THE KEPUBLICAN. ..CT.KAflPJBW). pa vYKONai.UA. mih.,,a iv.'7. ..v.. Terms of Subscription, 1'pald la edvenne.or wllhln three meatha ...fl 6n paid eflar three aait before tlx aiontha I Itpelit afar teeeapln.tloa f n, Boolhi... I 10 4rMetara. 8. M. PerTRNeti.t, A Co., N.we ar Ailvertl.ln Ait-m., 7 p.r, Kuw tmmr ll.ra.leaa Klrei't, are iur del? authorised Atea I. V set fltrb Plte. niil.lfilOUH MOTII IH, atrltlixil.t ItiiWronal t tilii-chH,,. j. g ' " " ' M.rvlere er.rj 8lihib U I Mf n ni., nnu if r, t, Nnlilietri Hnlniol at U A. M. I'reyer Mootlne; every Thureilav. At m l M Comn union Neri-loe. flrst 8al.tlb of ever. r.ih, .1 in A. M. 7 Wml tlrarneld M. K. hurrhHen ffiMiAK II. Dill and W. 8. Wn.aos, Paeiore Prea.-bint: elerj alternate Bunder, at a'aloel, p. M.-fun.tey School at JJ, u, j. All re In. vll.d to xltend. Prr.lterlan dlurrli Iter. II. g. BnTL.a. Kilth .ervu-rs morning ami evening Hab blh et I I'. M I'rajer Mcelln, Wednot dev evening-. M. fraud.' Church.. Catholic, ii,,. p. '.rlarair.AH Preauhlngat Idio'olaok, A.M.,oa the Aril, third and fourth Sunduji uf each month ( Vespers and lteneilietion of die Jllraaed b'aerainent it 7 o'clock, P. M. r-undev School trart 8unda afternoon at o'oloek. OH-11 I A I. DIKIXTOHY. net or iii.tiNo qcartka axaaioN. cobst. Fre'ind Monday ot January. Third Mun.lev of March. Fust Monilav of Jul.., Fourth Monday of Ttue or KniDiaa common n-eix. Krrat Monday of June, Pto'oii Monday of November. orrii-Khs. 'irfoa Hon. Charlet A. Meyer, of Loet Haven . -loil Lou Jmlje Uon. John II. Orrle, of ortiPiuu.v. AiMtiatt Juitjfrt Ahrarn Of dan, Clearfield: Vineenl 11. Holt, Oearneld. Prolkonotaro Kli Hloom. iltgiiitr nma iYeeorolar L. J. Morgan. lli.iriet AUoro.y H n, M. UcCullougfc. Trtawr David Mrtlatigbey. JAertf Andrew Panta, Jr. County Sttrvtyor Bamucl F. MoCloikey, Car- eeesville. Coe.fe Coatalfeefoaere Clark Ttrown arid ; Th. ma. A. Mellee, Caret P. O.j Muovrr, Clearfield. Lear, Auimore inrlat, J., Clear llairll Olen Hone ; Samuel A. Caldwell, 11 ilhatuigroya ; JobD C. Conner. Burniida. Coaafy t'oroaer J. B. Xrff, Ntw Waahlngton. Jury C'oaiBttlftoaere l)r. Jemaa P. Burehflald, Clearing, Jofeih Alexander, Matlara. HeriHtrM'feat of I'ublit Stkoott Jokn A. Gregory, Corweniville. A'olorite hMir John W. Wrlgley, Wa. Ra drbuu'b, Cyrua Oordon, Clearfield; Joaaph H. Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Corwenavillat J. J. Ltngla, Orreola Milla i J. A. l.tvitigntonp, LtnUota City. Our Spotial aolutun la decidedly interaattng in a local point of view, and profitable reading ta outitdcra who want to ear money. To iii(;lit in All llullow-svn. Now Callcoe at Flook & Co.'g, A 8.button kid glovo only $1.50 at U Baa Ulra. rf Goodi will be gITm advtigcd at J.yiUto..a. it m mmm.. .... .... th. nu ti... The Urgent and most com plulo BUjc k Tdry-gooda tear kroagbt u the towa or Claar. aid la now lo be teaa at fleok A 90a. My .tore, In Wright', room, Second .W Cle.r.ald, will U kn... h.r., .. ,. i.aa 11,1a. and my ri,,enaee being reduead lo wlllaall obaaperlban aec. W.Kaa. Kliciioh Uuvh (JiiANaiD. -Tho otrrat. Crw.ia.lll. and P,,a to.o.bip .111 obaarya by Iba Hharln'a proclatulion that tba ...cuana tor tbaaa two diatrlcta will b. bald at oiuareni nouaet not! Toe. Jay. Lint of lottor-H In tba 1'oatolBct at Claarlald, for tb.wtak ending vwr iafl 1 Raabal A. Barger, JranolKO Selenl-I. t- A (Jadlix, P. Jt. " lik'ssi'd it (lie mnn who can low on button whan Iba baby la arying." ramarka oar iprlghily oxebanga, the Broobrllla ?ro,'e. And jet the aditor of that paper bat oily bete married a month. Aalfar lltrold. OviRLoonrD. lu iivinif a list of tlm gret am,, MI wl, ,kion h, ,,,,, oe.i,.(, publlihert la Altoooa ambellitb their Joornalt, wo omitted Ibat of Iba Mirror that wntcn rtaacti tba tltwa of the Mountain City, and ao origntiyor y ... . itl) Com Alono ! We horehy inform o.r aubacribera wbo ara la arraart for ava or tlx yeara, that wo bara a artt.rato plan lo pot Soar, wheat, oala, potatoaa, oabbaga, ata. "fboaa, inereloro, wbo want to baro aamothlng of thli eraoitaq on inalr acooanl, bad better bring It right along. Row, doa't orowd la all at onca and oraratook the market. CoAt Oil I Car load rocivtid hv Lylle tblt week. 1 Ladios' and childrtiu'a triinmod haU, the cheapen la towa, at Iba Baa lllto. II Jl fnrwt I aJb--. at I have made arrangement wlih the large.! carpel mannr.ctorlng to a. I their ,,,d, by .ample. Call and ..a II,. plendld lot of tamplea. Her will be told at Klotvcis, rt'Htbuni, etc.. clioiipent at the Ilea lllvo. 1 The boat lOO.yrml nnoul nilk reduced lo 10 cant, at the Boo III,.. J n Toll Kkirla-a good one for 60 cento PennNyIvuiiInllMllroal 3rw t&iwUttmtntt. VRHIGNKB'R NOTICR.-Aa.llo.ii.iUtaofUAVlUU.81IARIZKg Wa. Rtan. 1)11,1 VERINO Till l)0CUalNT8. Tbo Coanty Commlulonrra arc dallrarlog the election ap.ri lo the proper oDIoera tbroaiboal tba aounla thla week, aa well a. the duplicate, to tbo A.M.. aora, wbo will bo rrady lo commence making tbalr anea.m he nail day altar th. ... election, rrom whlcb period Ibay bara aixty daya to complete tbalr duller and make retaro of tba aanie 10 tba Coanty Cemmi.aloaera. lioCK BA8S FOR TIII!.Si:,,i:n, .,. Tbo 8portamen'a Clab ol Central'a, .'.1. ma ntiiiam.port ..!,,, many of iba aetlra memoera or wblch reeida at Barri.lurg, purpoto placlag a number of rock bate, from Laka Erl, Into tba rlrer at Wllllamrport tomatiaia d,u. tbi. fall. Tba leab of tho rock be.. 1. .. ...., to be of Baar 00. Illy ihan the black bait ! but tba tab do not attain tha .lie and "tight of the black rarieiy. Nice dri'nit jjoods tit l'lcik & Co.'a lilai,l(cl very low at Klcck A Co.' New st vl Bee llitr ih of wntvrprools at the odd 0'iiiiizlnirtf in eelling a lot ot reji. rarj rnrap. m . m Tho t'lirefoot boy litta rono into win-ier-qi,.,. re. ( titirk prim, lust colon., only 6 ceiti at tha Bra Hire. Sni urn will i-lip ht hind Mars on the ,i 01 norem,rr. IlAD TO BrCT. Wu lenrn thor Uk nmll atignol.ol Cavinatan tonn.bin. l ull in th. piaaoi being me "iKiaa" btol raim for I87T. Ha weighed nine of bl. crop, and the amallett tilled Iba icale-lcam at een and one balf pounda aad tbo large.! at eleven poanda. Tbo aggregato weight wat terenty tlx and ono-balf pound.. Tha Joko will ta en Emit, If time Oranger re.pi blm wltb a lot of latlra or Cliem poaoder.. Utnd them along 1 Good Cimn. Onr.-ltjva. ilmry 1). Wright, of llleo Hop., 0at forwarded a. a lot of oorn-tara. Fn,m the tamplei before m, It It e.. drat that bo It a champion corn ral.rr. II. eey. thai an areraga tf alile. i fc.t taruara of ground, In corn of tbit rarieiy, will yield ona bulbal of aara. Thora would be tome itumpaot in k twenty acre oem or tuck corn at that, aven If ilirre It none in pine tract any more. Tannkry Hl.RNKI.-Th0 llellef.lllto ... ...... , too axtentlra tannery belong Ing to Mr. Jauiet h. Sommerrille. of tbl. 1,1. lilutrd at the Interaction of the Bald Kegla and Snow Sboa Ballroadr, Ju.t W Mlle.lurg. wa. totally daalroyed by flio on Thur.d.y evening, Out. 18th, Including a cnntlderabla quenllty ol bidet and bark. How tba Bra origin. led wa do not know. Whether It caught aooidinlally, or wat Iba work of an Incendiary, will ptrbap. nerar no anowa. Tbera wat ooo.lderabla Imuranoe on the property, whlcb will make Mr. Bowmen llle'a loot leu Ibaa it would otberwlta hate born. At Brit it wat rumored that tha latorance had ex. pired and bad not lien renewed, lot lull wat not oorr.ot, at wa ara glad 10 aay. For about two your, at times, I havo been troubled nltb pain acro.t mr kidneyt, lay ,y i.n o.ya. in Janoary, !H7o, mr urine eloppad folding, aod 1 wat ronipolfad to lay alt.0 l the Bra lo get any ca.e, taking mrchlne. and hot alotha, thinking at liiuee I could not live. I eanaa to Tito. villa aad bought a bottle f K. K.Tbooipeon'e Baikeotie, Liver ana muney t.urr, aud bflora tbc bottle waa I poind a graval Itnne aa large at a pee, and am now perferrretly wall, and bop. every one troubled with backache or kidney trouble will give the wn.vBiu. . mat ana oa eureu, j, rl CAnn L'LDiian, Waaaaa Co., Pa., May I. lfcJJ. Prepared by B. K Thomp.on, Tituivllle, Pa. rrico II 00 per Utile, fiold lo CleaBeld by C. D. Walton, druggist. Clearfield Coal Trade. Sute. ment of Coal and other freight! lent over tha Tyrone A ClrarBold Diri.ion, Pennsylvania Kail road, for tho weok ending Oct. 20, IST7. and tba tame time laat year COAL. Pur tha week Same time lert year.... Increaec Previously during year dame time laat year Increaeo Total In l7 Heme time last ytar Increute ,., uTHan raKieura. Lumber Muceklaaeoua freigiitt ..NO can. ..lill at tbo Bee lllre. Clieapest cnrpetB in town at the Deo uii siiaciitiir, a Rreat assortment, 18 vu, ,rut at tuo uve litre. I.nintioriiion'sor Ritchie flannel only 4." oenti at tbo Deo Hive. Best judge of Booils buy at tho Deo Ulve, for they know the got the worth of their Wa. White Bliit iM nt 00 cent at tho Ueo IMrc. Cusfimero nhlrlH, ovoi-all. etc., at the Be, lllre. ' AVull paper, now styles, at tho Hoe Hive. A good 2 button kid elovo, only 75 eeutr, at Ibe Bca Ulre. A largo stock of ladies' coats, Just Beautiful dress goods ul 1'lctk cV Co.'i. The Champion Shirt at Win. Heed's it worth arcing only DO centa. octSl-St For LaditV Coatings, Fleck 4 Co.'s a ine place to gat tt. 10-tf. Whut 00 cent will do I- It will buy a Bill clan .bill at Win. Hied . Here. 00124-21. Now Goods arriving daily at Fleek - 10. tr. Ladies' und Children's I'nderwcnr just received at fleck A C'o.'l. lo-tf. Salt ! I.ytle has iust received nr.. other lot of I. no B.I I, 41MJ twilled uokt, eo toa anioie oan Do had at two dolluri again. I' or u good shawl, give Flock dV Co. a oan. For a hat or bonnet trimmed to or der go lo Klcok A Co.'t. Trimmed hnts and bonnets at Fleck A Co.'t. Kress goodri m o cheap at Fleck & Co.'s. Jiadics' coats a specialty at Fleck & Tho placo to buy a good carpet is at Flcek A Co.'t. 1 Wator-pmul, tho best in town, at Fleck A Co.'t. For good culicoes, go lo Fleck & Co.'s. For a good bat or bonnet, iivo tv.-i. a .... - ' aud wife, of 1'uamore township, Laucaitareouniy, Tho nndarsl.nMl. b.vl.. b. tl k- . r"' Trcomow Plaaiof Laaoulor eoanly, J ""V y'f':" v'wimt liaii w'a'MI'il"rli ur Ou'tt Sldvrrtiinnrnt. THE REPUBLICAN. ON and after Monday, JUNi It, HIT, tba 1'ai.angar Tralna will run dally (except Han- iye; netweaa lyroaeaao Ulearfleld, aa fultowa CLKARFIULD MAIL. W. 0. Inwia, Conductor. LKAVK SOUTH. I LRAVR NORTH. Ourwonav!llo...l:ln, i.h OlaarBeld Ho. ' Leonard,....., ilarrett Woodland,... Hitler, i M alleoelon,., Blue Hall,.... Orahnin I hilio. burg.. Btelner'a noynton, O.oeola 1'owelton,. ., riummit, Vanecoyoo,.. nit, ....4, ...9 ill. ...4.02, ...111, ....IS, ...4 JO, ...4. HI, ...4 JS, 4.42, ...4.47, ..4 bH, ..tin, s.:u, Tyron (.00, Tyrone ., enacoyoo, commit 1 1U.. .o.s, .a au. I'owelloo, 10 III, 'aoeola., In Jtl, " Ho) nton I0.J7, " Kleiner's lo.m, Phlllpiburg...lO US, Drannm 10. S4. " Ball, 10 SO, vValleoeton,...lo.nv, wgier I i.ob, Woodland 11.17, " Barrett, 1 1. 14, Leonard II.II, ' Clearfield ...... 11.40, Curweeavlllo..l!:Ul,r. CLEAUFIKLD ACCOMMODATION, W. B. Plvhhb, Condnotor. LEA VB SOUTH. OurwenirilleH 7.00 a, at. Clearfield..,.. 7:!I9 Leunard T.oa ." Barrett t Oa " Woudland,.... 8 20 ' Hlgler 8.S4 Wallaooton,.., B.HO " Blue Ball,.... 0 09 Uraham 0.17 " Philip.barg.. 40 Sleiner'a, O.&a " Boynton, In. 110 " Otctole, 10.10 Powelton, 10 40 " 11.88 " Vanaooyoo,..12.28 r. H Tyrone 1.02 " LKAVK NORTH. Tyrone,..., Veotooyoo, Buaimit 1.02 Powelloa, J.lo Ceeola, 4.38 Boyntoo 4.42 Hteiner'a,...,., 4 00 Pbillptbnr...t 00 Urabam i.20 Bla. Uell,...t 4i Wallaoatua, ...1.00 Biglev, Woodlad,....(30 Barrett, 8. 4S Leonard, ......S.&0 Clearhald T.00 Curwenavillt,.7.88 1.15 ft a, 1.44 ' BALD EAULE VALLEY BRANCH. Mail. A. . 8.110 8.47 0.80 II 55 10.08 10.18 10.10 11.11 Icare Tyrone arriro Bald Eagle Julian Alilrebarg Bellefonte Mileeburg Howard arrlre L. llaren loave Mall, r. a. (.10 8.88 8.10 4 45 4.87 4.15 4.02 1.18 NEW FALL G0lJZ?aS ! iffl FALL GOODS! for the beneA. of their vradllor no La.iu,Ur. xi'.. aotioo to ail perrons Indebted lo aaid as.igaor, lo maka payment wllkoal delay, and hum w.viwg oiaima w nreeent taem to J.W. VOCl kl, As.lgaee. pU-SL Columbia, Pa. MEAT MARKET. F.M. CAED0N4BR0.. On Market HL, a door WHt of HmsIod Uoum, CLE4BFIBLD, FA. Vmr amnjpmti tr rf the moi oonnUU Dhtraeur lor rurnUhltn tht pobli with Wn$k ntNHii t .mi aina, ana oi iMVtry Mit qualll;, W alto dl la all kindi of Atrloultaral Imoltv jbbU, will oh ktep on oibibiiion far tha ba- at or tbo publla. Call around wbaa ia Iowa, Ma mmm a 100a at Mingi, or aaarott W. M.CAKDUN A BR0. Cloarflold. Pa.. Julj U, I87 tf. PIULIPSBURQ k MOS1IANN0N BRANCHES New tiwuU rcceivod daily ftt Flock lo. and old rooiI told without regard to cot. Tho i lionuft utiiJi rwenr for men, wo u,n and children, at tnt Bia Hira. Tho bo' onliiiuneo cuukcs coimideia- bte murmurii or ditafiproval from latt Young Atnf cn. A protrafU'd tntotin wascommencod in tl W. ClMiB. Id M K. I'huruh lait Pucdiy oTBiiin,;. wm 9 exxTorii flai rj' A. KmtKcr is receiving a now took ofdry-Kouilf tbi week, wbirb will bo mid my obtap Tor taib. - enM Wo K-nrn that whout an inch of snow Tall in tbt iclniij of AoFuoftllr, tbU eouotj, oa Moi diij uf a-t wik. --anwaat aT8a - Door liuiitorn woro out in tcrco sev eral dai last wk. did not bt-ar of any drer being killed. At (.uihEburu'a cloihin more, you buy great baruioi num. lit iotcuda el(ing out bli aniira itock. - i axoxa- i Keod in buying muny pooda from the nat.uficiortri diwt, and ihcj will ba aold at aholfMle ptloaa at the Dea Iliva. Sl-t l.nigo flocks oi wild pigeons Lave jiaiird uulbwatd over tfcii lnca duritig iba pit ft dji. Tbi-y were qui. a Bomeroua on lift ftitordaj mil J Suodny norningi. m - Geo. V. J.hcom, Ksq.( prcsenUd us a Lunch ol tltiy. one dujr Uft week, ablcb atiaurcd fwrty taa inchra in Irogtb. Nr. Kboata had Bctna ealcry nioeb larger than tbli. Uev. J. S. Flegul (ot tho Church of; uojj.ui w mianioD, t ara rcquetttd to anDouoca, wilt pnacL In iLt Clrarfiuld ltaliat Cbornb, neat fundiy alirriiuva, Nur. ltb. at 9 o'otock. aaaaj mil Tho Suhhath-bchools at Clovor lJill and I'm Urivo acre otoird fur lb winter ou laal SsiMad. Hi M'ulf Kun Kubbatb Bcbotl will cloud bfxt iSaLbilb a ttrtotin. Tbasa 1011001 till all bo a'arled up ajfafti early next aprlng. ('iimm Jkiipation. The new M. I. Cbuieb at lulitt City, wo art dart t aad, will bo detlpMrd next Sunday. Nut. 4ib. Thaoolebraicd Dr J. B. I., of A a bora, Nw York, aod oibar ainiilora from Ibe CU;lun and adjoining dlatrieU, re eipte td to lo j rrmnt atd atflat. Tb pa- tur in cbkirgr, Her, V, V. Plaoncit, ourdiall ia- Tilfl eirrl o ly lo ht? prri ot. . A Mad Bull. -Mr.lloiniafurmer Hviog near Uwubyrg, has a va..i.,lu Aldoruvy bull. Tb animal nado aa attaek upon bla owoor in Ibo barn yard, one day week before Int. Sir. Kutnig saw ibe bull guiiig fui him, ar.a be ran a duog-fork into lUo anlniil't anout. Tbo bull 1 made aach a JeUrnined aliack ibni ib .u I IN Luck. An exchanio ha m tUnt hroke. aad bo succeeded io nellinir hit otvoci Mr. Juhn 8ii, of Warren, Pa., tb other day, nl horn and pita., 04 him ororbia hed, laodiiig found among hi ftibor' old naper iobi old him brtvrco two little y.leiof mru.ure. T lie bull bank bill mitrkad ' worthies and broken bank Allowed up, and getting u)n hit ki.ei Luin. bill," plaeed thera in 1824. Ho sent on dated I "od to gore tha man. At Ibis ataira Iba iln. IBIS on tb Bank of Montreal to the bank, r nesting th bank to send him on of a later data just for tb fun f tho thing To bi surpriso no reeeiretj a gold Ur.n on New York In payment, snowing is am to b the genuine artiole. " All ia not gold tbit glitter," nor la every thing thai ta old and rusty Worthless. - - exej mt Thi Last Oil ISkll. The 'jolliest. wittiest orowd,' aayaihe Reyaoldviiie7Mmar, that ver moved about on oil territory, left Reya ldvi1IooB day last woek, turned op in Paradise, and dug an oil well near T root villa, tbi county. But what hurt tba M wiltieat crowd" moat, after traveling and digging all day for the benolt of the farmer, U. laid farmtr larked the good man ner "to sk us to slay Tor aopper,1 Well, saob a sell" is too chilling nn I sets so iofrtalbardon a fellow' atomaob. We susptai that tb Paradise farmers will bo allowed to develop their own oil territory hereafter, ao far a Reynuldrilliana ara oonearned. JumtH F. Alilliken, iq., District At '"y ol Blair county, baa shaken tba daft of that P g.on off Mi feet and skipped oul, ul mi in JnbnsiONn T'ilunt learns front a 'ivi'e sonrce lliat ha I ah'irt about 1 1,000 ia If oil fendff, aa well as a rviiy targe sou In hoc. nry oMigjilDti and ordinary dlta ' I. m - 1 lie ciiUituiiiinoiit ifivf n hv .Mtean. Wliit A Vrii Hum, la l'i' 0(nr llouw, oa Tiriduy of laat ak. waa tot wltairsvd bf as ir(' an audience as waa ipetd lo this towa lie, tie j alr nape a a ttry slim. The ri.tir idw--i,i was trt-oIaas In every re upset, and ti'i lo failed to Lo.r tbrso gsnllemea, mixed fj rich treat. As elngullnifta they are bard lit has FeuND HiMHELf. A young Ktntuckian, who was romwbat Inflated with romance, beside, having inherited a bit of avarice, took It lata bi head that by going to th Black Hills be woald toon hoeom rich and loflaontlal, and then h would handle society to salt himself. Ua ha ba on iba wing fur eighteen month. and be forwarded a long Utter to tba editor of a local paper at bia former dome, In wbieb ba detail vary minutely Iba up and down wbiob h has encountered. He wind np bl epistle by saying " Oiler a premium at your earning Tair for the biggest fool ia Ibe country, and I'll try aad get thera in time, and feel eoaldcnt I'll maka way a. lb U." - - aaxlj e LETTER FROM JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Fai'tt Hill, Oct. 13d, 1877. Mr. KuiToa Vtrnr AVr t Not bavin noticed any rom man leal ion from this ptaoe lately, I (bought I would aend you a brief sketch of a Murpby meeting held her oa last Ten ing. Th meeting waa called to order by Mr. t'ourad Ua kor. The froiideat. Rev. Mr. Haird, being ab sent, Mr. Baker moved that Mr. K. C. Hi ley aot aa Chairman for tba evening. The motion being put, Mr. Haley was elected and look the Chair, alter wfi left Joseph M'tnerl wa called apon to lead la prejer. The Cbairmna then In trod need Mr, A. K. Read, at Clearfield, wbo delivered quite an interesting lecture on Teaiperanoe, Mr. Head at quitted himself In a manner worthy of much admiration. Mr. K. O. Haley made some remark, and waa followed by Havid Wttberow, Joseph Ale A eel ana H. A. McNeeU An opportuall) wa then given nnd several signed the pledge. It was moved that Ibo memtxra of tba iruit Mill Chris tian Temperance to ion return a vote uf thanks to Mr, A. R- Head for hi eflort put forth in the Temperance cause. The mrniog ihrn adjonmed. B. A. MoN, lion was obicrred by om n U ehildrea. nh raised an alarm, ini tok eouraft to etrtrr tb yard and U labor the bull, drove him off long enough to enable them to drag their father from th barn-yard, and thus undoubtedly saved bia life. Mr Homing wa conaidcraMy Injured by the attack. Tho above particulars arc taken from Ibo Centre HrpotUr. THE COLUMBIA OAM. The Columbia Herald lay l There Is a project on foot which indicate soma disturbance to the Columbia dam in (ha sweet bye and by , For tb last two or Ibree wci kl ft party has been en gaged survey Ing a rout across th river from Chiokles, and It is thought by confident Mariet tiana that Columbia tnot hue bar utuvh-pritcd dam. At lb point where the survey is being mad, the rtver la thirl iVt deep t low Water Ihenee to W.-lgbtsvtll there Is a fall of Sflern feet. Tb water, therefore, will b always deep enough to tow boets across without a dam. All , that If, therefore, Decenary ia to Mid a "ningf wsll ' tnta tba river come distance to supply the canal on the York county side. It. Is (bought tha Reading R ad will attempt to get a ch niter and perbep an appropriation to build a new dam from com point near Chlckics across the river. The II. J. A H. R. R. is interested in this change and hope to bare Iba aval nhutss removed from Columbia. Tb reason they are not repaired, Is tba possibility of their removal. Thus interested In the removal ot tha dura hojw t work ,iipQn Ah 9 fealitigs of tho western men, who think tbc pres ent dam prevent (La lih (tun acrcodlng Ibe tlvcr. It i not certain hst tb P. R. R will do In tha above project tbuM he put into operation. ' That something of i importance Is coA tern plated by the survey now boing made Is evi dent, but what may come of it time will show At all events wc should not ba eaajht nnppirg Good calicoes cheap at Fleck & Co.'s. For niiKslins and ginghams, give Tahlo oil cloths for snlo nt Flock & Co. s storo. For yood jrood.a, nnd chean. call nt L'l L. av ,i s Flannels I Flannels I Don't fail to give ua a crtll, If you Wtnh t- buy rheap. Fl.RCK k Co, Good drees goods at Fleck k Co.'g. Wo have tho largest and best stock of dry good in iba ..uuty, aad wo are going to sell l hem. Pluck k Co. Buy your Waterproofs at Fleck k Co.v 10 ,f, A fmo and full line of fancy Soaps and Pcrfumcrioi. at Flock A Co.'s. Fringes nnd Trimmings, tholut-l oststylva, at Fleck A Co.'s. 0-tf. l.ttdioH1 and Children's Hi wo. cheap, ai riFcn io. a. 10-If. Wanted! 1,000 cords of Hemlock and Rofk Oak Park, for which wc will pay tb hlhrst trnirket price, jjHtf. A. O. Kiuuur A 0. An our block is largo aud prices the mffCM, we ere a- UTHiint a 10 Mil. H lf. T.A.Fliiie A Co. LadicH1 Satchels, a new lot just re ceived, at Flcrk A Co 'a. 10 tf. Tho " Champion" is tho chennowt and host shirt In town- -00 erntn. oet J .2l. LIATB iOIITIt. St. A. M 2: 0 2:14 M 314 t. xo 2U 2:b2 2:57 4:01 3.07 S-.12 ins 10 S0 7:53 HI i f-M ll:a3 :J 10:.SB 0:1 7 11:113 0:23 11:117 8:2 8 li:tJi o::.s TATIOHR. M orrladale, Fbilipaburg, Sleiner'a Uoynlon, Oriceola, Motvhaniion, Kterling, Houtsdale, McCaulpy, Kcndrifk's, Ram ay. LI4V1 U0RTI. A. St. I. H. r. H. 13:10 12:35 13:31 12 U 13:04 4:15 11:61 400 11:15 3:52 11:40 1:47 1 1 B5 t:44 11:30 1:41) 11:35 9:M Mil V:2U 9:20 V 15 B 10 9:00 TV HUNK bTATlON. aaaTwaRit. a PaciH Biprcas S:llf Ilarrisburg Aeo'm, 6:50 Mall Train. Atlantic Express, rniia. Knpress. I. M. S:2A S:0 lO'JIg wanTwann. a. if Pittsburgh Kxp'H, 1.50 Haeino Ki press, 8:16 Way Passenger, Mail Train, Past Line, P.M. 1:15 t.H 7:06 Close connections mad by all trains nt Tyrone ana tioai jtaven. 8. fi. BLAIR, Superintendent. mylT-tf. Mr. Stuck. the tolmcconist, has leased tb roi in lau ly occupied by R. II. r haw's tobaeeu ""fv, Id Rtiaw's row, MarLtt street, wblch he has up lo suit hi convrniene and render com- lo bis rustomrre . and tn where he has removed " -ek r,r jr.Hjii and fiitures. Ca 1 and sea him tttv n- i-'ace of fausines. II eottiaue to ''! hind Ih best quality of cigars and to- Mrcs. to be diKpom d of at wholesale and retail (, il.CRAzr 'I hitfitixpnaol lititherii- fC. IU nuld., ,11, t'-n...,t.-.r mA Ih ta "Wine fie i b bur hood, have undergone won. " tieitetnrnt during Ibe t-ait fortnight. Jmti 'lhr coanty line, in Henderson township, f' fouMy, on tb M Stingy Weaver" farm, from Lulbrrsburg, eight miles from ";Hl,Milie, nine mile from Pnnisutawney, "4 nfcla te miles of TroutTilk (on tb bhrder "al-ie, io!i, 4e br lb gransy spot Is, the oil Bows freely day and ntgbt. Wa Iba very miaul In locating this io tbit pilgrims teed not go to to much 10 th spot, and when there Ibe aaa Iarikta.teirii. If an eight by wvs nr- aill bring oil, Kt it bo done. , 'AiTijio. Mariettm Time, of ) si, i.j a , Ufl Tassday el tbi weak, tbe r tk a sudJft rise as Ur ap as Loch Haven, i thirty seven Inch. It nd tb '' eM.adily al Marietta nniil It got aloe Karihaalow water. Abeal tbe middle el Ut) liter no., a R began to fall, aad nt thla r, fn,ng. lowcr, aait a a.-her riMH hirg mt$ th9m Ulmt lhff, J"Wr rafts belonging t Luther Daek, of .'ikia, ttnm rif i)ft Bryant, ( n,3 i four ,qoar iimbir and naard fmaUA ftoa, of Wrightivilkf t, fc,'" "H io a gentleman In Kik coun- "'bsiste'u were pare based at Sbamohtw ,J Tbeia ar iluut thirty raHs on the a-'V''MrriM at evening. These " h-amohii( Family Afki.iction. The Lock Ha ven iJtmoermt, of last week, say : Tb family of Mr. Jam M.CIoakcy, wbe reside oa High trcnt, (bis city, hi bad It abara of misfortune recently. They bavo be n suflcilng from na)nrlBl fevar mora or less all summer, aad about a month ino a wife of one of tbe sons died. On Satur day night last death again eulered Ibo family and bora away a beloved dang bur, Emma, wife of David Brown, on of D. L. Brown, Erq. Mr. Brown wa In on of lb Western Btitst at tb tim of her death. On Sunday afternoon, Thomas, a sun, wh't wa swlicb trndt-r in tba yard at ktaofu, was arushed btim Ibe teeptr of two freight oar and kstatotly killed. He wa oa duty and was eiOpling two oars wbea hie foot caught In a 'frog' which f revetted his creep A nas approaching hu, t erif.g tb news of tbe dvaib of hi sister, tul before ll reached h;m La Wis a eurprc. He Wu a married man, aad Itavcs a nil and one child At tiaue he waa m pli-ytd on ih boom at Ills place, aad one h tie re we aa employe af th Railroad Company, wbm be rcceltrd n painful lujury an th bead ly tailing from n freight car while it waa In motion. Hi ramaina wtra brought to this ity, and lb funeral of the iwo children look place yisierday. Mr, MtCloibc and family hav tb beaitMt sympathy of their friend and tbc aomttinnlty at twrg in this bonr af affiictlon, OrcluLA TksT WtLL.Tho Init is- au of th Osceola Hewllt has this to say about tbe test oil wall being pot dona at that placo: "Mr. Wbltchill Is still dramming away at Ibe rocks, night and day, without intermission, bat like ibe llyncr region, tbe tub strata ben rath the coal rcsis: lb drill lo suob a degree that II downward progress Is very stow. At present, the material la n compact silicate, about tin dcifrres harder than any other tock tn (he bituminous re gion. Th difficulty hire, is (he etittncc of what was formerly a deep basin, lilt sftcrntrJ lilted with silioiou sand, topptd out wiih bard xbale and slat. After reaobing lb bottom f this formation, the neks will certainly ho Irsi d ffljutt to pct)trat, although bard enough anler Ibe most favorable aonditiuns. , It Is hunlly of iu(D- ititl Ini port;. s)ce t site d f th f the tell at lha present time, but wa will at it a timt the work bad so far progressed that the caring ws put down yesterday (Friday). 8j poillUe I tho feeling in regard to lb riiirnc of oil in Ibis section, that any peraon anpresslwg a uYdM 'n Ibe subjt-ct, would iM phippcd ell to an any turn for medical traalmcntt - When 4t ha Once I eenJis- covsrsd, It will bo dilUcult lo f d I a man who didn't know all about It, long befjie, or one wbo hadn't ' told them so.' " Special b. MeflACflllEY'rl BPKCIALTIE3. If you want to tnko a View or youraolf life lis go to John Mctlaughey's and buy one of hi largo obcap looking glass. If yon arc in need of any Queens ware, at fab ulous low price aad of Ibe best manufacture, to to John McUaugbey's for it, Tha cheapest, best and fullest asotimnt of Qlnsswarc, is to be found at John MoUnugbay'a PTAUE LINES. A Haae leaves Curwcnsrlll dally for Remolds. rllte, at I n'Hoob, p m.. arriving at Reynoldsville mi o ocioca, p nt. Returning, leave lieynold. vine naiiy, at T o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur. wcnsvilleat 13 o'clock, m. Fare, each way, 3. A Itagc loaves Cnrwensvlllo dully, at 1 o'clock. p. tn., for Dullnis City, arriving at I)uRia City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, leave Dullols at 7 o'elnck, a. u,, daily, arrivingat Curwcnsvillcat is o ciocR, ni. rare, each way, VJ2. Woon Awn Willow Wars. If yon ar in need of n basket, tub, churn, or any other piece of woou or w mow v ere, go straight to John Mc Onttfrhey's for it. Everything In this line is kept y mm. oU4 t, A good domestic Sulphur bath can ba Instantly prepared by taking a cake of U lean's Sulphur Honp into tbe bulb tub. Much an aapodient will, to uso a slang phrase, "knock the aooka off" any victim of cutjueou blsimshcs. Bold by all Druggists, 25 cents. Hill 11 mt k Whisker Dye, buck or brown, 60 cent. oeti7-4t, M')?ricr toIaw By tbe Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of New York, in sums not less than $ ?,uiM), on Urst-clan improved farm property. For fur ther information, apply lo ii. W. b Ml Til, out. a, n am. Cicarbeld, i'a. LIST OF AOStSIORS FOR Ii76. Below will ba fowad a wmpli He af tba name of Assessors elected last February, and who nter upos their dot Us th day after tb November atwstien DIBTBIOT. SAK. r. . AOOOiaS. BnrosideBor'gh.Malinew lrvtn..Burnslde. Ciearield " W. I. B.ghr.. Cira.d. ( Carweasvlll " U Begnar Corweasville. lloulsdal Frank Uolger....Hoatsdote. Lumber City M Jason Kirk l.nmbr City. Neh.r.v B. B. Cletnson...Hnrd. N.Wash'gtonM Foslr Uavi N. Washington. Osccwla " . vtoosnev....ww . Wallaeetan " Jaa. H. Twrner.-weiiacctwn. ficocaria T' Joba D. Weld ...tllen Hope. Bell " ti. Weaver Chest. Frank N UrlderoreM. If. W. fcatmI....Walletoa. ' B. Leaaberry,..Wodland. " J. A.Tarp DaUui City. "Job Kant B era eld. L William Weatover. JoU Picard FraebvlJle. JeaepbUoa Wl Decatur. John Hil......Lnmbr City. , Dsn il kne...HUillingbum. - Ml Flegal Hbawsvill. Am Hoeiar... Orahaaston. O. A. Thorp... Bower. -J. Ulasgow hmtik's Mills. "Joka B. llewilL.Fea.teld. Jas. MeKeobanAaeuSiTil. U. Heakedm..Hll LleS. J. A.W.tao New Millport. Vaeaney tie vet. " John Hoevar...HKytertawn. Tboma WalU...irampian Hill. H A. Addleman- Cnrwenanlla. B. J.Ulntt..M..Boktaw. Jl. MsCsnB....Jeaera. Tba Asiecser elec4 having rtmeved from Ik bercngh f Wallacston, U Cmmislar bar sppcialed Mr. Tamer to III th vaeaney and perform th duties of thai Hot. Bloom Bogg Brad l or! Brady 11 eras id (belt Coving on Deeelar Ferguson Uirsrd tJosben Or sham UrveawoW Unlieh Huston Jordan Kartbaut Kaon LswrewM Morn I 'can Pika I a toa Haadwarw CLEARFIELD C OUNTY ATLAS. The work of preparing the ili,rcrt;tit r:ttur- "f the Clcurlio'd Jhuuit lit-tor,nl Ailts li If progress's Th ft sop Uir"B.;lU-H inti co.niy hav tlius lur pretty grtiCfa ly ctiijnic. ibis it porta at work, and a aontiiiuatii-u ol ibw taui. Itiltn st in it a HI greatly M si fie publish r to luruisb our ciiiti-na with a itnit tnu'ilil a. bam of tbe bi.mea and Of L'learttelil cointiy one that will Ua ihu pridv 04' avtry bouubol.l. Ashes been rcpraiaoly taifd11ic AUm is to cia tain a oomplai map ol' wary laiwti iithi towiMtnp a history l tli ofgnatsatiud and early seiilo ment af tha eoaaty-nd te carluui iownsbis, inaidentf And Mogrnptises of' tbo early settlers aod representative mno oi all County, botb living aud dsadf a god showing f tbr agrioullurai, manalacluting, tnloiag ank buincs mdustnes and resoarons of tho oountj, and a bea,trttlul pic inre ol tbo bom of ever, oltiteo who drrires tJ bv It placed In tba work. Toe Atlas will eou lain view of liusinrfltt hovsrs, mnnafaolunng tbllsh msnts, hotels, mltichtiiebr, rwnlencei, (arm building, farm scenes, and every I .eta re ot the verio ej improvements ul tb county that will contribute lo nuke It otnaucDtal and usotul. A corps or arliiU are at work maHitig aketcUas for n number of oar o it i seas, and we are plesod tn state that none of our readers will ba deprived "f ta oppui-lanlty of having tbetr bumei and.halt'f-1 in atioarn no tm lb a Atus. as mvwj wi'm i and town will bo Vblted by members in ine tun. ninr for thin noroosa. Mi-sirs, MoOlof aod Robinson ar at present calling upon the eitiims and soliciting tor ine view awriwcni.. hot. Id fail toroooaaise the beauty and valui an albam af war county. Extra copies or the enaravinas are lurtished lh who have views taken, wbirb tiinbics tba owncta to have these pictures ol the homes encased In ti units, or eena mesa ia tneir tricnas nmto of iba noeairy. Tha fallowing are he names oi som of onr citicns w ho have already eoniravted ta have view r tnvlr home and buildings la ser ted In the Alia , ' I eLaMnntuy ) , j 1 Judge O. R. Barrett resldmce and office. it. b. tlaodlandar rvaidcnoe aad interior view of printing office. eiuuge 4, ai. mcnnaiiy irieu ronndiags. It. l. How A Bon Irwai aaa i miner vie prlutmg oClso. B, J. mow rasinewrw, - A. B. fefaaw- cweidvnoa nrd aarrounding. Jam B, Uraham fasldeacw, awak block and other buildings. Richard Hbaw r.dnee, mm ana aurrounti- lags, including Ibe West ClearBeld leir groanri. Leonard nfineica ornuwi nmiaiug awn rTew- aleorg Tnorn resiaenoe ami nrnmnamj,'. A. J. Logan resldcnoe nnd aurronndms. riawsaavtLbS. Hon. John Patt on-widen nnd farm rtn. y.M AhvU M. Irrin. vhaaf th John Irvio ariaie pMperty, nonewUng of mills, lumber aad railing arenas on tha oQ,ehaana river. II, II. Airainaro mier'uv f '--U. A. Irwin ! th Irwtrn homtsiaad. And many ethers. Oat Wantro F. M Cardon A Bra will nay CASH for arrcral hundred ho be I of oats, dehv- ered tnitiem at ihcir Meat Market, la Clcarllcld. Oct. 17, IS77-4t. "Huru'e Virn Cot. a." The season fur fixing up your stores is iinrly at band, and I have lots of hard and soft coal to sell so band in your orders and got vour supply. Dut'i wnit until winter but ord-r right now. JA, L. LKAV V. tlcarliajld, I'a , Bap I 5-?m. Oan II nana so 1'an trirr, iJiioot-nv oa Oi.n Puicnn. tewitia M bines can now lie purchased at Mcriell's lin and variety atorc, from t-t op wards. All kinds of itwing machines repaired oa tne shortest notice. t .carn-l.l. Pa., July 18, 1877. Wawtkd ! loti.titm lri.inob nimVed il;ln.;lci rn ntrrntc from fl to 6 innbes -for wbiob we will pay tlie highest market price. A. U, kitaiuta A Co., feS.28 If. Clearfield, Pa. 3 1tonihing Suectst. It Is tho duty of every person who baa ued Bosvhce's llaruian Hyrup to let its wondortul Sjuel itts b known to their Irivnde in curing Cousunip tion, s- vcre C'tiiigba, Cn op Asthma. I'aeuinonia. and in fact all tfarWRtt and lung dnea. No per son oao u it withoat immcduia ralp t Three doses will relievo any case, and wa consider It Ilia duty al' ll druiK'" refli'Hinr mi it to the poir dying ooiisuuiptivo. at least la try n bot tle, as 4(1,1 0U iloii-a Ixr'tles woe 'd last Tnr, and no 'io- esse nbeie it laliul wne Kfoitod tu -h a mcli ii is Mi" (lomim- s y r 1 1 f . etnunt be too widely k' tiwu Arkjuur 1i uiu jI al ui It. l$ bultlvs in try n,U at 10 tit.', B irular site tf cent l .ir t l-v 1'. ll Wton. Clear :iil. I'a. Ma, ;a, li.i ivv It. I Or. Slttioh't Hyhlfm 1'UitUer, Wc era anihr'rosod U gt;rnntc thi retne ty for the ear nf lr-pi-le, lnacttva liver, Hoar if tamarli. Conmptiua, Lossof Appetite, Coming i up of Fond, Yellow Skin, and g'-neral Languor i and debility. Yon must arknowladg that this would barulnone unless we had p aitlvcavlilenee that It will cere. Vnn who are cufli-ring from I tha eomplainta, ta so norna are addressed and will you conUnuw to suffer when yon aaa ba cured on such terms r It ta for yon la determine. Sample bottle, in cents regular sis 74 cento. Bold by C. 1. Watsan, UrugRist, Clearfteld, Fa. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and after Monday, May ISth, 187T, the passenger trains will run daily (sicept Sunday) between Bed Bank nnd Driftwood, a lOllOWS I KATWAHI. Day Mail leaves Pittsburg f:30 a.m.t lied Bank 1 lib i Hligo Junction 13:14 ( Few Uelblehom 1:20 p. SM Maysville l it t iroy 2:110 t urooKvii'a a:iti ( roller s I:a0 Hoy Doldsville 1:99 1 DuBoisS:SSi Summit Tunnel 8:vH I'enfteld 4:09 t YVeedvill 4:17 1 Benciett :( 1 arrive at urtnwood at :4. W KWTW A R IDiy Mall leaves Driftwood imft p. m.: Bt-netcita 11:67; Weedvilie 1:40; Pen 11 eld Mto, Pummlt Tunnel 1:&8 ; DuBols 111; Reynoldsville S:34 : Fuller's 2:60: Brockvillo 1:12: Troy Mayavill 3:51: New Hcthlchem 4:06 : Miigo Junction 4 47 f Red Bank 1:03 f arrival at Pittsburg at 7;50 p. m. p&- Tha Reynoldsville Aocommodaiioa leave Bcyooldsrille daily nt 7:60 n. m.) and arrive nt Rod Bank at 11:00 n. a., t'ittaburgh at 2:M p. m. Leaves Pittsburgh nt 3:10 p. m ( Red Bank nt 6:95 p, m.; arrivingat Reynoldsvillcat 1:60 p. m. Close connection made with train on P. A I Railroad at Driltwood, and with train on th Allegbaoy Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCAROO.Uen'ISnp't. A. A. Jinaaon, Bnp't L. U. Dtv. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa ...... $2 OftlMlddletown 00 Look Uavcn S 70 Marietta-.,...,.,,.., ft 60 WilUamsport. S SO Lancaster ft 86 Huntingdon .H 1 "PHILADELPHIA 7 Oft Lowistown- HM S 00 Altoonn ,., 1 Aft Marysville.......H. 4 60 Johnstown. 180 Cuweosvill 20 1 rliilipsburg...MM. 61 Ofecnla 05 Tyrone 1 22 HARKISBURU... 4 7&IPITThBl!RU ft Ift ORDITJANCC. Ah Osiris a bo To prohibit lounging nod loafing on me street oornara, sid walks, step, ao., nnd lo regulata and prohibit persons ndr eighteen yeara of age, from being upon th street nnd allay within th limit of Clearfield norouf b attar aicbt o clock r. m. i B4 it ordaimtd and enacted 6m lie Tom Ouumetl ras norouir 0 uiarniw, aaa it ic arty r waiasa eg aa'cortr 0 io same Bacrion 1, Tbnt avert Person or oeraona wba hall ba found in any street or any public plao wltbln tba boanda of said borough, making noise and contusion, or nsing obscene or profane lan guage, or behaving in other disorderly mnnner r in anywlte disturbing tba peace and good order of the borough, or whoever may ba found louag ing upon door steps, eellar-doors, or other private property witnout permiasioa. or asm nit tba wish of the owner thereof, er doina injury to nubile ar private property, or lountrincon street corners. around lamp posts, on siJa-nalli, or blockading tb same, oa bridgrs, crowding io front or around ohurebea, embarrassing Ingram thereto and egress therefrom, within aaid borough during tba night time, shall be liable to arrest by aay Constable of said borouc ti, end it sba.1 be tbe duty ol any Con stable, a aforesaid, to arrest tvsry parson or oar- sons o offending, nnd upon conviction thereof be fore tb Chief Burgess or Justice of tb Peace, of said borough, shall pay a One of not law than one dollar and not mora than flve dollar each, nnd cost ol prosecution, at th discretion f tb Chief Borgtss or Justice of the Peace be lor whom tried 1 and in oaaa any person or parson aonvlct ed and aenteaoed shall refuse or omit to pay tba Ine Imposed and cost, every such parson shall be duly committed to tba lock-on af the borouth. or to the common jail of ClsarBeld eonnty, for tiy length of time not "coeding twenty. four nours, nt tn discretion of tbc said thief U urges or Juslio of th Peace. Bsc. J. That all children uid yontha nnder the age of eighteen year shall hereafter be prohibited rrom Idling or loafing, or being on any of tbe street or alloy within lb limit of aaid borough, lecpt they be upon special errand nl tbe aom maad of their ptrents, or nnlea thy ba In the custody of their parents, senior member of their families, senior person or their lege! guardians, after the hoar of o'clock r. h. Any child, youth, children or youths, so found upon the streets or alleys of said bomugb, and within tb limit tncrwor, otherwise tbao above axcaptda, after the aaid hour of o'clooa f. tf , aball be liable to arrest, and It shall bo tha duty of any Constable of aaid borough to arrest any child. youth, children, or youths, so offending, nnd up on conviction thereof, before tbe Chief Burgess or a Justice of the Peace, the person or parsons so vonTioiaa ukh d uDjcct to iiac nn anu penal ties as prescribed In tha foregoing section or thi uruineuoe. Hao.3. That all ord in tares or part of ordi nance inconsistent herewith ara hereby repealed Approved -October 16th, 1877. Attest: J. L. LKAVV, Crnt-a Oonron, Burgtss. Clerk. Clserftild, Pa., Oct. 24, lT7-8t tVt) Guinzki'ff's Kcwfinit and Shoe Store. 1 -. a GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARFIELD, PA., Ha. tba Lerfeet C'lrf uloUon or u, ,apar Is KorthwMtom P.tuayl.atila. Tbe large and oonitantly inoreasing circulation of tbc Bipubucan, rendera It valuable tobu.lnoai men aa a medium thro' which to reach th public. , I WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBKR 10th, With an ontiro now atnek of lloota, Shoes, Uata, Cape and FurniehingGooda, at prices that will fill j our Uo.itl J-y and Ji.)r MVttU with oaeh. What I atato I am prepared to proro with tho following price lie!, which apoulca for itself : Tumi or Subscription : If paid In advance, . . , $2 00 If paid aftor three months, . 2 50 ir paid alter six months, . , 8 00 Whon papers are aent outeldo of the county payment mast be In advance. Save Youu Cash G. C. & T. W. MOORE, (SoMoeaora lo J. . Sbow.ra,) CLEARFIELD MARKETS., Pa, Floor, tier ewt. , Itaokwheat rlonr ucrewt Corn Meal, per ewt , Chop, rvo, per ewt , Chop, aiiied. per ewt Bran, per owt , Wheat, per bashcl.,.n .., By, per bushel Oats, par bushel ; , Corn, ears, per bashcl..., , Iluohwheat. per bntbel Potatoes, pv hwnhid , Apples, per bushil Hams, pt r pound fcboatdsr, per pound H .kWH Driwl Beer, per pound Chickens, par pair Butter, per pound; Ktrgs, r doaen Salt, per sack, largo Coal till, per gullon Lard, per pound l'risd Applea, per pound Dried Peaches, por poond ....... Beans, per bushel ...... October 30, 1877. ... $3 TO A 06 e ao 1 00 1 nn 1 M 1 1 40 1 d& ao at 7ft SO ,.4 to ivu 1 10 II 40 . fO 11 S 00 14 0 . . It I 6 BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS and CAPS, aa. einre' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOM No. 1, PIE'S Brain NO. They are bow raeetvlog ft boloa lot of th latsst style of Ladles and Genu Dress fffcoa nnd Boot, together with a large lot of PLOW SHOES, Ac, 4c., suitable for workman en lb farm and In tba woods. They Invito special attention to their stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, All or nhlch .III be sola at rat .a aa favorable aa tbe, eaa be bought .lie.bere In the ooaotr. A abar. of the patronage of Ih. vohlle la re. .('elfallv GEO, C. MlMHtK. TOM. W. MtHIHR. Ckearteld, la.,Jal; 1 1, 1ST7-3.0. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 8 times, . $160 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors Polices, .... 260 Uautionsnnd Estraye, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notice, ... 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Spocial notices, por lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : . HO PAPER SOLES. Women's laced lasting shoe at Ti cants teed to sell at 11.04 Women' laced morocoe shoe at $1.10. Used tnaall at S.tft Women' laced calf )os at t.!6. Used ta ll at !. Women's heavy firm shoes at MS. Used ta tell at I,H Women' bast ealf shoe at 1.41. L'd to tell al I N Women' laoed foied shoo at 1.15. Used ta aall at l.M Woman battened morocoo shoes at 1.40. L'aod to sell at 1.7 Women' kid laced shoe at 1.76 lied to aall at l.ti Women's kid buttoned shoes at 1.00, 1.00, 1.75 and 1.00. THE OLD LADY COMFORTABLE SHOE, $1.75. The most satisfactory shoe ever mado for old people Ho easy on the feels as though it wore but a stocking. Try it. Wo also have a full lino ol GrafTs and Burl's tost hand made shoes. Order, token for any shaped foot, and best fit vouched for. IN MEN'S WEAR TIIEIIE IS A POSITIVE SLAUGHTER. Jleot bcarj wlol.r tboet arllh rlnoble tola., S oeata. liaa'a heavy kip abooe, II Io Klpworklogboott, doalileaole, J.5 tap loir, S.oe Klmlro tap aula, J.U. Sole Agent for the Celebrated Hand Screwed Claflin Shoe. boon at Men'. Iaal calf boon, 8.75. Men's beat rairboole. wej. 14. at A M I wlHeut box tore, ealeo.loo ortep aoln. all al the ua. tricot. Meeaerae t.kV. " a mot ot .I.n rrl.M. M. a., r.r. r Men'. HrrH boon at 3.3t. asuote wltn and aad IwiaI. Mi Boys ahoca in fifty different styles, at from $1 00 to 11.60 in walking and school shoes, and (rom $1 25 to $2.50 for best calf skin .button, dress shoes. Hoys Klmira tap sole boots ot $2 40. MISSES SHOES IN A HUNDRED STYLES. Mlnei School Short at 5 centt. K0 Mistet far ahoet al $.2a. M. . ...... Mi..e. genuine ealf thoet at FAf II Missel Kill tboet at ti, S1.40 aod M. li.Hl diet sheet al 11.40,11.011, tl.Tt and 2.C-b.oJ Balsa. SOLES. NO PA P 8 Ri SOLED, j One square, 10 lines, . . , $8 00 Two squares, ...... 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 Ono-balf column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 j . Wiu 3.(U'frtisfnifms TO IT PATRONS ! Wa bave always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, . SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, to., to , 4c. REMOVAL!! ASK YOUrt UK0GEH FOR. IT. Oet 17, IB77-H. OM.IO di ennuallf hr aealwitinc a Ce'd or Croop. often leeillng to Oooioimiilen aoj Iho frave. W by will 10a Dtxleel eo impnrtant a matter wbea ,oa eaa art at onr .tare gallon a UuNararTiiix uraa, ita ta. eeaereaoe ol a iiei.d relief. Fir .ormmo acroea Ibe Uhi-tt er l.anjre, or i amo bank er fide, rlim.oa'a Poanrt I'taaiaa give, prompt relief Hold br U. II. VVeleoa, tl.arll.ll, fa. liar sruKT.ra, a ppmlar ami fHrrraal SMrrBiae. eoid of ti, if. wareon, UMaraeie, ra. apr IS, ' - ' - ' Attention, Formers and Lumbermen. W A WTEIs try Arnold, at C'urrrrn.t llle, 10,000 pounds pork 1,000 bushels wheat. 1,000 bnshtils rye. 1,000 bushels oats: " ' I 1,000 bushels shellt'd com. 1,000 biiNhels potattres. 1 IIHl.lMHI irt-lnrll efiarrel ehlnrlra. " HMKMMt itl.lnrk aawra thing Ira. IIMI.IMMI Irrt pill, knartla. S.tMM) railroad lira. a.lHHi rorda oat and limlork bark. For which one-third cash will lie pnid. ' oct.25, lUiirrid. At tb Lutheran rronf la Palona, rinln enunly, oa Tufd;, Pf 1 1. 7hb, 1R77, hj Rrr. W H. Dlrrp, Mr. Ueorjcr D. Hboemtkrr, oT Oir Held eouatj, aoJ ali's llsrriet JlMsb, of riloto count j. Id Lathnrshasf, I'a., aa Ta'dar, Ootuker UJ, lR;r, Cerrha I., danftbter af llarnsoa an 4 Mar FafMaare, fi I year, I moath and 2 devs. dilt ilV WAXTED. FARMERS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, Uive me your Attention Tor a Moment. I want 5,000 bushels of Wheal. I wnnt 5,000 bushels of Onls. I want 5,000 bushels of Itye. I want 5,000 bushels Kuckwhcat. For which I will pay the Cash when avenvereui , . oliiNzncrto. jTIearSeld, Pa., Pel. 17, l77 aa. T-VIHrHI.UriON. Tba panarrahlp beret.. 1 fore exl.liag aetwean John T. Pnwler end c. Iloyor, I. (hi. day dltaolved hy tialaal m rial, Oeleber Sib, H7T, Tyrooe, Pa. JOHN T. POWLKR, 0. atlVKR, lha hsrtla.M of lb. abore Aral .III bo Matin. nod by the aaderal,aod. to aboaa all aeeoaaia of th. tat. arm asaet be presented. Raid Kegle iaraoer uerapaay jntlfl w. mukhii, Welir St. Sapn-latendeat DIVOHCH KOrlt'K. Ia tb. Co.rl of Ceastaoa Plea, of Clear- aeld ONialy, Pa. No. 1S. Sept. T.. Il7t. Hab. tar. Ulroreo. AlfrelSlraw re.Wilailna J. Straw. Tba .eder.ljrned t'oasmbtloner, oppobst by Ibe Coast lo take lealleaoay I. th. ebor. eoaa,will tilted to tbo doty ef aaid appoiataseal. al tbo oSlee oa tf. R. A W. Ilarrett, ia CteorSrld, oa Tburrday, ti... I, IS7T, at IS .'ehatk a aa., when aad where all liartM. inl.ra.lwi asay atlrad. fRANK A. PLBMINU, Cle.iS.ld, Oet 17, IS77 It. Oerasxlteioaer, JOU Sal ALE Tbe endirslcoed will Mil at arlvala aale all that trael er parcel af land ailaala la Deeetar Uwnehip, ClearS.ld ananty, Pa., witala a abort linaoeo of ibo Tyrooe A Cloarflell ft. ft., aad adjoining lao.te of Hubert U.daaaj .od olaera. aud knaoa at tbe Jaaob D. tlearkart lot. Tha eaid iract eootolnlox SO aeraa atore or lost, with two ri-laaef volatile eo.1 Ikoreoa, baa aboat SB acrea eleered, aad It Ibe hey ta a tare, body of eual .boot being developed, will be aold low aad uaea eaay itrma. ror parlicoiara, oppty to DAVID L. aLRKfiS. CleatSeld, Ta, II, ISIS. f bar. thla day asora 1 ray atoro to Svoond atraal, la thtrootaknowati Wrlgbt't Store laadditiea to the large ttock ao. oa hood, 1 bara received a large atoek ofoow Fall aV Winter C.oodn, fa all lb rarl oa atjlea of Dry floods, IColtona, Tilaiialogs, Whits Goods, MllUaerr A Paacy tioods, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Peper, ke A. It 1 my dettralaatlot ta tfl&ilaa keeping food goods, aad 1l these at tb lowest GASH PRICES, Aad ebeap stuff at ehp privet will aot ba ajaia a spreteltr here, tl 1 sjaaaeaMarj t aausaerata art Me or jtHoe, Vat y will lad all af goad aad art t tall mrybod. Wtf i peases baiag oaa-fbTfjrtb ahat lha; eraf I aaa sell at tb rar lawMt prl. ItRMRNDKR TBI PLAC WILLIAM REED, RROOND RTRIKT, CLKARFIELD, PA. Sept. Ii, Hit If. JOB PRINTING. Wa aro prepared to do all kinda of PRINTING rU'CII AS POSTERS, l'KOGIUMMICS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ' ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, " " ' ' ' STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIKCULAI1S, io.) Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON .( , ' " .. . i . REASONABLE TERMS. Children and bby shoes at crnny figures. A good solid buttoned shoe, heel. eu ior ci.imrcn, ti.i ccnls; copucr lip, C5; rubber tip dross shoes, fl 20. Baby shoes, all kinds, from SO cents up. Men's, Women's and Children's 35 cents. Shoo polish 15 cents per bottlo, shoo strings 4 cents per dozen, button hooks ono cent each. Missel rubUtt So ell S ttrlrt. Women'. ruKUr. in .1. i .1.1.. U.. Li ... Meo'theaty rubber booti. Mil). Wcmen't rubber boot., fl.60. aod bora robber booU M It. nool naed, buckle arellct, telf.xoliag gumt, xod all other faabloal. Woaraalso soiling mon's gonuino fult hals at 75 cents. This is a"stunnor.' Wo take any mnrketahlo nrliclo in trade und consider it THE CASH. Wo want aa much grain as wo can got, lor which wo will givo market price. Call mid Convince Yourself. o Trouble to Show fiomts. " S. GUINZBURG, ' ' . . Al P'rgal'r old attad, cppoilte tbe Court Hoote ClaarDald, Pa., Kept IJ. 1877. Z. a. Ifrfc (Co.'t Columit. I Z. 21. tftci & Co.'t troiumn. ITewGoodsI 2Tw Goods I EVERYBODY GLAD ! EVERYBODY GLAD!! Lower Prices in DRESS and DRY GOODS. DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, Great Reductions in Prices. "X"- A. JPXJSUGJESZ cfe OO. Are pleased to anounco to tho ciliaens orthia vicinity, that by special arrange ment with manufacturers for lanro ounntiiia nf r,nn,i rn. ..i. t. j C , , , . o -i r. " " " " 1 .win, la.ureu or the hard times nnd sharp competition, they have boon enabled to effect such a saving in the cost of goods as fully warrants them in proclaiming a rodoo tion ir. the prices of Dry Goods, such as will mako this advertisement of real money vnluo to cvory curclul nnd practical reador who ho.rl. iki. ;.,r tion. Our reductions aro not confined lo a few anniiialiiaa I...I ini,..u .1 . every article offered lor salo. Stock more complete, and quality superior to any in town, ( , i VJ JTioadvantatatl cash bnycrls tho real and substantial reduction In prices. All goods will bo found markod in plain fiiuros. Our Fall and Winter Stock is now Complete. A hand ; some line of DfcSs Goods, all the newest shades BLACK and COLORED CASHMERES, BLACK and COLORED ALPACCAS, BLACK SILKS tho best and cheapest in town. WATER-PROOF black and gold-mixed. LA DIES' COATINGS different styles. LA DIES' CLOTHS-all shades. CASSIMERES all prices. PRINTS, MUSLINS AND GINGHAMS, SHIRTING , TICKING, CANTON t'LANNELS, bleached and unbleached RED FLANNELS, WI1ITR FLANNELS, GRAY KlTnNElS, - ' TLAID FLANNELS. ' LA DIES' COATS a handsome line. LADIES' SHAWLS FELT SKIRTS GERM AN TO WN WOOL ZKI'II VRS-all colors, WORSTED FKlNGFs' now ahndes.GAI.OON TlilMMINGS-all colors, BEST QUALITY ' STOCKING YARN-all colors, TABLE LINEN bloaohed nnd nnlileached, TURKEY 1!HD TABLE LINEN 1 UMBRELLAS good nssoi-imcnt, TABLE ' Ull; CLOTHS, PKRrl'MKKIES and SOAPS lino naaorlment. Gents' Furnishing Goods, HAIR BRUSHES AND COMBS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, SILK HAND. KERCHIEFS, LADIES' .NECK TIES, I, A DIES' KID GLOVES LA DI ES' AC11ILUREN S CLOTH GLOVES, CORSETS " LADIES' ft CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, NEW ' EMBROIDERIES ft HANDKERCHIEFS. ORDEKS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlnndrr A atar, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. MILLINERY GOODS, Hals and Bonnets trimmed lo ordor. New Flowers, Feathers Silk Vol vets, Black and Colored Velveteens, Colored Silks nnd Satins, Eibb'ons, to. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, 3, 4 and 5 ply. Please cull nnl oxitiiiine our- Stock. No (rouble to allow Goods. T. A. FLECK A CO. 1 1 1 i . )Vrl IO GRAHAM'S BRICK BUILDING, 'VI -ear' 14 i ... 'r i r-irrr i irnrneld, l"a. Sept. 8, 1877. r ; .. . -i ot - a a a---. TI'HTItKH' eh (JBTAHI.r.l' fttjl We have printed a larxe aanlwr el the eaw FKR BILL, and will aa the retell ef twaalr. Ire eeate, aiail a oomf to oof afreea. , eartt FRESH MEAT-SEW SHOP. Th nderltnl kmhy lafomi tht public ) gfBtrftl tbftt tby ktp on htad, rtn rlj, tt l(Mir ihop, 1 Joining JOHN Ot'tlOll 8 fumltir ruoat, oppoitt the Ooart HoaM, lb BXST MKSft Krt YKAL. MUTTON , t lf kABktQHktiT ir I REDUCED TRIORS, FOR CA.SH. oniln Titwiaj, Thirvdty, ftad A ibinir pairoDigt Ii fepHt folly r-HrltW. Mielt I, IHTthlf. HlAMl A NUHfMIr. COAL! COALU COALIII The aait.rlael detireate laearai tha eHleeaa ef t leaiSeld Ih.t ae I. arepared la rarah COAle ef aa aacrlleat,, ta all whe aaa, (Ira hies a rail, at a r-rtea callable tot Ihe preeeel hard Uaiea. lie will exehaare eeal for leer, feed, ,imilea, Sa. All erdera will rMelre alteatlea. aa he da. liver, bl.eaaaeal. TIlOB. A. DUCK KIT. ClearMd, l'a.,erpt. t.'lt Sea. Bigler, Young & Reed HAVI Olt BAND Oaa.hatas Trnad Pewera aad. Taratlaj Math lata. A lea. Aver) 'a Pateat Veaaawkarae ISvar raratrrt will do well la ,1 re ikeaa a ealL. Cleerleld, t.; Ae. 1,17-11