Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 15, 1877, Image 3

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.Terms of Subscription.
WW-'r,,1,w- ' months'...! m
' 'U.H' 1.
n7 AdT.rti.inf AgeoU, 17 Park
lloekman Blreet, ar our duly autbonaed Agents
n N.w York City.
Methodist Kpleropal rhurrhRer. J. B.
Mi Mt RKiT, Pastor. Serriore erery Sabbath
it Mil A. M., and 74 P. M.
Sabbath Knhool at 9 A. M.
Prayer Meeting erery Thursday, at 1 P. M.
Coma union Kervirc, first Bnbbath of rry
month, at I0 A. M.
Went Clearfleld M. R. Church Ran.
William 11. 1ii.l and W. P. Wu,aoa, Pastors.
Preaching every alternate Hunday, at 8 o'clock,
p. M bunday tfobool at 2ft, P. M. All are In-,
Tttcd to attend.
Preebjterlan Church Rer. II. B.Bitlp..
Sabbath services morning1 and Ycning Hub
bath School at t P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes
day even inf.
Hi. Prai.ris' Church t'atholle Rev. P.
J. SnRRiDAK. Preaching at 10ft o'clock, A. M., on
the Ant, third and fourth Monday of each month;
Vrtpari and rteneritcttoo of the Itlessed Heerameot
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Huoday School every bunday
afternoon at t o'elook.
Second Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Pint Monday ef June. )
Fourth Mud day of Boptcmbcr.
tiub or aoLDiaa commob rtat.
First Monday of June.
Second Monday of ttavembor.
rriLic orrieini.
Prttidtnt Jvdyo Hon. Cbarlel A. Mayer, or
Look Haven,
Aw slant Law Judy Hon. John D. Orris, of
Asoetil Jndgt Ahram Of den, Clearfield
Vincent B, Holt. Clearfield.
Vefaonotai-y Ell Bloom.
Reyiittr und HecordarL. J. Morgan.
IHitrict jtiirwji-WB. M. MoCulloufh.
r-a-u-e -iarid ItoUaughey.. - ,
MeWAndrew Fen U, Jr.
County A'wrery of Samuel F. McCloekey, Cnr
Uensville. County Commiuionoro Clark Brown, Clear
field Thomas A. Me(Je Chest P. 0.; Hurls
Hoover, Clearfield.
County Auditor Christ. J. Keagy, fllen
Hop ; Samuel A.Caldwell, W illiamsf rove i John
C. Conner, Burnside.
County VorotrJ, B. NelF, New Washington.
Jnry tV-mmietVottere Dr. Jatnee P. llurchlield,
Clearlted, Joseph Alexander, Woodward.
8ptrintendont of f'uode A'cAooie John A.
Gregory, Curwensrille.
Noiarim ioie Joho W. Wrigley, Wm. Ra
debaugh, .Cyrus Uordon, Clearfield) Joseph R.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwensville J. J. tingle,
Osceola Mills i J. A. Livingston, DuHolaCity.
Our Special column Is decidedly Interesting in
a lcl point of view, and profitable reading to
outsiders mho want to ear money.
Tho Philipaburg Journal lins return
ed to the patent outside.
m m.
$2 only for o largo lull pack of Salt,
at TLlo McUatighey's grocery.
mm e- '
Don't forget tlio Murphy Temper
ance utieiiuti ' lC Court Hou next Friday
Tho I-ewiatowiwrs voted themselves
a 110,000 d U list week. They are going to tnke
the money and buy a fire engine.
Head Flock fc Co.'s new ndvertise-
menl In to-days paper. Tbete grntlcinen appre
ciate (he l-eneflli of advertising.
There are eleven hrttftt bunds in Car
bon county. SUtmattgt. There is one In this
boroogh ; but It ho nn uusie In It.
Tho MclhodtBtft of Utiriide, this
CMunty, will make application at the Srptcmher
Coin, for a charter of incorporation tor tbe M . E.
Church In that borough.
! 1 I I. -
Tho Tyrone Herald says that tho
notorious Xiogo Parks turned up as Chairman of
ft Miners' Convention, at Pittsburgh, the other
day, demanding more pay,
The circun which exhibited at this
place on Mun Jay last, was iliuily attended. The
performance waa not uuob below the average of
tbe traveling circus troupe,
Itev. George G. Sensor, a student at
Wiiliamsport Dickinson College, and formerly a
resident of this place, pn-aohed In tbe Clearfield
M. . Church list Sunday evening,
mm a
The Catholics held a picnic at Gram-
plan Htlis, in Penn township, on Saturday last,
We learn that they bad a good time and every
thing passed off very pleasantly.
The MlsfteB MacLeod will open their
select school, In the Academy, on Jton lay, Sept.
' 3-1, 1977. They trill be preparod to toaoh schol
ars of all ages, and all the higher branches, in
cluding French. 3t,
A goodly number ot our citizons aro
in attendance at the Juntal Lamp meeting, at
Newton 11 alii Men, hli (ah a oointy. The meeting
commenced on Tuesday morniog, tbe 14th, and
will continue for tn days.
It is staled bv tho oHkers of the Pa.
R. R. Company ibat of the 104 locomotives
bur cud in tbe round houses at Pittiburgh, 60 are
entirely worthleis fit only for icrp-lrun. The
remainder will be repaired In the shops at Altoona.
l)r. Fowler, editor ol tho Pittsburgh
fAt-Mfiaa Adrotaf, will preach at tbe Juniata
Valley Camp-Mevtifig, next Sunday morning.
Bishop Bowman is alio expected to b prt?nt.i
and will preaoh at some time during the eontinu-1
nnoe of the eamp.
mm ii
A lurge and well selected stock of
boggy whips, whip stocks and lashes, saddlers'
hardware, and shoo finding, just rseelved at ,
Reed A Hegerty's, whioh will be sj)d low for
east-. A full assortment of fruit ojtns, glass jars,
eemeot and ntty, constantly kept on band.
mm a
Paws fibbing now occupies tho time
nd attention ol ibe lovers of angling. A great
many are being caught, aod some of tbetn are
tery fine ones, measuring from ten to fourteen
Indies la length and averoglog about one pound
and a hair in wt-lght.
.- . , , - .
Asbury Loo's nine and "Jersey"
Snyder's nine bad their second hitch at a game
of bate ball last Saturday, at tbe Park, la West
Clearfield, resulting (his time in a victory for the
former, the .cere standing IS io 24. Kioh side
having won a game, a third game rill have to be
jlayed to decide tbe champioo.blp.
To day (Wednesday) ends the trout
atoning reason for this year. Tbe catch has not
been very large. Ivory year this kind of game
Is getting scarcer, and It will not be many years
until front Isbing (a our mountain streams will
be one of the things ef the rut unless something
Is dune to t ut an end Io tbtlr destruction.
' M. L. Mctjuow n and John 11. Put-
. .(ofi Bi)rv., both formerly of Curwensville, and
Ihe latter a recent employe of the Timn, have
purchased tbe Rrpvrttr, at Kellgr, Jaier eeun
ty, Iowa, and embarked In tbe printing business.
Mr. McQ. taught school in Curwensville far a
nn a ber of years. P to these gentlemen, In
their new vocation
Heed & Jlagerly have just rewired
large stock of Wood and Willow-ware, which
Consist of bucket', tuba, staff and Spain's churns,
clothes baskets, market baskets, bushel baskets,
well buckets, horse buckets, peek and half bushel
measures, halter moulds and ladles, rolling pine,
potato mashers, wooden sj-eone, express wagons
croquet setts, and all sites ef mlrwr.
Itev.Wm. H. lill carries the tip end
of a rattlesnake, eoataintng ten rattles as a
trophy of tho first eernwa preaohed at Homes
Shanty. Two rattlesoakas were hilled one of
tbesn having lea, aod the other nine rallies. Mr.
Dill Informs us that there was quite a large alli
en co pns.ot at the shanty to bier tbe sermon
l..t hmLo, C5r.;iif?tef tbe small number el
eettlers In that vlctnily.
Lint of k-tlortt remaining unclaimed
In the Tost. idles at Clearfield, for tbe weekending
August 1.1, 177 t
Henry Beet, '
Mr. U. W. 1MI,
Henry 0. Binder,
Julia Cberlrs,
W. If. A. Naugle,
Wilham I'erket-1.'
J. W. Plumb,
Lurlen S. Robison,
T. V. Robinson,
Rubt. Wilson,
Leon Wilson,
V, A. liiitLia, P. M.
A Festival. We learn that tho
abildren ef tbe M. K- hunday Bchool al O.owula,
fv-p'-s to bold a fair aud fettiral, la the ebarck,
a IrMay and faiurday, August I7ih aad 18tb,
their object being to feat the Sanday Be boo I room,
when the desks belonging to the School district
re removed. They will have e exhibition ewe
for sale, nseful and lane; articles, as well i Ice
orcein and sake, afternoon and ivenlng. Friends,
throw In ynnr mite.
Ahead. Wo learn that Adam C
0 ear b art, of Bradford township, tbresbod flftaen
ictn and eight ibteve of new-land wheat and
cleaned op tbirtSM al coi b'f hushtls. Jlow
Is tbst for high r Nent (
Heed & Haurty winh to inform
the publis that tbry faav rooeived, at tsir haid
ware store on Besvud street, north of the Mansion
House, a well selected stock of ouk stoves and
ranges, which cannot be surpassed In ejaaUiy by
ny store io the market for eooking or baking
gnJUies, o,
" TlCKHTri, TLKA8E ! "We evo jriv-
en our ledger accounts soma attention lately, and
find seme very ancient aeeounts In It unsettled.
Friends, we want some money to keep the ma-
china moving ( and to remind yon eat ill more sub
stantially, wo will forward yu Itemised bills
through the I'osloffloe Hepartinent, and we hope
you nill u come dorn, In a business way, and
give as at least a portion of the sum doe us.
- -- mm ami i
A (iood Acre. Our friend, J. A. h.
Flegal, of lloihen township, tried his hand on an
aereofoats this season, which yielded him 3 fly
six bushels, weighing thirty .three pounds to the
bushel. The lot had been uied for potatoes last
year. He sowed three bushels of seed, and the
result Is eertalnly gratifying.
Walker-ed Off. Mtowart Walker,
the notorious borso thief, who was shut and esp
tured near Curwensville, ou Saturday evening,
July Hth, for stealing tit-n a for Pi-alc's mare, Is
again at large. Ho, with two other men, named
Uallagher, broke jail atHUo lief unto last Thursday
eight, the 9th inU Sheriff Mun son's card, offer
log a reward of $125, will be found In our adver
tising columns. We presume ho will avoid Cur
w ecu I lie, where they about so awkwardly, the
next time be moves west with another man's horse.
On the Go. County Superintendent
Urrgory has entered upon his annaal round of
examining (ho qnalincattoni or teaohart. He
eommenoed In this borough on Monday, and to
day (Wednesday) Is at Weltaceton. His pro
gramme runs tbioogb to the Tlh day of Boptem
ber, winding up at tho Union Bobool Houah, In
Covington district. The teachers cannot Dad
fault with Mr. Urrgory fur net giving them oppor
tunities enough to meet him, aa he bs an appoint
ment in nearly every district.
A (iooo I oka. Tho Sheriff of Cen
tre county and the Burgees of the borough of
Bellefnte, some time since, lisuod a joint-proclamation,
warning boys under eighteen years of age
from running around the struct after 8 o'olock at
night. Tbts step bus Improved the boys greatly,
and the eitiuns are now petitioning the Town
Council to pass an ordinance bearing on ibis
question. Better boys will grow up every where,
if parents and municipal officers would keep thein
off the street after that hour.
An exciting game of base ball between the
Boomerang Club, of HeynoMsvillo, and the Chin-
eleclamoose Club, of this place, was played st the
Park, io West Clearfield, lost alttrnoon.
The Ktyooldmlle Club is one of the but in this
lectlun of the Stute, and our toj s did not go into
the eontctt with ibo expectation of defeating tho
vUltvri. One thing, however, developed Itself in
this game, and that was the playing of the Chines
was superior to that of Ibo vultiug club, With tbe
exception of their en tuber. With the tree unary
practice tbe Chincki would have oauis off easy
victors. The game wui witnessed by a large num
lir of ipectntors. Tlis score is as follows :
i'Uisclkclamooms. o. a.
o. n.
O.C, Moore, s.s t
Wallace, p 3
Harrett, e 4
Walters, e f 4
Kragle, J.ib 8
Witlcy, l.f 4
T. W. Moore, r.f.... S
tiuimburg, 1st b.... 3
Reynolds, 21 b S
Cithers, M b 4
Arnold, r.f. 8
lloyer, p 3
J. ileckmnn, i.e.... 0
W.H.Heckmao,l.i. 4
W urisll e 3
Ferns, 1st b.,.
DurcliUrld, 3d b...- 2 liMoke, o.i
27 fi!
1 1 3
4 6 6
r $ t
Chinos 0 0001400 1 fl
Boomerangs 0 3 0 2 6 110 ft 17
I injure H. ll. Hall, of M. Mary's, Pa.
Scorers Chine's, L. 11. Ale Boomerangs, C. C.
Time of game Three hours.
Aler tie sixth inning bad been commenced,
and the Chincke bad soorud four runs in quick
succession, a slight rain fell, and the game was
suspended for about an bonr,when It was resumed
and finished.
Mr. 11. U. Hall, of Bu Mary's, who occupied
the unenviable position of I'uiplie, was justly fair
aod gentlemanly In bis decision, showing ho
favors to cither side, and rendering all bis decisions
according to the mice ol the game, end to the
plays as be taw tbim. His dioitiuns gave satis
faction to all. Thtre was no jangling or disput
ing on this occasion, as generally Is the case at
match games, buuvtrytbing pusied off pleassotly
and all kept lo good humor. The members of
the visiting club, and their friends accompanying
item, arrived la Clearfield on Wednesday evening
and remained oniil Friday motuWg, and during
their atay here they deported themselves like
gmtlemen In every sense of the word.
Wt hope now to see tbe Chiocks practice more,
and seme time soon measure bals with tbe Reyn
otdsville buys again, and come off victorious.
Tbe Boomerangs played tbe Pusquchannaf, at
Curwensville, on Widniiday afternoon of last
week, dtftating tho Curncnivlllu toys by asoore
of 20 to 8.
Ibe miners in the Cumberland (Maryland) re
gion have Icm very unhappy recently, A num
ber of moi ting, have been held at Frosthurg, Md.,
and at other points, but nothing definite has
transpired. More work, seems to be the chief de
mand made by tho miners, or an advance of
fifteen cents per ton and bolter weight.
TTc 'cam frm the Cumberland Stm, that, at
tbo last meeting, a vote was taken, each mine
having one vote, with the following result! Bight
inee were in favor of sixty Cve ceuU, three io
favor of fifty -five cents, and one for fifty cents.
There wrre nine mines not represented. They
belrttf unable to agrve upon tct rates Ihe miners
suij'totoed to u-et on tbe 4th iort , the reult of
which we did not learn.
In connection with tbe wages qite.tlon we give
below an r.stnu t from the Baltimore of July
31st, In wbirh Its reporter Interviewed Mr. Mayer,
President of the Cor.s.-lidatl n Coal Company.
The views expressed arc similar to those expressed
heretofore by the officers of otbor Companies. We
give space to Mr. .Muy' opinions, becnuse just
now they have a bearing upon the movement now
being made by the miners. Tho Sm says
Mr. C. F. Mayer, President of tbe Consolida
tion Cnal Company, the most Important In the
Cumberland regn, said In conversation that In
terruption io milling at this juncture would be
particularly unfortunate. The railroad strike has
left ihe market bare of bituminous coal, and for
tho a-xt two or tlirecwtekstheniinfriand railrnad
men (wbe now seed a chance to enrn full wages)
would bats as much as they could do to supply
tho demand. The ClearOt-ld miners are in opera
tion, and coal from there is moving to tho sea
board, while the Cumberland miners are idle and
demanding aa increase of wages, which there it
no possibility of their rceelviog.
Before the war, Mr. Mayer soya, Cumberland
miners worked fur 18, t, 34 and 10 cents a ton.
During the war period of high prices they received
7ft eenlo, and alter thai, and until last February,
ware paid Oft cents. Formerly, the llrond Top
mines were tbo only ones from which bituminous
coal came io competition with the Cumberland,
aad tho latter had control of the markets. But
after a while the Clearfield region waa developed,
and einre thfft 'imbf rUnd coal has met a most
active competitor. While tho Cumberland miners
were receiving 6b cents a ton, those in Ihe Clear
field regi'in were working fur 4(1 cents in a six-foot
veia, and Clearfield a as underselling Cuiubcrlard
In the market.
u Karly in 1877 It waa found necessary to cut
down the tolls for carrying Cumberland oal, aod
tho miners were asked to Work lor a0 cents a ton.
They struck again.t the reduction, and In the
month they were Idle Clearfield coal ruled tbe
markets, ana l to, two tun. ol It were sold, n hen i
tbe miners at length accepted tho situation tbe!
Cumberland regino bad lost many good custom- I
era, and Clearfield has sioee been pel down lower,
and Ibo competition is sharper than ever. While,
(be Cumberland miners ware yesterday talking
about strtkiug, the Clearfield agents la lialtiraore, 1
io prosecuting their legitimate business, were bard
at work trying lo sell lurir coal to cuusumrrs aod
wore offering to deliver any lime and al all plaoee.
Mr. Mayer further says Ihe great mass of
miner, understand the situation and are anxious
to work, but a lew di.eonientrd otea have mure
influence than a hindred conservative people.
Tbo men of one of Ibe companies have oQnrotJ to
work for 40 cents a ton, If steady work be given
them. ; th:e W sn.i not si ok because t litre is
not the demand lor coal In Justify it."
Tbe foregoing interview elucidates (be fact that
atitil our region began to be developed, the Cum
berland people bad everything Ihslr own way.
But now, when by the lae of trade, competition
la labor and production le the rule, tbe Cumber
land operators and miners labor to make then
selves aad their neighbors uasewfurtabic.
It Is a fact, as patent as oir personal existence,
and every man poesuitd of a bit of summon sense
tbe si so of a mustard seed, ibouldknew, that no
manufacturer who consume a large quantity of
coal will palroniae a field where "strikes are
tbe rale. Wkrre eoafusioa reigat, comfort and
prosperity are Igao.ed. Tke operator and miner
who dees not comprehend this simple trath bed
belter adopt some other calling enlist with Gen
eral Howard, and help him to ex lingo lib Joseph
aad bis roving band of Iodise, on tho plain.
tX Johii MuUAuauiT'a.
ii 1 S i i
liov. llonry Bukor, of Altoona, will
preach In tba Lutheran Chnrch, In tbU place
Beit Bundayi August Iwtb, morning and evening.
Tho CoiK'ord (N. U.) Munitnr mayfl
Ooa. 1. K. Jaokuen'a estate will probably raaob
a million dolls rs. Ho had a life Insumnoaof fifty
thousand dollars.
e mnm -
Notice. Tho smokors ot Cloarftuld
.. rwn.qosteil t;iT eall at the Cigar
cigar eitn--.
try them once, and I am sure they will give entire
satlslactlon. tf.
Cloth i no. (io to 11 irlintfori Rook's
store, Clearfield, Pa., and see their new S'ook of
clothing. They have men's, youth's and children's
suits, which they are selling as cheap as Ihe
cheapest. Ulvs them a call, If you wish lo secure
a bargain. Their stock end prioea oaonot be ox '
celled by any other store in the county.
A Good "Stroke" or Work. A cor-
respondent Inform! us that George B. Bhugart,
one day last week, cradled six and a-half aoras
of oats for Jacob W Corp, near Lotheraburg. 1
Tbe oatf, wheu bound up, made 143 dosen. Wo
should say thai ll pretty lively cradling, and
presume Mr. Corp will not complain nt lb tarn
out, S Oi ' :'
A Fine Calf. Tho Clinton Democrat
says i Mr. Boyd 0, iVker has a full Alderoey
cow, two years old last May, that glvee two gal
lons of milk per day, and will not be freeb before
neit December. It took t premium at the last
Centre oounty fair, and Is the prettiest animal In
these parts. Next?
is i r
Brown Leads. Wo understand that
Commissioner Brown thro bed forty-ono down
and eight sheaves of wheat, last Friday, and
cleaned op thirty-seven and one-fourth bushels,
weighing sixty-four pounds to the busbcl. TbU
Is a portion of a four-so re clearing. Who will
take Brown down 7
Praucker Ahead. P. W. Drauck-
er, of Brady township, states his wheat case in
this way :
" I want to tell you something about wheat
raiting, too. I cut one hundred and fifty-eight
dosen of wheat, oil five and one-half acres of oiH
ground, I threshed it, and had one hundred aod
lorly-four bu.hela of clean grain about a busbcl
for every thirteen sheaves. Huw is that 7 "
Well tbat is oertaiuly a good yieid for old
ground. Who Is next 7
mt mm
Farmers, take ymr wheat to J. Y. MuDivitt,
miller, at Shawaville, aa he makes the best flour
that ia manufactured in this county, and a better
yield ; and I do say bo is strictly an bone.t man.
lie has made me 4i ths. of good wheat flour to
the bushel, and .HO lbs. of buckwheat flour to tbe
bu'liel slid good. Uenlwiys bet water to grind
at is mil), and ho is well-recommended where
be milli-d last before coming hero.
Yours, F. O.
6ii a w a, Pa., August 10, 1H7T.
A Crippled Bor. Thelndinna Dem
ocrat says : A sod aec'dtnt happened on tbe farm
of our friend John Clark, In Montgomery town
ship, about ten days ago. Mr. Clark was engaged
in mowing some vary tall grass, aad his little son,
ageil probably seven yvars, was running along at
the side of tho much inc. In an unguarded
moment tho little fellow ttoppod In front of the
mowing machine, his father not observing him
quick enough to stop the horses. One foot was
cut off nt the ankle as olean as If done with a dis
secting knife. Tho dlitressed father picked tbe
little follow up and held tbe Injured limb until
medical asiistaooe arrived. The woumls were
dressed and tbe boy Is doing well.
Struck by Liohtninq. The Clinton
Democrat sitys : During the heavy thunder shower
which passed over Lock Haven on the 8th, the
planing mill of 0 osier A Co. wasstruok by light
oing, setting fire in ths corner of one of tbe apart
ments on the first floor. A sub-current also struok
John II ah or n and the shook wae communicated
to Kim If. B itchelor, employes in the mill, and
Mr. T. B. Lorelaod, ona of the proprietors, who
were standing lo and near the large door oa the
eastern side of the mill. The current passed down
Mr. Rah ore's left aide and right leg, benumbing
both feet. Mr. Batch el or 's feet were also bo
numbed, and, Mr. Love land felt tbe shock very
much. The wouaded men were oared for by their
friends, and are now doing woll.
i ' ' m mm
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freights sent over tho
Tyrone 4 Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Hall'
roai, tor tiie weei ending Aug. e,
the same time last year ;
For tho week..-. ........
Same time last yeu......-
Previously during year
Same time last year......
Total In IH77
Same time last ymr r
oTHBtt rand an.
Miscellaneous freights
,,.,.108 cart.
.... V0
One More Testimonial. Itistwcn-
ty-flve years since X was hurt by the falling of a
tree, Injuring my back, and at times I have been
unable to drees myself without help, always bar
ing a pain in the small of my back, hiring blls
tcred it a great many times and used a large nutn
ber of plasters without only temporary relief. In
the spring of 1874 I began taking E..K. Thomp
son's Barosma, or Back-ache, Liver and Kidney
Cure, followed with marked benefit. I have
taken six bottles, which reiuon oU the excruciating
pain. Words cannot express what I have suffer
ed. I have not been as well in twenty Ave years,
Tho Barosma Is worth more than gold, and I take
pleasure in testifying to its merits.
I. W, Lionr,
Brccdtcrn, Chcrrytrre twp, Jan. S !?.
Prepared by K- K. Thompson, Tituivlfle, Pa.
Price $1.00 per Utile. Bold In C bar Q rid hy C.
D. Watson, druggist.
For the Ladies. We aro not much
on specialties, but we this week lay before our
resdirs an article on H Breed Making " that
should be road by those who cannot bake. Toon
sands of young women can read like a Shakes.
pears, ling like a Jenny Llnd, and play on a
piano equal to the hot performer, but tbey cao-
aut bake a loaf of bread tit to eat if It was to savs
them from tbe gallows. Mothers, why Is it that
your daughters at twenty cannot perform the
simplest duty of a housewife t W hose fault is it 7
Yours, or tbcin ? We understand tbat she con
templates managing a household Suppose tbat
the looomotives on our railroads were run by en
giuctrs equally as inaomprteot as your daughter
is for her duties, what would become of the loeo-
motlre, passengers, train and all t Why, it le
horrible to contemplate t Tho comparison Is
pretty strung, but Ibe duties aro alike simple,
ir fully understood before andertaking them.
Read the article on our first page.
A Singular Accident. Tho I'hil-
ipuburg JiturnM of tbe 1 1th, says i "On Thurs
day of last week, as R. D. Showaltor, Esq.,
farmer near town, la Decatur township, was cut
ting bis crop of grass with a mower, he lost One
of his horses la a singular manner. He had used
bis scythe ia tbe Held to out a swatb so as lo ea
able him lo start hit mower, aad stuck tbe toy the
as ie frequently done, under the fence. At noon
he tied the horses to the faoo la the neighbor
hood of where the scythe lay, and oa bit return
to tbe field bitching bis team to the mower, one
of tho horses stamping at the flies, struck one of
bis hind feet oa the scythe, cutting himself so
severely about tbo feUoek joint, as to sever an
artery, from which be bled to death la a short
time. It Is probable Uiat the horse, while stand
Ing at the fence, may have oamed the soy tbe to
be moved from Its place, aod waa unnoticed until
It was tbe cause of tbe unfortunate aceldeat."
"IIooniXMs." Who are they? Tho
question la answered by tbo Philadelphia Ltajtr :
The word " bond lum" Is os-td on ths Pacific coast
as a descriptive term fur idle young rowdies of
the kind that make op tbe gangs of "comer loaf
sr." of our Atlantic oitiee. Tby stand about In
groups In the disorderly parts of all towns, and
aro free with tbe'.r foul tea go as la making of
fensive remarks upon all persons passing by. If
spoken to about their oaldust, they reply by r
beating ibelr Insults and Indulging In other
rufflanlsm, Inolading profanity, cbiesnlty, and,
not un frequently, alatl ntsault with flits, clubi
and stnnes. This tribe ef rasoclly boys aod
young men the Californlana axil "hoodlums
There le an peculiarity about the matter but tbe
ana There aro plenty of just stiib felluwi
about the oulskrrts of our large towns, and some
small ones, toe, Tu"bdlowj" is the boy whose
parents or guard I aa permit to grow up and pass
the years fret- fifteen to twenty without work at
aay uveful occupation, Idling away his time by
lounging about bar-rooms, street corners aod "on
the lota" with other young rowdies and black
guard.. Tby arcalwayAtrcublaiovs and seme
limes dangerous, for tbey always make up a largo
proportion of rioters. Theirs arc the Id'c and
vicious hands that aro alwsyt ready for "the
dcvll'i wort.
idf, ana
.. 32,701
IM )l,063
M 1,70ft
.. 741,875
... 078,080
,M 06,4Vft
. 784,383
... 677.143
Salt I Salt 1 1 You can got tho largo
twilled sack of fine tail at Lytle'i fur $1, lbs
same site that hai heretofore been selling at
I2.&0 and S.
Lytic lias received a lurgo slock ol
Mackerel, White fish, Lake Herring, do., which
he Intends to sell very lew. Come and price be
fore buying. tf.
- a-t p - -
At the Ra-Puiu.icAN ofllce 1b tho placo
to get your Job work done. Waare fully prred
to do anything In the printing line, will do It
well, and at tbe right kind of prises. tl.
highest market prion.
A. O. KiAMia k 0.
The extraction of teeth without pain
has been one oV iSegilcucst points desirable In
tbe practioe of dentistry without the use of chlo
roform, other or gas, aud recent discoveries show
that certain mixtures of sedatives applied to the
tooth and surrounding porta, so benumb tho tooth
that It can be taken out with but very little pain.
Dr. Hills Is now using this application la ex
tracting teeth, with tbe most marked success, for
the benefit of bis patients, without extra charge.
Those who bar tried It ipeak of It very favora
bly. July 11-tf.
Foa Rair. Tho store room an Market street.
between Front and Second streets, lately occupied
by A. I. Shaw, aa a drag store, le offered for rent.
This Is oneot tho best looatiooe In Clearfield.
For further particulars apply to
Clear oald, aug.e, 77-u. atuaaAT uoanog.
only, for a la rare full eark of Malt, at
JcU-tf, John Mctiaughey'a.
Own Ilttnnun P Cist. Dtsoorrirr on Old
Pnicni. Sawing Machines oan now be purchased
at Merrell's tin and variety store, from $3b up
wards. All kinds of cowing maabioee repaired
on the shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa-, July 18, 18T7
f Boys' Suits for one dollar and
W M mJJ fifty cents, at a. UDiRiauaus,
Western Uutel Corner, Ciearneid, fa.
June 30th 1877 tf.
A face with charmlnt features mar be rendered
actually repulsive by blotches or pimples. Ulenn's
Sulphur Soap, promptly remedies all oomplex
ional blemishes as well as local eruptions of the
skin, burns, bruises, scalds, do. Sold by all
druggists. Hill s hair and whisker dye, biaoa or
brown, 60 cents, eugi iw
Wast id 1100,000 2A-lnoh shared shingles
to average from to flj inches for which we
will pay tbe highest market price.
A. u. kkambw o.,
feb.18 tf. Clearfield, Pa.
Bkooiii Fon fUl.E. R. Newton Bhaw keens a
full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform
Wagons for sale. To be seen at the Shaw House
yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn
sylvania. way i-u.
' onlv. Air a larirc full eirk of Halt, at
JclJ tf. John Mcliaugliey'a.
3 Jugtul flower
The most miserable beings In tbe world are
those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint. More than seveuty-uve per cent, oi too
people In the 1'nlted States are efflleted with
tlieae two diseases and tneir enecis ; suo as oour
Stomach, Sittk Headache, Habitual Costiveneas,
Palpitation of tho Heart. Heart-burn, Water-
brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of
tho Stouiarh. Yellow Bkin, Coated Tongue and
disagreeable taste ia tho mouth, coming up of the
Iood after eating, low spirits, e. uo io your
Drufrlit. 0. D. Watson, and get a 7& cent bottlo
of Auorar Flow an, or a sample bottle for 10
cents. Try It. Two doses will relieve you.
May 23, lB77-oow-ly.
3 Mt Mian Stood the Teat.
If vou doubt tbe wonderful suoccss of tiitiLoa a
Cos mi mpt ton Cuan, give It a trial j then if yon
are not satixfled, return the bottle and we will re
fund Ihe price paid. It has established tbe fact
that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs,
Hoarseness, Asthma, iv noopiag vougn, ana en
Luna or Throat troubles, there is nothing like it
for a quick and positive cure, and It seldom falls.
Ten cents, oO eente, and $1.00 per bottle. If
your Lunge are sore, or Chest or Book lame, use
Hhiloh's Poroub Plabtbb, Price 2ft cents Sold
by C. 1). W atson, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa.
doubt th.most suoees.ful euro for Uyspepeia and
Liver Complaint we bare.rver known, otherwise
we ouuld not gnarantM ft. In oaeee of Consump
tion, where (Jeneral Debility, Loss of Appetit.
aad Constipation exist, It will restore and regu
lete tb. system while rillll.Ol! S CUKK allays
the inllamatlon and heels Ibe lungs, l'rtoe 71
cente. Bold by C. D. Watson, Druggist, Clear
Held, i'a.
HACKMETACK.a rlih and fragrant perform.
Sold by C. D. Wetson, Drnggist, Ciearneid, Pa.
apt. 18, '77-.ow-ly.
Attention, Farmer! and Lumbermen.
WANTED by CnrwnnevUI.,
10.00U pounds pork.
1,000 bushels wheat
1,000 bushels rye.
1,000 bushels oats.
1 ,000 bushels shelled corn.
1,000 bushels potatoes.
ItMMMMs 0-lnrb ehaved nhlnfrlen.
ItMl.tMMI l4-lnrh nnwed aliluglca.
IIHt.tMN) feet pine board..
S.IMM) railroad Ilea.
A.tMKl corda wall mid heoalurk bnrk.
For which one-third cash will
be paid. oct.25.
In West Ciearneid. en Monday July Hd, 1177,
Annie C, wife of Thomas Nichols, aged III years,
lontbs and U days.
(S and after Monday, JUNB 21, 1877, the
VrM""S .hh-.. ,
daya) between Tyroneand Clearfield, ae follow.
"W. 0. Inwin, Conductor.
Curwensvlllel:10, r
Ole.rllold.......0. "
Tyron. 9. 10,1.1b
V anseoyoe,, "
Summit,.... 919, "
Powrllon, II It), "
Oweola. 1" 20, "
Bojnton I0.J7, '
Si.lncr'e, 10.81, "
Pbilipaliarf...l08, "
tlranam, ...... 19.34, "
lllue Uall 11)10,"
Rlgler 11.08,
Woodland 11.17, "
llarrttl 11.24,"
Uonard 11:11,"
Clearfield 11.40,
Leonard I 39, "
Rarrott t.ib, "
Woodland nil. "
lligler -. 4.03,
Walleeeton,....4.ll, "
Ulue Uall 4 18, "
Urahaia .4 20, "
Phllipsburg....4.3, "
Suioer'a 4 Ji, "
lloynlon 4.42, "
(l.o.ola 4.47, "
Powrllon, 4.18, "
riummit, ..1.U, "
Vaneeoyoo 6.34, u
Tyron ...(, "
W. S. Pu'uMnn, Conduotor.
Blue M.ll,...
Oraham, .,
Tyrone ...
. T.OO A. a.
, t:39 "
7.14 "
101 "
, 8 20 "
, 8 34 "
, I 60 "
, 9.01
, 9.17 "
. 9 40 "
9.S0 "
10 00 "
.10.30 "
.11.81 "
.11.11 r.
...1.02 "
Tyrone,..,.,..I.H I
Summit, I 02
S.I 8
Osceoie, ..
iirenara o.o
Slue Dell 1 41
Wallaeeton, ...9.00
Hlglw, .l
Woodlnnd, .t
Barrett 9 41
Leonard, .....9.19
8.:to leav. Tyrone
e. io
8.J7 B.ld
9.39 . Julian , .
9.11 nlllrehurg
10.05 ' Bellefonte
10.15 Mllwburg 1 '
11.40 ' ' Howard
11.19 arrive L. Haven leave
WsaTWann, k. . wasrwun. A. .
Pacific Eipress 8:lPltlshurgh Bip is, t.10
ll.rrl.Wof. Aee'ra. I:MI PmUc Ki.reea, 8:18
r. n.l r.n.
Mall Train, S:I8 Way Peesengir, 1:11
Atlantic Espresa, 8:10 Mall Train, 9:14
Pblla. Klpress, 10:811 Past Line, 7:08
r. . a. n. a. a. svvioee. a, m. p. a. r. a.
,-r0 Morrtsdale, 12:10
1 11 7 35 Pbllipeborg, II IA
119 7:81 Sl.iner's 11 II
114 7:14 Uoynton, 13:14
1 10 10:80 7 51 Osceola, I II 12 04 4:11
1 44 10 43 8:09 Mnsbannnn, 9 39 11:11 4 00
1:11 10:11 9:11 St.rHng, 919 lllll 8:52
1:17 1fl:99 1:17 HcntH.I 9:10 11:40 1:47
3:03 11:01 1:21 MeCealry, 9:11 11:11 1:44
8 07 11:07 1:28 Kendrlck'e, 9:19 11:19 8 40
1:11 lltll 8:81 Haeney. . 9 00 11:15 8:11
Close connections mad. by all train, nt Tyron.
and Lock Uavwn.
t. t. BLAIR,
rartT-lf. Snperlntendent.
A siege leevoeCurwoasv file dsily for Reynolde-
rille, at I eioel, , ns-i arriving at steynoiasrine
at 9 . clock, p. m. Ketnmlng, leavae Reynold.
Till dally, al 7 n'eleo, a. as., arrt.leg al uur
weasvllleat II. clock, sn. Fare, aaeb way, I.
A v.aee leave. Cavwewtvllle dally, at I a'ctoek
p. a , lor DaltoU City, arriving at DaBols City
al 9 .'eleek, p. m. Ketnrning, learee DuBol, .1
T e'eloek, a. ., dally, arriving al Unrwensrille at
1le'cloe,. rem, tarn way, I.
Allegheny Volley Railroad.
ON and after Monday, Mny 13th, 1HTT,
tho naaotinger trains will run daily (except
Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, as
follows t
RAttTWAHIl. Day Mall leaves Pittsburg
8:20 . m. Red Bank 11:46 j Sligo Junction 12: Mi
New RethMiem 1:10 p. u Mayaville 1:87
Troy Hrookvll e 2 Fuller's 1:50 Rey-
noldsville S;0tf Dull-'li 1:3.1 ; Summit iunnsl
S:4H Penfield 4:0V t WaedvilU 4:17 Benesette
W-V rj.Ulr1wood nt ft; 1ft.
eaiwatt'awua 'i i"''' '"''" V V-l
Ponflehl V.19; Summit Tuanew.;
H.ttMilciivMI. : i Kull.r'l M0; Brook. III. 9:13
Tro, 1:211 M.viril!..V4l N.w H.lhl.b.n 4:04 1
Blio JunctlciB 4:47 I H..1 Hack 1:113 i trri.M .1
PUuborn a 7:10 r-
pm Th ReynoMnlllt Ae.oiuHtMj.tlcn letVH
RrjuolJiTlH. duly l 7:10 . m. Mil trrlTM .1
H.d li.nk t 11:00 ., Pmiburgh ntl.1t f. m.
Lmvm I'itubgrRb tt ft:S0 p. m Kd Bank at
1:11 p. n. arriving at B.ynoldirlll. at 8:10 p. in.
Clot, oonnaotlimi mad. with train, on I'. A H
Railroad at Drtltwood, and with train, on tba
AlI'llienT Vall.r Hailroad at lti.d Hank.
DA V U MrCAHilO, (lin'l Su.'t.
A. A. JaoMoa, Bup'l I. U. Dir.
Bellefontc, Pa $3 ft
Lock Haven . 17
WUIlamsportR.... I 00
.i I i on
Mlddletowa ffi 00
Marietta.. ft AO
Lancaster . ft 6
Altoona 1 Aft
uuniiDiuuD im , " i
t e oa.
ijcwiBiown.. w"
Marysvilie.HH..H.., i ft
Cuweusvillo 20
Osceola Aft1
HARRlKBURG ... 4 7ft
Johnstown. I B0
I'kilipaburg,.., II
Tyrone 1 22
2Jfvv awttsmcuti
Notice Is hereby given to all porsons Inter
ested, that application will be made to the next
cession of tbe Court of Common Pleas ef Clear
Held county, ootirMflnotng Monday, September it,
1877, for a Charter of Incorporation for the Burn
tide M. K. Church, in Burnside borough, Pa.
Clearfield, Aug. U,Jo77-ot. Attorneys.
CAtTTION.wAll persons ate hereby caution
ed against purchasing or .n anyway med
dling property, now upon my pvmlses, in Pena
township, vis: Two horses and harness, 1 two
boree wago.i, 1 dearborn, 1 cow and two calves,
1 bed aod bedding, 1 cook etovo t of 8 acres of
oats In the barn, J of 4 acres corn, and 1 of 4
acres buckwheat. This propert) was purchased
by me from my eon, Francis Kathrty, and bs has
therefore no interest in it.
Grampian Hills, Aug. 1ft, 1877 -St.
IHTRAV COI.T. Came trespassing on tbe
j of tb. nndersigned In lieocaria
township, on the Id day of July, 1477, an Iron
gray mare eolt, left hind foot white, supposed to
he about two years old. Tbo owner I, remiesud
to come forward, prove property, pay charges
and take it away, or it will he dirpased of as Ibe
law directs. JK.tU. COOPER.
Glen Hope, Aug. 877-31,
IISTR AY HEIFER. I.efl the of
J the undertigned, tn Lawreie. towoebip, oo
or about the it day of July kit, a dark red
heifer, two yean old, email white stripe In fore
head and rery wide born,. Any pcreun return
ing eaid heifer, or giving any Information that
will lead to her recovery will he euiubly reward
ed. Information aa to her wlirtenhouu may be
left at till ollire. JUI1X W. TATK.
Clearheld, Aug. 1,'77-lt.
Xelio. is liven that Letters of Ad
ministration on Ihe e.i.l. of JK.-.SK BTONK,
let. of Hoggs township, C'esrlield etmoty,
I'eon'e, dee d, having been duly granted to
tbe nndersigned, all persons Indebted t. said
state will please make immediate payment, and
thoe. having eleim, or demands will present
them properly authentloated fur eettlement wilh
outdelay. A. C. TATK,, Aug. ,' 77-nt. iiaminieiraior.
j mentarv on the Mtate ef JUKI All WASH
111 RN, lete'of Huston township., Clearfield Co.,
Pa.dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves Inde ted to eaid
estete are required to make Immediate payment,
and thoe having eleiina against the same will
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay.
JOS. vtAniiui'n.v,
B.liula, Pa, Aitf. 1, 11tl. Kiecutore.
Notice la hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration en tne estate oi jito.H.ruLrunu,
KHU.. late of Clearfield borough. Clearfield Co.,
Pa., deceased, having been duly granted to th
under.lgn.d, nil r.rMns Ind.bLd to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and tbon
having elaima or demands against Ihe came will
prescut them properly autnccticated tor setu.
mont without delay.
ftAltfliri a. nibruni',
or her Attorneys
Mi nait A Qiinnnn.
Clearfield, Pa , July ,'77-t.
t is hereb. civen that Letters of Administra
tion on tb out of JOHN Hltlll, late
of Knot township, Clearfield eounty, l'a.,
A.a'd. h.vln been dulv granted lo tbe onder-
signed, all persons Indebted to said estate, will
nloase mske tmmedtate payment, snu iswv bit-
log claims or demands will present tnem properly
autbentlcated lor settlement wunnu. ...i.t.
jiiltM w . itmii,
Hew Millport July 11, "77-81. Adm'r.
A.W.Lee. Assignee, vs. Jeremlsh Cxiper,
In the Conrt of Commun Plea, of Clearfield ooun
ty, Pa. No. 103, Aterch term, lii.
The: nndersigned Auditor, sppolnled by the
Court, lo ascertain the liene and distribute pro
ceeds ofSberit s sale of Defendant's real ei:.te,
gives notlc Ibat he will atleod to these duties at
hai omoe, in uiearneia, on'ni,
1TH DAY OP AlUTPT, U77, between tbe
liows of 10 o'olock A. a. and 8 o'olock r. ., when
and where all parties interested may attend.
WM. M. MoCIILI.Ol'UU, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa, Aug. 1, 1877-31.
Harriet II. Psarioll vs. James A. 1'carsoil.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield coun
ty, l'a. No. 384, Hep.. Term, 1875.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court, to distribute Ihe proceeds arising frera a
Bherifl'a sale of ltciemlant'e real estate, gives
notice tbat he will attrnd tn this duty at bis
office, In Clearfield, ON FRIDAY, Till. 34H
DAY OF AUUUbT, IC77, betweeo tbe hours of
111 o'clock a. a. and fi o'clock p. when and
where all parties interested tuny attend,
WM. M. MrCl LliOlMtU, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa., August 1, 1H77-31.
Jennie Patterson vs. James Wilson. Ii
i the
Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, Pa
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court, to make tlixtrihutlon of the proceed in tbe
bands of Ihe Trustees, to and among tboae enti
tled thereto, hereby gives notice that be will at
tend to Ihe duties of his appointment at his nfftc.
in Clearfield, ON PKIDAV.TIIB 17TI1 DAY OF
AUUUHT, A. D. 1877, at 3 o'clock r. u., when
and where ell patlies Interested nay attend.
A. tl. KKAMKK, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa., August 1, IC77-3t.
Tint of 'annum.
j List of Juror! drawn for September term, A,
I). 1377, com meed og on the 4th Monday the
34th day;
ORixn gtinona.
S. Carson, Purndde bor 3. Mitchell Burnside tp.
fleo. Hank. Clearfield, (R Pennington, Chest,
8. H. Butters,
Adam Krphart, uecatur
J. P. Irwin,
R. H.Hhew,
B. J. Dnffcy, Off-eola,
Herton Merrltt. HngK",
N. P. Wilson, Bradford,
Isaee Wilson, '
Ell Hnnlt, M
David lllteblnss,
John Moore. Ferguson
J. HenU Flegal, (loe hen
f. Mllnhell, Uroenwood
I). 8. Hpenuer, Oulieh,
.las. Irwin, Jr Law ace
8, B. Jordan, "
D. F. Hharpe, Pena,
Met. Kloom. Pike,
R. Waring, Woodward,
B. F. Clayton, llrady,
THivBitsn iraoaa 4rn HonniT, iui-t. 3trn.
A. B. fthnnarls, Cl'fleld.iW. T. Rothroek, Morris
J. D. Bnnke,
Ueorge Wiee,
Lewis I.awhcad, N
Geo. B. Weaver,
A. II. I , "
Jno. Norris, Cur'svllle,
W. N. Dyer, "
M. Owens, "
Rob't Butler, Ilnuttdale
J. M. Roes, L.CMy,
Tbos. K. Ileims, Osceola
Andrew MoClure, "
John Miller, B"f(ft
J. Bslsh, "
W. I. Taylor, Bradferd,
R. U. Rblrey, "
Kills Pmeal, ' 1
W. Bcbwem, Brady,
Orern W. Bell. Knox, j
Jno. Smith, Lawrence, J
Philip Reese. "
K. K. Daniels, H I
R. R. Irwla. - I
John UoKeon, Prnn,
N. Freeman, "
Ijamss lroecb, Pike,
J. H. flill, Woodtrard,
H, Poetlethwalt, Brady,
Adam Reek, llurnside,
DaTid Fulton, '
A. Thompson, -Thoa.
Kvaos, Chest,
Calvin Pleven, "
Henry Holt, Cottrgtoa,
F. F. Roily.
Kmil Mignnt, "
l. H. Hughes, Derntur,
J. F. Hliner,
Wa. Anderson, Qosbso,
J. Kvler, (iraham,
W. II, Thompson, Ur'w'd,
Henry AHemaa, Oulich,
J. R. Johnson, Jordan,
D. W. Wise, "
J. U. Reitcr, Karthaus,
Deary Uroe, Morris,
travkrii ii-aoiis lsr anirrAY, ocr lsr.
8.McCormiek. Bnrnrldrl
A. HarwIrk.Ckarlcld,
J. A. Moore, " i
J. P. Farewell, t. Clly.l
Wa. llartman, Osceola.1
Hicb'd Oose, " I
J. Llghtnev, Beeearle,
Blake Balrd, Bell,
C. M. Uoff, bloom,
R. Plympten, Bog,
Jno. W.Kylrr, "
rtamuel SlotL N
Jnha W. Neff, Chest,
Vim. Behaarr, Cov gton,
W. D. Morann, Decatur
Jes, fllenn, Ferguson,
lligler Harger, (Jrabam,
W, Hhocmaker, (ieib-n,
Matt MnCvllv, Oulii h,
Albert Newell, Huston,
.Inc. Haekrtt, "
Vim, Chambers
A. J. Ames. Morris,
J. J. Dalley, Pran,
8. UniUrry, Bradford,
Kliiba Davis, "
J. Hartshorn, Jr., Pike,
J. K. Wrlgley,
Joaa. flhafler, Brady,
Joha Trosell, Burnside,
BenJ. Weed, Cbesl,
Joaa. Rolead, '
Kcticrt uwens,
J. B. (larrtsoa. "
J. II. flrobaker. Tnlcn,
' Jae. Comely, Woodward
Stoubenvillo Ohio, Female Seminary.
Board, Room and Light. per year, $178) off
for ministers' daughters. Tuition In the Kugllah
Course, Languages, Music, Painllng. Ac, very
moderate. Send for a catalogue.
Rev. C. C BKATTY, D.D., I.L.D., 6upL
Bav. A. M. UK ID. PH.D., Principal.
Bteubenvllle, 0., Aug. Mm.
IteautiruIlT and neallhrulljr l.ic.1.4 at lloarar,
Pa., on tba uhio Klrrr, twentj.lftlit milM belon
Pitutinrf. It, Fall ,eiion bVplruib.r llib.
ir-. nbtain.d 1 b.
J A Home Schi
u. Healthful CM it
eio a spcoialt,
Experienced 1
work. Next s
A Home School. Beautiful Soensry.
mate.'t Full Course. Mu-
,lty. Modem Languages.
Xeac tiers ho nan way
session begins September
ft lb, 1877. Send for circular to
C. F. K0LHK, A. M., Principal,
eug.lta Academla, Juniata County, Be.
Full B.'.ion oprnl Tliur.J.j, Bepteinkor 13th.
Pl.uantiltuatlon. Keay of aooen. Tormi mod
erate. Oourro of Initruotlon thorough, eubrao
Id all the Engli.h branohM Muilo, Drawing,
Ae. Fur Calalogue,, plea.e addrcei
July H, 1877-lm. Principal.
On. of the lea ling Kchooll In the I'nlte d Stetee.
Elegant Uuildinge. Well Ml.otod eouree of etudy.
Tborough teaching. Kiglit department,. Twenty
two teaober, Eleven teaebere In the
ConHcrratory of .Tf ule
connooted with the oollrge. Initruotlon, In the
element' of Theory of Muilo, Thorough
liafl, IJermony, Afl., aud tbe nee of the (Iraud
Organ, Cabinet Organ, Piano, Guitar, Piute,
Viulin, and Voio. Culture riilty full le.Mni for
eighteen dollari. Uenllemen admlttod to tbe
Coneer.atory. Charge, in th. College and Con
lenatory kl. then any school aflurding cual
adrantnge, and acoonimodationl. Pall Torm
open, Bcptetnber lib. Htnd for Catalogue to
HKV. I, C. PKltSlllNO,
July S5, 187T Jm. Pittiburgh, Pa.
ntlllKII, HTATEMt'.NT L. J. Hurd,
i5 District Treaeurer.ln account with the sohool
tund ofXiewburg norougn lor loe year eouiug
Jun. 1st, 1879:
To am't of duplicate assessed for 1878, 9181 41
Total '82 41
Fly amount of ordere paid
Hy amount of Treasurer's per centege,..
By amount uncollected,
Dy balance In Treasurers bands,
(139 04
5 87
19 12
1 41
"tl9! 42
Wa. the undersigned. Auditors of Newliurg
borough, do certify that w. bare examined the
accounts of L. J. Hurd. District Treasurer of
said borough, and find them as chore stated.
ttlL.lir.iti lu&nt.,
A. L. Ill ltll,
Hurd, Aug. 1,77.81. Auditors.
Examinations for teachers for the school
districts of Ciearneid county, will beheld during
tho present year as follows t
Ciearneid, Lawrence end Lawrcnoc I nd pendent,
at Ueurfielil, on Alutiday, August uio.
Bradford and Bradford Independent, at Bigler,
on Tuesday, August inn.
Boggs and Wallaeeton, at Wallaeeton, Wednes
day, August lotu.
Morris, at Kylertcwn, Thursday, August lfh.
Graham, at Urahamton, Friday, August 17th.
Curwensville, Pike and Tike Ind., at Blooming-
ton, on Saturday, August leih.
Frrfrason, Jordan and Knox at New Mitlpirt, on
Mondny, August 20th.
Boccaria and Madera, at Mien Hope, on Tuesday,
August 21st.
Oulich, at JayneevihV, Wedncsdav, August 22d.
Woodward and Houtidale, at Houtidale, T hun
day, August Said.
Decatur and Osceoie, Osceola, Friday, Aug. J4th.
Lumber City and Peon, at Lumtver City, Monday,
August 17th.
Greenwood and Bell, at Bower, oa Tuesday, Au
gust 28th.
Burnside borough and township, at Burnside, oa
Wednesday, August 2Uth.
New Wanhingtnn, at New Waeblngton.on Thurs
day, August 30th.
Chest and Newburg, at Westover, Friday, Au
gust 31 it.
Brady and Bloom, at Luthersburg, on Monday,
September 3d.
Union and Toloa Ind., at Bockton, on Tuesday,
September 4th.
Huston, at Penfield, oa Wednesday, Bept. 6th.
One hen and lllrard, at Congnus Hill, on Thurs
day, September oth.
Covington and Karthaus, at Union School House,
oa Friday September 7th.
Examinations will begin at 0 o'clock, a. m. A
directors meeting will he held with each exami
nation, between 1 and S o'clock la the afternoon.
1 would like tc meet all the directors of our
countv at there exeminslions. Teachers are re
quested to be examined in the districts where
thy intend teaching. J. A. UltKl.OltY,
August 1,77-41. County gup't.
WunniAfl, Hon. C. A. MAYER, President
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of
tbe counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton I
and Hon. AnnAM Oonan and Hon. Virchht U.
Holt, Associate Judges of Clearfield county I
have Issued their precept, lo me directed, for tbe i
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' I
Court, Court of Qusrter Sessions, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv
cry, et the Court House at Clearfield, in and for the '
county of Clearfield, commenelng on the loiiiih !
Monday, the 8 Ith day ol Xcplemuer, IH17.
and to continue two weeks.
NOTICR IH, therefore, hereby given, to the
Coroner, Juitiooe of tho Peace, and Constables,
in and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper persons, with their Records, Rolls,
Inquisitions, Kiaminations, and other Remem
brances, to do those things whirb to their offices,
and In their behalf, pertain to be done.
Hy an Act of Atrtunb.y, puscd the Sth i:j ?f
May, A- D. 14, it is mode the duty of the Jus
tices of the Peace of tho several counties of this
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of tho
Court of Quarter Hesslons of the respective
oo untie, all Ihe recognisances entered Into before
them by auy person or per sous charged uith tbe
commission of any crime, except such cases ae
may be coded before a Justice of the Peaee, un
der existing laws, at least ten days before the
com men e nent of the session of the Court ta
which lhy are made returnable respcctirely,and
In all caci where any recognisances ere entered
Into less than ten dnvs befure the commencement
of the sciiin to which they aro made returna
ble, the said Justices are to return the same In
the same manner as If said act bad not been
OIVRN under my bend at Clearfield, this IBlh
day or July, tn tne year m our bord, one
thousnnd eight hundred and seventy-seven,
jy lb tc ANDREW I'fcNTZ.jr, Sheriff. ,
Save Youit Cash
G. C. & T. W. MOORE,
(Paweseore to J. 8. Shower,)
rai ens is
c a rs,
Thoyerentw leeching a clijlce lot of the
latest styles of Lndiee and Gents' Dress Shoes
and Hoots, trgcthrr with a Urg lot of
H.OW SHORS, o.(r.(
suitable for workmrn on the fern and in tke
They la. He epecUl attention to tbuir stock of
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
All f nhlra will 9 solJ al rales a, farorekls as
Ibe, can be bought alrcwbrre In tbe cunatr.
A share ef lit. raltunsg. ef the public I le
Ifcrtfult, anli. Iteil.
f.l l. C. MOOHK.
Cleatl.lrl, Pa., Jul, 11, lH-m.
tf rinrr 11 "' "' ":' in ubm, but
V it oan b. mad. In thro, montbi bjr any
on. of oltb.r Ml, in an, part of tb.
oountrr nbo t, willing to wurk rtoadllv at Ih.
,mplja.nt that wo fiiral.b. " p.' ""k
Jour own town. Vou ih4 not b. nw., Iroin
ooi, orar night. Vou oan (it, your wbol. lime
t. tbe ork,ur out, v.urepar. motnenU. Itoo.t
notbiof to try luobmine... Term, and $1 Outfit
free. AddrMi at once, U. IIallrtt A Oo.,
April II, l77-ly Porllaud, M.ine.
Tbe undersigned will eell at private sale all
that tract nr parcel ef land silnat la Dacalnr
township, Clearfield county, P- wilhla a short
e-'X.ierJit.'..c Jl t'..rnc"l . tt, anu
aid tract oontainmtf Ua.J mora M
two veins of veluahlc coal thereon, has airoU 10
acres cleared, and is the hey to a large body of
coal about being developed. Will be sold low anu
upon easy terms, for particulars, apj
s. aptily to
Clearfield, Pa., July t2, lc7.
Fine Farm at rrlvalc Sale !
Sltuat in Huntingdon cnunlr, Pa., one mile
north of Ihe village or Burnt Cabins, Fulton Co,
containing tbre hundred and twenty eight acre,,
more or less, limeitooe, gravel and slate land,
under good state f cultivation. The Improve
ment, consist of frame dwcllmg bouse, bank barn,
4l7l feet, wagon shed, corn crib, hog pens, bey
sc.les, two tenant bouse,, saw mill, two young
apple orchards bearing fruit, ona thousand panel,
post and rail fence, fifty acree meadow, one hun
dred and filly acree flow land. The balanoe
consists of 128 acres or white pine, oak and
ory timber. A stream ol never-failing water
runs through this property, making II particularly
well adapted to bolb clock and grain raising. Il
desired, will be divided to suit purchasers. This
property is on or near projected routes of two
railroads, one of which will be built this coming
Summer, for terms of sale, apply to
Lock Boi 180, Clearfield, Pa.
Clearfield, March It, I877 0in
Wrought-Iron Air-Tight
URATKrl fOR llt RMSil AH IIlltA
Descriptive llrrulara cent free tn any addnss.
April 25, '77-ly.
The Bell's Run Woolen Factory
Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa.
nor not
Th subscribers have, at treat expense, rebuilt a
naiirhhorhood necessity, in the erection of a Br st
ains Woolen Manufactory, with all the modern
improvements attached, and are prepareu to male
all kinds of Cloths, Cass line res, iSatinetts, blan
kets, Flannels, Ac Plenty of goods on hand to
supply all our old and a thousand new euiloiacra,
WRom WO aBK 0 SOUl inn sabuiiii- nui ax.
The business of
ill reoelve our especial attention. Proper
arrangemenU will bo made to receive and deliver
Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and
done upon the shortest notice, and hy strict atten
tion to Dullness we nope w iwim -"rw ui
of punlio patronage.
Wc will pay the highest market price for Woo
and eell our manufactured roods as low as similar
goods can be bought in the county, and wlienover
we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we can
always be found at home ready to make proper
explanation, ettner in person nr ny lener.
eprmtuf Bower P. O.
Would reepectftilly aotfl the public generally
that be baa removed his Grocery 6 lure from
Shaw's Row. to the building formerly occupied
by J. Miles Krateor. an Second street, neit door
to Biglcr's hardware store, where he intends
keeping a full line or
It O 13 11 1 1 H.
Sl'UARS and S 1UTS, of all grades.
TEAS, Omen sud lllack.
COPr'KK, Rcastod and llicen.
v,i.r.rt:o n rs,
All kinds In the market.
PICKLES, in jars and barrels,
8PICE3, hi every foira and trarlety.
ALL klNUStll'lKAlKliHrt.
80AP3, s
Coal Oil and Lamp Chimnoys.
And a frond assortment nf those thinfr usually
ke! In a grocery etor, which h will uobange
ror marketttig at tne market pnoes.
Will sell for ca.b ae cheaply aa any other one.
Please call and a, his stock and Judge for
Cleardel.l, Jan. .1, 1877.
i. 9. nam. A. J. naainrr.
Successor to
Second St., Cleartlttd, Pet.
The undersigned would announce tn Itw cltltrns
of Cliarfield and vlrinity, that they have par
chased the Hardware M tore of J. O. Bebryver.and
will constantly keep on bund a full assoitmanl of
Hardware In all Its breeches, such as
Brnch Ptnpi, Bend Paw. Art at Amrrlein Cross
out Saws, ). B. and Peeling A see, Hstchets,
J'lanes and Plane Irons, all kinds of
Nails, Horse 6b nee and Hrre Mhoe ,
Nslls, Picks, Hoec, Kakes.Hay - 1
Forks, Bhovels and Kpa ler, ' !
(Jraiu Cradies,
' Cultivalnrs, I) nn Me
andHinfrh'ISbovel Flows,
Cultivator Teeth, Hevrls nid
Try P qua ret, Hhnvel Blades, Mill
Baw and Titer Files, Chisels, Hilts,
Attg-rs, Ad i-i, llarn Door lUnccrs, Bull,
T and rtrep Ilicges, Bonnj's Hollow Aucure,
all kind of Locks, Screws, 8sb Cord and Pulleys,
Foot and Chain Bolts, Carriage. Tire and Barrel
Bolts, iVd Cord, Sad Irons, Horeo llmshca and
Curry-Combe, Ortm!-stne fixtures, Hun, Heap
and Heap-stone Packing, Cable Chain, etc.
They will also keep on band a full assortment
of Tinware.and a general stock of Hoom Furnish
Ing Uoods, wbiob they will eell at prions ti suit
Ibe limes.
Persons wish iee anything la their line are In-
vlted to cell and examine their Moek before
purchasing. RKKD A HAOKkTY.
Clearfield, May 10, 17 Mr.
At 'Giiiiizl)iii'2's New
..L. !. - . : 9 - wmt t
Wo uro dow getting in A pew stork of Boots, Bhoes, Gaiters find Slipperi at
prices far bolow anything oor shown. For proof look at those prioct :
Women'e Isced lasting Shoes, 91 cents and up. Women'. Congress lulling Shoe, 91 Mat, aod up.
Women's laced Morocco Shoes, at 9)1.29. !., 11.74 an 82 00.
Women's buttoned Morooco Shoes, at 92.00, 11.18 and 12.10.
Women's laral foied Shoe,, at tl 25, 91.79 and 92 O0.
Women'e buttoned foied shoes, at 11.78 and 92.00. Wemen'l laced Kid Shoes, at till.
Women'e buttoned Prenob Kid Shoes, nt 92.00, 93.00, 9.1 7i and .00.
Women', calf skin, bom. made 8bo, at 12.00 warranud to turn wnter,
100 di Heron t styles of Children's Shoes, from 23 cents lo $1.73.
Wen's harvesting Shoes, at Do cents. Men's harvesting buckled flboce, at tl.tO,
Wens dress Hboos. at $1.76 20 dills rent stales. Men's kip buoU, at $1AQ.
Men's Up sale, kip hoots, $3.74 like the Klmire hooU Ilest calf skin boot for dress wear, (U.To.
llvy's bhoes, at (l.bOaad $1.7.. lloy's buttoned Shoes, at (1.50. Boy's boots, at $1.90.
Hoy's kin boot-, double sot-s, at $2.00.
; , t . 1
VTc also keep the cheapest line of HATB, CATS, Fl'BNISIIINQ GOODS, TRUNKS, da, lo.
lien's Sbirte at 40 cents. Men's Laun dried Shirts at 9$ eenU. Paper Col la re at I teats a bos.
L tiuspendcrs at twenty cents a pair.
(lire us a trial and you will be pleased. No troahle lo ebew goods. We eahaff aay thing that
docs not pro.e satisfactory. We take any kind of trade. We want all the grain we can get.
At Ft gel's old stand, opposite the Court Bouse.
OarBeld, Pa., August I, 1877.
Z. gi. ejfrli & (fo.'s Column.
tcxxdcs is
T. A. FLECK & CO.'S ..
"Determined Never
That In our
We are now selling Ihe best Calicos al 5' cents
Appleton A Muslin at 7 cents.
Thai wc arc receiving this week
' i LADIES' HACK COM1JS, ic, io.
OP CAltl'I.V 3, 4 and
Wc BUY all our goods for CASH, and SELL for CASH, by which
means wc are enabled to sell oheaper than any other
store in tho county.
Market Nlreel, Clearfield, la.
August 15, 1S77 mny 2.
TN OOI) W B TRmT.-AII olhers mast
JL y for their work before it leans the
shop. And as all flesh Is as the grass of the field,
and the promises of men are like the flowers
thereof they are ffireu one dy and forgotten
tbe neit therefore it is host not to trust anybody.
All kinds of work will ho done la this', shop for
cash or ready pny. Hoots and shoes ef all sites
and st)Wi tbe best and fhea"st In town.
1 have removed my shop to the lower end of
town, In Taylor's row, on Keed street, near Ihe
aj.ol, where 1 Kill le found at all times, waiting
for cuitoinen. 'All wutk warranted (nod and
Alsn, all kinds of Leather and Phoe Flniiogi
for sals.
The sirl tens of Ciearneid aal rlelntty are
rerfeetfully Intlted to aire me a call. i
JMS. U. l.CKItlSO,
Clesrflrld, Pa.. July II, lh7T.
Hy tit toe ef an order cf the Orphans' Court of
Clear fie I t eouair, and to ms directed, there will
be cipowd tu f uMie sale, cn the premises, on
Saturday, tttgut IS It,
all e'rlnrfc p. to., Iko t-.llowir deeorfticl real
estate, slliiala tu Chest toansbip, UiearfWId Co.,
Pa. i All that pertain fern and wood land, late
property of Hugh Unll-Rlier, dro'd, bounded oa
the east by land awted or lately owned by Vim.
H.Waxnnrr, on the ttirth hy lands nf Jcsetih
Shook, on the eon tb by land ol Hntney, Wnp.nrr,
and others, and oa the west by land of We, U.
HeRoaerand Chest. ereek, entaiaiO Ul acres
and 76 rterebie . or less, and known as the
Himon Horehaut h farm, reeertinn and eterplinn
from Ihe almva deeeribed premls-e about one kalf
ere, sold and conreyed to Ihe Chest school dis
Iriet. About one hundred acres of t) Und
eleered and under cultf ration, with a gqod bear
ln - re bard, frame bouea and log harn th-reon.
the unimproved part Is timbered with pine, hem
hfk end other timber. The property le advaa
tateourly silaated and Is in a desirable aeif bbwr-
One third cesb at corflrmattra nf sale, ami the
balanea In tww UK tmmuml paymente, with lo
teref, to ba secured hy Judgment bond and
ertgege en the premiers. ,
Chet, July t, l"T7-ti' a A-hainietretor. I
Boot and Shoe Store.
2- Urt; & t9.'t (Column.
lo lie Undersold,
Motto Still.
CAUTION. Al! persons are hereby can Honed
gainst pare has ing or la any way addling
with tba following property now la the possession
nf is mu el C. Hnjder.of DaUoie, Clearfield eo.
Pa., to wit : One cook stoee and flitures, 1 cup
board, 7 chairs, lounge, eloch, table, 0 yards ef
iiar pet and three bedsteads aad bedding, as said
property was purchased by me on tba Sd day cf
August, IN77, and Is only left with eaid Snyder
on loan, subject to my order at any time.
wm. ii. potter.
Bigler, Young & Reed
Otic-horae) Tread Power and Threshing
Also, Aerj'e Patent Four-hor Powera.
Farmers will do well U fire than a cell.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. l.'TT-tf.
SherifTs Sale.
1)T flrtue ef write of LtomH yttoimt, Issuid
1 1 out of the Court of Cemmoa Pleas of Clear-
tld aounty, and ta cm directed, there will
ne et posed to pubiie sale, at tba veurl House,
ia the borough of Clearfleld, oa Retard ay, the
1Mb day of August, 177, at 1 o'eloek, p.
the following described real estate, la wit t
All that eerlain piece or lot f land situate la
Ihe town of Hterllng, county of Clearfleld, Pa ,
boonded and detenbed ae follows t Front lag on
rroal street U feet, thoa aloag let of Thomas
Kelley 1.4 feet, the tlong bemloek alley eflfcet,
tbea aW-ftg lot of Hamae4 Ucrdow TT.S feet ta tba
plaec of beginning, being a ptene or lot of gronnd
whteb was enrored by Hamnel Uotdoa aad Klia
aWlh bis wife, to Haeauel . Oebora, by deod
Waring date the lllb April, U74. Heieed, Ukea
ta esoeution, and tc be eold as the property of
S. B. Osborn.
Tea er 8-i.e. The prie ar sum al which
tb property shall h struck off must ho paid al
the time of aale, ar saea tl bar arraageaeeata
made ae will be approved, otherwise the property
will be Immediately pal ap and eold ageta ai
the capense aad risk af th pereoa whosa
waa struck uf , aad who. la eaa of defleteney n
eueh re sale, shell make good the came, arvd la
ao laeuace will the Deod a preeeaied la Court
for couflruuiuoa anleea th money tc actual la
paid to the bhehff.
fiitimrr'i Omen, I
Clearfleld, Pl Bag. I, I ITT. J
fiitimrr'i Omen, I . fihoriC.