flotflS. THE MANSION HOUSE. Gornarof Saeondand Mark! Slraeta. rl.EAKf U:.I, PA. mill aid aad aommodlon Ilolal bta.durloa X tht oaat f tar, bttn tnlargtd I doublt its former oapaoity (or tut tntertatnmtnt of tlran- reiuroiehed, aad tht proprietor will apart ot him mp i nit in rm jtm'Au ami wd iiouet 0 inn. out ruut W and from tht Dtpotoa tht arrival and dtpartnrt of each train. W. 0. CAKDUN, Jul j tl-TT tf Propritlot A LLEG11ENY HOTEL Market Hfreet. Clearfield, P.. Wm. ft. Bradley, fbrmorljr proprietor of tbt Leonard IIiiuh( having laaaed th Allegheny Hotel, eolteita ft ahare of nubile patronage, Tbt lloaee ha been thoroughly repaired and aewly furntihod, and gueit will flod It ft plaaaant atop pint plan. Tlia labia will ba auppllad wltb tie boat of verylhlng in tha market. At tba bar will ba found tna boat wlnaa aud liquors. Uood stabling attached. WM. B. IIIIAIH.KY, May 17, "It. I'roprlator. SIIAW 1I0U8E, (Cor. of Marital k Front itraata,) CLKAHKIKLD, PA. Tba underalgnod baaing takon oharge of this llotal, would respectfully loUoit puhlie patronage. Jenl'7 D, R. FULLBRTON. "WfASUINGTON HOUSE. IT NEW YVASIIlNllTOV Pi Thla new and wall furnished home baa been takon by tba undoraigned. lie faala oonflj.nl ol being abla to render aatlafaction to those who may ui u,u who a .en, May , 1971. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PIIIL1PSBUHU. PKNN'A. Table alwaya supplied wltb tha bait tba market - kraieiiBB pauiio ia luvii.a looeli. Jan.l,'7. R01IKKT LOVD. faults. V. K. A U1C0LD. . W. A MOLD. 4. B. A ft MOLD F. K. ARNOLD & CO., liniikera nntl ISrokorw. Iteynoldevllle, JefTrraon Co., Pa, Money reoeived on dapoalt. Discounts at no- uaraie rates. Aaslern and foreign Exchange al w. un oaou ana ooiiectiona promplly made, lteynoldarllla, Dee. Id, 1S74.-1J County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. 1 1 OO.M in Maionia Building, one door north of .a, V " eraon a urug more. Passage Tleketa to and from Liverpool, Queens, town, Ulxirow, London. Paria and nnn.nl,.... Alio, Draft, for aala on tha Royal Rank of Ireland ano imperial liana ol London. DREXEL &. CO.. Ko. 31 HoutU Tlilrd Htreet, Philadelphia And Dealors in Government Securities, Applioatlon tiv mall will reeeir nmmn. .,.. tlon, and all Information cheerfully furni.hed """ April 11-tf. Jcnttstru. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OfCoa in Bank Building,) turweuaillle, Clearfield Co Pa. mob 12 '"t tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA (OCSae in Maaonle Building.) Clcaraeld, Pa., May f, 1877-Iy. . Ci hi:at reduction -T la Tna rnrrr. nr AKTIl lllAL TEETH, Dr. A. M. Ililla would inform bli frlendi and palrona Ibat ba la now puttiog up Artltclal Teeth TEX DOLLARS PER SET. By a new and greatly Improved proeaea of poll.k mg Rubber I'lalea, ha ean give a much atronger plala with leaa tliiokneaa Iba plate being all orer the palate of an equal thlcbneaa, rendera it " pieeaant to me patient loan th old atria platoa. A I have the alii. .i.k ... u thla proeaea in tbia county, no other Dentin " put up aa good piatea ay ny other mode. -AH work guaranteed aatiifaotory.-aj. Claarteld, Jan It, ISTT.tf. A. M. HILLS. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BEO., On Markat 6t, one door welt of Manalon Ilosaa CLEARFIELD. PA. ' Our arrangement are ct tba moat oomplete haraeter lor fnrniahing th pnblie with Freeh Menu of all kind, and of the aery ban quality. We alao deal la all kinda of Agrieullural Imple. mcnta, which we keen on aihibition fr tba boa. "ul oi me nuotie. vail around wba ta towa, ... - mi ,nina", or aqaraaa ua F. M.OARD0NABR0. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, lsrj.lf. FRESH MEAT-XEW SHOP. Tlie underi(rnd hereby Inform i tht public Id RrDertvl that thtr ko on bind. tbeirabop, adjoining JOHN GULIC'lI'd furniture room a, oppoilte tba Court ilouae, tb VEST FRt.tll BKKF, VEAL, UUTTOS LAMB, 'tin A, KTV., AT It-EDUCED TRICES, FOH CASH. Market mnnilnge Tuaaday, Tbunday, and Saturday. Meal dalirered tt reaidenoa whoa derirrd. A abar ef patronage I reapeetfully aoliclted. aaarea l, lia-ly. MAUB A AORHia, JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTItESHEN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET RTRRBT, NEAR P.O. Tba nnderalgned begi leave to Inform the eitt. nana of Clearfield, and Iba puhlio geaerelly, that he bu on hand a fine aeaortmenl of Furniture, aueh aa Walnut, Cheetnut and Painted Chamber Suitee, Parlor fiuitea, Reclining and Etteniloa Chain, Larliei' and UenU' Kaay Chaira, Iba Per- mraieu umingaad rarlor L'haira, Uane Seat and Windaor Chain, Clothe Bare, Htep and Kiten loa Ladder, Hat Itaeka, Bcrubbing Bruabaa, A MOULDINO AND PICTURE FRAMES, oUgllaaeee, Chromoa, A., wblek would et'litable for Holiday preeenta. deol7I JOHN TROUTMAN. II. A. KRATZER, (tKXrtatoi to) KRATZER & LYTLE, BiLBB IB )RT OOOIvft, : , . NOTIONS, BOOTS, 6II0HS, , LKATHEB, CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, KTO Market Htrefjt, t learfleld, Pa. Jaa. I. iafT.tr READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATIONERY. Market nu, Cltarfttld, (at the Peat (Mire.) " rtlHE andenlgaad bega leave to annouaea to X Iba elllaena of Clearfield and vicinity, that be baa fitted ap a room and ba jaat retarded froea the eity witb a largo eeaoant f raadlng aaalter, eonaialing la part of Bibles ind Miscellaneous Books, , Blank, Aecoant aad Paat Book ef every de aariplioai Paper aad Rnvelepee, Frenrk preaeed and plain Peal tad Peacilei Blank UgaJ Papon, Deoda, Mertgageai J.rlgaevil, Stamp, tloa and ProaaieerT aotMi Whit and Parek- aal Brief, Legal Cap, Reoord Cap, and Bill Cap, 'Sheet Muale, for outer I'iaaa, Flau or Vlolia, eonataotly on band. Any awoke er elation try deelrod that I may not have oa hand, will ho order by firet (apnea, aad (old at waoleaal or retail to ul (telomere. I will ale keep period leal llurtiare, each aa Magaala. Newepepere, A. t. A. uaI lin. Clearfield, May T, IHM-tf Our un Sfli'trtiirmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Published ovary Wtdnttday bj GOODLANDER & LEE llaa lit I.argeet ('lrtalatloa of any papar In Northwestern Pennsylvania. Tlie largo and constantly Increasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable to business men aa a modium thro' which to rvach iho public TtRMa of Subscription : If paid in advance, . , , f 2 00 If paid after three mouthe, . 2 60 If paid atter alx months, . . 3 00 When papers are aent outside of the county payment must bo in advance ADVERTISING! Ten lines, or less, S times, . (160 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 50 Cautions and Enlrays, ... I 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Professional Curds, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Spocial notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, . . . 8 00 Two squaros, 15 00 Turco squares, 20 00 One fourth column, . . , 50 00 Ono half column, .... 70 00 Ono column, 120 00 IIIdANKN. We bavo always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPfENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, ' LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, 4o , Ac, JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, M LETTEH HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PA M PL! LETS, CIRCULARS, to., to., IN THE BEST 8TYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. GofiMlIander A lace, Clearfield, Ctrarflrld County, Pa. THE REPUBLICAN. , CLBARFIKLU, J'A ' l Klf F.SIlAY MOKNIKfl. OCT. IT, HIT. anowTu of the dkmocua c v noiuiiig can bo inuto mU'ivnUiig limn the growth of tho Dcmocrutic party within tho lust ton yvura. While the Democratic party ia consolidating its strength, tho Republican parly is crumbling asunder. One of tho most striking signs of this disintegration is found in the various organizations that huvo recently sprung into existenco in Pennsylvania unci other Northern States. Tliotto organizations are but forms ol tho expression of popular dis content with tho methods and policy ot tho Republican party. Whilo thou sands of citisens huvo determined to die-solve their connections with the liepublicuii party they aro restrained by force of habit and ancient prejudices from joining tho Democracy and they accordingly halt for a Benson in theso outside organisations. ' In 1870 tho Democratic party umo out of tho Presidential conieht with a cleur populur majority of moro limn a quarter of a million. Out of 2,545,000 voles in tliu Southern Stales Mr. Til den had a majority of 487,000, or nearly one-fifth. In nearly that entire section the Republican party lias runirihcd from the political field, and no new organizations huvo sprung from its carcass to dispnto with tho Democracy. In tho New England States, out of Cfi8,000 votes, Mr. Hayes had 04,000 majority, or about Ion per cent, of tho vote. Tho bulk of this majority is from the two small States of Vermont and Maine, whilo Massachusetts, a former citudel of Republican strength, has becomo disputed ground. Out of tho Republican party have sprung four or five organizations which are sapping its power, whilo tho Democratic strength in tho Stute Is steadily grow ing. Connecticut has been wholly re deemed. In tho threo central States of Now York, Now Jersey and Penn sylvania, tho Republicans wero in a minority, obtaining 0117,000 voles out of 2,000,000. In tho six great Slates of Now York, New Jersey, Pennsylva nia, Ohio, Indianu and Illinois, contain ing nearly half the population of the Union and moro thnn half its wealth and enterprise, tho oggregute shows a majority for tho Democrats. In the four North westorn States of Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, Mr. Hayes had 540,000 votes out of 080,000. In the four Slates of the fur West, Nebraska, Nevada, Colorado and Kansas, Mr. Hayes had 133,000 out of 222,000. In tho two Pacific States ol California and Oregon, ho had only 93,000 out of 184,000. Of tho nine groat cities of Now York, Brooklyn, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Philadelphia and San Fran cisco, the two latter alone gave a ma jority lor Mr. Hayes. This great Democratic strength has been steudily and irresistibly growing sinco General Grant's inauguration in ltitifl. From a minority of less than one-third of tha representation in both branches ol Congress in tho beginning of Grant's second administration, tho Democrats have coino into a majority in tho Houso and are almost within reach of a majority in tho Senate In tho next Congress tho Democratic majority in tho Scnato will bo assured by the expiration of tho tinio of the last remnant of enrpct-bng rrgime. What is of almost as much importance is the adopt ion of tho Democratio poliry with regard to tho South by tho Na tional Executive. Thongb defrauded of their victory, they have nov.crtheless impressed thoir moral power upon the administration. Little is wanting to their power but tho patronage of tho Government,and the Dcmocrutic party has shown that it can tbrivo without official patronage. In this healthy oondition of tho party, when in full view of complete possession of every department of tho National Govern ment, Democrats aro asked to join out side organizations which are but the offshoots of tho decaying Republican party? For what good? Tho reforms in legislation that are necessary to ro- liovo tho depressed business of the country, that have boon neglected by the Republicans, us well as to rcmovo abuses that have grown up with their rulo, con bo accomplished only by and through tho Democratic party. These fragmentary nnd straggling organiza tions, by whatever nemo thoy mny bo known, can do nothing cither in Con gross or in Stnto Legislatures whoro thoy have no representation. Demo crats who may bo lurod into them and vote for their candidates, only throw half votes to tho Republican party. Most of these organizations will disap pear with tho election, probably to re appear in new forms with now leaders. But Ihey cannot retard tho growth or check tho success of tho great National Democratic party. Hanisliurtj Patriot. A ritOVURCY. Tho following rcmnrkablo article appeared as an editorial in tho Phila delphia Tt'mrji, of Febrnary 21, 1877 at a time when tho country wan con- valued with tho still u mm tiled iHouoaof tho Vrenidcntial election, and when the Tilden organs were predicting diro re sults should an attempt be ma do to inauguralo Mr. Hayes President. The article reads now so much liko a politi cal prophecy that wo produce it. H illustrates Colonel McClure's wonder ful sagncity as an observer ol passing events in tho political world, a quality io which ho is to-day without a peer io tho profession of journalism or in tho councils of slatcsmon. It is this quality, among many others, which has enabled him to make tho Times the marvelous success of modern news paper enterprises. Thearticloin ques tion reads as follows ; SOME THIM1S W HICH ARB 8KTTLKD. 1. Rutherford B. llnyoa will bo de clared tbe next President of the United States, will bo peaceably inaugurated with the practical assent of the wholo country, and will he snstained aa the lawful President by tho whole people, whilo two-thirds of thorn bcliovo that, although legally rommimioft-ed, ho was not honostly e loo tod. 2. Ho will signalico his assumption ot the r.ational authority hy discarding ! tho men and rejecting tho agencies which gave him his quoMttwtnablo titie ! ia tho highest trust of tho Republic lie will make an entirely new Cabinet, and (ho names of Morton and Cameron will not bo Ion ml In its list of hon ored advisers of the Executive. 3. Ho will aim at a new Republican depurturu, that will disrupt the parties both North und South. He South Corolino.recall the bayonetsfro, the Southern States, and invito carpet baggers and plunderers lo piny by themselves hereafter. He will tench Louisiana that his tainted victory from tho Wells Return Board of that Hta(o is the very lust that the country can stand, and Hint Packard must retire, Kellogg must vanish, and Wells bo branded ns un outcast. Tho safety ol Iho Hayes administration imperatively uumanus it, and the country will sutler no convulsion by tho final overthrow of tho adventurers who have shamed tho Nation and lclt the South ono field of desolation. 4. He will cast from him tho dregs ol the Grunt administration by tho dismiHsul Irom his trust of Iho Camor pns, tho Chandlers, tho Mortons, and tho Shermans, of tho party. Ho will not burl them over tho battlements of the administration by any' aggressive acts, but ho will end their revolutionary policy, discard thoir dependents, nnd offend them in his earnest cfloit to teach forgctfulness of tho stains upon his own skirts, by disowning those who waded through usurpation and corrup tion to bear him his crown. 5. Re will aim lo harmonize both branches of Congress with the admin istration. ' Ho well understands ihnt ho has tho lawful but not tho moral support of tho Nation in his great office, und ho cannot confront an ad verse House or Semite. He will dis sever the South by giving tho Con servatives tho control of every Stuto Government, and ending all military interference with their local affairs. With that done, what will they have to war against ? Their great battle will bo won, and how easily may they inaugurate a Conservative administra tion organization in tho Houso by tho election of somo such man as Banks to the Speakership ? Tho South wants government, law and peuco, and II ayes has those commodities to give them in exchange for tolerance of bis blotted title lo Iho Presidency. G. The North w ill bIiui o tho inleclion or political disruption, and uncertainty will bo stamped on every Northern Slato from New Hampshire to tho Mississippi, with Iho single exception of Vermont. Tho worst element of lieptlblicaniKIII, lIlOSO which have been fostered by (.rant and huvo been the prolific authors of reproach upon Iho ltepnblicnn iiumo will desert Hayes, for thoy aro true only to the instincts of tho jobber. They will bo the loud est and fiercest to denounce Hayes as a pretender and a fraud that was spawned of fraud ; but just to Iho extent that such elements condemn him, will the better clement of both purlics sustain him. Tho Nation will never l.ivo Hayes, nor can it over esteem him us having justly won the chief authority of a great people, but it will honor bis just acts and sustuin him in so fur as he shall bo right. 7. Tho organs of the parly which have been proclaiming Hampton and Nicholls from day to day as conspira tors, assassins and usurpers, and which havo boon flaming with hsto and ven geance against the South, will, within thirty days, declare Hampton and Nicholls lo be estimable gentlemen and lawful Governors, and they will pay tributo to peaco and universal brotherhood as tho shrines at which ovcry patriot should bow. Tho world moves I Hauitom's Joke. Governor Wade Hampton makes jokes as well as the President. AtNushvillo, Tenn., whilo on his recent tour through the country, Sir. Hayes stood erect in tho carriago, bowing to the shouting throng and steadying himself by a hand placed on Hampton's shoulder. Jn making a gesture, ho removed his hand, nnd, the horses starting at tho sumo moment, he was suddenly thrown down in tho car riago. "Mr. President, said Hampton, quietly, "if you want to stand firm, you must lean on tho South." And tho President laughed. JLECTIOX PltOCLAMATroN.- WnKnKAS, by an Art of tbt fltnrral A a atmhly of tht Commonwealth of Panraylvatiia entitled "in Act to regulate tbt 1 en era I K left I on within tbia Commonwealth," It la enjoined upon the iSberilTa of tht tereral enuntlta to girt public not toe of an eh eltction, tba plmuea autre to bt held, and tbt offlctra to bt elected, Tnr.naroRE, T, AKDHKW I'KNTZ, Jr., Itigb Sheriff of Clearfletd eotnty, do btreby five I'uu. lie Not lot t tht t lee tort of the founty of Claar fleld, that a general election will ba held on Tt-aacAT follow i ho rm F.FfiT MusnAr or No. TRumn (btinc iht ih day of tbt month), at tht teTtral tltrtion diatrftla in aaid cwanty.at which timt and plaet the qualified rottrt will rtt For oat ptra.in for Judft of tbt Supreme Court of thia Commonwealth. For ont peraon for Auditor Genaral of thia Com- onwtalth. For ont peraon for Statt Treaaurtr of ihia Cwta. nonwtallh. For ont peraon fur frttho notary, 4c of Cltar- Deld oounty. For ont ptraon for Regiattr A Reeorder or Cltar- ield oounty. For ont ptrtos for County Surveyor of Clrrneld oounty. - Tht electora of the County of Clearfield will lakt notiot that tht taid tlection will be held at tht following placet, via : Durnalde borough at tho public tehool bouat in id boron ft h. Clear Bald borotKb, at thaCuntnWlomra'ofrior, In tht Court Houat. C'urweuaville borouj(h, at tht boa at of gamut! Way, corntr or Statt Mid Walnut atittta, lo laid borough. Iloutidala borough, at tha public houat of Wn. ! Parker, in aaid borough. Lumber City borough, tt the public tehool houat. Newhurg b rough, at tho acbool houae, In aaid borough. New Washington borough, at tho public tehool nnuif, Hia oorougn. Otceoln borough, at tht puMIe bouat of Mlln Hnyt, in aaid borough, Wallaetton t-orougb, at the public tehool honat in aaid borough. HeaiU townahfp, at tbt I'd ton Hotel, In Mien Hope. 111 town hip, U the houte of Robert MchaRVy. Itloorn townihip, at Iht houat of the Inlt jaraea ii mom, rr. Bogga townahlp.at tha houat of Edward Athert. Hnulford townabip. at Ibt houae of Jacob Pierre. Brady townihip, at the public houa or William Rehwem, jr., In hulbtrahurg. Born aide ttwnahip, at Young' tehool houat. Cheat township, at tht public aohoolhtnao near Simon Rorabaagb't. Ooriogtontownthlp, at tht tehool houtt lo Mul tonhurg. Irteatur townahlp, M Centra tehool houtt. Ftrgnton townahip, at tht houat of John Hreg ery, tormeriy eoeupiod hy T'iob. Roblt,t Broad way.) Oirard townahlp, at Coogrta VI ill tehool houat. Uothen ttwaabip, at tbt publit tehool houat nt Shawarillt. it return towaahip, at tho honat of iht I alt Jacob Ilubltr. Greenwood (own ablp, nt tbt publit hourt of oMinfiei iiuiigan, in aaia lownaaip. tiuhch townahin. nl thtvubllt tehool boa at. In Janet rill. Iloaton townahip, at tht houat of tbt lilt Jeitt WiUoa. Jordan tow whip, pt tt ptlit tthtol houtt, la AnaooTillt, ainoi townabip, at Jar hey filaebel faouo. kartbaaa townabip, a Bridget, acbool houat. Lawrtnet tow a b in. at tbt Arbitration room. In th Court Vouat, In tht Vmufh of t'karflaM. fHiil ih'frt.3cm(iit;S. Morria lowniMp, at llio ho lift furiimr I j oAouliil y Thomai K.Tlrr. lVnn towniliip, it Iba holl furmtrlj ki br W, W. Andtnuo. I'lkt tiiiship. at tbt lnwiitlilp tt'buul h"u In ll.n iittruiijii. oi riirwrriavtMe I'nli'D townrltip, at tht hnuatt oT I), li. Dnittiilirr. WimiUard tinl.t, at tht hti:r nf Tliumiti llcttiJtrfuri. AN ACT ri?ntsiil.M ik. A,I. ,.f . .11 Pitt 4.H 1 H ii wrtni It tht Ktinata ami !tit of Krirff ntaiirtt "f thi Commonwealth of I'onailrania in tlniral AMcmhlv met, and It it hertthy enacted bjr auilinriiy of tbt ainrv. That tht qualiAtd volort of iht MVtral tniltHlrti of Dili Ci.intutiBWoalih, at all fftnflrnl li.wnhip. boron I, and flpaeial tltc'l'tni, Rr hrrohr, horanfttr author. Ud and rrqutrtd to toIi., lit Hoke!1, j-ri tiled, nr wrMtt-v, r imrllr ir.ntd and Bartlv wv.(itft. att- trallj filatilfli d at follow t Ont ttnttot hill mi brace tho oatnee of all Jiulj(ea of courla ?til for, and la he latxl.,1, outii(r,"iii'llolary " one lioki-t ahall embrace thennniM of tha Stale officer V M.I for, and be labeled, "itatei" one ticket ahall em brace the namee of all munty offlnera voted for, Including oflioe of acoator, member, end metnlicn of aa.enilily, if voted for, meiubere of Congre.e, If voted r r, and bo Inhaled, "county " one ticket ahull embrace the name of all Inwn.liip ftllcra voli-d for, and lie labeled, "town-hip l" cue ticket ahall embrace tho name, of all bormih ollcera voted for, nnd be lnhln, "btironxh ;" and each nlaaa ahall bo depoilte-1 in aeivata bitllot tmvei. A further niilcincnt to the Act rcRitlatlnK election In thla Commonwealth, aptirovc,) January SO, and Kebrmrv 1:1, A. I. IK74 : WHBH THE rillXB AUK TO MK KafT HIT. Pro. A. At all elcetlcm hereafter held u infer the law of thli Comtnonweallh, flic poll ahall lie opened at eevra o'clock, a- ut. Bnd olo.ad at acven o olock, p. m. Api-oiavwevT or ji Kiiaa a l.ia,:Tona. Bki: S. In all election ill.trict. where a vaenncy xlata by realon or lb di.iliiallllcation of the offloen or otherwl.e la an election board her lo fore appointed, or where any new dl.triot eliall bo fonaed, tbe Judge or Jii-lgoa of th Court of Coin raon Pica of the proper county all-ill, ten dove before any general or .poci.l election, nppoiut competent poraona to fill aald vaeancie', and 10 eonduet the election In aaid new ili.lrleti, an-l in the appointment of Iniiieotorl In any election diltrlet both abnll not be of tha anna p,lllical party, and Iba Julge of e!.,cH ,n .ti ill in nil c.e. be of Ihe pnlilloil party b.vvio I,. In.jorlry i,r vote in ea,d dt.trlet aa aeailv a. th aoid .indite or Juilgca can aiccrtaln Hie fa,t, and in oiiae of the ilt-'ngreeinentof the Judge. n to tho .election of Inapectoro the political majority of ttie tn'lire. .hall aeloet one of aaid in.oootor., an-l the ml, oe ily Judne or.udjra ahall .elect Ilia a' her. fete 7. Whenever there ahnll be a vacancy In an election boerd on the racrninirof an eloctl -n, aid vacanay ahall be filled in rnnfrnii'y with eaiating lawa. m-Tiaa or r.t.rrrioa osrn-ena Har. 8. At tha npri.ina: ef tlie poll, al all cl,-e-II, id. It iball 1 Iho iloly of Ilia iii,l,-a ,,f , lo.-t I , i, for their ruapectlve di.trict to de.ignatc ono of the in.pectors whias iluty it .hnll bo to hire In cnitody tbe rcfUtry of votrn. and t i in iko the entrlei Ibereln rerilirai hy law, nnd It .hall ba the ttuly or tlioo-bcr ot Ihi aald la.pnnt-ira to rtoriveaod autnber the b-lloU pre.ontol at ni-l i-lectinn. Hrc. v. All eleition. by the citlwn. ah ill he ly ballot; every hallut voted ehn II bv numliered in the order la which It ahull f.o received, and the nunhrr rcoordfd by tlis-clerkaon thr of voltrra oinollc llio raint oi ici Mn-it r from wh'm m- ceired. And any toier ratlnf two nr mir tkk tta, tht arrtral tlckt'a ao v.tvt phnll tach hi nunibtrtd wilb Ihe numtiar cornaimndlna; with tbt numbr to tht a a ma of th volrr. Anr rlin- tor may write hia name ujmn bit tlr-hft or fniiit Ibt faint to bt wriitMi thrrron, and aflfs.tnl hv a clliien or tho duliict. In addition to tht ontb ow frtftrihfd by law to he tnkt-nnnd auharrlbrd by elfction tfliwi, lhy ahall aaTfrally l- tworn or afflrnrd not to il:ttl' a how .u.i,.. .i,n hart Totrd, unleaa rwuirrti in do ao n- witoriara in a lauictai i.rctt.im. ah Judita. Iuai)t.,tnr.. cit.k. and or.rt... of tny Action h,.. . "V ... ' " ""inr opi-n their dutiet, Ih duly anorn nr athrinrd ii the prerenee of each other. The judge ahnll he aw.irn hv ihe minority inri-eeOir IMhei. .half be inch mlni.rlt, m.n.enu me in.i'tc.ore, ove racer, an, c cel. .(.All be anarn by If ejurfttc Cerlineotea (,raich awenr Inu ur affituiit'g ahall bo duly mada out a,t rii hv Iba f-tlieer. ro awr.ro. n,l I officer who a.liuini.tered ihe oalh. If any ju l jc oflicerl ol clcctl'-n in Ihe mani.rr reouireil hytbll act, or If any officer of election ah.ll act without being Drat duly aaoin. or if any officer of election man aiirn tne icrin 01 oatu without boiog d-ily HO. RKIilHTKItKn VoTKItO. 8ao. 10. On tht dy of election any ptraon whoao namt .hull not appear on the regiitry of ini-r, anu wno ciaimi mt rtgtit ta role at raid elrelii.n, ibnll product-at leant or-t qualified voler r Ihe di.trict aa a witnta to ho rflidente ol the claimant in iht di-tritl In wbti-h bt cleimn to bt a tour ftr tbe period f at leaat two toonlha iuimidibttoly preceding aitid election, wkifh wit ncaa ahali Lo awt.ru or alurtnod, and auli-rilje a written, or partly writltn and partlr printed atH davit to the f. t ali.1 hf hitn, whteh aftitvit ahall define -..early iba resiidenae it of tht ptraon tu claiming to be a ruler, and Hit peraon ao el nn u.g tht right to rote aball alao Uke and aubtcriba a wriitf n, or partly written and partly lit. war a suiua.ii, SMilU), o mi (Mat Ol Ula knilW- Icdgt and belie l when and where kt waa ham that be hat been a eitiirn of the I'nited Suirt for ont moot to, and of ibt tVmtnoDwtalLh of rennayiranit t mat nt Dnt rendttd in tha Coin. monwialth onu year, or il forintrly a qualified elector or nallro born eitiiea thereof, and baa removed ihtrtfroin and returnnd, thit he baa rt aided therein aix inattlha neit preceding aaid elco- tion i that ho baa rtndtd in tbt diatrict In wbii-h ht claitna to bo a vottr Tor tht ptnod or at leaat two BDonint HBUittiaieiy preceding aaid election that be baa not moved inio tbe district fur the purpoto of voting therein t that ho bua, If twenty two ycara ul age or upward', paid a State or oounty tax within two Jtari, which waa taitta td tt leaat two roonthi and paid at h eat one month btltrt tbe tJection. Tht itid affidavit ahall alo alate when and wliert tht lax claimed to bt ptid by tbt affiant waa aaaea'td, and wbtn and where and to whom paid, and the lax receipt therefor aball bo produced for examination unleat tho a lh ant ahall atate in hia tflidarit that it baa Urn loft or destroyed, or that ht never received any, and, if nat nraliit J cltiien, ahall alau atate when, where and hy what oourt he waa naturaitxed, and ahall alao product bia certificate of uaturaluation for txemiuatioo t but if the perann to claiming the right to volt ahall take and ml, scribe an tlti darlt that ba la a nalire born cttii'-n of the I'd I ted SlaUe, or If born, elaewht re ah -til aute tho fact ia bia allidavit, and ahall produce tvt dmce that bt hat been net oral ited, or ia entitled to titlienahip bv reaton of hia fnther'a aalurali. aat.on, and ahall fuilhtrilau in biaaffi lavit that he la at tht timt of making tbe afiidat it ot the ngt of twenty-ono tnd under twenty two Jean; that bo baa hen a chiam ol tht I'nited IS U tee one month, and boa rolded in tba (State ont yiart or, if a na'ivt bonj eitiirn of tbe Slate, end rrtooved therefrom and returned, that he baa rt aided thcrrin aix niontba next preordmg aaid election, and in tbe elect ton diatrict Iwu uontha imtueilliatcly preceding aueh election, he ahall he entitled lo t ole although he abnll not have paid taxea. Tht aaid aflida it o' all perjina in akin g aueh claitna and the affitla.ita or the wiliieaaea to 1 thtlr reaidrnce ahall be preferred hy the eltotion : board, and at tha clota of the elreli'.n thoy ahall he enckaed with Ihe Hat of votcra, UiUy list, and fr" other paper required by law to he l)id by the rttum judge with the protbonotary, and ahall re main on Ale therewith in tho prolhonolary'a ohVt, utijcct to citmlnnlion na olhrr eltfli u papera aro. If tht election office. ri aball find (hat the applicant poaaoafra all the legal qualiHcattoni of I a voter ht ahall bt pcrmillrd to vote, and hia name aball ha added to ih lift of taxa'dt-a by the eimtun ouirert. lti ironi "tax ' lietng addid where iht rial man t claim to rote on tax, and tht word "age' where heolaime to Vott on bjc. the rame worua i.ting auaca ny tne cJcrae tn rach cac respectively on tho liati of para n i votiu g at auch tlection. IBMLLKBtlR or Mr.OiatKI'RD ToTl:M ttt'Tieri 11. Il ahall It lawful fur anvau.lirln.i oititvtn or lb diatrict, aothwitbitsnding the namt of Iht propoa.d voter la eontalned on the liat of rttident laiablea, to oh a Ilea 2. tht vnla nf aura pereoe, wutrtupon Ittt tame proof of Iht ngni oi aouragt na now require J by law ahall be publicly made, and acted oft by th election board, nnd tbt vott admitted or rejtcted accord ing to tht evidence, Every peraon claiming to bt naturalised altiaen thall bt reouireil ta due bia naturaliaatioa raitilcatt at tht eleotion oeioro roilng except wbtrt ht baa been for tvt year, oooarnutivrly voter in tbt district in which be eflera bia vole, and on tho vote of mob ptraon being received it ahall bo th duly or lh etcuon ouKtra in write or alamp on tneh certifi eate Ibt word "voled," with the day, month and year, and If any tlection oflierr or ofliotr ahall reeelvt a twond vote on tht aamt day bj virtue of Iho aame ctrtifirate, except where eon art en titled lo rota beeauae of Ihe naturalisation of ibelr father, they and tht pernon who ahall oRvr aorh ir-ond rota ahall be guilty of a tniadtnitin or, and on onnvlrtUn therenf be pned or iiupria oned, or both, at the diicretlnn or the court, but the tint abalt not atcetd Art bun (red d t liar a in each taae, nor tht impriaon men! ono year. ' Tho likt pitnl'hment ahall bt Inflicted on ciwiviclion of tbt officer, of elect I 'n who ahalt negleit ar ro fuao to make or eaut to bt made tht endmtt went required at afoi.iall on Biid raturaliat.,0 crtift.ate. KKfiLirr or pi'tt or i,K.TifH orriritnt. Simon 13. If any eleelion iffleer ahall refuie Ornegltot to require auch proof of tht right of tuP fragt aa la deaortbed by thii law, or lh. I.wa to which thit la a eupolrment, from any peraon of fering to vott whjie name la not n'n tho liat or aaaeaatd voter, or whee right lo F"e ii chal lenged by any qualified voter preatnt. and aball admit auch person to vote without requiring u a proof, every peraon to oOendiag ahall upon con viction bt guilty of uiitdemranor, and ahall be ttaleneed for overy auch oft t nee to pay a fine nut exceeding Br. hundred dollar, or to undergo an Impriionment not aaora than ont year, or both at Ibt dlicrtlioa of tht oourt. ratTaa op Tin vott a ir tut cotnT. 8c. I V Aa aoen ta the polla ahall cloae the f floert of tht tlection ahall nmeeed to count sUI Iho vote east for raeh tandidatt voted for. nnd lake out a lull return of ihe aatna In triplicate, with n rttum abtet fa addition, In all of wbioh Iht votta recti red by each tandidatt ahall I air. tn alW bia nr h er name, Aral In word and again in figure a, nnd aball be aigned by all of aaid or Scera, nnd certified by ovtrteera if nny, or if not to tert tiled tht overaetra and any officer rtfuaiig to algu trctrtifr or tlthtr of them, ahall inn upon each or tbe retnma bia or (hair reeeon for , not tHrning or certify in them. 7t tofe eooa na cue attest1 aaef wfee waUiVfe one! e,7e dtelmrt ffm tkt mmdaw f tht ei'iiaeta powaf, and a, trie tfaieMcnf ctwtntf Me eofee eereieetT ty enrA j MMtlidtft aflU fre avaria aad ai aerf 6y tk WeefMie njfieera bsm. attl' twfe it eouarrtt, sf tht eweie ikmU immtHtnUfj eafed mp oa tAe dtxtr rf a ffeeiiea Aowtt for ittePMottwa mf th fntlie. Tht tririllrat relirna ahall Be enele rlraetj In envtlnpef .r;;;; conor o, u. not, U ah.il ... deemed . mi- le.ne.nor! an. n " i'T lT' ' i" 'V "'7' "f c-inwiellonlhtutiWr. c ur wwl-'r of any Innoroornted htflmd not tx.ug en. ihouU . ,lw "rV -!fcl-or boldia or .n,pmomurntnoir.ceedin op. ,Vnr or both rT'' V Um ll" r m tbt d.M-rt.ion of th. eotrL 3 toUl " I l'.",n,"n f. JJ In.pcetor or Clerk of any and La walrd In tha ttrtrnot of tht ofllceri, and out riivln)t with tut untrntltd rutura ihttt HlviQ lo tha Judge, which ill ail ton to lu ont Hut ul volnri, tnll-iuji',r, and nttht uf uniitrt, and iiti"lhr uf tail I i'iivt'1i,r-a hull bo given tu Hit ml t.illy lnxnvtor. All judoi hvlnit within lwlt tiiilori or tttu irittl,utniUr,v' ulliot-, or wllliln twiiiiy four in 1 1 in, llilM-lr nildonpo Im la nt-iwn, v illaxu or city on Ilia line of a ratlrnad Itmliiij to iho cuuniv rnit) nnn uciurt iwu u tjooa, kis m-rnittn, ni in n;v ain r tnr 'ilil'iW.'V-'J"' ilitrn, tOaffi'llisir Willi rut urn ulivet. It Hit nw thonotary uf tho ciurt ul onumon lai of Ihe ft'-uuly. whifb (tld rtlurn rbctt ahnll Im Alrd, and tht duy and liuur of UH.ig umrki'd Ihrraoni nntl ahall ho prtrervi'd by hr .rothor.olnry for itilillo lnii''lion. AtlweKt a'olurh on the aald laooad dny lullowiog any tlrotion, tht fimtbonotHry ol Iht etui rt of common fdaaa hall rtrtbt iht aaid ruluriii to tht paid nourt t tn auuntlep where I hurt ia no m.dfi-ul 'j'ri Junl judllt. Iht aarooiHia Judtj oa ahall jirtiirm Iho dutira lnimaod upon tht court of ooinuion leaa, which ahall convent for raid iurioa i Iht rtturna prinrntcd by tho iro llitiiniliiry ahull lit ojti tiod Iy aaid court, aud omn. (mted hy tuuh of lla ollturrt. and aui'h awurn aictaiita aa tho court ("hall ..oliit, In Iht prftrnn of iht ju1rj or Jii'lu-'t ol aaid court, and iho roturna rtruly aii'l ctjitibYatri or i-luullon lamed umli-rlho ii'fil of Iho court, aa la now required to u li'iiio i.y ilia return Juugoii, anu tbt vuto aa an oomiiulod und etr tilled ttiull ht uiion lo the tmhlio, atd in raao tlie return uf aiuy t)ctlun district ahall In urniing when iho m turn a art pn-at'itlcd, or hi iiBe ul couth li nt ol a iiiuhtliu elm lor uuuu: oaih charging hIhi!j1 fraud or inlilnkti, and t;irilculaily fjitjiiljttiii iht allowed uiiatakt or irauil, or wliuru ltu t or uiittntto u niiiaroiit on tho return, iho court sh'tll cxutinno Ilia return, Hnd if lu iht judjfiurni of llio oourt l ahall Sn ut'cpfsfiry lu a juit riturn anid court ulii II itnm Kututntry )irMX'a annual tho rlcut tn.i offiutra niid (iifiitrrs if utiy, uf tiit olonllun district ootn il.itocd of, to hriiix lln'iM lortl.wltu into tiuurt, tfiiii an ticciion it'(-r in tntir iioseilm, and I' )alablo mimkt ur I rn -I hhall bt diicovtr-d, ii anan, up. in u -n ut anug aa mny Do deemed ttcoi auf to eulttfli'on Ibt onurl, and iomrri'otBd by tht oourt, and ao ontitin.l t hut nlh-KAtlona of nintiie ir.iut nr iinaMKt an nil un Uocitd by Iho fti'l cuurt within throe dmya alttir tht dny tho reiurnii.ro nronni into t'urt i.tr oumiiu'nlldn atil iht aaitl intu(ry rhall bo dlra id nly to piiii-iino irami or uiutaKfl, ami ahall not bt d.'i'ini'd a jutlicial Juriadiolitiri u e Minlmle a.y oo.il.'sl now or tcrsiallcr to bt provld.. by law, and Iht t-thr o Mid trij.lieata rt lurit shall ho pl.icol in Ihu L andaralt-d un Willi Ilia hullot. iNottiiu in Ihia art ahull rt-rjulro tho rtturna of vivciioa nt borough or Lownliii olioen to he tiimlc tu the oourti aa Utrectrd In thia acction, but nil tha rt-turua if Iht alMio ol town-hip and bor-iiKli I'fli.'tTt hll hp nclo-cl In a eon led cover, directed tu Iho (.rolhonoUry ot tht oourt of onto tu on Ikiib ot tlm pruj.er rounty, and ahall by ..too una df tliitu ho dellvorx-d into hia oftict within thrra duji afitr ercry audi alection and Ii led tlicrno. In onunlii't rh.Tt Ihrro art throe or inott jinI;iPof an id oourt, Imrned In tho Uw, at It-nat two jtidra ahnll til to couiputo and otr tify rtturna, unlca umiToidahly irvenltd. II any of llio aaid Judaea ahall hiuioU U aotn li dnlt for any oOi.t) tt toy tlection bt ahall nut ait with Iho court or net in counting tlm rrturna of uch tlfrtmn, and in aiob cae tht othtr Juditca, it any, ahall art, and if in any counly thtra ahall l.c no judj-a quaiilicd to bold Iho aaid tw.urt uodtr iho jirt t isioiK ol ihia act prorriit and able to act, it.-ii a.i iu wiory aurn caae, mo rrgistur of wi ' w.untv .hull t. l,...; u ... i ' V toe anerio an i uirijonty of whom rhall hava and oxorciao all the power, and )cr!..rm alt t:it duliua vtaltd in or rt (iiirod to bo ierforiiifd by tho iinrt of cunmon ilfua or aut-b oouuly, hy and under the prori aiona of Ihia Mtti.m; but none of iho aaidoitoura htll act ua a ni'.tuhur of bujIi Ilo.trd whan bun Bill a cantlidule Tor any otliot at tht tloction, the rt-turn of whiv-h tht aaid Jlard i ntjairi-'d to cunt under t!jo pruvixioot ol Ihia arotiuu bttc. i. In all tlictioiia hereafter (ho oortilltito ur nitturalliiiii.D, if genuine, ahall bo touclm!,- icueo ul t, fauu tuenlionij thtreio. ami ti.-r. si. . . : : o; r.: :; airfotnl bj iho pr-DT oliWr. ahall he the h-,,!..,.,- tinreof ; if au-ii peraon duct not proJuce ajoh ro- I ki ,k al'Tir..". .r .rtS ZlZl". tn .uch lax am p. id. Notice la fnrttirr llcrcliy clru. That .11 prr.'itu cacept Ju.tieea of the I'eaci, w!io rliail hiilil an "flier or appointment of tru.t noder tlie goiernioint of tho foiled t-lalea, or of thi. Stale, orol any incorporated di.tiicl, wlieihrr a ci-mmi.,ioned ofRoiror olberv.uo, a auboniinate ollicer or agent, alio le or altoll bo employed un der tha L iii.litlivc, Kxtcutive or Judicial da paitment. of thia Slate or of tha fuiled Statca, cltrtion ol thla rou.imnwtn.Itli. OF ELECTION OFKrOKRS. In rait) (he perron who ahall have r.tirel the itfond higheat oumlerof vutee for ina peetor.Kball nt attend un tht dy of election, then the pereon o"'" ncBivea me .ernnfl bigtieat nun her of total for ju lt al the nut preceding tlec tion, ahall art aa inspector io bia plane; and t rae the person who ihall have rci-eivd tht bitch, eit n umber of eotce fur inopcetor ah ill not attend, the penon elected judge, ahall aiitioinl an In-noo- Uir in hia pUoe and tn eato Hie person elected Ju.lgu thall not attend, then the i-iai-eot-ir who re ceived the htghru nuiuber of ute, eliall appoint - . ,.i.r, ur ii any vacancy an til cfio- tfnne in tht Board for the vp act of ont hour after toe uiuo uiej oy luw lor tho onen nr of th. uon. i tie qualitiel voiera of the tuwnthip, ward or limine, lor wuicn tueb ofliotr ahall have ieea tlrcted, prraent at tht place of election, aball a Irct one out of their number lo till auch raoancy. iubi wut'ni jo irfe, oy atoantaa or una- voiuioi. accident, li unab t to alteod aueh meet ing of judgea, then th? ccrliucatt or roturu aball be Uktn ohargc of by ono of the inn pec tort or olerka of tht election of tht diatrict. who ahall do and perform Iho dutiet rwiuircd uf aaid judgt un .hi. to attend. COXSTITVTIOXAL PROVISION;. Special attention la herehy directed to tht 8th Artielo ol the New Conatituhnn. Section I. Every malt citiicn twentr-nne yrara of age, poiaeaiing tht lollowmg qualificalluna, ahall bt entitled to rote at all eleeli.ma: Eirat lit ahall hart been a chiaen ul tbt I'nl ltd IStalea at leaat ont month. 8eoond-Ilt ahall havt reaidi d in tht State ont ytar, (or, If baviog prtviouaiy been n qualified elector or native born cilitea of the .State, be ahull havt removed therefrom and returned,) then aix month, immediately preceding the tleoiion. Third-lie ahall have reaided to tha election (linnet where ht aball otter to vote at leaat two montht immediately prtoeding Ihe election. Fourth M twenty. twoyrara of age or upward bt ahall havt paid within two yean a -Sta'e r oounty Ui, whti-k ahall hava been aaaeeaod at leant two montha.and paid at lean ont month Ufcre the eleotioo. Hto 4. All tloetinna l,v lb ii;,n. .k .It k. hy ballot. Every ballot voted ahall be numbered lu tbt ordtr In whirh it rb.'l l,fl .in.!..,) . a the number recorded hy the election oflioert on tht lut ol volera, oppoa.tt Ihe namt of tbt tlcctor -no preaenii tne bullot Any elector mar writt bia namt upon bia ticket, or caune ihe m. tn ha written thereon, and atwtetl by a ettlicn of tho di.trict '1 he tleetiou nftir-era ahall be aworn or flirmid not to dlacioat bow any cltclor ahall have voted unleaa rerjuirod to do ao aa wilnta ci m a junicial prorctding. 6. Llrtiora ahall, in all eaata txaept tfctron, fflony, and brea h or eurety of tbe peat, irineReo irom arreat curing tneirattendnnaa aUctiojeand in going to ant rttammg thart Kkc. ft. U brncrer anr of tbt ouillioJ el. tori ul tbia C'minonwra th ahall be in actual mil- ;nry aerrice, unticr a requiaition from tht I'rtal d.-nt of the Ij nt ted .Stale or by the authority of una uiuwuutfeniin, aun cieittora may eser.-lt the right of a off rage In nil elect ion a by th till tt-na, under au.h regulatiotia aa If they wert prei- ui m luni uiini inecca oi cieeiion. iSKimon 7- All lawi regulating tho holding oliotiona by the citiiena or for tbo reaialtal ofclcctora il.all be uniform throutfhojt th,e State qui no eie.-i'.r anau nt deprived ol tht privilege of voting lv rcaa n of hia namt not being regis tered. Hr-CTKiR 9. Any peri an whuabtll gire Of prm lat or offer to give, lo nny elector, anv raonev. re ward, or other valuable consideration fur hia vote at an election, or for withholding tht aamt, or ruo anau girt or proiniet to give inh omaidera lion tu any purion or party lor auch vteetor who ahall receive or agree to rt.ceve for blmaelf or for another, any money, reward or other valuable eoniideration fur hia vote at ao election, or for withholding tht aaine, aball thereby forfeit tbt right to vote nt auch election, and ny tltctir wboat right to tote shall he challenged for auch eeuae belore the election offlctra, ahall bo requir ed tt awear or affirm that tbt matter of tht chal lenge la uutrat before hia Vott shall bo received. Hu Tioa 0. Any ptraon who ahall, while a can. didale for office, bo guilty of bribery, fraud, or wilfdl violation of any tlection law, at all bt for ever disqualified from balding any ofliot or truit or print in thia Commonwealth, any ptraon eon vtt'ted of wilful violation or tht election laws ahall, In aldtUon to any penal t ice provided by law, bt deprived of Ibt right of rutTrage absolute, ly for the term of four yea re. Hrc. IS, For tht puipoat of voting no person ahall he deemed to have gaintd a residence by retion of jiia abscire, wbileemployed in the ear vice, uf either eivll or lo.hturr, of (bli Slte or ihe railed htatea.nor while engaged in Iht nav igation of tht waters of tht Slate or tht I'nited t talis, or on tbt high aeaa, nor while a atudeal of any in si Itutlun of learning, nor while kept la any poor house or oilier aavluma at pubhe ei peme, nor while oondned In publio prison. Sec. 14, Iliatilot election boar da ahall Co 01 it of a judgt and two inspector, who thall bt oh a. a.o annually by the eilitent. Bach tlector ahall have tht right to vott for iht judg and ont In spector, and etch Inspector ahall appoint ont clerk. The first election board fur any sew dis trict fhnll bt selected, and vaoenclea In election boarda filled, aa provided hy law. Election Ul cere shall be prlt ilrgrd from arreat upon daya of election, while engaged in making up and trans milling rtturna, exoept upon warrant of a tourt of record or Judge thereof for an election fraud, for felony, or for wanton broach of tha peace. In cities they mtv tlalm titaptiea front Jury duty during their ttrmi or aerritie. Hot. I J No peraoa ahall be qualified to terra aa an election officer wbo shall ho 14. oe sih.ll wilhln two won l ha hart held nny offieo, or ap pointmtnt or employment In or under tht gov ernment or the I'nited Hlalea er of Ihia Stale, or of any clly or county, arof any municipal board, commisaion tr true! la any eity.aave only Juaticet or tbt prate, and aldermen, no tar lea public, and ptraoni lh tht militia service of tht State: nor ahall anv eltction officer bt eligible to any civil office to bo filled at aa elettlon ul vrhioh he ahall terrt, taveenty to aueh aoberdiaafe, mubteipil, or heal ottctra, below tbt grade of city or oounty officers, at aball be designated by general lawa. UIVEN under my hand and teal, at CltarAtM. Pcan'a. thit tenth day of October, la L. S the year of our Lord on thousand tight hundred tnd tevety.tva and of tht Independence tf tbt I'nited Slatea tho ont bundrrd and aeeond. ANllRFW PRJT)!, Jt., RkaeleT. I or any clly or incorporated diatrlct. not taaltjr turned In tbatt tlmta, bat tan bt madt Id thrtt uootha br an tut of tlihtr mi. In any pari of Ibt frtuntry who It willing tu wurlt tttadil at tht fni I'lVinont tht l w furnlb. (ttA pir wtek In tour -wn town, y,tn lMr n., bt from ho tu .mar ti i Klit, Vuu tan glvt ytur wbolt timt tu tha fTitrk.iir only yturtovrt mnuiott. Ittoitg ''I'i't' - . .!'"' 1. !iUV.U.rX,J noioiug to try ma Diiiintu. Ttrmt and J uami A NEW DEPARTUrtE L IT II E KS It I! EG. lltftafter, loi.da will bt io Id fur CASH oohr. or In oidianKt for produoa. No hooka will bt kept io tht future. All old atoounta nauat bt teltled. Tbiiat who eannot taali op, will pltatt hand ortr their notta and CLOSE THE EEC0ED. I a in determined to atll my gooda nt eaafa prlooa, and at a diatount far baiow that ttr uOortd in tfaia vlotuity, Tht diacount I allow my eua torn era, will makt ibtin rich in twenty jeara II tbey lollow my advtot and buy their gooda from nt. I will pay each for wheat, oata anil elnver ied. DA.MKU UOODLANDKR. I.utherahurg, January 17. 117. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANMSMEIUtELL Hat opened, la i building un Market atrctt, on the uld Heattrn Hottl lot, oppoaite tbt Court Ilouae in Cloarfltld.a Tit and Hbttt-Irot) Mann factory and tit ore, whtrt wlllbt found at all lintt a full lint of hoxtse PTOinsimTa goods, Stores, nardvaro, Etc llouft Spoating and all kinda of Job work, repair ins;, Ao., d-ne on abort notitt and at rtaaonablt ratea. Alaj, agent fur tbt Singer Sewing Machine. A supply of Machines, with Needles, Ac, al. wave on band. Ttrais, ttrictlr tub or eountrv nroduno. A anartot patronagt aolioitcd. U. B. MRKREIiL, Suptrinttndent, Clearfield, April 2b, 1877-lf. JKMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify the public gtntrally that ho bat removed hit Oroctry Storo from Shaw'e Row, to lb building formtrlj oeonpktd hy J. Mi let Kratser, on Stcond atrtwt, next door to Bigltr't hardwar a tort, wber bt lnttndi keeping a full lino of U II o v i: I E H. IIAMfl, UIIIHD BKEFand LARD. SUdARS and B RVPS, of til frtdaa. TEAS, Green and Blank. COFFEE, Roaited ind Green. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, dMED t ill ITS, All kinda la tb market PICKLES, In Jan aad barrel. SPICKft, in varjt form aad variatv. FAMILY FLOUR, Al l. kINIIHOFI RAt KKMK. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLK8, DRIED PEACUES, DRIED CHERRIES, Co&l Oil and Lamp CUauieya. And a fond ai.ortm.at of tbo Iblng aanaflj k-.t In a grooerj aloro, wklck ka will eiehtnga for niarkelinf al the market prleee. H ill toll for eaik aa ckaapl a. an; ether aa. Plena tall and aee bia atoek aad loda lm vonreelf. JOHN SfcOATJQHET. ClearBeld, Jan. I, 1177. THE TIN SHOP! RIXIG MY0YO MACIIIXE! FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. 8, PIK'g OPKRA HOI SE, Mearflfld, Pa. Reapeotfullv loforma hia tnsttmera. and th nnk, lit In central, that ht tontinnea to raanursirtiiipsi til kmaa ot Tin, Copper & Slice Mron Wnre, or flrat-elast nattrial only, and In a workmen likt manner. ROOFING nntl SPOUTING done on abort notice and very reatonabtt term a, COOK STOVES, HKATINIJ STQVK9 AND Fl'RNACKS alwaya KUII in BIOOK, BDU IUr tilt lOW, Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specialty. n.e Kit lore, alnavaoa hand. All ork (ueren- w live ai..i.iaoiion, A ahnr of poklle palronaf cerdlallj olleltd. FRLD. tACKKTT. Clearfield, P... Ma; S, 1.77, BUY THE BEST Poarl Shirt I REASONS WIIV TUB BEARL SHIRT IS PREFERRED TO ALL OTRHRSt in. Thar are made ef the v.rv beat maalla. 2d. R.iaoma art three lr and made tf Ihe tort llnea.eaeb Bl, beln aaaraalae.1 la be all I la.o. d. They are made oolj I., eanakle aad etperi- vaevo naaoa, are eererniiT laapeeled ana ara nmarpaaaad bj aa, albar la .rk.a.hlp. 4lb. Thej ara (taranleed to It atd lo ,lv. aatia faetloa Ib vrj parlletlar. Try Thm. ani U Oonvlnoai. FOR (ALERT T. A. FLECK & CO. ONE PRICE tlHRSft A DRT OOOI.ft IIOI'H, NOTIONS, aHLLlNEKV FANCT GOODS, Market "treat, ClaarScid, Pa. Seat. If, '77 If. $777!li Nont gtnulnt J Tr.S"i.,k. (PEARLj 1r?ZX LljffUanfoiis. rpERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove I.ininir alitl Fire jlriok, kpl oon.untly on hand. ..UfcVn. . vtiniaeiae tl'lfaae T 1 1 un suii ilium jl.11 .io. , CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! flahor'. Patent Alrtlubt Heir - Healltif fruit tana I BUTTER CROCKS, with lida, CREAM CROCKS, HO K CROCKS, APPLE - BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLK CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PUS DISHES, STEW POTS. And a reat mane other thlnjca to nnmrnl ta mention, to n bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner o Cherry and Third Street, CLB AUFIELD, FA. augS r auurn. a. tt'conxi,. o. maixost. UlldCII, NcCORKLE & CO.'S (Suoeettora to Joht Qui lob), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market (street, Clearfletd. Pa. W maaufatturt all hloda f Furo.turt for j Chain bora, Diuing Houma, Ubrarlta and flalla. j If you waut Furnlturt of toy hind, don't buy I until you ate our toe It. r - . . - . . a UiIIIltTAKL(il In all Ita branchc. VTe kt-rp In atock all tho latest and most improved Ci.tho and Cask eta, and hart every lability for properly con ducting thn branch of our buinea. We have a patent Corpat Fra aervtr, In which bodied can be preserved for a eon alderahlt length of timt. A member of tbo firm hat bia tlert.ing apart ment at our wan -room, where bo can be found by any perron who ooint at night for tht purpose oi procuring eoffltia. Ot'l.ICM, McCORKLB A CO. Clearfield, Pa., May 10, '76 1 y. JkjEW FlaOUK. FEED, j GltOCEUY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO. Room No. Ple'a f.pera lln Clcarlleld, Pa. Keep eotiltaotle on hand 8UOAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA,' COAL OIL, svri:p, SALT, SOAP, Canned and Urie l Fruita, Tohaee ,, Clean, Caa- dl.a. Cider Vlner,Oatt.r, E. ,Ai. ALSO, EXTRt HOME MADE W heat and Buckwheat Flour; torn Heal, Chop, Feed, so., ii All of erbleb IS b aold ehua for eaah or la axebenp for eoaatrjr produce. A. U. IKA. alt M CU. Claarteld, No. IS IS7I. tf (iLJIXX'S SULPHUR SOAP. A Stkiuno Rkmidv ros Diseases and I.vjtmu or the Skin i A IIf.altiih l IIUVTIFIEI OF Till COHFLIXION; A Rkual Mean, or Pkvintino and RlUr.VINO Rll.UMATISal AND CotT, AND AN UNIQUAUID PlIINriCTANT, DEODO- ut and Cot' nter-Irritant ;Ichh' Sulphur Snap, besidea ertdl catinii local diaeaaoa of Ihe akin, bani.hea de fect, of the comlcxinfi, an.l imiart to it Cralifying clearne.a and imoothncaa. Sill i Jmr Hatha are celebrated for curing entmiona and other diaeasea of the akin, a veil ta Klieumatiem anil oil. Gtcnn't Sulphur Swip produce "Ihe aame ellect at a moat trilling eipenee. Thia a.lmiraWe ipecihc also ace.lily heals sorti, truitft, icaUt, burnt, tfiraiNt and r uts. It remove danilrutT and prevents Ihe hair from foiling; out and tuniiiig gray. L iuinmg gna i men uaeci in the lick room ia ai.intecirxi, tna diaeaae communicable by contact viitli tlie person, prevented bv it. ' ' The Medical Fraternity sanction its uae. Prices-SS and SO Cents per Oaki; per Box(3Cakos), 60c. and $1.20. N. a-lkr, the larta cakee ami Iherete ecoaoaaae. bold by ail DniggMa. '.' BILL'S HAIR ADD WHISKER DIE," EUck ar Brawn, S I'ealf. (irmiTfll, Prop'r, T tiitHr., U. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SfiCQSp SJREPT. a CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IK PURE I)RU(.S! XXI HBODLICC'LI 3CVLEJ53, OIIRMICAL8I PAINTS, OI1.S, DyE STUFF VARNISHES, brushes, perfumery, fancy ooods IXJILKT AKTjCLKS, 0F ALL KINDS, PURS WIXBS AUD LIQUORS tar medlvtaal per,.... Trtaaaa, S.pp.rt.ra, gvrbaal Boob aad Statl.a. mwj, ... bj, eaaar aailele acaallv foatd la a Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' PRKSPBlPTiiiu. o.. FULLY OOMPOUNUHB. M..I.. . fiZXZ " ,k k'',", ,h ' Mtir. aal." i. a. HARTSWICK, ra jjj e. . i0H" IRWIN. OtetrSetd, Dtetmba, IS, l,,,. llUsrfllatifous. pHEAP GROCKUIKS! LUMIIKR fttv . Tht nndtnicatd nunuuBasu Ia ki. r tn-l tront thai ha hai 0.t,i.tj . f 641 lillOCKKIES A Ptl0YIH.i.H at ih. old nt Kirk A Syrut, fr which b- tulieiu k palroi.. m. W. K'Efi( i. r. via an. t a' 'W ' ' '. 'J-' J " a. akay -a arTaataf - - .-aa ft WKAVKIt & HKTTS CLEAHK1ELD, PA., Are oSerlni, at tka aid taa of 0. L. Reed o, Ibelr aloek of f.,ii, eonal.tin( of- DRY - GOODS, GR0CEU1KS, ROOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, IIAHbWAbK, QL'EENSWARE, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, 4o 4C,, At th mutt reasonable ratea for CASH 0f la exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODl'CE S-Advane. male lo thoe. .tig-ared In .l llni -ol ao,aare limber en lh. moit advanlarna, H"Jan75 JfAFlD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I am aarere Ibat there are lotne p.-r.,ir,a a llttl. bard to pleaae, and I am alao aware tl,i ,i - ooloplaint of "bard time." ia trail eigL iinivrrr. nat i am ao aituated new that Ir. i,,(, , former and prove ooneloiivelv that "L.rd lime,'' will not effect lttoao who bor tbeir p'hi. fr.-n, and all air natron, aball I Initiatid l.i. ik. ..1 ore! of HOW TO AVOID JIAIJD TIMKS I have goods enough Ut supply all the ii,hil i Unu in tbt lower tnd of the county which I . at eiceedine, low ratea from any niaiuinoib atorr in MI'LHUNLtURd, where 1 tan alwaya be f. CI,.1 rttbdy to wait upon call era and tupply ibea. a h Dry Goods of ail Kinds, Bach at Clothi, fiatinttta, Caaainierea, il , Dtlaintt, Linta, Urillinga, Calicoes. Trimuinga, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Uoote and iSiWs, Utr ard Caps all uf the beat material and mule to unit -Uoee, Sock a, Ulovct, Uittcna, Lacca, KihUbr.ln. GROCERIES OF ALL KfNUS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Uolasses, Fieh, ,it I'ork, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardwar, Queen aware, Tinware, Catiiirs, l'lia and Plow Castings, Naila, .Spikea, Corn Cutti.a tort, Cider Vreasca, and all kinda or Aiea. Ptrfumtry, Painta, Varnish, Olasa, and a cr.rat assort men t of iStatiooery, 00 01) FLO UK, Of different brands, alwaya on hand, at. 4 will t- old at tbt lowest potaible figures. J. II. MeClalu'a Medtcinea, Jayne'a Mrdi.ii ea Hosuttera and Uooftand't Bitters. ftOOt no und of Wool wanted for which 'ha hightat price will bt paid. Clovcretd ou hm.t and for salt at tht lowtat anarket price Alao, A rent for 6trattonviIle and Curwem i m Threshing Uachinea. tfA-Call and ace for youraelrea. Vou wil: i.aj oTtrytbing usually kept in a retail store. L. U. COrDRUT Frtncbvi.lt P. O., August 12, 1(114. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, i, Successors to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS Unnafactttrcri of PORTABLE 4 STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Career of Fourth tvnd Pine Simla CI.EARKIF.M), PA. HAVING engaged in tht aianufatture of firat tau MACHINERY, we respect full j infoita h publit that wt ar now prepared to fill all ordtra aa chtaply and aa promptly aa caa be done U oy of th cltit. Wt tnanttfattur and dca ' Mulay and Ciroular Saw-Millp Head Blocks, Water Wheela, Shafting PulVya, Qiflord'a Injector, fiteam tiauget. Steam Whistler, 0 il tn, Ttltow Cupr, Oil Cupa, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Uloot Valvea, Check Valves, wrought ir-a Pipes, P.eatn Punipa, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction aUetrta, Soap Stona Packing, (lun Pack ng. and all kinda of MILL WORK; trgfihcr with now i, 8ltd Soles, CQOK AXD PA RLOR STO VtiS, and other CASTINOS of til hind tjr-Ordtrt tollcittd and Hied at city prices All IctttrB of Inquiry with reference to machinery of our aiannfacturt promptly answered, by a J 'inn ing at Claarfitld, Pa. Jan17Mr PtfJt.KH, YOWMI 4 HRI) G ROC: Kit I E3. JAS. II. LYTLE, (Suea.,rlo LYTLBA MITCItRI.L) WHOl.KSALK AND liKTAIL DKALEU l.N CHOICE LINE Of TJM3 OOLOICjj, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, TOINU HYSON. RNOI.ISH BREAKFA1T Porwl la Marbet. ' BUTTER AND RllflS Will ba beat ltd told ti Iral Boat, art Coanlry i'roiiaoa. a pud URRatAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS flNII. Meeker!, Lake Herring, Coal, Ae. PICK 1.14,,. Barrtt Piekle and Va(ll.b"i; ekrea. fl.trllR AND FKUII, Ffo.r, rra Mail, Oat Meal, A. ! . tr. IAS. II. LYTLE.