I THE MANSION HOUSE. Corterof Second and Market Streets, ( LEARtlF.l.n, PA. THIS eld aad oommodloua Uottl has, during the paal year, been enlarged to double lu former enpaelty 'or the entertainment of atran tare and aaaiM. The whole building baa bea la via with bin -Iht 'Mansion House" Omalbnf run I to ud from tbe Depot on the arrlral and departure f each train. W. U. CARDU.N, July HTtf Proprietor (Our ivn aavrrtUnufUt. LLKGHENY HOTEL. Market ftreet, Clearfleld, Pa, Wn. d. Bradley, formorly proprietor of the Leonard House, having leased tbe Allegheny Hotel, solicits share of nubile patronage, The House haa been thoroughly repaired and newly furnished, and guests will find it a pleasant top ping place. Tbe table will be supplied with the beet of everything in the market. At tho bar will be found the beet wtnei and liquors. Good tUbling attaoheda H M. B. DKADLKY, Hay IT, T. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front itreeti.) CLKARFIBLD, FA. The undersigned baring taken charge of tbU Hotel, would respectfully solicit publio patronage. THE REPUBLICAN, Published every Wednesday ij THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, Al'dCHT S, UTT fa CLUAIllk.l.t, rA, II the Largest I'lrtulaUo of any paper lu Northwaalern Penanylvaula. DM YES TO THE WALL. Tbo largo and constantly increasing circulation of the Republican, rondors it valuublo to business mon as a medium thro' . which to roaoh llio public WASHINGTON IIOUSK, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. This llw and well furnished houf. has been taken by the undersigned. II. feels confident ol being able to render eatisfaotioa to those who may favor him with ft Ofttl. May , 1S71. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIPSuURO, PENN'A. Table always supplied with tbe belt tb. market ftffordi. The treveiiag public is Invited tooalu )o.l,'7e. ROBERT LOYD. Terms or Subscription : If puid in advance, ... 12 00 If paid after three monllis, . 2 50 If paid altor six months, . . 3 00 When payors are sent outsido of the county pnymont must be in advance. 33i.nl.s. P. K. ARMOLD. 0. W. ARNOLD. t. I. AKftOLD F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Hankers and ItrokerN, Reynolderllle. Jefferaon Co,, Pa. Money received on deposit. Dlseonnts at mo derate ratee. Eastern aud Foreign Exchange al wan oa band and collections promptly made. Keynoldsvllle, Dee. Ill, 1974.-1? ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or less, S times, . Each subsequent insertion, Administrator' Notices, . Executors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . .- . . County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. R a" . VtlT. dX' ';r "or " Cautions and Estrays, f ajpaffe Tioketi to and Trom Liverpool, Quaeot tovn, Glaegow, London, Parle and UoprabiKen. Aleo, Drafts for eale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank or London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prei't. W. M. SHAW, Caahier. tl:l:74 $1 50 50 2 50 2 60 r 1J 60 1 60 2 50 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia I And Dealers in Government Securities. Applleatioi bj mail will receive prompt atten Dissolution Notices, . . Professional Cards, 6 linos, yoar, 6 00 Special noticos, per lino, ... 20 will reoeire tloa, and all information ebeerfullj furnished urdora eoliatea. April u-tf. grutistrsj. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Office in Bank Building,) Curwenarllle, Clearfield Co., Ia. meh 13 '7-tf. YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : Ono squaro, 10 lines, . . . S8 00 Two enuarcs . 16 00 Three squares 20 00 Ono fourth column, .... 50 00 One-half column, .... 70 00 Ono column, 120 00 J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, , . CLEARFIELD, PA. (Offioe In Maeooie Dnllding.) Clearleld, Pa., Mav I, lBTT-ly. ahtipiciai, teeth, "o nave always on nana a largo sioca of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SCBPfENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, , j , BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ic, Ac, Ac. ) riBEAT REDUCTION Dr. A. M. Hilli would inform hie friend n and patron that ha U now patting np Artificial Tetb lor TEN DOLLARS PER BET. By a new and jrreatlr Improfed proeew of pollib. Ing Rubber Plaiee, be oan gire a much stronger ' plata with leu thickneai tbe plat being all ever the palate of an aqnal thiekneif, rentier! It maeR more pleaiant to tbe patient than the old trie piatee. Ai 1 nave tbe exclunire nvbt tu in thli prooeee la tbia county, no other Domini ean put up aa gooa piaue oj any other mode. jNrAHwork guaranteed iatiifaotory.-1. Clearfleld, June IS, 187T-tf, A. M. HILLS. MEAT MARKET. I. M. CAEDON k EB0., Oa Market EL, ono door wee t of Manilon Hunse, CLEARFIELD, PA. Our arrangement i are of the mont oomnlete character lor furnishing the rublie with innh Meat of all kind, and of the very beit quality. We aleo deal la all kin tie of Agricultural Imple ment, which we keep on exhibition for the ben efit of the pablio. Call around when la town, and lake a look at wing, or aiiurei ui F. M. CAKDON SRO. Clearfield, Pa., July M, 1875-tf. .FRESH MEAT-XEW SHOP. Tbe undersigned hereby Informs the public in general that they Beep on hand, rosularlv, their shop, adjoining JOHN OULICU rJ furniture rooms, opposite tb. Court House, tbe BIST fRFSff REEF, VEAL, MVTTOX LAMB, PUKK, ATC, AT REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. Market mornlnga Toeiday, Thoridiy, and Baturdaya. Meal delivered at reaidenoe when eeired. A there ef patronage if refplfully tolirlted. JHarok 1, I81B-I7. BIAUK A n UK It Is. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTItlLSHKH, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Tb. aadrsignd begs leave to Inform tbe eltl- nans of Clearfleld, and tbe public generally, that k. baa oa band a flne assortment of Furniture, oaeh as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Ruitea, Parlor Bnites, Reellning and Exten.loa Chairs, Ladies' and dents' Kssy Cbalrs, the Per forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane Seats and Windsor Ubatra, Clothes tiara. Htep and Kitea- otoa Ladders, ilat Racks, Bcrabbing Brnsbes, Ac I MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, aoklng Qlasaae, Chromos, Ao wbleh would. aaltabl. for Ualide. mmmhU. deelt'Tl JOHN TROUTMAN. II. A. KRATZER, (iiocaatot to) KRATZER &LYTLE, . naana m 5RTOOOII8, NOTIONS, BOOTS, snoKs, LEATHER, CARPETS I OIL CLOTHS, WALL PATER, WINDOW BIIADES, KT0 Market atreet, Clrardcld, Paw J.a. I. irrr-tf JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING 6VCII AS . POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILLHEADS," STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, " Ao.f 4c, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS A STATJOSERY. Market M Clcarteld, (at tht Poat Oflcc) Tm ndenlgued kege leave la anaoaaea la the clUaoM af Olaariald ftad vi.ieiiv, thai ke kaa lUed up ft roosa and kaa Jnst returned freea the aity witk ft large aaaoaal ai reading analtar, aoasisttng La part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aeaaunt aad Paaa Boobs of every da- aarlptloaj Paper and Envelopes, French preeeed and prala Pans aod Penelle t Blank Legal report, ureal, ortgegeei Judgment, ftvomp Uea and Promioery anteai White and I'arch- meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cep, aad Bill Cap, I naees aseoie. lor eitner riaae, riate or vioita, l aonstaatly aa kaad. Aay baoki at atatlonary I desired that I may Bot have oa haad.wlll be ardered by Iret aipreae, and aeld at wholesale or retail ta aaH aaatouiera. X will alee keep periodical iiieratara, aaeft as agaaUM, newspapers, a. r. A. liiuLin. rteeruei. May T, 1t'-tf ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE , PROMPT ATTENTION. But It appears that tho Rtulicul poiia in South Carolina full iu flocks. A lil lieul writer says : "Whoa tbewlokad rale the land ueurnelb." The trutlifuliicss ot this remark has never been butter iliuntrutud, than in the case ol South Carolina, from 18C5 to 1877. Tho editor of tho Philadel phia Times, elaborates this sulyoet in this way : Whun wo rcail tno reports, now dally filling tho columns ol tho South Carolina papers, of arrests, imprison ment and flight lrom juslico, wo can easily understand why tho carpet bag gers, who oneo governed that once proud but long prostrate. Common wealth, fought so desperately 'to pro vent the restoration of bonest govern ment Tho story of corruption in South Carolina is fnmlliur to all In its general features, but tbe country will never know all its sickening details. Piceo by piece, however, tho truth is coming out, and every piceo brings the rascality of tho dethroned carpet bag gers into stronger light. To any thai no northern Stnto would hnvo tolerated these vampires for a single executive or legislative term is to put tho case mildly. Tweedism, with all its bin Jon of guilt, never deueouded to such petty navishness or involved bolder con ceptions of organized crime. Now that such words can be safely spoken it mny be said, in all calmness, that bad tho people of South Carolina risen in blind fury and . rid themselves of tho wbolo set by a iluy of bloody revolu tion, history would bavo born un answerable witness to their justifica tion. No wonder that in the lust cam paign they fought as for dear life, and that ; when victory camo to them through peaceful methods tho song of thoir rejoicing was sung in worth, and ways that seemed extravagant to those who knew not bow great was their deliverance. "Tho carpet-buggers recognized the hand-writing on tho wall in the Presi dent's order removing the military prop of tho t'liamborlain government. At oneo tho exodus begun. Tho pro text was the fear of political persecu tion, but the sequel proves what every body suspected, that tho cnuso was fear of criminal prosecution. Nearly every prominent member of the offico- holding class in tho Republican party of South Carolina is now in prison, on bail, or fugitive from justice. Leslie, the Land Commissioner, whoso rob beries amounted to hundreds of thous ands of dollars, first disappeared. Whittcmoro, tho cadctship-brokcr and head devil of legislative plundering, sought a homo in Massachussutls. Wright, s Justice of tho Supreme Court, awaits trial on charge of drunk enness and Ineompcntcncy, preferred by members of bis own race. Carpen ter, ex-Congressmen and cx-Rovcnuo Collector, stands indicted for forgery. Cardor.o, tho State Treasurer, who made a fortune by dUcounting tbo crcdit.of tho State, being arrested for fraud, gave bail and has disappeared from mortal vision to bo spocdily fol lowed in flight by Llnyno, lute Sccre tary of Stnto ; Gleavcs, ex-Lieutenant Governor j Iloge, ex-Congrussman and ox-Judgo ; Corbin tho present District Attorney; Scott, ex-Governor, und a dozen rogues of lesser nolo. Lee, ex Clerk of tho Houso ; Montgomery, Stnto Sonatorj Woodruff, cx-Clcrk of tho Senate, and otbors, composing a ringthatdraincd IhoSlato Treasury by fraudulent pay certificates and print ing claims, aro in tbo clutches of law. And so tho list might bo extended and moro than doubled in length. It is a catalogue that would almost put the Nowgato calendar to tbo blush, and and yet theso men wore not long ago filling tbo high places of the State, and tho bayonets of tho United States wcro used for months and years to keep them there "For once the cry of political perse cution cannot bo raised to shield the rascals from tho penalty of their crimes. It is not nnon tho evidenco of Democrats alono, or ot whito mon alono, that they aro arraigned nt tbo bar ol justice. It is tho old story the thieves bavo fallen out. Men once high in authority among them havo crept out of tbo ruins ot the ring to beg mercy on condition that their own crimes bo not counted against them. Stute's evidenco is a drug In tho mark et at Columbia. Day after day Moses, oneo tbo Governor and the robber chief, is closeted with an Investigating commiltco, making a confession that covers years of villainy and implicating another so-called Republican after ovory clearing of bis throat. lie was buainess-liko In his rascality and seems to bavo kept a record of bis evil deeds, with explanatory notes and memoranda, so that documentary evi denco is forthcoming most opportunely to sustain bis rather puny affidavits. hat tho end is to bo no ono knows, but no cheering vision confronts tho wretches at whose door lies tho rnio ot South Carolina. Bomo seek in for eign lands to lose their identity, somo nit hither and thither over this broad land, fancying each bush an officer ; others with brazon faces onlor tho doors of the Whito liouso and demand that their crimes shall bo condoned, and others again linger tremblingly about the scones of their crime and profligacy. Butallaco tho penitentiary in their dreams, and that big stono houso on tbo Congarco will yet bo their abiding place for a time. Justice has coma into her own ; law and order once moro provail in South Carolina. Tho losson is plain : Do who runs mny read. THE SEW PAKTY riiOI'OSEl). It is plain from the action of labor ing men ut dill'ercnt points that their loader aro about to avail tliciniushcB of tbo present ugitulion in regard to wage to form a political parly made up of woikingiiieu and aiming ut a revolution In the relutions between eupl- UftLasJ'i.'ilW. Ad'X'isivestej) was taken meeting ol n pi-eseiitative n. nanics adopted tho following resolution: MVe earnestly rreororoer.it the erjcatiisallun of wurklnniiion to rmlilli-al nuriiose., to be palli a tbe I'rulectlve Lator Party, having fr its object Urst, the mutual protection of iabor; oooond, direct represeiiteli'.n uf the wuraing clns.es in municipal ao'd tfcte Lrlf2K fcfl.i Co4rp.e ; third, tbe repeal ef all oppressive Uws almost laijur ; lourtn, tne enaciiiioui oi just laws tor toe pmtoollon of labor." At Ciueinnuti on tho sumo day the workingincn of Ohio, in inuus-mooting assembled, nominated a State ticket, and ut Columbus a liko ussembly de nounced both tho Democratic and Re publican parties bitterly. This notion of forming a workingmeu's party is an old one, but tho delusion has never be fore bad such a fair prospect of tem porary success as it now has, for tho laboring classes aro discontented and naturally look to political methods for relief. Such a party tan hope for nothing belter than temporary success, and it can only triumph to tho general detriment to tho community. Tho proposed organization will bo bused unon class distinctions, protons no higher oliject than cluss interests, and uppcul mainly to class prejudice; it cannot therefore be a wise und etl'iietivo political body. Tho vory idea of a government involves the idea ol a pol icy which shall muko for the good of tho wholo country, und parties in order to cluiin tho support of ull classes of citizens, must deal with things as alloc ting all. A man's daily nvoca tion cannot have anything to do with his judgment concerning what will bo of advuntuge to the nation. Ho should not look at politics as a carpenter or a bluckHinilh or a stonecutter or a law yer or a doctor, but as an American. If tho class to which ho belongs suffers any wrong, it can find tho readiest means of redress through tho existing parties whoso principles' ought to cover every conceivable cuso of governmental injustice or mismanagement, roruny ono class even the farmers or laborers to luke tho field against tho rest of tho community is a piece of folly. tilde. When speaking tbo two vessels Captuin Crupu had Intended to mako for Falmouth, hut the wind was against it. Captain and Mr. Crapo seemed wonderlully well after tho hardships they had undergone, though tho Capt. has a bad hand, and when he came on shore his other band wus firmly clenched ufter seventy hours steering. COST OE THASSrOflTATlOS BEVOHE THE HALIIOAD. SsUSffUanroW. so bravo a couplo. visited by numbers. Captuin Crupo think of going on to Falmouth, and after s ard to Loudon and tho Paris exhibition. J'UTAMAN Til Ell E. Is it not uboul time to relievo Gen eral Howard from command on the frontier, and put a man there? Tho Nez Forces war ought never to .have been begun, but if it be tine thut now being in it wo cun only fight our way out of it, wo need a fighting man in command of tbo campaign. General Howard wus placed in a position bet ter suited to his capacity und temper ument when ho was ut thu head of the Froodman's bureau, Ho is better fit led to issue rations to Infirm, elderly colored pcrsons.thr.n to conduct a cam paign ugainst a bruvo, activo and wily too. Ho bus been the most conspicious That thcro wus need for new moth oils of inteicominunicution, tbo Increas ing population made every day moro apparent. In 1781 tho cost of trans portation from Philadelphia to Frio is stated to have been 12 111 a tun, tho inothod being by paekhorsos principal ly .wjii;iLwere driven in line of ten or 1 bout wus al0 t,,;i i liu one rrcCwi.-.r, S3 tjt'.t triun wus under tho munugemeiit of a single driver. Each horso curried a pack weighing about 200 pounds. In 17H9 tho first jiaw-mill an Ulno was built by tho New England Ohio Com- ianv, about sixteen miles from Munct- tu, on Wolf Crock, about a mile above ts junction with tho Muskingum. Tho crank lor this mill was made in New Iluvcn, Connecticut, and weighed 180 pounds. It wus carried by pack-horses over the mountains to tho Youghiogho ny River, ut Siinrel's Forry.and thence shipped liy wutur to Marietta. This same your tho Hist wagon-load of goods is said to havo boou transported, by tho southern route, through Virginiu, fiomIlugorstown,Murylaiid,to Browns ville, Pennsylvania, whence, by the Monongabcia, water communication was bad with the Ohio River. A train of four horses could take a ton from (f Hon Bcnweesll, it can be mi S" oue of ellh aslly earned la these times, but mails In throe moniu. j liber lee. In anv liart of the country who is nllhog to work sleadily at the employment that we furt.l.h. ! per week in your ono town. Yim need not lie away from koine oter uluht. Yoa can aire your wbulo time to the aurk.iir only y.urpru momenta. Itoo.ls nothing In try (lie bu.lns.s Terms and Oatllt free. AiMrvss at oaoe, tl. Hsl.l.Rrr A Co., April II, IH77 Ije Portland, Maine. L I' T II E It S H V R U . SUMritonrouiJ. Hereafter, gidi will be eoM for CAS II only, tr In exrhaoite fr prluoe. No b-Kika will be kept iu tbe future. All old account! muit bo Pitied. Tbnie who eannol eab up, will pleain band over their nuiea and CLOSE THE EEC0RD. I aa dfterinlnml to cell my goode at emb prloea, and at a diaeount far below that orer olTeroil iu thii vicinity. The i.incounL I allow my ou to inert, will make t beta rich in twenty yeara II they follow my advice and buy their gooda from ma. I wilt pay eaib for wheat, oati ami nl-iver-mmmI. DANIEL UOODLANDKU. Lutberaburg, January 17, l77. yERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on baud. ST0E AM) EARTHED - WARE OK EVERY DEHCRIl'TIOSI Fl.her'e l atent Airtight Half - Healing Krult ( anal BIITTKR CHOCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CHOCKS, Al'i'l.lv 11UTTKK CUIIUhH, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, ISTKW POTH, And a great many other things too numorous la mention, to be baa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARM POTTERY, Corner ol Cherry and Third Streets, augl $tllsUaufous. CIIKAP GROCERIES! LUMBER CITT, PA The undersigned announces to his old friends and patrons that ba has opened a goad line ut UHOCKKIKH t I'ltOVlpIO.NB at lbs old,, of Kirk A Upeooer, for which he sollelt. a liberal patronage. II. W. BI'IKCKH Lumber City, Pa., Merck Itl-lf. J. r. wbavbb..., ..w. w. astis braggart about what ho was going to Hugeistown ami return in a little less than a month, the distance being 1 III miles, at n churgo of throo dollars a hundred weight, or sixty dollar a ton. The operations on the hikes during the war of 1812 culled attention again to the cost of transportation, and in 1818 tho House directed tho Secreta ries of War and of tho Treasury to ro port at the next session a list of the internal improvements in progress, and plans for auling them by appropriations. In discussion upon tiiis motion it wus stated that tho expense for tho trans portation of each barrel ol flour to Do troit was not less than sixty dollars, while for every pound of ammunition and other material it was not less than fifty cents. Edward Howland, in Iltircr' Mtujttziiic for Srpttmhr. do; tlio most lunio and impotent in whnt ho has done. At ono time Joseph was ubout to suiieiieler to him ; ut unotlier no was pursuing josepn; no was getting in the rear of Joseph ; bo was surrounding Joseph ; bis aid-de-enmp telegraphed eastward how wond erful was his strategy and his energy. Yet all tho time Joseph has eluded him, laughed at him and now has severely beaten a detachment of tho army that wus foolishly isolated by freeilman's bureau strategy. It is unendurable to think of tho loss of noblo lives and treasure by the incompetence of chief taincy. AVhen Custer fell fighting at the head of his little army tho nation mingled praise with its tears, though tho soldier knew he hail been more L'allaut than wise. Hut so far was Cus ter from sending u bragging bulletins. thut almost tho first news wo had of i his proximity to the Indiana was that which also gave tho narrative of his Btiviiiro fiuht and heroic death. Bo. tween the two what a contrast ! How Tho great danger to our system Is tbo ard always boasting and never doing; slow .segregation of tbo vnriouscleinonts Custer never boasting, but doing to tho society into separate and sometimes of death. Better a bravo man, however antagonistic cliques; and tho good ! rash, than a wnrroir wmi uniinmou 1 iiticnl intelligence 01 tno American sense dt our mechanics shoiild teach them to attempt to counteract rather than accelerate this tendency. Hut tho great objections to this new party aro not so much theoreticul as practical. Such an organization is iu danger of becoming tho most corrupt influence in politics. Its leaders, as they assume tho trado of statesmen, aro obliged toj forgo their ordinary bundicralts, und tho tomptution brought to bear upon them for tho sulo of their power to Democrats or Republicans is vory strong. They can only keep thoir or ganization in the field by a series of coalitiotiB, thoir followers get disgusted with tho failure to attain any great results, political afliilutious of foul play aro roused, and tho wholo move ment goes to pieces. This is not a matter of speculation. It is the his tory of politico labor movements as they have developed at different points throughout tbo country and affected municipal elections. In a word tho political organizotions ol workingmcn to obtain their own aggrandizement is too narrow a schemo to lead to tho creation ot a national party. Sew York World. SEYES WEEKS IS A 11 OAT. SMALL Dowm on Stanley. Tho Spring. field litpubUvin't opinion of a leading statesman of Ohio is a vcr.y decided one. It says : "it seems uouoiiul whether Stanley .Matthews will over be heard of uguin in national politics. It iB most extraordinary how a man of such amiability and cleverness shoulJ so misconceive and under value the po prudence. But wo fear it will bo al- people as Mr. Matlhuws has done in ways thus, losing a l attlo hero by reck- the past few mot.ths. It would per- TIN &SHEET-IR0N WARE. CANDIS M ERR ELL llaa ntitnt'l. In a buildini on Market ilreet, on the old Wen tern IMrl lot, oipotite the i:url Houm in Clrarlield.a Tin ami heet-Iron Manu factory and Store, where will be found at all tlmea a full line of H0TJSE FTONISHI1TG GOODS, Stovos, XXoriwaxo, Etc. House RpDUting and all kinla ofJ"b work, repnir in f( Ao., done on ihort notitre and at rraaunnble ratee, Aleo, agnnl for tbo Singer Sewing Machine. A tujiply of Maohine, with Koedlni, Ac, al wave on it and. Term, itrlctly cah or country produce. A hare of patronage ullciteJ. O. B MKRItm.L, Supcrintendful, Clearfleld, April 25, lS77 tf. RIXHXG 11Y0WX MAC11IVE FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. .1, PIK'S OPERA ilOPrE t'lrarllel.l. Pa. CLKAKKIKLII, PA. I. p. o ci.iert. a. b'cobblb. ii. HKii.aaDa. MUCH, JMORKLE & CO.'S (fluRct-iiore to John Gutioh), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Htrect, Clearilcld, Pa. Wo manufacture all hlnda of Furniture for Chaaaltere, Jtinin Hoome, Lirarioa and Uetll. If you want Furniture of my kind, don't bay until yon aeo our lock. CJoodlnmlor A Ivc, Clearfleld, Clearfleld County, Pn. Wnr Thet Were Reappointed. The Philadelphia Oummonwtalth gives tho following as Ibo Mason why Hayes reappointed the old directors : "Pend ing tho lato Presidential contest, tho Union Pacifio Railroad Company, bo ing desirous that no change should bo mado In tho govornment directory ol that company, raised and paid to Mr, Hayes personally tho sum of 175,000 to aid in defraying tho expenses of bis election. It is said that but twenty firo thousand dollars of this Hum went into tho canvass, and tbo balance ro mains unaccounted lor." THE VOTAUE OF CAPTAIN CUAI'O AND HIS WIFE ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. A correspondent of the London 7ni y AVir at Penzance, speaking of tho arrival ot that place of Capt. Crapo and his wife, who left New Bedford on Mny 2Hlb, in a small boat, says : "Tho voyngo was commenced on May 28, when tho vessel left Now Bedford, but by Btress of weather sho had to put into Chatham, Muss., whoro sho stayed until tho 2d of Juno, when tho sails wcro again hoisted and tho littlo pigmy left on her perilous voy ngo with a fair wind. All went Well for three days, tho wind being south west and the sea calm. The wind then changed to southeast, and it camo on foggy for four days, und continued fog gy up to tho timo w hen they reached tho Grand Banks, 17 days out. Hero most fortunnto thing happened for tho navigators. Tho drogno which they bad brought with them wus found to be of little use hecauso it was too light. While off tho banks they saw a keg floating, which luck ily they wcro able to socuro. Capt. Crapo knocked off tho iron hoops, und witli somo canvas mado a new d rogue which answered admirably. When it was considered that at ono part of tho voyago they wore obliged to lio to for nearly throe days in a great galo of wind, It will need no effort to imagine what a fortunnto acquisition tbo new droguo was. Alter leaving tho banks, whoro they lay to in a galo for fif toon hours, tbo Weather improved, and thoy suilcd on until tho 21st of Juno, when another gale was encoun tered. Whilo lying to, tho Now Bed foro spok tho itoamcr Balavia, from which assislanco was offered, and the oflor was mado to luko them on board, which was pluckily declined. Altor this incident they encountered a suc cession of gules, tbo only wonder bo ing that they survived to tell tho story. During the voyage, which oc cupied forty days, tho rudder broko, but happily thcro was a sparo oar on board, which was mod nntil tho first could bo repaired. Tho seas wcro running mountains high, and during all that timo, oven when lying down to rest, ibey had to lie In wet clothes. On ono occasion tho Captain was for seventy hours steering without relief, the weather being so frightful, and on another bo was eighteen hour con secutively attending to tho drogue. Captain Crapo says he could not havo stood another fifteen days; indued, ho had not slept for seventy hours whun bo landed. Hi averago sleep while coming across was under four hour a day. Among tho many extraordinary things connected with tho voyage is that it had to be run by dead reckon ing, a the Now Bedford was not equal to a chronotnclor. Only on two occaaions could they get their Inngi- lessness, mid there by prudence, nntil we send our ablest generals to the Iroiit and our braggarts to the rear. What do Sherman, and Sheriilun, and Mc Dowell and tho rest, who boast a mili tary record, think of Howard by this lime? And what, if tho matter inter ests him at all, does Secretary McCrary intend to do about it? It is the coun try w hich demands an answer. Hill- timore (lazdte. The Price ok Pio Iron. The Pitts burg Manufacturer gives the following table as tbo averago cash prices for bi tuminous coul smelted, grey, forge pig iron, made from Lnko Superior ores, for a series of years. It will bo notic ed that tbe shrinkage has been awful from 20, up to tGU, and then down again to 821, viz: issa H so l in tl mi aiiis7o ai 5 lsnj Jj Jl 1K71 JS S7 s:l . Jn 7!l72 e S ISOI SO 37S73 SS 40 IS05 41 WIS74 v7 ISria 44 4J IS7S JS 37 ISS7 41 m is: . Jl 41 lfcM S7 IS1 Tho your ISfil shows thu lowest price, viz., $20.30, and 1SC4 tho high est year, viz., $110.37. Sinco tho war, under natural competition, tho highest prieo reached was J 18.88 in 1872, tho lowest 821.-U, iu 1870. Tho highest prico reached in 1872 was $55, lowest 838.50. Prices varied during that year moro than others. In 1873 tho prico began at HO, and at tho cljso of tbo year was 82S. In 1874 tbo prico be gan at $30, and in December stood nt 823 and closed al $21, reaching $2j In its courso in curly summer. A huge effort was made in 1872 to bull the price up to thut of 1801, but it stopped Imps, be loo severe to say that there was no fickleness, no imbecility, no in ternational outrage, no financial dis honor of which Mr. Matthews seems ta have thought tho American people incapable at this crisis, bul it has cer tainly left us vory much in doubt where he would 'druw tbo lino.' " And tli its is tbo plain unvumishod truth. Well, wo suspect that Stanley will see that tho editor in question does not "get in" on Hayes or into any of tho Departments. The Annoyed Secretary. Mr. Carl iSchurz has now a chanco to put in an other denial, unless porhaps his ill suc cess with Kcinblo has given bim 0 dis- liko for the business. Tbo Toledo Jour nal states that in 1872 the Ohio Dom ocrats pmd him $1,200 for stumping tho Stnto. This Captuin Dugald Dal gelly of politics soom to havo always looked sharply after his "pay and pro- vent," and novcr troubled his frugal soul about whero tho money camo lrom. In 1872 he stumped Hayes' own district against tho Republican ticket, and helped to defeat Hayes for Congress. During tho samo campaign ho stumped Indiana in Invor of Hend ricks for Governor, and tho question is, What did ho get paid for his ser vices then? This distinguished soldier of fortuno evidently carried unusual habits of thrift into his campaigning flesoectfully informs his cu.tniners, anil tlie pub- lie in general, that hoeoutiuues to manufacture all kinds of Tln.l'opppr & S'.irrl-Iron Ware, Of Int-elaei material only, and in a workman like manner. ROOFIXG and SPOUTING done on abort notice and rery rMionable trrmi. COOK STOVES, HEATING HTOVKfl AND FU11NACK3 alwayi kept in atook, and for aile low. Gas-Filling and Plumbing a specially. Oas Flitures always on bead. All work auaran teed to give cetisfeotlua. A share of public patronage eordislly solicited. " PIIKD. SACKETT. Clearleld, Pa., Hay , 1S77. A Heavenly Vision. Thoso wcro brnvo words of thj pious Garfield at the Cleveland Convention : "In theso days cif political cowardice the very gods look down in admiration upon tho man or tho party that has the at $18.88 and has been on tho down courage to announce, and dares to run grade over since. Our timber dealers know exactly how tho thing, works. Their cxperienco bus been similar to that of tho iron manufacturers. Limited to Speeches and Kxpknses Carl Schurz, has been toning down Hayes' civil servico order a little, so far as his department is concerned. Ho announces to his officials that they may make occasional speeches, but ho does not limit tho amount which they may chnrgo for "expenses" in accord ance with civil servico ideas. Some guide in fixing tho rulo mny bo furnish oil to them, however, by tho exposure of the New York Republican commit too of 18H, which paid Schiir $2,700 for cloven days servicos, after bo bad consented to como for tho paymont of his expenses. Mr Morgan, chairman of tho committee, inlormod his associ atcs, aflor this bill was presen tod and paid, that Mr. Schurz was not a very cheap man under tbo arrangomont mado to pay his expenses, and ho did not know that it would not have boon cheaper to mako a defiuito arrange ment for a fixed amount per spcoch. Ilcsido tho information furnished by Morgan, these gentlemen can further onligbten themselves by addressing ox- Stato Treasurer Kcinblo, of Phila dolphin, who is personally acquainted on this point. N either. Tho Now York Sun says "Praiso mo if you can ; damn mo if you must ; but 1 beseech you not to ignoro mo, oro tho words of an old author to tho critics, in his preface. Hayes was neither praised nor damned, but suffer- oil the worst fato of all, in being Ignor ed by tho Republican Convention of tho Stato of Maine, in which Mr. Jim lilaino played his part. Ono faction desired to constiro llnyos and his Ad ministration, and another faction tried to procure their endorsement, but Blaine had delormlned that tbey should be pusaod by In contemptuous silence, and be easily carried tbo Convention with him amid uproarious excitement. When a Nevada saloon keeper was asked why ho wore a two ounce dia mond pin in his shirt-front theso hard limes, ho replied : "I uso It at night to tnke my medicine by, and In limos liko those ovory littlo savingof matches and nil connls." tho risk ol dying for tho sake of being right." Garfield was relerring to tbo platform, and especially to that part of it which declares that tho government should seize control of the "national highway of trado," and regulate charges for freight as well as wages for employes. It was this noble part of tbo platform which elicited tho fer vid and eloquent words ot Garfield. An Example. Governor Brock- meycr of Missouri, when somebody said to him, "You can't expect men to work for a dollar a day," answered : "Why not? When I camo to thiscoun- try, a boy of eighteen, I worked as a bootblack in tho streets of Now York. Thirty years ago I worked in a lonn dry for $3 a week, and saved my money until I had enough to buy a pioco of hind, and thon I was indopon- lenU I should havo spent tho balance of my bfo on this piece of land, but was routed out of it by tho war." Vaiiiocsly Mauri eh. "Brick" Pomo- rnv. lironriotor of 7VmrTr!' Democrat has obtained a divorce from his second' wife, Louisa M. Pomeroy, tbo talent od actress, and has married again. Tbo separation was decreed in the pro bato court of Brighain City, Utah, "under peculiar circumstances." Tbia is Poineroy's second divorce. Hi present wife wos his proofreader, and has not the talent to act ,iiicf , which was his solo complaint against Mrs. P., No. 2. WM. REED 18 OPENING TIIIS DAY a LARGE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, IN ALL TliE BRANCHES APPERTAINING TO TUB DRY GOODS TRADE. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, C A SSI ME RES, LINEN SUITS, &c, ic, ic. In all tta brunolifia. We k-cp in atock all tbe lateit and mint improved Colli i ami diketa, and have evtry facility ff-r pmpi-rly con dtKtinit thii branirb of our buln-'M. We have a patnt 0n-te Pre erfor, in which boliea oan be proaervnd fur aeon nimble lMi.h of timo. A member of the firm haa lu ilrcping apart ment at our wart mom, whero he oan be ft.ut.d by any perton who eome at nij;ut far tbe purpoae ol procuring ooiliita. in i.i;ii, M';'iithi..K at tu. Clearfleld, Pa,, May 1, 7fi ly. AND GROCERY STORE. CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at the aid nana of Q, L Reed A Co their i took of goadi, eonfliting f DRY - COODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HAHDWAkk. QUKBNBWAHE, FL0UB, FEED, SALT, 4c, 4o, At tbe noat rauonabla ratae for CASH r u et change for Square Tiaiber, Boards, Shingles, OH COUNTRY PRODUCE Advaanaa I ting out iquare tla trna. ade to thoa en guff"! In gtU iber oa the moat adrantaroa pdtljanTI II ARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT A. G. KRAMER & CO., Bloom No. 4j, Pie's Opera House, Clearfield, Pa. Keep constantly no band SUGAR, cnrrcB, TEAS, SODA,? COAL OIL, Mllll', SALT, SPICES, SOAP, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tohaeo", Cigars, Can dies, Cider VinogtrButtor, Ejjs.JAc. ALSO, EXTRA IIOMH-MADB Wlieat anil Buckwheat Flour, Com Meal, Chop, Feed, ic, AH of which will be sold cheap for cask or 1 eiehenge for eoantry produce. A. (I. KRAMER A CO. ClearCeld, N..V. II liil. -t IN FRENCH VILLE I I am aware that then are aome pmona a little bard to pleaae, and 1 an alao aware that the complaint of "bard timet" la well nigh uoiverrkl. But I am to eltuatod now (bat a ean eatiffy the former and prora eonrlualvely that "hard timn" wilt not tsfTeot thnae who buy their gwdn from , and all my patron thai! be initiated into the ae eret of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I hare rood enough to eopi ly all tb tnhili- lan (a to the lower end of the oouniy which 1 ll expeeuiajr low ratea from my maaauotn atn la njSONUUKO, where I ean alwaya b foaivl ready to wait upon eallera and aupply them w tk Dry Goods of all kinds, Snob aa Clothe, Satinet). , Cue i mem, Marllui, Delainea, Linen, Drilling!, Calieoea, Trimminge, Ribbone, Laoe, Ready-made Clothing, Boot and Shoet, Hat i.d ape all of ttia beat material and made to orou lion, Sooka, OIotm, Mitteoa, Laoee, KibUitii.ate, UUOCERIKe OF ALL KINDS. (Tea, Tea, Pnpur, Rice, Molar, Flth, Pit it Pork, Llnaeed Oil, Fiih Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen war, Tinware, Cartinre, Pli and Plow Canting!, Naili, Hpikei, Corn Cultira Ura, Cider Preeeea, and all kinda of Atea. Perfumery, Painta, Varniah, Olaaa, and a gmrat Miortment f stationary, QOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alwayi on hand, and will be told at the toweet poaitble Bgurae. It, McClain'l Medicine, Jayne'a Medtelnri HofteUer'i and floufiand'a bitter. (00 A pounda of Wool wanted for which ike highett price will he paid. Cloreneed on hand and for )le at tbe lowest market prioa. AUo, Aac tit for Ftrattonrllle and Curwenati.le Tbrenbing Machine. fcCaJl and roe for yourteWea. Yoa will fltd ernrything aeually kept in a retail atora. L. M. COUDRIBT. French t ille P. O., Auguit IX, 1874. aw NOTIONS AND TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, LACES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, TIES, CORSETS, BUTTONS, Ac, Ac, 4c. WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINENS, CORDED AND PLAIN PIQUES, SWISS LAWNS, wnrrn trimmings, EMBROIDERIES, RUC11INO, CURTAIN NETS, Ac, Ac. SULPHUR SOAP. A Snuusn Rt.MKnr for Diseases and Injuries or the Skin; A Healthful ItKAUTIFlEft. OF THE COMPLEXION; A reliable mkanl of prrventino and Kki.if.vino Rheumatism and Gout, and an Unequaled Disinfectant, Deodo RIZttR AND COUNTER-IRRITANT. ftrun Siitphttr &oan, beaUta erwH. eating lucal diieMc of the akin, Iwmhea de fects f the complexion, and impart to it gratifying clear nc si and smoothness. Sulphur Btlihs arc celebrated for curing imiionA ana other diseases ol utc fkin, aa ell ai Rheumatisin and Gout. G'fc'HH Stththar StHtn produces the ume ellccu at a moU trilling expense. Tina admirable) iKcilic also speedily heals soret. btnittt. ttaidu knrwt sprains and ruti. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linen ud in the sick room is disinfected, and diseases communicable by con i. -vet witn me person, prcvcnico oy it. The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Priccs-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per vox w vanes), cue. ana si.xu. N. B. Ruy the l-irtte cnVti and thereby fcomrmas. sow oy tut LTUgkaiu. "HILL'S nUB AND WH1SKFU DYE, Biark ar urewn, 00 Cent. C I. CUTTHTO, Prop'r. 7 SWklT.,11 HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSuceesaori to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers at t'OETABLE 4 STATION A 17 STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. Don't Like Him. Tho Cttnailinn authorities wants our Government to end for Silting Bull, who is creating grout uneasiness serosa the bonier where ho lias gone for rocreation sinco tlio mnnlor of Gen. Custer and com panions. On Monday a man was found dead in ono of tho Washington through sleeping car ol tho Pennsylvania railroad at thu West Philadelphia do pot. Krtim paper found upon bis person ho is supposed to bo Benjamin Klpp- A "Stalwart" Remark. "Tim Maine platform," cruelly observes the Now York Times, "will bo read chiefly for the sake ol the stump speech which Senator Blaine lias contrived to insert In It licllv." MILLINERY, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, TRIMMING SILKS, Ac, Ac, Ac Carpelings, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, &c, ic. PULL STOCK OE EVERYTHING, DOIIOHT FOR CASH, AMD WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH. WM. REED, Room He. I, Pie's Opera Dooaa Balldln. Clasrt.ld.Ps., April IS, Irs. DEALERS IN PURE DRUCJS $X2 miDUSa S2T 23333 C II E Jt I C A I. S I PAINTS, OIUS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, DHL'SIIES, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS TOILET AKTICI.CS, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WISES ASD LIQUORS far medleinal parpoeea. T raises, ffupportere, flhool Books and Station try, am an other articles usually foind la a Drag Btore. PMYBICIANlV PRRftORIPTlONB CAR! FI LLY COMl'OLNDKD. Having a targe at nerlenee In the business they ean gire entire sal iiiaeuowc J. ti, BARTPWtCK, JOHN F. 1HW1N. Clearleld, Deeamber 10, 1174. II AVING engaged lu tbe manufacture af Iret- claaa MACHINERY, we respectfully laform be publlo that we are now prepared ta All all orders as ebaaply and as promptly al ean be done In any of the cities. We manufacture end deal la Malay and Ciroalar Saw-MUla Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cups, Gauge Corks, Air Cocks, OloU Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iroa Pipes, 8 earn Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, AntU Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing. Gum Peck. njt. and all kinds or MILL nulla; icgeinrr with Plows, Sled Solee, CO OK ASD PARLOR STO YES, and other CASTINGS of all hlada. str-Orders solicited and tiled al eny prices All letters cf Inquiry with referenoe to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addree. lag us at Clearfleld, Pa. JanHI-tf nillLER, YOUNG A REEK G ROCERIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, (Suoce.sor In LYTLRA MITCHELL) WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL DKALER IN CHOICE LINE OF 1EAS. OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YOtlNO HYSON, KNULISII BREAKFAST rarest la Market, lU'TTKR AND EGOS. Will ba kept and aald al Iret swat. Cash p:ld for GoBBlry Prwduoa. HERMAN CIIKKRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PKARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. KIMII. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Aa. riCM.K. Barrel Pickles aad Eegll.k Pleklra. KI.IIIIR A MO PKKI). Flour, Can Meal, Oal Meal, A. J.a. I, 11. JAS. H. LTTLI- Z aitBiaaSia....iS.,,.