THE REPUBLICAN. I CLBARKIKLD, PA Terms or Subscription. (f paid la i4MM,or wlthia throe moatht M l paid after tbroo aad Wfore ill months....,, It) il paid aP r tht espiratloa of ati months ... S H Meeart. fl. II. Pbttkmill Oo., Newr Papov AdvMlMiag AgMitf, I; trk Row, anner li4Mn Vtrwt, art tu duly aataorlttd A real ta N-w York City. KELICIOUI NOTICE. Method let Rplacopal Charch Rv. J.g. WtMiiuT. Ptstor. Services owery Sabbath i 10 A M., and 71 P. M. gabbatb Sflbool at 9 A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at Ik P. M. Conn union Kerf loo, flrst Babbalh of ovary 10t A. H. Weal (loarfleld M. E, ChrehRm William U. Dill and W. 8. Wilbur, Pastors. Preaching avery alternate Sunday, at o'eloek, p. M.-feunday School at 1, P. M. -All are in vited to altaod. Preebjterlan Chnrcb Rt. H. B. Botlb. Sabbath eerviete morning and avoaing Sab bath School at 1 P. M.-Prayer Mooting VYodaos day evening. Ht. brands' C hurch Catholic Rer. P. J. SsiaiOAR. preaching at 10, o'clock, A. II., oa the Snit laird and (oartb Sundays of eeb month; Vespers and DeoedieiieBorthe bleated Baor,ntnt at T 'clock, p. M. bunday School every Sanaa afternoon at 1 o'oloek. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Tim or luLDina qvabth laaatoat oopbt, Stoond Monday af January. Third Monday of March. Ftiet Monday af June. Fourth Monday of September. Tina or aoLDiM ooaaoa rLBAS. Pint Monday of June. Second Monday of NovambeT. rutuo orncana. PmiJmni JdffUom. Chariot A. Mayer, of Look Ha van. AtMtmmi t.w JmJfllov, Job a H. Ortlt, of Belief on ta. dseewtata JnrigM A bra at Of den, Clearfield j Viaotnt B. Holt. ClearBeld. Pr9tk99tQr Rli Bloom. Rtgitttr mud Atwrrfir-L. J. Morgan. Diairifl Aiton,y-Vm. M. MoCullougb. YVeaMrerwDavid MoOangbey. Sharif Andre Peutt, Jr. Commlf Sryor Bamutl F. McCloikey, Car wen ivilie. Oownfy Com millions Clerk Brown, Clear field i Thomas A. Wo (tee, Chest P. O.j Utiris Uoovtr, Clearfield. County Auditor Cbriit. J. Ketfcgy, Olea Rope Samuel A. Caldwell, Wllliamagrovt ; Joba C. Conner, Burn i id t. CWfy CoroMrJ. B. Keff, New Washington. Jmrm Vommi$tionrr Dr. Jamoa P. Burcbfleld, CtearBrd, Joseph Alexander, Madera. SuprimtnUmt Public Sekooi Jo ha A. Uregury, Curwentville. Stater Wtigktt d- Jfeasr-Jrr.W . Cerllle, office nt TroatviUa, Pa, .Votaries w4he John W. Wrlgtey, Wm. Ra debaurh, Cvme OordoB, Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin," N. K Arnold, Corwanevilloi J. J. Lin (tie, Osceola Mills ; J. A. Livingston DaBoii City. Oar 8ptimi column U decidedly Interesting in a liwal point of view, and profitable reading to out Id re who want ta save money. Kli Bloom, Km., publinheft a caution notice la our advertUing eoluaioi to-d-y, "Kxci l in quantity and price, nd not nadrreell, la John A. Stock 'a motto. St. A. A. Cnrlittlo has nvvjcred tiis con- section with the Broukville Jtffrrtunium, and that paper la now publlibed by J. B. Oswald A Co. . mm i Wclram from the Williamnport 8n, that Mill Maggie J. McCollough, of Claaifield, hai acefptad the preoeplorabip of Dickinson Sem inary, temporarily. mm umi - - Communion Htrvitc will bo belt) in tba Prribyierfan Chrucb, in thla p'ace, next Sab bath morning. Preparatory w riots will be held oa Saturday, at II o'clock a. m. -mm Union service will b held in tbe Clearfield M. H Cbnrch oa TbankarWIng Day at 10:44 u'elook a.m. A aermoa appropriate to the oeoaalon will be praaabeJ by Rar. U. B. Bul bar, pastor of tba Preabyteriaa Charob. Oihir miail tar J will partiaipate la tha tertiiti. immm i ar Iewia J. ilurd, of 2s uw burg, lull that place last Haturday evening oo a rait and pftisc-d Oaarfltid shortly after noon a Buaday, having been on tb water all of Saturday night. Tbt distaara la la tba neighborhood of thirty miles. That Is making rather good time. Don't forget the lecture to be deliver ed at Arnold's Hall, Curweasville, Thaakagiv Ing avanlng, Nov. Sfltb, by Joba I'attoa, Jr., Kq., tbt praoetdi of wbieh will be appraprlated ta the m of tbe Curwenavilla Library Aasoeiatloa. Subject : M My Trip to Kuiopo and What I Saw." List of lot tors remaining unclaimed la tba Pustotfioe at Clearfield, for the wek ending November M, 1877 William Davis, William Prloa, W. U. Dale, Linie flelfridge, Alexander Leach, ' Mary Sarfridge, Mr.. iHrtd MaoaalUy; P. A. Qavuh, P. M. Xbu County Com mint) ion ere will bo la session on and after Monday, the Ifttk of Da eeuber, wbea tboaa partial having aoy bail acta to transact baforn the board aaa there and tbaa alien J, and especially those Collectors who fail ed to settle their aeaooote during Court week, tr tboaa who have not visited Troaaurer Mo Oaugkey daring tba year just aloalng. e a A new county bridge has been re cently ereetad aeroee tba Sueqasbaaaa at K art haaa at a aoat of $1,180, paid jointly by tba Com am toners of Clearfield and Centre oountiea. This munh needed improvement la duly appreciated by tbe travelling community. Pkitiptbmf Jommul. That Ii whtt wt paid for repairing the old bridge. It weald mm, fir timet that snm ta ha lid a I ridge at that plana i s a - Removal. The numeroua patrons a' Dr. B. M. Scheurtr, llamaopatbisi. will baraai ter find him al his new raaldaooa, ea First a treat, where be has lata y remold. Bis oHoeand raa idenca are ia I ha seme buildlag, wbare ha aaa Ua fcuad at nay time, aight or day, when nM p". fesiloaally aagaged. Remember the place First atreat, one door north of Hoa. A. 0. Tata's real, danaa. Nor. 19 St A Flood at Law. The steady rains of tba paat few daya bavo al last brought tbe river up ta a fiat rafiieg flood, and nil day Baa day, and up to tbe time ar going to press this (Tuesday) afternoon, raft a were passing down Ibt river. Qultt s number palled oat" from tbii pliot oa Saaday, and by this time, we sup pose, a largt aombar of tboaa art safely landed al Lock Havaa. Bow tbt market ia there al this eeatoa of Iho year, wo are aaable tostatt, but wa hope that oot lumbermen may reallaa a good price for their timber. . i mmm i The proceedings of the Clearfield Temperaaoo union lata vnaey evvaiag wn aseaJly kateftttiag. The adJreii of A. A. Ura ham was oarefally preparad and waa well appro bated by Iba audit act. The select reading of Misses Magglt Irvtn, Kate Weaver, Kittie McCul Itngh and Htlca Shaw, aero very aaa. A torn mlttoa wai appointed to present names of parsons for omoera for tbt valuing term ( all m oaths, to ha voted fay at tba atit a tat ad aioetlag of the Union, at wbieh time lha oommiitet waa in i true ted to report Tba Ualoa If about thirty three dollars Is debt, aad oar ait I tens will bo waited upon, la a short time, fer contributions to 1). tL Fullerton, Krtq., of this place, received last weak a number of America Merlaa sheep, which he hat pwt upon his farm near tbla place, for lha purpose or Improving Iho stock la this vioiaily. Ihtealerpriattf Mr. FullortoaU commendable, and hit example la this ro.peal should ho followed by many mora of oar formers. KxptrttaeraasdcmoasUatod tha fa at thai wool growing Ii a profitable baslaoaa, aad tbotrop la always tart If proper tor la tahoa of tho sheep. Of cturst, It pays beat to have tho boat wool, aaJ tan eat oaly bo had from tha host sheep. It never pays It rear aa Into lor brood or aay kind of aaimaU, whether I bey m torsos, eat tie, sheep tr hogs. Let oar farmers pay mare atuatioa tt tbt tmprovtmoat of all laolr atoek, aad their farming operatMao will tbaa ho aaawaatUfaotory, and yield Ibem bet tar profita. The Clearfield County Teachers' in ilttte wiU ton ft no ia ia Court Uoaat, as Cloar Bold, this year, oa Monday, Deoombor 14tb, at I 'sleek p. a. Tba programme which baa just Wsi printed at Ibis omoo, la made np of subjects that caaaot fall to be of Interest lo all who at ltadeitlieae ai wall an teachers, Thursday, bet. ITih, will bo irirootoro' Dy, al "bleb Usat Saperlateadeat Urogary dvalrat to toe a good tarn vat sf Direetora rrom aU partt W tho tmunty. Sisaiag lecitras win bo dolivorod by Prof. I. H. Birlow, Ilututltalst, of Lafayotia Oollrgo, Bat , Pa.f T. H. Murray, Raej., Rev. H. S Butlor, a. M. MsCullougk, Rsa Rtr. Wo. H. Dill, Clearfield) Rtv. B. B. llamlta, D.Dof Cham ""burg, I., aad Prof. J. II. flbumahar. No fee f,ir udmitlaaet will bo obargod, oictpl on tho t areaitg, tbt proooodlags of whlah will ho edit btlp defray axpoadltnroa. ' I Merchant will do well by sending for Jo ha A. block's wholosalo prion list of amok log tobaoooa. Uogaaraatoaa tity arioaa. It Remember that Lytle ii County Agtbt for LorrUlard's Tubaooo, aad aaa sell them at factory prioaa. Tbey am lha beat lobaooea la nad Roth Oak Bark, hr which wa will pay th augaeci aaaxxat pnea. JJ'W. A. Q, KlUMia Oa. At .he a m nfllA ia iU to get yoav lab work dona. We are fully prepared ewHiaisi ia uta priuung line, will dolt wall, aad at tba right hiad of prions. tt. THANKSOIVIHQ MUfilNQfi. There U a Turkey I long to meat. Without wbieh fowl Thanksgiving' Inemapleta. O I ebarmtog bird, art thou like me astray, Seeking with all tby stomach to find tba way To mine t Or, striving Uht ma to find a plato With wbtoh tby empty atomaoh to Inflate P Williamsport lkxTS. Those very rollabla goods seem ta cover a large .bare of tha boot territory of Clearfield and adjoining counties, O. 0. A T. W. Moors art nolo a genu for Clearfield! and the reputation of these goods must insure them a good trade. Kvcry pair sUmped oa tbt bottom tad warranted. nov28-3t. Tho ItiPiTBi.iCAN of Clearfield tolls as that " Ground Hog City " la tht eupbonioua name applied to tha atw nil territory lately dis covered dear Titnsville. Tbe unburrowme- ol a ground hog revealed tha OElstenaeof oil (or something olto),ooiing f'omthe ground. Hence, t bt aparopriattaasa of tha as ma. pkihjnburg Jurnm f. Bay TroutvilU, laataad of "TltuivilU." Training Thim. The editor of the Reyaoldavilla Urld la grooming our editorial brotbrta la tbla county right amanly. Wa pro aumo tho thlag will feme around regularly like ly-ilma, aad to wo will keep a lookout, In order to oaoapt. If possible, being turned Into a blockhead ar trauamogrifiod Into aa igaoratnut wilhout ear knowledge or ooosent. A Fact. An advertisement inserted la tho RcruiLicA will reach more readers than If published la all tha other papers in tho coan ty,and cost tho adTenisci last than one-half In other word a, aa adrerUsement published In our jcuraal la worth double tha prion of that oharged by any other publiihar in tht eounty MIt U a fact." tf. A Ijost Boy. From the Elk 5t-mo- erai wo Itara that a yvaog man named William Uanti left Ridgwayaboat two yean ago. Ho was last board from at Reynolds villa. He followed peddling for a business j Is twenty-one years old tliinly baill. aandy totnpltkion, red hair, and ta rather retired la hiimaanera. Any oat hoar ing of him will aleaat address Mrs. f. X. iUnti Karly, Pa,, who la almost distracted at tba lots of her ton. Bxobaogat pleast copy, Mill Burned. Tho large steam saw mill of Flode A Duncan aituata about tbroo mi lea aaat of Indiana, waa ooupUlely daiiruyed by fire, oa Monday night, tbo lVtb tnU, together with tbo machinery and soma lumber. Tue In diana Democrat, la speaking of tbt conflagra tion, says i "The mill and machinery waa par tially new, and valued at about $2,(100. Misfor tuoes do aot oomo tngly with our friends, aud tbey bavo tho aympatbioa of thocominuoUy in tbtlr toss, Tba engine and boilers wore not de stroyed, being In a .had adjoining the mill." -mmm- a - An opportunity is given for tho tirat lima lo lha people of Cieorfitld eoanty to buy Brasstl Carpeu and Tipctlry U as good advan tage as la Philadelphia or New York. Mr. Wm. Reed, at tha Bee lllro, baa made airangemcnta with two of tho largcat manufacturing establish ments ia this country to toll tbclr goods by aam ple, aad bo will guarantee to sell at city prices or money refunded. Competent judges, who have ex ami ned bia iam-lca, speak In the highest tai ua of thorn and the remarkable ebeopnrss of price, Call and eeo lham at tbt Boo Uire, kept by Wm, Reed. nov2l 2t Death and Accident. Last week's Bellefonto Wutekman publiabes tbo following : "On Saturday last aa Mr, Isaac Crider, of Lock Haven was returning from a bunting expedition with soma frUndi, he saw a pbraiant crossing the road, and In bla baste lo get out of tho vehicle with bis gun, in order to .bout It, accidentally shot bimrtlf through ibt heart, his death being almost instantaneous. He did not speak afar being thot, and bis body was taken to Ucoob Crock, aad I hence to Lock Haven, wbare ho waa buried from his father's residence. Ha leaves a wife and tbroo children to lament bla prematura dcab.H Clearfield Coal Thade. State ment of Coal and other freight! tent oror tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Kail- road, for tha woah oadlag Nov. 17, 1877, and tbo tame time last year i coal TORS. For tbo woek H 90,746 Saaaa timt last year 18,081 laoToaoa..H....... Prevloaaly during year.. 9a me time latt year Increase Tola) la 18TT Sama lima last yaar.. Inornate . ovnna ruaierrs. Lumbar Miscellaneous freights A Fearfcl Accident. A He hers- burg oorreepoadeni of tho Centre Hall HporU?t ol Ibottd nayai "Ouraetgbborbood waa startled to -day by a aad accident that hspptntd to Joseph C. Bitrly. He waa thrashing with tha machine aad waa about finishing ap, walked around to tho side of tho maohiao bit footslippod pausing him to grab lor a hold with tbe hand and happen ed to reach right la to tht maohiao, tba oylinder catching hit hand tatting leak, muscle and bone fine to near elbow Joint places of flagers and other fragsaanla ware worried oat ea Iho shaker. Ha made a Irtaeadout yoll,tht atraoa wart stopped aa toa aa aoatiblo and not until the cylinder waa unatrowo-J aad taken out oould tba mutilated arm be taken off tbe concaves. Ho wa s helped lo tho bouse aad a physician tout for who ampatatod tho arm jut below the eibw and Mr. Bierly la doing as well aetia bo oxpeattd. A Child Buhned to Death. The OWeota M9tHt, aayt On Tuesday, a obild of Dennis Qerdaer, at Halms' mill, became a victim to tbo moot horrible accident that over ooeured la this community. Mrs. Gardner had ooeaoioa to go oror to tbe bpoao of her brother-in-law, Bd. Gardner, and txpootlog to be absent but a few momeais, left bar two small obildron alone. Wbea aba re urn ad, aa unexpected and horrible spectacle mat her era. Prostrate oo Iho floor lay her youngest child, Its clothing consumed aad Ua delicate body burned to a orlop. Death held It In bla told tmbraot, and tbt 111 tit luficr or waa boyood Iho roach of all I binge earthly Tho oaaeo of let tragla ending romaras a myi- tary, at the tbltd waa anable . to walk, but tha mournful fatality lo none tba leaa tad. Lot this painful oveot be a warning to erery aaothtr bav ing parental charge or nn Innocent, trnating baSo. NOVCMBCB COURT PROCEEDING.!. Tba lol lowing are tho oases triad at tba Novem ber term of oar Court t riair wana judoi nana. Ooaat Nat. Flank of CUarfiald vs. First Nat Bank af Clearfield. Feigned Uiaa., Vordiot for PlalatuT. , . i ' Wnlnrlght A Oo. vs. Wallace A Krebe, Feign ed isaao. Verdict for Plaiotig. Dae 11 Fryer, A dm la I it re tat of Joba JChrgood, to. . O. U. at. Hieaot Foigaoo soaao- ver ditt for Defeadaalt. Abraham Kef hart, lo am, vs. Borwlad, White A Oa. flaammeM la ataamoMl. jvoa-aaaampsii, aad poymeat with leave aad act -off. U. Barley A Blathers vs. Bcrwlnd, Wbltt A Co. Bummons ra ttaompsii. .ua-aeo-.r-.., aad pay meat with mart aad set o. Jamaa Merrlsoa vs. Joba Corlcy. Summons to Iraaaaaa la the east UpOO nramisvt. Vordiot for Doloadaat. Francta Rover vs. Madolpb Umoat and Francis FlubolL Treipa.a. Diaoonilauod aa pay meal ol ooett. a m laavot. Hear M. Bloom. Confeoswn of jadgmtnt in favor of Plaitilfl for $b9. Frank Uvtright A Ct. fl. Oaorge fltoii. uoa- feaslea of Judgmoat ia favor riaiauna itr fi2.1l.JJ. wr a nih. va. J. W. Davis. Con fees ton or judgmoat It favor of riaiana tor cons tiii-VNi on vi a. I k XUM a. John M. Chatt. Kjeclmenl. Vordiot lar Plaintta", tabjoat lo opinion of the Court oa point reserved. aaij A Ilartsbora vs. Moorge A. nioom. JadgmeoL Vordiot for Defendant. U. mm. afarv Dotfntriv ta ni. Js- abaniet dale.. Ceafeisrts tf judgmtot la favor of Plaiatiff for fi. Iloraoo Paithla ra. Bhameld Corson. Summons lo assumpsit. Vordiot iwr riaiaun ir . Jatoh Bonsall s. C. A . Sthweca. Trospaaa la tbe ooeo tpia promlsot. Verdltl for riaiatli fofll.. a.. i. au.. mk ail a The T. a C. Italireao. Aaaoasment of damages Vordiot for Plalatiffs for !,. Clark Brown to. John B. darrteoa ot at. arvo- its. Vtrdiol for Plaintiff for tttfi.M. All tho otter aaost oa tht Hit wort tlthtr ton. tlaued or itUkl by tho partltt. 1,004 .ll0,SI5 ..lut&.fiaU ....... IM.fiSi ..lUIIMtG w 166,71 .lft7 oars. ... 7i Salt t Lytle has just received an other lot of fine Salt, largest ilaed twilled aaakt, to tha article tan be bad at two dollars again. Advertise in the Clearfield Bipub ucau. Tbe advert lit Dg ralaa art raatoaabla, aad tha tirco lotion la tbt Itrgett tf any paper In tbla 'ralu i la tha regloa of my kldnaya, and np . using i an ouiq wouin ot very tort ana sua, unable to stand up straight without a great deal of pain. Aud now am happv to aay I am tatirt ly cured by taking out boltlt of IS. K. Thomp son's Haroeua, or Backache, Liver ui Kidney Curt. Sent to any addraaaa a poo the reooipt tr one dollar, or si a. bOdiw lor dve dollars. Prepared by I. K. Thompson, Titusvlllo, Pa. Prloa $1 00 pr bottle. Sold la Clearfield by 0. D. Watson, druggist. 'mm - - - A Koyes-y i'LACE. Lock Haven was oa "a tear" last Friday aigbb. The frlvsda of CoL A. 0. Noyet,Stttt Trtaaurtr-alsct, mat la largt number at the Fallon House and govt him a serenade, aa in expression of thtir personal regard and their great pleasure at his elooilon to tho offlot or State Treasurer. Ht rtspondrd la bit happiest manner and reiterated hit public pledgee to fearlessly investigate tba condition of tho Treasury, and If any trookodatsa bo there, which ho was loth to bcllovo,tu expose and cor rect It. Speeches were made by several promi ntnt cititena, and notwithstanding Iho bad weather It was a spirited and pleasant occasion . MO MY PATRONS. I havt just returned from Philadelphia and am opening this week another large and attractive stock of new goods for tbe winter etaaon, con sisting of Dry-goods, Notions, Trimmings, Knit roods, Underwear, Hosiery, J loves, Fancy goods, ftl illinery goods, Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, and also Carpels, Oil Cloths, Ac, Ac, Ac , to which I ask your attention. Tho stock la attractive ia ovary particular, and it ia my in tea Don to make tbe Bee Hive one of tho beat atorea in tha western Fiart of tbe State. To my pat rone, andtfaeiatel igent reader generally, tl ia unnecessary to itrmlie or give you prtoea, ae yon have heretofore grnerally louoJ things aa advartiacd. Wbea ia L'lt-arhtld, sail at tha Bee Hive and you will bo treated right. Kespeetitilly, Wa. titan, Clearfield, Nov. 2U, 1877.21. The Oil Question. The llynor Runert, are determined to make a teat worth something. The Clinton ifemoerut, saya : "Bor ing still goes on at Hyner. tbe indications bav Ing Induced tht Company to determine to drill 1,000 feat. They art enterprising, nod doterm incd to tot what's In tht bowels or tbe earth ia thtst parts. They havt agreed to issue I&.000 worth of stock to sink another well, whloh will ut sunk ou Kettle Croak, provided suitable ar rangements can bo made for obtaining leases, In thit naw .took, members of the Company hare the preference if they want tt all. There ta more that might bo said upon this move and in its faror, but owing to tha late hoar at which lha matter waa concluded we are compelled to defer com mon ft till our nut issue." TO WILLEV AND FlBHER. There la not lo this town a store so oomplste, A. thai autre WILLEV A FIriHEK their cus tomers greet Oh ! lha last ray ol hope and of life must depart. E re tiie thought of that place shall fade from my Dean. It was oot that WILLEV A FISHER bad shod o'er tha scene, That talent and genius now evorywhero aean ; 'Twae not by the magical power of ibeir will. Ob, no ! It waa omttking more JO,uii( still. 'Twae that garment! were luat'nf ; ierfcr fitting were near, Which showed by coware that all oiAeri were dtar i That one feels, how tuoh uflssi gouj clothes will improve When we see thorn adorning the friends that we love. There, genta most fastidious at WILLEV A FlbliKK 0 can find. Either coals, skihi. or veso made up to their minds, IM mrrmi man, too, can Dt aimsolt tnere At a prici tD at will leave blin tome awitejf to iMirt, Uh ! WILLBY A FISHER my friends, howealm tan 1 real, When I feel myself dressed ia a tail of thy Fur tbvn do I anuw bow quiokly will cease Every tare of my heart, and my mmd be at ease. Yours Truly, M. A. F. banana. Clearfield, Pa., Nov. la, '77 lu CLEARFICLO COUNTY ATLAS. Tba worh of preparing Iho different features of tue uiearoeia eounty Historical At let ataedilv progress!. Tht people throughout tht eounty nave thus far pretty generally encouraged this important work, and n continuation of the tame interest lo it will greatly aanat tba publishers to furnish our cltlicna with a most beautiful album ol tbe homes and iudusirles of Clearfield county one that will be the pride of every household. Aa nasnt'cn repeatedly stated, tua Alias la to eon tain a complete map of every town and township a nisiury oi ine organisation ana early settle moot of the eounty nd tbt various townships, incidents and biographies of tbt early settlers and repioaoDtatiro men of tbo eounty, both living ana aeau ( a good anowtng or mo agricultural, manulacturing, mining and business industrial and resources of tht eouoty, and a beautiful pie tun of tht bomt of tvtry eltiien wbo desires to nsvt tt placed in tat work, lot Atlas will con tain viewa of business bouses, manufacturing oitabliihments, hotels, milla,churcboa, residences, larm build 103s, farm eoenee, and every feature of tbe vario ua improvements of the eounty that will toatrioutt to make 11 ornamental ana weeiai. a corps of artists are at work making ekatohea for a number of our oitliens, ana we are pleased 10 state that none of our roadtn will be deprived of tae opportunity of Having tnelr homes and build togs enown up in tbe Atlas, aa every township aua town wm be rutted by memos re or tot tern pony for tbil purpose. Mr. White, special histo rian of tbt company, and Messrs. Robinson and (J err art al present tailing upon tho oitlseas and sulioitini lor tho view department. Nona should tail tu recognise Iho beauty tod value of aa album ot our county, intra copies 01 ine engraringa are lurnisbed thoat wbo htvt vltwa taken, which enables tbt owners to havt these pictures ol their homes encased ia Iramos, or aend tht-m to tbclr friends rcsidine fa other parts at tba country Tho following are ht namea of soma ol our ciliaeus who have already contracted tu have views of tlietr homes and buildings in eerled ia tbe Atlas ; ctsunriaao. Judge G. K. Barren residence and offloe. ii. B. Goodiander rcaideuoa and interior view of nnntinar otboa. Judge J. B. MoEnally rcsldanct and sur round) on. a. J. How A Sonfront and interior ritw of prluling office. tt. J. Kow residence. A. B. tbtw rnsidtooe and surroundings. James B. Uranans reeidenoe, bank block and otter buildings. Uiohard Shaw rt-idrnoe, mills and surround ings, luoludiog tba West Clarlld fair grouads, Leonard U railed School building and surround' 1E. George Thorn residence and surroundings. A. J. Logan residence and surroundings. cunwaaaviLLB. Hon. John Patton residence aod farm scene. Mist Annie M. Irvln, view of the John I run ostttt property, oonaiatlog of mills, lumber and raiting soanea on ttte Huaqueiianoa river. K. il. Hraioard interior view oi printing oflloo B. A. Irvin view or (be Irvln bumtstead. iontAH rownaair. Maj D.W.Wtse residence, other buildlngsaad ram view, bill tow mini r. 11. H. Mrflte A Bro. homestead, mill, other bui diets aad sarroandioa! teens rr. H. L. MuGee reeidento, saw Bill, achool house, river view and surroundings. Jamta McUeo midenoe, old AteOee home stead, other buildings and surrounding farm view. Angus Miller raaidtnoo and surroundings. J. W.McGto rosidenoe, Haw Mill, surround ing scenery, nod interior view of Saw Mill. John F Lee rosidenoe aod surroundings. Robert Mabtffty view or rend race, church, other buildings and surroundings. Jamea Mabafiey roaidenoo, river view, and surrounding forest seeao. BtmnaiDS rowaaBiP. Horace Patoh In residence, mills, itort, othtr buildinga, rirtr view, Ao. Jackson Patchin atoro, residence and tur rouading. A. W. Fatah in rasldettot, river ritw and sur roundings. John O. ftonntr reside art and store. Georgt Patchin residence and turroundtngs. V. Tonkins residence, river view and sur soundings. s John King retidenot and aarrouadioga. Jamea McMurray view of residence and itort. A. Bates residence and surroundings, uwiiiici Towaanir. Clark Ilrowa residence and farm view. ait aotA noaovaa. Otorgt M. Brisblu rtsideaw and lawa. D. K. Good residence and lawn. And many etbera. sptttmiB Art yon going to tbo Boa Side, or are yoa there already f In tithertase, procure some of Okan'e Bulpbur Soap, if yon wouia laereoao toe raaury of the aalh, reader your skin while and healthy, and remove frock lea or tun bora. Sold by all Druislsia. Hills Hair A Wbieker uye, elector brown, 0 tenia. aw. Wanran. Some ttallr Itaraed pcrsoa or Artist to ma" a lac it re Lot aan'a Paraat Hilb Cat vat Pi it a aaa ia tbla touniy, on Royalty. Painted from pbotograpba or aay pittaro, and la tbo Finest Oil Painting mado. Before the territory ia taken I will paiat pictures fill for file and warrant them lor life. Kvery person should btvt voe,at Oil Paiatlnga oa Caavao art tbt only uiaiaraa that will stand lha tost of time, aad aaa ho handed dowa to posterity. Particular fret. Nov. T, 1177-1. Corry City, Fa. ai- ! ImIIbh) a Colli. Om,WW OI nn'7 oj n - .n.k Uriln Ia UaaaaDiDttoa aa J Vf I viwj, - " - r the a rave. W by will yoa negleet to Important a . . hp iinta Mat lou 'a mauer win jvm a-- , Coaarawiot Ci'aa, wiib tbe aaiuraaco of a speedy relief. For roronoat areoat iho Cheat or Luiigi. of Lome back or Side, Bniton'i Fonera Plastbb givoo prompt iwhvi -t WalsoB, cCrtrfieid, Pa. Moaat vo Loan By tht Mutual Llm Insuranco Oo., of New York, In soma not leas than l,0W, on flrst-olasa Improved farm propertr. For fur thtr iaformetloB, apply to H. W. SMITH, oat. I, 'TT-lm. Clearfield, Pa. S 4fOMAfrveT MuCtfaM, It la tba duty of every nerson wbo has used aaaae a uarman Hvmn in ut iu wnntUrrui in . and IB.,, aTuuronTawTuiifF'fS ton tan not It wiiboat immediate relief. Throe doses will relieve any ease, and we oonaidar it the duty of ill druggists to recommend it lo tba i poor dying consumptive, at laaal to try uao bot-1 tie, as 40, ( 00 doion bottles weie told laat year, I and no oat ease where il failed waa reported. 1 Such a modiiloa aa tbe German Syrup eannot be i too widely known Ask your Dniggiataboat It. Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular! site 7a oeuta. For sale bv 0. D. Watsun, Clear- i eld, Pa. May 18, IH7-eow-ly. I 1 ihr, ShMoH'M Syiiem lff.rr. Wear authoroaedto guarantee this remedy for tbo euro of Dyspepsia, Inactive liver. Sour Stomach, Consumption, Lost of Appetite, Coming up of Food, Yellow Skin, and general Languor and Debility. You must acknowledge that Ihia would be ruinous unless wt had poeiiive evidence that It will cure. You who are suffering from these oompletntt, thcee words art addressed and will you continue to suffer when yon tan be cured 00 auth terms I It It for yoa to determine. Sample bottle, 10 cants; regular sise 76 cunts. Sold by 0. D. Watson, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. II ACKKBTArR, a popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by 0. D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa, e apr 18, '77-eow-ly. Omb IIvrobbb Pbb Cbkt. Disooubt ob 0m Pnicaa. Sawing Machines can now be purchased at MerreH'a tin and variety store, from $3& up wards. All hinds of tewing maehlnet repaired oa tbe shortest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July IB, 1S77. Wanton 1100,000 26-inoh abaved shingles to average from Jo 0i Inches for which wo win pay iho highest market price. A. O. KnAHtB A Co., fab.lfi tf. Clearfield, Pa. BuOOIBB Fob Saib R. Newlnn flh.w bamta a full supply of Fredoaia Buggies and Platform Wagooa for aalt. To be seta at tbe Shaw House yard. Call on or add rasa him at Clearfield Penn sylvania. may U-tf. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. WANTED by Arnold, at Carwentvllle, 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 bushels wheat 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels oats. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. 1,000 buRhels potatoes. MMMMH SB-Inch ill a red ehlnglre H KMX Hi S4-lurh tawed aliluKlt-a. IIN.'MH fret pine board a. A,4MH railroad ilea. 5.IMHI corda oak aud hemlock bark For which one-third cosh will be paid. oct.25. IWarrirl At tbe residence of Mr. Wm. B ronton, near Clearfield, on Sunday, November 18tb, 1877, by Bev. W. Scott Wilson. Mr. W. P. Norris. of Cur- wensville, and Miaa Bertha Brown, of Lawrence township. On Thursday, November 22d, 1877, by Uev. Wm. M. Burohfleld, Mr. Ueorge C. Kicker and Miss Tillie H. Callan,botb ofl'enficld, Clearfield eounty. sua. At bia residence in Saline, Kansas, on Sunday, Nov. 16tb, 1877, William Jeffriei, formerly a resi dent of turwen.ville, this county, aged 43 years, 3 months and 18 daya. In Bradford township, near Rigler station, on Satarday, Nov. Klh, 1877, Mrs. Martha A. Diioo, agid 14 yeara, 4 months and 11 daya. Is Wost Clearfield, on Tuesday, Nor. 20lb, 1877, Mra, Lydia Ana, wite of Jaiaej Uray, a native ol tba Province of Naw Bruniwick, agud oV years, 1 month aod le daya. CLEAKFIELD MARKETS. Clba ariiLD, Pa., November 17, 1877. Flour, per ewt. , $3 70 Buckwheat Floor, per cwt 8 0(1 Corn Meal, per cwt 1 00 Chop, rve, par owl 1 fit) Chop, mixed, per ewt 1 I" Bran, per ewl 1 Wheal, per bushel 1 40 Rye, per bushel 7b Oats, par bushel 3n Corn, ears, per bushel .. .11 Buckwheat, per buibol 7ft Potatoes, per bushel Apples, per bushrl 40 to 100 Hams, per pound lo Shoulder, per pound . It Dried Beef, per pound IB Chickens, per pair 40 Butter, per pound Bret, nr doien n, 11 Bait, par taeh, largt. H 3 00 Coal Oil, per gallon 2& Lard, par pound Hi Dried Applet, aet poutd.....,. H. 8 Dried Peachea, per pound H II Beans, per bushel 1 &0 PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. Pbiladslpbia, November 11. Flour quiet superfine, M 1 eitrat. fit ftl 1 Pennsylvania fam tly, f6.60(th7 1 Minnesota do., t6(ajo.76j patent high grades, Tf,&o. Kya fioor, $4(4.16. Wheat stoady ; amber, $1 .44 1.47 t rrd,4l.4l (edi.m t whitt, fil.4ir.ol60. Corn ma al at ti.oruo.l0. Corn firm and quiet; yellow, fiifg fij30f mli td, fi4e. Oats stctdy; Pennsylvania while, 37ft,39o; weU(n do., 87(&:i8e western mixed, S6(fl)3flic. Rye quiet al Too. Provisions quiet and weuki mess pork, $14 ($ Id.ftO. . Beef bama, tlOlITi India meat beef, $137$ 38.60 tmoked bama, 1 1 fVt) 1 6c ; pickled d., li fUc; graan do, 7($ac; smoksd shoulders, 7i(g,"e; ahouldcra in salt, 0fd8to. Butter quiet and nnohanged. Eggs active and steady Pennsylvania, 26 37c 1 western, 14(d2oc, Cheese quiet; New Tork fancy, 13(0)11)0) wesUrn choice, 1"4(aj I Jo, Pvtrokaa B.isetilcd for crude; refine I fioml bbI; trade, 10i(a)lle, Whisky, f 1.1U.' Baltihobb, November 31. Flour dull, heavy add unchanged. Wheat houlbern steady; west era quiet and easier; aonttiern red, good to prime, $l.l3fa))47 ; to. amber, 1 Si ; do. W( stern winter rrd, spot, abd November, fil.42v ; Deeumbor, $1 44. Corn Southern steady ; western strong and a shade higher; aoutbern wbtto and yellow, ft&fa fitto; old westers mlxtd, tpot ami Nevamber, O24o 1 December. A44c: steamer, ftfifo; new west ern mixed, apot and November, 624.0; December, ol(o2iot January, fljc aid. OaU quiet aad steady) southern, Siftjltfe ; wesUra white, lf;Ui do. mixed, S4(ni86e. Rye quiet aad firm at fiKgi 80t. Provisions unchanged. Butler Choice western packed firm at Ufa) 23c. Pttroltam dull 1 erude, 7ffijp7flo; rtfintd, Ui Whuky dull nad lower at $1.00. Cbicago, November S3. Wheat steady and unchanged. Oats In good demand 1 ln(t for cosh; 2Me for November and Ueeember; 2lo tor January ; re. Joettd, lit Kye ateady ned firm at fi.ta. Barley dull and wek l 03t for cash. MarkeU closed Wheat strung I l 01 for No- vemberi $l.07ift I07fia for December or Iho year 1 gl.vffd.) ONt lor January. ailrojia. PcuuMjlvauln Railroad TYRONE 1 CLEARFIELD BRAN'CU ON ud n.r M.nd.y. JUNI It, 1877, tb Pumfir Tiii will ran d.llj (.iMpt Hao d.i) b.twM. TyrVHMd OI.krfl.ld, M fullow, i CLIAKFIBLD MAIL. W. 0. Iiwt, Co.dutor. ' tiAVB 'ioiifai '" 'j "leavi pth.' C.r..t.U.u.l: Cl.ut.ld......., It,.. Id. " TyraM M V,BMa,M,.. Rammll, Pow.ltoa , I.IO.l.a. ,...6, ..," .10 10, " LMMrd, S,..J. Woodland, I Bllw,. W.IIMoo,... Bin B.U,.-.-..4 lrh,.. 4. Phlhp.k.rf.... 8co.r', ...4 Bo.Mton, M 4. 4J, M, " UmmI... B.) .ton, ., Bt.iDW' P.illp.b.r,. Oraa.m, Bla. Ball n, - ..10.17, ' ..11.11, ..ion," . 14.14. ' ii, " ia, ..10.40, " 35, .41, " W.llMalo.,.,. Il Wcdluid Barrall, LMa.rd,.,.H., 10.50, ,11.08, ' 11.17," ,11.14," II.HI," 11.40, " .1101, OhioI. 4 Pomllon, 4 Saaa .. .47, it, (t, S4, Clwrflald ..... Tjrro.. i Carvnaf 111... CLIAKFIBLD ACCOMMODATION. W. I. PLoaan, Coadaator. LIAVIBOUTH. LKAVI NOHTII. CarwMf.111.. Cl.ar4.ld r.M 1. 1 7:31 f.M " lot IH 14 " ISO 01 17 " 44 M " Tfras...... VaaaMjoa, Raman,. .1.11 r. I .145 " .101 LMlirt, ...... Barratt, M Woodland,.... Blflar, WallaoCoa,.. Bla. B.U (Ir.haai Pbllltbari Puwallaa...... I II " .4 91 " OWMl.,..., batatoa,., .4.41 4 41 " .100 HtaiBar'a, Pblllpibar,.. Orabaa Bla. Ball WallBMtoa,.. Biajlw,. ... Woodl.Bd Bamti Uoa.rd....... ClMrHald A.10 " .141 .Oil " II 10 .141 " .4 H u ,7 10 ..! BlalMr'a...... Bo,BIO.,m.. N .I " OMaola, II.M " 1144 " ,1114 " 11.11 p. ,.I.M " P.W.IIMI, , ViiwrlN,.., Tjm. Oarwavarlll. gallrcada. ' STAUl LI NUM. A, CurweoaTlll.dallj for Re,Dultl. ,111a, at 1 o'aloflk, p. a., arriving at H.jrnoU.vllU al 0 o'rlMb, p. a;. B.tlirnin,, Irav.a H.,Bolda rill, dailj, al 7 I'Vlink, a. n., arriving at Our. Tr.B.vllwal llo'.laDk, a. Far., web wa,, $2. UaMJ. dvnWiVI. Jktur.Ai' f ."i. i mm i . i alAvuiw ' .a. m..vibb, a ' . Ju. 7 e'olMb, a., ilall,, Curwra.vllloat II .'obHia, w. 1'ar .aob war, Id. BALD IAULK VALLEY UHANCI1. "'L". ..." . a. p. a. 8..i0 laav. Tyrwti. arrlr. 8.10 8.17 . Bald Kail. 4.SS II. sa Jaliaa 1. 10 .5S 144 10.06 ll.ll.foat. 4.17 10.14 Mik.liur, 4. IS 10.40 Howard 4. Ill 11.18 arrlr.L. Uaraa l.av. PHILII'BUl'Ra A IOSIIANNON URANCIIEg I.B.TB lOlTTn. lbavb bortb. I, a. p. a. p. a. 12:10 12:31, 18:11 p. u. a. a. a. a. 1:00 1:15 7:35 1:111 7:88 1:34 7:44 TiTioaa. Murrladala, Plnlipiliurn, Hlaioor Uuynlun, O.ovula,, Htarlinx, lluatkdala, MoC.uh.y, K.ndrlok'i, Kaia.T. 12:14 12:114 4:15 11:61 4U0 11:46 8:62 11:40 1:47 11:36 8:44 11:30 1:40 11:16 1:36 1:111 10:10 7:51 0:13 30 0:211 0:20 Oil 0 10 0:110 1:44 10:46 :08 1:51 111:61 8:11 3:57 10:51 8:17 8:03 11:03 8:31 3:07 11:07 8:38 1:11 11:11 0:36 TYRONE STATION. kabtwamii. A. a. PaolDo Ripraaa 8:10 Uarrlsburg Aeo'm, 1:60 r. a. Mall Train, 918 Atlantio Kiprcaa, 0:511 Pbila. Kiprall, 10:38 BRMTWAHD. A Pltlibargb Kip'ia, 160 raeina aiprcll, 8:10 p. a. Way Pariongrr, 1:16 Mall Train, 1:34 rait Lina, 7: Cloia ooBnaotton. malo liy all tralot at Tjrona and Lock llar.n. ). S. BLAIR, nyl7-tf. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW 0UADK DIVISION. ON and after Monday, May iftlh, 1R77, tbe nassenRcr trains will run daily (exceut Sunday) between Red Hatik and Driftwood, at toiiowa i KAKTW AHI).Iay Mail Icavts Mttsburg fi:'.'(J a. m.t tied llanb ll:I&i tSligo Junction 12:14; Naw Detblehem 1:20 p. m i Mayaville 1:37; Troy I:l)ftt Hrookvilit t.ili i Fuller's 3:0 ; Hty noldsrille 9:00 ; DnHois fi:3 ; iSvimmit tunnel l:4H; Panfleld 4:00 ; Wecdvllle 4:17 ! llenesette 4:o ; arrives at Driftwood at 0:46. W I1 V Altl Unj Mail travel Hrlftwood 1216 p. m. lit' no ir tie 11:57 Wecdvllle 1:10; renfieid 1:30; huaimit Tunnel 1:H i UullolsZ lI Ueynoldsvillc2:lt4; Fuller's 3:50; Drookvllle 8:11 Troy; Maysvlllc H:6I; Now Bethlehem 4:06 ; 8li)o Junction 4:47 ; Bed Hank biM ; arrives at fittsbnrg at 7:60 p. m. p9 The Beynuldsville Accommodation leavra Rrynoldiville daily i.t 7:i0 a. m.; aud arrives at fled Rank at 11:00 a. ra.. Pittsburgh at 1 Hi p. Leaves PitUburgh at 1:10 p. m ; Red Rank at b:9b p. m.; arriving at Keynoldsvllle at t:SU p. m. Clow oonocctlnes made with trains on P. H Railroad ai Lriltaood, and with Iraina on the A I leg limy Vailcv Hailn-ad at licit Hank. DAVID McCAItUO.Uea'l Sup't A A. J a ci -en. Su't L. O. Div. FARK FROM CLKAHF1ELI), TO Delleronte, Pa tl 051 Mlddlctown 00 Look Uaven 1 70 Marietta fi 60 WtlllainHport. 8 00 Lancaster fi HuntiDRtJon 1 80, PHILADELPHIA 7 96 Lewlstown- lUOiAltoona 1 A6 Maryaville 4 60 Johnstown.- S 80 I'uwensviJle X" ' rntnpeourx Osceola ft.'ilTvn.fie I 22 HaKHIKUIIRO ... 4 761 PITTKBURU fi 16 Jleu; dmtisirmrnU. CHARLES 0. LEIDY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Osceola MUD, Clrarflul l Co ., Pa, l.ii.iDitBt nf all kinds attended lo Pa r- tleular attention pad to the procuring iil'bnunties, pensions. Ac. IXov .1, lT7 ty. STH A I-I OR rorF.W. From the sub-acrtb-r nn i he 3th day ot October, a email dark brmdle cow, about five years old. Any In formation aa to ber whervah.iuta will be thank fully rectlvtd and liberally rvwurdrd. WM RIDKBACQH. Clcarleld, IV, Nov. II, 18. Ml (CAUTION All p.rsona are bereby waracd j not to trade or negotiate for a certain prom iasory note, given by mo to Dominic Uano A Bro., d.tcd atiout tbe 4b or (AeptemtMr last, calling for eighty (0) dollars, and duo neat June. Not having received any value for said n'te, I am determined not to pay It unless impelled by law. JOHN M.HKITKK. Karthsus, IV, Nov. 21, IS77 31. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Oct 17, IST7-M. CAUTION. AH persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or ia any way med dling with tba following personal property, late ly of Win. B. Condo, of Lawrence township, and now la possession of Jno. A. Read, to wit : One buggy, one set single harness, one cow and onw yearling bull. Said property was purchased by me at Constable 'a Bale, nn the 21' th day of No vember, 1477, and la li-ft with Jno. A. Read, on loan only, and Is sable it to my nr ler at any time. ELI BLOOM, Clearfield, Nov. 28, '77 3 1. N OTIC 12. n Re tht Chtrt-r of ihr ) In the t'onrt of Cnm Prcsbylerian Church of mon I'lras of Clear Clearfield, Pa. j field county. Notice Is hereby liven that annlloatioa has bean made to Hon. Charles A. Merer, President Judge of aaid Court, for leave ta add an amend ment lo tbe Charter or tbe v resnytenan vnurcn ol Clsarftrld, to authorise nd emuowar tbo True- tees to borrow monry and secure the same by mortgage. WALL At HI HUB u, Nor. 28, lS77-3t Atiotncya. REMOVAL!! I bars this day moved my store tt) Second strati. In thtrooraknownas Wright's Store. Inaddltlnt to the large slock niw on hand, I have received t largo stock of new Foil fc Winter Uoods In all. Iba rari ca lljlcl ol II rj Ooudi, Notlani, Trimming, Whlla Oood., Millinery Fane. Uaodi, Carp.U, Oil Clolbi, Wall Paprr, 4c, aa. It It my Jelrrmlnallim to HntiBK. kwpl iralt I'K1., and Ball tbta at tb. Iimt.t CASH PRICES, And okaap itnl7 al rba.p prion will not ba aaic a ipaalarty b r. Il II anmroiar; lo .aaaanlla .rllol.l or prloM, kill ' IM tni pilol of fruit aad prltM In lull .r.tjbndy. Mr .ipooa" bln on. frartb ahat thi-j r, I eaa a.01 al tha rry lowcit pri... RRMEMHER TUB TLACR, WILLIAM REED, 8KC0ND BTRKET, CI.EAIIKIKLD, Pi, apt. II, 1177 tf. PATRONS NEW FALL GOODS I At Guinzkrg's New I WILL OPKN ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10ib, With in ulire now Hock of llooU, Sboaa.HaU, Cipiind FurnliblngGoodi, ill iirioei thai will fill your benru with joy and your pockols with cash. Whm 1 uto I km prepared to prora with tba following prloa lift, which apeaka for ilaoli: Wotn.n'a land laaUnf 2T0 PAFER SOLES. THE OLD LADY COMFORTABLE SUOE.11.78. Tha moil latisfaotory ihoo ovor mudo for old peopla. Ho aaay on lha foot, it fooli ai though it wore but a itocking. Try It. Wo alio have a full line ol GrarTa and Burt'a boat band mado aboea. Order taken for any ahaped foot, and belt fit vonobed for. IN MEN'S WEAR TIIE3K 13 A POS1TIYE 5LAXJGHTEK. Man'ahrar; wlnl.r ihoai with doubl. .olai, 04 wala. Maa'a Wil hip ahoM, 11.14. M.B'a tall Jr... ahm, 11.66. Man't bait mlfdrw ahoaa, 1.74. If aa a bla worklac boot, 1.04. Kip working booU,dolbl. tola, 1.44) tap aol.,l.44 Klalra tap Ban, 1.1. Sola Agent for the Celebrated Hand Sorewed Claflin Shoe. Men't draii boo I. at 3 !. Mrni baat oalf boo la, 1.75. U.n'i baat aalf Uotl, aawW, 44, 14 i $0. Boot! with and wllhoal bo I tora, aataiiloa or Up aol.a, all al tha aaa. prion. MaaaarM tabaa and b..i. m.. .bow H..d. U. wiU.I a. lUi. pilow. Pt. Bi, aw p.J. - , . lioys shoe in fifty diflorent atylei, at from II 00 to ll.AO in walking and school shoos, and from II 25 to 12.60 for beat calf ikln ,butlon, dresa ahoe. Boys Klmira tap eole booU at 12.40. MISSES SHOES IN A HUNDRED STYLES. NO I Mluaa Bobool Shoct tt 05 nntt. ; NO ! ill. in far ihoti at PAPER Hlnoi anulna ..If tboai at $1.16. PAPER Mltili Kid abo.i at $1, $2.60 aad $3. SOLEd. Miiic. drrnihota at $1.60, 11.40, $1.76 ud $140 hand Bnlab. i BOLES. Children and baby shoes at crazy figure. A good aolid buttoned hoe, heel ed fur children, f5 cent ; copuer lip, 85 ; rubber tip dresi shoes, 11.20. Baby shoes, all kinds, from 80 cent up. Men', Women' and Children's 35 cent. Shoe polish 15 cents per bottle, shoe airing 4 cent per dozen, button hooka one cent each. Minna rubUri 81 tli-1 itrlri. Womai'i rabbwa, 40 Ota 4 atjl.a. Maa'a rablxn, 7it 4 itylaa. Mm'ahaar; rubbar booU, 43.10. Woman', rnbbar boot., H SO. Hliaaiand bnjra nibbar boot! 11.36. nooi nnau, bncKl. arctici, Wo are also soiling men's genuine felt Wo lake any marketable article In trade and considor it TIIE CASH. Wo want as much grain as we onn get, lor wbicb wo will give market price. Call mid Convince Yourself. S. GUINZBURG, At Flegal's old stand, opposite the Court Hontt Clearfield, IV, Kept 13, IS77. Z. a. Irtk & tv.'t ffolumn. THIS SPACE T. A. FLECK & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENT Will Appear in a Short Time. JTJUTIC'K' d COrlaTBlEl KIR Wa bats prlatad a larg. aaaoat W 0a a. PKR DILL, and will oa tba raoalpl tt twaatr 4ra aaau. aaall a boot aaj addr.M. art FRESH MEATSEW SHOP. Tha andrnlgnad kbj Inform! lb. pnbll. In .rnarat tbal tbap ba.p on band, rjgn .rly, al tbalr ibop, adjoining JO II K 0 U L1CH H f.railar. rooaa, oppoalt. tba Court lloaM, lb. aisr nt urirr, tkai, mutton LAMB, POMf, tTO AT BEDUCKl) riiICF.3, KOtt CA8U. Marbrt aoralngi Tatidaj, Tbarida;, .Bd DatnrdaTl. Moat diUrarrd tt raitdanao baa daairad. A ihar. af patroaaga II raipaetrallr sollrltod. Marrb i, lara-ir. "TAiii a morri. IM FALL Boot and Shoe Store. ikow at 74 hbU . Uh4 U all at $1.44 Wob.b'i laoad anram thoat at 11.10. Uaad ta nil at l . Wom.n'a la) oalf ihi at 1.15. Viad U tall at 1.4 Woiaai'a br)t fara iboai at MS. Uaad to nil at I.M Woman'! boat uir ihou al 1.44. Iliad to Mil at I N Womtn'i laoad foial ibom at LU. Um4 to mU at 1.40 Won.n't bnttoaad BOroow iboaa at 1.40. Uaad to ttllai 1.71 Wom.n'l kid latwllboa. at II lad to Mil at 1.J5 Woan't bid kattoaad thoat at 1.04, 1.04, 1.74 ud 4.00. aaif-aollog gaaa, ud allotbar laablBB.. hat at 75cont. Thiaia"stunnor.' No Trouble lo Show Goods. I f. . fftfr ft to.'t Column. BELONGS TO COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Tbaasjdrraliraod dtilm t laformj la. .IIImbi Bf Claarald tbal a. ii praparad ta taraiab C04L r aa aaMlhtal .aallt., w all waa aa gira aia a all. at a arlaa nuabl. fBrlbapraBoatkardllaoa. II. will aiobang. anal for Soar, food, groearlM, All .rOr. will raMra praapl atuatioa. aa a. oa. Ilrm biaairawal. THUS. A. DUCbi HIT. Cl.arl.14, Ha.,arpt. t.'17 4a. Bigler, Young & Reed UiVS ON BAND Ono-hoiM Trmi Fawsra a4 Thraaklaf Muklae. Alas. AnryH Paint Poar-karaa Pawtr Farann will da nail aa gin Ibna a sail. 0la.rl.ld, Pa., Aag.l,77-tf. tw gtifrtliimruti. SELLING OFF 11 GUINZBURG'S LAP.GE AND. WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Men's k Boys' Hals, Caps, TRUIVKH, 'iJIIIBllEIiliAfi aVVAI.ISO. WILL BE VI.OHT.n OUT TO .WT VE.n.l.rOH. JTOV)' IS roun to bi t bjhujia h. W. will frail yarn a good Salt of Ololblog worth W. will aall yoa a bettor artlola warth - Wo will Mil ton a Mill bailor art Ida worth Wa will aall yoa tho vary bait, worth ...... Wo will Mil yoa a hoary Holloa Cloth Ororooal worth - W. will Mil yoa a botlar artiel. worth - - Wa will Mil yoa a Hill bailor article (Beeror) worth Wo will Mil yoa a flno woratod diagonal Orarooat worth Wo will Mil yoo tha lory bait Imported Cbioobilla Ororooal worth We will Mil yoa a Dei coal from n to n. Till BEST AND CHEAPEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS OH ANY OTHER MARKET. BOYS' CLOTHING Wt will close oot at almost an price. In underwear, wt tall nt TOotoU ttettor aualllUiiid food man other foods proji-Ttionetel cheap. A. GUINZBURG, Agent, W?nterii Hotel Corner, Clearfield, Pa. Oolobar8l, 1877. 85 CENTS. 85 XZLT3JiX& Best in the 85 H. A. KRATZER'S.1 85 RICHARDSON'S Elmira Boots and Shoes, can be had only at H. A. KRATZER'S. Itnj em, make n note of thin. H. A. KRATZER IS SELLING 10.4 Blanket, al Fruit of Loom Muali. at ....... Canton Flannol al .... "-- a- - ' Splendid Blaob Alpaoa at . All-Wool OMhaoroi at ...... All-Wool aad part-Wool Flannel!, vary oheap. No adr enter., will bo taken of pariom nnacqnalolid with Iba qu.lltl.i of good.. Tb. bait Jodge. ol Dry Uoodi bay of H. A. KRATZER, Two Doors West of Posloffice, Clearfield, Penn'a. Oetober 14, BAI.D 1IFADS BALD HEA1IH DAI.D A WOMDERF-TJX. DIBCOVEHY. W ta i&. DEODORIZED EXTRACT OF PETROLEUM, i " ITIli n (njr intintfi inr mill lilt; uui amuic iiiLii wm S CARBOLINE CARBOLINE W A wonderful dlacoTerT. Rnloret the hair. S reates a ucw growth of hair Lo aix weeks. 2 CARBOLINE CARBOLINE An elrpiiit itreeelnt;. Rratoree radfj hair, (g Was uver kuowa W (all to a tiOie laslaaco. I CARBOLINE CARBOLINE "3 ICradkatea deadruiT. Beator-a fray hair. Isnotadre. Itusturoa tha balr naturally. a CARBOLINE CARBOLINE Invigorates the train. Ads like snagta. la aulng wondrtt ob bald heads. ? CARBOLINE CARBOLINE Xtrnftlri iht hstr. Revamtneri'ls Itself, alskos tbe old look young again. CARBOLINE CARBOLINE M H lot dye. Ite-torea lost vitality, (jjj performs what other hair mlurera ooly dttia. 3 CARBOLINE CARBOLINE 7 -Makea biir ai row AbeolutelT etttvle. ue talk all ovtir tuwu. , CARBOLINE 4 vniiuvt-i- mi i. it,. hMi hslr Utile. Itraulllee the hair. P3 it desUutil lo brcotne a boust-bold word. CARBOLINE CARBOLINE Excel Ip4 ot n Uocomuieoas Hi none. ftTit-s tha W.d brads. - sell. One trial alll codtIoco. X CARBOLINE CARBOLINE Contalnt no mioerals. Reetorea original color. united by erery one wbo has Irled IL CARBOLINE. CARBOLINE It a nttarti praltirl Ileal we dlfiil hnlr. It tko orowalag sex-sees of tbo raodlcal world. CARBOLINE CARBOLINE Cooling arvd tleanly. Bemewea trtrf. Is worth ita weight lo gold. CARBOLINE CARBOLINE Mala III. hall floaty.. Ii'tnn, 4.1a, b- . Bay it you will uoret.Tegrr1'! . rlaln S CARBOLINE CARBOLINE I Sold everywhere. Prlet, oat dollar. U1LD UEADH-BALD HEADS-BALD JpOK SALR Tht onderslgood witl tttl at private salt tit that i-tit r itKrael of laoi annate la PMtar township. Clearfield oonaty, Pa., within a abort d.etaaoo of too Tyrone Clearnel-t R. K., tad adjoining lands of Robert Iludsoa and otners, aad knowa as tho Jacob D. Gear hart tot. Tha tald tract oontaiolng 60 aerot mora or less, with two veins of valuable ooal tharooo, has about SO a.m. i.aaaut uui ! ih hue to a lam bodr of ooal about being developed. Will oo sold low and opoa easy terms, f wr parueuiars, appy tVAV lu Sa. nnpiio., Pa., July U, l7o. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BRO., . Ob M.rk.t 8b, on. door .Ml of Maarloo lloui., j CLKAR FIELD, PA. Oo. .rranaenaata ara rf tha noat ootnnlate ! ottaraeter tor furnlibln. ma pabli. wttn rre-in Menu of all klad, and or tnarary nan quality. Wa elan deal IB all kind! of Afrleoltaral lapl aenli. whieb w. boon oa .lhihition for tbo baa- oat of tho publlo. Cell around whoa ta town, aad lake a look at tbinre, or addreei ui V. 41. CAKUUN llltu. Clearllald, Pa., July 14, 1171-tf. OKAIN WASTED. FARMERS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, Give me your Attention for a Moment. I want 6,000 bushels of Wheat. I want 5,000 bushel of Oats. I want 5,000 bushels of Rye. I want 5,000 bushels Buckwheat. For which I will bar the Cash when T ,7" 1 5 ar - ueiiverea. ....., n. iiui.&liunu. CU.r4.ld, fa., Oat. 17, 1177-la. DRUG STORE. ) " i ' ; Vi ) I H. B. SPACKMAN, DRUGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw's old stand, CltawAtltV Pa, a, j-itl tpentl a at ttook of f r ui; si4o '; bri gs aad It bow prepared to ftralab t a thing la tht tat liao oi urogs aau ateaiettes at mt rtry w eei east pneee. He baa also on hand a largt stnok of Combs, Hatr and Tooth Brashes, feaey Artlelts, Toilet tnd Hharlng tmptt. and ttotytfilftg aeaalty kept la a Irst elass Drug Start. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS ootapoaadad with tare, clay or night. A liberal short of patroaago rtspoetrairr aoitclted. MHteiien, BFAOKMAN. si. m, CletrtUU, a., ftM. II, lTT. $tx dvrrtUrmroti. Gents' Fnrnislting Goods, - - - $11 for 7 4 14 for I 00 20 for 14 40 14 for 10 04 for 4 4 I. for 7 1 I for 1 00 34 far 14 00 10 for 10 00 S3E3CX3F1.,X,S. market, at CELEBRATED IJ 15 a pair 10 eeatj. 0 eanta. 11 mil. 40 oonla. HEAIS-JUI.D HEADS BALD HEADS I Dnnlnnn TTm'n am J)n)A Tlnirla ncauic nan u Dm h CARBOLIIME k pmrl fn..u tkei oil at U flows from NnUirrx (rmtiQ cltemical laboratory, bra peculiar pr'. cent inTrnted by a pnu tioal clipmiKt, waa led to exptriment upon Pet ml turn P as a hair reatoratire hj n?ailing an inter-? toting account written br Mr. (iixt. I lor- . km. mident of tit frontier tuwu ol't Kiaclita in Uiwaia. Mr. Hortoii hmlr tricd with ex traonlt liars' anevwa thu itwH of Petrolettm uon cattle) and hore w that had loot their hair on If ing atferte.l x with the rattle pltifrtit. Th idrw wneM tapifftted to him through a very ennon "Z circumatanop. namely, he refnlbx-h'tl 7 Utai a HirnMraeairaiU al tUahotai, rwua- i t u rely bald, hnl a tinsulnr haliit wIihi" trifBRiinff tht lant,ni wiptrtf hit ptrni lmw4eaimnred hand-iioit the tw-.-iiu !S lorka atill remaining to hi to. 'lin" mnntha fmni hit flrat apnearonre 4t if-m, hotel he waa the MihjtMrt of frvnernl i-e-lU mark, hit hrad being rowrrd erl'It nv.Vf abiinuance of fine nu-Y m.ArR 11 .vi rt. Stirh n wonderftil rhatige in m short tii.u-1 Mr. Hurt on denutl of nr.fii-i -iraiortanc to make public l . -v. U world. From prartical ci?rtu''.ii ' our chemical frit'nd irtminu- tHrtivt;w;t! mm Umt iVtruleum if lut.iKrlv lii.u'iim I and freed from all irriuitiuu mu; illimiuialing siilwtniH'ro. hal the n'iHi.rk-. able nrmiertr nf rmtoritiff the hair t.i v t I natural aTBt'tnl rohrr; atill farther xri ! were nrnwary t. prociv jr. anicie comiHiunir inrnirfiieinni riiiniui. of the oil in an agrecnlile form nml i t, winch renders it tuacepliblc of l-c.u -3 baiKiled as daittUly aa thu fataois Kau tic Cologne; he nnw prwents j CARBOLINE f to tho public withnut fear of wKitra-iii"--(ion tu the beat restorative and ln'ni;i:i r f, of Uie liair (lie world hut ever pi('ii.,isL y rUM K. OMf DtlMiAR PHI C nTl,!.. eMd by all Iruswtata. tflt KENNEDY a CO ; Oeueral Agents for the I'nllfd States A Cmi...! Ji Car. Uml An. Wni St.. r.uiHi.t, : HEADS-JUi.D HEADS HALO Hr.tlW I OB PRINTING OF EVERT DK8CRIP I tloa aaa tly tiaeatod ai this oftoa. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Poan townialp, Cloaltold Co, fa. a IIUIIKED OUT! UT BOT BURNED UPI TboaahMrlbora bavt, tt groat eiawaat, rwtwllt a neighborhood aeegasity, la tba oroettoo of a firit olaas Woolea Maaafaolory, with all tho aiodera improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Clot ha, Cassi meres, Batinetts, Blan kets, Vlaaatlt, o Floaty of goods on hand to supply all our old and a thoasand bow eastoottra, whom wt ask to tome aad a lata I no oar atook. The baalness of . CARDING AND FTLLINQ will receive oar especial attention. Proper arrangement! will be anado to oefve and deliver Wool, to tult customers. All work warraaUdl and done upon the shortest oolieo, aod by stritt atten- noa to ens-neat wo nope ta realist a literal abort of pahrlt patronage. 10,IOO POUNDS WOOL WA5T1DI Wo will pay Ike kit beat market ftrltt for Woe and aall oar manufaetarod goods at low as similar goods eta bo bought la tbe ooanty, and wbtoover ww fall to readtr rtatoaablt tatisfhotloa wo ota always bo found at homo ready to make proper explanation, either In parson or bv lotttr. ' 1 JAaWEB .JUllflbUn BOHH, aprillntf Bower P. 0. OIGIIEST AWARDS! ',v.;;,uV. J. REYNOLDS & SON, ' -' 11 KOHtHWIgT CORRKll ' ' " THIRTEENTH dl Fl Lit BUT TRKBTH. PHILADELPHIA, UANVPACTURIRS Ot FATKNTRD Wrought-Iron Air-TIght HEATERS, WITH SUA KIN II ANDCMNEIR-OftrNDINd URATKH ..lit RIIRNINO ANTHKA. Cll'g OR BITUMINOUS COAL CENTENNIAL TR01GHMR0X HEATERS, , FOR 11TDMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE ' WROICHMBM HEATERS, COnKIMfi TtAW(lK., LOW. DOW" ORATKS. Ioerrt,tl. Clrw alarw mt ft la aay a4draaas aXAMINI SKFOHft SKLKCTINa. April 14, '771.. II' i I : i : I