i 'Satrli. THE MANSION HOUSE. I CirauorBtMidndliukrtSttMU, Srr.iTHE REPUBLICAN, gere'aa " ..r w rahralehed -h proprietor win apart paint ! rtnder hll f hmU omforWbU while iu7li wlU Hd fro ihft Dapti the rrWl ud dprtnre tHktrili. W. 0. CAHDUN, Jely 1S-T 7-tf Propritoi LLEGHENY HOTEL. ' Market Street. Clem-Urld, P. Wn. 8. Bradley, formerly proprietor of the Laonftrd Hone, baring Iwrnf tba Allgbny Hot), MllelU ahare of publla patronage, Tba Hoaee bu batft thoroughly repaired and newly farnLahed. and ranti will flud it a pleaaant atop. ping place. Tbt labia will ba eupplied with th beat of efarything la tba market. At tbt bar will ba foand tba bait winee ana liqaore. uooa tabling attached. WM. 8. BHADLKT, May 17, '76. Proprietor. Shaw iiouse, (Cor. Pt Market Front street,) CLEARPIKLD, PA. Tba aadmigaad bating Ukaa oharge of tbli Bom), would reipactfullj eolleilpabiie patronage. jam ?e v. a. g uiiijnniuii TITASHINGTON HOUSE, TT NEW WASHINGTON, PA. This hi .nil well fnralahed bouro haa beea takoa by th. uadoraigned. He feel, confidant ol bolag Ml. to reader eatiefaelioa to tboM who uav ravor hia wltb a oall. May I, 1171. - 8. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Stmt, PUILIPSBURU. PKNN'A. Tabla always aapplted with tbt bMt tbt market Born., i ae traveling pooiic iiibtik. w can. jaa.l,'7(. ROBEHT LOYD. r. x. ..sold. . w. absols. J. a. abxold F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hanker and Brokers, R ey Bolder 11 le, Jefferson Co., Pa, Money rewired en depoilt. Diaeounte at no- derate rata. Baiter and roreiga Ktcnangt ai waye aa bead and toIlMtlone promptly Bade. Roynoldi'lllt, Dae. lo, 1974.-1 j 1 County National Bank. OP CLEARFIELD. FA. T) OOM to Maeonie Building, one door north of XV C. V. WaUen'i Urtiff Htore. Paiaaga Tiaketi ta and from Llrerpool, Qneaaa town. rtla.aTtiW. Loadon. P.ril anti C7onanhTin Aire, Draft i for eale oa tbe Rojal Dank of Irelaott ana I apart al naok or London. JAMBS T. LKONARD, Praet. W. M. BHAW, Caibiar. janl77 DREXEL & CO., No. South Third glrwt, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Apptloatioa by mail will raoir. prompt attea tlon, aad all luformatioa ebaarfglly rurni.h.d Urdan aolietad. April ll-tf. Jtntlstra. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Office la Bank Building.) - Ct.rweaeT.lla, Clear tie Id Ca Pa. eh 12 '76 tt J. M. STEWART, 'SURGEON DENTIST, CLBARPIRLD. PA. (OfUe ta reiiJeooe. Second itreet.) CUarfltld. Pa., May I, lT7-ly. GREAT REDUCTION tea raicia or AKTIPICIAL TEETH. Dr. A. M. Hilli woald laforai hit frienrti and Jiatreai that be li now potting op ArtiAolal Teeth of , TBI? DOLLARS PER RET. By a aew aad greatly in proved proceia of polWh im Rabbec Plalea, be oaa aire a naoh itroncer plate with laee Iblohaeee tba plate being all erer me paiate of an aqoai iDicineiF, reniere u nob More p taunt ta the patient than tbe old lyle plataa. Ae 1 have the exoluiive right to aaa thie proeaei ia tbia county, ao other Dentiit eaa pat ap aa good platei by any other mode. eT-AU work gaaraateed atlictory.f Clearfield, June 13, U77.tf. A. II. HILLS. THC X pay (or their work before It leaTee the ahop. And ai all Beth U u the grail of tbe Held, aad tbe promtm of men are like the Bo were thereof-.they are fien ana day and forget ten the aeit tbatetert it In bait aet to traet anybody. All kiadi of work will be done ia tbie ahop for aaeb or ready pay Booti aad ehoei of all aUea aad ttylee the bait aad eheapeit ia town. I bare removed ay abep to tbe lower end of towa, ia Taylor'! row, ea Reed itreet. Bear the depot, where 1 will be found at all timet, waiting for eaitamen. All work warranted good aad obeap. Alee, nil ttiada af leather aad Shea Fiadlngi for eale Tba eltteeei of Claarfltld aad lelnity are reipaetreJIy lnrlUd to gire a call. JOS. U. DKERING, ClearBeld, Pa..Jaly II, 1877. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market WU, CHarteld, (at the Poet Oflke.) TBS andenlgoed bege leave ta aaooaaee to tbe eitiaeaa of Clearfield and rtelalty, that e haa Ii44 ap a reeai aad baa aet returned tVoea Ike eity wltb large aawant ef reading asatter, aoaaitting la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blaak, Aeoeaat aad Paee Booka af erery de aerlptloat Papar and Rnrelepea, French preeaad aa4 plaint Pane aad Peacilei Blank Ugal Papare, Daede, Mortgagee Jndgment, Bxemp tioa aad Pnaiiaarv aoteef White and Parch aaeat Brief, Legal Cap, Reeord Cap, and Dill Cap, Bbeet Meeie, far either Piaae, Plate or Violin, eoaetaatly ea head. Any booke or itatlonary deetred that I may not hare oa haad.wlll be ordered by tret eipraei, and told at wholesale or retail ta aaii eeatoaora. I will alto keep periodical Hteretare, raeb aa if agastaea, Nwipapri, Ae. P. A. UAL'LIM. Clearfleld. Utj T, 18M-tf REED & HAGERTY, Baeeeieefi la J. C.'SCHRYVER, tt.Ab.ns lit HEAVY AND SHELF IIARDWAltE, "WOOD && WXLLOW-"WAEK. "COOKING 8TOVE8, HEATING STOVES and RANGES. Mtn4 Ml., Clear Held, Pa. ,Taa u4.ri(BJ mU ibmunI. ta. .Itiww tl ClMriild Mid .Wail,, lb.t tan h.N fmr kMd la.Hwdaigtr..r J. 0. 8abrT,..d wiN MMtaatl, Im q bMd a fall aa.ortBi.at .f Mwwwat. ia A. tt. vaM.Mf nc, a. t ' TABLE tt POCKET CITLEBY. tmA Rlopa, Rd .wt,Ort Aanlma Cr. Ml 8.WI, D. B. ud rMllB Alaa, II.Ub.ti, riM aad VI... Imt, all blada f Malta. Uon. SboM aad flora. Hba. K.IU, Haa, Dan, RutM.Ha . . , Fork a, Bbo..la .ad SpaJap, 1 - (ythaaaatkaa.Pl.wa, Qr.1. Cndlu, ' Calilfaion, Doabl. . 'aadainclalHi.talPkrwdj , Oaltlrator Te.th, Btra and TrjlaarM, Shot Had, Mill law aad Tapar tllM, Cklaala, Wtla, lam Adaw, Kara Bm. Ha.tm, Ball, T aad Strap Hlaffaa, Roaal'a lloluw Aanara, all kladi et Uoka,ir.wa,8.ah Crdaad Poll.ja, CLASS and PUTTY, Poet aad Chain Bolu, Carriage, Tire aad Barrel Bella, .ted Cerd, Bed Ireae, Horea Braahee and Cafrr-Oaaiba, Orlad-eWM fttteret, Una, Hemp aad leap-iteae Peeking, Cable Chelae, etc, Tbey vMI alee heap aa baa4 a fall aaaertaieat af Tie ware, aad a aereJ Hook af Hoaae Peraieb lag a uaa, wbiek taef will eoll at prleee M eait wWdirei aawtblag la ihalr Baa are la. ale In eaU aad aaaaalae tbefr ataak before parebaalaa. K4.HD A BAUKRTY. (Uar4d. May It, 1STT I?. ur ira aflvfrtlifiufnt. ..." V-J" Wd;dv, bj I'LEAHPIRrU, PA., Haa tka l argcet ClrraJaUoii af any paper la Nurthweatern Peinnj Irani. Tbolurgo&nd constantly increasing circulation of the IUpuhlican, rondont it valuable tobunineBs men ft a a raodium thro' which to reach the public Tl'RMB OF SCBflCRU'TION I If paid In advance, . . . $2 00 If paid after three muntho, . 2 60 If paid after six months, . . 8 00 'When papers are sent outside of the county pay merit must be in advance. j ADVERTISING : Ten lined, orlertfl, 8 times, . SI 60 Euch subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator Notices, . .2 50 Executors' Notices. .. . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Kstrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . ... 2 60 Professional Cards, & lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One squaro, 10 lines, . . , f 8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One fourth column. , . . 60 00 One-half column, .... 70 00 Ono column 120 00 RI.AXKN. We bave always on hand a lnrg. took of blank, ot all description". SUMMONS, SUBPfENAH, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHUENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, HOiJD. FKK BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ao., io , Ac. JOB PRINTING. Wo ar. prepared to da all kind, of PRINTING AUCIl AH . , POSTERS, , ', ., PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, ; BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, TAMPIILETS, CIRCULARS, 4o., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Hoedlander A Lee, Clcarfldd, Clearfield County, Pn. t t i: tt sc ac t - a v.. i'-.-zr ,-: CLEARFIELD. PA A eiipkHiaV M"HMN(). tiRC 4, IMT. t MAN'l')lirMITV. rrtd a puttleal gru of ththlgheat order. Tae otigiaal la found ta aa Iriib .43. la Trinity Church, pjaHn. TfetT U reaion tM" ,ha poem wae written ly one of tbore prim it) re Cbriitlaa bardi la the reiga of King Dlarmid, about (he yar 654, aad waa lung or chanted at (he leit grand national auvmbly of ktagi, chief- I tin and banli erer held la the famoui Haiti of Tare. The traailatlrai U by the learned Dr. 0' DoDBoraa-J Like aa tbe datuaak row you ice, Or like a bluieum on a tree, Or like a dainty flower in Way, Or like the moroini to tbe day, Or like the inn, or tike tbe euade, Or like tbe gourd which Jooai bad ! Kren eunb if men, whole thread la aun Drawn oat and out, and eo it done. The roee wither, the bloaeota blaatclb, The fl wer fadu, tbe moroiog hailetb, The aua acta, lha ihadow fliei, The gourd aoniuuee, tbe man he diet Like tba grail lhat'i newly (prang, Or like a tale tbat'i now begun. Or like the biM tbat'i here to-day, Or like the pearled dew ta May, Cr like an hour, or like a apea, Or like the ringing of a wan Eren uoh la maa, who lire by breath, U here, now there, In Hie and death. The graie withen.the tale la ended, Tbe lurd ! flown, tbe dew'a naeended. Tbe bcBrlaehurt, the epaanot long, Tbe iwao't Bear death, man' life le done. Like to the bubble ia tbe brook , Or inaglaii much like a look, Or like the ihuttle la weaver hand, Or lika the writing on the rend, Or like a thought, or like a dream Or like the gliding of the itream ; Eren euoh ia man, who Uvea by breath, li bfiv, now there, In life aad death. Tbe bubble'e out, the look forget, The ehuttle'a flung, the writing blot. The thought ia past tbe dream li goat. The wateri glUn, Biao'a Ufa ia done. Like to an arrow from tbe bow, Or likeawift ctmrie of water fluff, Or like that time 'twin flood and ebb, Or like tbe ipider'a tender web, Or like a race, or lika a goal, Or like the dealing of a dole , Even luch tl man, whote brittle etate la aluayi subject ante late. The arrow abut, the flood aoon apool, Tbe time no time, the web aoon reat, Tbe race ioob run, tbe goal aoon woo, Tbe dula sooa dealt, men ' life eova done. Like to the lightning from the aky, Or like a poat that quick doth hit, Or like a quaver In a aong, Or lika a journey three daya lung, Or like auuW when aumnier'a out, Or like the pear, or like the plum Even inch li man, who baapi np eorrow, Livea but tbia day, and utce to-morrow, The lightning' peat, the peat vmet go, The long la ahurt, the journey m, The pear doth rot, the plum doth fall, The anow diiaolrea, and ao muit all THE TWO RECREANTS. Tho character ot tlie carpot bag ad- vvnturcra who fur a devado ruled and robbed tho South i. pretty well illus trated by Putierson and i Conovcr, whoso voting with the Democrats on Thursday has brought thorn tempor arily into nationnl prominence. Con over having cxhuuetod all tho posai bilitics In his favor in Florida, as a liupublican, is now ready to accept whatever ho can gain from the Demo crats. TIo is not troubled with any such hampering incumbrances as con- scienco or principle, and he can wheel about and turn about with all the facility that marked that lissom to calist long ago known an Jim Crow. The pooplo of his native State of New Jersey, as well as those of Florida, who know him bent, nro not in the lea't surprised at Conovrr's conduct on the 2'.'d ult; and there Is no reason why the Republicans of any part of tho country should be surprised at his nction. As to Patterson, th. peril ot his prenenl situation, as well as ble general want of principle, serves to explain bis course. The penitontiary porlals are yawning lor Patterson, and, as soil-preservation is the first law of naturo, we need not wondor il ho has so bargained with the ruling spirits of tho now South Carolina gov ernment as to save bis bacon. Liborty is iinito as sweet as tho Fourth of July orators represent it to bo, and Patter son appreciates its importance to hu man happiness. ,. Thon ho has some thing ol a grudgo against the Admin istration, owing to its withdrawal of the troops from his adopted Stuto, and the consequent falling out of tbo bot tom of tho tub in which he and his confederates had been so pleasantly and profitably .ailing on the political sea of South Carolina. In view ol these facts and of the monlal and morul constitution of Pattorsnn, it was scarcely to be expected that ho would muko a very stubborn fight against temptation at this time. The lovo of liberty and the delights of re venge conspired to impol Patterson to party treason, and he committed the overt act four or five limes on Z2d ult. He has earned and is rccoiving tbe ex ecrations of the Republicans through out the land, and Conovcr comes in for his shnro of those brimstone "blessings." But the Republicans should romembcr that these men were nurtured in a school established by their own party ; a school that turned out numerous other rascals quito us eminent as these two rocre nnts. So mo of thom aro in peniten tiaries and others will soon join tbem in those secure rotroatsol the wicked. Pullerson, notwithstanding his salo ol himself to his lute enemies, may yot bo numbered with those convicts. His treason may not save bim, and bo may full between the two stools and find bimsolf doubly dumnod. Conovcr will probably seek refuge In the pines and cranberry bogs of his native State at the end ol his term, and sink buck into his original and natural obscurity. The Democrats, we suspect are not proud of their new allies, and the Re publicans ought to boglad to gel rid ol these croatures, even al the cost of losing control of the Senate. Phila delphia Record. A RIGHTEOUS VERDICT. The New York World, in alluding to the conviction of a first-class scoun drel, speaks as follows : Tho conviction of Robert L. Case, lately President of the Security Life and Annuity Company, ought to set peoplo thinking anew of the responsi bility which attaches to official oaths, no matter how formal or porlunctory those oaths may be, how carelessly ad ministered or bow inconsiderably taken. There boa be on altogether tor, much official swearing In tbisconntry of lato years. Th. making id affidavits baa gradually bccomcalmostafarco. When the Internal Revonue tax was put upon everything in the heaven, above and the earth beneath and the waters under the earth, and everybody bad to make publio the snore t ol his business and to swear to thsm, tb. Revonue officials got into tb. habit of .dminia tering oath, as negligently a. doctors In swampy settlement, do quinine. Even In country towns, where formali ties by reason of their rarity are apt (0 bo kept np, It was not unmusl to seo si citiaea going down stairs from tho Collector's ofHce dialling with a neighbor while the lorin of tho onlli, "You solemnly swear," Ao, followed after tiim li ku anything but u leiiodio tion. Oaths being common grow 'hrnn. The eony -book was vindicated, sflld.vits t-nil ty inu u poration. chartered by tho State as vott'ifc." for tho truth of tho reports in which they recite tho condition of tho companies lost weight and sanction, like all other affidavits. They becumo mere formalities and mutters of habit, though It is essential to the sulety of society that they should be conscien tiously and cautiously mudo. To tho Stato and to tho public, which know little or nothing of the way in which these oaths are taken, they continued to bo solemn pledges of good fuitb. To tho officials of the corporation ihoy becamo a mere roulino duty. Presi dent Case signed an afflduvit which set forth substantially that the report of his company, as submitted, was a correct exhibit of its affairs, to tho best of his information, knowledge and be lief. This report stated the surplus of tho company at (515,000, when in fact there was a deficiency of 82,000,000. It stated tbe bank balance at 9179, 000, instead of the real figure, which was (900. It inflated real cstute which had cost (130,000 np to a ruination of (150,000. Of all these diavrepancieH, as it now appears, the President knew nothing. Ho did nol prepare tho state ment, did not road it, and on bis trial averred that ho knew nothing about its truth or its falsity excepting what he was told by others. The " informa tion and belief" claiiso In his affidavit, which has led in so many other in stances to an inconceivable amount of perjury, gave him precisely that straw of excuse at which men in his position eagerly grasp. He must have known that there was something rotten in tho corpoiation ; ho must baro suspected that the report was false ; but il was easy for him to avoid direct knowledge, and be avoided it accordingly. An ad ditional salve to his conscience was tho informality in tho administration of tho oath. II o simply signed his naino as did tho Secretary, and then sent the affidavit by a messenger to a Notary Public, who attested in tho usual form that it bad been sworn to In his pres ence This conduct on the part of the Notary as well a. of the two affiants is a most striking illustration of what wo have said in regard to the contempt with which perfunctory swearing has in this country como to bo regarded The jury, believing that the olllcers of' tho corporation selected tiy tbe Mato to vouch for its honesty and soundness must not bo allowed to plead ignorance of its concerns, and holding that no in- lormalitic. in Iho administration of the oath could bo pleaded w hen it was ad mitted that the affidavit bad been pro senlod and filed as required by law, anil treated a. genuino by tbe itftiunls themselves, by tbo Notary and by the insurance Department, found, as they ought to have found, that President Case wa. actually guilty of perjury. Tboir verdict is u ndou hted ly a j uat one ; for a man who swears falsely in an official capacity lt the wrriHna ol' statement prepared lor tho information of the public is legally guilty of per jury, without reference to tho quosliou whether b. has dono this through gross negligonco or through mulicu. Such a conviction is no doubt a feurful calamity to befall a man who has for years stood woll with the community, but it is high time thut Courts of jus tice should require ihu strictest ac countability in the administration of all trust. THAT LETTER. When tlto Now York .Sun, a lew months ago, published what purported to be tho substance of a written promise made by R. I). Hayes to James A. Garfield, that in consideration of the latter', withdrawal from the contest for the Ohio Scnatorship bo would do what be could to socuro his election as Speaker of tho House, Mr. Garfield an nounced through tho Associated Press that the printed letter was "a liirgery in every lino and word." The Sun now publishes an authenticated copy of the letter, almost exactly identical with that already known to tho pub lic, and it shows conclusively (1) llial Mr. Garfield bus been guilty of some thing very much liko downright lying ; (2) that Mr. Hayes ia no belter thun any of the trading politicians ho has affected to despise, and (3) that both expected to got control of the South by means of tho pacification policy, and Indirectly of the IIooso of licpru- sontalives. '1 ho following is iho tell tale letter: Kiarnriva Man, ids, W.,aissro.., 1. C, Maraa II, IS77. Jf, Otar U.s.ral t la amorJ aaoa with .ar ooBVi.itoa la.t . realm. I hr.t,v .xprraa la wrltiD. abal i .aiil r.rblly Ib.-a. It la aa, daaira tbat yua abouls wiib4' fiwia loa .analorial ff.nt.et ia Obio, fur tb. rtaaoa tbat 1 tblnb ,oa oa!. a. ol aiur. aarriea tu tba ...aiitr, aad to tb. admlai.tralioa Id tbo Uoiim .r ll.u,.- satalivoo. I rag-ard ,oar ob.ooMof elao'iva a. Spmftar a. aioallont, or I oauuld ant aaa loa to atobo lata .MrlQe. aad oa Ma, b. aaaarwl lb.t abatavrr 1 eao do tw aooouipll.b it will b. baarlt 1 doaa. Fsitlilulrr .ura, R. B. II. ve. ToQaaar.lJ. A. OaarisLD. It will be seen thul this letter is dated only ono week alter his inaugu ration, when as yet his policy was still in embryo. But things have changed somewhat since Ihu 11th of March. I'ARTIHS IN CONGRESS. Parlies are approaching a whole some equality in the two branchos of the national legislature and the dan gora that .nsuo from larg. msjorilios ar. likely to be avoided. Sinoo the administration of Metcslle, of Mis souri, on a contest there arc in the House of Representative. 291 mem ber,, of which lftl are Demeerats and 139 Republicans, with one congression al district unrepresented thai of Col orado. The Dcmocmlio majority of thlrtoon is sufficient for all party pur pose, while il i. not sufficiently larg. to Ineit. thos. abase, of power into which reck loss or otll disposed parti san, are prone to rush when I hey are sure of tbe party support to any scheme they may by chsnco get en dorsed by a cuucui. Tb. Scn.t. now .lands, with the new Democratic Senator from Indl anas Republicans, 38; Democrats, B4; Independent (Mr. Davis, ol Illinois,) 1, with tbrte vaeancios, 2 from Louis iana and from South Carolina. With Mr. Sharon, of Nnvada, absent, and eounting Mr. Davi. with tho Demo crats, with whom he has voted on somo questions, tbo Republicans havo but two majority, which will be en tirely wiped out when the Democrats get the mumbcrs from the South to whom they are entitled. Nothing but this iiieviluble rcsnll of their ad mission bars their prompt entrance, and the Republicans who concede I-:s,pTuiiv ,5i.5.'i., w!tnraiiu to higgle over the logical results of mis concession, beuauao they are loth to see the sceptre ol Republican power in Congress passing away never to bo reguined. Tho most aalislaelory feature of the present condition of tho Sen ti to is that there is no direction lowaid which the Republican, can turn with u hopo ol bettering il. What tho Democrats havo they can hold and there is a strong probability in the neur future of important gains to them. It is no wonder ihul the administration luius a deal' ear to the solicitation of a committee who rep resent so neurly a minority party in bolh houses of Congress. Lancaster InttUigcncrr. MORE OF THE WOXOEltFUL. Tho Scirntific American of this week contains tho first .'.nnouncemcnl ol what mny be the must wonderful inven lion of the day, Nolhing could be more incredible ills,, the likelihood ol onco more hruring tho voico of the deud, yet the invention of the new in strument js suid to render this possi ble hcrcitlter. It is true thai the voices are stilled, but whoever has spoken or whoever may speak into the mouth piece of the Phonograph, and whoso words are recorded by it, has the ussurance Hist his speech mny bo reproduced audibly in his own tones long alter he himself has turned to dual. A airip of indented paper trav els through a liltle machine, tho sound, of the lutlor are magnified, end pos terity centuries lienco hear ut as plain ly as if wo wero present. Speech haa become, as it were, immortal. Tbe HcknHfic American says : "Tho possi bilities ol tho futuro are not much moro wonderful thun those of the present. The orator in Boston speaks, tho indented strip of pnperis tho tang ible result; but this travels under a second machine which may connect with tho telephone. Nol only is the speaker heard now in Sun Francisco for example, but by passing the strip again under lbs reproducer may he heiird to-morrow, or next year, or next century. His speech in the first instance is recorded and iransmillod simultaneously, and indefinite repeti tion is possible. The now invention is purely mechanical no electricity is involved. hj a simple affair of vj brulirg plulcs, thrown into vibration i bv liiu human voice. It is crude yet. but tho principle has been found, and moUinculions and improvements are only a mutter ol time. So ulso are its possibilities other than those already uolod. Will letter writing bu a pro ceeding ol' the past ? Why not, it by simply talking into a mouth piece our speech is recorded on uuiier, and our correspondent can by the same paper bear us speak? Are we to have a new kind of booktf There is no reusoii why tho oration, of our itiutit-rti otcvtva wbvuiu not be record ed and deiuchubly hound so that wo can run ih indented slips through tbe machine, and in the (juiel of our own apartments listen again, and as often us wo ill, lo the eloquent words. Nor ura we restricted lo spoken words. .Music may bo crystalixed as well. Imagino an opera or an brantorio, sung by tho greulest living vocaliots, thus recorded and capable ol being repeated us we desire." BULLWZIAO. The Washington Rqiubiican, the or gan of C'onkling A Co. published the following on the 22d ult. " Bull doting u. Senator. Hamburg murderer 11 u tier, who is bunging around tbo cor ridors of tho United Stales Senate, w ailing for admission ns a Senator, and w ho seems lo think that ho has claims upon Senator Patterson for hi. vote, yesterday made a sorry exhibition of himself in one of the corridors of the Semite cbuiulicr. With a gush of pro. fitiiily loo gross and indecent for repe tition, be bane Seiiulor Patterson, with u vulgarity sucb as tho slave driver would use in commanding his slave, to go into the Senate chamber and volo with the Democrats. Sena tor Patterson did as he was hade. We bave no language with which to prop erly cbaructurixe such a transaction." It is uiiforluiialu that that govern ment robber Clapp has run out ol "language," on this occasion. Senator Pulteison cou nte is on him in this way: W.ailinu-Tua, Nurrmbr t.1, IB77 Tioa. A. M. Clay,., Kilitor of th. ,V,w,..l ,. , 1kab Bib t Yuu bay. b.aa nilalnloruiad, and I aab voa to publish this t.l.tant .1 what artaal I, did omiir. I aab tbii aa aa aot of Jaatlco I. Uen.ral llutlsr, aa wall aa to sajeolf! M, aoa oalli d ta. out or th. Sr-a.to late lb. eorriaor .f tbo Senate, tt wee Juat afler tbo nvitlua wa. pj.de la alriko out ihe name of M. 0. Butler aad ia.rt Ibe s.ioo of Wil'leat Put Kellwfir. I met. Uener.1 lluilor in tb. corridor .od b. Mid lo e... "J cannot .iiicet you t. yule egejaat tbe eaotioe, a. tt will place you ia a falie p alltoa .lib four own party. I aav. told reoator Ooaoyor tbo oaute, and I would edrieo jrou to rwfua. to vote." 1 w.at into tbe ebaiabor .ad aseorlaiae. tb. OS aot aialo ol tbo qocetioa aad voted agaioot tba aiotian, euotr.rr lo Ibe ad vim of Ueaoral Hatler. I did ao brrauee I wanted lb. tautlon of Moaator Thurai.B to bitug tbe o.o el Uoaee.l Bailor b Ivt. tba Sraoto oerried, and ihea I waa ready to Vulo lor a Briurele notion to bring tbe eaao .f Mr. Kellogg brlnre tbo Henal.. Had tbo latter m.itiue born biado bolero lb. molloa af bWaoUr thurmoa 1 would bare vuled toy It. I aa. aot rs.puitaii.le for that aogUat. Ileo.r.1 Uatiai's lan.uaae wa. oa that oeooaioa,aia all aibara ia bia iBloreoarM wiib at., ouurlooot eod rt.Mt lul. Very rvapeol lulr, Juasi r.Traaaos. Clapp was turned out of tbo govern ment priming office for hi. notorious plundering, and now. b. turn, around and upbruids Senator Patterson for a supposed u rooked political movement. Clapp should keep quiet. TUADR WITH BRAZIL. "A scheme is on foot io bring about direct steam communication with Bra id, in which it is said Mr. John Roach, the enterprising ship buildor, has taken a decided interest. It ia hoped that tho co-operation ot the llraxilian and United Slate. Governments may be obtained by th. grant of liberal pay ment, for postal facilities.' England, France and Germany oach have a Una to Hrstil .tipporlod by subsidios in the form of compensation for carrying tbe mails. It is thought that any money expended in this manner will be moro than mudo up to tho Government by tho increased receipts from customs arising from a direct trade with Bread. The .general Interest which lias been awakened throughout tb. country in developing commercial relation, with tb. South America Stale, will no doubt bring about practical methods ot experiment in that direction. It is announced by cable fr?m London that Messrs. P. A T. Collins, of this city, have secured a contiuct for building 180 miles of narrow-gauge railroad, running from tho bead of navigation on the Madeira river, a branch of the Amaxon in Braxil, to a point on the .-i" ' V' V V 1 " .1 it. it. ttf 'aiWaaan Tbi. radioed . inlonoec ,0. m 1.1 n Kirtulion of freight over a portion ol country whttr.TMiev esrriatte ia Im- practicabluonaccotinloflullund rupids. It will be a feeder for tbe line of steam er, now navigating tb. Amaxon. The rails and iron work for the mad aro to be lurniehod by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company. Il is hoped thai this business opening may lead to something more perma nent. The fact that Mr. Roach, Mr. Gowen, the President of tho Reading Railroad, and other energetic, ex peri enced and practical business men are giving their attontion to the opening of trade with Brur.il Is full of encour agement. It is to be hoped that the Government of the United Status will respond to the effort ol private oilmen and enter at onco upon negotiations lor tho establishment ol reciprocal trade. In this way oiirrepellunt tariff restrictions may be overcome by treaty stipulations more in accordance with the spirit of the ago. Philadelphia Re cord. Telepuonio Tests The olllcers ol the signal service have for several veilings been experimenting with the telephone, and somo results very satis- factory to the development of tbe new brunch ol electric science have been reached. About C.20 o'clock each evening tbo operators connected with the Baltimore signal office, on South street, bave boen attaching a telephone to tbe cost line, by means ol which conversations wore readily heard be tween this city and Washington. Oc casionally thoy relieved tho monotony by singing popular airs and quoting poetical selection.. Lastuvening while tho conversation was going on the operators were agreeably surprised at hearing sweet strains of muaio break softly on their cars. An explanation was found in tho fact that a telephonic concert was being held in aahington the music being transmitted from Phil adelphia. Tbe wires of the signal scr vico were connected with tho ratno poles aa those used in tho telephonic (oncert, which duplicated the sounds both in this city and Washington. Tho airs most distinctly beard were Iho "Sweet By-and By," "Old Undo Ned" and "Glory, Halleluiah." The latter was sung and the others per formed on a cornet. Baltimore Gazette. Tu Indian Votm. Tho bill pro posed in the Senate for converting tba Indian into a ritixen, or in other words for absorbing him into the body of our civilization, h ono that would have saved us many wars and much shame and money if it could have been pro posed and passed years ago. 1 1 simply provides that any red man may ap pear in a Circuit or District Court of the United States, and by making proof that he possesses sufficient intelligence and prudence to manage bisown aiTair. that he has adopted the ordinary hab its of civilised life, and for five success ive years has supported himself and his family, may be admitted to all the rights, and privilege, of an Amorican citixun, Proof of this sort woujd sIjqw that ho was no longer an Indian, and no doubt the object of tho bill is to get Iho Indian wholly out ol him. This plan would probably opornto aa a stimulus to tho red mnn to sottle down in a domestic and agricultural way, and induco him lo transfer all his thought, tor the future from the bullet to the bullot. A voting Indian might be tho "good Indian" they all profess a desire to become. ClIAWj'AOM CllARLKT DtAD A London letter announces the death of "Champagne Charley." Cbas. Thorpe was born thirty-tour year. .go. Uis father left him (!)0,UOO a year, Being clever, b. sought the society of liter ary men, and liking a social glass, his means enabled him lo choose cham pagne. Hence a few year, ago, afier his exploits hud been ao often us to mske him comparatively well known about Loudon, some on. embalmed bim in verse, and ''Champagne Char ley" was a favorite song in the music balls. Ho never liked it, and always denied ilife1' he was the original ol tho og. Tilt Innocknt. Donn Piatt ia tell ing tbo Cincinnati Enquirer about tbe interview between Hayes and tho Sen atorial bull doters. Th. professed In tent of tbo interview was to place Hayes and his party mora in accord than they bad been. According to D. P. "tbo President said afterward tbat it reminded bim of the .lory told bim ol a rough old farmer on the Maumee, who, being earnestly urged by a revi valist to make bis peace with hi. Sa viour, responded in some amaxomcnt : "Wby,I didn't know we'd beep nuarrel in.'" WosKlNd it Up. The Cincinnati Enquirer ha. interviewed the Demo cratic members of the next Ohio Leg islature to find out Iho probable Demo cratic nominee for the United Slate. Senate. Forty seven voles aro nccc. sary lo a caucus nomination. As the Democratic members are now divided, 30 are lor Pendleton, 27 lor Ewing, 19 for Hurd.and 17 voles divided between flvo other candidates. Now If Pendle ton and Kurd splice teams they wiil ooiue out ahead ot tb. whole eWf of .spi rants. Mr. Conger, the witty Congressman from Michigan, has a love history which Is quite remarkable. His pres ent wifu wa. his first love, but they quarreled and each married. Twenty years atlorward, he, a widower, was in Congress, and sho a widow, sat in tbe gallery and listoncd lo him speak Ing. Il was tbe first time they bad tboir lover.' quarrel. She sent her card and invited bim lo call on bcr, which he promised to do if he might visit her as he used to In the daya of their youth. Her consent was easily obtained, tbe old love revived, and they were noon married. Sr.AToa Hamlin's gallantry always was on. of bis strong point.. II. is put down now a. on. of tb friend, of lb. recognition of Cuba whoso votos aav. been wienred by . famsl. lobbyist. msttlUntwi. C fJHH ' ' arn.d la taaa. llaiM. but J) K "aa U aiul. la (bra. BMtaa by an, NfS . . ...Br .iihvr lcl . .ny p.rt ol th. Maiilrj wbu I, willing lu anuk ,t.lil at Ilia aailu,ntil tbat wa faral'h. SSS pr awl la uur uaa tta. Yua nv. a.it ba aarsT fro is suuia um aiibL Yuu .mi lv. jr.ur ab.il. Ilia. 10 the .nrk.iir.nl, ,ura.ra mam.ala. Ilao.la auttiliitf t tr, ilia bu.ln... T.raa aad $ft OulOl frca. Aililrsa, at oaoa, 11. Uall.tt A Co., April la, lI7-lj f.rtl.a4, Mala.. L T II K It S II l It G . Hereafter, gooda will be aol.1 for CASH only, ..r la earbange for produoe. No books will bo kept la tbo fular.. All .Id aecuata mu.t bo aoltled. Tbor. who oaoaol flub .p, will nleeae bead over tbeir note, ..d CLOSE THE EEC0RD. I am determined to aell mj gooda aC eaah (irleee. aod t ditoonnt for below that avar offered in tbie vietattr. The dteeoual I allow my uuetnmera, will make them rich la twrniy year 11 the iollow my advise and huy their gooda from ma. I will pay eaa for wheat, oata an-t elover aeod. IMMKL UOODLA.NDKK. Lutfctraburf, Juuary 17, 111. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDISMERRELL Haa opened, la ft bulldin o Market itrtet, M the old Weaera llutel lot, oppoaite the Curt uouee in viearneia.a im and nneet lroa nana factory aod 8 to re, where will be found at all lieaee a lull line of house rroxTisEnra go or 3, Stores, E&rdwivtt, Etc. llnnee Snooting and all kind of Job work, repair ing, te., doua on abort auuee and at reaaooabla raiae. Alio, agent for lha SingerSewing Machine. A aappl, of Ileeblner, wltb Needier, Ac, at way, oa bead. Taruie, atrlotl, oaah or eoaatry produoe. A Boar. 01 patrooag. KllMt... 0. B. HBRHKLL, 6up.riat.ad.nt. Cl.arSald, April li, 1177-lf. REMOVAL I JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reipeot tally notify the publlo generally that ba haa removed hia Grocery Bture from ftbaw'e Kiw, to the building formerly own pied by J. Milea Krataer, on Second alreeL Beit door to Blgler'a herd war atore, where ha Intend eeptng a inn una or U It V K It I E H. HAMS, DRIKD DEEP and LARD. SUUARS.nd SIRUPS, or .11 grades. TSAS, Oreea and Block. COFFb'R, Routed .ad (Ireea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, All blade is tb. aiarkei. PICK LIS, ia Jar, aad batrola. KPICb'S, la r.ry fore, aad rarl.l,. FAMILY FLOUR, AIX KINIM OP CRACKER. SOAPS, MATCH US, DRIED APPLES, DRIKD PKACHIS, DRIED CIIK.RRIK., Cotvl Oil nil Lamp CMmatyi. Aad a fiwd aoaortai.at ef taooe tbioga aauall, kept ia a greoory euro, wbirb b. will otobaagr fur aiarkoting at lb. Market .rteee. Will aell for aaab at .hoapl aa aaj Maa. oqa. Ploaea ..It .ad aaa bla eloak aad Indie for oareelf. JOHN MtOAfUIIIY. Clo.rl.ld, Jm. , 1177. THE TIN SHOP! RIWIVG MV0V MA(IIIE! FRED, SACKETT, ROOM NO. , PIE'S OPERA IIOt'HE, ClrarAtld, Pa. Roanrotfally laforwa ble eaatonarra, aad the pab. lie in general, tbal be enatiaaea to taonafanturo all kinda of Tin, Copper & Sheet-Iron Wore, Of Int-olaaa matarlal only, and I ft workman lika manner. ROOFING and SPOUTING dona on abort ftatlea and vary rem o v. able tertaa. COOK STOVES, HEATING 8TOVR9 AND FURNACES alwaya kept In atoek. and for a.le luw. Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specialty. Oa, Flalon, .lw.,a oa bead, Al) work guaran teed to give aatiafMtiu., A abar. of pablle palroa.g.MrdU)l, ..Halted. FRED. SACKETT. Claarloll, Pa., Mo; 1, 177. Save Youu Cash G. C. & T. W. MOORE, OtjOMjaert ta J. f. Show era,) ftBALBM II BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, ROOM No. I, PIES BVILDINO. Tbe, an .ow raealrlag . sb.loa M e tba lalrel rlylra of LuIlM sad 00.11 Drm "boee aad Bool,, log.lker .lib a larg. lot of PLOW 8HOB8, to , Ac, nlt.ble fpr varkstM .s tbw Ibraj sad Is Ibe weed,. Tbe, is alt. apoolal alloetiea lo tboir .took of Gents' Furnishing Goods, All of wblok wig ba Kid at ratal u farerl. aa lb., la. b. bwagbl .iMwwen ta tbe mat,. A abar. ef tba patronage t tb. paMb, Is ra apMtfell; KlUlud. OBO. C XKB. TOSL W. MOOH.R. Cl.ari.ld. IW . i.l, II, IIM Ja. WsffUaufous. rpERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASBS, Stove Lining and Fire Hrink, kept oea.lantly oa bead. STOVE AVI) EAUTHEV-WARE .t;. T.'l " UHUI.A3; ru 131 lltUlaa.i flah.r'a Pat.nl AlrtlKlit Mir. Healing rruil t:aual BUTTKR CHOCKS, with lid.. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, ArrLS HUTTKR CHOCKS, I'ICKLK CHOCKS. FLOWER POTH, .PIE DIKIIKs, DTKW POTS, And a great njany other tblnga too oumomu, to njoatioa, t. bo bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner ol Cherry and Third dtreeta. CLKAHrlKI,l, VA ugS ft. r. OtTLICI. ft. If TO C LB. D. VKILBRtJH. G 1 1,1(11, McCORKLE & CO.'S (Bunoreaora to Ji-ha (Julieh), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market KireeU Clcarlicld. Pa. Wa maBufaaturo all kind of Fore. tore fur Chamlaare, Dialing Huoma, Llbrarlaa and Ualle. If yon went Fu ml to re of ny kind, don't buy until yon aee our atock. UNIi:itTAKlXe1 In all Ita branehaa. We krp In etook all tbe lateet aad rso.l improrad (Jolbna eoj Ulirta, and have every facility fur properly eoa durtiog tbia braouh ef our buninnaa. We nave ft patent Corpie Pre error, In which bodiea ean be preeervad fir e eon iderahle length ot time, A member of the firm haa hia alftiing apart ment at our wart-room, whnro ba oao he f -ui.4 bv any paraon who come at night for the purpose fti proeoring oofflna. (Hi UOH. MnCOHKLK 4 CO. ClaarnelJ. Pa., May 111, '76 ly. JeEW FMIV1I, FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Ruoa No. 4, Pl.'a Opera Hons., UlearH.ld, Pa. Koope-iaetanllj oa head 9 I'd A R, COFFEE, TEAS, soda,; to A I, OIL, KYllt'P, SALT, sricrs. SOAP, Oanaed aad Dri.d Fruita, Tobaeoo, Cigara, Caa- diaa, Cider Vlo.jr,;i)uttir, E..;Ao. ALSO, EXTRA HOME MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, 4o., All of whl.h will bo Kid ohou for oub ar la eiehengo lor Maau-j produoe. s. u. sriA.yir:n to. Clearlold, N..T. II IS7. If Hi GLENN'S SULPIIUIi SOAr, A Steruno Rsuidy roa Diseases and Injusies or the Skix; A Healthful Deavtifies or the Complexion) A KtUABLE Means or Feeventi.no and RSURVINO RHEDMATISM AND GOVT, AND AN y nbql'led Disinfectant, Diodo. SUES AND COVNTU.IEEITANT, Olenn'n Sulphur Soap, xMn trarll. eating local diteasee of the akin, baniahe. de fecta of the complexion, and impart, to tt gratifying clearness and amoothoen. Stlfltll ur lUlth are celebrated for curing eruption, and other diseases of the akin, as wrll as Rheumatism and Gout tlrnn't Sulphur Stmp produces the same effects at a moil tnrlinir expense. This admirable specific also ipeeilily heals $em, hnitrt, tcaUt, wrpu, ipraitti and cult. It removes dandruff slid prevents Ihe hair from tailing out and turning grajr. Clothing and linen used In the side room ia disinfecteo, and diseases communicable by contact with the person, pre rented by it. The Mcdica Fraternity sanction Its use. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per flo (3 Cakes), 60c and tl. 20. M. ILaup ay lute salt, and rheetby oaoBotai... Sold by all pruaiiM. "ILL'S HAIR AID WHISKER DTE," kstoek m Brwwa, A. cms. C. I. (JUTTOTOJ, frtip'r, 7 Sixth lv., HARTSW1CK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS III PURE DRUOsS! CHKUICAL8I PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF TARNISHES, BRVSIIKS, PMRFUMbaV, FANCV OOOD.u TOILET ARTICLES, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WIXES AND LIQUORS fat asedtolaal paraowa. TrwaMe, Sapporior, rVbaal Book! and Slatlos. r,, .ad all .they artletea aoaall, foaad Is s Drag Btora. PIITSICIAN8' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Ha. lag larn at aarlaaei la lha bouawM. Ikof Mi giro oalwo saa. J. O. HARTSWJl.'K, John r. irwIn CWS.Id. Dmaibw It, ISK. - iBiSffllanfouj. CHEAP GROCERIKSl Tk , , , LtalBKB C1TT, PA. The andonlgned ananuaeoa to bla .Id frleada and p.tmna that be h. op.nod a (owl lla. ol OUOCbHIKH A PKOVIMo'ns " Hill ol kirh A Speuoor, fur wbieb be eoll.lu . liberal ..;r,.n.. . vv. apXNi.UK Uun.er CU). P. . M.r.-b : if J. r. waivaa. 1 aa'1,1 a Vl.'ll V w-.ri,no7 ww -. w mjm ax, lir,! !, C'LEAIII'lELD, PA., Are offering, at tbe aid atsas of O. L. Rood A C. tb.lr etoeh ol gooda, onaiiating ut DRY - GOODS, GKOCER1ES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, UHKEKNWARE. FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At tbe moat rfMooable ratta for CAMII .r ift "lebannc ffir Square Tiajber, Boards, Sliinglei, OR Cni.VTRY PRODUCE Swr-Adranco. made to thfia. nnml la ot. ia.- out aquare tlashor oa tbo na-jai edyantaiona '0"- pdi IJ.nlS JARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCH VI LL.E I I am are thaf tbrre are aome prana a little hard U pleaae, ebd I am alao aware tbat tbt wmplaiut of ''herd time" la wall aigh aairerL But J am ao ai tut ted now that I eaa aatiafy Ihe forioer and prnre eonclativaly that "hard timea" will not effect tboae who hny their foodt fnim me, and all my patMBa aUall ha tnlttated Into the aa oral of (IOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES f have grtoda enough to upply all tbr InbeM Unta In tbe lower end of the oounty which I aell i eiwdinpr low ratee from my mammoib etora in MI'LHO.NHllHO. where I ean el wye be foand ready to wait apn eallera and aupply them wirfe Dry Goods of all kinds, Such aa Clot hi, ftaltnetta, Caaaimerea, Muillna, Delaine, Linen. Drilling!, Calico, Trimming, Kibtrona, Laea, Keady-made Clothing, BuiiU and 8hora, 11 eta and Cape all uf tl beat meterial and made ta urdw -Hoea, Soefta, Ulorta, Mittoae, Laota, Hit, Una, Ae. UKOCKHIKH OP ALL KNUH. CuUee, Tea, 8ugir, Riea, Molaaaea, Piab, Peit Pork, Linaetd Oil, Piah Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen ware. Tin were, Caatinga, Pluaa aod Plow Caatinga, Nail, hpikea, Cora Cillig tora, Cider Preaiea,ftpd all kinda of Aea. Perfumery, Painta, Varntb, QUae, aod a gen.rei aaaortmeot of 6ttionery, GOOD FLO UK, Of d iife rent branda, alwaya on hand, and will ha aold at the loweet poaallile figurep, J. II. MoClaio'e Aledieinea, Jiyaa'a Madlcibtf lloatettor'e and UuoMand'a ilittatt. kVltOI pound of Wool wanted for whieh the higheat price will be paid. Clorareeed n hand and for aale at the loareat market priea. Al84i, Agrnt for StrattonTille aad Curwtni)le Tbreihtng Machinea. trfvCall and aeafor yoaraalvea. Ton will And everything, aanally kept in ft retail atore. L. M. COUDRIBT. Prenofarllle P. 0., Auguet 13, 1874. 31GLER, YOUNG & REED, (Sueceeaora ta Boyntoa A Vong,t FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MftBBfkotttrera af FOETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer af Fourth aad PLae StnoU, CLEARFIELD, PA. HA VINO Mgagod la tb. ejaaafaotar. of Irel elau MACHINERY, warMpoet fa lljiaforas h. pabllo that w. .r. sow prepared ta fit all ordere as eboaply and as proaptly aa oas bo opf ta any of lb. eltlai. W. msasftolare aad deeds Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Block!, Water Wheels, Shifting Pall.j,, OiSord'a In)etor, Stoaos flanges, Sleojw Wblallaa, Oilers, Tallow Cap,, Oil Cape, Oaag. Conks, Air Oorka, Oloho Volvos, Cb.h Valves, wrought Im. Plpea, S.eeBi Punpe, Boiler Food Pampa, AatU Frletlon Mrlre,, Poap Stone Pablng. Oaes Paoh- ng, and all kind, of MILL WORK I Sogek,$a wllh now,, Sled (ules. COOA'rl.Vi5 PARLOR STOVSS, and otbar CAPTINHS of all kinds ST-0i.l.r, Millottod aad Sllod at eti, psloa. All tatter, of loqnirv with referonoe to aaehiBorf of oar BiaBofaotar. prwaplty ssmyes, by addyev Ing se al Cleerteld, Pa. JaalTI-ir RIOLER, TOUNll REED QHOCERIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, (r!Miaotl. LVTLE.A MITCHEM,; WHOLESALE AND.RKTAIL DEALER I.N CHOICE LIKE OF TEAS. OOLONOS, JAPANS, IMPKRIAL, TOl'NO HYSON, KNULI6H BREARFAr-T rart la Uarkst. BUTTER AND EUUS Will be krpt ud aold al Int awt. Coab paid (er Coaalrj Produoe l.ERMAN CHERRIES, TURRET PRUNES, PRKARRVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA RAMS Maeberol, Lake llorrlag. Cod, A a. i B.rral Pkblo. aad lagHab Ptakles. fLOtm ANI Fhnr, Cora biel Oal Moaji, A.. )aa.l. ft. JAS. H LTTl.