Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 22, 1877, Image 2

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' Boeder, it yoa want to ibow what If going on
U tke business world, Just read our advertising
eolamns, to .vwefe! eoiutnn in particular.
No aa worthy the office o( President should
be willing to hold It tf oounted In, or placed there
by any fraud. I'. H. U aaar.
I eoald never have beeo reconciled to the elo
eatle a tho amallMt aid or mine of a person,
however' respectable to private life, who must
forever earry apon hie brow tho stamp of fraud
Ant triumphant ia Aaitriean hlitory. No sub
aoquont actioa, however meritorious, oaa wash
away tba letters of that record.
Cuablks Faierta Anaua.
ITadar the forms of law, Rutherford 11. Hayes
has bMO declared President of tba I'nlled Stales.
)IU title rette apoa diifrancbiiement of lawlul
voters, the false oerttfloatei of the returning ollt
aare acting earruptly, and tho decision of a eom
missioa wbiob hae refuted to bear evidence of al
leged fraud, for tbe Arit time ere tha American
people eonfronted with the fact of a fraudulently,
elaeled Pretideat. Lot It aot be understood that
tba fraud will be silently acquiesced in by the
eoBOtry. Let no hour pail in whL'b tho usurpa
ttoa U forgotten.
Aaaaicaa or IiKMoraATio M. C.'l.
Ooa buodrad yeart uf human depravity eecu
valeted and oooeeotralod into a climax ol crime.
Never again in Ave hundred yean shall they have
aa opportunity to repeat tho wrong.
Luuiai. VV. Vocalists.
I would ratbor have the endorsement ofaqusr
ter of a millioB of tbe Atoerioaa people than that
of tbe Loaitiana Returning Boara, or of the Com
ajiaaioa wbiob eioluded the faell and deoided
tba quoetioa en a technicality.
Tiloa. A. Ukrdiiicks.
Poos Doctor". Reader, inrtpoto you
did fool unwoll in 18G0, tyid turned off
your formor pbyiiciun, who was noted
. for bis ikill, and employed another
who haa been stuffing yon with nos
trums ever since, and your physical
situation is four fold worse now than it
was in 1800? Do you not suppose
that it is about timo to Bwop doctors
again and see whether you cannot find
one that understands your disease and
will save you from a premature death ?
Apply yoor physical discomfort to that
of your country, tho atTuirs of which
have been managed by political quacks
sinco 1860. lluvo they not givon us
norao awlul doses, and wo arc, never,
thcless, sicker tliun cv?r. Let us cm-
ploy some other physicians at the next
eloction, and see if tho country cannot
bo saved from bankruptcy and mob
rule. Anarchy is our futo if new men
are not employed very soon.
Attention, Candidates. On and
after tho 221 of August, tho announce
ment ot tho names of candidates for
Prothonotary, Register und Recorder,
and County Surveyor, will be in order.
Tho usual fee for tlio former two offi
ces will bo 115 each, and for tbo Sur
veyor, $5. This will pay for the usual
card, 10,000 ticket for each candidate,
and lor printing the necessary eloction
blanks. The primary election occurs
on Saturday, tho 15th of Soptombor,
from 1 to 7 o'clock p. ta., and County
Convention mocU in tho Court Room
on tho following Tuesday (18th) at 1
o'clock, p. m.
In A Quandary. Some great cdi.
tors, or the editors of groat journals,
like the common demagogue, wear
tnulo'sears. To illustrate: Tho editor
of the Sew York Tribune, in his anxi
ety to support both Hayes and Blaine,
remarks that tho general drift ot the
Maine platform is "obviously away
from Hayes," and that it is, "on tho
whole, judicious." So if tho Tribune it
forced to choose, we will soo which
way it will consider it judicious to
An exchango says: Mr. Kvarts is
the wag of the Cabinet. IIo made the
grave yet fraudulent Rulhcrtord smile,
by suggesting to put over tho door:
"Many call, but tow are chosen."
QuiM The Maino Radicals took
no llayos in their Stuto Convention.
It would be a little rough on lilaino
should be evor become President, if
they would treat him the samo way,
James, be careful.
A (Jooo BuaoMTioN. Tally one for
tho Pittsburg iW whon it says that
Mr. Hayos is so enamored ol commis
sions that he baa constituted ono to
visit Bitting Hull in British America.
This is a place, if Sitting Hull's toma
bawk is in good order, that would suit
J oo Bradley to a dot.
A IIomi Turcot. Tho Cumber
land Timet makes tho following good
point on Governor Ilartranft: "Tho
fiovernor of Pennsylvania was ready
to pled go 75,000 men to Grant to force
the inauguration of Hayes, and yet be
called upon the National Government
to help quell a little mob."
Sudden Pkatii. Raleigh T. Daniel,
Attorney General of Virginia, deed nt
Richmond, on Thursday afternoon, Au
gust 16th, after two days' illness, from
hemorrhage of the bowels, aged seventy-two.
Ho was re nominated for the
tame position by tho Democratic Stato
Coavevition throe days previous to bis
TmJaiiNDACEns. Tbo Stato Kx
eeutive Committee of the independent
greenback party met Wednesday in
IVilliamsporL Tho committed have
called a State Convention to lo held
there oa Wednesday, September 19th.
Candidates are to be put in tho field
for Auditor ficncral, Stato Treasurer
and Supremo J udga.
The Re. Dr. George R. Crookl, formerly the
editor of tbe Jerteefisf, bes become a member of
two editorial etat el tbe Dr. Crook, U
Raid to be a strong thinker and a eanfal writer.
f"ltiaoVt)t,e Timtt.
Wo are glad this transfer has been
Bade The columus of tho Tribune
were always bettor adapted to the
Doctor's literary taste than those of the
VeOwdid. Tribuneitm and Jay Gould
im Is an awful dose for a Christian to
swallow, but we suspect from tbe tone
t some of iiia articles which formerly
rappeareel In tbe Ueihodiit, he is Radi
cal enough to gulp it down. We ro
joio that tbe Doctor has thrown oft
all disguise, and mounted tho political
tMad-esUl ied up in tho toll beer!
tower on Naaeou Mrttl.
Kid nr. 1
Owing to the inennvenienco and loss
suffered by many of tha oftlcers and
men of the National Guard when call
ed into servico by entire divisions and
cost to tho Stato incurred lor transpor
tation by thftpwsslty cf frarjiwetlv ye..
to avoid tho necessity of purchasing
overcoats and other equipments for all
tho troops and the pay of supernumer
ary officers, tha Governor has decided
to relievo all tho Sluto troops now in
service by a force organized from tho
present guard from the omr.A,,Vd
men who nro ublo and willing to vol
uuttier for tho prosont emergency:
1! kadquartkus, N. G. or Pa., )
Hakiiisui ri, August 17. 1877. i
General Order No. 8.
I. Tho National Guard of Ponnsylva
nia, being composed of mon in business,
which in many cases necessarily suffers
during their ausonoe lor any protract
ed period, thorcby entailing serious
loss upon iiiemsoivos ana narUBUips
upon their families, and tho preserva
tion ot life and property and (food or
der requiring that a strong force should
still no kept in somo regions of the
Stato until work is fully resumed, it
has been deemed by the commander-in-chief,
in uccordanco with the pro
visions of tho ninety second soction ot
tho act approved May 4, 1804, entitled
an act tor tho organization, discipline
and regulation of tho militia of tho
commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to or
ganize two regiments of ten companies
each by detailing from each regiment
ot tho National Guard only such ofn
cors and men as cun absent themselves
from their business without serious
loss, and will voluntocr to servo ac
tively for a poriod of three months or
during the present cmergoncy.
Mint. Division commanders are
therefore directed to report at once by
wiro, an noia omoers wuo are aoio and
willing to volunteor to bo detailed for
three months' duty unless sooner re
lieved, from the number so reported
will be selected the officers for the two
regiments to be formed.
.Second. ( oloncls of regiments and
commandants of unattached companies
will report at onco through tho proper
channels, all company officers of thoir
commands who are able and willing to
volunteer to sorvo tor throe months,
unless sooner reliovod, from which list
a I aptain and r irst and Second Lion
tennnts from each rogimcnt and from
the unattached commands will be do-
tailod tor dutv durinu tha rtruaont
--- j -n
omorgency, and the officers so selected
will recruit companion ot eighty volun
teers from the soldiers of their respec
tive regiments and the unattached
commands, which companies will bo
commanded by said officers and de
tailed lor service lor three months or
during tho present emcrgoncy.
It. Orders announcing tho officers
selected, appointing company rondoi
vous and regulating recruiting will be
issued immediately upon the receipt
from division commanders ot tho lists
herein ordorcd,
111. Tho officers who give their
names to bo reported must bo willinir
to stay in the held thieo months or as
long as their sorvicos art. eodud. I be
commander-in-chief desires it particu
larly understood that be wishes those
only to volunteer who are able to do
so with tho least inconvenience and
able to stay until the quiet is restored
in every part of the Slate, lie is sat
isfied of tho conrngo and fidelity of all
tho officers and men of the Guard, and
in making these details he is actuated
sololy by tbo desire to bave tbo bur.
den placed npon tho good citijeni of
tho Commonwealth by tbe turbulent
and criminal men within its borders
full with as little loss and inconvon
ience to individuals and as little ex-
ponso to tbo State as possible.
iiy command ol
JotiN F. IIartranvt,
Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
James W. Latta,
Adjutant treneral.
More Amir. Such is tho demand
made, by many since tbo late riots.
"More soldiors" or we will have no
lihorty. This is all nonsense. We do
not want brute force, we have onough
of that. It is moral character we want
instead of more soldiors. The Now
York Sun closos the argument on tbe
question in this way : "The strength
of a Republican government, tho main
tenance of Democratic institutions, the
peace of tho United Slates, or the good
order and welfare of tbe American
people, do not depend upon tbe site of
the army, or the dominancy of tho
military establishment, or tho gran-
dour of our array of Generals, Colonels,
Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, Cor
porals, and buglers, all gorgeously uni
formed, and all trained in the use of
swords, bayonets, guns, pistols, can
non, and mitrailleuses. When the Con
stitution and public peace can be main
tainod only by carnage and firo, this
Republic, now one hundred years old,
will be in a bad way, and not worth
kocping up. Tho army should be re
duced to ten thousand men. The best
government is that which governs least.
Tho world is governed too much.
TiiePermanintKxposition. Phil
adelphia, August 19. Tho pcrma.
nont exhibition was open for tho first
timo on Sunday to-day, and was at
tended during tbo afternoon by an au
dience of 11,000 people, oomposod
largely ot tho working classes and bn
sincss men, for whoso special accom
moditlion it was opened. A grand sa
cred concert was given in tho great
musio ball, which was crowded to its
utmost capacity. Everything; was con
ducted in tho most orderly manner,
and there was nothing to offend the
most exacting moralist. No machinery
was pormittod to run and no sales of
merchandise were allowed, but it
was opened simply as a museum.
An Oversiuut. A iiiK-g writer
flanks in on the Senator of Maine in
this way : "Mr. Blaino's neglect to put
something in the Maine platform about
the momentous and thrilling Mexican
question Is attracting tbe alUmtion of
the press. If it isn't too lato M r. Maine
had better fix up that platform and
gel in at least some modern improve
ments." Mexico has been overlooked
and tho eight by sevon administration
may annex it to this country before
tho people away down In Maine know
anything about it.
All Wrono. No lees than four
Radical editors bavo been cowbided in
the past two weeks, ohief of whom la
tbe ecribo of the Washington BepMi-
can, Hayes' government organ, and
not tho least among thorn is our Bolle
fonte neighbor, Tuton, of the Jtepubli-
can, who was outrageously assaulted
by infield Scott Wagoner. Winny
was arrested and put under bonds for
1300, and is now awaiting court for
the puipoa of explaining bis outrage-
our conduct.
Developing. Tho prosont disturb
ances causes tho beads of numerous
demagogues to come to the surface.
Wo notice among tho various patent
medicines now offered to cure the
troublo between labor and capital, ia
the project to form a now working
man's political party which compre
hends a demand for "gratuitous ad
ministration of justice in all courts ol
law;" "abolition. "fivlUeijaJfiiXX
eane ot f awpvrtation to be taken
hold of and operated by the govern
ment;" "all industrial enterprises to be
placed under tbe control of tbogovurn
ment as fast as practicable und oper
ated by freooo-operative trades' unions
for tho good of tbo whole people.
What a rare field for demagogues and
thieves to operato in. And It looks as
though West, tho Radical nominee for
Governor of Ohio, would champion tho
cause of tho Improvident and tho
cheap political hucksters who have
brought the country to tbe verge of
ruin. What unparalleled impudence
it ia tor thoso who bave wrought the
ruin now to turn np as physicians and
claim that they are the dispensers of
tho remedies lor tho euro of ills. Read
er, kick all such quacks and impostors
out of the way and look around for an
honest man.
Sensiuli Advice. A Washington
telegram of tbe 15th, states that tbo
ocnlral council of the labor league of
tho United States, at a meeting held
at thoir headquarters on the previous
evening passed a sorioa of resolutions
on the deprossed stato of lubor through
out the country, and the anticipated
evil results to flow therefrom, enforc
ing coolnoss and moderation upon the
members ot tho order, and specially
warning thorn as well as working mon
in general to beware of emistarios,
some of whom have endeavored to
oporate hero, who go around inciting
to strikes and violence, moasuros which
injure labor In general, disturb order
and end in tbe conviction and punish-
ment of the participant therein, and
RssoLTsn, "That moral agitation U tba
strength and sewer by wbiob labor oaa aequire
taogiole reformation, aad that mob vtoloooe and
riot lead oaly to anarchy and anal destruction to
bumaa liberty, and it is better to submit to nny
sort of despotism fortbo timo being tbaa te hare
ao government at all."
That is about as aensiblo a resolve
aa we have soon tor a long time. It is
short and covers the whole ground.
Let it be Amended. Tho Maine
Democrats did well to plant them
solves squarely on tbe St. Louis plat
form. It still holds. Their denuncia
tion of tbe electoral fraud ia coupled
with a demand for a constitutional
amondment to prevent its repetition.
This will without doubt engage the
serious attention of Congress at its
next session ; but wo do not think tbe
country need fear that tbe outrage of
March, 1877, will evor again bo perpe
trated in Amoriea. The resolution re
ferring to the President's southern
policy has tbe right ring. It is not neces
sary for Democrats to fall on the bosom
of Mr. Hayes because, accepting tbe
inevitable, be has called off tbe federal
troops and recognized the omnipotence
ot civil law ; but it is proper that they
should approve his course in this and
evoiy otbor matter when it accords
with sound Democratio doctrine. Al
together, the platform is unobjectiona
ble, and it ought to toll in tbe cam
paign against the one incubated by
Tux New Reformer. Tbe Work
ingmon's party in Louisville, Ken
tucky, olocted thoir Legislative tickot
on a plulfurn) (oadod wilb such betoro-
gonoous elements as tho eight-hour law,
prohibition of prison labor, compulsory
educalion, "no man lobe nominated for
office unloss he is a workingman" and
a tariff for revenue. Those are huge
reforms t But who is fool enough to
believe that the man who will work
but eight hours, is entitled to as much
pay as the mon who works ton and
twelves hours a day. Tbe "compulsory
education" jdea is ipiportcd from Ku-
rope, and is as great an outrsgp npon
tho Republic, or Democratic ideas of
governmout, as to advocate the suhsti.
tution of a King or an Ktnpcror, tor
the President. Tho buby may look
like a "reform" child, but betoro it is
ten yoars old it will boa full fledged
Communist, because of parentage and
general surroundings.
Let Settled. At the Lehigh
County Court, at Allonlown, op Mon
day, Judge A. B. Longakor dolivered
his opinion In the case of A. II. Lynn
against D. J. Godsbalk and Joseph A.
Weaver, publishers of tho Buthlohem
Timet, tor allogc4 libol of plaintiff in
publishing a speech of U. J. Wonnpr,
Esq., in a case of Alfred Crist against
tbo said Lynn. The Judge holds, In
effect, that the speech of a lawyer,
without givinga full report of tho trial,
is a libol. The Judge said he would
impose no otbor sentonoo than tho
costs. We understand the case is like
ly to go to the Supreme Court, In ordor
to settle tho question whother an edi
tor may fit may no), publish the speech
of an attorney In a oase,' without at
the samo timo giving the cvldonce
takon on the trial.
Tiiet are Comino. We observe
that "our colored brethren" aro kick
ing ovor the traeea everywhere, The
chairman of a large colored Democratic
club in Cincinnati thus addressed his
colored friends: "Organize and defeat
the party that baa so long deceivod
you. Vote your sentiment, and whon
you have so done your vonscience will
be clear before men, and the Demo
cratio tickot will be successlul.
"There's musio in tbe air" for tbe Rad
icals this fall, and it ia becoming to
loud that a person must be very deaf
it he can't boar it-
Tut Maineites. Tbe Radicals of
Cumberland county, Maine, on Thurs
day last, In their county Convention
passed resolutions endorsing Hayes to
the backbone, notwithstanding the
fact that at thoir State Convention, a
week previous, they refused to endorse
him. Those Yankee down there will
have some fun out of Uayea and Blaine
before neat rafting time.
In Session. Tbe Democratic Blate
Convention meet at IJarrisburg to
day (Wednesday,) for Ih purpose of
nominating a candidate for Buprsme
Judge, State Treasurer and Auditor
General. We will be able to toll our
roadora next week who tbe gentlemen
are who will Oil those offices in the
pear future. I
rKTER HALinuauT.
We notico that tho Into (iroonback
candidate for President, Peter Cooper,
haa written a letter to President I lines,
in which bo reiterates his well
known views on tho currency, lie
wants tho govenfinent to givrf imme
diate relief to unemployed labor, "cith
er through definite melboda of help"
or by "great und obvious improve
nnmmm,tr m ?
bootstraps, lor government can only
begin great Improvements by increas
ed taxation, which is now us heavy us
wo can bear. Of course, ho desires al
so tho remonctir.ation of silver and a
national currency interconvertible with
bonds, which "will tuko tlio creation of
currency out of tho bauds ot t he bunks."
Having delivered himself of these her
esies, Mr. Cooper's hard common sense
oomes to his rescue, and ho demands
industrial schools institutions under
national, State and local control, which
shall teach children to use their bunds
as they aro now taught to use their
heads. Tho great importance of in
dustrial schools is not sufficiently re
cognized yet, but tho time must come
when our education must tuko a wider
range and bo more practical. Mr.
Cooper is in entiro accord with tho
President's view on civil service re
form, though the vigorous terms in
which he expresses himself seem to in
dicate a desire for an advance in the
way of roforni, such as tbo people
bavo not yet seen.
A Case in Point. Thoro are a few
fools in this country who bavo sup
posed that Grant was the only man
fit to govern the people. Tbo editor
of tho Louisville Courier, throws some
light on this subject, lie recently
over-heard Pierrcpont, our Minister,
and Badcau, Consul at London debut
ing tho subject in this way :
"Pierrepoot 'Hew, Adam, I see that the nrw
webellioo is quite cwushtd the wiots, you
know.' Iledcau 'Yea, so I see, myself.' Plerre
pont 'Well, now, what pwusslcs mo is, how the
d deuee they did It without Uwaat. Do you
koow,Adain,I think Owint must bave hctltfie'ij'k
so) what to do !' "
Pierropont and Budeau aro repre
senting tho people of tbe United States
abroad upon tbo samo principle that
tho Ringmaster und the Clown repre
sents them at tho circus. While the
Grant family, accompanied by these
two men, were traveling in England
crowds received them on tbo street
corners just as a circus is received to
sco tho elephant and tho band wagon.
Wbun tbo caravan reached Franco,
Germany and ituly, it attracted no
more attention than a four horse team.
The Ringmaster and Clown had "set
it np" on tho English and tho Yankees
in Knglund, but after the family enter
ed otbor torrilory they were treated
as otbor people aro.
liNTUTSlAsnc. Some Radicals who
lack tho requisites necessary to deport
themselves modestly before their fel
lows, call themselves "btul wart Repub
licans," in admiration of tbe Senator
from Muilio Bluine who, to llieir
eye, is a model Radical. Tho Knox
villo (Tenn.) Tribune in alluding to
this sentiment says that tho stalwart
Republicans are wrestling wilb this
conundrum : "How they con be ex
pected to teach their children that
Tennessee Democrats are vile traitors
for having sent ishman G, Harris to
tlio United Stutes Senate, while their
own President, by the grace of Wells
and Bradley, sends Henry W. Milliard,
tbe military leaguor, to tho Court of
Brazil." That is a pretty good clinch
er. But these Radicals can swallow
an 8 to 7 fraud as easily as they could
a cherry seed. Tho Radical lead
ers inherited no conscience, and arc
therefore ready to violato ooiutlilulions,
oaths and public and privato rights lor
party success.
Not ?or Hayes. Messrs. Jas. G.
Blaino & Co., who led tho advancing
column in the Maino Radicul State
Convention last week, aro of courso re
sponsible for defeating tlio following :
HeoUtd, That we reaffirm our unshakrn con
fidence fn the integrity, patrlollim and ststes
mapehip 0 stulhcrfurif if. Haver, and we oor
dially approve bis efforts to carry out in gud
faith the prinelplrs avowed by tbe Cincinnati
This is ono of tho plunks kicked out
of the Radicul platform In Maino,
wboro Mr. Bluine was Chairman. Dur
ing tho discussions, when Gen. Cham-!
borlain and other Hayes champions
would mention tho name of "the gov
ernment," hisses and cat calls caino
from all quarters of the ball, showini;
poii?li)sivply that Maineites uTo reudy
for a cheap rebellion. The fact that a
great long platform, like that of Maino, I
failing to mention the name ol tbo Pres
ident, is conclusive proof that tho Stato j
is in the bunds of his enemies, led by i
Bonalor Blaine, '
An Openino hir Ktikerx. Tlio!
Philadelphia Timet remarks: "Labor, I
and a good deal of it, is badly wanted
on tho sugar and cotton plantations!
down in Louisiana, Throughout tbo'
great area of tho cotton and sugar ro
gious there is complaint that men can-1
not be found to cultivate audguthcrj
the crops. Very soon the burvesting:
will be'in, and, as usual, much of the
cotton will be left in tbo fields for lut I. ,
of somebody to pick it. Then tlio !
sugar crop will como on, and it, too, j
will suffer because there are not men j
onough on the ground to hundlo it.
Ton thousand men could find remu
nerative employment in Jjouisian!), rp-
coiving a hearty welcome, and they
would like it so well that they would
be likely to remain untler Southern
skies for tho rest of their days.
Determined. Augustus D. Shaffer,
of Westminister, Maryland, waB found
in bis slablo on tho evening of tho
ISth Inst., wilb bis throat cut from
oar to ear, holding a razor in ono
hand and a revolver In the other. Ho
)ad fakon his coat, vest and hat off,
before committing the deed. IJo win
Cashier of tha Farmer's Bank, Treas
urer of tho Lulboran Church funds.
and Treasurer and Secretary of tho j
Taylor Manufacturing Company, and
bolongod to the wealthiest and most!
influential family in thp country. No I
cause li visiblo lor this tumble aot. j
A Pretty Good Bill. Tho gun:
dealers of Pittsburg, wboso places of j
business were ransacked by tho mob
on thp evening of July 2Jst, ostiinntoj
their losses at about $18,000, James
Sown 4 Sons, the largest dealers in
tho eity, lost about 110,000 worth of
goods; N. Oalllnger, 13,275; H. II.
Schulte, 1815; George Cohen, I.J00;
J. II. Johnston, $100; Mr. Smith, It,-
4 on.
Tin: iiihn a.vii Tin-: tiuium
IIANMIMIj 1111 nt i ii:i i.t
The ciniiinander.i ol Imtli uniiiuxuro
inuking huge efforts to huvw every
thing ill pi imu order for tbo uppi oiti l
ing contest which cannollie pontpohed
teb says that information has been
received in that citv from a reliable
source that Suleiman I'usliu lias suc
ceeded in cllertin a junotuii wilb
Meliemel Ali between Tjersuroru and
ISehrovu. This places the Russians in
luce of u really 1'oriuidalde Turkish
uriny, uud will render the u'.n-.t .l lx
ei'lions necessary on their pin t to pre
vent tbu Turks liiim jeopardizing the
whole position in Bulgaria.
Tlio Russians mo ptmliing up their
reinlorccmenU and preparing ouvrget
icully for n general onslaught on the.
Turkish position. They lielievu that
a decisive victory over I lie. united
forces of Mehemct Ali and Suleiman
Pusba would practically end the cam
paign, while a iU dent Mould entail re
sults scarcely less di.-,. .turns liir theni
scIvch. The Turks nlso uro very active, uml
are straining ovvry nerve to bo ulilu to
cope suocchNfully with the largo and
well appointed Russian lorco which is
opposed lo them. They bavo burned
up almost the Ian man, und buvu evi
dently made up their minds to staku
everything on tho issue of a battle, ll
is not thought prolublo thai it gen.
erul battle can be delayed beyond Turn
day or Wednesday at furthest.
Suleiman Piisha seiius to huve
brought bis infantry und cavalry
through the Fwliuaand llaleii passes
and bis artillery through Deinir Kupu
puss, that nail being better for the
transport ol guns. Shipka puss, which
is Mill held by the Russians, was
blockaded at the southern entrance,
and will probably have to be uvueuutod
unless the Russians attack and defeat
one of tbo three Turkish corp w hich
now form a seinicirclo from Rnsgrad
Tho Vienna J'nlilkal (Vr(ioAm
busa lluchurcsl telegram saying: "Gen.
Gouikbo declares that liio Russiuu
positions, from the Danube to tho
Shipka pica, are so strong that the
Turks do not venture an attack.
"Both armies aro constantly in
trenching themselves. Tho Turks
especially bold a wonderfully strong
position ul Plevna,
'Osinan Pasha is, iicverllielcrw, in a
ditlicult situation, because the numer
ous cavalry attached to the tiU.OlllJ
Russians confronting him completely
cut olf bis communications with Sella
and capture bis convoys of ammuni
tion und provisions, fho Russians
will not undertuko operations until tbe
whole guard arrives from St. Peters
burg. This signifies a pause ol a fort
night or three weeks."
Tlio Turks are wot king vigorously
on the fortilicutions of (iullipoli, and
they are already in a forward stale ul'
preparation. Une hundred heavy
Krupp guns bave been sent there from !
t'oiinlaiilinople, and lunro quantities i
llf lirOviNOlllN IITIll Ml itif t, I'l' ul.ll-iiu n p.. . I
being forwarded. The .work is kept i
up night uud day without intermission. ,
and llioplucewillsoonlieina thorough I
state ot delenso.
The 'I'u l k ministers havo declar
ed lo tho foreign diplomat that tho
porto would not make an exception in
favor of any foreign power in regard
to tho Dardanelles. This is under
stood to reler to tho rumored inten
tion of KnglitnU lo send hi i of war
lo the Durdenelles with a new to pre
vent massacres of Christians in etiso
ot a popular outbreak.
A dispatch from Ruslcbuk, August
18, says: "Tbo Russian bombardment
continues. Two hundred shells have
lallen in tho town, and twenty persons
have been killed. A Russian rccon
noitering party bus been repulsed near
tbo river Lorn."
Official dispatches received in St,
Petersburg stulo that the Hussion bat
teries at Giurgevo silenced tho Turkish
butleries at Rustchtik on tho loth in
stant. There was slight successful
lighting on the Kith on Iho right bank
of tho river near Itustcbuk.
From Bucharest comes tho intelli
gence that eight vessels landed Turks
in the Dobrudsclm on Friday. Tho
Russians arc man hing to oppose them.
A liucbarest dispatch says Princo
Tchcrkusski has removed tbo scut of
government of Bulgaria from Tirnova
lo Sistova.
Some critics appear to think that
liussian advantage lies in continued
inaction and further concentration ;
but Ihuincreasing ravages ol disease in
tbe Jiustiun camp aro an oll'sot aguinst
tbo arrival of reiiiloreeinenlK, and may
compel their Generals to attack Plevna
or Rusgrad before strategical consider
ations would uuthorixo such un under
taking. ll is reported, also, lluit public opin
ion in Russia is powerfully alloc ted by
tho failure before Plevna. Kchocs of
this dissatisfaction may reach tbo army
in tbo field and tend to tempt tbo mil
itary advisers of the Emperor lo urge
somo enterprise that might well bo do
furrod till stronger forues can be ar
ranged. Thus it is not impossible that
active operations may be resumed be
fore they are justly warranted.
Tho establishment of tho imperiul
headquarters nt Studen would seem to
point to a closo connection between
the I'.niperor and tho Grand Duko
Nicholas and perhaps to presago tbo
presence of tbo head ot tho army at
somo determined and obstinato assault
on Iboinlrencbmcntsof Osman Pasha.
Advices from Bucharest and Sistovo
show that tho Russians huve made no
preparation against bad weatbur. Fen
the flat sandy ulund, over which is an
approach more than a milo long to tho
pontoon budges, shows no signs of
road leaking, alt bough one hundred
infantry soldiers bavo idled away tho
timo there for several months. It is
now u mass of mud, as tho wagons
hove kneaded its surl'aco seeking pass
able places.
A few days' lubr.r of ll regiment of
infantry would have mode actosa this
island, over whit Ii puns all the supplies
of the army of llulgariit. a road capa
ble of cndiiringan imliipited amount of
rain and trulllc, On tba rtistova side,
where Iho roads to llijela and Tirnova
run up steep hillsides, there was also
no preparation.
Short bittsevere showers on Wednes
day night cuught tho Russian service
deportment utterly unprepared. After
tbo roads bad been mode virtually iin
passable in many places fatigue parties
wcro turned out on tho Sistova bills to
cut a new road and inuko ill directed
efforts to All H,0 chasms iu old ones
with willow brushwood.
Tho weather has been exceedingly
dry for inuiiihs,eonsopiunily llioroatl
were very bard. If rain of ono night's
duration could produoo effects such ls
described it may easily bo imagined
what will bo the consequences when a
number of ruin-falls occur in rapid sue
A part of tbo Dobrudscba force bus
already pusaed through Houniania and
again crocsed ibo Dunube, about ten
miles above Knafchuk, but operations
on tho other side aro delayed by rain,
which bus rendered all the roads prac
tically impassable lor artillery and
trams. A great part of tlio line of
commiiiiitiolion with the army ia ovor
mero cart tracks beaten with dust in
fine woslhtir and churned into tittup
mud when It rains,
Wood is seareo in tho country Bow
ocoupiod by tbo Russians, and the enor
mous forces about i )0 .,.,,, p in
tho heart of Bulgaria will probably
leavu it as bare as tho allies left the
plains hcloru Bohanlcpol.
During tho occupation of tho Dob
rudseba lately tho sick wore sent back
ul tlio rule of 300 per day, ami there
are signs of Increasing sickness within
the lines on the other sido of tbo Dan
ube. From tho Cuucusus it is reported
that the liiguii column, under General
Ali liiitiiitl', ciiiitiuued ils advance and
in lived August 12 near Atom, on tbo
'. Ul LUU all I T. ...T." i litis Is,
j t, rjK,t l,Unk; but these opomtioiis
ute not iiueiy to liuvo much inhiioncu
on tho general military situation ii
America. In that direction, us in Ku
rope, tho Russiuu leaders appear to do
bire reinforcements with which to ro-
siinio the offensive, while their oppon
'Hits, 'urn unaiilo or unwilling to tako
active steps to profit by the quiet of
tneir ntiversanes.
A correspondent of tho Berlin A'tf
tiomit Xeitunq writes from Ailriunoplo
that It is probable Mukhtur Pasha
will bo mriountlcd und compelled to
The London Timet' corrcsgionilont,
who has been watching tho operations
in Abcbasiu, wrolo under date of Au
gust 3: "lam now about to return
to Alexnndropol, where 1 am told tb
expect great events ; but, although
troop luive passed up that way, 1 b
lievu Arduhun moru likely to be tho
scene of the next operations. Genoral
Mulikntr, who bus hitherto commanded
in person, is now to pluco himself un
der the orders of tho Grand Duko
Michael. So it is possible that opera
tions may be preparing which will
urain utlraet the principal interest of
the campuign to tho neighborhood of
runs, isutouni and Arduhan.
London, Aiunist 19. A Renter telo.
gram from Alexandria saya, "Reports
that the Kgyptian contingent, jn 'pur.
key will be increased, havo lately been
gaining ground."
London, August 111. Renter's dis
patch dated Knsleridgi, Saturday, says,
"The RtiHsiun army has occupied this
town. 'J'bcro aro no signs of either
tlio Turkish army or fleet."
A Renter disputch from Tirnova dat
ed Friday status that tho Russian army
occupies in lorco a lino extending from
Ibe town lo the Sohipka pass. Tbo
Turks area consdcrablo distance off
and do not mako any demonstration.
It is said tlio Russiuus intend to block.
atlo Plevna, but will not attompt to
punn ii oy assault. Unman I'ashu
supplies arc beginning to fail.
'I'lis Late Somnr enkkst. Tho gov
ernment family has been a littieal the
outs ever since tho Germun leust at
Washington. Somo of tho membors
of tbu Mrs. It B. Hayes Temperance
Society, thoughtlessly gur.sled somo
licer on that occasion. A member of
tho fraternity closed bis speech on re
ceiving "the government" in this way:
"Mr. President, 1 vos gist you koacd. Ve
.vno.t vos kerpin' some vstrr on ice tor you
From tho movements of "the gov
ernment," soon after drinking the
"vater on
either tho
ice," it was evideut that
'voter" or the ice had been
Tho result did not prove
Intnl. Hut a number of names have
Ul'en erased oTf tho plediro and tho
Mrs. H U. JI. T. S. is considerably
demoralised since that ovent.
A Good Idea. Civil servico reform,
under Hayes, begins to mean some
thing practical after ull. Wo see it
slated that tho Confederate Postmas
ter General bus issued a card, to bo
posted conspicuously in PostoOlcos.ask
ing tho ptiblio to report promptly to
tbo Chief" Special Agont of tho Post
office Department at Washington, D. C,
ull losses of lettors and irregularities
in tho service generally. A ciroularis
oddrcescd to tho Postmasters at tho
samo time requiring prompt report ot
all losses made to them, and that a
record bo kept of all complaints. This
will undoubtedly add considerable to
tho labor of Postmasters, but it will go
lur toward perfecting the business of
tho Department.
The Buckeye State. Tbe Com
monwealth ol Ohio is a groat Stato.
If she would happen to drop out of
tho L nion tho rest of the Slates would
go to pot, because sbo stands at the
head of tbo Radical family und bosses
the job. She owns tho Acting Pres
ident, tho Commander-in-Chief of tho
Army, and tho Chief Justieo, as well
as tho bossi of the Treasury Depart
ment, besides regiments of men iu
every official hole uud corner on this
continent ond abroad. This Stato is
therefore in command of tbe Execu
tive, (8 by 7) tho Judiciary und the
War Departments of tho Government.
Sho is indeed highly honored.
Evil. Dorns. Jas. Boyd, tho inccn.
diery, and Joo Bradley, tho perjured,
nro peers. Tho opo can look on tho
blackened Yulns of tho Union Depot,
Pittsburgh, and see a representation
of tho moral blight wrought by tho
other. Tbo crime of Boyd sinks into I
utter insignihcanco when compared j
with iiradley's. 4 ho former will land
in Iho funlluntiary, wliilo the Utter
will cunliniia to ilrnw liis snlarj; as a
Jinlgc of tlio V.'H. Stiiremo Court.
Sovoral struct enr conductors have
been nm-Hted in rliilnJuliliia for beat
inj llio punch. A man immoil Steel
has been arreslud, w ho is said to Ito
tlio nuin who discovered how to alter
tho punch, anil he received $50 a dny
from the conductors on different lines,
fur telling them bow to work it.
this munis iho conductors woro able
to steal about 11 a duy.
Voi.uMtsHs Wanted. U will be
observed try tho (iovcrnor's proclHina
timi in this bmtio that ho desire to
muster at least two regiments for
threo months, urdurlng thocmrri'cncy.
H looks ns though bis Excellency ex
pected snmu more striking beforo mat
ters settle down. Well, there is noth
ing llko preparing lor war in time of
l''l!N Aim!). When the New York
Graphic remarks that the people in
Washington boliovo tho next Presi
dent will bo cither (icncral Sherman
or his brother John, the I'ashville
Amrrhvn ssysi "JuhI set John up for
tho head pin and roll down tho big
ball, if you want to sco fun In the year
An exchango says: "Moncuro I).
Conway writes from Kdinburgh ;
"Whenever Ur. blluart llobinsnn rises
you can hear a pin fall." Thai's noth
ing; when Hob Ingersoll rises and In
flates himself you can see the buttons
dance all over the platform. Roston
foil. "Ilob"doe th dancing bimself.
. J. liuauol Jonas, formerly minister
to llelginm under (rant's administra
tion, ami lor some time past collector
of tho port of Chicago, has been In
formed that his successor will bo ap
point ed next month.
s t:rs items.
Oregou has acquired 7,000 lininl
gruuts'this year.
Tho strike cost tbo Statu of Now
Jersey (180,000.
Only six Southern railroads pay
dividends to their stockholders.
Potutoes are to plenty in Kansas
that it burdly puys to eat them.
Tho Ohio Democrats to their op-
iMawWssseu.r lOVVn '
luiftuth a caliuiU U Je
Governor of Ohio is a colored inan
Colonel Valentino Baker has gone
to tho front with Mebuinut Ali Pasha.
"Money makes tbo maro go." So
will u woman, if thoro is any go in
in her.
It Is slated that 1,500 cigar inaC'l
iirs uro now employed in Key West,
ine exira policemen sworn in ut
Pittsburgh during tbe recent strike,
uuvo uoen uiscuurgcu.
Colonel John A. Joyce, of the
wuisKy ring, is going to lus bom
at Georgetown, D. C.
-Tho Reading Ruilroud niachinoshop,
ut Potlstown, bus been closed and the
windows bourded up
Privato Dalzull is said to havo
been raised in a log cabin, but bo is
likely to die In a wosto basket.
Tho Now Wrk Hit all wan Is to
seo tbo gun tbut Stanley Matthews
shot dowu tbo oberry tree with.
Tbo Independent Greenback nortv
havo culled a State Convention to meet
at illiamsport, on Septomber 19lh.
An Iowa judge says that a man
may legally kiss hi hired girl if ho
can swear he thought it was bis wiib.
A cable dispatch announces that
tho government of Great Brituin in
tends to release tbo Fenian prisoners.
At Roach's shipyard, Chester, Ta.,
six iron steamers are now on tboetocks,
und tbo keels of threo others are being
Tho liedloid mineral surmizs were
discovorod in the year 17118, by Dr.
Foulke, a resident physician of Bed
ford. '
Six hundred membors of tbo Berks
county sheriffs posse bave been sun
plied with Springfield rifles bv tbo
Mr. Chamberlain who wanted to
endorse Hayes wasn't the samo Chum-
oeriain who spoke a piece at Wood
Tbo Now York Tribune is still
trying to straddle both Haves and
Bluinu, and a rent in ils breeches is im
The Couier Journal wants Chief
Joseph to bo madoa Brigadier General
in me army, vico uowara, removed.
Happy thought.
Tho sluto quarries of Lehigh
county have suspended, and two hun
dred and filly men arothoreby thrown
out employment.
Isn't our Idaho army of ono hun
dred and cigbty-two men a triflo top
heavy with two Major Generals to
command it?
An intelligent papor in Switzer
land says that "Miss Mollio Muguire,
of Pennsylvania, has boon bung lor
Five million lect more lumber has
been shipped from Lock Haven thus
far this year than during tbe fiptt six
months of last year.
At Cairo, Egypt, there is an ex
tonsivo printing establishment contain
ing sixty presses for printing books in
Arabic, Italian and Turkish.
About halt the coal minors in the
Cumberland, Md., region are now
working, at fifty. five cent per ton, the
rale demanded by tbo miners.
The Pittsburgh papors argue that
the State of Pennsylvania, anil not the
county of Allegheny, ahould pay for
tho damage done by the mob recently.
Tbo American people owe a debt
of doep damnation to tbe Republican
party, Louis. Cour.-Jour. We nom
inate Zach. Chandler to pay the debt.
Tho Peruvian government wants
to borrow 25,0(10,000 for a few yoars,
and will socuro the lender with a bank
of guano 150 miles long and a milo
The Turkish Government, it is
said cannot any longer kocp up its
payments to the Providence Tool Co.,
which baa furnished It with arms for
somo time.
A woman living in a genteel local
ity in Now York city is wedded to a
colored man. Sho dyes her skin that
sbo may not too strongly contrast with
ucr uego lord.
Mr. Nary.ol Lur.crno county, Pa.,
who had been I lind for nine years
woko up the otbor morning and found
his eyesight restored. Nary explana
tion is ottered.
Senator Davis, of Illinois, it seems,
is not ntliictcd with cancer ol the
stomach, but merely tho aguo. lie
woijjln au3 pounds, "and whon bo
shakes he shakes all over."
Soulh American advices report the
occurrence of a fearful flood in Buenos
Ayrcs. Millions of sheep and cattlo
were drowned, and thousands of fatni-
lies made homeless.
young Norwegian named liar
old Behio, civil engineer, has been ar
rested in Montreal, charged with being
one of the robbers of the bank of
Kocsvillo, N. Y , of 1210,000.
Tho County Commissioners ul
Lawrence county, Dakota, which has
been much infested by Indians, have
offered a reward ol 1250 lor the body
ot any Indian, dead or alive.
(ien. Custer's funeral will take
place at West 1'oint some timo in Oct.,
when bis old army Irionds can be pres
ent. Until thon his body will remain
in tho receiving vault of l'oughkccpsio
Tho prohibitionists and grcon
backers of Wisconsin have put up
Stato tickets, and now tho working
mon and woman suffragists ought to
tako a hand to mako up a four-corner,
cd butch of sido issues.
Donahuo, tho leader ol the strik
ers in Now York, is a street broker,
and has no oxporience as a worker,
lie la a pretty fair specimen of the
demagoguos who force thomsolvos into
the lead of workingmcn'a movements.
A resident ol Jackson township
waa in town yesterday for the flrst
timo. lis said he was born in tlio
county and had lived in it flfty-two
years, and had never before been in
Wellesboro, nor bad he oyer boon
thirty milos away from home In anv
other direction. Tioga Agitator.
The faot that an Amoriran citir.on
was recently arrostcd, tried and ac
quitted in France for calling Mao-
Mahon an "ass, reminds the Now
Yoik Sun of the couplet by John j.
Adams on Lewis Cass, to wit :
Aae) folare egee .111 agree,
Te write ais Berne wit beat a 0.
Hut John lived In a Iree country,
where outspoken men most do abound.
The Permanent Kxbibition In
Philadelphia ia berealter to be open on
Sundays. No goods will be sold and
tlio doors will close at six o'clock. This
dooision was rnade by President Mor
ton, who was clothed with full discre
tion on the subject. Up to tins time
the enterprise baa not quit paid ex
penses, but nndor the new manage,
ment and with more liberal advertis
ing it is expected that belter times a,ro
In store,
Democratic Primary E'ection Rules of
tlearneld lounty.
county rouuirrail.
1- Tbe erganlsalioo of tbe County Committee
hall be and nmain as now constituted that is
one mi-iober for every borough and towusbli,aal
a Cbairsasn, which Committee shall be selected
auaallr by the dcli-gele. and their term ofollioe
shell begin at January following their oiectiun.
or" Tin nBLauATKS ana i-oNvnsrlox.
I. The number of delegitcs to which eah dis
trict is entitled is based Uo tha following rule.
- I. t, . k,,k ,,
rlea dlitilet inureosi. .
lof MOl) MUUU.l.ll line bUUUl rli 1'teJ.o! e ( Hiut
or fraction greatur than ono half thereof, polled
in said di.'tm-t at the last preceding Uotcrnor's
election, en additional deli-gelo, and under this
rale the lullowlng allotment of delegates is now
made for 17T i
aoautrus ann To was Hies. .
Hurnslde borouvh 2i Decatur,. M S
ClearOeld H ...... I Ferguson.. S
,'irsow!le. . V 'hrafl.., .-...,,....,s S
iloutsdale I Urahsm M t
Luialicr City n t tjushen i
Now Washington. ... 2 Oteenwood H 2
Newburg, H2 Uulicb H2
Osceola. H 3 Huston t
Wallaoetoa 2 Jordao 2
Bcooaria township.... 2 Karthaus 2
iloll I Kuol 2
llloow H 2 Lawrence 4
Uogge 2 Morri S
HreJIord 2 fenn 2
Urady .. 6 , Hike 2
hurnslde... 2 Union 2
Chest 2 Woodwaid 2
Covington 2
Total ,
Bt-icrioe or aD dltiss or cruianAJt.
2. The delegate eleollons and County Cunreo
tina shall be governed and conducted strictly in
accordance with the following rules, and tbe
Chairman of the County Comioilloo shall he an
ually elected ty the County Convention and shall
he cr-oflcte, the President of all County Coven
Uons. riua or Bt.Beviov.
4. Tbe election foe delegates to represent the
ditfi-rent districts in the annual Poinoerat ie Coun
ty t onvriiUim shall tie held at tho usual place of
holding the general elections for each dtitrM-t,
on the iiatuiday preceding Hie third Tuesday of
Hcttetnlier. (being the tS'h this year,) beginning
at! o'clock, p m.,aod eotitinuing anlil 1 o'clock,
p. m., of sa-ne day.
S. Tbe said di legale eteotions e!ie'l he hal I by
an eleollon loard, t enjstof tho member of the
County Committee for surb dlMrii't, and two
other Democratio voters thereof, who shsll lie
appoiated or di-eignsled by tho County Commit
tee. tow ro rn.L vaeaactas.
In case snv of the ncrsnns so eonsfilur iu it.
board shall he absent from tbe place of holding
the eleetion for a qutrter of an hour after the
time appointed, hy Itale First, for the opening
of the same, bis or their place or places, shall he
filled hy so election to he conducted
by tho l)eraitoritlie votera prat at tht tine.
.'. Ul ICATltJ uf VATKB.
B. hvry quihfitt fotor fifth dittriti' bo at
the) lut n-rrf.l rlerliorj T.UhJ tbe rarftho
uoxo'., enittii bo ctstiiinii to rote at tht deiaftte
I. .h vol.Dg at all dul. jftsU aUctijDi lull b
ballot ; iiun wliioh ballot hall t wnttro nt
primed the nninetilirbttoict of tbe dvii- itoor del
pump Totuj ior. tofrttn-r with any ii.ntrnrtioni
which ihti vuter tnty dsir to five tb JelRU
or deltgiitc. Earb ballut to U rrwlv-d from th
perion i-oling tbe umi hy a mtncr of tbe
election board, and hy him drpuiiiitl ia box or
other rerepiacl prepared lur that jturpona, to
which boi ur other rtwepucl- bo p-noB but the
nrwoera vi iu eiccuoB bod iLaiJ bav aeoeat.
or IKJtTkl ctioh,
S. Ku intrv.rtittii ahall be rtwivoJ or rra
niltd no. cm tbe eaine b toted upna the ballot a
provided hy Hole iSe. eMb, nor ahtll inch tcxtnio
tiona, if vuted upoa the it I lut, be binliiif uudq
the dc-leg'tle, b !! one hal for more uf tbe bal
lota hall nuirj ioitrurtioat ooDutfaiitir the
ante (itnra. V'htnever half or Dioreof the bal
lot ah nil tontain in Hnirtifmi joticerniiif any
office, (he flt-ledtoa elected at euch election thuli
be held to be iuitrnclnd to fur-port the cnnJi-lale
baling the bigbeit number uf votei for lueb
That when a can i Mite bainir receirpd the
hi tt beat Dumber of votes ia a diatrlet ie atrica en
friai ihe roll lu accordance with Hula Thirttenih
it bcun,e tbe duty of tho dulrgt.Ua in aaid dis
trict to rait their rule Ur the candidate havinf
reweired the next hlirheftt number of rote in
Kid diatrlet, Provided that v?k candidate ahall
have rerttted ono fourth tha oumo. of rotea
pulled tor the candidates.
0. Karri election bar.l ahall keep an areurate
eieetione waiun list of voters together with a
lull aud eomplele return of such eleotioa, oon- . k ii.. - . . .. 1
ratnmr an accurate stataueut of lha aer.nns
elected ilelea-stee and all instructions voted, shall
he certlllrd liy sold board te tbe tVunlv Conven
tion, apoa primed blanks te be lurnirlisd Bj Ihe
Couatr Committee.
roNmnro seare or BeXKuarns, raaris, aro.
IS. Whenever from anv district. nnaliSed bona.
erratic voters, in numbers equal to five lltaee Ibe
delegates wbleh sueb dlstricl has in the Cooei
Coarenlion, shall eoniplain in wrltlna of aa nn.
due election of false retwra of delegates or of in
slraetions, in which complaint the alleged farts
shall be specially eel forth and verified by Ihe
affidavit of one or more persons, snoh eemplaint
shall have tbe right to contest the seat of sueh
delegates er their validity uf sueb iastruiljn.
a coauiTTER or riva.
Fuch coatplaint shall be beard bv a comMitt.
of five delegates to he appointed by tbe l'resl
dent of the Convention, which said committee
eball proceed to hear tha parties, thsir proofs
and allrgalions, and as soon as may be reported
to Ihe Cooventioa what delegates are entitled to
scats therein, and what Instructlnne arc binding
apoei such delegates. Whereupon tbe Convention
shall prooeed immediately, upon the call of tbe
yeas atsl nays, to adopt or reject the report of
Ibe eoaleating parties. In whioa eall of the yeas
and nas the names ef the delegetes whose seals
are enntested or whose instruction are dispatod,
shall be omitted.
ot'AuriCATiosi or bEt-KOATas eUBaTivi'vas.
II. All delegates mnst reiido in Ibe district
they represent In ease of absence or inability
te attend, substitutions aiay be made frotu eiti
sene of Ibe district.
snsTonar ijtri crk.i, o aiiaii sn.
1). Delegates must obey instructions given
them by tbeir respective districts, and if violated
it shall bo Ihe duly ef toe Frrndent of the Con
vention to east the vote of such delegate er dele
gates lo aeeiirdanoe with tbe instruction ; and
tbe delegate or delegates so offending shall be
forthwith expelled front the Convention, and
shall not be eligible to any ofaoo or place ef
trast ia the party for a period ef two years.
It. In convention a majority of all the dele
gates shall be necessary lo a nominatiua t and
no person's natuo shall be eti-lu le 1 from the list
of eandidarea anlll alter the MXTII billot er
vole, when the person rooeiviag the least num
ber of votrs shall be omittt-d and struck from the
roll, and so on at each succetilve vote until a
aominatioa is maJe.
PRSAt.Tr roa couetTTiite van ns arii BaiaKnr.
14. If any person who Is a candidate for anv
nomination before Ihe County Convention, shall
be proven te have ofTered or paid any money, er
otbor ralaable tbiaj, or made anr promiea of a I
ounsideratlna or reward to an? pareoa for his
vote or laUueoee, t leiurs the dl)taFa from
any district, or shn.ll hare olTemd or paid any
moaer or valaablo thln, or rniinipcd any ,m
sidrratlcn or reward, to any delete for hi TOta,
or to an? athrr pereon wilb a Tiew of tndulfrinK
or aerurint: tha vetra of dileKtee, or if the aaitte
shall bo doaeh? an? other perron with (luekaowl
etllte and enment of each eaniiiUta, ibe name of
each rendt.late rba.ll be iuao-diatel? stricken froia
iha list of ostiiiitJaies, or if siuh fact bo aaoer
taiuod aOer his noaoihatli n to an? oflien, and be
fore Ihe final a.ljurnmt-nt, the naiiia of the nomi
oca shall be struck from Iha ticket and tha ?a
canr-T supplM by a new oominalioa, aad ia
either caa such pernon shall la ineligible to any
nomination by a cnTfioD, or to au election
aa a d-li-tale thereafter. And la rasa it shall be
ellffffd alter the adjournment of the Conrcvtion
that any oaaHMaU put in nominatlnt. has twa
Ijniltjr of such acts, or an? o'hr fr.UU.ot piac
tiwc to ebiaia such oomtnatinn, tho rtmnrc sh alt
be Inreitigalcd by tbe Count? Committee, and
suck stops tikca as tho food of the prty may
i. If any dclenaia hall irotlrean? money or
other valuable l hint;, or accept the premise of
any consideration ar reward to be paid, dellremt,
or secured to him, or any pereon for lui'h dole
(ate as an Imlarwiuent for hit rolo apoa proof
of ifae fact to tko satiifsclion of the Convention.
SDoh delcBTatc ahall bo forthwith etpelUd, and
shall not be reoeircl as a delegate tn any fat ura '
cooTeation and shall be ineligible to any part?
Rl 1.1 TO HVR rRROC lR.t(t.
16. Casea ailsing under tba rule shall hare
prioedenoe ovor all other basiaras in ewii.eollon,
nail! determined.
niTiao or tut rtiMvatrtox.
IT. The Conntr ConTentlnn shall meet annu
ally, In tha Court House at I o'clock p. m. on the
third Taeeder of tiWpicinbcr.
AiHytiuraaaTToT cntniTKa,' ' A
M. Tbe names of at) (he eaadld.te fat etBoe
shall be announced at least three wcks previous
to tbe time of hulding the primary election.
Jan W. Howa, CaiaArf.
Srw 2.t'frlUtrarttt.
Te Ihe helrl and legal retreaenUtlves of Thoe.
Ileary, lau of Fergueon ti,wnship, UiearOeld Co.,
I'a., deceased :
Notice Is hereby givea to the hairs ef the said
dee d, to wit i Kllsabelk Henry, (new
MoCrachea), Joalah Henry, John Henry, Jane
Heary, (now Jane r.rgu.eo), William Moore
Henry, al.lth.e Henry, Mary liana. h llile,
(formerly Hary Hannah Henryl.Msrg.ret Henry
(bow Marnaret llilcl, and Harriet Hoyl Henr'v
(aow Harriet Hoyl Heed I. re.l ,ne In tb. ...,.
aforesaid, that, by virtue of a writ of I'arlllioa
Issued out af lbs Ornhani' Oonrl of riearSeld
eoanty, anon Iho salau ef Ibe raid dee's), and ts
me directed, I will aroeeod te hold aa InqalsllUa
ea Ihe real estate ol the said deceased, ea
TwoMay, w-rntemlMir, m, 1,117,
The said real male eonal.ts r H. va..j
acres ef land situate la the townsl.lp and eounlr
arere.aU and all f.rti,, lh mJ
lead If they art profee.
Cle.rS.ld, Aug. U-41. I
Penury Election, Saturday, Sept, 15,
Fan.-Prothonotary, $15 j He flat ar A Rawer
or. lib Karayor. 4. Tha few aiaat ha m u
adraooa. r
We are authorised U aaaoanaa the aaiae
OKu.O. KlHK.of Hrady Wwaebip, aa
data lor tba nffina of PrblhnaoUry ub)eat ta th,
rule (verat'.jr tba Dea.oaratia party.
aPottotnea ayddreea. Laiaarabarg. Fa.
'. if -V-Vem ii mm aa 'A ' '
?roihoaatary, eubja
Democratic party.
.be re) tee foearniag tba
rYtlolKee addrau. CltarlaU, Pa.
We are authirlir-i In aanouaoe tbw aaae af
N. P. WILSON, of Bradford tuwaablp, aa a aaa
didete for Prvthoaotary, Mbjaat to tba relet gor.
erningtha Democrat Ie party. add rati, Woodland, Pa.
He ere authorised hi anacuaoe tha name af
J. MNNHIIAW, of HoutiHal., aa a eaadidate
fur Prothonotary, subject to tba rules foreralag
(he D-ntMratlc party.
Poftoffloe address, HoaUdale. Pa,
We are authorised to annuaaoe tha aaae of I
(i. 11AHUKK, of liradrord township, as a audi.
data for I'rotboootary. abjeat to tha roles gor.
fining the Democratic party.
Poatufflce addrau, Woodland, Pa.
Wo are author! sad to annoaaoa tha nana of
!.. J. MUHMAiN, of Clearfield, as a oaodidate for
Register A Heoorder, subjasl to tba rules govern
ing tba Domocraiis party.
Poatoffieo address, Clearfield, Pa.
grit; drrrti$rmrnti.
X 1 None is hereby glean to all parsons later
eitod. Hi at application will bo Made to the aetk
sefr-ion of the Court of Comaae Plana af Clear
field county, commencing Moodoy, 8p teas bar U,
11177, for a Charter of Inoorporatioa for tbe Barn
tide U. K. Church, la Born aide borough, Pa,
Clears aid, Aug. li, IHU-lt. Attoroeys.
A IIllftlMTR ATOR'll MOTICB.-Rotla
V uerei.y giren that betters of A d ml n litre-
of JOHN IIIUH. lata
of Knox toi
dtVd, having
iiearaeid county. Pa
been dul;
ly g ran tod to the ander
ii led to aaid aetata, will
signed, all peraoas iodel;
please nreke immediate bit meat, and those ha.
ing elaimj or demands will present than properly
authenticated for settlement without delay.
JOHN W. Ill till,
New Millport Jaly 11,'77-wt. Adm'r.
Bigler, Young & Reed
On e-hore Tread Power anal Thro ah Ins;
Also. Avcry'a Patent Ponihufn Pewora.
Farmers will do wall la give theox O call.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. i77-tf.
(1 AUTIOMAH persons aro hereby oaatiooeA
j again.) purchasing or In any way meddling
with the following property now in tba possession
of tiamuel C. Hnyder.of DeBols, Clee-Mela o
Pa., to wit: Ono cook store aad flxtureM, 1 enp
board, T ehalra, loan re, clock, table. M yarde af
carpel and threo bedsteads and hwddisuc, no aaid
property was par-chased by ssa oo tho Jd day of
August, inn, ana is oniy ten wttn arnto Hnraar
on loan, subject to say order at any time.
Luthersburg, Pa., Aug. I,'77-3U
Notico Is hereby giren that aa apDlieoAioas
will bo Made, nader tbe Aet of Aeeetably of tha
Commonwealth of Pannsylrania, onattUd, Ab
Act to provide forlba Incorporation atwd Kegala-
tmn of certain CorpuratiMs," approved the ltHa
day of April, 1874, And the eappiesaeols tberatey
for tha charter of ao inteaded eorporatioa to bw
railed Witmer Land Co., the ebametot ad objaai,
of which is pBrchaaa, sale and Icoatog of real
astute, W A LUCK A It KKB.S,
Clearfield, Aug. XI, 1877-44. tolMtacev
ptAUTIOX. All persons aro hereby oawtiea-
Vy ed against pnrcnaelB
tag or ia any way med
dling wilb the following property, sow lo tbo
pxrteesion of Jacob A. Hreth, of Chest township,
vit : Twa beds and bedding, I aare and colt, 1
two-horse wagoa, 1 long aied aad log abata, I
1 cue, I calves, I cook stove, 1 ten-plato stove. 1
enna stone, lot of lumber, lot el
paling aad
plastering lath, 3 acres of corn, S acres ef buck
wheat, and II do sen rye, as said property was
purehaaed by me ut Coustable'e eale ea the 1 1 tat
day of August, 1877, aad is left with aaid Brcte
en leaa, sanject t. qij order et nay time.
Cheit, Fa, Aug. 12, 17MC
B. 8. Butt era woald resMetfttilj lalareB- Mat
eltisooe of Clear firlj and vicloity, UaA ao mjk
bare car load of aboico
Delaware Poaches
Those deftlrfag a good Naoh, will lal It to
thair advantage to lea re tketr ardera at tbo aalooo
on KecoD't street, CIcaxAvU, Pa
Aog. Ji, MJMt. g. 8. BUTTBR3.
IRIAL I.IKTLia af aaoaao aot dew a for
tnal at Septomber torn. coMManetaf Moo-
Jny, tScptcmbar -4th, 1877.
rtaar wrik aiPT. Urn.
W. W. Wilsoa, to oie, ra. J. 0. Wrirbt 4 tV
D. A. Fetter ra. Jobs P. lrrta.
Co. Nat. Bank of Clfd Ta. 1st N. Bub ofClf d..
Charles Gillt-salo , ra. Wai. f. Jo hB so a.
Ab'ta KepSart, to ae, re. Bsmlad. Wfaito A Oc
M. liurlr; A Bro'a Tf. Berwiad, Wbito A Co.
saooaa wtaa cr. lava
Andrew Pants, Sr.,
Jasnas Morrisoa
Tusier A HcMastora
Daniel Wearer
K. A. Irr.a A Co.
Jeseo 8. Willtanu
Win. 8. IUokef
Laurw Uuvet
Henry, James A Co.
ts. Wsb. OoHer at t
ti. Joaa Corlejr.
re. Uippa A Llojd.
ra. Aostia Keria.
a. W. H. A Mrf Jay.
a. Robert Lacker Ot ai.
Ta. J. W. Uavia.
va. Wb. W. Irtrijt.
Ta. Wa. Orahaaa.
ueorire M. Urisbia
ts. The Pe-a st R. Cab.
L. A A. Mornaoa A Co. ts. M. L, A L. Co.
Aadrew Hobarteoo
TB, U, 1. A L. Co.
Ira B. HtiUmiB
A.YV. 11 ail .-r
Chssaaaa A Sana
W. 8. Head A Kroo
J a bms B. tlraaat
lluraoe Patclun
Jaoob Bonsall
Jusrph tlcisa
Aonie lllooia at al
?, blaom A KitvacV
Ta. Wa. O. K alley,
vs. Isaac Gaioea,
tb. Hamual Marpbor
?s. Crowell A Cow4rlei.
a. Sheffltld Canoaa.
ts. C. A U. Sckwoask
Ti. bavid ttoaa.
ts. Tha T. A O. ft. R. Cbw
?f. A. M. M4Hur.
?a. I. a tiboiT A L Tjtler,
tb. Jusukh lmbah.
Ta. Ttwuwa Xeias
ti. 11. ll'itidlander
Rubart 11. Powell
Henry 8 wan, fur oar,
Uidcoa ii. Ktnporis
aaU BLOOM, IWiaaaamty.
Sheriff's Sale.
Tlrtue of wrlU oi Lmmnm Pwim: IbsmA
oat of tha Ooort of Oammoa Plooa mt CImt.
neia county, ana to ma directed, there will bo
aipnaed lo PUBLIC 8 A 1.1, at tha Ooart Hoosco,
In tha borosjfh af ClaarlelA, ea Satorday, Us
ttth day of .September, 1877, at 1 o'clock, p. wu,
the fvllowlng described real estate, to wilt
A certain two-story plank fomo dwell lag fcaaea
with brlrk flue front of It feet, and a deptk of 14
feet, Bltoftte on a certain let or piece of ground ia
Nrih lltmtirille, Clearfleld eoonty, Pa. Tbo
amoant claimed to he due and an paid, la tweer?
fonr dollars and rV-rt?-nioe cents, for lebir done
and material famlahod said dwelling within the
last six months past, at tha request of aaid tofend
ant. Sclied, taken In exeoejioa aad to he aaid
as tha property of Michael Leech, owar(aad:
James C. Oakea, eoatraotor.
Also, certain two-story frame bewaa. lSilt
fret, aitnate In North Hoattrlale, bftianlng at t
post south IS degrees east I feet from lb west,
corner of Rwnpt street and Barak alley i theeee
aouth 5.1 dcffreeo enat 60 fst alonff aaid street to
pt : thence eoath IT deffreao week 1M Hmi Uk
Utter alley t theeee aleag said alley aorth is eV.
grace west hi feel te post t tbeaoo Berth 97 deg
east 1st feet tn elaoe ef hegianlng, and haowa a.
kit No. 101 ia general plan ef said eeereeghv
Seiaad, eahea (a eiecotie. aad te be sold as la
property ef Lewis J. Palmer,
Also, a eortala tw. story fr.sae dwotltag koaee.
with lut and eartllage abparteaaat thereto, slta
ate ia Korth llouisdale, frenllng e. Railroad
street 40 feel , Iheeioe aorth 1M feet ; th.aee
10 feel . . IM feet lo Rait-
roael slreet. being sltaale aaeat 1st NMt was! at
Uoorge Hbodei' Hotel. 8aid baildlag ia a two.
story frame bulljing, IStla feet, and It feel high.
Seised, taken la eieeatioe and to Be Bold a. Ibe
property of Joha Ragea, owner, aad Jeba Datey.
eon is actor.
Alee, a twe-story freeae dwelliag keejea, Itild
feet, and IS feet htgh. ait.ale la Weed ward tews,
ihip, frenllng feel ea street, aad enteadleg
baok 1st feet, adjntalag let ef WilHaua Reeee e.
the soeth, lot of Thorns. Hsed ea the aertb. aad
lands ef Jacob Qeertiert ea the west. Be lead,
take, la exeeatlea wad ta aa sold at she property
ef Ferry Uorrnea.
Aim, a twe-slory frame house, lltH thee, mt
In feet high, sliest, la the beraeghor lloatodelo.
ea lot No. 417, la Ike geweraj plea ef said bMewgh.
M tha west side ad lariabba street, aaatk of the
rranhlla eldiaf, lletoed, takes e.iee.i tea end
to he eohl ae the property ef Ueary Uardass.
Alee, a eortala two-itory frame koewe. Itilt
teet, aad IS feet kigk. ea let Ne. IU m la. boe
eugb ef Hoatrdale, oa Ike west ail. ef Brlthia
street, aoatk ef Moshaaaoa eresk. Seised, lake,
la eaeeitloa and Ie be sold as Ike property ef
William Urlieg.
Tssvs ar StLtv- The price er rasa al rnklok
the property abU be street ef Beast he pavid at
the time ol sals, er seaok ether a-veageaieate eaada
aa will ha approved, elkenslas the areeesrty will
U bamedlauly pel ap aad sold aeaia el Ike aa
penae and risk ef Ihe person la whaaa et era.
strttek eg, and who, ta ease ej oMeteaay at eaeta
re-.sje, shall make good ike earn, aad ta ae.
laatanee will Ike Deed be ereeeaeed la Oemrt tar
eoatrmatioa aatsse less assn It actually ..14 ea
ue oaati. ArtuitHBj rania, jr-
hiiaatrr's Orriea. t
CUarteld, Pa., Aeg. It, IfTT. I
-t --aMii i