe llar risburg freight train eaal, cou ducted by Jacob Wolt, at tbia place, and rode to the point above batnied, WLere be ai tempted tu jump lrotn the car on wbioh he was ridiug, when, by some weens, be was thrown With both legs across the track, aod under tbe car. One or more of tbe w bet. In passed over both legs below the kuee, eruening tbt-tn io a fearful maimer. Ihe engtueer of tbe brat train west atier tbe accident happened, nnuaod Wbeeler, discovered tbe injured man lying oa - track on wbiub be was approaching, just in time to reverie end juu.p lroui bis engine, aud jerk tbe ibeu instniibio man from ibe trauk, tbeteuy saving bis whole body Irom being cruabtd by tho heavy wheels of engine No. dtU. Con ductor Con i a J of Ihe train tbta bad bim placed on a car aod brought to lie stuns barn soma dis tance thia side ol wbvre the accident happened, where lira. Uurhtt tvud tin lib, ol ibia ploee, ami Ir. TbumpsoB, of Spruce Cretk, amputated tbe leit leg at tbe knee Joint about an hour later Owing te tbu depressed condition of tbe patient, 11 was decided not to amputate Ibo right leg tbta, out ll aill te oeoos-ery to Uka It ofi boiow tbe knee aa soon aa ha rtvitcs suthcUntly to bear It. TiiS ntitortut.aie tuaa aas laktn home on tbe mail tram laat ettmng. He has a wile and iwo or three children." OlEO. KEY. At the County Jail, eveumg, tho 12tb insi., T. L'. B oa Wednesday , Key, Hn., in the floaer ol bis youth. 'ibe deceased was dowestie In his habits and amiable in deposition, lie was hot widely, but Lavoiaoty kaoan, and as soon as bis doata was Bbbuttnced, about a duteu sj malbiitng fntads vamubgst tbtui out Guumy Comisaiuora) gath-0-id t tbe rtaiuebue ol bueriQ I'm is, tu py tha.i teatiteta t the leuiama aua sis tbat tbsy rvcl0j acpropr.ate Kpu.ture. lue caienioUies were vonddkiod by bboiia l'euis iu pei sou, abiy agisted by Mr. Harry Kr.tttwr, who pmyoU an appKprutu luneral uiaicb, and by Miss .ary hiiiy, who tiLauUU a lout-hmg dirg. About 7 o'clock, tbei.uu.paii) mm cailvd io le uibit'g icom, wlure Mrs. Punts dL-u.ot,atrted tbat rbt- was u.ieiiea ul tbe art ol aauagiLg glial Bod rtitdtiing iLourotog awtuloitaoie. Allbi,)U.bir, tti oicuaiou uu ut aolemn ln teieat gnel oiibg leu., tied ty sweet ii-.tgnu li-, Lue veiuiuiv la led bj death, Ju tartb aoo a ai.d aaj ) " Aba tual m-wrnit ua diaw Ut biPHth, i. l. It. hi luusL oiu, 'ibe abote itport ot tue ota quits of tbo lute Mr. key Would bate bttii iu.kr, otti uur repoitur was euudibly aitaki-d t.y a tu ul iud.gt-sttou, super indLOtd by an uviruK-ol me creature guui lorts lakon on tbat uocarion. YHE WlEK OF PRAYER. Ihe I'l.ited Sistis bmnch ol tbo Lvat golkal Alliance have adopted the lollowmg programme fur the o .sarvanoo ol Ihe Wuk of Prayer, Jnu ar 8-13, IhTfi : BuanAT, Juouory Orb. Sermons : Cnriitian union ptittvoted. IU. vn., U-1U. Munnir. January Tth. Prater and Praise: Htuieu.br.oof ol personal and relative sa-rcics f prayer lor the Diviue blesemat on paU privtlrgtia, nod lor au ouuiure hj ro.ibiik t,k T.raoiv. January 8tb. Prysri For thi Chureb ol Christ in all lands tor its deliveranue irotw error i for Ua increase in faun aod boline, and in bower as a witness lor tbe Lord Jesua Christ i lor the giatio end guidebee ol the Ho y .i, Int. WRitBKNnAr. January Uib Prater ! For Chris tian lamilies tor sick and atHicird member a tor children at school, and loi an youto in our Culiegos aud Suiuinarioa of learning f lor young tt, n uterine ud0 Ihe active bulinesa ul Mis, and tor ihoae aoroad j fur our una and dauguters oiieoiv eoBlessing Christ. Tat aaoAT. Jauuary 10'h Prayer i For Na- tioua, lor ruit-rs, wagintratHa and aiatvstoen ; lui ma army and u.vy ; lor ; iienevoli-nt and philan tbropie lustiiutioits lor rtiigioaa liberty aad Hie orening ol doors "wide and elloetual 1-r pub lisbiug the Woaptl j and lor tbe reign of ribteoua btss and peaOe. f BinaT, January Illh Praj er : For Christian missions lo Ibe Jew and niuee ; iur ouimny acbooia, and lor the Divme blcasmg on all Cbria lun eUorts to spread tbe fcUd tidings ol toe girspat of .citation. fATUBBA T, January 11th P.ayor t For Ihe circulation ol the Bible tr Ibo obaervanee of tbe Brtbbath ( for Ibe removal ol tnUtuperauee ; lor the reeue o Ibe fallen Iur tbe Salely ol tliote who travel by land and by water. Hi' an at, Joaosry 13ih. Sermons l Christian Hie. " Let your dght shine Man. v., if. How I wl.h ibal my il l waa a. while and aolt a. eaura," aaiil a l.dv tba uthar oaj iu a lenualelneud. VuU eao ealiljr make it au," aaid 111. IB If addreaard. " Uuw I Il.tjjir.J IBa krai naNki-r. Ilia UieOB e nuipuur nu.p ail Liraagi.ta. Hut a llair Bad black ur uruwn. bu eeuia. W maker U;, ueclU . taatin loma eatll learned pinner Art lit in ma ulaelBr. Lntaana Catant Ml.a t'aaraa l-lcrvkBa Ib Ibia aouni,, u ttojaii. taiuwu ,.h,.t.,.,.i,lia ur aue nlolura, and ia the ........ ...i l'..il,. ai.da It.lor. ibeterrllort la .. t .ul i, .iUi uirturra aala fur 1. au. w.iianilb.mlorma. ai, nerao. ....... .... .,Be, u Oil raintlnga on t'.ueu Bin tun .air ,.ie area tbal will aland Ilia hat ul time, al.d lu be bonded down lu ,vaierii- i-.rilaul.ra Ilea. U T. 1.1'ltil.H, c. T, H77 IJ. tot., t-ilj, Ta, l.ia llranaaa faa t Bat. Ui.uot'ar on Oil . .... ....... UbiBaaaaB now be iuiok...U .,.-'..ii. ii. .ud lafiul, ainre, liuiu at. uu ,. ll bind, ul .twlig aiacliluea ro(.aitud on the rhoite-l alloa. Claarbeld, a dul, It, IHT. II. .1,1, I. .r, loi.lim.nie Jewel. fb anosh tbal denrie.. "I II J "be your 111. fee. Our belli. .1 M.laabtuna, ul MuruOuuoi aad larwili . . . l . .... ...i iui trum auuauiutilloa w. i ....h In. t a ball dollar 7 ttol 1 br all I'rotai.le. I'ike a Inoibacba Urop, etro la aaa mtaute. flea. I" It 4 f Crtif llhit. Ia oi r si vie or ollsoste. with Its md'leo Ohangis of temperature, rain, wind and un pbl i. a often in-erniiodld in a slnula day. it is uo wonder tbat our obllrlren, frtrnda and re la ttvea are so Irrqueutly taken froej aa by aoflleot ed rolda, ball tlie dealbe reiuliina directly from ihlacniip. A botHe ol Doaehre's Urrtnaa fyrup ktpt ebout your hua for itnuivUlmte ne tll prevent erioaa IckneM. a largte doc' or bill, death, by tka aaa of three or f.-ur til ihe Ihroa or Lunge, its uacrrrs Wonderlul, art our d uatgiit will lft ynu. r man t-yrup is now aotu inert-ry tow a and vllagi on ibia coulinift. Bainpia boM f.,r trUI, I" era's. K'guiar slie. To eants For sale by C. B. Wataou,l'farfi-ld. Pa. May Si, 1D7T aow-ly. I'oif tf iisf Cure l.'tfif t ough With Hhiloh's Consumption Cure y can cure ynarsrlf. It baa astabliahMl ihe Inct that Con sumption can be cured, while fur Couf lis, Brtm eh it I, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all d linear a of Throat and Limns, it Is absolutely without an Mjuel. Iwo d sea will relieve your child of Croup, li is pit-event to take and perfectly harmless to Ihe joungeat oliilil. aol no mother can a fiord to be without tt. You oua use two. third- of a bottle and if what we say is not true we relutid the price paid. Prion Id cents, 60 cents and tl per bottle. II your lungs are sore, or cheat or back lame, uae Htiilob's Poroue Plaster. For sale by all drug gists of Clearfield. Have you Dypnpsle.are tou Constipated, have you a Yeilow Hktn, Lonof Appetite, tiertd A' ho, II so don't fail to aaa f HI Lull rt HY.-TKM VI TALIZKH. It Is guarantied to relievo you, and will you continue lo sutlor when you can e 'ured on aui'h terms as theao. Price 10 otr. and 76 ota. Sold by all drugguts of Olsarfleid. Well's Persian Perfunv, M HACKMKTACK," Is rii-h aid I r arrant. Try it. Bold by all drug gists vl Clearfield. dec. 677 oowfitn. Moxer To Loan By the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, iu sums not less tbeu fi.ouu, on flrat-elaa. improved farm property. For fur ther iniormallou, apply te ii. . bMlTH, ool. 3, '77 3 in. j Clearfield, Pa. Wantbo 1 100.000 JfUnob sbavrd shingles io average Irom to U Inches for wblcb wo will pay tbe highest market prtoe. A. U Khabkb A Co., fob.3S.tr. Clearfield, Pa. BnaotRt For Halb. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredooia Bucgiee and Platform Wnguns tor sale. To be seen at tbe Hbew House yard. Call on or address bim at Clearfield Penn sylvania. may 18-tf. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. H A NT 10 1) by Arnold, at t urweiiavtlle, 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 biLslic.B wheat. 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels outs. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. ItMMHHI 'etM-lnrli abated eta hi flies Iimhhhi l-lm n nawed Ulii;iva. ItMl.tMNf It-et pine board. A.OtMl rail l oad lira. A.tMMi cord a tvnk aud linilurk bark For which one-third cash will be paid. oct.26 On Mondsr. Uenomber lb. 1H77, by Lewis Krbirii, b-i., Mr. Ueorgte W. MaxiI, of llogtifa tottnatilp, and Mias Anu JUoCcruiick, of JorJou towanhip. 0o Wolnrsdav. December 12th, 177, by Ilev II. S. BuMer, Mr. L nn P. Ooliob and Mus Martha K. Howie, hoih ol Law retire loansbip. In Bumside owni.ip, on W. dne.d iy, Deo. 6ih, t77. J M'pb Brothers, agjd t2 ycats, 2 mouios aud iti days. In Brady townr-hip, on Tueailay, Den. Illh, lHif, ol diihtbtna, Lfhe, dauthter ol Thma and Mary Jano Lines, . gcd 7 years, II months aud 17 dni. At Peofleld, CItarfii-Id county. Pa, on Thurs day Dtu. 13ili, IHiT. ol consumption. Mry Aon, wile ol John S. Hudeuacb, aged Al years and 2 monihi. The deceased was brn Vallvy, Count) Deny, Irelai In Newtown, Llrna J, in ISIA. - CLEARFIELDMARKETS. Ct FAiTtsi n, Pa., Paoaubar 18, IT7. Floor, p-r ctu . $: TO Itucswhtiat Floor per cwt Corn Meal, per cwt hop, rye, per cwt , Chop, mixed, per cwt..,.. I 01) ..... I 0" 1 All 1 f 1 I.') 1 40 7ft Jte fin 76 40 40 to 10U l 10 IB 40 ll lt 2 iu S5 124 8 .. .. U 1 60 Hran, per ewt Wheat, per buhel Hyo, per hufbel , Oats, per bushel Tom, ears, per buxhel .... HuhWktav. IM UnJllMlMH PotntiM , per tin hid Apples, per buabtl llama, p. r pound Shoulder, per pound Dried Beef, per bound Cbiekt-ns, per puir flutter, per pound Bass, p r doiwn Hnit. per rack, large , Coal Oil, per gallon im, per pnuna Dried Apples, per pound Dried lV-aobt-i, per pound Beans, per bushel PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. Pail-AbrLfHin, December 15. Flour Super fine. 84 60 ; extras, tb.ku; Pennsylvania family, dtt 60(7! MmnesoU do., 0((j,8.&0 patent and blgh gradea, f t(ij,v. Lye flour, 84. Wheat AtnhrT, l.43(T$147i red, tl.tWit, 1 44 white, fl 45(3)1 6d. Cornmt-al, 8-tfi & Cora Yellow, e5fct,75e taixe l fli'lfio tatal'i)tishauia white, XifovtVa; wustirn do.,SH'iv4U,i atitern uuxtd, ,)4fib.t7o. Bya,7Wfo78. Baltihomb, December 15 Wheat Southern rd. go d U tlu l 81101. 4.t( do amber, 81.4. (u, lftOt No. S western wililcrrt-d Spot, and D.ceuioer, 81 41 1 January, 81 42(pl 1 i tb ruary,8l.444(.i,l 4H Corn fcouthern white, 45(i,fifl)t d. yeilow, 54fiviO. old wes orb niixtd, -pot, fitjo De c. ii.tsr, new western mixed, spot and De- .'f?tnlwr, Mi) January and Fbiuary, -fi ; western attanit-r, ibe Ojih Mrtiinern, 5fij 38c ; acstern white, 3) Stfui do. mned, A6 Whisky briber at $1 II. Chicago, Dictmlier III. Fmur steady and firm. Who a tn solos demaid and hi her; So. I Chteaao Si.rit.g, tlMh : ba 8 d.. (l.liHl; -tub. 81. '(.!. in i Dvomb. r, I.IOi(-t l.H'i ; Janu ary l.l li , February, Mo. 8 do., 81. ot ; reject- loin active, firm and blghert 4":l for cash and Dici u-ber ; 4ke lor Januer t pjectea dc. Oata etrady and firm al 'ioe lor ea-ll nod ! ceui'M-ri itlkv tor January j tuio for February. Bye lainy active end a ihauo higher al &"fit 5f.o. Barley dull and lower at file. UaUioaib. IV no 1 v a ii I a It a 1 1 road l YUONK 4 CLEAI1FIKI.1) BHANCIl ON mid aftor l..n.l.r,JI NK !J, IS77. tli. !.... nr. r Train, will tun d.llj ao.il fun. dave) between Tjrrenaand Clearfl.ld, aa tullowa Cl.EARFIKI.D MAIL. W. C. Intlt, Conductor. t.KAVK sortll. LBAVK N OUT II. 0 irwnn. villa. 0 e.rfli-ld. I, ionanl, II. rrett tVondlaiiil,.... Ilijcler, M alla-rlin,.. Illo- 11.11 Unburn .b in, r.i ..:tii. " .1 M, " -H.41, " .. " ..4.UJ, .III, 1 .4 IV .4 2, ' ,..!, ' Tyrone ...... VHneooToe... .uramt' I'.iwelloa,.... Oeceola...... Il) nton Kleiner', l-bllipiliurg llr.D.in Ulue li.ll,... U'allaea..B, Uiei" Woodland,.. Ilarretl Leonard . lO.t.a. . ..!, ' ,.., " ,.111 III, " ..!" 1. " . in.27, ' ..I0.JI, ,.UI," . 10.11, " ,, III 60, " it, ' ..ll.n, ' . 11.17," ..II !i, " ..11.11," ..11.411," I hiliii.liurg.. 81. In.-r' 4 .1., tiny ntnn, 4.42, ft.uuula 4.47, i lion 4 K, unit, el", Vanaeovo., a .14, Cleardeld Tyr.ui. H I". rnroen.elll...12 HI, r.i CLRARFIKI.D ACCOM MCDATION. W. 8. PlI'Bvbs, CondBctor. I.KAVK HIII'TH. I.KSVK NtlHTII. V.u. a. I 7:30 ' 714 " 0 " I ill " SS4 " TyroBe...... VanMojoo, Sumuill,.... .... 1.16 r. a. ...14S " ....01 " ...SI. " ....4 34 " ....4.41 " ...4 40 l-owrllon OmooIu, Hu. nton ttlemi r a, Pbihnanurg Urab.m Illuo 11.11 W allaceloB, . Bi(!ev U uoOlnBd,. . B.rreti, Leonard, ..hi tlaarbelj, ... VallacrtUB,.M S a " Bloe 11.11 " .5 00 ' 120 - ,43 " CO " 0.l " .610 " MS - Si " uraliam I'hiliuatmrg.. S'einir'e U.-inion llMOole, PoW.llon Kii nau.lt, VauMoyoe , . Tyrone, 7.110 " Curnrnaville,.7.ob Cloee .unneetlon, made by all tram, at Tyrone and Loch llav... - g g nayie.tr. Saiertnlendent 8TAUS LINKS, a .i...l...u. f'utweaee Ilia dally for ReyBolda ii.. .i i u'.i.,ak.n an . .i n.ii I -i b. joolrt.-ilio al lo'euwli, p a.. Helutoing, " llaynol.la villa d.liy, at 7 . aloeb, a. u , arilvmg at Cur wtnivllla at II 'aloek, m. Fare, o.cb way, M. a 1....0 t'.rura.vllla dally al I o'clock . ra , lur DuUela Uly, airlnag at Uallola tiiy I, a .'.I. ..a ea. kaluromB. teavea KuBola Bl I o'eloeb, a. aa., dally, striving at Catweaevllle at II o'eloeb, ui, rare, way, t. Curwen.vilk ClearbrM.,.. Leonard, It.rielt Wuudlaad,.. Hial.r, 17 " I 4. " .0 " I oua ll'.Sli " 10 .0 " II " 11 ia r. a l.sl " H. 3. k ft (Co.'s CoJurao. 1 1 3lk!L!I.:P7 I llllllllill a tmnanao. ' ..Tr, - .W IIIIIIIII 1 1 UUU1IU a I Mr- j I - Jj HOLIDAY GOODS! A GREAT VARIETY! RICH: 3Fl.jaL3R.353 Z AND ELEGANT! A VISIT WILL CONVINCE YOU !!!! T. A. FLECK & CO. Wo have made extra preparation.. In ooch department there will he cli played a beautiful Btock of goods, ntonded oxprenH.y for Chrilmua and Now Year's prenont. T. A. FLECK ft CO. Havo you seen our handnomo Matoliifwo CoaU? " nobhy CoaiH, lor Ludioa? i( " Heaver CoatR, low Huvo you aoon our (rood Felt Skirt ? " ' ' fin double Shawls? " now ainglo Shawl.? Ilav ynu aon our now Dry Goods? Have you toon our now lrv Gooda? Huvo you seen our now Dry Goods? Have yon accn our nil wool red Klitnnels? " ' " whiiu Klannda? " " " elegant ModitaUd Klunnclb? Ilavo you aeen our splendid Canton Flannels? nil wool Pluid Flannels? " ' " " J.umbcrmcn'a Hanncla? Have you aeen onr now Panta Stuff ? " " " " dnriililo l'anta StiilT? " " " all wool PMnia Stuff T Iluvo jou seen our Ladies' Cloths? ' " " " WalerpriiofB? ' " Tuble Linoiia ? Iluvo ynu aeon our job lot of Drcm Goods? " " " " till wool blnck t'ai-limrree? " " " " all wool colored Cashmcrea ? Iluvo you aeen our bleached Mu-lina? " " " unlilf-elied Munlina ? " " " Shooting? luvo you seen our new Furs, for ladies? " " " Furs, for children ? " " " " children's Fancy Bets? Hnvo yon seen onr handsome Umbrellas? ' Alpaca Umhrellus? " " " " Walorproot Umbrellaa? Uuva yon aeon our Holiday Goods ? " " " Holiday Goods ? " " " ' Holiday Goods ? Huvo you seon our now Corsets? " " " Silk HnndUerchlifs? " ' " Linen Hai.dkerchicfa? Hnvo you aten our I.ndies' Unilerwcar? ' " " Children's L'ndtrwear ? " " " Gents' Underwear ? Havo you seen our Ladies' Hosiery ? ' Children's Hosiery ? ' " " Gents' Ilcmieiy ? Havo ynu seen our Ladies' Kid GIovcb? " " Gents' Cloth Gloths? " ' " Children'a Cloth Gloves ? Huvo you seen our new Mollncs? -I " " ' lloliduy Good.? i ii n it nieo Neck liiiching? Havo you seen our llair Hruhcs? " " Toilet Snaps ? i " " Tooth Hrunhes? Ilavo you seen our Gents' Whito Shirts? I " " Gents' Suspenders ? t " " Gents' Searls ? Ilavo you seen our Kmbroideries ? ii " " " Collni-n and Cuffs? i' " " Pulso Warmers? Ilavo you seen onr Feathers and Flowers ? ti " " new liil bnns? i nlco Wings? Iluvo you seen our Woolen Goods? i. I- " Ladies' Montis? " " ' Children' Hoods ? Havo yon seen our Klnck Silk Fringes? tt it it Worsted Frinifi-a ? H (iuloon Trimmings ? Hnvo ynu seen onr Trimmed Hale? it it it Trimmed Hniniola? it " '1 'i tjntrimmed Hnta and Ilonncls? WHAT WE We Guarantee tlmt wo clicopor tlitin any other Ftorc in We Guarantee polite trentnicnt to every one of our cus tomers, without urging them to buy. We Guarantee that we Imvc the largest and choicest aseurtment of all kinds of I iress and Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery and Faney Goods, in Clearfield. T. A. FLECK ft CO. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, Diwi.bor 12, 1877, I. lrrt ft (to.'s Column. II -an I -a. 3 SSTSS".1. t J in price t T. A. FLECK & CO. T. A. FLECR k CO. T. A. FLIXK CO. T. A. FLF.Clv 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK k CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T.A. FLKCK CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLECK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T.A. FLKCK & CO. T.A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T.A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. FLKCK & CO. T. A. FLIX K & CO. T. A. FLKCK 4 CO. T. A. KI.KCK & CO. T. A. KI.KI'K k CO. GUARANTEE . will soli all kinds of Dry Gooils Clem field. Jlriu gidvrrtisrmrnts. SELLING OFF II GUINZBURG'S LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF wswetaagaBOBw af ajajaaj, jggLjsjst eaeW' tiW4M V Men's & Boys' Hals, Caps, Grnls l'urnishing iiooti : T:tUI VMttHEI.IdAN V V AIRMEN. II 'M, BE CI.OSi.lt niT TO I Ot It Tl.'li: TU Wa will aell eon a g"ftd Hult of Clothing worth Wa will aril you a lietlnr srliola wer'ta - Wa will aell you a rltil better article worth We will aell you the eery hi-.t, worth Wa will aell ynu a haaey MltoB Cloth Overcoat worth W. will aell you abetter arifol. wonh ... Wa will aell yoo B etlll better artlole (Reaver) worth We will aell you a Ana woretud diagonal Overcoat worth Wa will sell you tbo very beat linportod Chinchilla Overooet wurtll Wa will aell yoa a Box Coat frurn H lu 97. f TUB TIEST AND CIIKAPEST EVI.H 0FFRRKD IN THIS OR ANT 0TIIIR MARKRT. BOYS' CLOTHING We will close out at a'uot any price. Id underwear, we sell at TO cents a suit. Better qualities and a good many otbsr goods prop rtiooatvly cheep. A. GUINZBURG, Agent, WeKtcni Hotel Corner, Cleitrfield, Pa. October l, IM77. THE CHEAPEST BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS AT GUINZBURG'S, SF.CO.m ST., OPPOSITE COCHTII0VSF.,llERFIKI.n, !.. To (lie Citizens of Clearfield County : . About a year ago T came among yon with a stock of Bwti, Khoes, Rubbers and Fornixblng Goods: within thi time I have sold almut Ten Tbouiaud pairs of U oli. 8 bo, ate., and, wi h few exceptiooa, these articles bare given perfect satlsiaotion i where goods did not tura out eiaotly as represented, they were at onoe replaced br now ones, ts the few wbo had ooe is! a to seek re lreaa can tcaiily. Now let me assure you that tbis Is no mere Ahsbrtiob, but precisely what I will "oo linue to do ibat Is, when that which you bur of ma d-tes o t give, wttst yoa would term, "yoiir uioneys' worth," I will repair it at once, on lair proof of its being so. Fueling grateful fr past far on, I oak a coatinuanoe of a share of your patronage. Yours Sincerely, 8. Ul'iNZbl'RO. PHICi: I IWT, HOMTN'M WI2AR Women's Laced Lasting Shoe ,.9i cts. nned to sell !orl wi. Women's Laced Morocco tShoes $1.10 used to sell tor .ib. Women s Laced Calf hhoes 1.2 used lo sell at II. &0. Women's hoavy farm Shoes, 1.26 used to sell at fl.au. IN Mi: K M WEAR A IMtMTlVli H LAUGHTER Mrn's heavy winter fihoer, double sols. ,.06 cts M.n's ht-ary kip hho-s $1-26 Men's heavy calf dratted tiboee 1.66 Mfii I bvst oali dreaat-d hoes 1.76 Mta's kip working Hoots 1 f6 Men's ttip working bouts, dou de sols ..... 2.46 Men's kip working Hoots, tap sole 3.00 BOYS' SHOE8 In fifty different styles, from $1 to $2.60. Working and school shoes, from $1,15 to $2.60 for beat calfskin, buttoned dreaa shoes MINMF.V Mlltr,M 1 Mists' school Shoes 9h cts times' farm shoe $1.26 Miasea1 jjcouiiie call aboca 1 '6 M it-a' dress oboes m 1.60 Muses' drt-as tboea 1 M dllll Dltl 'w AND BABY'S Uood f -lid, buttoned, heeled Shoes for children. D6 cents. Good, eosper tipped, heeled 6 boas for cluldn n, o tents, rubber and dteas Mioes, $ I 20. Baby's Blioea ol all kinds, !( ets. and p. Men's aud women's ahppura, S6 ceote Hote poiih, 1 j oouts por bottle, bboo strings, 4 oente par dctt-n. Uution boiks, I cent each. Clearfield. Pa., Sep 12, IH77. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BRO., On Marks! St, one door west of Mansion Ilouie, CLEAKFIELD. PA. Our arrangements are rf tba most complete character tor furnishing the public wilb Fresh Meats of all kind, and of the very best quality. Wealeo deal in all kinds of Atrieultural Imple menu, which we keep on exhibition lor tho ben efit of the public. Call around when in town, and take a look at things, or address us F. Ai. CAKbUN A BRO. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1876-tf. FRESH MEAT EW SHOP. The undersigned hereby Informs tbo public In g-nerat that tbey keep on band, regu arly, at tbeir shop, adjoining JOHN U ULICU 'ti furniture rooms, opposite the Court House, the BEST FRESH HREF, VEAL, hll'TTOS LAMB, POhK, ETC., AT REDUCED rmCES, KOtt CASU. Market morning Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays. Meat delivered at reaideooa when desired. A share of patronage Is respectfully solirited. Merer. I, 1T6-Iv. BTAUK A NOHKIS. llAIVAKTClU. FARMERS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, Give me your Attention for a Moment. I wont 5,000 bushels or Wlicnt. I want 5,000 buxhels of Outs. I wont 6,000 bushels of Rye. I wont 5,000 bushels Buckwheot. For which I will pay the Cash whon Delivered. S. OtUNZnUKU. ClearHeld, Pa., Oct. 17, 1877 3m. First Grand Ball -OF Clsarficld Commaridery9No.l4 1 -OF TIIB- Universal Brotherhood. TOnKtllVKMX Pie's Opera House, -o.v- TucsJay Eve'ug, Decomber25, 1877. Tiokrl., fl .'ill each. Kr aalc by II. li. t-IIAU, M. I, (il I.ll II. II . HAV, Hull T l)AMKI..t, II A 14 It V h.WUKIl. Tiiin. t't Arran;cmcntt. aificM, Ta . Dr.'. S, J77.;li. Rr.uhrr.ii'a noticf Notice Is beretiv (rivtn that the following ar- cuunts hate bern examinrd and paaed by me, and remain tiled or rreortt In tbia office tor ths In spection of heira, legatees, creditors, and all others int'trr-'tfil, and will l presented to Ihe nest Or phena' Court ol Clearfield county, to be held at tbe Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, com mi' tiring on tht Zd Monday (bring the 1 4th dny) ot .laiiuary, A. D. ItiTS i Account of Christiana Og ten, Kwutsr of the cM ate of Ueorge I'gden, late of llrsdy tnwnship, Cleaifii-ld Cnuiitr, Pa , dee'd. Final aecuuot ol Sirasa Ttj'iiupfl . Artm'r of the estate ol Hotil. i hompoo, laie ot Lawrence tttn , Clearfield county, I'a., drs'd. Final avount ot W. D. J. Marhn, Adra'r of the t slNte et Itolit. Prott, late uf ibe county of Clrar fleld, I'a . dee'd. Actnuat of L, M. Pnratli, Atlm'r of the etatp of l'nieia Farwell, late of Pike twp , l'arfifM eounty. Pit., deeM. Final ao'onnt ol Hubert Leigy. Trut'S of the 1 e"tmie of Francfa LieKry.late of Cor miiton twp , Cleartietd county. Pa , dee'd. Final aocouot ol JwaKs lUgarty, Executor of the i state at Kt'bt. U. Hrgtrty, late o Uulich twp., t tear tit Id county , I'., dre'd. Final accouat of John J. Pieard, Oaardian of Amelia Ut-rmont and Mary Uormat, minor cbiidranof Francis L Uiirmont, late of Coviug- tcn twp., Clearl.eld Co., Pa., dee'd. Preobd, iiartul aoonuut of leo. K. k Adam Wea- vtr, t.vteutors ol the estate ot (leo. A. Weaver, late ot Brady tuwoauip, Clearfield county, Paq deed. Are unt of 'tirlta lllt,r A Ilrilrct Raff.rtjr, Administrators uf thenstatenf John R Karleny, dc d, who waa IL Administrator, of the entile or rranios U Hal rty, late of IV an lownsh p, CiearBt Id ouunty, I'a., dee'd. Arooniitol PriStT A. Itowlei A Nilhm U Peoples, Administrator a of the estate of Abraham ft. j Pvup'ea, late of Lawrence t'lnuahip, Clearfie.d county. Pa., dee'd. Final account nt J -ba P. McKieroaa, Adas'r of the exiate of J 'ko MoT avtah, U'S of llulioh twp. Clcarfle d Co., Pa., de'd. Fmai i emu ul of Hotooe Dale Adm'l of W. Dale, Uta u Ljwrcn?e twp , tkainild aoanty. I'a , dea'd. -Final account of 8. P. Wilsea, Admiaistwalor af tbe estate of K.lher Lusior, tato of Biadfurd twp , CieatfieU ta , pa,, dee d. ft. J. NORUAlf, De-. 11-ts rlsgister A liacarder. Jlru' jadmtUtminti. .Wf.f.'T lf.'.Tf.f.-),7, Ul I'lLIKClM A A'OU IS II a for T ta li lor 1 ao m for it aa Is iur to oa 8 for t 00 10 for r 60 10 for 10 00 10 fur It 00 10 tor 10 00 Women's bsst Calf Shoes used lo sell at 12 40. Women's Laced fused Shoos M., used to sell at $1:60. Women's Uuttoued Morocco Shoes,., used to sell at $1.76. Women's Kid Laced rthoes used to sell at $2.26. $1.60 1.M 1.10 a 1.71 ifen's Elmira kip working Boots, Up sola.. $3.60 Men's dress Boots 8 26 Men'a beat oalf Uoots I., A Men's best calf Hoots, sewed 4.00 Men's beet eaU DooU, sewed H I 00 Min'a best call liouts, sewed. - I 00 liojs film ire top sale Boots, $2 60. A II If N OR EI) MTV I. EN I Misses' dress Shoes K lists' drtru hhoes Misses' hid Hboos I Misses' kid Mboes , Misses' kid hboos , ... $I.TS ..H 10 ... 1M 2 60 ... 1.00 HHOES AT CRAZY PH.lRE, j TCJHTICEM' At CORftTAHLEK' FEES J We hava printed a large somber af tbo now j FKB BILL, and will en tba receipt af twenty lee cents, nail a copy to any address. aayM F OK SALE. Tba andersirned will se) at arlvata sale all that tract or parcel af land sitaefe la Decatur township, Clearfield Bounty, Pa, within a short distance of tbe Tyrone A Clenrfiel'l K. B, and adjoining lands of Robert Hudson aad etners and known as tbe Jaoub B. Uearbart lot, Tba said tract containing 60 acres more or lees, with two veins of valuable eoal thereon, baa about 10 acres cleared, and is the key to a large body of coal about being developed. Will ba sold low and upon easy terms, for particulars, apply to UAVIU u. KM aHBBS. Clearfield, Pa., July 12, 1874. DllUG STORE. H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw's old stand. Clear fie Pa ,bel Jut1, opened a new stock of PlIt .I.VO FRESH MMHVVS, and la now prepared to furnish anything ta tha the line of Drugs and Msdiciaes at tha very low est cash prices. He baa also on band a large stock of Combs, Hair and Toolh Brushes, Fancy Articles, Toilet and Hiaving Soaps, an l everything nsnally kept In a first-class Drug Store. PHYSICIANS' PEESCEIFTIONS eoBinounded with onre, day or aigbt. A liberal abara of patronage itenaetlulry aolicited. II. b. SPACKMAN. ClcarOeld, Pa., Oct. 14, 1877. The Dell's Run Woolen Factory Penn towneblp, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURNED OUTI BURNED OPI Theeubscribera b.VB,et great expense, reballt a neighborhood necessity, In the erection of a lirat olaas Woolen Manufactory, with all tba modern tmprovwinrnts attached, and arc prepared to maha all kinds of Cloths, Caasimerea, Satinetts, Blaa keta, Flannels, Ac. Plenty of goods ea bead to aupply all wrold and a t hoa sand naa customers. wnotn we aaa to come ewe, ei amine oar sioei. The business of CARDINO AND FULL I NO will receive ear especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive end deliver Wool, to suit ouitotners. All work warranted and done upon the shortest aotiee, and by strict at tea tia to baldness we hope to realise a liberal share of public pntronsge. IO.(HM POUNDS WOOL WAKTIDf We will pay the highest market price for Woa and sell our manufactured gooda as low as similar goods can be bought ia the eeaatyt, end wbeaevet we fail to render reasonable eetisfactioa we eaa always be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either In peveen or by letter. , JAMKS JOHNSON A fiONS, aprlllntf Bower P. O. IUUHFST AWARDS! J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHW 1ST COItNKR 1 HlttTKRNlll A ril.lt KRT STREKTrl. PHILADELPHIA, MANVFAUTl'IIIRS OP PATKNTKD Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITH SUA KINO AND CLTNK SRI FUNDI Nl) IIRATKS FUR ni KNINd ANTHRA CITE OR BlltiMlriOL'S COAL. CENTENNIAL WROlbllT IK0X HEATERS, FOR BlTDMINOl'fl COAL. KEYSTONE l ItOlGHT-lKOI HEATERS, COOKINil RArtOKS, LOW-DOWN ORATSft.. PoeoriBtm I Inalara nM Itym ia aaj aidraMv, tXAMINS BKPORF BKLKCTIfia., April IS, IT!,.