THE REPUBLICAN. CI.KAKFIELD, PA. AVftUST jj, wr. sr. Trmi of SubscriDtion, If paid la edvanoo,or wilblo three months ...M t paid after three aad nature in - r- II paid afar IbeeipiralloB of III moBtbs... I. M. FirrHaiu. "o., " pajle. Ad.. rilling Agents, ' 'ark JS2'i!2S iMtra Bird, are aur duly eetaoriBea ge" a New York City. hki.I(;(ii notice:. " nfclhodlaf Episcopal Chares Re?. J. 8. kU-Mi'BiuY, Pallor. riervloe. .v.ry Babbata ,1 mi A. M., and It P. M. gebbatb Hohool al A. H. Prayer MmIIbic every Tboredey, at 71 P. M. Coma union Servloe, Irit sabbath of every aioatk, al 10) A. M. Weal OleartHId M. p.. church. Rev a. Willis. II. Kill and W. 8. Wiuoa, Pastors. Preaching every alltraata Sunday, at 8 o'clocb, p. M. Sunday School al It, P. At. All ara ta viled lo alland. Preebylerlau Church-Rev. H. B. Butlbu. 8abbeth services morning and evening Bab balk School at I P. M Prayar Moating Wednea d.y avaalog. Ml. Hraiirlf' Church Catholic Rev. P. J. tlHaatOia Preaching at 10, o'elook, A. M., on tba Brat, tkird and fourth Sunday! of oaok aaoath Vap.ri.nd lleaadletion of tka Bleseed rieerameot at 7 o'clock, P. M. Punday Bebeol vry Sunday oftarnooa at I o'elook. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Tiaa or loLnna quabvbb .anions oooav. Second Monday or January. Tblrd Monday of Marok. Flut Monday af J una. Fourth Monday of Baptaaakar. ' tib b or BOLDias combob rLaaa. Pint Monday of Juna. Saoond Mooday of November. . fcblio orricaaa. resident .Ivdte Hob. Cbarlea A. Meyer, of l.oek Haven. A..i.fol Lorn Jed'a. Hon. Joba II. Orris, of Bellefonte. A..oetaie Judgee Abraaa Ogdon, CleBrflaldj Vincent B. Holt, Clearfield. rolkoaolary Kli Bloom. NtfuW oad faeoroW L. J. Morgan. Kernel Aliocae, Win. M. MeCallougb. Treasurer David MeUaughay. Alar.' Andrew Peote. Jr. Canary Sereeyoi Samuel F. McCloikey, Cur wsnsville. Oaaly Cosmiislouere Clark Brown, Cleer tcld Tbomae A. MeUea, Chest P. 0.; Hurls Uoorar, Clearfield. 0e..ry Auditors Christ. J. Keaigy, OlOB Hope ! Samuel A. Caldwell, Wllllamagrov. I Joka C. Connor, Burneiae. :,l. Coroner J. B. Net", New Weeblngton, Jury Coaiaiiaaioarra Dr. Jumna P. Bunbfield, Clearfied, Jorapb Alexander, Woodward. orattadl a HnNic ftiaoote Joba Ac (Irecory, Curwanirille. v.,...'- PmW. J oh a W. Wrliler. Wm. Ra dabaagb, Cyraa Oordoa, Clearfield : Joaepk R. Irwin, N. I. Arnold, Curwenirllle; J. J. Lingla, Oiaeola Mills I J. A. Lirlogiione, wuii viy oT Sntnal column la decidedly InterertlDg In a loeal point of view, and profitable reading to outaiUert wno want so aave none. Willoy k Fisher, the "bow" mcr- chant u.i'ira. -i m mm The names of sovoral candidates ap peer tn thia ieioe. . . . iaan -jbs- Go and seo what a bargain Willt-y A Firher Will give you, $2 only for a largo full sack of Salt, tt John McUaugbey'o grocery. Court begins at iiullelbiite next M on- -Jay, Aoguit I7tb, aod will uounoa no whii, HufuneMt Butts I'rom 1-0 np to 130, nnd Drtaa ealti fn f30 up lo tfiO, at Witley Fiabrr'a, Market "treat, Clearfield, Pa. i A full stock of all the full styles ot Hill and Caps Ju.l reerived, and for 'ale at fair prloee, at II Winger A Book's Clotbmg and Uanls Furnlsblng Store, Market street, wearnoiu, ra. Tho Sheriff uublishii a notice l bare la Ibla paper lo tba belra of tba lata Tlioi, Ileary, dseaaaad, wbicb will be sf groat aalua lo tboaa tBtertstsd. The Subbath-bchool coiinectetl with St. Andrew's (Kpiseopal) Cbareb, ia tbia plaoa, fceld Us annual pic-Bio at the Watt Clearfield Park last Friday. ; S Ruttara will receive a car-load of eholoa Delaware peecbes on Tuesday of Bail week, August JStb. Lea.a your orders at 101 .saloon ob deeond street. The editor of the rhilipeburgyourna is oonoied to Iho opening or the reruaaeai c. hlbilloa at Fbiladelpbia oa Sunday. Walk a suppose tba eonoera will be held sbut bow, m e Tho Miwtca MucLcod will open their iseleet aebool, ia tba Academy, oa Boa lay, sept. i i7T Thea will bo nreoarad to taaek eehol ars of all agea, aad all the higliar kraaobes. In eluding Frtack. i ' Wanted to know: What tho exact market price of black baa. Is at " Fultou's Dead Water." aad whetber It Is ebeaper to pay all task, tt lo aay part oa.k and trade .ana arblng-rods for tbea. Aaawers eaa be banded to our derlt, The third and championship game vf base ball betweeu CapL " Jersey " gayd.r'e and Capt. A. W. Lae'a green aloes cameof al tba Park, la West Clearfield, last Friday alteraooa, Border's alaa aarrledaaaT tba ball By a aaora . 31 to 18. Mr. Jamot Cleary. of thia place, ad dKiaed tba Tamoeraaee Bleating ia Iba Court ilooie. on Frldey arenlng lasL Ha epeaks ra- asarkably wall for a new kand at public speaking. Har. H. 4. Butler alao made a short address. Tbera was a large arowd la attsndenoo. Thia way for chonp bargains, all y ot Iba wead. B. U. Skew will cloaa o kli aloek af lobaooo and Cigars at prloes that will aatonisb lbs purcbaeer and naaulaalarar. Ha will be la hia store for tba sail alaly daya lo wait oa eusloners and settle all eld aoeouata, by ask or nala. Nine Clearfield county fumilica are l.nt holders at tka Newtoa IlamllloB Camp Meet ing, !.! Bars. i. B. MeMurrey, Wm. It. Dill, Clearfield Mr.. 8. Arnald, Bar. U. Leldy, Iselak Bead, Corwensrllla Bar. J. F. Bell, Mre. 0. Bletleabergor, M. 0. Gray, Woodland Bar. .W. W. Daasiia, Ulaa llopa. They bad an awlul wedding over at 'lluallogdon last week. Re. A. Neleon llulllteld, .tiaalor af tba Preebyterlaa Cborob la Ikal plaoa, was married lo Mlsa Kate C. Coebran, ftaa. Dr. Slrykrr, of (taraloga, oglelaling. It look a wkolo i..m. .r thm Clola lo hold Ike wedding. Wa wonder If anylking af lha kind arer oec erred or.r lharo before. t We find Mount Union Cullei;o, ay Chief Jaitloe Cbaae,"beallbfal, aatioaal, aaaking Halrgral Edaratioa altaiaabla by all l kaa super ior eoareas, profasaora, aaaseam, apparela. board aMtiee,$oM,aM property benefitting IU U,07 atad.ala, who aara aipeaee leashing Wlater. sitbout lailog lima. For now Catalogue, aldras. Pres. Partihorn, I L. P., Alllanea, 0. I!,iw. Juajie B. Younir. A. M., of Car- lisle, formerly aulreaee) at CarweBsrllle, Ibis oualy, engaged paesaga for Ll.arpaol aa Iba steamer " ladlaa.," of lb. Amerioaa Llaa, and ..ll.i fiwm rkiladelokla oa Tburiday, Iba Ulb laal., la ba goaa Iwo mouth oa a trip tbrougk Englaad and Roolland, and a ran lo P.rls for lea days. Hub. Joka Pallok's oldeel son, joaa ra. Iob, Jr., la kls traveling aompanloa. I.i.t f liitt.-ni ruinainiiiif unclaimed ta the PeetoaVw at Clearfield, for iba weak aodlag Aagaat M, U77 I A. Cerdea, Mist Mary I. Falloa, Ami. E. HeadersoB, Robert Joasoa, Jobb King, ily Lalckaw. Adam Berth, J. H. Rkoadarmal, Tkomaa Roblsoa, Alfred Road, Juha .!ory, P. A. Oitiua, F. M. Williamaport, aaya tho Oazrttt and eateli'., will manafeelere about aaa half lb. ee, I of lumber this seswn. Ike stock is aaw low, hat qalla eqael to lha demaad. Prices are by ao urea, wkat they sbo.ld be, bat mane factarers would ba content U .leer aat Ik. a4ak al ptkie. aow etf.rl.g. Ke laalaalloa la prln il looked forward lo, allhoogh a more ..Ilea m.rhel b .atlelpaled la Ik. fall. Tb. I. .very ra lo l.lieeelbet prliw. sill wa.ld.iaM .dvaao. Beit eeeeoa. " .Monkey " Taylor, the individual who robbed lha elsra af Wm. Head, aad burglar ised a aamket af dwelling kouses ia tkis borough, waa erreilsd at Uo.lid.le last Tharsd.y, brought I. Clsaifield and lodged la Jell. A aoarlag sea had before fqalr. H.w.aa Frtd.y .lleraaaa.aad, ia deteall of ball, Jim wa. seal back to prlioa Is swell a trial al Ik. BeplikUr Coarl. JIB had kind aat as SB employe la Ika Mew Yark Stat. Clree,, which was .iblklllng at lloalldaw al las dims if hi. .met. Go and tea Willey t FUlior when yoa weal aret-claaajBll. Sheriff I'enU i now boardinRsixtoon able-bodied and oipeU on .very day. BvniNlM. Our coul aliipmotita lust week mM lb. previoae "k aoerly thousand lone. I'bettt Snrp. The Curwcimvillo Tiaiaa laya Ika B.aalty for tatcblag trout out of aeaaoa la IO,t00. Wo aoa't go a oabilg until aaitAprlal Ikal prlaa. , , Tobacco. I.vtlo in t'loarllold countv geot for Lortllard'a ealebratad Tobaoeo, h Mi tt faotorj prtoti. It U tbt btrt tobtvtwo Wo learn that (ul. Wm. Dorris, of! HunUDgdao, rtMBily prMtntsd tit atw Frcvby. ttrian Church tt Morrtidkl Uiart, tbii eonoljr, Ith ft bell, wigblng JOO poundi. Mr. Dorria la IntvrMltd In tba toal m'w of tfakt rtgloo. Going it Strong. We notice by the prograBU tbkt tbatdilur of tbe fivtlcfonu Wauk. mom ii down for four tenia t Iho Writ BrRQcti Canp Meet tn , while tbe Joriry Sbure brother topped hia peper no til eatap neetiBg m over. a Notice. The Bmokera ot Clearfield and t j tre nqueatod to emll t tbe Clgnr fietor of Jobi A. Stook, ftnd try fall Ife-oent otgari warranted all Havana filler. Come and try tbeoa ottoe, and I am lure tby will five entire aBtlffaattoa. If. ' bb mm, i ItELiuious. Tho Jerwsy Shore Her- Id taipended publication doriog tbe Wayna Camp Mealing, tnatead of doing 10 on tbe Fourtb of Jely. It ii tvident, tbe re fore, tbat Drotbcr Seeley'o palrlottaoa eaa a leid aalde for a Heat ; mt bte religiooi aeal aannot b oreroone by fan or on aoooaot of bnalneai alTalra. Walker ed Hack. Walker, the lorae thiel, aod tba two prisoners who madellielr eecepe from tbe Bellefuute prlioa with him, on Thureday Bight, Iba fltb Inst., ware all reeaplured oa Ibe following Saturday and returned to Hheriff Munson, wbo eetne down antb tbeSllo reward. A detaikd aaeuuut af their oeca and capture will b. found elsewhere ta this issue. m I aai We ruuret that wo aro compelled to aanoaooo the death or too mother at Her. w m. u. Dill, of this plaoe, wbicb ocourred at Lawifburg, Pa., aa Monday last. Mr. Dill left home laat weah far tba purpose of attending tbe Juniata Valley Cauip Meeting, and upon bis arriral at the ground, learned of tbe Illness uf his mother. lie at onoa set out for Lewiiburg, where be still Ir al preseut. Fl.EUAL SUADOWEII. l'lt'irul'd ar- rangameat of filty-lli bu.bal of oats utf oho aere, lo which wa alluded laat week, was a pretty good yield, kut la eornes James Wrigley, E.q., of this borough, wbo is not moon of a Urager, and tallies eiaty-eiyal aaal.e of oala,raisad off one eere.whieh grew oa a last year's potato patch, and upon .... .. . I V.. wbleB Ba aaallerea lour ousoeis oi in.. w wbu eetnos Beit I Taste. The prolific irrowtk of smart- weed along tbe Iront of one Jot aad tba nice graoo sward la front of aaaiberisaaryatiraoilre to the era. It Is magnificent I uul men, wa wouiu ralher look upon it In ne other rlllege. How-1 ever, It Is probably a mere mailer of lasla alter all. It may dtllgbt tbe eje of one person lo tool apoa end roalemplate lha braatles of a plat af suiertwssd, kaca-higb, while another is enohaotad wilb aometbing sot so green. 'Tie well tbat wa do not all lea Ihiag. alike. A valuablo cow, belonging to Mr. Wendell Endre.a, of tkis borough, was run over by Ike freight Irala last Saturday morning, and was so badly hurt that lb. had to ba killed. At tba rate of .peed which tbe freight Irsln has beeo making while passing through town, we beve been looking for accidents of a more serious nuture than lha above. The Burgess, we are Informed, has wrilleB lo Ibe Buptrintendeut of Ibe road in regard lo this matter, and wa hope new tbat tba freight train will make up lis time somewhere alee Ihsa by fsst running through the borough. A Smart Tax Uii.l. Tho Altoona Mirror says tba Pennsylvania B. B. Company Is their heaviest Ui-pater. la lha wholeoooaty of Blair il pays eboat f ll,OH0 annually. Of Ibis amauat, lll.lvl 70 1. paid la lha eity of Altoona aloae, vis : Couoty taa Cily - - School 1,880 10 .. 1,141 10 . 4,'MO 40 Water - .. 1,78.1 80 .. 1,428 80 lmprovameat ' Total.. $21,401 70 Clean Up. Tbe time lor cutting and palling emarlwead or aoy other weeds out of the etreet-gutler Is at head. Tb. effort mode by a few of th. residents oa Market street le com mendable and wartby af imilatioa oa all Iba street! of this, or any other boroogb, where aolloal wead. eprtog up id easily. Som. people eea stead U ta bava a go Her icr.prd .loo and ele.a oa both sidss, aad it novar unoy. Ikons In th. least. Wkat a happy fellew belng ka mu.l be, wha eea put op with all hinds of ennojanoe. aod not hare hia tamper riled. Ji'T Opened. Messrs, Willcy 4 Fliber wlih t. inferm Ibe people gmcrally tbat tbay hav. opened a merebant tailoring establish msnt ia tba room lately occupied by T. A. Ftek A 0.., oa Market atract, Claerleld, I'a. Always ua hand will ba found a good assortment of worsteds aad aassimsrss, soitabls for dre.s aod business suits. Tb. manafacturing department 1. under the supervision or Mr. Ueo. V. Fisher, wbo has tb. rcpotatioa Ib the largest cities of Ohio of bsiog a first-class cutter. Ills reoom mendatloo. from p.rliee by whom be bes been employed will hear him ap In this aisartion. Their aim is t. do a strictly es.h bualneae. All their work is gneraatced, or nu aela. Pelronise homo enterprise, Bad glvs Ibam a call. iea a m The Wheat Kaisers. Out wheat gatberinge thia week knocks Ike lael week', crop into a cocked bat. A neighbor Informs us thai Daalel star, who reeides lo the upper end of Pike twp., Bear New lUllpoit, aut alncly-llve dosan of wheel off three acres. He Ibrr.hed thirly-ooe doaen. aod aleeuod up thirty bushels of wheat. Tbat la truly . slar yield. Wa also learn Ibal Kllia K;lr, ot Ooahen township. Ihrsshed aod eleaned ap one bua- dred and tea baabele af wheal. Ih. product of three aad oee half acre,. Well, when Ibe bills of Clesrfield produce tblrly bushels of wheat to lb. .era, there Is no uu In arowliog or dlica.slag the queilloo of slarvatioa. Ha I. work and elesr your land, and pat your arops Ib Ibe ground Ib good eoe.on, and wa will lira s, k.ppy h.r. as Ibey d. aaywh.r. else oa the glob.. t m i Are Black IIabe WonurT Tlo fi.h. aeeordiof la Ibe folloaiog ilem, taken from Ike Klmira (N. Y.) Oeielre, are aol vary deelreble fooda! this s.a.00 of th. year. Wa republish the Item fol tba of anglers la this motion, and will lei Ibom decide for lheme.l.ea whether or act tbera Is aai .ny truth la It. If true, Ibe b..e ehoald be let! aloo. anlll lb. worms diiap pear, If anybody knows wkeo that Is. liars I. Ih. item referred to l "Yeeterdey Mr. Silee MeL.ugblln and Mr. Jo iah Rtebmond fished for base In lha river Bear .i- u .... it An h . The aauabt a fine lul. Oa draeelng them tbay fcund Inalda a quaanly of amell WBU. worms, -""""'", "7 ; aoaeludad aot la aea Ibe fi.h caught, not liking tbe loobe of Ibe worml eonteined la Ibe bass. Ooa of tbe fish brought lo Ibis ofiie. bed h.lf a doaen ar mora af Ika worms, aaa af whloa was over kail a. lock long. The qoaelloo sua arlaee, are bail thai elected good eating f II ie seid for a mentb, . .. . h. ...a, an eommoB to the fi.b, aod after 'a lima dieeppear. The pre.eaa of . k L.M keve beoB knowa to fishermeB for - ,1-,. , .d Mime eeV Uiei inev ore en ,w,-- ' ..... . I.L...I. la the leh, although wa saoald aay they ware to Ib. aatar. As ler oure.ll wo preier " our plate Juel aow. Ilmiiiious. liov. 1. S. McMurray, p.ator ar Clearfield M. K. thureb, I. .Handing the Newtoa Hamllloa Camp Maatlnf . Tb. pul pll al hia Cbareb wae filled aa Sunday moralng by k.v. Jobs Brobeker, .r Carlbage, III., who la flailing In this plaoa. Thar, were bo aervlees la tka avening. Il.v. Il.ary Baker, al Allooaa, who aaa an. naaaeedla pteaeh la the I.alhar.a Church, la thia pl., OB 8anday last, awing la ans.aldable .ire.r..laneea,f.llsd Bev. Toaelloaoa preached is lha moralng, .nd Bev. Brakaker la tba evealng. Rev. Heavy . Ball.r preached la tb. Ireaby. byterlaa Church la Iho morelag, a. aiaal, aad al Fiaa O.ava Bebool lloaaa, la Lawrsaee lowo .hip, la lha arternaoa. Th.r. will be ao service, la the Cle.rfisld Fresbjterlaa Cbareb Bell 8ul day, Mr. Butler having I. faHII aa al liaatlaidoa tbtl day for R.v. A. . HoUI- Th. BL Bev. I. B. Kerfoat, .r Plltebarg, Biibop ar Ihli Dleeear, onlcl.ted .1 sefvlcs held In 81. Andrew's Eplaaop.l Cb.ieh, la ibis Uri.ugh.ysa Urdey (Tue.d.y) maralot aad evealeg. Tb. acroed g.erlerly Meeting eerileae af this Co.f.rsne. ye.r will be held la Ib. Clcrleld M.I. Chnrck aril, Augaal 18lh. r t 1. ul M&lilkl li:jlif,.T BSJ.amVak.aaBr"BWBM. Ita days. augMll. I $2 only for Urge full sack of Salt H Jobb MoUiuoBir's. At tbeR(i'Uiii.icAii olllce ia the plaoe to get your Job work doue. We ara fully prepared la do aay lhug Is lha printing line, will da II well, aad al Ibe right kind of prieee. It W'bebc Hiiai.i. 1 (Send Mt Pacou taa ! Voa will oonsulthet health, hapnlnets and fad mulia. by alMla Bar la thai gjwriattaj Mu.lo.1 lnstituia,, ra. fnM mi-ari.j, and aa low a. good beard and Iral-aleel lustra. tloB eaa ba afforded. Is. hmmtTiiiNu Xhw. We have before ua No. 3, Vet, I, of a neatly prialaa eight-page Bewspaper, abutted tba faretaf Cuw, published bi-monthly, .nd Is " Issaed ia tb. lalereat af Philipeburg Methodism." However, if il gala a lit! I. outside of the l'bilipsburg article, wa pre aa-c Il witl attliet no ona seriously, or interfere with tka Interests of Ibal locality. Ulles Pardoo aseumea tba editorial respoosibility. How it ib Done. The swindlers wbu sell a two-dollar Bote for oa. dollar, sell finger rings for taa cents, and ihen give money bach to tho purohassr, bat laally gel flva dollars for a chain that Is worth five eents, are doing a thriving bu.iness throughout the aountry. After all their apparoat laorifiee la tb. atari, they still gel awey with (3.81 for Ibe $1.15 Ibey giro to Ibe crowd. Must of Iba people taken la by lhasa rogue, do aol read a aawepapar, they are too poor lo pay tba printer $1 1 bnt tbay will glee a tramp 13. ti for a flvo-ocnt brass ehalB. The G'learfk'ld I.epi bucan brags about ft man ir. thai .oualy wbo threshed fifteen doien and eal ebeavae of new-land wheat aad cleaned up thirteen aad one-half bushels, but aa it rail, aa tall hw long it look him lo da It . we oan't for tbe life of us sao where tbe laugh eomee in, though it looks aa if Commissioner Brown of tbe same county, had knocked tbe wind very offee- tually out of that feat wbea, aa tbe eama paper e.euree ua. he threshed ft rty-oae doaen and eight shrevee of wheal aa Friday laat, and eleaood up Ibirty-seven and ooe-lourtn uusncie weighing eiity-fuur pounds to tbe burbot. tb6ria ree- aaaa. No, aa did aot brag laat week ; bat wa do this weak, oTer (fa. thirty-bashel-per-acra prodacts of r-tarr and Kyler, aud alao of Wrlgley's oate field ... - i hi a. aa n . ...... ' Tm Amend Honorable. Some two weeks ago tbe editor wl the Kcyaoldavilf. ferafd published a lengthy .rlticl.m ob strikee, wklok did aot please the mlaara la that regloa. Aaool 160 of them gave him a call well, wa let Carllle, of the Brovkville .erseaioa, who was eloss by, tell it. Ia bis issae of last week, ke remarks t ' llliler, of tba fvrtrfaf, wasn't soared a bit when tbe Dullois miner, called upon him loO strong for a retraotiun t bat ha waa ooBTiaced at anee that be bad made a grlevoue mistake wbieh It w.e bra Christian duty to correct in bta neit ieeue. Tkat'a right. " Euual and elect Juetlea lo all men " Is our motto, especially tf lsl) of them surround us and eommooco to yoll tor it, aod there's no back door to the ofboe. 1 Chai. Oil .AocitENT.---Tba) Jurnoy Shore llemld lays that a terrible accident occur red on Friday afternoon, tba 10th inst., at the residence of Mr. J. D. Bowers, ia that plaoa, which resulted la tb. death of his dsagbler Anal, aged sll years, that lame evening. Mrs. Bowers waa busily engaged at sewing and requested her little dengbter to pot som. wood in tbe stove, who, whtn ibe went lo tbe stove, found the fire almost out. Soma kindling wal plaoed apoa Ika few burning coals that remained in the etove, aad tbe fire not igniting as rapidly as the eblld thought it rbould, she picked up the coal oil ean, which contained about two quarts af oil, and poured soma on tbe kindling. In an instant the all Ignited, and lb. Bamea were oommaaiealed to Iba oil ceo, which oiploded while yet aver the elove, end the child's elotolhing was saturalsd with all and cavtlopod ia a maasaf fiance. ; Hat screams of sgony and distress were beard a dis- t anas of Ibtee iquarca. Her avalbtr'a keaaa were badly burned in endeavoring to tear th. bvrnl.g clothing from tho child's body. The little girl lingered anlll I o'clock Bad died.' Tka parent. wre alrueit distracted over lha sad ooeereoce. . BCMOCBATIC COUNTV OOMMITTCE. As our Primary' oantusi bl approaching, we deem il neceeeary lo pobllsb a Ust of lha men composing lb. Coaaly Commllt. for 1877. Our part) rules will also be found in this laaue, arranged ia tab.dlviiluae, wllh appropriata iadu baadinge, so tbat any givea queetloa eaa be found by reading tbe jratitloa. ' Tb. Cbalrmaa deemed It an uaneoes.sry eapeoso or time aod money to la.ue a aall for a meeting of Ibe Committee, for the siogle object of selecting tbe Vlglleaoe Com mittee for the aev.ral borooghe aad lowaehips t but ia lieu of a moating, be baa addressed a circa lar to each member of lha Couoty Coatmiltoa named below, roquesliog him to forward tba aarnes af their respective Commute, aim f aisraicv. aaaa. . s. aatimja.. Burosideilor'gb,Joha Heed Uurneide. Cleerllcld " Jes. L. Laavy...Cleerfleld. Curwenivllta " Tbomai Frow Curwenirllla, lloutidal. " I'.J.M'Cullough.lloutsdale. .. Lumber City' Jas. lt. Cupplas..Lumber City. Neahurg " Kli B. Clemion...IIurd. N.Waeb'gtoa" Dr. A.II.Beaaal.N. Waeblngton. O.ceola " R. II. Lawahe.... Osceola Milla. Wallaceton " John llolt......Wellaoeton. Bcccarls Tow'p.lienry Dotts. ..-.(lien Hope. Hell Bloom Horge Bradford llrady Ilurnsids . Che.t Covington Decatur Fergu.on I J. W. Mcllhee... Che.t. Sidney 8-otth....Pnreat. " T. B.Wood.idos..WallaeotoB. " 8. P. Wilna... -Cleerllcld. " J. U. Klioger...Luther.burg. M Jamas Haley...- " Joe. H. Bretb... Hard. " L. M. Coudriet..Prenohville. " J. F.Hteiaar.....Pbllii'g,Cea.Cu. " Jas. Ferfueoo... Lumber City. llirerd " Ferd. Mienot....Leconlo'a Mills. (toshen Graham : 11 A. II. obirey bbawavilla. " 0. W. Kyler Orabamtoa. " Cbaa. A.Thorp..llower. " J. 8. M'Kiernne.Hmitb'e Mills. u F.O. Bewmao...Penfield. " R. M. Johneon. .Aneoaville. " R. C. Dii.lgcos. Belt Lick. " M. R. Lewie. .-..New Millport. " Lewl.C.llloom..Curwensvilla. " W. ilollenbaak..Kvlertewn. en wood llulieb Huston Jordan Karluaus Knos Lawrence Morris Ton a " David T. Sharp-Grampian Hills. Ike " Ira Shaffer Carwensvllle. " John Welty.....Hocbtou. " tt. H. Woodin....Houtsdele, tnioo Woodward ISRAEL TEST, Cbolrman. JuUH W. Howa, Secretary. WALKER INTERVIEWED. A reporter of Ib. Bellofonte Stpuhliran visited hie notortoue borsa thief, In prison, after bta re tura, and ha uaboeomed blmaelf a. followa t "Leat Mondey evening a reporter of this peper visited Walker In hia cell, ana gieenra ine .lory from the altera own line. H. louna mm recn.. Ine in a verv eomlortahla politico upon hi. bed At our ealutauoB aa raiieu omann w .,iuK pn.ture and gave ua a cordial -'good avening." lie I. a man of medium bciahL 22 yeera old, light hair, eandy mcuelaobe, bright, piercing dark ayea. line build, and altogether a nanuaome young ici low. He ia a good talker, and aarrataa areola with Intelligence and ease, as Iba following will prcvei .... Reporter Mr. Walker, do you .ra.k. f (band in him a aiemrl. Mr. Walker Thanh you, I do some Urns. (.tribes a match and eommeneea to smoke). H. I eopposa yoa feel quite at home lo gel back again r W. Not particularly, as I hardly go', ellmaled before. H. Do job feel any present Inconvenience from your wouatl r . w l me a litUe constantly, and never tnpeet to be the waa again Ibal I waa b. B. I thought perhaps yo. might bo abl. .ad uii-. .a nim me aoina intaraeliaa nartlculara ia e..ri in inur flieht aod recapture 7 IV W.IL eretrboJv knowe it.and I'mwillin; Ibey ebould. Thegame'a up, and I suppoao If the Ren Sl ice telle It everybody will thee (aaw It. We bad Ibe ran f Ih. aall Bora togetoer. aai .n..i.d t.l.n of eeoene. Takina advantag of tba ebasnoe of lha Sheriff, wa pe.sed Into the dungeon, and. then tore uut some sman partition .hi-h d,n,iled a. to tbe cellar. From thenpe wi ...lie eat ear war Ihroofh tke lour lolu the kitchen, from whence we bed only lo walk aut Inte the open air and we wore iree nw eimn ar. lumna,! lha fanaea and nrooeeded la a Booth. erly dircrtloa, but when I reeebod the Catball. rrm.lery I waa obliged to rest oa account ol bleeding at tne fungi, aauma ay .-...", - eelf aud Irrilatlui my wound. With Ibe asslsl anea of niy aomredre, however, I aucoeedad Ii w.lhtaa aaarle all alehl. aad the Belt morale we came oat on Niltsny aeouolal. only aaupl. of milei frota Ce.lra Hall. Wa presaad aa avav Into and aeron Penaivelley and ilruck Tuieey ...nnteln bot ihree milee from Boal.harg. Tb waa Friday aJteraooa aad wa had had aothlag to eel OO 10 lb B tlUO. I WM lorOOU iroei ." to go lo a bouas and bay soeaethleg la eel. Wi it,., went no la wilhia about three milee af Stan Valley and eboat five milee from Pin. Urova Mllla, In which location we found oursolvoa early on Betnrday morning. My eomradee belag -r..iM f -nlB ventured lo a houe. lo bay some thing to eaU 1 wee so exhausted I did aot eare maeh If I was recapturea, uu i.e. r" -"--a lo aat. I went tothd houeaaboul 7 a elock ia Ika morning. Thl. proved Is ba the house uf a Mr. Miller, aad after Ik. w.maa bad, givea a. oar breaklael abe aenl to Ibe field cod told bar baa hand Ibal ehe believes we aere tbe parties advar tieed. Her ha.haad Ihua eases la tba howee, got hie lllle and pointed II al me, aad al Ibe came lima celled la a neighbor Bear by who came lu hie aBiLtenoo. I told them I waa oa a hanliag el.unton, but Ibey thought It wa. toe lain a ...... .nd eaad lb. deeeilptloa af m. la myaalL wbea I said I guessed II hll ma preliy well. I lor. ..y from lb. Iwo, wh. four .tber m.a earn., and soon I wae lerroonje. By aaoai any. and Ihey then warn ana amuge. mj R. Why did yoar eomradee aot darla, ,kl. llM.I ill' ' .They declered they weulel aot leave me, and ee a metier ol nonor eiaoi oy a... ft,W by did yoa aot separata, la ardar a ... II . a I ii 1 1 tha afliaar. t W.-Jleaaaaa I wal anahb) t travel wllkaal Ibelr aeel.lawca, as a goo. por.i nkn.nd ta bol.trr me aa aaiweaa them a-- nnnlbev reaOOB WB. BecaUM I bad .11 ll mosey wllh whlck es kwy what w.w.r. asand arrhae. local, r . t . , WahtidI 1,000 oordt of Hemlock aad Book Oak Bark, lot wktok ws wlU pay Ika klghaat market arise. Jjlllf. A. 0. Kaiaaa A Oa. Advertise id the Clearfield Uipub- tioaa. Tka advartlalng rata, are reaeooable, and Ike .Iroululloo is tba largest of any paper ia this aaotioB af Ik. 8 lata. It Theej'raolion of toeih without pain ,rf!ii'V!"i"lar,' rofgrB, ether or gee, aad raaenl iiaooTeriea tho tbat owtaU nl it area af aeiatlraa applied to tbe tootn and nrronndiog porta, ao benumb tbe tooth tbat It an ba token Mt with bat rery lltUo pain. Pr, Hilli Lt aow aalng tkU ajpplloatloH tat oi traetlog toath, with lha aawal inarked lueoeaa, far tho benefit of hii patlenta. without aitra ebarge. ThoN ho bate tried It apeak of It very favora bly. July U tf. Titubville, Pa., Juno 2, 75. About a year ago I received a eprain or at Itch la ay baok froaa hear Hfllat : at tinea would ba eon- lined lo my bed in greet pain aeroat the am all of any aacl. About n wees ago i ioob ooia ana wee oof. fined t my bed four daya, tuffering launaely. A friend procured e a bottle of B K. Tbompaoo'a Baroina, or Baok-aeha, Liver and Kidney Cure, wbkh gave ma lanaiadlata relitf, aurlog me en tirely. I rteo.o end nny wbo ara troubled aa above lo go ta their druggie! and get a bottle. W.U. LUnBiB. 8prlng Street, Titeifillt, Pa. "prepared by S. K. Thonpaon, TitaavHle, Pa. Priee ll.Oe per bottle. Sold In Clearfield by 0. 0. WaUon, dniggiat. The Art or Swiwmino. Men arc drowned by railing their anna above water, tho an buoyed weight of wbicb deprtaeea tba bead. When a nan fa Ha Into deep water, ha will rite to the anrfaoe, and will continue tbera if ba dooi not elevate bta banda. If ba norao bli banda under tba water ta aay way ba pleaatka, hit head will lite ao high aa to allow blai free liberty to broalba and If ho will ara bli lega aa la tba aot of walk ing (oi rather walking up eteiri), hie abouldera will rite ibovo tba wafer, aa that he may uae Iras aiertlon with bis banda, or apply tboaa to other parpoaet. Theao plain directions ara recoia mended to tba recollection of those wbo bare not learned to twin la their youth, ta they may bo found highly advantageout ia preserving life, Clearki eld Coal Trade. Stato- oBt of Coal and other freights aent over tba Tyrone Ulonrtald lmieioa, ronasyirania nau road, for tho week ending Ang. 11, 177, and tba same time last year i oo. ia. toaa, For the week .0lrO Soma time laat rear JB.fifil Inereaao Previously during yanrM lama time laat year ............. laereaee ...,.. ..,.... a... Total ia 1B7T Same time laat ytar Ineraaa. H 74,0211 Lamber -.110 cars. laaellaaeoue freigbta...M .... ... t4 PiTTmitmuK Female Colleiie A War as rears. Ta. vary low ralaa offered by this sterling iaetitalioa It attracting great alien Hob, and lha Bomber af applioatloas il larger thaa for year, paat. The oolleg. has but few equals ia the Cnltod Statea, aad with Its elegant baildtage, light departments, twenty -three taaoh. an, and apl.adld Conservatory of Muslo, has plaoed a fialsbed odaoatioB witbia the rea.-h of thonsaads. Its high character U iadicated ia the fact Ikal laat year all 111 graduate! but Iwo, wb. desired la teeob, had situations. We heartily oummend tt to our readers, aad advice all wbo hav. daughters to educate, lo aand to the Prc.l denl, Rev. I. 0. Pershing, D. D., Pittsburgh, P.., far a oalalogaa. The fall tarm opens Bept, atk The Wallace Sibtebs Poor Charlie Hoes Mover la lha whole range of fictloa was BythiBg mere mystsrloBi than the abduelioo and eonoealmaat of thia child with th. .x.eptioa of tbe Beecber.Tiltoa ease, aod tb. K.tbBB murder, Botbtog has s. .git.tcd th. publl. mind Tbe moet itringeot March, conducted by moet IX- perieBccd detectives, has hitherto railed ia bring- ng this mysl.ry of my.t.rles to light, and the tregie death of bis abductors, aovpled with tba confession of one of them, still aeema lo bring nc ao Bearer Iba aad. ' Truth is, Indeed, straagar thaa fictloa I Yet Ib. eteiy of this poor eblld, which, if il doe. net surpass, tha wildest romance, mey, if the recle should ever ba diseov. drsd, prove to be vary similar to Joba Brougham'a highly eewearioaal drama af Miaala'a Lcra or tha Hps aad Dowaa af Me Yark Life," wktoh Is bos being played to crowded houiM, through. oal all nctionl of tha Colled States by those brilliant and accomplished yoaog artist., the Walla. Slatara Jennie, Mre.le and Meud. Tha heroine of Ika etery, wha, ttolea from motivee .1 revenge, foes through a sari., af Ib. most licit lag adventures, I. percolated by Mies Jennie Wallace, tba stsr of th. troupe, her sweet end aaioal voice, aad toachlog aad letiraetlng s aer, Impart a woaderful chirm t. th. character, which coo Id a.l be equillcd by Ih. Bust siperl .need actress aot f.vored with ker n.tursl .4 vintages. lTer Iwo sisters, Minnie and Maud, by their llvlieees aad grace, sad tha spirit and vim which Ihey throw lata their epaoleltles, ara a wol coma relief ta the sadder portions of th. pl.y, Tb. actors wbo .upper! Ibcm are all artists af ablllly, .ad selected, of eipenss, from th. best tbeatree la Ih. Called Stain for their partiealar ad.ptatioa ta Iba role. Ibey reproaent Alter passing through a carles ar tka molt la- leneely intereetlng edventurei, Minnie le at langlk realorcd to h.r bevovd mother, and to weollb and happlace.. W. Iraet th.l Provlde.oe, la In wb good lime, may, ia Ilk. manner, Bake glad tha hearts ot Iba saw desolate parents af poer Charlla Ros.. MilaMy-lis CV'y flam. ' The Wallace Sliteri, anlited by tb Irty three firsl-elsss artists, will appear la tb. above drema la Pie's Opera Hoaea, Clearfield, Beit Ralurdey avaelng, Aegeit Itlk. Price, ef admlasloa as usual. Tickets for aala al Ibe Postotnce. Special. M only, for a laTge lull .ark email, at je i j-i i, rL " '---a"J Oaa Itrnnaan Paa Caav. Discot rr o Olb Part-aa. Sawing Macblaee oaa aow be purchased at Merreli s lie aad variety elore, Irom H5 up wards. All kinds uf sewing machinoe repaired oa tbe shortest aotiee. Cl..rfi.ld, Pa., July 18, 1877. A fane with aharmlnt features may be rendered aetuallv renulsiv. bv blutcbesor pimples. Glenn's Sulphur 8osp, promptly remediea all eomplet lonal hlemisbe. aa well as local eruption, ol the ekia, harm, broliee, Maldi, Ac. Sold by all druggist!. Hill's hair aad whiiher dye, bleck or browu, 40 aants. augl 4w. Wautbo I 100,04)0 11-leeh sbeved shingles la av.raga from 1 to tt Inches for which we will p.y the hignesl m.ra pneo. f.b.Jg if Cle.rfi.ld, P.. 4 .rlKrefrr Hill ul. A lew years ago, "August Flower" was dlioo?. ered to b. a certela .are tor Dyepapila and Llrer ompl.i.t, a lew tbia Dyspeptloe made huawn to th.l. Mend, how aasllr and quloklr Ikey bad b.ea cored hp lis as.. Tk. graal merit, al Uaxaa'a Auauar Flowib became aeralit llrougn the eountry by obo euff.rer lo aaolb.r, aBtil.wllh oat wdvartleleg, lis sale bee hoaome imnieu.s. DruggisU la KVHKi Town ia in. tiini.u Btatee ara aelllag It M. perrea Buffering wllh Sour Stomach. Sick Headache, Ueatlveoais, pal. pltalioa of tba Heart, led.ige.lloo, low spirits, .tn . eon Uka three without relief. Uo to yoar Draggle!, O. D. Watsoa, and gel a belli, for 75 Mill and fry It. nampie ooi.iee iv nun. Mey 13, 1877 eow ly. 1 r. 8hU0hi SwalrtM Milliter. We are aatboroaad ta guaraatoo Ibis noisily tor lha awre of Dyspepeia, Inaetira liver. Sour Btomaeh.Coaeamptlon, Lois of Appslite, Coming ap af Food, Yellow Skia, aad geBcral Laagaor and Debility. Yoa mast ackaowlodg. that Ibis would beroiaoat aalee. w. had pes. lire evidence Ibal it will eve. Yoa wba are suffering from three eomolalnts. Ikeee words are addressed Bad will yoa aoatiaao lo suffer wbea yoa aaa ba eared a aaeh termer 8t a. lac yoa M aetermino. Sample bottle, II eeatli regular alee It Kate. Hold ay U. II. nitsn, irraggi.l, viearneiu, rm. .e.wa SIB aBBaany 07 erivnini u wvb. Co'd or Croaa. oftea laadiog to Conaumptloa aaj tb. grate. Why will yoa aeglect ee important a matter whoa yea eaa gel at oar mora bbilob a Coaot'BrvloM ui'SB, sua iae aesaraoca 01 a apaodl relief. For soreoess eero.e the Cheat ar Laaga, ar Lam. back ar Side, Halloa's Ponoi B PkiBvaa glvas prompt relief. Bald by O. D. Wal. on, Clearfield, Fa. H sraBBT.rr, a popatar and fra great prefama Sold by 0. D. Watsoa, Clearfield, I'a. apr IB, Tl-eow-iy. x.--l- Attention, Farmer! and Lumbermen. WANTED ky tarwraevlll., 10,000 pounds pork. , 1,000 bushels wheat 1,000 bushels ry: 1,000 bushels oats. 1,000 bushels shelled corn. 1,000 bushels potatoes. IihiMMI tev-twrh .tiaras atilniriaa, : IIMI.IMMI (4Vlsek aawsA aklaglaa. IIMMMMI feol plaa hoarse. S.IMMI railroad ttva. a iMMi cwrala sak ajsS heaatsrk kark. For which one.thir4 cnh will he paid. oct.iia .- T,42 .. T4,8 .. 177,148 .. 17,200 100,433 .. 721,804 J 1 A Boys' full, for ana dollar and D 1 .eJU, fifty oaots, at A. UumsBuao's, Waatara Bout Corner, Clearfield, I'a. June loth 1877 If. it only, Air iBI'gs lull eark or Halt, at Jcl3 If. J"liu Wrliaunhcy'e. BtTaaiaa Fob Sals.- .B. Newton 8baw keeps a full supply uf Fredonia Uugeios and Plaltonn Wagons for sale. To be seen at the rbaw liouae yard. CaU on or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania, mey 11-lf. I I aOtj ( faagarw layr Bai latett (f, ,tirili . 4 oa Tuesday, Auituat Nth, IwTT, by ltet. V. 11. Campbell, Mr. Henry C. lWily, of Knot town ship, and Miu Mary Jane (jlaiguw, of Ulan iiupc. Al Phllipiburg, Centre county, Pa., ot Monday, Auguit lSib, 1877, Sm.n, wile of Wm. Kiddles, biq., aged 07 years anu il aa).. At Pbilipshurg. Centre county, Pa , on Thurs day, Aug. Ulb, 1877, Ida Al., iieuf BH.-.I a..Kf. Junes, Jb.q. Railroads. l'einiNylviiHlaltiiilroad TYEONB t CLEARFIELD BRAKCH ON and after Monday, JUNE 28, 1877, tbe Paeaencer Tralm will run daily (except Sun days) batweeo Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows : CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. 0. Inwin, Conductor. LEAVB SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CurwenBville.-l:10, r.M Clearfield -1.10, " Tyrone aniooyoo,. Summit Powelton,... Uiccola...... Hot otnn, ... 0 10,s.. ..MS, " . ., " 10.10, " 10.10," Leonard,.- l.illl, Barrett, 1.45, " Woodland, 183, " Bigler 4.02, " 10.27, WalleoetoB,..e.ll, ' Blue Ilall,....4.l8, " Oraham 4.28, " Philipeburg 4.32. " Plelner'l, 10.31, Phllipsharf... 111.18, " Urahaio, ...... 10.34, " Blue Ball, 10.80, " Wallaaton,...lll..,'ll, " Bigler 1 1 .OH, " tVoodlaud 11.17, " llarrelt 11 25, " Leonard 11.31, " Clearlicld....-11.40, ' Curweniville..l2:Ul,r.i Stelocr' 4 3.1, " Hoynton 4.4. " Osooola 4.47, " I'owellun 4 i8, Sammit, 8.H1, " Vanecoyoo, ....le, " Tyrone 1.00, " CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATION. W. 8. Pli-buib, Conductor. LRAVs SOVTU. I LEAVE NORTH. Curwenivlllc- 7.00 A. a.l Tyrone, 1.15 r. at. Clearfield.. 7::lll anecoyoc 1.45 i Summit 8.02 j Powelton, 3.10 i Osceola, 4.35 ' Hoynton 4.42 I Steincr's, 4.50 j lhilialiarg...4.00 (Irabam 8.20 lllue Dull 5.45 I Wallacetoo, ...8.00 I Bigler, 0.18 Woodlund, O.illl I Barrett 8.45 Leonard, 8..'i0 I., ClearliclJ 7.U0 I Curwenii illc,.7.86 Leoaard, t.64 8 04 8.20 8.31 1.50 0.115 0 17 t.40 0.50 U.rrelU. Woodland,... Blgl.r, n allacetoa,.. Blue Ball,... Orahara, Philipeburg., Bleiner's Boynlon, 10.110 Osceola, 10.30 Poweltou 10.40 Summit, 11.35 ' Vencooyoe 12.25 r. Tyron 1.02 ' BALD KAIIl.K VALLEY BRANCH Mail. Wall. 4. . " 8.30 leave Tyrone arrive 8.10 8.47 Bald Eagle 6.03 0.30 Julian 0.65 Milc.l.urg 4 45 10.04 Ilcllefonle 4.37 10.15 Mileihurg 4.35 10.40 Howard 4.02 11.18 arrive L. Ilevea leavo 8.25 TYRONE STATION. lASTWAnO. l.U. WSHTWAIII). A.M. Pacific Eipveea 1:10 Pitl.burith Exp'sa, 2.50 Harriiburg Acc'm, 8:50 1'acilio Kxpren, 8:18 r. u. r. Mall Train, 3 28 Way Panenger, 1:15 Atlantic Express, 8:50 Mail Train, 8:34 Phila. Expreis, I0:33 Fait Line, 7:08 PUlLll'SBI RO A J10SI1ANNON BRANCHES L.BAVB .OUVlt. r. v. a. n. x. a. sTATioas. Lr.lVK MOHTH. A, a. r. m. r. a. 12:10 1235 1:00 Morriiiiale, 2:15 7:35 Plnlip.liurg, 1:10 7:38 Hluincr'B 2 24 7:44 lloynton, 2:30 10:10 7:52 O.ocoln, 12:22 12:14 12:114 4:15 11:5 4 110 11:14 3:52 11:40 8 47 11:35 8:44 1 1 : . 0 3:40 11:25 8:35 0:13 1.44 10:45 8:08 Mo.baniion, 0:30 2:52 10:53 8:12 Sterling, 0:20 2:57 10:..i 8:17 Houta.lalc, 0:20 3:02 11:01 1:11 McCaalcy, V:15 3:07 11:07 8:28 Kendrick'l, 0:10 1:11 11:11 8:35 Raiiiey. 0 "0 Cloee oonnftetions mado by all trains at Tyrone aod Lock Haven. B. s. UbAllt, mylT-tf, Superintendent. STACK LINES. A elageleavaeCurweaaville dally fur Reynolils ville, at 1 o'elock, p.m.. arriving al Reynold.vllle at 8 o'clock, p. ni. Returning, leaves Reynold. -ville daily, al 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur wensviilaet 12 o'clock, m. Fare, each way, $2. A stage loaves Curwcnsvlllo daily, at 1 o'clock, p. a., for DuBois City, arriving at Dulloii Cily at 1 o'elock. D. m. Returning, leaves DuBois at T o'clock, a. m., daily, arriviugat CurwcBiiillcat II o'clock, ai. rare, .acn way, z. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW OBADK DIVISION. ON and ancr Monday, May 1.1th, 1877, lha passenger train, will lun daily (except Sunday) between Bed Rank and Driftwood, aa follows t EAB.TWARIl.Day Mall leave. Pill. burg 1:20 a. m.i Bed Bank 11:54 i Sligo Junction 12:14 1 Helhlebem 1:20 B. BV: MaVSVlllo 1:37 1 Troy 1:04 ; Brookvllie 125 1 Fuller's 1:50 ; Roy. 1 noldivllle 3:0B t Dulloli 8 33; Summit Tunnel 1:48 1 Pealeld 4:00 i W eedvilre 4:17 1 nencselte 4:45 1 arrives at Driftwood at 6:45. W 1-.KTWAHI). Hay Mallleavei Driftwood 11.14 p. m ; llen.srtte 12:57 i Wee.l.lll. 1:40; Penfiold 1:30: Summit Tunnel 1:58 i DuBol.2:ll ReynglclevllleJjtl 1 Poller's 2:60: Hmokvills J:I2 Troy 1:2V: Mayaville 8:6I New Bethlehem :0i ; Sligo Jonction 4:47 Red Hank 5:03 ; arrives al Pittsburg al 1:10 p. m. pf Tha Reynoldsvllle Acconimodalton leavee Reyooldsvile daily at 7:5" a. m. and arrives at Red Bank at 11:00 a. m., l'itliburgh al 2:34 p. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 8:80 p. m i Red Renk at 4:44 p. m.i arriving at Rcynold.tlllaat B:5H p.m. Clnse connections made with tralne on P. A R Railroad at Driftwood, and wilb trains 00 the Allegheny Volley Reilroail at Red Hank. DAVID M1CAH11O, Ilea l Sup'L A. A. JArasoa, Sup'l L. II. Dir. FARE FROM CI.EARFIELP, TO Bellefonta, Pa 3 1 M Iddletown ffi 00 Look Haven William anort ...... Huntingdon 1ewisUjwn- Marysville Cnweasville ....... i Osceola 2 TO Marietta 6 &0 , il (10 Laneoster ft H 1 aPIULADKLPHIA 76 t 0 1 Altoona I AS , 4 &A Johnstown S 80 . Stttl Plnlipsbarg 11 . fl:Tyrono 1 22 4 niPITTrillirKO 1 HARHIHBURO . $w 3flvfrtisfment$. IPJTHAY C01,T. CamctreFpaiflngon tba premises of the andvrsigoed, In Ileecaria towDAliip on tho M day of July, 177, an iron gray mare coll, left hind foot white, auppoied to bo about two years old. Tho owner is ritiested to come forward, prove prnperty, pay chsrfiei aod Uka It away, or It will be dW posed of as tba U directs. JKHK. COul'LR, Ulea Hope, Aug B,"T-Bt. Til I j the undersigned, in Lawrenoo towoililn. or about the SI day of July last, a durk red heifer, two years old, email white strips la (ore bead and very wide horns. Any peraoa return ing said heifer, cr giving any ikfurmatitin that will lead to her reoovsry will ba suitably reward ad. Information as to her whereabouts may bo left at th Is offlflo, JOHN W. TAlK. Clearfield, Aug. 8,7T 3t. riMIWNtltllP HTATIiMKNT X Annual Financial Stateiusnt of I'cnn Toiffn ship for tbe year ending June 22 , IH77. 1(0 AD FUND-PR. To balance la hands of F. H. RaftVrty, deo'd, ex Treatiurer I H W To eaih rcflievod from Co. Treasurer.... 1,219 .1 To am 'I af tai rstaraed by tiupervisurs In H7 2t To am't of taa returned by Supervisors in U7S 4 CR. By aendry orders redeemed .. By hslance due townibip 71 SI .... tni 02 n.ieo bli We. Ibe sBderiigwad Audit,, of P.nn to.,,. ahip, having carefully exemincl the accounts of A. C. Moore. Trea.iirer, Ind them eurreot lo tbe baet of our huowkvlgc and belief, ivt. it. rKianAii, Altest i HEIillEN WAL Pinav AnvHt n., Town Clerk. Au'lltors. TeClloOL Fl'ND-liIl. To bslanca due last settlement till go 371 on c 141 00 Tu am't af dvplieatc lor 7B and 77 Tu oaib roo d from Co. Tieaa., '7B '77.. To Bl.t. apprnprlalloa ll.a:il .11 CR. By sundry orden redeemed l,(l!d M Balaaaa do. town.hip aa follows t In hands or F Baflerly, ex Treaierer 1 111 W Mosey ia bank..... J'J 04 From all elker lourcie Sal III H.f.l :i Wa. the under.ifneil Anditors of Pvno town ibtp, having ravHullf examiaeil the account! of the Traeeurer, Ind Iheen enrrectte the beet .four knowlcdiie .nd Icllef. WM. II. FRKKMAN, REUBEN WALL, i Anditora. Fanny AarnuM, Town Clerk. Ilramplaa Hills, Aug. la, ISII II. Steubenvillo Ohio, Female Seminary. Hoard, Room and Light, per year, 1176 1 1 off for ntnlitera' dimftbtrre. Tuition In the Kngllah Court, LanKuagtft, Jtliuifl, l'aiotlng. .to., Tery modttrute. Hen J for a rntali)p;iie. Ilir. C. C UKATTV, I' D., I.L.D., Pupt Hiv. A. ft). KK1D. ril.i., Prlnolpal. BteubenIa, 0,, Aug. 1-lm. BEAVER COLLEGE a Aeautifuiiv .u Pa., on I be Obi tt Hirer, taeniy eljrbt mkloa Ului Pittsburg, uptiaa its tall srasiub tit pttaiber 1 1 tb. Cuts amy be iren and catalogu-i olilained at the Itoukstoro, in tba Poilufflce building, Clwfleld, Ps. H. T. TAVLUK, Pres't. lieaver, Pa., Auguit 1-1 in. TUSCARORA SEMINARY. I OH .((UNO LA Oil. ' k IS liom pfinooi. iinauairui nomuvrj. Ft Healthful Climate. Full Course. Mu sic a npeolalty. Modern Language j. Exiioricnocd Teachers. No half way work. Next sesakon begins ttrptember 6 lb, ItiTT. iSend for ciroular to (.', r. aV'lli " SI a rrioripmip aug.lm Afiadrmia, Juniata Cunty, Pa. LADIES' SEMINARY, DLAIltSVILI.E, I'A. Fall Scion opens Thumlsy, September 13th Pleaiant lituatlon. Eeey of acceaa. Terioimod .ia ',.nr.n of Initruction Iborouitb, emhrao- Inir all the Enull.h bratiohes Muiic, Drawing, Ac For C.lalogues, pleaie addreai J. JKVYEIT PARKS, July 25, 1877-lm. Principal PITTSBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE. Oneol Ihol-nJing Ri hools in the 1'niU d f tatoa. Klecant Iluildinri. Well aeleoted oourao of atudy. TboroHRli teach niff. KigUt dvpartmanta. Iwpnty two tcaobere Kleven toauheri In the Co ii ntrrat ory of Jfunic wiih the irlteTe. InitmolluBi In the element of Mmio Theory of Muile, Thorough Hem, Hr.rimny, Ac, and tho nee of tho Uraud Orpan, Cabinet Orjtan, Piano, Guitar, Fluto, V.,hn. taDil Voice Culture. tSuly full lenona for flttlttrtn ttollars. (irntlcinnn B'ltnitted to tha CmaitrvBifirT. ihnfffM is the Collece and Con or.atory It is tbrni any soiiool adurtling equal advantstfea and accoturnodstions. Fall Term otii-ne tjti tambvr brti. H;nd for Catalogue to l.EV.l, C. PKUSU1NO. July ii, lH7T-2m. Pittaburgh, Pa. SCIKHiI. ftTATKMF.NT.L. J. Hurd. luitriot Treasurer, in account with the school fund of Newhurg borough for the year ending June lit, li70 i nn. To ain't of duplicate aliened for IMfi, 1182 4t Total, IIM Ily amount of orders paid - 1138 04 Ily amount of Treasurer', per centeg.,.. 17 Ily amount uncollected 10 51 Ily balance In Treasurer! band 1 40 Total 1181 '41 We, Iho undersigned, Auditors of Newburg Imrough, do certify that we have examined the accounts of L. J. Hurd, District Treasurer or Bald borough, and find them as above itated U1LBXHT TOZEB-, A. L. HURD, Hurd, Aug. 1,'77-SI. Auditor.. TEACHERS' EAMIAT10S. Kin to nation for tree her for tbe aeverAil school dimriots of Clearfield county, will bo held daring tho present year aa follows: Clearfield, Lswronot! and Lawronoe Independent, at Clearlicld, on Monday, Auguit Ulb. Bradford and Bradford Independent, at Biglor, on Tuaadny, Auguit Mth. Bosks and Wallaceton, at Wallaeetoo, Wednes day, Au.iet 1Mb. Morris, at Kylertowo, Thursday, Auguit 16th. Qrahnm, at Urahimtcin, Fridsy, Auguit 17tb. Curwcnsville, Pike and Pike Ind., at Blooming ton, on Haturday, August 1 8th. Ferguson, Jordan and Knot at New Millport, on Munday, Aup;Qt .tub. Bcccaria and Mu Icra, at (Hen Hp, oa Tuesday. Auguat 'I I t. Uulicb, at Jitynea. illc, Wrdneadar, Auguat 12d. Woodwnrd and lloutidute, at Iloutcdale, Thurs day, August 2 id. Deatur and Osceola, Oscrala, Friday, Aug. JUth. Lumber City and Penn, at Lumber City, Monday, Augu-tSTlb. Oreenwood and Btll, at Buwcr, on Tuesday, Au gust .tiih. Burniide borough and townibip, at Iturniidc, on Wdi)eid-y, Auguit 2'Jlh. New Wfi-hington, at New WBbington,on Thura day, Auguit 30tb. Chest and NewWrg, at Weiiorer, Friday, Au gust Slit. Brady and Blnim, at Luthortiburg, oa Moaday, tjvptembor d, I'nion and I nl' D Ind., at Rockton, on Tuesday, Hcpttuiber 4th. Huston, at PenDeld, on Wednesday, Sept. 5th. 0 oi hen and Uirard, at Cungreis Hill, on Thurs day, September 6th. Corirtcton and Ksrthaua, at Union Pehool House, on Priday Hcptembor 7th Kiaminatlons will bepln at 9 o'clock, a. m. A directors meeting will be held with each exami nation, bet worn and 3 o'ulook in tha afternoon. I would like to meet all the directors of our oounty at these eiaminationa. Teachers ara ra numted to br examined in tho districts where tbty intend teaching. J. A. OHKUOHY, August I, '77. It. County bnp't. c lOUHT Pltl)t'l.A3IATItN. WmnKA-i. Hon. C A. MAYRR, President Judge of tbe Court of Common Pleas of tho Twenty-fifth Judicial District, eompoeed of tbe counties of Clearfield, Centra and Clinton and Hon. AnnAM (Ioiikn and Hon. Vmc but B. Hult, Associate Judges of Clearfield eonnty have Issued their preeept, to me directed, for tbe holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv ery, at the Court House at Clearfield, In and for tha oouoty of Clearfield, oommenping on the limrth Monday, tlie 'i lib day ol September, I Hi 7. and to continue two weeks. NOTICK IR, therefore, hereby given, to tb Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and for said county of Clesrfield, to appear in their proper persons, wllh their Record i, Kolls, Inquisitions, Kxaminations, and other Keinea bran cel. to do those things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to bo dona. By an Act of Af-iinbly, pacd the 8th day of Mkv. A. ). ! 54, it to made the duty of th Jul- tioes of the I'eace of the several counties of thin Commonwealth, to return lo the Clork of the j Court of (Jiiarter Henions of the respective osMtiities. all the rccirnitances entered into before them by any person or persons charged witfe tllf7; commission of any crime, escept such eases as mny be ended be lure a Juiliue of the Pear, un der existing laws, at least ten days before tbe oomroenneaimt of the tjtiisioa of tha Court to which tlx-y are made rotarnaMereipectlvely.and In all eaues where anv recogniiancei aro entered into less than ten d.iyi before the oommenreuient of the scp in to which they aro mado returna ble, lha said JuMices are to return th same In the aair.e ninnnor as if said aot bad not bevn passed. UlVr.X under my band at Clearfield, this 18th day of July, in tha year of our Lord, on thousnnd eight hundred and seventy-seven, jy IH to AKMtKYY l'aN17.,Jr, Sheriff. Save Youu Cash C. C. & T. W. F100RE, Huocensors to J. S. liwers,) SRALinS is BOOTS AND SHOES, II A T S AMI C A P S, Agn ar.ira TJ TTTJ rVTI 0 II I IU II 12 II II II V J U IV 11 1 IJ U 1 11 U U M V U Vt i ROOM Nc 1, PIE'S BUILDING. Ibryareaiw leoeMng B eliolcs lot of Ibe laical il ) It of Ladloa and flea!.' Dress Shoe, and llootl, together with a Urgrlol of PLOW SHOES, Ac, Ac, suitable for workmen on th f-r aai la th woods. They Invito ipfeirtl attcntloa to their stitch of Cents' Furnishing Goods, All ot which will be mid at rales as favorable as they can be bought .Irawher. in the coanly. A ihnr. ef Ibe lalrouage of lite public Is ri iperlfolly loliilled. t.KI. ('. MtMIHI- TOM. W. MIKIItie. ' Cleailild, Pa , II, l77 Jm. SaisrtUantou. CAUTION All persoa. are hereby eaollon. ad against purchasing ur In any way med dling property, now upon my pramieaa, la Peua towB.hip, via i Two burses and harnaes, I two horee wagon, 1 dearborn, I aow aod two calves, 1 bed aad bedding, I eooh stovs, it or 1 acrec of oala la tha barn, i of 4 acre, eon, aad H of 4 acres buckwheat. This property was purchaser! by me from my son, Franol. Haffsrty, aud b. has therefore ao Intersil Ib it. MARY McNOTTEN. Grampian Hills, Aug. 18, U77-II. aera. Tha nnderslnad will aall at invaU sie tbat traoi or Mroel af laud aitaate In Deoatar townahip, Clearfield aouoty, Pa., within a short diitanoa oi too xyrono viearuei i . t adjoining laads of Robert liudsoa and otn-rs, aod known as the Jacob B. UL-arhart lot The said traoi oootaioing M aoros mora or leas, with two veins of valuable coal thereon, has about 10 acres cleared, and Is tha key to n largo body of ooal about being developed. Will bo sold low and upon assy terms. For particulars, apply to . ' DAV1U L. KUKBS. Clearfield, Pa., July 12, 1U70. Fine Farm at Private Sale ! Situ.te la Huntingdoa county, P.., on. mil. north of Ih. village or Burnt Cablne, Fulton Co., containing throe hundred aod twcnty elght acres-, more or leas, llmeitone, grav.l and al.t. lend, under good slate ol .ullivalloB. The improvo menta consist of fremodwelling bouee, bank barn, 48x71 feet, wagoa shad, corn crib, hog peas, bsy ecalee, two tenant housee, saw mill, Iwo young apple orchard, hearing fruit, one thousand panel, poll aad rail r.nee, fifty bomb meadow, one hua dred and tfly acres plow land. Tba balance oomliti of 128 aoraa of white pine, oak and bilk ory limbsr. A etream ot never-tailing water rune tbroueh this nruoertv. makina It panloularly well adaoted to both stock and grain raising. If desired, will be divided to suit purchasers. This property le oa ar Bear projected routee of two railroaus, one OI woicu will oa ouiu tuis ooinma Summor. For terms of sals, apply to 8. V. WILSON, Luck Box 180, Cleerfleld; I'a. Clearfield, March II, IB77 8iua HIGHEST AWARDS! EVn.biuon1 J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER TIIIHTEEN1II At FILBERT STREET!, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER ORINDINO URATES FOR BURNISH ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WBOIGIIMROX HEATERS, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE WROIGHT-IROS HEATERS, COOKINU RANGES, LOW-DOWN GRATES. D.icrlptlr. Circular, aent free to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. April 15, '77-ly. The Bell's Run Woolen Faetory Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURNED OUT! BURNED UP! The subscribers hare, at great expense, rebuilt a neighborhood neoeaiity, in the erection of a orst- els. Woolen Manufactory, with all the modcra Improvement! attached, ana .re prepareu to roue .11 kin,!, of Clothi. Ceisitnerei, Satinrtte, lilsn. keli, Flannele, Ac Plenty of goodi oa hsnd lo supply all our old and a Ihoasand new oailomcia, whom wa ash to eome and examine our itock. The buiiness or CARDING AND FULLING will receive our especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit All work warranted and done upon the ehorteet notice, and by strict atten tion to bulineea we hope to rcaliis a liberal share or public palronag.. IIMKHI POUNDS WOOL WANTBDI W. will oar tbe hirbeit market price tor Woo and sell our manufactured goods .s low aa similar goods can bo bought ia tbe ooaoty, and wbenevor we fail to render reaaouable setisfsction we oaa always be foand at horn, ready lo make proper xplanation, either in pereen or cy leuer. r JAMES JOHNSON A BONS, aprll28tf Bower P. 0. pEMOYAbl lb . JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify the public generally tbat he baa removed his Grocery Store from Hhaw's Row. t th building formerly occupied by J. Miles Kratser, on Heoond street, ait door to Bigler a bard ware itora, wner ao lniwui keeping a full line oi j it o v I. ii 1 1: h. HAMS, DRIED BEEF sad LARD.' SUGARS and 81 RUPS, of all grade.. TEAS, Green aad Black. COFFER, Routed and Greea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, Ail kind, la th. market. PICKLES, In Jars and barrels. SPICES, ia .vary form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL MNI.nlll' CRACKERS. SOAPS, MATCHES;' DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil and Lump CMmneys. And a good assortment of those things n.ually kept la a grocery store, which h. will .xchangc for marketing at Ibe market prieea. Will s.ll for cash as oh..ply as any other oao. Pleaa. call Bad sc. bis stook and Judge for yourielf. JOHN McGAUGHEY. S, 1877. ClaarB.ld, Jaa. A. s. nAaiarr, REED & HAGERTY, 8ucoesson to J. G.SCHRYVER. DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, ' Httomt SI., rttarllrld, Fa. The underelgnetl would announae to the rlttsens of t learnelil and vlemlly, tnat mey neve pur chased Iba Hardware Store of J. (1. Rehrvver, and will eonalantlr keen on a full aiiaitmrnl uf Hardware la all lu braaebei, such ai TABLE & Pot kli CUTLERY, Ileneh fitops, Hand Saw.,flreae American Crois- out Haws, V. O. and reeling A iea, iiatcneii, Planes and Plan Irons, all kinds at 'ails, Horse Hhnes aad Hors Kho .Nails, Picks, Uoaa, Hakes, Hay Pork a, 8 hovels aod Hpa les, 8cyihes,8nstbes,Pbws, tlraia Cradies, Cultivators, Doable and Hinxl Shovel Plows, Cultivator Teeth. Ilevels and Try Ptfuaree, Hhnvl Bladea, Mill (aw and Ter-r rile, Cbiaela, Ilitta, Augers, Adies, Hern Door Hangers, Butt, T and Strap Hinges, Donny's Hollow Angnrs, all ktaeVt of Locks, Kcrews, Bash Oord and Pailsya, CLASS and PUTTY, Fot and Chain Bolts. Carriage, Tire aad Harrl lit, lu, 114 Cord, Had Iroas, Horse vraaaea aaa Curry-Combe, Grind stone gilares, tlani, Hemp and soap-stone Packing, Cable Chains, ate. They will also keep oa band full assortment of Tinware, aod a (enrral stook of Hoaee Furnish ing Ueods, wbicb they will sell at arte to salt the times. Parsons wlihlac aa thing la their Ha ar In vited la sail aad examine their tfnok befaiw purchasing. nKKD H AUkHTV. r l learfl.'.l, Ma; t, l77-ly. J. 5ttlnbttra-ot)l,' Sftott, I NEW GOODS! New Goods! NEW GOODS! Ua-eAt 'A'lizhrsLii New Try Them I Wo ars no iV galling k .ototk of Boots, Shoes, (iaitere and Blipport at ir bolow anylliing over l)own"'j"f'.ti.'.vr,ti;-at theie priccg : prices far Woman's I.e..) lesting Sboss, 05 cents snd op. Women's Congress laillnf Shoes, 05 cent, and ap. Women's laced Morocco Sboea, at 11.24, $1.40, 11.75 and 81.00. Woman'B buttoned Morooco Show, .U2.00, 11.15 and 12.50. ' j Women'a laced foxed Kbo.s,al 11 25, 11.70 and 12.00. ..,1 Women'e buttoned foxed eboee, at 11.75 and 12 oil. Women', laced Kid fchoes, .1 U.41. Women's buttoned French Kid Shooe, at 12.00, 1,3.00,13 74 and 1(1.00. Women', calf ikln, home made Shoe, at 12.00 warranted to tarn water. 100 different styles of Children's Shoes, from 25 eenls to $1.75. Mob's barrelling Shoes, al 5 cents. Min'i harveiting buckled Shoes, al 11.40, -' Men's dress Shoes, at 11.75 20 diffsrenl etvles. Mea's kip boots, at 11.40, Men's tap sole, kip boots, 13.75 Ilk. tho Elmira booL Heel calf akin boot for dreee wear, 11.74. Boy'. Show, at 11,25, 11.40 aad 11.74. Buy's boltoned Skoei. at 11.51. Boy'e boot., at ll.0. Boy'i kip boot,, double aoiee. at $2.00. WE MARK A KPIM'IALTY UK llliHT'H IIEHT ft HO EM. We .Iro keep tb. obe,p..t line of HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, At., Jo. ' i Meti'i Shirli at 40 cents. Men'i UundrieJ Sbirli at 01 ccnli. Paper Collars at cnls a ltx. Suspcuders at tasnty cents a pair. , tliv. us . trial and you will b. pleased. No Iroubl. to show goods. W. exchange aaylliiag that dote tot prove eatiifaclory. We take any kind of trade. We want all the graia wa eaa gel. S. GUINZBURG, At Flcgal'a old ilaod, opposite tbe Court Booao. , . Cloarfleld, Pa., Aognet 1, 1S77. V I. fW & Co.', Column, j "X"3E3CXS IS T. A. FI.ECK & CO.'S. COLUMN. T. A. FLECK & CO. HAVE REMOVED TO GRAHAM'S WRICK BUILDING, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. AS M E ALWAYS ADVERTISE " Determined Never That Ih our We are now selling the best Calicos at 5 cents Applelon A Muslin at 7 cenls. REMEMBER " That we are receiving (his week A NEW INVOICE OF FALL GOODS. NK.W DliESS CiOODS, CALICOS, MUSLINS, CINGUAMS, TICKIXd, COTTON' A DEH, SIltUTIXGS, KED FLANXELfJ, WHITE FLANNELS, EMHR01HEUII-S, KID GLOVES, . COHSETS, COLLAI58AN1) C'I'KKS, KECK KUCIUN'G, TIES, LADIES' BACK C'OMISS, ic, At. CARPETS CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. 1,000 I'tlt Nl)l CHAIN, S PLY. Of CARPET , 1 and LARGE STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We I1IIY all our gooils for CASH, tind SELL for CASH, hy which means we are enabled to sell cheaper tlinn any other ' store in the county. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE : T. A. FLECK & CO. GRAHAM'S BRICK BUILDING, Market Auguat 15, 1877 mny 2. - T N r.OI) H K TKt'iT."-All othen must X pay for their wmk befor It leavee the bop. And as all flesh is as th graa of the field, and th promises uf men ar like tb flowers thereof they ere given one day and forgotten th n est therefor it is bsl not to trust anybody. All kinds of work will h don in ththop for eaih or ready pay. Boots and shoes ol all sises and styles the bent and eheapeet in town. n I have removed my ahop to tha lower end of town, in Taylor's row, on Reed street, near the depot, where I will ke found at all times, wailing for cu i torn era. All work warranted guod and cheap. Also, all kinds or Leather and Sho Findings fur sal. Tb el Miens of ClerA1d and vicinity an rrst eetfully invited to give me a call. Jo. II. DKKIUNtl, Clesrfield, Pa., July II, IMT. A D.MINISTRATOR'S SALl REAL ESTATE I Ily virtue of an order of tb Orphans' Court ol Clearfield eonnty. and to ma directed, ther will be exposed lo pabfio sale, nn the premises, nn halvrday, dugunt 'i3, 1S1T. at I o'elnek p. m, the following deseribed real state, situate in Chest lownabin, Clearfield Co Pn. i All that eeitain farm and wood land, late property of Hugh Uallagher, deo'd, bounded on the east by land owned r lately owned by Wm. j II. Wagoner, on tb north by lands of Joseph Shook, on the sonlh by lands of Hal ney, Wagoner, I and others, and on- the west by lend of Wm. II. I Wagoner aad Cheat areek. containing Ul aere I and 74 perches mora or lesa, aod kaown as th Simon .iorauaugb farm, reserving and rioepling from Iho above described premises about one-half er, told and oonvrysd to tbe thesl school dis trict. Aboal o bontlretl acre of lee land ts e lei red aad ander eel Oration, with a good bear lag orchard, from bousa and log bara thereon. Tha unimproved part is limbered with piae, hem lock and other limber. The property Is advan tageously situated and m in a daetrablc arighbar hood. TERMS OF SALE : On third h at enflrmatff a of !, and Ih balance ia iwo twaal annual payments, with in terest, to be socarod by Judgment bond and met tare re on tb Bromines. (I. W.flALLAtlUBR, Chost, Jnly SI. W7T.M. Admlniitrator. n& j urnUnlng gnotln, Jool and Shoe Store. Try Thorn I JT. &ttl & Ct:t Column. lo le Undersold," Motto Will. -. , ; . v ICARPETS K.roet. h riield, la. DNiKIMTHATOH'tl KOTICI- Netic Is htrebv given that Letters of Ad mlnlslralion on the astat af JKSSK BTONK, lata of Boftgs township, Clear n eld tnanty, Penn'a, deed, having been duly granted to ib anderrigntd, all persons indebted to sid eetat will pi taw make I ranked late payment, and thoib having elalraa or demands will prrent bem properly aulhentlealcd for settlement with out drUr. A. C. TATE, Cleartkld, Aug. 1,77 at. Administrator. . IM.C I TtHtM N)TICI--Lelters Teata. Aj meotary on Ih esUlo of JOHIAII WAHIL III RM, late of Huston township., CUarflsId C , Pa.dee'd, having been granted to th nnderslgned, ail persons knowing themselves la (tooted to said estate ar required to make Immediate payment, and those ha. lag el aims against th urn will present them properly aulhentieated for art t la ment withont delay. JOfl. WAHM'1.?f, C. K, W AH II IU fcH, 8l.ul, Pa., Aug. S, '77-at a Kaeontas. VDMINIMTH ATHIX NOTICR.' Notiee I hereby given that Letter of Ad tinniitratioa on iba estate ef JNO. II. Fn.FOrlU. Krsg., late of Clearfield boroogh, Clearfield Co. Pa., doraied, having boon duly granted to th nndrrsigned, alt persons indebted to said stat will pleaa mak lm media to payment, aad tboso hating claims or demanda aginit lb aaa will preeeiit them properly authenticated k aettle ment wilhout delay. If ANff IK K. FrLFORli, Admtllitralrtl, at ber Attorney Mmaar A 8'iiimw. Clearflild, Pa, July t,Tf-ai. t'DITtin'H KOTICR. Harriet fl. Peered! vs. Jnmaa A. Pearsoll. In the Court of Commoa Plea af Clear ftM eoaa. ty, Pa. -No, XM, HepL Term, 1ST Th nnderslgned Aadltor, appolated by tb Court, ta distrtnut th proceeds aristog from a rrill 'a rate of Iefendant's real Mtato, gives notice that be will attend tw this defy at his ), In ClearneM, OM FRIDAY, THS 14TH HAY OF AL'Ul'HT, l(77, bMwoen Ine hoar af ) o'elock a. v. and 4 o'elock p. a., wbea and, br all parties interested may attend, WM. M. CtLLOVOH, Aaditor. ClesrfifM. Pa., Any art I, l77 M, I