Til E "CLEARFIELD REPIBLICAS," ri'iuiiiD mir wbbbbbbat, ir OOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARFIELD, PA. KITABI.KHEU III lT. Terms of Subscription. If nj.i.1 In idTnoco, or trttliift S oolbi.... OJJ If pniJ ftr S nd h-for. MODihi.... " If JiJ .n.r lb. ipirmtioa of MMtiu... M Kates of Advertising, T-e.na.ent tdrortlwtnenti, per iqutmof 10 II net or i., I times orlfi.i U Kr noh luHmtqusnt inir(ion 60 A ltulntfftrnlors' ami Ktucutori' not leu I 60 Andttnri' nottfl". 6 Caution! und Kutrayi 1 60 ItiMolutton notlooi 1 00 Profeiiional Cards, 6 lines or Imi.1 year...., 6 00 Lionl notices, per Una SO VRAUI.V ADVKRTIHEMKNTR. I sitmr....M f9 00 I J column $.'.0 00 14 4)0 1 Mlnmn TO 00 S iimiron. 20 DO 1 euluran 120 00 j U. n. OOODIiANDKK, noul U. l.KK, I'ubllthvri. ffarfls. 1 (III PHISTINn OF KVHHY DRSCRIP tl tion neatly eireoted it this nffliia. s. II ROCK BANK, ATTURXKV AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA Office In Court Hour. WN. J.. HHUUHVI, rnRO. S'l. BUCK. MiClLLOlGlI & BECK. ATTORN E YS-AT-LA W , ClearUeld, P. Alt legal barioen promptly attended to. Offloo in Second atreet, io tbo Maaonio building. Jaaid,'7T W. C. ARNOLD, LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWENHVILI.K, lU ClrnrfieM County, Penn'a. 15 THO. B. BUBHAV. - critui COBDOB. MURRAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARPIKLD, PA. jf"0ffio la l'io's Opcr Home, second floor. 9:307 1 FRANK FIELDING, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pi. Will tUleiad to ill businsM entrusted to bin .loini.tly tod faithfully, bov 1275 Wt I.LI ill X. WALI.ACB. UAURT P. WALLAl'at. DAVID L. KHRBII. JOHN W. WR1SLET. WALLACE 4, KREBS, (Suicostiiirfl to V!liico A Fielding,) ATTO U NEYS-AT-h A W Il-12'7t Clcarlleld, Pa. did i el w. h ccanr. McENALLY & McOURDY, ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Clearlleld, Pa. .CHiTLenl busition attended to prtimjittT wlthj l.lclity. UtUt'o uo Seund street. Above ibe First National It rink. jan:l:76 Q. R. BARRETT, Attorney and Coonhkloii at Law, CtsEAHFIKLI), PA. Having resigned his Juilgenhip, bas resumed :he prat) tion of tba law In his old office at Clear doM, P. Will attend the courts of JcfTeraon and Kit; counties when riiecialty retained in connection with resident enunsel. 1:U:71 A. G. KRAMER, A T T O R K K Y - A T - h A W , Hcnl Kitntc and Culled ion Agent. ti.i;Aiu it:i,i, pa.. Will promptly attend to all es;al business -truted to bis oar. tTOllice io 1'iu's Of era II ue. Janl, H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEV-AT-1-AW, i 1:17.1 J'k'nrtlcM, Pa. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ( IrorlleM, Pa. rVOmn In Old Wilrn llot.l bullJloj, ciirn.r of BeoonU ani Market Bta. dotSI,S6. ISRAEL TEST, ITTORNKY AT LAW, CiearUeld, Pa. Mrl)fti In tba Court Iluuu. JyllC T) EED & HACEIiTY, W) OBALBai IB HARDWARE, FARM IMPLEMENTS, Tinware, Mails, 4c. aujiln 8mm nd Ktrret, Cleartteld, Pa JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mid Heal Fitate Agent. Clearfield, Pa. Offlre ob Third street, bet. Chorrj A Walnot, rfrHeipeolfull; offers his seryiees In selling ind buying lands In Clearfield and adjoining tonntlea .and with an eiperianeeof c?er twenty ears as a snrreyor, flatters himself that he an render sstltfaction. Feb. 2S.f 3:tf, J. BLAKE WALTERS, RKAL KSTATE BROKKIt, AND OBALIB IB Knw IoftH and liiiubur, CLKAKFIKLD, Oflleo In (Irabam'a How. PA. I.1S:7I J. J. LINGLE, ATTOHNEY -AT - LAW, 1:11 Oareuln, ricirflcld Co., Pa. j pJ J. S. BARN HART, . ATTIIRNEY . AT LAW, llrlltlulito. Pa. Will practice la Clcarnnia and all of tba Court, uf tha 2itb Juilioinl ilt.trlet. Heal calata ouiinaifl and oollaotion of olaimrmnUe ipoalaltlel. -nl'TI DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, LliTUKllSllURU, PA. Will attend profMBionaloalle promptly. auglO'70 DR. T. J. BOYER, TIIYS1CIAN AND SUKQEON, Office on Market Street, Clearlleld, Pa. ((-Office koum I to II a. la , and I to S p. m. D' .It E. II. SCUEURKn, HOMfKOPATIllC PHYSICIAN, Ollloa la reaidrnee oa Markot It. April 14, 1872. ClearMd. Pa. DR. J. P. BURC H FIELD, Late Surgeon of the Md Regiment, Penney lan.a Volunteer!, having returned from tht Ansy, ofTors bis professional serf leas to tlteltlieni of Cloarfteld oounty. e-Prtfeisiunaleal1i promptly attended to. Office od 8eond street, former I yoccQpifd by lr. Woods. laprVM-u DR. H.B.VAN VALZAH, ( I K.AHl 1I-M, PFMU'A. OKKJCBIN MASONIC BUILUIMI tr Office bors-Fro IS to t P. M. May It, 1H7. W 1LL1AM M. HBNUY, Juhtici or tni P a.iri ian HrniTaaaR. LUHUKK CITY. Cll.fftintii wade and m'neT promptly I'iid oor. Articles of agrtrment and deeds tl emit eye nee neatly terutcf and warraniea eor t or no charge. lJy'7l JAMES H. LYTLE, In kratier'a ilulldiiiff, I'lraiUeld, Pa. Uraler In Orocilea, ProTlaloaa, Vef.tablet, I'reil., Kl.ior, Pent, .to., eta. aarU'lalf HAIiliY KNYDKR, IIAHIIKK AND IIAIHUKKKSKK. Hbop on M.rkrt .1., 0'po.lta OoNrt lloBH. A eltan towel for over oa.touer. Alio Baaulaetarar of All kind, of Artlrlea In Human Hair. Clearbrle, P.. l, '. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jmtlce of tbe Peaea aad Scrivener, t'urwrnavllle. Pa. ta.Culln)tionl nada and Banner prnnpllf 'J.ier. fobSI'lllf 101IN A. STADI.ER, V tlAKKR, Matket t., Clrailrld, Pa. Prr.k llrrad, Ite.k. Holla, Plea and Cakae oa hand or made to onlrr. A g eneral aeaortaieBt Jf Unlarlionarlei, Krnlte end Nell IB ateck. Ie (rraia and (Ir.lerl la araeoa. Pelooa ararl; lr'.He tbe PoeluBea. Prleoa aiod.rale. CLEARFIELD GEO. B. Q00DLANDER, Proprietor. VOL 'SI-WHOLE NO. Cards. TNNTICEH' constaiii.i:h vkvm We have printed a larga aninher of the new ill on tho m to acy . Bee eente. mall a aoi RICHARD HUGHES, Jl'STICB OF TI18 PEACK run Itetnlur Township, Oeeoola Mill! P. O. .II offleial boainapa antraalcd to him will be promptly atlanded to. mcbiv, "in, FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, frcucbvllla, ClearBeld County, Pa. Keepa eonatantly on band a full aaoortmont of urjr uooda, Hardware, urooonee, ana ereryininf niually kept In a retail Itora, wbioh will be eold, for eaab, ae ebeap aa elaewbera ia tba county. Pranebvillo, June 17, UoT-ly. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DB1LBB IB GENERAL MERCI1 ANDISE. tiRAIIAMTON, Pa. Alio, exteneivo manufacturer and dealer In Pquaro Timber and Hawed l.umberol ail Mlnde. VOrdera .elicited and all billa promptly tiled. lyion REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, ClaarUrld, Penu'a. XvWill eieeuU Joba In bll line promptly and la a workmanlike manner. arr4.fl' G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, . KEAH CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. TPampi alwaya on hand and made to order en abort notice, npea ooreo on roaBunenie irma. All work warranted to render aatiafactlon, and delivered if deilred. myliilypd E. A. BIGLER & CO., DBALBRa IH SQUARE TIMBER, and manufacturera of ALL KINDS OF HAM T:l l.tl.Mlllill, I 7'7J CLEHFIELD, PENN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer in Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, SI1IN0LES, LATH, A PICKETS, :10'T3 Clearfield, Pa, WARREN THORN,' BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Market ft., Clcarlleld, Pa. In the lliep lately occupied by Frank fibort, one door welt of Allrghany Uouae. ASHLEY THORN, AKCHITECT, CONTRACTOR and Bl'ILllER. Plana and Specification, furntahed for all kinda of building. Ail work Otat-olaaf. Stair build ing a apeei.lty. P. O. addre.a, Clcarlleld, Pa. Jan. 17-7711. R. M. NEIMAN, SADDLE and HARNESS MAKEE, Rumbarger, Cleardeld Co., Pa. Keepa on band all kind, of ITarnell, Soddlca, nridlea, and lloraa Farniahia Good. Repairing promptly attended to. Humbargrr, Jan. 10, 1877-tf. ' JAMES MITCHKLTj, DBALBB IB Square Timber & Timber Lnnds, Jell'71 CLEARFIELD, PA. J. It. M'MUHRAY WILL RIIPTLY TOII WITH ANY ARTICLE OF MERCHANDISE AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICK. COMK AND HKK. :0:isy:) NEW WASHINGTON. 1.1 very Ntnblo. TIHE underlined bear leave to Inlorm thrpnb. f. He that ha ii now fully preper to accommo date all in tbe wayof farniihing H-.iea, Ruggiea, riiai.. and Harneal. on the ihorteit notice and en reaionnble terma. Heiidenoe on Loca.t atreet, between Third and Fonrth. I1KO. W. HEAR HART. Hearlleld. Feb. 4, U74. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ABB DBALBB IB Watches, Clocks und Jewelry, Oroo' Ho-, ilarlut Slrnt, ( I.EAIII'lt:l.l), PA. All klnda of repairing la my line promptly Bl inded to. April 2.1, io:.. NEW BOOT aNDSH0E SHOP. The Miidcrslcncd would Inturtn the puliHe that ha hes reiaovrd hia Uot and Hboe Hrmp In the roum lately occupied hr J. Dearkng. tn Hhaw's Kow. Market it reel, where be ti prepared io t putt i,. the w.iits of all who need anTlhiD2 in hit line. AH work done ly him will he of tht brst material, and guaranteed tu lie first e lass in every rrsneot. Hcnuirina rmniiitly attended to. All hinds of Leather and tSlua Fin-ling- for sale. Jf Ml N KCIIIhrKH. Cltsrufl-1, Pa . July 18, 1H77 Om. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. At tba end of tha new bridgt, WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. Tie proprietor of Ibia e.tabllibmrnt will bny hi. liquori direct from dlitlllern. I'arliea buying from Ibia bouaa will be lure to get a pure article at a email margin above eoat. Hotel kocpera eaa ba rurn r-bed Wltb liaoorl OB reaionaoio terma. Pore alnoa and brandiaa dlreet from r'eel.j'l Vinery, at Hatb, New York. Clearleld, Jon. Id, IK76-II. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE IIOMR INDUSTRY. TUB ander.licaed, having aeuldl.bed a Nur aery oa tb. 'Pike, about half way betwaea CUuuBrld and Curwetiiville, la preared to fnr aiib all bind! of FRUIT TREES, (.tandard and dwarf,) Kvergroeaa, Bbrabbory, Urapo Vlnaa, Boo, .berry, Lawton Illacblierry, Strawberry, aad Reapberry Vlaea. Alao, Biberlaa Crab Tree, (Jolnoe, aad early acarlel Rhubarb, Ao. Ordera prouotly atteaded to. Addreia, r ' ' i. b. WRKIHT, aep( - CurwaB.vllle, Pa. ANDREW HARWICK, Market treat. tlrarBcld. Pa., ABorArrrBBB An hbaibb ib DARNF.PS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, and all kind, of IIOKSt rVHKISUISO GOODS. A fall .lock of Saddlera' Hardware, Braebae, Combe, Uleaketi, Robca, ate, alwaya oa bead and for aale at the lowet eaib priori. All kind, ef rrpalrrag promptly attended to. All hiada "I bidea taken la aarbanga for bar seal aad repairing. All klndi of barneel leather kept oa baud, and for aala at a aiaall protk Clearfield, J.a. IK, l7. E. WARING'S LAW BLANKS For Bala at tha Clearlleld RarriurAB oflee. Tht nsil lomptrlt HtrUt of l.al lllank pubHthrd. Tkeae Bleak, an fotlea Bp la eoperlor alyla, Bra Of oairorBI aiae, ana larni.eun e. sgnrel for eaab. Call at the RarranrAB olca aad liamiae Ibrm. Orderl by mall promptly Biieo. Addraaa OOOIILARUin : S. UK I.BK, Cliarfield, Pa. 2,531. THE RAILROAD RIOTS. (J real Loss of Lire! Millions of Dollars Worlh of Properly Destroyed I A ll.l It I'EST f OK Til IK I 'i.'.S. BLOOD RIOT M.U RDEll. THE FJtUlTS OF OrTLAWItY. COMMUNISM SHOWS ITS HAND. Tllli Alt.MV CAI.I.I'.D OUT T(l lili HTOHE PKACH I IIaltimohk, July 22. Tlio situulion in Bultimore rvmuins practlcullv mi- thanjrcil ob rcgartls tbe strike. I'rowdn of peoplo have thronged the strocts nil dny. The (.'nmili-n Stution of the llttlti- moro nnu Ohio JtHilroau 1ms neon con verted into s military depot, whore about 350 State troops and about ah many more I nitod Mates soldiom are Htationod. with three pioccsol artillery. Locust Point is another stronghold which ban been threatened by rioters. Hero are tlio two great elevators ot tho llallimoro and Ohio Railroad and the United Htalcs bonded worohoiiHos on railroad piers tilled with merchandize. Tho elevator and warehouses aro on tho deep water front, and protected by tbo revenuo cutter Kwing, on board of which sixty marincHarestutioned. Tbo boro may bo raked by tho guns of tho cutler in easo of riot or attempted pil lage, lliogarrmon at rort Jlellonry has been strengthened by several com panies. In tbe city two companies of United States soldiors buvo been sta tioned as reserves in the armory of tho Sixth Jtogimont, which will tend to facilitate the recuperation of that shat tered command, which, it will be re membered, figured in tho street fight of July 20. Troops havo been also stationed at Alt. Clare depot and some other points '.hrontcned ny tlio strikers. In all. upwards ol Z.UWI soldiers iorm tbe law and order garrison of tho city of Dnltimoro to night. Ol these about Gill) are militia and 1,400 aro United States troops, including artillerymen ns inlantry and marines from Wasn ington and Norfolk. Tho marines are in command of Colonel Charles Hay ward. Seven companies of troops from Aow lork harbor, under lienernl It. II. Ayrcs, Colonel of Third Artillery, reached tho city this afternoon. All tho troops aro admirably disposed for cllicientsorvico.and it is tlio determina tion of all concerned to have order, and thero will bo no let down from that position. Other things will bo talked about afterwards. NKW REGIMENTS TO HE RAISED. Orders have been issued by tho Gov ernor ot Maryland to recruit tho Fifth and Sixths Regiments, Maryland Na tional Guard, tip to 1,000 men each. Tho regiments tiow havo in sorvico about 350 men each. General Goorgo 11. Stewart, a graduato of West 1 oint. and formerly an ofllcer in the United States army, who served in tho Con federate armv during tho war botween tho States, has been commissioned to raiso tbo Seventh Regiment, and open an oflico to recruit l,"lll men. iho officers nail men of tho militia are to bo placed on tho same pay and footing as United States troops. In addition to tho military, State and Federal, 500 special policemen havo been enlisted, tlitis increasing this force up to one thousand men. Tho specials arc placed on tho same footing and under tho same disciphno as the regular force, As an additional protective Influence tho police havo received orders to ar- rest all persons who aro found selling Jien rin strong drink in violation ol orders. (1 ENERAL HANCOCK ON THE llROl'ND, At an early hour this morning Major General W. S. Hancock reached Balti more trom Now York on the regular train, and was followed in tho ulles noon by the troop train, which he had been ordered to dispatch to this depart ment. Ho was accompanied by bis Inspector General, It. It, Arnold, and Aids, Colonel W. G. Mitchell and Gen eral C. U. Sowtello. 1 hey liavo ostitb liihed their quarters at Illinium's Ho tel. General H uncock is not bore to take any command, having simply como in an advisory capacity. The United States troops aro to form a posse comilntiis, called out at the request ot Governor Carroll, of Maryland. In his advisory capacity, (ioneral Han cock bits had consultation during tho day with GovornorCarroll and Generul Herbert, commanding the State troops. General W. F. Harry is in command of all tho United States troops In the city and at Fort Mcllenry, whore he is stutioned. THE MOU AHA IN. Brigadier General H. G. Abbott, who reached llallimoro at 11 A. u. from Willis' Point, N. Y., with three compa nies of tho United States Engineer Corps, ono hundred men and soven oflicers, wcro mot by a mob in the President street depot of tbe Philadel phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road. Tho crowd groaned and hissed, tho soldier. In passing along tho President street depot, on their way to tho Sixth Regiment armory, where tbo late riot bcjian on Friday, tho Hn ginoer Corps was stoned.. Privato Michael Corcoran was hit on tho head and painfully Injured. Tho command was ordered to halt, and the mob dis persed. The corps was not further troubled. 'They carried breech-loader and cutlass bayonets, which make a very formidallo weapon. The regular troops now in Baltimore are all nicked and disciplined men, and will infuse a lino spirit into the State forces. They all havo the latost broccb-loading arms.' Saturday night was one of intonso fevenshness and uncertainty, many porsons did not go to bed, and during tho night over 6,000 people assembled in a threatening mob at tbo Camden depot, and tho polieo, protected by tho soldiers, arrested several hundred ol them, and they wcro taken to tbo sta tion bouse and jail. After this the mob nradunlly fell off. A serious riot occurred the same night at the Mount Clare depot, a milo or so further ouL Over 100 rioters went to tba Carey street foundry of tho railroad, near Ml. Clare, and tlireaenicu to nurn n, oui they wcro driven oft by the polifemon with revolvers. At 2 A. M. a string ol coal oil cars, mile or ao further out, near Viaduct Switch, were sot on Hr. Tlio nolico went to tho protection of other proiMirty near by, when .'100 riot era stoned them to prevent the oxocu- lion of the design, but failed. I M train comprised thirty llvocars, loaded with potrolonm, of which aovon cars, CLEARFIELD, The police saved the rest. Tbo petro leum will bo fully protected hereafter. F1UI ALARMS. Immediately after tbo firo 120 mar ines, who had just arrived from the Washington Navy Yard, wore sent to tbe spot. The loss was about 111,0011. 1 ho city was kept feverish all night by firo alarms. A lumber yard and sash lacuiry, near the f resident street depot, were burned, and it scorned, toward morning as if tho Incendiary's torch was abroad, intent on destruction, but, happily, the above wore tha only in- stances in which there was any loss of property. It is not behoved there are more than flvo hundred actual strikers in Baltimore, if so many, but thoy bavo thousands oi sympntinnors who liato the railroad. Jlesidus, thoro are vul tores who mingle with all the crowds in hopes that the frensy of tho work. men and their sympathizers may bo oxcitcd to dccibj of distraction so that they moy profit by plunder. The striking firemen, onirinoers and other train hands aro confident of success, and stato that they do not intend to make any proposal to the railroad company, tho former committees hav ing been discharged for so doing, but their committees aro ready to hear any overtures from tho tbo company. Al ter twelve ociocic Kattirday not a wheel was turning on tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, or any portion of tho lino oust ot tho Ulno river, includ ing tho Washington and Metropolitan branches. It is understood that this course was decided to bo pursued on account of danger to tho employes and proporty and that trallio of ovory kind will be suspended until tho Governor of Maryland and tbo President of the United States can give the company assuranco of safety to persons and prop erty. At present the property of tho road is givon into tbo bands of tho Stato for protection. It is stated that engineers and firemen were forcibly tuken trom tho mail train which was stopped by tbo rioters Friday night. lSALTiuoni, July 22 Midnight. The concentration of United States Regulars at Baltimore is as much for operations in other parts ol Maryland and in West Virginia as in -this city. Baltimore will be tho baso of opera tions. Tho city is already a military post of importance. I n addition to tbe United Stutos soldiers now on the spot, one thousund moro are within twT hours' call, and tbe force will be speed ily augmented by the war ships Pow hatan and Swatara from Norfolk, wilh 6G0 of the troops which are moving up from garrisons of the South. It is believed a few duya will witness the concentration hero of three or four thousand. United Stntos troops, who come with alacrity to demonstrate that tho-urmy and navy, which have boon so much abused, are of some uso besides drawing rations and pay. It is expect ed thut somo ot the troops will be tor warded to Western Maryland to-mor row, and others will follow as the Stato forces increase bore and things become settled, in a low days it is behevod that Maryland will be able tolakecaro ol itsell. it Is sale to say that in llul- tiruore no more violence need be anil ciliated. Up to midnight tho city has been as quiet as on Sunday usually, oxcept for tho eagerness to got the now? from i'lttsburgb at all centres by crowds of people and the issue of news- papor extras. - - - Harrikburo, July 22. This city was in a stuto ol great oxcitoment to. day, thousands of poople congregating about tho Pennsylvania and the Read ing Railroad depots to await further developments In tho great outbreak on thJ Pennsylvania Ttailroad. Thero wore indications hero on Saturday night of a strike on tho Middle Divis ion betwoen Hnrrishtirg and A I toon a, but tbo railroad officials wcro loth to believe that it was imminent. Tho interference with a freight train and tbe hooting and stoning nut of soldiers who passed through for Pittsburg from f niliKlolphia were attributed to irre sponsible outsiders by tliom, but all their hopes wero dispelled this morn. ing at ton o'clock, wbon, at tho com mand of sovoral apparent strangers, tho engineers and firemen of several freight trains descended from their lo comotives after having housed them. All tbo Ireight trains wcro deserted. The round houses in the upper portion ot tho city contain about forty locomo tives, while ovor twolvo hundred cars are standing on the sidings in the samo vicinity. The striko is general on tho Middle Division, between twelve nun dred and fifteen hundred being affect od by it. Of thiwo tour hundred or five hundred aro employed in this city, most of them in tho Pennsylvania round houses. A crowd collected at tho Pennsylvania depot early this morning and by two o'clock in tho af ternoou it had swollen to sovoral thou sands. Many ot thorn congregated out of idle curiosity, but a considorablo number wero attracted by a determi nation to interfere with tbo passage through tho city of several hundred I'hiladclpbia soldiorsdestinedlor fitts- burg. It was also believed that among tho military would bo several coippa nies of negroes, and against them nu merous dire threats wcro made. The ammunition for the expected whito troops had been got in readinoss at tbo State Arsenal, but it was deemed pru dent, considering tho excitement at A I toons and In this city, to counter mand tho order, and tho ammunition was returned to the arsenal. Had any of tho military arrived it is highly probablo they would have onconntered considerable difficulty in passing through the city, tho ringleaders in the strike having expressed tho deter mination to throw all possible obsta cles in their way. A meeting of three or four thousand people, many of them railroaders, was addressed on a com mon, a low hundred yards above the depot, by a man named Torbelt, who justified the strikers in their course and predicted their triumphant suo ccss. Ho counseled them not to des troy railroad or other proporty. He intimated that il 'attacked by troops they had a perfect right, in sell de fense, to striko back, as their brethren had done in the affray at Pittsburg. Torbctt spoko from the top of a box car, and when ho referred to tho mili tary he was loudly cheered. Altor tlio meeting tho crowd surged toward tho depot. About 8 o'rlock the day express Kast, detained nearly flvo hours by too car nre ot riuanurg, ar rived. The crowd imtlicrcd about thottaln and several porsons detached tho en irlno sovcal times, when the railroad company officials ordered tho engine to bo tiiKcn to tho round house. Tho Iiassengors wcro compelled to lio ovor icro. On the train wore about a dor.cn soldiers, who bad grown tired of the servica wbich they had rendered at Altoona. Several of thorn were sick, and ono of them, named Jlallongor, a perfumer, ol Philadelphia, who had been ninstruck. was taken to the liar risburg hospital for treatment. A notice from General Superintend PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1877. ent Gardner, expressing tho hopo that tbo Pennsylvania Ituilroad cm ploy os who aro at this timo loyul to tho in tercuts of tho company will remain so and keep alool lrom all riotous demon strations, was booted at in many hi' stances and destroyed. Mayor Put terson has issuod a proclamation re questing tho closing ol all drinking sa loons, and urging upon citizens tho propriety of not collecting upon tho streets in crowds during tho present oxcitoment, Harrisiiurq, July 2,11 a. m. An atlompt was mado a few minutes ago to throw a company on tho way to this city from Pino Grove, Schuylkill county, from the track, on tho Phila delphia and Heading Railroad, several iron bars having been plucod on tho track a milo east of this city. Tbe ob struction was discovered in time to prevent an accident. Sovoral Lebanon county companies refused to como to this city. It is reported that an at tempt will bo made to force tho Phila delphia und Reading Railroad em ployes to striko to-duy- Meauville, Pa., July 22. Thurs day evening orders wero received by Col. J. M. Clark, ol the Fifteenth Uegi nient, to hold the two companies of National Guard in readinoss for im me diate movement. Saturday evening 5 o'clock Adjutant Generul Latta order ed the troops to report at Pittsburg iiiiiuuuiuteiy, unu oeiore o o ciock mey were at the depot. Tho Atlantic and Great Western Ruilroad had provided an cngino and cars and filly-two men and ollicors were put on board tho train. Just as it was ready to move a railroad man uncoupled tho cngino from tbe train. A half dozen others mounted tho cngino and ran it to tbo round bouse' The mastor mochanic was on tho engine while this was go ing on. No resistance was made to this bold outrage, and no attempt mado cither to arrest tho perpetrators or to gel mo troops on. ibo latter remain ed under arms during tho night, and this morning another attempt was mado to send thorn on their way by tho regular express train. This did not succeed, as tho samo gang of des peradoes boarded tho train upon its arm al, removed the brakes and in formed tbo officials that the train could go, but no soldiers could go on it. Tbe troops then dispersed und went to their homes, and have made no fur ther attempt to obey their orders to procoed to Pittsburg. Ono company from Corry como this fur on tho ex press train, but wero compelled to re turn. A large proportion of the two companies and of that from Corry wore railroad employes. The railroad mon, who had assembled hero in large numbers lust night, held a secret meet ing before thoy intcrlcrcd with tbo trains, and their subsequent action was probably sottlod by tho meeting. They sympathize strongly with the strikers and doclaro that no soldiers shall pass over this road to Pittsburg. The ruilroad officials fear tbo result ol a fight and have mado no attempt to maintain control of their proporty. There' was no struggle last night, but tho etreols were filled all night with excited crowds. Any attempt to start mo train containing any troops would undoubtcHly havo resulted in a riot and bloodshed, for tho railroad cm ployos wero determined. Tho other companies of this division have fared no better. Seven companies aro now at Chenango Station, the junction ol tbo Erie and Piltshurg and Atlantio and Great Western Railways.. Two aro from Conneautvillo, Crawford county ; two from F.rio and ono from Northeast, Erio county, and two lrom Mercer county. Tho hno and Pitts burg road is in tho bands ol the strik ers, and no troops will bo allowed to go to 1 iltsnurg. All arkers, on the Allegheny Valley road, several com panies aro detained by the striko on that road. A dispatch recoived but a short timo ago from Greenville suys tlio seven companies mentioned ns do ing at Chenango aro still there, and that there is no prospect ot their get ting away. Thero is a fearful respon sibility somowhoro for this failure of troops from this section to got to Pitts burg, whoro thoy wcro needed and ex pected to help their companions from Philadelphia. Tbe railroad authori ties hero do not expect any strike, as no reduction In wages has been made lor over a year, r reight und passen ger trains are running regularly, al though considorablo pcrishublo freight is detained hero and at Salamanca hy ino r.rio striKo. Nsw York, July 22. Since tho de parture of 400 rogulurs from this city for llallimoro, on Saturday evening, there is hardly a corporal's squad in each ot tbo forts in the harbor. The Assistunt Adjutant General received a disputch lrom General Hancock to-duy to notify the officers in Fort Indepen dence, Boston; Fort Ttumblo, Now Loudon ; Fort Preblo, Portland ; Fort Adams, Newport; l ort Porter, Buffa lo, and tho Madison Barracks, Sackctt Harbor, to prepare troops thero iu readiness to move al a moment's no lice. . About 1,000 mon will bo under arms. Light Battery C loft Fort Ham ilton this evening, luo sixty mon wero armed wilh carbines and sabres. They had rations for flvo days. m Tbe Twenty-third Regiment, Colonel Ward, of Brooklyn, recoived orders this alVornoon from General Woodward to go to Hornollsvillo. Alter much trouble 300 men wero mustered in. Men wore called by telegraph from Coney Island and oilier places of ro sort, and pohco officers knockod at the door of every house and inquired tor members ot the regiment. Kach sol dier was provided with ten rounds of bull cartridge. An immense throng of peoplo followed and cheered the regi ment on the way to the depot. Special cars had been waiting'for them all the alteration. Thoy will arrive in Hor nollsvillo early to morrow morning, to he ready to guard the trains which Receiver Jowett says that he will send out it there has to bo blood shod. liZAiiiNd, Pa., July 22. There was great excitement iu this city on Satur day evening on account of a cull being inserted in tlio IMily t.tujlr by Captain Wonrick, of tho Reading Rifles, noti fying bis company to meet at their armory fully equipped and ready to move at a moment's nolico at tho timo specified. Somo of tbo members bo longing to the company put in an ap pearance, but tho greater part did not show themselves, aa bets bad boon mado that ii tbo compuny dared to leave Reading there would be blood shed. As it was, two or throe ol tho soldiers were- rather roughly handled on I'cnn street. At one time there was a crowd of about 1,500 people collected together, and it needed but tho slightest encouragement to havo started the whole mass of peoplo into a riotous assemblage. Everything in railroad circles is quiet hero to night, but it teems tn be too quiet preceding tho storm. Tho street in front ol the Etiijh bulletin board it crowded with people at this hour ( p. m.) I REPUBLICAN. Hktiileiikm, July 22. A largo and enthusiastic meeting was hold at r.asUin to-day by tho ompbryosof tbo Lehigh Valley, Central of New Jorsoy, Belvi dore, Doluwuro, Morris and Essex and Delaware and Lackawanna Railroads. They paraded the streets with bands of inusio at their bead, shouting and making loud demonstrations. Tho officials ol tbo Lehigh Valley Bond are closeted in' their rooms ut tho gen eral oflico, ut this placo, holding con sultutioiiB. Employes of tbe Valley Road say they expect tho order to striko momentarily. The North Penn hands are excited over the rumor ol trouble on their road at Philadelphia. Tho Fusion Grays, who have been camping nt Slrnudsburg, aro now en route for Alleiitown, where thoy will join the Allontotvn Rilles and Sluting- ton Itillcs, and leave by special train lor Pittsburgh. ' Demonstrations are expected hero ovory minute. WlLLiAUSi'OUT, July 22. Thero bus boon great excitement in this city all day ovor tho stirring events which havo boon transpiring throughout tho country, and thero has boon much open and loudly-exproHsed sympathy for tho strikers. At this hour (mid night) all is quiet on tho Philadelphia and Eii ie Ruilroad. The freight trains west from Sunbury and cast lrom Rcnovo left on their schedule timo this evening, but there are apprehen sions that they may be abandoned on their arrival hero alter midnight. Fraginouls of three military companies loft bore this morning under the com mand of Colonel Steads for Altoona, and in tho afternoon they were follow ed by the company from Canton, about soventy strong. Tho freight train over tho Northern Central arrived ut midnight all right. Towanda, Pu., July 22. Company K, Twelfth Regiment, National Guurd, Pennsylvania, under command of Cap tain D. L. Sweeney, loll this placo lor Pittsburgh this evening to aid in sup pressing tho railroad strike. Thoy wero accompanied by ono of General Beaver's stair oflicers. Thero is con sidorablo excitement over their de parture. There is no indication of any strike on tho Lehigh Valley. Hiahinu, July 23. Tho F-aston Grays and Allenlown Iti(lcs,nnd other companies of tbo Fourth Regiment, comprising nbout 2.10 troops, arrived about 7:30 this evening at the now do pot. Their movements wore kept se cret, and scarcely any person outsido of railroad circles wcro aware of their arrival, and wbon thoy marched into Seventh street from tho depot it was tho first our peoplo know of their com ing. Just before tho arrival of the troops a crowd of somo two thousand porsons bud surrounded tho 6:20 pas senger train for Philadelphia and bud compelled tbo engineer and fireman to got oil' tho cngino, and after several uielloctuat attempts to start the train they wore conipcllod to abandon it and draw tbo fire off the engine, leaving tho train standing in the cut abovo Penn street, Tlio passenger train due oero ui o o ciock eamo thunucrinir through tho city althorate of twenty five miles an hour. Otherwise it would havo been stopped ahd the cnttiiieer and fireman compelled to leave the cn gino. As it was thoy got to tho depot without much damage, excepting that uio engineer unu nreman were slruck with stones by tbo rioters and badly hurt. Tbo train was followed up to tho depot by tho rioters, but they were dispersed by tbo Coal and Iron Company police, headed by Captain Hoister, who acted with much caution and bravery, and by whoso exertions tho passengers wero allowed to proceed to Poltsvillo. Alter tho train had passed up to the depot Chief of Polieo Cullcn read tho riot act to tho crowd assembled on Penn and Seventh streets, and ordered bis officers to clear the street, but ho was answered by deris ive yells. Ilia officers then made a charge and cleared a small spaeo for a jnorl lime, but tlio crowd soon fell back into their old position, and were not again molested by the police, who. bowovcr, stood their ground, and tho rioters mado no further attempt to mo lest them. About this timo the troops wcro heard advancing from tho depot, and tho cry was raised by tho assoni- oinge, winch was composed ol lrom two thousand to four thousand people, mon, women and children, "Hero comes tho troops I" This bad no sooner been said than firing commenced by tho troops, and without any warning to the people. At onco tho crowd scatter ed liko a drove of sheep, and all that could got under cover and out of tho reach of the troops did so ; but alter tho first volley somo ono yelled "only blank cartridges, boys," and a stand was mado by tho crowd. When tho military fixed bayonets and again com menced firing and continued for a few seconds the crowd uguin mado a break, and in a few minutes scarcely a per son was left in front of tho troops. Your correspondent, being ono of tho crowd In front, mado for cover and went headlong into the crowd. Tho casualties, so far as hoard of, aro about six persons killed, Officer Rupp, of tho pohco force, being among tho number. A man named Draco was killed whilestundingtwo squares from tho placo where tholightiug was going on. Thoro aro about twenty wounded, somo of them being children. Tho crowd, when thoy dispersed, said, "Boys, go for your rifles. AVo'll havo 'em yet for this." Tho sentiment hero is very much against tbo soldiers for firing on tho crowd without giving a warning, as scarcely ono of tlio party was armed. Kvcrylhing is seemingly quiot now at 9 o'clock, bnt there will bo trounlo yet to-night, as tho strikers have gono for arms and ammunition. Tho troops aro now quartered in Ponn square. Tho different shops of tbo company aro well guarded by about :ro special pohco, well armed. At this hour (11:30) there Is a largo force ol men (caring up the tracks of ,i. i. .n.i:.... -I.?.... u ,i. , uiu ,,vi.,i,,ia nmu uitrii out en ill ail lti in this city, which uro guarded by about ono dozen men, armed with munkotB. It is also reported that they are tearing trucks up above and below tbo city. No attempt is mado to in terfere with tbom. Tho military are ut tho round house, about half a milo abovo this city, to which point they marched after firing nt Seventh and ; I'cnn. I oniing up town a short timo ago a party of rioters showed mo somo suits of military clothing captured from tho Allenlown Rifles and somo oight or ten muskets captured lrom tlio samo company. As lar as heard from tbo killed number eight and tho wounded twenty. Among the latter aro four polieo officers named Hupp, llaggorty, Ilartand U'Donnclly, all shot in llio legs. Among tbo killed aro: Milton Truce, John Cussidy, O. Sbaeffer, George Nacbtcub and tomo others, whoso names could not be learned. Tbo wounded aro as follows, as far as heard from ; John Wcilcr, C. Groetxingcr, Goorgo W. Palm, Kdward Boyor, ilonry Grnff, Albort Mills, Samuel Grant, John liinn anil 11. (1. NEW Corbitt. It is also reported that three young ladies wore shot wLiio looking on. Their names oould not be learned at this hour. Tho armory of tbo Read ing Rifles was broken Into and tho guns captured by tbo mob, but as no ammunition could bo found they wore not put to use. Tho gun store of L. Royet, on Soventh street, wus also broken open and whntgunsund pistols wore thoro taken off by tho crowd. This ia all tho damage done to any privato proporty or of the railroad company, and thiiB far outsido of the burning of tho Lebanon Valley bridgo, tuo loss is very small. Thoro has been ono soldier of tho Fourth Regimont Killed ana lour wounded shuhtly. Readino, July 23. To-day a crowd numbering several thousand persons assembled along tho Reading Railroad, and this afternoon they commenced stopping freight, coal and passonger trains, only permitting mail trains to procoed. At o o clock this evening seven companies ol the rourtb ltcgi mcnt, Pennsylvania National Guard, arrived, and proceeded along- tho rail road to Penn street; while in tho deep cut, extending two squares from Wat- nut to i'onn street, the Boldiors wore assailed with stones, and immediately commenced liring, it is alleged, with out orders. The firing was indiscrim inate, tho bullets doing bad work among tho immenso concourse of peo ple in tho vicinity of Seventh and Penn streets, among whom wero many rospectablo citizens,, as well as ladies and children. Tho troops fired down Seventh and up and down Penn streets. Five persons are known to bavo been killed and from eighteen to twenty-five were wounded, several of them mor tally. A number of other persons are supposed to havo been B ounded who escaped in tho crowd. Among those wounded aro seven members of tho police forco, somo of them soriouslv- Cbief Cullcn bad a narrow escape, hav ing been snot in tlio breast, but a thick memorandum book turned tbe ball. The policemen wore stationed along the railroad tracks to preserve order aud received tho full firo of the military. A number of soldiers wero knocked down and injured by lurgo stones thrown ut them. Greut excite ment prevuildto night. Tho mob broke into tho armory ot tho Heading UiUos and captured all their guns and have also taken all tho weapons from a gun store. They threaten vongcance upon the military and further troublo is feared to-night. Tbo mob is now en gaged in tearing up tho railroad tracks and thoro iss blockade of accumulated freight and coal cam. Tho railroad company has a strong guard stationed around their machine shops und other buildings in tlio city to prevent them from being burned. Several companies ol cnttoa .Males regulars and tho nix tconth Lioginicnt, Pennsylvania Na tional Guard, aro expected to arrive during tbo night. PiTTsiiLRou, July 23. Tbe storm which bus been gathering for fivoyears, and which broko over this great city on Saturday night, is over, at least for tho tune being, and the poople ot Pitts- burgh are now contemplating the monstrous result ot thoir own incom prehensible folly. They bavo sowed the wind and truly they have reaped tbo whirlwind. Tho sympathy of all classes was extended to tho strikors, but tbo thing did not stop there, and so bitter wore tho denunciations of the railroad company that riot and blood shod, arson and pillage were foreseen by tboso who calmly witnessed tho Btrugglo ; but no words of warning wore heeded, and when tbo first shot was fired into the troops by the mob nt Twonty-eighth atreet there wero not loss than 5,000 peoplo present, men, women und children, and they unani mously treated the command to dis perso with contempt, and then, when the troops did firo and clear tho track, tbo denunciations were loud and deep on overv bund. Jtiot and bloodshed during tho night wero known to be in evitable, but the citizens did absolutely nothing to prevent it, and had tho Mayor issued the proclamation calling for volunteers which he lias done to day, ho w ould have been derided and hooted, and so the storm broko al mid night and raged In nil its deadly fury for twolvo hours. Then the people began to rcalizo their mlstako and to say to one another, this thing has gone tar onuugh and must now be stoppod. You will soo tho significance of tho words "gone far enough." While llio properly of tbo railroad company alone and that for which it was directly re sponsible was being consiimod intcrfor once wus not thought of, hut when the firo reached Ihe limitsof the company's properly thoro was nn outcry that it must bo checked. It never socmcd to enter tho mindsof the people that they, as tax payers, wore directly responsible and wouid havo to pay for nil tho dam ago done. Tho simple fact is that had the citizens not shown such an. alarm ing disregard of all law and onlor the outbreak would never have occurred, but the desperuto communist leaders and plunderers in the community saw thut now was their timo and thoy wero aided, I havo the best reasons lor be lieving, by experienced incendiaries and pillagers lrom other cities, who havo been gathering hro since it was mado known throughout tho country that Pittsburgh, through municipal corruption and incompetency, had been deprived of one-half of its already mea gre police forco. The rioting and de struction, you will be told, was the work of a drunken mob, but this is only part of tho truth. Tho work of arson and plunder was directed from point to point by cool heads and steady nerves, by mon unknown in this com munity and who probably never will be known. To the credit of many ol the strikers it can bo said that when they saw what was to bo tho result of tho riot, they cut looso from the mob and endeavored to restore order ; somo ofc them even offered to protect the proporty ol tho Fort Wayne Rod. Have wo seen the end ? Thut no man can toll to-night. Troops uro massing and patroling the streets In connection with the special nflo armed police, under tho command ot Gen. Negloy. Tho Fort Wayne Road is again out and all tho truffio stoppod, as is also tho Allegheny Valley, and it it ex pected that the Wost Penn will follow, and If it does, then all communication with the Kast will bo cut off. Pimm tun, J uly 23. M idnight A n afternoon paper published an authori tative statement to-day that filtoen Philadelphia soldicrs,killcd or wounded, had been left In tho carpenter shop by tbo round honsos and hail boon burned. Tbo ilrliri about those buildings is still too hot to al tempt any examination and none whatover has been attempted, so no positivo ovidonco can be obtained. Generul Brinlon is in the city to-day, in citizen's clothes, bnt refuses to givo any information as to tho loss of lite or limb in hit command, which it a sua piciouaomon. Suvoral witneastn testify that thoy taw sovoral soldiers shot during the siege Saturday night in tho . , , known to tbo official, and i SERIES - VOL. 18, NO. 30. round Houses, but Thoy could not toll whether they were killed or wounded. Several persons examined tho building alter tho soldiers Kit, but found no bodies. Persons who saw the soldtors at tho depot say there wero no wounded soldiers among thorn. Tba escaped Boldiura scout tho idea of any of their comrades being left there dead oralivo. With this evidence, it seems very improbable that any soldier was left amid tho names. At 8 o'clock this afternoon tho mail .rain from Philadelphia collided with express train which loft this place 4:45, fifteen minutes lato, at Guysuta station, six miles out on the West Penn sylvania Road, and a short distance above Sharpsburg. Jacob Feil, pilot on tbo Express; Frank Lantbor, bag go go-master on Iho Mail ; James Price, mail agent,and a passenger for Altoona, were killed. Tbe express messengor is missing and is reported killed. W.JD. Mcliolvy, the engineer on the Express, was seriously injured in the unklo. Tho engines and eighty cars are a totul wreck. Iho rfrdru has been cleared awav. This morning Gen. Brinton's com mand took a train from Sharpsburg for Philadelphia. At Butler J unction tbo engineer aud fireman wcro compelled tolcavo thoir cub by strikers, and when last heard from they wore waiting for mcins of transportation home. Only three of their number wero killed on their retreat from tho round house to Sharpehiirg. Captain Kleinz, of tlio lilnck Hussars, is amnortty lor the statement that ail tho 1'hiladelphia troops will return home to-morrow. Tbo blockade on the Fort Wayne Road was raised Saturday, when Gen erul Manager J. 1). Layng said that tho terms of the strikers would becom- Slied with. This afternoon Colonel cott refused to ratify this and great tears prevailed that tho scenes of yes terduy at tho Union depot would be rejieuled to-night in Allegheny. Later, however, a better fooling prevailed, as James K. Shimer and Mr. Layng as sured tho strikors that whatever ar rangement was mudo with the Penn sylvania Road would bold good on the Fort Wayne. No freight trains have yet moved lrom this placo. hverj thing is quiet to-night, but all the streets are heavily patrolled and all the business houses uro doubly guarded. Tho Pittsburgh regiments bavo re ceived orders to appear on duty at eight o'clock to-morrow morning, to escort the nine killed Philadelphia sol diers to the depot. lhu rumors which havo been sot afloat regarding tho renewal ol hostili ties induced the proprietors ol mercan tile and other establishments to sus pend business, and some of them have organized thoir employes into compa nies and tendered their services to (be Mayor ol tbo city to aid in restoring order. General James Browne, of the Nineteenth Regiment, also tondorcd tho torviccs of his command to assist in suppressing disorder, and tbe oiler was promptly accepted by tho Mayor and thanks returned in tbo name ot tho order-loving citizens. In a short timo tbe tramp, tramp of tboso organi zations resounded along Fifth avenue, and tho boating of drums and move ments of citizen soldiery through the streols recalled tho stirring scenes of; the early day ol the war. As many of the manufacturing establishments had suspended work in consequence of tha non-appearance ot tbo employee, tuo streets wero tnrongca wilh people. At 10 A. u. both branches of the Coun cils assembled in tbe Seloot Council chamber, Mr. W. W. Thompson in the chair. That gentleman stated that tbo object of tlio mcoting was to dis cuss and adopt means looking to the protection of tbe city and citizens. Mr. Little moved that tha city be pledgod to furnish all the rations needed as well as oilier expenses incurred during tho present exigencies. Tho motion was adopted. At two o'clock this afternoon the Philadelphia militia wore in Freeport, where the train islyingawaitingorders. A telegram was sent to tbem request ing them to return to the city, guaran teeing them protection, it is not known what will be done. Dotach metits of the sumo regiment to wbich tho troops in tho city on Saturday be longed reached Blairsvillo Intersection this morning, having been held at dif ferent points along the road, it ia hardly probablo that they will ba or dered to the city, Tho following proclamation was is sued this morning : 7b tee eiliwo. of 'ifftearo ' The lawle.ineai and violence which hae boldly defied all authority and all roMraiot ihowi tbat It can only bo auppreeeed through prompt elocu tion ot elero meaauroe. 1 have determined that pcaoe, order and quiet ihall be rc.tored to the community, ooine forward at owee lo the new elty LUll and unito wilh tbe police and military bow oraniicd. I coll opuB all thn.e who quietly oob tiotia at their aeoal plaoea ef bueineie to rafraia from participating ia eicited a.MiDblagei. All woman and cbildrrB are eommanded lo retire within IhHr home! and remaia there. All plaeea where intoxii ating liquon are aold will beoloaed lorlhwith and remain aeeure aad eloerd uotil per mi.aioa la given to reopen tbe aame. And, by virtue of the authority vo.ted ia mo, I bereb de clare that all rioloue demoaetratione annea aad Ih. II be put down, and (bat poece and order and quiet etinll reign throughout the cut. w a. McCAHTBi, Mayor. Tho chief article of spoil was leaf- tobacco, and there was nut much of that. Occasionally a man was seen walking off with an ainiful of this stuff, pretty badly singed. Liberty street, ut the corner ol Grant, was com plotely blockaded with tho trucks aud wheels of cars. Only a small pioco had been Cleared away, allowing tho pass- ago of a single vehicle at a time. There was no dehrii on Grant atreet and nono down Liberty street, except whoro the tracks turn into tho freight depot. Nono of tho streots wcro blockaded elsowhoro. Thero were no flames visi ble at any place, nor was thoro a great amount ol smoke. 1 'no Ore onginoio. muitieil during tlio morning, and con- tinned pouring water on the dcbrii of the grain elevator and thereabouts. A largo number of persona visited tho ruins during tho day. At various places Binall crowds of rought could bo seen collected together and quietly talking over matters. There wore no boisterous demonstrations nor any dis position shown tognther lurgo crowds by bitter denunciation. In nearly all tho llttlo gatherings tho feeling was one of regret that tbo thing was allow ed to proceed so far. Tbe laboring men in most cases snared this tooling. We have enough taxes lo puy without paying for all this, said ono man, and tho other worklngmcn with him thought the same. At two o'clock this afternoon tho strikors at Twenty eighlh street aurrendorod their arms, Included three pieces of artillery. As tho latter were being drawu to tho city by hand forco, a man named Wm. Duncan, loaned on one of tht pieces and spiked It with a rat tail file. Ho was afterwards arrested and taken to tho Central Station. BrniLMim, Pa., J uly 23. This com munity it in a very great state of alarm iu contemplation of tho threatened strike by the employes on railroads centering here. The strike on the Le high Valley road, which was to bv oocurrod at two thin morning, but u postponed, It is now foarcd wilt tak jilaco to-night Tbo officors ol the road oxpross no alarm. Mr. Sayro, the Superintendent, it la said, propose, in tba event of a striko, to totally suspend tbo operations of tbo road, run the lo comotives into .the round bouses and the cars into tbo yards an) upo tbo tidings, and await tbo pleasure of the strikors. Tho employes on tbe New York division, coming in contact with and being in strong sympathy with the M -,,r then (tins. a cr extent under thoir influence. Tbe al leged cause for the trouble it the recent ten per cent reduction. Tho feeling among tho employe of the Central Railroad of New Jersey it almost unanimously against a strike. The brukenien are receiving 11.75 o day and flagmon f 1.85 on coal trains, and ten cents a day added for ireight hands. The North Pennsylvania em ployes are much exercised, and the careful obsorvor notes trouble brewing. un inursday last a cotnmlttoo or em ployes asked the management tbat ten per cent, recently taken from tbe wagea bo restored. On Satnrday a negative answor was recoived, and baa caused much dissatisfaction. Tho Bethlehem Iron Company em ployes aro also being worked into a fever heat ol oxcitement, and loudly threaten to strike. Xhoy have just been notified of another reduction, and thia adds fuel to tho beat. The mill has boon idle to-day and tbe mon stand around in groups, and several inflam matory speeches have been delivered in various portion of lb tows by mn who are entire strtnirors. but vet are instantly received into full fellowship by tbo excited men. Should these men striko tho most disastrous consoquonccs are teared. Thocondition throughout the Lehigh valley to-day it one full of anxiety to tbo capitalist and tho reasoning inhab itant. Since Saturday there haa been much lawlotsnesa, and the streets to day wcro filled with drunken men, who were cursing the "monopolists" and "opprcsBionists," and seemed ready for ugly deeds. Various violent assaults are reported. Tboso outrages are be yond a doubt tbe result of the excito ment engendered by tbe troubles else where and the efforts tbat have been nut forth to cause an insurrection hero. To-night the streets aro filled with peo plo, who seem to be solely of the party who justify tho mob work at other places, but the prsenco of the seven companies of the E'ourth Regiment at Allentown, five miles distant, it is be lieved, will have a mollifying effect up on the mora discreet of the ruffians. Bethlehem, Pa., July 2311.50 P. . M. Tho police on tho south side of the river aro unusually vigilant, and the full inrco is on duty. The outlook it exceedingly serious, and tbe gravest apprehensions are felt for tbe future. tt is confidently believed that tbe Le high Valley men will go out on astrikf to-night. Their going out will be tbe signal for men of the Bothlehem Iron company, who will accept that as their cue. Should a mob result from tbia combination of strikers tbe most seri ous results may be looked tor. The residences of ruilroad officials and cor I operators and gentlemen largely inter estcd in the coal and iron business, on Fountain Hill, are closely guarded by a special police to-night. Tho rowdy element of the town subsided about an hour ago, but it was in a manner tbat excited tlio suspicious and the appre hensions of the police Bethlehem, July 212 A. M. All freight and otbor trains have arrived and departed as usual on the North 1'ennsylvauia road up to this haur. Tbe through Western freight, on the Lehigh Valley road, was abandoned at 1:30 this morning. By orders of the officers of the road there are no rail way connections with Roadine to-nichL Tho midnight freight on tbe Central road passed up on timo. Columbia, Pa., July 23. At tbia hour (9 p. tt.) the situation is about the samo. All the passongor trains are allowed to leave here; unless they at tempt to take freight, when they will be stopped, Karly this morning the Reading Company made an attempt to start their freight trains, but the en gines wore boarded and the engineers and firemen weroordored off. hngines wore then returned to the round bouse. This afternoon tho tbop bands were compelled to quit work and the shops wero then closed up. Our authorities have had appointed a patrol for to night, and tbo strikers have also done the sumo. A large body of tramps are between here and Lancaster. This afternoon thoy stole a large steer, killed it, and are now roasting it. It is feared they may causo a great deal of trouble around hero. Erie, July 2.1. This morning a del egation of striken visited the shops and compelled the mon to qeit work. Several attempts to move freight on tbe Philadelphia and Erio Road prov ed abortive, and the strikers have everything in thoir power. The pas- Bcngcr trains were allowed to run on tho Philadelphia and fine. Urders were received this afternoon from Buf falo abandoning all passenger and freight trains. The orders were issu ed by Mr. Vanderbilt ordering that all rassenger and freight trains on tbe ,ake Shore and Michigan Southorn bo abandoned until further notice. The express' train from Cleveland, which arrived bore about 4 o clock this after noon, was, in obedience to orders switched on a side track, despito tbe protests of tho passengors. Alter 5 o'clock an cngino manned with strik ors pulled out the train and took it on to Buffalo. No attempt has been mado to tako out freights, and at this time the strikors havo full possession ot the yards, round houses and other railroad proporty. One passengor train was sent out on tho Erie and Pittsburg road this morning. The remainder of the trains havo to-day boon abandoned. Tbe passongor trains are running on tho Philadelphia and Erie. All the macbino shops have boon closed and tho stillness of death reignl in tho yards. The Mayor has nrdored all tho saloons closed, and large numbers ol Hocial police have been aworn in in anticipation of a riot. BirrALo, July 237 p. m. The mob, roinlorced by large numbers, called at tlio car shops of the Lake Shore and Erie Companios and order ed all tho workmen there to quit, which thoy did forthwith. No serious demonstrations are aa yet being made. About four o'clock tbia afternoon a Btiffulo and Jamestown train, which leaves tho firie Depot, on arriving at Compromise Crossing, two miles from tbo depot, had ft passenger coach de tached and shoved on the central track and the fireman forcibly taken from tbe engine. Superintendent Doyle, who was on the train, remonstrated with tho strikers, stating there had been no reduction of wages on their rorul nor had there been any tino its inauguration. The effect of this state ment was tbe bringing back of the coach by the strikers, who coupled it on and assured the Superintendent that nothing should h don in any way to interfere with tbe working of his road. Karly in the afternoon an assault was made by nearly 2,000 riot er on about 200 soldiers, who were guarding tho Lake Shore round bout. Tbe military were obliged to leave the building, which la now barricaded by the mob, who have placed cars in po sition as detent against an attack. Col. Kloch. of the Sixty -seventh Kegl tnont, with about thirty men and three officers, foolishly proceeded to tli round houst to retak H from tb Oisfuiwvrf nn fourth prtye. wira in 'jj. Jaly , UTT II.