THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 14, UTT. If paid ia dBo,or withli tbrs moot ha ft julj ftfttr tbrMaitd bffor all moDthiM,.. t M (I paid ifnr th aspiration of all months ... M"isra. 8. M. Pittkwsill A Co., Nsws- Atlvorliaiav Avrnl. 17 Park Row. sorosr Uksj.aa 6twt, ar our duty MlboHtod Afoata In flaw York uttj. REIJ(ilOlll MOTICKfJ. .,, Methodist i:.lropl Ctjurrh Rar. J.fl. M Mirhat. Pastor. Srvie srary Sabbath at Ml A. M., and 7 P. M. rdt'.ba.h Hihool at tt A. M. I'rayar Moating ararv T bora day, at t P. M. Coiub uoioa Harrina, first gabbatb of sjvsrjr montb, al ll' A. M. Went Clearfield M. E. Church Rova. Willi 11. Dai and W. 8. Wilson, Pastors. Preach id a; orvrj attentats PunriaT, at o'clock, 1. M.-bunday Hobool at 2, P. il All ar la dled to atland. rekb) Icrlan t'.iurrI.Rr. H. S.Butlis. Snbbnth Mr vies morning and vanlng Bab- bath Sobool at a P. M. Prarar Moating Wsdost day svsniog. t. Praiirla ( hurch Catliollr Rot. P. J. Snaamiii. Preacblniat luj o'tlock, A. M.,on tbe Brat, third and fourth Sundays of oaoh Bionth; Vespers and l road lot Ion of iba Rleaaad SacrantSLit at 7 o'clock, P. M. ruodaj School srary Sunday aitirnooa u a o owes. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tiki or auLDiaa quarte sessions ooobt, Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. First Monday af Juno, fourth Monday of fleptembar. TtMB Or BOLD1KS COM VOX fllUS. First Monday of Jane, fteeond Monday of Norambar. rciLio o meant. Prttulmmt Jd9t- Hob. Charles A. Mayor, of Loci Haven. AantfnHl taw Jmdgom- lion. Jufaa fl. Orf ll, of Uelktonla. Atimiait Judgit Abram Ogdsn, Claarflald; Vincent B. Holt, Clearnsld. ProtkonotaryltU Bloom. Jltyil4r una HttnrtUrh. J. Morgan. Dittrict Alttny Wn. M. MoCullough. frarr Da? Id MoUaugbay. .VAari Andrew Panta, Jr. Vonnty Surveyor bamual F. McCloik ay, Car waniTilla. County Committiontrt Clark Brown, Clear flt-ld; Tbnmai A. McUea, Chpat P. O.j llairia lloovar, Clearfield. County Auditor Chrlat. J. Keamry, Olan Hone i Samuel A. Caldwell, W'tlliamigror ) Jobs 0. Connrr, Borniide. County tVromr J. B. Naif, Now Washington. Jury CommMiQnVT. Jatnaa P. Bnrabnald, ClearftH, Jotepb Aleiander, Woodward. 8uprinttndnt of fublit SeMoolt John A. Orenory, CurweBarilla. Notari V.f-J.ho W. Wrigley, Wn. Ra debaugh, Cyrua Gordon, Clearfield ; Joeepb K. Irwin, N. R. Arrold, Cnrwenarille ; J. J. Lingle, 0eeola Milla ; J. A. Llringiton. Duliole City. Oar Spttial column ll decidedly IntereaHng In a local point of view, and profitable reading to outilderl who want to rare mooey. T. A. Fleck & Co. hnvo removed Hi tlr rtore lo tirabau'e brick building. J2 only for a lurgo lull eack ot'ult, at Jvba McOaughey'a gruoery. T. A. Flock their ator Ij Orahai A; Co. have removed d'i hrlek building. Itev. William II. lill will preach at Bailcy'a School tlooae Beit Banday, July IV, at 5 o'clock r. M. T. A. Fleck k Co. have removed their atora to Clrabam'a brick building. There wan a omul I flood in the. river at tt ti place lait Friday morning, but hardly sufficient for rafting purpofea. T. "A. Fleck & Co. havo removed their atore to Urabam'a briok building. i mm - - All best prinU only 6 cents ; Applo- toa " A anuella, aanta by ui yard, at n ifhaaj Reed's atora, la tbo Opera lloaee. T. A. Fleck H Co. havo removed tbelr atora lo Graham'a brick building. - a o m Fine-cut chewing tobacco at 5 cents ao oanct at ptoek a aigar factory on Heeond atroet, next door to tba First Netloaal Bank. tf. T. A. Fleck & Co. have removed their Blore to Uraham'a brick boildlng. " Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boya are uarcbiug," uaed to be muiieal but tbat other " tramp," bow ao popular, Is aa Infernal noUanca. T. A. Fleck A Co. have removed tbelr store to Urabam'a brisk bulldiog. A number of our towns-peoplo at tended the e lot trig exercliea of tbe Couaty Normal School at Curwrn'rlllf, laat Thursday evening. Tbry apeak well of tho entertalnmaat. ii i At the Republican oil ice U the place to get your job work done. Wo are folly prepared to do anything In tbe printing line, will do It wall, and at tha right kind of prieas. tl. . i pi Our lint of jurors wua a litllo mixed up and some names were omitted laat week j but It ia all right bow. It was not Sheriff Penti's fault. The devil did It. - - - - mm e i M. A. Frank, Ksq., a former of Clearfield, but Bow of Palls City, Nebraska, kaa been in town for several days pait. The 'Squire la looking well, and stilt thinks Nebraska the proper place to lire. Hev. II. H. Butler, paator oi tbo UlearBeltf rreeoytertaa UOurcB, ia aipeeiea 10 return home ftxm his rummer vocation during Ibe pre rent week, and will occupy bit pulpit next Sabbath, July 2Vth, as aaual. Mr.Thomas Dougherty, of thin place, while helping to barvett wheat oa Mr. A. 11. Shaw's farm, bear the borough, laat Tburaday afternoon, receircd an ugly wound on the right hand from the polot of a teylbe. lie Immediately earns to town aad had the wooaded member properly dressed. G. AV. Gttllnghcr, Admiiiinlrator ol the eitate of Hugh (lallagher, deepened, will aell a taluable farm and timber tract, situate la Cheat townrblp, Clearfield county, at public aale, oa tbo premiaoa, on Saturday, tbe 2-itb day of August Best, fiie dtstiriptioa of the properly la oar ad Tsrtlilng eolumna. mm m Stewart Walker, tho wounded hoino- tbief, waa taken from Curwebavllle to BcllefoDte, Urt Friday afternoon, where be will bo taken ear of until able lo appear for trial, If he srer geta able at all. It la tbe opinion of the phyal ciaaa who attended bla at Carwenavllle tbat he cannot recover from tbe wound he received. LUt of lettera remaining unclaimed lo thePostoflee at Clearfield, for Uie week ending July 23, 1877 t Nelaaa W. Arm I rung, John lloflkrasa, Joba Ells, Wa, Y. Roberlaok, Mr. Levi Uoff, William Hunter, fleo. W. ITblrlck. P. A. Oaulis, P. M. - - - m e - - - Neui tv all tbe wheat in thia fouMy Lus berB harvratrd, aad rrports fiom dtfleraut part or the oooo ty agree tbat tba crop this year i laigely la esooee af tny previous one. Ills tioecrely hoped tbat In view of tali fact fl will be UDneceeary to Import floor for ear home sa umptloB hereafter. A largo amount of money can thus bo kepi at borne. Judging from tbe crowd in attend ance at tbe Murphy Timperaoee Mtrttag laat Friday evening, our people aro not yet tired of tbe movement. Tbo Kiewutlve Com mil tea hav ing failed la Ibeir ttToiia to see are a speaker for tba oceaaloB, Mr. Tcit, President of tbe I'aioo, ratntalaed tbe sudicaee with one of hia eharae riitle talks. The aest meeting will bo held oa F'iday arming, Augait 3d, In the Court Uoaso. iWmaHtcre should be tn the look--t fot aa old ma a, aew aa hia travela la thia "aty, levjlng aa aaaesament on Poat mailers le rtieiburre him for tome Imaginary pecuniary low, kick, he aa;, bo auffereJ at the hand of tbe natiruarat. Ho vllled PoatmaMer Osalia, of tLis bwiengb, eae day laat week, and whea that ffcial lefased to folk etr tbo dollar demanded, the eU fr ilnw got very angry aad weal away aa m.M He bea probably booo lakiag leiaoae ('( dealer! In P1-trderhips and Credit Me bilier Hot hi. We call the attention of parent to k adteiilftreeat ia thia paper of tbe BlairrvDIe (IV ftmlnary. Ke similar lastltatlvn ataada 'fber la ike eetimatioa of the pablle thaa the ee Baaied. It It pleesaatly aad healthfully -'ed, and the manegruent ia all that eoald ho bed fur, and has firm efttlre aatlafaetioe te l lare aeahet of paplii who havo baa anna 7 Maeeted there. Mr. J. Jewell Parka hi the I'tiiliil oncer who aarat aloae Is a lamcleat ltraaiM ttlt f,trtBtl eu -tlt Mtrt their ehll- ta i betlor, or more popalar taitilatlftt ol reioilu tbtsconatry. T. A. Fleck k Co. have removed tbvtr it or ( Grshftaa's brisk batldlfig. It is ftMtonittbin what a Rood cigar Joba A. Slock sslls at Ita fur li scuts. B kUo bas tbs bsat snt eigsr la ths nark at. Fir mtsftpltee, or tlx for Si hdu. Fmior; -Second itrtcl, Belt door lo First Nat. Dank, if. BMtloa srltb tbat JsmrBal, tad baa nad bla bo ! lb svImssbs of tb lUHtlnjtdoa UhU, thsreb; reHcriog rroiMior uus, or tht latter satablisb aiout. W bopo that ! UI cat aluDC aw In. nb- " j iilj SMaj.1 tbstr anlsarabls pulitta. A Veneiiablx M The llullefonto Watekmam itatu that Miaa 8saaa MaKlaaey. wb littd in BifgU.bljv C Alta nyy, far MllwbBrg, waa found ded in bar bed, on Friday morning, the 0th in it. Mill MoKlnaey waa a traoarabla lady, aged 17 yaara, t Booth aad 13 dayt, aad rtuded with Mr. Lenool Warorr. The old lady bad gone to bed la her aiaal goad bealtb the evening pratloua. Failld to rA88. Tbo Lowistown Gaut aayi that Haoul Bel lord, who bad baea drtlgsated by Mr. Mae bey M a aaadidal lor Naval oadet from tbii Congreaaloaal dlalrlet, failed la bla final aianf nation at Aonapolia, Md. Oat of ilxty-nioo applloanta only twaaty war ad mitted. Matthew-Matloa waa lha fellow that alew them. We abould auppoaa tbat tltla would be a little galling to tbe young patrlola. Boyaf try aonelblng elao. Aanapolia U a bad plaot, anyttow. , Dratu of Colonel J on m. Colonel D. M. Junta, a pronlnaot eitlaen of Tyrone, who had been aufferiog from floaauuplloB for aararal year i, waa advlaed to take a trip to Colorado for the bene It or hia heal lb. lie died at Deater on the loth init., Ire daya after bla arriraL Colonel Jonea waa a ember of the Legtilataro af tbla State at the time of bla death, and had prattoaily erred three teraaa aa Reflate and Keeorder of Blair aoBDty. Hit uiaay frioada will bo g rltredl to learn of bla auddea death. 1'r.itisiiABi.E. Freioht. Tho Altoona Jiirror, of Saturday laat, In speaking of tho atrika oa the railroad, aayat M If la bloekadaofoara Is ao 1lfted,and ao new supply of lee obtaiaod pretty soon, there la going to bo a email la the outer da. pot yard, where there an SUQ oara loaded with meat rouit from Chicago to Europe. Tba meat la peeked la lea, and It la all rlt;ht as long as tho latter doea not melt. When It dooa. tba atrlker lo that neighborhood will hare to bold their bos- trll. This ahipmentwae doe at Philadelphia at tlgbt o'oloek laatereoing (July 10)." imn- ew ('LEAKriELit County Atlas. Cald well's Atlas Company ere prog railing with tbe work of making aa atlai of tbla county, and o farsoem to bo having favorable eaooese. Tbii work givea unireraal satiafaetlon, and tbo angle-! sera expreia Ibcmaelves as highly gratified at tha , anlform kind treatment I bey receive from our oltlaeBS. Tbo work for Clearfield county will bo I mora elaborate la Its historical feat area than any ! other publication tho eon p any hae made. It lsj their aim to obtain and publiab biographiea and ptraonal fketcbea of all tbe pioneer, early iettleri and representative men of tbo county, from Its' flrit organ! tatiuD. Tbla will be of great Inlereat to all oar eilliu, and tba work, with all ita rarioua feture, will bo of great value. - mm- Bank Ball. The Chincleclamoooe Club, of tbii place, were defeated In tbe game ol bate ball playfd ultb tbe Puaquehaooa CJob at Curwsnsville, laat Haturday afternuoo, tbe Car wcnaville boya rucceedibg in eeoring four rune ' ahead. Tbe aoore atood 11 to 1ft, as follows : I 4-HlHCLRrLSHooaa. O. B., IttSQI'KKAK.tA. . B.I Moore, a. a Wallace, p Heed, o Waltera, e.f..., Willey, l.f Kraele, Id b... Pattou, J., e 1 Tbompioa.l.f. 2 Dale, a.a 4 Notsatine, p S Moore, lit b.. ...... 4 Patton, A., 2d b... 4 Chambers, I., o f,.., 3 McBride.r.f. 2 Chamber, C, ;td b. 4 Quiatburg, let b..., HurcbfiRld, 3d b.... Howe, r.f T.tal 2T II Total ...27 15 BOiRB it muixub : 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 9 Chinks 1 2 0 2 12 11 011 Suqubenoas....2 9 Jj a 1 4 2 0 le 1 mpire Osoar L- Moors, of Clearfield. Scorer Chinks, L. II. Alej aaqoehaunas, 0. C. Jenklna. Time of game Two boura and thirty tninvtoa. Tbe retura game will bo played at the Park la Wsst Clearfield to-morrow (Tburaday) afternoon A Miraculous Kboape. The family of Mr. A. F. BoyatoB,of this place, oaoaped death by aeoideat last Friday afternoon, while taklage drlra along tha rhrsr beach, la tha vicinity of Bloom's bridge. They were driving leisnroly along tbe real oo the river bank, when the driver ef tbo carriage happened to turn his aye to tbo right and dlioorered a large dead oak falling to ward tbe party. He Immediately jerked the reins, oaaiiog tho horse to baik the oa triage far enough to let tbe tree paie It, bat th homo wei more unfortunate, tbe tree falling aoroat hi abouldera and crushing him te the gronad with out a struggle, and without doing aay injury to tbe oarriage or its ooeupaota. There was no wind at tbe time, and the tree fell without makiag aay Boito antfl It atrusk and killed tba horse. Mra. Boyatoa aid child, Mrs. Ueaustnger, and tbo driver, were lo tbo oarriage. Their feel togs aaa bettor be imagined than described. It would bo well enough for tha Supervisor to look after tbo dead trees tbat embellish the bor der of aoute uf oar publis road ( beoaoae a quea- tloa uf daiusgos might ariae out ol aeeiJenta like tha one above Barrated. QtriTt A "Laddie." The Bellefontc ftupnklivanf la alladiog to the theft of Senator Peale'e mare, by Stewart Walker, saye i la the morning the mare was gone. Tha alarm waa Immediately givea. A bursa and ufa7 as found ia tho woods near lit beret, yrg. whiob proved te be Mr. Miusrr'e, of Millboii Ob laveatigatloB It was learned tbat Stewart Walker, arias Walter Klrby, of Alone Valley, HontlngJoB eoBBty, bad borrowed Mr. Moaaer'a buggy for the otenalble purioo of taking a young lady of Mlllbeim out riding. It appear tbat tba follow waa inquisitive about tbo mare, to which be had taken a fancy, aad Mr. Pea la, thinking bo wsi converting with one of bis young and ItiBoooat Democrat ie eoBititueQti, was free to narrate many of her excellent qualities. Tbia eioited tbe oututouiacsj of hi (Walker's) loco oener, who la said te bo aa old thief, having ato ten leveral borte before, and ho followed Mr. Poale to Reberburg. ewe o e o " It Is aaid that tbia fellow alola a bona before aod waa so hotly punned tbst bo rode lato a thick woods a hero he bitched it and abandoned It, and whore 14 was found a month after, starred tc death, llorse-owoera have reaava te congratu late tbrmarWca that such a malieiuua and danger oaa thief ha brea cap tared. Ho was tbo terror to the aelgbborbood where be lived." y ' aUHNBIDf . tna vi Li-ao Aat iTamaBAcruniimra xatibal AnrsuTAaas tibbbb aD coal, arc. This mode it Tillage Is altaatvd la Clearfleld county, thirty miles aouthweat of the county-seat Clearfield a boat eighteen miles from tho eoarce of the Buaquebanna river, and Is about twent-yflvo mils dtstaat Iroei any rstlrond eom munioatioa. Uatil late yoara the village did aot how many algaa of ad ran cement. They bow have three general dry-goods and groeery etores, a drug store, baraesa-makiog establiebmont, one hotel, blaektmith shop, wagon shop, grist mill, two cbool aoaoea, three Charebw, a Uvery atablo, and ether aoooaaiiios ta the " make ap " of a first- elaaa village. Too mucB eartbut no aald ia faror of the gooj people who lira thero. They aro boipitable, boaoat and radartrioua, Setag generally of a re ligions tarn of mind and etoeodingly temperate ta all tbelr habile. Tha Murphy movement has not reached tbem yet ) bat tbey aro all In sympa I by with tbe work, aad eipeet ta tommanoo a eries of meeting ere long. The village, though beautifully located oa tha banks of the Susquehanna, Is surrounded by tow ering BiUe, whose bowels aro hen la minerals of various nesertpuons, u is earieaeti By natural recourses, and aooa, with tBcraain facilities for traofportatloa, will send abroad Its torn of ooal aad millioas af timber. Surrouadod ai II is by rich aad comparatively well-tilled farm land, it Is doetlaed to become the whont-growing part ofourooBBty. We village ia Pennaylvaoia aaa boaet of greater enteral wealth than Borasldo. Tbey aro poeeed of gocd bolneaa men. Bat tbey need yet another elaaa to delve iato her hllta M4 aracartb their millioas of boarded wealth. Tbey aro poeseeeed of some diead vantage j none, howsrar, bat what time may remedy. The one moat generally felt, as tbelr hneiaoes Increases, ia tbat of tbelr aaalls being so long In reaching them. For lntanoe, tbsy wtll hoar ae thing of ; the Railroad War aatli they get the county papers, i They are sadly In need ai tho telegrapa, to en- i able them to work mora adventageoaely on tho Hver. When there is a rise ta the river, an do ii g vr aaaions to got le market with tbelr tim ber, start their refte dowa, after paying out largo anx Btrt of eipeaao money to their men, who af- tar vauaiiig, perhspa, f half a day, lad to their dimay Uiat tho water la falling so rapidly, on aeoownt of tbo rata aot being general, aad tbey are obligrd lo "lie up" and walk fifteen or twenty miles bach so their homes, tiring them-1 srlros as.4 kaviag their omployere ait or eight head red dollars out of porksi. Had they a lias I of telegraph, all this oould be avoided. Bat tbey ihiak tho day m aot far dlrtaot whoa tbey too will bo able to speah with lightning rapidity to friends la other lands. The climate ia the vlrtalty of Buraslda, thoagh lateasoly sold la wiBtor,lnprmely pwaaent la semmer, aad well adapted for rafiiag all kiadij of fmli aad Tegetal lea. Ain. $2 only fr 1rt? wok of Suit, at Juhb MoUAuoaBT i. Wartku 11,000 oorda of Hemlock aad Rook Oak Bark, for which wa will pay tbe blgbeat mark at urloa. JylJtf. A. 0. C bah i a A Oo. T. A. Fleck A Co. have removed iei.wval HALT I DAtill - k UU CBU IfOi LJU miiiO twilled aeik if Ina aalt al Ljtle'a for fl tba arm aia that baa heretofore been ealllng at ? 5 aad $3. T. A. Fleck & (;0. havo removed their atore to Uraham'a brick building. Wheat Wanted I BOO buahoU ol wheat, for wbicb the CASH will ho nptd ea de livery, at the atore "of A. O, Kramer A Co., Clear' Held, Pa. (mayl'TT-tf. T. A. Flock V Co. have removed tbelr store to Uraham'a briok building. Lytle ban received a large atock ot jueritrei, woita run, Lake Jlsmug, Ac., which he loteods lo sell very low. Coma and priee be fore buying. tf. 1. A. Fleck & Co. ba've removed their More to Urabam'a brick bulldiog. Advertise in tho Clearfield .Repub lican. The advertising ratea aro reasonable, and tbo circulation Is tho largest of any paper 1b this section of tbe State. if, T. A. Flock k Co. have removed Ihsir store to Graham's briok building. Fruit Cans. Fred Hackett has now oa band a large stock of Frail Cans, of all rises, to which thsattaatloa of hoaasksspsra la Invited. lis will sell ihsm at prions io suit ths times. Accident to Bishop Kerfoot. Wbllo Bishop Ksrfoot was out riding at Brook vllls, Pa., oa Friday, the 13th Init,, tho oarriage became uncoupled aa J the ocoupaat worn precipi tated forward with groat violence. Bishop Ker foot sustained severe Injuries about tha head and face, being considerably eat aad bruised, but so far recovered as to bo abls to leave for bis home at Plttaburgb tbe next day, when his faos looked morn like thatof a prise fighter's thaa a bishop's, The extraction of teeth without pain has been one ef ths greatest points deslrablo la the practice of dentistry without tho aso of chlo roform, ether or gss, and reseat dlroororles show that certain mixtures of selstires applied to ths tooth aod surronoditig parti, ao benumb the tooth that It can bo taken out with but very little pals. Dr. Ullla Is now using tht appHostioB lo Iraotlng teeth, with tho moit marked success, for lbs benefit of his patients, without aitrn charge, Those who have tried it speak ef It Tory favora bly. July U-tf. Vittsrcroh. Female A Word lo reai. Tbe parent who has tbe ability t'i educate bla daughter and fails to do It, Is guilty of a wrung which be can never undo. Ignorance 1 s crime, and doubly so when tbo facilities for a thorough education aro within roach of alt. Tn Pitliburgh Female Collegs, tbo loading reboot lor ladies la Paniylvaais, and one of the best iu the t'nited States, with Its elegant build- log, eight derailment, twenty two teachers, giws a fully loralshed and carpeted room, board ing, light, fusl, eburob aitttng, tea pieces washing per week, aad laitrusttcn in the foil Engliib course and Latin for leaa than three hundred dol lars per year. Ita feci lit iea 1b muaic aro among tbo beat oa tbe continent. Tbe fall term, as will bo seen by reforsreo ta tbs advertisement, com' DMLoe Sept 5th. For full particulars address Rer. I. C. Pcrahiog, D. D., Pittiburgh, Pa. a T. A. Fleck & Co. havo removed tbsor store to Ore barn's brick bulldiog. - II EARTHEN DIN tl ACCIDENT. A little son ol Mr. Fred. Laih, as wo leainfrom tba Jersey Shore Utrald, uf Mifflin townablp, Lycoming oounly, aged about aareo year, met with a terri ble accident on Friday afternoon, tho 13th lnt, white engaged at work lb Ibe barveat field. He was oarrying water for tba mca In tbe field and attempted lo rua In front of tbe reaper while It was la motion, and was oaugbt, completely sever ing both feel from the limbs, just above the ankles. He was taken lo hia homo aad medloal aid waa summoned immediately Dr. Meokley, of Jersey Shore, aod Dr. Clio, or Salladarhurg, who amputated bis limbs. After bla limba ware d reeied there were bat little hopes of his recovery ; but he seemed ta rally oa tho day after ths acci dent, and hta frleads than entertained a hope tbat he might recover. Oa tbe third day after tbe accident it was foaod Becassary by the attend log pbysiclaaa to roamputate both 11m be, and It aeotaed utterly Impossible tbat 1b hie weak condi tion bs oould rally from another shock of that hied. Tho operation was performed la twenty to ion tea aod, contrary to all expeetatica, tbe un fortunate boy la la a fair way of roeovory. T. A. Fleck & Co. have removed their atore to Graham'a brick building. . ,, -ii i mm a a i For the Rbfubijoab. HOME PROTECTION. Maubba, July 14. 1877. Ma. Kditob i Permit eue U owwmuaioata a thought or two through your ctlnmos. Though I belong to what tbe wealthy call tbo poor elaae of people, and lira la comparative obscurity, 1 have, Bcverlbele, an idea of tbo dlflerenee be tween freedom and oppreaaloa. I have my pri vate life ideas of wbat I an Injury to us as a slass of laboring people, and of mkmt would com many m Aew und tax-payer, and, therefore, contribute to tbe wealth of our State and county. In these days of SbsriftY sele-a and struggles for the neceaaaries of tifs, the laborer curses his lock and wiabe for tome place on lA fact of tki earre wktro Ac eon profit by the snd leaeons of tbs peat four or five years. And yet tho laws of our Slate ears, with Iron determination, will nail you to tkm croe which you hart orreUd and kick yoo la Ibe dilcb which yoe have Innocently dug. Tbat wa have done a daabing and reck leaa bui boh ea lbs hopes ol tinte continuing proiperoua, ia sounded ia every man's asrs wulil It Is aa ac knowledged fact and has become perfectly monoto aoua. K very body cries ser aaloumtm mndtkarp era, mnd mere producer ; more hornet more IB-1 duitry la the way of all kinde of product! on a ; fewer mea clinging to publis works and depend-1 Ing oa tbem for daily labor at such wages as tbey j see fit to pay and greater iaduoements for men to till tbe ground. Tbeae cries are old, old ; but tbe cry fur real boms protection Is just a new. I ay give us a law such a I anderstsnd oar neighbor Bute Ohio has, which allows every reel dent of tbe State Il,0tl0 worth of property, auob aa be may aee nt to claim, and all tbe judg ment and e i eruption note which be may aign can not sell it, if be sees fit to claim it as aeceseaiy for ibe aupport of bimaclf or family. Follow tbia law up end are if it ia a Juat one. Suppose (aa ihey do la Pen aay I ran ia) a mao s crediiora eells hi property ia common judgment!, leaving biro iMii worth, wbat la a man te do t It barely leavea bim a comfortable borne, much less bis teems and itoek, which are Deoesiary le till tbe soli. Does be dare aether suofe fee in t lea about btm while hehaaolberereditnra ready to aeite it 1 So ! Such a step would be foolinb, knowing tbat his labor ia aeeded for tbs aupport of bimaalf and family. Docs be bsvs a denre lo pay bis debla by inoreaung builneM witnta bis owe vooeiloa, tbe sharpest creditor (so called) la the Aral te aeise the fruita of hia labor. I aik men of eom moa aenae what farm and hoaio aaa bo managed ob 9340 worth of property F I Bay Bono. Hia home and buaineaa la bo longer protected. He nuil become a day-laborer for eorae company or nersoo at juat each wages as tbey aee flt to pay rliaoo thia la true, how oaa It be where a man has signed judgment eiemptlon Bote, which will aell anything tbat fl loose from ate body, la- atead ef a producer aad tai-payor, whiob tbs laws ol our stale inouio proioei, mere is one more ua fortunate Individual depending oa tbe wealthy. But, says my aeighbor, men should net incur debts anleas tbey tee a way to pay. We might as well say that mea should not get drunk, or call tbe majority of cood men 1b the country fools. One would be Just as tonaible aa the ether. Some mea will eoBlraet debts jaat ea loag as tbelr eredlt allows tbem, A aether aay, H It would be a queer law If, after a man baa aigned a note, he baa tbe privilege of reruaiBg te pay it." Ibal la juat tbe point tho laboring slats of people should see. ibis prtvileie, any man oaa sen. does aot prohibit aay persoa from Ailing his boad lo tbe letter, If be bus any Boaes: anaeipies in aim. it win as sure bim tbe privilege of paying bis debts, aod yst save his boaes. But It does, to a cert a la ei leal, rooeen bim from tbe ffrnap af Ibe rich. Should miafortaae overtake him, his wealthy creditor oanaot sweep away hia properly and ( hereby leave btm ao way to nay tno contracted debt. Bui snob a law wautd certain!? kill the BQStneet of some our ef sharp collectors. Tbey, lo ot tryiag to get vtrne names to snarp paper, would, in all probability, he lees ready to traat or hove their employer trar-t. Coaaequeatly, the eatb ay atom would bgia to lake ila plaee aud Ibe bu si nets of our JuHices aad Ooasteblos aad other law efflclala would be wonderfully deereaeed. Aa loag as tho raw does aot giro tbe laborer some olianeo of tbis hied, I aay tbe preteetlea te borne labor and tba aeae ef toil la oar Bute la a fraud. Tbo labor io t ems of people wtll eoBtract debts and alga aotes, and why aot t It Is the bailee of baaiseaa mea to bare them do so. Wbea heal Bees mea hare aeeouata to settle up, they study tbo wars of colleen a e eeots rrom poor easterner! just as well aa tbs studsut ttadies his tek. Col- leetiag Is tbelr Beaiaeee, aaa mey would beeoua lod email la tbe dealers' riag If Ibey could aot oolleet bsrd bills. The man who tills the soil Is net aa attorney nor a basiner maa, anther oaa Ha eaoast take lime ta stedy the saorps of buslaees. He meet do loag days' werhs and many af them. Ia U wrong to have a law whiob will prole bis home, aad, ai the same It me, afford bim taesbaaoa ef aeiag an nprlgbt, Uw-abldiag sitlaaa. Maa la stroas, but his heart Is aot adamaaf. is it aav woe dor tbat our public works aad ooaatry Isswarmiag with ssea out af employment, when Ibe ahaaoas are as open to tho dealer and so siesea to lbs Binary terror 1 I dm toy that ancb a law weald roll all lb g-et ourweu irvm ear mmb i bat who will hearsay say that ll Is right aad last as It ta f Bftroflm is the name of a medicine that baa cared mora eaaea of laflammBtloa of tha kidney a, bladder and gravel Ibaa any koowa preparation aitaat Wa hare a great number af aartlBuataa from both aaalea aad femalaa who have hota oared, iperleaolng almost loataat re liar, la eaaea of beok-aobe, alrala oraold It baa bo ttBBl. It li prepared by I. K. Thorn paon, Ti tear I lie. Ak acy roapaet Sla draggiat. who v - V - vi's.' fc oaafcjawr mm- Clearfield, Pa. Cleaevield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freight! soot ovsr tbs Tyrone A Oirid Dlvisloa, Poaaaylvania Rail road, for tbs weak ending July 7, le17, and the same time but year t COAU TORS, For tho week M 2ft,6od time laal vaoT.......M....HH,... 142I0 Increase Prsvloualy during year Same time last year Increase WM.,. ...... 1,330 Total 1b 1S7T Same time last year , Increase......... ............ .. otbbb r as io ate. Lumber Miscellaneous freights PisTREssiNO Accident. Tho Phil ipaborg Journal says i Oa last Tuesday ai the aooa Branch passeager train, ruining between Houtidale aad Morrladals Mlnea, was Bearing the Pena colliery, the wife ef Michael Oweai, a mlnsr, being hat a short dlstaaco ahead of tha traia, stepped upon lha track, apparently aacoa scions or regardleal of tbe danger la so doing, and also seemingly deaf to tbe shrieking whistle as ike walked en. The dutanoe being as short, It was impossible ta stop the trala aatll the an gina slraok her, the wheels passing aver both limbs, crushing them terribly, the one between the thigh and knee, and the ether below the knee, sad alee producing a large wound ia the head back af the ear. She was picked Bp la a breath ing condition ttaeoaeclous, but only lingering about an hour, wbsa she breathed her tut. Her age, thirty-five or forty years, and ebs leaves four children (tbe eldest twelve years) and a huaband tomoura this tragic event. Specials. Don't forget to look up Fleck A Co.', In their new store. Jyll-tf. Fbtjit Cabs. A large lot of Fruit Cam and Cement ob hand and for aala at Hackctt'a Tin Store, la tbe Opera liouas. July 11-41. In com In c to Iowa, don't forget to oil) at Flack A Co.'s asw store, in Urakam's orick building, tf New good of every dssoslptloa received dally at Wa. Reed e. jf,T' 9)t only, for a large full aark of Halt, at Jel3-lt; John McGaug-liey'a. Oaa Hcbbbbb Pbb Csar. Diacorrr oa Olb Pbicbb. Sewing Machines can now be purchased at MerreH'a tin and variety atore, from $.14 up wards. All kinds of sewing maebinss repaired on the ahorteet nolioe. Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1877. frf Bo-a' Suite for one dollar aod tltJvs fifty cent, at A. UDiatauin's, Western Holed Corner, Clearfield, Pa. Juaa 20th 1877 tf. Tbe celebrated Cork Corset at Wm. Reed's. Jc37. Call aad see tbem. NEW UOODS AT FLKCK A CO.'S. Calico, Muslin, Gingham, Parasols, Fans, Neck tisi, Neck Ruehlag, Collars and Cuffi. Lsdlsa Lawn and Grass Cloth Suits. HATS AND BONNETS JUST RRCElVRD. Black Cash mere and Alpacas. WHITE GOODS CI1KAP. CARPET and CARPIT CHAIN. ALL GOODS AT TUB LOWEST PRICKS AT THIS STORE T. A. FLECK A CO. Clearfield, Pa-, Jon 0, 1877. Wantsd 1100,000 Sfj-lnoh shaved shingles tn average from to 0 inch sa for which wo will pay tbo highest market price. A. U. ItBAMBB M LO., fcb.28 tf. Clearfield, Pa, A boi of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which contalnc throe cakes and costs only sixty cents, iaaufneient to supply material for at least twenty eulphur bath which would eradicate a whole catalogue of rheumatic and cutaneous maladies. Sold by all Drusaiits. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60 coots. July ll-4t. Buaoiaa Fob Salb. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredonia Bugglea and Platform yard? Call oa or address him at Clearfleld Penn sylvania. Buy 11-tf. $9 only, for a Ursa fiill aark of Salt, at Jeia-tf. John McUaufbay'a. 4 Murder WW Owl. A fsw Tears aero. "Auruat Flower' waa discov ered to bo a certain cure for Dyapepalaand Liver complaint, a few tbla Dyepepties mads I Down te their friends how easily and quickly tbey had beea cored by Its use. Tbe great merits of Ubxbs'i A co ir st Flow an became herald through tbe oouotry by one suFsror to another, antil,with out adrartising. Its aale has become Immense. Druggists In KVKKY TOWN in ths Uialcd States are selling It No person Buffering with Sour Stomach, Sick Headaahe, Costiveoeas, pal. pitatien of the Heart, lndigeetloa, low spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. Uo tn your Druggist, 0. D. Watson and get a bottlsfor 74 cents and try It. Hani pie bottles 10 cents. May 23, 1877-eow-ly. 1 t?r. Shiloh't Syntrm VHUllxer. We are authorosed to guarantee this remedy for the cure of Dywpepsia, inactive liver, Sour Stomach, Consumption, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of Food, Yellow Skin, and general Languor and Debility. You must acknowledge tbat tbla would be ruinous unlet we had positlrs evidence thai it will eorw. You who are suffering from thess eompfbints,thess words are addressed aad will you con tin oo te suffer when you can he cured on such terra T It is for yon to determine. Sample bottle, 10 cents regular also TO cents. Sold by 0. D. Watson, Druggist, Clearfield, Fa, 80,040 die annually by neglecting a Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to Consumption end tbe grave. Why will you acgleet so Important a matter wbea you oaa get at our store Saitoa'a Oombuhptiob Crau, with the anontnoe of a speed relief. For forenee across tbe Chest or Lupgs, or Lame back or Side, hnti.oi's Poaot s Plaktbb glvoa prompt relief. Sold by C. D. Watsoa, Clearfleld, Pa. IIatkubt ai'bt, a popular and fragrant perfume. Bold by 0. D. Walioo, Clearfield, Pa. jnpr 18, '77-oow-ly. Attention, Farmers and Lumbermen. , WANTBD by Arnold, al t urweiiavllle. 10,000 pounds pork. 1,000 miHliels wheat 1,000 bushclfl rye. 1,000 bushels oatfl. 1,000 buflhclfl shelled corn. 1,000 buHhels potatoes. I04MMHI IMMnch chared ah Ingles. H M i,l M Ml ll-l-iurb aawod alilnglca. KNl.lMM (ret pine board a. A,(MM) railroad Ilea. A.IHMI cortla oak aud hesnlork bark. For which one-third cash will be paid. oct.25. Ularrird. At th. M. R. P.rMB.f. fa Cl..rl.M, on Tu. U,, J... IVlb, ln, bj K.. J. . MoMurr.j, Mr. Robwt Wri.l.;, of, towa.bip, and Mill W.rj.rrt HarUkorB, of PI,. I.mblp. 0. WHo..d.y. J.lj Ulh, Itrt, t N.w Mill port, l, R.t. Mr. Shirk, Mr. Uil I. Thop. m d Mih Aim Uriatk, .1 Fik. I.p. SUA. In Bradford lownsblp, on Wedaeadtv, July II, 1"TT, aftsr a lingering lllacae, Allee Mirvla, sou ef Joba and Martha Sblrey, aged 19 ycare, S moatba and II days. $riv fli'rrtisrmtnts. DMINISTKATORS SALJ REAL ESTATE I By virtue of aa ardor ef the Orphans Court of! Clear laid eonnly, ana to me directed, ttere will be exposed ta public sale, en the premtosa, ea salafrsiay, Jurus! 3ft, I9TT . at t o'clock p. the following dsssribed real estate, situate la Chest lonnablp, Clearfield Co., Pa. i All that eeitaia farm aad wood land, late property af Hugh Gallagher, dee'd, hounded on Ibe east by load ewaed or lately ewaod by Wm. If. Ws goner, on the aerlh by lands of Joeoph Shook, ea tbo south by laada ef Ralasy, Wagoner, and ethers, and on the wool by lead ef Wm. H. Wagoner end Chest creek, eoatsiaiag 182 acres and Is perches mere or less, aad kaowa as tbe Simon Rorabauh farm, rsserviag and eioepitng from the above described promises about eae half aere, Bold and eoavoyed to the Cheat school dis trict. About cue haadred sre of tbe lead Is cleared and aader ealtlvatloB, with a good hoar, lag orchard, frame beano and log bar a iheroea. Tbe aa improved part le timbered with plae, hem loch and other limber. Tbe property Is advaa lageoasly situated aad Is la a desirable aclghbor hood. TERMS OF SALE : One-third cash at eeeflrmetita ef sale, aad Ibe halaaoe la two equal saanal payments, with ia. tercet, to be secured by Judgmsat bond aad mortgage ea the promt. h). W. GALLAGHER, Chrt, July tft, llTT-SU AdminlMratr. ... fiTfl.Mfl H 6 16, 040 TO,78 .......... roi,sg - 030,370 ri,oo9 109 ears. 3m &xtxtstmtn$t ADMINIMTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice U hereby givea that Letters of Ad mialstratioa oaths satatsof JNO. H. FULFOHU, KHQ., lato of Clearfield borough, Clearfield Co Pa., deooaaod, haviag boon duly granud to tba anderelgaed, all persoBS Indebted to said ealaU will plM0 make Immediate payment, aadthoco bavins? elalus or demands aeaiaat the tana will - "" K? ?oporlf aatheoUeated lor sotllo- ,,V eirrv v .-';' . ,T.r s - ' AdUtlllfUMLUS, oraer auoraeys Mcaaar A Oobdob. CUwraeld, Fa., Jiily 25, '77 fit. ADMINIMTRATOIVS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given tbat Utters of Adminlitrsv Iiob oa tbe estate of Jo UN UiUH, late of K not towmbip, Clearfield county, Pa., dce'd, haviag been duly granted to tbo under- iam, mil peraon insW'Ud to evd wjjV piaaeo usee immeaiet ptmi, aua inoeo oar ing claim or demaada will preseat them properly authenticated for ssttlemcnt without deiav. JOHN W. 11 1011, ' New Millport July II, f7-0t. Adm'r. I-1XECtrrOH' NfmCEU-Lettora TeiU li mea tar y on tbe estate or MARTIN Mill. OLH, Br., late or Lawreaca Iwp., Clearfield Co., Pa, dee' d, having been granted to tbe undersigned, all parsons knowing themselves Indebted to said sstato are required to make Immediate payment, aad those having claims against tha same will present them properly authenticated for settle ment without delay. MRS. OLIVR NICHOLS, JOHN U.SCHRYVKR, Clearfield, Pa, June IS, IT -flt. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S ftOTICEr-Nbtioe Is hereby givea that Letters of Administra tion on the estate of FRANCIS E. HAFFKRTY, late af Pena towacblp, Clearfield Bounty, Pa., deceased, having been duly granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted la said estate will please make immediate payment, and thoas having claims or demands will present them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. JAMES McRBOWN, Administrator, D. B. N. 0. T. A. Grampian Hills, 1'a,, June 13, 1877-ot. DMINIHTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice ll hereby givea tbat Letters of Ad- ministration on the estate of JOSKPU STRAW, late of Ferguson towmbip, Clearfleld county, Ponn'a, doo'd, having bcea duly granted to tbe andersisnsd, all psreoos indebted to said aetata will pleaae make immediate pay meat, and tnoaa nanog claims or aemaaaa win present them properly authenticated for settlement with out delay. JOHN T. STRAW, M arron, Juns 20, 1 677-01. Administrator. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Psna township, Clearfleld Co., Pa. BURNED OUT! BURNED UP! The sabserl bars have, at great ei pence, rebuilt a neighborhood necessity, in tbe erection of a first class Woolen Manufactory, with alt tbo modern improvement attached, and are prepared to make an amas oi vioids, laiumere, oeiiDeus, cian kets, Flannels, Ac Plenty of goods on hand to supply all our old and a thousand new customers, wnom ws asi to come ana examine our sioca. Tbe baslnosa of CARDING AND FULLING will resetre oar especial attention. Proper arraagemeots will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to auit cos to men. All work warranted and done upoa tbe eborteat notice, and by atriet atten tion to nuiinea wo nope so roauae a noorai aaarc of public patroaage. 10,04M POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will pay the highest market price for Woo and aell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods can be bought la tbe county, and whenever we fall to render reasonable satisfaction we can always be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A SONS, nprilSOtf Bower P. 0. A NEW DEPARTURE in LITHKBSBURG. nereafUr, goods will he sold for CASn only, or ia eiebaoffe for prod una. No books will be kept la the future. All eld usee oats moat be settled. Those who can cot eaah up, will please handover their Botes aad CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined lo sell my goods at cash prices, and at a diaeonat far below tbat ever offered In tbia vicinity. The discount I allow my customers, will makathsra rich in twenty years If they follow my advise aad bay their goods from me. I will pay eaah for wheat, oats and clover seed. DANIEL UOODLANDER. Lutbsrsburg, January 17, 1877. C OL'RT PROCLAMATION. WaaMiAS, Hon. 0. A. MAYBR, Judge of tbe Court ef Common Pleas of ths Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the cuuullss ef Claarflald, Centre and Cllntcn and Hon. Abba Oenaa and Hon. Vibcbrt B. Molt, Aaeoelato Jvdgea ef Claarflald county have tssusd thslr prscspt, lo me directed, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphaos' Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer aad Terminer, aad Court ef General Jail Deliv ery, et tbs Court 11 ocas at Clearfield, ia aad for the county ef Clearfield, commencing on the fourth Monday, tlm lllth day of tteptenber, 1H1T, and to oontiaae twe weeks. NOTICI IS, therefore, hereby given, te tbe Coroner, Juatioea efthe Peace, and Constables, in and for said county of Clearfleld, to appear la their proper persons, with thslr Rscords, Holla, Inquisitions, Kaamloatlons, and ether Remem brances, to do thoss things which to thslr offices, and ia tbelr behalf, pertain to be done. By an Act of Awembly, passed ths 8th day of May, A. D. IH64, it Is mads tbe duty of the Jus tices of ths Peace of the several counties of this Commonwealth, to return to tbe Clerk of tbe Court of Quarter Sessions of lha respective counties, all tbe recognisances entered Into before them by aay persoa or persons charged with tbe eommisiioB of aay crime, except such eases as may bs sndsd before a Juitlce of the Peace, un der ox Istlng laws, at least ten days before tbe commencement of the section of tbe Court to wbicb they are made returnable respectively, end In all cases whsre any recogntsaocsa arc entered Into less thaa ten daya before the commencement of tbe sett-ion to which they aro made returna ble, the said Justices are to return lbs satne ia the same manner as If asid ant bad not bcea passed. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfleld. this llth day of July, In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, jy le ts ANDREW PKNTZ, Jr, Sheriff. TOWNNHIP RTrtTEIHENT.M JACOB DIMKLINU, Esq., DiMrict Trees, arer ef Boggs township, in account with lbs Svbool, Read and Poor funds of said towarbip fur the year 1 Sift; : SCHOOL FI ND DR. To balance due at tait srltlsmeot.,.., To dupllcaU of IMS M To am't received sf Uo. Treaaurer... Te State appropriation 1,171 It. ... 4KI IS ... ! oa CR. Bj Teacher.' aalarlee .,. M. B, lo.l and eontiageoeiea by am't allowed Secretary Re amooat paid Auditor. Ry peroaaUg. f.r eolleetlng by eionerationo by hack-atanding order. lllUd........ 11. Treanarar'a per Mnt.g...,...7, ,.4 ' ... no oo 30 0, t 00 .. 11 00 40 ... SHI 11 III B, hwliae. da. wwaihl, . 1,441 li fH.O.tJ 00 ROAD FUND DR. To amooat of H. Ooea' duplleat. To amoaal of 8. Rlntta' duplloato To eaah raoelrad of Co. Trea.ur.r To ameut da. Traeearff 7M il : 12. 00 It 01 l.4 00 ... 070 11 .. ina si I 40 ... 104 00 101 to .. II 4b .. 140 Tl CR. S, w.rk doc. ky eiliaeai p floia.... Bj " ' " " Btotl... Bjr road hammer by 8oee' lime, alt dara, al 11 Bj Stella' lime, III da;., at !...... By ... Bj hal. dH Traaa. at U.I Hltlemeat.. POOR HIND DR. To hal. doe lowaahtp at laat aettlemeat.l 410 II Te doplloele for 1070 4U It To amount do. a duplieet. f '73-4 ia h.ndi of Ble.h lot 0! 11,17 10 CR. flj am't paid for kNpIn, pupere 4 I3T tl Bj . W. Hbimel Mr ew.te. aad hill nndrnd li Tl By Wm., aerrltea ae OvaraMr IT 00 By e.n.ra;loaf II II By pm MUg. m at t ,er at... II it By .rd.ra t4ttmi4 It II By halaae. dm lawa.hl, ."4 41 f l.iri II We, ths undersigned Auditors ef Boggs towa ship, do certify tbat we have oiamiaed lha ae eouata ef Jacob iMmeliBf, Treasurer of raid tewaaklp, and find tbem aa above stated. J. W. KVI.KR, 0. O. MRHRItf, Wf.l IWalnr, Julv II, 7T l. Auditor. CHEAP GROCERIES I LIMHKR CITT, PA. Tbe aaderalgned annouacas to bis old frleads and patrons that ha has opened a good liae el UROCURIKS A PROVISIONS at tbe old aland of Kirk A Speoeor, for which he solicits a liberal patronage. U. W. b PENCE H. Lumber City, Pa-, March JO-tl 1 1 one of either sei, la any pars ef tbe country who Is willing to work stsadily al the employment that w ruraia. aa per wees in your own town. You need not be away from home over sight. Yen can give year whole time to tbe work. or ooly your spars momenta. Iteoats nothing to try the builnei. Terma and i Oat fit free, Addrea at oaoe, II. Hallbtt A Co., April IS, 1877-ly Portland, Maine. CA KTION. All person aro hereby cautioned agaiast parohaaing or aogoilatiag ia say way for two certain judgment uotes, to wit : One judgment note dated "DuBcis, June 80, 1877',' payable in three months, and calling for sixty dollars, drawn in faror of John Haas and signed by Michael Hubert Also, one ether Judgment Bote, of the same date and place, pay abls in six months, and calling for sixty dollars, drawn ia favor of Juha Haas.and (lined by Michael Hubert. Haid notes were stolen from me, and payment of tba earne hae been a topped. JOHN HAAS. Pentield, July 18, 18H-8I. HIGHEST AWABDS! "'iSm.'.' J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEEN! II FUBERT KTRF.ET. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTKD Wrought-Iron Air-Tight HEATERS, WITH SnAKINO AND CLINKKR-ORTNDINfl . URATE'S rOR Ul RNINU ANTIIKA. CUB OR BITI MINOL'S COAU CENTENNIAL WROIGRMROI HEATERS, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE VR01GIIT-1R0. HEATERS, C00KIN9 RANGES, LOW-DOWN ORATES. D.Mriptlr. Circular, wut fr. t m, tddrM. EXAMINE BEFORE SKLECTINO. April ivn-ij. CARPETS I CARPETS II CARPETS III Ths pscpls of Ibis vicinity hare long fett tbe necessity ot bavins; a larger and bettor aaaortment oi Carpet to select from than has aver beeo kept in the place before. That want Is now fully sup plied, n e nave scoured tne exclusive use or Richardson's Carpet Exhibitor, A WOXDERFt L INVENTION for showing Carpets, a brief description of ths use of which ws give below. With the use of tbs Cab par Kxiiisitob, ws show from a cample just how tbe Carpet loeka an a vary large room, multiplying the Sample a thousand times, match sd and (hown as perfect as when tbe Carpet is made up and nailed upon tbe floor. In this way we are now prepares lo show you a HEW YORK WHOLESALE STOCK. We hare made special arrangements with one of tha largest bouses In New York , to fill all our orders for Carpets, aad will show you a larger assortment t) seleot from than has ever been kept out Ida of a wholeeals kouae. i NEW & DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which are not kept iu dock outride of large oitlea. . Thia way of buying Carpet has now become popular, and we ahow what yon would otherwise have lo go to New York to find. Wc cob sell as cheap for cash as yon can buy for eash ia N ew York, snd there being no remnant to takeoff the profit i, wc are enabled to sell on a very small oumniisalou, aad most respectfully Invite Uie public to examine our itock, and satisfy thcra eelvea. IF YOU WANT A OARPET of any dlmsniloai, bring a soiree t measure ef your room and we guarantee to suit you. Plesse call and see us, whether you wish to buy or not, as it fa bo trouble te show gooda. Respectfully, T. A. FLECK 4 CO., MARKET STREET, CLKARFIKLD, PA. May 10, 1877-tf. JEMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify the public generally that he has removed bis Grocery Store from ribaw's Row, to the building formerly occupied by J. Milea K ratter, en Kecoad atreet, next door to Bigler's hardware store, when be Intends keeping a full liae of It O K It I E H. HAMS, DHIF.D BKKF nd LARD. 8U0ARB ud 8i RIPS, of .11 (r.d.l. TXA8, OraM tai Blwk. COrrEI, Routed ud Unto. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, t:iJt:rt:n mi its, All kind, ll th. rn.rV.t. PICK I.K8, lo Jan od b.rr.ll. SPICKS, io .r.rj form aod r.rl.lj. . FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIMI)l)l C BAt KF.KH. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, . DRIED CI1ERRIKS, Coal Oil oal Lamp Chimneys. I And a food aurortment nf thnne thing, n.nall, ! Id a Kroewy ator., which b. .ill .urban,. fur la.rk.tlnl at th. oiarkat irlu. , , Will Mil for oa.h aa, M ao, otb on. Plaaa. o.ll And m hi. atorh aod Jodg. for , JOHN MrflAllOIIKY. Claarfii'ld, Jaa. I, 1S77. a. j. HAoaarr. .wREED & HAGERTY, Furoecror. to J. C. SCHRYVER, DEALERS IN HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, Second St., tear tlr Id, Pa The anderslgnod woulJ announes te Ibe rltlarnl ef Clearfiflil aad vicinity, that they have par cbased tbe Hardware Store of J. O.Hchryver,aBd will onnatantly keep oa hand a full aaottment ef Hardware la all Its branch ss, anrh as TABLE & POCkET CUTLERY. Be&nh Stops, Hand Pa wi. Great Arasrlftsa Cross cut Sows, D. fl. and Peeling Axes, llatebeta, Planes and Plane Irons, all kind of Kails, Horse S boss aad Horse flhee Nails, Finks, lloes, Rakes, Hay Fork a, fl hovel aod Hp, lea, Beylhea.iSaatbes, Plows, Urain Oradie, Cultivators, Double andSlagleBherel Plows, CaltUator Teeth, Bevels and fry fqaaree, Shovel Blades, Mill Saw aad Taper Files, Chisels, bitte, AotrS, Artie, Barn Door Hanger, Butt, T aad Htrap Hlegea. Beany'a Hollow Aagure, all kiadsef Lock, tferewa, Baab Cord and Pulley a, GLASS and PUTTY, Peel ana Chaia Bella, Carrlaae, Tire aai Barrel Bella, Aee Core, S.4 Ireea, lloraa Braebea ani r.rry-Coaeba, Oriaa-atue. Iitaree, tlnai, lleaa aad Heap-eloae Paehla,, Oable Cbaiaa, Me, i ae, win alee Beep o. aana a fail aeeoiimeal ef Ti.are,an4 a renerel etnee of lloMe Paral.h. ia, Oeaea, klek the, .ill aell al prieai te tail Ike llaee. Paraeao wtekiaf aaetaln. In tailt da. are la. eiled te eall aad alanine their tMa befnre ..ireaaelfii. HKKD A RAOKRTV. I'learSrIJ, Ma, SI, li;7-ll. ' SALE.- The undersigned will ssll at private sale all that tract or parcel ef land si tea Is la Dseatar township, Clearfleld county, Pa., within a abort diatanoe of tbe Tyrone A C learn. H H. R., and adjoiatng lands of Robert Hudson and leers, aad known as ths Jacob B. Uearbart lot. Tbe said tract containing oe acres more or mas, with m r 'ftjy fc ' upoa easy terms. VAVIU U KHUtSS. Clrarl.lil, P.., Jul, 11, 17. Fine Farm al Private Sale ! Situate la Huntingdon county, Pa., eae mile aorth of the village of Herat Cabins, Fultoa Co., ocBtainlng three hundred and twentyolgkt acres atore or less, limeatoae, gravel and slate land, under good stats of cultivation. Tbe Improve ments ooo 1st 01 frame aweutag Douse, aaak oara, 46x72 feat, wagoa aaed, corn crib, bog pena, bay' acalea, two tenant houses, ssw mill, two young apple orchards bearing fruit, one thousand panali post and ran tenoe, any sorss msaoow, one nua dred and fifty acree plow land. Tbe balance consist of 128 acres of white nine, oak and bisk' ory timber. A stream ot never-falling water runs through this property, making It particular I wall ad ait ted to both stock and (rain raising. I desired, will be divided to suit purcbaeere. This property Is oa or near projected routes of two reiiroaus, one or wnicn win do nam mil coming bammer. r or terms el sets, apply to 8. V. WILSON, Lock Bot 180, Clearfisld, Pa. Clearfield, March 14, IW7-8m TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hae oDsned. In a bulldine oa Market street, oa the old Western Hotel lot, opposite the Court Hons in Clearfleld, a TlB aad Sheet-Iron Manu factory aod Store, where will be found at all times a lull line or HOUSE FTJENXSHHTCt GOODS, Stoves, XXariwirt, Eto. House Spouting and all kinda of job work, repair ing, Ac, done 00 short notice and at reasonable rates. Also, agent for tbe Singer Sewing Machine. A sapply of Mac bices, with Needles, Ac, al ways on hand. terma, strictly cash or country produce. A share of patronage solicited. 0. B.MERRRLL, flupcriatendcBt, Clearfield, April 21, Il7Mf. THE TIN SHOP! RIMIXG MY0V MA(HIE! FRED. SACKETT, ROOM NO. I, PIE'8 OPERA HOI'MK, Clearfleld, Pa. ReniMlfullr lofurDii hia eoat.Di.ra, aod tha pah- lie ia general, th.t be .ontinoei to maoofaelar. all kind, of Tln.Coppcr A Sheet-Iron Ware, Of first.elass matsrial only, and la a workman- liks manner. ROOFING and SPOUTING . done oa short aotioe end very reasonable terma. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES AND FURNACES alwaya kept la stock, aad for aale low. Gas-Fitting and Plumbing a specially. Oat Fiatnr.1 alwa.i oo hud. All work guaran teed lo aatlnfaotioD. A ibar. of poblle patronag. eordlall, aoliolted. FRED. 6ACEKTT. ClMrDold, Pa., Maj , 187T. WM. KEED 18 0PKNINQ THIS DAY a LABOR STOCK OF " SPRING AND SUMMER GOODN, IN ALL Till BRANCHES APPERTAINING TO Till DRV O00DS TRADB. DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, CASSI MERES, LINEN SUITS, ic, &c, kc. NOTIONS AND TRIMMINGS, K.UNGfiS, ; . LACES, GLOVES, ' HOSIER V, TIES, CORSETS, BUTTONS, Ar., Ac, Sc. - W111TK (i'OQI)S, T A B I. K LI N K N 8, CORDED AND PLAIN PIQUES, SWISS LAWNS, WHITE TRlMMJNGS, KMBROIDEKIKS, . : RUCI1ING, ,'' ' CURTAIN NETS, Ac, Ar. AIILLINERV, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS,' TRIMMING SILKS, Ac, Ac, Ac, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, Ac, Ac. ; PILL STOCK OF LVKKVT1I1NO, R0UOBT FOR CASH, AND WILL BR SOLD POR CASH. ' WM. REED, ; leoei Ne. I, Pta't Opera Inaa Balldlaf. . ri..,,IA, Pa., A pHl H,H .,... 9. e3ulnhurfl gcota. STILL ANOTHER BED .. v- T -.-rj..gjuijruj BOOT & SB 8u -t . I hv juat returned from New oik hown In tbii town. Jadoforjrour i..'.. 1 - - - A atraw hat for if. ante. A papar aollar for two Mta. A hoi of papw oollan for t oaota. A pair of notion looka,, 11 .rata. A lead peDOil for on. oeot, A hlaek allk nk 11. for won. A aottn haadkorohlaf for aix .rati. Bab, ihoaa, raced fraa lb eentl opwardl. m n ' ii ' M M keed and hMled To cent, and Dp. " " hottonnl M " b Io all oolora aad atvl.a. Children', .how from Ta oant. npwardi. " Miiae, mom from 1 Dpwarda. Id laitlng, leather or kid. Mea', ploagh Shoe, at . II .JJ Men'l better dreal ahoea ai 2.50 A maa'aoalf hoot from 14 npwarda. Theae ar. hat a few article,, to glr. yo Wa ktrf ala. a full Ho. of Men'i Farolablng ' ,,i ll.l. i ALL KINDS OF TRADE TAKE -I- S. GUINZBURG, . 8eond Street, oppoalu tba Coarl noaw, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Room formerly oecopl.4 b, Lover F legal. Clearteld, Pa, Jan. 14, IIT7. I.'g.. gittl & Vo.'t Column. TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS IS Wo liAve lola of breath and money FLECK VVe have Dress Goods at 7 cents per yard and upwards. Black Cashmere, all wool, at 60 cents and upwards. Colored Alpaca at 18 cents per and upward. Black Alpaca, double width, at 21 cents and upwards. Calicoes 5 cents and upwards. Ginghams 5 cents aud upwards. Shirtings 8 cents and upwards. Muslins 3 cents and upwards. Men's and Boys' Cottonades at 15 cents per yard and upwards. Tickings 8 cents and upwards. White Goods 9 cents and upwards. Shawls 50 cents and upwards.' Best Percales 12 cents. Table Linen 22J cents and upwards. Ladies' Skirts 40 cents up. Good Black Silk 90 cents and upwards. Embroideries 8 cents up. COLLOREI) SILKS ALL PRICES. Lidice' Suits tl and npwards. Wblto Hod Sproadi (15 eon Is and upwtrdi. ," Lidice' and Children's Hose 5 centi and npwardi. Ladies' and Genu' Handkerchief. S cenlj and upwards. , ComcU 25 cents And upward." Ladies' Ties 10 cents and upwards.' . Glove Scents and npwixrd.-j All silk Uandkcrcliicfi at 25 cent. Kid GIotoi AO cents and upwards. Stixpendcri 15 centi and upward). All linen shut fronts 12 cents and upwards. Kam 'l cents and upwards. Gents' Shirts 10 ccntiand upwanls. Pim t and S cents per paper. Parasols 18 centi and upwards. Umbrellas 87J cents and apwar ls. A first cluss 'Milliner to trim Hals and Ronnets just as you want tl-cm, and at Prices that will dofy competition., '' J " ' . , t t i f , t i 1 1 GOODS LOWER DON'T FAIL T. A. FLECK & CO.'S. Two doon east ol Shaw House and opposite Mosiopi, Market St. Clearfield, Pa, May 2, 1877. "5 T 5 ' & I F S- " ' ' ! P V O ss s gfl M a l r y ri sr 0 Hi h MS. o s Ll o it y f 1 . e O I? Qj Id 1 M f "73 1 g-f. and rnt' furnishing 6oAi. UCTION IN PRICES AT IHJAG'M OE STORE. with tbe clicnpcel (ot of goodi aver the following liit of pritot : A liaaa haadkerakief tmt II ndU . A ahawl .trap fa. M aeata. A rad eouoa bandkerabM for It Male. A ho.M oomb for lioceta. A doien iho. laow far four ,ta. Man 'a whit. laaadrM ahlrta far tl. M.a'a colored ahlrta, I oollan, N at.. Women's ih Plain lasting laood, 1.U. Plain lasting eoagresa, $ Women's Morocco shoes, $1.69, 1.7$, 1, t.Ji. Women's kid shoes, MJS. , Woman's real French kid shoes, M.0I. Man's, Wcmsa's and Boy's slippers, . , from M cents apwards. Men's good dress Shoes at t.99 aad upwards te Itl.eO for shoes made ta order. Children's shoes from apwards-a variety, a aa Idea of aew aheap we are selling. Goods, Trunks, Hatcfatli, Ac, at the lowest pos gures. N IN SXCIIANOB FUR QOODtl. S. GUINZBURG, 8.otiad Strt, oppo,iu tba Court Ilonaa, CLEARFIELD, PA., Room formerly .coupled b, Lever Flegat. Cleerlold, Pa Jaa. 14, 18TT. Z. Uttl & Ito.'t (folumn. AT to ppare to tell you what we have. THAN EVER. TO CAM. AT n 3 9 2 S S ao S.o a ' tr st OA C I H W M O H W fi 0 S3 5 I. 3 2. Wr t- s' o d td a o or. a v , c fi.S- :? C" tpo r)' r- ta 8 32 n 2 B I ? B S I CO.'S STORE '.afcf.y