Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 10, 1877, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
TTi.iid &P.r tfaeeiu ratloa of I. ... '
rM.un U. P by? NO ILL A Co., Ntll-
8ViV Wt-sln Agent. JT Park Row, eereer
..kimo Mrert. are oor yfrid AjmU
in Nw York City.
Mrthudlat F.nlocopal barcb Rot. J, 8.
M MttanAT, Pa-tor. Kervieei every Babbatb
it H A M., and 7 r. H.
Saltath Hflbool at 9 A. H.
Pravor MoetioK every Thursday, at TJ P. M
Co mil unioa Hervlee. first Sabbath of a? try
nontb, at li A. U.
West t'learlleld M. E. ri.urrb.--Rr.Ts
William 11. Dill and W. 8. Wiibuji. Pastors.
H reaching every alternate Pun it ay, at I o'clock!
. M. ttuaday School it 2$, P. M All are In-
viicd to attend.
Preb)ter)an CliurchKov. H. 6. Butlrb.
8ftltitb services morning and areaing Bab-
bath Kohoui at 9 r. rrajer Moating Wednes
day ereoing.
St. fraucU ( liurrh Catholic Re. P.
J. KuxHiliAR.Preacbincat 104 o'clock, A. M.
the first, third and loarib Sandaysof aaoh aiontk;
Vespers and Henedieiion oflbe blessed Baeraasont
at 7 o'clock, P. M. hundnj Be hoot ovary Sunday
oiicrnooa at a o cioea.
Tin a or ioldibq qoabtri ibmioju ooukt.
Feoond Monday of January.
Tbird Monday of March.
Pint Monday of Juno.
Fourth Monday of September.
timi or voLDiae coaaoa riBAi.
pta atuutiar or Juno.
Hocond Monday of November.
public orricaaa.
Pr,i lil tidy Hon. Cbarlei A. Mayor, of
Look Haven.
Anhtant Low JuJgtUon. John H. Orris, of
Aitoeiatt JuigiAhrm Of den. Clearfield j
Viooont is. Holt. L learfleld.
Protkonotary Bli Bloom.
liegiutr ana RtcorHtr I,, J. Morgan.
lUttriel Attomty Win. M. McCallosgh.
7"rowrr David Mctiaughoy.
Sktriff Andrei I'euti, Jr.
Cooafy Surrey or Bam act F. McCloikcy, Car
Conntv (7omittonr CUrk Brown, Clear-
flcldi Th-.maJ A. McUea, Cheit P. 0.; llurii
Hoover, Clearfield.
County Auditor t Christ. J. Kcagy, tilan
Hoo ; batuuel A. Caldwell, WilliamigroTa J John
C. Conner, Uurmide.
Counim Corontr J. B. Keff, Now Waihington.
Jury Vomminiontrt-br. Jamaa P Hureb field,
CleorHcd, Joveph Alexander, Woodward.
8upirihtdnt of Pmbiie SthooUJohn A.
tiregury, Curweniville.
A'otaria Public John W. Wrigley, Woo. K
debanph, Cyrui Gordon, Clearfield; Joaepb R.
Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curweniville ; J. J. Lingle,
Oicoola Mill! ; J. A. Livingatona, IiuBoit City.
Oar Spmiat column la decidedly Interesting in
a local point of view, aad profitable reading to
outiidera wbo waat to lava money.
New Culicoos at Flock & Cu.'s.
Tbe County National itunk publittbea
111 report id Ibil inue.
mm mm i
New (ioodn arriving dnily at Fleck
ft Co.'i, lO tf.
Now ih tbo timo to outlier niotis,
fern i, etc., lor wintar bnquet and dt-oorationi
wm o mm
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
jutt ifcciveJ at Fltck A Co.'. 10-if.
Tbe rain tbul lull during the pHnl
week rafiL-d tie water in tbe river but very little
at tbia place.
mm) mmm
Iter. Wn. It. DDI will preach at
Uailey'i ichool huuie next flunJay, October Utb,
at 8 o'clock p. m.
Another Iuil'o stock of tlanketa,
fhawlf, and ladici coatit alio a bandione lot af
trimmrd hata received at Win. Rced'i.
Nugent, Yun Dunen and Moore are
the oaiiH-i tbat our Radical frieadi ia tbU county
bare ornanenUd (heir oounty ticket with.
The Turks hare hud another victory,
bat John A. Block itHI at III tobacco and clgari
at heap n ever at bit atore on Second itreet.
Salt ! Lytlo han jutt received an
other lot of fine Bait, largeat Iliad twilled tack a,
ao the artiole can be bad at two dollar! agaia.
The report oi the First Nat. Bank
of Clearfeld, exbibttiog tba aoaditioa of tbat 1b-
ttitutioo at tha cloaa of builaeai oa tba lit af
October, ia published 1b tbia iaaua.
''Monkey Jim" Taylor and Gideon
Wolf, two Clearfield county prteOBen, vera lafely
lodged in tbt Writers. Panitantlary,at Allegheny
City, oo Tuetday af lait work, each for a term of
eighteen months.
A building on LocuHtatreot, formerly
occupied by Adaa's flour aad feed atore, baa baea
rrmovid to tbe rear of the lot, where it will be
Sited up and occupied by Aoioa Kennard a
blacksmith iliop.
WilliuniHport han a Temperance pa
per called The Star of Uopt, published by Tata A
Hanks. It U a bright, newy paper, and tarn
cilly pkadi tba Teuiptrance cause. Terms, 1 a
year la advance.
Tbo editors of the Kidgway Demo
era! and Williainiport A'aa ara upbraiding aaob
other for orlbbing locals, Tbey ara both yoang
and old lanocents, and each eoaiidsrs tbe other
In tba wrong and will, of course, continue ia tba
old buiioeis.
Tbo Presbyterian Synod of Harris
burg, comprising tbe Presbyiaries af Carlisle,
Huntingdon, Northumberland and Wollsboro',
with IStf ministers, will meet In tbo Pins Street
Pmshyttrian Cburoh, Ilarrisburg, do Thoridty,
October Ifltb, at T o'clock . u.
Mr. John DulioiK, proprietor ol tbe
large saw mills at DuBoia City, tbia aouaty, Col.
J. Hollade, of Wiliiamsport, and Rsv. L 11. Tof
rcoee, who with other geotltmea spent several
moniba la Europe tba past aamsaer, baea all
returned home.
Tbo Board ol Tardon, at their ses
sion at Ilarrisburg, on tbe 3d iftet., reoom mended
Kxt-cutivo clemeooy Id the ease of Edward
McCune, of tbis sounty, wbo was oua rioted oa
a charge of forgery at tba Junaterta of Court,
and acnttneed to imprisonment la tba Western
Penitentiary for a term of ana year. Me Dune la
In very bad health, and a 111 wot be apt, In any
tvta', to live any gnat length of lima.
mm mm
No Rooks for Two WiEKi.The
Leonard Lit. Aaiaoiaiioa Library will a anted for
two weeks from Friday next, to eaable tbe Libra
rlan to collect all Looks, and tba Auditors to take
ao inventory, audit accounts of tba Library and
prepare a itatrmrat, preparatory ta tha election
of a Librarian for the eniuiag year. AH persona
having books ara request d to return Ibeia, and
arrearages of dues and flaei should be paid oa
Friday evening, Oct. 11th, at which time the Lit
erary Eociaiy will revrganisa fur tba winter term,
A Veteran. lion. James L. (iillin,
formerly of Kidgway, Ibis Btato, but now residing
at Mt. Fkwant, Iowa, la oo a visit to bis aid
neifhl-ort. lie acrved as a member of Congress
from tbis district la Ui-7. Ha Is oow ia tb
8flih tear of his age, enJ walks aa nimble a a
ix'y-ycar old. Ha w a voluatrer la tbe War
of IM2, and was arresud during tba Aati Maaaa
excitement la IMA, and was triad lor tbe killiog
of Morgan. Many of our old aitisoos ara well
and jierronally acquainted with him.
mmmm mm
J 1 old on, YotiMU Man ! Thia world
wage very ojuetrly, es we ahail tlucldaia. Taa
days axe a youag maa stepped late ear oBea,
and said : " Ueerge, stop my p.per X am gulag
Writ, and I don't a now ahera I will land lha
feLool Dtreotoii ara only going ta pay U per
hunt, and I am not going la teaoh for that
mian( i 1 11 beg Ant I " aad off tba fallow want
where to, wa do aol koaw. lie was so qalok
and resuluiethat we auold oat get a word la avaa
edge wise. But for tha beaeflt af others wbo may
Ital hke kirn, wa will relate Joat exactly what wa
have beta aa aya-wltoesa ta. Wa bare lo oar
eje :oar goatlemen, wbo, thirty yearn ago, taught
nbool during Iba wiater for aad III par
m,Lik, and worhrd daring Iba summer lor Maad
1' etuis per day, Ooa ol tbem la oow a baahar,
ourib$TMuoi aaothar la a merehabt, worth a
similar amount, aad tba third end fourth ara
farmers, worth HO, el) neck, aad If they lira
fwtoty tears longer (hair real aetata will be worth
double that amuaot. Buck are tha ee avertable
eireumataLna af fuar aid aobool-matters. Wa
kauw Mvrtt af persons who bava reevlved $Sb
end HO, and more, ft moatb siaeo thai How,
but they bava oa mora to day tana tbey had of
Uo or iwtoly years agv.
Yoang man, It is oat what you ears ibalMkra
yoa rich aad rejected It W year raaaoaib oa
roBTonkT iodbal yoo iavb Ik at Ith jaa.aa
hooored oasna aad platOi JOw la fori able
elrcomitaocri la your alJ agf s)
When iu Clearfield, dont forgot to
all tad tea the foods ( Fleck A Co'i. t It
Lost ft bargain tbe Court men who
failed to go to Jofaa A. Stock's establish neat for
their tobeeca and elf ergs.
r- -
At the Republican office It tbe place
to gt yoar Job work doae. Wo ara full; prepared
to do anjthio ia tba printing Ilea, will dolt
wall, aad at tha right kind of prttM. U.
JIl. JPZ2!ll v J W! " v p r c J " 7
missieners la relation to inn les, with witch to
stock tba heads of tbo river. Chest and Clearfield
creeks, and other streams, let a squad of young
aeo repaii to tha neighborhood of Fulton's Dead
Water, or below it, and cateh a lot of two and
three yoaod but, forward lha tame to tha heads
of those streams, aad wa will sooa have plenty
of fish fbr all of us.
M. E. Centennial. Tbe ncmi-Centennial
anniveraary of Methodism la Laihersfaarg,
this eoanty, will be celebrated ia tba M. E Church
io that village, oo Saturday and Sunday next,
the 13th and Mtb et October. A vtllago aatLp
moetlog will ulao be held ai that place, com
mencing to-morrow ( Thursday), and will continue
one week. Ministers who have served tbe charge
lo past years, and elcrgysaennf adjoining eongra
gstioni, ara teapectfully Invited to be present and
partielpeie In the exercises. A aordial lovhatioo
It extendi a tha people iu general to a II end
and enjoy the exerclres of tba oooasloa.
Tbe Executive Cemmittee of N.C T. VbIob
hae made arrmagomanu to giv a free entertain
ent la the Court Heosa, Clear field, next Friday
evening, ao the occasion of tba regular moating
of the L'nioa. It will con si it of duets, quartettes,
trios, reading aad declamation by tbe boys and
girls of aar tewsu Tba Unioa has contracted
a debt which abeald ha paid at once, and it la
proposed to givaoareitiaensapleaslag entertain
ment, atd at tha aame time taka op a oolluatioo.
This is one thin with which the people attending
our meetings ave never bee afflicted, and tke)
ara now earnestly reqeeeto ta turn out aad give
as tbelr aid oo matter how small the amount.
8. I. Bavuan,
C. U. Ualfobd,
A. W. Ubabah,
Al. M. How,
Ka. Committee,
Call at Reed & Uagerty 'sand exam
ine tbelr English Imported breech-loading double
shot guns. Tbey bare just received a large stock
of WiBcbeiter rim and central Bra cartridges,
Ueary rifle cartridges, all alsea af combustible
envelop cartridges fur Cult's, Remiagtoo, aad
other army and navy and nil involving holster
piftols. They have a well setecled itoek of pis
tol cartridges of all kinds, from M lUOths ta 44
lOOths calibre. All kinds of ammunition In
abundance, such us shot, powder, eapf, land,
Ely's wads, Ely'a concentrators, Bturdevant's
brass shells, oantral lira aapi, Ac. Any goods,
such as guns and gua material, not kept la stock
will be ordered oa short But ice and at a small,
advance oo first oil. j
Erie Conference. Tbe Erie An
nual M. E. Conferanoo aloaad iu forty sacoad
sessioo at Fredonia, N. Y., last week, Biibnp R. 8.
Foster, D D L, prejidiog. Wa publish
frm the list of appoint meat tbate of iba Clarion
diitriel :
CLABIoH DISTacT B. 9. DKLO, r. 0
CUHon, M. Miller; Brookvllk, J. O'Neal;
Corsica, A. M. Lock wood ) Bbippenvllla, R. C.
Smith l Kdenburg, P. P. Pinaey Salem, 0. M.
Backef f Rockland, W. 8 Bbopard I President,
H, M. Felt ; Washington, B. R.Knapp; Claring
ton, T. A. Sbcckler Rlrbardsville, J.M. Qrovee;
Unckwa)villr, J. W. Martin; Little Toby, To be
supplied ; Lulhorsburg, D. 0. Plannett; Emerick
ville, 8. L. WilkiBsoa I Troy, J. M. Zielie ; Bcll
vlew, J. H. Lavrrty ; Puuxiulawney, C. Wilsoo ;
Perryu illr, 0. II. Sibley j New Reihlrhem, J. C.
McDonald J Putneyville, T. Uraham j Brady'a
Bend, J. B. Erpy ; Rimersbuig, R. I'eetej Curlls-
vllle, J. Oarnett Calleasbarg, B. M. Kernick.
E. Bull, Agent Pa. Bible Society aad member
of PerryrillB Quarterly Conference.
Clinton County Oil Well, Tbe
citisena of llyner'a Run, Cliatoo county, bava
made a contract to link a well ,! fact, for tba
purpose of test irg the oil products of tbat vicinity.
Tbe well Is down about 709 feet The following
is tbe record so far, showing tha depth la feat at
which tha different strata, was reached
fortify of Rock. Ftit.
Bbafl to bud -rock 60
Red sandstone B0
Uray sandttooa H
Red saodstona J2
Red ilitf -
Uray aaadstoaa.... tH......H H 10
Red saaaitoae- eu water strach..HW HIHt SI
Gray aaaditooo '. 4
Red saad.tooe 10
Uray aaaditoaa ., 16
Red aaadMoaa M V9
dray sanditone H 11
Red sandstone 115
Uray saadstone... I
Red aandstooa 76
Oar views ao tka oil question ara aa limited
that wa are aaable to ray whether tba above in.
dleatloas are favorable or ooi.
A Baby by Express.- "Persona wbo
are fond af tha practical theory af tbo advent of
babies which snahosibom angels, escaped through
tbe gate left ajar by a aom passionate saiat, will
be horrified,' says tha Ciaelaaatl Enfmiw,
hear of tba modern prosaic Broeasi af obtalaing
babies by express. Bet It is a fact. A lady in
tbis city desiring a bouse flower af this sort, and
having a fancy for the daogbters of the sunny
Booth, sent a description of the kind of a child
she wanted taafeuodling bospltel iaKew Orleans.
A day or two ago sha reeived a reply tbat a child
sailing her deeerip'ioa had beaa foaad among
Iba babies in tbe hospital, and tbat It was on Its
way to Ciacinoatl. Imagine bar ecosatiua yester
day owning whea lha meisenget af the Adams
Express rang tba ball, aad anaounced a package
for Mrs. , at the same time presenting a little
human fairy, a littls girl of tender years, with ao
cxpraix label tM oa oaa little arm. Tba pack
age was duly neelpted far dad was kindly wel
Hail in I We have received a num
ber of letters from friends up the river and Clear
field creek, aa wall as Andersua creek, taqulriag
bow to stack those st reams with black bail. There
re several ways of doing It, hut the most practi
cal way Is tbis t A number of genllemra from
tha apper end of Ball township came down, a few
dajs sleca, aad caught a number at oss io tba
river, below iba month of Cleat led creek, took
tkeaa op, aad distributed tbrsa lo tha river from
McOb.e s to Burnsida.. Now, let Other parties
residing at tba haaja of Clearfield, Cheat and
Anderson creeks proceed to Faltoa'i Dead We tar,
gobble op a lot of bass, taka tbem to Iho beads
of tbcia raipeetiva creeks, put them la, aad wa
will guarantee that ia a period of fia years these
streams will ha full of lib, If o too wtehadly
raided apoa before tbey bava time to saalllply.
Tba gentlemen wba were Instrameatal la stock
log lha river la the vlelolty of McG bee's, da lire
as to state that, as tba lew protects these flab for
a period of three years fraea tho Mao tha ro
plaaed It tho water, tbey will vtgoreuely proae
eute any peraoas they may kaew to toko black
bass from tba aforesaid poial la the river, prior
ta the 4th of October, IcoO. Base, after the
stream has beea stocked for three years, eoa be
legally taken from tha Jet day af July la ecwb
rear to tho 1st day of March fellow log. Ia three
years, U the flab ara not dlsiarbed ia the mean
time, tbe cltiseus along tbat portion of Iba river
will have eacilkul ha.s lahlag. Lot thee be
earefully protected.
4 i ( i I
la pursuance af tba call for a Coaaty Temper
ance Convention, tha delegates from tba gtflereat
Temperance argaaisatluas af tbe aauaty mac ia
tbo M. E. Cbonb, OUarftelcL Thursday after
eoa, Oct. 4th, aad alter half aa hoar bad baea
aoeat la devotional eaeraieee. conducted by Mr.
i alley, tho Cea veal tea prouaeded to organise a
permanent Coaaty lemperaaas faioo. ar. m
oioa Bird, of Pvafleld, was ehueen temporary
Chairmen, aad A. H Read, of Wcarflold, Beare
lary. A Cuaemlttcu on permanent orgaoiaalioo
was ibta atppaiaiad, aoosistiog af Messrs. Cyrus
Uordoa, U. tt. Thompioa aad X. McNaaL
While tha Commtttea was aut preparing Its re
port, rcmarke were made by Rev. Uaa. Loidy, of
Carweasvllle, aad Messrs. Bird, Row aad Dulley,
encouraging a permanent County Temparanee
Uatoo as ao import cut ag.ocy lo promoting tbe
causa. Oo motioa or Al. M. Row, oil persoos
present worn odmtttod as delrgatis and entitled
ia a vote.
Tha report of tbo Committee aa permanent
orgnnltatioo was tba read and adopted, which
was as lollows l
President J. f. Bard, af Carwansvllle.
Viae Prastdents Presideoieafoil Local Ualoas.
BearaUry At. M. Row, af Clearfield.
Traaaarar U. t. Wallace, of Clear eld.
Exeeativo Committee H. F. MeCloshey, ofCor
weosville, A. H, stead Sad Uearge W. Rheam, al
C tear fl fid.
Mr. B.rd, open aosomlag the dallae laaucabeot
apoa tho fresideok, made come very pevtiaeai
remarks oa tho wars, that was ta ha doaa by tbe
Oa motloo. a Cemmittee of three was appoiote d
an Conatitutioo nod By-Laws. Tha Com mil lee
eoosista of Cyroa Uerdoa, E. O'L. Re eh aad
W. C. Arnold.
Oamattos) af Oynas Oerdeo, Iho mem bars of
lha EieewltveCammittaa wereemeewerew ta eaeete
two MlditiiMial.mambers to assist Ihroj.
Oa motion mt Mr. uiro, iwa pre
Coav.atioa ware ecrtered to be priaud la Ahe
Th? Tx'aeo'tlva Commit lee was lasUtotod to
all another Ceaaiy Ceaveatiee dorlag the frit
week of lb Jaanary term at uean,
Coovoottoa then aajearaeo.
A. R. Rial, Saerelary.
BlankoU very low t Flock & Co.'i.
For & good .bawl, give Flock &, Co.
a all.
For ft bat or bonnet trimmed to or
dar go ta Flesh 0 'i.
Trimmed hnu and bonnols at Fleck
A Co.'a.
Dress guvda are cheap at Fleck & Co.'a.
The place to buy a good carpet is at
Fleoh A Co.'a.
Waterproof, tlx bust la town, al
Fink A Co V '
Coal Oil I Car load rocivod by
Lyile tbia mt. '
For good calicooD, ro to Kluck k Co.'i.
Vot a good bat or bonnet, civo
Flack t Co. oalL
, Good calieooi cheap at Fleck 4 Co.'a.
For muslina and ginghams, giv
Fink Co. Mil.
Tablo oilcloths tor salo at Fleck &
Co.'a ator,.
For good goods, and cheap, call at
..v. vo. a
Tho largest and most complete stock
of drjr ,oodi .Tar broojhl lo Iho low, of Clear
loM ia ao la a. acta al Flaok Co.'i.
Nice dross goods at r'leck & Co.'s
Flannels ! Flannels ! Don't fail to
give as a call, If you wish to buy cheap.
Uood dress goods at Fleck & Co.'s.
We have the largest and best stock
of dry-goods ia the ooaoty, and wa ara going to
sell tbem. Ft.aca A Co,
Beautiful dress goods at Flock A Co.'s.
Buy your Waterproofs at Fleck &
Co.'a. ; t-tf.
For Ladies' Coatings, Fleck & Co.'s
is tba place to get It. 10-If.
"mm e
A fine and full lino of ftiticy .Soaps
and Perfumer! ei at Fleck A Co.'s. 10. tf.
Fringes and Trimmings, all tho lat
est styles, at Flack A Cn.'c. . 18-tf.
' ' ' asao-aa
Ladiea' and Children's Homo, cheap,
at Fleck A Co.'s. 10-tf.
As our stock is large and prices tbe
lowest, wa an ditertnined to sell.
H-lf. T. A. Flic a A Co.
Ladies' Satchels, a new lot just re
ceived, at Flack A Co 'e. lo tf. .
mm a -mmm ...
New Uoods received duily at Fleck
A Co.'s, and old goads sold without regard tocoit.
Wanted 11,000 cords, of Jlomlock
and Rock Oak Bark, for which wa will pay tba
highest market price.
Jjlltf. A. O. Knanua A Co.
Advertise in the Clearfield Kkmib-
licau. The advertising rates arareaaoaable,and
tbe circulation la the largest of any paper in this
section of tha State. if.
Norics To Farmekh ! Need A Ung-
erty have just received a slock of Burrail's Corn
Shelters and Cob Separators. Tbey era warranted
to hell more corn and de lhair work better than
any band-tbeller in tbe market. ooilO 2t.
Lint of letters remaining unclaimed
la the Postoffica at Clearfield, for the week ending
October 8, 187T :
Aaron Covert, Bam Del Falsi,
Alice Dale, Win. T. Hallrma.
P. A. Oadlib,P. M.
- mm e sai -
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freights sent over tbe
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tha week ending Sept. 20, 1B77, and
tbe same time last year i
coal. Tons,
For the week H 7",4j4
Bama time last year I7.V42
laureate , , 9.512
Previously during year Uhi.sev
Baaw time last year - 8(1,768
Ineraaea ...MH ...,
Total In 18TT
Basse lima last yaar...HMH.... .
Increase.... 132,142
otbbb raxionTs.
Lumber a. 104 oars.
MUealUaeousfreighu.......... K3 44
The Barosma ia perfectly harmless
in its t facts, working n euro by gently stimulating
the liver to excrete from the blood all particles of
BAetter tbat git pobtlona to M,tba stomach, heart,
hldnat and other organs iot tbe body.: When
the liter Is torj id or inactive, the whole system
most suffer, undergoing a process of slow poison
tog ; the sumach is Ailed with carbonic acid gai,
Inflaming tba macunut membrane, or sunt lag af
the stomach. The Barosma neutralise! tbe acid,
taking it up and carrying It off without further
Injury to lha system. It is pleasant lo tbe ta-te.
Most people take It full strength Iron tbe bottle;
a few mi It with a little watsr, wbish tnty be
dona ir thought best.
Prepared by E. K. Thompson, TiluiviHe, Pa.
Price $1 00 per bottle. Sold In Cltastkid by C.
D. Watson, druggist.
John (1. Miles. Many of tho old
residents of tbis county will remember thlf prom
neat Huntingdon lawyer, wbo n number of years
aaoirmvcd to Perta, lMlaii, nadiedrtooatly
at tba last named place st tba advanced age of 8U
years. Tbe Huntingdon AfoatW, In alluding lo
bis dsmlse, says i "John Q. Miles, Eiq., who
for maay years was a pram I a cert member of tbe
Huntingdon bar, dleJ at Peora, Illl0ois,on Tliurs.
day, the 2Tih alt, and bis remaine were brought
to this place for interment on Babbatb last, lis-e-aaad
was well and favorably kaew throughout
this and adjoialog Bounties, he having breo a
reetsWat af tbis borough for flfty-four years. He
atlaioed considerable distinction la the practise
of his professloa, and be died rerpected and hon
ored by ail whs kBov hita. Hn lib a husy
and useful one, and bis professional sul and
sterling Integrity will long lira in the memory of
tbe manv friends wbo survive bim.
Oaaa Any peree. wl.hin, lo take a boy or
,lrl eblld to apurenliM or aaopl, win preaae eor
raapood with W.J. Kin,, V. O. Bol, 141, Penteld,
Cle.rSold eoooty, Pa. oet. 1-41.
r . " 1 ' t
Ifoxar roLoAlt'tly tbeMntoal Life Inioraner
Oo. ml New York, la nal Mt leaa Ibaa 13,000,
a Irat-f laew iatarored feroa nronerty. For fur-
tber tarurmanoo, at'p'y io . . . p.. 1 1 ii,
ael. , '17-Ib. . ' Clearfield, Pa.
let BoT-"Sh-.o4 tb. Hat."
14 Bol ')0ll dewa yet veal. .Id man. an'
aeil tine ,er ley a new loll of Olothaa, go lo
eoptlSt. . I ! j- I UoixaiiRo'a.
Wira-Well, I eaa't balp nf oa im't Ilk. II,
I 1.14 yea whea yo. broughl borne the good, that
Ieoelde't ejake aa :.. a tt aa you roulj bo;
ready-aad. al A. Uuloibarg a. apt2-4t.
Bor." Cl"10. I lke al. ng rnr Whole fam
ily af hoya, I aan II taeta all out aad mywll loo,
ia Clotbla, al aiigbty low irleea, at 1
aepl3l tt. -r- A. urmiemo a.
? - S
flow it it Done.
Tbe rit ohjeet la life with Ih. A e.rlean pro-
al. It to "get riea ;' Ibe eeoond, how lo regain
goo4 hMalia. Tha Aral sea be obtaiuW by aaet(y,
teoMty and fcrlpgl Ike eoMnil, (good bealla),
by aaing Uaaaa'a A uouat Should you
k. . j.,Bondent auf erar from any of Ih. efleeta
of Dyrpepaie, LIvK ConplMaA, Indigr.tion, Ac.,
anea aa Biea iieeuaone, r.ii.n."i. . ..
Hoar flioaiark, ll.blrnel Cotllvraeaa,
af Ihe Head, KarveMa Proatrail.n, Low (ipiriui,
A.., yoa aeed n. a anaibar day. To d .
of Augnrt lH)er will reliev. yoa al onee.
Hainple Bottle. II eenta. Regalar arae, 76 eenli.
Poeitlvely wld aj all arai ere urnaii.i. in ...
Uell.d Blalai.
For aal, ky C. I. Waiaoa, Clear-
a.ld, Pa.
aiayaa, it rw-iy
a , Ml Has Mood tAc Tfl. , ,
'Iff oh diuNllhe (und.rful lavdrn ef snli.R'B
Conat'aPTloa Ccaa, glv. It a trial) Iben If Joe
are aot aatiated, relet, the aolll. and we will re.
i a . l k.M It k.a al.hli.hed the feet
that Oaeaapttoa eaa he Mred, .bile for Conr,
HoarMaeea, Aaiania, w ewopioi "--
t. . t.ul,i... ik.H ia aniaiee like It
for a aatoh aad aoeilive .are, aa4 it aeldom falla.
-. - ... i . ....i ai on m botil.. If
year L... are ear., er Cavl ar Back laaae,
Haiaaa l f eaeva ruiraa, rnw . -
by C. II. Waiaoa, Dreggtel, Vkart.ld, Pa.
n. Blill.nH'S SYKTBM V1TALI7.KR la ao
doubt Ike aw ewefearful awr. per and
Liver CajplaiBl we bav. aver aeowa, otherwlae
w. eoeld aol gaaraalea It. Ia .aaaa of Coo.uwp
lion, when Uea.ral Debility, Uaa of Appellle
aad Coaetlpatloa eiiat, it win re.i... " a--l.l.
Iba aytleai wbll. BII1L0U 8 CVHK allay.
it.. I.M.O.UIM aad lirala the lunge. I'nee ia
Kata. Hold by 0. D. W aiaoa, Ittxgglet. Cleat
Sold, Pa. . '
nirrUNTAnK.evteh acd frarranl nerfuaie.
6.14 ay.C. D. Walaes, Bragglal, OleerieU, Pa.
aar. 1, Ti aow-iy.
. 122atB
, tOI2,8AS
...... IMifTll
IIbrk's Yin Coii."Th. kw fr lilnf up
lourilovn I, n.arljr l b.nd, ..d I bar. tola or
hard and auft aoal lo a.U m band In your ord.r,
and ,.l rour io,plT. bua'lwalluolll winl.r bat
ord.r rlpflit n... JA8,I,.LK'AVy.
Clt.rllald, tm , SapU .
Oaa IIi-npbkd Put Cbnt. Dhcohkt on Oi.n
PktcSB, Bewing Mat-bines can now he purchased
at Alrrrell's tin and variety iture, from St6 up
wards. AM kinds of sewing machines repaired
on the shurtsH notice,
Clearfield, Pa., July IB, 1877.
i 1 1 ar TiilBwiiaama imii
Mi sui-'lv oT"raiiTniirTruatL?7T fff
Wagons for sale. To be aaea at tbe Bbaw House
yara. Lull on or addraae. bju) 5'vfleld l'eon
-Kama a.itt
Wantbd f 100,000 lA-lnnb shaved
to average from 6 to i Inches for
will pay the highest market price.
which we
A. ti. Krambr A Co.,
M.lbMf. ClaarUeld, Pa.
With acako of Glenn's Sulphur Soap
and commitdluus bath-tub, the victim of ohronia
cutaneous eruptmnsean improvise a sulphur bath,
which no proteased bnthingatitaltnibed can supply.
du.m 117 iTUKginie. inn a uatranu nuiikor uye,
blstk or brown, 60 cento. sepiA-4L
Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen.
WANTED by Curweuavllle,
1U.UUU pounds pork,
1,000 bushels wheat.
1,000 buBhels rye.
1,000 buaholB oats.
1,000 bushels shelled corn.
1,000 bushels potatoes.
lfMMMM Utt-lnrh aliured ahlnctra.
MNMHMI 41-lnrh aawed alihiKiea.
HH).'MM leet pine boards.
A.OOii railroad lire.
A.tMMl corda oak aud hemlork bark.
For which onc-third cash will
be paid. oct.25
fM and after Mondaj, Jl'NK IS. 1877. tha
Vl'aaa.oE.r Traioa will run daily (ezer).t Hun-
aaraj o.tweea lroo. and Ulearoeld, aa (ollowa
W. O. Irwin, Cunduolor.
Ulii Hall,.....,
.1:1(1, p.l
.1.80. "
.S31I, "
.a ss, "
..4.11. "
..4 18,
.4..1J, "
..4.14, "
.4.42, "
.4.47, "
. 4.S8.
Tyrou. tf
Blue 1J .11
. H.IO.i.a
....3S, "
..libit, "
..10 111,
..! Ill, "
..10.27, "
,.io a,
. I0.S4, "
.10.60, "
,.11.08, "
..11.31, "
.. 12:01, 1'.M
Philip. bar,....
6.34, "
,.U0, "
W. H. I'Ll'MMBR, Conductor.
Ourwenerille.. 7.00 A. a. Tyrone 1.15 P. a.
Clearfield 7::I9 Vanaenjoo 1.4 "
Leonard, ...... 7.64 " I Humailt,. 1.02 '
Barren 8 06 " I'owrlton 3. IS "
Wo.dlMid,.... 6 !0 OtcMla 4 36 "
Bljler, 8 34 " Bovntoo 4.42 "
MallaoFton,... 8.60 " Hteiner'a 4 60 "
Blue Ball a 114 " Hbllip0urg...6 00 "
(tr.liam II IT " Urabam 6 211 "
fbiliuabur,.. II 40 ' Blue 11.11 6 45
Sleiner'a t.60 " Wallaeeton, ...S.ll.l '
BuyntoD, 10.00 " Bigler 0.18 "
Uaeaola, 111.20 " Woodl.nd, S.30 '
Powrlton 10 40 " Barrett S 46 " 11.16 " Uonard S.60 "
Vaoieoyoe 12.26 r. a. Clearlleld, 7.00 "
Tyron 1.02 Corweninlle,.7.85 "
kail." Mail.
A. a. p. a.
8.30 leave Tyrone arrive 6.10
8.17 Bald Eagle 6.63
0.30 Julian 6 10
0.66 Mileabur, 4.46
10.115 Belleloul. 4.3:
10.16 Mileaburg 4.35
10.10 Howard 4.02
11.18 antra L. Ilarea It... 1.26
R..T1.AHII. ....I .Ml...., A...
Peoine Kinreaa 8:l! I'itl.linrjh Klp'ie, J 10
Harri.burg Aoe'ea, 8:50 Pacifie Expreaa, 8:18
P.M. P.M.
Mall Train, 2 Way Panenger, 1:16
Atlaatie Eipreaa, 6:611 j Mall Train, 6:34
Pblla. Ki.reee, 10:13: Ka.l Line, T:8
LSara aouta.
Laura ttoaTH.
t, M. P. M. P. M.
l. A. M. A. M. aTATiona.
2:00 Morri.dale,
1:15 7:35 Philipaburg,
1:10 7:38 Kleiner'.
2 24 7:44 lluyntc.n,
3:311 10:30 7:51 O.oeola,
0 II
12:04 4:16
11:51 4:00
11:15 3:53
11:40 1:47
11:36 1.44
11:30 3:40
11:25 3:35
2:44 10:45 8:06 Mi..ham.oO, 8:311
2:52 10:3 8:11 Sle.lim. 0:211
1:57 10:58 8:17 llontidale, 0:20
3:11 11:01 8:21 Mt'Caub-y, :I5
.1:07 11:07 8:28 Kendrioa'a, 8:10
3:11 11:13 8:36 It. nicy. V 110
Cloee eonaMtlone made by all traina at Tyrone
and Look Haven.
B. 8. BLAIR,
iyl7'tf. Haperlnteodent,
A liege rrnvee I or.eo.vrne uauy neynoiae
vllle, at I u'clook, p. m., arriving al Reynolderille
at 6 o'eln-kt p. m. Hetnmlng, leavea Iteynolila
ville dally, at 7 o'olnek, a. ai , arriving at Cur
wenavilleat Uo'elrirk, m. Fare, each way, $2.
A Biage inavea cur.cna.uro uauy. tti I ooinra,
p. m ,lnr Ilulluia lily, atrlvinnat DoRuia City
al 6 o'elnek. p. m. lteturnmg, leavea DuBoia at
7 o'clock, a. m., daily, arriviiigat Curwcnavilleet
3 o'clock, m. Fare, each any, 82.
Allrglirny Valley Railroad.
ON end after Monday, May 13rb, 1877,
the tiaerenger traini will run daily (except
(tun day) between Bid Bank and lMft.ood, aa
followa i
I AWTM AKI. Ii.v llaillvoiea Plllaburg
8:20 a. n.r Bed li.nk ll:ji; Wio .lonetioa 1 2:l4i
New llethk beai 1:20 p. m ; Meyaville 1:37 1
Troy 3:116 ( llrookvil e 3:ii5 I Fuller'a 3:j0 f lloy
nnldiville 1:011 ( IluBi-i. 3.33 t Htininit Tunnel
1:48 Penteld 4:00 i W eodviile 4:17 lleneeette
4:65 nrrivea at Driftwood at 6:45.
W I TW A III). Iy M.lll.ave. Driftwood
13:16 p. en.; Henrietta 12:57 1 Weclvilie 1:40:
PenSeld 1:38: Simittill Tunnel 1:5ft t l)oelolat:ll
Reyn.ilH.vlll 1:4 : Fuller'a 2:60: Brookvllle l.IJi
Troy 1:211; Meverllle8:6l New Hetlilehem 4:06 1
Shgo Juncllnn 4:47 I Red Hank 6:03 ; arrivea al
Pillaharg at 7:60 p. en.
Jr- Tbe Rrynoldivllle Accommodation irnvel
Rcynoldiville daily al 7:50 a. 01-j and arrivea at
Red Henk at 1 1:06 a. IB., Pitubutgli el 1 36 p. m.
Leavea Pittihuritb at 8:10 t,. m Hed llaok at
5:66 p. m.; arriving al Iteynoldiiille at 8:511 p. m.
Cloee oonnerllnn undo nilb traina on P. A K
Iteilroad al lirilteood, end with traina on the
Allegheny Valley Reilrnad at Red Hank.
DAVID McCAKllO, Oen'l fluji'l.
A. A. J.ra.oa. rti.p t L. U. Die.
Rellefonte, Pa ! OSIMIrfdlctown 5 06
Luck Haven
2 70 Marietta t) no
I 60 Lancaiter 1 65
I DOiAltonna 1 65
4 50 Johmlown.- 1 0
31111'hillpiburg 61
O'llTynme 1 22
Willi. m.i.ort
Ilunlingtlon ...
4 76l!
tw Sflitrtlsfmrntt,
NOTICUTO THl.WlMH-KH. 1 hereby
eautlon all prrsons against treipasiing aa
my premises, and I hereby givs aolire so those
who ara io tha habil of running through aiy
paatare lots, that I will pro 'acute all who will not
dt slit and eoatinue to violate all rules of propri
ety and law. IHAA0 0. ftlot'LOttKY,
Hall Lloh, Oot I, 11.7 8.
AsilgnsdaiUle of DAVID U SIIAIlTKIl
and wife, of Dunwaretownibi,i,Lftnealeroounty,
Tlia undersigned, having htvn appotoled by
tbe Court of Ciiinmon I'teas uf Lanoa-tcr ooutily,
Aa-lgnee of lavid II. Hbatiter and Wife, wbii
have traoiTerri'd to bin all their estate and effects
fur tba benefit of tbeir therefore
gives aotloe to all persons Indebted to said
asiignor, to make pay ta aut without delay, and
tboso hating claims tu pre. ent thrrn to
J. W, VOI L M. Auigoee.
sspt.6 U Columl.ia.l'a.
Tha Pena'a 11. R. Co. will lltt al polilla aal.,
oa Wednoday, Oct. 81, 1877, at 10 .'.look a. la.,
th. following deeerioeo, eruaiee, .
wuehoooe, anleee owneia ar conalgaeee pey
bargee and reraora Ibe aame Infer, day of aale,
Three b'lll week machloea, 0. Braaer,
On. barrel al., J. D. Uuppy.
On. (all rope, l. Bell,
Foar bdli aoep elonea, J. K. Atwend,
One lefety fair., I ler.r, I ball, Bigler, Yonn A
Twelve plow piilnla, Kll llarrecn.
By order.of Jo
Bup'l IraneporUllin, P. R. R. ro.
rie.rl.ld, 0.1. 1, '77-11 "!. P. R- Co
XTTirR...Notioe Is here!. el res that an
i.1 plicatlwa has been made to tba Court of
umiuuB fleas or uieariuiil oounty for an am sad -meat
to tbe charter or the Presbyterian congre
gation of Clearfield, authoring It to borrow
money, and that the same will be beard at tbe
next adjourned soiiion of said Court.
sopt.SMt. WM.BIOLKU, tor Trustees.
OUT COWUlu,) from the premises of
t. yry r.yj:v?w? l Awr..'"; ,'1. fl,-
furebvad ana red neek. Pariona giving notice by
po.1.1 aard, or olberwiee, that will lead to there
(.very of the wow, will b. inilablr rewarded .
ClietB.ld, Pa., Sept. 18, 1877-lt.
The undersigned dssireato Inrorm tha oltlsens
of Clearfleld tbat be Is prepared lo furnish COAL
of an oioellent quality, to all who may give bim a
call, at a price suitable for the present bard limes.
He will eicbange ooal for fluur, feed, groceries, Ao.
All ordnrs will reoelve prompt attention, as be Ue
liven bliownooal. TllitH. A. DUCKKTT.
Ulearfleld, i'a.,spt. S, 77 6uj.
Tlieohlcet and Ivret apiMilntdMl Institution for
obtttluliiti a Itinrlm-tta Edikilltju,
For cticnlura wUreia,
rituburiili, Ta.
6ept. 12, 1B7T-41.
BniERtrr's Ornra,
Clearfleld. Pa.. Rant. ft. 1N7T. I
Whereas, It has soma to my notion tbat flib
dams have been erected, sod set-nets placed In
van wen oriel ca oi we Buiqueasona river tna
Clrarfleld oreek, for tbe purpoea of eatoblng flib.
Oontrary to an Ant of Assembly approved the 14th
day of May, 1871, entitled "an Aot for the pro
tection of mlraoo, blwk baas, and other food
flibM, Aa." Nit,M ti hereby giro that tbe Mid
dams and nets are known to exist, and are
declared mmon nuisances, and owners or
managers or the same ara bereby required to dis
mantle and remove the same so as to reader them
no longer capable of taking or Injuring tbe Allies
of the eaid streams, of whatever kind, within ten
usys irom tuts Us to. AN DKK1Y PKNTZ, Jr.,
Diar. Attornbv's Orrtcs, I
Clearfleld, Pa,, 8ept. A, 1ST7.
Ity the 24th Section of sn Act of Assemble.
entitled "an Act to amend and consolidate the
several Aola relating to game nod game fish,"
approved the 1st dav of lav. 1 87a. no nerson is
poruiitud to catch or kill, at any time, io any of
mo waters ni but, aave only with a book and
Una or scroll, any black, baas, pike or pickerel,
under a penalty of twenty Ave dollars for each
offence, aud no person Is permitted to eatcb or
kill, in any way, may of the above named fish.
net ween tbe 1st day ol March and the 1st day uf
June, unuer the aame penalty, one half of which
goes to the informer. All good "Miens knowiug
uoy of ihe proviins of the foregoing Acts ol
Auouitil to be violated, are herein reuueiled to
make Infuruiallun against tbe ottander aud have
inein returueU to Court, and I will see tbat thoy
are proiecuivo according to law.
wii. M.MeCULLOiraii,
Clearfleld, Sept. 12, 1H77-4L UUt. Ally,
Bv virtue of an order lnued out of tbe Ombans'
Court of Cleartield oouat v, Pa , tha underiisrtied
Adtniniitralors of the estate of Jacob (1. Vas,
deo'd, will sell at public sale, on the premises, io
iiuinvrsuurg, on
Saturday, October 27th, 1877,
at S o'clock p. m., that certain bouse and lot sit
uate in Lutlieriliurg, Brady township, bounded
and deienbed as follows: Beginning at a poet
on ine niu uirnpiKe ana corner of Daniel Jfar
mick's tot; thence east along eaid turnpike IVS
leet to lot of J. M. Carl i la. thence north along
said lot I y feet In lan ill at U. B Uoodlander ;
thence along said lands 130 feet to Hermiek's lot :
tbetoe south along the same 12(1 foot to the place
of beginning, having thereon erected a large two
story frame dwelling bouse and stable.
One half of tbe purchase money must be paid
on the day of sale, and the balanoe io six boot hi,
seourod by bond and morigrtge on the pretniies,
or other acorptable security.
Lutbersburg, Oct. 3, 1877 4t. Adm'rs.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of sundry writs of f'uri Fatia$ Is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear
field oounty, and to ma directed, there will ha
exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the
borough of Clearfleld, n Haturday, the SOtb day
of October, I8TT, m 1 o'olock p. SI., the fol
lowing described real aetata, to wit:
All Defendant's Interest In all that certain traet
of landaituate In Knox township, Clearfield coun
nty, Pa., bounded and described as follows i Be
ginning nt hemlock, thence north 40 degrees west
88 perches to a sugar on tbe public roa I. thence
south 76 degrees west 43 perches along tbe road
to n hemlock, ibenoo sou to so degrees east Iu4
perches to a poit at Jackson's corner, tbence north
SO degrees east 40 perches to the place of begin
ning, coolaioing 24 acres, more or less, baviog
about IU acres cleared.
Also, all tbe Defendant's Interests in a certain
tract of land situate in Ferguson township, Clear
field county, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows, vis t Beginning at a post, theaoe west by
Church lot fit perches, thence north by land of
Jobn H. Williams .14 d-IU perches to a poM, theaoe
rait by land ot (i. W. Fink 6V perches to a poit,
thence by road 10 4-Id percbei lo a poit, tbence
east I perch to a poit on (Smith line, theaoe by
land of U. w. Dm, ib 60 S-lu perches to a post
and place of beginning, containing 14 teres net,
having shout IV atireo cleared, a twoitory trame
home, a small stable and other outbuildings
t hereon . Heised, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of James M. Bloom,
Tubus or 8a lb. The price or sum at which
the property shall be struck off must bs paid at
tha time of sale, or such other arrangements
mads as will bs approecd, otherwise the proper,
ty will be immediately put up and sold again at
ibe exprnse and risk ot the person to whom It
waa struck vlf, and who, in oaie of deflclvecy at
aueh re-sale, shall make good the same, and in
no Instance wilt the Deed ba presented lo Court
lor eunnrmatioB on leas the money Is actually
paid to the fiorritT. ANOKUV 1'KNTZ, Jr.
PBBRirr s urrica, i cnenn.
CUarnetd, Pa,, Uct. t, l77
KM'OItT of the fnnditloa of
NAilO.NAL BANK of Clearflu
tiu.ti, in the Htate ol iVnnny Ivania,
Id, at Clear
at tbe close
of businoss an October I, l(t7t
Loans and discounts
II&M70 so
4,7(11 oil
100,0110 00
4,ftUV W
4,m is
l,2fl0 lift
Sll .13
. i,'21M no
V. H. bunds to secure circulation
One from bi. roved tceerre agents
I) iic from htate Banks and Bankers...
Heal estate, furniture ami fixtures
Current expense and taxes paid
Checks and other can h itvuia
Bills of other Bunks
Fractional curreuoy, including nickels,
Hpecic (Including gold Tretiury cor-
AIS 66
t,42i 00
4, M O 00
Lciral-teiider notes
Ke-iempiion fund with V. H. Treas
urer to per otnt. oi circulation j
Capital stock paid iti-
fliirplui fund
Other undivided profits... ,
,$100,01)0 00
. 2l,tK0 00
4,H:tV 38
. 9tl,U00 110
. l,fllH 0
. 4I,; 04
UtW 40
national uanK notes outitandiug
Individual depoiils aulJeot to check.
Tims certificates of d poiit
Due to other National Banki.n
Due to Hteu Banks and bankers
Total ! 1181,119 TI
.Vfefe of 7'eiia.,lei.Niii, VlnrfltlH eeaaf,, j.y.'
1, V)m. II. bill, Ceahler of tha abuve earned
bank, de eolemnly awear that the above alM.iaent
w fme to lit. beet ( re, aaowlnlge and belief
HI It. 1I I.I.. C'
Bubrerilied and iwera before eae, thia Sib da,
of October, l17.
t'oti eel-Allelt i R. UutlV,
Oel. II, 1877. Director!.
Kl I'OHT of ihe eonitllloo or tha COUNTY
NATIONAL BANK of Clearlleld, atClaar
btid, In Ihe Htate of Penn.jlvenl., at tlieoloieof, Oolober lit, Mil.
Loam and diaooanta i
Illl.t.ll III
D.H. Bonda lo exHri olroaletion
V . a. Bond, to aeearo deioaiU, Judg.
Other itooki, bond! and,.
Hue Irom af.ireved rMerre e,eote...H
llue froia blete Benha and banker!....
heal e.l.te, furniture and latum
Curnat aafiaairae and laxea paid
Check, aad other Meh i, including
!Uln..... ma.......
Bill, el olher Beoki
Frectinnal flarrennTlooll,4lng niekel!
Legal-leader aolea
Hidi-aiiluB fund with, Treeaarer,
1 ,er .lat.ef cireulatien
1,041 7.
76,100 00
1.214 II
i.tli IU
l,40 II
1,04 M
l.ihl 01
1,0111) (II
Tti St
a j (1
1,17 00
$l,.l,07 41
C.plial atoeb bald la $100,000 ,0
tluriilue fund I,"S
I ptoSl. 1,101 dl
National Bank aolea outrtaauing 17,i.0 SU
Individual depoilti anhjeet to euei kM 1I.H74 71
line oerilnente. of depoatt 11,101 01
Dm lo elker National Bank! 4,124 b
llue ! stale Benka and baakerl 4116
1161.0711 41
,Tfrtrert,e.eeT7e.ei., VttnrfitM Oieefv, NH I
I, W. M. Hhaw, CMhler .1 Ihe Cunt, National
Rank of riearflel.l, do eolemnly awear thai tbe
above etelement l! Irue to the heat of Biv kowl
edge and bellrf. W. M. HHAW, Ceihlw.
Hiilierrihed and awere to before molhii lib da,
of October, A. U. I77.
Jtllllf W.WRllll.RV.rl. P. JAMKft T. I.KONAHU,
H I. HKk'D,
Oel. It, H77. IMraelara.
3rw ,tvttMstmtntt.
Bigler, Young & Reed
One.Uorao Tread Pow.n aad Threablng
Alao, Arerj't Patent Pour-horaa Power.
Farawa will do wall u (Iro tk a tall.
T W C.OI) H E TRimT.-All others must
X fJ fr tbelr wrk before It leaves the
shop. And as all flesh Is as the-grats of tbe field,
and tha nromiies of men era like tha flowers
thereof tuey are given oaa day and forgotten
the next therefore it Is best not to trust anybody.
All kinds of work will ba dona io this shop for
each or ready pay. Boots and sboee of all sises
and styles the best and cheapest In town.
I have remoTod my shop to the lower end of
town, io Taylor'e row, on Read street, near tbe
depot, where I will be found at all times, wafting
for customers. All work warranted good aad
Also, all kinds of Leather and Shoo Findings
for sale.
Tba eltlxens of Clearfleld and vicinity are
respectfully invited to give me a call.
Clearfleld, Pa., July 11, 1H7T.
Call and Examine
Gents' Furnisliiiii Goods,
We would call particular atten
tion to the extreme low priced.
Country produce of all kinds
taken in exchange lor goods.
Old Wtalern Hotel Corner, Clearfleld, P.
fcpt. 19, 1877.
Save Your Cash
G. C. & T. W. MOORE,
(Saeeeiaor. ta J. 8. Shoffar.,)
They are bow receiving a ebelce lot af the
latest styles of Ladles and Gents' Dress Shoos
and Boots, together with a large lot of
PLOW SHOES, io., lie.,
suitable for workmen en tba term and In tba
They Invite special attention to their stork of' Furnishing Goods,
All of which will be sold at raise as favorable as
tbey can ba bought elsewhere In tbe coaaty.
A share of Iba patronsga of tbe public Is ro
speetfutly solicited.
Clearfleld, IV, July II, W7-8ra.
I her. Ibis day movsl my store to Second stroet.
In Ibe room known as Wright's Store. Ia addition
to tbe large stock now on hand, I havs received a
large stock of new
Full A Winter Uoodn,
Io all tbe Tail ai lljltl af PfJ Ooottl, ffollenl,
TrUamlngi, While Oooda, Mlllie.rr 4 Faae,
llooda, Carpet., Oil Ctolhl, Walf'Paper,
4.., A.. It la my d.tarralaetlea la
eontiau. keeping good g"Ji
and lell thin al the lowerl
And ebeep aluD at cheep prior will lot be Bade
a Iperleltv bete. It la aoneeenar, to enumerate
artlclea ar prleaa, but yea will lad pilar of goo4i
ead prleea ta nil everybody. My espeaeea being
no foatla what Ihe; were, I ran aril al tke far,
lowerl prlM.
Sept 11, I el nr.
0ur t9trn gflrrrtlsrmrnt.
PiUllkal atary Wwlaaada, ij
Uaa Ih. Lsrf eat ClrcaJatlaa af any paper
la IVorta w.etora a-eaa.vlriuke..
Tbo large and constantly increasing
circulation of tbe Ripublican,
rendors ilvaluublo to business
mon as a modium thro'
which to reach the
Tirms or Subscription i
If paid in advance, . . . S2 00
If paid after three months, . 2 60
If paid alter six months, . . 8 00
When papers are sent outside of the
county payment must be in advanco.
Ten linos, or loss, 3 times, . fl 60
Each subsequent insertion, 50
Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60
Executors' Notices, .... 2 60
Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60
Cautions and Estrays, . . . 1 60
Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50
Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, ft 00
Special notices, per line, ... 20
One square, 10 lines, ... 18 00
Two squares 15 00
Throo squares, 20 00
One fourth column, . . , . 50 00
One-half column, .... 70 00
One column 120 00
Ill, INKS.
Wa bave always on hand a large stock
of blanks ot all descriptions.
io., Ao, Ac.
We aro prepared to do all kinds of
bllCH AS
&c. Ac, j .t
t , "" ' '
AND ON , , V
(Joodlnndrr ft Iec,
Clearfleld, ,
Clearlleld County, Pa,.
At Guinzbiirg's New Boot and Shoe Store.
With an entiro now stock of Hoot", Shoes, Hals, Caps and Furnishing (iooda,
nt piicos that will fill your hearts with joy mid your pockols with tsili.
iVhat I stain I am propared to firovo with tho loHowiav yt"4 Ut;
which speaks for itsclt:
Womea'a laoed leltiug ahue. at 7e eente
Womcn'e laced moroeoe aboea at 11.10.
Womea'a laoed ealf ahoaa at 1.1ft.
Wouiea'a hear farm rhoea at 1.19.
Womea'a beet ealf aboea at Lot.
Womea'a laoed foied ahoee at 1.11.
Women, botloaed moroeeo ahoee at 1.41.
Womea'a kid laoed ahoes at 1.7ft
Womea'a kid buttoned ihoel at 1.00, 1.00, 1.7ft I
THE OLD LADY COMFORTABLE SHOE, $1.75. The moot satisfactory '
shoo evor mado for old people. So easy on the feet, it feols as though it
wcro but a stocking. Try it.
Wo also have a full lino of GrafTs and Burt's Lost hand made shoes. Order
taken for any shnped foot, and best, fit vouched for.
Men', heave winter iboer with doahle Kile., V5 cent!. Men'l heavy kip ahoee, IMS.
Moo 'a calf droll aboea, 11. Si. Men', bait ealf Jreaa ahoei, 1.74. Mini hip workiag toot, 1.96.
Kip working boon, donlilo aole, 1.4S; lap lole, 1.00; Klmlro tap role, ! St.
Sole Agent for the Celebrated Hand Sorewed Claflin Shoe.
kirn I clren boola at M IS. Men'l boil ealf boon, I.7S. klao'a belt ealf beota, aawed, 14, 14 4 1(1.
Boot, with aud without hot tore, extenaioa or tap lolea, all at the aame prioea. MeaierM take,
and bouti and aboea made to order at atore prleea. No fit, ao pa.
Boys shoes In fifty difturont styles, at from II 00 to wl.ftO in walking aud
school shoos, and from tl 25 to tl.M for best calf skin ,button, dress shoes.
Boys Elmira tap sole boots at 1240.
"0 Mine. School Shore at IS eenta. " i NO
I kli..ea far rhoea at $l.2j.
PAPKR Mluea genuine oalf ihoea al 1. Si. PAPKR
! kfi.. Kid ahoee at 12, I3.S0 and f:t.
SOLErl. I Miiaca drcra aboea at ll.S0,l.r,0,f l.ri and II.00 hand Onlab. SOLRS.
Children and baby shoes at crony figures. A good solid buttoned shoe, heel,
ed for children, 05 cents ; copuor lip, 85 ; rubber lip drees shoes, $1.20.
Baby shoes, all kinds, from 80 cents up. Men's, Women's and Children's
35 ccnls. Shoo polish 19 cents per bottlo, shoo stringi 4 cents per, button hooks one cent each.
Milei rubber! 3S eta-l itjrlce. Womea'a nil.berr, id ctr-4 ilvlei. Mea'i rubber., ?i4 ( .l.lei.
Men'! hearjr robber booti, 13.411. Women ! rubber booti, 11.40. aliiioeand borl robber boota 11.14.
Wool lined, buckle arolier, eelf-ecliog gumi, and all other feibioaa. ....
We aro ulso soiling men's gonuino folt hats at 75conts. Tbisisa''stunnor.'
We take any murlieUible nrliclo in trade nnd consider it TnE CASH.
Wo want as much grain ai wo ciin get, lor which wo will give market price.
Call and Convince Yourself.
At Flegal'i old ilaad, oppoaiu the Court Hoae.
Clearlleld, Pa., Kept 11, 1877.
S. 3k. I ltd & Co.' Column. I
ITow Goods I
Lower Prices in DRESS and DRY GOODS.
Great Reductions in Prices.
jflk. DF'XL-DSCI .rib OO.
Aro plenscd to anounco to the cilizons of this vicinity, that by special arrange
ment with manufacturers for largo quantities of goods for caili, favorod by
the hard times and sharp competition, they liavo boon enabled to effect such
a saving in the cost of goods as fully warrants them in proclaiming a reduc
tion in Ihe prices of Dry Goods, such as will make this advertisement of real
money vnluo to every careful and practical roador who hoeds this informa
tion. Our reductions are not confined lo a few specialties, but include almost
every article offerod for sulo. , Stock more comploto, and quality superior lo
any in towa., ,., . . i
f ho advantage to Iho cash buyer is the real and substantial reduction in
pricoe. All goods will bo found marked In plain figures.
Our Fall and Winter Stock is now Complete. A hand
r some line of Dress Goods, all the newest shades
BLACK SILKS iho licit and cheapest in town.
WATER PROOF blatk and Rold-mixed.' ,
LADIES' COATINGS dinVront styles.
LADIES' CLOTHS-all shades.
' ' , CASSIMERES all pricos.
HHl RTING & TICKING, CANTON FLANNELS, bleached and unbleached,
now slindos.GALOON TRIMMINGS all colors, BEST QUALITY
STOCKING YARN all colors, TABLE LINEN bleached
nnd unbleached, TURKEY RED TABLE LINEN,
- UMBRELLAS good nortment. TABLE
, mid SOAPS lino assortment.
Cents' Furnishing .Goods,
Hals and Bonncls tiimmed lo order. Now Flowers, Foathers, Silk Vel
vets, Black and Colored Velveteens, Colored Silks and Satins, Ribbons, o.
CARPET CHAIN, 3, 4 and 5 ply.
Plt'iiso cull nnd exnininc nnr Stock. No trouble lo show Goods.
;'i ) " i "!!.
Sept. 5, 177.
f )l I
Out of tke lea tw PrhiMils In the l"nlu4 HislfS. Rlss;aii BeiUtnf. Well aelaete eMraaaf sta-le.
Thorough ftiglit pirtsiaiitf, Twtaie-twu trsehert Klerea laaeaen m tba ,
Conservatory of Music
eoanaeled .ia H,e aallen. UetmctsuM Ift tka H.awaU uf Nesle Tkeerr af Masle,Taragh
Hess, Hsrmnnt, ae , and fls ara vt li e Urst d Ortea, CaUaH Orgea, Visao, Geitar, Vluim,
Violia, ami Voice Cult ere. Piaij full lersens for etfbteea 4eMara. Uaatlenaa) adWlitael la tba
Ceaiereater. Cbaiffee la tba College ana Coasettetort lee tbaa aa asbeal afeWlag aal
ad ventages mid araomsati4at(tssi. Fall Terta opens Bp taatw kb. , lead far Catalog m t ,
' i. o. raasauTCr, ..,"
j.,, km..T- ! I ' - PITTSBURGH, PA.
5"re!' "VV'"V"",V
1 teed lo aell at 11.01
Caedtoaellat 1.11
tied to Mil at l.tS
tlaed to lell at l.M
TJeed la eeU al IN
Heed to aell at I.ftO
UaedtoMlla! 1.71
i:.ed to eell al 1.15
1 0.00.
Xo Trouble (o Show Goods.
Z. gi. Jim & Co.'t (Tolumtt.
ITew Goods I
Iff nrket (Street. Clenrileld, Pn.
; ir