Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 03, 1877, Image 2

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    She Republican.
Reader, If yoa waat to know what ti foloa OB
to tbe buainea, world, Jut read our advertialn
eolomBa, Iho Spteial eoluma IB partleolar.
LLI BLOOM, of Cloarfiold.
L. J. MORGAX, of Cloarfiold.
for surveyor:
S. Jt't'LOSKKY.of Curwonavillo.
No Dion wortbr tbo offlee of Prealdeot abonld
1m willing to bold it If eouated iB, or placed there
by any fraud. V. 8. Ubi.
I oould never have bcea reooociled to tbo ele-
TotioB by tho atnalleal aid of mine of a peraoo.
however reapeetable io private tifo, wbo moat
furerer carry upon bi, brow tbo etamp or rrauu
Qrat trlumphaat in American biatory. No eub
oequeBt ectioB, however meritorioua, eon weab
away the lettera uf that record.
Cbablkr Faaartf Auami.
t'ndor thoforml of low, Rutherford D. IIo.toi
line beeo declared rreiident of the t'oited tilatei.
Ilia title reita upon diafraochiacmeot of lawlul
votera, toe lalae oerunoaieo 01 toe remraiDg ora
oera aetinf corruptly, and tbe deetalon of a oonv
miaiion wbieb haa refuied to boar evidenee of at
lefted fraud. For the firat line are the American
people eon fronted with tbe faot of a fraudulently,
elected President. Let it not be uoderatood that
tbe fraud will bo atlently acquieaecd in by the
country. Let no Dour pase in wtiion :ne uaurpa
tifin ii forgotten.
Adorksb or DxaocRATic M. C.'a.
One hundred yoara of human depravity aecu.
mulaled and concentrated Into a climai of crime.
Never again lu 6r hundred yeara ahall they have
an opportunity to repeat tbe wrong.
Dasibl W. VooantKa.
X would rather trave the endoraement of aqnar
tor of a million of the American people than that
of the Louisiana Returning boara, or of the Com
tniaiion which excluded tbe facta and decided
the nutation 00 a technicality.
Tuoa. A. Hkidrickb.
"Our Normnl School Huilding,""llia
Last Shove," and "Hampton's Spocch,
will all bo found on our first page.
That's So. "A manly dclivoranco,"
ia what tho Pbiladelj bia Commonwealth
calls Col. Xoycs' letter of acceptance,
Tho letter is a "square timber reflec
tion," and it was rttdo to insinuato
anything else.
"Square Timber" Xoyes. Those
who nro not personally acquainted
with our nominee for Treasurer, can
learn something to their advantage by
reading an article on our fourth page
relating to tbo gentleman in question.
Shipped Home. Ail tho Radical
Clorksfrom Ohio, in the soveral depart
ments at Washington, have been sent
homo to vote on tbo 9th ot October.
After having stumped tbo State him
self, Hayes fears deloat in his own
Tleahed. Tho wondorful omission
in our platform which startled a few
journalists, we are pleased to chronicle,
has boon supplied by Col. Noyos' loiter
of acceptance, and the aforesaid are all
happy now. This is more than we
expected, and makos us fool good, too.
Com plete. At our mast-head will be
found a full band to volo for on the Cth
of Xovombcr next. Our. Stnto and
county ticket is now complete, and let
all go to work and lubor heartily for
tho cause of Nomocracy. Tho namos
of Trunkcy, Schell and Noyos makos
tt tho State ticket. Xo hotter men
woro over offered to fill tboso offices.
Xo Democrat nood hositato about vot
ing for thorn. The gentlemen on onr
county ticket Bloom, Morgan and
McCloskey are just as worthy. They
aro personally well known to many of
our people, and thoir Integrity and
Democracy being above reproach, it
bocomos tho duty of Democrats to vote
tbo whole tiekot, from Trunkoy down
to .McCloskey, without hositation.
Tho latest wo havo from tho sent ot
war in Europe, iB up to Saturday and
Sunday, tho 20th and 30th. Hard
fighting took place around Plevna and
in somo of the passes in tbe Balkan
Mountains on tboso two days. ThtS
Russians and tho Roumanians suffered
heavy losses. Tho Turks have also
gainod several strong positions in tho
Balkans, heretofore held by the Rou
manians and tbo Russians. Tho hints
nt a peace aro discarded by the Turkish
Commander. Ho says the battlefield
must sottle tbo question, and thorn
shall be no pence while a Russian sol
dior remains South of tbo Danube.
Mediation is therefore impossible for
tbo present More men must be
slaughtered to appeaso the wrath of
tho bloody rttlors, who piny as compla
cently with the lives or men as a bil
linrd player with bis balls.
Satisfied. We are highly pleased
that Col. Xoyes' lettor or acceptance is
satisfactory to tho editors of the Sun,
Oommonvealth and InMliqrncrr. Tbo
Colonel having supplied the "strange
oversight" omitted in the platform by
tho Stato Convention, wo hopo tho
editorial trio will now koep quiet nntil
after tho election.
CoKKLiNO.-Tho Radical United H tales
Senator from New Y'ork, who Is aftor
Hayes with a sharp stick, was com
. polled to do one or two things at Iho
. Radical Convention in that State on
Thursday last. He had both Hayes
and fioo. W. Curtis on bands, and ho
made an effort to whip both, and in
' doing so he and bis friends have given
tho Democrats a clean sweep. Conk
ling, like Clay, would rather be right
Iban he President.
Tlio l'hilttilulpliis Times in ulluiling
to tlio coll mo of I'liitotl Sluloa Scimtur
Couklin, of Now Yoi lt.ainooliiaroturn
from Kuropo aaya: "Tliuro'a a tlmo in
tho oQuiin of public men which, wlion
takon at tho flood, leatla thoin to niako
tool of thi'inmlvoo. Conk ling hud ono
maud oiiiiortiniity to nmko liimwll
groat great in respect of the country
awl tho worltl anil rrjjr, in lilalory
hour arrived that was big with his des
tiny. Had ho tuken tbe floor of tho
Senate and mudo the master elfort of
bia lilo against tho fraudulent count of
Louisiana for Hayes, as bo bad onco
decided to do and as was widely ex
pected, when the Senato mot to accept
or reject tho judgment of tho Klocto-
rnl Commission, he would hnvo boon
tho first man of tho Republic ; but bo
was dwarfed by bis tears and fnilod to
appear in the momentous doliboratinns
of tho body whon ho might have avert'
ot a national wrong that baa inflicted
tbo deepest wound on froo institutions.
Such an opportunity comes to but low
and only once in a lifotimo, and Conk-
ling, tbo pigmy of the groat occasion
of bis caroor, sunk out of sight to re
appear as tho giant to lock horns with
what ho tormod tho man-milliner of
politica. Ho was brilliant, pungent,
triumphant, but whom has ho vanquish
ed? Is not (ioorgo William Curtis
greater to day than a woek ago? Conk
ling has made him Conkling'spoer, and
thoro they will stand on equal ground.
The Rochester speech of tho New York
Senator was but tho breaking of tho
storm that muttered in cowardice in
tho Senate when Louisiana was record
ed for Hayes, and tbo attack upon the
administration is but the attempt to
cripplo what bo feared to kill whon it
was a public duty to deliver the death
blow. Conkling, thoroforo, falls a vic
tim of bis own vengeance upon him
self, and there the country will leavo
him. How wisely tho action of tho
younger Cameron contrasts with tho
imperious folly of tho Now Y'ork lead
er. Cameron has loss lovo for tho poli
cy of Hayes than has Conkling, but ho
is wise as the dove. Both bad strong
nnti atlmist ration Conventions, and both
wore supreme in thoir rcspoctive Stntos
Comoron coerced a most reluctant Con.
rontion to give Hayes a qualified in
dorsement, and will bavo poaco with
tbo hope of future success. Conkling
pulled tbo pillars down upon himself,
and Hayes is not of tboso who fell with
them. Such is tho lesson of Rochestor.
Something Wrong. -The public is
aware that "fire-proof" buildings have
boon croctod in Washington for ovory
department of tho Government, at an
onormous expenso. Y'ot, slnco Con
gressional investigating Commlttoes
have become ftubionable, fires aro con
stantly occurring. Tho War Depart
ment has been twico fired, and last
woek an attempt was mado to burn
tbo Tatent Office. Tho Lancaster In-
MUyencer, in alluding to it, says : ''Tho
Buspicious recurrence ot disastrous fires
in tho "fire-proof" government build
ings, stored with important archives,
justifies tbo suspicion that they aro
tbo incendiary work of tboso anxious
to check damaging investigations. But
if the tbioves havo to burn out tbe do-
part men t of tho interior to avoid tho
consequences of a Republican Secre
tary's investigation, what would have
boon tbe result bad an entire Democratic
administration come in? Tbo whole
of tbo government buildings would
probably havo been sacked and the
record of sixteen years villainy de
A Reiiel Outrage. "Tbe story has
been started that a Confederate flag
was displayed at Atlanta during the
President's roccption at that placo. It
may bo a fact, as we all know tbe fool
killor bos not recently given that close
attention to business which tho fool
crop has seemed tocall for. Under those
circumstances it ia remarkable that tbe
administration over livod to reach
Washington. How it got safely around
that Confederate flag ought to bo ox-
plained, for it was a narrow escape. If
thoro aro any more Confodornte flags
at largo in Georgia lot them be caged
at onco. The people of tho Xorth
don't want to be terrorised and kept
awake o' nights by a Confederate flag."
Philadelphia Times.
Home Again. Tbe government cir
cus bos just made tbe home stretch
and has gone into wintor qnartors at
Washington. And Hayes reports
all tho States in tho Union, except
Iowa and Xow York, in which there is
a considerable rebellion raging just
now. Whether troops will bo sent
thoro to quell the rebels, baa not trans
pired. "Tho government," as now con
stituted, is odious to tho rebel portion
of those two onco excossivo loyal
States. But wo suspect that tho Dem
ocratic victorios noxt November will
restore tho rebellious again to their
truo allogienco to tho Union.
Ktiii.tivicatiox.-Goo. W. Curtis,
editor of Harpers, ,otirna of Civiliza
tion (?) was a delegate to tho Radical
Stato Convention, Xow York. Ho !b
ono of these inflated "civil service" ro
formors who novor accomplish anything
only in theory. Ho offered a rcsolu
Hon declaring "the title of Rutherford
H. Hayes to the Presidency aa clear
and perfect aa that of George Washing
ton," which was rejected by a vote or
throe to one. Tbo members of tbe Con
vention refused to stultify themselves
by adopting such a palpable falsehood,
Hayesism. Referring to tho state
ment of General Smith, or the United
States Treasury, that 500 Ohio govern
mcnt cicrxs can do "inducou ' to go
borne and vote the Republican ticket,
the PittbnrguVr( Rep.) says: "We
think that 5,000 wavcrers will bo Induc
ed to vote tbe Democratic ticket there
by this shameless exhibition of the con
tompl civil service leform is bold in by
some persons prominent in tho admin
istration, and tho moat unwise conies
sion or the doubtfulness of the iasito in
Ohio it involvos."
Kmri.ems. We are dipping mottoes,
from Hayes speeches made down South.
Hore is one: "The gallant Confeder
ate were as honest in their belief and
as brave In battle, as were the North
crn soldiors," etc., etc., for nse by any
Republican ptoceasion that may desire
them. They will be printed on tbe
reverse side of the "bloody shirt," so
aa to destroy tho ghostly appearance
of that loyal garment.
Tlio general I'NMikodniMa in tho mini
agoinent of our Stiilo 'i'rvaaury for uHt
yeara ia ua notorious ait Tweod'a bri
bery "tho country talk." Tho Ilur
riahurg 1'iitriat in ulluding to it, nya:
'It haa been chnrjutj that u luro Bum
in worihloaa corlillculoa of broken
bunking inntitulioiiH which aomo yoara
ainca bold depoaila of Stuto fun d a win
;t.uriietl cortotho tvmntMtMa TrcM"-1
credited to his predecessor in settle
ment Tho Hon. Charles S. Wolfo, of
Union county, ia quoted as having do
elarod that ISlato Treasurer Ituwlo had
mado tho statement that among those
certificates was 0110 of a defunct bank
orKrie Tor $30,000. A report similar
to the statement accredited to Mr.
Wolfo waa current at the timo Mr.
Ruwlo was installed in office, coupled,
however, with tho additional allegation
that tbo latter refused to accept the
certificate of tho broken batik until ho
was amply secured. Whothor or not
the worthless certificate still remains
in the vaults of tho treasury wo do not
pretend to know. Mr. Huwlo's pub
lished statements of tho condition of'
tho Treasury shed no light upon tho
subjocl. If It is still among tho assets
or the Trousury, and Mr. Rnwlo is
merely secured against tho loss or tho
amount which it ronrcscnts. it will
probably remain thoro alter Ituwlo
shall bavo retired trom office, should
t'apt. Hurt bo elected. Of coiiiko ul
tho expiration ol Mr. Itawlo'a term of
offico tho security ho privately holds
for tho redemption of tho check will
bo released, though dipt. Hart, in caso
of his olootion, might roquiro his pa
tron and frioncl, ex Treasure Mackey,
to secure htm in liko manner. Xow,
whilo there is no presont danger that
tho Stuto will loso tho amount ropro"
sontcd. by tho worthless cortiticuto
spokon of (a recovery upon tbo bonds
of Mr. Mackey nud Mr. Ruwlo respec
tively being assured), thoro is never
theless just this peril, that if tbo pics-
ont innnagoment of tho Treasury bo
continued indefinitely no elfort will
over bo mudo to obtain a settlement.
Should Capt. Hart bo elcclod somo-
body will goon his bond who will rcp
rosont tho worthless certificate, -and
should tho ring succeed in choosing
bis successor two years henco the same
process will bo repcutod, and so on ad
infinitum. Tho election ol Col. Xoyos,
however, would mean a scttlmont with
tho outgoing Treasurer which would
disposo of the matter forever."
Reflect a Little AVorkingmcn,
before they form a distinct party or
ganitation in an endeavor to euro the
evils they complain of, should nsk
thomselves by whom tho country has
been governed for tbo lust twelvo
yearn. A correct answer to this will
bo tho loaders of tho Republican par
ty. If, then, misuovornmcnt is nt tho
bottom ol the suffering and wretched
ness now endured by tho working
classes, tho Republican party is at
fault. And this party asks with lira
ion effrontery for a still longer leaso
or power! And tho workinginun, by
separate political organization, will
help thom to secure it. Let working
men think or this.
Passmohe on the Hunt. Tho nom
inee of tho Radicals for Auditor Gen
eral, has presented bis claims bcloro
tno l.rocnuacK, Labor Union, und
Workingmcn's State Conventions for
adoption, but neither took the bnit be
offered. Still with tho Radical nomi
nation ho cun call,
Tally one aoore
For Paaatnore.
How much better is it that tho offico
seek tbe man, instead ot Ibis case in
which tho man must go about and
seek tbo offico. Whnovcr cun seek
tbe nomination from all parties, nnd
has no stability of party or principles,
should not bo elected to any offico. Ho
is unworthy of it.
A Poset or a Candidate. Tho oil
itor of tbo Xorristown Register is a
neighbor of the Radical candidato lor
Trcasuror, and has known him over
since ho was born, In alluding to him,
ho says :
Wm. n. Pert, the Republican candidate for
citato Treaeurer. la thirty three yeara of age, ail
teen of which be waa engaged In making mud
files, are yeara aa a aperiel pet of Got. Ilartrann
n the army, and twe're yeara a "atatearnan" at
And yot tho Herald calls bim a
workingman'e candidato. Papa Xoyes
will show the Herald a trick worth
two of this beforo the campaign is
Certainly in Time, Tho Philntlel
phia Chronicle has nailed a ticket to its
mast-head for 1880:
for president:
op new JERSEY.
Well, there's nothing liko boing in
timo. The ontorprisoof tho journal in
question ib certainly commendable, and
wo cannot find any fault with tbo
material out or which tbo tickot is
Booy's Successor. St. Louis, Sep
tember 29. Col. David H. Armstrong,
an old citizen of St. Louis, and tbo
whocl borso of the Democracy ot this
State lor the past twenty-fivo years,
was appointed United States Senntor
this evening by Governor Phelps to
fill the vacancy caused by tbo tlenth
of Lewis V. Bogy. Col. Armstrong
is at present Vice President of tho
Board or Police Commissioners of this
A Look Inside. Thoso who do not
exactly understand tho workings or
Radicalism in this Slate, can get a truo
picture by rcuding Mr. llrowster's
speech made in tho Philadelphia Radi
cal Convention, and round on our fourth
page. Brewster is a prominent leader
of bis party, having served as Attor
ney General under Governor Geary,
and knows exactly what he is saying.
The eandldatef for Auditor General anil Rial
Treaaarer en the Republican ticket ata both
workiBftnea. Hadititl ErtXnugt.
That's a whopper! Neither ol tbeso
mon have over done a square day's
work since they wero twonty-one
years of age, and it ia very doubtful if
they ever did bcloro.
State Fair. There wero not less
than fifteen thousand people in the
Erie Fair ti rounds last Wednesday.
But Paaamore did not succeed in wring
ing the bands of more than eleven
thnnsnnd rive hundred of them.
Tuesday evening September 25tli, Cut.. Nov,:,' l.KTTin or Aitkitanok.
wuh tlionnnual gathering at IhuCoiiilj 1 1U billowing iiriyioiuKtit.-o Ima
couniv. and right well did turn J"Ml l,ul mmlo public :
out, although no effort waa luado to Allkntowk, I'u., Sept. 20, 1877.
pi-ocuro a turnout. Hut for tho acei-K'"'- '" ! A'oyet- kam Silt: In
dental proence of tho Uitiaena" ltiuxl, ! purrtiiatico of 11 ivaulutitui of iko Dem
of Owculii, no munio would have cheer, j ocralio .Statu Convention, we hnvo the
e. tho 1111. Hence. Tho nieeiing was , ,u '"'onii yon nffleinlly of your
culled to order by Israel Test, Ks.i.,1 nouiinulion (or tho ofllco ut Nuite Tivita-
Chuirinan of Iho Conntv Coniniillee, 1
taking tbo chair, mailu a brk Mint 1
spirited address, congratulating the
Democracy for their zcul and watch-
fulnesa ofWrd nnd imtinpaol.'s.e-'ltiJ
llo rclcrml to llui past history of tbe
party, anil pointed out tbo fatal ro
aults, when tho teuchinga ot tbo )o
tnncmey were not heeded. Ho ar
raigned tbo I'IK-i toi ul Commission
for His r'rauduloncy's Wiiiidcring Jow
mountebank, ilinereiit side-show, now
trailing ovor tho country. At tbo closo
ol bis remarks, Mr. Test moved Unit
Col. Waltor Harrott, D. W. Moore,
Capt. John S. McKiernan, Capt. T. J.
Frow, Major Abraham Humphrey and
Jacob Faust, Ksq., bo appointed ncom
mitteo to wait upon tbo Hon. Win. P.
Schell, our nomineo for Auditor Gen
eral, uiulcscorlhim to the Court House.
Mr. Test then offered the following,
which was unanimously atiopico :
K,;.hr,l, That Win. Itiillirm k, ol M.irrl., tloo.
II. Hall, of Lnwronce. Jnv. Mnlntyre, of Curwena-
yille, 1 W. Wiao, of Jordan, Wontli-y Tboinnann.
of Cheat, Kaumcl Pottli-tliwaite, of IJrady, Scott
riCKiit, 01 ijoenen, r. '. ilaoo, ol Uraillord, Jaa.
Hum, of Gtillrli, I'lilllp Dolia. or llecoaria, K. V.
Tlioiiipenn, of tlreenw.Hid, Richard freemen, of
Pike, Attain K.-phart, of Ilrcnlur, John Al. Riter,
of CoviiiKloo, and George KtneiKh, uf Wallacetiin,
are hereby Hji)ioiuted Vloe Preidenta, and J. V.
McKrnikk, t'lciirllold, anil Prank liied, .if
liouladele, tineroteiiee.
Tho resolution was unanimously
ugrocd to.
Tho meeting was now fully organ
ized, and while tbo committee wus ub
sent alter Mr. .Schell, Mr. Test was
cull out and delivered one ot his best
speeches, producing roam of luugbter.
Tho committee having returned with
Mr. Schell, Chairman Tost introduced
him to tho audience, nnd ho at onco
proceeded to address his fellow-citizens,
detailing many of tbo wrongs entuilcd
upon the people nnd tho country by
the party 111 power, tbo evil results of
which must bo overeonio by a change
of government policy on the part ol
our rulers, and this would never be ac
complished while tbo present party
continued In power. At tho conclu
sion of -Mr. Schell'a remarks, Senator
Wallaeo wus culled out, and nt onco
proceeded, in bis eloquent manner, to
elucidate tbo true position of tbo gov
ernment and tbo people, und tbo mu
tual relations that cadi should nphold
for tho common wolfuro ol both. Tho
Senator gave tho enemies of froo gov
ernment some awful blows, demonstrat
ing that those in power would never
change their downward policy, and if
tho people wanted tho old timo pros
perity to return, they must remove
tboso from place und position who have
bequeathed us this leirucv of bank
ruptcy which is now sweeping over
1110 country, as destructive 111 its effects
us a prairio fire or a cyclone. At tho
conclusion of tho Senator's remarks.
three rousing cheers wero given for
the l ounty ami State tickets, and af
ter somo music by tho Osceola band,
tbo meeting on motion adjourned.
John's Reply. Tho Democrats of
tho Twenty second Ward, Xow York
city, elected John Morrisey a delegate
to tho Stuto Convention. Tbo editor
ol tho St. Louis flltbe, tbo Radical or
gan of Missouri, notices tho fact and
comments upon it to tho effect that bo
novor beard of any reform that Mor
risey neuiico or endorsed. John re
plica : "A great many things havo
tretnapirod In ittta world nt whlob not-
ther of us bavo been apprised until
I uuer iuc occurred, xnis lucv 100
-A .1. .1 iT 1 f . t 1
know: I never stole any public money
nor successfully plundered the govern
nient of millions of Us revenues, nor
am 1 tbo owner of a Penitentiary Par
don." Deacon McKco, tbo editor in
quostion, wus ono or Bubcoek's butties
in the crooked whisky business, and
was fined $5,000, sent to tho Missouri
penitentiary Tor three yeurs, and par
doned out after a year's service Mc-
Keo is the last man who should up
braid anybody for crookedness. Ho
bus again found bis match in Morri
sey, and wo doubt not but that ho will
let him alone alter this.
Good Advice. Tho Philadelphia
AorA American, tho oldest opposition
organ in tbo Union, advises its Radi
cat trietids In tho interior or the Stuto
"not to rely upon tbo city or Philatlel
phin to curry Iho Stulo this year," ho
cause tbo dissatisfaction manifested
towards tbo city nominees on tho part
of tho Radical lenders, renders it very
doubtful whether any part of tho ticket
will bo elected. Wo aro satisfied that
this old organ understands the rase,
nnd knows very well that Ihcro is no
hopo of currying tho State this fall.
Democrats, it looks bright north,
Boutb, oust and west especially in
Pennsylvania. After this lull the Dem
ocrnls will bo able to "hold tho fort"
without molestation.
The Ghost of the Confederacy.
As soon as tho Hayes circus landed in
Washington, Hon. Alex. II. Stephens,
tho Conlcdciato Vico President, in
compnny with his brother Congress
man, Young, culled upon Mr. Hayes
and requested him to fill tho vacancy
on tho Supremo Bench by appointing
Hon. llershcll V. Johnston, of Georgia,
10 inai position, jur. Johnston was
tho Vico Presidential candidato on the
Douglnss ticket, in 18C0, and is 0110 of
tbo ablest statesmen in tho Union.
Thoughtful Hayes. A greut many
persons have wondered why the
vacancy on tho Supremo bench, caused
by tho election of Judgo Dnvls, of
Illinois, to tho United States Senato,
has not been filled. But now it is ex
plained that the vacancy is kopt open
for Stanley Mntthcws, In caso tbo Ohio
elections should rtilo him out or tho
An Awful Keeling. Tho fat offico
holders in Philadelphia and Now Y'ork,
nro nearly annoyed to death becauso
it is given out at Washington that
Hayes will make a clean swoop of
things in these two cities, after the
November elections. Poor fellows,
how sad they must feel! Why not
strike, and defy His Fraudulonoy I
Good for Him. The other day,
Judge Porshingsentencrd a respectable
cilizon of Schuylkill county thirty
days in jail nnd fined him $50, becauso,
as a mi no boss, ho bad not obeyed the
law and soon II tbo mine was freo from
gas boforo tbo men entered it. An ex
plosion took placo and acvcrnl of the
men woro severely burned.
Disconsolate Soul. John Sherman
has been shedding tears as largo as
marrow fat peas, for two weeks because
be finds so many Radicals in Ohio who
will cnt the ticket and go straight over
to the copperheads.
1"'"""" clmiuelc- una ym. iituiring, joti indeed, iliut offices were generally
lovotion ut nil times 10 tbo hol inter-Milled by men wbo commenced wilb
CBU 1,10 t'ommonwoulfli, the people I thorough going rascality ; but ono used
''"J commVt-j asiinnce tliut i I to hour upon thostreot suoh remarka us
J - "'ri'"""i"eirni.uiieiai oi-iieorin win
horcutler Do iikuuilviI with an eve
single to tbo public good ; that the
money of tbo Statu will no longur bo
used for partisan purposes, or to keep
in power tho loaders of u party which
has been condemned by the votes iil'un
outraged people. Wo Rie, sir, your
most obudiutit servants,
J. S. Dll.l.lNGEII,
William W. Kkii,
Hdwarh S. Heii.ey,
James II. Ii 1:11,1. v.
Westport, Pa., September 2C, 18T7.
Gentlemen : 1 uni in receipt of your
letter ol tho 20tU inst., informing 1110
of my nomination by iho Democratic
Stato Convention fu tbo office ol Stuto
For tho very kind terms in which
you nro pleased to refer to my past life
1 urn niuen indented to you, ami you
but do 1110 justico in assuming that, in
tho event ol my election I will munairo
the "financial concerns" ol our Hut to
"with un eyo single to thu public good."
Tho iiiunugenient of tho Treasury of
thu Sluto lor somo time oast bus been
regurded with disfavor by a very lurge
number of tbo people. True or lulso,
charges havo been mado which havo
brought discredit on the administration
of this iinporlunt ollieo, und iho pnrtiul
in vusugaiions or rattier attempted ones
heretoloro made in accordance with
aroused public opinion, have failed to
relievo tho olhco ol the odor of wronir-
doinj; so repeatedly cliare-od airamst its
W hoover may bu eluded Stute
Treasurer ut the coming election should
bo ho froo from ull complications, so in
dependent of all usiociittiona, so fear
less of ull consequences as to bo uble
thoroughly and honestly to investigate
tho records of tbo Treasury ol tho peo
plo nnd to present to them a statement
that will plainly exhibit the uctuul
condition of the ollieo. This the tax
payers ol the State of nil parlies ex
pect, and unless the candidate for State
treasurer is prepared to give them the
assurance of his determination faithful
ly to perform this high duty ho ought
not to receivo their support. This as
surance I givo without qualification,
nnd in accepting the nomination ten
dered to 1110 1 desire to say in refer
ence particularly to that portion of tbo
platform which refers to tho subject of
corporations that in my judgment the
time has arrived for tboso wbonnstimo
to bo tho leaders of public sentiment to
fully and cordially recognize tbo fact
that the people aro aroused and ulivo
to their interests, and in no respect uro
they more so thun in tho determina
tion to sco that whilo tho rights of
capitul shall bo carefully and fully pro
tected, combinations of capital in tbo
shapo of corporations shall bo conduct
ed for tho common good nnd not by
mismanagement und misdirection to
enuhlo a lew to grow rich at tho ox
penseoftbo many. With ovory ro
gard, 1 am very truly yours,
Amos C. Xoyes.
To J. S. Dillinger, William W. Ker,
S. A. Cosgravo, Edward S. Reiley and
James II. Reilly, Committee.
Tan AsaAasiw.eVwrrcspontlont of
tbo Chicago limes, writing from tbo
seashore, has thelollowing porsonal no
tice of Edwurd S. Stokes, tho ussusain
utor of Jnmes Fisk : Edward S. Stokes
has, since his return to tho world, run
down frequently to Cape May. Ho is
wom and haggard, with whito hair
and tirod eyes. Ho drosses in bis old
timo elegance, carries himself jauntily,
looks at tho girls through bis glasses,
is particular about bis button hole bo
quel, can bow beautifully, bonds all
devotion ovor tho ladies to whom hois
presented, tulks man talk with his
practiced eyes saying more of admira
tion than bis lips; he is attentive to
wraps, shawls, scats; will put himself
to any inconvenience to commotio tho
ludy whom ho escorts; ho takes long
strolls with a beautiful Philadelphian,
and is devoted and admiring. So onco
ho wooed the lovoly woman who bo
camo his wife. So afterwards ho beam
ed upon the glowing Mansfield. Scarce
ly has ho got tho prison rust from his
person before ho begins his "Julius arts, again."
"Uio Injuns." Ten chiefs ol the
Sioux tribe from the Spotted Tuil agen
cy, ten ft 0111 tho Red Cloud ngeney
and llirco Arnpuhoes, muking twenty
threo in ull, passed through to Wash
ington on Friday last. Among them
wero Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Young-Jlan-A
fluid of His- Horse, Spotted Tail,
Jr., Little Big Man, Black Coat, Sharp
Nose and other noted chiefs of tho two
tribes, nnd their object is to endeavor
to obtain a reservation on tho Tongue
rive in lieu ol tho territory in tbo
Black Hills, which they havo lost by
tho encroachment of tho whilo men.
Somo two or threo months ago Rod
Cloud, Spotted Tuil and Black Coat
went to sco tho country south, and de
cided it was unhealthy. Anothcrcom
mittco of ehiels wont north, and the
region of tho Tonguo river has boon
decided upon. Tho delegation is in
charge of Lieutenant Clark, of tho
United Slnlca army, from the Rod
Cloud agency.
A Wonderful Responbiiiilitt.
f hero aro some people in tho world
who shoulder great responsibilities.
John Sherman, Hayes' Secretary of
tho Treasury, belongs to thut class.
Ho has written a plaintive appeal to
tho Radicals of Ohio to wako up and
carry that Stato for tho llayos policy.
Ho says bo is "uneasy and restless"
because ho cannot participate in tho
fray, and that tho President and Provi
dence havo dono so much Tor tbo coun
try this your thai they deserve cspcciul
indorsement at tbo hands or Ohio Re
publicans. Tho Secretary betrays too
much anxiety. Ha had better look
after the syndicato and tho four per
cents and let tho Ohio Republicans
shill for themselves, Xow, if "the
President and Providence" fail to ro
liove Sherman of his uncomfortable
position, what a misfortuno must over
take us all.
A Rad. Split. Tho Coroner bush
ness is such a fat job in Philadelphia,
that tho Radicals ol that city have put
two candidates in the Hold for that
office. Well, when rogues fall out,
honest men will get thoir dues. II
Hayes and Cameron cannot sleep in
ono bed and behave themselves, lot the
(icoplo turn both out of the bouao.
Let us have peace.
It seen. a ulinost superfluous to Buy
that tho moat ulurniing symptom ol
corruption under tho form ot (iovern
nient with which this couiitry should
bo blest, in every souse, bat boon the
unblushing vonumy to bo traced in ao
ninny ofllviul quuilers. Tina is un
evil which inoreuaed upon us ao
rupidly that where a unto of con.
acicntious discharge of duly occurred,
it possibly beennio a mutter ol especiul j
:PwWan esgsisjpi manwn
llice : "rhiTc'iilueo bus s 'rcVuuir al
ary of (3, Out) per annum, but he can
moke 110,0110 out of it." Again ' No
ami so ia worth (200,1100, and when be
took that office, two years ago, ut 8li,
000, ho hadn't U cent." Honest, toiling
men of industry, lulent, frugality, und
sell denial, heard tboso things wilb
amazement und aversion ut first, but
finding them continually repeated amid
tbo smiles and not tho frowns ot tho
by Blunders, who wero us likely to ho
men ol note us uny others, grow
familiar with tho thought, nud, ul lust,
insensibly lost that keen, delicate sense
of rectitude tbut should have been their
nuturo. Then came, perhaps, tho press
ure of sudden calamity anil poverty,
tho taunts, tho sneers, tho petty con
tumelies ' That pa'ient ui;rit
Of Ihe unworthy taket,"
and, in somo sad moment ol forgetful
despair, oven a noble niitiiio may hnvo
siumuieu ami lulled, itomeuiihg iiko
this may bavo been tbo history of
muny a heart tbut was swept into tho
vortex of uu evil time. Others com
menced with ripened knavery, and,
finding little restraint citbor in tho
public conscience or in iho burners
which luw imposed, were not satisfied
till they bud gorged themselves with
immense sums of the people's money.
Wo now look with amuzement nt the
mountains ol debt Sluto, municipal
and eorporulo piled up within the
last decade, Inrgo portions of Iho avails
of which were' stolen by those who
bud tbo handling of tho" funds. Tho
wonder now is, ftrxt, how wo could
uver havo permitted such a stuto of
things to occur; and fecund, bow wo
shall ever become extricated from tho
loud. Doubtless it is easier to answer
the lirst ul these queatious than tho
second ; nut
,1 : - i o
0110 ining is cerium, v.OmilI) Lynch, from Maine, is to boss tbo
suuil never gel out Ol trouble Unless wo
stop its) cause. Public ntld official
thieving must bo stopped
Wo beliovo ull ell'ectivo blow has
been struck at this evil, and that for
the present it will not be ao easy or
profitable for ollieo holders to put their
bunds into tho public purse; but wo
have tbia to remember eternal vio
York True Citizen.
Al.AnMED. The Philadelphia In
quirer, on of the Radical family organs
of that city, warns its "loyal" readers
us follows :
It la uol only that there la e new cootoeUnt of
unknuwn etrongth in the ehnpe of the Labor par
ty, but there ia a general want of harmony among
the leadtra of the Renublieana. Poaalbly thia la
a thing more to he dreaded than a third organ 1
aalion ; but BO one with the power to barmoniae
antag.iniama la doing anything in that direction.
Tho caso must bo desperate when
an old organ, liko tho one in question,
openly confesses its weakness in tlio
fueo of tho opposition. Democrats
should tuko courago from this exhibi
tion of weakness on tho part or tho
enemy of Tree government, nntl nssuil
it nt every vital point
i .
The Death Stri'ihile. Tho Hello
(onto f!VifcAni(!ri in ulluding to tho
Radical county Convention of Centre
county, which assembled in that bor
ough lust week, remarks: "Thirteen
delegates comprised the Radical Coun
ty Convention in this place on Wednes
day last nino of them woro from tbo
borough of llellefonto, and the other
fijur woro sell-constituted. Ily bard
work General Beaver got tho endorse
ment Tor Governor next fall, and Hurt
ranft would havo boen recommended
lor Senator, but tho Cumoron mnn
had seven to tho other fellow's six.
That Jewel, Consistency. Tho
inconsistency or tho workingmcn's par
ty, in Massachusetts, in nominating
candidates for offico is illustrated in
tho nomination or Wendell Phillips for
Governor of thut Stale. Wendell is
worth a quarter or a million or dollars.
The Philadelphia 7Vmc says "ho is a
workingmun who lubors with his
chin." Ro never did one day's work
in his life, and yot, ho is set up as tho
workingmcn's candidate Shoo fly I
MoviNti Early. Tho lludiculs ol
Milllin county have instructed their
dclcgato to tho next State Convention,
to vote for Gov. Iliirtranft for United
Stutes Senator, nnd for D. J. Morrell,
of Johnstown, for Governor. This is
tho first gun in the fight between Don.
Cameron and his rivals for tho next
California. "Let tho world wag us
it will, we will bo gay and happy still."
The Democratic majority in tlio CaH
Tornin Legislature, hitherto reported us
thirty-eight, is really fifty-ono. This
result will rctnovo ono or tho corrupt
ost mon from tho Sennlo Chamber that
ovor held a seat in that body.
Mysterious Death. Ron. J. P.
Davis, ono or tho oldest citizens ol'
Meadvillo, aged about eighty years,
and who was nt ono timo President
Judgo or Crawford county, was found
dead in bis barn on the lClh ult. Tho
deceased was blind and is supposed to
bavo suffocated in the hay.
Hold on a Little. Forney's Prei
is taking a good deal or pains to prove
that Gen. McClollun "Is in square op
position to the Democratic party." But
wo prefer to wait until after the Xo
vombor election to aoo what tho Jersey
men bavo to say about it. We don't
think they beliovo it.
One Vote. The importance of one
voto is seon in the caso of tho Califor
nia election. Mr. Wlgginglon, Demo
crat, is elected over Pnncheo, Republi
can, by two votes. Ho was supposed
to have been beaten by one voto, but
threo additional votos havo boon dis
covered. Howard Lost. Gen. Howard has
not boon heard from sinco Gon. Sher
man has taken hold of the telegraph.
Th Commander In Chief is evidently
a poor fighter by telegraph, or he docs
not know bow to utilizo tho concern
aa an Indian wnr measure.
HtiiiK. A cotemporary aays: "It
was unkind in some of tho dologates
to the Republican Convention to call
Paaamnro 'that Insurance tramp from
Schuylkill.' Whon a man wants to
turn from tho, error or his ways, ho
ought to be encouraged,"
Xowell, who is little Mao's npponont
in Xow Jersey, is a carpet-bagger from
( hio. Tbo star of empire never moves
lowsrd Ihe rising sun.
"Tho people of Louisville," aaid Ma)--or
Jin ub in bis addruhH of welcomo to
.Mr. I'resideiit lluyca, "proud of their
grand Hlutesnmn, 'Old Hurry ol the
West,' who uttered one of tho noblest
aeiitiiiieola that ever fell Irom tho lips
ol mortal man : '1 would ruther be
right thun bo President,' greet Joyoiia
ly bia disciple.' " Wo are bound to
suppose that tho Mayor of Louisville
mudo thia comparison in good faith,
vol- ViVv--
of lllO lllttll who would ruther lie'
ritrht than bo President! Xover dur -
L .-. II 1 ....... I I .- 1-1 .
lug ull tbo troublous times uf lust win-
tur, when liepubllcuil loudness threut-
Cited to Beat a llsliriiUr at tho nnint. ul
ll,.. I,., tl I- 0 .1 .
. aiMi iui-
lorn 11. 11 ayes near.1 in protest aguuisl
that outrage, lit) wus dumb when the
roluriiing-board conspiracy roused tbo
scorn ol every honest man ; dumb
when it was pioposed to force the
count in by President jro tern. Ferry ;
dumb when public opinion demanded
tho electoral Commibsion ; dumb when
tbo Republican conspirators urgod tho
rejection of all evidence of fraud ; dumb
Ins uu oyster to tho ond, when tho eight-
by-seven laid the stolen Presidency al
Ins feel. iNot once did tbe worda of
Henry Clay rise to bis lips: "I would
rather bo right than bo President."
Well did he know what sacrifice thoso
words implied. It is grim, cruel, ent
iling satire to say that this man, whom
( bunco raised to power, is tbe disciple
of Kentucky's fuvorito sou: and we
are not surprised to learn that Mr.
Huyos "did not reply." II ever, in the
J F . . I J. 1. .1
course 01 ins me, no uus lull tuo sung
of conscionco, ho must havetoitit then.
For Mr. Hayes is tho lirst American
who bus shown tbut be would ruther
bo President than bo right, und the
name of Clay will bo hold in tender
rovorenco by the people long alter bis
own shall have been consigned to obli
vion. Let Old Kontircky irrecl her
Preside nlial guest with all duo courte
sy, Dut lei tier not lorgot liorealler tlio
uiilutliomnblo gulf which yawns be
tween tbo patriot and the pretender.
llattimore Gazette.
A Personal Ohoan. Messrs. Hayes
k Co. have guthured up cash enough to
start a newspaper at Washington. Il
is to bo a daily, entiiled tho ".NiHioiial
Union," devoted specially to upholding
Huves' southern nohow Ex-Coiicross
. , . ., ... , , .
iJ' ' H"J m'0 11,1,1 Uls "'"dulency IS
nnt In' mw-l, m..n Hu
; .
ClIIIKlin, lilltler and Blaine.
M en.
Tho Boston Herald believes that
i . ,., ,, ,
JOlin Mierman Will bavo to Stell out
before civil Service relorm Will iret
much of a foothold, as "ho docs more
to defeat tho President's intentions
titan any other man."
IfKVrilst'h Tlio Sniiminn f'.inw nai 'ori,F inferior, if ihrre aball be aucb n, ioority
K EllSMl. 1U0 fuiprcine l Olirl Oil pD,wr ,nd , ,oire ,hll t, no minority
Monday reversed tho case or Arthurs Inap.clor then ly a Jualice of Ihe peace or al ler
. , , ! man, and the lnpectore,overaeere and elerka ahall
VrLKingCf. Ul., an appeal from lllO ; be ewom l.y the judge. UertiHoatcaol audi aweer-
Cotninon Pleas of Clearfield county, j I" J'" ''" dulJ "d out and aign-
e.l lV Ihe ni,-era ao lenrn. and lleal.l l. tl..
38 rw Swilrfrtisnuruts
NOTICK TO TR I.HPAMM.R, I hereby I f'- " " "" Si'"'' "! 'hall act without
caution all peraona againat treapaaaing 00 i h?" " "J am' of election
my premiaea, and t hereby give aoticeu looae!',," ,Th '""J of oalh wltliont being duly
wbo ere Ib tbe habit of ruanlng through my I ,wor or "F Jul'" or minority inapector aba II
p. at ore lota, that I will proeeeuto all who will ai 'J"' fV'""'.! """ b "'
oeelat ana continue to violate ell rulee of proprl-
ety and law. ISAAC C. McCLOnKY.
Halt Lick. Oot. 3, 1877 3i
1" iViTitTuivi mi T ' '
X KCU Till AtlTIC Ie'teri Teta -
aaentary to tbe estate of J A M lJl I Ul t?a-
late of Decatur tnwnphii... Claarfiiild
Pa.dee'd, having been granUd to the undersigned,
en prreuua a no wing inemseirea in da 'ted to fatd
estate are required to make immediate payment,
and tboee having ela i wis against the saine will
prrsiDt tbem properly lutlientieated for aeltle
tnent without delay.
I'billpaburg, Pa.
Oct. J, '77-61, tiecutrix.
OCTOBER Ull, 1817,
at 11 o'eloek, al
"Thiaaale will Inoludeall theflslibed Sleek
ef tlie lale Irna ef lll'ai I'll RK S a CO., aid
CIlaUUfcHS HAM10HN. Celali.fuM three
iiaa previuua te naie.
Oet. Ml. Auotioneeea
Tbe rnn'a H. R. Co. will offer at puUia sale,
pn nignnnj, uci. .11, IBif, B. IV CO lock m.,
the lollowing drrcrlbed article, now at sUtioo
warehouse, uutess owners or consignees pay
charge and remove Ihe same before day of sale.
Three bdli-wjsh machine, 0. Denser.
One barrel ale, J. I). Uuppy,
One o dl rope, U. Hell,
Four bdla soap doses. J. S. At wend.
One safety valr, lever, I ball, Uiglcr, Young A
Twelve plow points, Kli liar to on.
Ily order of Joan Hkillt,
lup't UaoaporUtion, P. R. R Cj.
tlearfloia, Oct. 8 17 4t. Agent, P. R. U. Co.
ilcflal ih'fU.srmfutjs.
WnKIlRAR. by an Act of the Oen,r.) Aa.
semblv of ihe. Common wealth of Penravlvtinie
entitled "An Act to regulate tbe Oencrat Kleetioa
within thia Connnonweallh," it Is enjoined upon
tbe fr her iff of tbe several iniantiea to give public
notice of such election, the places where to lie
ncia, ana me oitirers to he elected,
Th-KnuronB, I, ANUUKW l'KNTZ, Jr., Iligb
rnrriq 01 v learneiu county, ao Hereby give I uu.
lie Notice to the elector! of the county of Clear
field, that ft general elcotlon will he btdd 01
Ti'icanAT rot.LMwiwu tmi rtnnr Mojiiuy or No.
vkmiii r (being the 6th day of the month), at tbe
several election diatricta in aaid county, at which
time and place the quallBed voters will vole
For one per a-hi far Judge of tbo Supreme Court uf
wia (jonamonwcaiin.
For one person for Auditor Oonenl of tblt Corn
inonwealth. For one pereen for State Treasurer of this Com-
For one person for rroihonotary, Jo , of Clear-
Held eounty.
For one person for Register k Recorder of Clear
field aountv,
For one perscn for Cuunty Surveyor of Clcarflold
The electors ot the county of Clearfield will take
notice that the said election will be held at the
loirowing places, vu t
Ilurnside borough at tbe public school buna in
aa m Dorougn
CluarArld horoufb, al the Coart Hour.
Curwentville borougb, at the house uf the late
isaae Uiooin.
llontadale borough, at the public honse of Wm.
Parker, ia said borough.
Lumber City borough, at the pnblio school house.
Newburg borough, at the school house, In aaid
New Waahington borough, nt the public school
house, In said borongb.
Oaemla borough, at the public house of Milo
uovi, in para noruugil.
Wallace tun borough, at tbe public school house
In said borough.
Iteccaria township, at the I'nlnn Hotel, In Olen
it ope.
lit II towushii
n, at the honse of Robert lft.balTiv.
It loom ti
Rloont, Hr.
Hloom township, at the house of the Inte James
Bg If s township, at the house of Edward Albwi.
Urtulfurd township, at tbe bouae of JaiMib 1'ieroe,
Ilrady township, at the public htute of William
Hchwcia, Jr.ln Lutheiaburg.
Rurnalde townihip, at Young' fob oot honse.
Cheat town, hip, ale public sohool bouse near
Bint on Rorahaujth's'
Oovlngton tvwnibin, at the school houn In llui.
Decatur township, at Cnatre school honse.
Ferguson lownsblp. al the hoiia of John
ary, formerly oecupied by Thoe. Roblaon,( Broad -
liirard township, at Congress Hill school house.
Uoaben lownabio. ot the nubile school bona ai
Oraham township, nt the house of the late Jacob
tsreenwood towmhln. at the nnhlle hnaiaai r
Samuel lluligan, In said tewoship.
Uuhch township, at the pub llo school house. In
H uston township, at the house or the 1 1 te Jesse
Jordan township, nt the penile school famse, In
Knot township, at Turkey Kill school honee.
Kertheue township, at Bridgen'g peheol heuoe.
Lawrence towaship, at the Coart Horaea. im tk.
horowgh of Clear Held.
Morris Usrnshlp, at the hoar formerly e oca pled
T Thomas Kyler.
r(litl dvfrtisfmcut!!. j
Pcnn lownili'p, at the hotel formerly kept by
W. W Andorn.
Pike lownvliip, at the h-iuie of the late Iaao
Ul.'om, la tbe liiruuah of Curwenivllle
t'aion t.ieatbip, al tbe houaeof D. H. Ilrttliekcr.
Westward towmbip, at Ihc hour of Thome
AN ACT reR-ulalliig the mode of yoling at all
elecllona la Ihe averal eountioi of Ibie Com
monwealth, approved Ibe Both day of Mereh,
A. D. ISO, via 1 I. IU tl tmnetrd by the Senate and
ll.iu.eof Hopreevutaltvoa of tbe O'immou wealth ot
1'enni.yliBnla in General Aaaeinbly met, and II ia
b,-r;., enr.-lh.i."j.'.'iTi'Jt ifn x ttse.iv: n !
anj aiieclal oleoMnne.ueberohy.beroeltereulhiir.
l l"J '"' '"i"1"'1 ""'. 'leta, printed, or
written, or partly printed anil part v written. Bay
,, d.rHd i.,. ,,,.. . o. tick .hall em
braee the newee of all Judgea of eonrta voted for
I 10 l'd, oetelde, "Jodteiary ,-' one Ifceu
1 aball enlir-tee the aamei of the Stale ufllrtera vjlo I
(ri , to leoolled, elate t" one ticket aball
breoo Ibe nemee of all eoanty omoere voted for,
Including ulllce of aonator, member, and membera
of v.tli.d tor, and tuntubera of Congreea,
il ruled fir, and be labelled, "eoiiDiy i" ooe ticket
aball embrace Ilia namae of all Inwoehip otlinere
votea lor, anil no latielle.1, "towrirbip ; one ticket
ahall embrace the namel of all borough nftioere
voted fur, and be labelled, 'borough ;" and each
elaaa aball be depoette! In aopa'eta ballot boxea
A further aupplemcnl to the A.4 regulating
eleotione io tbia Commonwealth, approved
January III, and February IS, A. D. 1S74 :
waaa ran rot,i,a ana to bi airr er-sa.
Mrc. 6. At all eleeliona hereafter held under
the lawa of tbia ConaNiooweallb, tbe polla aball be
opened at eevea o'eloek, a w.,audeloaed atacven
elock, p. m.
4rioisTMr.iiT or JvtHiae a iRetBcToaa.
See. S. Ia all election dietrlcta where a vacancy
eiiela by reeeon of the diequelilleation of the
offioere or olherwieo la aa election board her to
fore appointed, or where any new diatnet ahall be
formed, Ibe J udge or J udgea of tbe Court of Com
Boa Plt-aa of Ibe proper Bounty ahall, tea daya
before any general or epeoisl election, appoiut
competent pereona to III ajid vacancies, and to
oonduol the election in aaid new dietrute, an J Id
the appointment of inapnetora la any el.-cliB
dlrlm, , n
n-it be ol Ilia eauie ulitioal
liany, ana Hie julge al election ahall la ail
of the polilicil party baeing tbe mtiorlir of
votoe In aa.d diatriut aa neatly aa tbe aeii Jo-lge
or juilgca oao aaoertaio Ihe loot, and ia ooae of
tbe diaagreetneat of the judgea al to tbe aeleotion
uf Inapeotora the polltmal majority. uf tbe fudgee
ahall aeleut ona uf aaid loapectori, ad Ibe in mor
Ity judge or judgea aball aeloot the other.
Hee. 7. Whenever there ahall b a vaeeuey lu
an eleetioa board on the morning of an electi-.n,
aaid veeauur wlt II be filled In conformity with
extating lawa.
neiiaa or ilbi-tiox ol-rieaua.
Hlr. f. At Ilia opening of the polla al ell elec
llona i: ahell be Ihe duly of Ibe u-lgeo ufvlerliun
f'T their reapectiva diatricta to deaigoate one ol
Ihe in.pect'ira, whoae duly it ahall be to have q
cuatody tbe regiatry of votera. and t-t m ike tbe
entrlea therein require 1 by law, and il ahall be
the duty of tbe o' bar ef tbe aaid iaepectore to
nc.iveend number Ibe b.llota praeontel al aaid
Hue. 9. All elei-tiuna by the citiaoa ahall be by
ballot; every billot voted ahall be auoabered In
Ibe order iB which It ehall be reeeived, and tbe
Bumher recorded by the clerkaoa the liat of votera
oi.poaiie toe neuie 01 10c elector iron woom re-
I eeived. And eoy eoter voting two or more tick
oi.poaiie the nemo of tbe elector from whom re
I ela, the eeverel Ucketa eo voted ahull each he
i kumberrd with the number ere,koding wilb
Ibe number to the Bsue of thi voter. Any elee
, tor may write hie name upon bia tickot or rauae
' tbe aame to be whiten Ihereon, and nttealed by
; a cltiarn of the dietrlet. In auditioo to tbe oatii
! f'"""tih 10 !;' "d a.,b,iBed
by election officera, they ahall aevcrally he ewora
I .,r affirmed not to diaelnae how aite ele.tnr aliall
i have volc.1, unleec required IO do ao aa witueeaea
in a judicial proceeding. All ea, inapeotira.
elerka and evt-raera of any election held nnder
under thia act ahall, before entering unoa their
dulica. be duly aworn or affirmed io the preaenoe
of eaeh other. Tbe judge ahall he aworn lie Ihe
ofliorr wbo a.loiiBiatered the oath. If any judge
or minority inapcelor reluaea or faila to awoar the
I onicrre ol election in Ibe manner required bv thia
' , .-.-"u.Mu.,r, inu up.n
conviction tbe officer or offioere ao offending bal 1
i be fined not aieeeding ona thousand dol'ars or
imprisonment not eacwdinr one tear ar tntth in
-be disrration of the oourt.
hoh-ioiti.h.o Vurana.
Her. 10. On the dar of eleetioa an uerauiti
j wbo' natne ahall not appear on the regiatry of
: auu nuv onana m vignt w rote mi said
j tltrt '0B' ha" prduees,t least oce quahAeU voter
ef Ihe district as a witness to the residence of
the claimant in tba district In wbieb he claim to
be a voter for tbe period of at least two wooths
immediately preeediag aaid election, which wit
ness shall be aworn or affirmed, and subscribe a
written, or partly written and partly printed affi
davit le the farts stated by bim, which affidavit i
ahall define clearly wbera lha re-id oe ia of the
person eo claim t tig to be a voter, and the perann
so claiming tbe right te vote shall av take and
subscribe a written, or tartly written and partly
printed affidavit, stating to tbe best of his know
ledge and belief when and where be waa born ;
that bs has been a ci tit en of the Toiled States
for one womb, and ef the Commonweaitb of
Pennsylvania! that he haa resided in tbo Com
monwealth one ysar, or il formerly a qualified
elector or nanve torn emico ineleot, and Dai
removed therefrom and returned, that ha has re
sided therein su months next preceding said elee
tioa t that he has re-ided in Ihe district in which
he claims to be a voter for the period of at least
two months immediately proeedlng said elrotlon ;
that he has not moved into the district for tbe
purpose of voting therein t that he ha, If
twenty two year of axe or upwards, paid a Stele
orooonty tax within two years, which was assess
ed at least I wo months and paid at least one month
before the eleetioa. Tbe said affidavit aball also
state when and where the tai claimed to be paid
by the affiant was alseared. and when and where
and to whom paid, ank the tnx receipt there fur
ahall bo produced for examination unless the
atSant shall state in his ati davit that It has beeo
lott or destroyed, or that he never received any,
and, if a naturalised eititen, shall also state when,
where and by what court he was nstureliird. ond
hall also produce bis certificate of naturalisation
for examination but if the person ao ilairair g
tbe right to vote shall take and subscribe an affi
davit that he is a native born eititen of tba
United States, or if barn elsewhere shall state
the fsct in his affidavit, and shall produce evi
drflce Ibat he has beta naturalised, or is entitled
to oitlivoibip bvrraoaof his father's aalurali
tat on, and shall further itate in his affidavit that
be is st tbe time of making the alTi-leul of tbe
age of twenty- one and under twesty two years ;
that he has been a cltiitn ot tbe I'nited htatea
nee moot b, aod has resided In tbo Htato one
year j or, if a naiite-born eitisen of the State, and
removed therelrom and returded, that he haa re
sided therein sis month next preceding said
elertinn, and in the election district two months
' ; : r ;;r : : " v ' ,1
; "' : -" - " - ve),u
taxes. Tbo said affidavit o' all persons making
vueh elsitns and the affideiita of lha witnesses to
their rvaidi noe shall he prt aetvrd by the election
board, and at the close of the election they shall
be enclosed with the list of voters, tally list and
other papers required by law to be filed by the
reiuia juoge wna me rroinonuiary, anit shall re
main on file therewith in the prnthnnotaiy's office,
aubj a to rxstnioiittcn as other fleet iut, papers
are. If the eleel ion officers shall find that the
applicant pnascSftes all the legal qualifications of
a voter he shall bo permitted to vote, and his
natnc shall he added to ihi list of taxable by the
election officers, tbe word "tax" being added
where the claimant eUims to Vote on tax, and the
word "age" where he clnims to vote on age, the
same word. being added by the clerk t ttt each
cae respectively on the lists of persons voting
at such sleetlnu.
Fsrrien II. It sball le lawful for anv Qualified
cltisens of the district, nothwithstunding the
name of Ihe proposed voter is contained on the
list of resident ta sables, to ehalonge tbe vote of
sucb person, Whereupon tno same proof or the
rigntoi sonrageas now requirea by law shall be
publicly wade, and acted on by the election
board, and Ihe vote ad tail ted or rejected accord
ing to the evideno. Kveey person claiming to
be a naturalised eititen shall be required to pro
dure his naturalisation cert i float e at the eleotion
before voting except where he ha boa fur five
years consecutively a voter la tbo dtatriet in
which he offers his vote, and on the vote of such
person bokng receive 1 It aball be tho duty of the
election offieers to write or stamp ea such certin
oate the word "voted," with the dev. month and
year, and If any e led ion officer or officers sball
renelve a second vote on Iho same day by virtue
of Ibe same certificate, except where eons ara en
titled to vot4 because of tbe Baturalitalioa of
Ibrlr fathers, they and the person who shall offer
Bt-h second reta shall he guihty of a misdemean
or, and on oonvlotiun thereof he fined or Impris
oned, or both, st the discretion of the eourt, but
tbe fine aball not otceed five hundred dollars la
each ease, nor tbe imprisonment ona year. Tho
like punishment shall be In flirt tee en convection
of tbe officers of election who shall neglect or re.
fuse to make or eeost to ho made the endorse
meat required aa aforesaid on a. id naturalisation
hkulhit or Dt'tr or nuttcrnm qrriorha.
8i-tMR IJ. If any eleatloQ jffierr shall refine
ornrgltot to require sunk preset the right of aUf
frage as is deosoribed by this law, or te laws to
wbleh this Is a supplement, froo. any person of.
tering to vote whose name Is not on the list ol
assessed voters, or wfauae right Io vote 1 ehal
lenged by any qualified voter prevent . enl shall
uuiu ima person to vote without requiring swh
proof, every ttersnn ro offend in a shall ..
victton be guilty of a misdemeanor nnd shall be
svmcnecu tor every such ohVnoe le pay n fine not
exceeding Avo hundred dollar, or to undergo an
Imprisonment not more than one yrtiAr hula at
iho dlfcreiion of the eonrt,
rnvnn qr tub totks ir tub oot-nr,
Sto, , Ai soon a the noils ahall oK.aa, ih r
filers of the eleetioa ahall proceed to enutit all
Ihe votes oast for eaeh eandidale voted for. and
ihi un a isu mum si tno same IB tilpllcaie,
wiib a return sheet In addition. In all at -ki-L
tbe voles reeeived by each eandidale aball t a a-tv-en
after his nr her nsme, first In words and attain
figures, and shall be signed by all of said of
cars, and certified by overseers If any, ar If tit
so er Used the overseers aad any uAeer refuel a a
to sign or oertifly or either of th.-m, shall write
upon each of tbe returns hli er their reasons for
net signing or rllfylng them, r. m arxia
ts eeearsal tknli alee Sw aii.W. .. f-ii- j
eea U. .V re ta. eilieeas areeeaf. ..a -
oris sMtesssal fee eofss eere.reef etf
eoediriert A a eo.a . t i .t. . 7
eee. eeeu (i 7r.."
eeff,e wee fnr innrmnftnn o tie pbth. The
spfiliU Jadi'tftisttufnts.
triptit rrtarn thll b tnalntrtl In tDvelop
id b HiaM la llm irftta of lh oftWr,
and ont urelnp ?itb tlit afiffnUJ reluro ibt
givoo to thn Juitfri, winch nb-.ll oonlala un tt
of vouri, Ull.r-p,-T', and oil lit of, u
anothar of ai 1 ei)rrlo.- aball bag Iran to tbe mi
nority' Iniptvlor. All juUai lit in witbia tweW
Hilte of tbe prdlttonotarj'i ittUaa, r ft.tb.ia
twe ntjr milm, If ihir rrlnr.aa 1 in town
vtl!ait of rity on Ilia linr or a railroad lijlnJ
to lha oouotjr wat, .ball befora two o'ulork, put
wrridiao, of Iba dtty after Ibe flection, and ai
ollirr )udj( rball hnruro twelve o'clorb mr rid inn
of the taeofid tT after the elsctloo, deliver ,tnj
jet urn, npHber will, return liav.t, ( . r.
the day aod b..ur of fihng narked therenn, in
tball be prift rvoJ br lb'- prof bom.tar fur .uMiq
iONptctHit). At twelve o'clock on tbe laid nse.,oj
day following any elteti'io, Ibe pn'tbuhi.tirr uf
tbe court of tcutuion pleae nbll prriet.t the tai l
roturna to the laid eourt ; In eoactie wbrre ihrre
it n rraiiti nt prepidt-nt Judrr, ibn amueiate judg.
ea aball perforui tbe dut in tmpratd upon tU
court of cm mn pleee, which fball convene f.,r
raid purpopat the teturnf pre-etited br tbe pro.
tbontar abalt be opened b raid court, and w,ib.
puled by aucb of Hi uOnnr. and curb awnra m.
if tenia m tbe court rball 4 p point, in tbe preernra
of tbe Judjf or judge ul aaid eourt, and the
retnraa rerlit'y and errtiflcatrt of rlrctlon iiitied
under ibe !( of the court, et la n"w ratre4 to
be drme by tbe rat urn jadea, and tbe vote ai n
computed and certified aball be open to the pulili,
and in citae tbe return of any election dialri.-t
hall be mi fling wlno tbe return! are prec-ntcd,
or in caae of complaint ol analified elnt.r ir.oV
oath charging palpanle fraud or mitAker end
particularly aprrifTing tba al!e;cil niitake or
fraud, or wbere fraud er tnla'ake ia apparent on
Iba return, tbe eourt iha.ll eta in trie the Worn,
and if in tba judgment of Ibe court It ahall Se
neeeMiry to a Juit return (aid eourt aball ja.ue
niuinary prureaa againat the eleetioa otLtxrt
and overt- era if any, of the aleetloo district cm.
plained of, to bring them forthwith into eurt,
wilb all elcclbm peperi Ii tbeir poaepion, end
H palpable omlake or fraud aball be ditetivt-red,
it shall, upon ufh hearing aa mnj be dem-d'
necvaiary to enlighten the court, and becorreeted
by the court, and o eertiffftl i but allegation of
palpelde fraud or uiivtaka ehall bo derided by the
raid oourt within three after tbe day the
return are bruutrbt into eourt for computation
and llui raid inquiry ball be directed i nly id
palpslde fraud or tuifUVe, and attll not be
donwimt Judicial Jurtadiolion to eon-Me i..
eon tut now or berrafter to be prorieed by U
and tho ci tber of aaid iHpliente returna .hall t,e
placed in the boi and leaiud up with tba ballot.,
homing iu tbia a 'it ahall require the return f
eltvlb.B of borough or towuWiip o'Hoeri to ,a
wade to tbo cuurta a directed in tin- action, but
all the rciujn of tLe election of to wo -hip Dd
bir"iij:h ('fitirer 'UU be enclosed in aaealed cover,
dirci h d to ibe prolb-inotary of t!ie eourt of com'
mon pli'itti of tbe proper eouny, and shall by
owe one of them to JeJWertd into hit offioe
within ti ne data nfter tvrry iu -h election and
hied therein. In ct-untif where lb-re are three
or wore Jo-lga-pof said court, earned iu the law,
nt h-ait two judc .hall tit to compute and cer
tify retirn. unit unuv. j-Ubly prevented. If
any of iba aaid judge shall hmiwir be a candi
lto for any oflit-e at ay election be tball not nt
with the eourt or ad in counting the return of
uch elect ion, and in inch eae to o'her jud 'e.
Il any, ahall art. and if in any rounfy tl.ore ttll
be no judpe quaiii- d to bold tbe raid curt under
Ibe prwiiiitia tbia art present and able to e--t,
tb.-o and in every such caee. ibe regi.ter of will,
tbe alien IT and county eouimir fioneM of tkepMper
ounty aball be and oomntute a lloird, wha, or a
major tty of whom rball bare and eierctue all tbe
power, and perform all ttie duties vet-ted in or re
quired to be e r (or Hied by tbo oourt of eoiumoQ
plea of U'-b count r, by and under the nrovi-
iona of thia section; but none of the saidofert
aball act as a mem tier of aucb lionrd when bim.
sell a candidate for any cfhVe at tbe elect i-m. tbe
returns of which tbe tai l Hoard is repaired to
eount under the proviiiona ot this arotiorj
Ffcc. i. In all elrctions hereafter iho eTfii.eiti'
of nattiraliiitti-m, if genuine, shall be conclusive
evidence of the fiu-li mention-id therein, and
where tbe person .flvriiiv to vote claims the riirht
on the pnieut ef tit, the reo-ipt of such tax, if
signed by ibe prp -r olfioer. aball be tbe erideuta
tb erect ; if suu person dues nt produce such re
ceipt, then tbe payment ol the tux may bv proven
by the oath of such pen-on, or other evidence
stating u hen, where and to whom sm-b tax ws
Nutlrn la tur titer hereby given. That
ull persous except Justices ot tbe l'eve, who
iball bold an tillice or appointment of trnst under
tl.e government of tbe t'niivd tttates, orof this
State, or of any Incorporated district, whether a
enmmiiwiontd uffictror otherwise, a subordinate
offit er or sgent, who is or ahull be employed un
dcr the Legislative, Eiicuhie or Judicial de.
perl men ts ol this btatsorof lha Ltiitetl States,
or any city or incorporated district, and also
that e, ry member of Congress, or of the State
Legislature, or of tbe common or eeleat oonncil of
any city r roinmi-aiuner of any incorporated
district, are by law incapable of holding or
exercising, at tin same time, the oft. or ep
pointmeut of Judge. Inspector or Clerk of ear
election of this t'onm-.nwe'lli
In cuss the person wbo sball have received t o
ecoui nitneai numtwr ol votrs for inpector,sheill
not attend on tbe d.iy of election, then the perron
who sball have received the second highest num
ber ol vole forjudge at the next preceding elec
tion, shall act as iuspector in bis pl;tce; and in
case the person who ahall bate n-cch ed (he high
est number of voles fur to .-pee tor shall not attend,
tbe person elected judge, aball appoint au inspec
tor in his plaoc ; anl in lite person eW-lod
judge shall not attend, then tbe .nspecWr whore,
eetved tbe highest number of votea, shall appoint '
a judge in his place; or if any Tenancy shall con
tinue in tbe Itoard fur tbe space of one hour after
Ihe time fixed by law for the opening of the elre
tion, the qualified volsrs of the tuwnsb p, ward
or district fur which such officer shell have been
elected, present at tbe place of election, sbaJI so
led one out of their number to fill such vacancy.
Also, that where a judire. bv siebnet. nr i.
voidable accident, is unable to attend suh meet
ing oi juujfes, men tbe cert i fir. Is or return shall
be tnken charge or by one of the inspectors or
clerks of the election of ibe district, who shall de
and perform the duties required of said judge un
able to attend.
Ppecial attention is hereby directed to the Pt!
A rlu Is of tbe New Conditution.
tjeetkn 1. livery mate eititen twenty-one vcon
of age, po4ing the following qualifications,
hall be enl tiled to vote at all elections:
First lie shall bare been a eitisen uf the Uni
ted Mates at least one month.
tMCond-lle sball have resided in the Stute o i
year, (or, il hawng previously been a qualified
elector or native burn ciliten of the Mate, he
half have removed therefrom and returned.) then
six n.ib, immediately pneedtng the election.
Tbltd lie rball have resided in the elrctioo
district wLerc he shall ofler to vote at least tao
months immediately preceding the election.
Fonrt h If twenty-two years of ar or upwards
be shall have paid wnbin two v ears a Hta'e or
eounty lax. which shall bare been assessed at
loa.t two months, and paid at lea'l one month
tele re tbe election.
Hex- t. All eteciima by the eitlssn bo
by ballot. Every votoj shall 1m numbered
in tbe older in which it shall be reeeived,
tbe number reoorded by the election ffljers on
tbe list of voter, opposite thu name of tbo elector
who present tbe ballot Any elect r mav wri.e
his naue upon his ticket, or eauM the same to be
written th-rc.n, and aiWte.1 by a ci'iian of the
diatrivt Tbe election otticers sball be aarorn or
amrm not to disclose how any elector sba'l have
1 w,e ,n"'" required to do o a nitneeu in
judicial proceeding.
j;art Electors
abalt. la b'I ea.e. ou.'Dt
,to..o, teionv, anu area B eraurely of tbe pea.e,
be pri, itemed Iroia arteat dnriBx their atttu.laBee
ea elvetiuja aa.l ia f nor te aal retarninz there
riac. f . Wbeaever any of the qualified elee
tore ol Itita C'.bub.ibw. a th ahall be in aetual nil.
llary eervi-'e. an.ler a rriiiiaition from the Creel,
dent ol tlio Uiitt,-d Ijiale. or t, the authority of
Lhia Commonwealth, eoeh eleetora may eieri'e
the right of aullrae in all eleeliona by the eitl
lena, und.T au-h nitfulationa aa ir they were pre,
onl et Ihclr uaual plaeea of eleetiun.
8r.Tloa T. All lawa rejcu'elinjr Ihe boldinjr of
elreliolia by Ihe riliirna or for the of
of elector, ahall be uniform throughout the Stale
but ao eltvl ir aball be deprived ol the prlvil.'re
of voiibi by mu d of bia name But litiiig reia
terel. KtXTto a. Any prrron who .ball give or prom,
lae le offer to five, to any eleetnr, any moBey. re
word, or other valuatileeonai.lfratioB for bia Tote
at en eleeti.iB, or lor wiihhohlinz the aame, or
who ahall jrive or protniae to uive au.'h eonaidera.
Hon to aay peraon or party for rush eleetnr wh
aha II reeei. e or aatee to veer Ive for hiuiaelf or for
enother, any money reward or other valuable
Bonai.leralioa lor bia Tote at aa elnetloo, or for
withholding the, ahall thervtiy forfeit Ihe
ria lit tu Tola al auoh elretton, and' any eleelor
wb "aerihl Io Tote aball be ebalenged for eueh
oauee before Ihe el.etion oftieera, ahnll be reqnir.
ed to ewtar or amrm Ibat the matter nf Ihe oh. I.
lenne la Bnlrna belore l.ia Tote ahnll be Koelrel.
ba.'Tloa Any pcraoB wbnihall, while aoaB
didete for office, In guilty of bribery, freed, er
willul vlolallra of any eleolion law, enall be for.
ever dio,iialifl,.d frvm holding any oluee of truit
or profit Ib thia Commonwealth, any peeeoa eoa
vleled ef wiliul vle'ali.n ol Ibe eleetioa lawa
aball, la a Union 10 any penalt.ea provided by
law, be deprived of tbe right of eunrareehaolule.
ly lor ibe term of fonr year,.
Hee. U. Ker the purpoee of Totlnf bo perjew
aball be deemed Io hare gained a re.ldeoee by
reaaoB of bia abaenee, wbileew.b.yed in the aer
vic,, or either eivil or military, of tbia Hi.leor
the l aited Malaa.uov while engaged In Ibe nav
igation of lie valrra of Ihe State er Ihe I'niled
Mate,, or on Ibebigb aeaa, Be, while a alu lent
of any tnainali.ia ef learning, nor while brpl ia
aay p.orlou.eor other .ajlooi. at pnlilioei.
pen.e, nor while e iBdned In a nblip priaoo.
Heo. I'. Ulal.lel ekelion ahall eon. ill
of a judge and two Inapeeh.ra, wbo ahall be eh .
aea annually by Ihe eititen. Kerb eleelo, ahall
bave Iho right lo vole for ihe Judge au.l en. In.
apeelor, and each Itiapretor ahell appoint one
clerk. Iho flrrl ileelion board fur anv aew dia
Irict .hall be eeleeled. and Taeani lea in eleotion
bearda died, aa provided l.y lae. Kleclloa ,.01.
era ahall be pmlleged from arreat upon dara of
elerlloB, wb.le eagag.d in Biabitif up and Iran.
BilltlBg telurna, ea, pt eriwi warrant ol a eourt
ol tieord or jude there,. 1. for ea eleeiioB fr.u l,
liir leloay, or for wanloa breeeh of Ihe peeee. In
eltlealhry aiav elaiin eacmptloa from jury duly
dutlBg llui, m, ofeervlee.
Peo. 16 No peraoa ahnll be qnaliued to. aerT-v
aa an eleetien orSee, who ahall bold, or ahall
wnhlatwe monlhe have b'ld any othoe, or ep.
poinlmenl or empfoymenl la e, ander Ihe gov
ernm.Bt of Ihe I oli.d MatM of of tbia 8lte. nr
of any olty o, eounty, ar of any municipal board
ootnmtaeion ox Iruel Ib any eil,v,aaveonlv jnatieea
ol Ihe peeee, and aldermen, nolarlea puhile, and
per .ona la the mllilla aerTiae of tbe Hiatal aoe
ahall any el.etion olheer be eligible to aivy eivil
ulhoo to be ailed at aa election at whivb be ahall
aerie, tare only lo eaeb eulnrdinale, munieipal,
or I. ral t.Btoere, below Ihe frade el oily or eouuty
onleira, a, ahall be dealgnataj by (eneeal lawa,
lll KN under my haad and aeal, al Clearfield,
I'eau'a, thia tenth day of October, la
IV A Ibe year of onr Lord one thnueaad eight
hundred BBd aeventy.aeeon and nf Ibe
Indeptndenee nf the t ailed Hialaa the one
bnadred aaal Rrat.
A.itmrvT rrTr, Ji., herif.