THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WEDNESDAY f'UN IKO. ATOVBT til, !W. Terms of Subscription. ft paid la adt within thr nontht . 1 00 beettBaa Street, art our duly Mthorto4 if , Nw York Cy. Im:i.i;i1" HOTK'KUt ' ' MMhodiat Rnlaroiial Church Rot. 3.9. U. Mi nnir. Pastor. arvleet vry Sabbath M l"t A. M., nd T P. M. Kablmth Hffbool at 9 A. M. Prefer Meeting every Thursday, at Ti P. H Coinu union tservloe, flrit babbeth of vry -jionlh, al 111 A. M. Weal C li arfleld M. K. Cliurrh. Hera, William II. 1ii.l and W. B. Wilsoh, Pastors. Preaching every altrrnalf Hnuday, al 8 o'clock, P. M. Mimiay Booooi al it, r. Al. All ar in vited to altand. reablerlau t'hurcliRcv. 11. 8., Sabbath aarriccf morning and evening Sab bath Hohoul at 1 i'. M. i'royar Matting Weilne day evening. Ht. LKraiicla' ( hurcli Catliullc IUt. P. J.Snaarn-i.. Preaching et 10 o'clock, A. M,, on tba drat, third and fourth Sundays of each month t Vaapari and Benediction of tba blessed 8 acre men t at 7 o 'j look, P. M. Hunday Bebool vry Funriay aiiareoon at a o cioet. OFFICIAL IHRECTOHY. T1MN OF loLDIBfl CARTMt MIOMI CO CUT. Peeond Monday of Janoarj. Third Monday of March. Fttt Monday af J una. Fourth Monday of September. TIM I Or aoLDlJCB COM II OR PLBAB. Firat Monday of Jnna. baoond Monday of Norambar. puilio orricnna. Pmidtut Jtdgt Hon. Cfaarlaa A. Mayar, of Look Havan . Anittanl Law JuHjf911on. John H. Orrla. of Be lief on t a. Awocintt Jutigtt Abram Ogdas, Claarfiald; Vinoant a. Hull, ttearfleltf. ProtkonoiartflHi Bloom. fttgiiltr and Hteortlrr L. J. Morgan. IHttrid Attornty Win. M. MoCullougb. Tnaiurir DaTid McOaugbey. Shtrif Andra Petit a, Jr. County Swrwyor Samuel F. MrCloikoy, Cur Mcntvilla. Comnly Commtitionert Clark Brown, Clear aid i TbomaaA. Mu(iat Chtit P. 0.; Hairla Uoovar, Claarfleld. Votuiy Auditor Cbrlit. J. Kragy, Olaa ITopa ; Hanual A. Caldwell, Wtlliatnigrore ; John 0. Conner. Buroaida. aaaly Voromtr J. B. Krff, New Washington. Jurj LVMRaianoner Dr. Jamaa P. Burch field, Clearfird, )oaah Aleiander, Woodward. SmfHrimttuHcnt of Publii School John A. Gregory, Curwenavilla. Notari Public John W. Wrigley, Wm. Ra dabaugh, Cyrua Gordon, Clearfield i Joteph H. Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curweniville J. J. L ingle, 0oaola Milla t J. A. Livifgfttone, Dulloia City. Oar Special oolontn la deoldedly intaraiting in a local point of view, and profitable reading to outaidera wno want to aara monry. $2 only for a argts full nack of Suit, at John Mcuaugbej a grocery. The month of August, camp meet ing, and dog -day and with tba pre tent wack. Tho Ituuvy rums ol last week did not make a rafting floid ia tha river, aa wna ardeatly boprd by our lumbermen. A valnablu young liornc, owned by Fred. M. Cardon A Brother, butcbrrf, or thl place, died on Wedneaday lait. (Quaker Bcrvices wuro held in the Claarfiald U. K. Church last Monday aveniag, and wara conducted by Juhn Soott, of Baltiiuure. Communion norvict-H will bo held at tba Prcebytcrian Cbnrob In tbia plaoa, next Hab bath morning, September 2d. Preparatory arrvl aa on Saturday next, at 11 o'clock a. m. - i i a - Tho "total eclipBo of tho moon" last Tlioraday evening, aa fie wed from tbia region through our tetereope, waa a great aueoaii, aa muoh to at deoii blaok eloudi ooald make It. Tho Miwes MacLeod will open their aaleet aobool, In tha Academy, on Moo lay, Sept. 3d, 1877. They will be prepared to toaoh aehol ara of all agea, and all the higher branches In eluding French. It. mm Mr. M. L. McQuown has already a tokened of the ntwipaper buinea In Iowa, wbera he waa ia Iba builaeaa jual tbrca week Ha diapoaed of bia Intrreit la iba Kellogg Ittporttr, and returned to tbia county a taw daya ago. Tho Wallace Smters had a Tory largo audicnoe at their parformanea In Pia'a Opera Uoueelait Saturday ttaning. Tha play, " Mia aia'a Luck ; or, Tba t'pi and Downa of New York Lila," waa a faithful pietura or "Ufa amur.g the lowly" in our large eitlea. Wo incidentally learn that work waa omiuanoed la it Monday, to put down two im. oil WelU on Stump creek, In Brady towmhlp, and a huge effort will be auade to thoroughly develop tha tarrltory in that eel Ion. A well Ii alio be ing put down at Lot ben burg. Tho Sheriff of Indiana county, on Mondar, tba 2utb Inat., divoovered that aowo of tba priaonera In tba jail bad wade exteneiva praparatloaa to leava. A hole waa differed in the flu or and a etrong rope ladder had alio been prepared for waling tba wall. m w mm-'" LiHt of letter remaining uneluimed la the Poitofllce at Claarfiald, for tba week ending Auguat 17, 1877 i Net ton W. Armitong, Nannie B. Morgan, Adam Smith, Mra. Martha J. Swartt, Miia hadia Wright, Wilton Wallace. P. A. Uaumx, P. M. Her. r ether jlrown, Mra. Carrie llanay, Am bony Hadden, Jrnnie llartaock, While Jlr. Morris F. Wallaee, of Lawreaaa towaihip, waa la town on a baaioesa errand, on tba 1Mb Inat., and when driving along Scoond itre.t, In tba ficinity of McUaughey'a grocery, bia bono got frigbun.d and ran away, damaging tba buggy ao badly that It bad to be taken ta the tbop lor repalta. Tba oceupania of the buggy, Mr. W. and a boy,cacaped uninjun-d A dog aauaal all the trouble. , e m' - Dead. -Wa regret that we are com polled to announce the death of Joirpb 1'ottle tbwalt, which occurred near Lutbrrabarg on Tburiday lait, Auguit 33d, agid id yaara, montba and llf daya. Ha waa one of Brady ' townabip'a wall-to-do farm en, and waa aa active, Bcrgetle buiineie man ) but be baa leva called off in the early fall vt life. Ha leavee bia prop, erly U a widow and a large family of children, who have all paaaed Into inanbood and womanhood, i mm The Juniata Valley Camp Meeting vorreipondant of tba Altoona Afi'rrer, writing ul the attendance at camp nettling last Sunday a weak, aaya i Of the imincnaa crowd on tha ground a Sunday, one thouiand and ninety. one were fad at (ho boarding bona auperloiandad by that food-humored, genial and ooartooue Utile Tyroaiaa, Eana Uray. The reeelpie oa Banday amvanted, all told, at rettauraott, com miliary and awarding hoa)ia, ta tha auw el $l,o7 13. The crowd waa aatlmaled to be very much larger than aver known before oa the aame ground. A match iramo of Uuho Hull wan played at DnRwiwd, aetweea tbia place and Cur wrniville, tail flatarday afttraeoa, beiweaa the Driftwood Club and the Kctditille Club, the farmer elab winning the victory by a acore ol 14 to 9. The teore by Inalnga la ai ftllowa i 1 I I 4 I T Driftwood ......, 4 litedetille H 1 t I 4 X 0-14 1 3 I I I t 0 I- V Pmtjlre Ueo. K. Barrett, Jr., of Clearfield. Bcorara Driftwood, Kd. MoUride iile, L. H. Ala. Time of game 0a hour and forly-l f mioatea, Our State will aooii bo called upon tepty iba militia man, wba eerved during the lite railroad riot', aad aa many of vur reedera ara vtrlona te know what tba pay of toluaiaera are ia tkie Stale, wa copy froaa tba army regalatloa a,k aa tollowa i Colocel, f 1 V4 per month Liaatenaat ColoaeL $176 Major, 1M f CapUla, II 1 1. in; pint Lieuteaaat.llVg.Mf BeaoadLiew- mi Mil, 03 M Brevet Second Lieut., $10l.i0 ; Adjatant,$ll4.o0; Bcrgiaat Major, 111 i Qaarter OMlerBergeaat,$:U) Coas ail wary Saigeant,$ll ; d-Mt, 117 i Corporal, I4 ! Private, $13. mm e mm Iter. Cyrua Jeirrien, lormerly ft rerd- 4t of Mount (Talon, bat late of Burnt Cabiae, a the lino f Fulton atd llualiagdoa eoantie' 4id very paddealy or paralyeia, n (be 1Kb -, white oa a villi lo New Jereey. Ha waa Ia tteart el rpeakiag whea iba atroke aeiied him. nil rematoa ware brougbt te Meant ( niea on '"day morning led, en iba Pad fle Kipreea, nod iaterred la the eemetery telew the town tu tbe afiaraooa.- .f'aftfiNyejun tfvea, Mr. Jeffriaa figured very auaipieaonaly la tbia "ftj duriag tha palmy daya of Kaow Notblag I'Bi, ia 1164 a, and waa looked apoa by aema aa 1 aiw4 f Moeea. lie waa aa erratic, vinenar; , a, and failed ks every tbiag aaanderlook. Ilia 'Ma ! ant worth imitating. I Wanteii Pantaloon and YoHt-nmk-tri. Nont but cspvrUoecit tad ftrit-ol work men Dofd appl- c!1 00 or address Wilt A Fisher, Mrobant tailor, Clearfield, Pi. in I'wi'K or SuuAiis. Lyllo hat Jutt received ft lut of tuger, and 1 prrpart-d lo giro ruitomer lb lnwlt of the neeiil dee Mao it price. Wg'JDif. i - mm. ii Indiana Normal School. We Ui- ltd lb etiention of our readers lo tb advertle- n.ot Is tbia paper of thia tieolltnt lnatltutloi. ne til that la Hi fortb in It. to gat your Job work cVna, V art ltd nrei to do anything In tba printing lioa, will do H wall, and at tha right kind of prlora. If. im a mm ,AVMTy.Dl 1,01)0 cordu of JIotnltMk and Hook Oak Bark, for which wa will pay tha big heat market prion J I tf. A. 0. Krabkr A Co. A New Candidate. We have be- fure na No. 13, Vol. 1, of tha Hum A'ttee, a wall printed little paper, leaurd at Bryn Mawr, near Philadelphia, with P. A. Howar aa editor. Tbe urfare Indloatlona are that It la a local Murphy organ with Radical leaning. Suooeae Inbualna.a. mm e mmt , - WiitiiK Shall I Send My Dacoii- tim? Yon will eonault her health, kapplneaa and aueoeea In atuJy tod muale, by placing her in tha care of Dr. Taylor, at tha Beaver College and Muilcal Initltuie, Baavar, Pa. Prlooi moderate and aa low aa good board and firat-elaaa Initruo Hon eaa be afforded. 2. - i a ar i i ii n akl j. m ijakt. j no following nuiiDv, wnieo w cup irom a ti on nit own paper, fully oaplnlna ltalf MAaaian. In Jobnatnwn, Aug. 15tb, 1877, oy Kev. 1. M. Miller, M. A. Frank, Kiq., of ran. uty, Web., and Miaa Millie W. MoLana, ui juneaiown, ra. Tbe 'Squire might bava made mention of what waa going on, when be waa bare vlalllng bia old friend and acquaintance! a abort time alooa. Mr. Frank waa formerly a rail dent of Cloarflcld. mmm a mm .. A Runaway. A puir of horaos be longing to Mr. Cbarlei Bcbairer, of tbia place, ran away from their driver teat Thureday a fit r noon. While coming up Third atreet, a aingle-tree be came detached and ttruck one of the boriee on bia hind-legi, when tba team atarted off at a vary lively pace. The driver, a boy, and who had tha uie of only one of bia hand, dropped the Iiqoi and Jumped out, leaving two little boy a, eoua uf Mr. 8cbafir, In the wagon. Tba boreca ran up Third atreet to Mai Lei, where. In making tha turn, one of the boyi wa thrown Horn tha wegun, and pretty badly, though not aariously, bruited. Tba buriva proceeded up Market itreef, aud were topprd lo the vicinity of tba Leonard ivhool building. Que little toy remained in tbe wagon and aicaped Injury. The hotiea were not hurt in any way j but the wagon waa considerably damaged. Fire. On Monday morning, about I o'clock, (Ire waa discovered among tue lumber piled near tho chute of the Derby coal bank, and owned by J. N. Ci nan ova, Erq. The alarm waa apaadily given by I ho blowing of tha whittle at tbe It. R. Coa engine houae ; but by the time the teono of tho fire wna toaclind, it bad made lutb headway that It waa iuiponille to tave any part of It. Mr. Cananova citiniatta bia lun at La twten five and alx hundred thousand feet, uoitly hemlock. Ha bat ao liuuranoe of 13,000 on the atock, which doct not quite oor the entire Iota. The eaute of the Hie it aeio a layilery, but, no doubt, wna incendiary. It ia inuab to be re gratted that tha loouudteli who have been tba priuclpal aciora in tbe titca of the patt two jeara have aacMped detection and puniibtoent. How ever, we hope tout time may give I be in their Jutt duca. ikilinbnrg Journal mm mi A Watchman Shot Attempted Ar- ton.-Oh Tueeiay night, a watchman at Sterling mine discovered a party of men la tbe act of tatting Are to a home, or building of eoiae kind, and, whilo attempting to drive them away, waa fired upon and awerely wounded. One ball parted through one o( hit thigh, aud anuthvr through oue of bit arm, between the wriit and elbow. Tbe walahmau immediately flied upon bia atttmpted uuidireia, enc of whom fell to the ground, but waa Immediately eanied or taken away by bia eoturadra la eiime. - A barrel that bad curtained lubrioating oil waa filled with abavlngt and placed be tide the buildiug. It waa when tbe Inoendiarlea attempted to fire tha thav inga that the watchman interfered and the hoot lug eomuwaovd. At tbe time of writing, no ar rile have been made. But ibe partiee cannot etcape. Jnttiue will overtake tbem before taey are aware of It. Otetola JttrtitU. IN MEMORIAM. At a regular meeting of Clearfield Council, No. 281, 0. II. A. M., bald at their Council cham ber on Saturday evening, Auguat 26th, 1877, Ibe following preamble and rctolutiona wart adopted : WliaiKaa, It haa pleated Almighty Ood, In Hit tncniitable wiadom, to take Irom our uiidat our beloved brother. Franklin C. Bumgardner f ihvrelore. Hfoittd, That we bow aubmWilvely to thia tad diipeniatioa, cootctout that our Heavenly Father doetb all tbioae well. Httvitxd, That we offer our warmrtt aympathy to aha family, aud pray that the Ureal Holer of mankind may enable tbem to endure men irre- pa: able lota with fortitude ana retignation. rViofMii, That aa a further token of retpeut to tbe memory of our departed brother, we attend tbe funeral ew Niuaee, and tbe act ton ot too cum. miltae be pluced ou the minute of thit Aitocia tiou. Knotted, That the Council chamber be draped in mourning lor tbe apace ol thirty dayt, tbe pro eeediugi ol tbia Committee be Irautmitted te the twrcavuu family, ana Be puwuoai in ma eouniy papara. M. u. uui.ich, O. D. Wblcb, k-b, I ,cn, Com. Col. Owawa, ... IW I w AGRICULTURAL, Drpahthkiit or AoaicrLTtina, WaaHiaoToa, Auguit 18th, 177 L. A. Uaetc. Lock Havt. Pm.t bin t Tbia Deparlmaot ia detirout of making a thorough iortttigation into tbe cantea ot tba many diaeaaea, now and for toma yeara paat pre vailing with aucb fatal efltct among tbe larm animala uf tba country, la order that thia work may be facilitated and tbe Department put in potaeitton of information that will euable It to lorn a correct onuemanuing oi me vaiint, d ture end character or ibeae diaeatet, and tbe remediea indtoated tliarrlor, I would thank yon in ilia nauiea and noitutnoe adilreat of aome the more prominvut itock and poultry breeder and dealer ul your dittrict ; and alee the addreta of rtipeetable Veterinary tjurgeoni who have bod expedi-uue in tma uircuuon. i'hete ninioi ibould include tboit of piriooi n-tiding in local me where diiemci of a gineral or local ubaracter prevail titter among boriea, cattle, aheep, hog, or poultry. Your obediont aervaut, ' Wm. U. LbDi':, Comuiationer. Kditon, fa i men, and othera bav ing knowledge of iucb peraont aa ate tpoken ef in the above, are requel-d to forward their name lo Mr. Alaokey, at Lock Haven, that Ibey may be cotsuunlcated to tbe Commtaaiooer of Agriculture. mmm i - THE STATE APPROPRIATION. Learning that toma Citriculty eiUtod lo aome of tba School diitrloli, In relation to tbe State appropriation for Iba School year ending June 341, 1877, we have received from the School Depart ment the following ttatement, ibewlng the amount paid to eeoh diitrict in tba county, via niaraicT. Buraiide Borough Clearfield " Curwtoivllla " ... Houtadale Lumber City M Ni-wbnrg N. Waabmgton " Oioeela " Wallacetoa ' Brca na Towaabla Bell Bloow ' Bogg- ; Bradford " Bradford Indepen't Biady Tewatbip Bridgeport Independent Burneide Townabip Chett " Covington " Decatur - Fergaton Oirard Uoahea M Itrabaw " ......... Ureenwood M Uulirb " Huatoa " atpho a. $ A3 48 402 IMI lKa 84 377 84 71 08 61 62 fi3 48 tM 00 01 04 1H4 ? 184 VI 71 lt S afi 40 22 8 - m 12 14 72 17ft W2 228 10 I It I 00 438 08 122 ; 134 J12 IM 70 Ill 02 78 10 140 01 In! 84 , 127 88 lift 84 163 84 44J bl 7 10 , 17V 04 IV 32 141 OH 16ft 70 29 44 , 80 04 ! 70 Jordan Kartbaut " .. Kaos 11 Lawrence ' t Lawrence Idcpendea MorriaTuwaaaip Madera Independent Pana Tewaaatp Pike " hooklun Itdependaat Uoiua Tewnihip.. Woodward ' T-..4 $' The amount paid to each diitrlet lor tbe School yea ending June 30, 1878, w prtciaely the aama ia amount aa the above, Tba autaa due tha ear. aral dlttrieta for the School year ending Joae 30, 1878, haa aot Wen Ixrd by to Department of rullfo laafruetloa, ai tba amount depend and la baled i (be trl eaalal retarna ef taaaUea for 1"77. If the Prealdeat or Secretary of ea.-h School Board wilt go to Ike treable of clipping tbe above itaUmrBt aad paaU It la tbcl miaeta-book, tky eaa alaoat aletyt Irtl what tha amopaU were tor tba yean Indicated. It will aot prov aala- tarratlag frr Srbool Treamrera to d lb teaaa. $2 J"'y for Iftrgo foil sack of Halt t Juan MoUitigBftr'i. mmm mm ,. , Advortino in the Clearfield If k ven ue. Th advtrtliicg ratta ar naaonabl, and th elroulatlon ii th largctt of any papr In iLii Motion Of tilt Btt. tfa 'i i m mm . Notice. Tlio sinokon ot Clearflold and vttnlty art req.iat.J to eall at lb Cigar factory of John A. Stooh, aad try bii fir-eent elgare warranted all Havana lllor. Coat and try tbem one, and ; v aura they wilt give en Mr atUfautioa. tft Adoring i. on. .'ravel, inuammauoaei m.w7T?7 or pain ia tba back or aide, wa would recommend Ihtm to uie E. E.Thompion'a Haroitna, or back ache, Liver aid Kidney Cure, whiob will In all afford tptedy relief aad affect a ear. Prepared by B. K. Tbompton, tilutvllle, Pa. Prion $1 00 par bottle. Sold In Clcatleld by a v. naitoa, druggltt. Tho extraetion of teeth without pain baa bn on of the greatcat polnta deilrable la the practice of dentlatry without tbe uie of cblo- roform, ethur or gai, and reaent dltooverlea ahow that eertaln miiturc of aelatlvea applied to tbe tooth and aurroundlug parti, ao benumb tbe tooth that It can be taken out with but very little pain. Dr. Hilli la now niing thia application in ex tracting teeth, with tbe molt marked auoooM, for tbe benefit of bit patlenta, without extra ebargc, Thote who bava tried It apeak of It very favora- Mj' July Jubt Opened. Moiwrs. Willov & Fithar wlab to Inform tba people generally that tbey bare opened a merchant tailoring aitabll. fa in en t in tbe room lately occupied by T. A. Fleck A Co., ea Market atreet, Clearfield, Pa. Alwaya on band will be found a good aaaortmant ef wortteda and canltnerea, auliabl for drcaa and buiineie aulla. The manufacturing department la und.r th tupervlalon of Mr. Geo. W. Flaber, who haa tbe reputation In the largett oltlae of Ohio of being a flrat-otata cutter. Hit recom mendation from partita by whoa h haa been employed will bear bira up In thia aiaerllon. Their aim It to do a atrlctly eah butloeaa. All tbair work it guaranteed, or no tale. Patron) te borne entrrpriie, and give them a call. - ei The Lock Havkn National Bank.I A meeting of tbe itockholdcra of the Lock I Haven National Bank waa fapld at their banking houae In. Lock Haven, Auguit 2 tit, John Sander- on, B"q., of Jertcy Bhore, waa elected Chairman, and Charlea Cora, Eiq., Secretary. Tbe Preii dent of the Bank mad a atatament of Ita condi tion, and tha eaueca that led lo the auipenaion, which ba ttatcd grow out of a run made on th Bank In 1873, which took from It upwardi of (100,000, and thit wet followed by an unuiual number of failure among tbe butineia men of tbe county, throwing upon th Bank a large amount of tofpended paper, rendering it unable to afford Ita utnal accommodation! to ita depot i tort. And thin fact, with continued failure and the di it orbed condition of tha country, crcited tuob a dlatruit that a run wet made upon tba Bank, under the pteaiure of which tb Director deemed it be it to autpend payment and go into liquidation, with the Intention of re orgaoltlng after a auffloirnt amount of Ht audi were collected to pay lit liabilitiea. From a report mide by the Director, after a full and careful examination of th attcta and llabltitica of the Bank In connection with tha U. S. Bank Kxaminer, it appeart that it haa enough aitett to pay all ita llabilitic In full and leave not leu than fifty dollar per abare for the stockholder. The Pretident, In view of the depresacd condi tion of the Industrial intereita of tbe country, and tho largo amount of luopeoded paper held by the Bank, advitcd liquidation, and tbe Director! and atockboldert unanlinouily recommended the ap pujntment of D. M. Peck, Eiq., aa Receiver. Tba depoiitora will be paid in Inttallmentt at fait at collection! can be mad. Tbe meeting of tbe atockboldera, at which more than three .fourth a of the itook waa rcpreaented, wai very harmonious. Clinton Vtmocrat. A FATHER KILLED WHILE ROBBINO Hit EON S HENROOST. Tbe Clinton Dtmoeni lajt ; "Lait Friday morning, about 4 o'clock, the family of Mr. Henry KnigbU) rcalding about a mil touth of Fleming Ion, aerota the creek, wr a routed by a noii among their chickens. Wm. II. Drake, a lad of about eighteen, ion of a neighbor, who alept at Mr. X night' during bia abience from home, took down an old musket and went out to ascertain the cauae of the trouble. Wba bo got near tba chicken coop b law (although It waa too dark to rtcognla any one) a paraon running, whom he hot at and dropped. Aa axamlnatloa abowed that tbe person ahot waa George Knight, tbe father of Henry Knight, wboa ohiokent bo waa stealing, and that th ball had entered bia head Jutt above tb left ar and patalag entirely through, cauaing Instant death. "On Friday morning Coroner Mader waa notl. fled, end summoning a jury eonilttlngof Met ara. Joseph Paul, Jacob Mader, Wm. Kin ley. Auguttua Merrill, Peler Malttler, and Juhn A. Cook, b repaired to tfa aeene of the ahootlng. After ex amining several witnetiet, tbe Jury returned the following verdict! "That tbe aald George K nights fame to hit death by receiving a gun shot wound in the bands of one Wm. Drake, while in the aot ef ttealing cbickent from one of the neigbbore, named Hen ry Knighta.on tbe morning ol the 17th of August, at 41 o clock. "(Jeorga Knight was a very liaiipated man, and though, ft l said he waa poaiciied of natu rally a good mind with a fair education, had ao abuied himaelf by drink that ha waa regarded by many at not morally accountable for his act. He bad been la jail eeveral tlmea for petty larceny. "Young Drake Immediately cam to town and delivered blmaelf up to th proper author! tie. A preliminary bearing wai bold before Judge Mayer on Saturday, and h wna bound over In $1,000 for bli appearance at Court." Special). J only, for a laitr lull aark, at Jel.l-tf, Juhn Mrtiaiigliea. (la Hi aoaaD I'aa Casr. Pucoikt on Oli Pbicri. Sowing Uu bln.a oan now be urchaied at MerttH'a tin and rariety eturt, froio u warda. All klnda of lowing machinal repaired oo tbe ahorto.t nolloe. UlaarllelJ, Pa., July 18, 1877. tr. eft Boje' Fulte for one dollar and V 1 nfly eenta, at A. joilxat'n'a, Weitern Uot.l Uurnrr, (Ji.arueld, 1.. June 2Utb 1877 tf. tt nnlr, fur large lull nark of Hall, at John Mrliauglic) 'a Miaa : A worJ In your ear. The noil fin. afternoon that you aeunter out, buy a boi of Ulenn'a Pulphur Koap. Thnt adntlrahl. purifier w ill remove erery on. or Ihoao punpioa wnirn de tract ao muoh from four beauty. Hold by all driiffgiate. There ia youth in every bottle of Hill a llair Vjm. aog.-.w. Wartro 1100,000 2A-lnob ahaved ahinrlei to average rrnro 6 to 64 Inohee for which w. ill pey Ibe bigbeet market prleo. A. O. Krahru A Co., feb.M lf. Clearfield, Pi T A . Clerk haa lo New York, and la eight or ten daya Mock 41 Uo. will no receiving a large and well eelerted itock or All aindi ol irreii ana Ilry Uooda, Nollona, 9f illlnery and fancy uoodi, which ther InUnd aelllngal each low prlcea aa never belore hMrd or ia Cl.arfleld coauty , Youra re.poelfutly, T. A. Fil. R A Co. N B Miaa Nellie Meaohen, who ia now ta Philadelphia letllai th. fall Hi lea. will b. an hand to take eharaeaf tba Mlllin.ry dopartm.nt and, aa yon all know aba ia a irat-claae Irimm.r, you will Bnd a good aaeurlmont of ladlea' Hata and Bonn.ll at low prieea. T. A. a A Co. aogiw, ,111. 3 WiikT"' Flowtr. Th. moel miaarabl. boinga ia the world are thoae aunering rrom Dyapepala and Liver Com plaint. More than eev.oly-nve per aent. .r Ibe la tb. Halted Blataa ar. alaieled with llirae two atetaaea ana 'oeir n.c. , Hloioerb, Hick Headache, llebllaal uoitlvineei, Palpiution or th. Hrt, bura, Water bra.b, gnawing and burning paioa at the pit or Ihe Yellow Bain, Coaled Tongu. and dliagree.ble laateia the moulh, ooming op of tbe food ) Mtlng, low aplritl, A.. Uo to your Urnggi.t, C. I). Halaoo, and gel a 76 cent bottle of Atioi'.T Flowrb, or a eemple hxitlle ror 10 eenle. - Try it. Two doiea will relieve you. May IS, 1877-eow-ly 3 II Has Blood the TtmI. Jl yoa donbt the wonderfol bucccm .1 Snilia'a Cor.i:pvio Curb, jive It a trial th.n II you ... .oi rotara Ik. bottle and we will re fund tha price paid. It bee eal.bll.hed th. feol that Conanmplion can he cured, whll. for Coughi,, Aetbtae, W hooniag Cough, and all Lang or Throat troul.tea, there la nothing like It for a qeicb and poeitlv. dir., and it eeldum f.lla. Tea centa, 19 eenta, and 11.09 nor bottle. If jour Lange ar. eora, or Cheat or Back lame, aae Saiioa'e Poaoi f PLABTRa, Prloe 16 nab. Sold by C, U. Walaoa, Drugglat, ClMrt.ld, Pa. Da. BHILOII'R 8YBTKM VITALIZKR l no doubt Ik. tn.H naearal oejra for Dyapepala and Liver Umpleiot wa hare rter kaowa, olherwiae we eoald aot guarantee It. la cioa of Conanmp lion, where llrneral Debility, Lo.e or Apprtlle and Coaatlpatloa aalit, II will reatora and rein I.I. Ih. ayium while KHII.OH H CUBE allay, tb. InOamalloa aad heall Ihe langa. Price 16 coll. Bold by U. p. nation, fruggut, near. eld, Pa. BACKMRTACK.a rlgh and fragrant perfume. Hold by P. p. WrIooi, Dragglil, Cl.ai8.ld, Pa. opr. 19, iTeow-ly. BuaaiRi For Balb, R. Newton Shaw keep a full aupply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform Wagon for aal. To be aeon at the Shaw Houae yard. Call on or addreat him at Clearfield I'euu aylvaaia. may 13-lf. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. WANTED by Arnold. a 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 bushels wheat 1,000 bushels rye. 1,000 bushels oats. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. .Tfc- -it IIMIIMN) ai-lhrh .awed lli..;lrs. ,( r.llro.d S,lMHcord ..k ud hrmlark brk. For wliich one-third caHh will be paid. oct.25. At th rtaidrnee of the bride't parent, on Sun. day. Autuit 12th. 1877. bv C. W. Kvler. Boa Mr. John Crowell and Mist Josephine Narehood doiu oi Mraoam tuwntmp. i3lrtt. . Suddenly, at her htm. ia L.wreoa. tuwi.blp, on Mond.r. Auiru.t 30lb, 1T7. Klit.i.etb J Wood., wife of Hubrt K. Woudf, gd 37 yntt 1U q ayi. 8iit.r, tbua wut ntlld and lovoly, U.Dtl. ai tb. lumnsr'a bmas ; riM.knt aa tb. air of ...oin, Ai U lloat. amoD, tb. trm. I'.tn.ful bo tby otl.ot aluuibor ! Poaooful, la tbo grav. ou low I Tbou do nor. will juio our Dumbor Tbou no loor. our ooogi iball know. ilitw, tboa boat left nif llora tb, roai wo delr fel t But 't Ii Uod tb.l balb na, Ho oan all our aurruwi boal. . At Curwonarille, Pa., on Hond.r. Auaruat ZOtb, 1877, Miu Uarv aloNaul, aged 76 yeara. 4 montba and 12 dara. Tho deoeaied waa a maiden eieter to tb. late Wm. MoNaul, and an aunt to Robert W. and Zacharlah McNaul. In Pilto townabip, on Tueadur, Auguat Slit, 1R77, Jan. llailer, reliet or Daniel llailor, aged HI veara. Tbo deoeaied waa a airter to George C. Tara- aore, of thia borough. To Pike town.hiu, on Tueadav. Ausuot 2 1 at, 1877, John Bmilb, agrd 82 reara, 1 month and 18 daa. In Brady townaliip, on Tliuradar, Auguit 2Xd, 1877, Jo.ea, aged bo yeara, montbe and 19 dayi. Railroads. . IVinisylvaiiinltnllrojul TYRONE t CLEAI5FIELD BRANCH ON and after Monday, JUNK It, 1877, the Paaaonger Traina will run doily (ozoept bun. deya) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa followa : CLBAR1TELD MAIL. W. C. Ittwia, Conduetor. LKAVE SOUTH. Curwenavlll....8:l0, r. n Claartold .1.30, " Leonard, S ail, liarrett, .l5, " Woodland Ill, " Bigler 4.U2, Wollapeton,....4.ll, Blue Ball, .4 18, " Urahaui 4.2C, " Pbilipaburg 4.32, " Btoiuor'a, 4 3S, " Boynton 4.42, " Onaola 4.47, " Powellon 4.68, Hummit, 6.U', " V'.naooyoe 6.34, " Tyrone fl.oO, " LKAVK NOHTII Tyrone . 10,4.11. A anaooyoo v.36, " Puioral 40, " Powelton 10.10, Oioeola... !" 10, " Bointon 10.37, Sleiner' .111.31," Philipiburg...l0.8B, lit.num 10.34, " Blue 11.11 10.40, " allaceton,...10.i, " Bigler 1 1. OS, Woodland, 11.17," Barrett I Mi, " Leonard 11.31," Clearfield .....11.40, " Curweniville.. 12:01, r.H CLKAHFIKI.D ACCOMMODATION. V. rl. PLrHMaa, Conductor. LKAVE SOUTH. U5AVK, SORTII Tyrone 1.16 p. Y.necoyoo,....1.45 ' Summit, 8.02 " Powelton 8.18 " Oaceola, 4.36 " Boynton, 4.42 " hteinrr'B, 4.50 " Phillpaburg.,.4 00 Qrabam 4 20 ' Blue Ball 6.44 " Curwenavlllr. Clearfield Leonard Barrett Woodland,.... Bigler Walleretoo,... Blu. Ball flraham, Pbilipaburg.. 7.00 k. " 7i4 " 8 04 820 " 8.34 ' 8 iO " 04 " 0.17 " 40 " Hteiner'e, 0.40 Wallaoeton, ...8.00 oyotoa. .. 111.00 " Bigler Woodland,. Barrett, Leonard ,...I6 ... :io ...8.45 .....', OHeola,... Powelton,. Summit Veaiooyoe,, Tyrone, ..10.20 " ..10 40 " .11.84 " ..11.24 F. ...1.02 " Clearfield ..7.00 Cnrwenavill.7.36 BALD XAULB VALLEY BRANCH. SaUT " " A. M. B.30 leave Tyrone arrive 8.47 Bald Ragle V.30 Juliaa 9.66 Mileahurg 10.06 Bellefonta 10.16 Milealiurg 10.40 Howard 11.18 arrlr. L. Haven leave TV BON 8 STATION. 8.10 6.63 6 4.46 4.37 4.26 4.02 1.26 kaavwaai. Pacific Iff preal llarriiliurg Aoo'm, A. n. 8:10 8:40 WkaTWAMU. Pitlahurfth Exp'aa, Paclfio Kxpreaa, Uall Train, 3:38 Way Paaaengor, Atlantic Kipreaa, fi:60 Mail Train, ' Phlla. Kxpreaa, lO.HSl Kelt Line, PIIILIPSBI RO 1IOSIIANNON BRANC11BS I.BAVB eot'TH. p. if. A. u. A. H. aTATioaa. 2:00 Morriadate, 2:15 1:36 Philipatiurg, l.R4Va Roam. A, a. P. M. P. Hi 12:10 12:16 1:19 7:38 oteinera 12:21 12:14 221 9:44 1:30 10 30 7 53 2:44 10:46 8:08 2:42 10:63 9:11 2:67 10:58 8:17 3:01 11:01 9:21 3:07 11:07 8:29 3:12 11:18 8:36 Boynton, Oaceola, 9:43 12:04 4:16 11:61 4:00 11:16 9:62 11:40 1:47 11:36 8:41 11:30 3:40 11:16 8:36 Mmbannon, 9 39 Sterling, 9:29 Houllclale, 9:20 McCeulcv, 916 Kendrlck'a, 9:10 ll.mer. 9:00 Cloie oonneotioni made by all traina at Tyrone and Lock Haven. 8. 8. BLAIR, tnylT-tf. Superintendent. STAIII LINKS. A .taeelcavae Corwrotvilli dolly for Reynold! villa, at I o'clock, p.m. .arriving at Rcynoldaville at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, 1,-evaa iteynolila- villa deily, et 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur weniville al 12 o'clock, m. Pare, ench way, 2. A atagc loavea fiirwrnavllle dally, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for Duilnie Citv, airiving at lluUoia City al 6 o'clock, p. m. Beturning, leavca DuBia at 7 o'clock, a. in., daily, nrriving at Corwenavillc at 12 o'clock, ni. Pare, each wny, 82. Allegheny Yalley Railrond. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and after Monday, M.iy IMh, 1877, the pannenger trains will ruu dully (except flun day) between Red Dank and Driftwood, a follow : EAPTWAKO. Pay Mnlllenvea Plttshirg 8 50 a. mj Red Bank 1 lit t t-lign Junftion 1214 New Bethlehem 1:10 p. m : Meyivill 17, Trow 1:06 i Brook v I ! fuller'! JHOi Hey. noldtrille 1:00 Dulloii -M i Summit Tunnel 8:48 i Fenflcld 4:flf i Weed villa 4:17 t Beneaclte i.H t arrive at Driftwood at 5:44. W ITvARDDay Mall Iravet Driftwood 15:15 p. tn Beneiette 12:i7 j Wtedville 1:10; Panfleld 1-89; 8omroit Tunnel 1:58 ; DuBolslM, Reynnldtvillel34i Fuller' J:0; Brookvilie a. 13 f Troy t:29; Maytville 3:41, New Bethlehem 4:116 ; 8ligo Junction 4:47 Red Bank tVuK arrival at Pittsburg at 7:aU p. p9- The Reynoldsvill Arcotumodatlon leavta Heyooldtvill deily at 7:90 a. tn.( and arrivet ai lied Bank at ll:uf a. .. rilltburxh at 2:M p. m. Leave Pittsburib at .1:80 p. m ; Red Hank at :& p. m.i arriving at ReynoldaviHe at 8 i0 p. m. Clone connection made with train on P. A E Railroad at Drilteood, and with traina on tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCARHO,UB'IBup't. A- A. Jatr aoR, 8up't L. G. Div. FARK FKOM CLRARFIELP, TO Bllfont, Pa $3 I Mid.lletowB ....,...$ 00 L..C. Hvn I 70 Marietta 6 60 Willlamsnort., 1 do I iianoasior "t Huntingdon Lewtatown Maryavllle Cnwenaville 1 80 PU1LADELPUIA 7 tt t VOlAltoona... I 8& . 4 &8 Johnttown.H.,., , zolphilipsburg . flftlTTrone I 80 II (Isceola 1 23 I It IlAHHIHBtIRO ... 4 T4IPITTKBURO... (-1AUTIO. Allperionsar hereby cautioned i aralnst ourehaainr or in any way meddling with the following property, now In pnttestioa ef Wm. I. Bard, of Uurwenii-llle, vit : un door case, 1 lounge, ll eitairt, i tauics, a eiocaa. i net land, I cupboard. 1 link, 1 cook ttove, I hed room tot and bedding. 1 wardrobe, 1 wheelbarrow, aad 40 yard of carpeting. Thia property ws paro based by ot at pulir aal oa the list day of August, 1877, and ia left with aald Bard on luaa only, aubjeet to oar order at any tim. THOMPSON A CO. Carwcaavilte, Pa,, Aug. 19. 1877-81. CAl'TION All per as ar brety eautlon d against parehaslng or In any way med dling with tb following property, now in th potsessirn of Jacob A. Bret!., ef Chest towoihlp, ft i Two beds aad bedding, more and celt, 1 twe-bort wagon, t long tied aud log ebain, 1 1 eow, I eel ft, I ook ttor, 1 ten ptat tteve, 1 coal it ova, 1 clock, I bureau, 1 lows, t pig, I grind tton. lei of lumber, let of paling and pi altering lath, 1 aerei of corn, 8 acre of buck wheat, aad 8 dotrn ry. at taid property wis purchased by at t Constable'! aal oa the lllh day af August, 1877, tad la left with taid Breth oa lean, aubjeet to my arder t any time. JOHN L. BRETII. j rbft, Pa, Ang. M. H7T 8f . 1 jUm Sfli-frtlsfmrntt. AUIIITIIII'M NOTICIi. Kalalt or Samuel Hcgarty, deoeaied. Tbe iinderalgnrd Au liior, a .pointed to muke and report diilrloutioo ofproom,da of aald deo'd, in tho bnnda of John M. A.lami, Truatec, will attend to the dullei of hie apjiolntioent oa Thura. duy, September 20, 1877, al 1 o'clock p. m., at the ufiico of Murray A llordon, In Clearfield, Pa., when and wheee.H partiee InMreatcd may attend. T. II. MURRAY, ClearOelil, Pa., Aug. 29, 1877 JU Auditor. UlHIMSTBATOKU NOTICIJ. ',''.'' VwvT.;l'en thrt. Lettcrt of Ad- Ok.. 1'onn'a. dcj'd, havfnf ben dulv rrantod tb ni)diril(tiid, all ptrtona Indebted to aaid ttat will plvate make immrdlate payrnrnt, and th"B rtvni( elalina or dcmamla will pretnnt (iieui properij auinenucaiea yT tettirmnnt wun- oui uuiav. .(. J. At.At., Clearfiold, Aug. B77-At. Administrator. ADMIK Notii ioe ia hereby eivrn that Let ten of Ad nittralioa on tin eatateor JNO. 11 FUI.FOHU. hhU.. laU or t'lrarneld borousb. ClenrBeld Co Pa., drcaafed, having been duly granted to tbe utidersiffnvd, all peraont Indebted to aaid ettate will plea make immediate payment, and tboaa Having claim or tietnandt aguintt tue lam will p rear tit them properly autbaolioatod for aeltle urot without delay. NANNIE E. F.'LFOllD, Admlnlttratrli, or bor Attorneya Mt'RBAT A QoRtHiV. Cloarfleld, Pa.. July 25, '77.0t. IlIAL .IT.I.Ut of causes aet down for trial at Hiilembr term, eowmencinjc Mun- uity, Hcpteratier itin, ltii. FIRHT WBKKREI'T. 21 TH. W. W. Wilton, to nn, va. J. 0. Wrixbt A Co. 1. A. Felirr v. John P. Irvin. Co. Nat. Bank of Clf'd va. 1-t N. Bank of Clf 'd. Char In Uillrspl vs. Wm. F. Johnson. Ab'm Kapbart, to ate, vs. Uarwlnd, White A Co. M. Hurley A Uro'a va. Her wind, Whit A Co. 1 1 COMJ) WK tut OCT. IBT. Andrew I'enti, Hr. va. Wm. Corlty t al. Jamet Morrison VI. John Uorley. va. llinpa A Llojd. vt. Austin Kerin. vt. W. 11. A Mary Joy. . Hubert Lankoy et al. va. J. W. Iavia. va. Wm. W. Irwin, va. Wm. Urahara. 1 osier A MoMaiter Ianiel Weaver K. A. Irvin A Co. Jesse 8. Williams Wm. 8. Dickey Laiarua Moyer Henry, Jatuta A Co. (feorge M. Urisbin va. The Fenn'a U. H . Co. L, A A. Morrivon A Co. vt. M. I-. A L. Co. Andrew Hobertaon va. M, L. A L. Co. Ira II. Htilituan - va. ltloora A Krbaad. va. Wm. ti. Knlley. ra. Isaao Uainea. va. Kamuel Murpbey. va. Crowell A Coudriat. va. Hbeffield Canton, va. C. A U. (Subwem. T. I-ttvid Qost, va. Tho T. A C. R. It. Co. va. A. M. McClure. va. J. U. Hboff A I. Tyler, va. Jotiab Lam born, va. Tboraaa Toiler. A.W.l)air.r Crisnman A Sonft W. ti. llwad A llroa Jntuet B. Urabam Horace I'atchin Jacob liontall Joseph Gun Aon it llloom at al 1. II. (ioodlaader Hubert H. Powell llonry (Swan, fur nte, liideoD H. Kin port ELI BLOOM, Prothonotary. moWNNHIP tT A TI! M K N T. X. Annual Financial Statement of Penn Town aliip for the year ending June 2 lid, 1877. ROAD FUND DR. To balance in handi of F. E. RaiTerty, doe'd, ei-Treasurer $ oi 39 To eash rtoievcd from Co. Treasurer.... 1,210 S2 Toam't of tax returned by guperviaora in 1H75 21 70 To am't of tax returned by Supervisor In 1870 ... tb U t)l,3A0 bti CR. By tun dry ordcrt redeemed By balance due town.uip .... 66 02 W. th utidersihtned Auditor! of Peun town ship, having raralully oxamined tbe accoanta of A. U. Moore, lreaturer, lioa tbem oorrei to ta best of our knowledge and belief. wm. ii. rnrtflfii., Attest: HKl'BKN WALL, I'KHRr Anrni Ra, Town Clerk. Auditor!. SCHOOL FUND DR. To balance r-c lait settlement $ 4ft I fill To aiu't oi duplicate for '7fl and '77 571 H To eath ree'd from Co. Treat., '7ft-'77... &H Oil To blate aiipropriation HI 0U 1.8SI 3S OR. TtSr aundrr ordcrt rfdeemed $ 1, 02ft 59 llnlauce due townabip at follows i innandior r A. Kanorty, ex-Treaaurer 9 tit ui Money in bank 2SS (iff From all other aourte, 2Wtl 6ft We. the ODdertlamad Auditor of Pono loi abip, having earelullv aauined th account of in treasurer, nua mem correct to me oeti oi our knowledge and belief. WM. H. FHKKM Ah, REUBEN WALL, Attest: Auditor. FiRitv ARTncRN, Town Clerk. Grampian Hlllt, Aug. 16, 1877-51. TEACHERS' EXAMI.ATIOS. Fxnmlnattont for teachtrt forthe aerertl arbool dlitriota of Clearfield eonniy. will beheld during tbe p relent year aa tollowa : Clcarflctd, Ktwrenoe and Lawrence Independent, at Clearfield, on Monday, A u fruit 131 h. Bradford and Bradford Independent, at Bigler, on lueinav, August ittn. Bofrgs and Wallareton, al Wallaoeton, Wed net flay, August loth. Morrit, at Kvlertown, Tho rod ay. Aurust Iftlh. (iraliam, at Urahamton, Friday, August 17th. Curwentrille, Pike and Pike 1 rid., at Bloom log- ton, on ha turd ay, August 18th. Ferguson, Jordan and Knox at New Millport, on Monday, August ilUtO. Borcaria and Madera, at (lien Hope, oa Tuesday, Aiituxt 2Ut. Oulicb, at Jaynrtvlltr, Wedneadav, Auguat 32d. Woodward ami lloutsdaie, at Jiouiidale, inara day, Aueust 2-til. Daoalur and Osceola, Oserola, Friday, Aug. 24th Lumber City and Penn, at Lumber Lily, Monday, Augnn 17th. Qro wood and Bell, at Bower, on Tuesday, Au gust 28th. Burniide borough and towmhlp, at Bumtldo, on Wednesday, August 21'th. New Washington, at New Wasblngton,on Thura day, August .10th. Chest and New burg, at Writover, Friday, Aa cast Sift. Brady and Bloom, at Luthcrsburg, on Monday, Hcptauittpr 3d. Ctiion and 1'nlon Ind., at Rookton, on Tuesday, Hepiamber 4th. Huston, at I'enfie'd. on Wedneadav, Pent. Mb. Got hen and Ulrard. at Cong rest Hill, on Thura- day, Heptemher Rth. Covington and Wart haul, at Union Pchoo) Ilonae, on Friday September 7th. Kxamlnatlona will begin at 9 o'clock, a. m. A dlrei-tors meeting will W held wilb each exami nation, between S and 3 o'clock in tbe aflernoun. I would like lo meet all the directors of our oounty at there axarninntinni. Teacher are re quested to be examined in in nitiricia wuere tliey intend teaching. J. A. 0 HKUOHY, nuguat 1 , 1 1 -i. -.ouniy rup i. Sheriffs Sale. 1)Y virtu of writ ol Keraria Pacini, Issued I out of tb Court of Common Plea f Clear- field eotmtr, and to m directed, thar will be exposed to PUBLIC BALK, at th Court Hons, i in th borongb of Clearfield, on Saturday, th jfithdnyof sieptemlier, 18J7, at I o'clock, p. m., the following aescrioea real estate, to wtti A certain two-story plank frame dwelling boue with brick flue front of IB feet, and a depth ol 24 feat, situ I on aoertaia lot or piece of ground in North Houttville, Cerftld county, I'a. The amount claimed to lie due and antiaid, la Iwrntv four dotlara and forty -nine cents, for labtr done and material furnish od said dwelling within tb lest eii months pest, at ihe reqnoat of taid Defend ant. Belted, taken In execution and to he eold aa tbe property of Michael Leech, owner, and Jamea 0. Oaket, contractor, Alan, a certain two -story frame home, Iix19 feet, titnate In North Ilouttdale, beginning at a pott routh 68 degree! att 60 feet from th wait corner of Swope street and Sarah alley; the no touth 68 devroet east 6U feet along said street to post; thence toe lb 8T degree wtet 169 feet to Otter alley tbenoe along aaid alley north 80 J grcn wrtt 60 feet to post thanoe north 87 deg. east 160 feel to place of beginning, and known at lot No. St A In general plan of taid borough. He i red, taken ia execution and to be told a tbe property of Lewia J. Palmer. Also, a tertttn two-itory frsmt dwelling house, with lot and cartilage appurtenant thereto, titn ate in North Hoaladale, fronting ea Railroad si reel 60 feet thence north Ii0 feet thenca 60 feet tbenc 160 feet to Hail road atrert, being aituat abiut laO feet west or George Rhodes' Hotel. id building Is a two story frame building, Milt feel, and 18 feet high. Fieiaed, taken la exoentioa and 16 be sold aa tb property of John Hagon, owner, and John Diifloy, eon tract or. Also, a two ttnry frame dwelling house, 18x24 feel, and 18 feet high, aituat la Woodward town ship, fronting 38 feet na atreet, and i tending back 188 feet, adjoining lot of William Heel on Ihe tomb, lot of Thomas Heed ea th north, and land ( Jacob Gear hart oa th west, 8eid, taken tn execution and to b told a Ihe property f Perry Gorman, I Alro, a two -st ory frtme house, 10x24 feet, and , 18 feet hi(b, situate In the borough of Itaqttd !, 1 nn lot No. 4117, ia the general plan of taid borough, oa th wtet aide of liriiMn itreet, toth af th , I ranklfn tidin. Belted, taken in execution and to be told a the property ef Henry Gordon. Also, a eertaln two-atory frim aous. 18x11 I feL and 18 feet bleb, on lot Ni. 8.18 In the hr ough ef Hoairdal, oa tb wett ai 1 of Brlshia atreet, touth of Mothanaoa creek, Halted, taktn In execnti'in and to be aold aa tha priperty of wiiiiam uariinj, TRa or Bam- The ailee or earn at whlob the property ihali be tlruok off muat bo paid at tno lime oi tale, or tonb oiuer a-rangemenit ma it a will be approved, etberwite th property will b Immediately put up and told aaaia at th x pense aad rlk of tha perron to whom It waa truck off, and who, la of deficiency at task r-al, shall nek good tb tame, and la n Instance will Ihe Deed he presented la Court fif conArmalioa ualest the mony I actually paid ta the Sheriff. AN DHL IV PKNTX, Jr., BnxRirr'a Orrica, Bberif. ClenrfleM, P., Aug. S2, Ut. w dvrrtUrmruti Steubenville Ohio, Female Seminary. Hoard, Room and Light, per year, $I7 v off forminlstera' daaitblera. Tuition in the Gngllth Court, Laniuagna, Musle, fainting, Ao., vary modi rut, hend for a eataloirua. Bar. C. O. HKATTY, 1 D., LL.D.. Sant. Rav. A. M. RK1D. PH.D., Prinoipal. Bteubvavilla, 0., Aug. Mm. beacoliIge Ann IIUMICAKr INSTITUTE VOU LADIIiH. Beautifully and healthfully located at Beaver, Fa., on the Ohio Hirer, twentr eia-ht miles below JMuAv open ita Vil i taaloa Brptemrn tb. P- R.T. TaVLuu, Utevar, Pa Auguat 1-lta. TUSCARORA SEMINARY. A Home School. Beautiful Beenary 4 Healthful Climate. Full Court. Mu- aio a specialty. Modern Lansniege. jl Jl kTjici9Vui imcutfh Al V Man mmj G-tKxU work. Nest Nation begina September otb, 1H77. ot'no lor circular to C. P. KOI, lilt, A. M Prinoipal, aug.lm Aoadamia, Juniata County, Pa, The Wlulrr Trm of 24 weeka will open on Monday, Sopt 10. 1877. The Summer Term of 18 weeka will open Monday, Marcli 25, 1878. TKHMS, tS.OO PER WEKK, Including Tuition, Boarding, Room, IIat, Light, and naming. Beit Normal School Building la tbo State, racilitle in everv raanoot equal to any Normal School In tbo United Htatea. titodente may enter at any time during the termi for particular, tend for Catalogue to D. M. HENSKNIU, Principal, Aug, 3D, lfl77-lm. Indiana, Pa. NOTICE INPART1TI0N. To the halrt and legal representative of Thoa. Henry, lata of Ferguson township, Clearfield Co.. 1'a., deceaaed : Notiee ii hereby given to the bain of th taid dee'd, to wit: Uliiabetb Henry, (now McCracken), Jotiab Henry, John Henry, Jane Henry, (now Jan Fergaton), William Moore Henry, Matthew Henry Mary Hannah lllte, (formerly Mary Hannah lIenry),MArgarei Henry, (now Margaret Hile), and Harriet Hoyt Henry, (now Harriet Hoyt tted), residing In th county aforesaid, that, by virtue of a writ of Partition iaaued out of the Orpbant' Court of Clearfield oounty, upon the estate of tbe tald dee'd, and to m directed, I will proceed to hold an Inquialtloa on th real estate of tbe aaid deceased, on Tuesday, September, IM, 1M17. Tb aaid real astate eonilit of on hundred acre of laud aituat In th townabip and oounty aforeeatd, and all partial oan then and thar at tend if they e proper. ANDREW PKNTZ, Jr., PberilT'i Ofliua, I SharilT. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 3t-4t. C URT PROCLAMATION. Whrhra, Hon. O. A. MAYER, President Judg of th Court of Common Plea of th Twenty-fifth Judicial District, eompotad of th countie of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton and Hon. Arram Onnaa and Hon. Vipcrkt B. Holt, Aiioc let Judge of Clearfield county have issued their precept, to me directed, for th holding of a Court of Common Plea, Orphan' Court, Court of tjuartar rjeiiioni, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of O en era) Jail Deliv ery, at tb Court Hon at Clearfield, In and forth county of Clearfield, commencing on tbe tourib Monday, tue ' itn nay oi scptr nirer, inn and to oontlnue two weki. NOTICE IH, therefore, hereby given, to th Uoroner, jottioea ot tn reaoe, ana uonttaoiea, in and for aaid oounty of Clearfield, to appear la their proper persons, with their Record, Rolls, Inquisition, Kxamlnatlona, and otber Heme brances, to do thoa thl net which to thir offices. and in tbelr behalf, pertain to be don. By an Aet of Aaaombly, passed the Bth day of May, A. u. lf4, tt ta mad too duty oi u Jus tices of tbe Peace of the aeveral oountiet of thit Commonwealth, to return to tha Clerk of the Court of Quarter Swuioni of the respective count lee, all the recognisance entered Into before tbem by any person or peraone charged with tbe commission of any crime, exoept auoh case at may be ended before a Justice of th Peace, un der existing lawa, at loast ten day befor th commence moat of the session of tb Court to which tbey are mad retnrnallariipoetlvely,and In all ease where any recognisances are entered Into lets than tea dayt before tha commencement of the session to which tbey ar made returna ble, the said Justice are to tetam th tarn in th aame manner et If Mid aet had aot heatj paaaed. GIVEN andr my band at Clearfield, this 18lh day of July, in th year of oar Lord, on thouiand eight hundred and iventy-ieven. jy IS -to ANDREW PKNTZ, jr, Sheriff. Liht of jiiRonm. List of Juror drawn for Beptember Una, A. I. 1877, commencing on th 4th Monday th 24 tb day: QRAHD JCBOtU. 8. Carson, Burnalde borlJ. Milohall Burntid tp. (Jeo. Kunk, Clearfield, lR Pennington, Chetl, S. 8. Butter, " Adam Kephart, Decatur J. F. Irwin, " John Moore, Ferguson R. II. Hbaw, " i J. Bcott Flcgal, Uoahen K. J. DulTev, Oaceola, B. Mitchell, Greenwood Barton Merritt, Boggt. D. B. Hnencer, tlulieb, N. P. Wilson, Bradford, Ja. Ifwln.Jr, Law'noe Isaac nilton, " H. B. Jordan, Kli Soult, " D. F. Sharye, Pena, David Hilchlngt, " lift. Bloom, Pike, B. F. Clayton, Brady, R. Waring, Woodward, travrrhr jraona 4tb NoRnav, aarr. ttra. A. It. Hhagartt, Cl ftald, W. T. Rothrook, Morris J. D. Rnoke, " i George Wi, M Lewi Law head, " iJobn MoKeon, Pna, Gen. B, Weaver, ' 1 N. Freeman, " A. M. Hills, M Jamet Leech, Pike, Jno. Norrit, Cur'avltle, J. H. Gill, Woodward, W. N. Dyer, ' 8. Poitlethwalt, Brady, M.Uwens, " I Adam Ueek, Burn side, Hoh't Butler, Iloutsdal David Fulton, 41 J. M. Host, L. City, A. Thompson, " Thos. E. Heimt, Oioeola Tbo. Kvans, Chett, Andrew McClure, " Calvin Stevens, John Miller, Boggs, Henry Holt, Corlogtoa, J. Blsh, " F. F. Roily, ' W. 8. Taylor, Bradford, , Kin 11 Mignot, ' R. B. 8biry, 11 D. 8. Hughea, Decatur, KllnSmesI, ' IJ. F. Stinef, " Wm. 8ihwem, Brady, Wm. Anderson, Geehtn, tirern W. Hell. Kaox. J. Kvler. Graham. Jno. Pmitb, Lawreno, W.B.Tbompton, Gr'w'd, Philip Rets, " : Henry Allemaa, llolioh, it. s. Uanielt, " ,J. K. Johnson, Jordan, R.8. Irwin, " D. W. Wis. " Henry Uro, Morrit, J. M. Re iter, K art haul, TR A VRRSB Jl ROBS 1ST noRPAr, OCT I IT. S.McCormtek. Rarnslde John W. NelT, Chest, A. Harwich, Clearfield, Wm. flchnarr, Cov'gton, J. A. Moore, " W. B. Morgan, Decatur J. P. Farewell, L. City, Jat. Ulenu, Ferguson, Wm. Hart in an. Osoeola,. Hitler Harrer, tlraham, Hich'd Gota, " iW. 8hfemaker, Gothen, J. Ltghtner, licceartt, Matt McCrllr, Gnhch, Blake Baird, Bell, Albert Newell, Hutton, Jno. Hacfcett, ' Wm, Cham hen A. J. Ames, Morrit, J. J. Dallcy, Penn, C. M. Goff, blnnm, E. J'lytnpton, Boggt, Jno. W, Kvler, " Hainuol Stolt, H. Lensberry, Bradford . Kli-ha Davit. J. K. Wriirlcy, " !j. Hartshorn. Jr.. Pike, Jona. Rh a Her, Brady, Hol.crt Owent, " John Iroxell,, J. H. Harrison, " Ilenj. Wood, Cheit. J. II. Brubaker, Union, Jona. Roland, " Jaa. Comely, Woodward Save Youit Cash C. C. & T. W. MOORE, f Fuoeoitora to J. 8. Shower,) RRALKRS IS BOOTS AND SHOES, T S II A AKU c a rs, FURNISHING GOODS, ROOM No. 1, PIK S DCILDING. The ar tow reviving . halee lot of lb lattat ilylea of Ladlai and G eats' Dreta Shoe and Boot t, ti'gethtr with a large lot of VLQW SHOES, 40,4c, tu it able for workmaa mm tb htm and In th woods. Th lav He apeelal atlenllnSto their atoek of Gents' Furnishing Goods, All af hle IH ee aald at rale, ai favarable aa they wa ba eoattht innkm la. Ui. eMal,. A Ihara ef tbe troae, f tbe a.blle la r. Ipeelfall; lolklt.J. CEP. V- "JtMlRB. TOM. W. HtKIHR, (Vfit.-U, r. , Jul, II, l77 .'. WUrrllatuous. CAIITI()N-AU peraena ar karaby aaattoa d againat purchasing or la any way m ad dling property, now apoa my premise, ia Pna township, vitt Two horaea and baraeea, 1 two bora wago-i, 1 dearborn, 1 sua and two oalv, 1 bad and balding, 1 eeok tov, of aor of oal in tb bare, j of i acre eora, aad I of 4 aoroa buckwheat, Tbia property wa purchased by me from my son, Franeia Rafftrty, and b baa therefore no lnlrtt la IL MARY McNOTTKN. Uramplaa It lilt, Aug. lb, 1877 JU pOR SALE. Th andsratnod will all at private) aal all adjoining laada of Robert Hajiua eai ataer, and knowa aa th Jacob B. (iearbart lot. The aaid tract containing AO acre mora f leta, with two vtlut of valuable oal t hereon , ha aboat 10 acres lard, and la the key to a large body of ooal about being developed. HiU ho toMMw aad upon easy wrma. or partieuiara, apply to DAVID L. KREBS, Clearfield, Pa., July II, 1H7. Fine Farm at Private Sale ! Situate In Huntingdon eountv, Pa., on mil north of tb village of Burnt Detain a, yaltoa Uo,, containing thre hundred and twsnty.eigbt aerat, more or let, limctton. travel and tlate land. nndar good alat af oultivatlon. Tb Improve ment oooaiatof frame dwelling bona, nana barn, 4i71 feet, watoa thed, corn crib, hog pent. hay- Male, two tenant honeta, aaw mill, two young apple orchard! bearing fniil, on thousand pan alt poat aad rail fenoe, illy acre aoaaaow, oa ana drd aad fifty aoroa plow land. Tb balaao eon sis t of 118 acre of whit pine, oak and hiek ory timber. A stream ot never-falling water runs through tbia property, making It particularly wall adapted to both etook aad grain raiting. If dettred, wtu be divided to aatt puxoaasera. Xbia property la oa or near projected route of two railroad,, one of which will be built thia ooming cam mar. or torma oi , apply to 8. V. W1LBON, Look Box ISO, Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield, March 14, 1877 0m MG1IEST AWARDS! S'ViS'hio.' J. REYNOLDS & SON, NOBTnWEST CORNER TIIIHTEEN1II it ITILBERT iTRF.ETH, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITFI SnAKINO AND CI.tNKKR nRfNDINO URATKS rOH IIUKNINII ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROICIIT IR0 HEATERS, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE WROHIIT-IROX HEATERS, COOKING R A NOES, LOW-DOWN ORATES. Dtcrlptlr Circular aeut free ta any addrtaa. EXAMINE BEFOHE BELECTINO. April 25, '77-1y. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factor; Pnn townabip, Clearfield Co Pa, 11 II R R E I) OUT! BURNED UPI Theaubaorlbcra have, at great xpen, rebuilt a neighborhood necetiity, in tbe erection of a flrat clast Woolen Manufactory, with all th modern Improvement! attached, and are prepared to make all kindi of Cloth, Catitmeret, BatinetU, Blaa kett, Flannela, Ac Pltnty of gooda oa band to aupply al) oar old and a thousand new cuttomert, wnon we mum w soma ana axBiwiRo om The butinest of CARDING AND FULLING will receive oar etpeclal atUnttoa. Proper arrangement will be mad to receive and deliver Wool, to tutt euatomert. ah won war ran tea ana doae npoa th thorteit aot ioe, aad by atrial atten tion to baeineaa w hop to real It a liberal har I public patroaag. lOMH) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay tb blgheat market prtoe for Woo and tell our manafaetored roods a low a similar goods eaa bo bought la the county, and whenever w ran te renaer roatonaoio aatitiaetioa wa eaa alwaya bo foaod at hem ready to mak proper xplaaatioa, aitber la peraoa or by letter. I ah & B juniiaufl m ouns, iprtlSfitf Bower P. 0. JEMOYAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would rerneetfnlly notify th nubile fnrally that ba haa reeaoved bia Grocery 8 lore from fihew'e Row, to th building formerly occupied by J. Mile Krataor, oa Beeoad atreet, aext door to Bigler hardware atora, wbr h tntand keeping a full tin of QIlOCEItlEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEF aad LARD. SUOARS and 61 Rl'PS, or all (radu. TEAS, (m aad Olaek. COFFEE, KoaaUd aad Qraea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, tl'ALI FRVIT8, All klada la tha narket. PICKLES, la Jan and barrel.. SPICES, la everj fern and varlalj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OF CRACKER. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil and Lamp CMmnaya, And a good aaiorttnent of thoa. thtnira aattally k.r,t la a uroeevy atora, whleh h. will eiohana iur maraettng at ine marKM pneu. Will Mil for aaah aa .haaply aa any ether ona. Pleaae call and Me hie atoek and Inda. for oaraen. JOHN McOAUOnEY. ClearAeld, Jan. I, 1177. 9. . k. 1. RAQ.Rtr REED & HAGERTY, Baoooatora to J. G. SCHRYVER. DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF II AIM) WARE, Hetonti St., Clear fold, Pa Tae andenlgn4 woald aanoan to tb ettlaene or Clear DeiJ aad vicinity, that tbe have par eh a ted tb Hardware 8 tore of J. it. Behrvver.aad will oooatantly keep oa band a fall attertaaeataf It a rd war ta all Itl hraach!, aaub at TABLE 4 POCKET CUTLERY, Beach fltopi, Hand Bawa, Great Am.rleaa Orol eat nawa, u B. ana roll a. AIM, ll.lek.ta, Planee end Plan, lraaa, all kiade af Nalla, llorea Bboei aad HorM She. N.lll. Piake, Bee, Hakaa.H.y Fork., Bhovela and HpaJee, BeythM.Baalhe8,Pl.wa, llrala Cradlee, Caltlvatera, Doable and 8ingl.Bb.val Plowe, Caltlvalur Teeth, Bevel, and Try Fqaereo, Bhev.1 Bladae, Mill Baw and Tap.r FilM,, Bute, Aottt, Adaee, Hare lMr llangeri, Bait, T anj Bleep Utagaa, Boaay'a Hollaw Aagara, all kladr af Leeka, Berawa, Baak Cord aad P alley I, CLASS and PUTTY, Feat and Cbaln tUi, Oanlaga, Tit. and Barrel Dota, JM Coid. Bui It.aa, Dora. BreebM aad Cairy-Comae, Uriad-aaea. ftiiare. Gam, Hemp aad Ba., atone Peeking , Ceble Ckalaa, au. Tb.y will .1.0 ke.p oa b.nd a fall aTTlnware.aad a gaaernl etnak aT Uoae. Famish ing Oooda, wbieh Ik.y mill Nl 41 priaa. I. eakt the Davea. 'e,M.a wlahlag aaytaiag la Ihelt Haa ara In vited to .all and elamlne tbelr aioek belor. nardiaalag. BKKD BAUBBTY. flear.M, Nay 19, 177 ly. NEW IDS! New Goods! M GOODS! At GninzkraV New r m mm t -n- a - . " ' . . ... Try Thoxnl T Wa are now gotting in ft new 9tock of Iiootn, Shoo,, Giitert nd Slipper, tt price, far below anything ever ahown. For proof look at theae prioea : Woman't laeed laitln, Sboea, 91 eenta and np. Women. Oongreae luting Shuaa, 91 eenta and an, Wonun'l laoed Moroeeo Sboea, al 91 76, ll.iO, 91.79 and 11.99. Woai'i buttoned Morooe SboH, at ,2.99, 11.15 and 11.19. Women'! laeed foxed Shoa, al fl.2, 91.70 and 91.90. Womea'l buttoned fined ahoei, at 11.79 and 91.00. Wm'. laeed Kid Shoel, at 11.91. Womea'f buttoned Freneb Kid Hboei, at 91.00, 4.1 00, ti 7o and 99.99. Women', oalf ikln, bom. mada Sboa, al 91. 09 warranted to turn water. 100 different styles of Children's Shoes, from 25 cents to $1.75, Men, harveatlng Shoef, at 91 eenta. Ilen'a harveellng bnckled Shoea, at $1.99, alia a draaa thnt, at 91.79 10 Hvlea. Men'a kip nooU, at 11.99. H.a'a Up Mia, kip boote, M. 70 like the Klmira boou Real calf akin boot for draaa wear, (9.79. Boj'l Hbooa, al 9I.1J, 11.99 and 91.71. Boy'f botlon.d Hbo.1, al 11.19. Bov'i ll.U0. Roy'i kip booti, donhl. aolee, al 17.09. WB MAKE A HPIXIAI.TV OF lll'HT'H URflT NHOEH. W. .let kp lb. tin. of HATS, CAPS, FI'IIKISHINO aOODS.TRl'NKS, An., lo. M.a'l Bblrta al 49 ante. M.n'a Lauadrll Sblrta at 99 aeau. Pepn Collar, at t Matt a bol. Hoapenderf at twenty Mnta a pair. Oiv. ni a trial aad yon will b. pleaaad. No trowbl. lo ahow gooda. W. .febang. anything thai doe. not pror. aatiirMl.7. W. tak. any kind or Irnda. We want all th. grain we mo get. S. GUINZBURG, At Plegal'a old itand, oppoall th Court Horn. Cleartlald, Pa., August 1, 1877. ST. a. &ttl & Co.'t Column. T. A. T. A. FLECK & CO. HAVE REMOVED TO (iltAIIAMS IHtICK BUILDINfi, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. AS WE ALWAYS ADVERTISE " Determined Never Thnt In our We are now selling the best Calicos at 5- cents. Applelon A Muslin at 7' cents. REMEMBKH Thai wc tire receiving this week A NEW INVOICE NEW DRESS GOODS, CALICOS, MUSLINS, GL5TGIIAMS, TICKING, COTTON'ADES, SHIRTINGS, BED FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, EMBROIDERIES, CORSETS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, NECK RUCIIING, LADIKS' HACK COM US, 4c, &r. carpets: CHEAPER THAW THE CHEAPEN!-. 1,000 POITNIM Of CARPET LARGE STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Wo RUY nil our goods for CASH, ruid SELL for CASH, by which mentis wc nre ennblcd to Bell chenper tlinn nny other store in the county. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE : T. A. FLECK & CO. GRAHAM'S BRICK BUILDING, Market Ntreft, Clearfield, ln. Augnt 15, 1877 mny 2. PITTSBURGH One of tbe lea ling Frhoo.a In th Cnlte i Ht atet. Klegant Dolldlngs. Well eel ee ted mora ef ttady . Thorough leeching. Klgbt departBMlt. Twralv-tw teaehert K I even teacbers In tbe Conservatory of Music ooaaeetetl with th aoHeg. Initractloaa la tb element of Maile Tbeorj of Matlr, TWoagh Base, flaraionj, 4., and tb as of tb Urand Organ, Cabinet Urgaa, Piano, BniUr, Flat, Violin, aad Vole Cult or. Piity full tasaona for eighteen dollart. ben ll erne adtaltted to tb Conservatory. Charge ia tb College and Conservatory leas than any school afiordlag aqaat advantage and aeeoa modal ions. Fall Terta opeaa Hvptetabe Atb, Head for Catalogat ta Eiv. I. C. PEESHIITG, D.D., Jaly ti, 1977-Im. er, Young & Reed HAVB OH HAND ffHej-horac Tread Pow.rn and Thrc.hlua; paavninva. AIm, Avery. Paint FMiwhone. Pavara, Farmeri will do well I. glv. them a eell. Cleart.ld, Pa., Aaj. 1,'77 tf. NOTICE OP INCORPORATION... MotiM lah.rbr alvaa ta all nereoa. later. est, that applleatioa will be made ta tba aeit aaealoa of tba Oaart ea Common af Olear 9eld aaty, aemmeeeiag aloaday, H,t.mb.r II, l.iT, ror a tnarl.r af laoorporioa ror tb. Bare llda tt. E. Chareh, la Barnild. bnroo.h, Pa. MeKNALI,T A MeLTHDY, CU.r9.kl, Aag. 19, 1877-91. Auornaya. NOTICE OP INCvhRPIfM ATION. Nolle, ie hereby given that aa applleatioa will ba mad., aeder ibe AM W Aoeambly af Iba OemmaaaeaKh af PaaaeyWaaila. entitled. A. Aei lo provide 9rthe laeornarallon aad Reeela- lioa ef eertete Carporatioaa," appravMl th. ,tb day .f April, 1914, aad the tappwmeeu IkarMa, far the eaarlr of aa iaund eurparation la be ealM Wllmer Lead Ce., Ike .haraelar aad ahjeet of wbleh I. parebaM, eale and kaalng af real tata. w a LLAvn m KKr.lin, OImHI.14, A., ft, K77 4I. HIMIfi. Bunt and Shoo Store. S. ttl & to.'t (Tolumu FLECK & CO.'S. COLUMN. lo lie Undersold," Motto ISf III. OF FALL GOODS. KID GLOVES, TIES, ICARPETS CHAI5I, PLY. 3, 9 and PITTSBURGH, PA. IXECCTOHrK MITICE. l..iUnT..U. J mentary m th. aaul. al JUBIAU WAHH. Ill RN, leu of M.atoa towmblp., (Uaet.rd Oe., Pa,dM'd, having been ,renudte the aadenigaed, all pertona knowing Indebud te aaid .aula are repaired to make lmmdi.u paymni, and tboa. h.i lng ng.ia.1 tha lame will preeral them properly aathenUoaled for aettle meat wilhoat deley. JOB. WARIIBIIBK, C. K. WArillHl KN, Babula, P.., tag. I, T7 9t.e Biee.l.n. 9 9TH COD R TRIKT.M-AII .(nan meat X pey for their verk before H leave, the ah.,p. Aad a. all tub laaethe grie(,lb. 9.19, and lha promlaee ef aaea ara like the flower, thereof Ibey ar. given ene day and forgotten) tbe neat tbeiefere lit. beet not ie Irnet anybody. All hinda at work will be done I thia rtop far e.ia er ready pey. Boole aad oboe. aT all aad elyieo the heal aad ebeapeel ia tew a. I have remaved my .hop to tha lower end ef Una, In Tayler'a row, en Bead atreet, near Inn depot, wber. I will be foead al all limee, waitlag fr eaatota.n. All work warraatl goad aal ebeep. AIm, all kind, of Leelher and Shoe rinding, for eale. The af Clearl.ld aad rielnlly are. rtepeetfally invited u give n a mil. Jos. H. UbHI5(l. ri.ernel,l P... Jnly II, IBTT.