THE MANSION HOUSE. Coraorgf Stoond and Mark.! Streets. Jl" CLEARVIKLD, FA. . Unir cipuitrur In. tBUrtalamtBt of straa (rs '.ad HiU. The hoi bail Jlng ku reforalshed, aad the proprietor trill ip pales te reader hit gaeale eoalorLble while ttayi.s; with hia. -Tht 'Mansion Boast" Oaalbat mm te ud froa the Depot 01 Ihe arrival nd d.partare efeeoktnia. - W.C. CARDUN, JutfUt:J . Pr.prl.loi A LLKGHENY HOTEL. Harkat Street, Clearfield, Pa. Wai. 8. Bradley, formorly proprietor of tba Lacaard Hoase, having leatod tba Allibeny Hotel, solicits a share of publta pairoa.s;., Tbo IIoum hu boea thoroughly repaired and B.wly forni.had, aod tweets will find it a plaaaant atop. pin place, Th. Ubl aupplied with la. boat of everything ia tba market. At tba bar will be fuund the be it wluee and llqoors. Oood stabling attached. WK. 8. BUAOLEY, May 17, 'it. Proprietor. SIIAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Harkat A Front street!,) CLEARFIELD, FA. The uodenigned having UkeB ebarge of thla Hotel, would re.peotfull700lioitpo.blto netronagt. J.ol'74 . I). K.FULLKHTOM. YUASIUNGTON HOUSE, T NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbia aew aad woll furnished bonso haa b takeB by the undersigned. Ho feela oonftdent of being able to render aatiafaotioa to thoaa who may favor him with a oall. May 8, 187J. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. JOYD H0U8K,b PHILIPSBURoTpENN'A. Table alwaya aoppliod with the beat tba market affords. The traveling publie la l&vtted toeall. iaa.1,'76. ROBERT LOYD. r. . ABHOLB. B. W. ABR0LD. 1. B. ABflOLB F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO., Itniikertt ami Itrokers, Reynoldsvllle, Jefferson Co., Pa, Money reeelved on Discounts at mo derate ratr-a. Eaitern and Foreign Exchange al wava on hand aad ooHeetlona promptly made, lleynold.vllle, Deo. 19, 1871.-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. 1 1 OOM la Maaonlo Building, one door aorta ol XV C D. Walton 'a Drug Store. Passag. Tickets to aod from Liverpool. Que town, tl iesgiiw, London, Parla and Copenhagen. Also, Draft, for aaleon the Royal Bank of IrelaBd and imperial nana or London. JAMKH '1'. LEONARD, Proe'L W. M. SHAW, Caahler.'TT DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Htreet, Philadelphia .; ; BJJTKERS, And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will reeelva prompt atten tlon, and all infortnatlon oheerfuily furnished Oruera .dieted., I 1 ApHI ll tf. grntlStttf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Office in Bank Building,) ? VtirwouvUlc, Clearfield Co., Pa, -moa it fd-tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. ' f (Olice In rerldeace, Sec.Bd .treat.) Clearfield, Pa., May I, ISTT-ly. G flF.AT REDUCTION la vbb puirra nr - - AHTIflCIAt, TEETH Dr. A. M. Illlla would Inform hi. frlenda and patrons that be la now putting up Artificial Teeth for TEN DOLLARS PER SET. Br a new and ereatly Improved proceas of polish ing Rubber Plates, he oan give a muoh stronger plate with leaa thioknees the plate beiag all over the palate of ao equal thickness, renders It mucB more pleasant to tne paueat tnaa tna oia slvle Blates. As t have the exclusive right to nee this process In this eonnty, no other Dentist ean put up aa gooa plates oy aoy oiner moae. J&"AII work guaraBteed aattsfaotory.'-w Clearteld, June 1.1. A. M. HILLS. T N GOD W E TR ITST. All others mual X pay for their work before It leaves the shop. And aa all flesh Is as the grasa oflthe field, aod the promises of meo are like the flowera inoreoi loey are given one u.j anil lorgmien the next therefore it is best not to trust anybody. All built of work will bo dona IB thla shop for oasb- or feady pay. Boots aod abgee of all aiaes and .Ivies the best aod ebeanest in town. I have removed my shop to tba lower tad of towB, in Taylor a row, on nee a street, near toe depot, where I will ba found at all timea, waiting for eastoaert. AU work warranted good aad cheaa. Alto, all kinds of Leather and Shoa Findings for sale. The tlticoat of Clearfield and vicinity art rsspectfolly invited te give me a eall. JOS. II. DEEHINQ, Clearfield, Pa., July II, IH77. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS it STATIONERY. Market 8U, Clearfield, (at the Poet Office.) THE undersigned hogs leave to annouaoe to the elliacos of Clearfield and vicinity, that he hu fitted up a room and baa Jost returned from the eity with a large amount of reading matter, eonaistlng In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aocount aad Past Booka of every do. aeriptloa t Paper and Envelopea, French preased and plain Pena and Pencila ) blank Legal Paper., Deeda, Mortgages ) Judgment, Exemp tion and Promisarr Boteet White and Parch ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Can, and Bill Cap, Hheet Music, for either Piano, Flute or Violin, constantly on hand. Any booka or etatlooary deired that 1 may Bot have on haad,will be ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or retail to coil eostomere. I will alao keep periodical llleratare, oven es Megssinee, Newepopers, Ae. P.A.UAtlLIN. ' Clearfield. May 7, 1888-tf A. I. aaan. A. i. babkbtt. REED & HAGERTY, SucoMiort to VJ. G. SCHRYVER, . , DEALERS I If '"HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, WOOD and 'WTLLO'W-'yTAJIH. C60klNa'8T0VE8, HEATING. STOVES and EANQES, Aeremtl Bl.yCltarHttd, rm. l I , I I ill ' The underetgned would avnoaaee te the eltleeaa of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have per. chased the Hardware Store of J. O. Bcbryver.and will eeuelenily keep oa band a fall aaaortmeat ef Hardware la all Ita braaobas, each as TABLE U'0( KIT II TLEBY. fieach Stops, Hand flaws, (Ircat AmarlcaB Crosi eul Raws, D. II. and Perlleg Axes, HateheU, Planea and Plane Irons, ell kinds ef Nolle, Homo Hhnoeead Horse Shoe Aalle, Plnkl, iloaa, kahet.lay Porkt, Shnvels and Spadee, , (kythes,Snathe,Plowi, tiraia Cradles, Cnltlvatora, Doable . , J A wad Hingis Shovel Plows, Cullivelor Teeth, Revels aad ' Tit Squares, Hhirrel Bledee, Mill ' few aad Taper Piles, Onleels, HHte, ' Aegere, Adsne, Hare Doer Hangers, Bait, T and Htrep Hinges, Sonny's Hollow Angara, all smd. ef Iweka, bore w a, Bath Cord aad Pulleys, GLASS and PUTTY, Foot and Chala Holla, Carriage, "Ire aad Barrel llolte, Ked Oord, Mad Irene, none Breshee aad Cerry-Cowibe, Urled.atone Sxteres, Oem, Hemp and Soap-atone Paokiof, Cable Chalna. ete. They will alee keep oa head a full aaeortmeat m Tieware, aae a general Mock or nowee raraish Ing Uooda, whloh they will teU at prloee te tel. the limes. Persoaa wlAlat earthing la their 11 ae are la- vllcd to eall aad examine their sleek before parceaalng. HKHD A HAUKRTV. Clearll.ld, May IS, I77 ly. 0ur w -tvrrttf curat. THE REPUBLICAN, GOODLANDER St LEE, CLEARKIBLD, tAn Hu the I-arftel C'lrraletloB af uy ptper la Norlhweeteni Ft aai) Ir aula. The largo end oontUnlly Increasing circulation of the KirosLiOAtf, ' random it valuable to buiinosa men as a medium thro' which to reach the public. Terms or Subscription : If paid in advance, . . 12 00 If paid after three montha, . 2 50 If paid after six montha, . . 8 00 When iiaixirw are Mill, ouuiile of the county payment muat be in advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or leas, 8 tlmca, . fl 60 Each subsequent insertion, 50 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, .... 2 50 Auditors' Notices 2 50 Cautions and Eslrays, ... I 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 60 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 5 00 Special notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: I One square, 10 lines, , . , $8 00 Two squares 15 00 Tbroe squares, ..... 20 00 One-fourth column, . ... 60 00 Ono half column, .... 70 00 One column, .... . 120 00 We hare always on band a large stock of blanks of all descriptions.' SUMMONS, SUBPIENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, kc, to, Ac. JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, f CARDS, letter heads, envelopes, bill heads, "statements, pamphlets, ' circulars, Ac, Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TEliMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlander dc le, Clearfield, Clearfield County, P. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA ' 'jj ftsrspATrmvin OCT II. Irt Conkling was tlio lunt of the triuni vim. Morton, who succumbed first, at'rnpted his priuo in the appointment of Trner, and. pow lies inortunil. Blitlne, who as expected to muko "a mugnilifuht fight" with tho AilmiiiiHlrution, and ho ltd off in tho Sonutu with a (lush ing attack, came to grief in tho Maine Convention, and, Instead ot leading It, was really carried by it as helj!ota as a nionuey on a nuna-orguii. aii is now peace- between him and Hayes, but not a loving pcaco. But tho mag nificent Roscoe Conkling was cornered, and fought it out to the last because he found that ho bad no hope in sur render. So he set bis back aguinst tho wall and defied Mr. lluyus and all his works, his pomps and vanities, bis Southern policy, title toofllco and Civil Servico Relorm. The superb Roseoc seemed to win tho victory. Tho Con vention, or a majority of it, thought and felt and acted as he hud dictated. and the magnificent fight against tho Administration which Jlluine was oom. polled to abandon was contested single handed by Conkling. ' Dittitla no now thing in love or war or politics lor a man to perish by what would seem his victories. SkobelctT, who tho other day stormed the bloody slopes of Plevna and took tho Turkish rodouht, lost so many men that bo was too weak to hold tho fort, and so was driven out again, his army first shattered by its victory and then annihilated by its de feat. Thus it is with Conkling His men in the packed Convention were too strong lor Mr. Curtis, but tho moral advantage of the combat was with tho defeated faction. And now the Vnion Leaguo Club of New York aro about to hold a meeting, which will wrench tho victory from ltottcoo and leave a barren sceptre in bis gripe. In short, Conkling will be "sat on," and will come back to tho Senate a worse whipped sorc-hcod than cither llhiine or or if ho bo still alivo Morton. Does anybody supposo thut it is Mr. Hayes, or Mr. Evarto, or Mr Curtis, that brought Itoscoo Conkling to dis comfiture ? Jt is tho spirit of the times. Hayes represents the idea ol a reunited, whulo country, and States rustored to their constitutional rights; ho has been endorsed by New England Conventions, and cordially welcomed by the Now England fieoplo ; and be has been received by multitudes Of Southerners with cheers and entlium asm. It is not lovo for the man thut prompts thin, but the era of hope that he represents. His Civil Servico Re form, though it has produced no posi tive results, has at leant placed on record an official condemnation of tho office-holders oligarchy ol (irantism, and the people thank him for even that much. The politicians who still sock to run tho old machino are pulling against tho steady resistance of tho voters of the country, and so the tri- rirs Conkling, Dlnino and Morton fall. Surely if ever thoro was poetic justice administered it is by this. If Tildcn, who was rightfully elected, bad been inaugurated, tho Republican parly, purified by adversity, would havo bocii strong for 1880. But when these vory leaders conspired to put Hayes into office by fraud and force, thoy not only made tho chances of their party hopeless, but drew upon their own persons its concentrated odium. Thoy disgraced themselves to servo their party, and now it repudiates them be cause they aro disgraced. Baltimore Gazette. THE LOUISIANA GANG. The Uarrisbuig Patriot says : Tho special correspondent of the Now York Herald at New Orleans telegraphs tho statomcnl that A bitter tend has grown out of mutters connected with the ap proaching Returning Board trials, bo- tweon tho Wells-Anderson fuction and the Kollogg-Packurd crowd. Tho Col- loctorship of Abe port 1 the objective point of the contending tactions, the Kellugg-Packaid wing hoping for the conviction of Anderson, who is Deputy Collector, In which event tlicy expect the control of the Custom Houso to pass into their bands. Tho Adminis tration at Washington, it is alleged, have employed ex Congressman Sheila bargcr, of Ohio, and another cx-Con- grcssman, Juromiuh M. Wilson, of In diana, to defend tho Returning Board ers, and are trying to arrungo with tho Louisiana authorities to keep all mat tors relating to the Presidentiul title out of the trial. This programmo is also said to be satisfactory to Kellogg and Packard who are willing tjiat tho allegation of fraud in tho return of tho latter as Govornor-olcct shall be mado tho solo subject of Investigation. Their reason for agreeing to this arrange ment is stated to be that as Packard received mora voles In tho Stale than Hayes, if the members of the Return ing Board are convicted of making a false return for Governor, public opinion will hold the latter morally guilty of the same crime in giving cortiflcatcs to the Hayes' Electors. -- f ir i at i ami e i - - 1 Dlains's Menavi. Blaine sends greeting to Conkling. His organ, tho Bangor Whig says : It is enough now to know that tho Republican Conven tion of tho Kmpiro State has emulated the " sUlwartnoss " of Maiue and Iowa, and refused to hoist the " Stars and Bars " above tho flag of the Union to "conciliate" the gentlemanly Whlto Leagues and Riflo Clubs of tho South. Wourtt Up. The Philadelphia Time says i The Ohio branch of tho Hayes traveling combination circus has gone. into winter qaartofs, and tl likely to disband Indefinitely. Mr. Matthews, the funny man ( Use concern, begs to retire to "raako ono mourner weep the loss." HbTskis It. Tho edilor of tho Cin cinnati Commereial Intimates that Goo. It. Pendloton Is after Stanley Mat thews' shoes, and Dan Voorhoos, over in Indiana, is after Morton's. What noble exebango. And we will add : They will got thorn, too. General Grant is astonishod at his own success as an orator. , After read ing his speeches ho said he doubted whether in America they would be be lieved to be tronnin; ' ' " 1 ' ' XACIT. CJtANDLRt AKI OKN KliAL MILKS. Tho Clnclnnnli h'nquirrr says : Tho prominence won by Miles in bis Indian fight recalls a good story. Miles was lu Wellington wbilo nient, and "tho" lit A' nautca nuing pealed to by a clui kess discharged from tho Interior Office, wended his way to that interesting locality to uso his in fluence to have the discharged restored. Miles sunt In ni pasteboard, and was bid to tuke a seut. But moments went by on leaden-wings without a sum mons. Uu sought tho messenger. The messenger reported that ho had placed tho pasteboard before tl'o Secretary. Miles sent In another, and yet no doom Mew open. At tust lie was culled into tho preseueo of the great Michlgunder, who, worn (low u by troublesome de mands1 that bo ctiltracterir.ed to a pious member of Congross by Buying that he would "as soon bo in bell without a fun as In tho Interior without appro priations," was in bad humor. Miles helped himself to t chair, and Zacli. said, gruffly : 1 " Well, sir, what is your business 1" "I camo, Mr. Secretary ," responded Miles, smoothly, "'to got a poor woman restored to her olurkship." "What!" exclaimed Zuch., with an emphasis that gavo tho force and ex plosion to the word as if shot from the deadly level of a gun. "I came," repeated the distinguished relative, "to get a discharged clerk restored." Zachariah rose solemnly from his chair, stalked to tho door at which our friend entered, and, pointing to a printed placard thereon, roared : "Can you read, sir?" "Corlainly," responded the military now, with a good deul of spank taken out of him. 'Then rend that I" Miles read : " No vacancies in this Department." "(food morning, sir! " growled Zaeh., and Miles huuled oft" to repair damages. 1 It happened that tho very nextSun- day Miles was entering the grounds of tho Soldiers' Home on a visit to Colonel Pitcher. He had driven in his buggy when Stack, dashed up, but the Sergeant in churgo closed the gate, refusing him admittance. Zach. had a friend with him to whom ho wus dosirouB of show ing the Soldiers' Homo, and noticing this military gentleman on the inside, sang out : "1 say, Colonel, tell this tellow who 1 am, will you 7" Miles dismounted from his buggy, went back through the gate, and snid slowly to Zachariah : . , !" Can you read, nil?'; ' if' "Certainly lean," roared old Zach. "Well, sir, read that!" and Miles pointed with tho end of his whip to the sign on the gate ; ' . i . . , ..' " No Admission on Sunday." " (rood morning, sir ! " said Miles, as he drovo away. Tho Sergeant on duty heard a stout old party in the carriage soy : " Well, I'll bo damned." Tin Wu'ki-iiiiu or Timk. Just think of a Philadelphia audience cheer ing tho portrait of lienors! Robert E. Loo and busing that of 1'rcsldetil Hayes. Yet such was tho case at tho Walnut Street Theatre a few nights since Tub Buokin-Uiahhii Gii-man. The Independent thinks there is nearly all the distunco which separates hell trom heaven between the brazen, con scienoeleiej clfroDtury of Twsod and the broken-hearted repentance of Gillman. This business of whacking President Hayes over the shoulders of Mr. Stan ley Malthows has proceeded fur enough, Stanloy suffers suilicicntly lor bis own sins without doing penance for any body else's. Tho Now York Sim thinks that "Solomon died too soon, or be might have added to bis list of things past finding out the ways of CarlScburx in tho Department of the Interior." . Tho rooster of the Cincinnati Inquir er covors throe-fourths ol tho front ol tho paper, and ho stands proudly erect on the dome of the capitol- Don Piatt says that every member of Hayes cabinet savo ono is a candi date for tho Presidency. ! , rfrpl Sflwrttjcmrntj.. JLECTION PROCLAMATION. WIIKHKAB, by an Art of the (Isneral As- semhly of the Commonwealth of I'enrN.vlvania entitled "An Aet to regulate the lleneral Medina within this Cntnmonweelth," It Is enjoined niioa the Sheriff, of the several eounties to fire publie notice of such eleotlno, the ftlaoos wtisre to be held, and the omcers to be sleeted, Tuxnarona, I, AHDMKW PRNTZ, Jr., II. rb Sheriff af Clearfield ooanty. do hereby give fut ile Nollee to the eleotors of the eeunlr of Clear- ftrl'l, that ft general election will be held na TitaanxT rntLowiao rns rianr MoanAV or No- vrmbbb (being Ihe 6th day of the month), at the several election districts ia said oounly, at whloh time and place the quelifled voters will vote For one person for Judge of the Supreme Court of this commonwealth. For one pereoa for Auditor General of tills Com monweelth. For ooe person for Slate Treasurer of tills Com- monweaita. For one per.oB fur rrothoaotary, Ae., tf Clear Held oounly. For one perion for Register A Recorder ef Clssr- Idd eounty. For one person fur Coanty Surveyor of Clearfls Id . county. The elector, of the oonnty of Clearfield will tahe notice that the eaid election will ho held at Ihe following iilacea, vis t Ilnrnside borough at the publie school house In said borough. Clearfield borough, at Ihe Commissioners' office, IB the Court House. Cerwen.ville borough, et the bouse of Samuel Way, eornar of State and Walnut atieels, In said borough. llout.dale bnrongh, at the publie hones of Wm, Parher, ia said borough. Lumber City borough, at Ihe public eehool bouse. Nswburg borough, at the school hoase, ra said borough. New VYaslilngtoa borough, at tho public school house, IB eaid borough. OsoetHa borough, at the public hoBse ef Milo Hovt, In said borough. VVallaeetoa torough, at the publie school house 1b said borough. Ueooaria township, at the Ualoa Hotel, la Glen Hope. Brll townabin, at the house of Robert Hehaffey. Rloom township, at the house of the late Jamea Illoom, Sr. Bugga town.bip, at the hones of Howard Albert. Bradford township, at tba house of Jacob Pierce. Brady loWDibin, illtepablit koaea of Willi. m Scbw-m, Jr., In Lutneraburg. Bitrneide towashln, at Young's school house Cheat town.hip, at the public aehoolbouso Bear Hlmoa Korooeugh a. Covington toWBshia, at the school boost In Mul tenkurg. Decatur tewnsalp, at Centre eehool hoase. Fsrgusoa township, et the houee ef John Greg ery, formerly eeeepied by Thee. HobWoa, ( Breed -way.) Uirerd township, et Congress Hill school bonae. Goshen lownship, nt the publie school houss at onawaviue. Graham towaahlp, at the house ef the lilt Jacob llubler. Ureeawond lowarhlp, at Ihe publie house ef Samuel llullgan, IB said lownsnip. Gulteh towasbip, at the publie school hoese, la Jaasevllli. Huatoa towuahlp, at tba bouse ef the Lie Jesse Wlleeaw . . JuNaa lowest ip, atthe eatUe aaaoel beast, la AneonvilM. Kaon lewashlp, at Turkey Hill school hoaae. Karthaaa towa.bip, at Brldgen'a eoheol house. Lawreaoe towa.hip, at the A rbltretloa room, la the Court House, In the borough of Clearfield. Mnrrit towniblp, at tht bow fbrntrtj OMaplttj bj TIiouim Krltr. Pmi htp, t tbt hol1 fcrnstrlj by W. W. An.ltr.oo, i Pih (owiihlr. t tbt tftwaihlp tbuo1 hotiM la h .hi rough ot Curwtiniville j I nl-n lownnliip. l tU bout of U. K. Diubaktr. W(tfarl toutiabtf., 4 111 hottf of XHoumi at IT AVT tripUnn Ik aioUa u. vnn m oiwiiuna ta in inrfral ootintiaa or lota Jia iniitiwMlib. appraratl tb JMtb do of Marab, A. U. I HI ft, vi., fiiumov I. ft it tmrnttU by tba Sonata an! Iluuiaof Httprtirntallvta ofthf OonmsawMllh of t'tiDDnjlf svoiti to UanarrJ AiNtnbl mi, and It U hrrrt (.aaoWil bj avibirity aftba mm, Thuttha utialititKl tutart a! ifa'aj 0ti ovuntUS Sj Cum uub wealth, at all inner I, Um mbip, br axh and i) alao t ton ar hrrb)', bra(Ur auibnr iaail aad r)uirtl to voto, bi ttokata, prlatoii, or written, or partly priatail and partly writton, aav artU ly clat titled aa folloara : Ona tioktt aball braoa lb natnta of all jud)Ca of rourti Totad for, and to labolott, oainjf'judinlary ona tlafatt : ball mbrao tba bkio of Hit Htat oAoora trottd for, and bo lalialad, "Halt i" on tinkti aball braeo tba aamet of all oonnty offloora vtl for, I iaaludinK oflloe of atatr, aiatnbar, and matabtn i of aitemlily.if voImI lor, ai! mtaibr of Cunnrtaa. if voied lor.aau uo libolads 'fiunty i ona tioioi thall tutbract tba nataoa of all towniblp olBoora i vo(pa lur, and no labalad. "townr-nip : on lloaat i hall a a braoa tba nam, of all borough offloora i tad fur, and ba lalbHlod, "borough and aacfc , la hall ba dtpottt1 In atjitrato ballot boxaa. A mrinor aappiomtnt to th aoi reguiaitof eirotiona in tbia I'onimonwoaiin, apirovta January 8ft, and Ptbruarv 1.1, A. D. 1874 t waiw tun rou.t aat. to aarr of ax. Bra, A. At all alecilona haraaftar bald utidar tba laara of tbia Cotaoonwaaltb, the polls aball ba oiiantd at aavan u'otuok, a- m., and oloiad at aatan o olook, p. n. Ari'oTiiTBT or junoaa iHnrarroaa. Bur, 0. Id all alectiitn dlitrlct wbtr a raeanny riila by rtaaon of lha diMiiiallfiotloo of tha omoari or oinorwita in an election noara Dnrno for appointed, or where any orw dlttrlat ahalt bo formi-rl, th Judgaor Ja lgtiof tho Court of Com mon 11 cat of tha proper eouoty aball, tea daya before any general or aieclal elrttlon, appoint eomitetont peraoni to III aald vaoannio, and to eonauet the eleottoq la taid now diatriala, aat la tho apptilnttnimt of Imuvctur' in nj tiiB diilrlot both tbalf aot b of tbo aauo pnlilieal party, and tha jatga of election ah el I in all earn be of the pohtteal party having the majority of votea In eaid dittrtot at aaarly at tha taid Judge or Judgnt ntn aaerrtaln tha fact, aod In eat of tho tniagratinentof tba Judgti at to tha aeleetioa of impeotvra th polltlflnl tnitjorily of the mlgea nan eoioet on or taia inipoetori, ani in mtoor- Ity J edge or judgtt atta.ll aaltet the other. ear. 7. n hfnevar there ahall be a raeanay In an election buard on the morning of an election, eaid vaoanoy ahall b filled In eonfunnlty with eliding law. nt'tiaa or ilkctiom orrirxm. rid'. 8. At the optnlotf of th polli at all elee- tloaa it thall ba the duty of the Midget of election fur their rftnccttve dutrlolt to dotigaato oao of toe tofpaotora, wbote iluty It thai I be to have la oat tody lb regit, try of voter, and to make the fktriee 1 heroin required by law, aad U aball be the duty oi tnaoinor or tho laid tatpaotur to rreivo and auinbtr the billota preaeoted at aaid election. 8 re. 9. All at-ftium by tba oititona ahall ba b? ballot; avi-ry ballot rotcd vhall baumbrd la th order ia which It aball l. reeeived, end the number recorded by the elvrkeon the lift of rotere ofpotite Ihe nan or the tlMtor from whom re doited. And any voter Toting two or more tick et, lb eoveral tioketa to voted thall each be auabortd with tb number oorrrtuondlov with the namber to the name of the voter. Any elao tor may write hit name upon bia tiokel or eaua tb tame to be written thereon, and altattad by a eltiaen of Ihe dutriol. In addition to the oath now pretcrib4 by law to be takoa and dihiorttxMf by election otfioar, they thall tererally Lot worn or amrmeti not to uiacioaa now an leotor aba bav voted, on lata required to do to at witaeetet a a ludiolal prooatvliog. All judiea. inaneetort. clerk and ovrr of any olectiua held nadi'T thi ant thall, before entering npoa their dot lea. bo duly twora or affirmed In tb nreiantM ofeaeb oth-r. Tb judg ihall b tworn by th minority tntpecior, inner aaan o taob minority lnpeehr, and In eat there thall be no minnrlty incDrctor lhn by a Jottioe of the peace or alder man . and the lnprolore, overturn and elerke ahal I be twern by tb Judge. CtrtiAoatea of aneb i wear ing or afflrmirg aball be duly made out and tlgn ad by the offlcert to tworn, and altetted by the olboor who admiaittored the oath. If aoy Judge or minor. i J intpooior reiuteaor lain to twoar tba o Ulcere ol election In the manner rpaulred bv tbia aet, or if auy officer of elretion thall ant without bring firal Jul' aw Ufa, or n any officer of election rhall tirn the form of oath without boioc duly tworn, or If toy Judge or minority lnprlor thai) certify that any officer wai tworn wba be wat not, it thall hodremed a miJmeanor( and upon conviction the officer or offloert ao o0eniing ahall ba flm-d not etoeediog ona thouiand dolUra or miprtfonment not eieeeiling ona year or both In the ttifcretioa of tb ouart. ton aaoiaTaarn vuTaaa. 8kc 10. On Hi day of election any nraon who-e name thall not appear on tbo regiitry of voter, and wbo elalmt tba right to vote at taid elect ion, thall produce at leatt oct qualified voter of th ditriet a a witneM to 'he retldane of ih elaimtnt la lb dittritrt In which b claim to b a voter for Ihe riorlod if at leatt two montha immediately preeediog eaid election, which wit neat thall b awoara or attraaetl, and Mbaertb a wr.iittn, or partly -riio and parity printed aA davit to the faelt ttated by bin, wbieb affidavit ball define elearly where the rideoea ia of tho poraow ao claiming t be a voter, aad tb perana to elaitning th right to vote ahall alt take and (uhterlb a writ tea, or partly written and partly printed affidavit, ttatiog to tha beat of hit know ledge aud belief when aad whore h wat bora ; that be baa bea a oiliiea of th United Bute for on moalb, and of tha Commonwealth af Feoatylraaiai that ba hat rettded ia lb Com monwealth one year, or it formerly a oualilod elector or native bora aititoa thereof, aod aa rein o red therefrom and returned, that ha haa r. ; tided therein tli rnontho neat precding taid le- i lion ; that ha baa retided In tba dittrtet la which h claiint to be a voter for the period of at leatt two montha immediately preeoding taid eleelloa; that h haa not moved lota the dirt riot for the; pvrpo of voting therein t that a bat, If; twenty two yeare of age or upward, paid a Stat or oounty toi within two yeare, which waa aaaeat- j ed at leatt two montha and paid at leatt on month bufnre the elect ion. The aald affidavit ahall alto tat when aod whar tb tax claimed to be paid ' by tha affiant waa attei;,l, aad whan aod where and to whom paid, and th tai roovtpt therefor ball be produced for eramt nation nnleaa tb affiant thall atata la bit affidavit that tt hat beoa lot or deetroyed, or that b never reeelved any 1 and, if a natural ited oil! ten, thall aleo ttat when, where and by what coart he waa natural I ted, aad hall alt a rod ace bit eerimRatoof aatora itatlen for aiaminatioo hut If lha perion aa claiming the right tr. vote than Uk and tobporib an affi davit that ha la a native born altlita of lha United Hlatea, or If bora elao wh re thall atata tha faet ia bia afldatit, and aball produe evi dence that bo hu beta aatiiraliiod, or it ntitld to eitiwnahip by roaton of hit fatbar'a aatarali aation, and ahall further ttat In hit affidavit that Im la at th time of making th affidavit of th nge of twenty, oao and ondor twenty two ycartj that he bat bees a cltiien of tba United bia toe iie month, and bat redded ia tha Stata ona year t or, if anaili boracitiien of tb fltat, aad removed therefrom and relaincd, that ba haa re aided therein ail moat ha aeit preeeding taid election, and in the election diatriol twe monlkt Ironietliatolf preceding inch election, be aball be eatltltd to role although b aball not bar paid taxea. Tba aaid aflnlavita at all pert oat making tueh altlmt and the affidavit of tha witaeeaee to their rraidrnoa thall be prrved by Ihe eloetiea board, and at tba elaa ef tb leotion they aball b enoloaed with tht lift of voter, tally liat. and other paper required by law to be lied by tb retura jange wiid me tnaii re main on Ala tberewtih iu the prulbenotary'a offieo, 1 euhitel to eianilaatioa aa other o lee hub paper are. If Ih election ofueera aball lad that th applicant poaiataee all lb legal qualification of a voter he thall b permit ted a vote, and kit name thall be added to iht lit of taiabl by th election offioera. tha word Ntat" being added wbert tba claimant claim ta vuta on tea, aad th word "age" where he claim to vol on ag, tha tame wordi being added by the elerkt ta each otic rctpectlrely on the litta of pereuai rolta g ni inch election, cALi,r-.ta r RrwiaiRRBD roraaa. Hasten II. It ahall lelawfat for any quallfled ottiiei tif tha dittritt, aot hwt lb it aad ing tbo nam f th proputed volar la coataiaed oa th list f rldnt taiablei, to oh allonge tb vote of aweb pereoa, whoraapoa tha aama proof af tba right of auffrage at bow required by law aball b publicly made, aad acted oa by tba election board, and lb vol admitted or rejected aoeord ing to tb at idenoe. Kvery aeraaa claiming t be a nature I reed eitieen aball b required la pro due bit neturaliaetioa eltifiaato at tb eleelloa bArir voting aept wbora h baa bean for Ira yoara conaccatlvel a voter In ih dittrlct la whloh he offer hit vote, aad oa lb tot of tueh peraon being received It ahall ba the doty of th IretioB fllura to write ar ttamp oa auob certifl eat th word ''voted," with the day, month aad year, and (f any cleetlon offiaet or effloer thai I receive a aeejoad vote on Ih earn day bj vlrta of the tame certificate, except where aunt are en titled to vott baoaua of tba aatarali eattoa of their father, they and the prrton who thall offer each eteohd vote ahtll ba guilty of amltdemaaa or, and on oonvktion thereof ba fined ar imprit oned, or botb, at tba d iter tlon of the eourt, bat the fin ahall aot oneeed five hundred dollar ta each ante, aor th Impritoameat on year. Tb like puaiahmeat aball ba lalletod oa avitioa of tb o IB or i f ltloB who aball aogleet ar re fuaa to make ar oaoa to b made tb eader ment required aa aforeaald aaild aataratiaatioa oartiflnaia. aaoLBor or aurr or at.acTtoa orncaaa. Brctiob 13. If any eleetioa officer ahall refute or aogleet to raouir tanh proof ol tb right ef aaf- frg at it date Hoed by tbia law, ar tb lawa la whiob tbia la a lonDlemeat, from ant pereoa of fering to vota wboa aama It not aa the Uat af ataeaaad voter, or who right to vote la thai longed by any qualified voter preeeat, and aball admit tueh prtoa ta vol wit beat reqatrlag tarb proof, every awreoa ae affoadiag aball wpoa tow- viotloa ba guilty af a mlid-BMaaor. aad aball ba mb tenet, for every now eaoaee to pay a aa aot etat-edlBt Iva handrtd dollar, ar t a a dor go aa Imprleanuteal aot mora thaa aaw both at tba dleeraliea of the oowrt. canvA ow yaa totbi it tub oauar. Sar. IK. Ae aoaa ae tb Bella ahall aloea the of floor af the election hall proaewd ta aoaat all th vote eaat for each ewadidatt voted for, and take oat a fall return af the aama ta triplicate, wllh a ret era tbeet la addition, In all of which tbo vnUt reeelved byoaoh oandHlaUihall la ffiv- a after hia nr her name, Irat la word aad agaia ia flaarea. aad ahi b aigned by alt et tai of fleer, and oertlled by overteer If any, ar If aot a certified th overtoere aad any officer rfatl-ic to tlgn arotrtify or aitber af them, than writ npoa each of tb ret am bia or their raaeeae rot net ilrtlsf or (rortlfviag them. Tat i town ire eoMNfttl ikmll alt e aWir aatf fmilw oVeVareoJ Aeat tat at tk eirtetrie areteaf, aad hrif Hatrmrnt eAowiaf ta toeea recoieew eaea ntacfirfirlai A it Mate mnd etVaed f tl eleerfea aflrtrw iow at tfct toet ft aareaf, aatf Ih eaate n 0 tMfltaeliviJWy wotfeti ep aa tat aoor a roe efeefVoa Anaet or inof-elt'oa a (it pW: Tba trip Heat a retarat aball be encloted la tan 1 tavtl'tpe groat 2,flwUsfmfnt. and be reeled la th ftraaaa of tb ofloera, and ona onvalopa with to nnaoalad retarti aheet given ta tb Judge, whkvh thall contain oaa Ittt af volar, tally-paper, and oalba of offloora, and another of aai I ebvelopea ahall be given to the mi nority in poo tor. All Julget living within twolre mil of the proibonoiary'i office, or wilbia twenty fuar mile, if their reaideneebe ia a Iowa, .V-'Jjbr A4. ji'a t-r ttja Jjoe vf a.rsllrt), 4Jv uioriilian, ul ilia utiv a other Judgot tbatl before twelve o'clock meridlaa of the teoond day afUr tb citation, deliver laid return, together with retura tbeet, ta tht pro thonutary of tbo oourt al aomioon pleat of the eoanly, which eaid retura tbaot thai) be fllod, and tbe day and hoar of filing marked thereon, aad aball be preserved by Ibo prc?boi,otary for publie fatpcetion. Al twelve o'clock on tbe aald aeoood day following any election, tha prothonotary of tba eourt Of common plea thall preooiit tbt aaid relume to th taid oourt t la aoanliee where there ia bo reeldeut pretidint Judge, Ih aaaoeiate Judg aa ahall perforin tba dutiea Impoeed upon tha ooart of common pleaa, which aball eon rone fur aid purpoeei tb relurne pretented by th pro thonotary thall be opened by aaid oourt, and com puled by auob of lit uftoera, and aacb awora at eittaul aa tba oourt thall appoint. In tha pretene of tb Judge or Judge of aaid court, and the ret u rat certify aad oertiloatea of eleelloa iatued under the aeal of the oourt, at la bow required to bo done by the return Judge, and th vol at ao computed and cert 1 fled thall ba open 10 tbe publie, and in oaae tba return of any eleetioa uUlrict ball be mifilog whea tho return are preaeoted, or in caae of complaint of a qualified elector nndr oath ebarging palpabl fraud ot mi take, and particularly pooiryiug tba alleged mi take or fraud, or where fraud or tola take ia apparent oa lb return, tba tourt aball eiamint the return, and if In tbe judgment of the eourt It thall Sa neeeiiary to a jutt return aald oourt thall lima tutumary proreta agtiatt tba eleetioa offletra and overseer if aay, ef tb eleetioa diHriat com plained of, to bring theia forthwith Into aunrt, with all eleetioa paper la their poireition, and It palpabl mittak or fraud ahall be dierovered, it thall, upon auih bearing aa may be deemed neeeoiary to entlgbtea th ooart, and baoorreeted by tbo oourt, aod ao eertifled but allegatlona of palpable Ifauil or ulitab tba 11 te oeided by th aaid ooart within three daya after the day the retnrna are brought Into eoart for eomputatioa, and tha aaid inquiry thall ba directed .nly to palpable fraod or mlaube, and 111011 not be deemed a Judicial juried to tloa ta eonelada any oooteat bow or hereafter to bo provided by lew, aod the other of aald triplloaU return ahall be pieced la the boa and aealed op with tba ballota. nothing in thla aet aball require the retarna of ottclioa of borough or towoibip oDoert to bo mado tt the court aa dt reeled in thlt aection, but ail ui returaa 01 it. tec (ion 01 towaibip aad bumugh offlcera aball ba eoeloted in a aealed cover, directed to tb prothonotary of tht court of com moa pleat of the proper eounty, and ahall by tow on of them be delirerod lato bia oflloe within three daya after every auch election and tiled therein. In count ict where there are three or mora Judge of aaid ooart, learned ia the law, at leatt two Judgea thall tit ta compute and cer tify returaa. unlet anavoidably prevtatad. If auy of tbe eaid judgea aball bimtelf bo a candi date for any olboo at aoy election ba abali not tit with tbe oourt or aot ia counting tbe return t af taob election, ana in auob caae tba other Judgea, If aoy, aball act, and if in any eounty there thall be no judge qualified to bold tbe aaid eoort under tba prwiiiont of tbia act pretenl and able to ant. thea aod ia every tuco eate, tb re liter of will. the sheriff and ooualy ommiationrt of tti proper oounty ahall be and oonititule a Buard, who, or a majority of whom thall have aad eiereiae all tbe powera, aad parlor ia all tba dulioa voated la or re quired to be performed by tbe eourt of common plea of aocb ooanty, by and under tbe provi a tout of tbia aection t but aoaa of tha aaid otboera thall aot at a member of tacb Board when him aelf a candidate for any office at the elect ion, tbe ret u mi of which th aaid Hoard it required lo euuni unacr tee proviaiont ot toia aeetloa. 8c. 1. Ia all electiona hereafter the eartlflente of naturalisation, If genuine, ahall be eoneloalve ovidene of tb facia mentioned therein, and where the pertoa offering to rote elalmt the right on the pay woo t af tax, tb receipt of tnch lea, if aigned by th propr officer, aball be tb tvldcnoa thtreof 1 If auch person doe not produce taob re ceipt, then tbe payment of tbe tai may be proven by tbe oath af auch perron, or other tvideaee Hating when, wbert and la whom auob tax waa pant. Notice la tart her hereby given. That all penoaa except Jutt ice of tbe Peace, who hall hold aa uffioe or appointment af trait under the govornmtnl 01 tbe united Btalea, or of tbit State, or of any incorporated district, whether a enmmiialoned officer or otherwiae, a aubonlinete officer or agent, who la or aball be employed wa der tbe Lrgialatlva, If locative tr Judicial de part moa lo ef tbia StaU or of tbo United States, or aay city or Incorporated dutrlet and alto that every member af Con greet, or of tb Stat Leg iila tar, or of tb eommoa or select eouacil tf any city or com mini oner of aay Incorporated dial not, are by law Incapable of holding or exercising, at tht eama time, th office or ap pointment of Judge, Inrpeelor or Clerk of any lection of thit Commonwealth. OV KLKCTI0N OFFICERS. In eat th pvrma who thall hav received tbe eecond highest namber of vote nr lntpctor,tbal1 not atleod oa tba day of eleetioa, then the pertoa who tball bare reoeivod tbe aeeoad highest auaa ber af vatte fur Jadgt at th aext preceding elec tion, thall act aa intpoator ia bia plaeo) aad ta eaae ihe pertoa who tball have received th high est number of wtet for latoectur aball aot attend, the proa elected judge, aball appoial ao inspec tor la bia plans atttj la iw ,,, porsoo eltwted judge (ball aot attend, !ba tbe iatpeetor who ra ivd the higbeat namber of vetot, aball appoint a Judge ia hi place ; or If any vacancy ahall eua liaaa la tba board for the space ef ono boar after th time Ixed by law for tbe opaaiag af the eieo Uon, tbt qualified voter of the towaibip, ward or dittritt for which auch offioet ahall have been elected, pretent at tbt pUet of eleetioa, tball a, loci oaa oat ef their number to 111 each vacancy. , Alao, that where a Judge, by aicknee or aae voidable accident, ia unable ta attend aach meet ing of judgea, thea tbe certificate or rotara tball be taken charge ef by ana of tbe Intpeolora or elerkt af the election of tha dittrlct, who tball do and perform tbe dutiea required of aaid judge aa able ta attend, CONSTITUTIONAL PKOVIfilONS. i Special attention la hereby directed to Ibt 8th Article of th Nw Ooattitutioe. I Section I. K very male dtitea twenty-one y cart of age, pureeieing tba following qualifications, thall be eo titled to vote at all elections. First lit aball have been a eittie ol th Uni ted States at leatt ona month. Second He aball bavt reetded la tbt Stale ont year, (or, if hariag previously boea a aualifiej j elector or native bora eltiaen of tb Stat, he shall have removed therefrom aad returned,) then I ail months, immediately preceding th election, Third He ahall bave resided in the eleetioa I diatrict whar he tball offer ta vote at leatt two ; monthi Immediately preeeding tbe eleetioa. j Foarlb 11 tweoly-twe years of age or upward ba aball have paid wiihia twe yoara a 81' or oaaty tax. which ahall have been atteeted at leatt two moatki, and paid at least an moath before th election. Sac. 4. Alleleetiona by tbe eltfsent ahall be by ballot. Kvery ballot voted aball be aamoered In tbe otder la which H tball be received, and tht number recorded by tbe eleetioa orSoera aa th lut of voter, opposite tbe aama of tbe eleetor who Breton te th ballot Any eleetor may writ bia aama apoa hit ticket, or eease tbt aama ta he writ tea tbertoa, and altoeted by a eititea of th d iit riot. Th eleetioa offlwr shall be tworn or affirmed aot ta disclose bow aay l voter tball have voted unleti required to da so aa witness in a Jadieial preeeediug. Sac. . It! lectori shall, la all earn except treaaoa, felony, and breat h er tarety af the peaoe, be privileged from arrest dariag tbeirattendaaee on eleetioa a aad ia going la aad retaraing there from. Whenever any of the qualified eleo tore of tbia C-.mmoa wealth tball be la actual mil itary eerviee, aador a requisition from the Proli ne, of tne uat tea eiate ar ay tba aataonty at thla VommoBwaaiib, ml electors may eierctet the right of taflrag ta all et oct Ion by tba eitl aoaa, under each regalatioae at If they ware proa eat at their ataal plaeo af eleetioa. SacrioB t. All law regelating th holding of election ay ma eiutene or tor tae rtgitttauoa ofeleetora ahall be aai form throughout the State bat bo elector shall be deprived of tb privilege ef vetiag by reason ef hia name tot being regis tered. StCTtoa I. Any pertoa who thall glvar prom- lea tr offer to give, to aay eleetor, any moaey, re ward, er e tbtr valuable consideration for hia volt at aa letloa, ar for wlthboldiag lha tarn, ar who thall give ar promise to give aaab eon ii dera tion te aay pereoa or porty for each eleetor who nan reeeiv or agre to reeeive lor aimaaii or tor aaelher, aay moaey, reward or ether valuable consideration for hi vote at aa alettlon. er for withholding the aama. thall thereby forfeit tba right ta vole at aueh election, and any eleetor who right to vote ahall be e halloa god for tueh aae before tbe eleetioa officer, aball be requ tr ee ia awear er eta rat taat ta matter ol the tbai Itago I aatrat tr.. rt hia Vote thall b reoeivod. HatTTtoa ff. Any mi-oob wbo aball. while a can didate for oltee, be gallty ef bribery, fraud, ar wilfal violet loa of aay election law, ahall ba for tvtr disqualified from holding aay office ef treat at profit ia Ibit Com moa wealth, any person toe vietod ef wilfal violation ef the eloetiea lawt ball, la additlea te aay noaeltlet provided by law, be deprived of the right af suffrage absolute ly lor tae term 01 lour years. Ser. 13. For tha aurpote af voting a poraoa thall be deemed to have galaed a retldeaot bj reatoa of bit abeonoe, while employed ia tha tor- vice, of either elvil or military, of tali Htat or lb Halted Mete, aor while engaged la Ihe nav It ation of the water ef the Bute or tbe (Jailed Butt, or oa tbo high aoaa, aor while a ttadeat el aay mttiiatioa or learning, not whil kept la aay poor house at other asylum at public ex panse, aor while confined la publie prieoa. See, It. Dittrlct eleetioa board ahall eoBiItt of a Judge aod two In spec tort, who ahall ha obo tea aaaually by tb tititene. Kaeh eleetor ahall ba tbe right lo vote for tht Jadgt and one ia apeetor, and each Iatpeetor ahall appolai one elerk. Tht first eleetioa board for any aew die trlet shall be selected, aad veoeeetet la eleetioa board filled, aa provided by law, Bteolio offi ten ahall be privileged from arreet apoa days af eteettoa, while eagacetl la me Ing up aaa treat milling returns, oitept upon warrant of a eoart of reeera or junge uereot, tar aa eiettioa (raue, br felony, ar fur waa tea breach af the aeaea. la elite tby may elaim aiemptiea from ery doty dariag their terete ef aarvlea. Set. Ik. No pertoa ahall be qualified to serve at aa elect! officer who shall hold, er ahall within twe moat ha bav bold aay Bo, or p aolatmcwl or em ploy meat la er aador the gov ernmeat af tha U oiled State er of thla Stat, er of aoy ally er eoanly, arof any municipal hoard. eosumitaioe ar treat la any eity,eaveealy Jutt tee ef the peace, aad aidormea, at tones publie, aae persons ia tbe militia tervioe ef the Stata; aor shall any eleetioa offioer be eligible to any tivll office te be filled at aa eleetioa at whleh he aball serre, taveoalyto aatb taberdlaate, municipal. er K-oel eeleera. below tbe grade or city er eeuaiy oncer, aa bail be aigato by general tawa, UIVBN under my hud aad teal, al Clearfield, Feaa'a, thla tenth day ef October, ia L. S th year ef ear Lord one Iheaeaad eight hundred aad tevea ty-eevta aad af tbe Indptttleaee of tbe United Stole tbe 01 head red aad totted. ANURRW fKim, Jr., Sheriff. 1717y 1 aot ull7 nrncd In Iboao tloiea, but lb H can bo made ta three ajoeihi hy any aa ef either i, la any part of tb ouatry wbo I willing to work Bloodily t Ih employment that w feral ah. $A8 per week te your nwa tawa. Voa aood aut ba away from home over aigbt. Yoa aae g iva year wboU (Una to the work, or only ynurtbare momenta. Itootta ,r. 'Viv o: - e.tlaue, At.iu.. i A NEW DEPARTURE IN LUTHEKSBVRG. HeraaAer, goods will be told fur CASH only, or In eaehange for pro.iuo. No books will bo kept lb the future. All old amounts muat be eettled. Those who cannot eath up, will please band over their aotei add CLOSE THE EECORD. I am determined to tell my goods at oath price, aad at a diaeount far below that tvtr offered ia tbit vicinity. Tbe discount I allow my eustomers, will make them rich in tweuly years II ihty follow my adrloe aod buy their goods from me. I will pay eatb for wheat, oats aod el over seed. UANIKL UOOiaANDKR. Luthartburg, Jaauary 17, 1877. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Ha opened, la a building oa Market street, oa tbe old Western Hotel lot, oppotito the Court House In Clearneld.e lie and hbeet-lroa Manu factory aod Store, where willb found at all time a full line of house FTOinsimTa goods. Stows, Hardware, Etc. Iloait Bpoutlng aad all kind of jub work, repair tog, Ac, done eo short notice and at reaioaeblt rates. Also, agent for th Singer Sewing Machine. A rapply of Machines, with Needle, Ac, al ways on bead. Trms, strictly oasb or country produce A snare ni patronage soiickch. O. 8. MKRKRLL, Superintendent. Clearfield, April Si, 1877-lf. JEMOVAL! JOHN McCAUGHEY Would reepeetfblly notify th publie generally that a ba removed bta urooery more irom Hhaw't Row. to tho building formerly occupied by J. Milea K ratter, on Second street, asit door to Blglsr's hardware store, where bt intends keeping a full line of It O C K It 1 1: N. HAMS, DRIED BEEF aad LARD. SUGAR8 anal 81 RUPS, of .11 gradet. THA 8, Q reea aad Black. COFFEE, Roasted aad Oreea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cia'a-ed rm ITS, All kind, la tne market. PICKLES, IB Jars aad SPICES, la over; furas aad varl.lj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINUejoKCRACKGRH. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DHIHD rRACIIKS, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil ixvl Lamp Clvimney. Aed a toed eesortaml ef those tblnia asoallv kept la a grocer etore, vbirk he vrill exchange ror aaaraetlug et tbe market pneea. Will eell for eash Ba theeplj at bbj other eae. Pleeee e.11 aad tee bit Itoek aad Jade, for JOHN UoOAUOHKY Cle.rf.rld, J.n. J, IITT. THE TIN SHOP! RlIG MY0W MUIIIVE! FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa. Reepeetrullv Infant, his eastsnierii. aad Ihe nob. lie In general, thai he eontinass to manuraotare all kind, of Tin, Copper & Sheet-Iron Ware, Of Irat-olaaa material only, and la a workman lite ROOFING rtnd SPOUTING done oa abort notice aad very reasonable terms. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES AND FtlRKACKH always kept la stock, and for ul low. Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specialty. Oaa Fliteres alwaya oa hand. All work guaran teed to give satitfactioB. A there af publie palroaagt oardlally solicited FRED. BACKKTT. Clearfield, Pa., May I, 177. BUY THE BEST Poorl Shirt I Nob genu! enalao Z witbout it tbia ( a C A ni Trade Mark Trade Mark. V r UAnl. J REASONS WIIT TBI PEARL SHIRT 18 PREFERRED TO ALL OrilKRA i let. Tb are made af the eery beet madia. 3d. Bosom t are three ply aad made of tbe beet Iteea.eath ply bet eg guaraateed te be all llaea. Id. They are made only by capable aad etprl taetd head, are aerofoil y tespeeted and are aasarpassea by aay etaer ta woramaasbip. 41b. They are gaaraalaod la It aad tw give tatlt fact loa la every parti I ar. Try Thm ui U OoaTiftMl FOR BALE BY T. A. FLECK & CO. ON PRICE PKKe DRY AOODS DOVSI, MOTIONS, MILLINERY rANOY OOOD8, Market WrMf, Clearield, r. y. it, Ti n. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, nANGINO VASE3, Stnve Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. Ju-- . .T or RVKKY KKdCHlPTIUNI CROCKS! POTS I CROCKS I Platier'! Patent Airtight Self Healing Fruit t auai BUTTKR CKoC'Krt. with lida, CKKAM CKOCKH, MIU CHOCKS, APP1.R - BUTTHR CROCKS, HIC'KLK (JHUUKS, FLOW Kit POTS, PIK DtSHVS. KTBW rUTO, And a great many other thlngt too numerous to mention, to be bad at FRCD'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, , Corner ot Cherry and Third Street. Cl.KAKFliaL), PA. augS a. r. suLira. a- m cuaaia. p. BKILBMUB. (il 1,1(11, Md'ORKLE & CO.'S (Suceeesors to Joba Uullob POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market mreet, Clearfield, Pa, W maoufaetDrt all kindt of Farnitnr for Chambers, liming .loom, Llbrarist and Hall. tf you want Farnitnr of any kind, don't buy until yiu ao oox storb. - UNItEKTAKINCl fn all Its branches. We keep ia stock all the latest and most iinjrovvl (voluua and nnketa, and havs ercry fa-iillty fur properly con ducting thi branoh of our bm-inss. We bave a pntnt Corpse Pre server, in which bodies can be preserved for a con. aidrrable length of time. A member of tba firm haa hi sleeping apart meat at our wan -room, where ha oan be foocd by any per ma who come at Bigot for tba purpoee ol procuring coffin t. Clearfield, Pa., May 10, 70 I y. N EW FIaOIIH. FKIelt, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Rooaa rltt. 4. Ple'e Opera Huute. Clearield, Pa. Keen ooastaatlv oa hand SUOAR, CorFL'R, TEAS, SODA,! COAL OIL, PYltl.T, SALT, SPICES, SOAP, CABBed aod Drienl Fruits, Tubseo i, Clgart, Caa- diu, CU Vlnef w,;nolUr, Eut..i. ALIO, RXTKA ll'IMK MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Faed,' die, All of wbl.k will be told tbeap for oasb er la exchange fur eunatrv produce. A. U. KKAll.n VU. Clearield, N..V. II l9T..-tf GLENN'S s ul Piiun so a r. A Stckuno Rtmidy rot Disrasks ahd Injlries op Tin Skin; A Healthful Dt-AirrniK. op the Complexion; A Krliabls Meani op Prevestiko AND Relieving Rheumatism and Gout, and a Uncqijalf.d Disinfectant, Deodo r,irK AND C'OUNTEJt-lRRITANT. Gtrnn Sulphur Soap, besides cradi. catin local diheaMM of the akin, baniahes de fecte of Uie complexion, and impart to it gratifying dcarncas and tmoothneta, Sulffhttr I tat h A are celebrated for curing cruntiuna a.nd othrr diseases of the Vtn, as wrll as klieumali'.m and limrt. ilmn9 Sulphur Stxtp produces the tame ellcrtt at a most rritimc expense. Thii admirable specific also spcetlily hcaU sorts y hrnisrt, tai Ms, turns, spmms and tuts. Tl rrinnvei d&mlrult and preventi the hair from falling out and taming gray. Clothing and linen used in the alA room it riitmfectrd, and diseases communicable by contact with the person, prevented by it. Tlx Medical Fraternity sanction its Hive Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. &Duy tbt kite caVca uvd tWby vtonoaasa. Sold by all UruKgiiu. "HILL'S HAIR AXD WHISKER DYE," Blark er Br. era, SO CeMe. C H. CRITTEXTOI, Trop'r, 7, l.T. HARTSW1CK & IRWIN 8KC0ND STREET, t CLEARFIELD, PA., -. ' . - , i DKALRRS IM PUKE J)ltU(iS! CIIEUICAL3I PAIN'l'S, 6llS,"l)YB STUFF VARNtBima, " ' IllllIBIIRII, ' . rEKrOMKRY, ' ' rANCY 800DS miLET Alt I1CLKS, .' Or ALL KINDS, PURK WINES AND LIQUORS fee taeflllelnt! rflrot.t. Tre.SM, rlaeperters, Snkeel IImIii and 8lallea evy, antl all other arllelM esaallr fuaail la a Href Htere. rilY'lRIANfl' PRKH0RIPTION8 CARK ri'LLY COMPOIINDKI). Il.vlnj a sarp .a. aerleaee la tbe eaelBest ta.f eaa five ..lire eat. lalaeliuB. ' t. O. MArSTflvTtCK, JOHN t. IRWIN. 0le.rt.le, Deeeeiher la, IITI. CHEAP GUOCERIKS! LUMBKR CITT, PA. Tb. aadersle ned annuu.M. to bis eld frl.nd. and natrcms tbat b. ba. on.n a aoed lloe el OHOCKRIKS PKOVINIONS at lb. eld .Uad of Kirk A, for srbl.b b. eoll.tu a llbaral nalroa.iie. II. W. SfRNVKII. Loa.b.r, tt., Mareh 10-tt faWtS'ii" atrnguj , WKAVMX A IIKTTN CLEARFIXIP, PA., Are ot.rinf , at tb. .Id sitae ef O.L. Reed A Ce tbtr ttoek or finds, eooslstibg of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, UUUTS 1 8IIOES, IIATr) A CAI'g, HARDWARK, gllKKNHWAHK, FLOUB, FEED, 8 ALT, &o., 4o., At the moot reasonable rates for CASH er la t a i chanfe for Square Timber, Board, Shingle-, OR COtlKTRT PRODUCR aar-Advaaee. M.d. u taoM M.MeJ I. ting eat so,uar limner oa th. man advanuieont teriM.. Bdtl uTl JJARD TIMES HAVI NO RFF1CT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am aware that there are tome neraona a lltf Ita hard to please, and 1 am alto aware that tbt complaint or "hard times" la well nigh aoirertal. Hut I am so situated bow tbat lean satisfy tba former and prore ooBrluslrtly tbat "hard timet" will not effect those who bay their (foods from me, sod all my patront aball b initiated Into the to. cret of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES T hart eooili ennueh to sum. It all the InhtM (ante in tbe lower end of the eouaty which 1 aril at exceeding low rates from my mammoth store la MUL60NUUKU. where I eaa always ba foand ready to wait upon callers aod topply tbem wus Dry Goods of all Kind, Such as Cloths, BnUaetls, Casslmeres, Uuklitis, Aveiainea, isinis, vniungs, wan coot, Trimmings. Ribbuna, Lac. Realty -made Clotblna;, BooU and Hhoes, lists and Caps all of tbe bett material and made lo order - Itote, boo a a, uiorea, Htttent, Lacea. Kibbona,Ae. OHOCKRIKS OP ALL KINP8. Cffoe, Tea, Sugar. Rica. Molaatat, Fish, H Purk, Lin. ted Oil, Fuh Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware. Queens ware, Tinware, Catting, Ploat aod Plow Castings, Nail, Spikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, aad all kinds of Axat. Perfumery, Palate, Varnish, Olaee, and a lent rat assortment of stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will be told at the lowest poetibl flgures. J. II. McClain'i Medicines, Jayne's Medicine Hot Utter a and UooOand a Bit tort, ft00 poundt of Wool wanted for which ihe hi he tt prioe will be paid. Clorereeed oa band and for sale at tba lowest market price. Aim, Agent for StrattonTillr and Curwenatlllt Threshing Machine. tt4v.Call and tee for yoartelrea. Ton will Ind every thing utually kept ia a retail atore. L. M. COUDRIKT. rraacbrilla P. O., Aagatt II, 1874. B1GLER, YOUNG & REED, iSuceeaaora to Boyatoa AS Toaag,) FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS afaaofaetarera af PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Coratr of Foarth aad Piae Street., CLEARFIELD, FA. HA VINO enra(e4 lathe taaBBfaetare ef Irst elast MACHINERY, w. retpeetrallj laferei Be pjbllo that ere are Bo prepared to all all orders at cheaply and aa promptly aa eaa he done In any of the eltlet. We Ban.r.otor. aad deal la Mulay and Circular Saw-Milli Uead Block., Water Whsels, ghaTtlnf Palleys, OifT.rJ'a Injector, 6l.AU Ouart. Sleaa Whistles, OiUn, Tallow Caps, Oil Caps, Qaafe Cocks, Air Cock., Ulobe Valves, Cheek Valveo, wroefht IroB Pipes, B.eeai Pampt, Boiler Feed Patapa, Aatl FrleUoB Metrea, Soap Btoae Pecainf, Oaa Pack a, and all kinds of MILL WuHKt (.lkor with Plows, Sled Soles. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad ether CASTIHOS of all kladt. er-OrJ.r. solicited aad tiled al euy prices All letters of laqalry with reference te aaehiatry of oar BUtnafaolar. promptly easwered, hy addret ia( at al Clearteld, Pa. RltlLKR. YOVNO A HKI. G ROCKRIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, (Bareeator to LYTLBJA MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AN Dh RETAIL DKALER IN CHOICE LINE OF TEAS, 00L0NU8, JAPAN8, IMPF.1IIAL, YOURO BY80M. KNIILLXH BREAKFAST Parett hi Market. BUTTER AND KU(1. I Win he kept and told tt tret east. Cut psf trt ueaatry Prod see. HERMAN CHERRIES, ' TPRKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED FEARS, j PHILADELPHIA BAM PIHII. Mackerel, Lake lltrria(. Cod, Ae. riCKLKtV. B.rral Plrkl.. and Eallsh Pick let. KI,IIIH AND FEED. Floor, Cora Msel, Oal Meat, At. ) Jaa. I. TT. JAS. I. LTTLI