" ; f ( : i. u. - - -- - - She gUpkliatt. Gkoroi B. Qoodlandeh, Editor. """CLBARFIELI), Pa." WKDNKSDAT MORNING, OCT.. 10, I87T. Reader, If you want to know what It going on In tht biulimi world, Juat read our advertising lolinii, tba Spteial ooluma to particular. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. roa supreme judge: Hon. JOHN TRUNKEY, or VENANGO COt'NTT. ron auditor general: Hoi. WILLIAM T.SCHELL, or Bedford county. roB STATE TBEA8URER: Hon. AMOS C. NOYES, or CLINTON COUNTY. DEMOCRATIC COISTY TICklT. roa PROTHONOTABY : KM BLOOM, of Clearfield. t'Oa REGISTER AND RECORDER : L. J. MORGAN, of Clearfield. tor etrvitob: S. F. M'CLOSKEY.of Curwonsville. MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. No nu worthT lb. oIBm of PrMid.nl should b. willing lo .old It It oountsd lo, or planed thar. bj any fraud. U. 8. Obast. I could n.v.r bar. besn re.oncil.d lo lb. vetlen by tbo smallest std of bid. of a persofl, howev.r respsetabl. In private lit., who must 1'orer.r carry upon bit brow tbo Itamp of frood first triamph.nl it Am.rlenn history. No sub sequent lotion, how.v.r meritorious, can wash away lb. letlerl ot tn.i reoora. Chablb. Fbibcib AnAna. Vndor tho form, of low, Rutherford B. H.yoa Iim b.en dol.r.d Prceldent of th. L'nitud Slim. Ills lit), rati npoa diafraaehiiemut of lawful voter, tb. f.U. oertifloatea of lb returning offl oera action corruptly, .nd th. docislon of B oom minion, whiob bus refused to bur .Tid.no. of .1 l.gsd frond. For tb. Brat tin nr. tbo American nsonhj eunfrootod with th. foot of B fraudulently .leeted Preiident. Let It not bo und.ntood tbat tho fraud will b. silently acqulesoed in by th. country. Lot BO hour p.M IB .men in. usurps. tion If forgotten. Aonisas or Deuocbavic M. C.'i. On. hundred yean of human depravity accu mulated aud oonoeotratedinto a oiiojai of orimo. K.v.r again In fir. hundrod year, shell tbey bar. aa opportunity to repeat too wrong. Danibl W. Voobbbki, I would rather bay. tho cndorMment of aquar- lor of a million of tbo American people than that of the Louisiana Returning Boare, or of the Com minion wbiob eicluded th. faott and decided the queatlon on a technicality. Tuoa. A. IUhdbicx.. Hello, Sat I If a combination of rogues in tho Treasurer's and Auditor General' ofllco could gobble (50,000 out of tho Stato Treasury whilo Hurt was Chiof Clerk, how much moro tbey rako in Btiould tho said Hart be elected Treasurer? Taxpayors, how lathis? Frod, A. Sawyer, a Massachusetts schoolmaster, who carpet-bagged to South Carolina after tho war nnd was elected a United Statos Senator, and afterwards appointed Assistant Secre tary of the Treasury by Grant, has just beon convicted at Washington of conspiring with cotton claim rogues, and thoreby plundered the Treasury of $67,000 while in office. As tbe poet would exclaim, "Ono by one the roses fall." A Pretty Set Up. Fassmoro, tho loading insurance agent, and Radical nomineo for Auditor General, proposes providing the people are foolish enough to elect him to transfer his insurance agency to tho Auditor Gen oral's office at Uarrisburg, whore he could adjust tho tax rate ot every company according to his caprice or fancy. Could thoro bo any other scheme devised that would moro surely lead lo corruption and bribery ? If so, let us hear from it. A Pretty Watch Dou. Whilo Capt. Hart, tho Radical nomineo for Stato Treasurer, was acting as Chief Clork In the Treasury Department, a number of clerks in that and the Auditor Gen eral's office conspired, together wilh a number of County and City Treas urers, and successfully plundered the Stato out of FIFTY THOUSAND dollars. If that kind of crime and crookedness can be carried on right ondor bis nose while CHIEF Clerk, what improvcn.cnt would it be toolcct him Treasurer? Would his shrewd ness and integrity bo improved, and the interests of tho tax-payers moro highly respected by promoting Mr. Hart to a high or position 1 Will some profound Radical answer as ? That's a big Jewelry advertisement from Chicago some publishers are In sorting for fun 1 Mrs. Abby Sage MoFarland Rich ardson is lecturing in Denver on "F.ng lisb litorature." Dr. C'aylcr thinks loo many peoplo sing "Nearer my God to Thee," who do not make it the daily pray or of the boart and the daily endeavor of their life ' Plenty. Elk county bas five can didatos in Hie field for Sheriff throe Democrats and two Radicals. Tbe voters of that county bavs a cboiee Certainly. Grietinos. The New York Dem ocrats, at their State Convention lost week, passed a resolution congratula ting lbs Democracy of New Jersey, for having nominated Gen. George B MoClcllan, for Governor. - Or Course !W presume that at least one psge of Ihe Journal will be illuminated this week with Hon. (?) J. A. M. Passmoro's speech. It was so eloquent, and should be placed on record. Schell's wss a poor affair. A Quick Turn. A number of pioas , Imprsctlcablos mot la l'biladolpbia tbe olber day, who saw tbe finger of God in Morton's exposures, because he opened the ponnanent exhibition on Sunday, have been hoisted by their own petard. Here is Oilman, th great - New York Hock forger, an exemplary ' Church member, Superintendent of a Sunday -School, and giv.n to no bad . habits whatever, beats Morton all hoi- . low. Now for another meeting of - those same Individuals. JUSTICE IX MISSISSIPPI. Tho Baltimore Gtiieffr hitssottwbotly a good lick just In (hit way: "The grand jury of Kemper county, Miss., has returned thirty-one indictments gainst supposed participants in the assassination of Juugo Chisliolm, tlx for murder and Iwenty-tlvo m accosso- proapocunui ine rioiors win do urouni to justice. This Is very gratifying news, the moro o because tho Radical northorn proas bas from tho tirst al fectod to regard tho crime as inspired by political malice, and aoeusod tho local authorities not only with neglect ing to prosecute the porpotrators but with affording them covert sympathy and protection. There was a time, in deed, whon the organs demanded that the federal government should over stop the bounds of tho Constitution and tako tho administration ot local justice into its own bands; with al most incredible folly they oven en deavored to hold the entire Democratic party responsible for tbo crime,, and quoted it aa an unanswerable argu ment against the Southern policy of Mr. Hayes. Tbe fact that it was a Democratic Governor who inspired tho present courageous attempt to de tect and arrost the rioters, a Demo cratic Judge who charged the jury with the duty, and a Domocratio jury which has found the indictments, is a sufficient answer to partisan slander The Mississippi vondutta, as we bavo said trom tho first, was neither more nor less than deliborato murder, and tho miserable wretches who took part in it richly deserve to suffer the ex treme penalty of the law ; but it should bo romemborod tbat thore have been quite as revolting exhibitions of law lessness in tbo North and West, and that justice was far more successfully defied by the Pennsylvania Mollio Ma- guires than by any mob of Mississippi ruffians. Tbo lesson to be drawn from tbe Kempor county tragedy is indeed identical with tbat taught by tho late strikos. No community can afford to tolerate tor a moment mob violence in any form. Tbo citizen who undertakes to redress his wrongs without recourse to the courts is society's worst foe, and society will be nowhrere seoure until it realizes this fact. Tho senti ment which condones lynching in Kon tucky does not differ essentially from that which justifies Mollio Maguirism in Pennsylvania, communism in Chi cago, hoodlamism in San rruncisco, and mob law In Mississippi. Every community in the land needs to bavo this vital truth permanently establish ed in its codo of morals, and wo there fore hopo that an oxamplo will bo made of tbo Kempor county rioters tbat will answer for all tlmo to come." A "Square Timbeb" Reply. Tbo Ronovo correspondent of the Philadel phia Commomoealth, among other mat ters in alluding to Col. JSoyes, our nominee for State Treasurer, relates the lollowing: A f.w y.ara ago tho Helbodiit Cbttrob in -la Tillag. t Weatporl) wa. fold at Hhriff 'a aal., on a mechanic', lien, and wai purchased by Colonel Novoa, and ha. line, been used by any denomi nation thai ebooac to do to, ho keeping up lb. repair, at hi. own .xpMie. Bom. time ago a rftymaa waa dinioc with ntin after aervlce, and ineidently Inquired of the Colonel if h. naloogea to th. .bureh. To which bo, with dry humor, replied: "No, etrj lAe eAerc. eWoeye lo we." The correspondent in question con tinues as follows: "I remember dis tinctly tbe first timo some ten yours ago tbat 1 bad tbo bonor ot meeting bim. I had some slight business to transact with him, and wont to bis residence in Westport to soo him. I was there Informed tbat I should pio bably find bim at or near tho sawmill. On reaching the mill, I saw several men up to tboir waists in tbe water of the dam at work among tho logs, and inquired of one of them where I could find Colonel Noyes, and was consider ably surprised when I was inlormod that I was thon talking to that indi vidual. Not many men of bis woaltb and standing and of bis ago will be found working in mud and wator as a common laborer. But there are tew men like "Old Square Timbor." The Radical Ticket. About a half a score of "the loyal millions of tbo North" assembled in a room in fjo's Opera IIouso, on tbe 3d inst., and nom inated the following ticket: For Pro- thonotary, Willis J. Nugont, of Burn side township; for Register & Recorder, Tboodoro Van Duson, of Houtzdale, and lor Surveyor, Thomas W. Moore, of Penn township. Mr. Nugont is An Agricultural 'Squire, and is a fur better furmer than he could ever be a Pro- thonotary. Mr. Van Dusen is a Houtz dale merchant, who came to the coun ty about two years ago, and bus no interests in the county outside of bis store. Mr. Moore belongs to tho old class of citizens, and is a tolerably com petent Surveyor. But not one of tbe Radical nominees is to be compared in knowledge and ability to ours. Honco it is folly for a Democrat to vote for men who are far loss compe lent tban tbo nominees ot bis own party. A Pretty Plea. Gen. John Mo- Donald, formerly Supervisor of Inter nal Revenue at St, Louis, and ot the bisky ring notorioty, against whom there is an indictment pending in tbe United Statos court there for conspir ing to destroy publio records whilo in office, bas filed a plea in bar against further prosecution, tbe plea being based upon Grant's pardon, which be alleges embrace tbe same offences with which he is now cbsrged. Mc Donald is the man who made Grant a present of a pair of fast horses, and waa afterwards appointed Rovenue Agent and then fell in with the "crook ed whisky" thieves about the time Grant telegraphed to the District At torney at St Louis: "Lot no gnilty man escape." The rogues wore all con victed and pardoned by Grant. Tub Damning Record. For the purpose of reviving the memories of oar readers we reproduce the official vote east for President In 1876. Tbe conduct of aliunde Bradley does not conceal tbe damning fact that Samuel J. Tilden was counted out ol his office by a band of conspirators who should bo rusticating in a penitentiary. Here is the proof : Tlld... .......... 4,tM.lSw HayM ,0X6 leeper ..... Snmltk JeatlsrlB . HO.IBS lo.oss J.ISI TlUeaj wv.r Hayoo.. Til dem arwr all .... IBS. 414 ia,Hia And, yet, Hayes acta as though hs bad been elected. Houeuouy Mimtakkn. Judge Mo Knully, whilo haranguing his fuithful few in tho court-room tho other night, had tho audacity to declare that Hayes' title to tho Presidency was as clear as thut of Goorgo Washington. A fellow of tho Judge's thinking put bis view of the case in the shupo of a o..t-, --.l ..... t, V f, l r.. ! 'MBT Mf- e"t rT".?CuT.'6Jr.-tC3fculr7I iirf i oiuTuMr, cdnesday, but it did not gu through. An exchange puts it in this way : ".Mr. George William Curtis introduced Into tho Rochester Convention a proposi tion declaring that "the lawful title of Rutherford 13. Hayes to tbo Presiden cy is as clear and perfect as that of Goorgo ashington. On a call of tbe yens and nays tho Convention re jected tho proposition by a vote of nearly thrco to ono, tho yeas being 109, tho nays 205. Mrs. McKicrnnn, wife of Edward MoKiornun, Esq., of Williamsburg, and molhor of Thomas McKiernan, of this city, has just finished a quilt contain ing 4,010 pioces, ranging In size from a silver throe cent piece to a half dol lar. Tbo patches are all circular cut and sowed by band with double thread Considering the ago of Mi's. McKior- nan, who is now soventy yen mold, wo consider this a feat in tho quilt busi ness bard to beat, if it can bo at all. Minolta Sun. Tho lady iu question is tho mother of Captain John 8. Mc Kiernan, of tiulich township, In this county. The Penalty or Fraud. Mr. U. F. Stokes, lute the Secretary of tho West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Com pany, and concerned witn John r. Morton and Samuel J. Iliihn, the Pres ident and Treasurer, in gigantic frauds upon the stockholders by tho over is sue of stock, has become insane. Since tho conspiracy has beon discovered, M r. Stokes has been in a terribly depress ed condition, seeming to feel his dis grace keenly. Wednesday ho devel oped unmistakable signs of melancholy mania and now is said to bo violently insane. A Had Burn. The stablos and shops of tho Now York Dry Dock Passongor Railway Company took flro on the morning of tho 4th, and wcro burned to the ground. About 800 horses wore liberated and ran wildly through tho streets. It is thought nouo perished. The Iobs lo tho Dry Dock Company will probably exceed (500,000. The entire nnmbor of cars belonging to tho company, 180 in all, wore Blocked in this building and burned liko tinder. Bin Houskkeeimno. TheroisaGcr- man Communistic society in Iowa call od tho Amuna, whicb practices co-op erativo housekeeping.' "The families live in scparato houses, but tako their meals in one common boarding house. Thoy havo ono common kitchen und laundry to a villago, so that no cook ing or washing is dono in tho separate houses. Tho society is Tory prosper ous and wealthy, and tho members are happy and healthy." A Sioneb. An exchango says Morton, tho passenger railway man, being tho great grand-son of an illus trious "signer," very naturally becomes a groat signer himself, says tbe Phila delphia Record. "But tho signing of tbe ancestor is said to bavo brought liberty, whoroas the descendant's sign ing ought to bring captivity. Ho sign ed too much. Nobody can say of bim when he is gone, that ho died and left no sign." Go in. It is reported that General Howard has informed the Wsr De partmont that ho will fight tho Indian war all winter on tho lino ho has com menced unless ho succeeds in killing an "Injun" sooner. Ho is determined to make mince meat out of ono or moro western "Lo." Tbe "red skins" bad better keep an eyo on the old Bureau manager. Ho might clean them out like he did that Radical piece ot furni ture. Conoress. According to the Hayes stipulations, this body meets in Wash ington, on Monday next, in extra ses sion. 1 be regular Constitutional ses sion opens on tbe first Monday of Do- eember; bnt as Hayes is an extra President, we must have an extra ses sion ol Congress. Well, since tho mem bers aro paid by tbo year, we'll filo no objections. Eliza is Ahead. Tho Chicago 7Yme trusts thut if Mr. Hayes visits Louisiana he will not fail to "call upon and kiss tho aching brow of Eliza Pinkslon." Why, nnyes wont to Rich mond, Indiana, to kiss Morton, and why not kiss Eliza too. She gavo him Louisiana, and Morton lost him Indi ana. Hayes owes the "colored gal far moro than the Senator. A Hates Motto. Hayes at Atlan ta said: "When Greek meets Greek, you know wbat the conflict is. And more tban tbat, yon know exactly bow it will torminato. That party in that fight will always conquer that has tho most Greeks." In othor words, eight can lay ovor seven. Hayes un derstands that littlo aff-ir. Not so Clear. The Nashville Amer ican does not think it was a mistakoto socedo. Although it failed of Its im mediate object, that strugglo "warded off at the last moment, when effective protest could be mado, tbe dangers of consolidation, of ultimate imperialism!" This is not liko crystal in its clearness. Colonel Jim. Second Best. Tho Blair county Radicals are still In lovo wilh tho crooked ways of Colonel Jim Millikon. Six of their best citizens were candidates for the Legislative nomination, and Jim camo within ono of It. Ho beat lour of his competitors and came In second best. Somebody Mistaken. Hayos told the Lynchbnrgcrs the other day that be discerned the hand of Providonco in his elevation to the Presidency. Tho fraud Is generally credited to Wells, Anderson k Co. A Congressional in Tosligstion would sottlo this mooted qnoslion. Senator Cnnkling, ol Now York, Is now pronounced lb leading political gladiator in this country. Ho has lit erally bung himself whilo trying to hang some other fellow. Tho role of Mazcppa would suit him first rate. Dead. Archbishop Hay ley, one of the brightest ornaments ol the Catho- IliO Church On Uaiei vuhiilwlil, diwd at I Newark, Now Jersey, on the 8d Inst. A tip top thing l'usmoro's Hpoocli n tho Court llouso, on lust Wodiiusiliiy night. It imiHt linro clwtriflotl the twain of the Journal, licrauso it was in such mitrkod contrast wilh that of Mr. Sclioll. Well, It was a speech "as wus a speech," nnd no ono elso Imt thu liadit-ul nomineo for Auditor (ioneral, liror,TjtiitT uecunipiinii ml ol tNo kind. Tho display of oiiiUny exceed ed thut of the A lienitin oiulor, lom osilieueH, it) ,bi palmiest days, mid for truthfulness, it wus ns great a failure as the argument of Tom Pepper or those of ox Chairman Murray. How proud our Kudicul Itienils must loot because of tho towering (!) position that their nominees bold in business and in social circles. Shall pigmios aud rogues rule tho Slulu any longer; or till nil it revert into the huuds of Statesmen as of yore? This Is tho question that should agitato and direct tho attention of tho tax -payors of this grout Commonwealth. Shall snobs and political cut-throats rulo tho Stato any longer; or will wo hand "the machine," as "tho latu lamented" termed it, over to Statesmen who can neither bo bribed orconjoled ? Poor Wii.liamsport. During war times, wbon Radical politicians feather ed their nests and loaded tho States, municipalities and the Nulion wilh hugo piles of debt, this neighboring down-the-river city bad n debt of (G-I.l 000 suited down by its loeal authorities lor tho benofit of tho tax-payors. This is a remarknblu "blessing" (as Lincoln termed a hugo National duht) for so small a place. Some of tho tax-payors, aware that two-thirds of this debt was a square stcitl, refused to pay either debt or interest on tho oxcoss ovor (200,000, and took tho caso into Court. Tho Supremo Court bus just affirmed tho job, and has pronounced the bonds legal, und has ordered their payment with interest. What a blessing tho Herdio ring has entailed on the tax payers of that city. Gravb Weepers. Tho Venango Spectator, in alluding to Grant's pil grimage, says : "Shakespeare felt, no doubt, in bis own lifetime, Hint poster ity would award him a world-wido and enduring fume, but he couldn't bavo known that Grant would como to Stratford on-A volt, tako a drink with tho Mayor of tho town, nnd make a pious pilgrimago to bis tomb. Yet Grunt did all this; and, what is more, ho assured the peoplo of Stratford that tho "Divino M'illiam" wus honored iu America, us nu melons Sliukepenro societies and Sbukespeare saloons could attest. There has been nothing like Grnnt at tho grave of Shakespeare since Murk Twain wept over tho grave of Adam. TintowiNO Dirt. Tho now admin istration organ, the Washington -Yii-tional Union, John Lynch, editor, has mudo its appearance. It is a neat and nowsy sheet and in every way an im provement on Washington journalism. But then Republican organ-grinding has como to a pretty pass when it re sorts to such quotations form tho Dem ocratic press as tho following from tbo Lynchburg Viryinmn, which appears in Hi o Xutional Union under tho bead of "Political Briefs": "Democrats can well afford to bo patriots, when Conk ling, lllaino & Co. undertake to pro scribo a President ot their own milk ing for doing his duty to tho South and to the country." Elections. The second Tuesday in October (yesterday) was election day In Ohio, Indiana and Iowa, but being compelled to go to press on tho after noon of that day, wo aro unable to givo tho result this week. Tbo contest in tho two lutter States was wholly local ; but in Ohio tho Senatorship was tho absorbing element. Uenco the trip tho Hayes circus mado through tbe Slate, for the purpose of assisting bis friend Stanley Matthews to secure a six years' term of Senator. Garfield is after tho samo placo, but Hayes has no love for bim, and be allows him to paddle bis own canoe, whilo bo gives Matthews a lift at ovory corner. Chickens Rkturninu to Roost. Tho editor of the St. Louis Olotie (Had.) scoops into "tbo government" in this way: "If Mr. Huycs is right now, wherein was Andy Johnson wrong ten years ago? Wo shall be greatly obliged for a satisfactory answer to this conundrum. Before we proceed any lurthor wilh tho indorsement of Hayes let us do penance for the wrong done poor Andy. Hayes seems to us vory much liko a copy ot A. J., with tho drinks omitted and a goodly part of the brains scooped out." How these loyal men do "take on" about them selves I The Pardon Business. The Board of Pardons did a flourishing buaine-s at its luto session. Out of thirty-two coses considered, pardons were recoin- mendod in nine, refused in ten, and thirteen cases were held under advise ment. Tho quality of morcy evident ly is not strained at Uarrinbtirg. It runs through tho solve just about as it is poured in. Tho fact is a most discouraging ono to tho ad ministration of criminnl justice in Pennsylvania. "Truo Reform" is the way tho Rad icals put It now. That, we supposo, means Huycs stumping Ohio, and on bis return to Washington shipping the Ohio clerks home by regiments to help boost Stanley Matthews through. Boys, your reform is too thin whilo your crimes aro too transparent, and your condemnation will bo complete this fall. An Omission. Chairman Arnold the other night, overlooked tho fact that somebody had been nominated by somebody for Prothonolary, Regis ter it Recorder, as well ss fur County Surveyor. We presume he supposed the thing was all ornamental anyhow, and that It mado very littlo difference whether the fact was mentioned or not. a. A New Move. Tho Kittanning Coal Company, of this Stato, is ar ranging to ship to South America di rect, via. Ohio and Mississippi rivers. It is thought It csn be done at a profit. Tho trou bio is they don't uso much coal ovor there for warming purposes. Twenty Wrecks. Twenty vessels, including tbroo yachts, went ashore in Port Jefferson, Long Island harbor, during tbe glo of Thursday night. Tbey are all lying high and dry and more or loss Injured. TIIK KASTKtlK I '. The Asiatic end of thu contending armies have disturbed each other iu and aniuud Kurs tho past week. The movements ol Ihe Rusniun commander looks as though he hid determined to muko at least one more bold lit tempt to capture Kars beliiro winter would set in. tul it roved n failure. Oe Tmw- sums fommoiiciMl tin assault mi me Turkish lines fur a distance of twelve miles, und after suffering heavy losses, found lhefnseveH venttlHcd lit every point. This dcleut, notwithstanding tho liussiiiiis hud been largely reiuloru ed by fresh troops, shows that the dis aster is notu slight one, and it tho nt tuck ia not renewed in a lew days with some show of success on thepurt of the Itussiuns, the custom wing ol that army may as well prepare lor winter quurters. London, October 5 A Berlin dis patch to tho W.snvs : "The Itussiuns officially acknowledge the loss of 52,- Olio men up to Hoptotiiocr a. London, October 5. A dispatch to tho Post li'inn Berlin stales Hint Mu homi t All resigned the chief command of tho TurKisli uruivoii account of tho lack of co-oporution between tho other Generals and himself and becuuso Ihe government failed til furnish the rein forcements he demunded. The Russian gruin harvest is disap pointing both hi quality and quantity. Tbo wet weather ill August, and the scarcity of luborers aro assigned as the causes ol tho short yield. Huntinu ron J (H i.u 11. Gens. How ard, Slurgis utui M 1 lea nr. on Hie trauk ol tho -Net l'erees t hiol und may over lilt ul him and his bund before they reach Canada, to enjoy Sitting Bull's company. HiXkna, October 0. Advices reach, ed here to-night which indicuto thut Chief Joseph and his Nez Perees will bo besot inure sorely tliu.it wus recent ly expected boloro be reaches t lie Can adian border. Howard und Slurgis rbave already joined each other und started north to-night. Dispatches received here from Gen. Miles, ut Squaw Creek, opposito the mouth of Mussel Shell, on tho north bunk of tbo Missouri river, announce thut his force is in pursuit of Joonh on a rout which may cnuble him also lo confront Joseph on Ilia north. 1 ho disgraceful fuel is thut Miles has, ac cording to his own representation, on ly .00 fighting men. Tho United States members of Sit ling Hull commission, leaving here 10 morrow with a ragged sound of infan try und u decimated company of caval ry, may meet the brunt ot Joseph s retract and oxpress lo savages for the hundredth lime tho iniiptiludo of tho United Suites government. A Cyclone. Tho great rnin Btorm thai passed ovor llio country on Tues day, tho 4th inst., proved very disas trous in many localities in the East. From Portland, Maine, to Bultimoro, Md., tho shipping suffered heavily in the destruction ot sails, as well as lives. Tho Blorm rtiged fearfully in Philadelphia and In tboudjoining coun ties, cnusing several railroad disasters, by which a Urge number of lives were lost and many persons wounded. The water in several ordinary sir earns in Chester nnd Montgomery counties raised to fifteen feet within an hour. The roofs wcro torn off bouses and burns and trqca Wero uprooted overywhere. Railroad communica tions were badly broken off for twenty four hours. Rakinu Them J. And now the requisition from South Cnrolinu has reached for John J. I'utlorson, while two of his fellow-patriots ut tho same timo havo had the cell door turned, wilh themselves on tbo insido. Tbo mills of tho gods grind exceedingly small, and tho wator is being gradual ly turned on. When the South Cnro lino thioves como out of tbat grinding, there will bo nothing recognizublo left of thorn. Sum Wollrr'a famous char actor who went through tho Bausago mill was never heard of, save by tho fragment of a button. Such will bo tho futo of the dospoilors of South Car olina. And thon for Wolls and Andcr- A RiniiTEors Sentence. Clifford Nogley, a son of General J ames S. Neg loy, cv-Congrcsstnan from tho Pitts burg, Pa., district, has been lodged in the Pennsylvania penitentiary, having been sentenced at F.no, Pa., to pay a fine ot (25 and one year's imprison ment in the penitentiary for passing himself off as a detective and swindling a woman out of fivo dollars as license for selling liquor. There is not less than a score of this class of gentlemen rogues still plying their vocation in this Stato who long since bavo earned similar sentences. It is well that Gen. Nogley has been scored in this wny, because ho was ono of llioso corrupt Congressmen who could not bo re strained in his Congressional career. Honored. Doth tho Domocratio Radical nominees for Auditor General, Schcll and Pnssmoro, bavo paid a visit to our county. Our friends of the Journal, aro not pleased with thu ora torical ability of tho Democratic nomi nee, and so expresaod themselves. As there has beon another fellow around since, who could not muko a spoech, we await tboir comments this week. Passmoro ia one of the host Insurance orators iu the Stato and it would bo folly to cull him sway from his legiti mate calling for a few years; und we think the peoplo w ill see it in that light. Dr. Samuel A.- Mudd, of Charles county, who wus sentenced to tho Dry lortogas, for harboring John Wilkes Booth, ha. beon nnminnfed for Iho Legislature in Maryland Dr. Mudd says ho knew nothing about the asses sination when Booth applied to bim to haro his fractured leg set. While at the Tortugas yellow fever broko out, leaving the post without a sur geon, in which enpucily Dr. Mudd so- tod snd waa eminently successful. He was pnrdonod by President John son. TnovniiTri'L Fellows The Radi cals of Carbon county recorded thorn solves in this way, and resolved "that wo look wilh distrust upon tho south ern policy of the administration, but trust that tho tanguino expectations ol those who lustuin it mar not bo dis appointed; thai wo aro not impressed with the wisdom of tho policy of the President as to what ia called eivil service reform." If his Frsudulenry can "smoko that snub" ho can swallow anything for Ihe sum of (f)0,000 per annum. Radical Relics. Tho Radical "out rage mill" that used lo grind so many loyal grists, and that once honored banner "the bloody ebirt" in whoso serrlco tho loyal stumper covorod him self with gore, are worn out, and both havo been gathered and folded sway as relics of antiquity. Liarnii ino.M mx as. Kosse, Texas, Oct. 1, 1817. Editor Ukpuiilican : Having re ceived iiuineinus lultora making inqui ries anil asking for information about tho "IiOno Slur Stale," 1 beg leave lo answer tbo sumo through thu columns of your valuable papor. Though ovory ono does not sea Texas alike, 1 believe II til tin I'M. From present indications there will boa greul lido ol euiigrutioii to Texus this lull ; und we coiigriitulnlo uliko tho emigrants und people of Texas on Iho fuel thai the crops of grain, Iruil und vegelublus Ibis your In Texus have been uiiusuiiwy lull, uuu will lurnisii an ubuudunt supply uliko for citizens und slrangers seeking hinds and homes in Iho productive. Slitto whoro Provi donco bus been so lavish wilh all the bounties thut muko life easy und desir able. Texas is now receiving u larger lido of immigration than any other Stato or Territory in the Union. The thousands ol families in tho old Stules, who have beon toiling out tboir lives on poor hinds without remuneration, should seek tho rich, alluviiil und na tural pus tu res of Texus as n pluco of prosperous reliel trom poverty uuu u poor, docrenid old agu. Though Texus bus Iho most produu livo soils, tho riihost pastures, mildest climate, and longost summer, yet it is not wilbuut its disadvantages. And while 1 recommend its good qualities, 1 would not udviso any families or young men to rashly abandon homes of comfort und good society lor an ad venture iu Texus Huving truvolod throutrh twenty Ihruo ovuntioa, itl ao 1 tnu not average more man iinriy miles a day, have gained considerable information aboul the country. Home localities have sullored severely trom drouth in the north-western counties; but 1 exits is noted for drouths, und yet they se!dotn begin until thero has been enough rain to insure n full crop. Northern l'exus is a much moro de eiruhlo pluco for locating than central or southern Texas, as the climate is mora adapted lo wheal raising, air more blueing, better water, und the peoplo much more enterprising, und, I should bavo udded, less "corn bread." Lauds uro cheap und work plenty, and any man with an average degree of energy nci-d not fail lo secure a com fortuttlo living. This is not a well- watered country lor no wells, no water. Scarcity of water is one of the groutosl disadvantages in this part ol Texas. To ono used to pure moun tain water, it is ruther embarrassing lo huvo to tlriiia wuler tilled with wig gle-tuils. Somo owners of herds havo to drive tboir stock two and three miles to water, but thut is not at all strange in lexas. Although favorably im pressed wilh my visit to Texas, j ot I huvo not decided lo locate hero until I havo tuken a trip Oirough tbo Indian Tenilory and Kansas, fur which I ex pect lo leavo in a few days. I can recommend ull persons determined to seek now homes lo the fertile plains of 1 exits, i ours truly, J.W.lr. Ao.n "Rat" Psi.t.m. Col. Lrel L. T.le, editor of th. V. illiamapnrt Ana la, with tbe el-c-tion of Mej. Kri-ea, olth. Urrmentown Ttlt ampk th. i.ldflt editor la the State. AV Let ua bear from rather Prylnger, of the Lewittiiwn b'neerte. Huntingdon Hvnilor. In reply to tho Monitor, Father Fry singer answers through Iho Gazette, as follows: "If you moan tbo oldest in years w o can soon count sixty-six ; if tho oldest in connection with editing a newspaper, wo commenced that bu siness in 18o5, and with Ibrco intervals of Irom ten months to a little over a year bavo been at it ovor since. Wo went to tho printing business in Bulti moro in 1827, living there nearly six youro, and thon prni on Oongroaotonod work at Washington, where we re mained until compelled to relinquish our situation from a fall on an icy pavement At that time jour work was considerably different from what it is now, and merely idling typo did not constitute a workman. The takes were given out in from two to four pages of small pica typo, each Jour mado up, tido, and put his pages on tho imposing stono, handing tho lasi folio to tho next in order, and tho ono having tbo lust pago ot tho form bad to impose, lock up, and take a proof of it. Wo had not been there very long when an incident occurred whicb se cured ns much good will and as long as wo remained no lack of work. See ing a light in the office in tbo evening after working hours, we sauntered in and found ono of thoSmootsand throe or four apprentices bard at work. Captain Moore, then foreman, appear ed to bo a good deal exorcised, and no sooner spied ns (ban ho camo np, told us that ho bad an important bill lo gol out which had to bo in tbo Senate Chamber at nine o'clock tho noxt morning, and although ho had request ed several regular hands to como back, but ono had responded, asked us whether wo would go to work? We did so, worked all night and at sown o'clock noxt morning sent to tho press room the last form of Henry Clay's celebrated Compromise Bill, the result of tbo groat debates in which Webster, Clay, Calhoun and other intellectual ginnts participated." iVirisfoirn (?i zette. We have advices from Kutopo up to to tho 0th inst. Telegrams to tho Lon don Timet in relation to the Russian assault on tho Turksjhelore Kars con- cone thai tno itussians lost not less (linn 15,000 men, whilo tho Turkish loss was but slight, from tho fact that they wore shielded by works and for tifications, while the Russians ad va no on ana moveu in ino open now. rio serious engagements bud takon place in Europe between the two armies sinco last week, and it looks aa though tho fighting was over for this season. Constantinople, October 8. Ex trcmely bad weather prevails. 8now and rain aro continually falling. A continuance of this unfavorable wealb ir is considered probablo, and it is thought it will suspend all operations in Bulgaria and tho Balkans." A "Moral"-17.inii Conciressman. An exchango says: Early in tho sea son tho nntorionsly voluble Ilnrrv White went to Washington for the purpose of assuring His Franduloncy mat no nesrtiiy approved oi his policy, ani inai mo mass oi rennsyivania Re publicans did likewise. But, with the innso of timo, Harry discovered that his intrigues for Ihe manipulation of the post offices in his district lound no favor at Washington, and so bitter wss hisdisappninlment that ho at once gave vent to bia feelings, and to-day thero is probably no man in the State who ia a more uncompromising foe of lis rraudulcncy than tho irate Harry. Moral never leap before you look. J. T. Smith, ot Titusvillo, was in stantly killed a few nights ago by a nltro glycorlne oxplosion at tbe now factory building on Iho Kimball farm, near Bradford. General Spinner has declined the Greenback nomination lor Secretary of State in New York, This Is like Satan turning his back on ain. THAISSIXA Illi'rrh'H BAND. Judgo William Elwell, of Columbia county, declines the nomination tor tbe Supremo Bench which the United La bor party baa bestowed upon hi in, on iho ground that bo is " not prepared lo sever all com, wtiuii ' with theDemo crulie party, with which ho has hith erto ueted. Jlo bas " full tuilll in lh ei , behalf of the luboriiig clusseB as all others," and, therefore, " cannot con sent lo become tho stundurd bearor of any new irarty organization," although bo decluros be is " a workTiigliiau now and always ready to support every legislative or other governmental re- luiiii whicb inuy tend to benefit tbo laboring classes, promote all industrial pursuits, and guuru with impartial judgment the rights and interests of both cupilul and lubor. J mlgo Elwell acta and tulks liko a good Democrat and a man of common sense, und tho voters, bo they few or many, wno huvo contempiuieu attach ing themselves to the proposed organ ization which bus Bought to make bim its cundiduto have abundant reasons f;ivcn them in tbo few sentences of his otter to reconsider their deter mination. If they will carefully consider what Judge Elwell says, they will find that be declines to be tbeir cundiduto because bo is a Demon at, and furthermore, because, being a Dem ocrat, ho cannot possibly consent to join a political association which bars trom membership any class or citizens. Such an association is abhorrent to Iho fundamental principles of Democracy-, wrliiob demand tliot that rotintry shall be governed by the voico of a majority of all classes of its citizens and which will not endure tbat any particular class shall take possession of the Government to administer it in its selfish interest. The United Labor party have mado a grievous inistuko in setting up tboir organ'zalion, and ono wbieb history and reuson alike declare to bean error. No party whoso members have been solely drawn from any particular class of tbo community has ever succeeded in attaining power in a Democratic Government, unless in a tune ol great but temporary excitement, and none so constituted hut over been able to re tain tho power that it may once have gained. Do tbo men wbo have origi nated this United Labor party honestly believe that it will be for the good of tho country that it should bo placed wholly under the control of representa tives of only tbo labor interest of tbe country ? Suppose tbat tho capitalists of tho country should undertake to organizo a parly which should admin isler tho Government wholly in their interest and give tbe laborer no voice whatever in its control, would not the members ol tho " United Labor party think it a great outrage ? Would thoy not at once, and most justly, say that it would be wrong to trust the Govern ment to the representatives of capital only, however virtuous their declu ra tions and pious their intentions ? Tho interests of labor would not bo sale under tbe protection of liio most honest representatives ol capital ; but neither would tho interests of capital bo sale under tho protection ot tbe most honest representatives or labor. Men cannot be trusted to act fairly against their instincts and appetites ; tho lamb cannot sntely lie down witb tbo lion. Judgo Elwell declines the invitation of the Labor party lo help it get tho advantago of capital. Ho tells it very plainly tbat bo lavors tbo in to rest of neitbor at tho expense of the other, but that ha demands for both ihe rights which belong to them. As a Democrat bo belongs toa party wbieb proposes to defend every interest and every class in tbe enjoyment of its propor lunoliona ad pmwilorna. JLa a Democrat be frowns upon every move- mc-iit of one interest or one class to unduly advantage itself at tbe expense of another. The United Labor party proposes to protect tbe rights ot labor ; but if labor bad to depend upon its weak arm for its safety, its fate would bo quickly sealed. Tbe fools wbo have originated such a movement as tbis interest ol lubor havo not shown wisdom enough to lead a flock of sboep. Tbo move ment is worthy only of contempt, and so lightly have we thought of it, thut we have not cared to waste words upon it Judge El well's few senlcncos puncture it to tho heart, and it will wither away before 'tbe fall of tbe autumn leaves. Every reflecting labor ing man knows tbat tbe party lo pro tect him is Dot one that starts out with a puroose to do so at tbe expense of oilier interests ; but that bis welfare can only bo secured in company with tbat ol bia lellows, and uy a political party which demanda equal rights to all. jAincaster Intelligencer. (jt EKB. The Philadelphia Common wealth m : "Ex-Mayor Vaux wrote for tho Uarrisburg Convention as sound a plutfoim as ever was made, and be started out from the first for "Square Timber Noyes" as tbe very best man in tho Stato lor a death grapplo witb tho 1 reusury King. 1 bat may re so, but tbo fuel tbat Ihe Philadelphia del egates nearly all voted against "square timber, shows that there wore some screws loose somewhere. Tho Hollidaysburg Standard tells of a lady residing in tbat place who re ccivod by mail the other day a gold chain which was stolen from hei thir ty five years ago, evidently by one of her youthful schoolmates, whilo a pu pil at Mount Joy Seminary, A esse of conscience long drawn out. Nor So Bad. The Philadelphia Tekyrayh ono of tho Radical organs of that city, in alluding to the Democrat ic nominees, says: "It is by all odds Ihe best and most respectable ticket thai tht Democrats have put brfore tbo pub lic for many years." Tads is certainly an excellent endorsement. , A (Jueeb Fellow. Tbo 1,902 Dem ocrslio majority last year in this coan ty did not intlmidato Murray in the least, the othor night. Ha rehearsed tho same speech he delivered last year. "The largest crowd" is bis fort; but ho nevor gols them to the polls at eleo tion times. The termaof eighteen Republican and six Democratic United States Senator will expire at the close of the present session ot Congress. 1)1 the twenty. lour new Senators tbe Democrat, are certain of twelve and hopeful of four teen. In either case they will havo a working majority In the Senate in 1H79. WriAT A Pitv I Mr. Lewis Porter, Assistant Postmaster at Washington, is obliged to resign bis place bocause bo bas been proven guilty ol attempt ing to bribo ex-Senator Matt. Carpen ter. General Sheridan gives it up. He says the last chanoe for capturing tbe whole outfit of Chief Joseph was lost by tbe misadventure on Clark's Fork Postmistress Sarah A. Garrow, of North Hormnn, Me., bas been tried and fined (5 for peeping into letters passing through her official hands. The Russians attribute the loss of the fight at Plevna to the seperiority ol the breeoh loading guns with which the Tnrka are armed. A Lively Confkhk.ice. Wo. notice that tbo Indiana Conference of the Methodist Church passed a series of resolutions, deploring tbo illness of Sen ator Morton, congratulating hi in upon tho prospect ol hia recovery, and de claring that the calumily thut has over taken bim is one before whicb thu olulions ulso stato that Bishop Haven led tho Conference in prayer lor tbe recovery of tbe invalid Senator. A eomniittee t miiii.lcra wailed upon Senator Morton, and the interview is said to have been vory affecting ; the Senator assuring tbo committee tbat nothing' Id bis personal history gavo bim more pleasure or greater gratifica tion than to receive their resolutions and visit. Wo have no knowledge that any othor Senator ever boloro received such marked attention from a Church Conference. But, wherever Bishop Haven turns up, something special must be enacted. Old and well defined lines and rules of propriety are no bar riers lo bis progress. The Burned Sake. The sale of tbe 'Adams Express Company, In charge ol the unfortunate messenger, Jacob A. Steinman, which was buried iu tbe wreck at tbo Muney disaster somo time sinco, and subjected to tho most intense best trom tbo burning oil and dvLrle) Ar tvrvlvo or louilwii koiiin, was taken from Williamsporl to Phila delphia alter its recovery from tho ruins and opened. Tho contents a largo amount of money in greenbacks und valuable papers were found to be so badly charred tbat they were senl lo Washington for thu purpose ol plac ing them in tbe hands of experts, witb a view to determine their denomina tion. Some of the paper money is so badly scorched and charred that the notus are almost w orthless. 1 France's Troubles. Tbo French seems to be Hearing tbo verge of rev olution. Never in the history of France under any form of government that lasted any time, was there so much excitement as at the present time, and daily as tho time for the elections in October draws near that excitement increases. Tbe permanency of the Republic will depend In a great meas ure upon the indecndence of the peo ple at tho coming elections. Seemingly tbey bavo to mako a choice between a Republio and a Monarchy. How much depends upon tho bullols at tho dec tioiiB. The destiny ol tho nation hangs in tbo balance. The People Don't Want Him. Wo notice In various parts of tho State thoro is a spirit of healthy opposition developing in tho Republican party, to the election of Mr Hart (Mr. Mackey's clerk) as Stato Treasurer. It is ruther cheeky in the treasury ring to capture both the accounting and disbursing officers at ono sweep. Wilb Passmoic to examino and approve accounts and Hail to pay them, things could be mado comfortable all around. We would return to tbe glorious days of "dear Ycrkos," wben, with Mackcy in the Treasury and Hanison Allen iu the Auditor's office, the ring drove a lively bunlutmo. Failed to Recommend. In nearly every county where the Radicals have beld big meetings and elected delegates to tho ooxt State Convention, tbey, at tho same time, nominated some one for Governor. But the " big crowd " in Iho Court room last Wednesday night did not show its band. Centre county baa trotted out General Beaver. A N ew Tune. Our Radical friends used to criticise severely the "swing ing around the' circle" of President Johnson, bnt not a word of condemna tion of Returning Board Hayes, ex hibiting His Frauduloncy in every Stale in tbo Union, in an eight by seven cage, i ' : i France, through its wines and fancy things, trinkets, fashions and foolish notions, gets moro money out of tho world without equivalent return than all tho remainder of the world nets out of tho entire world's population for oread, and perhaps lor meat in addi tion. Sat I If Hayos' civil scrvico reform order is worth anything, why does ho not obey it bimsolu Why did be stump Ohio? Men should practice what tbey preach, if Iboy want thoir neighbors to believe that they are honoet in wbat tbey avow. O'Lcary, the champion of the world in pedestrianism, has accepted a chal lenge Irom John f.nnis. Tho match is for (S00 a side, ovor the distance of luo miles, and is to take placo in New York within GOdaya. It is stated positively, in tho Phila delphia papers, tbat foreign corpora tions aro actually in negotiation with Delaware shipbuilders lor the construc tion of one of tho finest steamships over launcnea. Man W ha Burns-Up-llis-Wigwnm" is what lied I. loud calls Sccretarv Sehurx, since tbe recent fire iu tho Patent Office. Miss Randolph, e-randdau editor ol Thomas Jefferson, ia at tbe head of a school near Charlotte, Va. - flt dWttSfmfutJ. ' Auditor si moticr Is tba Court of Common Pleas .f Clear Sold anuBty, Pa. Nu. T.. 1877. L. M Oomlrtc vs. Ossrrs LaUkaL ot. a). Tho udentgaod Auditor, appelates) by Ihe Ooart, to SlatriaoM Ik. preeeeda artetaf from . ikona". oafs, will atseod la bia dalles as sorb at am eeaee la vtoarBsM, eo Wedassdey, Oct list, ISIt. at B .'aloes, a. m., whoa and whoso oil par less tataimud asay arasaa. S. V. WILSON, A tier, ay ol Law, Clear. Id, Oat. IS, U77-U. Audita. AUDITOR WOTICR la tbo Orpaaaa' C.art of Clearfield Co , Pa t estate of Joab Midrv Th. aoderolgnad Auditor, appolalrd by Ihe Ceart, to dlalrlbou the balance shown he ih. Inal eecoant of Wm. Hidrr, Administrator of the asset. o tM Kldar, wo. , will attend to bis autre, as turn at bis orr.ee la 1,'lsa.fi.ld, oa Tuoa day, Oot. ss, 1S77, at I u'eloeh p. m.. whea and waerw ail parts., latmstoa may ailead. 8. V. WILSON, Attoraey at Law, C:srS.H, Oct. IS, ISJMfc. Auditor. Divcmcit sioticr. Is th. Court of Comnsoa Pl.aa of Clear laid muBty, Pa. dHalsl Moore. Ilh.ll.ai. so Elko Moors. No. Daps. T., 1877. Babpmaa ear Tho andsrslpied Commissioner appointed hy Iho Court to tab. taetlmony Iu lha above case. will dlacharg. th. dolls, of bia appointment nt --- "--'iu, va inuradsy, IBB 1st day ol November, ISTr, at S a'.lo.k a. m, whea aad -on peruse microti... may attend. .... .8. V. WILSON, ' ' ' I Attarae. at Us. CVsarSsM, Oca IS, IB7T-M. Commissioner. A UI)ITOr1 NOTICR IX. la Ike Court of Cam maa Plana of Clear uy. l. Fa. Mob. At and its j... I jr. -.SHk 4 Wodgo va. J. R, MoKiaaey. Tbo aaaeseigass Auditor, annolal.d . St.. I i iLf!T., "berira TZ? fporty, sb... LM.r,i,..,,HM '". buss,,!,, ,ri that a. .,11 .,,. ,b, ., ,', r,?..k'',,;r C'-r,"- su ossdayl lbs r Wj Bsasns. rw .dvcrtisrutrntji. DivoHii-: Niirit i:. 1b tbe Ci.urt of Common Plan orciai, I.ld county, Pa. No. IIS, H,il. T.. I.T3, j't,' A. Curry ta. Cornelia Carry. Tbe uu'l.rlgi,ed Comwiiaioner, Bnniate th. Court to lake leimny In lb. elve een v;n atland to tho duty or Mid afpuiatmi-nt, et'tj olBc of McKnally A tf-Uurdy. la ClearlcU 2 Thursday. Oot. :. I877, aelwro tbe aowiTf II .'eliMh a m. aad 9 o'olnek p. m. KWIianinaj . I - euar at , - -- .i.-t Se L d.'mnm So, t A.: A nMI NINTH ATOM') HHITH'li-xyL, is hereby given lhal Lottn itf A.unn,M lion OB Hie aetata ol IHAAU THOMI'.-ON,,, lauj of Uloom township, Clearfield onaott' Pa., deoaasod, having bees daly granted to tbe undersigned, all poisons indebted to laid r,tsi will pleas make immediate pnymeot, and ismc having elalm. r demands will present is properly authenticated lor settUutsnt nitbot delay. A. O. TATH, Adta r ClearBeld, Pa., Sept. i, ISTT-St. AIMINIHTRATIR'H rslTI('r!.-NoiiM Is horel-y given that Letters of AdiainlMri. lii.B on the estate of PKA.M'IH COI'DKI KT, Ins of Covington township, ClearSeld county, pa. dre'd, having been duly granted to tbe etijer! signed, all persons indebted to laid .tale, si!) I lease moke immediate payment, and Iboa ear. ig olaima or demands will present Ibeta proprr'y authenticated for settlement without dr-Uy. L. M. COI'DKIRT, S. N. COI DRIKT, Frcaebtllle, Pa , Sept. 12, '77 Hie Alan D.VIINIHTHATOK'N NOTItlv. Nf-lice Is hereby given tbat Letters of ministration oa the estate of JOB. PosTl.g. TIIWAIT, lata or liridy township, Clearfield Co, Heao'a, dee'd, basing been doly granted to th. Budersign.d, all parsons indebted to ssid eslata will please man. immediate payment, snd tbop baring elsitns or dems&ds will present them properly authenticated for setllem'-nt nitk. outdeUy. UhOKdK 0. k I UK . Latbereburg, Pa, Sept IV. '17-61. AJoj'r. IXI;JUIKIA' rSISIICB.-hr. J memory rn tbe estst. of JAMI;s IMilMf.s lute of Deealar township., Clesrlisld sosnty, I'a.dee'd, having been granted to lbs ends rsiised, ail persoaa knowing themselves Inds ted to ssid . estate are required to make immediate payment, and Ihoee basing claims against tb. same will present them properly authenticated fur ssltls ment without delay, ISABKl, F11ILIP. Phllipsburg. Pa., Oct. 1. '77-61. Kiecutrit. CAUTION. All proni aro hereby cautioned against purchsatng or in any wsy meddling with the Mlowitig propeKv now io the posieuioo rf i. K. Kitchen of Cheat township, vis: Uas tlmt.r .led, ) interest in a spar slsd. intsre.t ia a tbre.biog machine, l- interest ia a stump marbliie, X arrra buckwheat, acre potatoes, Is doses o.le, o tona bay. I brown mtrs, I s-t har ness, I harrow, 4 hogs, 1 cook atvvr, I bd and bedding, and 1 aleigb, aa tba saws wss pun-hated by me b tbo 21st dsy of Septerut'er left, soil is left ib bia possrsstoB on loan only, saVoor-t to my order at any time. J. H. McMl. Kk AY. New H ashington, OcL in, 1 8 77 St. CA kV TIOK. A II persons ar hereby cautioned against purchssiur or in any way msdilling a lib tba following property, now In possessloa of Andrew Kepfaart, of Di-cltur towosbip, vis : On black horse, I gray borse. I bav horse, 2 rows, t heed of yoangoatUe. t-1 yearling ao I I spring calf), I wagon, 1 set of hrnee, I plow, I shovel plow. 1 borrow, 12 head of hogs, 14 bead of shee, about Butt dsen of oats. Sou abo-ks rf corn acrea of buckwheat, and about I acre oT putstoss. This property bet-inge to me, and ia left with hioa on loan ooly, .ut-jeel to mv order at anv tints. isaiah hi: rut. nr. West Droalur, Sept. 20, 1S77 St "V a I? Q A 1 If - W 1 tj.l 1J IS Tb ao JtriiiTDe'I I 1 t prints) ! tit (bat tract or femrox) mi Und ituaff in brcatnr Umnahip, Clearfield moty, I'a villi. n a ihort dirtotnosj of lb Trron h Cleartill K. R., and) adji'inina: laodi f Hi-lwrt lludtun and oto-rr, aod k nt wo a llie Jaeoh U. (ii-arfurl Int. Tbo md tract ount at did k to acre wr or lent, witb two Tsjitu of taluiM- coal thereon, ban about SO acre elaured, aod ii tbe kry to a larpe bod; of aval aJ-aut txiog developed. Will Ixj ibid low and upon aanj termi. t particular., apply to DAVID L. khKBS. ClearBald, Fa., Jalj IS, 1876. tinlbltlon. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTH WK8T.CORNKR THIRTKKN1lldkKII.nKRTSTHI-.ClH. PHILADELPHIA, MANPI'ACTI RERS OP PATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITTI SHAKING AND CLINK ER-fl It INDINft URATK8 FOR Bl RNlNtl ANTtlRA C1TK OR BITI MINOI S COAL. CENTENNIAL W.tomiMROX HEATERS, FOR BITUSIIX01-BC0AL. KEYSTONE ROlfiHT-IROX HEATERS, COOKINtl RASHES, LOW-DOWN URATES. Descriptive t Lrculars Beat free to any addr.s.. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. April li, '77-Iy. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Pens townebip, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURNED OUTI sot aov B U R N ED U PI The h tri ber havw, at rreat inaBH.relntllt aalghborhood Bfaatiitjr, in tbe enetion of a Brat aiaaa Woolau Manufactory, with all tba atodern proTamaati attaobed. and art prepared to niki all kinda of Olotbi, Caaiimarai, But i net U, Ulaa- keta, Klannela, ste. Plenty of Roods oa hand to upply all owrold and a thonaand new oaitomera, whom we at 10 eome ana examine our toaa. Tbe baaioais af CARDING AND MILLING will rartlta oar epetal attentioa. Proper arrangement! will ba aade to raeeive and deliver Wool, to lalt eualomere. All work warranted and done upon the ihortett not lea, and by atrial atten tion to batnet we hop to realise a liberal ikara of patille patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Wa will pay tbe t.. theft market arioa for Woo and wall onr manufactured goods ai low at i in liar Rood a eaa be konght la the ooB&ty, and whenever we fall to render reaaonable eatlifactlon wa ean a) way ba foand at home ready to make proper eiplanatioa, either Id pen en or by latter. i A at Kb JUUNSU.'t BuHH. iprllSiMf Bower P. 0. A. Be lun. A. i. HAflKKTT. REED & HAGERTY, Bucoattors to J. C. SCHRYVER, DKALBR9 IN HEAVY AND SHELF II A 111) WARE, "WOOD wd COOKING STOVES, HEATTNQ STOVES and RANGES. Second SI., Vlrarlttld, fa. tts. aadaroliaed wwal.l announcs to lb. oitisrnl of Clearflelil aad vicinity, that thev here par chase tba Hardware Hloraof J. O.aVbrjrrer.and will constantly keep on bend a full assotlment or Hardware in all iu braaohaa, ach as TABLE & POCkET CITLERY. Beach Stop., Head Saws, Ureal America Oroaa aol K.wa, D. B and l'e.ha( Ansa, llatrhsls, fiasco and Plana I roes, all kinds el Nells, Horse Shoes aad Horse She N.H., Picks, Hoes, Hakes. lis, ' ,, Forks, Shovels and Spa las, Sejrtbc.Snathes, Plows, Orain CradiM, Cultivators, Don!. I. and Single Shovel Plows, (.'ulttsutnr Teeth, Bevrla sad Trj Pquaroe, Khov.l Blades, Mill Baw aad Tatar lMss, Chisels, Hilts. Aaron, Adsos, Uarn Door Healers, Butt, T Bad Strap Diegoa, Bona, 'a Hollow Aus.ie, all hinds of Looks, Bar..., Bash Cord aad Polls,', GLASS and PUTTY, Foot aad Cbala Rolls , Carrlate, Tiro and Barr.1 Bolt., fl-d Cord, Had Iteos, Horse Brashes and I'uiry-Comb., (triad eloae Snares, Hum, Hemp and Honp. stone Packing. Cable t'halns, etc. The, .ill .1.0 hes-p oa bond n full aiMmitm.nl an'mware,aada genevel much of House P.rnisb in Goods, wbieb tbey .ill Mil at arteoa lo ault th. tlmea. PoreoB. wlahlag aaything la their Hoe ar. in vitee) as aall aad eiamiao thsir sloeh before purchasing. HKKD A HAOKRTY. ClearSeld, May IS, ISIT Iy. T