Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 17, 1877, Image 2

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..'.i'ucSfTrV. M at",a- Ib ininnti ...... .v. 1 HPHI U 11 I 11 I v f i lluil
Uioroi B. Uoodlandkr, Editor.
WEDNESDAY U0BN1NQ, OCT., 1?, 1177.
Reader, If yea want to know whit ! going ob
la tbe business world, Just read our advertising
aolumns, the tyeetat column lo pnrttenlar.
roR supreme judge:
TOR AUDITOR oenkral:
or nEnroRD county.
ELI BLOOM, of Clonrfiold.
L. J. MORGAN, or Clearfield.
FOR surveyor:
8. F. M'CLOSKEY.of Curwonnvillc.
Xo man worthy the office of President ibould
na willini to bold it if wanted 1b, or pleeed there
by aaj fraud. V. 8. Obat.
I oould navar hara been reconciled lo tba ale
vatleB by tba imallaat aid of miua of a paraou,
however roapeetable lo privata lifa, who must
forever earry upoo ma brow me siamp or iraua
flrtt triumnhnnt lo American biitory. No suh-
sequent action, however meritorious, eao wash
away me tellers ol mm reoorq.
Cbarlis Fbabcis AnAia,
t'nder Hie fortni of law, Rutherford 11. llayai
has been declared President of the United Slates.
Hie title reels upon disfranchisement of lawful
voters, the felse aertinoates ol the returning om
cere acting eorruptly, and the decision ol a com
million which has refuted to bear evidence of al
leged fraud, for the Bret time are the American
ueoolo confronted witb the fact of a fraudulently-
elected President. Let it not be understood that
the fraud will ba silently acquiesced In by the
country. Let no hour pass IB wntcb the usurpa
tion is forgotten.
AoonRsl or Dkhockatic M . C.'l.
One hundred years of human depravity aoea.
mulcted and concentrated Into a clitnai of oritne.
Neecr again in live hundred years shall they bare
an opportunity tu repeat tba wrong.
Dakiri. VV. Voobhesr.
I would rather have the endorsement of a quar
ter of a Billion of the Amerioao people than that
of the Louisiana Returning uiierd, or ot tba uoi
mission which eicludrd the faetl and decided
the question on a technicality.
Tnoa. A. IIxrdricbs.
Tbis is tho "off year" for Radical,
To tim Democracy of Pennsylvania :
Tho Republican organization is tlo-
funtcd in it stronghold by on over
whelming majority. Ohio, tho home
of its President, has voted for tho De
mocracy. Tho importanco of Lb in vio
tory cannot be ovorstatcd, for In its
wako will como tho utter overthrow of
Kadicalism here.
Disintegration and defeat baro
promptly followed tho crime that de
nied to the pooplo their chosen Presi
dent, and the evidences that surround
you hero aro full proof that Pennsyl
vania i prepared to render a similar
Tho prestigo of tho opposition is
gone. Their unity upon principle is
lost; their leader quarrel; their ac
tivo men aro disgusted with official
management, and tho pooplo distrust
them everywhere
Tho otter loss of their political
power will Viow follow with rapid
stride tho initiative thus taken by
Tho country owes a debt of lasting
gratitude to the independent patriotic
pooplo, who, regardless of party, havo
joined tho Democracy to achieve this
decisive victory, and tho peoplo of.
Pennsylvania will affirm tho verdict
of Ohio by ten ot thousand in No
vember. On behalf ot tho committoo,
William McCi.ei.lan,
Philadelphia, October 9.
CuiB Stone Remark. Time, on
Wednesday morning, Oct. 10th. Tele-
cram Irom Chairman MeClellan to
8cnator Wallace :
"Ohio20,000 majority on Stato ticket,
and both branches of tho legislature
"Oh, that' only a sensational dis
patch." Commissioner Hoover.
"You know I am out of politics this
year." T. Jl. Murrny.
"Wait until tho Commercial comes."
John M. Adam.
"Thi is tho olT year." Samuel J.
"There wcro too many partie in
Ohio thi year." Cyru Gordon.
"No difference, Hayes' tillo is still as
good as was that of Gcorgo Washing,
ton." Jo. B. McKnally.
"No wonder tho rooster crowed o
infernal loud thi morning." Post
Master Gaulin.
"Wake Up !" Such I the exclama
tion uttered by tho Chairman of the
Radical State Committee, and Radical
editors, inco the Ohio election. Dem
ocrats, there never was a louder cry
extended to you to disehargo a duty
to your country, yourself and family,
Pennsylvania will be redeemed on tho
Cth of Novombor next, just as Ohio
baa been rescued from political free
booters ; provided, the Democrat turn
out to the election.
The Radical Chairman, Wilson, is
endeavoring to rally his staggering
force In tho Stato, by Issuing a windy
address, to provont hi wavering col
umns from breaking. Colonel, tho thing
won't slick. Your card I too Ihin.
Thore will be a vacancy shortly In
the tfniled State Senate, from Ohio ;
but no Radical need apply.
KMi'BATio. Ohio, like California,
condemns the Presidential fraud In a
way that no one ran misunderstand.
fltwifc'Vt I I
A Democratic Governor..
A Drmorrallc C. S. Senator.
30,000 MAJORITY!
Four Political Aces.
Hayes, Sherman, Garfield,
and Matthews.
Rally once Again.
Our littlo rooster is crowing ovor ono
of tho most glorious political victories
ever won einco Gov. Wiso throttled
Ivnow-Xotbingism in Virgiuia, in 1 855.
Next to that political heresy, was tho
bold announcement made of commu
nism in Ohio, by tho Radical standard
bearer lor Governor, Judgo West, lie
proclaimed this infamous doctrine from
tho stump, lint his fato is sealed.
Thousands of hi party friends refused
to vote for him, and ho is now the
deadest cock that over toppled over in
a pit, unless Stanley Matthews and
John A. Garfield aro a littlo more so.
Democrats of Pennsylvania, reflect
ovor thi victory I Ohio is Kayos' own
State, which ho carried lust year by
7,510. Thero, also, reside Jno. Shor
man, Secretary of tho Treasury. They
both stumped tho Stato. There, too,
is the homo of tho General of the
Army Sherman as well as the Chief
Justice of the Supremo Court, all of
whom wcro arrayod against tho Dom
ocratic party. And yet, behold the
victory! Why, literally, "tho worl
tho flesh and tho devil" were against
our friends in Ohio; but, Christian.
liko, they overcomo all, and to day the
demagogue in that State am burrow
ing and scampering over tho hill liko
so many prairio dogs, striving to hide
from an insulted populace.
Want More or it. It seems that
Mr. Uaycs is so tickled with hi recep
tion in tho Southern State during' hi
recent trip that be want to go back
again and take a look at tho Carolina,
Alabama, and, perhaps, Louisiana. The
assemblages that greeted him at Louis
ville, Nashville, Knoxville, Lynchburg,
and othor Southern cities, wore not
boisterous yelling mob, liko thoso be
encountered in Now England and Ohio,
but dignified and orderly. Indeed,
they woro so much so that he exproeso
a desire to see and hoar more of those
" Robot greetings," as some of the ex
cessively loyal organs expressed It.
Tho wrong ox is being gored. That's
what ia tho matter witb thoso who
growl and snap and snarl at Hayes ;
because ho leans upon tho Constitution
and the Democratic platform, so far as
controlling the army and tho holding
of elections goes. If he would admin
ister the government in open violation
of tho Constitution, as Lincoln and
Grant did, all would bo right with
thoso growler.
Cheap Consolation. In order, prob
ably, to discount the effect of tho Ohio
eloctions npon Pennsylvania, the Re
publican Stato Committee comes out
in an address to what is led of tho
panic strickon cohorts of their army.
It informs thorn, much lo their surprise,
that tho "party has suffered an apparent
disaster in Ohio." "Tho result has
only local and temporary significance.
"Tho Republicans of Pennsylvania will
bo neither disarmed nor dismayed,
Of course tho writor knew he was not
telling tho truth, and if tho result had
been other wiso bo would juBt a readily
have announced that the result bad
great siirnificance. Tbo wonder is
that he expect anybody to read such
a stupid addre and belie vo what be
say. Ohio settles Pennsylvania, and
the Republican committee would do
much bottor to recognize this (act,
shut up shop and go boino, than lo
spend time and money running a cam
paign, that ia only the forlorncst shad
ow ol a desperate hope.
Democrats, to Youa Posts! Your
country and your family calls upon
you to disehargo ono of the simplest
duties known to an American
go to tho election on Tuesday,
Novombor filh, and vote lor John
Trunkcy, for Judgo; Wm. P. Scholl
for Auditor General ; Amos C. Noyos,
for Stale Treasurer; Eli Bloom, for
Prothonotary ; L. J. Morgan, for Reg.
islor and Recordor, and Samuol F,
McClosky, for Survoyor.
Reaver, Do Yon See It T Every
Democratio victory brings golj down
or greebacks op it' all tho iamo. Jf
we earry Pennsylvania on tho 6th of
November, as wo urely will, gold and
greenback will be even, and the coun
try will start off on a now schedule of
- "West' fool speech in the Cleveland
Convention lost us Ohio." Radical
Exchange. What waa the matter in
California f Your defeat there ia more
decided than in Ohio. Pleao explain
From tho return of the Ohio eleo
lion we infer that the "buck-eyo" was
not abroad on eloclion day.
Coon are at a terrible discount since
tho recent Democratio victory In Ohio.
passmore sergeant
Tho Shenandoah Herald culls Puss
moro "tho Sergeant Dates of Pennsyl
vania politic." Thi is a vory appro
priate name lor tho "reserve endow,
menl" candidate. Like the Sergeant,
1 LUWII KJ El , ... ......
tho roBomblanco the little flag that
Hates so proudly bore with him in all
his wanderings. Hut Passmore makes
tp'iur tlio ling by the tremendous
amount of hand-shaking thai ho doc,
lie i tho most afTeelionato cundidntu,
too, that was ovor heard of, in Koy
stone politics, at least. Kverybody is
his "brother," and to hear him lulk
ono would think that he hadn't an en
emy in tho wiilo world. But wo aro
ufruid Mr. Passmore, liko Sergeant
Dutes, will find tho bouriug of tho Re
publican flag a most unprofitable busi
ness. Bates is now vory poor ; in fact
ho is In needy circumstances, and this
will be just our friend Pussmoru'a po
litical condition alter the election, Peo
ple got sick and tired hearing of Bates
and his littlo flag, and they aro oven
now disgusted with Passmoru's hang
ing around asking for vote that ho
will nover got. He was in Bellefonte
last week, trotting around with some of
tho Republican politicians bore, and
shaking hands with a heurtines and
gusto that seemed to say, "I know you
will voto for me, brother Jones or
Smith," as the cuso might be. But
Mr. Passmoro will see by tho votes
alter tho returns are in that ho made
nothing by bis trip lo Centre county,
whoso pooplo generally aro in favor of
Mr. Schell for Auditor General. Even
tho Republicans aro somewhat suspi
cious of tho ex aguut of a "busted" in
surance company, and havo a hanker
ing alter the Demooratio candidate.
Personally, wo liko Mr. Passmore first
rate, but wo tell him that if ho depends
on Centre county vote to pull him
through to the Additor General's oftlec,
ho will lean on a broken reed. lielle
fonle Watchman.
T'uis and That. Things, political
ly, aro not as lovely for our Radical
friends since the Ohio elcclion,as they
were before. Tho contrast is vory
marked. To illustrate: Here is a po
litical plank made by Messrs. Murray,
Adams and Row, which was "unani
mously adopted" by tho Radicals at
thoir conty meeting in this place, on
tho 3d instant:
Rtnttid, That we endorse the administration
of President Haree. and honor the motives of
humanity and patriotism wbieh bare directed
his course, and we confidently hope that it will
re.alt ia permanent peace and harmony through
out the whole country.
That is just tho kind of a resolve
that might bo oxpected to como from
such enthusiastic leaders, especially
tho "humanity and patriotism" portion
so centrally thrown in, as to mnke
the thing jtnglo forth in humanitarian
tone Tbo other side of this Hayes
case is represented by the Pittsburg
Commercial Qazette, a leading Radical
organ, and an article, which wo clip
from it columns, will bo found at
length in this isnuo of the RxprnLK'AN.
It will bo noticed that the editor of
that journal Buys, "Pennsylvania com
mitted an unpardonablo crime of mak
ing Rutherford B. Hayes President.
But she nominated and elected him."
Now, tho question arise, why should
Radical teacher disagree so widely
about "tho governmont" that used to
be so sacred 1 Moro; Who i right?
This latter feature of tho case will toon
be settled without tho oonsont of oither
of tho partie.
Tho editor of the Bellefonte Watch
man, while taking a general survey of
everything at their county fair, en
countered two of the Radical nominees
on the ground, and allude to them in
thi way : "Tho most disappointed
looking fellow present were Hart and
Passmore, the Republican Stato candi
dates. They looked as if Centre county
politic didn't agrco with their diges
tion." We saw them at Tyrone on tho
morning they left for Bollelonto, and
thoir countenances seemed to indicate
that Chairman Wilson had promised
them the county if they would exhibit
themselves on tbo fair ground. Wo
havo no doubt they will bo fooled a
bad a Judiro West was, when tho
Muckers began to send in tho returns,
Rude Fellow. Tho Ohio Radicals
seem to havo lost all lospoct and ven
eration for tho Into Horace Greeley,
who gave his party friend o much
good advice whilo he tarried on earth.
Among tho many good remark he
made, wa "go West young man
But tho result of the recent election
in Ohio, is conclusive that thousands
ol Greeley' old renders rcluscd to "go
Wost." because their candidate for
Governor, West, besides being blind
also mado a fool ot himsolf when he
accepted the nomination; and the con
equonco i that tho Domocrats have
swept tho Stato, although evory State
and Federal office I In the bands of
the enomy. Domacorrnos, beware I
Think of Wost I
Stanley Woodward, of Wilkesbarre. and other
Democrats are aiming to eeeure the pardoa of
Frank Heamisk, tna aotortous uomoeratie poli
tician of Luseraa county, aenUraced ta four years'
imprieoament (or foraery and the appropriation
of school funds. As they miss him In the county
politics, It is nataral that they should wl.h ta se
cure bis reieaee. lie was a good weraer lor Iflo
party, aBd U oug-nt to be gratelu I. Jomrnml.
We know Frank, and tbo tbroe
Radical clerks in tho Stato Treasurer's
and Auditor General' office, who wore
confederate of bis, a well a tho
Scranlon Treasurer. But they aro all
out of prison except Frank. This is
not fair. The wholo sot should either
bo In prison or free. It is tho hall way
business wo objoet lo. ' When five men
plunder tbo lax payors and divide tho
spoils equally among each othor, tlioy
should fare tho same fate. Distinction
are odious. .
The Speaker. The Democratic
Congressional caucus, which mot on
Saturday night at tho Capitol, nomi
nated all the old officers, except for
door-kocper and Chaplain. Col. Polk,
of Missouri, was nominated lor the
former, and Rev. John Poisel, woll
kntswn to many of our readers, was
nominated for the lattor. Tho vote
In caucus for Speaker was a follows:
Randall, of Pennsylvaala M !7
licod., eC Vlrglaia lit
Sartre, of Okie 11
Congressman Clymor, of Pennsyl
vania, called the cancn to ordor, and
Hon. Aletandor II. Stephen, of Geor
gia, put Mr. Randall In nomination.
Tba Democrat are moving aolidly and
harmoniously, to the ohagrln of the
common enomy.
This class of biill'oona have boon seat
ed in high place too long to mtiUo it
comfortable for honest men and the
tax payer. The editor of tho Selina
grove Times draw a local photogrnph
of this kind : "Some Republican editors
v crte rz? .. f:v: i"!'
KUUii il.ll kUuu
tuiif.spcnkingof his aspirations lor legia
lativo honors, says: 'It Is alionttime
for tho Republican party to sit down
heavily upon smb -irpirAto Milli
ken lor Legislative honors.' To which
tho Juniata Tribune adds: 'Col.' Milll
ken is a mini who wouldn't know how
to bite off a cartridge in war, and who
hasn't sense and judgment enough to
appreciate tho blessings of peace'
Yot thi wind bag and blustering
loyalist bcreloforo managed to be a
clover fellow,' and get himself eloetod
Colonel of a Regiment ana) Distriot
Attorney of Blair county, and lately
wr tho leading riotorat Altoona and
is now under bond lor hi appearance
and trial. These big-mouthed 'clover
fellow,' who can do a great deal of
talking, are tho kind that tako with a
gront many Btupid poopl. All ovor
the country thoo 'clover follow' aro
'busting up' bank, Insuranco compa
nies, business firms, etc, etc, and peo
plo aro astonished at tho Irauds com
ing lo light. But a Boon as one 'clover
tellow' i gono another turn up In a
new rolo, and tho amo crowd follow
again. No Ihemo gives a 'elevor fel
low' such a power among clever block
heads as the project of 'improvements.'
An 'improvement' clever fellow will
always draw a crowd of follower or
A Flooii Coming. Wo buvo been
looking for a risn in our trenm, so
as to float about three, hundred rafts,
now tied up but ween this placoand tho
Cherrytroo, to market, and also to
ruiso about 28,000,000 of saw fogs off
tho grovel barsbetwoon f 'oarflold and
Renovo and send them down tho river
to the millsat Lock Iluven and Williams
port. Well, tho editor of tho Philadel
phia Times now promises us a flood in
this way :
There will now be a torrlHle "square timber"
Suaqueheuna flood about the Ath of November.
The brave boy oa the burninf dejk will b A. 0.
Ho puts it a little late ; but, reader,
you know it is bettor Into than norer.
Let her como, Colonel! Wo'll "whoop
'or up," if it is a little chilly along the
Outraue Upon Outraoe! Ilscenis
from the result, that the Democrats
bull-dozed and intimidated" tho Rad
icals in Ohio at tbo lust election even
worse, than they did tho Louisiana
negroes last year. Now, wo move
that this intimidation business be stop-
pod. No class of men in this country
have tho right to alarm and joopardiic
tho peace and happiness ot another
class, and we hope that our Ohio
friends will not practice that mode of
carrying election in tho future. Ohio
is a freo Klato, and its citisens should
deport themselves as freo men, and
not impose on tho right of tho inno
Vote Against Him Judge Ster-
roll should not bo chosen a a Justico
on the Supremo bench becauso the
most important question that will
como before the Supreme Court for re
view will bo thoso relating to Alleghe
ny county for damage resulting from
tho riots. Ho being a resident tax
payer is an Interested party, and ac
cording lo tho custom of Court, can,
not sit in judgment in such cases. A
huge effort is being made by Pitts
burgers lo compel the Stato to. pay
tho damages.
Bl'HiED. Communism, as expound
ed by West, the Radical candidate for
Governor of Ohio, is not countenanced
by the voter of the Buckeye Stato.
Tho overwhelming triumph of the
Democrats on tho 0th, over all pbasos
of communism, is a warning to those
domagoguo who aro adding fuel lo a
fire that must not bo kindled unless
they really want to burn thoir own
house down over thoir beads. The
Pittsburg riot should bo warning
enough for thi generation.
The Trio' Fate Settled. By elect
ing a Legislature with a clear Demo
cratic majority on joint ballot, tho poo
plo of Ohio have settled tho trtangulur
disputo between Garfield, Matthews
and Sherman, over tho United State
Scnatorship. It would bo hard to tell,
but it would be a maltor of small in
terest to decido, which of tbo trio con
tributed tba largest share to tbo Iladi
cul defeat in tho Buckoye State.
They Did Not Nimile. Tho Demo
eralio wnrkingmcn of Ohio were too
wise to be lured into tbo side-shows
thai wcro set up before their tent by
tho Radical manngci Tbo Domo
cra'.io woikingmcn of Pennsylvania
will prove equally sagacious. They
rccognixo In tho Democratic party the
great political organization winch of
lords tho best security lor thoir per
sonal rights and property.
Rather Late. Tho Pittsburg Com
mercial Oaictte ays : "Tho result of
tho Ohio election is an urgent request
to tho Republican of Pennsylvania to
wako up." It is hardly worth while
to got up a resurrection now, because
tho voter of th Keystono State, like
thoso of tho Buckoyt Commonwealth,
are determined to mnko a change in
thoir filato agent, Al Ohio want, so
will Pennsylvania go.
AwruLl AweulII A Washington
special of the 10th, say : "Hon. Robert
Toombs accompanied Mr. Stophen on
hi visit lo tho President yesterday.
Th parties ongagod for a short time
in conversation and separated much
pleased with tho meeting. " Why, it
look as though "the government" was
tumbling Into tho arm of the "Con
federate Brigadier." Why, It awful I
The Pre" 8old. Col. John W.
Forney has sold the 7Vi office, good
will and book for 1180,000 in cash,
and is packing' hi trunk for a trip to
F.uropo, whore be expect to remain
for some time. Ho ha led a very
checkered life a a journalist and pol
itician. Wby be should, at thi ago,
exchango his nativo country (or Europe,
I past our comprehension.
"A Blow at the Government."
We notice that the Nebraska Radical
in their State Convention on Thurs
day, tabled a resolution endorsing
Have. Still becoming more squally.
Tho American Congress oieneil at
Washington on Monday last, in special
session. Samuel J. Randall, of thin
Slate, wits the Democrutio nominee tor
Speaker of the lloueo, unit Rev. (Jen.
John A Gar,fk-ld, who so nobly niriu
uied tho recent Ohio campaign, wits
tho Hinl-nl p..mi"ce The vote stood
The out u was administered to Speaker
liitutlull by Mr. Kclley, w ho in turn
adtniniMiirod it to the nieiuliurs the
Southerner taking w hnl is known us
tbo modified oath. '
Objection were ma le to the swear
ing in ot Messrs. Cain and ltuincy, ol
South Carolina, Han nil, Klum and
Robertson, of Louisiana, and II. I'm h-
eeo, of Californin, and thoso gentlemen
stood aside.
Mr. Adams was elected Clerk, Mr.
Thompson Serireant al-Arms, Mr. Polk
door-keeper, Mr. Stewart Postmaster,
and liev. Dr. l'uiel Chtipluin, and they
were tluly worn in -Messrs. 1'olk una i
Stewart taking the modified oath.
Committees were then uiiiioinlen to I
inform Mr. Hayes and tho Senate, of
tho organisation of tho House, and a
recess was taken at J: 10 until 4 o clock.
After recess the drawing for seals was
proceeded with in tbo usual way. At
6:30 tho Houso adjourned, leaving tho
question ol sweunng in tbo members
objected to until to-morrow.
Jn the Senate the oath of oRico was
administered to Messrs. Stanley Mat-
thews, ol unto, elected L n l toil mates
Sonator in placo of John Sherman, re
signed ; J. Donald Cameron, eloetod
united Statu Senator from Pennsylva
nia, in place of Simon Cameron, reaiirn-
ed; D. H. Armstrong, appointed Unit
ed States Sonator from Missouri, vice
L. V. liocy, dcecased.
Tho usual cnimniltco trus appointed
to meet a committee of the House of
Representatives and a ail on Mr.
Hayes, to notify him that a quorum of
'.ho two Homes ol Contrress had as
sembled. Tho Sennto then nl MM!)
adjourned until 12 o'clock to morrow
Tho only Senators absent were Mossr
ilorton (Ind.) M Slillnii (Minn.) and
Sharon (Nev )
The Rioht View The editor of
the Now Orleans Picayune, in review
Ing Mr. Hayes' policy toward the peo
plo of tho South, closes by saying:
"An ounce of principle is worth a ton
ot emotion. If a proper sense of right
and wrong shall onco more prevail, and
a spirit of justice onco more rcirulato
tho acts of legislators and officers, the
result will boi worth more than any
amount of mere entitnontulily. The
('resident begun hi administration
with an act of long neglected Justice;
ho took the ooarso, rough, ruthless
paw of the Army away from tho
throats ol our Southern people, and for
that we applaud him. Ue thero struck
a chord which has pounded no uncer
tain note. This is an example fur the
thoughtful consideration of politicians ;
it remains to bo seen whether they are
wise enough to approvo and bold
enough to imilato it "
Fui'D to Three. Our Sluto Supreme
Court recently affirmed tho huge bond
od debt saddled on (hp taxpayers of
Williamsport, by somo enterprising
gentlemen, who improvod thai city
ninety ecntt on the dollar, for their own
benefit, and (q tho vuluo of ten ccntt on
llio dollur for the taxpayers. The debt
of that city Isahugooneand rents liko
a mortgngo on tho property owners.
There are shoal 8,200 voter in the
city, and the dubt on each voter i 1,
600. Tho Supreme Court split on the
question, four of tho Judges Paxon,
Mercur, Sharswood and Gordon affirm
ing the loyality of the bonds whilo tho
Chief Justico, Agnow, Sterrett and
Woodward, dissented. Tho voto is
therefore as evenly balanced as wa
thai of (ltd Hayes Returning Board.
The taxpayers nro very rcstivo and
it look as if the ease was not ovrr yet.
The Martyr. Tbo late seem to
bo steadily, though perhaps slowly,
hunting down the men who took an
active part in tho counting in of Hayes.
Of tho majority of eight in the Electo
ral Commission, Morton lies parulynod,
with little hope of again handling tho
senatorial whip over tho backs of his
fellow partisans, and tiattiebl is as
badly off, politically, as if ho too was
stricken witb a liko crippling disenso.
Zuch Chandler has sunk so utterly
that hi most resounding oath would
tail to reach tho car of mortals on tho
surface of the earth. Patterson is ar
rested on the charge of bribery. Wells
and Anderson aro shortly to bo tried
for forgery. Sawyer goes to prison.
It 1 not strango thai President Hayes
feels lonely and finds himself obliged
to look outside bis party for support.
A Boi.n Assault. Tho editor of
tbo New York Timet, heretofore tho
leading "government" orgtn In that
city, bull dote and Intimidates "tho
government" in this rude way: "Much
the larger part of this indifference
among tbo Republican must bo attri
buted to tke President's Southern pol
icy. Of all the influences which havo
contributed to the defeat, this ia the
most potent." What a night mare that
"Southern policy" i to men who con
ducted election by tho bayonet and
voted tho negroes In drove. Tho
bloody shirt dealer and political
tramp generally, know but little if
they supposed that tho high handed
outrages, which they havo been per
potrating on tho peoplo for sixteen
years, would bo tolerated any longer.
Mr. Timet, your days are numbered.
Starlet Covered up. II thoro are
any government clerks that can bo
spared they should bo posted oft to
Ohio to aid in rescuing Sonator Stan
ley Matthews from tho depth of
twenty-five tbonsand majority which
ha fallen upon him. Ho may not bo
ablo to dig himself out in timo to bo
sworn in nl tho opening ol the extra
Reunion. ,
A Bi'sines DotmE. Passmore, tho
Radical candidate for Auditor General,
is having pictorial liknesscs of bimsell
circulated by tho Radical Slate Com
mittoo, lotting forth the rale of tho
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
Thai Is business.
Cohino Oitt. Mr. T. Morris Ches
ter, colored, whoso appointment Is
urged a Minister lo Liboria, In place
of Milton Turnor, before he took up
the profession of politic in Now Or
leans, followod the trade of a barber at
"Wby not try Punishment," was a
very readable article on our first pago
last week, taken from the New York
Ohio RAoa Wo don't " go Wost,"
but we will slido In on a Bishop.
Seven months have now elapsed
incu the Russians Invaded Turkey.
The contemplated invasion was started
on a grand scale. Constantinople was
to be bombarded simultaneously from
both aides of tho Bosphortis, und tho
Tt-rknii Capitol was to bo made the
1 -.. 't -i ,.i-r,.-V. .l,,,V...
lit, winter ol .ji ti. Jo lion cnu ui.
invading army was put In motion in
Asia, via. Kant, and was to ntovo west
ward to Constantinople, while another
army wus put in motion in Europe,
and wm to march eastward by passing
through Roumitnia, cross tho river
Dunubc, scalo tbo Bulkan mountains
und bombard tho Turkish Capitol from
tho West,
Thus far tho Russian campaign is a
total luilure, except in the loss of men
and money. The Ktislem army Is still
between Kara und -Mt Ararat, unable
to uiuko uny progress West. Frequent
attempts havo been mado to capture
Kars, but the Kussiuus havo unit defeat
and heavy losses every lime. The
Rtissiuu army of tho West moved bold
ly toward Constantinople, for a while,
passing through Routnunia, pontooned
and crossed tho great river Dunubc,
dined and wined with the Bulgarians
for a week, and then scaled the mighty
Bulkan mountains, and lauded in tho
valley ol Jiumili on tho highway to
tbo Turkish harem. Tho Russian
commander bad viewed tho Hellespont,
tho Bosphorits anil the spires of Con
stuntinople, from tho peaks of the
Bulkims. But just about this tiiuo,
when all ho coveted was in sight, tho
Turks begun to annoy the tail end of
bis army away back on the Danube.
A countermarch across the Balkans,
and the batlle ol Plevna, and a contin
uous victory for tho Turks np to the
present time on both continents, is
what crowns the Turks, Tho campuign
of tho invader is the weakest effort for
a huge beginning that is to bo found
in history, and for tho yenr 1877 can
not bo improved.
A correspondent of the New Yolk
Herald, whilo recently traveling on a
ruilroad in .Scotland, had a conversa
tion with General Grant, who was a
passenger on the same train, in refer
ence to Charles Sumner, John Luthrop
Motley, both of whom aro dead, and
Carl Schurx, tho present Secrctury of
the Interior. An old and chuiilahlo
maxim admonishes us to say nothing
of the dead except it he in their praiso,
but as Grunt is known to bo a good
hater ho entertains quite a different
view of tho matter. Ho said to this
correspondent that Summer was ad
dicted lo tho vico of habitual lying
that Motley, w hen ho was Minister to
Knglnnd, was guilty of official infideli
ty to his own government respecting
the Alabama claims, and, that Schurz
wus a humbug. To assail the reputa
tions of two men who aro in their
graves and poworloss to defend them
selves, did not display much courago
on tbo pnrt of Grant. Whatever clso
may be said of Schura, ho showed
Grant on ono occasion at least, In co
operation with Mr. Stunner in thoSon
ato, that bo was anything elso than a
humbug. Wo refer to the timo when
tbo Snn Domingo project of Grunt,
Bubcock & Co. was before that body,
and Grant will never forget or forgive
Sumner and Schurx for their terrible
exposure ol that corrupt measure. J.W,
Forney, who know Sumner hotter than
Grant did, has enmo to tho rescuo of
the dead Senator's reputation Irom the
aspersion cast upon it by tbo lattor,
and deelnrea in his Press that "thoro
nover lived a more truthful man than
Charles Sumner, and that ho nover
violated a promiso or uttered a false
hood." Between these two conflicting
statements tho country will readily
draw tho proper conclusion.
The result of tho Ohio election works
upon the gall of the loyal leaders, as
witness tho following outbreaks:
Washington, October 12. Ex-Secretary
Delano and Judge J. W. Wright,
of this city, created a momentary ex
citement hero to day by a personal en
counter on Fifteenth street, in the
course ot which Wright struck Delano
twice with his cane. Tho second blow
alighted on Delano's bead, cutting
quite a gash and partially stunning
him. Wright is reported to havo pre
faced his attack with tho remark :
"You d d old fulsifier, you wouldn't
bo helicvod under oath. Everybody
know It, and you know it. You
cheated mo out of $30,000." The
troublo grow out of an old transaction
in relation to tho Cherokee land claim.
Wright not only chargo Delano witb
having cheated him out of money, but
accuse him of having causod his
(Wright's) indictment in Su Louis
several year ago in connection with
hi action a Indian Agent, Wright
ia a much older and weakor man than
Toledo, Ohio, Octobor 12. As Mr.
Alcxandor Reed, managing proprietor
of tho Toledo Rlade and Commercial
and Postmaster of this city, was con
versing with friends on the street, Mr.
Dowling, ox-Postmaster, approached
and mado an offensive remark, to
which Reed replied that ho was not
addressing Dowling, whereupon the
lattor kickod Reed, who motioned as
though lo draw a weapon and then
walked towards tho Pnstofllce. Dow
ling followed and seized him by tho
beard and struck him several blows in
tho face, when friends separated them.
Tho affair grow out of a bitter feeling
engendered by the ibango in Post
masters, and created considerable ex
citement. A WoNDERfUL Oversight. It is
now claimed by somo of tho O'jio Rad
icals thai the Slate wa lost becauso
theirsieakersbad discarded tho bloody
shirt. That garment was thrown out
of tbo canvass, which bad been so
profitably uliliaed in many fortnor
campaigns, What remarkahlo over
sight! Moro: Thero wcro no KuKlux
brought into requisition, nor a single
negro killod South of the Potomac
during tho Buckeye canvas,
Hi Believe. Murat Ilalstead, of,
the Cincinnati Commercial, waa a littlo
skeptical before the Ohio election, but
now he believes there la a God in Is
rael. Ho thinks that aomething more
than human effort directed the Ohio
campaign. It struck so Inlet nai bard,
and all over.
Thutia tho way tho Pittsburg Com
mercial Oaiette iiuts the result of
the recent election In I bat Slain. This
journal i the lending organ in
Wesiurn IVnnsylvuniu and spu'sks
with uuthority. The nrliulo found
below we clip from it columns, only
11.- .sui.i-a ut Ju.i
up and tells tho truth in this simple
straight forward manner:
"Had Ohio gono Democratio by a
small majority, it would have been
said, "it is the off year, und the lie
publican voto is nover lurgo at such
limes." But when tho Stulo is lost
by over 20,000 majority, this will uol
account for it. There are other and
deeper reasons. It now seems evident that
even had the labor and prohibition vote
turn cast for the Republicans it would not
havcsavnl us. Il was the apathetic
clement that lost us tho State. THE
DKLIUl'.KA i K KM' uSAlj, in many
I....,........ ..f P......1.1: - 'I't ',t'Cl
and carelessness of others, cost us Ohio
why woro Republicans apathetic and
Qisiruaiou, wnne uemocrui wore unit.
ed und jubilant T was the President's
Slate ; the Convention had endorsed him
strongly enough to disuffuct many sin
cere Kepuiiiicuns; no una his assoot
tes fell tho importance of the issue,
and wore anxious to suvo the Slate
Yet tho result of all wa tbo complete
triumpn 01 trio jiemocruts, auu th
lossofa Republican United States Sen
ator. Why? Wo think tho answer is
not far away. Thore aro, in the lie-
publican party, thoso who aro Repub
licans from principle, and who believe
in what it has taught these many
years. Tho name ia nothing, its
principles overytninrr. Despite the ef
forts of the President's friends to make it
appear otherwise, those people consti
tute tho voting strength of the Renub
Mean party. They hurt: no admiration
lor 1'omoeraey, oven though 11 be tap
tiled with the name of Republicanism
This class believe that President Hayes
aeunrrainy gave away every essential prtn
ciiile of the Republican purtu, in fulfill.
ment of pledges made for him, pending
the derision of the Electoral vote, and that
he has bound and hampered the practical
workings of the Republican party, by
means of his so called Civil Service or
ders. Whether such views do him justice
or injustice, there is no nerd of shutting
our ryes to rnejarr mat they are entertain
ed. Thus the Ohio Republicans felt they
had nothing to struggle for, and thy de
liberately gave up ilte Slate, as the natur
al first fruit of Hayes' policy. This is
one interpretation of Tuesday's defeat.
"More in detail. Despite all the at
lompts to gloss over the Southern pol
icy, the fact remains that the influence
ot his administration (javo Louisiana
to the Democrat, if not South Cuiolt
na as woll. No man who looks at the
facts, calmly and dispassionately, but knows
that cyiulh varoiina and Jjiuisiana are
honestly Republican. The strength de
veloped by tho Democrats in these
Slates was so undeniably the fruit of
fraud, intimidation and murder, besides
other violations of tho right of fran
chise, that the Republicans wore enti
tled to every benefit in case of doubl.
No man can honestly deny that Chamber
lain and Packard were honestly elected, if
any one was. Il is known that Grant
was requested to bold those States in
abeyance till the new Administration
camoin. IT IS UNDENIABLE that
lite moral powor of the Administration
put Nieholls in office, while Hampton
was openly mado by it Governor of
South Carolina. It is usolesa to gloss
over these facts by talk of the Coin
mission. It waa sent to unsettle what
had been legally accomplished in Lou
isiana, and il mado Nieholls Governor.
If the fruits of Kepuhlican heroism and
enduranco were to bo thus given away,
what enconrngemont for them tu work
elaewherof if the war wa a dream,
and rebels were persecuted taints,
what uso in behoving in human free
dom or equal right r So thought the
Republican of Ohio, and so they ab
stained from voting. The endorse
ment of the peoplo would hav boon
of far more consequenco than that of
a convention, and thi has bcou re
insert in Ohio.
"The Civil Servico order might be
copy-rlgbied a "Methods for giving
power to tbo Democratio party " Ji
tboy have any other practical tenden
cy we havo failed to soo it. In Ohio,
up to a week or so before election, only one
officeholder within the State had sent
money to the State Committee, and he but
fifty dollars, and nothing of practical value
was oeing atne, Tlioso who nnluraPy
would look alter political mailers, and
who aro expected to do il, were order
ed lo keep clear of political managa-J
menl il' IS .NOl' HUM A.N NA
TUltK for those who havo none of the
emoluments of office, and who after
having labored and given unstintedly
for Hayes' election, HAVE BEEN
SNUBBED and mistreated, and who
see recreant Republicans who were
leaders of bolts in 1872, in high places
of emolument and power, to toil on,
merely to sustain thoso who give prin
ciple and purly away al every conven
ient opportunity The Republican
purly will fully sustain the enforce
menl of tho idea that honest men shall
be apKinlcd, and bo required to lion
felly and fulthfully fill their offices.
i"uf to make Civil Service Reform chiefly
aimrtl at depriving the Republican party
of its active workers, looks so palpably
like attempting to bind it, and leave it help
before the Ih-mocrats, and is such a
palpable infraction of personal political
rights, that the Rejiublican party will nev
er sustain it. Of course, the Democrats
will praiso it till it doos it work
in giving them political powor, whon
they will kick it aside. Thcso two
influences loai qs Ohio, but must l ot
lose us Pennsylvania.'
We occupy a different relation to the
Administration than doe any other
like Now York, gone for Tildcn, she
might havo been represented in the
Cabinet; or, liko tho South, had she
maliciously rourht him by intimtda.
lion and murder, she oould bo petted
and lavishly honored. Hut jthe nmwii.
nated and elected him, honco Ohloan
nro brought into tbo Slate to tako
Federal office within this Common.
wealth. The first Republican State
in mo union nu no loaning; ambnaaa
dor abroad, and the only diplomatio
honor proposed for thi Slate i dsn-
1; led Deloro the eye or the only man
who cannot accept it, In order to bo
conferred on another. But it ouirht
to be tho prido of Pennsylvania to
show that when Ohio lit down the
can aland op. Sho ha noither patron
ago nor preformcnt from Washington,
but she hss unstained bonor, and un
flinching Kopnbltcanism. She was
strong enough, a year ago, to taks care
of herself and send money and speakers to
help earry Ohio, she la strong enough
now lo elect the Republican ticket
Let us put aside nil lothargy , all divi
sions, if thore be any, and oln hand
and force for victory, Wehaveatickot
and platform that can win. We are
worsting to justify our Independonre,
and to mould event in the future. No
Republican ibould be backward or
ninth In duty. Jot th line be form
ed, the batllo waged, and th victory
O, Stop I The Bellefonte Watchman
want lo hitch another name on Pas.
more, the Radical candidate for Auditor
Generally railing him Sorgoant Bate,
in honor of th one famou flag bear
ing tramp. Passmore ha already
letter enough linked to hi nam for
saloty. So let him alone.
It A I'll A EL.
The Waterloo defeat of tho Admin
istration in Haves own Stulo, baa fill,
ed the White llousu and somo oilier
establishment with mourning liucb
aels. But weeping will not restore the
dead, or confer honor on a burren scep
tre. A a mark of retribution none
wsa over moro postttvo.
Mr. Haves
whoso hope of a re-election to tbo
Sonata war tanijuino, has been pun
ished for hi notorious defence of the
Louisiana frauds, which ho, almost
alone, taw fit to placo upon tho record
of Senaloriiil debutu. lie can for the
remainder or In term continue to
bundle the key of tho Treasury, but
that will bo a naked honor, for neither
he or hi chief ha tho power to secure
the adoption of a tinglo recommenda
tion. Stanley Matthews, tho chief ol
tbo Presidential board of trade, and in
whoso active agency more than that
of any othor, Irauds wero nindo suc
cessful and inlamoi'a crimes lo appear
respectable, instead of reaping the
promised and expected reward of the
Sonatorship, has boon sunt to the rear,
and none woro moro roudy than Ohio
Republican to pronounco him the
prinoo of humbugs. Next is Gurfield,
one of the illustrious oight who, to do
feat tho people of their choice, voted
every time lo cover up fraud and en
ablo the forgery and perjury ol Re
turning Buurda to triumph. Ho, too,
has got his reward. A a member of
the Kloctoral Commission, ho could see
nobody but Ohio' favorite son ; und
now, after laboring night and duy to
secure a popular verdict from his neigh
Dora in Deiiall ol both, is compelled to
run 10 wim uisgusi alio commune in
solitude ovor tho fruit of blind parti
sanship and the folly of attempting to
ucucivu nu intelligent people.
Aa to tho effect of the Ohio election
on the Republican parly al large, that
will bo retributive also. It will give
intensity to the hostility ol two wings
madly contealinif for mastery over
each other for tho organisation, and
cnniiot but result in its destruction.
While there will be grief and mourn
ittir at the White House there will be
jtibilunco and delight at Anirusin and
tttca, und the Alain and New lork
Senulors will tako fresh encourage
ment lo persevere in robbing tho Ad
ministration of whatever of merit il
has shown a disposition to achieve.
Hut while such are somo of tho lessons
of retribution taught by tho Ohio dec
lion, tho country must continue to suf
lerfora while longer in consequence of
overturning the popular verdict of last
year. The people will see, however,
how dangerous it is lo yield consl'lo-
tional rights to threat of mad parti
sanship, even though backed by Fed
oral bayonets and led on by unscrupu
lous and revolutionary leaders. "Hot
ter endure tho ills wo havo than fly to
thoso wo know not of."
A Qlekr Parson Rev. F. F. Ed
monds, of Vienna, Oltio, as reported
in tho Cortland Gasrttt, expatiated on
the sin of Sabbath breaking in a manner
decidedly amusing. Ho accounted for
depression in the iron business and in
the checso business by the fuel that
rolling-mills and cheese factories em
ployed thoir hands on Sunday. Said
the ancukcr : "My impression is that,
unless a new order of things is insti
tutcd in choeso-mnking with referonce
to its sanctity of tho Sahhuth, there is
in reserve such a financial crash in the
choeso business as will compel the
groat Western Reservo lo feel thero is
a God of tho Sabbath." The railroad
strikes, also, he considered a result ol
Sabbath brcakingby the compnnics.
A Model Champion. Mr. Cvrus
II. Teed, of Moravia. Cavuira countv.
Now York, writes to tho New York
Sun to inform the publiu that for seven
day, beginning witb October 12, he
will remain, armed and equipped, in
mo arena ot tneological controversy
prepared to meet, controtort, and log
ically overwhelm all "opposers of '.he
Bible and Christianity, including the
"foremost scientist of tbe world."
"Let it no more be declared," says Mr.
Iced, "that the gauntlet thrown bv
antichrist find no ready hand to luke
it tip.
Schkll'i Platform. The letter of
Hon. William P. Schell, tbo Demo
cratic oandidala for Auditor General,
i published slsowher in our pspor to
day. Among other things Mr. Scholl
sayt : "My rule has been to legislate so
at to prevent wrong, and secure that which
was right to all classes. 1 his one sen
tence is a sound and sufficient plat
form in itself ono on which working
men and all oilier men can salely and
securely stand.
Not Much." Tho Philadelphia
rimes says : "Reform within the parly
works so well that Boss Twotd's old
partner, William B. Woodin, has been
renominated to the New York Stato
Senate by the Republicans of tho Au
burn district. Tho Democrats ought
to nominate Tweed nuw and any no
moro about it. This would bo recon
KsTr.itrrtiBiNn. Tho Bedlord (la-
zette's devil has ordered a load of pitch
pino for the pnrposo of making torches,
so to bo ready to tail in the Schell
procession on election night. Thero
ia nothing like being on lime. That
devil ha been listening to tho crow of
thoso Buckeye roosters tho past woek.
Perhaps Sa Tho Cincinnati Com
mereiQl is of Iho opinion that tho Pres
ident wasn't sufficiently indorsed in
the Republican platform of that Stato.
Thero seems to be a lack of something
of that kind in the return from the
Western Reserve also. But, then, this
i "tho off year," you know.
A Good Soavinoir. Tweod'i rev
elation! kill off from thrco to five
first-class (formerly so called) states-
men ovory day. - Aa a political scaven
ger, he answers a good purpose.
nxACTLT. "t told you ao I , re
marked II aye, the day aRcr tho Ohio
olectlon j "It was Blainoand Conkling
who did It."
STunr Tbim. Our first pago last
week contained a compilation of the
game law ot lb it Stato. File the
; Ohio tees California, and goes one
better for Democracy and a united
Brig amtlstmenti.
Dtvoni K woticp.
Ia Iks Cert of Cammoa Pleaa of Clear
Sold Manly, Pa. Daniel More, llhellanl, vs.
Mien Mean. Na. Sept. T., IS77. Rahporna r
Tba BaderslgBeel Commissioner appelated by
tbe Court la take teetieaoay im the aboea ease,
will diseherge the duties of bia appeiatmeat at
bis najee, la ClearHeld, an Theradey, tba-l.l day
in nevweaeov, .1.. eioea a, us., vinea and
wbere all pertiee taevreried may atieail.
. . V. WILSON,
' ' ' . t Atleiaey al Law.
1 CIcartoM. Oct. It, IS77 II Cemssiseiimer.
AIlDltONH smi-iru
la tba Court ofCommoB Pleas af Clear--Id
eaaaty. PI. Pe. Nos. at and lit. June T
IS77. Urltlb 4 Wadge vs. I. H. McKineey.
Tht wnnerslgaet Aadltar, appointed I. dts.
tribute tbs proceeds aelslng frees the Rheriff's
sale af lierendaat's personal aronaHr. .nines
Iba parties entitled tberete. berahy givaa Boliea
that ba will allend to Iba dalles af bis appoint,
eat al his OBTiee Is ClearfleM, ob Th arvley, Ihe
iib mtf ee u.'toeaf, 1S77, when aa where all
parties iBicreated may attoBd.
Clearfield, Od. It, l7t l. Andlter.
-Aw flrntisfinftits.
DivtiiK 1: Kiirici:.
la Ilia Court of Common Pies, ofcu
Geld eoontv, He No. 4T3. H-i.t. T. 1171!"
er lllenroe. Alfr.1 ,. v..W,, j V"'
Tlic iaderl(,,ed ri.moii.nonrr, BiinoialelY
llie Court lo takr le.tlniuny la tke .Is,,, , '
allend lo the duty of ..lj a,,n,,lDt,0, 1
V' K. A W. U.rrett"l. tie.,," !
Hiur.d.y. Nov. I, l7T,at It o'clock a a lY
atd l.era all jarliee Im-re.i.J m.T su.,,j
' . .. . FRANK A. Flemish'
Jl Is heretiv alven thai fitur. ..1
lass on tne estate of fKANCIH t IHIisiit ,"
'" S'"" .-u.u'i, count, o.
dcod, k.vliiK keen duly (ranted to tb. ,,'
-ane.1, ell mrsons indel.ttsl ta .a.rf '...-..
please mske tttimedlsle p'lraeot, ami ih'.N h..
in etalai. or demands srlll preeool Ibrn urb .
BUtlienlifleted f, uiUm,.i .tk.... j.i r ' J
I. M. I'llt'liHiKT
H. N. nil iikiiV
JfreBclivllle, Pa, Sept. 12, '77 tit" A.liure
rWiloe is berel.y given that Utter, of Al
mini, trillion on the estate of Jos. I'll-Tlg
TltH' AIT, late ol lir.dy tnwti.bin. Cl.,rftl. c
I'nno'a. riml'il. ha. in k.n . .
' w.. pr.ui.n ,
tbe andrrrlirtied, all persona icLM.l to ; ,
estate will please make immediate p.tmf-Bt an 4
thoaa bavins; claims or d.laand. anil f,'
- l""f"V ........I...,, ,..r .eoi,iD,n, ,lb
outdcliy. IIKOKlIK 0. KlitK
Lutber.bur. Pa, Sept. Ill, '77 t. Ada',.
lkllin.l.M.. b- n.. a.
. .,,.,,, . ., ,,-01, r-ietmn
1 I'lllTOH H amTlf'K
J In Ihe f.'net of Con,n,aa Pi...
doki enuaty, la. 7o. T.. 1577. L. ii
Coudriet VS. l.alchaf al al
The undersigned Auditor, apr,int,4 ,y the
Court, to distribute tbe proceed, ari.iog from a
Sheriff's sale, ill attend to hi. du'ies s. .urh at
hi. ffiee lo Clearfield, on Wednrrda., Oct 3tt
IS7". at 9 o'clock a. m , hen and where ell pur'
lies Interested mey attend. 8. V. W11.-O.N',
Atlorney at Lew,
CleerSeld, Ocl. 10, IS77-.1I. Auditor.
Al'IIITOIt'M N'OTIt'l-:.
In tbe Orphans' Curt nfclsirlle d Co , P,
tu re cute of Joeh Hid-r.
Tbe iind.-rsigne.r Au'iitor, sppointt-d hy ibe
Court, lo distribute tbe balance shown l,y the
filial aeiounl of Wm Kidir. Admlni.trstor of the
elate ot Joeh Hi 1-rr, do i d. Will attend to hie
duile a. ,ui b et bie i.ffce in Cleaiflrld, on Tuer
dev, Oct. 30, IM77. at 2 o'clock p. m., wbi-B end
wbire all patties interdict nisy sitend.
rl. V. W1L.-ON,
Attorary at Lew.
C'cBtlJ, Oct. 10, IS77 Ik Auditor.
CAUTION, -Al! pereoneara hereby confirmed
egainst purchasing or ia anv wav mcldlinr
with the following property Bow in Ihe p'.scs.ion
I 4. n. nilrnen ol Chest town.lnti. tu : Oca
timber sled, interest in a .per tied. intsrst
la a torching machine, l-A intere.t in a slump
mscnii.e, 4 acre. lLckvhraf, l eere potaioe', lo
doten, b tons hay, I brown mtre, 1 s-t tur-
nees, 1 harrow, 4 bog., 1 cook slovi, I krd sn j
bedding, end I sleijrb. as the eatnewss pmcha'cl
iiy me i n the 21st day of Heptcmlier Je.i. end ia
lelt ia bis Mis,rssion on lonn nolv, .iilijTt to my
order at any lime J. H. M.-MI KRAV.
New Hnsbington, Oct. 10, 177-31.
poll SALE -
Tb onji ruiiftjfr-l will m'I at privaiv nl a
that tract or Dtirrcl of itxni itna! Id IecaUr
towoibip, Clf-rtiv-liJ e Hint j, within a abort
d i Maura or the fvmn m (leurtcll K. R., an J, riff la "-i of It i tart Hmii'in ftml olorrf,
tod know tu iba Jat,b It. Urarban lot. The
atd tract Rorjfaib.Dg ftO tycTv tore or !?, with
two veiui ot valuntilc en) Ibert-on, bui about 30
tcrea e It area, and 11 the hey to a Ur b"df rf
outl spoilt bring developed. Will be told uw and
upon May term, fur particular!, tpi'ly to
1A 1U b. MltUS.
Clr.rf.a-Jd, I'.., Julj 12, IbTfl.
Wrought t-Iron Air-Tight
wrrnsHAKinn ankcmnkkr orindins
Descriptive LlreutarB neat Tree ta any address.
April IS, '77-ly.
The Boll's Run Woolen Factory
Pent, town t hip, Clearfield Co., F.
rr not
Tbe wbaorlbera hftv-s, at great xtrnae, rebuilt ft
neighborhood oeeesaity, in the erection of a flrat
olaa Woolen M tnafMlory, with all the modern
(in pro rem en la attached, and are prepared to tnakv
all kind of Clotha, CaMiutert. Hatinetta, Ulan
kt. Flannel, Ao. Plenty of rooda on band to
opplj all nor old and a tbuaand new cuatotneri,
whom we tik to cum nod eiaioln our ttixk.
Th baaioMi of
will racelra oar ei .octal attention. Trnper
arrangemfrnta will be made to receive and deliver
Wool, to euit euatomera. All work warranted and
done upon the ahortrat notice, and by atriet atten
tion to buMneaa wa nope to reel lie a liberal harw
I put he palm nit go.
Wt will pj the hie heat market price fur n'o
and tell our nanufacturrd good aa low w timilar
goorltctan bebonght in the county, and whenever
we fail to render raonatl aatiafaotion we ean
alwatt bo fownd at home ready to make proper
explanation, either In peraen or h letter.
aprtllntr Rower P. O.
4. I. UK an.
a. J. ntoKRTT.
8ucoaMora to
Second Ail., VltarlUtd, Vtt.
The an,teritne wnwl lennnaneetn the eltlame J
ol Crearlelil anil vleiaity, tbal lliey here e- (
abased tbe llnrdwara S litre ef J. 11., anil f
will aonstantly keep on ban a lull a.soi latent nf f
Hardware In all its hraacbes, surh as i
Dench fltnpa, Hand Rawi.Oreat American CrM
ent 8ewa, D. B and Peeling A tea, llateheti,
Planet and Plana Irona, all kind of
Mali. HnfM hboeaaad H'Whoa
.Silli, Pieha, Hum, Hakev.Ha
Furba, 8hiTla and Hpa lea,
tlmin Cradiea,
fuliivainra, Dabl
and NiagieHhorel Plowa,
CaHlt-nl Teeth, ItcTele ai
Tr hq ii tree, fhel Bladee, Mill
Paw and Tar K lea, Ch.eeU, BMta.
Aogere, Adtm, H.ira ltuwr Manger, Hntt,
II kiadt of Local, Hcrewt.Ha.b Cord and Pullejtj
Foot and Chain Unite, Carriage, Tiro and Itirr-
Holta, fed Cord, Had Ireaa, Korea Braekee
Cuirr loa-i-a, Urind atone flitarea. Hum, iie
aad 8oan atone Parking, Cable Cheiaa, eta,
Tbe? will alt heeo oa land a full aamTtmei
of Ttnw.fre,and a general at-wk af ftonee Pttrai'
Ing Hede, which they will aell at pvtfwa I' aat
tnelimea. '
Pereont with lag anything ia their Una ire it1
fited lo aall and eternise their Mock beff
parr beat nr. HKKD A HAtJKKTV
Clearfield, May 1, 1TT It.
J meolary vn the estate of JAMK I'lilLIl'S,
mw , m-a.ur luwo.oip., iiesrnela eoeniy
1'a.dra'd, ha in keen (ranted lo tht indersienol!
all persons knowing themselves lads ted lo sai l
esteto ars required 10 make immediate payment
and lh. se havinj claims against lbs .eioo ili
present tbein properly authenlieeted for settle-u.-iil