THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second end Market BUhU. CLEARFIELD, PA. TUIS aid aid eommodloa Hotel baa. dnrta ta pul yur. been salarged U doable tit former aapaalt? for the eotertainmeat of straa gers'end gaeU. The whole baildlng ha been re(rolhd, and the proprietor will spara ar pAlai ta render h'l guest aaafortabla wail euylag aorta 'Mansioa Howse" Onait rant ta m" fV-lf ft;? MtViI 4ml HMaT, ,4a mJttm9aOBPtm0 Jaiy U-.i Proprieta LLEGHENY HOTEL iMaVdcf mnet, VlettRtU, Pi. Wu. 8. Bradley, formorl propri.tor of th. Loaanl Ilouae, baring laaeed tho Allegheny Hotel, aollelt. a .bare of publle patronage, The Uooao haa bees thoroughly repaired and aewl) furnlabed, and gueat. will And U a pleaaant atop- tlag Th. ubla will ba inppllad wllb tb. t of evarything la Iba market. At tha bar will ba found tha bait win., and liquor., tlaod atabllof .Hashed. WM. 8. IIKAIJI.KY, Way 17, 'it. Proprieter. SHAW HOUSE, (Car. af Market A front Uncle,) CLEARF1BLD, PA. Tba aodartlfnad baring taken charge of Ibb Hotel, would reepeotfully aoltoil publio patronege Janl'7 I). K. JrULLBHTON. WASHINGTON nOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbll new and wall furnlehed houre baa baaa taken by tba unJeretgned. lla feela oonfldonl oi being able to reader allafaetlel (a tboaa wbo mat faror bim wltb a call. MeyS, U71. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOU8B, Mala Street, PHILTPSBURO, PRNR'A. ' Table alweye euppllod with tba beat tba market afford.. Tba traveling publio it Invited to call. Jen. 1,11. BOBKRT LOVO. Banks. 0. W. AMtOLD. F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Ranker, and Itrohers, Keynold.rliu, Jefferson Co., Pa, Money reoelrod an depoatt. DleoounL at no derate rate. Reatern aod foreign Exohango al ware on band and eolleotiona promptly made. Keynolilerille, Coo. It, 187...1 County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. 1) OOM In Maaonle Building, one door nortb ol Waleon'l Drug HI ore. Paaaage Tiokete to and from Liverpool, Qeeene lown, Glasgow, London, Pari, and Corteoheaen AIM, Drafte for eale on the Royal Hank of Ireland ana imperial nana or London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pr.i t. W. H. SHAW, Caihler.'fT DREXEL & CO., No. 3d South Third Htreet, Phlladelphlt And Dealers in Government Securities. Applleatloa by mail will receive prompt attei. tioo, and all Information cheerfully furniihed Ordera eolteted. April li lt Jifutistrfl. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, lOEce la Bank Bailding.) ;turweniTlllt, Clearfield Co., Pa. mob 12 '?-tf. , J. M. STEWART; rsuaQEON dentist, clearfield, pa. (Offloe ia resilience, Second street.) Clearfield, Pa., May I, lTMy. (1 RKAT REDUCTION T ia tb ratra op ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Dr. A. M. Hilli would tnform bit friend and patroDi thai ha U now puttiag up Artificial Taetb for TEN DOLLARS PER SET. By a aaw and greatly Improved proMi of poll i ta in j Rahbcr Plata, b nWa a ataefa trtar pint with leu thiohaMt tha bain; all ovar tba palata of an aqaal tblehacf, render it taacb id or patvat ta tha patient than tba old lyl plate. AI bava tba axelaiir riaht t bn thi proem ia thii eoonty, no other Denttit oao pat np a food plate by any atber Bod. aTAII work gaaraotaed Mtiffaetory.ft Ckarfleld.Jone IS, I8T7-tf. A. M. HILLS. T PJ COD W E TRtrT.-AII other iant A. VJ f' tbeir vork before it leave tbr abop. And ai all flub ta a the gran of the field, and tba eromlm of men are like tba flower thereof they ar givea on day and forgot tea tba Bait therefore it I beat not to tratt anybody All kind of work will ba dona ia thi shop foi cai or ready pay Boot and iboe of all tit and stylet the bait aod ehatpeat in town. I bare removed my shop to tba kwir and ' town, ia Taylor' row. on Read street, ar thr depot, where I will te foand at all time, waltiaa for euitomer. All work warranted good and cheep. Aleo, mil kiad of Leather aod Shoe Finding for ale. Tba altltesi of Clearfield aod vicinity art reapaetfully lavltad ia give aie a aall. JOS. 11. DKKRING, Claarflald, Pa.. July 11, 1H77. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATIOSERY. Market Mt Clearfield, (at the Poat Office.) THR andenlgned beg leave to annoaao to tba eitltea of Clearfield and vicinity, that ba ba fitted op a room and ba jnat returned from tba eity with a large ntaoaot of reading matter, ontitlng la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books. Blaak, Aeonnt aad Pa Book of ovary d aeriptioo Pepftr and Rnvelop, Prenrh preaeed and plain Pen and Pencil f Blank Legal Paper, Deads, Mortgaganj Judgment, Kicmp Uoa aad Promisarv aoteai White and I'areh- ment Brief, Legal Cap, Reword Cap. aad Bill Cep, Baeet ataaie, tor eitaer neao, riata ar vionn, eoaataatly ett hand. Any book ar stationer) deetred that I may aot have oa hand, will ba ordered by lrt aipreta, and aold at wboleeala or retail to salt oajtomer. I will alo keep parlodieal iiuratara, neb a Hagauaa, fiewepapera, ee P. A. UAl'LIN. Clearflard. May 7, lAAs-tf REED & HAGERTY, SaoMtaon to J. G. SCHRYVER. DKALRR8 I!( HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE , 'VTOOS and VTTLLOiW-'WSX. COOKINQ 8TOVE8, EEATINO STOVES and BANOES SMonaf 81., CUttrltttd, Pa. Tba wwaVralgnad wewM aanaartoa ta tba aklMBt af ClMrael. aad tlelaily, that Iboy aa.a par okaeed ta Hardwara itmaf J. O. win eewetaatly kMp aa bawd a fall of uarawan la au tie nraaehee, wen aa TABLE & POCEET CtTLERY, Deejh Step, Hand 8ewe, (treat Amerlmta Cre el Haw., D. B. and reerlag Alaa, HaleheU, aad Plan Irene, aH hiada af Kaila, Uorae aboeaaad Uonarlho. N.Ik Pleka, Hoaa, K.h..H.y F.rhe, Iherel. aad Rpaiao, 8eytbM,Saetbr,Plowe, Oraia Cradle., ' CuNiratora, DoaKfa ' 1 andHlngh)HhoTl Plowe, Oultrratar Taetb, Berela aad Ta Baaaree, 8b.ral Bladae, Mill Saw aad Taper Pile, Cbleala, Bill., Auger. Adeeo, Bar. Itoor Hanger., Butt, T aad hum Hiatal Bowar'a Hollew Aaewr. all k iaa of Uekf , Btrawa, 8h Cord aad Pulleya, LASS and PUTTY, root and Chela Bolu, Carriage, Tire aad Barrel BolU, fd Card, lad free, Hera Bruahe. aad, Srlad Mua. iilarea, Uara, Heap and 8af4leM Peakiag, CaM Vbaiaa, aea, Thap win .MM beep aa baad a fall .pl.rt et af Tiawara,aad a geaeral .took af Heaee PuraUh. lag Seed., wblek Ihef will tell at ptteeo w nil Pereoaj. wlablac aarlbina la tbelr Haa an la. lud ta aall aad eieeilne their Mw.k before pareaeaiag. HKKD HAtiKnTYi nr.ld, May , 17T ly. Our 0trtt Advtrtbfarttf. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabliabcd, Wodaoedej bj GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARFIELD, PA.. In Horthwajatni PannajlvanU. The large nod conalantly Inorettning circulation of the Kipvblican, renders it valuable to buainens men i A medium thro' which to roach the publio. . Tfkms or Subscription : If paid In advance, . . . 12 00 If paid after three month"., . 2 fiO If paid after aiz months, , , 8 00 When papori aro sent outside of the county payment must be In advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 8 times, , (I 60 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, , , . 2 60 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Spooial notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: Ono square, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two sijunros, 16 00 Three sqnarcs 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 50 00 Ono-hall column, .... 70 00 Ono column, 120 00 III, INKS. We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, subpci:nas, executions, . attachments, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, . LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, to Ac. JOB PRINTING. W are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING PITCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, 4c, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TEEMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE TROMPT ATTENTION. Ooodlnnder A Iee, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. Q)ntiurtl from firtt pngt. who did not boo his title qulto so clear as the Senator from Goorgia' (Mr. Hill) did. Mr. Hoar (Mass.) also spoke of tho quoslionsof luw In the Eustls case which needed examination. So far his deliberation had led him to con clusion! in favor of Mr. Eustls, though he wanted to examine the caso. . Butler, the yeas and nays wero order ed, and resultod, yoas, SO; nays, 30, as follows : Yrae Mexra. Bailey, B.rard. Beek. Cerkrell. Coke, 1MI.( 111.,) O.ti. (W.V. ). D.nnli, Katun, O.rl.nd, ftordoa. llarrla, Hereford, Hill, June. (Fla.)' Kernao, Mnl'raery, MoUoneld, Mftl'hpr- .on, Herrlinon, Morgan, 'ttenua, Kaadolph. 8&ulrburr. Tburman. Voorboee. WalUe. Wluta and WllherirStl, N.y Me..r. Alliwin, Anthony, Buotb.Bruea , Burn.ldo, Canaroa (Pa ), C.raeroa ( Wii), Chaf fee, Chrl.tinnoy, Conkllag, Cooov.r, ll.wee, Dor Hy, Kdmundr Hoar, Howe, Jonea (Ner.), Kirk. wook, HrMMIan,, Hitob.ll, Morrill, Ogleeby, Paddook, Hollin., Sauuderr, Sargent tipunoer, Teller and Wadleigh 30. , The puirs wore announced as on the former vote, with the exception of that of Messra. Sargent a.nd Eulon, whiub was broken by the return of Mr. Sar gent to the city, and both Sonators votod. During tho roll call Mr. Dims (III.) inquired what would bo tho efToot of the adoption of this amendment. The Vice President. Tht question will then recur on tho resolution of the committee to swear in Kellogg. Mr. Davis, I volo aye. , Tho Vico President having an nounced the result of tho vote being equally divided, the Chair voios in tho negative and declares the aoiciidruont lost. A POINT orOKDEH. Mr, Thurmtin. I riso to a point of order. I am compelled to challenge the right of the Chair to voto on this rosolution, Mr. Edmunds. To such extremities havo wo como at last. Mr. Thurmun said if it were a direct voto upon the question of seating Mr. Butler, instead of a vote on an amend ment to anothor resolution, he was quite sure that the Vice President would not have the right to vote in rase of a tie. This was a very inter esting question, and he submitted that the provision of the Constitution that ihe Vice Prosident shall not vote ex cept in case of a tie did not apply to the seating of a Senator. The other provision of the Constitution that each Houso shall be the judge of the elac. tion and qualification of its own mem bers loft this matter entirely In the hands of the Senate The question must be decided by the Senate itself, and the Vice Presidont could not vote in caso of a tie. Tho Vice President whs not a purt of tho Sonate, but simply the presiding officer. TTo was not olected as a Senator. Mr. Edmonds said if the whole of this affair was not somewhat exlra- oadiunry, this latter move would cap the climax; however, it was in keep ing with the wholo affair, so nothing could bo said on tho point. Tho Con stitution provided, without limitation or qualification, that tho Vico Presi dent should havo the casting vote. If the proposition of the Senator from Ohio bo truo, the Vice Prosident could not vote on a bill or anything. Mr. Hoar (Mass.) reforrcd to a ease in 1850, where tho vote of tho Vice Prosident was questioned and he was allowed to vote. Mr. Eaton (Conn.), said the action of. tho Senate some twenty five or thirty years ago was taken without thought and without time for exami nation. He bad no doubt in his own mind that tho Prosident of the Senate had no power to act In the organiza tion of the Sennto. Ho would go farther and say, if any man should got a seat in the Senate by tho action of the Vico Prosident, if he (Mr. Eaton) lived in 1879, he would ask that the chair filled by such person be declared vacant. In his opinion, such action on tho part of the Vice President would be a violation of tho Constitu tion of the United Slates. Mr. Edmunds. The Conslitulion notwithstanding. Mr. Eaton to Mr. Bdmunds. My friend is witty and satirical, but be will find out this is not a onesided thing although boforo he gets through with it. Mr. Allison. Suppose the Vice Presidont had voted with you ? Mr. Eaton. That is a supposition my friend has no right to make. We have learned during the last three days that the supposition is not tonable. Laughter. Mr. Tburman said he made the point of order for two reasons. In the first place, he wanted to call the attention of the Senate to the question, which might sriso at any time, and, In the next placo, he did not concur in the views of some of his friends to the effect that the Vice President might have abstained from voting. If that officer had the right to vote it was his dutytovote. However, he (Mr. Thur man) had achieved all he dosirod In calling tho attention of tho Senate to tho matter, but, as some Senators thought ''sufficient unto the day is the ovil thereof," he was quite contented to withdraw his challenge Vice Presidont Wheeler said he had carofully considered the question as to his right to vole in the eases where the volt of the Senate wat equally di vided and he bad no doubt of hit right. Aftor what had fallen from the Sena tor from Conneoticut (Mr. Eaton) he would take occasion to say that as at present advised he would exercise that right in his discretion. A MOTION TO RECOMMIT. Mr. Sanlsbury submitted a subsli lute for the resolution oi the oommit- teo, reciting at length various charges mado by Judgo Spoffnrd against the returning offleort in Louisiana, the legality of tho Legislature which elect ed Mr. Kellogg, and that Mr. Kellogg bimsolf, whon Governor, joinod in illegal acts with tnah returning officers, and therefore, providing for the re committal of tht wholo question to the committoo on privilege! and elec tions, with inslruotioni to said com mittee to Uke testimony in regard to such charges. Mr. Saulsbury, in support of his amendment, argued that it would bt an act of justice to ont of these con testantt to take this testimony, that tho Senate might know all tho tacit. Mr. Wadleigh N. n jsnid tbs com mittee bad what teemed to It good reasons for refusing the request of Mr. Spoffnrd to take testimony in regard to tbcio charges when lie made such application to the oommiltoe, as it' would have led to further delny, and tho subjeot hud already been thorough ly investigated by Congressional com mittees and was boforo the ooinmitleo on thousands of pages of testimony alroady taken, therefor they thought it best not to delay tho case. Mr Hill G argued that tho qnes. tlsn keA .arj.looortarn beavinc, lie heur him, and the country should hoar him, that Judge Spofford appeared be fore the committee and in the presence of fJovernor Kellogg and'in' (no pres once of his counsel, niadu tlistinct charges that the Returning Hoard eountod In members ol the ruekurd Legislature for tho purpose of electing Kellogg to the Senate, and thai Kel logg himaclt was one of the promoters of the fraud; that ho bud uccobs to the board to carry out such fraud, and it was carried out. ': lie challenged any ono who votod in the oommiltoe against taking testimony to point lo any testimony in all tbo Louisiana in vestigation heretofore mudo bearing upon tho points which Judgo Spofford alluded to. ' Whon Judgo Spufford road to tho committee his fourth charge as lo the complicity of Kellogg with tho Returning Board in illegal acts, Mr. Kollogg got up to Win issue with him, when, Mr. 11 oar, a member of the committoo, objocled. Mr. HpofTord did not muke his ohargo behind the door, but suid he could prove it, and so far as any testimony having been taken last winter on the subject of this fulse charge, Judgo Ppoffurd said facts had recently como to his knowl edge. Ho did not want to reopen the quostion of the electoral count, but he did want Judge Spofford to have an opportunity to prove his churgos. The Legislature never did anything else but elect Kollogg, and the whole fraud was concocted by him. When a direct charge of personal fraud was mude by one ol the contestants In tho presence of the other, it was tbo duly of the Senate lo allow him to tuko testimony to see if he could provo it. Mr. Wadleigh said ho had listened to the furious spcecn ol his fiiend from Georgia with a good deul of interest. because it showed how great a noise could be made about a small inattor. Ho thought Ihe Senator from Georgia was not justified in stating all that he bad stated. Mr. Wadleiuh then re ferred lo lbs toslimony taken by Ihe Sonalo committee, of which Senator Howe was chairman; tho fit irons' committee, of which Senulor Sherman was chairman, and the Field and Mor rison committees of tho Ilousoof Rep resentatives Ho urgued thut ibis testimony covered all ihe essentiul points in the case, and for that reason the committee thought it best not to consume lime in hearing more evi dence, r- ir f u i ..i.. r , t, -UI..WU. ....j investigations made hy theso commit- ha, ot 0I)j, di9Sokedi Uissinlegratod tees, and said thut Judgo Spofford by u, ((w1 Mmipl r,, slJ t10(?o.. himseirut first was not in favor of lak- Lrnnl0t whit.h jt t op gono uUt.ry ing any more testimony, and ho was!t0 .,iere()i blll lha wh()lo 8uie b . certainly fumiliar with all tho circum ' oUed ron) th tl)ievoi Xhe honoHt stances, having been of counsel for the Rl.pbii,'nt of South Carolina are to- ucmocnu.o party w..u o. t,,vr. committees. Judge Spofford had set up no substantial fact in his request In lake toslimony, but merely said ho in tended to prove so and so. What ' court in tht universe wouiu tane sucn an offer? Pending discussion at 8 10 p. m. Mr. Conkling moved that tho Senate tako a recosi until 8 o'clock. Mr. Patterson (S. C.) moved that the Senato adjourn, which was agreed to Yeus, 20; navs, 27. Messrs. Davis, Conover and Patter son voted with the Democrats in the affirmative, and the Senate thereupon djourned until 12 o'clock to-morrow. JUDGE STROXa. We think it would have been belter for Judge Strong if he bud kept silent like all tho other ol the eiijht members of tht lato Presidential Commission, who did more lo bring permanent dis grace upon tho Republic than has been done by all tho lories since the days ol the revolution. Judgo Strong, whon be was trying to frame an excuse for his purl of the greatest crime ot modern times, never thought that tho very means used by bira to screen himaclt from wrong in tho Louisiana case, would only lend lo reflect more clearly tho awful duformt ty ol his conduct as to both Louisiana and Florida. Judge Strong, as well as all the othor of the eight, whose names will go down to infamy, is not lo be judged by what ho did as to Louisiana alone. It is whathe did asto Florida aa woll as Iouisiuna. Had there been no Florida to this mutter, then, although no honest man could for moment ac quiesco in the Louisiana. Infamy, still the character of the r.ioiiT, for coim fcnn.would bo teutotally damned for all time to come. Judge Strong says that the rights of tho States demanded the action which the commission took in refusing to go behind the certificate of tho Returning Board of Louisiana. Very well. What did you do with Florida? You rejec ted tho certificate wbicb came to you duly approved, sanctioned, and autben licated by tin Supreme Court of that State. How did you do this? leu did it by going behind il. Tho very thing that you refused to do when you came to the case of Louisiana. You went back of the certificate and under took to determine the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Florida in the matter of the election of Presidential electors, and yoa actually reversed the Supreme Court of that State on thai most vital question, to wit: Its power to adjudicate on the question of the election of its own Presidential F-lec tors, a matter which You uii.d fa f he cate of Iiuitinna to be A pvrxly state matter. If so, what right had you to settle the quostion of the jurisdiction of tbt Supremo Court oi Florida upon a purely State quostion 7 Had not the Supreme Court of Florida a clear right to declare their jurisdiction over a subject tnatlor which yon declare to be parrfy State matter t You certainly do not bold that State rights do not altacb to the action of ku judicial tribunals of final resort in mat ters which you say belongs exclusively to the Stale. If so, wore you not trampling upon the Stale, whon you undertook to say to their Bupreme Court that it had no jurisdiction on this subject J When yon say that tbo Su - preme Court of Florida bad no Jurisdio-1 tion, and thus reject the elootort re turned by them, did you not clearly annul her action T What moro direct attack could you possibly have made upon the State of Florida than to say that her Supremo Court has no juris diction over a purely State matter in which it had decided that it had no Jurisdiction, and by your decisions reject the elector who came to you endonwil by the Eunrome Court, and fooled. Lotus aav to Judifo Stronit! that the less that he attempts to de fend bimsull, as to tlwnarl which be took In a tribunal destined to eternal infamy, the leas notorious will hi part of tho crime become. When Judge Strong can enthrone infamy upon the seat of justico, when he can uiuku brur.en inconsistency and chicanery take tho place in the world of con sistency and uprightness, then, and not till llion.osn be make a satisfactory explanation, oven to himself, of allow ing what bo fears was a fraud, to suc ceed as to Louisiana by refusing io use tho very moans used by him and his notorious confederates on the com mis sion, in order locount Florida for Hayes. We aro sorry tor Judge Strong, and moro sorry for the judicial ermine of our own honored Stale, wbicb be has so signally disgraced. Well, bowover, will it be for him if to hereafter keeps silence about a matter that be can never attempt to defend r palliato. Any attempt of Judge Strong, or any other ot thu Judiciously infamous right, to excuse their conduct in this matter, will only accelerate their progress to that eternal doom which in tho end will lorever overshadow them. When lime completes ber list of the unjust and wiikud judges, in tho "U " column will be too nil thu name of Stuoao, and in the space for remarks will be found, " RtatD ONI WAY TO CABBY FLORIDA FUR Uayss, and directly tub otuir way to carry Louisiana mi uim." York Oatettf, A PEACEFUL REVOLUTION. So quietly, though steadily, has it been going on that the Nortb can scarcely reulir.e the political revolution which has taken place in South Caro lina since the reuongnilion of Govern or Hampton. iivoiiiiions never go backward, but this one has been re troactive as well as progressive. At ihe same lime that it has completely transformed the political complexion of the Slate government it baa reach ed buck over the durk period of car- pel-bug rule and remorselessly swept its plunderers into the penitentiaries thut stood ajar to receive them. Such a spvclat'lo was never before witnessed in this or any other country, and it will stand nut tor generations to come a terrible warning to those who would set the law at defiance and still hope to escape its certain retribution. Con- sidor what tins in linlf a 1 ' . .-"ivear. The Chamber an I.eir nature (, workin), hand in-hand with the r,.niiw,rte tn r.,.i,.r a .nH . noniicul administration of public al fairs, as glad as the latter to bt re- it)Vod o( the n0ubus ol extravairano. and crime under which their fair State so long lriy groaning. In the last Leg islature there were sixtoen Jtepubli cans in tho Senate and fifty-nine in the House. By convictions for forgery, briber' and downright theft, this num ber has been significantly reduced. Ot the sixteen Republican Senators, ten, including tho President, have resigned, and of tho vacancies thus created six have been filled hy Democrats, while but thirty lour Republicans now hold over in tho Houso that once numbered fifty-nine. Thus the people ol the Pal metto State have made the completion of tho reforms they have instituted a certainly. Still moro significant of their purpose, bowover, is tho rest IcssneHs with which they have follow ed up the plunderers whom tbey have dethroned, with the punishment de manded by their crimes. They have not pandered to the unholy sentiment which would class bribery among purely political offenses which 'ought to be overlooked in a policy of "recon ciliation," but resolutely upheld the majesty of tho law and enforced ita execution. It will never be forgotten that, although upon all the juries be fore which Curdoto and Carpoiitvrand Smalls and the rust of the Chamber lain ring wero tried, there were men of both races and different politics, there was never a division on either line, but in every case a prompt und unanimous verdict (J "guilty." Bright is tho future which now opens before the State where thieves do not go un whipt of justice, but are stricken down with its iron band. In half a year it has purified its temple, driven out the monoy-changors, and secured a Legis lature pledged to carry out its honest will. Yet It is this redeemed Common wealth to which unscrupulous Repub licans would deny lawful represent lions in the Senate of the United Stalest KELLOGG aND JUS CLAIM. If the man whoae claim for scat in the Senate as a representative ol Loui siana were not lbs notoriously unscru pulous wretch that be is, the Kepubli onns who appear in his behalf would be in a less humiliating position, worth less as bis credentials are. But the story of plundered Louisiana haa boon given to the world in all Its sickening details, and it familiar tn evory news- paper reader. There is no psrt of that story in which the name ot this carpet bag adventurer does not appear in a discreditable light A leech that fas tened itself upon the State in the be ginning of its trials, ho ia the last to drop off, though gorged wltb tht spoil of hit victim. Aa Foderal officer, as Senator, as a Federal officer again, as Governor and at claimant lor Sena torial honors a second time, he hat nev er relinquished one good thing nntil his hand wat upon another, and either the national or the Stale government hat always bad to foot tbt bills contracted by hit greed and ambition. Backed by the army and navy of tho United Slates. formally placed at hit disposal, bt acbioved the leal of holding a Gover norship, to which bt bad never been elected, over t people whom bt devout 1 ly halod and hat publicly branded as thieves and assassins, although forced to eat bit words. 1 he lust years of bit official life wero devoted to paving tho way for tho preposterous claim that bo now presents to a nauseated coun try. Packard was to be Governor by fair means or foul, and Kellogg was to be Senator by f'uir means or foul. To this end the great machinery ol fraud, invented with the ingenuity of the devil hy the carpet-baggers, his children, lor the jwjrwlualino. of Jhx'r Twer, !yj studiously inflamed ; the negroes were organised into secret societies and drill ed in lying; Executive. elcowncy was made a political perquisite ; jail bird, and black-legs were com missioned to leglstur the voters and roceivu ballots ; repealing was made a trade whose profit was impaired only hy the num ber of people engaged in it ; bloodshed was courted as a means of inflaming thu Nortb ; the affidavit mill was kept in perpetual motion lo supply the in creased demand for outrages, und when, in spite ol all, a Democratic Legislu lure was fairly elected a Republican Legislature was counted in, in contemp tuous defiance of a law that, literally exocutcd, waa broad enough to cover almost any species of rascality. The man who was at the bottom of all this deviltry, and for whoso sako jt was done, it William Pitt Kellogg, lor whom Mr. Conkling and Mr. Edmunds havu now taken up tho cudgels, because they want bis dirty vote in the fight they are making against reconciliation and reform. But if Kellogg's character is notori ously bad, his claim to a seat in the Senate is no less contemptible from a legal point of view. Pinchback was rejected, and yet Pinchbeck's title was infinitely belter than this man's. The as semblage culled a Legislature thut went through the form ol making Kellogg a Senator came into existence for that purposo, and when thut purpose was accomplished so far as it could accom plish it, tbo body would have given up the ghost without more ado but for the lact that tbey were kept under luck and key by Packard's police and fed with Packard's victuals in order that bis share of the spoils of office might be secured. As it was, the alleged Legislature never performed single Legislative function ; there is no trace of its existence on the statutes of Louisi ana. Packard signs the credentials, and when was Packard called Govern or, except by courtesy ? Defeated in the election by a majority ot thousands, he attempted to set up a government of which the bogus Legislature was a pari, but bis jurisdiction never extend ed for a moment beyond the dirty rooms in wbieh that body sal and tbo sidewalk in front ol the building guard ed by the police that prevented dis solution. He was never owned as Gov ernor by iho courts or pcoplo ol his .Slate, or recognixed as Governor by any branch of the Federal Government for any purpose whatever. In the lan guage of Mr. Conkling when be was in a different frame of mind from that now exhibited, "be stands utterly nak ed of any species of recognition Irom any department of the government or from any representative of executive, legislative and judicial power." On the contrary, Nichols, who certifies Mr. Hnofforil's election, haa b n in tbo uninterrupted exorcise of Ihe executive function from the day of bis inaugura tion to the present moment. M r Pack ard's certification is wortb no more than the paper on which it ia written, and but for the straits to which the Republican party in tbe Senato is re duced it would never have received serious consideration. Sore as those straits aro, howovor, and blindly par tisan as the Senate has shown itself lo ba in these latter days oi the extra ses sion, we cannot believe that there will not be found Republicans wbo will unite with the Democrats in giving Mr. Spofford the scat to which he was elec ted and showing the Pinckston claim ant that bis impertinonce is understood as well by tbe Senale as by tha people of the United States. If not, to much the worse for the Republican party. Phitahtpliia Times. Tni La so 1st or American Farms. "Miller & Lux aro said lo bave 700, 000 acres in all in California, an area nearly as great aa the Stule of Kliodat Island, There must bo at least 400, 000 acres in one body, running in a strip ten or twelve miles wide and six ty miles long fiom Hill's Ferry south ward. Tho canal farm is, therefore, a vory small proportion or it, Itiscov. ered with farm bouses as well equip ped in all respecta as tbe canal farm. They own about 80,000 head of cattle, and last year their new-born calves numbered 25,000 head. Ol sheep they have a vast number, as well as of hogs, and tbey furnish tbe largest sbare of fresh meal for tbe San Francisco mar ket. Tbey can atart a herd from Kern county and drive it through to San Francisco, and have good pasturage on their own land lor tho cattle to feed on every night on the route." Stockton Independent. Sendhim Along. Tbo Philadelphia Timet says in tbe event of Kellogg's admission aa a Senator from Louisiana ho would "hardly have time to turn around before the penitentiary tailor will bt ready lo take bit measure." s era Too Late. Tbe Radical party baa profited loo long by tbe presence ot Patterson, Conover, et ai, in the United Slates Senate lo begin at thit late day to call them bard names. H'a ingrati tude I God made man to go by motives, and bo will not go without tbera, any moro than a boat without steam, or a bulloon without gas. There's a divinity that ends our shapes, aa tbo young lady remarked whose bustlt accidentally eama off in the street. Alexander 11. Stephens litis tbe beam at ninety-right pounds, and is gradually working up to par. At between Hayes and Conkling, tht Senator Irom Main ia believed lo bo for Blaine. It we were in the Hon. Stanley Matthews' place we would go and join tbt Turkt. Tba Christian Union calls Conkling "sad specimen of misapplied energy.' "Petroleum it an anti-spasmodio" especially wbon used Ibr kindling fires, JhUutllmtM. & nnn i. aot ...Hy earned In these tlaea, but Jk I f It ean be made la three atoalba by any ,M one of eiiber eel, la any pert of the onuutry who I. willing to work .teadily al the em.luyieenl thai we fiirai.b. ttt per week la your wo Yuu eeed aot be aw.y fr..ia home aight. You hb glf. yuur whole lime lo Ihe aork.i.r ooly nothing tn try lha bu.lo.-a Tern. .0 1 11 OuiSl free. sdJree. al unea, H. Ilai-Larv A Co., April IS, 1877-lye 1'oni.od, M.ias. LITIltKSDIJU. I, good, will b. Mid for CASH only, r In elrbeoge fur produoe. No bfioka will be tpl In Ihe fuluret All old aooouat. muat be Mtled. Tboae wbo 'annul aa.b up, will band over tbelr note, and CLOSE THE RECORD. f an determined to aall my food at cub prion, aod at a dieeoant far below that ever offeraJ in tki vioinity. The dtaaouat I alio my oaitonaera, ill make then rlob la twenty year It (key lullow my advloe and buy their food from . I will pay each for wheat, ont and clover m4- IMNIKL UOODLANDKK. Lutbenliurf, Jaauary 17, 1877. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDISMERRELL IIu opened, (n a hulldmf on Market atrret, oa tbe old Weera Hotel lot, nppnaile the Court Hon la Clearfield. a Tin and hbeet-Iroa Menu factory and Store, where will be found al ell tinea a full lla or nOTJSE FTOOTSimTa GOODS, Stovos, n&rdv&ro, Etc ilnua Spout log and all kind of Jb work, repair iaf, Ac., done aa abort amine aod at reaninable raue. Alao, agent for tbe Singer Sewing Machine. A supply of Machine., wllb Keedle., do, al ways on band. Tarn., atrletly eaah or eoaalry produce. A hare of patroaage solicited. 0. B. MERRELL, Suu.riatead.Dt. ClearSald, April IS, UTT-tf. REMOVAL! JOHN McCAUCHEY Would reapeatfully aotify tbe public generally tbal fa baa remorod hi Uruaery fitore from Hbaw't Ruw, to the building formerly ooeopied by J. Mile Kretser, on heoad atreet, Beit door to Blgler' hardware etora, where he Intent keeping n full line of uiiov i: it 1 1: h. UAM8, DRIED UK HP and LARD. SUUAR8 and SI R UPS, of all gradaa. TEAS, Sraen and Black. COFFEE, Roaat.d aad Qrarn. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cjmkd mi ITS, All hind, ia tbe mark.t. PICKLES, la jara aad barrels. SPICKS, la every forgo and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, Al.l KINO) OK CR ACKEHK. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES. DBIRD CHERRIES, Co&l Oil tai Limp CUmaeys. And a goad aaaertraeal af tbeae thing, anally kpl ia a grocery etora, whirb ba will aicbaage for Marketing at tba market prioea. Will Mil for oaah aa ebaaply a. any other one. Pleaae e.11 and aea bla stock aad ludce for youreelf. JOHN MrOAUUHKY. Clears. 14. Jan. I, 1177. THE TIN SHOP! RIWIVG MY0W MUIIHE! FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. I, PIK'S OPERA HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa. Reepetfolly Inform, bla ca.te.aere, aad tb. pah II. la general, that be eonlinwe. ta aaatiafactare all hind, af TIn.Coppor 4 Sheet-Iron M arc. Of Int-elae Material oaly, aod lo work rait a like ataaaer. ROOFING and SPOUTING doea aa ihort anitee and rery reasonable lerta. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES AND PL'RNACKS atwav kept ta tock, aod for le low. Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specialty. Oa. Fitter., alw.ya en hand. All work guaran teed ta gira aattafaotioa. A .bars of public patronage cordially eotlrltd. FRRD. BACKKTT. Clr.rf.eld, Pa., May t, 1ST?. . Save Your Cash G. C. & T. W. M00RE, (Saaeeaoon to " S. Bbowere.) BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, ROOM No. t, PIE'S BUILDING. Tbey are aow reciting a eheloe lot of the stylet af Ladles and Onla Dreal Shoe. aad Doote, together wltb s large lot tf PLOW SHOES, Ac, Ac, suitable for workmen aa tb. farm aad la tbe Tbey Itrila special atleatloa ta tbelr .lock of Cents' Furnishing Goods, All of which wis ba sold at rale, al hrarable tbey eat ba bought .iHwbera I. tbe maty. A sun af Iba palroaag. of tbe publle Is re epeelfolly solicited. OEffc C MHK. Ttm. W. MOOR It. CUarteld, Pu, July II, HTf-Jm. SfliSffUatuou. rf ERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, tove Lining and Fire Brick, bept oooalaiilly on hand. STOVE AM) EARTHED -WARE Of KV'KaY DESCRIPTION! I'laher'e Patent Airtight Heir - Healing b rruit lauai UTTKR CHOCKS, wltb 114.. CREAM CKOCkrJ, MILK CROCKS, ArrLK UUTTKK CHOCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, PL0WER POT8, PIE DISHES, BTItW POTH, Aad a great many ether tbtnga too numorou. to eu.nlluo, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner ot Cherry and Third tftreet, CLKA KP1KLD, PA. au. a. r. a ri.1 14. a. a 'cork lb. p. rkilbbui. GILICII. MeCORKLE & CO8 (Oaeoeeoor ta Jbo Uatloh). POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market street. Clearfield. Pa. W annurao.ure all kind of Parn.ture for Cfaaaihtre, iMuIng Kooma, Libraries and Halle. If yoa want Furniture of any kind, doa't bay an til yon aee oar etork. i mi:kt akixj Id all ta branehaa. We ht-s-p in atoek all the lateet and most iinrcrel Colfina and Cxket, and heva every ftv-ility for prtpttr)y eon darling thi branch of our buinut. We have a patent Cori-ie I're eerrer, in which tolie oan ba preferred fr a eon -uterjble length of time. A member of the firm hai hli dcrning apart ent at our wan room, where he ean be fuunJ b.t any peraoa who come at eight for the purpoae a procuring eoOoa. Ul'LICH, MrCOHKI.K k CO. Clearfield, Pa., May 10, '70 ly. JajEW fi.oi k ffi:i, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Room Nov 4, Pie's Opera Houm. Cleardeld, Pa.' Kep constantly oa bind Sl'OAK, COFKKK, TEAS, SODA,! COAL OIL. SVKt'H, SALT, SPICKS, SOAP, Canned aod Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, Can dles, Cider VinegarButtor, Egga.Ae. ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of whleb win be Mid cheap for each ar is esohange for coaatry produce. A. U. KKAMKK a UU. ClmrS.ld. N. IS SULPHUR SOAP. A Sir. run o Rkmedv rot Disuses and iNjruu of the Skin; A Hialthful UfACTIHE OF THE COMPLUIONf A KUJABLB MF.AM OF PKIVKNTINO AND JUlievinu Rheumatism and Govt, and an i'niquatf.d disinfectant, deodo a.ZEl and L'ounte Irritant. Glenn Hulohur Soar, betides eradi cating local dUeaAc. of the aktn, haaihra de lects ot trie complexion, ana imparts to K (ratifying clearness and smoothness. Sulphur lUlthn are celebrated for earing cruiKiotu and other diseases of the skin, as well as Rhea man un and Gout. Ulrnn Siiltur Noap produces the same eilects at a most trifling expense. This syimirable specific aUo speedily heals jots, hruiuit tcaldt, iurnt sprams and cutt. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used In the skk room Is disinfected, and diseases communicable by contact with the peraoa, pr created by iL The Medical Fraternity sanction its ase. Prices-25 and 50 Cents Per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes). 60c and SI. 20. N. BL Buy tba Urf cattee end thenb emMcmze. SwU by tJl UruHguu. "HILL HAIR AND WHISKER DYE," Blt&rai ar Brwww, A Cewaa. C I. fUTTEJTOl Prop'r. 7 Sixth k.I.T. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OII.S, DYE STUFF VARNISH KS, ' BRUSHES, PRRPUMERY, FANCY 800D.- TOILET ARTICLKS, or ALL KINDS, PURS WINES AND LIQUORS far mod loin a! parpoaaa. Trusses. Supporters, kkaal Book and Btatloa ary, and all atber artlele asaally found la a Drag Store. PlITHICfANfl PRRACRIPTIONB CAR! FULLY COMPOUNDED. Ha via a larva aa aertoaee la tba baakaet ibey aaa gira aalara aas leraetioa. J. O. RARTHWTCR, john p. irWht CUarteld, Daoambar It, 1ST4. ' " i I GLENX'S iSfflljIlfOBI. pIIEAP GROCERIES I TL.-..I...I 1 t.llUli.D nrmr. n . and patron, tb.t he k.. oper,.. , , d ., OROlkRIltS A PHOVIKIllVu I. .1 I ol Kirk A aptaoor, for wbieh be eollelu a i'if. , patronage. H. W SPKNCKK re., eierea zo.if J. r. WB.rBa-H . tXRARFlKLD, PA., Are egerlng, at tba aid .tan. af O. L. Reed A Co tbelr stock of, euaiiatiag of- DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE. VII'fcKNBWAKE. FLOUB, FEED, SALT, 4o., io., At tbe Bost reafonabte rata for CAHH at la eiebenge fur Square Timber, Boards, Sliinglei, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE .BAdraneo. made ta thoa. .nr.... In at. Ung out aquar. timber oa tba mnai ad.antagraua pdiijuiia JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN. FRENCH VILLE I I ata aware thai then ra some Mnoii ItitU hard hi please, and 1 an ales aware thi th ooupleiut of "hard time" 1 well aigb ueit-ereel. out uaio situated now (bat 1 ean satisfy tbe former and prove ooneluatvely that "bard timtV' will aot effect tboaa who bur their aod frotn mm. aad all mj patrun shall h Initiated into tbt eret of (IOW TO AVOID UAIiD TIME.S hare good enouah to euni.lT all the inhaM- laota la the lower end of the county whirb I tell at eineeding low rate from my mammoth ature ta Ml'LSONIiL'kH. where I ean atwaye U found ready to wait upon ealler and npply them with Dry Goods of all kind, Bach a Cloth, Satlnetts, Cailimerea, Muellna, ueiainee, uaea, Drilling, Caheoea, Trimming, Ribbooa, Laee, Headj-made Clothing, Boot and Shoe, (lata and Cape all uf the b-n material and made to ordet Hose, Bock, U Lotos, Mi tuna, Laeas, Kibbona, Ae. GROCERIES OP ALL K'NUB. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Hioe. Molawea, Pih. fait fork, Linseed Oil, Ftih Oil, Carboa Oil. Hardware. Queen ware. Tinware. Caatlna. Plow aad Plow Caattngs, Naila, Spike. Cora C alt t va lors, Cider Praises, and all kinds of Aie. Perfumery, Paints, Varnltb, Ola, and a g-nrat assortment oi stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alway oa hand, and will be old at tba loweat poasibi figure. H. McClain'a Medtelae, Jayne'e Medic in ra Hottctier'i and Hooland'a Bitter. aQOt pounds of Wool wanted for which tbe highest price will b paid. Clovereaed oa hand aad for sale at tha loweat market pnoe Alio, A rent for Strnttonrille aad Curwenaville Threshing Machine. ifuCall and aee for youraolree. Toe will Hod everything amally kept ia a retail etora. L. M. COUPRIET Preoebrlll P. 0., Augast II, UTS. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Raooeaaor ta Boyatoa h Toang.l FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Maaafaetarers af i'OETABLE 4 STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of foarth and Piae 6 1 recti CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING on ft gd la tba manufacture f a ret last MACHINERY, we raspaetfally inform ta publle that we ere aow prepared la til all order as ebaaply aad aa promptly aaa be doa la aayaf the eitkes. We maaafeetar aad dita Malay and Circular Saw-Mill Head Block, Water Wheel. Una fling Pel ley t. lifford' Injector. Steam Oaages, ftuam Whistles, Viler, Tallow Ceps, Oil Cap. Oaoge Cocks, Air 'ochs, Olob Valve, Check Valves, wrought lisa Pipes, 8. earn Pamps, Boiler Feed Pumps, AntU Prtrtloa Metre. Soup Stone Peeking. Outn Pack- g. and all klt)de uf MILL WORK : together with Plowa, Sled riolee. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. and ather CASTINGS af all kind T Orders solicited und Hied at ity price K letter af Inquiry with reference lo machinery of oar man a fact ere promptly aaswered, by add ras ing a at Claarleld, Pa, Jan 174-tf DttlLKR. YOUNG A RKRD G ROCKRIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (8acaaaeor ta LTTLI. MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL DEALER IS CHOICE LINE Of TEAS, OOLOIfilS, JAPANS. IMPERIAL, TOUNli BYRON. ENOLIrill BREAKFAST Pareat la Market. BUTTER AND tUOS. Will be knit and sold at liot eoet. Caih paid l.r Country Prod woe. ..ERMAM CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS nan. Maeherel, Lake llerrlag. Cod, Aa. riCKLEa. ami PUklea sad Raggab Piaklea. loocm amd rattii. riaw, Oan MaaL 01 Meed, A a. laa. I, II. JAf. B LTTLK