58he gcpnMican. G tout) I B. Uoodlandsr, Kditor. CLKAUKIELI), 'Pa. WEDNESDAY M0HN1NO, OCT., 31, I8TT. Reader. If vou want t what ' I0'" 00 la th. busin.es world, Just mi our adr.rtislng .olumns, th. Sptmal oolutDD Id p.rtteul.r. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. rnn aupatMK judos: Hon. JOHN TRUNKEY, OP VKNANOO OOLNTV. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL! Hon. AVIIjLIAM P.SCIIELL, Or BEDFORD COUNTT. FOR STATE TKKASURKR: Hon. AMOS C. NOYES, Of CLINTON COUNTY. DEMOCRATIC JCOl'XTY TICKET, FOR PROTUONOTAUT . KM BLOOM, of Clearfield. VOR REGISTER AND RECORDER : L. J. MORGAN, of Clearfield. for surveyor: MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. Xo man worthy the offieo of President tbootd bo willing to hold It If counted in, or plaeed there by any fraud. IT. 8. Graht. I could never hare been reconciled to the ele vation by tbe itnalkit aid of nine of a perioo, however reepectable In private life, who Bait forever carry upon nil brow tne stamp 01 iraua flrt triumphant in American btatory. Ho aub sequent action, however meritorious, ean wash awny tne letters 01 tniu reooru. Crailki Frahi'II Adah. I'nder (lie formi of law, ltutberford D. Hayes bns been declared President of the totted Statae. HU title real! upon diif ranch isetnent of lawful voters, the felie certificate! of the returning offl ere actirf corruptly, and tbe decision of a com mission which has refused to hear evidence of al leged fraud. For the first time are the American ticople eon fronted with the feet of a fraudulently elected President. Let it not be understood that tbe fraud will be silently acquiesced in by the country. Let no hour pan in whicn tne usurpa tion is forgotten. Annua m or Democratic U. C.'t. One hundred years of human depravity aeon mutated and concentrated into a climax of ertme Never eeaiu in five hundred years shall they have an opportunity to repeat tne wrong. Danibl W. Voorhrir. I would rather have the endorsement of a quar ter of a million of the American people than that of the Louisiana Returning Board, or of tbe Com mission which excluded the feats and decided the question on a technicality. Tiioa. A. IIbrdricks. Democrats, remember TucBdny. No vember 6 tli. Senator Morton's vase is hopolos. tlio nliyeiHuns aro about to give him "P- Democratic victorioa in this country, and Iiu",inn victories in Asia Minor, have been nil the go for the past three weeks. (iOVERNMKNT INTIMIDATION. All tlio Rudicnl Congressmen from Penn sylvania, and "my eon Don," are de manding Iho appointment of ex Sena tor Cameron us Minister to Kngland. Hear Ye! The public good de mands that every voter go to tbe polls on Tuoflday next und east bis ballot fur the Democratic nominoos. member of tho State and Federal ad ministration is turned out of office. Hold on 1 No complimentary votes. Democrats, your ticket is Trunkoy, Scbcll, Noycs, Illoom, Morgan and Mc Closkey. This is not the year for Democrats to give complimentary votes either on the Stalo or county ticket, (io it straight, and wo will Tuoscliiy, Kovetuber Cth, ii election diiy. Democrats, imitnto tho exam ple of your Ohio and IUltimoro frionds. (io to tho polls and condemn thu pres ent fraudulent Federal administration, so as to compel it to administer tbe government in tlio interest of tho pco plo instead of a cabal of public plun derers. A liuLLDOzER For all tho Jiadical Congressmen from this Slato to spring to .their feet and demand that Mr. Ilnycs shall appoint tho aged siro of the son Senator to tho highest foreign position in tho gilt of tho Government, when Iluyes has a half doron personal friends on hand who want tho same position. Roll it up. Democrats, keep right on. Ono moro day for your country nnd liberty for yourself, and wo will mako the summit and bury those who liavo misgoverned our country. Ho fleet: California gavo 18,000; Ohio 22,000 ; Baltimore 16,000, and Penn sylvania WILL GIVE 30,000 or Tues day next, it you turn out. None or That I Wo learn that tho Kudical nominees aro soliciting their Pemoeralio neighbors to givo tbem complimentary vote, saying: "Your ticket will bo elected anyhow, and you will bo running no risk." Just toll your neighbor, "Not this year," most emphatically, and thon you will re main as good neighbors as ever. If noccssary, repeat, "No, sir I" Baltimore This Tim. Tb light ning strikes again! Thoy had an elec tion in Baltimore tho other day for Mayor, Sheriff, and other city officers. Tho affair was a kind of burricano, and scattered the Custom House and Post offlco officials in every diroction. In 1872, tbo Democrats carried tho city by 6,407, and last year Tildon had 10,. 120, but Col. Ocorgo P. Kane, for Mayor, got away with 15,810 on Wednesday last. Col. Kano roceivod over a thousand moro votes than were cast for President last year, showing that tho excitement run high. The Iladical candidates received 7,000 votes less than llayos, showing again, moat conclusively, that the penplo aro de termined to clean out tho political free booters who bavo robbed and plunder ed them lor sixteen years. Header, remember Pennsylvania on Tuesday, November flth. " an--Q THE NEW NOT It AND COIN CURRENCY KILLS Congress has done but little since it assembled. Both parties seem to bo tenting waiting for lh November elections and tho announcement of the resnectiv committees. Senator Wal- lenator n enrreny an tne nnancta ot tbe ury ou the 23d, which seem to attract more attention than any other two projects that have been introduced in either House.' Tuo Bills in question prnvido far a lawful note and com cur rency for the United States. The ono bill provides for the coinage ol lr .1 :ll: .lll- 1. nunureu minion uun. ,u je OI g coin metal patented by W. jj, ub. boll, of Pennsylvania, c,, g0loid," and consisting of gol- silver and oop- por, to bo paid v,t by issue of four per cent, bond'., redeemable in ton and payuble attvr twonty years, and to be paid out in oxebange for bonds bear ing a tiigbor rato of intercut as tbe lat ter are retired. The bill also requires tho Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be issued four hundred millions of legal-tender Dotes in exebango for those now outstanding, and to keep at least three hundred and fifty million dollars of tbo new issue out of the Treasury in circulation. Tbe other Bill directs tho Secretary of the Troasury to issue, in lieu of an equal amount of tbo four per cent, bonds authorised by the act of July , uiv, .wtui aiu. WAUVOUtllg Ullv UU11- dred million of dollars of United States coupon bonds, in tho denominations of twenty-five dollars and one hundred dollars, redeemable in coin of the pres ent standard valuo after aixty days from tho dato of their issue, and bear ing interest payable semi-annually in such coin, at tbe rato of 3 and 05-100 por cent, per annum. These bond aro to be exempt from all taxation, and the proceeds shall bo applied to tbo redemption of tho B-20 bonds. Tbe remainder of tbo bill is as follows Sictioh 2. Tho Secretary of the Treasury shall keep said bonds for sale at the different sob-Treasuries of the United States, and shall dispose of the same at par and accruing interest for join or for United States legal-tender notes, at tho rato at which they may then stand in the market, and such le gal-tender notes shall bo reissued ; but the proceeds and tho coin received for such bonds shall be applied to the re demption of outstanding 5-20 bonds ol tbo United BtaUw. Theoditorof tho Philadelphia Times, in alluding to the measures in question, says : "Senator Wallace has introduced two important bills in tbo Senate, which should receive tbe early consideration of both branches of Congress. One provides lor the issue ol (400,000,000 of silver coin in dollars, half-dollars and quarters, to bo legal tenders for all debts, publio and private Bo sure that tbo silver dollar to be coined shall bo made worth a dollar, and then go ahead. Thero is no reason why peo ple shouldn't have just as much silver currency as thoy want to use. With this point well guarded, and equal care to avoid even tho suspicion of impair ing contracts with creditors, which Senator Wallace doubtless has well considered, tho bill should bo speedily passed. The moro important bill of me two was one to auliioriio the issue of .100,000,000 of sixty-year bonds, bearing 3.05 interest, in lieu of that amount of four por cont bonds, to be exchangeable for coin or legal-tenders at tbo option of tbe bolder. It would have boon better, we think, to provide for 1400,000,000 of tbe 3.C5 bonds and a less amount of silver coin, for in tbe end tbo convertible bond must solve our financial problem and be the sourco of our national currency. Itlg ihvWjioZxMit-hail earnings of la bor, now so precariously held in sav ings institutions, but also to absorb tbo balances of banks, corporations and business men, and to bocome grad ually the basis of our ontiro paper money, which will always bo prolorrod to gold or silver if issued by tbe gov ernment. Senator Wallaco bos made a prompt start in exactly tho right di rection, and ws hope to soo some such measures enacted into laws at an early day." Tui Discussion to Proceed. The Rev. C. it. Foed, referred to in our is su of October 17th, has at length mot a fooman in the person of D. M. Ben nett, editor of tbo Truth Seeker, pub lished at a 141,Kightb street, N. Y. The questions to be discussod are: 1st. Jesus Christ is not only divino, but is tbe Lord bod creator of heaven and earth. 2d. Christianity is an original and divine system of religion. 3d. Tbe Biblo is natural written expression bistorio and prophetic of tbo Word of God, and was given by divino In spiration. Feed affirms, Bonnott do nios. The discussion will appear in the columns ot tbe Tnith Seeker, begin nlng November 1, 1877. A Good Test. Old prunical Ben Wado, one or Uniot Jiadical war horses, is against Hayes' Southern pol icy, and to try how tbe Radicals in bis county, Ashtabula, felt about it, be and bis frionds nominated a Wado man for tbe Legislature, and the friends of tbo tight by Seven nominated a llayes man. Wade's man bad 3,810 votes, and Hayes' man had 1,216. The Domocrats stood aloof and witnessed tbo fun, moat of thorn voting for "the government." u --.1 Cox is all liionT. After tho elec tion of Speaker, some of "Sunset" Cox's friends gathered around bim for the purpose ot sympathysing with him in hia defeat; but be consoled them by saying: "Yes, gentlemen, you have done the wisest thing in mak ing Randall Speaker. You cannot safe ly spare your ablest man from tbe floor." Suicide Ex Congressmsn Bobleski Ross, who represented th Lynnming district for four yoars in Congress, committed suicide at his home, in Coed ersport, Tottor county, on Friday Isst, by shooting blmielf through the heart. Poor health la tht only cause assigned for the rath act. Rev. Wm. Hunter, D.D., formerly editor of th Christian Advocate, Pitts burg, diod at Cleveland last Thursday, where he was stationed as Presiding Elder of tbs Cleveland District. He waa for a number of years Professor of Hebrew and Biblical Literature) Id Allegheny College. BOOSTlXd HAYES UP. Radical statesmen and stumpers ure rather variablo in their views con cerning "the government" these times. Policy seems to bo at tho bottom of 1' all. In tbe days of Andrew Job' 0II al-"mv policy" was ..folyig.i v--'v mako of it. Now to-lC)0(y ox is gored, and w -aTe ..Hayes' South ern Policy," wh,ch apB0Uin), tho Radical lders just like so many "ten pin. and the confusion it produced its birth now almost amounts to a rout. While ono leader denounces Hayes and bis policy, unother stunds up and defends him. Here is a sum pie ol tho latter class. This is the con cluding paragraph of the spoech mudo by Geo. Wm. Curtis, at tho great mol ing held in Now York city, to endorse President Hayes and his policy and to condemn tho Rochester Convention I l.ll you that tfl-nlght to. R.puMlo.Q Big ll Mt hl.b ia th. bwiD of pnci snd rfnn, nd wo. Io th. u.o wbo reckleuly .tLropt to to.r toil b.BB.r down. Ilirct Atil.ui..l Whil. our Praaidout ! doing- wb.t w. wt.b, our ho.ru try, uod .pMd I w. bug or bin lot to ds.ii.io or w.ror. but lot hi. nfonolni hind full ft.t und f.r. PrMld.nt ll.y.i it. Dili on . platform of junto., utiluu, D.tioa.l frutsrolty, . fold eurrsn- oy, UDd cml ismo. relorm ; w aisoa oy Dim. It ) a pisiform of .do plank, wids as sonnli. Boot, dssp as lh. beating of ths American heart, and It boars tbs Isgead, "It. ssrv.s his party boat wbo serves bis oountry wsll." y 1 uundcrs or Applsuss. On tho other band we have auch men aa Senators Conkling, Blaino and others denouncing Mr. Hayes and his policy in very bittor torms, extracting they address. So we go. The Rkiht Ticket. Democrats, and all others who want to iuitt in bringing about a better condition oi private and publio affairs, here's your ticket: STATE. For Auditor General: William P. Sehell. For State Treasurer; Amos C. Kayos. JUDICIARY. For Supreme Judge: John Trunkoy. COUNTY. For Prothnnvtanj, At. Eli Bloom. For Register t Reeorder, if-c. L. J. Morgan. For County Surveyor: S. F. McCloskey. Take this slip and cut - it in three pioces, fold thorn up, concealing all tho names of tbo candidates, putting tho words STATE, JUDICIARY and COUNTY, on tho outsido, then your ballot is ready for tho Inspector throe tickets making a full band. J. HAT vADET. Hipper, tlio negro Lieutenant, wbo was pushed through Vest Point, is producing another sen sation. It is roported thut some of the darkies aro trying to coax him off to Liberia and thero put him at tho head of the army. But ho proposes to overlook Hayes' blunder and stuy where bo is. In bis ofticiul card be remarks: "I have no sympathy what ever for tho 'Libcriun Exodus' move ment, that I givo It neither counte nance nor support, but will otiuoso it whenever 1 leul that the occasion re quires it. I am not at all disposed to flee from one shadow to grasp another from tbo supposed error of Huycs' Southern policy to tho prospective glory of commanding Liberia's army." Signed : "H. O. Flipper, Second Lieu tenant, Tenth U. S. Cavalry." Hap py Flipper. Ho would rather put up wuu 11 ayes' blunders and remain in f'lTi"i's, JhiiiT'Tf ..'l ntfirVnl the bead of an army ot his own ruco, where thoy mako mincemeat out of stragglers. Still Tinkerino. Tho Grccnslurg Democrat says : "Somo timo ago this Revenue District was merged in tho one at Pittsburg, and Collector Davis was retained over the consolidated dis trict Now thero is a rumor through a Fayetto county politician, just re turned from Washington City, that the Treasury Department has docided to form a now Rovonuo District of the counties of Fayetto, Westmoreland, In diana, Jefferson and Clearfield, with the Collector's offico at Uniontown, and that Mr. Charles S. Beaton is nam ed for Collector. This change will take several counties from Collector Davis' District, and will wipo out tbo Clarion District, of which Mr. Drown is Collector. This will leave Mr. Brown without an olllcc. Why not wipe out this herd of Federal officials, and collect tho revenue due tho Treasury, through tho Stato officers. It would not cost hall what it docs now, and far moro rovonuo would find its way into the Unitod States Treasury. Well Provided For. A corres pondent of the Hartford Timet says : "John D. Delroos is tho government printer. Ho receives a salary of (3, COO por annum. Tbos. I). Delrccs, his snnjs a clerk in tho Postofllce. Ho draws $1,400. John D. Defrees.Jr., is employed In tho govornmont print ing offico at a salary of $1,200. An other aon, Tony Defrees, Is a messen ger there, drawing $700 por year. T. Kskor, tho foreman of tbo specification room, ia a nophow ol Defrees. Ho gets $1,669 a year. A. Sample is a son in law ot Defrees. Ho is snugly fixed in tho Treasuiy Department at $1,600 per annum. Bosidca this, McKnight, a brother-in-law ot Enkor, is in the government printing offico at a good salary." Candid. Tho Philadelphia Tele graph, one of the Radical organs, in discussing the contest in this Stato, closes by saying: "Thousands of vo ters are to-day either actively or si. lently aiding tho Democrats simply out of disgust with tho doings of prom inent Republicans." Tbo editor in quostion comprehends tbo situation exactly, and ia honest enough to ad mit that his party Is doomed to an overwhelming defeat on the Cth day ot Novcmbor. Still on Time, Tbe Boston Pott seems to be anxious that tho Democ racy should not nominnto a candidate for tbs Presidency until Massachu setts is heard from. It has an idea that Garton may bo in the rare. Stakk Mad. Th late altompt to regulate Bitting Bull, by diplomatic strategy, has only enraged him, and rendered him as obstinate as Kellogg or Packard. ELECTRIFIED BALTIMORE. l.ust trying three prominent Mary lundu' t r. Kulton, editor ol tho Haiti "'jro American, Mr. Thomas and Mr. lit. Slockelt Matthews promised Mr. Uuyes that if be would remove the .i 1 aim i luc utuer utitu oiuie. uiuioa in ltultimoie, and appoint thorn and thuir fi iends.lhul they would reorganise tho Radical party in that city and "elec trify Maryland,' ami thereby circCTa Reform Mayor In Bullimore. Well, Hayes accepted tho proposi tion. 1 ho election came on on uie; iui inst., and out ol 51,000 voles polled, but B:5, wero cast for tho Fulton ! homas- Multhcws candidulo, 17,307 for tho Workingnicn's candidate, and 33,188 lor tho Democratic candidulo. Tho City Council is solidly Democratic. The color lino wus completely brok en, thousands of negroes voted tho Democratic ticket. Reader, think ol it t The candidate backed by tho Fed oral Administration only rcceivcing 535 votes, when tbo whole State was to bo electrified. A press dispatch suys : "A great fuctor In it all, too, was the dUgust of the better class or Republi cans with tbe Fulton-Thomas policy to electrify Marylttnd, which policy has been in Ibis case Communism and tho dovil to beat tbo Democracy. Tho ro sii I', has shown, also, that it waa one thing to order and another thing to cot the negroes to vole for their old enemies, the while workingmen." This Baltimore election is fur mora of a Rev olution thun tbut of Ohio, and howg conclusively how the people despise the Federal cabal in that city which has undertaken to "electrify" (?) tho whole Stale, Radical Wailinos. Tbo Bungor Whig, reported to bo Blaino's organ, says: "It is ovident thut the President has renched tho purling of ways, und ho must definitely decide whether ho is to walU with tho Republicans or tho Democracy." Tho Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune writes to his paper that "the President is for tho moment almost us much out of accord with his party in Congress as Andrew Johnson was in tho first year of his separation from tbo Republicans." Tho Washington Republican says tho Democrats aro trying to "secure a ortion ot tho fruits of a Republican victory," und pathetically inquires: "How long! oh, how long is this raid to bo tolerated by thoso who have tbo power to put a atop to it at any mo ment?" Thoro wus no olhor motive or rea son tor the selection of the assortment ol Liberals who went into the Cubinot with him thun this that they had worked with the Republican party on ly after they had tailed to break it up by working aguinst it, and only bo causo they thought it easier to break up tbo party from within than I nun without. SY. Louit Globe. The Springfield Rejmblican, although it supports llayes, takes occasion to remind tho Republican Senators and Congressmen that their party at last year's election "failed to carry tlio country on the popular vote, and only brought in tho Republican candidate uer onyonei protection in Litiuisiana and extrcmo Stato rights under threat ol civil war at Washington." An Eve on Tuem. Mary Clemmcr has been drilling around Washington, watching the movements of Senators und Members of tbo House sinco Con gross assembled. . She alludes to JrittdfTtai of I17 ll paid withia two years aaawer I By il'pi ulinrrrrlninly arln ft laudable oxam plo of frugality in his mode of living. Ho occupies a Very neat, but small and plain house, in a block of the site and stamp usually occupied by third-class clerks, or unvy or army officers who livo on their small pay. It is in direct contrast to the ornate abode and costly interior of bis predecessor. MissGrundy say that Mr. Randull is passionately fond of tho study of astronomy, and spends all the timo ho tun spare from politics staring at tho planets. Ibis accounts for the seraphic expression that occasionally comes over his face even in tho Sponkor's chair. Ilo often throws up his head, as if ho wcro star gazing. It must bo an iinmcnso relief when bo is stung by any little flea around him to turn bis f'aeo up imagin ing that ho is contemplating Maturnor Jupiter." Logan. Ex-United States Sena tor John A. Logan, of Illinois, turned up in Washington the other day, and stated to a correspondent that Wisconsin was more certain to go Democratic than New York. Ho is outspoken in his denunciations of the President's civil service order, und at tributes to it wholly the Republican defeats in Ohio and California, and tho Democratic victories bich ho pre dicts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Now York and Massachusetts. Ilo says tha eighty thousand office holders aro not only not working for tho Republi can party, but aro rapidly bocoming Doinocrulio converts, from tbo convic tion that tho Republicun party is doom ed, and their only hopo ol suving their official heads is carrying favor with the Democracy. National Disiiraoi. Tho hnghest effort of diplomatic fraud was tho re cent attempt of tho fraudulent Hayes administration in sending a Commis sion of diplomats after Sitting Bull, now satcly housed in British America, beg ging him to come back to tho United Stutes. Tho Commission bad about as much right to go upon British soil to treat with him, as wo huvo to enter our neighbor's turnip patch and lay in our wintcr'a supply. Tbo ignorance of tho first principles of diplomacy dis playod on this occasion by the Federal administration is disgraceful in tbe ex treme, and must mako Sitting Bull blush for tho agents of his "native land." Blaini on Ohio. Tho Washington Star says the following conversation took place on Saturday a woek, be tween Senator Blaino and a Western Congressman : W. C " How do you like tbe en dorsomontoflho llayes policy in Ohio?' Blaino"! think it is a very good en dorsemont for tbs Democratio policy." W. C "Do you proposo to give Mr. Hayes to tho Democracy, Mr. Blaine?" Blaine "So far as 1 am concerned, 1 assign all my right, tlllo and Interest, as a Republican Tn Mr. Hayes to the Democracy." A KKirVAXOEK TO FRANCE. It is a great nilslortuno when a feeble minded, hard-beaded old soldier lakes it into his head Hut he is tho saviour of society, and by holding the military power of a nation in hi gra'p is able to insko himself emperor of Franco, though his pretty young wife has a great bannering to be empress. Yut Jjitcrers, the scum ot Louis Nnpo Icon's corrupt empire, have tallied the old martinet into tho belief that he ulono can save Franco irom tho abyss of deslruulion. With thut preposses sion, thoro is no folly too nmaaing for him to venloro upon. Ilis urroganee nd his assumptions of infullibilily grow Willi ovory iresn prooi tiiai vuo nulinn distrusts his capacity to govern. Thu latent news from Fruuuo indicates thut instead of accepting tho republi can victory in the recent choice of the Chamber of Deputies as an expression of the populur will in favor of tho ro publio, bo looks upon it us a sort ot "insult" to himself. It is said thut ho bus oxprossed a sottled determination not to mako uny change In his minis try, but to make demands upon the Assembly wbon it meets, which be knows will not be complied with, and upon its refusal will again dissolve the Assembly und ajipual to Franca by the old Louis Knpoloen plan of a plebiscite, meanwhile doclunnn a stale of (logo, I. e., martial law.' That ho ia obstinate und vuiu enough to curry out this pro gramme, nobody doubts. Tho only question is, will ho bo permitted to do it f This question cannot be answer ed until tho temper of tho Senate is known. MncMuhon cannot dissolve the Chnmbor without the consent of tlio Senate; and though there is monarchical majority in thut body it is not imperialist Tho Orleunist or guns akcady show a defeelion from the ministry, and tho legitimists are ovi denlly dissatisfied with tho extreme sulfifhiicss of tho Bonupartn-ls. Do. sides this. Republican campaign and its results, demonstrated the luw re specting policy of tho friends of tho re public even while the powers of tbe law were used aguinst them in the most exasperating way. They have borne the utmost aggravations of the MucMahon ministry whose policy it wus to force them into violent resis- lance und borne them with dignity und yot with a steudv adhesion to principle that showed that thechargo of "radicalism" against them was un founded. Tho moral gain of tho ro publicans during the pnstcampuign has been immense. MncMuhon bus now no ulterunlivo but to accept the ro publio or else to found a military des potism, which will bo the ultimate re sult of declaring France In a "state of siege." This could, however, last only a little while, und would end in an ex plosion the liko ol which Franco baa not seon for nearly a century .--Baltimore Gazette. . The Tax Question. Tho Constitu tional dihcussioii of tho payment of tax bcfino voting comes around annually. We aro glud to learn that a correspon dence, between J. II. Crissman, of Snow- shoe, Centre county, and our Law Jutlrca, prusouu tbst caso iu a let;al form, as follows : Snow Bum, Pa., Ool It. 1STT. flo. Jons II. Osvia. I)r Sirt Will Ton kindly giro ma aa oploioa upon Artiol. VIII, See. 1 lnurth of Now L'.nstitatioa as to quallS- ealKini of solera, sis, "If tweaty-two yoars of ag. or upward, b. shall have paid withia two yeara aiute or eounty tax whioh .hall hare been eM.srd at leapt two moaths and paid at best one mon'B aelore tba cleotioa." Doaa It aieea Ibat tha Li'. aa..d tUSMljiilMU-m Jalsi-wS Sail IsstTifr ffia ltioD, or will the naLtaroaTB, Pa, Oet. ISTT. tBift8iBt Ib answer la your question I would any, tbal it matte no aioeranoe Bow musu longer liiaa two moBlba th. us has be.a aaaMsed. Tha paymeat of the tax of 1S.0 or faal e aey ewera oat yrar, will answer If paid withia two years, aad at least one month bsror. tb. .lection. 1 am i.ry rrfpeetlully, yours, Ae., Jons II. Osvia, To J. II. Can. Kig, . ?e. I aaa cur ic ths foregoing opinion. 0. A. Marin. They are Qur.tK Fellows. In elec tion matters some of the Radical edi tors aro moot mighty sharp in ono di rection, and exclusively stupid in an other. For instance : Two weeks ago, in alluding to tho Iowa election, they announced in the biggest job typo they had in the office, "We have swept tho Stato,"elc, but "Ohio is still in doubt too many parlies running in that Slate. The Democrats have probably carried theState. etc." ITowstmngc that thoso gentlemen should know all ithoul Iowa, thousand miles away, when they can furnish their readers no informa tion iu relation to Ohio, just on the border. Johnstown Commlrci. From the Johnstown Tribune wo learn that sinco tho 20th of Septomber tho aggregate shipments of butter from tbut place amount to 32,352 pounds. Ol' this amount 8,902 pounds wero sent to Phil adelphia, 10,5-2 pounds to Haiti more and 3,848 pounds to New York. Tho bulk of this butter ia made in Somer set county, nnd ia an excellent article During the snmu tiinta tbe shipments ol chestnuts from Johnstown have amounted to C0,7.in pounds, or 1,214 bushels. The Tribune says that the trade In both thoso articles has but just commenced. Hon. (iaoatiK Saniiekhon. Two ex cellent gentlemen of this namo have figured conspicuously in this Slate for tho past twenty-five years. The ono resided at Lancaster and the other at Scruntoii. They wero M ay ore of their respoctivo cities nt tho samo time and held other honorablo positions. On Thursday last Mr. Sanderson of Lan caster, "passed over the river," aged seventy-two years. The political an tecedents of both gentlemen was or thodox Democracy. A State Mtiini.it. Tho (irsnd Jury of Allegheny county subpoenaed Gov. Hartranft and olhor Stale function aries to appear before il and testify. They all refused and aro now In con tempt. Attorney General Lear has In formed tho Court tbut thoro aro Stato secrets which that court has no bus! ncsa to know anything about, or worda to that effect. "Stnto secrets" is an old dogma that ia worth ventilating these crooked times. Let il be settled now. His Kraudulency has nominatod Hon John M. Harlan, of Kentucky, to fill tho vacancy on the Supremo bench occasioned hy tho rosignalion of Judge Davis. Tbs nomination is regardod as a good one, and will, without doubt, be confirmed by the Senate. NEWS ITEMS. Dom Pedro has never signed a death warrant. Gen. Howard it called Day alter io morrow, by the Indians. Biirr.s of the limes : "Oono to my lu. inual ah uuews nulla i una uriu I J is a Vassur College student taking a balh. Joshua Tnuuart. a well known de tective, died in Philadelphia Friday night. The Republicans of Massachusetts need a provost guard to keep thorn to gether. Thurlow Weed has withdrawn from politics, and ho didn't bold a Federal offieo either. We do not suppose thut tho critics have destroyed A nua Dickinson; but where is shot Tho President's elbow ought to be jogged concerning that thanksgiving proclamation. The New Jersev Republicans tulk of running Grant's Long Branch cot- tago tor Uovernor. Because Key startod lifo as a pid- agnguo is no reason why he should close it as a demagoguo, ' Ton years In Uell" is tho name of a new book, winch may 00 a sequel to "Ten Nights in a Bur room. What irlorlouslv flush limes wore thoso when a New York Stalo Senuior could command $40,000 lor his vote. The Bangor Whig is vory unhappy ubout our dedioation ceremonies, and sobs convulsively lor the bloody shirt. General Longslroot, who is living quietly in Gainsvillo, (In , is writing an account of tho buttle ol Gettysburg. A man hat arrived in Pittsburg who walked from tho Bluck Hills. He is a resident of Forest county, this Stale A little girl in Armstrong county was civen a six sliootor ns a pioyining Tho bnll lodged in her mothor's knee. An English swain who hud been th in v veare oni-unod to a lady, recent ly jilted her and muiried 11 butcher's widow. Ex-United Slutes Senator Eugene Casserly is mentioned as the Dmocral most likely to succeed Mr. Sargent in tho tinted ntalot honnlo. Buffalo Bill, it is reported, will re tire Irom the stage after he bus finish od this season, and becomo the bond of a cattle rauche on the frontier. Grant still lingers iu Europe to enjoy the honors that crowd thickly upon him. Whilo the freo cigars bold out to our ex I resident will not return. "Tbe conscientious men" it what s carpet bag Senator stylos a portion ot tho Kopublicun party in congress. Thero aro only a few of them, how. over. The Republicans say litis is terrible. They would rumor do sasseo ny uon Bullor every day in the week thun w ondure tho dull dread of hia ominous silence. Genoral William Ration, tho oldest member of the Bradford county bar, and for many years a prominonl local politician, died in Towanda, yesterday, aged 78 years. j Senator Duvis, of Illinois, refused to act with tho Democratio caucus. lie remsined alone in the Senate chamber while tho caucuses of tho two parties wero boing held. That would bo trusting the 1'rcsi dent to a discretion equal to adding fifteen thousand men to the present army. The present Congress it nol likely to agreo to it. Professor Swingsavs: "The churches will generally stuy about homo this winter, and do many things that were omitted Inst year on account of the Centonnial and Moody nnd Sankey." Sergeant ut-Arms Fronch, of 110 Senate, is now in trouble, ill) Hao cused of indorsing dujtlicato pay corli fi'ac4,jiutiwHt have an investigation 'all to himself when Congress gclsdown to work. Jennie Bolton, a pretty l.Vycur old Kansas girl, eloped a day or two ago with a 40-year mulatto. Thoy were pursued and captured, and iheabduo. tor narrowly escsped hanging. Hois now in jail. It's a pity the Jersey Republicans didn't nominate Kilpntriek to run against McClellan. Kilpalnvk would have then disoovorcd what an immense jackasi he is in the estimation of Ins fellow ciliscns. Tho successful defense of Kais by iho Turks under Mukntar Pasha is ex plained by intelligent military men on tho hypothesis that the broochloading rifle behind oarth-works makes up for disp rity in numbers and deficiency in discipline At Puinesville.O., recently, n mason wont down into a well lllty foot deop to examine it, and just as ho reachod the bottom the sides esved in. It was fully eighlocn hours before tbo debris was removed, and strsngo to tny tho man was alivo. Mr Tweed confesses that ho used to love to lie, but that tinoo hia vacntion in Spuin tho truth turgea through his manly bosom to mat lie aays, "l look a hack at your municipal cherry trco. i cannot cannot Uh, do not ask mo to toll a do. " New York Herald. Tho Now York Tribune lays: "If tha Uon. .Stanley Matthews had not taken pains to build up the Cleveland plallorm of Democratio financial and communistic heresies, his tentorial hopes might not have been ns flat to day as ll tha Khedive s obelisk bad dropped on them. This it what Stoiihon Pearl Andrews says about It : "Kvolulion ia tho na tural and orderly procession from unismnl to a duismttl alato of existence, and thenco by combination to a trin s- mal stato; and thonce, again, by ro version and subsumnlion, to a tri nn ismal state or stage which is final or ultimate." Tha Boston Journal says : "The enemios of Hoorotary Hchora complain that he it a vitionary theorist. Well, suppose he is So long at he can bring tho cxponte of hit I ndisn council down toteven thousand dollars, whon ll cost fifty thousand dollars ander tbo prso- ucai noiano, ny an means lei tho 'rls ionary theorist' proceed." Eight ex-Speakers of the House of lopresentulives are living: 11. M. T Hunter, of Virginia; R. C. Winthrop, of Massachusetts; Theodora M. Pom. roy, ol New York j N. P. Hanks, of Massachusetts baiuslia A. urow, of fennsvlvanlai rv-huvlerl oltsx.of In diana j Jumes O. Maine, of Maine, and Samuel J. lundall, ofrennsylvama. Darwin's grandfather had a seal on which was engraved hit creed t Omnia r Cwii-sii everything comes from shell fish. The genealogy has thus been t (Jntndfather, clam ; father, oyst orj son, hermit crnb. This givos the present Darwin a mild, ronchologicul origin. The next generstion ought to oe a lontier, ana lurthrr predictions win, ol course, bo very fishy. Spurgeon has come to the following conclusion, alter probing ths mysle riea of religion i "Tho mora 1 read iho Scriptures, at to tha lutura, ths lest I am able to dogmatise. 1 tea the oon version of tho world and lbs personal prs millenlal region, ar.d Iho second coming, and tbs judgment, and sever al other grand points, but 1 eannot put them into order, nor baa any en els don so yet," GENERAL BUINDLE FOR THE I) EM OCR A TIO TICKET. AND ADVISES Oltr.KMIAl'KWIS TO Sl l' vonr IT. To the Editor of the Timet, Philadelphia : In an tuliloiiul in ihu Timet, tinder us oar ui'ruiieuueiv tiuBnoo int one ot them, ana have also put. me down as one of thoso who aio aid ing the uilvoeulos of lull legal tender greenbacks U 1.V:g , "r W JUTi.v " 1 advoculed the nomination ot Trun koy, Sehell and N'oyes, because, they were and aro well known advocates ol making silver and United States Treas ury notes equal legal tenders with gold, in opposition to hunk currency and bunks of issue, nnd I intend to vote for and advocate their electiun. They aro in thumselves a plultorm 01 cor rect principles on the money question. Tho St. Louis platform ot 1S70, adopt ed hy tho Convention which nomina (od them, demands a repeal of the con traction cluusu of tho contraction net ol IH75, called a resumption act. It ulso demands "touK finance, which shall cnuhlo thu nation soon to assure the world ol its perfect ability and its per fect readiness to meet uny of its prom isos at tho call ot tho creditor entitled to payment." Ab tbegonural Govern ment bus. 110 promise outstanding to pay in money or a circulating medium but tbe Federal bonds and certificates of loan and indebtedness, this pledges tho immcdiato payment oi tlio publio debt, and iho substitution of Icguh tender money for hank currency, w hich all genuine Denioei uts und Republicans advocate. As tlio Democratic party in 1832, uudcr the lead ol Juckson, rid the countrv of tho Nutionul Bank mid its branches, it cundoso now; and, as on July 4lh, 1810, it adopted tho indo pendent treasury system composed of (old, silver and United Slates treas ury notes full cqiitil legal tenders for public dues, alter eight years contest, unu has unitormlv opposed bank cur rency and banks of issue, I do not in tend to abandon it, ami advise an 10 gul tender money advocates in tho lie puhlicun ranks to loin it, as did tin anti hank currency Whigs in 1832, and uid in controlliui! its councils, ami in driving out those who are lor bunk currency and bunks of issue, as was done in 1832. 1 ours respectlully, AVti. Brimii.e. D tKDI NO Co.NOKKSMSItS. Mi'Sl ol our reuders know how tho Camorons handle members of our Legislature, but this herding of our Congressional delegation is a new and alarming fcu turo. Just tho way Mr. Cameron was put on tho boards and booked lor the Mission to Ki, gland, is related by the Washington correspondent of tho Chi cago Times as follows: "Don Cameron invited tho delegation to his house, and when there ho asked those pres ent to signify their wishes in the mut ter. Judge Kclley spoke up timidly and said something about Morton Mc Miciiuei, but beforo ho had a chance to say anything lurllivr, Harry White, Don Cameron's Btool-pigeon, nomina ted Simon Cameron. This scheme fell liko a bomb-shell in tlio midst of tho Republican delegation. They were in Senator Don Cameron's bouso and bis guests, and could not remonstrate so freely as if they had been elsewhere. Beforo thero was any opportunity, however, for un expression of opposi tion, Colonel Thompson, II ipplo Mitch ell's old law partner, burst forth into a blooming eulogy of Simon Cameron. This was also pre-arranged. Then Don Cameron asked Whilo it he would put this in tlio form of a motion, and Mr. Whito did so. Mr. Cameron then ak. cd il thero wcro any present who rh. jeeted to tho motion, ani lue siluutioVj at ibis- sLhjtO'wub vory comical. Thoro' waa not a man in the delegation who had not some little postmustcrshipe and district appointments standing tho Senate for confirmation, and tbe objection of Don Cameron to any ono of them would be to kill them, no no ono objected, although they wcro very angry for having been brought into this trap. Tux OrriciAL Vot in Ohio. Tbo following is tho official vote of Ohio lor Governor : Rtibnp, Drmnorat JTl.s;6 West, Hrpublioaa .HS.Uti BUbnp orer Wait Dond, SoolaMat Workman 22,fSO .... I !. Joho.on, Ureenh.ck WorkingmaB Thompoon, Frohtetlton 8eatteiing H, ... IS 911 .... I, ".IS M The mujority lor Pilch, Democrat, for Lieutenant (iovernor is 27,321. The Legislature will stand as follows: Henate -Tlemoerata J5 ltriiublieans 10 1 Iluusa Drmnorats .71 HrpahlUana 3t Independents S Democratic mnjuritj on julnt ballot.. ...IS J IIEMKNIOH aiKMIlKRH. A VI USIllUg- ton letter writer says that Pennsylva nia has the honor of claiming tcnior representatives : ' Speaker ivumlall ia the senior Democrat in the House.huv- ing represented his district since the us semblingot thoThirty eighth Congrcs Kellcy, also of l enn a, is thu olJi'st Republican in that body, and histrrin of aorvico extends Irom tbe bcginung of the Thirty seventh Congress' Senatorial Crook r.DNr.ss. f When Mr. Hoar, ol. Alasa(iiusctls,'os a member of tho eight to seven connnis sion ho was not in mvor of going bo- hind tlio returns to prove fraud in Louisiana. He now wants to go ho hind the ccrtificulo fur ouough to find a pretext for tho rnjooiion of a Dtino- rralio Senator from thut Biato. The Cheat in Council. llarnuni, tho great showman, spent halt a day with Hayes on Friday. Tho former told tho latter all ho knew, and Bur num returned thocomplimeiit,ullhongli it took him much longer. Wo auppose ho will open a civil circut perlorinunc next spring. Tbo Philadelphia Inquirer scenn to express tho prevalent opinion among Republicans of Pennsylvania, when it says that "Mr. Iwuria has placed M Cameron In such a position thut neglect to offer him tho honor will simply put upon him an unpardonable insult." Tin "Within" Idea. Tho Chicago Inter-Ocean doesn't believe in Demo cratio economy. That ia ono of the great multitudo oi nowapapers that in aist upon "reform within the party' and soma Federal officers. iT'a AwruL. Two years ago the Democrats of Haltlmoro elected their Mayor by only 2 607, but last week they hooped it up to 15,810, and tho Confederates ovor there aro "gay ami happy allll." Cleopatra's Needle, erected by the Egyptians, aomo fourteen hundred years before the birth of Christ, is on its way to Now York, to be set up in Central Park. actfur 2UU'rrtl5fm(nts. SELLINGOFFlIl GUINZBURG'S ".-wa- Ready Mado Clothing, Men's & Hoys' Hals, Caps, Grills' Furnishing Gods, TltUNBtS, UMKIlELTiAS & Y A Is I MEM. tru.h m: ci.osF.it oi t to I'oi n ti.i; to W. will sell yoa a goH Halt or Olfthlog worth V. will nil you a Li-it" ariiol" wonh Ws all! aril joii a all.l Betl.r arocis wuna Wewillaell you ilia Ti-ry l.iat, worth We will ai-ll you a boavy M.lt,o Cl.uh Oteraoil wjrth W. will sell yoa a Lrttur artlrie wor:b Ws will sell you a Mill l,fller article ( Ht'aver) worth We will aril yon a tne wortrd diagonal Orerri.at aorlh Ws will ael! yoa tho rery l,ont iuiporte'l (MiinotnlU OvlTv- i We will 1,-li yon a B 'X Coa- Iroiu M $7. 111. liter AND CltliAPEST KVBIl OPFKRED I.N THIS OK ANY OTIIKR MARKET. BOYS' CLtCTIIiriG will dIoh out ftl inoi it t ri' Tn iindtrwitr, 1 gaol ititnj ott.tr 0i li pro)) -rtfo A. GUINZBURG, Agent, W'NtM ii Hotel Coriior, IcnrHld, Pa. Oolnlr.11. IS77. 85 GENTS. Best in the market, at 85 H. A. KRATZER'S. 85 ' RICHARDSON'S CELEBRATED Elmira Boots and Shoes, can be had only at H. A. KRATZER'S. IStij ?!!, make note of llii. H. A. KRATZER IS SELLING Ifl-I I!,Ml1ctl It ....... Fruit of (soon. Mutlia at - Canton Fhrtn. at - ... . Hfitcnili'i Hinon A Ida at ....... Ail-Wool Cmlimerr at - - - AH-Wimtaud part-U out Flannel, Tcr; cl,ai. No .Ivantnpf wih If l.iVi-n vf pt-rn :u tin .ccjtii.intt J with tbt d fftrcnt qualitlw f gooJi, Th brt J tirf gci ol Ury Uoida fcuy of H. A. KRATZER, Two Doors West of Postofllce, Clearfield, Penn'a. Ocu.brr 24, is; 7-tl. I "Wit A Y Ill'I.t.. Cawr trvspa-sifi,; en tho J prtmitri ot the vntiftcritmr In lira 1 t'xrn. sliif, un or Uut the Still day of July lt, n brinjle on I), al.rtiit a year ami a half old. Tbo o net it rviaciiivt to trim firart. prove pn.jj erty ar.l iaku bim aw.,' or hi will tx ilipiin ti ol a tlif law .lircot.. UF.'HtrK I Kll.K !J. LutUnlmrof, Pa . OoL fll, Ii77 3t t I DM, MTKATOH'H MTICK.Ktin 1 laliarcl.e B-ivrn that LHters of Ailmi, ftra :ii.o od to. e.tate or i no. lit ntnuAiui an, i.it. of Jortl.o tnwoahip, Cli'sr&.M cnunlr, i'a.. .IroM. bwvinfr tt-n duly ffr.nt.il to the onLr aignuj. all persona iO'lrbttvl to aai.1 eM.tf, will filedf. make imlurili.te p-vrootit, atii tbnte her. nt; olainia or ilrmamla will prtsuat thrln iri,icrlv ButhcntvjaXai tor VMt-. witlvuA Aeiv. AUUAM III Nt'llllAKHKIt, Autocrine, Pa, Oct. 31, '77 ! AJm r. ArMIISTR ATtin' NOTK'IV-Xotlot ia hor.by given that Letter of ilministra tiun on tbe eetale of OKOIHiK PIIIMI'.I.. r.. lata of Hogg. inrhlp, Clearfield eoiinlr, P... deeeaa.d. baring been duly gmnled to tbe lunderaigoed. all peraou indebted U raid estate Brill please make immediate pnymeot, and those Saving elaima or urmanaa will prcaont mora rtjroperlj authenticated for srtttrnient without jotia u. rittlwlvl,, 11 EN 11 Y A. Ml I. Mli I.. it, Ion. fa.. Oct. SI. IS7I-CI. Adio'ra. A l 1)111 SilKTRATOHH' JiOTIC F., ft Kim ii hercVy girt-a that ltU'r "f A.I miniMmfti.n en lW otate of W M . Pli IM M KL, lata of florri Uwnhitt Cl-artiel t chanty, Penn'a, drr'd. hainc been dulv a ran led tba ndrrfaksntlTtl peraont in'lieJ to aaU eatata will t.afl matte itutnmliala p.tiBPnt, and thus harinaA !almi or d--man If will prrFent try WiHhentlcoteri i-t ptilrmrnt wttn- out JfUy. ). II. MII.M 11 t., JATOII MUi'K, ' PbilipiLarfr, i , Oct. 31. ' 7 t AIa' CVU'TION An eri ni are hore'iy Cauiion j id a (ft in tff iurcbain or in a.y wnv in. dling wilt, ty fillowm,T roiiriy, now In i-t nMcRM n off Upm-pf Wiiittnnn, of Itrdy town ubip, r.t: tfTo bay inarei. 1 liar b rs 9 act ii.uhlj hirtW'i. I twn-h're wag .n, 1 pair Ling slrd. nn" earn, S pii, and 4 ltla an . Wd dine, a lts'afn boU.ni:. ti did, and il Ml with aaul Whiter, in on luttn, d'lhie-t t- to ord't- a. muj 'wy .wii.i iir.iii.inn.-n. JrfiTi-rn Line, O.t 51, 1377 .!; 1 Xb"t:iI UtlV KnTlt-K. U tori T. id t-Wiitary i thoc.U'a of JAMKS I'HIi.ll'.S, into taff lieoatur to wo ln p., t'letrlield eounly, I'ti.dia 0, bat inn been (rrmitod to the ui.ilrt-'igofd, i'4at are reauirrd to rtuhc '.nitnfuiate mei t. nadhi'Hi hamr clninia npituti: ll.e fuv.n ml Itref nt Oiem (imperly autlivut ic u-J for rtttli taft'it without Jet i j. I ISABKL I'll I l.ii'. Fl'hllipabtirg, Pa, Qjt. 3, '17-tJU l.nxuinx. DRUG STORE, i H. B. SPACKM AN, D UGGIST and CHEMIST, At Shaw'd ..ll it.nd. Cn opt-nail a new atook of ftljW, Pa, hit J .it and ii now prppifed to fnrnlili anrthlo; ! the the line of Ornir anl Me liHne at the very low ert enrh prl'. Mo bn a'ro on bund a lr(fe rtn-k of Pnih, Hair arid Tonih Prituhnr, Kaner Arllclen, Toilet and -haHn Hwape, an l eerv thin tieailiv kept Ink AriteUm lntf Htere rHYSICIANS riUGSCEIPIIONS A liberal ! eiiiopoundnl Willi car. dar or nlbt alwir. ot Imr. o( t.a-roan,-(.jInie,ila!r a.illnlrt , " ' r ? HI I.Sl'VfMlN. Cli-rftid.l. !., 0,t. tl, IsriT . I lr llf JIJIIIIHI Narari uf lbs Jm-nr. JJ urawa lir, r.ov.aiiMT ttrn.1 fl--VF,iajT, meiioing oa Ui. ei lyil-laji. .taeli), and t jnhnu. tivuweik ris.T u r.i a--12rn. 3. Ft. Phoj.. PlcuHrld, I. M'ri'Wn, llrem'd M. B Cawdrlrh, " f. A Wo. divsnl. llu.ion J. Il.Tbompaon.Cur'vilklfihn tlla.i. Karlli tu,. J. A. llreth, t'h.fl.iK. II. I1..WI... knot, M. Mel'iillr, h.al. Wm. Oalh.'art. " II. L. Hend.M iW. U. ll.Uordan ltei.il. I.awrenoi., . K. t owder, llra.llor.l. I W. T. Irwla, Jona. Wlenr, jr., W. P. Tate, " 8 P. Wil.on, " tl. II. 11.11, (leorga Tainfr, i vga, lire. It li .atl (, '. I'ann, llan'l Rlain l, lira Iv, llei. U Paamn ire, ' Ar-hT HiinUp, " . IJorden rlral, P'be, J. U. Kilts, .lc..,s Way, Isrld Cmn... '. ' ilt.rgot. v, JiS. Mrbiey, Ilutniii4' Khun IV.ni.ira, a., at , rarat'ii, rrr(:u.i.ni -e-o I M -no, " t. I. (, tflrehsodwa) IVH. rTInlo.,, P.lrr U fa; " "ll V. M.,,ll, sm-iisn warglfrit. Win. Porter,-; I'ia-tfi llj.i P K nl:nji;r, tWa'ar, U. Johaeoa, - I lit. II. M'Ntt, f'e-giiann, R. N Hhaw, " loo. A Murrajr, U.Khan Thad. hh-tw. M f. O, ll.twinan, Ouli h, K. Pa.etntro, t.ronw'd, V Smiih, 4ord.m, H'a, Hrheeniaf, Tin. Myun, karttiut II, U. Hl.uR.rt, Ki.ix, J. Uaii)buitB, . " Levi Kewlf. Lawrenetf, Km. Peaioa, K. J.Vnklia, ' W. T Hfhryvei, Mam'l Knllerton, ' W. I.. Head, It K. Taylor, Morria. J P. f'ea'h,N Wh'ten J. H. MnUarray, " J W, Uill, jleeearia, Raubeo Hit, J. L. Cnmpl ell, Uell, U. A. Wood, niwooi, O tor re bveok, . " U. H iltUMa, ilralUdl, r Shlrej, Alra. o.,Ter, " Arthnr nruplrf,llrndy, P. K. Penta, " David Good, Unmiidetp Daniel Klahrl, Cheat, L. Addleman, Pike, iltii' lU'frtliirinratf. .nr.r.r oK.n.t.rnH. u i t' 1s.11tu.1iA H. ro w is IIS for r it It for II 00 fur 11 10 1 lor 10 00 I f r I t 10 for t 41 IS for 10 00 is for is ot 10 for 30 to mII t.t TOorotiitMiit. Bttr qaftlitlaiind 85 il.tb pair 10 etU. S man. H MRU. 411 nnti. 11)11 Onr, PHIKTIIhCi OK EVKKY DKSCR1P iie illr err.-ofrd thin oflr-e COl'UT Pit' Wnrnria, II iOl'KT PUOCLAMATION.- Juilp of the (!urt nf Cuminon Hlea of llie twrfj- ty-bith Ju ltciml UiHtrirt, eompnwd f the eona tifi nf t'lfirtii-ld, tQtre and niaton, and tlua. Abrh Oo(iti and Hon. Vim mT fi. Huir, Jwfiau Jmlei of CiearfioM Co., have imucj their prerejit, tn me directed, for tbe fauldinf of nn Aiijiurnid Court nf Oomnvm Pleai, at the Court llnt'e, at Clearfield, in and for in coun ty ni ('It-artirld, conimenHut; on theSKCUND .MftMtAV. TDK 12TII DAY OKNUVKMUKH, 1 7 T, un,) etintHioinK (wo week. NUT It: K ii there. tire hcraUy j(lfen to jnrortand wiioemci, in and fur id euunty of Clearfield to be a nd a'i'tai la thoir prper pttn, at 10 o'clock A- M- ul Mid dir. to dn thnae thingi a'iit. in lin ir ni'iiaii pertain o uc ame. (J 1 K N under my band at Clearfield, thii 18th day of October, in tho year of oar lord one thon ud eight ban dred and erven tT-te ten. ANDKKW PENTZ, )r.t Sheriff. oct 24 Ic . IllUIUOl Kiolbltlos. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER Till RTKEMl H I'l I BERT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, VtNl'FACTl'RERS Of TATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITH SIIAKIN'fl ANIH'I. INKER tlKISDINO UIIATKS I'llH ni'KNINtl ANTHRA I I I K OR UITUMINOt'3 COAU CENTENMAL WROlttllT-IBOl HEATERS, FOR BITUMIX018 COAL. . KEYSTONE W KOI (.UT-IU() HEATERS, OOOKlNil RANI1KS, LOW-DOWN GRATIS. tc'crijtlr. C'lrnulars arnt free ta an; addr.aa. EXAMINK BKKOliK SK1.KCTIM1. Ai-ril Si, 'TT ly. The IWi.'s Run Woolen Factory .'mo. towiwhip. Clearfield Co., Pa. II II H N K D OUTI rT nor BURNED UP! T)iciU.vtiWri httTo.at ;rm( eipenie, rebuilt neiifhliirhnnj ncoeritlty, tn tbe erection of a Brit flUai Wm1iii Atunufaetory, with all tha Modern Improvement attarhed, and are prepared to make all kind nf C let In, Ciuiaimcrei, tSattnetU, Blab kct, r'Unitctd, &o. Plenty of good on hand to i'H'l1y all i timid arid a thoaaand new omtomeri whi m we ak to come and aianilna owr atoak. Tti hupinee nl CAltl-INt) AND FULLING a ill recflTe our ruporial attention. Proper arramremente will ! made to reio and deliver Wool, to mil ctutomer. All work warranted and ATt upn the tho r lent notiee, and by Uriel atten tion to btirineiRi wa hope tn roaliM a liberal ibaro puldii patronne. IO.IMM) P(U:ND8 WOOL WANTKDI We will pay the hi,ttiet market price fur no nd Kelt our manufactured food an low aa limilar hi ran he lumrhl n the county, and whenever we fall to render rranniiabte ifttiifartlaB we naw I ,lwy" w " ,R ,m r!,a 10 exr iinniw-n, en nrr in per ran or ny etirr. .IAMK3 .ItlllNiON k .ION.S, Bower P. O. rilSSlf Mil A I. I.IHT. I.iilorsanaea a.t J,wa far , I . "or. II. IS,T, I ' "see sir.ni trial at November Trnt, aoaieBlag Mia-- aosn.r, Nov. ISrn Nat Rink of ClfJ ra. lit Nal Bank of Clf I Walarighl A Vi. va. W.llaeo Kr.be. i.lB- rrfrs re. II, C. t 0 II RlaheL J.a, W . Ooi J W. O.irtitdo S. Wa, II. ,twr.. Ahram Kfthrt,ta nue ti. Derwind, White k Co. M. Ilurlcy ti llrus. . " V JnBiei Mnrrtnun vi. John Por ley. A. Campiiell vi. Cfltt A Cti, Franeii K iji r vi. Madolph Lm mt ot. at K. K Nettt.'r vi. Henry M. Blota. Abrh4tn llaiuphrer v. Keed, Wearer, Powell Uetta. haniel Wnvar Auttin Kri. Kntuli. Ltvericht A C va. Ueurse Htett.l Jt &. Willttami v, Hobert Laakej ot. ai .In net Wibterttotint, it. Hill A Clark. Or. or O. Hill J vi. ,. IliU ir. ve, ' Wm. H. Umkr-y va. J. W. Davla. P K. iiiar i v f vi. John IaBlOa J W. Lucore a. " fiiMnn wkkn wointr, nor. ltrtf. Isiunu Mover W. W. Irvln. L A A. M .rriaon A Co vi. M. L A L Co. Andre KnurKna M L. A L. Co, Martht K Uny tcr Joitipt, Heat Aruul.1 A llnrtihora John M Aditua John Mtirrav W. S. II "ad A Ilri'a llorire Patohio Jaenb llertiall Oeorce U. Ilrr-tt ti. Pjter Mover. ve. Job a M. Chaea. . VI. Oeorfe A. It loom. v, C. II. Preeoott at al. ve. Urf A J. Don liberty, vi. Hemaal Merpbey. va. HhrAv-ld Ooreoo. va. 0. A l Sohwee. va. Adam Miter. AnnIA Irani ct. el, va. The T. 0 R. R. Co. li-Har U. Onodlander va. A. M. MeCloro at. al. t'lmk H row n va. John B. Merries. Itobart Hare Powell va. John ). ei al. Ot Jroa H Kinporli va. Thomav Toiler, 11 .HI In A Wcheler ve. Kliii Pterea. J.-ha Howiew va. Job M, Chaa. Auiiin Kuee " CM BLOOM, Pmtbonoiarf.