Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 01, 1877, Image 4

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i '"I
I Cernerof Beeood and Market Streeta,
TIIIS eld aad eomaaedloae Hotel ku, durlag
the past yaw, boa enlarged ta doatle lea
foraser eapaeltv for tbo ealortataneat of atra.
fan ana guests. Too whole keiUing has keel
refaralabed, ui lha proprietor will spare aa
pala, to randar ala gaaata eooeforUblc wklle
elayleg with atat.
-Tha 'Muiioa Bouae" Oaalbaa raat U
mad freai tba Depot oa tba arrival aod departara
afeaohtreia. VT. C. CAHIHIN, Proprl.ter
Fabliihad eeenr Wedaeedej bjr
Has lha Larfeat Clrea'aUrs, af any pi par
mob. J hoy met with yells ol
derision from tlio crowd and under a
bower of stones wore obliged to re-
,1 j it . , " . . I HMIVS, SI) IIMIUUIIJ.I.-H Willi IIIU RIIIKiriN.
l1"' 'ei?"ul8.uqU'0k,,,",, ta"iWwlit, "It w bud known what
I was in ohiof command I would lmvo
(jotu-n out of thin plnco, and boon in
ruiniiuix or li l oy turn umo.
'i'bo inivalo itoltlioni. tit louxl a nut
jority, Bymiatbir.od with tlio atrikora.
their way through tho yollinir crowd
at tho point of the bayonot, aomo of
the soldicra being badly cut on tbu
hands with knives mid nlno clubbed.
Four of the soldiers lost their munkutH,
which, however, woro aHorwid ro
covered. Col. Finch was badly club,
bed, twieo knocked down and forced
l.n mnnl oi.l M.-.rl ln A.I.
I lie trouble ivitlly woo wo would not
have came at nil. Wo wcro told tlmt
riot and murder, arson and nipo, wcro
biiii; committed ull through this pari
ol the State. Wo hnvo found it differ
cut bore, and mo aulisliul lu ruttirn
homo." A low, however, naid lltuy
wouia renmin hero and stick to duty
'J'bo l'onnsylvanla llailrowl Conijia
ny has been provcrbiul for its liberal
wages to its cinployea of ull clusnes.
While its chief otlleers have received
loss salaries than lilcu oilleiuls charged
with direction of other leading corpor
ations, its skilled and unskilled labor
has boon an liberally paid as that of any
corporation in tho country. Two re
ductions have boon mndu in tho cum-
iicnnnlion of all its olllrors and employes
uom mo liighest rates during tlio war.
halt of the 1'ostofllre Dopartmoiit, but
no tliinks ue Has boon sltuubily trvaUtd
and is in revolt. The party in Iowa,
in New Hampshire and l'ennsylvanin
uiukos no attumpt to conceal its doop
disgust. Kvcrywhoro tho men who
led in the lust campaign are in rebellion.
There is tiro all along tho lino. Hayes
fouls that tbo men who hare been o
power in the party have deserted hint.
Kuch has his own ambition lo satisfy.
but they will mako common cause
against Hayes. II u has been oliligod
Market "treat. Clearfield, Pa.
Wb. 8. Bradler, formorlr proprietor of tba
uaonara Jiuuse, earing leased
tba Alleehenv
llolal, foliciti a share of public patronage, Tba
House baa been taorouglilf rapatrad and aewls
furalihad, and guaiU will Sad it 'a ltaaaadt atop-'
plog plaoa. Tba Ubla will ba aoppliad wltb tba
beat of arerrtblng la tba market. Al tba bar
will ba found tba bait wlnea aod liqnora. Uood
slahltof attached. WM. 8. BKAULKY,
May 17, T. Froprlalor.
(Cor. of Market A Front elreete,)
Tba andanirnad baring taken charge of tbla
Hotel, would reepectfulljr eullcll public patronage.
jaal'Ta ! R.JULLETON.
Tbla new and well fnrniebed house kaa bean
taken be the anderslgned. He feeli confident ol
belnf able to render latlifaotioa to tboee who easy
faror him witb n eall.
May 8, 1S7J. a. W.DA VIS, Prop'r,
Main Street,
Table always supplied wltb lha beat the market
anorde. The trareliag public la inrlted to oalL
)sn l,1?), P.OBKRT 1.0YD.
r. a. aaaoLn. a. w. inaoLD. i. a. abbolb
Hankers and Brokers,
tteynoldarUle, JeSeraon Co- Pa,
Honey reeeired an depoelt. Discounts at mo-
aerate raiee. ftaatern nod roraiga Siobabn at-
a umna ana ooiieeitoae promptly made.
Heynoldirilla, Deo. IS, 1ST4.-1J
County National Bank,
T OOM In Maionle Bolldlng, one door north of
f v. i. n eieoa'e urug Store.
Paaiaae Tiekate to and from Lirernool. Qui
town, Ulaaaow, London. Parla and CnMnhun
Alia, Dralla for aala on the Royal Beak of Ireland
ana imperial nam or London.
W. M. SHAW, Caihler. atl:.74
The targe and constantly increasing
circulation of the Republican,
render It valuable to business
men as medium thro'
which to retch tho
No, 3 1 South Third Street, Philadelphia
M..V aXtVK.a;,
And Dealers in Government Securities.
Application by mail will moire prompt attea
tloa, and all Information cheerfully furnlabed
"""" eoiicvea. Apr, ii.iti
(OBce ta Bank BuUdinj,)
I'urwenavllle, Clearfield CoH
meh II 7 tf.
(Office la Maaonle HollJInj )
Clearleld, Pa., May I, 1 877.1 y.
la ma rniraa nr
Dr. A. M. HIMi woald Inform hli frleml. and
patrooa that ba ia now putting up Artificial Teeth
By a aew and nreally tmprared proeeaa of pollah
lo Rubber Platea, he can fire a uaob atronrer
plau with leaa thiokooee the plate being all
orer the palate of an oqaal thiekneaa, rendera it
much mora pleaaent to the patient than the aid
alyle pletea. Aa I hare the aicluiea right la
aae tbla proeeaa in tbia oonnty, no ether Dentiat
can put up aa good platea by any other mode.
B-AII work guaranteed alltfaotory.'efce,
Olefirfleld. June H, A. M HILLS.
Tib bis or Subscription t
If paid in adranoe, ... f 2 00
If paid after three months, , 2 50
If paid titer six months, . . 8 00
When papers are sent outside of the
county payment must be in advance.
Ten linos, or less, 8 times, . fl 60
Each subsequent insertion, 60
Administrator Notices, . . 2 60
Executors' Notices, .... 2 60
Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60
Cautions and Estrays, ... 1 60
Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 60
Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, 6 00
Special notices, per line, ... 20
One square, 10 lines, . . , f 8 00
Two squares, 15 00
Three squares 20 00
One-fourth column, . . . , 60 00
Ooe-balf column, . . . . 70 00
One column 120 00
'1 hfa engineer of the J'.rio and Lake
Shore Koads have sitrned an fji'eemeiit (cru04Jii or Ma ,,ia,0 ,.'
with the firemen not to run with green I of VuM nttmjllmi. At
imiiun. ii ib UAjniUlUU ItlRIi VIlOlOW
York Central engineers will follow suit
Cincinnati, July 241.55 A. M.
Tho situation horo to nijrbt is very
grave. There is a fueling as if tho
city woro on the vorge ol a volcano,
ar-1 to abandon the hope of organising tbu while and intellectual clument by tho
V.VUnee,).ajWa.W ''IS'WJJ
Tho Danvillo .iWiVcwivrsays: Hinoo
too cleaning out ol tho bnyonots and
carpetbaggers in tbo South, the pro
poet ol Katlical domination thoro over
moro is as delusive as tho mirage in
the desert Kor sixtoon yoars Kadi
cnlisin oasuyod to build up a party in
that soction, first by conferring tbo
franchise on the black, and second bv
placing him, Ignorant and besotted as
be was, as a ruling power over tho
Stnve Lining and Fire Brick,
ko.t aonatafttly on banj.
Two of the principal railway depots
are in possession of crowds. No trains
are running on tbo Ohio and Missis.
sippi road, and there is a general agree
ment among the companies that none
shall be attempted wLoro the strikers
offer ohj octions. Efforts will bo mndo
to avoid a general outbroak. Tho
crowd that has assumed control at the
Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Lafayotto
depot is not composed of strikers at
all, or even of railroad men, but of
unemployed laborers and roughs. An
attempt has just boon made to burn
the railroad bridge oror Mill creek.
and it is feared that before night is
over tncre will be serious work. A
meeting of workingmen is calico for
to-morrow morning at T o'clock, to
considertho situation. Tho announce
ment is mado on blood-red fiosteni. It
ia not so much tbo striking railroaders
who are loured bore as a largo olenient
of unemployed and vicious men who
only need a signal to come out of their
homes and join the despcruto under
taking. Altoona, July 23. Our report on
Saturday evening closed with tho at
tempt to stop the train bearing troops
to the scene of the moro exciting inci
dents connected with the striko and
the account of their final departure.
The srikers and their froinds found
nothing to engngo their attention on
the railroad lor the remainder of the
evoning and night In tho meantime
Mayor (iilland issued the following
: proclamation.
F.M. CAED0N& BB0.,
On Market St, ana door weat of Maaeioa Hoaaa,
Our errengementa are cf the moat complete
character lor furaiabing the publia with Freeh
Meate of all kind, and of tho rery beet qaality.
We alao deal In all of Agricultural Imple
menta, which we keep on aahibltioa for the ben
efit of the publia. Call arouod when la lawn,
and taka a look at tblnga, or addreaa ue
Clearfield, Pa., July It, 1876-tf.
The nnderaigned hereby inform, lha publia In
general that they keen on hand, regularly, at
tbelr ahop, adjoining JOHN U ULIOU H furniture
rooma, oppoaite tba Coart Houee, tba
Market mornlnge Tuatday, Thuraday, and
Saturdayt. Meal dallrarad at reaidenoe wbaa
A rhero af patronage la reapeetrolly aollellad.
March I, I87 ly. HTAOR A NORRIH.
Dealrea to announce ta the publie that ha kaa
opened a
Where ha will KEEP ON HAND
P TJ S N I T U E E ,
And do all klnde of CABINET WORK and RK
FAIR KUKNITIIKII of all klbda, oa abort
notice aad la tbo beat poealble meaner. Shop oa
fourth atreet, appoalta Park A Merrill 'a Carriage
Skop Aug. 1, T.j.
'. ' 1 AND ; f f.
Improved Spring Beds,
The underlined kega teara to laform Iba elll.
aeaa ei uiearneld, aad the publie generally, that
ka haa aa hand a fiaa aaaortment of Furoltura,
auch aa Walnut, Cbeatnat and Painted Chamber
rmiiee, rarlor Bultea, Keellolng and Kileaaloa
Cbaira, Ladiee' and (lent.' Kaey Cbaira, the Per-
loreteo uiniag aao farlor Chalra, Cane Seate tm
Wiadaor Cbelr.. Cluthae Baib. ste mil K.i.B.
aloa Laddere, llet laoka, Berabbing Bruibee, Aa
aoklng Olaeaeo, Chromoa, Ac, whlok would
laluble for Holiday preeeata.
We have always on hand a lare stock
of blanks ot all descriptions.
4c, Ac, Ac.
Market ftU, flearteld, (at the Pool Oflca.)
rpill andertlamed ken leare ta anoouaee ta
J. the ef Clearleld and Ticinlly, tkat
be baa fitted ap a room and baa Jaat retarnad
iroee ine any wita a targe amoaat or reading
mailer, eoaaieuag ta pan or
Bibles and Miscellaneous: Books.
Bleak, Aeesanl aad Paaa Beokt of do.
aerlption l'eper aad Enrelepaa, French praaaad
and plain, Pona and Peacllai lllaak Legal
Papera, Daada, Mortgagatl Judgment, Eieup
Uon aad PromlaarT aoleai White and Parek
meat Brief, Legel Cap, Record Cap, and BUI Cap,
nneei Huaiai tor eitner nano, riuta ar Violia,
aonetantly ea bead. Any book a ar ctetlonary
dealred the! I may not bare oa head, will be ordered
by irat aipraaa, and aold at wboleaala or retail
to eall automate. I will alao keep periodical
iiwratere, awea aa auBgaeiaee, newepapcra, aa
P. A. OA t LIN.
Cleart.M, May T, ISSt-tf
" (aaocaatoa ro)
, . aitui r
HOTI0NS, , ,.,
Market eMraut, ClrartaU, Pa.
las. I, lITT.lf
We are prepared to do all kinds of
Ac, ka.,
Good Under ft ,
Clearleld County, r't
To rAe CVli'im. o AUoonm Aa the Chief
Megiotretoof tbia city, I bcliere It to be my duty
under the prraent eircumatancea lo eaulioa the
dtiaeoa and otbere agaioat any uolawf- aietn
bllea that may ariae under tba preaeat difilcal.
tier. I true! tbal all will endcarer la prcreat
any dialurbanoe that would be detrimental to
tbo iutereata ofiour oity, or to the prosperity of
any one, wane ine preoent excitement laata. It
ia required of all good eitiaena to be Tigilant and
lend tlieir peraonal Influence la aaaiating the
city euthoritiar la earrriogout that wbicbaeema
to tbem beet rur tbe earety ol urea and property.
I aleo requeat a!l Undlorda to eloee their bare
antil the nreaent axeitement aabatdea. Thla ra-
qaeal I aspect ta be oomplied with, aod If not,
tboae who diaregerd It will be held responsible
under tea utw. uelterlng that our eitiaena aro
law-abidiag. and tbat we hare no oooasiun to
ehroniele hotoua eooduct on the part ot any one,
but that all may ba peaoe and quietnesa, 1 re
main, aery truly, D. A., Mayor.
Xotico was served on tho. various
landlords and saloon keepers by tho
constables and tbe request mado public
in the proclamation was protty gener
ally complied with and in conscquonco
comparatively few men wore to bo seen
tbat night and yesteday on the streets
in an intoxicated condition. It is a mat
ter Ibr rejoicing by poacoably disposed
citizens that in theso troublous times
the men engaged in this strike for a
better condition of things have so far
deported themselves as ordely as they
"ltemombor tbe Sabbath day to keen
it noiy, was a jnnio injunction wlncli
was almost universally disregarded
yesterday. Tbo shriek of the titb, tho
rattle and rollofthedrum.thomarchinir
of armed troopa through our heretofore
quiot city, tbo rapid movements and
cheering of men, tho scream ot tho lo
comotive whistle and theaolomn tones
of tbe church bolls woro impressive of
soenos never ooiore cnactou lu tnis city
A trout nine o clock in tbo morning
ten car loads of troops, aggregating
a boat 500, composed ot parts of tho
First, Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth and
Twelfth Regiments, under tho com-
manrj oi iienorai Heaver, arrived in
this city and immediately pulled up to
ine upper end oi too yard. break
fast was served them, and their engine
wasoacKea into toe uppor round houso.
The strikers then closed the gates of
the round bouse yard refused to allow
an engine to go out to take the troops
to Pittsburgh. A detachment of Wil
liamsport, Robert M. Foresman, Cap
tain, under the command of Colonel
Stoad, was detailed to tnke an engine
from the round house. They marched
up to the round house gato, whoro tboy
were laced and surrounded by about
too cooi ana uoiormincd strikers, llicy
wore compelled to halt within six foul
of the gate and about a balf of
tho railroad men stepped into the ranks
and laid hold of muskets in the hands
of the soldiers who quiotly and not tin
willingly yielded tlieir arms, f earing
the utter demoralization of his com
mand, Captain Foresman fuced tho
crowd and attempted to drivo back the
more venturesome at the point of his
sword, when a hnro stono was thrown
which struck him back of the right car
felling bim. The gash was ono inch
and a half long and quito deep. Ser
geant Osborne Ui fiord received two
cuts on the head from stones.
rorawhilo tbe affair looked seri
ous. The strikers, on learning that
moro troops naa oocn detailed to pro
cure an cnglno, and woro marching
toward the round house, rushed nii
moll into the yard and "spiked" en
gines No. 50G, 123 and 200, W taking
off driving rods, diawing tho sand,
water ano nro, lotting the steam es
cape, and soaping the boxes. Tbe
troops started to march to tho gates,
but cuucludint; tl,ut 't would be use
less to attomnt to trot an cnirinn and
because, even if they did, no enginoor
touiu ue round to lako It out, marched
back to thoir train. From the train
the entire body of troops, vnth the ex
ception of a guard at the train, march
ed to the P. a. il. depot and stacked
arms. The soldiers and strikors thon
mixed togothor and "took in" tho
city s eights.
Four of the foldiers wore ovorcomo
by the heat yesterday, Thoy woro
properly cared for by the citizens. Five
sick aoldiors departed for thoir homos
on Day Express last evening.
Tbe soldiers, though not allowed to
go west, wore permitted to return to
their homos, if thoy chooso. Compa
ny ()., of Philadelphia, and squads of
other companies, took advantage of
that and left for homo on Atlantic Ex
press last evening. Among tho do
parting soldiers was the "City Troop,"
of Philadelphia, whom tho strikers
dubbed " Woodpockors." As thoy lea
tbe dopot thoy woro hootod and jeorod,
but the balance woro cheered. Tho
cause of this was that somo ol the
Troop said they would "take an engino
and go to Pittsburg or h 1 1" They
carried sixteen shot carbines.
Company I). Twelfth retrimnnt
from W illiamaport. entirely comnnanrl
of negroes, eommandod by Capt. Mar
tin Matthews, didn't tako near as
mncn stock in
the regulars left Philadelphia this af-
r command
5 ill) the
special train reurhod Exeter .Ntiition,
aud tho su!;!ijr-5.;d 5n Vnid and ro
ceived sixty-eight rounds of cartjXir
each. "Hoys," said tlm commanding
officer, "if you have to fire, don't shoot
high, aim low and tako a mun at over
shot." At 0:30 tho train halted at
Seventh street, below Pine, in this
city. A luigo crowd gathered upon
tlieir arrival, but oll'ereil no resistance
Tlio rioters wcro in small nuinbors,
and whero they hud disappeared to
was a mystery. Several were on band,
however, and declared "there would
bo a warm lime beloro morning." "If
wo could only catch thoso Kaston fcl
lows," said one burly slriker,"wo would
kill them on sight. tVoaro well armed
and wo won't stop before wedrivo theso
regulurslromtown. Thoy havonobusi
ness here." At 8 o'clock tho troops
marched to tbo depot, whore they uro
now quartered in readiness lor any
outbreak. The streets wero tilled with
citizens, but the blue pantaloons and
tbo red stripes bad a salutary elVoct,
and during tho inarch nothing but
uooting wus indulged in.
Tho rumor that several hundred JIol
lielloguiresaronow marching hero is in
every uody s mouth, but no reliablo in
formation can bo obtained on the sub
ject. I bo rioters this afternoon drag
ged a cannon up to tbo depot and
loaded ittotbo mouth with iron scraps.
They declaio they will flro it if tho
troops undertake to do anything. At
tbiB hour (H p. in.) all is quiet. No
trains are running, and, there is noth
ing to oxcito tho feelings of the rioters,
il is prooaLlo that nothing of Impor
tance will transpire during tho night.
in mo morning an attempt will bo
mado to relay tbo tracks.
(.'oU'Jiiiia, July 2t. Instead ot nfat
tors getting better hero they seem to
be gradually growing worse. Tho
strikers this afternoon compelled a lot
of track m en to quit their work, tuking
tboir shovels anil picks from thorn and
marching them into town like a lot of
prisoners. Threats aro mado that tho
buildings will bo fired if any troops
aro sent hero. Tho coming of a pus
sengcr train causes Intense excitement'
among tho strikers, as rumors have
been stalled thai troops will bo sent
horo to quoll any disturbance. It is
leaied if a riot should occur it will
cause blood to bo shed.
oLKAnTo.i, i-o., jtny ZD. mo ex
citement hero is intnnso. All trains
on tho Delaware, Luckawana and
Western road havo been stopped.
Whon tho mail train from Itingliam
ton, Now York, arrived at 8:50 a.
m., two passengor cars wcro detached
by tho strikers, who said nothing but
tho mail should bo allowed to run.
Superintendent Halstend said tbo mail
car would not run unless the passen
gor cars woro also permitted, and this
mado thostrikors very indignant. Tho
Superintendent was firm, howover, and
tbo mails were taken Iroin tho car.
which was promptly switched off on a
uuu again, on mo 1st ol junu o. ti.u
present year, a liko reduction ot ten
per cent, was adopted, and il was ac
quiesced in along tho whole lino with
out visiblo discontent in any section or
J. ..... ...
The stockholders of tbo sumo com
pany number from eighteen to twenty
thousand. A majority of them aro
laborers, seamstresses, widows and
olhers who depend largely or wholly
upon their dividends for their support.
They havo paid from fifty to sixty dol
lars a share for their stock, believing
that it would yield them from eight to
ten per cent. Sinco the panic of 1S73,
when tho flint reduction was nnulo in
the salaries and wages of tho officers
and employes of tho company, tho in
come of the stockholders has been re
duced forty percent., while tho income
of tho employes bus been reduced twon.
ty per cent.; and now ono day of riot
and anarchy destroys company prop
erty in Pittsburgh alone, to an amount
that would pay threo quarterly divi
dends at tho into of six per cent, per
annum, besides indefinite losses by the
interruption of tho immense business
of the eol potation. Truo, tlio munici
pality in which the property bus been
destroyed is responsible for it, but there
will be litigation and delay in recover
ing it, and in the meantime the com
pany must tako tbo money from its
now limitod earnings to replace tho
waste of tho mob. Nor is this all that
shareholders have Buffered. Their
stock that was worth from filty-flvo to
sixty dollars a year or eighteen months
ago, is now worth not nioro than thir
ty dollars in tho market. This loss
is not imputed to incompetent or un
faithful direction, but il is tbo logical
result ol tho universal prostration ol
business that has reduced the volume of
tbe travel andtrstlic and made the reduc
tion of expenses an absolute necessity.
'IM I.. 1 I .1 - i n . J
iuo niueniioiuers, inousanus 01 Whom
are no moro oppulent than the em
ployes of tho company, have also suf
fered from forty lo filly per cent, in
tho shrinkago ol the value of tlieir in
vestments, and fium the sumo cause
that has reduced the wages 'if labor.
The loss to capital has. therefore been
doublo or quadruple Ibo loss to labor
on our most prosperous railroads,
while many of them have sunk not
only all dividends, but nearly or quite
all tlieir capital bv tho revulsion in
values, in industry and trade.
1 ins condition ot tho business ot tho
country cannot escape the incxorablo
laws ol necessity, and the law of sup
ply and demand will over assert itself
ubove all theories and all combinations
and over all strikes. If the railwav
strikers had arrested tho trafllc of our
railroads by peaceably leaving their
earn auu snops, mey would have been
clearly within tbo bounds of their law
fill rights, and would to day bo in a
position to enforce tbo increase of
wages they demand. If tlio country
was prosperous and our industry em
ployed at satisfactory wages, tho rail
road men oould increaso their comnen-
sation by Ibo same law of necessity
party in it . utli : ti.u iitucv ciiaoiea
aro far as ever from being reconciled
and thoy would rather see a wool
uycu Hour nun Uomoerut than a Hayes
man in tho Sneaker's Chair. Tho
"&:'& ewsvW i i av'W nit'ty
tiling on paper, but tho service is us
far as over from boing reformed.
Though Mr. Hayes have ull tho desire
to bo a relormor, ho hits not tl
strength to curry his measures against
tbo opposition of his party. II ho
had shown himself in earnest in this
respect, ho would have bad tho people
with him, as ho has in his Southern
Policy, lint bo has boon tho first to
break bis own laws, and Ibo poople
never support trickery. When Con
gress meets Mr. lluyos will havo In
fluential lirecalers against bun in
everything, with a tremendous follow
ing. Uo will huve tbe people with
him on the Southern Policy alone.
always provided he dooa not sooner
liy the truck. 1 lie people will bo
against his sham civil service relorm ;
against his Mexican job ; against bis
efforts to maintain a largo standing
army ; against his bold attempt to
shield the Louisiana felons. Ho will
bo hampered and embarrassed atovery
step through his entire administration.
This is tho misfortune of having a
fraudulent President lie can neither
command tho confidence ot his party
nor oi ino people, in tho nature ol
things his every act will bo suspected.
Hut this will make tho poople watch
ful of their rights, and pave the way
for a successor who will hovo the re
spect and confidence of tho poople. bo-
causo ho will have thoir votes lo show
his title to his soat. Hayes has only a
bogus title, and ovory body knows iu
Raltimrtrt Gazette.
rJrnc-nfJhn bayonet .U is weJ frr-l
c .0
periencela Clearleld and other aao.
wiiei-n leaia. to crvine a ,-a. .-.I I,.-..-
to ll..rll,IJ,I would oiler toy IT
ale. h, Cle.rn.ld or an, p.,', "J "
t ..rg.a reasonable, and Ibnee too poor t. " ''
"""' JOS. II. JONlts
ClearHeld, p.., M.y ., TT... Alu
J. t. waraa.
i stock in fighting as eating, tor
aa Boon as thoy board "break ranks,
march," their brethren of this city
filled them np with good substantial
victuals. In the dopot a auartetto ol
tboir company mado some excellent
vocal music
Home of tbo Captains and Nonten
ants whom we talked to sympathized
with the strikors, talkod highly of
vueir treatment oy an, strikors and
citizens; said thoy wero compelled,
by their oaths, to do their duly whon
ordered out, Tbe (ionerals, liolonols,
etc, wero cloaa-mouthod and would
say nothing. One remarked (hat "If
onco to tho State authorities that the
company refused to run tho mail, and
that they would run it il necessary,
unu iiirnisn a fireman and engineer.
A dispatch to tho same effect was sent
to the fostofllce Uoparlmont at Wash
ington. The streets are throngod with
men from tho mines, railroads and iron
Ciiioaoo, July 24. Tho mob which
closed the railroad workshops this
morning continued its moors during
tho al'tornoonbusy ing itsell with clos
ing up manufactories and all shops
wuicu lay in ineirway. i ne propno
tors gonorally offered no objections, it
boing protty generally understood tbat
toe men wouiu return and go lo work
when deemed advisable. The mob,
which at limes numbered 2,000, but
which was often divided into soctions,
was composed largely of boys between
14 and 20, but acting under directions
from oldor beads. All railroad shops,
including tho Northwestern, havo been
closed, and tho strikers aro nerely en
gaged now in stopping freight trains.
As yet no passenger, mail or express
trains have been interfered with.
Among tho establishments closed np
aro the workshops of tho Michigan
Central, Illinois Central, Chicago and
Alton, Northwestern, Milwaukoo and
St. Paul, Chicago, Ilurlinirton and
(yuiney, Chicago, Kock Island and Pa
cific, end f.nlio Shore and Michigan
Southern liuilroads.
All tho men connected with tho
freight business on theso rouds havo
oither quit voluntarily or through
compulsion. Besides iheso tho rubble
visited and caused to suspend opera
tions ai lumpucil uros null, iioiitcn,
n cck S JlonnoB stono yard, Palmer
k fuller's sash, door and blind factory,
uuzow s lumiiuro luctory, ncliuttlur s
wagon manufactory, Northwestern
II onto Shoo Nail Company and many
others. Tho Mayor's Secretary is this
aflornoon swearing in special police in
great numbers. The Mayor issued a
proeiuintiiion inis aiiornonn reciting
iI.a iini a ..r ..rr..:.-. t it: . .r
vmu diuiv ii minim unu imuiiir on citi
zens to aid in enlorcing tho law and
suppressing riot, and to that end re
commending patrols in tbo various
neighborhoods and that womon and
children keep off tho streets, lloadds
that tho city government has mado
amplo preparations for tho protection
of life and property. It is known that
tho iwenty -second Jtegimont, United
States Infantry, is onronto from Da
kota and will reach horo to-morrow.
Thoy are the only men coining to
Chicago from outsidr, and they are
only sent hero on their way lu the
Fast, where they properly belong. It
was rumored at fivo o'clock that all
tho street cars will be compelled to
stop running.
Kansas Citt, Mo., July 25. The
striko of railroad employes occurred,
as previously agreed upon at noon to
day. No freight trains havo boon al
lowed to Icavo tbe city. Soon after
twolvo o clock a crowd of about 250
colloctod at tho dciiot and marched to
an ine railroad shops in the city and
compelled tho workmen to ceaso work.
Thoy also visited Plankinton A Ar
mour's packing house, the elevators,
the different buildings being erected,
and all othor places whero labor was
boing performed and compelled a com
plete cessation of manufactures and
labor all ovor tho city. Thoro has been
groat excitomont in tho city to-night.
ah satoons wore closed, At seven p.
m., a moetinir of citizens was held and
measures takon for tbe protection of j
private property and lor putting down
a riot, should ono occur. Tbe strikors
and tlieir frionds also held a mooting
and decided to let no lreight trains
loave to-morrow. The excitement is
slill groat, but It ia thought no damage
to property will be aliomptod. Tho
council met in secret evasion to-night
and a large force ot special police will
be appointed oarly in the morning.
siding. The strikers telegraphed at : 111,11 "ow makes it impossible. If there
wuru moro places lor laborers than
there aro men to fill them, tho irropcal
ublo and always operative law ol sup
ply and demand would make Ibe la
borers masters of tho situation j but
just tbo reverse ia the fact. Kvory
man who is emphnod to-day has bin
fellow who is without employment,
and every placo vacated on the rail
roads will boglatlly aecoptod by others
who prefer reduced wages to no wagos
al all. Tho railroads aro therefore
forbidden by twofold conclusive reasons
lo assent to tho demand of those in
revolt. In tho first placo, tho strkors
have been compelled to advance from
their lawful strike to tho lawless in
terference, with tho action of othor la
borers, who would work if not pre
vented by violence, and lo that assump.
lion of dospotio power ncithor labor
nor capital can afford to yield submis
sion. Jvvcry mandato of tbo law on
tbo subject; every consideration of na
tural rights, anil ovory dictate of ins-
tico between man and man affirms as
tho privilego and duty of overy citi
zen to do as ho will in accepting legiti
mate service from any omployor. In
tho second place, tho railroads havo
not the traffic nor the revenues to en
able them to employ either tho number
of mon llicy required sovoral years
ago, or at titer liberal compensation of
more prosporoug times. Jloth these
propositions are self-evident to all who
reason, and those who do not reason
must accept tho sumo rules of cause
and effect which govern all classes and
conditions of mankind.
Tho striko of to day is Indefensible
above all considerations of tho merits
of tho cluim lor increased wages, bo
cause its whole energy is directed to
prevent, by vlolenco, the willing labor
ers from tilling tho vacant places ; and
there can be no excuse given for tho
combined effort to subordinate others
to tho will of thoso who not only ro-
iuso to iaoor inomsuivos, but summon
the law of mii-lit to prevent their fel
lows from earning their living as they
shall deem best for Ihemsoliics, Tho
right of every man to striko or to
work, without restraint lrom others,
is as sacred to all as is tho right to de
fend lifo and homo, and whenever it
shall bo i nil mi red with the approval or
even tolerance of publio opinion or of
iiiw, emuix-iiv nitist, rear us mucous
altar to deal discord, oppression and
adversity throughout tho land. Phil
aiMphia Thnen. ,
God might mako a worso man than
O. P. .Morton, but lie never did. The
combination of sycophancy, sin and
domogogism-has never been equaled
and cannot bo surpassed. Ho began
lilo a Democrat, and all that he says
of that organization is only the sort ot
pomocrat no developed, lie joined
the party of progressive humanitarian
ideas when that party showed itsell to
bo iu the ascendant, and his belief in
human progress is measured by ma
jorities at tbo ballot-box. He hss no
laitb in Ood, man, nor Morion, lie
has ability enouirh to know, but not
prido enough to despiso himself. Uo
ib ono of thoso monstrosities crcatod at
long intervals, for somo unknown pur
pone, that goes about torturintr hu
manity. A few moro demons ol that
sort would make tho human race, liko
tho devil-possessed swine, rush down
steep places and porish through a gen
oral suicido. Nature put a warning
mark upon his countenance. Looking
upon it, scientists aro Bottled with tho
fear that, coming from tho monkey,
wo might yet, with all our brain, re
turn to the brute. His jaw is that of
a Ptill-dog; his moutb recalls tbo
sculptured satyr of the Crocks whon
tbe eager sensualism of the goat was
mndo human ; his noso is a muzslo,
while his eyes havo the treacherous
glare of a beast of prey. lie is one no
woman can lovo, no man can trust, no
child can reverence. Jlis associates
are thieves, his Irieuda are domairoiruea.
his political support aro negroes. lie
is a sycophant and a flatterer without
Doing weak, tie has brains or unusual
powor, tbat without culture is put to
the moanest uses. Possessed of tho
highest conrago, he intrigues witb the
skill of a coward. Whon Grant was
in power he fawned like a spaniel and
flattered liko a courier. And now tbat
a gentleman occupies the Executive
Mansion, anil holds tbe patronage
upon which Morton lives, he bullies
and whines by turns. Washington Capital.
Hob IngorsoH'g most formidable foe
man in San Francisco is a Mothodtst
proochor named (inard. Hob doesn't
stand Guard, but he would liko to Bit
on him,
A Dulnth editor got even with a
contemporary by calling him a "gonrd
hcaded baboon."
Thoro is an irrepressible conflict bo-
tweon jir. Hayes and tbo Itadical,
Mouth-hating wing of his party, if
they had known what thoy know how,
Iho lato managers of tho Republican
party would never havo planned and
consummated tho Presidential villainy ;
thoy would havo had tho virtuo to ac
cord Tiidcn his rights rather than put
in altepublicanwhoin four moot lis has
split his party beyond reconciliation.
It is unkind and ungenerous to say
that tho men who put Hayes in are
rightly served ; thatho was nominated
on a broad, liberal platform, and tbat
his letter of acceptance gave due no
tice of fair play oil round. It might
accord with inexorable jualico to taunt
the disappointed statesmen with those
things if itopublican platforms had
ovor meant anything but deception ,and
if the letter of acceptance woro not
intendod to attract votes rather than
to bind tho candidate. Hut it would
be unfair and ungenerous to those who
foughtthe fight for Mr. Hayes to quote
any ovidonces ot virtuo which may
havo come to light before his Inaugur
ation. It was but reasonable to ex
poet ordinary gratiludo and a docont
regard for his benefactors from tbe
man who accented tbo stolen Presi
dency. If his conscience would per
mit lilm to receive stolen soods of
such valuo, tho thieves who did the
stoaling for him might with reasonable
confidence look for tbe reward offaith-
lul service. A few of the smaller fry
have not boon neglected, aud this,
probably, because thoy know too
much. Of tbe arch offenders In the
great conspiracy, John Shorman ia the
only man who has received anything
iias a suiiaDie reward. Morton has
got Tyner, which means tbe biggest
There is much truth in the follow-
ing which we clip from an exchange,
winch says that one of tbe alarming
signs of the times is to be seen in the
feebleness ot moral restraint. Bad
mon are not afraid of tho censure of
their neighbors when thoy commit
acts of injustice, which aro not punish
od as crimes. In earlier timos unprin
cipled men woro restrained to somo
oxtunt by the fear of eternal punish
ment in a future life; but this fear has
grown very weak, and it would seem
that nono of tho moralizing forces are
strengthening. In somo respects our
civilization has produced wonderful
results ; the means ol information and
of mental culture have increased to a
most remarkable extent, but moral
improvement has not kept pace. With
all our advantages, wo have not the
manly vigor of our ancestors, and un
less moans be found to check tho ten
dency to vice and degradation, the ot
ter debasement of tho poople is inevi
table, it is not ny severity ol punish
ment that wo can arrest tho growth
of crime ; but wo may establish insti
tutions which will cultivate a senti
ment of manly honor and delostation
of all dishonosty. Would it not bo
bettor for society to incur expense in
rewarding what la good for the com
munity than to permit tbo depraved
ana unworthy to prey upon tho Inno
cont and useful ?
A MadCiiikp JusTici.-Chiof Justice
Waito is mad because nobody in South
Carolina called on him and his family.
Tho South Carolinians reply that they
stayed away because his Honor lodged
and consorted with Judge Itond. Ho
is the Judge who enlarged the Return
ing Board whom tho Supremo Court
had put in jail for contempt, and who.
in bis decision, said that although there
was no law or precedunt for what he
tlid, ho would make bis rulings so that
the Stato could tako an appeal to tho
Supremo Court of the United States
where "his action, if unwiso, could bo
correctod." Tho negro waiters in tho
I harloston hotels "knew enough to
know ' that Bond had no more author,
ity to mako that docision, which ho
wont and mado on tho request of "Zach"
Chandler and the Ttns, than Quoon
victoria has to veto tho reduction of
Now York salaries bv cahlo. What
the barristers of the State think of
Bond may be imscincd. Tbe Chief
Justice's fellowship with him cost Mr.
wauo an tbo social slights be Buffered.
Hut wo aro surprised that Bowen, Scott,
KlliotL Whinner and all tbe mat nftlia
South Carolina Republicans did not
call on Mr. Waito, or that, If they did,
he, thought a Republican, counts their
attentions naught. Curious, isn't it,
that a gentleman finds the "loyalists"
ol the South such excollont strangers T
Punch on Vacation. Tho London
jTiincA represents the dovil trleofullv
pointing to a placard on a church,
"Closed for the Hummer," and exul
tantly asking, "Do they think 1 ovor
take vacation ?" A companion picture
might ba a woary, worn out preacher
expounding the long drawn Word to a
slocpy, indifferent congregation. Be
tween tho doctors and tho devil who
shall docldeT
UU IV.- lllu
it affords a terrible illustration of their
inability to govorn tho country on con
stitutional principles. On this point
tb T-topIo, both North and South, aro
thoroughly coafmceA. Tho fall of tho
noitlh Carolina and Louisiana carpet
bag government came not so much
from Hayes removing tho United
Stutos troops as from a general convic
tion in the minds of all men that this
kind of govornmont bad run its tether,
and nothing was left for it but to givo
tfny or the people in tho very agony
of despair would havo to resort to rev
olution to relieve themselves and thus
compel the gonoral govornmont to sub
duo them and bold tho Slates as con
quorotl provinces. Thus we have tho
result of sixteen years of Radical rulo
and with tho departure of this rulo in
tho South, that party is as euro to bo
cast out as that morning succoods tho
night. HaycstiB truo, gots somo credit
for removing the incubus of carpet-bag
government in the States of South
Carolina and Louisiana, but it would
have occurred without thoaid of Hayes.
His admixture with tho decaying de
bris and his success from depending
on that foul and rotten fungus places
nun in a ngni only second to 1'ackard
himself, jso party can stand such
besmirching. The evidence is daily
mien iiiui, ranei anu rotten, it is giving
away in an directions. Uuilt up on
rings and supported and stimulated by
plunder of tho publio funds tbo people
woary of tbo incubus. It has broiiirht
the country to its present deplorable
condition, and tho sooner the olfensive
carcass is removed tbe sooner wo will
return to a staple, constitutional gov
eminent, and tho poople be relieved
from tbo depression that has ground
thorn down to poverty, wretchedness
and dispair.
Wllou.r AcciliKNTAL. Tho Phila
delphia Timet pithily remarks : "It was
tho merest accident that found Mr.
Packard, of Louisiana, ut Dob Moinos.
at tho time of tbe Republican conven
tion there. Mr. Packard is on a fish
ing excursion, aud somebody told him
it was a nice place to fish ovor in Iowa.
But tho fishing don't seem to havo
been so good as it was cracked up to
ue, lor wo can i learn Hint 51 r. I'ttckard
caught anything. Still he helped to
stir up tho waters and made it impos
sible tor tho President to catch anv.
thing, which was doubtless tho next
bost thing for Mr. Packard. The illus
trious Louisianian's fishing trip will not,
nowovcr, end with lows. IIo is out
of business just now, and has no objec
tion to making a summer of it. On
the first of August ho will doubtless
muko it convenient to throw his lino in
Ohio, whore fishing will bo nearly ns
good as it has been in Iowa. And four
wocks Inter ho may bo bobbinc in tho
vicinity of llarrisfmrg, in this Stnto.
At that time of tho year there will bo
reasonably good nHliiiirr alone tho Sus
quehanna for those who uso tho right
kind of bait, and whon Mr. Packard
throws a lino in Pennsylvania ho will
havo the company ot thoso experienced
fishermen Cameron, Mackey, Krrelt
and (juay. A talented party like this
ougui to catch something, and it is al
together likely they would. We think
Mr. Packard will find more angling
talent and quite as good fishing in
Pennsylvania as he foil a (I in Iowa.'
BPTTKR Ca.OCKH,wlk llda,
rtOWKtt fOTS, l-IR D1SIIK.S,
And a fnM many ether thltiga too nutueroue ta
ttieutlua, to be bad at
Corner l Cherry nd Third StrtwU,
i. p. arum.
ft. I'uftKLR. p. HKJLIMUX.
(Suooeeeore lo John (lullch),
Are offerlnf, at tbe aid aland of 0. L. B.. J c,
their atoeu of goeja, eoneistiui at
Market lltreet, ClearUeld. Pa.
V maDuf?ar all kinda of Farnitora fur
Cliaabara, Didiog Hoorai, Llbrarhi tnij lUlti.
If you want Parolture of any kiod, jM'. bay
until uu our ft oeli.
. J
fa alt Ita branchea. We keep In aloeu all tbe
lateat and moat iiuprored Colli oa and Cesaeta,
and bare ercry facility fur propt-rly eon-dur-tine;
thia braucb of our busineia.
We have a patent Corpee I're.
, aereer, in whl-h bodice can
be preeerred fur e oon.
aidereble length or
A member of the firm baa bit ak-rpint apart
ment at our wan .room, whrre be een be fuacd by
any peraon who eoiae al aia;ht for tbe purpoee ol
procuring ooQtul.
Clearleld, !'., May 10, ly.
"A thin yell of (Jnixotio sentimen
tality," says Mr. Blaine. Hardly
enough to ward off sunstroke.
Livma Yit Head. A Washington
correspondent .writing to the Cincin
nati t'ommcTciVi relates tho following
incidont of machine life:
The othor day 1 honid a Cabinot
Minister talking of a young chap who
wanted a placo. "My young friend,"
said ho, "don't apply. Saw wood,
drive cows, anything honorable, but
presorvo your indepondence. 1 have
a man in my place who has been in
forty years."
"Forty years V
'Yos overy day of it. IIo came in
in 1820. W ell, he gets about the samo
salary ho had to commence with. Tho
other day he came to ine, saying : 1
ongnt to nave died lorty years ago.
'You don't mean that,' 1 said. 'Yes'
said ho, 'I mean that 1 have been buried
in this building forty years, and I had
just as well been buried In tbo irrave.
vt list s tue Ullteronco net ween tombs ?
Of what advantago havo I been to
myself in here T I bad notbinir when
icamo in anu nave got notbinir now. 1
am disqualified for anything. If I was
turnou out to-uuy i woultl starve to
morrow.' So much for government
positions that young men are so anxious
to get. 1 hry bad butler let it alone.
Mabrikd Women and Building: As
sociations. The Supremo Court of
this Slate rendered a decision in the
caio of Wolhach and wife against tho
Isohigb Building Association. It de
clares that in all cases where married
womon deal with the association the
mortgage is good only for the actual
amount loaned and tbe leirul interest
A logical sequenco soems to bo that if
tlio money loaned lias not been used to
buy or improvo her separate real es
tate, hut has been used to raise money1
to pay nor nustianu s debts, nr lor
other purposes, it ts void altogether. doubt, seriously alfeet
the investments mado by building as
sociations on tbo credit of mortgages
given by married women, and will
provo a grave matter for such associa
tions, (il lato years it has been a
very common practice for men to bold
their property in thoir wivos' names,
and, whon desirous of a loan, to join
with tho wives in tho mortgage, con
trary to tho law as it now appears.
FIaOUK, FI213,
Room No. 4, pia'a Opera Houea,
Clearfield, Pa.
Keep ounrteatly on hs.o.1
FL0UB, FEED, SALT, Ac, 4c.,
Al th. moit raajonaMo ratal for CASH or it
iohang fur
Square Timber, Boards, Shinglei,
on cot'NTRy pRonrci
Sir-Alvaneea niatle to those enragio In get.
tlnj oat square tltaUr on the eaoet aarantUWM
araaa. Hlljimll
S Villi',
Canned aoj DrioJ Fruits, T.iSactfi, Clg-trB, Caa-
Siaa, CiJer Vlneffar.'tl'ltter, Kti.JAo.
Wheat and Rurkwhcnt Flour
Cora Meal, Chop, Feed, &c,
All of which will be aold ehean for each or la
exchange for eonntry nroSooe.
A. u. KnAJn an CO.
CleerSeld, Not. II
Tin Pooa Kai.Lows. Tho Washing
ton correspondent of the 1'hiladclphia
Herald tolls the following about lion.
John Allison, liogister of tho United
Slatoa Treasury, and Secretary Sher
man: Mr. Allison has boon in oftico
since March, 18U9. His salary is four
thousand Ave hundred dollars. Uo Is
economical. Ho is called llonost John
Allison. Ho has savod much of his
hard earnings, and this is tbo reason
why ho dosircd to buy tho flint lour
per cont. bonds Issued. Ilo had bought
the first bond of every description is
sued since he has been itcgistor, but
Sherman put bis foot down on him
this time, and eaid, "Mo, sir, you can't
have It. It's against the law. I want
it for a friend of mino in Ohio." Alli
son wept, put his gold in tho bag and
wont right away and bought Pennsyl
vania bonds, paying a good old six per
lit.Aim and Mainb Maine opons
the campaign of 1877, on the 2d Tuos
day of September. The Itadical Btato
Convention cornea off on the 8th and
tho Democratic on tho Mlh. Tlfis is
Mr. Illaino'a Stato, and be no doubt
expects a fuss with "the government,"
because he loft for California last
week and will not ba home until after
the mischief ia done. Tho innocent
Lamb-like Statesman I Docs ho sup.
poso no one can see through his dodgo.
lie baa put np the Job and will remain
away nnlil somo ono else opona tho
fight with Hayes.
A. O. Boll, a poor California minor,
washed out 150,000 worth of gold in
a few weeks reoently, and now he ia a
Jingling Hell all the time.
Cl 1 T Y litriril r M -ar-a.
A Strsuxn ros Dissssai and
liKAtrriHE or tub CoatrLixioN t A
Kkuablb Means of ruEVENriNa and
Relieving Rheumatism and Govt, and
an Un equaled Disinfectant, Deo do.
nien' .Sii77itr Soon, bnklca erarll
cMing local disease of the tkin, banishes de
feds of the complexion, and imparts to it
gratifying clcarneaa and smoothness.
hilltlutr lUlth are celebrated for curing
crtmlum and other diseases of the skin, as
well as Rheumatism and Gout. QlrnH'e
Sulphur Smip produces the same trlects
nt a most trifling expense. This admirable
specific also speedily heals Kurt, truitet, traldt,
turn,, ifnims and mil. It removes dandruff
and prevents the hair fiorn falling out and
turning gray.
Clothing and linen usM in the sick room
is disinfected, and diseaaea communicable by
contact with the person, prevented by it.
The fcdical Fraternity sanction its use.
Prkes-25 and SO Cents per Cake; per
Box (3 Cakes). 60c and $1.20.
N. It IWy the tare tsltre end thereby ecoisoinise.
hold by all UruKfiste.
Mack ar Urewa. SO ('rare.
C. I. nilTTEJTOJ, Prop'r, 7 SLtlh Av., 1.1.
I am wr that ttWt . . n..,
bawd lo pIcatM, Rati I aw alio war tbat tl.t
ootapltiul of "hard tiuin" ii well sigh nnirfnitl
Hut I am to gitaated now tint I cn nor; th.
...,v. ..... .vipiu-iTOlj l D "IHftrrt tllOM"
will not ffwt thoat who (kny their (C"k1i (mm air
and alt mj patrtmi iball tw .miiated imo tbt
eret of
t har ptH.Ji (oonph to W. f all tht iobal t
taoU in tba lower end of tba .uunljr ohich I nil
at riMedinj low ratal fprm uij UBKatnvth n.m la-
MI'IjSONUI Hti, wbrra I ean al.,, be frwrt
rand; to wait spun eallvra and iujif!j thotn witb
Dry Goods of nil Kinds,
Bach Cloths, Btttinctti, Can, in mi, 3Iulim
.Vcla.nei, lainan, Lmlliugii, laliew!.
Trimmings, Kiblious, Lace,
Readj-maaie Clothing, Hooti and bwt. Unit tt.J
Cap! all of tbe beit raaUrial and wad? tuorier
now, buck l, Uloret, Alitteoi, Laeei, Kibona, Xv,
Cufloe, Tea, Buifur, Hire, AMaM, Fiih. ?..t
i'urk. LioiMd Oil, Fttb Oil, Carbon Oil.
Hardware, Qmv njtwiire, Tinware. Cftinr. P) .
and Plow Caatlnx. Nail, Hnikoa, Corn Cultirn-
ton, Ctder Preiic.i, and all litndi of Aif.
Perfumery, Painti, Varnish, fllasi, and gee rut
MMrTiraeat ol btationcrr,
Of different brands, alwa) i on band, atid wl'l
old at tbe loweit posilble figure.
J. Ii. MoClaiu'a Medicine, Javne'i Modirii.n
Hustettr' and Hui-Hand's Dirtcrs,
6000 poondi of oo wanted fur wbicb thr
highest price will be paid- Cluvured on bnnt
and fur aula at the lowest market price.
Alio, Ap-nt fur S'rattuL ille aad Curwcur. i!le
Tbribiug Machines.
fciCtll and see fur y-mr solves. Vuu will
eTerjiblog amsily kept in a retail store.
Frenuhville P. O., August 12, 1B74,
(uceio to Boyntoa t Vouni.)
Manufacturer of
Corner of Fourth and Pin Streets,
C II K M I C A Ia 8 I
far aseellelaal karpoaaa.
Tresses, Rappertere, Sekaal Reeks aaj Rlallea.
ar, aai all ether articles aaaallj
fuaaal la a Draf Store.
HILLY COMWHINDMl. Harlan e laria a-
Ctrleaee la Ue kaalasea thee eaa aire eallra eat-raetiop.
1. 0. BAHTSWtrK,
- ... )0H" 1HW1N.
ClearSeM, Deaenaer IB, UN.
HAVING eoirnirei in the aanafaetura ol Irst
elesa MACHIXKKT, we rerrieetruUr Inferla
ha publie Diet we are tiosf prefsred to Bit all
orders aa cheaply end aa prompllj aa eaa ba dona
lo aajrof the cities. We manatactare and dealia
Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills
Head Dtoeka, Water Wheels, Suiting l'ull.js,
OiSord'a Injector, Steam Gauf'S, Staass Thletles,
Oilers, Tallow Cupe, Oil Cuna, Onus;. Cocks, Air
Cooks, Glolie Valres, Chock Valrca, wrought trua
Pipee, S.caat Paoipa, Boiler Peed Pumpr, Anti
friction Metrea, Soap Stone Packing, Outn Pork
ng, and all klnda of UII.L WORK: together
with Plows, Sled Soles.
and ether CAST1NU3 ol all
C)-Oruore ,ull,.ited aad tilled at en; prices
All letter, of Inquire with refeieaoe to machinery
of oar manufacture prousilly answered, bjr addree
Ing aa at Clearfield, Pa.
JantTt If niill.KR. VOVNO KEKIl
PBAliKIt 15
Purest la Market.
Will Ire kept and sold at Irat eoal.
frr Coantrf Produce.
Cash paid
Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, ee
barrel Pl'klea and English Plcklra.
H.tllia AMI HCI'.I).
riotir, Cera Heal, Oat Meal, .
Jaa. S. tr. . JAS. N LTTLI