She gU publican. Uioaoi B. UoouLANurn, Editor. CLBARPl ELD,r. ' WKDNKSDAT WORNINti. IKO. IJ. IS7T. Raader. If you want to know whet It jilnj oo In tbt naitnesi world, Just reaJ our aitvertirin. eolnmnB. tha .VpeeiiW enlumn In parlleular. MAXIM! rOR THE OAV. !?it maa worth; tbt nfnnn of President ehmilil be willing- lo hold tl II counted in, or plaeed there bj anj frnnd. V S. I oonld never bare boon reconciled lo tlie ele vation be tb. enielleat aid of nine or pernio, however' reepeelahle III private lir, wbo Mil forever enrr? upon ble brow lha iiamp of fraud flrt triumphant la American hialorj. No aiio eequent action, aicrllorioua, can waih awajr tb lallara of that raetird. CnAKLita FftKi:ia Anaua. Vndar lha forma of law, lluiharlurd II. ila.ia. baa boon daelarad 1'raildrnt of tho United Sialca lllatitla raall upon diafranohlicmonl of lawful votara, tha falaa aarOBeatra 01 ina raiuruing urn. Aera actinr eorruptl.r, aud the deoiaion ol a oom rotation whioh hna rifured to bear rflilcnre of el lend fraud. For the Drat time are Iba American neoola ounfrooted with the fact Of frauilulrnttr. elreted Prerident. Let it nut be undrrito.'d tl'Bt Iba Trend will be lllentl arquleared in be lliv eouotry. Let no hour paaa In wltlcb tne u.urpa tiun ia forgotten. Annnraa or Dbmochatic M. C.'i. Ooe bomlred aeara of human de revile atcu mula.eil aad concentrated intii a onmni ot oritur. Nerer Mala in Ira hundred jearo .ball tbee hare nn opporluoll lurcicat me wrong. Dakikl W. VooaiiKa. I wonld rather bare tha endoraemcnt uf a quar tar ofa million of lha American people than that of tha UuiiUne Heturoing lluard, or of toe Cum. minion ehieh escludcd the facta and decided the nueilion on a technicality. Thob. A. llcnnalCKB. In Ilia Seat. Senator Illume re turned to his aent on Thurxduy hint. Hon. John M. llarlan, the now A aocinted Juatico of the Supremo Court, km eworn Into offlco on tho 10th. Adjournment. noth Houses ol Con gross have agrcod to adjourn on Sutur dav, the 15th Inst., until the 10th ol January noxU A Costlt Lamp. Tho explosion of coal oil lamp in a cigur atoio, at Mil lorstown, Butler county, on InstThurs dav ninht. caused a two hundred thou aand dollar fire. Louisiana in the Union. J. B Eustia, tho other Senator from Louis iana, was admitted to bin scat on the 10th, by a voto of 49 yens to 8 nays. Tbis puts Louisiana in the Union again alter an ahsenco of sixteen yearn A Svmpatiietic Jumik. Judge Humphreys feared llmt the authori ties of South Carolina would persecute Senator Patterson if lie would remand him. Ilonee he discharged him. An Shylock would say: A righteous do ciition, a most just Judi;o. Two Rabcau. What they think of the late dicker for tho votes of Patter aon and Conover, at New Orleans, in thus stated In ouo of their papers "Two great parlies lod by great men in tho United States Smute sitting ull night wrangling, fighting, lying, and bargaining lor tho possession of two rascal, ia tho sorriest spectacle over wuncBsoci. " Stbono Lanouaoe. Tho editor ol the Wilmington (Del.) Gazette, wh lias known Judgo Humphries Irom hie youth up, speaks out in this plain way Judge Humphrey! oertalnly nu.t have been drunh when be delivered bia opinion In Ihe eaac ol aeoator fattcnon. If ne waa not ilruna be la too mnch of a parttian lo ait aa a Judge, and be waa drunk, aa we auppoaa be wal, be ougb. to be pnt out of cflca. by long aa bo la kept mere, eny thiol, ll na ia a itamcai, may noid a Beat in the Senate errore frm aricit end puniib mrnt, Tbia action of Judge Humphrey! will eiUrinca the .cople thai J'atterion u n guilt Radical Astonishment. A Hadical editor comes to ths score In this wuy "Stanley Matthews, '.oo, can voto with tho Demncruls in cases of groat emer gency. A Mr. Kitznimmnns, on an repentant rebel who has not accepted the 13th, 14lh and 15th amendments. nominated by tlio President s Mnrehal of lieorgia, has been confirmed in ox ocutive session, Matthews, Patterson and Conover voting in the affirmative Can such things be and not create our special wondor." Sknd uim up. A New Orleans tolo gram says : "Democrats assert thai Kellogg ui not to escape punishment because he bos succeeded In getting Ihto tho Senate. They say that an investigating committee is still at work in Louisiana, and that enough evidence lias already been procured upon which to base fivo Indictments ngainst Kel logg for alleged misappropriation ot public funds and for peculation, etc, which Indictments they claim to bo- licvo will soon be returned." Don Piatt says: "Stillson llntchins aaid at ono time last week that had he started tho Post lust winter ho would not havo cared who made, the return ing boards ol the nation, ho could have bossed tha presidency hy simply mar sbaling in buttle array tho phalanxes of applicants lor portions in tho now enterprise He had sufGcient foremen of the composing rooms lo clean out the regular army, and the editorial as pirants would bavo smothered the navy providing tho sickly sight ol water waa removed." The editor of the Washington Capi tal, In view of the number of divorces that wore being granted in that city, recently, began to fear that Ibo while race would soon become extinct. Dm having examined tbe court rocords on both sidos, be says : "Hy actual count we havo discovered that for each di vorce caso In our local con rut our clerk issuee two marriago licenses. Ilonee there need be no fear that the Caucasian will play out as Tar as the District if concerned." It is therefore not likely that llio Federal Capital will decrease in population during tbia gonoration. SoUNtn.r Democratic The legis lature of North Carolina lias Demo cratic torco of eighty-two whites and throe colored men in the House, against thirty-thrco colored and two while Radicals, and twenty while and no colored Democrats in tho Senate gainst ouo white and fivo colored Ral cals. There are twa vacancies in the House and all in tho Sonato, with ono independent Sonatnr. On joint ballot tbe Democrat, bavo 107 and tho Re- fWioens forty-two. Democratic major- ity.sixty -five. Radicalism is decidedly oolorod In tbe Senate. It Is only a few years since it tttui decidedly JladlceJ Till': SILVER lill. I.. ., ,. ; ' . u i Imuii tht voto taken hi tliu ben- .. .... ., . ,, i nln im 111. i rnUor In . nx il is fall-. cJ, ill ils various sluw. tlii Inr, tlio yniH mo about lnrty und mo nnvn oijjlilucn, uikI tlio Imlanuo, oijjliluiii, a ro dodi'i ur paiivd. The atli-nipt ..I U- tl.At-r;!! nil '1'KllMiti.V In I. Ill ii... lit Hi,, ink ..f .,..( n follows: (Tho names of the Demo, cruts are in italic.) rcAe. Antbuny, tUton, Morrill, HiiluliD, Hnmdnlpk, fill, Itollioi, Kellogg, ftBigrent, Lnmur, Wa.llrigb, Jc'Aeraoa, H'Ajle-IS, !.AVB. lercurif, Iocean, Itoav, Ogla.hy, Ingalll, Paddock, A'JIitlfna. I'alleraou, .'nee, t'tn. Plumb, June, Ncv, HuMum, klrkwuud, Saunderii JMA.Mifd, Teller, .lrlVecv, raunaON, Mutibewi, Yimlitrt, JA.ry. Iv'.itfi.ce, MtrrimnH, Win.lum, Mlichcll, U'iiac,-u. biekne, liurn.idc, Chriilancv, Uawva, Alllmn, fut'ey, fleet, lluulb, Cameron, n il. tmllee, Mi. 'aril. HI ii, ir. r. WI, perry, (l,.rj, ttarrii. Messiv. Conkling, Hoar and Sauls bury, who would have voted in the unintuitive, were paired with Messrs. Armstrong, Cockrill and MtlliHtin, who would havo voted in tho nega tive. During roll call Mr. ullaco (ra.) said his colleaguo (Cameron) wus pair ed with tlio .Senator from Maryland, (Dennis) but as lo how either of them would voto ho did not know. Mr. Thiirman said ho was paired on ull political questions with the Sena tor from Vermont (hdmuiids), who was dutuined lit his houso by sicklies. Ho (Tbiirmau) did not consider this a politicul question upon which tho pair should bo observed. If any Senator thought It was, ho would withdraw bis vole. Several Sciiatorn (Oh, this is not a political question.) Mr. Morrill snid ho did not consider a Politicul Question, but bo had doubts as to bow his colleaguo would voto. Mr. Why to said he was paired with llio Senator from Alabama (Spencer) on tho Kuslis case, but nothing was (aid whatover about the silver ques tion. It was finally agrood by nearly tho samo voto as tho above, that tho bill should be tjikon up on Monday last. Tho voto thus fur indicates a two- third voto for tho measure in tho Sen ate, should Mr. Hayes interpose a veto. CLObki.v Interkhtino. Tho Phila delphia Record, in alluding to Wash ington affairs, says : "Tho admission of both Kellogg and Butler to seats in the United States Senate leaves tho question of political supremacy undis turbed. Tho Democrats, however, will gain a vole when Mr. l'ustis is admitted from Louisiana, as he un doubtedly will bo on tho fuvorablc re port of tho Commilteo on Privileges und Eloctions. Counting Senator Da vis with tho Democrats, the vole ol tho parlies will then bo lliirty tiino Republicans to thirty-seven Democrat. s matters now stund, this pals Sena tor Putterson, of South Carolina, in a position of great power. Ho can, by changing hia voto lo ono side or the otbor, carry victory ainng wun nim, unless Senator Sharon can bo porsuail- d to como to Washington and relievo bis party from bucIi a distressing pro- licamcnt. J hero is an imminent prob ability that Pattersons seat will be very aoon made vacant, cither by his voluntary retirement or by his expul sion. His piuco wouiu vis nueu v) a Democrat. It is nol among the im possibilities that Mr. Kellogg's Sena loriul carjMrt- may bo terminated in a similar manner. There is no differ, ence between him and his fellow-car pet-bagger than tb'a that he is tho big ger rascal of the two, and deeper and inoro dangerous." A Gallery Incident. The Wuh ingtor. correspondent of tho Pbiludol phia Accord of the 31, says: "While Senutor Patterson was delivering that speech last Friday afternoon, bis wile and daughter sat in Ibo gallery which is partitioned off for members' fami lies. Hy an unwitting performance on tho part of an usher, a parly from tho Lxocutivo Mansion, including one of tlio President's sons and two ladies, wore placed in tho seat alongside of Mrs. Patterson, instead of being seat ed in tho moro cxclusivo diplomatic gallery. Bows of recognition wore exchanged by tho ladies. Mrs, Pat lerson endeavored repeutodly to open conversation with tho White House party, with no lurthor success than to receive polito attention and mute re sponses in the way of intelligent L-liinces and modest Kcslurea. Alter her husband had mudo one ot his points against the administration, Mrs. Patterson, addressing the lady next to her, tried to elicit some word indica ting appreciation or approval, which was responded to by a significant touch of llio fingers to the lips, as if to say : 'My lips are aeuled as to to that. There was no subsequent commnnlca lion between tho two parties." Chicaoo Again Heard From. A dispatch says: "Tho directors of the German Nulionul Bank, ol Chicago, decided alter business hours on the Gib itist., to go into liquidation, and ac cordingly issued to tho depositors a ard staling that in llio ordinary course of business the bank had July I, 1877 11,157,000. Since tlintlime their cus tomers had, for various reasons, reduc ed tho amount to (182,000, which la iho total liability lo depositor. They t luim abundant assets to pay every dollar to depositors and have a band somo surplus." Of courso all broken banks pay all ihey owe. But should a bank having a million and a quarter on deposit in July, havo but $182,000 on bnnd now, if it did a legitimate bu siness. Kei.louu. The editor of tho Wash ington Capital, Don Piutt, ia not much of a Democrat, but ho despisos mean men nnd low tricks. In alluding to tbo now Senator from Louisiana, he sayat Ai Kellogg- known lo a former generation in der lha name or Old Brlodle Bill ao nailed by tha lata Henatnr Nye hai hern added te Paltar eon, it would be well la bare an arrangement made wilb Ihe criminal ennrt nf the Dlitrlet, aa na lo ancura n writ of aa'ieei corpse at n momoal 'a notice. It ia a Utile nekwerd to hare lha peal tenllrey tharlng wllh the tienate s Hen upon Hmalorfl. 1 biB being Ihe eaee, we Iruil no tlmi will be lull in making lha above arrangement niberwlee Iba tre t nartj thai eared tne Union, treed four eailllone ef Blarae, nnd made Oram adminlilratlnn polllble, might be without a -)rliy In tha senate. The tmtb and irony can be extraot od from tbo foregoing when we think ol Sawyer and Patterson. A SutASiii DtrimiiN. In his opin- ion (in llio 'uttcrinA(ifrt! (Winn i-iimo, , , ,. , ... , ' , , Jml''(i IIiiniiiliri'yH iloiidi-H Unit houlli " . . 1 J Curoliim liuii not tuu liowt'r to vacate Scmitui I'littursnn't cnmniiiwion, ami llmt tlio Suimto in "legally, coiistilii tioimlly, muitilly und inlellwiiiully cu putitattiil to ilispojo ol' tlio qnooliuii In ul,i",u """L.' : .1 ... aeJeTejee. if. - . intelligence, but llio question Is whether Judgo Humphreys was not "legally, constitutionally, morally and intellec tually" capacitated" Waispono of thin Allien corpiiK case bufore the Conovcr- Putteinon fiasco in the Senuto during the extra session ? Looking at the caso in its entirely, ono can still see a shadow of "that carpel bag mine," It would seem from this Judicial de claim llmt it mukes no difference how much fraud a of Pennsylvania, or any other State, commits in securing bis election to tho United Stato Senate, and ia smart enough to got into Ihe District of Columbia beloro ho ia ar rested. There be can claim his sena torial privileges and his crimes go un whippud of justice. However if the members of the Senate are willing to associule with criminals and out-laws, wo presume that outsiders need not be come too sensitive about it. At least,not until a majority ol thut clues of men get seals in that body. .Hinkw in the Field. Those friends ofjudgo Sterrntl who have been try ing to bull Judgo Agnow off iho track, liuve fuiled in their object, Tho Bea ver Artus and Radical saia : "We teel authorized lo any that our distinguish ed townsman, lion. Daniel Agnow, will bo a candidate next year for re nomination by the Republican parly to tlio Supremo Bench." That paper adds : "It may bo proper to stale in this connection that tlio Insinuation!- thrown out, perhaps by interested par ties, and repeated in a few of our ex changes, that Judgo Agncw's lioullh has tailed or ia seriously impaired, arc utterly unfounded. On tho contrary bo re tains nearly, if not fully, all the exceptional physical vigor as well as remarkable industry which character ized him when elected to tho high of fice ho has so ably filled." It is said that Judgo Stcrretl will again bo a candidate for the Republican nomina tion, llolb have been tried in the bal ance and not found wanting. The Colorado Contest. The House elections commilteo took a finul vole on tho Colorado caso and a report de claring that Patterson (Dem.) is untitl ed to tho scut wun authorized by the votes of Messr.llurri.,Springor,Chand lor, Cobb, Williums, Turney and Kllis, total, seven (all Democrats). Messrs. Thornburgh, Wait and Ilickock, Re publican, will present a minority ro port in favor of Bolford (Rep), and slill another report will bo submitted to tbo Houso by General Cox (Ohio), taking tho ground that there was no valid election, and hence neither par ty to tho contract should be admitted unless duly chosen at a new election. Mr. Cox has bit the nail on Iho head. If the elections of Colorado aro as crooked as tbey aro reported to be in iho election ot congressmen, let ineir members bo Rent homo until the Leg islature fixes a day. Mad all Over. The Chicago TVi- bune, one of tho lending Radical organs of Iho Northwest, ia dreadfully angry at B'atno becauso be paired off wilb Grovcr, of Oregon. Tho editor breaks out In this way : Mr. Blaine. If he waa going Into tbe pairing buiineia, ehoold hare foraeil llrovar to pair ofi nilb Sharon, and let tbaaa two wen, one fearing Ibe . ffeot ol bankruptcy anl ue otnerol arioerr, cTeet each other. Hie audden outhnrit of ehiv airy ii luiulcioiia, to aay the lean, and aeeda aume explanation, leat tha pnbiie arnea at tbe euuclunoo, ni'twitftitenmng nil incatneai ilea onitraiioni, that be la not particularly aoxinui lo aava the Rquate from falling In DvmocraUe band a" Well, Senator Grovcr and tho lost of tho Democrats can certainly stand a cnudle-lccluro ol this character, il the gentleman afllicled wilb "thealri cal demonstrations" can. We hope ibo editor of tho TribuneTK'M nol blamo tho gentleman from Maine for all the crookedness now boing enacted with in their party line. It is always best to bo liberal. Bcrnhidf. Overboard. Tho Sen ator Irom Now York, Mr. Conkling. docs not propose to take any doubtful chances in the committee on com morco, and his band is plainly visible in its rc-urrangemont. Ity substitut ing Jones for Burnsido he obtains com- tileto control, wilb a majority that will never fail to back him in bis con test with Mr. Hayes. Conkling, Spen ccr, Jones, McMillan and Patterson are formidable names for Hayes and Kvarts to contemplate, and they will rculito at once that a committee ia constituted will not be likely to show them many favors. We presume Gen. Burnsido comprehonda affairs. But if ho docs not, we rather suspect that this culling will open his oyes lor bin.. Clemmee on Butler. Mary Clem mcr is tho Washington correspondent of the Boston Herald, and having heard so much about Gen. Butler, tho new Senator from South Carolina, put herself in a good position to look at him all over, nnd after scanning him she remarks : A man wko looks like a lamb rather than a ileriroying angel a bandioma man, of good height and Igure, aeeming a refined gentlemen, wilh fine, gentle feetnrea with a general nepaet el extreme amiability, lie moro nonner aoutn em nor Northern, bnt aimply n gentleman, ft Ii eaay enngh tm naioetata him with bonaebold lover and Ruoday eoatyil oolebretioai with maa neeer. Yet IbiB la Ur. M. C. llatler, nf Mouth Carolina. That ia a vory good photograph of Gen. Butler, and Mary being single, Mm. Butler bad bettor keep an eye on ber in the futuro, because she la so very amiahlo too. Upside Down. The party cater wauling in the United Blutes Sonato for tbe past three weeks bus boon tory exciting at time. The Idea that the Democratic fold should at any time contain Mr. Conover, of Florida, Mr. Davis, ol 111. Mr. Matthews, of Ohio and Mr. Patterson, of South Carolina, ia one ol the wonders of the age. But it is true. These Senator voted with tho Democrats on tbo confirmation of the Confederate FitEsiminons, la U. 8 Marshal, of Georgia. If rnlterson had been released by a South Carolina Demoerallo judge, all tho Republicans would hare howled that that was the prico of hia vote for Butler. But aince Republican Judgo at Washington released him, no one of blf late accpsen will aay that this waa the price nf bla voto for jtellogg, ".S77MHVV, ATC" Thu drift of I liu Scuntorial tide In apparent wlion we lake Into voinMer atiun I lie fail llmt Filasiniiiniiis, nn ex-l'oiifoileinto and outspoken Puiihi crut, iiominnti'd liy lluycs for Marnliul of liiorgiu, waa cuntirmcd hy tho Son. ate, by a majority of llvo after a very .... ..... .m..,.. ., i i. . ,.. wi i .-... ' .lie" .Ai.,.1' 4 Conservative Democrat, w as strongly recommended, and even the Republi cans auid they would bo eulisfjed with hia appointment, but .V,t.jr.i. .l Stephens and Senutor Gordna and the Doinocrntio Congressmen generally liuiii Georgia pressed Filaaimtnoiisand ho wus appointed. The judieiury conimilleo repotted him unfavorably to llio Sonato, and Conkling opposed him : F.dmunda followed in a like fierce slruiti and Hour spoke in u gentle tono lon'ards Hayes, but against l'iusim inoiis' confirmation. Tlio discussion lasted nearly thrco hours. Senator Gordon and lldl wcro the only Demo- oruts who spoke. The voto on tho confirmation was '22 for and 17 against. Many Senators woro paired and mnny wore absent. Judge Davis voted with the Democrats, but throo Republicans voted in luvor of llio conlirinuiion, namely, Messrs. Mutlbowa, Putterson and Conover, and tho victory rested with the Democrats. So it looks as if the Senate was not inauch bad almpo alter ull. Aguiu. -This vote shows also, thai lliat the members havo "pitirod" until there is bnroly a quorum present. .. . .... . . How Different the Tunf.. While Conover, Patterson ti Co., were doing the bidding of tbo now doud Morion It Co. they were patriots, but now hav ing turned their bucks upon thoir Re publican allies and aided the Demo crats of tho Senate in cortain prelimi nary steps toward tho scaling of M. C. Builcr as Senator from South Giro, linn, il is astonishing how quickly the oyes of honnrublo Republican Sena lore and oditors have becomo open to the true .character of tlieao fellow As we write, nothing is too hard to suy against Patterson and Conover Tboy aro thievos, they are carpet-bag gers, they aro trading politicians, Ihey aro unworthy iho toleration or coun tenance of bonost men. Wo are heartily glad Hint '.his clearness of vision has coino to our Republican friends. Il now appears that Putter son will go down lo Ibo infamy which ho has long been courting, followed by llio cordial and unanimous kicks of bolh parlies. After awhile, it may be thai some people will learn that the political adventurer cannot be trusted Kellogg will teach tho Republicans another and a final lesson. Gone to Pot. So many of Mr- Hayes' appointments, made during the Summer failed to be acted upon by the Sonato, during the special session which losed at 12 o'clock the 3d. Many per- sons hold t hat ihey can not be acted it poll at iho regular aession. The Pittsburg Telegraph, in alluding to tho question says: "Senator M allace la ol the opin ion that the President may rightly re nominate for appointment tho names for tho New Vork Custom House which wore rcjoctod. This looks aa though at leant a portion of the Democracy would now like to vote for their confir mation." Tbo Democratic Senator will always voto to confirm appoint ments when tho candidates aro fit men for the positions to which they aspiro. Conklino'i Black Kte. Mr. Hayea has retaliated on the Senator from Now Vork, and Mr. Conkling will be com- polled to wear bis black eye, or if he persistesin bis course he will got anoth er. Ton days ago, he succeeded in manipulating his committee so as to repoit tbo appointments with a nega tive recommendation. On Thursday last, Mr. Hayes acnt tbo very same names into the Senate as follows : Theft Roosovcll to bo collector of customs, district of Now York ; Edwin A. Mer rill, to bo surveyor customs, port ot Now York j L. Bradford Prince, to be naval officer, port of Now York. Now- then it Mr. Conkling wants his other eye colored let him go a head. i . Oliver P. Fttarimmoni, nn ek-Confelerete and Democrat, waa nominated hy Preridi-nt lleyes aa Marlhal of Oeorgia, on Ihe reenminendntion of A. H. Slrpbeni and Senators fought to deleat the nomination nut n eoantlon ol t'atterion anu con over with Iba Democrats earried him through. Thai wmi ate Irrt vielorj In tbe Reneta. Wo find the foregoing scrap in all our Rudical exchungu. The editors In question seem to think it ia all right to steal a President, but they esteem il awful crooked work il Ihe Democrats occasionally gobbh) np a fat appoint- menl in the reconstructed States where very few of their numhor aro able to furnish ibo proper bond. Friends, don't commence lo growl so aoon because there will be more of tho aamo sort ol thing done between this nnd harvest time. Still Troubles Tiiem. Tho ghost of tho eleotnral Banquo will not down at the bidding of the man who engaged in tho electoral conspiracy. Tho Now York Herald publishes a statement thai tho South Carolina Ruttirning Board committed k fraud in counting tho votes of Edgefield and Laurens coun Ilea by which the electoral voto ot tbe State was given to Hayes It is again reported that the title to tbo Presidon cy will be tested in the courts and that the alleged frauda in Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina are to be fully in vestigated. We give the rumor for what it ia worth. Frank'! Around. The Washington correspondent of the New York Trib vnt slates that several Pennsylvania Republicans called on Secretary Evan on Thursday to nrgo tho appointment of Gun. Frank Roedor, of Pennsylvania, to thcconsulgencrulshlpof Paris. Tbey wore Inlormrd that change bad not, been definitely delermlnod upon. Home. body cheatod Frank out of the Radi cal nomination for Auditor General, last Hummer, and ho basboen unhappy every since and will not be otherwise until he gcU an office. Alarmed. Mow since Uon. Butler of South Carolina has been admitted to bissrRt as a Senator omc,of tho "bloody slurl' patriots havo hecomo very nerv ous, for roar be will opon I Hamburg massacre lit tbo Bennte and kill off Conkling, Blaine, rt nf. We hope Sena tor Bruce, tho oolored member from Mis, will administer some aoothlng syrup to these excited white brethron so that their nervous system may not become too much shattered A WAaiiiMuriiN (Ihiiah. A iiuw Till Nioiir Skkhhih. The alt llumooralio daily joiirinil, rnlillnd thoi iiiton corrospomlcnt of the New York Washington Pott, made ll appearance' Tribune, in alluding to the all ni'ht in that city lunl Wodnemliiy. It starts jsiesioii of the Senate recently Hay: in with an UMiicoi' 10.1)00 eoplea. , Tlio stuffoonsiataolStilUoo Uutcliine.propri elor; John A. Cut U ot ill, managing ed itor j A. C. Huell, editorial writer, and Messrs. Aikin und Murks, assistant. adopt the pian, so long practised by certain influciiliiil newspapers, of pur chasing news from outside parlies, wjneb will be a new fout lire in Wash ington journalism. Mr. Hutch ins. is roully the mukur ol tho St. Louis Re publican now tho leading puper in tho South West, and Mr. Cockorill, is the gentleman who put tho Cincinnati Kit quirer on its foot, und has made it one ot thu leading Duiuocrulio journals in the country, wbilo Messrs. Huell, Aikin and Murk are uiiinng tlio foremost po liticul writers known to journalists. Tbo paper has a good send off, hut Washington is a bad place to keep up a purty puper. It contains too many ollicu holders, wbo as a class, pay lesa to tho support of newspapers than any other class. This ia the experience of orery newspaper proprietor in tho country. They expect the moat and pay the least. Tbis principle ia adap ted to all latitudes aud localities. The New York Jterald interpret! tho efforts of the Republicans in tho Senate to seat the carpet baggem Kel logg and Corl in a really nn assault on Mr. Hayes. Il says : "The Democratic Seutttors and their allies are fighting his battle. His with drawal of tbe Federal troops from South Carolina and Louisiana was an indorsement by him of ibo validity ot ibe Hampton government in thu ono aud of the Nicholls government iu the other an indorsement not only of the Governors but of the supporting Leg islature. Mr. iluyus' recognition ot iho Democratic Legislatures ol South Carolina and Louisiana was a conces sion ol llieir legal right lo elect Feder al Senators. Il is loo clear for argu ment that if Mr. Hayes waa right in accepting those Legislatures aa legal, Ibo Souulors chosen by them bavo au ineoiiteslible tille to their scuta. Op position to their admission ia an em. pontic condemnation of the action ol tho President last spring. A Good Photooraph Tho Wash inglon correspondent of the Boston Post, was present at the recent all night Session of tho United Stales Sen ate, and during tbe whole night kept bis eye upon Iho Senators w ho remain ed in thu chutnber, and drew a photo graph ol each us he passed around. To show bow well he ufidorHtauds his busi ness w e clip llio follow ing from his long luller : It waa three o'ot.ick tn Ihe morning and oa a leelhorn luenge la the eoraer at the outer angle ol the touts a wan Ilea atrelvbed at full Unalb. n4,ipuig. wilb hi baud acroai iili eyei, ihieliing th.m liom the gieie of ibe gee-light. He il tel.. angular and buoy, but airalgbt aa an arrow. Tbe taeo ia aVoLh-lriak. the heir la .hurt and aaudy, Ihe it Uf elle whuken are red il.b umwa, th ie a a are blue, the liui are thin, tho moulb wide, etraigbt end empreied It i. VVailaoe, the lead er ul ihn Peaaalrania Demeereey, and the neat political menager In that great polntoel Blele. If any body else can draw a belter photograph of (he Pennsylvania Sena lor let them try iu " 1'he hand acroaa bia OVea." etc ia'enmplntei kmrm at bomei and would havo passed current with out tho name. Senhiri.c View. To the Radical op ponents of the pacification policy of the Administration in the South, a repre sentative Southern journal says: "If tho people of tho North insist on keep ing war wounds and war enmities open and festering, good I Whatover rule in tho matter they lay down for them aclvoa they lay down also for us." Pres ident Hayes could not have a more complelo endorsement than that. Af ter more than twelve years ol Buffer ing the South again feels that sho ia something moro than tbo alavo of tho North, but it is perfectly ready to act fairly in all things, if fairnosa is accord ed. But it ia no longer ao weak as to return kisses for blows. Tin Radical Scare-Crow. There arc a few thin skinned Radical editors wbo atill wave tho bloody shirt, trying to frighten fools and children. Here ia a aamplo oi the atuff we see floating around In somo of our Radical ex changes. lUtnnton Preiidist, Jeffbavti Minliterta Boa land, aonlkern eoldiera added to tke neniion rolle r tke Union eotdieri stricken from the llele tan aa euttoa refunded, eeiindietiiin of tbe nationel debt, or Confederate de it included three are a few of ihe inviting nrepnui of a loiid B ilk. All felee. ll II I ail, and uoaribly yoa will have lue nat.furtuoa ta rea otticrwlea. The editor who palms off this stuff on his readers, put! a very low esti mate upon their Intelligence, or, he is awaro that they aro bigot, and easily frightened by relating ghost atoriea. It's All out Now. Tbe prophetic St Louis Globe which doesn't like Mr. Hayea one bit, and congratulates the country that he has only threo yeara and tour months more to servo, said in Monday's issuo: "Four years from to day General Grant will send hie ninth annual intuwage to Congress. This in lormaliou ia given to our reader! in alrict confidence." Well, if that ia no the Radical banda may aa well begin to play the third term tune. Tiiey Took the Hint. The Harris burg Patriot, says : ''Senator Wallace has given Mr. Hay oa and Mr. Sherman an Idea in finance qf which bath make good nae, Tbe former reoommends the passage ol Senator Wallace's bill providing for tho iaaue oi a lour per cent bond of email denomination! to onable workingmou and others to In vent their savings in a aafe Interest, bearing security. The latter approves the idea in bis report" Too Bia A Bill. According to the report of Secretary Sherman, the total receipts of tbe government during tbe flecalyear wblehonded Juno 30lh, 1877, wore 2C9,000,5SO v3, End lb tutal ex penditure lor tne same time 238,G60, 008.93, leaving tbe surplus of receipts over expenditures $30,310,577.69. Two hundred million! ia enough to spend bcoeuee ai long as the Ogrernmonl does not eeonomiso It is not likely that tlio oitlnon will. Sending, Tiiem Back Mr, Hayea on Thursday lust aont a long list ol ap poinlincnta into the Sonat,o including the iiRinae of nearly ill of those rejoo ted, He evidently want! the Senate to do It again. The ad interim Prei dent, baa got that body in such I posi lion that he can afford to be a little saucy and yet not be considered rude. he bo some of the leadori oo the hip, and they just about now realiio It. "Tito grave Senators took thoull niht session 'variously,' i iiiiriuun lino Wallace kept awake and ulort, while Wudl. igh and Conkling kopl guard at mcttiior: Tho colored Senator, Mr. Bruce, lay for a long time flat on one of the solus in tho chain her, and snored I'ke a fog born. When il "lis necea sury for him to vote, ho wus shaken! into semi coiisiousuess by tho nimble page, but never before his nuiiio wits passed on the roll. After rubbing his eye liko a sleepy school boy lor a low minutes, ho would stumble lo his scut and wait until he could vote, and then stumble buck to bis sofa, and go on with his snoring as though nothing had happened." Mr. Bruce bus thul ofu all to himself. Ho bus greater priviligea than any other Senator in that Chamber, notwithstanding bin race and previous condition. Till PiNcnuACK Steal. Our read era will reunited that a Jow (Jrleatis negro bung around tho United State Senate for a number ot years, during Grant's reign, trying lo got into that body. Finally, bo withdrew from the eon tost and remained quiet. Recent developments allows thai be was paid as a Senator for throe years, drawing the salary duo Mr. Ktisli. The I'hila- ilelpbia Times in alluding to tho fraud says: "Hue ol tho tunny tiling about iho case of Senator F.usti. of Loiiisiunn, ist hut tho commilteo on privileges and elections decides that he ia only entitled to consider himsell a Senator from January 12, 1876. How they reach this remarkable conclusion is not stated. Mr. Kuslis was chosen in 1873 for the term beginning on March 4, ot 1 hut yeur, and if he ia entitled by Ihut elec tion to the beneflta of any part of the term, which will end on March 4, 1879. he is entitled lo all. ll apHiur, bow ever, that Pinchbeck got all the money lor the first throe years, so that, as fui as the profit aro concerned, it is a pretty fair divide." Only Half Done. Harper's picto rial man boa prepared a large chair in tho current issue nf tho "Journal of denization," as Morton's sent, only hall ol which seems to bo filled by Mr. Voorbees, his successor. The arttsi destroyed bis rich design, by omitting a pair of crutches used by the deceused statesman. The attempted burlesque ii a doud failure. Morion's career, Ilk that nf ( 'ol lax mid Oukes Ames, had bi tter be covered up. Good lioys will never adopt the tuelies of these polili cut freebooters, as no parent would like lo be compromised in that way. Tho Eastern war doe not attract half tho public attention, just now thai iho Toledo, Ohio, poslmaslership docs. That which waa al first a personal fight between, Dowhng, inside and Reed outside, now urruy hulf of the loyal citiiena of that city against "the government," which wua a very sinful thing to do a few years ago. But then everything seems lo have a ragged ,!; on the times., nnd wo aro thank ful that ll ia as well with us aa it is. Hi is a Frai'D. When the Demo. crate in tbe Wisconsin Legislature a couple of years ago made a bargain with somo of the Republicans to defeat Senator Matt Carpenter, they voted to put in hia place Cameron, a man who has helped Kellogg into the Sonato. Carpenter never would bavo voted for Kellogg. Cameron will in tho end cheat himself worso than anybody else. Eventually ho will havo no frienda in either party. The Federal Bank Account. The United Slates Treasury now holds 1345,274,550 in United Slates bonds to secure the national bank circulation, and $14,373,000 to secure public de posits. United Stales bond deposited to secure circulation for tho week end ing Saturday, $344,0110 ; amount with drawn, $70,000 ; national bunk circu lation outstanding currency notes. $319,642,374; gold notes, $1,432,120. Partially Patriotic Tho Phila delphia 7'i'mrjsaya : "Stanley Mulhowa 'rose above party' long enough to hel Fitzsimmona through. This look well If bo keeps on in tbis way he may be a formidable candidate for the Ohio Senutorship yet, notwithstanding llio Democratic majority in the Legisla lature. Hayea can write to K wing to stand aside aud be elected Sieaker." A Terrible Death. South Ber wick, Maine, Dec. 6. Hon. John II Burleigh, ex-member ol Congress for the First Maine district, and President of the South Berwick national bank. waa killed last night hy his horse sheering off a bridge over tho Sulinon Kails nvor, falling a distance ol twen ty.flvo foul. The carrlagowas wreck ed but tho horse was uninjured. Ordered to the Front. A Wush ing ton telegram says: A mong iho Fed oral troops ordered lo tho Rio Grande are four companies of tbo Sixth Artil lery, which have been stationed at Car lisle Barracks, comprising 138 men. 835 men all lod havo just been order ed to tho Texas border to proscrvo the peaoe in that aeotion. Adhered to hii Faith. Tho cole. brated Confederate Cavalry loader, (ion. Forest, wbo died recently in bia last momenta ordered that no other shroud should be put on him except bia Confodorato uniform. Now it will be in order for Gen. Kilpatrick to is see a similar order. lion. Alexander (LFtephens Uftid to bt lh Autocrat ol the Ilouae; hir wisdom as ft utatoamKn nd liU long PongresslonalcAireriecurprthtrn wlmi r ror hfl win 1 1 oi doie by tbt Ilnuao ; there ure Tow men In thin country who could be (runted Ith uucb MnHmltcd powef. Ex-Qovernor Hondiltkn hai gone hack tu bis legal work with ibo old Kent. Ho sayii 'l am glad to find lliat I run eanily In barnemt agnin. I wai afraiij ( bad luat ground, but 1 bellvvtt 1 hate a oltaror perooptlon of buatncM tban whou I lift It off." An OvtnaiOHT. The Jianraator In tdligenm romarka : "Ono thing liny forgot; that waa bia order to fodoral offloara to do! engago In politic. Dof ho ataod hy it or back down? Sen. In 'a aitpploment on that qneotionf CAPITAL CUI'PISdH. lien Willi". ineinber from New York,1 has Iho preliii-st wjlii in llio House,! uilh bin Ii . ul lo bear Irom, j Dr. Luring may he ti .c greatest ninUi in tlio House, but lie is not tho Ik'sI ) looking while Hoc. Walker's ii'ioul. Mrs. Heiiul or Sneneer isu rieh.rudiuNl. ! I'liiru'lv nx'irimit htrtn .Jr. ISuWinuit lH iiu pi .irnulin.i (Yum tliirt u'ltuiii'Mlrulioii. U.i U wail- . it.S. i Hen Perl.v Poorceiiy Louisiana and i South Carolina are limiting moro in over lLi-:- rn-yrt.;t)i u nineteen. )eur on! bride over ber Ills' baby. Southern women ure soli, swaying, seductive siions. Tho Northern ones ure plum, practieul, preliy, polite pels. Both liuvo their udmiiurs, und wo ure iwo of litem. General Graul has uenl a box, in euro of Georgo W. Cliil Is, Philudel-1 plnu, containing ull llio pic-outs lie bus received front tho Vurioita cities, publiu bodies nnd others since hi ur nvu! iu Kuropo. Prohulily ho instructed Hancock lo wuli h I liilcls. It wus cither Dr. Newman oi Juck Wburloii who, upon being invited lo ride lo thu grave of his wile with bis molhor-iii-luw, allowed himself lo be persuaded, but added, "1 want you to understand thai il robs the oecusion of ull pleasure tor me." Another pusehul lumli added to tho flock. Tho delegate from Manitoba says: "Miss Bessie is tbo most beautiful woman I over saw." The Nilotic lustre of her F.gyiitiuii beauty enslaved the peiiiinieuu politician us the lustrous splemtorol Cluooulru did givut Cu'sai'. CllOOIilil) REFORM. Mr. Iluves bus shown his disposition lo reform iho civil service hy itpjioim ing Henry .Niiilurd us minister lo Ifel- giuin. lie I Iho mini who is t lin-fly remurk'thle uhoul asliintou forgiv ing uood dintieia lo olliciuls, hi il by such devices procured iwo pluvious diplomutiij appointment, but on nc count ot gruvu scaiiuul connected wilh his diploinullo career du' ing Mr. Lin coln lime, ho wua twice rejected hy u Kcpublicuii Scnulo; first, u ben re nominated ny i'remdciil Johnson lor Belgium, and second, a lien notnioul.-d hy lien. t.i..l aa minister to Spain lie is an udvcnluicr and epei-iilalor. and one ot Iho chtot poinls in bis pio-t in reer is thm dining ihe wur mIii-ii m government ug.-ul wu sent lo Kng lnd wilh cash credit ol the country lor $'.IU0.ilJU lo buy cloth tor uniform ing the soldiers, this Hunloid got up a "( Heine to sell him 2JU,(HU j ai ds' nt erliul turned out lo he worthies und rcp-cicd rebel clolh lit an exioriionuie pine even fur firet-clusn cloth, and he ottered to sluiio the pmtils with tho government ngetil. Al this innu tie wu minister to Belgium, and went to London to arrange this swindle. Fuil ing lo bit l llio iigenl, Sniilord rem hi privuie Si-crctury to Washington lo lorco the rule of these very elmlis on the government. In explanation ol' this uppiiiniineiit by llit)cs il is aid lln.1 Mttnley Matthews broke out one dui : "I suy, Mr. President, yoj'vo either gut to iippoinl Suiiloril mini-lcr lo Brussels or we ve got lo stop eul iug bis dinners " Annihor has said Ihut "it wus nol -rd Ihut oiil'Ih io huvo the mission, but Sunfold s cook." Such is civil set vice reform ! Tin: Kastkrx ir.i .'. The latest news from Ktiropc ure to the effect Ihut the Russians und lion iiii'iiiuna huvo captured Plevna. Os man I'ushu surrendered uncolidilioiiul ly. Osmuti wus wounded on Iht. lOlb und surrundueuil aisoi alter. Thin is a much heavier blow to the Turkish Kinpire thun tho loss of Kur, in Asia, und wilb tho loss of bolh llieso grutid entrances to Ibo Kinpire, llio Turks win ho compelleil lo uo lor peace, or double their diligence iu llio lighting line. Tha Russians boiiiirin full command at Kars and Plevnu causes great re juicing throughout the Empire, and particular in the Provinces o! Soma and Roiimunia. It these tleleuts lead to a speedy peace we shall he ugrccutdy disappoint. ed. Thul hlnod enough bus been shed, und crime sufficient commuted lo np- peast' any civilized nation, is well known, but Iho Turk is now whul bo wus many yeara ago a " bloody Tin k." The First Note The Nashville (T.tin.) liiifriciin says: The flist $5 bill issued by the iioveiiiment, known us greenback money, turned up not long since iu a deposit of thu Third Nulionul Bulikol Nashville, being let ter A. No. 1, dated Washington, March 10, lHGII. J. K (.oodu'in, the teller, culled attention lo llio fuel, and the note wus sent to thu Treasury Depart ment for ideiitificulioii as the original $5 issued. The bunk wus answered I hut il was, and Iho officer and diruu tors iinmediulely decided to present if to the Tennessee Historical Society. K, D. lIick,eorolury of the Cominer ciul Insurum-u Compuny, had the note put lit an elcganl trume, with glits on bolh sides, nhowing tlio buck us well us tho face of the nolo, and the hill, thus secure from wind und weather, will be proaoutod to tho Historical Society. Queen Victoria now dislikes crowds, and ia nervous on Slate occasion. gfU) gifJmtlsrmfats, IIVERT BEK KRKPKK PIIOULD ItRAD THE AMKRICAN I EE JOURNAL An ale ar.t .10 f ajre Mnnili'y d-toted la PrirNTirio am ctcal baa Karri He. The moat mroraaiut anl capt-rienend live Mailer ia Am-rtea are il nfular eorrerpnutlenta, is Ibe 0'l, itryetl and bKsr libit FAFGR IS TUB WORLD) Two 1'ou.Aaa a V1h. Vpeuimea Cupy lu ell Addrt-aa, Tai O Aiwmah 4 Htn. Dee. U, 41 74 W. Madiroa Hi. rhioajro. RF.;TKttA NOTICIC Notice ia hareby given that the following ouuuia bare been examined and paMed by tne. and remain Bled nf record ia tbia office for the la ctlon of bclra, legateca, credilnr. and all other tu Wrested, and will be preaented to the neit Or phana' Court at Clear field scanty, to he bnld at the Court lluuar, ia the borough ol Clearfield, eio-mt-ncing en th 2d Monduy (beine the 1 4ib A 1 uf January. A. U. laT8 t AcMunt ef Cbrlitiana Oglea, Kieruter of the relet nf Qe-itga Ogrtea, laic of llrdy townahip, Clearfield eoauty, Fa, dee'd. Final aoeeunt of Simon Tbompa a, Adm'r of the cattle ot Kohl. Thompson, laic uf Lawrence twp, Clear lie Id euunty, Fa , dee'd. Final eeoonnt of W. D. J. Merlin. Adta'r or tho trlale (f Knhl. Fretl, lata ol lb wunly ul Cloar 410, P., dra'd. Aoi-oant nf I,. M. Fun ell, Adm'r of tba etat or raaeila Furwell. late or Fiko twp , Clerlel I eouaty, Pe., dee'd. Final aeoonnt of Hubert Lele. Trnat-o of ihe eataleuf France Liegey.lete uf Cevlngioa two , Clear I Id eeanty, P , Ueo'd. Fit! hMount of .lam llegarty, Rtioutftr of the eatate el Hubi. B, llt garty. late a Unliob tnp , HearBvlil ouuniy. Fa., dee d. Flaal aeeoeat nf John J. Pieard, OeerdUe nf Amelia (ii.rtnnnt and Mary tlormunt, minor ebiidrea ef Franela L Qnrmonl, late of Coving- lea iwp , Clear Held Lo., Fa., aco d. flecond. partial recant of flea. B. A Adaat W ra ter, Hi real era of lb" aeta al Uro. A. VYe-ver, late al Brady loecibip, Clearfield eouaty, Fa., dre'd. Aee- ontof Char 11 IMnerA Bridget Italferty, AdmiaiMralor of theeitaleof John R Hatfr:v, deed, who wa tl e Admtnlatrator, of the eitab ef Frant-e m riff-rty, lata uf Fena townbtp, ClearBeld eouaty, Fa., dee d Aceeantef Pria A. Bowie A Niiam B Penplei, Admtniatratura of lha eitate of Abraham K Peup e. lata of Lnwreno townihlp, Cletrfl 4 aoaulf , ra , !, Final oeeoaetar Joan B. MoKlemtn, Adm'r ef tha aetata of Juha MeTevWb, Uia of tlulieh tap CWarfle'd Co., Fa., dee'd. L. J. MOIIUAN, Iec. M u Klter Reoordy. ilfir ilvcitlsfinfiits. OflARLES 0. LEIDT, ATTORNEY AT LtW, Omnia Hill-, Ck.rlMI Co, Pe. I.eJ l.tisln. ra of all kin I. aitenled to Pa r lloiiiar Mili-niuin p. d Iu (lie piueuring i f tiuuutiei, pen lme Ac. 21, 177 ly .. moMiiia ul ike al. ' le of lha Risid- I la d Kiie II I k Coini..ny (licnile l) ni l lie old In ihrli i-IH -e e s.i'eliiek a. m.. on miNK-U.V, TIIK Zl UtY OK JtMiARY, , , ;,f'..,ir a A. P. IIOVNTON, lire 12. IS'T lt , , SVr.Mi.ol COAL! COALI! COAL!!! Tli ui'li r'BD'i tlriNrvttd Inform lh etlttoi-l nf i lertiflcltl (bail b i rvpiiird u lurnlih O'Al. uf mi fiiouOriil i.lil, io ll wliomn.r tftvt tiito m tvl, t f ' rl-i ruit.ib. lor ill prt-MM limn He wi t jii'bati'H'i ! fur dour, Itvtl, gruMriri. Aa. All order! will rt-evlva iMifnit attacH m be lie livrrt li.attiToiKMl. TUt-H. A. DUt'KKlT. Cii-at'baM, h."il (in. Bigler. Young & Reed UAVB ON HAND hie-IiurM Trotd rimer and Thre.hluj Marti In - Alu. Aver'a Patent 1'iiur-lmrae Power FitriiitTf will do will u gUfi thfiut a null. n-iiHU-d, !.. Aoj. l.'TT-if. intllMTIMTiMtM' NOTICK. Nolie I bfbj fifajn Lflttri nf Ad initilMmtirin on lb rlte of ti. H. LY TLB. In m of Lumber I'ttT, Clrftrflslit Count, pa., (Je-'d, imrinjr, bn rtnlr frna'wJ to tb andsr- igrii'd, all f i' rmi in iinMiii-d la raid wi'l !ilrne iiinke inia)vlla' (vineol, (tnd Miom bur njf olat km or iii n (.ii will (.rarer nt lb fen pnj.erljr tiiihetiili'ftted fur otilini!Ot ulthout do in. J. U. LYT1.K, A. C. TTE, CkarfirM, be. &, 1 677 .J AdtntnU'rfttnra. (1 4I'T0!VmA1I wirnt aa hfrahy Million J cd jcnin. pajrciiMPint; or in any jf wed dlmr with ibe fui on-injr pvreoa-il imprrty, Ittn ly of Win. B Cot do, t l.wrrnr tiiwniMp, eod now In p'.M-iMi-o of Jot. A. Hi4. lo wit : On burifT. one net ir,o;)j bsrneiP, one en and tin XarHn( bull, el fi ojxirtr ate jurphnef. b ma at ontf.t.U'i P.ilr, nn lh 2'lh 4y of So fiDir. I"77, and in l (l with Jw. A. Keel, on loin tntj, Hie) liirijei tJ uif trlf nt in j tu. - KM BLOOM. --rfild. VoT. 21. '7T at. N TOTICK, n Ho iba Cbarl-r of ill- la the Poor! if C, m F i-fhyo-rian Cbun-bof nion Fl- ot Clear ClenrlieM, Fa. J flfl-i eunoty. Nutlet it hrreh aiven thai apptinaiiOD hat beo mi 'In to 1 1 "il Charlfi A. Mnyrr, l'retlenl lud( ol ani'l Court . fi-r (vara m a-til an amend nit-nt In the Chnrter of lb Frfb;trian 1'hnrob ol Clearflt-IJ, tn aulbnrito and einftowcr the True iee lo burrow aionev and ecu re th eama by mortiw. WAI.LACK A KKB H, Huv. V IS;; 31 AtltitBevi. A t Di mit'M Norn u la tho Orphan Ca t of Tn lha i j doc-am matter of the Ukaifie d county, Fa. at- of tico. RCmlBI, aae.1. The iin'lereifrnel Auditor, fpoointtl by laid Court, to tnlf (liatri'utt-n f the haiaai-e re uMlhlng in Ihr lian.le if ihe Darnel li-aun. Ad tuinia'r.ilor, Ac, nf antl deeeH-cd, einoxil the narliea le p 1 1 w entilliwl (beret, biri-oj (I rea (titliwi tint tie will if for Ihe tarpo-e uf hi up. poininiciii at lh tfflee ! Mr K (i ally 4 MfCurJy, n I'lrarAeld. "n lUI K-hAV, ihe 27 TH V OF I'M r.Ml.KH, A I) at 1 nr'k r H. U M A. IIAUbKTY. Ao.lit.r. leo ., 1ST 7 .tt STOVES, TIN-WARE A X D (i AH FIXTURES. JAMES LIE IVY, llavira; porch ii-d the ptnrk nf Fred. Pack fit, hen give Bftte that ben prepared tu iainih a) bin-la uf UKATING. COOK AND PARLOR hJOVKS, of tbe brat aadlateat lmpr Ted patteraa. at rery low pMoea C1 AM FiXTi;iti:s. He ha nleo en hard, a tot of F B A C K KTB, Cl)A!lI.Llhlt.S and UA LAMPS, ol all tun.1. at uilaltc pricei. (Jmb lixiuiea i-rdered atlbort notice, to mil curt, intra. TIN-WARE. Aim, n mmr-lrte aaiortmant of ananufaetaraa Tin-were, to ertiiob be invileB tbe attention nt purcn.Bera. Kr. ut arl of Room No. . PIE'S OI'EBA ltol'r-K. JAf. I,. l.KA V, I'riinrietur. KHKU. KAl KKI T, Huu't. rlearteld, Pa., bee. II, TT-tf. First Grand Dall -or- OF THE- Universal Brolherhood. ToneoimsiN Pie's Opera House, -oy- TucsJay Eve'ns;. December 25, 1877. Tirketr. $1 ill eaeh. sale be H. K. HIAW, M. I,. OfLirtt, K. A. hAV, 1UIU T UAXIkl.9, IIAIIIIV n.M'llKH .'em. of Arrangements. I"ea Gel, I, I'a . De. a, l17 It. REMOVAL!! I hat thladay toova I ny tore laSeoonJ atreel, i (he room kaowuni Wright' Store. Id additlca te tha large atock bow na hiad, I bare received a i luge atock of new Pall & lViiitcr OoodH, In all ll-a tarieu itilee af Dry Oooda, Nullaaa, Trimming. While flooJi, Millinery A Ftacy (loodi, Carpet, OirClolbf, Wall Paper, A., Ae. It U any detertalnaliua lo continue keeping good gooJa, kiid tell I hem at the loweat CASH PRICES, And cheap atuff at elieup price will out be male a aptolelty here. It I nnneReary to enumerate aitlrlea or price, hut yoa will lad pile of good and price io ault everybody. My aipcaaei being on fount, what thy re, I eaa aril at the vara loatet price. HKURMRRll Till PLACR, WILLIAM REED, 8KCUNU STRmr, CLtAKriltLD, Pat anl. II, HIT If. DlcarEcltfcc 0 1 PATRONS Ufw fli'frtisriufntJ. QflPlMN COURT .tK. Valuable Real Estate I D V vlMa. i.f an orrftf uf ibr On.l.-i..' Cwuri of CirfliltNniv, f'nn'lv!.la rb ynti.r.l--j AiMui.iriip of th -fit f J0h8 Clri, Uta l Bl.i' m 'owBebifa, Cl.utwlii .nl7, .. i- , " . . J ' ' I I A- t o'tMk p. lb. loUiwiDf derlb, Ka'ala, to wit t All that ttTn .leo of land llula io UluulM luwiiahip, 1,'lta'flf 14 tMUAt, J. t'ouottol hy Ifciid ! Julin llalnra. Dr. Fatter, Fraiik Oioutt aod ii, H. Ulouai. aouuiniog HI ACHES, Mora or 1tn, bavin aboat atf awre aleared aod in a g-HHl ilaia of auUirtilon. Tbero it a nail bouia aod iarn aad a auia.ll oruh trd Iberten. TKKMrt OF BALK i On third uf iho pu rebate mooajr to b aid at eoiiflriiialioii of ibe aad taa italatiea ia two itfual annuMl pajasmti, wnk interval, io ba i'urad bond and iaoilftttea oa Ibe premiaea. J'IIN F.M1TH, Ail m 'r of Entata nf Joba Clear;, daea.trcd. For. if. Fa., !. IU, 1877-41 QOI KT PlttlCLAMATIftN. WnanrAa, Hon. 0. A. MTKR, Praeident Judo of tha Coart of Cobbbob Pleaf of the TwtBtj-4.flh Jadlelal Diilriet, aompoaed of ibe flfttiotiet of ClearUeld, Centra aad CliatoB aod Uoo A Bit am 0(i aad Hoa. Viacitr B. Holt, Aioeiate Jadirri of Clearfield eoaaty bnre lined their precept, te B dlreetea. for tbe bildin ofa Court of Cobboi Fleaa, Orpbane' Court, Court of Quarter Sveeioa. Ooart of Uyar and Tarnioer, aad Coart of Genera) Jail Deltv. ery . it iba Court Houee at CUerHeld, ia aad for the euunty uf Clearfield. aonaiaafliBa; oa the awond Monday, the 1 4 tai day ol January, IM1H, aud Ui euntlnae twu weeai. NOTICE 18, therefore, hereby firea, to the CuruOer, Jtjptiewf ol te.e Peaaa, and Cooitablee, in and for laid county of Clearfield, to appear is their prupor perauoa, with tbetr Raeorda, Ko)l, InquUitiuoa, Kiautioatiuni, and eiber Rem era. braneea, to du ibuee tbiDfr, wbifb to their otteaa and in their behalf, pertain to be done. liy an Act uf Aittibly, paaaee tbe 8tb day 01 I May, A. l. IM. it t made the duly ur tbe Jua tire ol ibe Feace uf ibe MTeral euuotief uf thie Coonnonweallb, to return lo ibe Clerk of the Court uf (J ii arter Beiuloni uf . the re-pective eountii'i. all the naoog uitaocee catered ioto before i beta i-y ay patraon ur parauna obarjed witb tbe 0iiBimifion uf auy crime, eioept euah Caere aa may Decoded hcture a Juettine of the Fmre, ua dcr raioiliig Uwa, at kat t-o days bt-forc tbe ooiDtarnwauMUt uf Ihe aetwioa nf tbe Court to which i lit w are uiaile reiurDablcri'epevtlfely.and in ail eanei where any rrongnitaarefl are entered into te Iban tea dtja before tbceutuuenfleuicnt nf ibe ito tu which tbey are made returna lic, the aaid Juetivee arc to return tbe aaute ta the aan.r uauner aa if aaid act bad not bcem pu4-d. OIVK?: ender ny band at Clearfield, till lOtta day of Ucceialwr. in ibe year ot oar Lord, onei tbuutaud eia;ht hundred and creaty-aerca. d.-clu te AMlhKW FKNT7,. jr. SherilT. fUCCKM rsFHKCEDKVTKD la the biit.ry U aiaiklar enterpHae bt aitenJe4 the PublicattoB of the PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES TIIB LAROKST. CIIKAPRST t flKfUIITEST WEEKLY IN THB UNION. FifiT-i eolnmna of the eboleeit readiua;, ea ti racm all that goe to make a Arat-rtaxa Itv weekly papr. JW" 1 be 11 ran I and JHninctive fenture of the WkhLLY TIMK-l.that baa prove-i an popular in tlie pall, will he continued throattbout the vear, tic A rcrioa of ehnp era of Ike unwritten History of Ihr l ate (hll War From leallne: Aeurj ta tbe Cabinet. In iba Field, in the forum. North and Houth. -Tm. f.ature of (0e P II I LA UKLFH I A WKhKLV IIMKn alone will make aoe of the mopt Enirr aiti'DC and Vnluaie nn tbe L'.S.VHITTi:N HKCokhrtOK TUB LATK w All thai baa ever ben gieo le Ihe Nation. While tbrae ntniribolioei will be free from a'l Metatrian tone, ihey wil he vrittea from tbe rati uua e'andpoin'a of 'he ratpective authon and; over their procr Bainca. Tf RMS PER ANNUM-Post ge Freer One Copy, ti. Fire tJpie, $ . Tea Copiaa. Twenty Copiea t2i. An fcTH nrY will be eent FKBB lo ny peraB am dine; $15 fur a Clan of Tea, or fie for a llan of twenty. TRYTHE WEEKLYTIMES. l)y uniting wilh a few frtenda, and akin jr. P a Club of Tenty,yoa will each get te W EKKLV 'f 1.HES fur one jmf, pottage pid hy aa, for tbe luw price of $ ti If at any lime during tha year you are .Ueti"fied wilh the Faper, ai-nd w ui an1 e will return oar mooae. THE DAILY TIMES, A flrat-tlaaa ludependrnt Mo ru big; Newa- paper. t'niveraeltr jnoI'mI b Ihe PWa end the Peas- pie a the beat Hewipaper ever pnbltohed la. fblladelpbia- TanUft Foitage paid. Bis Dollara a year, or Fifty Cenia a month. Two Cent a Copy, Addreaa Tittt TIMES, Titaee Building, Nor. J -im. FbilaUelphia. ViiqucetlisMably lha beat oMetatueel work ol i be Hud in tbe W oria." liarper'n M agnzlne. ILLUS i RATED. A'aMf eea of tk PrtM. Tbt veteran JHgnin, which lone ago outgrew III original title l tbe AVw Mwmrkty Maftii,k Bt lit tb lrat abated Ibe popularity it n at the outei, but hae added ta it ia aoany way, aad. baa kept fairly abrraat of the tinea, thank to Iba. nterpni-of th puhlieber aa4 tbe tact and aS-. don of it editor For whatever li beat and eauek remdaMe in the literal are of travel, dtaeurory and: ImioB the average reader ef to-day luuk ta. Mnrjnt' it'ionnim joBi a eipeetently aa did the reader of a century ago ; there i the aajee adanr- ble vaitelyef eoo'cot and lb eaaae tmhocaai and aujtxntivrneaa in it editorial department nuw aa ibra. ffetloa aoarau. TERMS i Po.tagr free to ail uecribera In tbe tl. H. Harper' Magailna, on year .$. H l.MJ inriudee b repay men t uf U. 8. uuauee by ibe puliliaher. Bubeenptione lo Hmrmtr Jraetae. HeeaVjf aad eflnavtr te one addreaalor one tear. 4lt.uu i ur (woi-l harper' perioiiiual to aoeaddreaa fereaa ear, (7.UU, oataga free Aa nln cupy ul ei'aet tha JLfeija. H'eel-fy or iiu3tr win be aupplted grail lor every Ciax uf Bve aabivrtbera at ! UO eaub, pat a to by ea . rcuiittaace; or. an eopte an yc4r, without eitra cupy, lur i ,00 liaca rvuiuocr can no anppnaa at any it taw. Tha Volume of the ir"i ejowaiFaoa witk the Nuoibei m1 Juue and UeuaaibuT el each venr. Wbia au time ta eooctlutL tl ta aadentuod tkat ihe aulm-ikiier withe, la twgiu with the cur real Number. A comolete Set ef Hnrptr't Mag 'tint, low eoea- pnviog tu Volume, tu uwai cloth biuduig. will be aeut by aapnaa, freigtit at cipeaae ef purehaaer, lur t2.tb ier vulutue. 6 ingle volume, by mail, putpai4 e- . t lotaca, luff biaillBg,aeeutaa my ivalt. pwlpatd. A Coiu.hie Analytlral Inlet to the Inl tftp Vulutn lot Harp' Aauaaiae hea been puhJialicii. rendering avatiaula fur raiarenee the vart and. varied wealth ul laforuiallua which emtUituiea thia periudioal a pen act literary rjoiopedie. vo, Liotn, m ve tiair vail, wza. haul poetage prepaid truoecrip'ioBi reodirea tar iiarper pertouicat unly. Newipapera are aot ta copy thia advert I leraeDt witbout ibeexpreaa order of llaaraa A Bau'a. a QiireM, itAHran nnutnann, ov. 7, 18?7-J. New York. 4 Rrro.ltrjry of Fa.hlen, Pieaeurc, an laatrtacllnal.' Ilnrper'H Biznr. ILLUSTRATED. JVoffc of tf Pros. The Brnt to tha argaa ef the fahloaabk world, and lha eipoaoderof that world' law and tt ii I authority in all matter ef manner. ettqoctte, eoitume, and aoetal habjU--9aeD rtee'r. Tha a9otor corn mead Uelf ta every atcmha? of the bout bo Id tu tba eh&lreB hy droll end pret ty picture, to the young adiae hy tie lainwa plate la at. dies variety, ii the provideat matruBj hy iu uatterna for tbo ebildrvo'e clot be, to peter- fnmUiot by it taaulal derlgnf For embrtudered. allpper ana rututtou dreaitng gown, nut iae reading matter of the Bnwr ta aaiforailyef great iceilence. Tbe paper kM acquired a wide pop ularity f r the Ara-tide ea)eyaeat M afford, an baa become an eieMlhod authority with iho laatei of America. AT. Y. ferning cel. TERMS i I'uatage free to ai) Kobacrlbera la the I'. Harper1 Uatar, one year ...$) ft ii.tit Inoludea prepayment of t. A, poetage h the publUher. l-unfcritioai io iiAwrma wauAziaa.w hlt aad BAia. to one addrei for oae year. t or, two uf Herper'a Period leala, tu erne addroi for uae year, 7 a, poiiage tree. Aa extra mpv oi oitaer tea M.aafini.wiaa LT,ur HM will oe eupplied gratif fur aver Club of Vte rabierther at $4.00 each, paid for by one remittance t or, Htx Coptetena ) ear. with ml eitra miiy, fur A2U U. p4nk Numbi-re can be lupplied at any time. The Vntunae uf the 9ar eoeamcaee wilk lh year When aa lima te mewttoaed, tt wi I bo undert'ud that the auberia-r wlahea la ana meoce with tba Numaer aett after tbe reeeipt of bia order. Tbe Anneal Voluav of HAaraa'i ntn. lo nrat elfth biedli g. will be aeat by aapr, (too f eipeate, provided the freight doe net aaceedi oae duller, for IT.atf aewh A complete aat, eaa prtttag Tea Volume, Boat oa receipi of eeth ah the raw of II li per tel., frrighl al txpenie of fiarchaeer. Clutb Caea far each velum, aaltahl far htad lag, will be aeat by mail, aeaiaaid, eo receipt of l each. Indeiet ta aavh vol a ma atat gratia ea rwlpi eft" amp. , Hubeeriptlen racelrad fbr 11ajei poriodraeJa oaly. hewrpaper are aot to teat IhU advartUimea withoat the oapreee order ai H aaroa A atae'A Addma, UAKPRatUOTll.aV Wot. T lea. efj Verm. aj(r-